Poultry Times March 26 Edition

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Since 1954, the nation’s only poultry industry newspaper

March 26, 2012

s m e t s y s s d g e n i e l n o o g C n i l o o c c fi i c e p s t e e m to Center Feed Split System

Center Feed Continuous Pad

Extension Kit

New Above Ground Pump

End Feed

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Foam injected tunnel doors now available with lightweight corrosion proof fiberglass skins. Doors are available in both black or white.





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Poultry Times U.S. challenges India poultry ban at WTO By Barbara Olejnik Poultry Times Staff


WASHINGTON — The U.S. Government is requesting consultations with the Government of India under the dispute settlement provisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO) concerning India’s prohibition on certain American agricultural exports, including poultry meat and chicken eggs. United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk, in announcing the request, noted that India claims that this trade ban is aimed at preventing avian influenza, but it has not provided scientific evidence in line with international standards on avian-

influenza control. “India’s ban on U.S. poultry is clearly a case of disguising trade restrictions by invoking unjustified animal health concerns,” Kirk said. “The United States is the world’s leader in agricultural safety and we are confident that the WTO will confirm that India’s ban is unjustified. Opening India’s market to American farmers will promote jobs here at home, while also providing Indian consumers with access to high quality, safe U.S. products.” A statement from U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack pointed out that “Over the last few years, the United States has repeatedly asked India to justify its claim that a ban on poultry products from the United States

is necessary. However, to date, India has not provided valid, scientifically-based justification for the import restrictions. “Today’s announcement by Ambassador Kirk that the U.S. Government is seeking consultations with India under the dispute settlement provisions of the WTO demonstrates that the United States will help ensure that all of our trading partners play by the rules and uphold their WTO obligations.” Poultry industry associations applauded the announcement by Ambassador Kirk that the U.S. would initiate dispute settlement proceedings. The USA Poultry & Egg Ex-

See India, Page 8

Chad Gregory selected to become UEP president ATLANTA — Chad Gregory is set to take over as president of the United Egg Producers, effective January 2013. Gene Gregory will remain as president throughout 2011, which will serve as a transition period. He will continue to assist UEP on special projects. Chad Gregory, who currently serves as senior vice president, has been with UEP for 14 years. He has been in-

volved with membership and environmental issues and was active in securing the agreement between UEP and the Gregory Humane Society of the United States on cage specif-

ics for egg laying hens. David Lathem, UEP chairman, said Chad Gregory will “bring a new dynamic” to the organization. “It would be impossible to find a better candidate” for the office. “If he were not the best, the board wouldn’t have approved” the change. Gene Gregory added that Chad will provide “a new and younger leadership for this organization . . . younger ideas will be good for the industry.”

March 26, 2012 Volume 59, Number 7 www.poultrytimes.net


Hall of Fame: Gary D. Lorimor, left, president and chief executive officer of Henningsen Foods in Omaha, Neb., received the 2012 Nebraska Poultry Industries Hall of Fame Award, the group’s most prestigious honor. Dale Petersen of Henningsen Foods presented the award during NPI’s annual convention.

Gary Lorimor named to NPI Hall of Fame NORFOLK, Neb. —Gary D. Lorimor, president and chief executive officer of Henningsen Foods, received the Nebraska Poultry Industries Hall of Fame award, the group’s most prestigious honor, during the recent annual NPI convention. The Nebraska Poultry Industries also honored Harold Dykstra of Michael Foods Egg Products Co. as the Nebraska Poultry Person of the Year; and presented a special Good Egg Award to Dr. Elbert Dickey of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension. Lorimor began his career with Henningsen Foods in 1974 as a project engineer. He was promoted to vice president of engineering and then vice president of operations before becoming president and CEO in 2010. In his various capacities at Henningsen Foods, Lorimor has traveled to Holland, Japan, France, Italy, China, Australia and the Philippines to install and start up egg dryers. He has also worked extensively on building Henningsen’s two plants in Holland. A graduate of Iowa State University with a bachelor of science degree, Lorimor has served for many years on 3-A Standard committees for food equipment design, on the Agri-Business Subcommittee of the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and attended United Egg Producer legislative meetings in Washington, D.C.

Person of the Year A major criteria for the NPI Person of the Year award is that the

See NPI, Page 10


POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

Top tips for getting the best from tunnel cooling By J. Campbell, D. Brothers, J. Donald & G. Simpson Special to Poultry Times

AUBURN, Ala. — Hot and humid conditions in most of the Jess Campbell is program manager with the National Poultry Technology Center; Dennis Brothers is poultry housing specialist with the National Poultry Technology Center; Jim Donald is a professor and Extension engineer; and Gene Simpson is a professor and Extension economist, all with Auburn University in Auburn, Ala. More information can be obtained at http://www.poultryhouse.com.

Broiler Belt for the last 30 years have resulted in many phone calls about how to manage tunnel ventilation to get maximum cooling for bird’s under these extreme conditions. This article outlines the six key points, based on both research and field experience, that are the most important things a grower can do to help birds stay cool in extremely hot and humid conditions. Most of these are very basic; and we have to say also very often neglected. We’ll list the points first just briefly, then get into some details. l 1. Keep fan shutters, blades and fan guards clean. l 2. Replace fan belts and pul-

leys before wear has an effect on rpm’s. l 3. Make sure there are no restrictions on tunnel airflow. l 4. Eliminate all air leaks. l 5. Keep cooling pads clean and fully wetted. l 6. Monitor and maintain wind speed and full tunnel static pressure. First, as an overview, it’s helpful to understand how birds handle heat and what kind of help they need to cope with high temperatures and humidity. Our biggest challenge is with fully-feathered birds at or near

maturity. A mature broiler in still air needs to shed approximately 12 Btu (British thermal units)/ hour/pound to keep its internal body heat from rising to the point of heat stress. At around 68 degrees F to 70 degrees F and 50 percent relative humidity, the bird can pretty much take care of itself, shedding about 5 Btu/hour/pound off the skin surface and 7 Btu/hour/pound from respiration. If the temperature goes up we can usually keep the bird comfortable by adding wind speed. If temperature continues to rise we add evaporative cool-

ing to reduce actual air temperature. However, when both temperature and humidity are high, it is much more difficult to remove the heat from the bird. The bird’s respiratory system is not as efficient in humid air, and neither are our cooling pads. So when it is hot and humid, it is critical to maintain maximum house airflow and maximum cooling pad efficiency.

See Tips, Page 12

Companies utilized free IPE bus service Special

IPE bus service: Perdue employees and growers from Georgia were among those who took advantage of the free bus service offered during the 2012 International Poultry Expo in Atlanta, Ga. The same service is to be offered again next year.

ATLANTA — Several poultry companies took advantage of a free bus service to transport their employees and growers to the 2012 International Poultry Expo. Sponsored by the International Poultry Expo, approximately 250 employees and growers from Tyson Foods, Pilgrim’s Pride, Fieldale Farms, Harrison Poultry, Claxton Poultry and Perdue Farms in Alabama and Georgia attended the Expo via the bus service. The attendees were pre-reg-

istered through the Members to Atlanta (M2A) Program, and badges were waiting for them at the IPE information desk when they arrived. In addition, the attendees were provided with a complimentary lunch card, courtesy of Chickfil-A. The International Poultry Expo will be offering the bus service again in 2013. More information can be obtained by contacting Larry Brown by e-mail at l.brown@uspoultry. org.

INDEX AEB Hotline ..................... 23 Business ......................... 6-7 Calendar .......................... 14 Classified......................... 20 Nuggets ........................... 15 Viewpoint............................ 4 A directory of Poultry Times advertisers appears on Page 23

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POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012


U.S. poultry and egg exports set records in 2011 STONE MOUNTAIN, Ga. — For U.S. poultry and egg exports, 2011 was a record-breaking year, with significant gains in both quantity and value across the board, according to trade data recently released by the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Highlights include: l Combined export value of U.S. poultry and eggs set a new record in 2011 of $5.1 billion, a 17 percent increase over 2010. l Total U.S. poultry export value last year also established a new record, $4.91 billion, 17 percent ahead of 2010. l Total U.S. poultry export quantity of more than 3.9 million metric tons was the second-highest ever, up nearly 6 percent, trailing only the record year of 2008. l Exports of U.S. broiler meat in 2011 — excluding chicken paws — set records in both quan-

million, up 21 percent and 29 percent, respectively. l Total U.S. egg exports (table eggs, plus processed egg products calculated as shell-egg equivalents) last year reached 220.5 million dozen, up 7 percent, the second-highest on record. l Value of U.S. egg exports hit $194.7 million, up 12 percent, setting a new record high. l Exports of chicken paws in 2011 reached 346,048 metric tons, an increase of 13 percent from the previous year. Export value set a new record at $502.1 million, up 8 percent. “It’s obvious from the data that exports are growing in importance for the U.S. poultry and egg industry,” said Jim Sumner, president of the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council. “We expect this growth trend will continue well


Broilers: U.S. broiler (including paws) exports since 1990. Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GATS database.

tity and value, reaching 3.2 million tons valued at $3.6 billion, up from 2010 by 3 percent and 17 percent, respectively. l U.S. turkey exports last year also registered record highs of 319,015 tons valued at $599.5

into the future as our industry becomes more price-competitive, as USAPEEC continues to develop new markets for our products, and as economies around the world, particularly in emerging markets, continue to grow.”

Broilers Although U.S. broiler meat shipments in 2011 to several key markets, Russia, Ukraine and Cuba included, were down significantly, increased exports to other destinations, such as Hong Kong, Korea, Iraq, Mexico, Angola and Canada helped to drive the overall increase. Shipments to Hong Kong increased 20 percent to 234,769 tons, while exports to Korea jumped 54 percent to 108,154 tons. Exports to Mexico rose by 4 percent to 457,574 tons, while shipments to Canada climbed 12 percent to 142,039 tons. Exports to Angola reached 164,007 tons, up 11 percent, while shipments to Iraq (including transshipments via Turkey) were 144,983 tons, up 15 percent. Also, broiler shipments to other markets such as the U.A.E. (United Arab Emirates), China, Philippines, Haiti, Japan, Singapore, Jordan, Chile, Gabon and Kazakhstan also increased significantly from the previous year. Of the total chicken paw exports, 90 percent were shipped to Hong Kong, up 28 percent from 2010, while 8 percent were shipped to China, down 41 percent from the previous year. Total exports of U.S. broilers (including paws) in 2011 were 3.5 million tons valued at $4.2 billion, up 4 percent and 16 percent, respectively. Of the total, 43 percent went to the top five markets of Hong Kong, Mexico, Russia, Angola and Canada. Turkeys Turkey exports to Mexico, the top market for U.S. turkey, climbed to 180,996 tons, up 24 percent. Other key markets include China, 37,588 tons, up 12 percent; Hong Kong, 17,194 tons, up 53 percent; and Canada,



Turkeys: U.S. turkey exports since 1990. Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GATS database.

10,280 tons, up 7 percent. Of the total U.S. turkey meat exports, 79 percent went to the top five markets, with shipments to Mexico alone accounting for 57 percent.

reached an all-time high. Of total shipments, 86 percent were shipped to the top five export markets — Hong Kong, Canada, the U.A.E., Japan and Netherlands Antilles.

Table eggs For table eggs, exports in 2011 were 82.8 million dozen valued at $77 million, up 12 and 28 percent, respectively, thanks largely to increased shipments to Hong Kong and Japan. Export value

Egg products Export value of U.S. processed egg products in 2011 set a record at $117.7 million, up 4 percent from the previous year.

See Exports, Page 9

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POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

Viewpoint Compiled by Barbara Olejnik, Associate Editor 770-718-3440 bolejnik@poultrytimes.net

Egg legislation: The right idea at the right time By Debbie Murdock Special to Poultry Times

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — “We demand humane treatment of animals by our suppliers.” — recently stated Bob Linger, McDonald’s vice president. With its decision, McDonald’s wasn’t leading the way in pushing for more humane treatment of hens but actually trying to catch up to the public opinion of millions of Murdock American consumers, which is why the Egg Products Inspection Act Amendments of 2012 should be adopted and signed into federal law. According to a recent survey commissioned by the United Egg Producers, American consumers overwhelmingly support federal legislation requiring enriched colony cages over conventional Debbie Murdock is executive director of the Association of California Egg Farmers and the Pacific Egg & Poultry Association with offices in Sacramento, Calif.

cages by a 4 to 1 margin. For years, U.S. agriculture operated in virtual isolation from consumers as Americans trusted farmers implicitly to provide safe food at an affordable price. But the ground started to shake in the late 1980s as consumer activists began to question the practices and motives of farmers and ranchers. Beginning with the Alar scare story on “60 Minutes” in 1989, the national media’s seemingly relentless focus on agriculture resulted in consumers questioning for the first time the practices required to produce our nation’s bounty of food. In the following years, a variety of high-profile food-related issues including a number of E coli deaths attributed to contaminated meat, leafy green vegetables and organic juice ratcheted up public fears. Our own egg industry suffered through salmonella outbreaks and charges of animal cruelty complete with hidden videos, which generated additional national media attention and chipped away at our sterling reputation. In the 22 years since Alar, consumers have literally moved farther away from any connection to the farm, while dramatically increasing their interest in the farm practices used to produce

their food. Yes, they want safe, affordable food but they also want to be confident that the animals, employees and the environment used to produce these products are treated responsibly. Worst of all for our industry, they no longer trust farmers and ranchers as they once did. Today, thanks to the public relations efforts of many consumer activist organizations, the majority of the American public considers large farming operations to be “evil factory farms.” Thus, it is no surprise that after years of attacks on our industry, the Humane Society of the United States sought and won overwhelming passage of Proposition 2 in 2008 to mandate how California egg farmers would conduct their business. However, the attacks by consumer activists against agriculture weren’t solely responsible for the change in consumer attitude. For too long our industry has resisted responding appropriately to consumer concerns believing that they simply “don’t understand how we do business.” Recently, the president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, Bob Stallman, made his feeling clear in his opening address at the American Farm Bureau Federation convention. He focused on the importance of fully engaging the consumer in a dialogue about our food supply. Stallman stated, “We no longer see our successes primarily in Congress or the court room. We must engage directly with the consumer as an industry in ways we haven’t before. Folks, maybe, just maybe we, as producers, of food in this country can play a role to help unite instead of divide. It’s about time to put all else aside and for all of us to stand up as Americans first.” He went on to add that the industry has been guilty of telling consumers what we think they need as opposed to listening

American consumers overwhelmingly support federal legislation requiring enriched colony cages over conventional cages by a 4 to 1 margin.

to their concerns and answering their questions. As a participant in the industry’s efforts to defeat Proposition 2 in California, I can tell you that protecting the status quo will not

satisfy our customers, savvy consumers or the food service industry. Times have changed and it is imperative that our industry

Poultry Times

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See Murdock, Page 9

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POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012


World needs safe and affordable food ATLANTA — “We are at a crossroads” in the poultry industry . . . at a tipping point where we can really make some progress,” said Jeff Simmons, president of Elanco Animal Health, at a educational session during the recent International Poultry Expo and International Feed Expo. Speaking at the Executive Conference on the Future of the American Poultry and Egg Industry, Simmons noted that in 50 years, the world will need 100 percent more food. “This is the most critical time in our history,” Simmons said. Simmons said that in the coming years the world will face global population increases, rising demand for meat, economic constraints where enough food will be an issue, environmental impacts and public and moral issues. “Technology is the answer to safe and affordable food,” Simmons stated, adding that “70 percent of food must come from efficient and improving technology.” In addition, Simmons said, increased technology

will provide consumers with choice in foods. Recent studies of consumers showed that 99 percent want a choice of taste, cost and nutrition. “The whole element of choice is important,” Simmons noted. The problem, he said, is the “fringe” minority that tries to change the majority choice. Some examples of the fringe impact are lower sodium content, non-use of irradiation to combat pathogens on food and a reduction in high frutose corn syrup. The need is not to overeact, Simmons said. He pointed out that Campbell’s reduced sodium on 60 percent of its soups and lost a large market share. The company has since returned to its original recipe for many of its soups, giving the consumer a choice. Technology will also help provide sustainability of food, Simmons said. He noted that farmers must be able to provide food more efficiently with no more water in order to feed the world’s growing population.

