How To August 2012

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August 19, 2012




The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 19, 2012























The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012


IMPORTANT NOTES ❒ Credit unions offer many of the same services as banks, usually at better rates and terms: checking, consumer loans, mortgages, and investment accounts. ❒ Credit unions are notfor- profit, and exist first and foremost to serve their members. ❒ Credit union members are also owners. Members elect a volunteer Board of Directors to strategically guide the organization.


WHAT IS A CREDIT UNION? credit union is a cooperative financial institution, owned and controlled by the people who use its services. These people are members. Credit unions serve groups that share something in common, such as where they work, live, or go to church. Credit unions are not-for-profit, and exist to provide a safe, convenient place for members to save money and to get loans at reasonable rates. Credit unions, like other financial institutions, are closely regulated. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the federal government, insures credit union deposit accounts up to $100,000. What makes a credit union different from a bank or savings & loan? Like credit unions, these financial institutions accept deposits and make loans but unlike credit unions, they are in business to make a profit. Banks and savings & loans are owned by groups of stockholders whose interests include earning a healthy return on their investments.


FIVE WAYS TO FIND A CREDIT UNION Credit unions are for everyone, but the law places some limits on the people they may serve. A credit union’s charter defines its “field of membership,” which could be an employer, church, school, or community. Anyone who lives or works in a community, for example, is eligible to join a community-chartered credit union. If you don’t belong, here’s how to find a credit union to join: 1. Visit the internet for information on credit unions near you.

A credit union is a cooperative, not-for-profit financial institution. It is owned and controlled by its members, and organized to bring savings and give credit to those who belong. 2. Ask your family. One in three Americans belong to a credit union. Chances are you have a family member that uses credit union services. And most credit unions allow members’ families to join. 3. Quiz your friends and neighbors. Many credit unions have a “community” field of membership, serving a region defined by geography rather than by employment or some other association. Ask friends in the community if they know of a credit union you may join. 4. Read the yellow pages. Some credit unions rarely advertise, so you might not know about them unless you look them up. A yellow pages display ad may state a credit union’s field of membership. If not, at least you’ll know what number to call to ask about membership eligibility. 5. Contact the Credit Union National Association. Dial (800)358-5710 or visit and check their online database of credit unions. CREDIT UNIONS VS. BANKS A credit union is a cooperative, not-forprofit financial institution. It is owned and controlled by its members, and organized to bring savings and give credit to those who belong. Proponents of credit unions say earnings are returned to members in the form of higher sav-

ings rates, lower loan rates, fewer fees, and expanded services. In contrast, a bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits and makes loans to corporations and individuals for a profit. A savings and loan institution is in business to accept deposits and make loans, primarily for first and second mortgages, at a profit. Credit unions see healthy returns on investments in order to help their members, while other financial institutions send investment returns to their stockholders. Credit unions give members a voice. Members vote for a board of directors from the general membership. Directors serve on a voluntary basis and hire a Chief Executive Officer, who in turn hires staff to manage the credit union. All members receive information on the state of the credit union, generally in the form of newsletters and other periodicals, such as the credit union’s annual report. U.S. credit unions have a flexible, highly organized cooperative network, the Credit Union System. The system works at the local, state, and national level. There are over 10,000 credit unions throughout the country serving over 80 million members.


The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012

CHOOSE AN EASEL one” easel that carries your paints, paper, brushes, and other supplies then you may need a French Easel. A French easel can also be used indoors on a relatively permanent basis if your work is generally small; say up to 18 x 24 inches. Oil and Acrylic: Studio easels come in a large variety of sizes and the size and sturdiness you need is largely determined by whether you work large or small. Also, if you are 1: What medium? Oils, Watercolor, heavy handed and like to beat on Pastel, multiple mediums? All re- your canvas or paint surface then you will need a more sturdy easel quire a different angle support. 2: Will you use it inside, outside, or that doesn’t move easily. Lighter handed artists who work small can both? 2a: If used outside, will you carry have an easel made from lighter it long distances and do you need it weight materials. If you plan on working indoors and will leave the to also carry supplies? 2b: If used inside, can you leave it easel out most or all of the time then a large Studio easel is the way out and set up all the time? 3: Are you heavy handed or do you to go. If you have a very cramped have a delicate painting style? Stur- living space, and work small, then a table top easel may work best. diness and weight are a factor. 4: Do you work large or small? Or Some table top easels also have a box to carry your materials so they both? 5: Do you want wood or metal? can be carried back and forth to Some wood easels are as beautiful class. Whatever you decide to do, buy the size easel that corresponds as a piece of furniture! to the largest size painting you plan Watercolor: Most watercolor paint- to work on. For an easel that needs ings are done flat, or relatively flat, to be stored between uses then an so the watercolorist will need an A-Frame easel may be best. If you easel that can vary angles easily. For are planning on painting outside studio use, it may be best to actu- then a small tripod easel may work ally look into an adjustable drawing well for you. If you want to work table to use as an easel. They have outdoors and need an easel that can a large, generally laminated surface also carry your brushes and paints that is easily angled from flat to 45 then a French Easel may be just the degrees (or more vertical in some ticket. A French easel can also be set cases). For use outdoors, a small up indoors on a fairly permanent tripod easel with a built in wooden basis, then snatched up on a mopanel that ranges from flat to verti- ments notice when the urge to paint cal may be best. If you are going to outdoors strikes you. work outdoors and need an “all in Pastels: Pastels need to be upright, Choosing an easel is one of the most difficult, yet important decisions an artist faces. The way you paint and how you intend to use the easel will influence which easel to choose. Be aware that no single easel will accommodate every painting situation; one has yet to be built that can do that. You need to ask yourself several questions before you begin looking for an easel.

