How To Guide June 2011

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HOW TO keep kids safe this summer










how to Buy Hearing Aids


HOW TO diagnose restless leg syndrome




HOW TO choose an hvac company





The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011

Qualifying for admissions


nyone planning to continue their education beyond high school, or who is in high school and wants to get a leg up on their college course ❒ Some test scores work, might want to consider that are accepted enrollment at a technical colby technical colleges lege. Technical colleges have are: ASSET, SAT, ACT or much to offer students of all COMPASS. levels, and picking the right one may help you achieve your aca❒ Depending on demic and career goals. grades from high Students who enroll in technical school or college colleges vary greatly. Some of the courses, you may types of students in Georgia who be exempt from elect to take coursework at a technicertain portions cal college include: of exams. Check with Beginning students the institution • High school graduate, no college you are interested in Transfer students to determine • Previous college experience if you meet their criteria. Returning students • Have already attended classes at a ❒ Transient particular technical college students may not Dual enrollment need • Current high school student taking to take diploma or certificate classes entrance exams. Transient Students • Transferring credit to home college


CHOOSE A TECHNICAL COLLEGE There are some differences between the programs and program requirements may vary slightly from school to school. Differences in the programs are:

to check with the school so that you know your deadline. Entrance exam requirements may also vary from school to school. Be sure you know which exam scores will be accepted at the school to Associate degree which you are applying. If you need • Core classes may transfer to anoth- to take additional tests, check with er 2- or 4-year college that school to see if they administer • Highest level of test scores needed any entrance exams. to be “program ready” Many colleges will require that exam • College Algebra needed for most results be current. They may require programs that exam scores be no less than five • Largest number of hours needed years old, and they will usually stipufor graduation late minimum required scores. Technical colleges may admit stuDiploma dents at different levels. Some of • Slightly lower test scores needed to these levels may be divided as folbe “program ready” lows: • Fewer hours needed for graduaRegular tion • Core classes will only transfer to • Applicant met minimum admisanother technical college sions requirements and will not be required to take remedial classes. Technical certificates of credit Provisional/Developmental • Fewest credit hours needed for • Applicant is required to take a graduation specified number of remedial classes, • Test scores and transcripts may not usually in English, math or reading. be required. Probation Admissions • Based on previous college-level Basic admissions procedures includ- work. ing turning in all required items to the Technical colleges may have many admissions department or officials by programs that are structured to meet the suggested dates, and an applica- a wide variety of needs from a wide Certificate students tion fee, an application for admission, variety of students. If you plan on Technical colleges may offer differ- official transcripts, valid entrance continuing your education, or want ent types of programs. Credentials exam scores, and a copy of resident to gain an edge on your college eduoffered: alien card (if applicable). All required cation during your high school years, • Associate Degrees items must be submitted on or before consult a technical college to see how • Diploma the suggested date of the quarter or their programs can help you achieve • Technical Certificate of Credit semester you wish to enter. Be sure your goals.


The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011

CHOOSE A PROSTATE CANCER CENTER In 2002, prostate cancer robbed the lives of more than 32,000 U.S. men and 180,000 new cases were diagnosed. Despite these facts, less than 10 percent of the total male population will be screened this year, according to the American Cancer Society. With prostate cancer as the second leading cause of cancer death in men in the country, there is still much to learn. Never has it been more important for men to be proactive in knowing their family history and educating themselves on this serious health concern. Doing this can open new doors of communication for generations to follow and help men seek out the best possible treatment, should prostate cancer strike.

risk, as do those with a family histo- overall health, the grade and stage of ry of prostate cancer. Screening and the cancer, and the patient’s wishes. early diagnosis are essential. There are other options, including brachythrapy, radiation treatment, Screening and detection hormone therapy, biological therapy High-risk men should be tested an- and cryosurgery. Treatments include nually with a prostate digital rectal gene therapy, and laproscopic and exam (DRE) and a PSA (prostate robotic-assisted prostatectomy, in specific antigen) blood test as early as which the Vattikuti Urology Institute 40, according to the American Cancer is a leader. Society, which also recommends that “We’re one of the best in the state all men 50 and older be tested once a for treatment of prostate cancer beyear. If test results are returned ab- cause we offer the full range of treatnormal, a prostate ultrasound or bi- ments and a good educational proopsy may be recommended to detect gram,” says Peabody. cancer. “We work as a team, which I think is important,” he adds. “We help people Choosing a center understand their diagnosis and treatFortunately, prostate cancer is highly ment options.” treatable, especially if caught early. Patients should look for a center If diagnosed with prostate cancer, that offers support, according to the choosing a prostate cancer center will National Cancer Institute. The Josebe one of the most important deci- phine Cancer Center, affiliated with What is prostate cancer? sions you will make, so it is important Henry Ford Health System, offers Prostate cancer is a very common to research your decision thoroughly. support groups for cancer victims, disease in which malignant (cancer) “You want a place that has a lot of and the Vattikuti Urology Institute cells grow in the prostate, the male experience treating the kind of cancer offers aneducational program called sex gland located just below the blad- you have,” says James Peabody, MD, Prostate Cancer Options, a collaborader, in front of the rectum. About an urologist at the Vattikuti Urology tive effort by radiation therapists, onthe size of a walnut, the prostate Institute at Henry Ford Health Sys- cologists, urologists and the nursing surrounds the urethra, which carries tem, in Detroit. “You want a facility staff. urine from the bladder to the outside that is involved in clinical trials, that “It’s a clinic where newly diagnosed of the body. The primary function will have cutting-edge treatments patients who have not talked to one of the prostate is to create the fluid available.” or more doctors are given a 30that blends with semen to create male The Vattikuti Urology Institute of- minute educational slide show and ejaculate. In its later stages, the can- fers state-of-the-art treatments for are met sequentially by the medical cer can spread outside the prostate, prostate cancer, caring for more than staff,” says Peabody. “Then the treatinto the lymph nodes and bones. 3,000 men each year and performing ment options are discussed with the Although doctors are constantly re- more than 300 surgeries to remove patient, and the group of physicians searching, no one really knows what cancer. But many things are taken will sit down with the patient and his causes prostate cancer. Risk factors into consideration before recom- family and make a treatment recominclude heredity and genetics - older, mending surgery, Peabody is quick to mendation. That method has been a African American men have a higher point out. Treatment is based on age, very beneficial plan for your family.”