Jamison named best chef at Featherfest ATLANTA — Executive Chef Steve Jamison, named Best Chef. The chefs participating in the with Sheraton Atlanta, was named Best Chef at event represented Sway at Hyatt Regency, Ruth’s the second annual Featherfest® FoodFight, held Chris at Embassy Suites Centennial Olympic Park, at the International Poultry Expo. The event was Sheraton Atlanta and Hilton Downtown Atlanta. sponsored by the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, Each chef submitted their best omelet, Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau, Georgia which was judged by a panel of four people World Congress Center and Levy Restaurants. Four chefs competed for the honor of being See Featherfest, Page 8


Best chef: Executive Chef Steve Jamison, third from left, with Sheraton Atlanta, was named Best Chef at the second annual Featherfest® FoodFight, held at the International Poultry Expo. The award was presented to Jamison by Charles Olentine, left, executive vice president, U.S. Poultry and Egg Association. They are joined by the other chefs in the event who competed to make the best omelet.

Photo by Barbara Olejnik

Seminar speaker: Paul Pressley, right, U.S. Poultry and Egg Association executive vice president, industry programming, welcomes Jeff Simmons, president of Elanco Animal Health, at a USPOULTRY educational session held during the recent International Poultry Expo. Simmons spoke on making safe, affordable and abundant food a global reality.

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POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

Business Compiled by David B. Strickland, Editor 770-718-3442 dstrickland@poultrytimes.net

VAL-CO announces its biosecurity initiatives NEW HOLLAND, Pa. — VAL-CO® notes that it’s taking aggressive action to protect its customers’ livestock by including the operation of biosecurity facilities at each of its North American locations (Coldwater, Ohio, and New Holland, Pa.) and the establishment of biosecurity best practices to reduce disease risk. The biosecurity facilities are designed to serve as secure areas where potentially contaminated VAL-CO products, parts and packaging, returned from the field, can be properly disinfected prior to further processing, the company said. The facilities will handle all VAL-CO poultry and swine products. “I am impressed with the efforts of our employees in adopting and advancing good biosecurity practices,” said Joseph A. Wetzel, VAL-CO’s president and CEO. “VAL-CO’s investment in these new biosecurity facilities is truly a testament to the importance we place on not only protecting the livelihood of our customers, but also in helping to promote the safety and integrity of our global food supply.” In developing its biosecurity best practices guidelines, VAL-CO notes that it is seeking to address the challenge posed by costly and disruptive outbreaks of such diseases as avian influenza, Exotic Newcastle Disease (END), Foot and Mouth Disease, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) and many more. The challenge is magnified by the fact that even very small lapses in biosecurity can open a pathway for infections and disease that can cost the industry billions of dollars, the company added. The guidelines include identifying returned items with a special Returned Materials Authorization (RMA) number issued by VALCO, and notification of VAL-CO customer service representatives if returned materials are exposed to potential contaminants. “Biosecurity is built into our corporate culture,” said VAL-CO Product Manager Sean Francey. “That’s why we’re able to provide the resources and initiative to promote good biosecurity practices across the board, for all of our products and markets.” Dr. Guillermo Zavala, associate professor at the University of Georgia’s Poultry Diagnostic Research Center, said, “While government biosecurity regulations are important, the best path to true biosecurity involves producers and industry suppliers doing every-

See VAL-CO, Page 7

In other Business news:

Wayne Farms donates to Ark. hunger relief

DANVILLE, Ark. — Wayne Farms LLC has recently teamed with many other member businesses of the Poultry Federation to donate chicken to the Arkansas Foodbank. A total of 48,000 pounds of eggs, chicken and turkey products were donated among all companies. Ark. first lady Ginger Beebe and representatives of the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance (AHRA) and the Arkansas Foodbank accepted the donations to help the No Kid Hungry campaign. “One of the new initiatives of the Alliance is the No Kid Hungry Arkansas Campaign, launched by the Alliance, Governor Beebe’s office and Share our Strength in 2010,” said Joyce Hardy, Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance-No Kid Hungry Arkansas director. “We are so grateful for this generous donation of food which helps the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance in its mission ‘ . . . to reduce hunger through a unified effort to provide hunger relief, education and advocacy.’” David Elam, Danville complex manager for Wayne Farms, was on hand to present the donation from the company. “We are proud to be able to make this donation of protein to help feed hungry kids in the Arkansas area as well as to help raise the awareness of hunger in our state,” Elam said. “We courage people and companies across the United States to become more involved in fighting hunger across our nation.” “This donation of protein is so valuable to the nearly 300 pantries, soup kitchens and shelters we support,” said Phyllis Haynes, CEO of the Arkansas Foodbank. “We stress nutrition-rich foods, especially for children, who need these foods to help them grow into healthy, active adults. We are so grateful to the Poultry Federation and its members for this valuable donation.” The Arkansas Foodbank distrib-

uted approximately 13.3 million pounds of food to agencies that help feed the hungry last year. More information can be obtained at http:// www.arkansasfoodbank.org.

Jones-Hamilton launches ag division web site

WALBRIDGE, Ohio — The Jones-Hamilton Co. has recently launched a new web site — http:// www.JonesHamiltonAg.com — for its Agricultural Division aimed at educating growers and producers on a variety of litter and water management issues, the company said. The site intuitive navigation makes it easy for current and prospective customers to find solutions based on species and main areas of concern such as litter and bedding, water management, poultry health and disease, feed additives, processing and more, Jones-Hamilton said, adding that the results and conclusions of decades of independent research, trials and case studies can be found in the site’s Resources Library. Information about the company’s entire product line can also be found on the new web site.

Tyson says school items meet federal mandate

SPRINGDALE, Ark. — Many of Tyson Foods’ school lunch and breakfast menu items already meet or exceed a federal mandate recently handed down by the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service, notably with lowered sodium levels and the use of whole-grain breading, the company said, adding that the USDA mandate is part of a continuing effort to reduce childhood obesity and ensure children receive minimum required daily nutrients. “Since 2005, we’ve been developing restaurant-inspired foods that kids love to eat, but that are also nutritious and meet the needs of school foodservice directors,” said Andy Lubert, Tyson vice president and general manager of government foodservice. “All of our child

nutrition school foodservice products contain zero grams of trans fat per serving and have for the past seven years, so we really are ahead of the curve.” Tyson’s school menu items include whole-grain breaded chicken patties, chunks, filets, boneless wings and popcorn chicken, among other items. Ninety-six percent of the company’s current products eligible for federal funds discount meet the new caloric, lower sodium and meat/meat alternate requirements, the company said. Many of the new recommendations will begin during the 2012-2013 school year, however, most will take effect in subsequent years. Tyson also added that it tests every new school foodservice product with end users in a proprietary focus group program, with some chicken products being awarded its Kid Tested, Kid Approved brand. Researchers and culinary professionals taste test new chicken and beef products with students to get their feedback. This process allows the company to offer kid-endorsed products to help increase each school’s average daily participation, Tyson said.

Hormel receives Walmart supplier of year award AUSTIN, Minn. — Hormel Foods Corp. has announced that it was named the Walmart Supplier of the Year for overall best supplier performance and partnership in 2011. The Supplier of the Year award is the top recognition given by Walmart and was presented at the Supplier Summit in Orlando, Fla. The award recognizes Hormel Foods for a track record of successful innovation and years of consistent growth. “We are honored to be recognized by Walmart for this outstanding accomplishment,” said Patrick J. Connor, vice president at Hormel Foods and senior vice president of sales-Walmart. “This award ac(Continued on next page)

POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012 (Continued from previous page)

knowledges the extraordinary efforts of our entire team throughout the U.S. and symbolizes our longterm growth and strategic alignment with one of our top customers.” This is the first year Hormel Foods has been awarded the overall Walmart Supplier of the Year award, the company noted.

Tornado relief Hormel Foods has also announced a donation of 55,000 Hormel® Compleats® microwave meals and more than 11,000 cases of Hormel turkey pepperoni packs to Feeding America to aid in relief efforts for parts of Kentucky and southern Indiana following the recent tornadoes. “Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this unfortunate hardship,” said Julie H. Craven, vice president of corporate communications at Hormel Foods. “We hope this donation will help to feed those in need.” More information can be obtained at http://www.hormelfoods. com.

Mérieux announces new company web site

CHICAGO — Mérieux NutriSciences Corp. has announced the launch of its new web site — http:// www.merieuxnutrisciences.com. The new web site allows browsers to access the domains of the three Merieux NutriSciences business units — Silliker, Biofortis and Bioagri

The company notes that among the new features and enhancements are: greater access to Mérieux NutriSciences global services; streamlined searching and improved navigation; expanded company news and profiles; bolder graphics and interactive tools. “Our new web site positions Mérieux NutriSciences as a preferred partner to clients, able to offer a global and standardized range of services through the combined strength of Silliker, Biofortis and Bioagri. The web site affirms that as part of Institut Mérieux, our company is dedicated to advancing global public health by delivering a wide range of services to the food and nutrition value chain,” said Philippe Sans, president & CEO of Mérieux NutriSciences. “Designed to be user-centric, the web site provides customers and visitors with an interactive overview of Silliker, Biofortis and Bioagri,” said Pam Vennin, vice president of HR Development and Corporate Communications Mérieux NutriSciences. “Understanding time is a precious business commodity, the web site’s advanced functionality allows users to easily switch back and forth between our domains and gain a concise perspective of the solution services we provide to our partners worldwide.”

Butterball LLC receives worker safety awards GARNER, N.C. — Butterball LLC has earned Worker Safety Recognition Awards from the

7 American Meat Institute (AMI) for all five of its facilities nationwide. These awards distinguish AMI member companies who demonstrate a strong commitment to creating a safer workplace for all meat and poultry industry employees, the company noted. The awards were presented March 14 as part of AMI’s Conference on Worker Safety, Health, Human Resources and the Environment in Kansas City, Mo. Through this awards program, AMI works to increase awareness about the importance of worker safety and encouraging processors to develop safety programs that meet or exceed industry standards. The following is a breakdown of Worker Safety Recognition Awards Butterball facilities received this year: l Award of Honor — Huntsville, Ark. l Award of Honor — Ozark, Ark. l Award of Merit — Carthage, Mo. l Award of Merit — Jonesboro, Ark. l Award of Merit — Mt. Olive, N.C. “We are proud to receive recognition from such an esteemed industry organization for our continuous efforts to reduce occupational injury and illness,” said Brian Rodgers, corporate director of safety and risk management for Butterball LLC. “At Butterball, we proactively work to maintain the highest level of worker safety standards within each of our facilities, and this recognition serves to

Business further motivate us to excel in our worker safety programs.” Adopting standards developed by the federal Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s Voluntary Protection Program (OSHA VPP), Butterball has designed reputable safety programs that have secured a number of prestigious accolades, the company said. Four of Butterball’s five facilities — in Carthage, Mo.; Jonesboro, Ark.; Ozark, Ark; and Huntsville, Ark. — have been designated OSHA

Star Sites, with the Ozark, Ark., site recognized with the highest safety rating, OSHA Super Star, in 2010. Complexes holding this recognition have implemented worker safety programs that help lower injury occurrences and encourage high levels of employee participation at success rates significantly higher than industry averages, the company added. More information can be obtained at http://www.butterball. com.

•VAL-CO (Continued from page 6)

thing possible to minimize the risks of spreading infectious disease via people, animals or equipment. I’m extremely happy to learn that an equipment manufacturer like VAL-CO is taking a leading role in promoting biosecurity awareness and procedures both within their organization and throughout the industry.” Marvin Zeiset, general manager of Zeiset Equipment, a poultry products supplier, added, “Taking the lead on such an important issue adds greater value to the services VAL-CO can provide, especially since collaboration between manufacturers and individual growers is the best way to promote livestock biosecurity.” For a thorough discussion of poultry biosecurity concepts, The Biosecurity Report — Understanding Biosecurity in Modern Poultry Operations, a white paper that VAL-CO recently published, is available for download. The paper reviews topics such as recent major poultry outbreaks, USDA “common sense” biosecurity measures and NPIP sanitation procedures from flock and egg sanitation to fumigation and dealing with infections. The paper can be viewed at http://www.val-co.com/pdfs/manuals/The_ Biosecurity_Report.pdf. More information from VAL-CO can be obtained at http://www. val-co.com.


POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

LPAI transmitted during summer in Calif. wetlands RESTON, Va. — Waterfowl in California can spread low pathogenic avian influenza viruses during summertime when wetland temperatures are warm and waterfowl densities are low, according to a recent U.S. Geological Survey study. Scientists from the USGS National Wildlife Health Center, the Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, the USGS Western Ecological Research Center and the University of WisconsinMadison found that, rather than persisting primarily in colder northern wetlands as previously thought, low pathogenic avian influenza viruses can be carried within low-density waterfowl populations in high water temperatures. These findings indicate a previously unknown reservoir for low pathogenic avian influenza viruses and a potential source of infection for millions of wintering birds. “The unexpected finding that these viruses can survive the relatively warm conditions of California wetlands in summer demonstrates the importance scientists place in rigorous testing of theories and hypotheses against real-world observations,” said USGS Director Marcia McNutt. “It is critical that we learn as much as possible about the potential disease reservoirs and transmission pathways of avian influenza before it ever becomes a serious threat.” Migratory birds — typically waterfowl, shorebirds, gulls and terns — are natural carriers of low pathogenic avian influenza viruses, and are considered the natural reservoir. These viruses do not normally cause disease.

