Poultry Times October 24 Issue

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Since 1954, the nation’s only poultry industry newspaper

October 24 , 2011

Poultry Times

October 24, 2011 Volume 58, Number 22 www.poultrytimes.net

Lampkin Butts becomes NCC chairman WASHINGTON — Lampkin Butts, president and chief operating officer of Sanderson Farms, Laurel, Miss., is the new chairman of the National Chicken Council, the trade association for the chicken production and processing industry. Bill Lovette, president and CEO of Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., Greeley, Colo., is vice chairman, and Michael Helgeson, chief executive officer of GNP Co., St. Cloud, Minn., becomes secretary-treasurer.

The new officers were installed during the NCC Annual Conference held in Washington, D.C. Officers serve one-year terms. Butts has been president and COO of Sanderson Farms since November 2004. He has been with the company since 1973, working his way up through a variety of assignments and serving as processing division manager, director of processing and sales and vice-president of sales. He was elected to the Sanderson Farms board of directors in

1998. He has served on the NCC board since 2004 and has also served on the boards of the U.S. Poultry & Egg AsButts sociation and the Mississippi Poultry Association. In Laurel, he has served on the boards of directors for the As-

Bill Mattos receives CPF Golden Rooster award MONTEREY, Calif. — Bill Mattos, who has served as president of the California Poultry Federation for 20 years, was honored by the federation with the Golden Rooster award, the group’s highest honor. The award, given in a surprise presentation at the group’s recent annual conference, honors an individual who has made major contributions to the poultry industry. The CPF also presented its Pioneer Award to JS West and Companies, an egg growing and processing operation, which celebrated its 100 anniversary in 2009 as a familyowned company. Also honored as the Allied Member of the Year was the Veterinary Service Inc. com-

See Mattos, Page 8


sociation for Excellence in Education, the United Way of the Pine Belt and the Laurel Country Club and the Session at Westminster Presbyterian

Church. Butts graduated from the University of Mississippi with a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a major in marketing and sales management. He lives in Laurel with his wife, Susie. They have three children — Christie, Stephanie and Casey — all of whom have graduated from Ole Miss.

Lovette joined Pilgrim’s Pride as president and chief executive officer on Jan. 3, 2011. He served as president and Helgeson chief operating officer of Case Foods for the previous two years. Before that, Lovette spent 25 years with Tyson Foods in various roles in senior management, including president of its international business unit, president of its foodservice business unit and senior group vice president of poultry and prepared

See NCC, Page 5

Congress approves FTAs with South Korea, Colombia and Panama By Barbara Olejnik Poultry Times Staff



Golden Rooster: Bill Mattos, center, president of the California Poultry Federation, received the CPF Golden Rooster Award, the group’s highest honor, at the recent annual convention. Mattos also received a commemorative plaque, resolutions from the state Senate and Assembly and letters from past and present business associates and government officials. Presenting the award were, left to right, Mike Leventini, Petaluma Poultry Processors, Richard Zacky, Zacky Farms, Richie King, Foster Farms and Bob Shipley, Squab Producers of California, all members of the CPF Executive Committee.

WASHINGTON — Congress has finally approved three separate free trade agreements (FTA) with South Korea, Colombia and Panama — four years after the pacts were proposed. The three agreements together are expected to increase U.S. exports by $13 billion and create tens of thousands of jobs. The House of Representatives passed individual legislation authorizing the trade agreements on Oct. 12. This was immediately followed by Senate votes for passage. The House votes were 278-151 for South Korea, 262-167 for Colombia and 300-129 for Panama. Senate votes were 83-15

See Trade, Page 9


POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

Who knew? Chicken feet are big business McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — Finally some clarity to a question that long has bedeviled mankind: Why did the chicken cross the road? The answer: It was going global. Many Americans may be surprised to learn that the humble chicken is now synonymous with international trade. Twenty percent of U.S. chicken sales, by weight, go abroad. That point was driven home on Sept. 20 when U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk announced he was dragging China before the World Trade Organization to dispute charges that U.S. poultry exports are sold at unfairly low prices. The U.S. and China have

ruffled each other’s feathers in recent years over restrictions imposed by each on poultry imports. But what wasn’t so clear in Kirk’s announcement is that the product being restricted by China was chicken feet. Yes, chicken feet. That’s not exactly a part of the bird most Americans fight over at the dinner table, and it speaks to the globalization of the common chicken. “We’ve always had two feet and two wings and one head on every chicken we’ve raised. It wasn’t until about a little more than 10 years ago . . . that the U.S. industry discovered that China was a great market for chicken feet,” said James Rice, who ran operations in China for U.S.