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011


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The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011


IMPORTANT NOTES ❒ Credit unions offer many of the same services as banks, usually at better rates and terms: checking, consumer loans, mortgages, and investment accounts.



credit union is a cooperative financial institution, owned and controlled by the people who use its services. These people are members. Credit unions serve groups that share something in common, such as where they work, live, or go to church. Credit ❒ Credit unions are not unions are not-for-profit, and exist for- profit, and exist first to provide a safe, convenient place and foremost to serve for members to save money and to their members. get loans at reasonable rates. Credit unions, like other financial ❒ Credit union institutions, are closely regulated. members are also The National Credit Union Adowners. Members ministration (NCUA), an elect a volunteer agency of the federal Board of A credit government, insures Directors to union is a credit union destrategically posit accounts up guide the cooperative, to $100,000. organization. not-for-profit What makes a credit union financial institudifferent tion. It is owned from a bank and controlled or savings & loan? by its members, Like credit and organized unions, these financial into bring savings stitutions acand give credit cept deposits and make loans to those who but unlike credit belong. unions, they are in business to make a profit. Banks and savings & loans are owned by groups of stockholders whose interests include earning a healthy return on their investments.

FIVE WAYS TO FIND A CREDIT UNION Credit unions are for everyone, but the law places some limits on the people they may serve. A credit union’s charter defines its “field of membership,” which could be an employer, church, school, or community. Anyone who lives or works in a community, for example, is eligible to join a community-chartered credit union. If you don’t belong, here’s how to find a credit union to join: 1. Visit the internet for information on credit unions near you. 2. Ask your family. One in three Americans belong to a credit union. Chances are you have a family member that uses credit union services. And most credit unions allow members’ families to join. 3. Quiz your friends and neighbors. Many credit unions have a “community” field of membership, serving a region defined by geography rather than by employment or some other association. Ask friends in the community if they know of a credit union you may join. 4. Read the yellow pages. Some credit unions rarely advertise, so you might not know about them unless you look them up. A yellow pages display ad may state a credit union’s field of membership. If not, at least you’ll know what number to call to ask about membership eligibility. 5. Contact the Credit Union National Association. Dial (800)358-5710 or visit and check their online database of credit unions.

CREDIT UNIONS VS. BANKS A credit union is a cooperative, notfor-profit financial institution. It is owned and controlled by its members, and organized to bring savings and give credit to those who belong. Proponents of credit unions say earnings are returned to members in the form of higher savings rates, lower loan rates, fewer fees, and expanded services. In contrast, a bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits and makes loans to corporations and individuals for a profit. A savings and loan institution is in business to accept deposits and make loans, primarily for first and second mortgages, at a profit. Credit unions see healthy returns on investments in order to help their members, while other financial institutions send investment returns to their stockholders. Credit unions give members a voice. Members vote for a board of directors from the general membership. Directors serve on a voluntary basis and hire a Chief Executive Officer, who in turn hires staff to manage the credit union. All members receive information on the state of the credit union, generally in the form of newsletters and other periodicals, such as the credit union’s annual report. U.S. credit unions have a flexible, highly organized cooperative network the Credit Union System. The system works at the local, state, and national level. There are over 10,000 credit unions throughout the country serving over 80 million members.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011

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The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011



❒ When getting started in final decision process, start planning early. You’ll need plenty of time to gather information, visit campuses, apply for admission and secure housing. ❒ Scholarships are a great way to help pay for college. Meet with your counselor and research scholarship books to check what scholarships might be available for you.


he high school years are often regarded as a time of carefree enjoyment, and little or no responsibility. But what many students don’t realize is these are critical preparatory years for college. Academic performance in high school, including the rigor of courses taken, continues to be the most important admission factor, followed by standardized admission tests, according to the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC). And in an economy where jobs aren’t as plentiful as they once were, two- and four-year degrees are becoming increasingly vital, which is making college admission increasingly competitive. The good news is that while the number of students enrolling in college has grown by 39 percent in the last 30 years, the number of institutions of higher education has grown by 44 percent, says the NACAG. So, there are plenty of options available to you, even if you don’t get into your first-choice school

❒ The top 10 criteria to consider when choosing a college are: a school curriculum, quality of instruction, average class size, admission requirements, quality of facilities, campus life, location, transferability, graduation rates and cost.

It’s never too early As juniors, most students will take the ACT and SAT admission tests, which 90 percent of universities require in order to be considered for acceptance, according to the NACAC. This is a good time to get into the college groove and start looking at your options. The first step is to consider what attributes you’re looking for in a college. Do you want a large campus or a more intimate one? Does the college offer a reputable program in the major you

plan to study? Prioritize a list of the attributes most important to you. If you need guidance, ask someone who’s already been through the application process, such as college students who went to your high school, suggests The College Board. Get to know your counselors, ask a career planner at a local college or get advice from a teacher. College fairs are great sources for gathering materials. The NACAC says a very high percentage of admissions officers continue to make frequent visits to high schools. Visit with recruiters and take this opportunity to learn about different schools. Visit schools’ web sites and check features, such as size, academic reputation, admission standards, majors available and scholarships available. Make a second list and match it with your first — note which schools fit your needs and narrow your options down to five to seven schools.

prefer the organized group visits where they can meet faculty and tour with current students. After a thorough review, decide which campus styles fit yours. Make sure to note important dates, such as application deadlines, housing deadlines and enrollment deposit deadlines, and meet them. You have one chance to make a good first impression and often a late application won’t even he considered. Apply to your top three choices to keep your options open.