The researchers found low pathogenic viruses — as opposed to the highly pathogenic virus, which has not been found in North American wildlife — in water and waterfowl fecal samples collected in the California Central Valley during summer, indicating on-going infections

See LPAI, Page 13

•Featherfest (Continued from page 5)

picked from the audience. The dishes were awarded points for taste, plating and originality. Jamison’s omelet took top honors. Jamison leads the entire culinary operation of the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel. This includes the creation and execution of the menus for the hotel’s restaurants including Collage, Fandangles, The Deli and Room Service, as well as the Banquet and Catering kitchens which service the 90,000 square feet of function facilities. Jamison develops his menu ideas based on what he calls “Southern Evolution,” which is utilizing distinctly southern regional ingredients for crafting international cuisine and vice versa.

•India (Continued from page 1)

port Council, National Chicken Council and National Turkey Federation noted that India has used a variety of non-tariff trade barriers to deny U.S. poultry access to the Indian market. “This is a protectionist policy that is inconsistent with accepted international standards, and has no health or safety justification,” the groups said. “In our view, India’s posture is thinly guised protectionism,” said Jim Sumner, USA Poultry & Egg Export Council president. “The Indian economy is growing rapidly, as is its standard of living and its consumption of poultry . . . its people must have continued access to an amply supply of affordable protein.” Jim Brown, National Chicken Council president, noted that “U.S. chicken companies and the farm families that grow chickens are committed to the responsible production of food that is safe, affordable and abundant for consumers in the United States and around the world.” He added, “The United States should be afforded the opportunity to compete fairly with our products in this growing market. For far too long, India has been using this non-tariff trade barrier to prohibit U.S. poultry.” Speaking on behalf of the National Turkey Federation, President Joel Brandenberger said India’s trade policies “should conform

Egg cracking Jaclyn Zanger, a University of Connecticut Poultry Club student from Long Island, N.Y., was named the winner of the 2012 Featherfest® FoodFight Egg Cracking Contest, held at the IPE. With a large group of attendees and exhibitors cheering them on, 12 participants cracked eggs into a plate under a two-minute timeline. The participants with the most unbroken yokes in the plate moved forward in the competition. In a caged, 30-second timed stand-off with another competitor, Jaclyn Zanger had 23 unbroken yokes. Her quickness and determination resulted in a grand prize win of an Apple iPad, with the remaining participants receiving a 2012 souvenir T-shirt.

to the scientifically based standards on avian influenza established by World Organization for Animal Health standards, as U.S. turkey producers adhere to these globally recognized standards. The U.S. turkey industry takes great pride in producing safe, nutritious and affordable foods for consumers around the world.” The poultry groups noted that by conservative estimates, if India’s trade barriers were eliminated, the value of U.S. poultry exports to India each year would surpass $300 million. The American Soybean Association also reaffirmed its support of the U.S. poultry industry and said it “stands firmly beside our industry colleagues” as the U.S. seeks to open the Indian market to poultry exports. “Animal agriculture is the soybean industry’s largest customer, and over 90 percent of U.S. soybeans produced are used as a highquality protein source for animal feed. If the barriers to U.S. poultry exports to India were eliminated, those exports would top $300 million per year, meaning a dramatic increase in demand for soybean meal as poultry feed,” ASA President Steve Wellman said. Consultations are the first step in the WTO dispute settlement process and parties are encouraged to agree to a solution at this stage. If the matter is not resolved through consultations, the U.S. can request the establishment of a WTO dispute settlement panel. Since at least February of 2007, India has

formally banned imports of various agricultural products from the U.S., supposedly to prevent outbreaks of avian influenza in India. India instituted this ban even though the U.S. has not had an outbreak of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (“HPAI”) since 2004. In addition, international standards for avian influenza control do not support the imposition of import bans due to detections of low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI), the only kind of AI found in the U.S. since 2004. During the last few years, the U.S. has repeatedly asked India to justify its claim that a ban on products from the U.S. is necessary. To date, India has not provided valid, scientifically-based justification for the import restrictions, the trade representative’s office said. While the WTO’s Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (“SPS Agreement”) recognizes that WTO Members have the right to adopt regulations to protect human, animal or plant life or health., it also requires WTO Members to take certain steps to ensure that such regulations are not merely a cover for protectionism. India appears to have acted inconsistently with its WTO obligations in this case. In particular, India’s ban does not appear to be supported by scientific evidence or a valid risk assessment, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative stated.

POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012


•Exports (Continued from page 3)

Shipments to Japan, the top export market for U.S. egg products, rose by 55 percent to $62.3 million, accounting for 53 percent of the total global export value. Export value to the European Union

declined by 40 percent to $20.405 million, while export value to Canada decreased 20 percent to $8.164 million. Export value to the top five markets totaled accounted for 84 percent of the total.


Eggs: U.S. exports of table eggs and egg products (in shell-egg equivalents) since 1990. Source: USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GATS database.

•Murdock (Continued from page 4)

change if we expect to survive. Failure to be a part of a workable solution will only result in our livelihoods being further dictated by people with little or no understanding of our business. H.R. 3798 recognizes California’s use and support for the enriched colony system as a safe and superior hen habitat. It also provides reasonable timeframes for compliance, enabling farmers to make the necessary upgrades over time. According to recently released data on hen performance in colonies versus conventional cages, eggs laid per hen in a colony house were 421 versus 399 eggs per hen in a conventional cage. In addition, mortality rates were lower in a colony housing system than a cage system. This is the type of data that will satisfy consumer concerns and help us rebuild confidence among consumers, but only if these systems are adopted. Do we want to be told by the federal government how to run our business? Absolutely not, how-

Facts and myths regarding evaporative cooling By Michael Czarick & Dr. Brian Fairchild Special to Poultry Times

ATHENS, Ga. — There are a number of misconceptions about the operation of evaporative cooling pads that can result in warmer birds and reduced pad life. The most common of these are: “A pad produces the most amount of cooling just before it dries out.” “Water running over a pad Michael Czarick is an Extension engineer, and Dr. Brian Fairchild is an Extension poultry scientist, both with the University of Georgia’s Cooperative Extension Service in Athens, Ga. More information can be obtained at http://www. poultryventilation.com.

ever, the reality is that every level of government whether at the city, county, state or federal level is encroaching into our lives more and more. We believe the best solution is to recognize reality and seek the best option to protect our industry well into the future. Consumers realize this too, which is why they support federal legislation for hen housing over state legislation by a 2 to 1 margin. Federal law is the only way to mandate uniform standards for humane hen housing and care. Obviously, some in our industry and the larger livestock community see H.R. 3798 as draconian challenge to their business even though the bill only addresses hen housing. We in California, however, see H.R 3798 as the best opportunity to survive in the years ahead. As consumers continue to purchase more locally-produced food while insisting on humanely-produced eggs, who better than their local egg farmers to provide them with a consistent, safe and nutritious supply of eggs? After all, the consumer is always right.

reduces the to the pads, cooling prothe incoming duced by the air temperapad.” ture was 92 “Cooling degrees F and is improved the relative by operating humidity was a pad system 40 percent. At off a ten-min1:23 p.m. the ute interval pad system’s Czarick Fairchild timer.” circulation The primary pumps were reason for these misconceptions turned on, resulting in an immeis a basic misunderstanding of diate drop in house temperature how an evaporative cooling pad and a rise in relative humidity. actually reduces the temperature During the course of approxiof the air entering a house during mately 15 minutes, the incomhot weather. Once someone has ing air temperature decreased a clear understanding of what is 12 degrees F, while the relative really happening when they pull humidity increased 30 percent. hot air through a wetted pad, it The relationship between the becomes fairly clear how best to cooling produced by an evaporaoperate a pad system to achieve tive cooling system and the cormaximum bird cooling. responding increase in relative When looking at incoming humidity is very linear. This is air temperature and relative hu- because it is the evaporation of midity before and after water water from the wetted pad that was added to a typical 6-inch is producing the cooling. For evaporative cooling pad system — prior to the addition of water See Facts, Page 17

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POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

•NPI (Continued from page 1)

recipient be actively engaged in the poultry industry, as well as displaying dedication and commitment to the industry. NPI said Harry Dykstra “has certainly met that criteria and many more.” Dykstra became involved in the egg industry early, candling and grading eggs for the family egg business at the age of 10. His brother later started a poultry and egg business in Rock Valley, Iowa, and expanded to slaughtering fowl by buying the Fairmont Foods plant in Canton, S.D. Dykstra took over the Canton business in 1956 and began accumulating enough eggs to send trailer loads to the A&P Food stores in the eastern states. Later he began brokering eggs to nearby egg buyers, including the M.G. Waldbaum Co. in Wakefield, Neb. He eventually sold his business to the Waldbaum company, later to become Michael Foods Egg Products Co., and has been

with the company for 48 years.

Good Egg award The NPI’s special Good Egg Award is presented occasionally to recognize a special friend to the industry, and this year was presented to Dr. Elbert Dickey. Dickey currently serves as the dean and director for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension. This is a position that he has held since 1999, and he has recently announced his retirement effective June 30, 2012. He has been a “behind the scenes” supporter of the poultry industry, especially, the Nebraska Poultry Industries organization. He has helped the organization to maintain its current office space on UNL’s East Campus. “We, as an industry, are extremely grateful to Dr. Dickey for his support over the years. He has always operated with an “open door” policy, and has offered his services to the poultry industry whenever called upon,” NPI said in presenting the award.


Person of the Year: Harold Dykstra, left, of Michael Foods in Canton, S.D., was honored as the 2012 Nebraska Poultry Industries Person of the Year at the recent NPI annual convention. Tim Bebee of Michael Foods in Wakefield, Neb., presented the award.


Good Egg Award: Dr. Elbert Dickey, right, dean and director of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, was presented with a special Good Egg Award at the Nebraska Poultry Industries convention. Susan Joy, left, NPI general manager, congratulated Dickey, who will retire in June.



NAPI officers: Officers of the Nebraska Allied Poultry Industries for 2012 include, left to right, Jesus Lopez, Henningsen Foods, Omaha, Neb., secretary-treasurer; Cathy Beacom, We D Beacom, Elkhorn, Neb., president; and Jan Johnson, Willmar Poultry Co., Willmar, Minn., first vice president. Not pictured is Brent Nelson, Nelson Poultry Farms, Manhattan, Kan., second vice president. Officers were elected at a meeting of the NAPI board of directors.

NPI officers: Officers of the Nebraska Poultry Industries for 2012 include, left to right, Lowell Ostrand, Michael Foods, Wakefield, Neb., second vice president; Susan Joy, Nebraska Poultry Industries, Lincoln, Neb., general manager; John Black, Henningsen Foods, David City, Neb., president; and Kendall Potter, Junction Farms, Rising City, Neb., secretary treasurer. Not pictured is Brent Nelson, Nelson Poultry Farms, Manhattan, Kan., first vice president. Officers were elected at a meeting of the NPI board of directors.


NEC officers: Officers of the Nebraska Egg Council for 2012 are, left to right. John Black, Henningsen Foods, David City, Neb., president; Lowell Ostrand, Michael Foods, Wakefield, Neb., vice president; Susan Joy, Nebraska Poultry Industries, Lincoln, Neb., executive secretary; Scott Kumm, Kumm’s Kustom Pullets, McLean, Neb., secretary; and Brent Nelson, Nelson Poultry Farms, Manhattan, Kan., treasurer. Officers were elected at the NEC annual meeting.

POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012


Key poultry ventilation factors to consider By Larry Vest & Bobby L. Tyson Special to Poultry Times

ATHENS, Ga. — Ventilation in a poultry house supplies fresh air that is essential to sustain life. It also helps reduce the extremes of temperature, humidity and air contamination to tolerable limits for confined chickens. Improved ventilation systems have also made possible the high density populations of livestock and poultry in confinement, thus reducing the building cost per unit housed. This is economically important since it reduces production and labor costs. Ventilation air removes excess heat, moisture, dust and odors from the building and, at the same time, dilutes airborne disease organisms. Properly designed winter systems also conserve energy by utilizing heat generated by the birds. Providing proper ventilation to poultry is an art, but it can be mastered by any determined and willing poultry grower. It is a challenge, however, since poultry houses are different and ventilation requirements change with time of day, season, temperature, humidity, wind, bird age and density. This publication discusses the general principles of poultry house ventilation.

Principles If air is not replaced in an enclosed building where poultry is confined, the air composition changes. The concentration of Larry Vest is a former Extension poultry scientist; Bobby L. Tyson is a former Extension engineer; article was recently reviewed by Dr. Brian Fairchild, Extension poultry scientist; all with the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service in Athens, Ga.

carbon dioxide, ammonia and other harmful gases will increase to unacceptable levels. As the ventilation system exchanges the air in the building, it brings in the oxygen needed to sustain life and carries out the harmful gases and undesirable odors caused by respiration and waste decomposition. The system also dilutes airborne disease organisms and keeps them at a tolerable level for the birds’ health. Ventilation must be used to remove excess moisture from the house. Proper ventilation reduces relative humidity, promotes health and prevents moisture from condensing on the walls and ceiling. When heated, air expands in volume and can hold more moisture. The moistureholding capacity of air doubles each time the air temperature is raised approximately 20 degrees F. This characteristic helps remove moisture from houses during cold weather.

Insulation Insulation can dramatically affect the level of supplemental heat and ventilation requirements. It reduces heat losses or gains through the walls and ceiling, controls condensation and reduces the supplemental heat requirements. The effectiveness of insulation is measured by its R-value. The higher the R-value, the more effectively the insulation reduces heat transfer. The optimum amount of insulation for poultry housing depends on numerous factors, such as its cost in relation to fuel cost and local climatic conditions. Because of these factors, optimum insulation levels vary for every situation. Minimum R-values of 9 in the walls and 12 in the ceilings are suggested for Georgia. Most insulation products need

to be protected with a vapor barrier. Wet insulation loses its effectiveness and does not regain its original insulation value when it dries. Structural framing in insulated walls can also be damaged without adequate vapor barriers. Place vapor bar-

riers on the inside surface of the insulation and be sure they have a “Perm-Rating” of 1 or less for broiler housing. Many high-density insulation boards — 4 mil polyethylene film, aluminum foil, asphalt building paper — meet this requirement.