poultry giant Tyson Foods from 2004 to 2010. “Chicken foot has a higher value than breast meat in China. It’s a prized thing. It’s considered a very yummy delicacy. It might be our garbage, but it’s their breakfast, and it’s something they like.” There’s a global pecking order for who gets what. “If you think of our everyday backyard chicken, it’s a global product,” said Rice, who is now chief executive in China for Dutch pastry giant CSM Foods (Shanghai)

Co. Ltd. “An American chicken producer has to get the maximum price for their product, so you cut a chicken into parts and U.S. consumers only eat breast meat, so the breast is sold in the United States.” “Legs and dark meat go to Russia, chicken feet go to China and the wings go to Hooters, and when you get that right, you’ve maximized value for a chicken. So you need to get that chicken foot through to China,” he said. But a year ago, China slapped

unfair trade penalties on American chicken feet. That was a retaliatory strike; China is upset that congressional Democrats pulled funding for a USDA program that would have allowed about a dozen Chinese companies to export processed chicken products to the United States. China had worked with the USDA to meet the same requirements as U.S. producers of cooked chicken and was angry that the funds

See Feet, Page 12

Vietnamese trade mission aims to create business opportunities for U.S. companies WASHINGTON — USDA Acting Undersecretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Michael Scuse led the department’s first-ever agricultural trade mission to Vietnam in the cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Sept. 2629. Vietnam is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies and an important market for U.S. agricultural products. Two-way agricultural, fish and forestry trade with Vietnam reached nearly $3.4 billion in 2010. Fifteen U.S. companies representing a wide range of food and agricultural products took part in the mission, which aimed to promote U.S. agricultural exports to Vietnam. Throughout the mission, these companies met with nearly 150 Vietnamese producers, importers, buyers, distributors and investors to develop trade relationships. “U.S. farmers and ranchers are seeing record sales of farm goods abroad and looking forward to some of the best net incomes in decades thanks to global demand for the American brand,” Scuse said. “Since 2006, no other major U.S. agricultural export market has grown as quickly as Vietnam. This

is a significant and growing market for U.S. producers and a driver for the American economy, helping to support more than 28,000 jobs here in the United States through exports of American products. USDA trade missions have a successful track record of helping to support U.S. job creation and business opportunities for American food and agricultural companies. Establishing partnerships and creating opportunities for trade is how we will build an economy that continues to grow, innovate and out-compete the rest of the world.” While in Vietnam, Scuse also met with Vietnamese government and agricultural officials, U.S. agribusinesses and visited agricultural production and development sites. He joined U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam David Shear to open the USA Pavilion at Food and Hotel Vietnam (FHV) — one of Southeast Asia’s premier food trade shows — on Sept. 28. The sold-out USDA-endorsed USA Pavilion featured 28 exhibitors displaying a wide variety of food and agricultural products to an expected 8,000 visitors. USDA recently forecast fiscal year 2011 and 2012 exports will reach a record $137 billion, $22 bil-

lion higher than the previous record set in 2008 and $28 billion above 2010. Strong agricultural exports contribute to the positive U.S. trade balance, create jobs and boost economic growth. The Vietnam trade mission and U.S. participation in the FHV show support the strategic priorities of President Obama’s National Export Initiative (NEI), which aims to double all U.S. exports by the end of 2014.

INDEX AEB Hotline ..................... 23 Business ......................... 6-7 Calendar .......................... 11 Classified......................... 20 Nuggets ........................... 10 Viewpoint............................ 4 A directory of Poultry Times advertisers appears on Page 23

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POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011


