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Business Link G r e a t e r H a l l C h a m b e r . c o m Chairman's Column Page 2 Silver Shovel Awards Page 4 Economic Development Page 5 Upcoming Events Page 6 Member Announcements Page 10 Welcome New Members Page 11 Small Business of the Month Page 12 Ribbon Cuttings Pages 15

Greater Hall Chamber 2015-2016 Leadership Team Greater Hall Chamber Chairman producing brokers in the region. Brian Daniel is President of Carroll Lee is a graduate of Hampden-SydDaniel Construction Company, a ney College in Virginia and is the general contracting and construcimmediate past president of the tion management firm located in Gainesville Rotary Club. He serves Gainesville. Founded in 1946, the on the Georgia Mountains YMCA company specializes in construction and VISION 2030 Boards, and is a management of K-12 and higher member and supporter of the Hall education facilities throughout the County Soil and Water ConservaSoutheast. Brian earned a B.S. in tion District. He is active in Boy Management from Auburn UniverScouts of America and with many sity and a M.S. in Building Conother board including the Northeast Brian Daniel Lee Hemmer Kit Dunlap struction from Southern Polytechnic Carroll Daniel Georgia Speech Center, Northeast The Simpson Company President & CEO State University. He serves on the Georgia Medical Center FoundaConstruction, Chairman Chair-Elect Greater Hall Chamber Greater Hall Chamber Greater Hall Chamber Board of Governors of the Georgia tion, Georgia Mountain Food Bank, World Congress Center Authority, the Georgia State Licensing Board Lake Lanier Technology Alliance, Georgia CCIM Board of Directors, for Residential and General Contractors and the Board of Directors of and the Gainesville-Hall County Trust for Historic Preservation. He is a the Associated General Contractors of Georgia. He serves as a Director Leadership Georgia alumn. Lee, his wife Beth, and his children live on of the Chattahoochee Bank of Georgia, as Trustee of Riverside Military their family farm in East Hall County. (See page 2 for Kit Dunlap's profile.) Academy, and as Deacon of the First Baptist Church of Gainesville. Brian was named one of Georgia Trend's "40 Under 40" in 2010 and was the Jaycee's Young Man of the Year 2011. Brian is currently Board Chairman for United Way of Hall County and is affiliated with a number of community and civic organizations. Brian is a graduate of Leadership Hall County and Leadership Georgia. Brian is a licensed commercial pilot. He and his wife, Kristin, have two children and live in Gainesville.

Healthcare Reform

– Community Update –

Tuesday, August 25

Chair-Elect Lee Hemmer has family roots in Hall County going back to 1802 and has been active in commercial real estate in Northeast Georgia since 1997. As an associate with The Simpson Company of Georgia, Lee is a Certified Commercial Investment Member focusing on industrial, office, and investment properties in Northeast Georgia. He is a multi million dollar producer and recognized as one of the highest

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Brenau Downtown Center Networking • Overview by Expert Panel

Save the Date Tuesday, July 14 Small Business Seminar Tuesday, July 21 South Hall Business Coalition Friday, July 31 Business Before Hours

J U LY 2015

A Publication of the Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

From the Chairman

Developing a Quality Workforce Gainesville-Hall County leads our region in trade, healthcare, education, industry, retail, recreation and cultural pursuits. Businesses, large and small, make long term investments in our community because of its stability, skilled workforce, visionary leadership and quality of life. As a catalysts for business success, the Greater Hall Chamber takes pride in developing programs and initiatives that grow companies and create jobs. Because of visionary leadership, Gainesville-Hall County remains the best place in Georgia to work and raise a family. The Chamber recently implemented a Workforce Development Task Force. As incoming Chamber Chairman, I am dedicated to the goal of making an impact by building a sustainable workforce that possesses the skills needed for employers today and in the future. Our theme for 20152016 is "Developing a Quality Workforce," and the Task Force's plan of acBrian Daniel Carroll Daniel tion for this year is to increase high school apprenticeships, employer presence Construction Co. in schools and dual enrollment programs. Workforce Development is not Chairman, Greater Hall just a local issue – it is a state and national issue effecting all business, from Chamber of Commerce manufacturers and healthcare providers to retailers and small businesses. I hope you will embrace the importance of our future through our workforce development efforts as we work together to create new programs, promote existing programs and remove barriers and influence perceptions to keep the Gainesville-Hall County the greatest place in the nation to live, work and play. Our community lost a giant in June with the passing Gus Whalen. Gus was a visionary and pioneer in business, philanthropy and education. After a successful career in manufacturing, Whalen founded Featherbone Communiversity, a place that embodies the concept of lifetime learning. Featherbone Communiversity houses education programs for all ages, from INK children's museum to Lanier Tech's Business Incubator and Brenau University's Department of Nursing. It is a place of opportunity for entrepreneurs and new business start-ups through business incubators and angel investment programs. In classic Gus Whalen style, he was well ahead of the curve in recognizing the importance of developing a quality workforce here in our community and beyond. His masters series was created with a dual purpose of honoring Gus Whalen individual achievement in Teaching, Nursing, Craftsmanship, Safety and Innovation, while encouraging young people to consider becoming masters in these careers and others. Gus knew how to inspire young people and light a passion in them, and he understood that this spark was a critical step in bringing them into the workforce.

July 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Last October, Gus was commenting on the work of the Master Craftsman honorees and how a society is often known for what it builds. He was quoted in The Times saying, "When you’re no longer here, we’ll look back on what you built and say ‘Wow.’” Fitting, because when I think of my friend Gus, all I can say is "Wow."