Vent. systems Ventilation systems are generally divided into two types: (1) natural air flow system and (2) mechanical air movement (fans).

See Factors, Page 19

•NPI (Continued from page 1)


NPIA officers: Officers and directors of the Nebraska Poultry Improvement Association for 2012 include, left to right, Ashlee Hartman, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, Sutton, Neb., director; William Bevans, Bevans Enterprises, Waverly, Neb., first vice president; John Black, Henningsen Foods, David City, Neb., second vice president; Mahmoud Masa’deh, MBA Poultry, Waverly, Neb., director; Joline Gordon, Nebraska Poultry Industries, Lincoln, Neb. secretary-treasurer; and Dr. Richard Dutton, Michael Foods, Wakefield, Neb., director. Not pictured are Dr. Tom Schomer, Nebraska Department of Agriculture, Lincoln, Neb., president; and Brian Bevans, Waverly, Neb., director. Officers were elected at the NPIA annual meeting.


NTF officers: Officers of the Nebraska Turkey Federation for 2012 include, left to right, Jim Meuret, J.E. Meuret Grain, Brunswick, Neb., president; Susan Joy, Nebraska Poultry Industries, Lincoln, Neb., secretary-treasurer; and Mike Shinn, Shinn’s Turkey Track Ranch, Gibbon, Neb., second vice president. Not pictured is Brian Bevans, Waverly, Neb., first vice president. Officers were elected at the annual NTF meeting.

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POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

•Tips (Continued from page 2)

1. Clean Research shows that if shutters and blades are allowed to become caked with dust, fan performance can be cut by as much as 30 percent. This means that fans delivering 600 fpm when clean may deliver only 420 fpm when they are dirty. This results in cutting the wind chill cooling effect almost in half, from around 15 degrees F to only about 8 degrees of cooling. These are realistic numbers. Without proper fan maintenance, conditions will be nowhere near optimum and bird growth rate and feed conversion will be greatly hurt. To do: Clean fan shutters on a weekly basis. A simple dusting off with a softer bristle push broom will often do the trick. Clean fans at least once per flock. 2. Belts & pulleys The fan belt and pulley together make up in effect a gear ratio that determines fan rpm. As a fan belt wears, it becomes thinner and rides deeper in the pulley than when new. This essentially changes the gear ratio, resulting in less air movement. The effect is exactly the same as installing a smaller motor pulley; the fan rpm speed is reduced. The same thing happens with a worn pulley, of course. Field studies have found a surprising number of farms where growers kept fan belts tight but the fan rpm’s were reduced by 10 percent or more because the pulleys and the belts were worn. How serious a problem is a 10 percent loss in air velocity? For example, at 600 fpm, the estimated wind chill cooling will be 15 degrees F. A 10 percent drop to 540 rpm wind speed produces only about 12 degrees of wind chill cooling, a significant 3 de-

gree loss. Tightening a worn belt does not cure the problem. To maintain maximum wind chill cooling, replace fan belts and pulleys before wear reduces the rpm’s.

3. Airflow Poultry houses and ventilation systems are designed for a certain cfm airflow and fpm airspeed capability based not only on fan capacity but on specified air inlet sizes and on a given house crosssectional area (which defines the “tunnel” through which air flows from the inlets to the fan end of the house). If, as we have seen too often in the field, tunnel inlet curtains or doors fail to open fully, or brooding curtains or curtain baffles are allowed to hang down too low, the ventilation system cannot achieve the cooling capability it was designed to deliver (and the grower paid for). It’s easy to overlook such details as tunnel inlet openings or how low brood curtains are hanging; but on the other hand, it is easy to get these details right, and doing so will pay off in better bird cooling. 4. Air leaks Tunnel ventilation means having all ventilation air come in through designed inlets at one end of the house and going out through fans at the other end. If any significant amount of outside air comes in anywhere except those designed inlets, tunnel air velocity drops and wind chill cooling is reduced. What might seem to be insignificant cracks or gaps, say along an uncaulked sidewall sill plate, can quickly add up. A one-eighth inch crack that runs 100 feet is the same as a one square foot hole in the wall. Further, if we really need maximum cooling and

have evaporative cooling turned on, any air leakage lets uncooled outside air come in, so that much of the evaporative cooling we paid for is lost. We have really seen quite a few leaky dog-house pad rooms allowing hot air to bypass the cooling pads. It really pays off to do a smoke test to spot and stop any air leaks through wall cracks, around doors, perimeter inlets not fully closing, sidewall curtain gaps, etc. A house tightness test between flocks, closing the house and running one tunnel fan (to be precise, 1 cfm per square foot), should produce a static pressure reading of at least 0.13 to 0.15 inches.

5. Clean pads Like fans, evaporative cooling systems are expensive items that pay off by helping keep birds in optimum growth conditions. But you can’t get the benefits you paid for unless you do what’s needed to keep your cooling pads operating at top efficiency. Any dry area on a pad is the same as an air leak in the house, allowing hot air to come in without being cooled. To maintain maximum cooling, inspect and clean pad systems once a week. Inspection includes checking filters, pump screens and distribution header holes in recirculating systems, to make sure water is flowing properly. Pads must also be kept clean so that flute

holes don’t clog up. One of the best ways to unclog channels in a cooling pad is just to spray a lot of water on them. Use normal water pressure only. High pressure systems can cut or damage pads. Several products are available that help loosen dirt on pads. These are normally sprayed onto the pads with a garden type sprayer or a hydrofoam applicator, or poured directly into the cooling sump and recirculated over the pads and allowed to soak. Follow directions on bottle. Then loose material can be flushed out with just plain water. Be certain that whatever material you use to clean your pads does not contain chlorine and is approved for use on the pads without voiding the pad warranty. In addition to collecting dirt and dust, pads can also become clogged with algae. If you see green growth, use a manufacturer approved algaecide agent only. Contact the manufacturer of your pad for assistance in selecting a cleaning agent. Pad manufacturers recommend either dumping the water from the sump tank at least once a week or maintaining some type of water bleed-off when the pump is on to maintain clean water. Another step needed to prevent algae growth is to flush or clean water filters weekly. Dirty filters greatly reduce the amount of water flowing to the pad and reduce cooling. Also, remember cooling pads need to be dried out at least once each day. Normally, turn pads off between say 10 p.m. and 9 a.m., so that they are allowed to dry out during the night. If pads become too difficult to clean, it’s probably time to consider replacing them. We have witnessed growers getting an increase of close to 100 fpm of wind speed in houses by re-

placing old, worn out pads that were restricting airflow. If pad replacement is in order, consider that 6-inch recirculating pads are about 75 percent efficient versus 55 percent for 2-inch spray pads, and provide about 4 to 5 degrees F more cooling.

6. Monitor & maintain This is the master tip, or we might call it the “all of the above” tip, in that the word maintain takes us back to tips 1 through 5, which are the more detailed how-to tips. So the key word here is monitor. You won’t know whether you are getting top performance from your ventilation system unless you are regularly monitoring and actually measuring its performance. Air velocity (at bird level) is critical, and there are relatively inexpensive wind speed gauges you can use to check it. Full tunnel static pressure, measured about 20 feet forward of the first tunnel fan, is a good indicator of how much work the fans are having to perform. To measure fan end static pressure, a portable magnahelic gauge is needed, and most service techs have access to and are trained in the use of that gauge. This reading will typically be 0.01 to 0.03 higher than the reading taken at the middle (control room) of a house with a dropped ceiling, but is variable, especially with higher wind speeds and/or high ceiling houses with air deflectors. There is no one full tunnel static pressure that is right for every house. You want to know what the full tunnel static pressure was when your house and equipment were new and performing as designed, or at least what the pressure reading is when you have

See Monitor, Page 13


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POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

•Monitor (Continued from page 12)

done all you can to get the house and equipment in top shape. And you don’t want to see that static pressure rising. Abnormally high fan static pressure signals loss of airflow and loss of cooling capability. As design wind speeds for tunnel houses have increased through the years from 400 fpm to 500 fpm and even to 600 or 700 fpm the total operating pressure on the fans has increased, because the resulting work required for the fans to pull the air into and then exhaust the air out of the house on the fan end has increased. Ten years ago in a 400 fpm tunnel house it would have been common to measure fan static pressure in the 0.08 inches of water column range while in a modern 600 fpm house the total fan pressure might be around 0.15 inches. The key point is that if you see full tunnel static pressure going, figure out why it has changed and do something about it. Higher than normal static pressure at the fan end reduces the airflow available for cooling.

Bottom line We have documented instances during field trials where growers thought they were getting maximum airflow and were surprised when checking showed abnormally high static pressure at the fan end of the house. Some of these growers were able to increase full tunnel wind speeds by 100 fpm or more by taking these tips seriously — tightening up the house, removing air restrictions, cleaning cooling pads, cleaning fan shutters, blades and guards and/or replacing worn fan belts or pulleys with new ones. Time spent executing these six steps could be money in your pocket.


New nutrition labeling in effect for fresh meat and poultry WASHINGTON — A new USDA Food Safety & Inspection Service final rule requiring nutrition labeling for most single-ingredient, raw meat and poultry products, including ground products, went into effect March 1. Under the new rule, packages of ground or chopped meat and poultry, such as hamburger or ground turkey, will now feature nutrition facts panels on their labels. Additionally, 40 of the most popular whole, raw cuts of meat and poultry, such as chicken breast or steak, will also have nutritional information either on the package labels or on display to consumers at the store. “Providing nutrition information on meat and poultry products in the store gives shoppers a clearer sense of the options available, allowing them to purchase items that are most appro-

priate for their families’ needs,” said USDA Undersecretary for Food Safety Dr. Elisabeth Hagen. “These new labels mark a significant step in the agency’s efforts to help consumers make more informed food purchase decisions.” Prior to March 1, USDA required nutrition labels only on meat and poultry with added ingredients, such as a marinade, or if the product was cooked and ready to eat. However, most chicken companies selling fresh products to retail outlets have for several years voluntarily labeled much of their raw, single ingredient products with nutritional information, according to the National Chicken Council. The new labeling rule will allow consumers to more fully appreciate the sound nutritional value that chicken offers, said

Tom Super, NCC vice president of commmunications. “Chicken has long been recognized for its positive nutritional benefits as one of the most nutrient-rich, lean protein options, giving consumers the highest rate of nutrients for their food dollar,” said Super. “The National Chicken Council encourages food shoppers to use this nutrition information on meat and poultry products to help better select the options that are best for their families and their dietary needs,” Super added. J. Patrick Boyle, president of the American Meat Institute, noted, “This nutrition information will confirm for consumers what the latest U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans recently said: that lean meat and poultry products are an important part of a healthy balanced

diet. This final rule has been in progress for more than a decade, and the meat and poultry industry is pleased to provide nutrient content information to consumers about our fresh products.” The new nutrition facts panels will list the number of calories and the grams of total fat and saturated fat that a product contains. For example, consumers will be able to compare the calories and fat content for ground turkey versus ground beef, or for pork chops versus chicken breasts. Additionally, a ground or chopped product that includes on its label a lean percentage statement, such as “85% lean,” and is not considered “low in fat” also will list its fat percentage, making it easier for consumers to understand the amounts of lean and fat content in a particular product.

•LPAI (Continued from page 8)

in resident waterfowl, persistent shedding and active transmission of low pathogenic viruses. Despite previous research suggesting that colder temperatures and increased bird densities as waterfowl congregate during migration are most favorable to the survival of these viruses, the recent findings suggest that high summer water temperatures do not prevent its circulation. “Our study shows surprising complexity in the transmission of low pathogenic avian influenza viruses in wild birds and provides new insights on how these viruses are maintained in wild birds throughout the year,” said Dr. Viviane Hénaux, a scientist with the University of WisconsinMadison and lead author of the study. It would be unusual for a low pathogenic strain of avian influenza to mutate into

a highly pathogenic strain in a natural setting, but the risk is difficult to quantify. Although the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus known as H5N1 has not been detected in North America, it has caused mortality in poultry and wild birds in Asia, Africa and Europe. Monitoring the dynamics and potential spread of highly pathogenic virus in wild bird populations is difficult because outbreaks are rare and typically characterized by sudden die-offs. Research on low pathogenic avian influenza virus dynamics can provide a model system for understanding highly pathogenic virus transmission and risks, predicting the spread of pathogenic viruses and enhancing highly pathogenic virus surveillance strategies. Most strains of avian influenza are not highly pathogenic and do not cause clinical signs in infected

wild birds. Further monitoring and research on low pathogenic viruses in wild birds that circulate in southern wetlands can help determine the geographic distribution of these viruses, clarify the importance of summer low pathogenic virus transmission, and evaluate the risks of transmission to domestic animals. The USGS supports international avian influenza research efforts by contributing information and world-class expertise about migratory birds and bird movements, as well as the epidemiology of these viruses. This research can help managers provide an early warning to the agriculture, public health and wildlife communities should the highly pathogenic virus enter North America. The recent USGS study is published in the Public Library of Science ONE.


POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

Calendar Compiled by Barbara Olejnik, Associate Editor 770-718-3440 bolejnik@poultrytimes.net

MAR 29-30 — FLAX INSTITUTE CONF., Doublewood Inn, Fargo,N.D. Contact: Flax Institute of the United States, P.O. Box 6050, Dept. 7670, North Dakota State University, Fargo, N.D. 58108-6050. Ph: 701-2317122; lisa.johnson@udsu.edu. MAR 29-Apr. 1 — AAW MIDYEAR MTNG., Lied Lodge, Nebraska City, Neb. Contact: Karen Yost, American Agri-Women, 406-794-0888; presid e n t @ a m e r i c a n a g r i w o m e n . o rg ; http://www.americanagriwomen.org. APR 4 — DEEP SOUTH POULTRY CONF., Tifton Campus Converence Center, Rural Development Center, Tifton, Ga. Contact: University of Georgia, Poultry Science Department, 324 Poultry Science Bldg., Athens, Ga. 30602-4356. Ph: 706-542-9151; poultry@uga.edu. APR 10-11 — EGG INDUSTRY ISSUES FORUM, Holiday Inn Hotel, EastStapleton, Denver, Colo. Contact: Egg Industry Center, 201 Kildee Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 500113150; 515-294-8587; answeb@iastate. edu; http://www.ans.iastate.edu/EIC. APR 13 — OPA CELEBRATION BANQUET, Renaissance Columbus Downtown Hotel, Columbus, Ohio. Contact: Ohio Poultry Association, 5930 Sharon Woods Blvd., Columbus, Ohio 43229. Ph: 614-882-6111; jchakeres@ohiopoultry.org; http://www.ohiopoultry.org. APR 13-14 — GPF ANNUAL MTNG., Brasstown Valley Resort, Young Harris, Ga. Contact: Georgia Poultry Federation, P.O. Box 763, Gainesville, Ga. 30503. Ph: 770-532-0473. APR 13-15 — ALABAMA CHICKEN & EGG FESTIVAL, Lions Club Fairgrounds, Moulton, Ala. Contact: Festival web site at http://www.alabamachickenandeggfestival.com. APR 16-18 — HUMAN RESOURCES SMNR., Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort, Destin, Fla. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 300847303, Ph: 770-493-9401; info@uspoultry.org; http://www.uspoultry.org, APR 24-25 — PF LIVE PRODUCTION SYMPM., Rogers, Ark. Contact: Poultry Federation, P.O. Box 1446, Little Rock, Ark. 72203. Ph: 501-375-8131; http://www.thepoultryfederation.com. APR 25 — CPF QUALITY ASSURANCE SMNR., Stanislaus County Ag Center, Modesto, Calif. Contact: California Poultry Federation, 4640 Spyres Way, Suite 4, Modesto, Calif. 95356. Ph: 209-576-6355; califpoultry@cs.com; http://www.cpif.org. APR 28 — SPRING CHICKEN FESTIVAL & PARADE, Gainesville, Ga. Contact: Kelly Norman, Keep Hall Beautiful, 770535-8280, knorman@hallcounty.org. APR 30-May 1 — FEDERAL FOOD REGULATORY CONF., Washington,

D.C. Contact: Susan Glenn, conference coordinator, Prime Label Consultants, 536 7th St., S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003. Ph: 202546-3333; conference@primelabel. com; http://www.primelabel.com. APR 30-May 1 — I-RIM CONF., Hilton Fort Lauderdale Marina Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: International Reflective Insulation Manufacturers (I-RIM), rima@rima.net. APR 30-May 3 — AMI INT’L. MEAT POULTRY & SEAFOOD CONV., Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, Texas. Contact: American Meat Institute, 1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W., 12th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20036. Ph: 202587-4200; http://www.meatami.com MAY 1-3 — FMI EXHIBIT & EDUCATION EVENT, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas Texas. Contact: Food Marketing Institute, 2345 Crystal Drive, Suite 800, Arlington, Va. 22202-4813. Ph: 202-4528444; fmi@fmi.org; http://www.fmi.org. MAY 1-3 — UFPA UNITED FRESH MARKETPLACE & FRESHTECH, Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, Texas. Contact: United Fresh Produce Association, 1901 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Suite 1100, Washington, D.C. 20006. Ph: 202303-3400; united@unitedfresh. org; http://www.unitedfreshs.org. MAY 2-3 — STAKEHOLDERS SUMMIT, Arlington, Va. Contact: Animal Agriculture Alliance, 2101 Wilson Blvd, Suite 916B, Arlington, Va. 22201. Ph: 703-562-5160; http://www.animalagalliance.org. MAY 3-4 — POULTRY BREEDERS OF AMERICA NATIONAL BREEDERS ROUNDTABLE, Airport Marriott Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 30084-7303, Ph: 770-493-9401; info@uspoultry.org; http://www.uspoultry.org, MAY 7-9 — UEP LEGISLATIVE BOARD MTNG., Washington Court Hotel, Washington, D.C. Contact: United Egg Producers, 1720 Windward Concourse, Suite 230, Alpharetta, Ga. 30005. Ph: 770-360-9220; gene@unitedegg. com; http://www.unitedegg.com. MAY 15-16 — TPF ANNUAL CONV., College Station, Texas. Contact: Texas Poultry Federation, 595 Round Rock W. Drive, Suite 305, Round Rock, Texas 78681. Ph: 512-248-0600; tpf@texaspoultry. org; http://www.texaspoultrly.org. MAY 16-17 — POULTRY PROCESSOR WORKSHOP, Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 30084-7303, Ph: 770-493-9401; info@uspoultry.org; http://www.uspoultry.org, MAY 21-24 — NATIONAL EGG QUALITY SCHOOL, Indianapolis, Ind. Contact:

Deanna Baldwin, program manager, Maryland Department of Agriculture, Food Quality Assurance Program, 50 Harry S. Truman Pkwy., Annapolis, Md. 21401. Ph: 410-8415769; baldwidl@mda.state.md.us. MAY 20-23 — ALLTECH HEALTH & NUTRITION SYMPM., Lexington, Ky. Contact: Alltech, symposium@alltech.com; http:// w w w. a l l t e c h . c o m / s y m p o s i u m . JUN 6-8 — POULTRY INDUSTRY NATIONAL SAFETY CONF., Sawgrass Marriott Resort, Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Contact: Kristi Campbell, 404407-8822 or kristi.campbell@gtri. gatech.edu; http://www.poultrysafetyconference.gatech.edu. JUN 8-9 — AP&EA GOLF TOURNEY & EVENING OF FUN, Birmingham, Ala. Contact: Alabama Poultry & Egg Association, P.O. Box 240, Montgomery, Ala. 36101. Ph: 334-2652732; http://www.alabamapoultry.org. JUN 11-14 — AFIA FEED INDUSTRY INSTITUTE, Westin St. Louis, St. Louis, Mo. Contact: American Feed Industry Association, 2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 916, Arlington, Va. 22201, 703-524-0810, afia@ afia.org, http://www.afia.org. JUN 12-14 — USAPEEC ANNUAL MTNG., Hotel Del Coronado, San Diego, Calif. Contact: USA Poultry & Egg Export Council, 2300 W. Park Place Blvd., Suite 100, Stone Mountain, Ga. 30087. Ph: 770-413-0006; usapeac@ usapeec.org; http://www.usapeec.org. JUN 12-14 — ITF SUMMER MTNG., Adventureland Inn, Des Moines, Iowa. Contact: Iowa Turkey Federation, 535 E. Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa 50010. Ph: 515-232-7492; info@iowaturkey.org; http://www.iowaturkey.org. JUN 15-16 — DELMARVA CHICKEN Salisbury, Md. FESTIVAL, Contact: Delmarva Poultry Industry Inc., 16681 County Seat Hwy., Georgetown, Del. 19947-4881. Ph: 302-856-9037; dpi@dpichicken. com; http://www.dpichicken.org. JUN 15-16 — PF ANNUAL POULTRY FESTIVAL, Rogers, Ark. Contact: Poultry Federation, P.O. Box 1446, Little Rock, Ark. 72203. Ph: 501-375-8131; http://www.thepoultryfederation.com. JUN 20-22 — GEA ANNUAL MTNG., King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort, St. Simons Island, Ga. Contact: Jewell Hutto, Georgia Egg Association, P.O. Box 2929, Suwanee, Ga. 30024. Ph: 770-932-4622; goodeggs@bellsouth. net; http://www.georgiaeggs.org. JUN 20 — MTGA SUMMER CONF., Bemidji, Minn. Contact: Minnesota Turkey Growers Association, 108 Marty Drive, Buffalo, Minn. 55313. Ph: 763-682-5546l steve@midwestpoultry. com; http://www.midwestpoultry.com. JUN 21-23 — NCC SUMMER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MTNG., Ritz-Carlton Highlands, Lake Tahoe, Calif. Contact: National Chicken Council, 1015 15th St., N.W., Suite 930, Washington, D.C. 20005. Ph: 202-296-2622; http://www.nationalchickencouncil. cm; http://www.eatchicken.com. JUN 25-26 — CPF SUMMER BOARD MTNG., The Cliffs Resort, Shell Beach, Calif. Contact: California Poultry Federation, 4640 Spyres Way, Suite 4, Modesto, Calif.

95356. Ph: 209-576-6355; califpoultry@cs.com; http://www.cpif.org. JUN 25-27 — FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SMNR., Crowne Plaza Resort, Hilton Head, S.C. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 30084-7303, Ph: 770-493-9401; info@uspoultry.org; http://www.uspoultry.org, JUL 9-12 — PSA ANNUAL CONV., Georgia Center, Athens, Ga. Contact: Poultry Science Association, 2441 Village Green Place, Champaign, Ill. 61822. Ph: 217-356-5285; pas@assochq. org; http://www.poultryscience.org. JUL 12-15 — SCPF ANNUAL CONV., Crowne Plaza Resort, Hilton Head, S.C. Contact: South Carolina Poultry Federation, 1921-A Pickens St., Columbia, SC. 29201. Ph: 803-779-4700; martyg@scpoultry.com; http://www.scpoultry.org. JUL 10-12 — AEB MTNG., Chicago, Ill. Contact: American Egg Board, 1460 Renaissance Drive, Park Ridge, Ill. 60068. Ph: 847-296-7043; aeb@ aeb.org; http://www.aeb.org. JUL 15-17 — NCC & NPFDA CHICKEN Stowe MARKETING SMNR., Mountain Lodge, Stowe, Vt. Contact: National Chicken Council, 1015 15th St., N.W., Suite 930, Washington, D.C. 20005, 202-296-2622, http:// www.nationalchickencouncil.com, http://www.eatchicken.com; or National Poultry & Food Distributors Association, 2014 Osborne Road, St. Marys, Ga. 31558, 770-535-9901, kkm@npfda.org, http://www.npfda.org. JUL 16-17 — INFORMATION SYSTEMS SMNR., Doubletree Hotel, Nashville, Tenn. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 30084-7303, Ph: 770-493-9401; info@uspoultry.org; http://www.uspoultry.org, JUL 23-24 — AP&EA ANNUAL MTNG., Hilton Sandestin Beach, Fla. Contact: Alabama Poultry & Egg Association, P.O. Box 240, Montgomery, Ala. 36101. Ph: 334-265-2732; http://www.alabamapoultry.org. AUG 5-9 — WORLD’S POULTRY CONGRESS, Bahia Convention Center, Salvador, Brazil. Contact: World Poultry Science Association, Brazilian Branch. Ph: +55 19 3243-6555; Fax: +55 19 3243-8542; wpsa.br@facta. org.br; http://www.wpsa2012.com. AUG 8-9 — NCPF ANNUAL MTNG., Grandover Resort, Greensboro, N.C. Contact: North Carolina Poultry Federation, 4020 Barrett Drive, Suite 102, Raleigh, N.C. 27609. Ph: 919-783-8218; rlford@ncpoultry.org; http://www.nncpoultry.org. AUG 16-17 — WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP CONF., Hilton Sandestin Beach Resort & Spa, Destin, Fla. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 300847303, Ph: 770-493-9401; info@uspoultry.org; http://www.uspoultry.org, AUG 20 — UEP AREA MTNG., Atlanta, Ga. Contact: United Egg Producers, 1720 Windward Concourse, Suite 230, Alpharetta, Ga. 30005. Ph: 770-360-9220; gene@unitedegg. com; http://www.unitedegg.com. AUG 22 — UEP AREA MTNG., Philadelphia, Pa. Contact: United Egg Producers, 1720 Windward Concourse, Suite

230, Alpharetta, Ga. 30005. Ph: 770-360-9220; gene@unitedegg. com; http://www.unitedegg.com. AUG 23 — UEP AREA MTNG., Columbus, Ohio. Contact: United Egg Producers, 1720 Windward Concourse, Suite 230, Alpharetta, Ga. 30005. Ph: 770-360-9220; gene@unitedegg. com; http://www.unitedegg.com. AUG 28 — UEP AREA MTNG., Des Moines, Iowa. Contact: United Egg Producers, 1720 Windward Concourse, Suite 230, Alpharetta, Ga. 30005. Ph: 770-360-9220; gene@unitedegg. com; http://www.unitedegg.com. AUG 29 — UEP AREA MTNG., Ontario, Calif. Contact: United Egg Producers, 1720 Windward Concourse, Suite 230, Alpharetta, Ga. 30005. Ph: 770-360-9220; gene@unitedegg. com; http://www.unitedegg.com. AUG 30 — UEP AREA MTNG., Seattle, Wash. Contact: United Egg Producers, 1720 Windward Concourse, Suite 230, Alpharetta, Ga. 30005. Ph: 770-3609220; gene@unitedegg.com; h t t p : / / w w w. u n i t e d e g g . c o m . SEP 4-6 — ARKANSAS NUTRITION CONF. Contact: Poultry Federation, P.O. Box 1446, Little Rock, Ark. 72203. Ph: 501-375-8131; http:// w w w. t h e p o u l t r y f e d e r a t i o n . c o m . SEP 9-13 — IEC MARKETING & PRODUCTION CONF., London, England. Contact: International Egg Commission, Second Floor, 89 Charterhouse St., London EC1M 6HR, England. Ph: 44-020-74903493; info@internationalegg.com; http://www.internationalegg.com. SEP 12-14 — AFIA LIQUID FEED SYMPM., Grand Hyatt, Denver, Colo. Contact: American Feed Industry Association, 2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 916. Arlington, Va. 22201. Ph: 703-524-0810; afia@ afia.org; http://www.afia.org. SEP 13-14 — CPF ANNUAL MTNG. & CONF., Monterey Plaza Hotel, Monterey, Calif. Contact: California Poultry Federation, 4640 Spyres Way, Suite 4, Modesto, Calif. 95356. Ph: 209-576-6355; califpoultry@cs.com; http://www.cpif.org. SEP 13-16 — MPA ANNUAL CONV., Hilton Sandestin Beach Hotel, Destin, Fla. Contact: Mississippi Poultry Association, 110 Airport Road, Suite C, Pearl, Miss. 39208. Ph: 601932-7560; beard!mspoultry.org. SEP 17-19 — NAT’L. MTNG. POULTRY HEALTH & PROCESSING, Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel, Ocean City, Md. Contact: Delmarva Poultry Industry Inc., 16686 County Seat Hwy., Georgetown, Del. 19947-4881. Ph: 302-856-9037; dpi@dpichicken. com; http://www.dpichicken.org. SEP 21-22 — PF TURKEY COMMITTEE MTNG. Contact: Poultry Federation, P.O. Box 1446, Little Rock, Ark. 72203. Ph: 501-375-8131; http:// w w w. t h e p o u l t r y f e d e r a t i o n . c o m . SEP 15-16 — POULTRY PRODUCTION & HEALTH SMNR., The Wynfrey Hotel, Birmingham, Ala. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 300847303, Ph: 770-493-9401; info@uspoultry.org; http://www.uspoultry.org,

POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

Nuggets Compiled by Barbara Olejnik, Associate Editor 770-718-3440 bolejnik@poultrytimes.net

GEORGIA Conference examines Deep South Poultry ATHENS — The Deep South Poultry Conference will be held April 4 at the Tifton Campus Conference Center at the Rural Development Center in Tifton, Ga. The conference is sponsored by the Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Poultry Science of the University of Georgia and the Georgia Poultry Federation. General session topics will examine alternative bedding materials and dead bird disposal. A update on disease in Georgia will also be discussed. Concurrent sessions will be held for the broiler and the hatchery-breeder sections of the industry. Broiler session topics include presentations on combating dermatitis, pre-harvest interventions to reduce incidences of salmonella and campylobacter and improving first week livability. Hatchery-breeder sessions will discuss egg production and fertility, machine ventilation, salmonella vaccination and house equipment. More information can be obtained by contacting the University of Georgia, Poultry Science Department, 324 Poultry Science Building, Athens, Ga.30602-4356; 706-5429151; poultry@uga.edu.