Choosing a major If you’re not sure what you want to major in, check out the career centers of colleges you visit to see if you can narrow down your interests. Many offer testing to pinpoint your strong suits and secondary skills, which may help you make a decision. College counselors are also available for assistance. Look for a college that offers a wide variety of general studies to take first. The right fit These courses may lead you to a caIt’s critical to visit all of the schools reer choice. so you get an accurate feel of what each campus is like. Making the grade You may be a fan of an institution If you don’t have the best grades in since you were 3 years old, but you high school, or don’t get into your might realize it’s not the right fit for college of choice, consider attending you once you’re a [high school] gradu- a community college first and then ate. transferring. Summer is a great time to visit be- It’s a fantastic option. Because you cause it’s quiet. Decide which schools can start over. After 30 semester you feel most comfortable at. Hang hours at a community college, schools out in the student center tour the are no longer looking at high school dorms, check out what extracurricular grades and scores. or on-campus activities are offered, Remember, choosing a college is an and even sit in on a class. Many col- important decision and an individual leges host visitation days for potential process — start planning early to find students. It’s a great way to feel the the institution that can give you the spirit of the campus. Some students most satisfying college experience.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011


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The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011

keep kids safe this summer


ummer is a great time for kids and parents alike. However, due to increased recreational activity, there is also an increase in child injuries and fatalities. Unfortunately, many parents and relatives do not think about safety until after something happens. Here are some friendly reminders to help parents think about safety.

can quickly pull them above water if an emergency should occur. Take regular breaks out of the water so the kids can rest. Also beware of crowded pools and losing sight of your child due to the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

riously injure a child. Never let a child handle a firecracker. Likewise, even lawful sparklers can get substantially hotter than an oven and cause serious and permanent burns or ignite clothing and shoes.

of water: “I bet you can’t swim to the other side of the cove” is a dare that kills many older children. Judging the true distance on a lake or ocean is difficult. What may seem reachable may turn out to be substantially further than one had thought prior to starting.

is no big deal not to wear one. Wrong! Head trauma and concussions are serious injuries which can be permanently debilitating and potentially life threatening. A helmet dramatically reduces the chances of minor injuries turning into serious ones.

• Sunscreen: It seems boring, but sunscreen is crucial in reducing the risk of skin cancer later in life. Skin cancer can be serious, like melanoma, which can spread throughout the body and be fatal. With so many options on the market today it is easy to find one that • Wear a properly fitted Coast Guard ap- works. Purchase one that matches the activproved life jacket: In you are boating, always ity. Cover all body parts that will be exposed. put your kids in a properly fitted life jacket Usually, the higher the SPF, the better protecbefore you even reach the dock. The Coast tion. Guard approval should be written on the inside of the life jacket. Children’s life jackets • Properly secured and fitting car seat: Every are sized by weight, but always try the jacket car seat comes with pictures on how to propon with the clothes the child will be wearing. erty position the belts around the child and Buckle all snaps and adjust all straps; (make how to secure the seat to the car. All newer sure there is a groin strap that helps secure cars have anchors that allow the car seat to the bottom of the vest). Literally, pick the attach quickly and easily. Make sure the car child up by the shoulders of the life jacket to seat latches are snapped into the anchors and make sure he or she does not slide out of the are secure. When the child is in the car seat, bottom. make sure the straps are snug enough to brace This goes for the pool, too. Unless your child the child should there be an accident. The is a strong swimmer, what is the downside of belts at the shoulders should be at or above putting them in a real life jacket? Swimmy the shoulders, not below. toys give the illusion of safety, but they can be very dangerous. • Fireworks: Leave the fireworks to the professionals and take ear protection when • Get in the water with your kids: Supervis- you go to a public display. “Sparkler” type ing your kids from the kitchen window while fireworks are generally legal in Georgia, but they swim is not supervision. It is crucial to high powered fireworks are routinely purbe within “arms reach” of your child while chased in neighboring states and unlawfully they are swimming. If you are in the water used in Georgia. Any fireworks that shoot with your kids and within “arms reach,” you projectiles or explode can blind, deafen or se-

• Inspect the playground: Before kids should be allowed to play, parents should Look Up, Look Down and Look All Around. Look Up: make sure that tree branches are in good shape, not rotted and no large branches over the playground. Check for low hanging branches that could poke an eye. Also double check for low or frayed electrical lines and wires. Look Down: see if there are any tripping hazards. Kids run around playgrounds full of energy. Ensure that surfaces are even. Also look for the presence of material that would soften a fall such as mulch or ground tires and make sure there is a sufficient amount. Look All Around: Check the age, condition and stability of the equipment. Make sure that swings are not frayed. Look for improperly maintained equipment that could cut, pinch or fall. Talk to your kids about safety on the playground and encourage them to report any of their safety concerns to you.

• Set a good safety example: Kids learn the most from their parents and family. If you are on a boat, every adult needs to set a good example and wear a properly fitting life vest with all straps buckled. If you are driving in your car, then buckle-up. Put on sunblock. Also, talk to your kids about safety. If you explain the importance of safety to them, they might just listen.

• Biking helmets: Many parents never wore • Do not swim long distances in large bodies a helmet when they were a kid, so they think it

• Put the phone away: Due to Smartphones, parents can now take a moment to catch up on the news, network via social media and communicate with work or friends. Some people do it while driving, which is illegal, dangerous and not smart. Some do it when they should be watching their children, which is also dangerous and not smart. Parents must be vigilant when watching out for their kid’s safety.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011

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A Different Kind of Attorney for Gainesville, Georgia and Hall County. At Breakfield & Associates the difference is customer service. 539 Green Street • Gainesville, GA 30501 • 770.783.5296 This article is an advertisement by Breakfield & Associate, LLC and is intended for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as professional legal, medical or safety advice. 282112 6-19 em

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The Top Five Things You Should Know..

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011


he first thing is to find out what retirement communities are located in the area where you or your relative(s) prefer to live. The weather is an im❒. Interview key portant factor and the staff, including proximity to hospitals, marketing, dietary, doctors, pharmacies, housekeeping, security retail malls/stores is imand transportation portant. managers and It is a good idea to ride directors, to name a around to the various refew. tirement communities to get your first impression of ❒. Tour the property the appearance, architecture to assess the and location. It is also good to living conditions, check the internet Web site of safety features each area retirement community. and handicap The Web site will provide key inaccessibility. formation about the services that are offered and the accommoda❒. Become tions. informed Other pertinent information may about be obtained from the Department of services, Human Resources Licensing and Suramenities vey reports. This information may be and obtained via the Internet, at the local continuum Department of Human Resources or of care. at any retirement community that has a licensed nursing wing or assisted living ❒. Commuunit. The Dunn and Bradstreet Finannicate with cial rating, the State Nursing Home Asthe resisociation, The Better Business Bureau dents, their and Long-term-Care Ombudsman are families and four additional agencies where retirefriends. ment community stability and historiPlan an cal information may be obtained. overnight stay at the INTERVIEW WITH KEY STAFF facility. Call for an appointment and meet the staff; each retirement community is run by an executive director and managers of multiple departments. These include nursing, ❒ Find out what retirement communities are located in the area where you or your relative(s) prefer to live.