or a little tilted forward so the dust can fall away from the painting. Many Studio easels tilt forward. There are many sizes to accommodate the size painting you like to do. If you work outdoors then a small tripod easel with a wood panel may work for you. Some people like to use French easels that will carry all of their pastels and other materials. The French easel can also be left up semi permanently in the studio and snapped up on a moments notice for that unexpected Plein Aire experience. Multi Mediums: If you work in a variety of mediums then you may need a variety of easels. There is no one easel that will do all things. If your studio situation requires an easel that will lay flat as well as stand vertical then a “Lobo” style easel may be best for you. They are quite versatile, and can accept work that is quite large. They can be difficult to adjust, but work for a variety of situations. Best of all worlds: French Easels can be a nice compromise if you can only purchase a single easel but need one that can be a Studio as well as an Outdoor easel. They can hold work vertically or flat as well as tilt forward. With practice, they can be folded up and on the go in under sixty seconds. Their drawback is that they cannot hold oversized canvas. Prices can range from around $15 for a lightweight tripod easel to several hundred dollars for a large studio easel (or even thousands for a crank easel!). Always get the best quality you can afford to invest in - with proper care, a good easel should last a lifetime.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



CONSIDER THESE FACTORS WHEN CHOOSING YOUR LIFELONG BUSINESS PARTNER: ❒ When checking out banks, review the fees for various services and transactions, advises the American Banking Association, but remember, price isn’t the only — or even most important — factor. ... Take a minute to think about how comfortable you feel at each institution. ❒ Ask yourself some basic questions: Is the staff friendly? Do they try to get to know you by name? Are transactions handled efficiently? If there’s an error, how is if handled? Does the bank stand by its customers? ❒ What is your goal in establishing a banking relationship? Saving money? Using a checking account? Getting a loan? All of the above? ❒ Will you be buying a home or car, or making another large purchase in the near future? You may need to investigate loan products offered.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



hen you choose a bank, you choose what could be a lifelong personal and business partner. That’s why a little homework can go a long way in deciding what financial institution will best fit your needs. “Before people consider choosing a financial institution, they should realize it’s a decision that should not be taken lightly especially in light of the economic impact of the past few years,” says one veteran banker. “Many people tend to focus on transaction prices, high rates of deposit and low rates on loans. I think that’s a trap. There are other elements that need to be considered.” MAKING A FINANCIAL FRIEND To narrow your choices, you must first assess your individual needs and identify your “banking personality” advises the American Banking Association (ABA), which suggests the following questions to ask: • What is your goal in establishing a banking relationship? Saving money? Using a checking account? Getting a loan? All of the above? • How much money can you keep on deposit each month and how many checks will you write? That information determines how complex or simple your bank account needs are, from multi-service packages to no-frills accounts. • Will you be buying a home or car, or making another large purchase in the near future? You may need to investigate loan products

offered. • If you’ll be saving for a big expense or your child’s education, review the institution’s savings products. Many banks offer additional investments, such as mutual kinds, in addition to traditional savings accounts. • Do you prefer using Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) and Internet banking services, or would you rather bank with an extensive branch network with regular, evening and weekend hours? BANKING CONVENIENCE The institution’s locations, hours, and proximity to home and work are important to consider so you can easily balance your banking with your busy schedule. ATM, Web and telephone services should also be readily available so the customer can access them conveniently. “Think about what you will utilize. There may be a branch nearby, but if you do most of your banking on the Web or over the telephone, the place may not be that important.” For those who like to have face-toface interaction with their financial institution, “look at the people aspect, the service you expect. Are transactions handled efficiently and without error? If an error does occur is it resolved quickly and to your satisfaction?’ Then take a close look at the fees associated with the services you require, suggests the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Do you use ATMs frequently? Does the bank charge you for ATM transactions at other

banks? How much? Compare that to another bank’s ATM charges. Many banks require minimum balances for free checking or savings accounts. The BBB suggests you look at the cost of the fees saved with a $1,500 minimum balance, and compare that with the interest you might earn on the same $1,500. If it was invested in a Certificate of Deposit (CD) or other savings instrument. Which is more beneficial to you? Use the same comparison to assess the benefits or costs of interest-bearing checking accounts. Also, a bank may want you to keep all your accounts — including credit cards, mortgages and loans — at the same institution, often called “relationship banking,” says the BBB. Ask if you can combine balances to meet fee-free minimum balances or if there are other incentives, If no incentives are offered, you may have to keep your accounts at different banks to get the best deal. Perhaps most important in choosing a bank is the institution’s longevity and durability. “There have been a lot of consolidations and transitions, and that may have changed that services offered. Look into its financial strength. How does it manage through the tough times, and does it stand by its customers?” Finally do a gut check: Allow yourself a moment to measure your comfort level with the bank. “Do the employees at the bank know you? Do they try to identify your needs over the short term and the long term, or are they simply marketing products to you?”