Seminar to examine government regulations TUCKER — The 2012 Human Resources Seminar will take a close look at proposed government regulations and how these regulations impact human resources within the poultry and egg industry. Sponsored by U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, the annual seminar was developed by an industry committee of experienced and knowledgeable human resource managers. It will be held April 16-18, at the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort in Destin, Fla. “Regardless of how sophisticated equipment and machines may be, the success of a company ultimately depends upon its workforce. People are essential to managing and maintaining the complex systems of today, and they must make vital day-to-day decisions,” said program committee chairperson Linda Smith, Pilgrim’s Pride. “It is extremely important to stay up-to-date on areas that affect our workforce such as government regulations, union activities, changing trends in society and changes in recruiting methods, retention and training. The Human Resource Seminar will provide the tools necessary to ensure managers are provided with the most current information available in these areas.” The program agenda will include the following topics: State of the Industry Update; Report from Washington on How the Industry Can Be More Proactive; Dealing With OSHA Inspections,

15 ICE/I-9/State Immigration Laws and EEOC/ADA/Aging Workforce Issues. A series of roundtable workshops are also part of the agenda, covering topics such as Conducting Internal Investigations, NLRB/Union Activities/Election Process, Healthcare Reform, New Recruiting Trends/ Hiring Process, Immigration Issues and more. Members of the Human Resource Seminar Committee include Jennifer Buster, Sanderson Farms; Hector Gonzalez, Tyson Foods; Dave Kennemer, Aviagen; William Gully, Peco Foods; Dante Rogers, Case Foods; Sandy Hastings, Cooper Farms; Emil Maier, American Proteins; Sandra Williams, Pilgrim’s Pride; Devin Wood, Harrison Poultry; Rebecca Bennett, Fieldale Farms; Lyne Nolen, Marshall Durbin; Linda Lauer, Coleman Natural Foods; Mark Bland, Claxton Poultry; Allen Holland, Cal-Maine Foods; and George Crawford, Koch Foods. Registration for the seminar is available at http://www.uspoultry.org/educationprograms/.

animal industry; 12-year results of laying hen manure application and water quality research; results of North Carolina State University cage versus non-cage egg production research; and egg vitamin D enrichment through feed nutrition. More information can be obtained by contacting the Egg Industry Center, 201 Kildee Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011-3150; 515-2948587; http://www.ans.iastate. edu/EIC.

VIRGINIA AFIA and K-State offer HACCP course ARLINGTON — The American Feed Industry Association, along with the Department of Grain Science and Industry at Kansas State University, has again partnered to offer another Feed Manufacturing Short Course.

“Establishing a HACCP Program for the Feed Industry” focuses on the development of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan for all sectors of the feed industry, including feed mill managers, quality assurance personnel and ingredient suppliers. The four-day course will be held April 9-12 in Manhattan, Kan. K-State, in partnership with AFIA and the National Grain & Feed Association, has held Feed Manufacturing Short Courses since 1976. These courses are taught by a blend of individuals from K-State and within the feed and allied industries and provide in-depth training on all aspects associated with feed manufacturing. Registration is available at http://www.afia.org under “Upcoming Events.” Specific questions about the Short Course should be directed to K-State’s Mark Fowler at mfowler@ksu. edu or 785-532-1189.

IOWA Egg Industry Center plans issues forum AMES — The Egg Industry Center will hold its 4th annual Egg Industry Issues Forum on April 10-11 at the Holiday Inn Hotel, East-Stapleton in Denver, Colo. Topics will include updates on the United Egg ProducersHumane Society of the United States agreement on enriched colony hen housing and the Food & Drug Administration’s Egg Safety Rule. A two-year operation of an enriched colony housing system in California will also be discussed. Other topics include a grain forecast and implications to the

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POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

Agricultural trade mission travels to China AMES, Iowa — USDA is leading an agricultural trade mission to China to strengthen partnerships between U.S. and Chinese businesses and enhance job growth in the United States. The trade mission is expected to be USDA’s largest to date, with more than 40 U.S. agribusinesses and representatives from six State Departments of Agriculture accompanying Acting Undersecretary Michael Scuse to Chengdu and Shanghai, two of China’s largest cities. In 2011, China moved into the top spot as the number one market for U.S. agricultural goods, purchasing $20 billion in U.S. agricultural exports. U.S. farm exports to China supported more than 160,000 American jobs in 2011. “This trade mission, USDA’s largest to date, offers American businesses the opportunity to position themselves to enter or expand their presence in China, one of our strongest trading partners,” said Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. “China and the United States share a special relationship, and we embrace this opportunity to continue our in-depth dialogue on issues of mutual concern. At the same time, we want to ensure that our American farmers, ranchers and producers continue to be recognized across China and the Asia Pacific as reliable suppliers of the highest-quality food and agricultural products.” Last month, Vilsack hosted China’s Vice President Xi Jinping and Agriculture Minister Han Changfu at the first U.S.-China Agricultural Symposium in Des Moines. The agriculture ministers signed a Plan of Strategic Cooperation that will guide the two countries’ agricultural relationship for the next five years. The plan focuses on agricultural science, trade and education, and looks to deepen cooperation through technical exchanges and strengthen coordination in key priority areas, including food security and emerging technologies. Scuse is leading the March 23-28 trade mission to China beginning in Chengdu, one of the most important economic, transportation and communication centers in western China and home of USDA’s newest Agricultural Trade Office. Participants then travel on to Shanghai, a hub of global commerce and the most populous city in the world. The goal of the mission is to provide U.S. participants with first-hand market information, access to government decision makers and oneon-one meetings with business contacts, potential agents, distributors and importers so they can position themselves to enter or expand their presence in China. While in China, Scuse will meet with Chinese government and agricultural officials and U.S. agribusiness, and will visit agricultural production and development sites. Ambassador Islam Siddiqui, chief agricultural negotiator for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, will also join Scuse to open the USA Pavilion at the Food Ingredients China Trade Show in Shanghai on March 28.

Southern Style Chicken Stew National Chicken Council Servings: 4

Ingredients: 1 1/2 pounds chicken breast halves, boneless and skinless, cut into 2-inch pieces 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour, divided 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 3 tablespoons olive oil, divided 1 medium onion, chopped 1 (14.5 oz.) can low-sodium chicken broth 2 sweet potatoes, cut into 1-inch chunks 1 bunch (about 1/2 pound) collard greens, rough-chopped into 2-inch pieces 1/2 pound cooked smoked sausage, such as kielbasa, sliced into 1/2-inch thick rounds Directions: Place 3 tablespoons flour in a large bowl, season with salt and pepper, add chicken pieces and toss gently to coat. Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a 5-quart Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed pot over mediumhigh heat. Add chicken, reduce heat to medium and cook until browned, 10 minutes, turning occasionally. Transfer chicken to a plate. Add remaining tablespoon oil to pot over medium heat. Add onions to pot and cook, stirring occasionally, until translucent and

just beginning to brown, about 3 to 4 minutes. Turn heat to high and add chicken broth and 3/4 cups water to pot. Scrape up any browned bits. Return chicken to pot and add sweet potatoes and smoked sausage. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 5 minutes. Make a paste with the remaining 1 tablespoon flour and 3 tablespoons water. Uncover, whisk in flour and water mixture and continue to simmer until chicken is cooked through, potatoes are tender and liquid has thickened, 5 to 6 minutes. Stir in collard leaves and simmer 2 minutes more. Serve immediately, with cornbread and hot sauce on the side. More chicken recipes may be obtained from the National Chicken Council at http:// www.eatchicken.com.

POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

•Facts (Continued from page 9)

every gallon of water evaporated from a pad system into the incoming air, approximately 8,500 Btu’s (British thermal units) of sensible heat (air temperature) is converted to latent heat (air humidity). The reduction in sensible heat reduces the temperature of the air, but the corresponding increase in latent heat increases the relative humidity of the air. The greater the temperature reduction, the greater the increase in the relative humidity. The actual temperature of the water has essentially no effect on the amount of cooling produced by a pad system.

Watering pads Though the cooling starts as soon as water is added to the pads, maximum cooling is not achieved until the pads are fully wetted, which typically takes between 10 and 15 minutes depending on the type and condition of the pad as well as the amount of water circulating over the pad. During the wetting period the paper pad is acting like sponge soaking up a significant amount of water. For instance, a new 5-foot x 1-foot x 6-inch pad weighs approximately 2.5 pounds when dry. Fully wetted, the pad will weigh approximately 7.5 pounds. This means that pads in two 60foot x 5-foot evaporative cooling systems, typical for a 40-foot x 500-foot house, are capable of holding more than 70 gallons of water. So even when the water circulation pumps are turned off, there are still 70 gallons of water being held by the pads which is capable of cooling a significant amount of hot air. When the outside temperature is 90 degrees F and the relative humidity is 40 percent water will evaporate from the pad system (120-foot x

5-foot x 6-inches) at a rate of approximately 5 gallons per minute. So this means that even after the water circulation pumps are turned off, the pads are technically capable of maintaining the same level of cooling for approximately 15 minutes. Now, of course the level of cooling will not be constant after the circulation pumps are turned off. As the pads begin to dry, the cooling of the incoming air will gradually decrease until the pads are fully dry and cooling is no longer produced. It has been seen that, even though the pad system circulation pumps were turned off at 1:38 p.m., there was essentially no change in the cooling (or humidity) produced by the pads for approximately five minutes. As the pads began to dry, the level of cooling produced by the pads began to decrease and continued to decrease until the pads were completely dry, some 30 minutes after the water circulation pumps were turned off. Another thing to notice is after the water circulating over the pads was turned off at 1:38 p.m., the cooling did not increase; it remained the same. Basically the water flowing over the pad did not adversely affect the cooling produced by the pad. It did not affect the amount of air moved by the fans either. The static pressure was measured before and after the water circulation pumps were turned off and did not change (0.08), thus indicating that water flowing over the pads did not make it harder for the fans to pull air into the house. Had there been a significant change in static pressure after the circulation pumps were turned on, this would have been an indication that the pads were very dirty and in need of cleaning. In some cases the dirt and algae on pads will “expand” when


wetted, essentially clogging the pads and reducing air flow into a house. The solution to this situation would be to simply clean the pads, not to reduce water flowing over the pads through the use of an interval timer. It is important to keep in mind the high volume of water that flows over a pad is not only to make sure it is fully wetted, but to help keep the pads clean as well. It is also important to note that water circulating over the pads did not lead to the “over saturation” of the incoming air with moisture. Whether the water was circulating over the pads (1:36 p.m.) or not (1:40 p.m.), the wet pads were producing the same level of cooling and therefore the relative humidity of the incoming air remained unchanged.

Periods of time When looking at what happens when water is circulated over a pad system for only a short period of time, as is the case when circulation pumps are controlled using a 10-minute interval timer; the circulation pumps were turned on at 2:10 p.m. then turned off at 2:12 p.m. Even though the circulation pumps were turned off, the incoming air temperature continued to drop for another three minutes. This is due to the fact that water on the pads when the pump was turned off continues to “wick” through the entire depth of the pad, thus increasing wet-

ted pad area and therefore cooling. This observation gives the illusion that the water flowing over the pad is decreasing cooling because once it is shut off the cooling increases. The fact is though, that since the pads were not thoroughly wetted during the two minutes the circulation pumps were operating, the cooling achieved was actually reduced (as well as humidity) compared to when the pads were fully wetted. When observing a second illustration of the same phenomenon. cooling continues to occur after the water circulation pumps are turned off, but the total amount of cooling is reduced. Both examples illustrate the fact that reduced cooling also resulted in a lower relative humidity. More cooling, more humidity. Less cooling, less humidity. You simply cannot get more cooling and less humidity using an evaporative cooling system because it is the increase in rel-

ative humidity (moisture evaporated into the air) that is producing the cooling. Operating a pad off an interval timer may not necessarily lead to a significant reduction in cooling. When a pad is operated for long period of time using a 10 minute interval timer, it may not actually have time to fully dry before the next on cycle begins (in most climates it takes 20 to 30 minutes for a wet pad to fully dry). So even if a pad is only partially wetted during the first on cycle, by the second or third cycle it often becomes fairly wetted. This is provided that the circulation pump “on time” is at least two minutes and is properly sized. The net result is often that placing the circulation pumps on an interval timer doesn’t always significantly decrease pad cooling. But, in no way does it increase the cooling produced by the pads.

See Time, Page 18


POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

U.S. Korea trade pact enters into effect WASHINGTON — United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk has announced that the U.S.Korea trade agreement will enter into force — that is, take effect — on March 15, 2012. This announcement follows the completion over the President’s Day weekend of work by the U.S. and Korea to review each other’s laws and regulations related to the implementation of the agreement. The U.S. has exchanged diplomatic notes with Korea in which each side confirmed that they had completed their applicable legal requirements and procedures for the agreement’s entry into force. “In a few short weeks, the promise of the U.S.Korea trade agreement — including tens of thousands of export-supported jobs with better wages — will start to come home for American businesses and working families,” said Ambassador Kirk. ”President Obama insisted

that we get this agreement right by forging a better deal that led to strong bipartisan support in both houses of Congress. Entry into force of this agreement will open up Korea’s $1 trillion economy for America’s workers, businesses, farmers and ranchers while also strengthening our economic partnership with a key Asia-Pacific ally.” On March 15, almost 80 percent of U.S. exports of industrial products to Korea will become duty-free, including aerospace equipment, agricultural equipment, auto parts, building products, chemicals, consumer goods, electrical equipment, environmental goods, all footwear and travel goods, paper products, scientific equipment and shipping and transportation equipment. Also on March 15, almost two-thirds of U.S. exports of agricultural products to Korea will become duty-free, including wheat, corn, soybeans for crushing, whey for feed

use, hides and skins, cotton, cherries, pistachios, almonds, orange juice, grape juice and wine. The agreement also includes a number of significant commitments related to non-tariff measures that will also come into force on March 15, including obligations related to motor vehicle safety and environmental standards, enhanced regulatory transparency, standard-setting, technology neutrality and customs administration. Strengthened protections for intellectual property rights benefiting American creators and innovators will also come into force on that day. Finally, commitments opening up Korea’s $580 billion services market will also be in effect beginning March 15. These commitments, the trade office said, are backed by the agreement’s strong enforcement provisions, which will enable the U.S. to hold Korea to its promises under the pact.