CHOOSE A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY marketing, dietary, housekeeping, laundry, social services, recreational activities, maintenance of the physical plant and the grounds, security, business and transportation. Make an appointment with the director of marketing or the admissions coordinator. The marketing director will show you around the property and introduce you to the staff and management who will answer any questions you may have. It is important to assess the length of employment of the executive director and key managers, their educational credentials, experience and licenses. TOUR PROPERTY, ACCOMMODATIONS A tour of the retirement community is imperative to assess the types and sizes of cottages, apartments and rooms associated with each level of care. Safety features, emergency response equipment and handicap accessability are important features of the tour. The tour allows a potential resident to evaluate the size or space needed for their furnishings, the closets and storage space. The cleanliness and maintenance or upkeep of the property may also be assessed on the tour. Staff-resident interaction, social activities and residents’ appearances may also be observed. BECOME INFORMED ABOUT SERVICES, ETC. During the initial and follow-up interviews and tour, it is vital to be informed about the amenities, services and levels of care that are provided and included in the admission contract. It is imperative that a potential resident be advised about whether the retirement community is a buy-in or lease arrangement, the price, refund policy, pet policy, etc. All amenities

such as meals, housekeeping and laundry/ linen service, telephone, cable television, transportation and social activities should be explained. A full service, multilevel continuum of care retirement community offers levels of care that range from independent living in villas and apartments, to assisted living or personal care to skilled nursing care. It is preferable to move into a retirement community where a resident may “age in place” and not have to relocate to another property or facility if they should have changes in their condition or require personal assistance or nursing care. The social or recreational activity program should be assessed when making the decision about your future lifestyle. An activities or social calendar should be available for you to study. A varied program of activities offering mental or sensory stimulating activities, physical activities and cultural entertainment should be included so that a resident has multiple daily options and may be as active as they choose to be. Examples of popular activities include bridge and other card games, movies, bingo, aerobic exercise classes, exercise equipment for individual or group use, birthday parties, special theme parties and seasonal or holiday celebrations. Also, outings with provided transportation that include tours of the area, lunches at local restaurants and trips to cultural events should be included in the social calendar. Arts and crafts classes should be available for those who enjoy creative pursuits. A transportation program should be provided to assure transportation to doctor’s appointments and other essential pickups, deliveries or personal transportation to shop, obtain medications and other essentials since many senior citizens choose to stop driving.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011

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Consider these factors when choosing your lifelong business partner:

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011



hen you choose a bank, you choose what could be a lifelong per❒ When checking out sonal and business banks, review the fees partner. That’s why for various services and transactions, advises the a little homework American Banking can go a long way in Association, but remember, deciding what finanprice isn’t the only cial institution will — or even most important — factor. ... Take a best fit your needs. minute to think about “Before people conhow comfortable you sider choosing a fifeel at each institution. nancial institution, ❒ Ask yourself some they should realize it’s basic questions: Is the a decision that should staff friendly? Do they not be taken lightly espetry to get to know cially in light of the ecoyou by name? Are nomic impact of the past transactions handled efficiently? If few years,” says one veteran there’s an error, banker. “Many people tend how is if hanto focus on transaction prices, dled? Does the high rates of deposit and low bank stand by its customers? rates on loans. I think that’s a trap. There are other elements ❒ What is that need to be considered.” your goal in establishing a banking relationship? Saving money? Using a checking account? Getting a loan? All of the above?

Making a financial friend To narrow your choices, you must first assess your individual needs and identify your “banking personality” advises the American Banking Association (ABA), which suggests the following questions to ask: ❒ Will you be • What is your goal in establishbuying a home or car, or making a banking relationship? Saving another ing money? Using a checking large purchase in account? Getting a loan? All of the near future? the above? You may need to • How much money can you investigate loan products offered. keep on deposit each month

and how many checks will you write? That information determines how complex or simple your bank account needs are, from multi-service packages to no-frills accounts. • Will you be buying a home or car, or making another large purchase in the near future? You may need to investigate loan products offered. • If you’ll be saving for a big expense or your child’s education, review the institution’s savings products. Many banks. offer additional investments, such as mutual kinds, in addition to traditional savings accounts. • Do you prefer using Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and Internet banking services, or would you rather bank with an extensive branch network with regular, evening and weekend hours? Banking convenience The institution’s locations, hours, and proximity to home and work are important to consider so you can easily balance your banking with your busy schedule. ATM, Web and telephone services should also be readily available so the customer can access them conveniently. “Think about what you will utilize. There may be a branch nearby, but if you do most of your banking on the Web or over the telephone, the place may not be that important.” For those who like to have face-to-face interaction with their financial institution, “look at the people aspect, the service you expect. Are transactions handled efficiently and without error? If an error does occur is it resolved quickly and to your satisfaction?’ Then take a close look at the fees associated with the services you require, sug-

gests the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Do you use ATMs frequently? Does the bank charge you for ATM transactions at other banks? How much? Compare that to another bank’s ATM charges. Many banks require minimum balances for free checking or savings accounts. The BBB suggests you look at the cost of the fees saved with a $1,500 minimum balance, and compare that with the interest you might earn on the same $1,500. If it was invested in a Certificate of Deposit (CD) or other savings instrument Which is more beneficial to you? Use the same comparison to assess the benefits or costs of interestbearing checking accounts. Also, a bank may want you to keep all your accounts — including credit cards, mortgages and loans — at the same institution, often called “relationship banking,” says the BBB. Ask if you can combine balances to meet fee-free minimum balances or if there are other incentives, If no incentives are offered, you may have to keep your accounts at different banks to get the best deal. Perhaps most important in choosing a bank is the institution’s longevity and durability. “There have been a lot of consolidations and transitions, and that may have changed that services offered. Look into its financial strength. How does it manage through the tough times, and does it stand by its customers?” Finally do a gut check: Allow yourself a moment to measure your comfort level with the bank. “Do the employees at the bank know you? Do they try to identify your needs over the short term and the long term, or are they simply marketing products to you?”