Kit Dunlap, leading the way since 1998 President & CEO of the Chamber since 1998, Kit Dunlap has spearheaded several multi-million dollar private business initiatives such as HALLmark, that has funded successful economic development, education and community programs and VISION 2030. Kit's leadership has guided the Chamber to solid ground with a membership base of 2,400 individuals and a professional staff of 12 people. A native of Jasper, Alabama and a Brenau College graduate, Kit is at the top of the industry among fellow Chamber executives and has a strong economic development background. She served on the Board of the Georgia Department of Kit Dunlap, Chamber President & CEO, Industry, Trade & Tourism (Georgia Department of Economwith long-time friend and Chamber supporter ic Development) for 10 years and as chairman for two years. Philip Wilheit of Wilheit Packaging Kit is a founding member of the Gainesville-Hall County and chair of the Gainesville and Hall Economic Development Council and served as the council's Development Authority. first chairman in 1992. She has served on the boards of the Northeast Georgia Medical Center, SunTrust Bank Northeast Georgia and on the Board of Trustees at Brenau University. She is currently serving on the board of the Metro North Georgia Water Planning District and is a past chair of the organization.

Business Link VOLUME 21 ISSUE 1 McKemie West, Editor • Email: kwest@ghcc.com

greaterhallchamber.com Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

2015-2016 Executive Committee Vice Chair, Marketing and Chairman Communications Brian Daniel Carroll Daniel Construction Co. Katie Dubnik Forum Communications Chairman Elect Vice Chair, Membership Lee Hemmer Development The Simpson Company Tony Paramore Gainesville Design Center Treasurer David Abee, Regions Bank Vice Chair, South Hall Council Andy Kalinauskas Vice Chair, Economic Conditioned Air Systems Development Brian Rochester Vice Chair, Community Rochester & Associates Development Lila Weaver, Brenau University Vice Chair, Education Kristi Barker, Georgia Power Chair, VISION 2030 Davis White Vice Chair, Government LinkPoint Advantage John Breakfield Elizabeth Higgins, Exec Director Breakfield & Associates

Co-Chairs, HALLmark Paul Chambers AT&T Jimbo Floyd Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Melissa Tymchuk Northeast Georgia Health System Senior Advisor Randall Frost Stewart, Melvin & Frost Immediate Past Chairman David Lee, Jackson EMC President & CEO Kit Dunlap Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Board of Directors 2015-2016 Charlotte Atkins, The Times Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton & Company Col. James Benson, Riverside Military Academy Phil Bonelli, Wells Fargo Dr. Wanda Creel, Gainesville City Schools Stacey Dickson, Lake Lanier CVB Danny Dunagan, Mayor, City of Gainesville Sam Evans, Councilman, City of Oakwood Josh Everett, New Leaf Landscape Services Jimbo Floyd, Turner Wood & Smith Insurance Tony Funari, Funari Realty Loren Funk, The Longstreet Clinic Rob Geoffroy, The Atlanta Falcons Emily Hayes, Milton Martin Toyota Will Hicks, Stifel Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue Dr. Bonita Jacobs, University of North Georgia Anna Jacobs, Jacobs Media Lane Jones, Highland Mountain Beverage Jay Kelley, Signs By Tomorrow Dr. John Kennedy, Lakeview Academy Mary Jane Locklear, Cox Communications

Steve McNeilly, Northeast GA Health System Dick Mecum, Chair, Hall County Commission Terry Merck, American Yazaki Mike Miller, Mayor, City of Flowery Branch Steve Naughton, Enterprising Solutions James Nix, Mayor, City of Clermont Bill Orr, Mayor, Town of Braselton Greg Ours, Poly Enterprises Dr. Ray Perren, Lanier Technical College Larry Poole, Mayor, City of Gillsville Brad Puryear, Mansfield Energy Barbara Rambo, ProCare Rx Jeff Reinhardt, MD, The Longstreet Clinic Will Schofield, Hall County School System Dr. Ed Schraeder, Brenau University Carol Shirley, South State Bank Louis Smith, Northeast Georgia Health System Jody Spain, Cotton Eyed Joe’s Grier Todd, Lanier Islands Milton Turner, Mayor, City of Lula Philip Wilheit, Wilheit Packaging

Associate Directors 2015-2016 Andy Bangs, Alexander, Almand & Bangs Carolina Diaz, Georgia Power Craig Dowdy, SunTrust Jake Green, Regions Anna Guzman, Jackson EMC Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones Erin Langford, HTI Employment Solutions

Caroline Lewallen, Jaemor Farms Mike McGraw, Pride Staffing Steven Mickens, Boys & Girls Clubs Josh Schlieman, Sullivan & Schlieman Gary Smith, Milton Martin Honda Elizabeth Thompson, House Dressing

Staff Executive Kit Dunlap, President & CEO Gerri Collins, Executive Assistant Economic Development Tim Evans, Vice President Shelley Davis, Vice President Existing Industry Amanda Lewis, Project Manager Garrett Wiley, Project Manager Finance & Operations David Umberson, Vice President Finance & HR Membership Development Megan Martin, Vice President, Development Kara Tate, Vice President, Membership Sales Education Dana Miller, Vice President

Government Affairs Garrett Wiley, Project Manager South Hall Council Megan Martin, Vice President Membership Community Development Robin Halstead, Vice President VISION 2030 Elizabeth Higgins, Executive Director Marketing & Communications Kemie West, Business Link Editor/Consultant Greater Hall Chamber Welcome Center Robin Halstead, Manager

July 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

S i l v e r S h o v e l A wa r d s

Silver Shovel Awards to Outstanding Volunteers


Transportation Update The South Hall Business Coalition will meet on Tuesday, July 21 from 8:00-9:00 a.m. at the Spout Springs Library and feature a Transportation Update by the GainesvilleHall Metropolitan Planning Organization (GHMPO). Sam Baker and Srikanth Yamala will discuss current and future South Hall County transportation projects. The GHMPO is the intergovernmental transportation planning body that conducts the federally mandated transportation planning process for the Gainesville Urbanized Area and portions of the Atlanta Urbanized Area.