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•Time (Continued from page 17)

What is more likely to happen if the on time is too short, the circulation pump is too small, or if it is fairly hot and dry, placing the circulation pumps on a timer will tend to decrease cooling. Furthermore, not circulating water over the pad continuously increases dirt and mineral buildup on the pads, which in the long run will not only reduce the tunnel fans’ ability to pull air into the house, but decrease pad life as well. There is a common belief that the pads produce maximum cooling just before they begin to dry out and not when there is water flowing over the pads. In part this misconception stems from the fact that an evaporative cooling pad dries slowly from the outside surface inward. So even though the surface of a pad may be just beginning to show signs of drying, 95 percent or more of the pad is still wet and essentially producing the same amount of cooling as when water is flowing over the surface of the pad. Add to this the fact that the temperature continues to fall after circulation pumps are shut off, then indeed the pad is producing maximum cooling just before it “appears” to dry out. But, this is the maximum cooling the pad will produce when operating on an interval timer cycle. When the circulation pumps are operating continuously, and the pads become fully wetted, it is likely that the “maximum” cooling experienced will typically be greater. When observing thermal images taken during the time period of the examples; at 1:32 p.m. the water circulation pump is operating and the pad surface temperature is 70.6 degrees F (wet bulb temperature). At 1:42 p.m., four minutes after the water circulation pumps were turned off, the pad surface is starting to show signs of drying. Though the pad surface temperature has increased to nearly 80 degrees F, the temperature of the incoming air did not change from what it was at 1:32 p.m. when water was circulating over the pads. So even though the pad surface is showing initial signs of drying, the cooling produced by the pad is not reduced due to the fact that a vast majority of the pad is still wet and producing cooling. The fact of the matter is that placing pads on a 10-minute interval timer has little benefit when it comes to keeping birds cool during hot weather. If the timer cycle is very short and the pad remains wet for the entire cycle, the pad will essentially produce the same level of cooling and humidity and evaporate the same amount of water as had the circulation pumps run continuously. The downside is that the lack of water flow over the surface of the pads will lead to dirt and mineral build up, which can lead to reduced pad life and reduced air flow into the house. It is important to realize that each time the pads dry or even start to dry all of the contaminates in the water become concentrated. When they are concentrated they are more corrosive and destroy the pad “a little bit.” So every cycle reduces pad life. This is the reason why pad manufacturers do not warrant operating pad systems on interval timers. Long timer cycles where the pads fully or partially dry will result in higher house air temperatures. Bottom line, if you want maximum pad life and temperature reduction, evaporative cooling pads should be operated continuously, provided the outside temperature is high enough to warrant their use.

POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

•Factors (Continued from page 11)

Because of varying ventilation requirements, the two distinctly different systems are sometimes combined in an attempt to provide comfort to the chickens during varying climatic conditions at minimum cost. l Natural Air Flow System Basic Requirements — A good ventilation system must have an adequate supply of air to the building and an adequate air distribution system inside the building. The prevailing wind direction, building orientation and site features control air availability. Heat is also exchanged from the air when air is used to evaporate water. Water’s heat of vaporization is approximately 1,000 Btu (British thermal unit) per pound (or pint) of water evaporated. We make use of vaporization in ventilation cooling (evaporative cooling) in the summer to improve the comfort of the poultry. The most practical way to calculate the air flow is by the following rule of thumb: provide 0.1 cubic feet of air flow per minute per pound of body weight of the chickens in the house for each 1 degree F of temperature of outside air. If you can, orient the houses in an east-west direction. Ventilated shelters must be exposed to the wind, so place the building on a high site rather than in a low place. Keep natural or man-made wind barriers at least 100 feet away from the side where the prevailing wind enters the building. Windbreaks reduce natural air movement for a distance 5 to 10 times their height. Proper design and construction details will ensure good distribution and air movement. Eave heights should be 6 to 9 feet above the outside grade.

Roof slopes should rise 4 to 5 inches per running foot. The warm-moist air produced by the broilers rises toward the roof and the steeper roof slope creates a “chimney” effect, so ridge ventilation is recommended. Place ventilators 30 to 50 feet apart. You may wish to add a 1- to 2-inch-wide vent along the side of the building near the eave that can be covered when the curtain is completely closed. When the curtain is lowered, a uniform opening will run the length of the building. Using the curtain alone may not provide a uniform opening since the curtain may sag in places. A small uniform opening ensures that minimum ventilation rates will enter the house high above the birds during cool weather. This also reduces drafts and allows the entering air to mix and be tempered before coming into contact with the birds. Curtains that can be opened should be placed on both sidewalls along the length of the building. The curtains should extend from approximately 30 inches above the floor and should overlap the upper part of the sidewall by approximately 4 inches. During the summer, center fans in a curtain-sided house will be used almost continuously. End fans will be used mostly during the brooding period. Place exhaust fans at even intervals down the sidewalls in order to remove stale air, odors and moisture. If partial house brooding is used, place at least one 36-inch exhaust fan in the sidewall for each 100-foot length of house. The remaining part of the house should have a 36-inch fan for each 150 feet of house length. These fans should be controlled by a thermostat and a timer for periodic air removal. l Summer Ventilation A natural air system is used


for warm weather conditions in houses with side curtains. This system uses temperature differences and natural air movement to remove excess heat and moisture, and to supply oxygen. Changing environmental conditions within a short period of time reduces the effectiveness of this system in modern poultry production. To maintain a constant temperature to promote maximum comfort for the birds, some degree of mechanical air movement must be provided in

conjunction with the natural air system. l Mechanical Ventilation System Mechanical air movement is required to properly ventilate a house in all extreme climatic conditions. These mechanical systems use electric fans as principal components to exchange air in the building. They can be divided into two distinct types: (1) negative pressure and (2) positive pressure. Negative (Exhaust) System: In the negative pressure system, fans are arranged to expel air from the building. In doing so, they create a partial vacuum or negative pressure inside the house. The pressure difference pulls fresh air through inlets into the poultry house. Distribute inlets uniformly around the perimeter of the building. The location, distribution and size of the fans

and inlets are critical if all areas of the house are to be ventilated. Design specifications are available from equipment manufacturers and Extension engineers. The location of the fans and air inlets depends upon the width of the building. For buildings up to 40 feet wide, place the fans in one sidewall. Fans on the sidewall opposite the prevailing wind will reduce backpressure on the fan. The fans provide much better ventilation if they are spaced uniformly along the wall. Buildings more than 50 feet wide need fans on both sidewalls. Air inlet size is critical to proper functioning of the ventilation system. The air inlet velocity must be high enough to ensure fresh air reaches all portions of the facility. However, the air velocity must not be so high that the birds are subject to drafts. Install inlets so air enters and moves toward the ceiling. This arrangement allows the cold ventilating air to be tempered somewhat by mixing with the warm air already in the house before it comes into contact with the birds. This helps reduce drafts. Uniform air distribution in the poultry house can only be ensured if the building is airtight except for the properly sized, uniformly spaced air inlets. Leaks around doors and around other openings in the walls or ceiling must be stopped. For these reasons, as well as a tendency to short circuit, pressure systems are difficult to manage in curtain-sided houses. Positive Pressure System: A positive pressure system uses fans to push air into the building and create a positive pressure. The pressure difference causes the air to move — in this case out through louvers or other outlets. A number of positive pressure systems are used in the poultry industry.

One system pushes warm air into the house and mixes it with inside air throughout the house. In another type, the warm air is pushed the length of the house through plastic tubes or ducts with outlets. This system distributes heat and mixes air in the poultry house.

Mixing vent. air Simply passing air through the building does not ensure proper ventilation. Proper ventilation introduces fresh air uniformly, mixes it well with house air and circulates it properly through the house. If old air is allowed to flow into a warm area without direction or velocity, it will cause fog and/or create drafts on the birds. In the summer the air must be given controlled direction to ensure uniform air distribution and prevent “dead air” pockets. Place fans near the ceiling down the center of the house and on the extreme ends of the house to circulate and mix the air. The fans mix the air within the house to prevent warmer air from remaining near the ceiling. The supplemental heat requirements for broiler housing vary with the insulation level, ventilation rates, outdoor temperatures and management practices. The addition of supplemental heat allows the operator to maintain desired temperature levels during cold weather and while the birds are young. Components A ventilation system has three principal components: (1) the fans required to move the air through the building, (2) air inlets and outlets and (3) a set of controls (thermostats and timers) to regulate fan operation.

See Components, Page 24


POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

Classifieds For classified advertising information 770-536-2476

908 Supplies All Star Packaging For Sale: Egg Cartons - pulp or foam, 30 dz egg cases, 5x6 or 4x5 filler flats, 2 1/2 dz egg sleeves and plastic 5x6 filler flats. 954-781-9066; www.eggboxes.com. DISCOUNT EGG CARTONS. Buy Online. Poultry Supplies, Egg Baskets, Incubators, Egg Wash Powder. Free Catalog. www.EggCartons.com (888) 852-5340. Fall Harvest Products. Wholesale quantity pricing on laying nests, automatic hen house doors, desktop incubators & hatching access., mini egg washers & small poultry items. www.fallharvestproducts.com 1-866-352-6652

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POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012


MSU researcher finds link to H5N1 bird flu By Keri Collins Lewis Special to Poultry Times

MISSISSIPPI STATE, Miss. — A Mississippi State University researcher has uncovered the first molecular evidence linking live poultry markets in China to human H5N1 avian influenza. Henry Wan, an assistant professor in systems biology at MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine, collaborated with scientists in the World Health Organization Collaborative Centers for Influenza in China and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to investigate the connection. “Although conceptually we knew live bird markets posed a risk for human H5N1 infection, there had previously not been any direct evidence, especially molecular evidence, supporting this hypothesis,” Wan said. Based on information provided by patients infected with the H5N1 virus during the 2008-2009 season, Wan and his colleagues collected and analyzed 69 environmental samples from the live bird markets visited by six patients before the onset of the disease. “From these 69 samples, we isolated a total of 12 highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza viruses from four of the six live bird markets. The similarity of the genetic sequence of the environmental and corresponding human isolates demonstrates a solid link between human infection and live poultry markets,” Wan said. Wan said the goal of his research is to find the sources of human H5N1 infections and provide the foundations for policy-making for protecting public health. While the U.S. has regulations in place to protect consumers, this is not the case in all countries. Wan began studying avian influenza while conducting graduate work in southern China in 1996.

He was the first scientist to identify the highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza virus. One year later, this virus infected humans in Hong Kong, resulting in six deaths. The subsequent massive depopu-

molecular level. “H5N1 viruses have spread to both wild and domestic bird populations in many countries, predominately in Asia, Africa and Europe,” Wan said.

MSU College of Veterinary Medicine/Tom Thompson

Virus research: Henry Wan, an assistant professor in systems biology at MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine, uses a centrifuge to isolate the flu viruses he researches. Wan and his colleagues discovered the first molecular evidence linking live poultry markets in China to human H5N1 avian influenza.

lation of poultry stopped the human outbreak for a time, but two cases identified in Hong Kong in 2003 confirmed the virus was still circulating in the region and posed a health hazard. From 2003 to 2011, the World Health Organization recorded a total of 566 confirmed human cases for avian influenza worldwide that have resulted in 332 deaths. To date, there have not been any highly pathogenic H5N1 detections in the U.S. Wan, whose other area of expertise is developing computer programs to model the mutation of viruses and to identify vaccine strains, performed an evolutionary study on this virus to identify the links between the human and avian strains of the virus at the

Although no sustained humanto-human transmissions of the H5N1 virus have been confirmed, the mortality rate among human cases to date is about 60 percent. Wan hopes the results of this study can be used to develop policies to prevent and control H5N1 infections in humans. “For instance, control and regulations of live bird markets could be used to help prevent the H5N1 human infections in areas that have active live bird markets,” he said. In the U.S., most live bird markets are in major metropolitan areas. “We have live bird markets in many major cities with large concentrations of ethnic groups who prefer to buy live poultry rather than

processed poultry,” said CVM’s Dr. Danny Magee, director of the Poultry Research and Diagnostic Laboratory in Pearl. “The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has monitoring procedures in place to prevent and control the disease in live bird markets and in the production premises and poultry distributors that supply those markets.” Magee said Mississippi’s commercial poultry industry follows biosecurity protocols to protect the chickens on the farms from avian influenza. “Raising chickens in confinement minimizes their exposure to wild migratory waterfowl, which have been identified as possible reservoirs of the avian influenza virus,” he said. “Biosecurity practices also limit exposure of the chickens to unauthorized visitors on the farm. The flocks are raised

as securely as possible, and then they are tested for exposure to the avian influenza virus before they are sent to market. Every flock in the state undergoes this serological test so the consumer can be assured that the product is safe.” Poultry is Mississippi’s top agricultural commodity, with a 2011 production value of $2.21 billion. “Approximately 15 million broilers are processed in Mississippi each week,” Magee said. “We test the breeders that lay the eggs to produce the broilers, and we test the commercial egg-laying birds. The facility in Pearl is one of the labs in the Southeast that performs the regulatory test to monitor for the presence of the avian influenza virus in the commercial poultry industry.” Keri Collins Lewis is with the Office of Agricultural Communication at Mississippi State University.


Immediate Opening! Excellent Benefits! Michael Foods Egg Products Company, the world’s largest supplier of processed eggs, has the following opportunity:


We are seeking a highly motivated Poultry Veterinarian to oversee several million laying hens and pullets. The position has responsibilities for production contracts and internal production. The successful candidate must have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and 3-5 years of production experience, excellent written and verbal communication skills. For immediate consideration, please submit your resume to: Michael Foods, Inc. ATTN: Dave Meierdierks 105 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 573 Wakefield, NE 68784 dave.meierdierks@michaelfoods.com (402) 287-5222 EOE/AA


POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

Markets Compiled by David B. Strickland, Editor 770-718-3442 dstrickland@poultrytimes.net

Nat’l. Turkey Market:

unchanged to higher. Demand was light to moderate. Offerings light. Frozen basted equivalent offering prices on a national basis for hens was $1.03-$1.05 shipping point and 16-24 lb. toms $1.03-$1.05 shipping point for current deliveries.