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011

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ccording to surveys, parents opt to send their children to private school for reasons such as individual attention, small classes, teacher excellence and high academic standards. Religion is another important reason why many parents choose to send their children to private school. Many parents seek private Christian schools because the curriculum is more consistent with their family values, such as creation versus evolution and abstinence versus safe sex. But the main motive for families looking into independent private schools can be summarized in one word: Quality. The simply want the best for their sons and daughters. Children in private schools tend to do twice as much homework as their counterparts; watch only two-thirds as much television; are significantly more likely to participate in varsity or intramural sports; and are more likely to agree that students and teachers get along well, discipline is fair and teaching is good. A parent’s decision to send a child to private school is only the first in a number of decisions still to be made. A parent must choose the right school from the hundreds available. There are day and boarding schools; coeducational, girls’ and boys’ schools. Enrollment varies from a few dozen to a few thousand students. Some private schools are centuries old, others just ten years old; some are progressive, others more traditional in structure. Private schools also serve a varying range of students in terms of abilities and interests. Some schools offer special programs such as intensified instruction in the fine and performing arts, experiential learning projects, or

travel abroad seminars. Many schools excel at rigorous intellectual preparation; others are dedicated to average learners; and some specialize in reaching bright students with learning disabilities. Before visiting your first school, sit down with your family and determine your “ideal” educational community: • Is it small or large? • Traditional or progressive? • Coeducational or single-sex? • A day school or a boarding school? • What special programs (arts, sports, computers) does it offer? • Is a diverse school community important to you and your family? • Does your child have special needs or interests? Remember, this is just a starting point. You can amend the list as you move through the selection process. Keep in mind that a supportive family culture can enhance your child’s success in school. To ready your child for an academic environment: • Read to and with your child, early and persistently. • Eat together as a family and have adult conversations with your child on wide-ranging topics. • Set high expectations. • Give your child opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities and support such participation. After reviewing a number of catalogs, you are ready to start narrowing your choices. If you haven’t done so already, contact each potential school for materials dealing with philosophy, curriculum, extracurricular offerings, admission process, and financing options. Compare each school’s literature with the items on your list; this should give you a preliminary sense of which schools are a good match. Take into account what type of environment

would be best for your child and consider his or her individual strengths as you examine each school’s program. Eliminate any school that doesn’t meet a fundamental requirement. For instance, if your child wishes to study Japanese, but the school doesn’t off this course, you may need to look further. Here are some questions to start with as you look through each school’s materials: • Is the school accredited and by whom? • What is the school’s mission and does its philosophy appeal to you? • Does the school have a special or particular educational focus? • Are academics rigorous? • Is the environment competitive? Nurturing? Are there high expectations? • Does the school meet your child’s needs? • How large is the school and its student body? • Where is the school located and what are your transportation options? • What variety of learning experiences are available at the school — in class, on the playing field, in extracurricular activities, and in community service? Are extracurricular activities obligatory? • Does the school seem to have a diverse student body and faculty? • Do the school materials discuss parental involvement? • For high schools, what are the graduation requirements? What percentage of students enter colleges, and what kind of colleges do they attend? •Is college counseling effective? Look at rates at which school grads achieve their first and second college choices. • What is the tuition and how flexible are the school’s financing options?

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Congratulations to the Class of 2011! Our 57 graduating cadets were accepted to 139 colleges across the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Over $2,000,000 in non-Hope scholarships was awarded to our graduates. A C A D E M Y

Riverside invites you to attend our next campus Open House on July 15. RSVP to 770.538.2938.

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770.538.2938 •

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iposuction is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery in the U.S. Of the 6.6 million cosmetic procedures performed in the U.S. in 2002, 230,079 women and 52,797 men underwent this surgical procedure to remove localized fatty deposits and “sculpt” their bodies. How is liposuction performed? A surgical wand, called a cannula, is inserted throuh a small incision into a fatty area and removes the unwanted fat cells with suction, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). A medicated fluid injection into the target area prior to the During procedure helps the an initial fat be reconsultation, the moved m o r e surgeon should e a s i l y, explain exactly reduces b lood what results can loss and and cannot be provides anesthesia expected before and during the surgery.

DETERMINE IF LIPOSUCTION IS RIGHT FOR YOU an operating room or operating suite. Newer technology has allowed for liposuction to be performed with a much smaller cannulas and has facilitated the movement of the procedure into doctors’ offices. Many cases can be done with only local anesthesia. These newer technologies include ultrasound assited linoplasty (UAL) which is done by “liquefying” fat cells either with external or interanl sound waves, then removing the fat with suction cannulas inserted under the skin. Another new technology available is laser lipoplasty in which the target fat cells are destroyed by contact with a laser fiber inserted under the skin, and then removed by the suction cannulas. The newest generation of laser linoplasty is the Lipocontrol, in which every motion of the laser fiber is tacked by external “GPS” type device to ensure that the laser energy is distributed evenly throught the treated areas with the goal of improving the final cosmetic appearance. Liposuction is now done using much smaller incisions and cannulas, which should speed up recovery time and may create less bruising for the patient. The addition of Lipocontrol allows doctors to know that they have treated the entire area.