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012

CHOOSE A GASTROENTEROLOGIST? A stomach ache will make you seek out a physician, but sometimes deciding which physician or kind of physician to go to will make your stomach ache worse. There are many options and with the high cost of health care, you want to make the right decision the first time. Your primary care physician (PCP) may be the first point of contact, especially if your insurance requires that you contact them prior to being seen by a specialist. Often times if you know what you need to be seen for, you can make an appointment with a gastroenterologist (GI) without needing to see a PCP first. Gastroenterologists are physicians who have been trained in internal medicine and have received 2 to 3 years of additional training relating to the digestive tract. Your digestive tract starts in your mouth and ends at your rectum. GI physicians treat anything related to the digestive tract including heartburn (GERD), stomach aches, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, ulcers, and also perform screening for colon cancer. GI physicians do not do surgery but treat ailments with medication or endoscopic procedures. Colonoscopies and endoscopies are their main diagnostic tool. They are specially trained to locate cancers in the colon and since digestive ailments are all they treat, they are uniquely equipped to treat your issue. Since digestive issues are all GI physicians and staff treat, they are also familiar with the discomfort and embarrassment that often accompanies digestive issues and are trained to deal with that. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of death among cancers and one of the reasons it is so predominant is that individuals fail to go to see

Even if you are symptom free, every person should receive a colon screening at age 50

a GI with bowel problems when they occur. Changes in bowel habits can be an indicator of something more serious. Your stomach ache may be trying to tell you something.

of furniture. Colon cancer is too great a disease to risk having anyone but a gastroenterologist who is especially trained to detect issues perform your procedure.

Even if you are symptom free, every person should receive a colon screening at age 50. African-Americans have a higher chance of developing colon cancer so they should begin colon screenings at age 45. The best way to have a colon screening is to have a colonoscopy so polyps can be removed if detected and biopsies taken if needed. A colonic polyp is a growth inside the wall of the large intestine that can often develop into cancer if left untreated. This is the main reason that colon cancer is the second leading cause of death among cancers. Polyps can grow undetected unless the individual has a colon screening.

Not everyone who has stomach ailments needs a procedure. Often times, heart burn or constant belching may interfere with your daily life, and it also may cause damage you cannot see. A gastroenterologist can help you treat this as well. Heartburn or Gastroesophageal Relux Disease (GERD) is caused when stomach acid rises up into the esophagus and causes burning and irritation. Stomach acid is erosive to the esophagus and over time can eat away the lining. Esophageal cancer can also develop from this. The burning and pain you feel is your body trying to tell you something.

Your colon screening should be performed by a gastroenterologist. A gastroenterologist performs 400-500 colonoscopies during training before they even begin working in an office. One can compare this to a concert pianist who only devotes all his time to learning to play that instrument or a wood craftsman who has honed his skill over the years and builds magnificent pieces

So when your stomach hurts, you have heartburn or it’s time for your colon screening, don’t make it worse by trying to figure out whom to go to, look for a gastroenterologist. They are specially trained to find the source of your problem, treat you and help you get better. It is important to get treated by the physicians who are especially trained to treat stomach problems – a Gastroenterologist.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012


We only treat digestive issues and diseases. We digestive issues and diseases. So whether it’sonly timetreat for your colon screening, you’re experiencing Soheart whether for your you’re experiencing burnit’s or time other stomach pain,screening, trust a gastroenterologist. We only treatcolon digestive issuesonly and diseases. it’s time your colon screening, experiencing heart burnSoorwhether other stomach pain, trust only ayou’re gastroenterologist. We only treatfor digestive issues and diseases.

We are the Experts. We are thetheExperts. We are Experts.

heart burn or other stomach pain, trust a gastroenterologist. We only treat digestive issues andonly diseases. So whether it’s time for your colon screening, you’re experiencing We only treat digestive issues and diseases. heart ortime other stomach pain trust only a gastroenterologist. So it’s whether for your colon screening, you’re experiencing So whether timeburn forit’s your colon screening, you’re experiencing heart burnstomach or other stomach pain, trustPractice only a gastroenterologist. heart burn or other pain, trust only a gastroenterologist. We Are The Largest Gastroenterology In Northeast Georgia

We are the Experts. Areare TheGastroenterology Largest Gastroenterology Practice In In Northeast Georgia We Are TheWe Largest Practice Northeast Georgia We the Experts. We are the Experts.

We Are The Largest Gastroenterology Practice In Northeast Georgia

We Are The Largest Gastroenterology Practice In Northeast Georgia

MainOffice Office Braselton MainOffice Office Braselton Main BraseltonOffice Office Main BraseltonOffice Office 2324 Limestone Overlook 5875 Thompson Mill Rd., 2324 Limestone Overlook 5875 Thompson Rd., 2324 Limestone Overlook 5875 Thompson Mill Rd., 2324 Limestone Overlook 5875 Thompson Mill Mill Rd., Gainesville, GA 30501 Suite 310 Gainesville,GA GA30501 30501 Suite Gainesville, GA 30501 Suite 310 Gainesville, Suite310 310 Hoschton, GA Hoschton, GA Hoschton, GA Hoschton, GA

770-536-8109 Toll Free Lavonia OfficeBraselton MainOffice Office Hartwell Office 770-536-8109 Habersham Office Office 1-877-683-941 Main Braselton Office Habersham Office Lavonia Office 770-536-8109 Habersham Office 355 Clear Creek Pkwy. Habersham Office Hartwell Office 396 Historic 441N 2324 Limestone Overlook 5875 Thompson Mill Rd., Toll Free 396 Historic 441N 127 W. Gibson Street 355 Clear Creek Pkwy. 2324 Limestone Overlook 5875Braselton Thompson Mill Rd., 396 Historic Historic 441N1007 Suite Main Office Office Toll Free Demorest, GA Office 396 441N 127 W.310 Gibson Street Gainesville, GA 30501 Suite Main Braselton Office Demorest, GA Hartwell, GA Suite 1-877-683-9410 Gainesville,Demorest, GA 30501 Suite 3101007 Lavonia, GA 30553 GA Demorest, GA 5875 Hartwell, GA 2324Main Limestone Overlook Thompson Mill Rd., Hoschton, GA Main Office Braselton Office 1-877-683-9410 Lavonia, GA 30553 2324 Limestone Overlook 5875 Thompson Mill Rd., Office Braselton Office Hoschton, GA Gainesville, GA 30501 5875 Thompson Suite 310 2324 Limestone Overlook Mill Rd., Gainesville, GA 30501 Suite 310 2324 Limestone Overlook 5875Lavonia Thompson Mill Rd., Office 770-536-8109