(Mar. 20): The market on hens and 16-24 lb. toms was steady with a steady to firm undertone in response to offering prices on frozen hens

No trading reported. The market on white meat was steady. The undertone on white meat was steady to weak. Demand was light to moderate. Offerings were mixed ranging light to heavy, mostly moderate. The market on Grade A 4-8 lb. rib breast was steady with a steady to firm undertone. The market on institutional sized breasts was steady. Demand and offerings were light to moderate. The market on tom bulk parts was generally steady. Demand and offerings were light to moderate. The market on thigh meat was steady with a steady to instances weak undertone. Demand was light to moderate. Offerings moderate. The market on mechanically separated turkey was steady with some finding a strengthening undertone. Demand was light to moderate.

Offerings light to moderate, mostly light. Trading was light to moderate, mostly light. Export: trading was light. The market was mostly steady; demand light to moderate; offerings moderate.

P arts: Georgia:

The f.o.b. dock quoted prices on ice-pack parts based on truckload and pool truckload lots for the week of Mar. 21: line run tenders $1.97½; skinless/boneless breasts $1.60; whole breasts 99½¢; boneless/skinless thigh meat $1.30½; thighs 72¢; drumsticks 66¢; leg quarters 54½¢; wings $1.87½.

F owl: Mar. 16: Live spent heavy fowl

The following chart provides an annual high and a comparison of recent activity of major poultry company stocks.

USDA Shell Eggs

AMS weekly combined region shell egg prices Average prices on sales to volume buyers, Grade A or better, White eggs in cartons, delivered warehouse, cents per dozen.

Annual High

Cal-Maine Campbell Soup ConAgra Hormel Pilgrim’s Pride Sanderson Farms Seaboard Tyson

42.38 35.66 27.34 30.50 7.85 55.05 2705.00 21.06

Mar. 14

Mar. 16

Mar. 21

Extra Large Regions: Northeast 97.50 Southeast 96.50 Midwest 90.50 South Central 101.50 Combined 96.73

42.02 40.94 32.87 32.90 26.30 26.34 28.65 28.98 7.40 7.45 53.90 53.43 1929.00 1980.00 19.65 19.50



95.00 71.00 94.50 70.00 88.50 66.50 98.50 71.50 94.32 69.81

Computed from simple weekly averages weighted by regional area populations

Grain Prices OHIO COUNTRY ELEV. Mar. 6 Mar. 13 Mar. 20 No. 2 Yellow Corn/bu. $6.67 $6.66 $6.68 Soybeans/bu. $13.00 $13.10 $13.42 (Courtesy: Prospect Farmers Exchange, Prospect, Ohio)

(Courtesy: A.G. Edwards & Sons Inc.)

Broiler Eggs Set/Chicks Placed in 19 States EGGS SET (Thousands)

Ala Ark


Del Fla Ga Ky La Md Miss Mo. N.C. Okla Pa S.C. Tex Va

19 States Total Prev. year % Prev. yr.


Feb. 25

Mar. 3

Mar. 10

Mar. 17

Feb. 25

Mar. 3

Mar. 10

Mar. 17

27,970 20,142 10,998 3,190 1,353 32,143 6,399 3,379 7,204 17,814 7,654 20,313 6,688 3,714 5,296 14,868 6,168

27,581 20,493 10,909 3,191 1,350 32,150 7,855 3,470 7,212 17,799 7,840 20,397 6,930 3,763 5,291 14,732 6,118

27,476 20,665 11,010 3,303 1,350 32,374 7,841 3,440 7,674 17,682 7,648 20,342 6,930 3,838 5,472 14,994 6,207

28,260 19,658 11,299 3,415 1,351 32,236 7,805 3,470 7,678 17,784 7,482 19,957 6,365 3,692 5,118 15,084 6,273

18,833 19,144 10,137 3,440 1,073 27,877 5,662 3,092 6,751 15,317 4,612 15,820 5,026 3,045 4,197 11,972 4,547

18,749 19,498 10,181 4,117 1,454 27,520 6,562 3,091 5,778 15,599 5,566 15,856 4,125 2,894 4,523 12,466 5,368

19,382 18,611 9,900 3,910 1,174 28,332 6,595 3,022 6,441 15,328 6,020 15,816 4,014 2,870 4,230 12,321 4,739

20,062 19,004 10,824 3,901 1,407 27,769 5,014 2,983 6,110 15,440 5,325 16,753 4,605 2,970 3,646 12,205 4,784

195,293 206,633

197,081 208,530

198,246 207,787

196,927 208,563

160,545 168,805

163,347 167,792

162,705 170,434

162,802 170,587









1/Current week as percent of same week last year.

N ational Slaughter: Broiler: Estimated slaugh-

ter for week ending Mar. 24 is 152,864,000. Actual slaughter for the week ending Mar. 17 was 151,601,000. Heavy-type hen: Estimated slaughter for the week ending Mar. 24 is 1,387,000. Actual slaughter for the week ending Mar. 17 was 1,307,000. Light-type hen: Estimated slaughter for the week ending Mar. 24 is 1,947,000. Actual slaughter for the week ending Mar. 17 was 1,860,000. Total: Week of Mar. 24: 156,198,000. Week of Mar. 17: 154,768,000.

Broiler/Fryer Markets

Industry Stock Report


Final prices at Farm Buyer Loading (per pound): range 8½¢-18¢

USDA Composite Weighted Average For week of: Mar. 19 94.31¢ For week of: Mar. 12 94.48¢ Chi.-Del.-Ga.-L.A.-Miss.-N.Y.--S.F.-South. States For delivery week of: Mar. 5 Mar. 19 Chicago majority 90--94¢ 92--96¢ Mississippi majority 84--89¢ 87--89¢ New York majority 91--94¢ 94--97¢ For delivery week of: Mar. 7 Mar. 21 Delmarva weighted average 86¢--$1.12 68¢--$1.12 Georgia f.o.b. dock offering 92.50¢ 93.25¢ Los Angeles majority price $1.01 $1.02 San Francisco majority price $1.01½ $1.02½ Southern States f.o.b. average 61.92¢ 64.13¢

Turkey Markets Weighted avg. prices for frozen whole young turkeys Weighted average (cents/lb.) F.O.B. shipper dock National Week ending Mar. 16 Last year Hens (8-16 lbs.) 102.33 92.50 Toms (16-24 lbs.) 104.00 92.50 Week ending Mar. 9 Feb. avg. Hens (8-16 lbs.) 102.00 100.15 Toms (16-24 lbs.) 103.07 100.17

Egg Markets USDA quotations New York cartoned del. store-door: Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Extra large, up 16¢ $1.09--$1.13 $1.25--$1.29 Large, up 16¢ $1.07--$1.11 $1.23--$1.27 Medium, up 17¢ 82--86¢ 99¢--$1.03 Southeast Regional del. warehouse: Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Extra large, up 5½¢ 93½¢--$1.01 99¢--$1.15 Large, up 3¢ 92--99¢ 95¢--$1.13 Medium, up 3½¢ 67½--75¢ 71--85¢

POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012


Junior college receives USPOULTRY grant ELLISVILLE, Miss. — Jones County Junior College has received a $7,000 grant from the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association Foundation to aid in student recruitment. The USPOULTRY Foundation provides student recruiting funds to universities with poultry science departments and to other colleges and universities that offer “identifiable poultry science studies.” “It is critical that we persist in attracting sharp young people to study for careers in the poultry industry,” said USPOULTRY Chairman Gary


Cooper of Cooper Farms, Oakwood, Ohio. “We need bright young managers to join our companies today, as they will ultimately be the leaders of tomorrow. The U.S. Poultry Foundation’s recruiting grants play an important role encouraging students to enroll in poultry studies.” The U.S. POULTRY Foundation has approved student recruiting grants totaling approximately $180,000 to six U.S. universities with poultry science departments and 14 other institutions with poultry programs.

Index of Advertisers

Acme,12D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 918-682-7791; www.acmeag.com Agrifan, 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-236-7080; www.envirofan.com Agri Process Fabrications, 12O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870-673-3030; www.apfabrications.com AgSeal, 12B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870-741-9269 American Coolair, Cover D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904-389-3646; www.coolair.com American Proteins, 12H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.americanproteins.com B&M Metals, 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-340-2435 Bayer, 12F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.bayer.com Big Dutchman, Cover C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616-392-5981; www.bigdutchman.com Brown Bear, 12B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641-322-4220; www.brownbearcorp.com CID Lines, 12D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.cidlines.com Cobb Vantress, 12C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.cobb-vantress.com Continental Agra Equipment, 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316-283-9602; www.continentalagra.com Cumberland, 12H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217-226-4401; www.cumberlandpoultry.com

DSM, 12P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.unlimitednutrition-na.dsm.com Elanco, 12B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-428-4441; www.elanco.com Farm Alarm, 12D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-407-5455; www.farmalarm.com Flame, 12J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-255-2469; www.flameengineering.com FPM, 12B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402-729-2264; www.fpmne.com High Performance Systems, 12J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-928-7220; www.highperfsystems.com Impex, 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-255-5024; www.impex.nl Jones Hamilton PLT, Cover B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.joneshamiltonag.com Lee Energy, 12G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.leeenergysolutions.com Merck Animal Health, Cover III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.ihc-poultry.com Michael Foods, 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-287-5222 Motomco, 12A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-237-6843; www.motomco.com Port-A-Kuul, 12O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936-598-5651; www.kuulpads.com Porter Insulation, 12K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-999-0430; www.porterinsulation.com Pro-Tech, 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-438-1707; www.pro-techinc.com Randy Jones, Cover A, 12I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-648-6584 Reeves, Cover II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-854-5221; www.reevessupply.com Southwest Agriplastics, 12E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-288-9748; www.swapinc.com Southwestern Sales, 12M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-636-1975; www.swsales.com Space-Ray, 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-849-7311; www.spaceray.com Star Labs, 12J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-894-5396; www.primalac.com Taylor Power, 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-367-7639; www.taylorpower.com VALCO, Cover IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-392-3978; www.valcompanies.com Water Cannon, 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-333-9274; www.watercannon.com WeighTech, 12D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-457-3720; www.weightechinc.com


POULTRY TIMES, March 26, 2012

User fees again being proposed in budget WASHINGTON — Enactment of “user fees” to pay for government inspection of poultry operations is again being proposed, this time in President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget submitted on Feb. 14. The proposed budget calls for $266 million in user fees, a more than 91 percent jump over the estimated 2012 amount of $139 million. User fees specifically for USDA’s Food Safety & Inspection Service, which carries out inspections on poultry operations, are estimated to total $162 million for 2013. The National Chicken Council, however, states that since poultry inspection is a mandatory federal program, that program should be funded by the federal government and not through user fees. “These food safety taxes, which have been justly rejected by Congress time and time again, will be charged directly to the meat and poultry sector who will be forced to pass this additional cost onto taxpaying consumers,” said Tom Super, NCC vice president of communications. “NCC urges Congress to once again reject these fees that will put further strains on consumers’ food budgets and will create an additional burden on chicken companies at a time when the industry is attempting to recover from one of the worst financial years in history.” The president’s proposed budget calls cutting subsidies

to agriculture by $32 billion over the next 10 years. This includes eliminating the $5 billion a year in direct payment to farmers that is given out regardless of whether the farmer is in need of the payment.

The budget also would reduce the maximum number of acres that can be enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program to 30 million, down from 32 million acres. NCC said the 2 million acre

decrease in the CRP “is far from enough considering the continued shortage of corn that has plagued chicken farmers who continue to struggle with feed availability, due in large part to federal ethanol policies.”

Super continued. “NCC will urge Congress to reduce even further the maximum amount of good, productive cropland acres that can be enrolled in CRP, as long as that land is not environmentally sensitive.”

•Components (Continued from page 19)

Fans In selecting fans for a specific ventilation system, the wide range of climatic conditions must be considered as well as the ventilation system under which they will be used. Rugged, top quality equipment must be used when operating under adverse conditions. The Air Movement Control Association Inc. has set up standard test codes and procedures for fan manufacturers to use in rating the performance of fans. These ratings assure the buyer that the fan will deliver the volume of air specified. Generally speaking, it is better to select oversized rather than undersized fans to supply the required ventilation. A safety factor is provided in case any one fan fails to operate. However, you can save money in both initial and in operating costs by using correctly sized fans. Operating costs can be reduced by using efficient motors on the fans. The fans should be wired by competent electricians and in accordance with the National Electrical Code and any applicable local codes. Inlets and Outlets The rate of air exchange is determined by the fans, but the uniformity of air distribution depends primarily on the location, design and adjustment of

the air inlets. Air inlet velocities of 600 to 1,000 feet per minute (fpm) are recommended. Since ventilation requirements change with bird age, body weight and outside temperature, slot widths have to change also. Typical slot width ranges are between 1 and 6 inches. Widths can be controlled either manually or with static pressure sensitive automatic controls. Controls Fans are usually controlled by thermostats or thermostats in combination with interval timers. A single stage thermostat will control one or more single speed fans by activating the fan when the temperature rises and stopping it when the air temperature drops to a selected level. A thermostat with a double throw switch will control a two-speed fan, automatically changing from high to low speed as temperature changes to a selected level. Fans with motor-operated shutters should be controlled by the same thermostat to ensure their simultaneous operation. The interval timer permits intermittent operation of one or more fans because the fans are not usually operated continuously in cold weather. Most timers operate on a 10 minute cycle to approximate the air delivery of a continuously operating fan. A continuously operating fan providing the proper amount of ventilation air would not provide the air velocities required for proper mixing. A thermostat interconnected with the

timer overrides the system when more ventilation is needed to remove excess heat. Relays are necessary to protect the motors and thermostats when a group of fans are to be controlled simultaneously by a single thermostat or timer.

General requirements l Design the system with extreme climatic conditions of the area in mind. l Follow the design and specifications when you install the ventilation equipment. l For system balance, the building should be filled with birds to the designed capacity. l Insulation of the structure must be based on the intended use and local weather conditions. l Insulation should be of the proper type and installed so as to be protected from rapid deterioration. l Clean the ventilation system regularly and adjust it seasonally. l Provide supplemental heat and cooling for extreme climatic conditions. l All equipment (fans and controls) should be serviced periodically and maintained in good condition. l Provide good management for the poultry, the building and the ventilation system. l A suitable alarm system and/or stand-by electric generating equipment should be available in case of power failure.

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