WHO IS BEST SUITED FOR LIPOSUCTION? The best candidates for liposuction THE METHODS OF are normal-weight people with firm, LIPOSUCTION elastic skin who have pockets of exThere are various ways to cess fat in certain areas, according to perform liposuction. The method the ASPS. The society also says canthat most potential patients know didtes should be physically healthy, about is done with a large bore cannu- psycologically stable and realistic in las inserted under the skin while the his or her expectations. patient is under general anethesia in And though the cosmetic effect af-

ter liposuction may be good, it’s possible that the effect will not be what you expected, warns the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). “There’s always a reduction in fat when you have the procedure. It can improve a problem area, but it can’t do everything.” During an initial consultation, the surgeon should explain exactly what can and cannot be expected. If you’re considering liposuction as a way to lose weight, the FDA advises first changing your diet or exercise regimen. Liposuction should be considered as a way to eliminate fat that won’t disappear with diet or exercise. PLANNING AHEAD After you have a thorough understanding about the procedure, and you’ve decided to undergo liposuction, the HDA advises you to: • Arrange for transportation to and from your appointment • Plan to take a few days to recover • Expect some pain and discomfort • Know when to seek help. Make sure you know the signs of complications after liposuction. After liposuction surgery there will likely be some bruising and fluid drainage from the incisions, says the ASPS. To control swelling and help your skin better fit your new contours, you may be given a snug elastic garment to wear over the treated area for a few weeks. In addition, the surgeon may prescribe a pain medication and antibiotics to minimize the risk of infection. Finally, understand that you’ll see immedediate results, but the areas continue to improve over many months.

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Gainesville 770.534.1230 Gynecology Wendell A. Turner, MD is now offering European laser liposuction technology available for the first time in the US. • In office procedure with no general anesthesia • Quicker return to normal activities • Laser melting of fat deposits • “Lipocontrol” technology allows more precise control of laser energy • Care Credit financing for qualified individuals • Available for men and women • Complimentary consultations • Areas: Chin/neck, jowls, arms, bra line fat, upper and lower abdomen, love handles, inner and outer thighs.

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The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011

Buy Hearing Aids


earing aids are not something anybody chomps at the bit to go buy like the latest IPad or cell phone. But maybe they should be. Hearing loss occurs so gradually that most people wait several years after the loss first becomes a problem to even consider doing something. But early treatment of hearing loss has the potential to transform one’s life. The National Council on the Aging did a study with more than 2,000 people experiencing hearing loss, as well as the significant others of those with hearing loss, and found that people who decided to use hearing aids demonstrated impressive imHearing provements in their social, Instrument emotional, psychoSpecialists assess logical, and hearing and physical well-being. select, fit, and Specifically, hearing dispense hearing aid usage aids and related is positively related to devices many quality of life issues.


Hearing loss treatment was shown to improve: • Earning power • Communication in relation-

• Intimacy and warmth in family rela-

tionships • Ease in communication • Emotional stability • Sense of control over life events

• Perception of mental functioning • Physical health

There are two different professionals that can help people with their hearing needs. The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) defines them in this way: Audiologists identify and assess disorders of the hearing and balance systems of children and adults. Audiologists select, fit, and dispense amplification systems such as hearing aids and related devices; program cochlear implants; and provide instruction, rehabilitation, and counseling services to enhance human communication. A graduate (doctorate or master) degree is required for practice. Hearing Instrument Specialists assess hearing and select, fit, and dispense hearing aids and related devices. They provide instruction, rehabilitation, and

counseling in the use and care of hearing aids and related devices to enhance communication. They must be licensed by the Secretary of State in the state in which they are practicing. A further certification for hearing aid specialists and audiologists is achieved by passing an exam from the National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences. The website is a great resource for anyone looking for information on hearing healthcare and amplification devices. No matter the educational background or experience of the hearing healthcare provider (HHP) you choose to see, you should expect to be treated with dignity and respect as the HHP focuses on your individual requests and needs. After all, it’s your quality of life they should be most concerned with and must select the best possible device for you.

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o you find yourself unable to sit still to watch your favorite evening program, or unable to stay seated during your vacation flight, or not able to fall asleep due to leg discomfort or jerking? If so, you may be among the 10 million adults in the United States with Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). In the past, RLS, was called Ekbom’s Syndrome. What are some of the symptoms that might strongly suggests that this is your problem? The first and foremost symptom is experiencing an unpleasant, creepy crawling, jittery sensation in your legs that results in a very strong urge to move them.

diagnose restless leg syndrome ing and infrequent to distressing and daily. You may also want to question others in your family as RLS runs in families in up to half of sufferers, and researchers have found sites on chromosomes for RLS. What can you do to get relief from RLS?

If your symptoms are mild and infrequent, first try some lifestyle changes. Some common changes that help are:

Avoid caffeine Cut back on alcohol and tobacco Try moderate exercise Try relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga 5.) Have good sleep hygiene 6.) Do activities that increase mental alertness in the evening 7.) Begin and end your day with a massage or muscle stretching 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

This unpleasant sensation starts at rest and is characteristically relieved by walking, pacing or at times by simply stretching or jiggling the If, despite all the above practices, your symptoms are increasing and disruptlegs. ing your life and sleep patterns, then reThese symptoms, at first, are ferral to a physician who is knowledgehardly noted during the day and able in the diagnosis and treatment of are felt primarily at night. Often more advanced RLS is indicated. The along with these sensations you physician should be able to screen for may find that you have been told related neurologic problems that could that you have “jerks” in your be making your RLS worse and guide arms or legs while you sleep. you in the more advanced treatments The severity of these symp- that are sometimes necessary to contoms may range from annoy- trol RLS.

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Tips: Choosing an assisted living facility


hoosing an assisted living facility can be a difficult but imPLANNING portant decision, one ❒ Begin discussion and research often complicated by early. Don’t wait emergency situations for an emergency. that rush decision-mak❒ Determine the type of care ing. However, making needed. What do you or your a positive transition to loved one need help with? Is an assisted living facilspecialized care needed? ity only takes careful re❒ Look for facilities in your area. search. To contact the nearest The main goals of asAgency on Aging and sisted living are to aid resiother services for adults, dents — often the elderly call Elder Care Locator at (800) 677-1116 or — in tasks, and provide a check its Web site: living experience where the www.elder mind and body are kept active. Assisted living facilities generally provide housing, group meals, personal care and support services, RESEARCH ❒ Examine the and social activities in a residential facility’s physical setting. The staff assists residents features: Is it with simple household tasks, getting clean? What dressed, dietary needs, administering facilities are medication and more.