Habersham Office Habersham Hartwell Office Hoschton, GA Gainesville, GA 30501 Suite 310 355 Clear Creek Pkwy. Hoschton, GA 396 Historic 441N Gainesville, GA 30501 Suite 310 Toll Free 396 Historic 441N 127 W. Gibson Street Suite 1007 Hoschton, GA Demorest, GA Hoschton, GA Demorest, GA Hartwell, GA Lavonia Office


The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



• Create a sleep routine and stick to it. • Avoid alcohol and caffeine after 5 p.m. • Make your bedroom is appropriate for sleeping: Reduce noise by using a tan or “white noise” generator, replace an uncomfortable mattress or bedding, use curtains to block outside light from seeping in through the window or use a sleep mask (available for about $4 at many retail outlets). • If you exercise, finish your workout well before bedtime. • See a sleep specialist if you suspect you have a medical problem.

For many of us, getting a good night’s sleep is the real AmericanDream. A recent National Sleep Foundation (NSF) survey of more than 1,500 people, ages 55 to 84, found nearly half of the respondents suffer from sleeplessness. The NSE, a Washington D.C.based non-profit organization focused on sleep research, education and advocacy, also found Americans, ages 18 to 84, get an average of about seven hours of sleep each night. Those under 55 are likely to sleep less during the week, while older people have better sleep routines and tend to wake earlier. It’s a myth you need less sleep as you age: Chronic pain, obesity and trouble walking — at any age — are linked to poor sleep. WHAT’S NORMAL SLEEP? Specialists say a good night’s sleep ranges from six to 10 hours. You may be sleep deprived if you doze off in meetings or have trouble concentrating. Some people simply can’t sleep; others are kept awake by television or work requirements, according to Thomas Roth, Ph.D., director of Henry Ford Health Systems Sleep Disorders and Research Center in Detroit. He says sleeplessness can be caused by biological problems, bad bedtime habits or the kind of lifestyle, such as shift work, that turns the body’s clock on its ear. Sleeplessness can be compared to drunk driving, Roth says. “They also interact. If you have a couple drinks, you’re impaired. If you have a couple of drinks and you’ve

only slept four hours, you’re five times as impaired.” Sleep hygiene Healthy people can sleep better by making two simple changes: don’t oversleep and don’t nap. If you do nap, don’t nap dose to bedtime. Don’t drink caffeinated beverages near this time, either. You may also consider moving the television out of your bedroom. “It’s not a hard and fast rule,” Roth says. The question to answer is whether a few minutes of the tube will arouse and stimulate or soothe and relax you. SLEEP DISORDERS If you’ve made the lifestyle changes and are still falling asleep in mid-conversation, while reading or driving, see your doctor to rule out a sleep disorder. Sleep disorders range from something as transient as jet lag to chronic conditions. Insomnia is marked by a difficulty getting to sleep,staying asleep or waking up too early and being unable to fall back asleep. Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) entails such discomfort the sleeper must move around during sleep. Narcolepsy is a condition in which the body’s messages about sleep and wakefulness are. misrouted in the central nervous system. It causes sleep at inappropriate times, and vivid, frightening dreams or longer-than-normal periods of sleep paralysis. With sleep apnea, the sleeper experiences repeated spontaneous pauses in breathing, sometimes caused when the muscles at the back of the throat relax, partially blocking the airway. An estimated

18 million Americans have some form of sleep apnea. Putting disorders to bed Insomnia has been linked to depression, and is now treated with behavior modification and shortterm medication. Roth says depression affects people with insomnia five times more than people who sleep well. Consult a specialist to get to the root of your sleeplessness. The specialist will conduct a physical examination and evaluate your medical history. Some clinics allow people with sleep apnea to be observed in a laboratory sleep environment for a comprehensive evaluation. At Henry Ford’s Multidisciplinary Sleep Apnea Clinic, physicians from different disciplines — sleep medicine, oral surgery and otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat) — work together to develop a course of treatment for the patient, taking into account all possible treatment methods. Treatments vary and can include behavioral modifications, medical treatments and/or surgical procedures. Medication is the first line of defense against narcolepsy and RLS. Apnea treatment includes losing weight, surgically removing excess tissue, or using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device. CPAP is activated when the sleeper stops breathing; it gently forces air into the nostrils, keeping airways open. Untreated, some disorders, such as sleep apnea, can lead to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease; in some cases they can even be life threatening. HTG

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012


GAINESVILLE NEUROLOGY GROUP, LLC Seasonal Headache Many headache sufferers have found that their headaches often increase in frequency during different seasons of the year. Summer with its increasing temperatures is often the worst of the four seasons. There is no formal diagnosis for seasonal headache notes Clinton E. Branch, Jr. MD, senior partner

at Gainesville Neurology Group and Associate Clinical Professor of Neurology at the Medical College of Georgia. Some recently published papers suggest summer with its increased temperatures and humidity may be the season when headaches peak. Dr. Branch says, “There is probably more to the increase in headache frequency than just heat.” He goes on to say, “there are several coping methods that can help people with headaches reduce the likelihood of