2014-2015 Silver Shovel Award Recipients were recognized at the Greater Hall Chamber Board of Directors Meeting in June. The awards are presented annually to outstanding Chamber volunteers for dedication and service. (L-R): William Bagwell, Homestead Investments; Jay Kelly, Signs By Tomorrow; LeTrell Simpson, ConSen-Sus; Katie Dubnik, Forum Communications; Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton & Company; Terry Merck, American Yazaki Corporation; Michael Lancaster, Edward Jones; Kathy Amos, Brenau University. Not pictured: Cheryl Christian, Good News Clinics; John Gireaudeau, Community Volunteer; Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue; Frank Norton, Jr., The Norton Agency; Phil Sutton, Kubota Manufacturing of Amercia; Mike Williams, Lanier Islands; Dr. David Miller, Brenau University.

Healthcare Reform: Are you prepared? 2010, the year the Affordable Care Act was signed into law may seem like an eternity ago. However, the far reaching effects of healthcare reform are still being implemented. In the news, the U.S. Supreme Court rendered its decision on the constitutionality of monetary subsidies for those enrollees who use the federal Healthcare.gov exchange. Additionally, 2016 will see a host of additional regulatory reporting requirements for both employees and employers. Are you prepared? The Greater Hall Chamber's 4th Annual Healthcare Dr. David Miller Reform Seminar brings back many favorites from previProfessor, Brenau ous years, including Rich Sanders, Sanders Law Firm; University MBA Rob and Brett Fowler, Turner, Wood & Smith InsurHealthcare Management ance; Perry Barnett, CPA, Rushton & Company; Steve McNeilly, Northeast Georgia Health System. New to the program this year will be Steve Treff, COO and President of ProCare Rx who will discuss emerging issues in the pharmaceutical industry, including specialty drugs. Highlighting the seminar will be Doug Field, CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Consumerism. Health Care Consumerism focuses on “transforming an employer’s health benefit plan into one that puts economic purchasing power – and decision-making – into the hands of participants.” Doug's talk is entitled “Evolution of the Employee Benefits Landscape.” You won’t want to miss this one. Do you understand the details of these key provisions and how it will affect your business, your employees and your bottom line? If the regulatory requirements and changing landscape has you confused, then I urge you to make plans to attend the Healthcare Reform Seminar on Tuesday, August 25 from 8:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. at the Brenau Downtown Center Theatre (former Georgia Mountains Center). Last August, this seminar brought 200+ attendees. Please to sign up early as registration is required, and this year again will be a sellout! To register, contact Amanda Lewis at 770-532-6206 Ext. 111 or email: alewis@ghcc.com. See you on August 25.

Join the South Hall Business Coalition on August 18 as Tim Evans presents an Economic Development Update with breakfast sponsored by Funari Realty at Houndstooth Grill in Braselton. Monthly Coalition meetings are sponsored by Milton Martin Honda and Red Clay Interactive. $5 Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. Light breakfast included. Reservations: Megan Martin, 770-532-6206 x 115. Email: mmartin@ghcc.com

Healthcare Reform Community Update

Tuesday, August 25 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Brenau Downtown Center Theatre With the next open enrollment period for the Health Insurance Marketplace starting in November, it’s time to make some important decisions regarding your employee benefits package. Learn what the experts are saying about the future of healthcare, as speakers provide the latest regulations and navigate through legislation to help you develop an action plan.

What are the 2015-16 Business & Individual Requirements? What are the Deadlines? Topics Include: ACA Reporting Requirements • PPACA Impact to Employers The Evolving Employee Benefits Landscape o Benefit Plan Design and Cost Benchmarking t Open ! Population Health Management blic the Pu Emerging Issues and Specialty Prescription Drugs OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. $15 Chamber Members; $20 Non-members. Reservations are required. Includes Light Breakfast. Reservations: Amanda Lewis, 770-532-6206 x 111. Email: alewis@ghcc.com

Wrigley to Add 155 New Jobs

Wrigley Ribbon Cutting at the Gainesville-Hall County Facility on June 24th (L-R): Jeff Stowe, Hall County Commission; Billy Powell, Hall County Commission; Tom Croteau, Deputy Commissioner of the Georgia Department of Economic Development; Casey Keller, President, Wrigley NA; Tim Evans, Chamber VP of Economic Development; Mayor Mike Miller, City of Flowery Branch; Kevin Fitzpatrick, VP Operations, Wrigley NA; Jim Fitzgerald, Facility Manager, Wrigley Manufacturing. Mars, Incorporated announced the company’s business unit, Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company, is adding 155 new associates, new lines and capital investment to the Gainesville-Hall County facility over two years to support additional production of ORBIT®, the company’s largest gum brand in the U.S., and EXCEL®, Canada’s leading gum brand. The factory already employs 670 associates and produces some of the world’s most popular gums, including JUICY FRUIT® and EXTRA®. wrigley.com

Olympic Venue Economic Impact

Expect more perspective. Regions has announced the addition of Jennifer Loggins as a business banker in Hall County. “Jennifer brings more than just her 12 years of business banking expertise,” said David Abee, Regions Northeast Georgia Market President. “She also carries valuable perspective, forged in the fires of small business ownership, and we are thrilled to welcome her.”