available? Where do TAKE THE FIRST STEP residents eat? The first step is to determine the faWhere do they cility characteristics you or your loved interact? one may benefit from. According to the ❒ Examine AARP, formerly known as the American the staff. Do Association of Retired Persons, assisted they greet residents? Are living facilities best serve those who they attentive? don’t require skilled nursing or longDo they treat term assistance. Would your loved one residents well? enjoy a larger facility with many new Are they well people or a more intimate setting? Do groomed? you have any specific medical needs? ❒ Examine the Some facilities include special proresidents. Are grams and facilities to aid residents they well-cared with dementia or Alzheimer’s, for for? Are they example. Once you’ve determined active? Do they your needs, compile a list of faseem happy? cilities to visit. The AARP recom❒ Talk to residents

mends a number of sources, including the local yellow pages;


state agencies and your local area agency on Within the DHR is the Office of the State aging. Make sure to ask friends or relatives Long-Term Care Ombudsman, which has for advice as well. responsibility for investigating complaints and resolving problems affecting residents of long-term care facilities. LOOK AROUND Visit several facilities, touring at least The Long-Term Care Ombudsman prothree. Beware of facilities that require ap- gram in Georgia is more than 25 years old. pointments to visit. Reputable establish- In 2002 it was established as a separate ofments should allow you to visit anytime fice within the DHR’s Division of Aging during visiting hours. Services. When visiting, make careful observations. The Office of the State LTCO works Check for cleanliness — in bathrooms, through Area Agencies on Aging to address public areas and dining rooms. Is the at- needs of residents in care facilities. mosphere friendly? How does the facility In addition to investigating complaints, assess and meet residents needs? Does the Ombudsman work to promote community staff seem attentive and polite? Observe and family involvement in facilities, provide and talk to the residents. Do they seem information on how to select a facility, and well-cared for? educate communities about the needs of Check for safety measures. As the Ameri- residents in assisted living facilities. can Association of Homes and Services for For more information, visit www.georthe Aging suggests, look for well-lit stairs, call 888-454-5826, or and halls, handrails in bathrooms and ways contact your local aging program. for residents to summon help if needed. Check to see if smoke alarms are installed CONSIDER COSTS in each room and hallway, that halls and Families should thoroughly examine all passageways are clear and that exit doors the costs involved. Are costs itemized or are clearly marked, not locked and operate is there a flat fee? Some facilities may cost freely — especially disabled assist doors. several thousand dollars per month. Ask Facility staff should know evacuation pro- for all charges up front and in writing to cedures, and emergency numbers should avoid surprises. be prominently posted. EASE THE TRANSITION If looking for a loved one, involve him or CHECK CREDENTIALS Find out if the facility is properly licensed her in your search process. Once you deby the state, and if there is any history of cide on the facility, bring your loved one for problems or disciplinary actions related to a visit. Keep lines of communication open the licensee. to ease the transition. Find out what cusIn Georgia, the Department of Human tomizations you can make to the new space Resources is the licensing agent for assisted to make it feel more like home. Find out living facilities. Through the DHR, you can about social activities. Activities are essenfind out information about assisted living tial for preventing boredom, loneliness or facilities and their compliance with state li- depression. Activities at some facilities incensing requirements. clude: shopping trips, bingo, dance therapy, The DHR also is active in investigating movies and arts and crafts. Finding somecomplaints about assisted living facilities thing to enjoy and people to do it with can and working with the facilities to make im- make the move to assisted living a positive provements for residents. experience.

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The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, June 19, 2011

Choose an HVAC Company


n the summer, there seems to be nothing more important than good air conditioning. In the winter, nothing is more important than an effective heating system. The key to getting great heating and air conditioning service is finding the right HVAC company. It’s been said that an HVAC company is like a spouse. Good ones are helpful, reliable and there for you in your times of need, whereas bad ones will cost you a lot of money, cause you many headaches and put you in uncomfortable situations. Word of mouth will provide the best recommendations for an HVAC company. Ask your family and friends Ask the difficult who they’ve questions. had good What are their experience using. prices? Do they When you offer a guarantee hear the or warranty? same name more than What are their once, that’s usual turnaround a good sign. Make sure times? What that you let manufacturers do the company they use? know that they were recommended by people close to you. This will let them know that they need to do a good job or other customers will hear about it and maybe consider taking their business to another company. When researching any sort of company, you’ll want to check with the Better Business Bureau. For an HVAC com-

pany, check with your state’s board of contractors. You can also check the local mechanical inspection office to be really thorough. You want to make sure any company you use is reputable. Unfortunately today many are not as reputable as we’d like to think. Ask the difficult questions. What are their prices? Do they offer a guarantee or warranty? What are their usual turnaround times? What manufacturers do they use? You’ll also want to know if the company has insurance and is bonded for accidents that are likely to happen occasionally. This can save you from having to file a claim on your homeowners insurance should any mishaps take place that cause damage to your property during the installation. Make sure to check for proper permits. An HVAC company getting the proper permits can save a homeowner many headaches. Load calculation is another thing that will save you from plenty of problems in the future. It’s a good idea to have a load calculation performed before installing a new system in any building. The company that you select should be willing to do so. There are HVAC companies that will use a general rule of thumb to size the necessary equipment instead of double checking, and some companies will just install the same size of equipment as equipment that is being replaced. These methods can cause unnecessary problems for you. Many times you don’t know if a load calculation was done when the first system was installed and changes in the building have probably taken place over the years. A system that’s too big will be inefficient and cause big problems. A system that’s too small won’t be able to heat or cool the larger area. When you have the

system that is installed to fit the needs of the building, you will save money and be much happier. Following this advice will help you find an HVAC company that will help save you some money and leave you satisfied with their work.