Top Row: Michael S. Baugh, M.D.; Davdatt V. Patel, NP-C. Bottom Row: Daniel L. Cobb, M.D., Dr. Clinton E. Branch, Jr., M.D., FAAN

having their summer ruined”. The first and most important preventative is hydrations. This is true no matter the season, but especially in summer months and even more so if you are in a hot and dry climate. The old army adage of hydrate, hydrate, then hydrate some more will often drastically reduce the number of headaches in summer. What to hydrate with? Water is the absolute best. It’s free, plentiful and easy to carry. It’s beneficial in summer to drink 8-16 oz. of water prior to exercise, another 4-8 oz. Every 20 minutes during activity and then another 16 oz. for every one pound of weight lost during the exercise period. Your water will taste better and will be absorbed better if cooled or cold. If the lack of taste is a problem then you can add lemon, lime, or fruit juice to “spice it up”. If water is not your cup of tea, the electrolyte based sports drinks or coconut water are the next best options. Both are better, like water, if chilled or cold especially coconut water. The next most important factor is avoidance of bright light and glare. The sun, especially in summer, is the major trigger as reported in the June 2009 issue of Headache.


Glare can be as big a trigger as the sun, particularly the glare off of a white sand beach. It is important to wear effective sunglasses, eyeglasses with photo chromic lenses or a brimmed hat. Another factor that plays a role in the summer is your eating and drinking habits. A headache patient going to a picnic or barbecue must remember that many food served at these events may contain high levels of nitrates and MSG. Also, the adult drinks at these events i.e. alcohol may trigger a headache. So in addition to moderation it is usually better to drink white wines and clear spirits. Travel plan can alter meals, sleep and medication routines. Headache sufferers do better as a rule if meals and sleep are not missed. You can often prevent excessive headache by planning ahead when traveling for these two factors and by checking and double checking to make sure you have your preventive and interventional headache medication in your travel bag. So now you can put on your sunglasses, grab your bottle of cold water, check the menu at the picnic, make sure you have your medication, and go out and enjoy the summer.

1240 Jesse Jewell Parkway Suite 400 Gainesville, GA 30501 770-534-1117 │ 770-503-7285 (fax)


The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



earing aids are not something anybody chomps at the bit to go buy like the latest iPad or cell phone. But maybe they should be. Hearing loss occurs so gradually that most people wait several years after the loss first becomes a problem to even consider doing something. But early treatment of hearing loss has the potential to transform one’s life. The National Council on the Aging did a study with more than 2,000 people experiencing hearing loss, as well as the significant others of those with hearing loss, and found that people who decided to use hearing aids demonstrated impressive improvements in their social, emotional, psychological, and physical well-being. Specifically, hearing aid usage is positively related to many quality of life issues. Hearing loss treatment was shown to improve: • Earning power • Communication in relationships • Intimacy and warmth in family relationships • Ease in communication • Emotional stability • Sense of control over life events • Perception of mental functioning • Physical health There are two different professionals that can help people with their hearing needs. The Better Hearing Institute (BHI) defines them in this way: Audiologists identify and assess disorders of the hearing and balance systems of children and adults. Audiologists select, fit, and dispense amplification systems such as hear-

Hearing Instrument Specialists assess hearing and select, fit, and dispense hearing aids and related devices ing aids and related devices; program cochlear implants; and provide instruction, rehabilitation, and counseling services to enhance human communication. A graduate (doctorate or master) degree is required for practice. Hearing Instrument Specialists assess hearing and select, fit, and dispense hearing aids and related devices. They provide instruction, rehabilitation, and counseling in the use and care of hearing aids and related devices to enhance communication. They must be licensed by the Secretary of State in the state in which they are practicing. A further certification for hearing aid special-

ists and audiologists is achieved by passing an exam from the National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences. The website www.healthyhearing. com is a great resource for anyone looking for information on hearing healthcare and amplification devices. No matter the educational background or experience of the hearing healthcare provider (HHP) you choose to see, you should expect to be treated with dignity and respect as the HHP focuses on your individual requests and needs. After all, it’s your quality of life they should be most concerned with and must select the best possible device for you.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



The Eye Surgery Education Council recommends asking surgeons these questions when considering LASIK: ❒ How many LASlK

procedures have you performed? ❒ Do you provide a list of

patients I can contact? ❒ What’s your complication rate? ❒ What laser do you

use? Is it FDA-approved? ❒ What pre-operative

diagnostic tests will you perform? ❒ May I observe a


❒ Are you licensed and board certified? Are you a member of any professional associations? ❒ What’s your retreatment rate?