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When she opened her own business in 2007, Loggins had the advantage of a business banking background to guide her. 2 columns Now, after eight successful years in business and a transition back into banking, she4.4167 has gained important insight that she x10" uses in serving her clients.

The Chamber's Issues Committee recently heard a presentation on the economic impact of the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue by Executive Director Morgan House. (L-R): Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue (LLOV); Kit Dunlap, President & CEO, Greater Hall Chamber; Mimi Collins, The Longstreet Clinic and chair of GainesvilleHall '96; Chamber Vice Chair Goverment Affairs John Breakfield, Breakfield & Associates; Garrett Wiley, Chamber Project Manager, Economic Development. House announced that the LLOV has made an economic impact of $6.2 million so far this fiscal year (FY 15), according to a study by the Gainesville Parks & Recreation Department. The report shows that in one calendar year, which includes the American Collegiate Rowing Association National Championships held May 2014, the overall economic impact is just over $7.8 million. House noted that the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue not only plays a big financial role in the success of our community, but that the venue and adjacent Clarks Bridge Park offer the best location for local, national and international events. lakelanierolympicvenue.org

“Seeing our business community flourish is my passion,” says Loggins. “And with the resources of Regions behind me, I am able to offer solutions to help businesses grow and thrive. From my perspective, that’s a perfect fit!” 303 Jesse Jewell Parkway, Suite 700, Gainesville jennifer.loggins@regions.com | 770.503.2604

©2015 Regions Bank.

July 7, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Loggins holds a finance degree from the University of Texas at El Paso, and an MBA from Brenau University. A 20-year resident of Hall County, she is deeply committed to the community and volunteers time with the American Cancer Society, the Humane Society and Kiwanis.

Economic Development

Jennifer Loggins Business Banker


Meetings & Events

July 2015 Wednesday, July 8 Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. McDonald's at New Holland Market 2010 Limestone Parkway in Gainesville

NO Chamber Board of Directors Meeting in July. The next meeting is Thursday, August 27, 12-1:30 p.m. at the Gainesville Civic Center. Open to Chamber Members. Space limited. $12 per person.

Tuesday, July 14 Small Business Seminar "E-Mail Marketing Strategies" presented by Al Trembley, WSI Digital Rainmakers 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. – Lanier Tech MDC at Featherbone Communiversity, 999 Chestnut Street in Gainesville


Thursday, July 16 Chamber Executive Committee 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. – Chamber Tuesday, July 21 South Hall Business Coalition "South Hall Transportation Update" Presented by Sam Baker and Srikanth Yamala, Gainesville-Hall MPO 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. – Spout Springs Library, 6488 Spout Springs Road in Flowery Branch Wednesday, July 22 Network Over Coffee 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Panera Bread, 625 Dawsonville Highway in Gainesville

July 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Tuesday, July 28 Small Business Webinar "Secret Tech Tools for Small Business" Presented by Beth Ziesenis, Author of Your Nerdy Best Friend 8:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. – Chamber Friday, July 31 Business Before Hours Sponsored by HOPE Chiropractic 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 601 Broad Street SE, Suite C Downtown Gainesville

Tuesday, August 11 Small Business Seminar "Securing Creative Financing for Small Business" presented by representatives from South State Bank, Small Business Access Partners, Delta Community Credit Union and Georgia Mountains Regional Commission 7:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. – Lanier Tech MDC at Featherbone Communiversity, 999 Chestnut Street in Gainesville Tuesday, August 18 South Hall Business Coalition "Economic Development Update" Presented by Tim Evans, Chamber Vice President of Economic Development Breakfast sponsored by Funari Realty 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. – Houndstooth Grill 6323 Grand Hickory Drive in Braselton Thursday, August 20 Business After Hours Sponsored by BGW Dental Group 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 1215 Vine Street in Gainesville

Thursday, August 27 Chamber Board of Directors 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Gainesville Civic Center Get details and register for upcoming Chamber events online:

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Dr. Denise Funk • Dr. Chris Potter

Thank you Port Royale Marina for hosting Business After Hours in June. (L-R): Chamber Vice Chair of Membership Tony Paramore, Gainesville Design Center; Amy Looby, Marketing Director, Port Royale; Antione Whelchel, Assistant Manager, Pelican Pete's; Kathy Fauscett, Keller Williams; Joey Tripp, Challenged Child & Friends, winner of the cash prize. Challenged Child was also the non-profit of choice for a donation from event entry fees! Mark your calendar for the next Business After Hours on Thursday, August 20 at BGW Dental Group in Gainesville. Business Before Hours on July 31! Husband and wife team Dr. Bryan Butler and Dr. Marjorie Vining Butler of HOPE Chiropractic will host Business Before Hours on Friday, July 31 from 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. at 601 Broad Street SE, Suite C in Gainesville. Join Chamber members and friends for a complimentary breakfast by Panera Bread and great networking before work! Dr. Marjorie Butler returned to her roots in Gainesville and opened HOPE Chiropractic, located only blocks from her Alma mater, Brenau University with husband Dr. Bryan Butler in March 2014. HOPE Chiropractic offers the highest level of specific, scientific chiropractic care for the entire family. All ages, from pediatric to geriatric and even pregnant moms, can benefit from having their spine evaluated. HOPE Chiropractic is on a mission to set people free from current health conditions and enhance quality of life so they may live their lives to their fullest potential. HOPEchiropractic.com