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The Eye Surgery Education Council recommends asking surgeons these questions when considering LASIK:

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ired of your contacts and glasses? LASIK may be for you. While LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) ❒ How many LASlK doesn’t always result procedures have you in perfect vision, performed? says the Eye Surgery Education Council ❒ Do you provide a (ESEC), it can allow people to more freely list of patients I can pursue their hobbies, contact? physical activities and careers. ❒ What’s your It’s a lifetime investment — complication rate? and one with many benefits. In order to successfully free ❒  What laser do yourself from contacts and you use? Is it glasses, it’s important to know FDA-approved? what to expect, and to find an experienced surgeon whom you ❒  What precan trust with your windows to the operative world. diagnostic tests will you What is LASIK? perform? The Food and Drug Administration says LASIK is a procedure that ❒ May I permanently changes the shape of observe a the cornea — the clear covering surgery? on the front of the eye that helps focus light to create images on your ❒  Are you retina — by using an excimer laser. licensed During the surgery, a knife is used and board to cut a flap in the cornea, revealing certified? the middle section of the cornea Are you a (stroma). Pulses from a computermember controlled laser vaporize a portion of any of the stroma, says the FDA, and professional the flap is replaced. The result is associations? corrected vision. The speed and development of ❒ What’s your the computers that run the lasers re-treatment is a huge advantage today. Lasers rate? are much safer today than they

used to be. Am I a candidate? Patients can be 18 or 80 years old, as long as they’re healthy. The ESEC says an ideal LASIK candidate is at least 18, with a stable contact or glasses prescription for at least two years; has sufficient corneal thickness; is affected by a common vision problem; and doesn’t suffer from a disease (vision-related or otherwise) that could complicate the surgery. As with any surgery, there are risks and complications to consider. Some patients can lose vision; develop glare, halos and/or double vision; be under- or overtreated, requiring additional treatment or the continued use of contacts or glasses; develop severe dry eye syndrome or have results diminish with age, according to the FDA. Finding a surgeon Become a critical consumer of health care in your search for an experienced, qualified surgeon. Do your homework. Research Web sites about LASIK, such as, and schedule consultations with a few surgeons. Where you feel comfortable is where you should go. But there’s no substitute for experience: According to the ESEC, several studies have shown there’s a learning curve associated with the surgery. The more procedures a surgeon has done, the better he or she will be at it. A surgeon who’s done 30,000 surgeries, and has eight or nine years of experience is a lot better than getting a cheap fix. Check surgeon credentials — you’ll want to go to a certified, licensed ophthalmologist who’s had extensive training in refractive surgery. The surgeon should also have manufacturer certification on lasers, which should be

FDA-approved. Contact the American Board of Ophthalmology at www.abop. org, for information on certified surgeons in your area. Interview possible surgeons to see who suits your preferences: Do you prefer going to a strictly refractive surgery center or a full-service ophthalmic practice? Do you feel comfortable with the surgeon, and his or her staff ? Is the facility comfortable and clean? Does the surgeon offer patient references? What to expect Once you find a surgeon with whom you feel comfortable, the first step is to schedule a preoperative evaluation, during which you’ll receive a comprehensive eye examination. You can’t wear soft contacts for two to seven days (depending on the type of lenses), or hard lenses for a minimum of four to eight weeks prior to the visit. The surgeon will perform a number of tests to determine if you’re a candidate. Many surgeons allow patients to observe the procedure from a viewing room to get a better idea of what to expect. The surgery lasts approximately 15 minutes. Discomfort is minimal and you should be able to get back to normal life within a few days. And with the technology today, many walk out with 20/20 vision or better — and no contacts or glasses in sight. Remember that perfect vision isn’t guaranteed. About 56 percent of patients achieve results of 20/20 or better, and more than 90 percent achieve 20/40 or better according to the ESEC. You may still need to wear glasses or lenses for some activities such as reading. Ask your surgeon what results he or she plans to achieve with your eyes.

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Extend your reach through the Internet ay by day, the Internet continues to play a larger, more useful role in our daily lives. And savvy consumers are the most enthusiastic and loyal visitors to local Web sites for news about their communities, entertainment and dining options, shopping alternatives and more. Adding a Web component to your advertising and marketing mix is essential to maximize your reach and deliver your messages to your target audience. Most important, those who use the Internet for news updates throughout the day are better-educated, earn a higher median household income and are in their prime purchasing years. They represent the most coveted audience for advertisers, and they turn to the Internet for reliable, timely information when making purchasing decisions — whether that decision is for durable goods, gifts or entertainment. These Internet users continue to be avid readers of the daily print newspaper. During the past week, nearly two-thirds of the visitors to a newspaper’s Web site also read a copy of the print edition. Furthermore,the Internet is a prime delivery vehicle for reaching a younger audience: Online newspaper visitors between the ages of 18 and 34 make up more than 40 percent of all viewers. The Internet is an advertising medium that cannot be ignored — increasingly, it is a valuable resource for advertisers’ most important audiences.

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Complementing your print advertising with a presence on Web contributes to the success of your marketing plans — day by day. Online advertising valuable Media researchers have examined the benefits to advertisers who add online spending to their marketing campaigns. In one study, a consumer packaged goods company experienced an increase in important metrics such as brand awareness, brand attributes and purchase intent following an increase in online advertising. The study from the Advertising Research Foundation, the Interactive Advertising Bureau and Microsoft Corps’ MSN network also described a relationship between improved branding effectiveness and higher online frequency. Newspaper sites heavily promote their “marketplace” sections, which offer an array of display, classified and online-only advertising. Site visitors can search for a particular merchant, product or service. The newspapers promote the benefits of marketplace sections using print and online promotional campaigns. Online advertising’s strengths During the past eight years, newspapers’

print and online sales teams have consulted with local advertisers to develop programs that raise awareness and increase foot traffic. Advertising in the newspaper’s Web site and e-mail newsletters: • Raises awareness and reinforces your overall marketing efforts. • Reaches a highly educated, high-income audience. • Adds frequency and interactive elements to your in-print newspaper promotions. • Expands the geographic boundaries of your advertising. • Reaches online news viewers during the workday when they are making plans for lunch, shopping excursions and evenings out. • Offers the ability to link to your Web site(s), which allows you to provide much more detailed information than is available in traditional advertising. • Advertises your product or service on the Internet for a fraction of the cost of conventional advertising methods. • Allows you to update products, prices and promotional messages in minutes, rather than having to wait for the next day’s paper. • Includes color for no extra charge. SOURCE: National Newspaper Association

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

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GEORGIA’S BEST NEWSPAPER SITE – Georgia Press Association

• 2 million + page views per month • 140,000 + visitors per week Telephone: 770-532-1234 • Fax: 770-532-8187 Toll Free: 1-800-395-5005 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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