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



ired of your contacts and glasses? LASIK may be for you. While LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) doesn’t always result in perfect vision, says the Eye Surgery Education Council (ESEC), it can allow people to more freely pursue their hobbies, physical activities and careers. It’s a lifetime investment — and one with many benefits. In order to successfully free yourself from contacts and glasses, it’s important to know what to expect, and to find an experienced surgeon whom you can trust with your windows to the world. WHAT IS LASIK? The Food and Drug Administration says LASIK is a procedure that permanently changes the shape of the cornea — the clear covering on the front of the eye that helps focus light to create images on your retina — by using an excimer laser. During the surgery, a knife is used to cut a flap in the cornea, revealing the middle section of the cornea (stroma). Pulses from a computercontrolled laser vaporize a portion of the stroma, says the FDA, and the flap is replaced. The result is corrected vision. The speed and development of the computers that run the lasers is a huge advantage today. Lasers are much safer today than they used to be. AM I A CANDIDATE? Patients can be 18 or 80 years old, as long as they’re healthy. The ESEC says an ideal LASIK candidate is at least 18, with a stable contact or glasses prescription for at least two years; has sufficient corneal thickness; is affected by a common

vision problem; and doesn’t suffer from a disease (vision-related or otherwise) that could complicate the surgery. As with any surgery, there are risks and complications to consider. Some patients can lose vision; develop glare, halos and/or double vision; be under- or over-treated, requiring additional treatment or the continued use of contacts or glasses; develop severe dry eye syndrome or have results diminish with age, according to the FDA.

who suits your preferences: Do you prefer going to a strictly refractive surgery center or a full-service ophthalmic practice? Do you feel comfortable with the surgeon, and his or her staff ? Is the facility comfortable and clean? Does the surgeon offer patient references?

WHAT TO EXPECT Once you find a surgeon with whom you feel comfortable, the first step is to schedule a preoperative evaluation, during which you’ll receive a comprehensive eye FINDING A SURGEON Become a critical consumer of examination. You can’t wear soft health care in your search for an contacts for two to seven days experienced, qualified surgeon. Do (depending on the type of lenses), your homework. Research Web or hard lenses for a minimum of sites about LASIK, such as www. four to eight weeks prior to the visit., and schedule The surgeon will perform a number consultations with a few surgeons. of tests to determine if you’re a Where you feel comfortable is candidate. where you should go. Many surgeons allow patients But there’s no substitute for to observe the procedure from a experience: According to the ESEC, viewing room to get a better idea of several studies have shown there’s a what to expect. learning curve associated with the The surgery lasts approximately 15 surgery. The more procedures a minutes. Discomfort is minimal and surgeon has done, the better he or you should be able to get back to she will be at it. A surgeon who’s normal life within a few days. And done 30,000 surgeries, and has eight with the technology today, many or nine years of experience is a lot walk out with 20/20 vision or better better than getting a cheap fix. — and no contacts or glasses in Check surgeon credentials — you’ll want to go to a certified, sight. licensed ophthalmologist who’s Remember that perfect vision isn’t had extensive training in refractive guaranteed. About 56 percent of surgery. The surgeon should also patients achieve results of 20/20 have manufacturer certification or better, and more than 90 percent on lasers, which should be FDA- achieve 20/40 or better according approved. Contact the American to the ESEC. You may still need Board of Ophthalmology at www. to wear glasses or lenses for some, for information on activities such as reading. Ask your surgeon what results he or she plans certified surgeons in your area. Interview possible surgeons to see to achieve with your eyes.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery Bladeless, breakthrough technology has come to Northeast Georgia at Gainesville Eye Associates, the rst practice in Georgia to offer state-of-the-art laser cataract surgery. And unlike traditional cataract surgery, this new procedure improves eyesight in most cases through astigmatic reduction. Only a few ophthalmology practices across the country provide this high level of technology, with fewer than 300 LenSx lasers in the world. You can nd it right here at Gainesville Eye Associates.

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The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012

THE TOP FIVE THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW.. ❒ Find out what retirement communities are located in the area where you or your relative(s) prefer to live. ❒. Interview key staff, including marketing, dietary, housekeeping, security and transportation managers and directors, to name a few. ❒. Tour the property to assess the living conditions, safety features and handicap accessibility. ❒. Become informed about services, amenities and continuum of care. ❒. Communicate with the residents, their families and friends. Plan an overnight stay at the facility.


he first thing is to find out what retirement communities are located in the area where you or your relative(s) prefer to live. The weather is an important factor and the proximity to hospitals, doctors, pharmacies, retail malls/stores is important. It is a good idea to ride around to the various retirement communities to get your first impression of the appearance, architecture and location. It is also good to check the internet Web site of each area retirement community. The Web site will provide key information about the services that are offered and the accommodations. Other pertinent information may be obtained from the Department of Human Resources Licensing and Survey reports. This information may be obtained via the Internet, at the local Department of Human Resources or at any retirement community that has a licensed nursing wing or assisted living unit. The Dunn and Bradstreet Financial rating, the State Nursing Home Association, The Better Business Bureau and Long-termCare Ombudsman are four additional agencies where retirement community stability and historical information may be obtained. INTERVIEW WITH KEY STAFF Call for an appointment and meet the staff; each retirement community is run by an executive director and managers of multiple departments. These include nursing, marketing, dietary, housekeeping, laundry, social services, recreational activities, maintenance of the physical plant and the grounds, security, business and transportation. Make an appointment with the director of marketing or the admissions