Tuesday, August 25 Healthcare Reform Update 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Brenau Downtown Center Theatre



Upcoming Networking Events

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July 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Member Announcements



• Chamber President & CEO Kit Dunlap welcomes Gerri Collins to the staff as Executive Assistant. Gerri most recently served as Banking Officer & Relationship Banker at Independence Bank of Georgia and is a Leadership Hall County graduate. She has been a Gainesville resident since 1989 and currently lives in North Hall County with husband Michael and son Fischer. Email Gerri at gcollins@ghcc.com • Milton Martin Honda in Gainesville recently received the prestigious Honda President’s Award from Honda Motor Company for the 5th time. Butch Miller, VP and General Manager, said the award reflects the level of care and compassion their associates show customers. Miller and company president Jim Foote have been associated with the dealership since 1993. The dealership was recently named one of the Atlanta Journal Constitutions Top 150 Workplaces. miltonmartinhonda.com • Gainesville-Hall County free Public Art Tour provides the opportunity to view over 30 works of art in a variety of media. Explore the history and soul of our community and see what makes Hall County truly unique! For the map and brochure, call 770-532-6206. View the Vision 2030 Public Art Tour online: vision2030.org • Join us at the Chamber's Board of Directors meeting (open to members) on Thursday, August 27 at the Gainesville Civic Center at 12 pm. Reservations required, Gerri Collins, 770-532-6206x106. (No Chamber Board meeting in July.) • Free Chapel's North Georgia Job Fair is Saturday, July 25 from 10am-2pm at 3001 McEver Road in Gainesville. Employers will be on site interviewing. No charge to exhibit with breakfast and lunch provided. Employer registration is required. Area covered includes Hall, Gwinnett, Forsyth, Fulton, and Jackson counties. Stella McDonald, 770-596-9508. Email: placements@stellacee.com • The Quinlan Visual Arts Center's HOME FOLK: A Celebration of Folk Art Exhibit is open through August 15. Sponsored by The Norton Agency, the exhibit features local and regional folk artists. With nearly 70 years of service to Northeast Georgia, the Quinlan offers visual arts programming, educational opportunities for the entire family and up to 20 major group and solo fine art exhibitions each year. quinlanartscenter.org • Rushton & Company, one of Northeast Georgia’s largest business accounting and consulting firms, has established an office in West Georgia to better serve its government and nonprofit clients in that region. Founded in 1981, Gainesville-based Rush-

ton & Company provides a wide variety of services including auditing, tax planning and return preparation, management consulting, payroll services and business valuation. rushtonandcompany.com • Mike McGraw, owner of PrideStaff Gainesville, announces Kathy Parks to their team. With over 20 years experience in the staffing industry, Kathy brings a wealth of knowledge to finding top talent in Northeast Georgia. pridestaff.com • Kipper Tool's 7th Annual Golf Tournament is Thursday, August 6 at Chicopee Woods with a shotgun start at 10am. Sponsor opportunities available. Proceeds benefit Challenged Child & Friends and Birdies for the Brave. For details, email Heather Pile: heather.pile@kippertool.com • Chattahoochee Bank of Georgia (CBG) made DepositAccounts.com's Top 200 Healthiest Banks 2015. With an A+ rating, CBG ranked #23 and is one of only 49 of the 6,998 federally insured banks to make the list for the second straight year. Financial institutions are graded on such factors as capitalization, deposit growth and loan to reserve ratios. CBG announces new team members, Phillip Williams as Senior Vice President. He joins Steve Reagin in the bank's new Loan Production Office on Sugarloaf Parkway in Gwinnett. Eric Klein is new Senior Vice President located and focused in the North Fulton market area. chattahoocheebank.com • Rotary Club of Braselton's 7th Annual 5K Run the Vineyard 5K run is Saturday, August 1 at 7:30 am at Chateau Elan. $20 pre-registration; $25 race day. Dri-Fit t-shirt included with pre-registration. Register online: active.com • Gainesville Phoenix Woman’s Club's Annual For Her Glory Luncheon is Saturday, August 8 at 11:30 am and will feature professional actress and singer Katie Deal, co-founder of Now Presenting You, a teen development program. Tickets, $25; $200 Table of 8. Brenda Martin, 770-539-2075. Email: bhmartin2008@bellsouth.net • Caleb Turner has joined The Norton Agency as a commercial insurance agent. With experience in New Orleans’ complex insurance market, Caleb brings expertise for hard to place risks while delivering excellent customer service. A graduate of Gainesville High School, Caleb graduated from the UGA Terry College of Business with a degree in Risk Management and Insurance. The Norton Agency was founded in 1928 and has 19 offices across Georgia and South Carolina. nortoninsurance.com

GOT NEWS? Email: kwest@ghcc.com

Business After Hours on the Lake

(L-R): Morgan House, Lake Lanier Olympic Venue; Kit Dunlap, Chamber President & CEO; Membership Vice Chair Tony Paramore, Gainesville Design Center, at Business After Hours at the Lake Lanier Olympic Venue. Mark your calendar for the next Business After Hours on August 20 sponsored by BGW Dental Group, 1215 Vine Street in Gainesville.