Alabama poultry industry continues rebuilding The Associated Press

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Alabama poultry farmers continue to rebuild, five months after last spring’s tornadoes shattered many of their chicken house operations. The April 27 storms destroyed or heavily damaged more than 700 chicken houses, and about 70 percent of the affected farmers are staying in the business, said John McMillan, the state’s agriculture commissioner. The rest, he said, have elected to walk away, based on a number of factors, including their age, the amount of insurance they had and whether there is another generation coming along to take over the business. “It boils down to an individual small business person decision-making process,” he said. Rebuilding was first slowed by the massive amounts of debris left in the wake of the tornadoes, which killed 3.2 million chickens. Building supplies and labor also have been limited in northern Alabama, the heart of the state’s poultry industry, and the region that took the brunt of the tornado damage. A lot of the farmers have either started or are well into rebuilding their chicken houses by now, but no one has gotten new chickens yet, McMillan said. As for Alabama’s poultry industry at large — which produces 1 billion chickens annually and ranks number three in the nation behind Arkansas and Georgia — the tornadoes have had little impact. “There are so many growers and there are so many chickens being hatched out and delivered every week ... in the grand scheme of things, it’s not a big deal,” McMillan said. However, he adds, for individual farmers, it is a big deal, particularly those who depend on the income the chicken houses bring. Complicating the business rebuilding efforts for those farmers is the fact that some also lost their own homes in the storms. Charlie and Marti Short, who live north

of Piedmont, just recently moved back onto their property after staying in a hotel for 4 1/2 months. The couple, who have four children, lost their home, along with four chicken houses, barns and vehicles. “All that was left was the subfloor on top of the basement,” Marti Short said. “We were all safe. We were actually in the basement.” The family is now living in a barn on their property while they’re waiting on their house to be finished, which they hope will happen by Thanksgiving or Christmas. “We’ve got all the beds lined up and appliances. We’re not having to travel back and forth and live in hotels. We’re actually home,” Short said. Just this week, the chicken house rebuilding began, and that’s expected to last three or four months, she said. Charlie Short works for Norfolk Southern railroad, while Marti runs the chicken houses, with help from her husband and children. “Everybody’s pulled together, trying to get us back in here and back in business,” she said. Kennard and Kathy Little of Mount Hope also lost everything in the tornadoes: their home, four chicken houses, sheds and equipment. The couple’s home is almost finished, but the chicken house rebuilding will probably take another three months, Kathy Little said. “It’s been rough,” she said. “There was so much debris, and getting that cleaned up was the biggest hurdle.” Rebuilding has been slow because builders are stretched so thin, she said. The Littles, whose sole income is the poultry business, considered going in a different direction after losing everything. “We debated it for a while, but we decided that’s really the only thing we wanted to do,” Little said. “We really enjoy the chicken business.”

Rebecca Spence wins cooking contest ST. HELENA, Calif. — Rebecca Spence of Vancouver, Wash., won the second annual Foster Farms Fresh Chicken Cooking Contest held at The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone, in California’s Napa Valley. In the spirit of the contest’s focus on fresh, local ingredients, her Crispy Orange Chicken with Fennel, Avocado and Orange Salad featured locally grown ingredients including navel oranges, fennel, avocado and Foster Farms fresh chicken. Her recipe beat out nearly 2,000 recipes to win the $10,000 grand prize and a one-year supply of Foster Farms fresh chicken through 104 $10 vouchers good for the chicken. Spence competed against five other finalists from California, Oregon and Washington. The six finalists prepared and presented their dishes to a panel of food media judges, who made decisions based on taste, use of


Winner: Rebecca Spence shows off her winning recipe in the Foster Farms Fresh Chicken Cooking Contest. Her recipe for “Crispy Orange Chicken with Fennel, Avocado and Orange Salad” beat out nearly 2,000 recipes to win the $10,000 grand prize.

fresh, local ingredients, appearance/appeal, simplicity/ease of making and originality.

See Recipe, Page 24


POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

Viewpoint Compiled by Barbara Olejnik, Associate Editor 770-718-3440 bolejnik@poultrytimes.net

Tightening our belts, pulling up by our bootstraps By Bob Stallman Special to Poultry Times

WASHINGTON — The U.S. economy has taken a hit recently. The unemployment rate stands at 9 percent, our country’s credit rating was recently downgraded from AAA to AA+, the national debt is at an all-time high and lawmakers can’t seem to agree on the best way to get us out of this financial hole. Stallman The current situation affects all Americans, whether they’re farmers, teachers, wait staff or construction foremen. No one is immune. But, our country has been at the bottom of the financial barrel before and pulled itself up by the bootstraps. With some perseverance, consensus and common sense — we can again. Bob Stallman is president of the American Farm Bureau Federation with offices in Washington, D.C.