CHOOSE A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY coordinator. The marketing director will show you around the property and introduce you to the staff and management who will answer any questions you may have. It is important to assess the length of employment of the executive director and key managers, their educational credentials, experience and licenses. TOUR PROPERTY, ACCOMMODATIONS A tour of the retirement community is imperative to assess the types and sizes of cottages, apartments and rooms associated with each level of care. Safety features, emergency response equipment and handicap accessability are important features of the tour. The tour allows a potential resident to evaluate the size or space needed for their furnishings, the closets and storage space. The cleanliness and maintenance or upkeep of the property may also be assessed on the tour. Staff-resident interaction, social activities and residents’ appearances may also be observed. BECOME INFORMED ABOUT SERVICES, ETC. During the initial and follow-up interviews and tour, it is vital to be informed about the amenities, services and levels of care that are provided and included in the admission contract. It is imperative that a potential resident be advised about whether the retirement community is a buy-in or lease arrangement, the price, refund policy, pet policy, etc. All amenities such as meals, housekeeping and laundry/linen service, telephone, cable television, transportation and social

activities should be explained. A full service, multilevel continuum of care retirement community offers levels of care that range from independent living in villas and apartments, to assisted living or personal care to skilled nursing care. It is preferable to move into a retirement community where a resident may “age in place” and not have to relocate to another property or facility if they should have changes in their condition or require personal assistance or nursing care. The social or recreational activity program should be assessed when making the decision about your future lifestyle. An activities or social calendar should be available for you to study. A varied program of activities offering mental or sensory stimulating activities, physical activities and cultural entertainment should be included so that a resident has multiple daily options and may be as active as they choose to be. Examples of popular activities include bridge and other card games, movies, bingo, aerobic exercise classes, exercise equipment for individual or group use, birthday parties, special theme parties and seasonal or holiday celebrations. Also, outings with provided transportation that include tours of the area, lunches at local restaurants and trips to cultural events should be included in the social calendar. Arts and crafts classes should be available for those who enjoy creative pursuits. A transportation program should be provided to assure transportation to doctor’s appointments and other essential pickups, deliveries or personal transportation to shop, obtain medications and other essentials since many senior citizens choose to stop driving.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



n the summer, there seems to be nothing more important than good air conditioning. In the winter, nothing is more important than an effective heating system. The key to getting great heating and air conditioning service is finding the right HVAC company. It’s been said that an HVAC company is like a spouse. Good ones are helpful, reliable and there for you in your times of need, whereas bad ones will cost you a lot of money, cause you many headaches and put you in uncomfortable situations.

spection office to be really thorough. You want to make sure any company you use is reputable. Unfortunately today many are not as reputable as we’d like to think. Ask the difficult questions. What are their prices? Do they offer a guarantee or warranty? What are their usual turnaround times? What manufacturers do they use? You’ll also want to know if the company has insurance and is bonded for accidents that are likely to happen occasionally. This can save you from having to file a claim on your home-

Ask the difficult questions. What are their prices? Do they offer a guarantee or warranty? What are their usual turnaround times? What manufacturers do they use?

Word of mouth will provide the best recommendations for an HVAC company. Ask your family and friends who they’ve had good experience using. When you hear the same name more than once, that’s a good sign. Make sure that you let the company know that they were recommended by people close to you. This will let them know that they need to do a good job or other customers will hear about it and maybe consider taking their business to another company. When researching any sort of company, you’ll want to check with the Better Business Bureau. For an HVAC company, check with your state’s board of contractors. You can also check the local mechanical in-

owners insurance should any mishaps take place that cause damage to your property during the installation. Make sure to check for proper permits. An HVAC company getting the proper permits can save a homeowner many headaches. Load calculation is another thing that will save you from plenty of problems in the future. It’s a good idea to have a load calculation performed before installing a new system in any building. The company that you select should be willing to do so. There are HVAC companies that will use a general rule of thumb to size the necessary equipment instead of double checking, and some companies will just install the same

size of equipment as equipment that is being replaced. These methods can cause unnecessary problems for you. Many times you don’t know if a load calculation was done when the first system was installed and changes in the building have probably taken place over the years. A system that’s too big will be inefficient and cause big problems. A system that’s too small won’t be able to heat or cool the larger area. When you have the system that is installed to fit the needs of the building, you will save money and be much happier. Following this advice will help you find an HVAC company that will help save you some money and leave you satisfied with their work.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



THE EIGHT RECOGNIZED SPECIALTIES ARE: Dental public health: Prevention and control of dental disease and promotion of community dental health ❒. Endodontics: Prevention and treatment of diseases of the root pulp and related structures (root canal therapy) ❒. Oral and maxillofacial pathology: Diagnosis of tumors, other diseases, and injuries of the head and neck ❒. Oral and maxillofacial surgery: Tooth extractions; surgical treatment of diseases, injuries, and defects of the mouth, jaw, and face ❒. Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics: Diagnosis and correction of tooth irregularities and facial deformities ❒. Pediatric dentistry: Dental care of infants and children ❒. Periodontics: Treatment of diseases of the gums and related structures ❒. Prosthodontics: Treatment of oral dysfunction through the use of prosthetic devices such as crowns, bridges, and dentures ❒.

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012

CHOOSE A DENTIST Dentists are licensed practitioners who hold either a doctor of dental surgery (D.D.S.) degree or the equivalent doctor of dental medicine (D.M.D.) degree. Becoming a dentist requires a minimum of two years of predental college work followed by four years of dental school. However, almost all students entering dental school have a baccalaureate degree. The first two years of dental school consist largely of basic and preclinical sciences. The last two years are spent primarily in dental practice under faculty supervision. State licensure is then acquired by passing national and state board examinations. Dentists who wish to specialize spend two or more years in advanced training. To become boardcertified they must then pass an examination administered by a specialty board recognized by the American Dental Association.