Georgia Power Hosts Board

Thank you Darrell Snyder (left) and the Georgia Power team for hosting the Chamber's May Board of Directors Meeting. Chamber Board meetings are open to Chamber members. Attend a meeting and hear updates from Chamber officers and community leadership. The next meeting is Thursday, August 27, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. at the Gainesville Civic Center. $12 per person. Includes lunch. Reservations required. For reservations, contact Gerri Collins at 770-532-6206 x 106. Email: gcollins@ghcc.com

Chamber Ambassadors

Chamber Ambassadors End of Year Party at Fish Tales Lakeside Grille. (L-R): Drs. Donna and George Danns, University of North Georgia; Al Trembley, WSI Digital Rainmakers; Kelley Smith, Spherion; 2015-2016 Co-Chair Erin Langford, HTI Employment Solutions; 2015-2016 Co-Chair Kelly Gillam, Lanier Tent Rental; Matt Lovell, ServiceMaster Expert Cleaning; 2014-2015 Chair Robin Nation, Gainesville Signs & Graphics; Jeff Allen, CT Solutions. Charles White was named Ambassador of the Year.

Welcome New Members!

BP Grading Company, Inc. Bryan Cantrell 6106 Blackjack Road Flowery Branch, GA 30542 (404) 597-9657 - Contractors / Grading Downtown Drafts Nick Hoecker 115 Bradford Street Gainesville, GA 30501 (678) 943-2165 - Retail downtowndrafts.net Escape Health & Wellness Club Tracy Gramer 4595 Winder Highway Flowery Branch, GA 30542 (404) 863-4244 - Fitness Center

Floral Passions Floral Design Mary Stanford 3521 Mill Road Gainesville, GA 30504 (678) 316-5573 - Florist / Event Planning Industrial Realty Group Barrett Einaugler 1 West Ave, # 220 Larchmont, NY 10538 (914) 834-2600 - Real Estate Developer

Michael Lowe 5629 Chinook Court Flowery Branch, GA 30542 (770) 558-8980 - Insurance crownseniorbenefits.com Salveo Integrative Health Samantha Harrison 7316 Spout Springs Road, Suite 202 Flowery Branch, GA 30542 (770) 910-9196 - Medical salveohealth.org

irgra.com Just People, Inc. Kyle Ivey 1412 Oakbrook Drive Norcross, GA 30093 (770) 441-1188 - Non-Profit justpeople.org

Your ToolRoom, LLC Ted Bain 285 Thornhill Drive Braselton, GA 30517 (404) 824-9267 - Welding yourtoolroom.com

Matt Pruitt Agency Matt Pruitt 930 Enota Avenue Gainesville, GA 30501 (770) 535-2472 - Insurance

Join the Chamber and enjoy a variety of benefits, from networking opportunities to employee training programs. Kara Tate, 770-532-6206 x 116 Email: ktate@ghcc.com

Farmers Markets Now Open Original Hall County Farmers Market (2:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and 7 a.m. -12 p.m. Saturdays, through November). 734 E. Crescent Drive on the corner of Jesse Jewell Parkway and Interstate 985. hallcountyfarmersmarket.org

Braselton Farmers Market (4:00-7:00 p.m. Fridays, June 5 to October 16). Harrison Street between Davis and Frances in Braselton. downtownbraselton.com Flowery Branch Farmers Market (4:00-7:00 p.m. Thursdays, through October 29). 5305 Railroad Avenue in Flowery Branch. flowerybranchga.org Thank you Caroline Black Lewallen and Northeast Georgia Locally Grown, a year-round Jaemor Farms for presenting fresh Georgia farmers market, provides access to products from Peaches at the Chamber Board Meeting! over 40 family farms in Northeast Georgia. Order online and pick-up/pay on Wednesdays from 5:00-7:00 p.m. at Northeast Georgia History Center, 322 Academy Street in Gainesville. northeastgeorgia.locallygrown.net

Jaemor Farms is a year-round fresh market for locally grown peaches, apples and produce from the farm along with homemade breads, jams & jellies, pickles, relishes, BBQ sauces, marinades, dressings, pies, ice creams, cakes, boiled peanuts and much more. Located at the 35-mile marker, just north of Gainesville on I-985/Hwy 365 in Alto. jaemorfarms.com


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• EXPERTISE – 20+ years of writing experience; plus 9 years of press release and newsletter writing, social media content and media relations • EXPERIENCE – Former newspaper and trade magazine writer and editor • EDUCATION – Communications degree, University of Georgia • COMMUNITY – Leadership Hall County Program Advisory Committee; Leadership Hall County graduate; Boys & Girls Clubs of Hall County marketing committee; past vice president and board member of the Guest House

July 7, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

Downtown Gainesville Market on the Square (2:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Fridays, through October 2). Downtown Gainesville Square. hallfarmers.org


Membership Development

B & B Events Sherrye Bentley 410 Forrest Lane Gainesville, GA 30501 (770) 318-6168 - Event Planning




Small Business July 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce


Small Business of the Month Antebellum Restaurant (Left) Nicholas St. Clair, Owner and Chef of Antebellum, a recipient of Georgia Trend's 2013 Silver Spoon Award and most recently, OpenTable's 2014 Diners’ Choice Award winners for the Top 100 Best Restaurants in America. Located in the Historic District of Flowery Branch, Nicholas and Alison St.Clair opened Antebellum in 2012. St. Clair, who graduated with high honors from the California Culinary Institute in Pasadena, CA, polished his cuisine with some of America’s premier chefs. With wife and business partner Alison, he recognized the quaint, southern location of Flowery Branch as a blank canvas for his style and food. Shortly after opening, Antebellum Restaurant became one of the top dining destinations and restaurants in the area. The award winning restaurant's menu is a celebration of southern cuisine using local farmer's products whenever possible to provide fresh, sustainable dishes. Set in a quaint, 1890s style home, the restaurant serves a seasonal menu, complete with ingredients from local farms and traditional dishes with a twist. Antebellum prides itself on keeping its ingredients and collaborations local. Antebellum, 5510 Church Street in Flowery Branch. 770-965-8100. antebellumrestaurant.com

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Transportation Service for Seniors The Chamber's Healthcare Committee recently heard an update on iTN Lanier. (L-R): Gary Lawrence, iTN Board Co-Chair; Students Kellee Knight and Andrea Garcia Rodriguez, Brenau University School of Occupational Therapy; Dave Westfall, District 2 Public Health Director; Pat Guthrie, iTN Board Secretary. iTNLanier is a Hall County-based affiliate of iTNAmerica, a national non-profit senior transportation network that provides 24/7, “arm-in-arm and door-through-door” transportation services for seniors. Additionally, iTNLanier provides transportation for adults with visual impairment that prevents them from driving. iTNLanier was formed by graduates of VISION 2030's Wisdom Project (Wisdom Keepers) and uses the same proven volunteer-based model that is operating in 27 affiliate communities across the country. Hall County currently has over 41,000 residents that are age 55 or older (20% of the population). Over 8,000 of these are age 74 or older, and these numbers continue to grow. This creates an increasing transportation challenge for Hall County seniors and those who care for them. Without an effective transportation alternative, many elders continue to drive long past the time when it is safe or comfortable for them to do so. iNT Lanier is working to give them a better option. Details: iNTLanier.org

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– Reach customers with a multimedia video you create in minutes – Automate small tasks that keep you from your real work – Manage all tasks from your mobile device Join Your Nerdy Best Friend, aka Author Beth Ziesenis, for the Secret Tech Tools for Small Businesses Webinar on Tuesday, July 28 from 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. at the Chamber, 230 E.E. Butler Parkway in Downtown Gainesville. Discover how to use free and bargain technology tools you never knew existed to work more efficiently with your teams, create professional level graphics and "wow" your colleagues. This high-energy session will give you 30+ tools that will leave people asking, “How DO they do that?” Presented in partnership with the Georgia Chamber. No Charge for Chamber Members; $15 Non-Members. RSVP required: Email Amanda Lewis at alewis@ghcc.com or call 770-532-6206 x 111. Secret Tech Tools for Small Business Webinar presenter on July 28 is Beth Zienesis, a technology expert and Your Nerdy Best Friend. She speaks to 60-plus groups a year all over the country about the best free and bargain apps and online resources that will help you Release YOUR Inner Nerd to become more organized, efficient and awesome at work and home. Her books, including the latest title, Release Your Inner Nerd, are available on Amazon.com

Jim Kerlin, Sandler Training (Presenter); Steve Naughton, Enterprising Solutions. The next Small Business Seminar on "E-Mail Marketing Strategies" is Tuesday, July 14 at 7:45 a.m. at the Lanier Tech Manufacturing Development Center at Featherbone Communiversity. E-mail marketing is one of the most effective ways of directly affecting your bottom line and growing your business. Al Trembley of WSI Digital Rainmakers will share 10 reasons why e-mail marketing should be a priority and the 10 best practices his firm employs to drive traffic, sales and returning opportunities for your business, clients and prospects. Small Business Seminars are provided at no charge to Chamber Members and sponsored by Highland Mountain Beverage, Jacobs Media, Signs By Tomorrow and WSI Digital Rainmakers. Details: Amanda Lewis, 770-5326206 x 111. Email: alewis@ghcc.com. Online: greaterhallchamber.com

Small Business

Small Business Webinar Small Business Seminars Al Trembley, Secret Tech Tools for Small Business (L-R): WSI Digital Rainmakers;

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July 7, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times


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Wisdom Project Begins August 13


Apply NOW for the Wisdom Project Fall 2015 Session! The Wisdom Project is a VISION 2030 program and partnership of the Chamber and Brenau University. Developed for community members 55 and older, the Wisdom Project enlists participants' skills to better understand our community and tap into the wisdom of residents. Participants should be adults who have volunteer or leadership experience. Graduates of the program may serve on the Wisdom Keepers Council, an advisory group for subsequent programs and advocacy projects. Wisdom Project Fall 2015 Dates: 8/13 Kickoff Session; 8/21 Arts & Entertainment; 9/11 Healthcare; 9/25 Education; 10/9 Government; 10/23 Business/Industry/Agriculture; 11/20 WISE UP & Graduation. The program fee is $175 per person, including materials and lunches. Download an application at VISION2030.org or contact Kathy Amos at Brenau University's Center for Lifetime Study, 770-538-4705. Email: kamos@brenau.edu

Free Range Art Project Calling all artists! VISION 2030, in partnership with the Quinlan Visual Arts Center and the North Georgia Community Foundation, will be creating Free Range Art Project “murals” which will involve reproducing two dimensional works on an 8-foot by 8-foot scale on durable, fade-resistant marine-grade board. There will be 10 pieces in total selected on a rotating basis for the purpose of temporary installation in a public area in Gainesville/Hall County. Five will be installed in 2015, and five in 2016. These interchangeable pieces will be on view for approximately three years. Artist will be identified on location in all promotional materials for the project. Sites and piece selections will be determined by the Public Art Committee of VISION 2030. Visit VISION2030.org to download an entry form. Entry Deadline: August 21. Details: Amanda McClure, Quinlan Visual Arts Center, 770-536-2575. Email: amanda.mcclure@quinlanartscenter.org