POSITIVE SIGNS Good dentists take a personal interest in patients and their health. They are prevention-oriented but not faddists. They use x-ray films and probably suggest a full-mouth study unless suitable films are available from the patient’s previous dentist. A thorough dental examination includes inspection of the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, inside of the cheek, palate, and the skin of the face and neck, plus feeling the neck for abnormal lymph nodes and enlargement of the thyroid gland. In adults a periodontal probe should be inserted between the gums and teeth to detect abnormally large crevices. Good dentists also chart their findings in detail. Regular check-ups can detect problems early. Routine tooth cleanings, bite evaluations, periodontal examinations, early interventions, and fluoride treatments

can often avoid costly repairs. The frequency of maintenance care (including calculus removal and x-ray examinations) should be based on an assessment of the frequency of cavity formation, the rate of calculus formation, the condition of the gums, and any other special problem. Once current treatment has been completed, the patient should be placed on a recall schedule and notified when the next checkup is due. High-quality dental work usually lasts a very long time, whereas low-quality work may fall out or decay out in a few years. The price of dental work is not the best way to judge quality; rather, pay attention to the time the dentist takes to do the work. High-quality dentistry cannot be done assembly-line style; it takes time and meticulous attention to detail. Before embarking on treatment, get a clear understanding at your own level of what is to be done and what the outcome might be. Consider treatment options, because there may be more than one way to accomplish a goal. For example, a removable bridge, fixed bridge, or an implant may all be acceptable ways to replace a missing tooth; but they have different advantages, disadvantages, and cost.

NEGATIVE SIGNS When the fees charged per service are low, the number of services performed may be greater than needed, resulting in higher overall cost. A small percentage of dentists espouse or engage in unscientific practices. You should avoid any dentists who: •Automatically recommend replacement of amalgam fillings or removal of teeth that have root canals •”Specialize” in treating headaches, backaches, myofascial pain, or TMJ problems •Allege that fluoridation is dangerous

•Diagnose neuralgia-inducing cavitational osteonecrosis (NICO) •Go beyond dentistry by diagnosing “heavy metal toxicity” or diseases other than those of the mouth, gums, teeth, and associated tissues.

OTHER TIPS It makes sense to become acquainted with a family dentist before an emergency arises. Suitable prospects can be identified by asking among friends, acquaintances, and local health professionals. Additional recommendations can be obtained from a local dental society or a dental school if one is located nearby. A good first step is to schedule a “get acquainted” visit to see whether your personalities and philosophies of health care are a match. Ask about fees and payment plans. Most dentists prefer patients to initiate discussion of fees because patients know more about their own financial situation. Where large fees are involved for major work, it is best to have a written understanding of what fees will be charged and when payment will be due. Consumers Research offers these questions for judging a dentist’s skills after you have received treatment: •How does your bite feel? •Is any of the dental work irritating your gum? •Does the treated tooth look like a tooth? •Does dental floss or your tongue catch on the tooth? •Did the dentist take time to polish your fillings? •Do you feel pain when drinking hot or cold liquids? •Was any debris left in your mouth after treatment? •Does the dentist use a water spray to cool your teeth while drilling?

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012



The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012

CHOOSE ONLINE ADVERTISING EXTEND YOUR REACH THROUGH THE INTERNET Day by day, the Internet continues to play a larger, more useful role in our daily lives. And savvy consumers are the most enthusiastic and loyal visitors to local Web sites for news about their communities, entertainment and dining options, shopping alternatives and more. Adding a Web component to your advertising and marketing mix is essential to maximize your reach and deliver your messages to your target audience. Most important, those who use the Internet for news updates throughout the day are bettereducated,earn a higher median household income and are in their prime purchasing years. They represent the most coveted audience for advertisers, and they turn to the Internet for reliable, timely information when making purchasing decisions — whether that decision is for durable goods, gifts or entertainment. These Internet users continue to be avid readers of the daily print newspaper. During the past week, nearly two-thirds of the visitors to a newspaper’s Web site also read a copy of the print edition. Furthermore,the Internet is a prime delivery vehicle for reaching a younger audience: Online newspaper visitors between the ages of 18 and 34 make up more than 40 percent of all viewers.

The Internet is an advertising medium that cannot be ignored — increasingly, it is a valuable resource for advertisers’ most important audiences. Complementing your print advertising with a presence on Web contributes to the success of your marketing plans — day by day.

ONLINE ADVERTISING VALUABLE Media researchers have examined the benefits to advertisers who add online spending to their marketing campaigns. In one study, a consumer packaged goods company experienced an increase in important metrics such as brand awareness, brand attributes and purchase intent following an increase in online advertising. The study from the Advertising Research Foundation, the Interactive Advertising Bureau and Microsoft Corps’ MSN network also described a relationship between improved branding effectiveness and higher online frequency. Newspaper sites heavily promote their “marketplace” sections, which offer an array of display, classified and onlineonly advertising. Site visitors can search for a particular merchant, product or service. The newspapers promote the benefits of marketplace sections using print and online promotional campaigns.

ONLINE ADVERTISING’S STRENGTHS During the past eight years, newspapers’ print and online sales teams have consulted with local advertisers to develop programs that raise awareness and increase foot traffic. Advertising in the newspaper’s Web site and e-mail newsletters: Raises awareness and reinforces your overall marketing efforts. Reaches a highly educated, high-income audience. Adds frequency and interactive elements to your in-print newspaper promotions. Expands the geographic boundaries of your advertising. Reaches online news viewers during the workday when they are making plans for lunch, shopping excursions and evenings out. Offers the ability to link to your Web site(s), which allows you to provide much more detailed information than is available in traditional advertising. Advertises your product or service on the Internet for a fraction of the cost of conventional advertising methods. Allows you to update products, prices and promotional messages in minutes, rather than having to wait for the next day’s paper. Includes color for no extra charge. SOURCE: National Newspaper Association

The Times How-To Guide Advertising Supplement | Sunday, August 19, 2012


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