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July 7, 2015 • Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce

Trails named Highlands to Islands


Hall County’s burgeoning trail system project, a pedestrian and bicycling pathway, was recently named "Highlands to Islands." VISION 2030's Green Space Committee is working on the venture with the GainesvilleHall Metropolitan Planning Organization. “We think that having an overall, consistent brand is very important because it will help people navigate the trail, and it will be more aesthetically pleasing to have consistent signage,” said Phil Bonelli, Wells Fargo, a committee member helping to lead the effort. “Also, in order to accomplish a really great, comprehensive trail network, it will take lots of funding,” he said. “To begin to raise different dollars to help the overall trail open sooner, we want to have a consistent brand we can promote.” Work is underway on the Central Hall Multi-use Trail, running along Ga. 13/ Atlanta Highway between Palmour Drive in Gainesville and the University of North Georgia Gainesville in Oakwood. Much of the work, passing motorists likely have noticed, is taking place in the historic Chicopee Mill Village off Ga. 13. Gainesville’s Midtown Greenway already is in place from just south of Jesse Jewell Parkway to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard between Grove and Pine streets. Eventually, it could extend east to E.E. Butler Parkway and south to Lee Gilmer Memorial Airport and the Central Hall trail. For information on the Greenspace Committee or other VISION 2030 projects, contact Elizabeth Higgins, Executive Director, 770532-6206 x 104. Email: ehiggins@ghcc.com

Beth Baldwin


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BrandBank in Flowery Branch

New Chick-fil-A in Gainesville

Darryl Workman is Branch Manager of BrandBank, a local bank committed to customer service with innovation and technology. 5319 Atlanta Highway in Flowery Branch, GA 30542. (678) 985-6854 thebrandbank.com – Personal, business, and online banking

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– Famous chicken sandwiches, wraps, salads, breakfast and catering

July 7, 2015 • An Advertising Supplement to The Times

1/2 Page Ad

Bobby Shoemaker is Operator of Chickfil-A Gainesville West, newly opened at 805 Dawsonville Highway in Gainesville. (770) 297-1722. Online: facebook.com/ ChickfilAofGainesville

Ribbon Cuttings

Dentistry 4 You is a cosmetic and family dental practice led by Drs. Uday and Shetal Parikh. 3885 Mundy Mill Road, Suite 116 Oakwood, GA 30566. (678) 971-1150. dentistry4you.net

Angelo's Dirt B Gone Cleaning Service is owned and operated by Angelo Bland. With over 20 years experience, Dirt B Gone provides superior, guaranteed cleaning services. (404) 419-6855.


Have a Peach of an Evening Under the Stars Join Peach State Bank for an outdoor concert with the ‘Back in Time’ band

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Upcoming Chamber Events Upcoming Chamber Events Tuesday,July July14 14 Tuesday, Small Business Marketing Workshop SmallBusiness Business Seminar Small Seminar Tuesday, February 14 E-MailMarketing Marketing Strategies E-Mail MarketingStrategies Trends Presented byby AlGordon Trembley Presented by Al Trembley Presented Sawyer WSI Digital Rainmakers WSI Digital Rainmakers 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. – The Oaks at 7:45 a.m.Charter 9:00Career a.m. Academy 7:45 a.m. --9:00 a.m. Lanier LanierTech TechMDC MDC Lanier

Business After Hours Thursday, February 16 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Luna's Restaurant 200 Main Street Details Register Online Details && Register Online Hunt greaterhallchamber.com Tower in Downtown Gainesville greaterhallchamber.com

Tuesday, July July 21 Tuesday, Arbor Day21Celebration South Hall Hall Business Coalition South Business Friday, FebruaryCoalition 17 Transportation Update Transportation Update 10:00 a.m. Presented byMeadows Sam Baker Baker and Presented by Sam Frances Center Srikanth Yamala, Yamala, GHCMPO GHCMPO Srikanth 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Assembly 8:00 -- 9:00 a.m. Safea.m. & Green Regional Spout Springs Springs Library Spout Library Friday, February 24 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 28 Tuesday, July 28 Georgia Mountains Center Small Business Business Webinar Webinar Small Tech ToolsTransportation for Small Small Business Business Tech Tools for Annual Forum Presented by Beth BethMarch Ziesenis Presented by Ziesenis Wednesday, 14 Author, Youra.m. Nerdy Best Friend 11:30 - 1:00 p.m. Author, Your Nerdy Best Friend 8:45 --Gainesville 10:45 a.m. a.m. Chamber State College 8:45 10:45 –– Chamber


Friday, JobJuly Fair 31 and Career Expo Business Before Hours Wednesday, March 28 Sponsor: Hope 10:00 a.m. Chiropractic - 3:00 p.m. Breakfast byMountains Panera Bread Georgia Center 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 601 Broad St. SE in Gainesville Get Details & Register Online:



Tuesday, August 25 Healthcare Reform Update for the Community 8:00 a.m. a.m. -- 12:00 12:00 p.m. p.m. 8:00 Brenau Downtown Downtown Center Center Brenau Theatre on on the the Square Square Theatre Open to to the the Public! Public! Open

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