Make it meaningful While the debt ceiling bill that President Obama signed in August will keep our nation moving forward, even harder work lies ahead. It’s now in the hands of the congressional deficit reduction “super committee” to find

sive plan to reduce deficit spending will include cuts in programs that assist farmers, ranchers and communities in rural America. But, as farm bill expenditures in this country represent less than one-half of 1 percent of the federal budget, balancing the budget or resolving the nation’s financial woes can’t be accomplished by focusing on agriculture or by disproportionately cutting agriculture funding.

Reduce wisely When it comes to tightening the budget, U.S. farm policy has already led the way. In contrast to other programs, the cost of farm policy has sharply decreased over the past 10 years, is consistently under budget and has been the subject of three separate rounds of cuts in the past six years, totaling roughly $15 billion in savings. Agriculture has always contributed to deficit

Our goal will be to retain the integrity of the farm programs that serve America’s farm and ranch families.

will require everyone to buckle down on spending. Working together, pulling up those bootstraps, we can do this.

Poultry Times

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We support the need for deficit reduction and tackling the nation’s rising debt. Agriculture will do its part . . . but reductions need to be made wisely.

” reduction in the past when called upon. Farm Bureau will work with the House and Senate agriculture committees as they develop a blueprint for agriculture spending. Our goal will be to retain the integrity of the farm programs that serve America’s farm and ranch families. Our priority is to have enough money left when all is said and done to write a viable farm bill that ensures an effective safety net for America’s farm and

ranch families, furthers research, provides conservation measures and secures the nation’s food supply. Getting back on financial track

Cindy Wellborn 770-718-3443

ways to reduce our annual deficit spending. Like most Americans, Farm Bureau wants to see a meaningful reduction in our deficit and put the country back on track to fiscal soundness. We support the need for deficit reduction and tackling the nation’s rising debt. Agriculture will do its part toward this end goal, but reductions need to be made wisely. It is likely that any comprehen-

Editorial/Advertising Staff Editor David B. Strickland 770-718-3442 dstrickland@poultrytimes.net

Associate Editor Barbara L. Olejnik 770-718-3440


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COVER: Staff member Courtney Canaday designed the cover for this issue of Poultry Times using photography provided by Dinah Winfree.

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

Poultry World is a popular feature of the Fair By Steven Thomas Special to Poultry Times

GAINESVILLE, Ga. — Fall in Georgia means its time to go to the Fair, and the biggest of the bunch was the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Ga. I’ve been going to the Georgia National Fair every year since 1998 for a very good reason — Poultry World, the poultry industry’s educational exhibit. Poultry World was established in 1995 by the Georgia Poultry Federation, along with industry and academic partners, to share information with the public about all aspects of the poultry industry — Georgia’s number one agricultural and agribusiness sector. The mission of Poultry World is to increase public awareness and understanding of the industry and Steven Thomas is senior information specialist with the Georgia Tech Research Institute in Atlanta, Ga.


how it produces safe and wholesome products while creating jobs and other positive economic benefits. This year marked Poultry World’s 17th year as part of the Georgia National Fair. Staffed by more than 150 knowledgeable volunteers from poultry companies, allied industry companies, universities, the poultry laboratory network and the federation office, Poultry World continues to be one of the most popular exhibits at the fair, drawing more than 50,000 visitors during the 10 days of the fair, more than half of which are school children touring the exhibit as part of the Georgia National School House program. Poultry World is housed in a 40-foot-by-55-foot building resembling a poultry growout house. The building includes video and educational displays that provide an overview of the industry from the farm to the grocery store. A favorite of the children is

(Continued from page 1)

foods. He began his career in the poultry business in 1982 with Valmac Industries, which was later acquired by Tyson Foods. He has served as chairman of USPOULTRY and the International Foodservice Manufacturers Association. Lovette is a graduate of Texas A&M University and Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program. Lovette and his wife, Carolyn, have two grown children. Helgeson has served as CEO and a member of the board of directors of GNP Co., (formerly Gold’n Plump Poultry) since 1993. He joined the company in 1974 and worked in various divisions, including new products manager in the sales and marketing division, project manager in the broiler division, personnel manager at the Cold Spring, Minn., processing plant and purchasing/elevator manager in the

the incubator where they can view chicks hatching, and a 12foot-by-20-foot growout area for the growing chicks to drink and feed, complete with equipment as it appears in an actual chicken house. The children are allowed to hold and pet the chicks, with the assistance of volunteers who are also available throughout the exhibit to answer questions about any segment of the poultry industry. Educational displays include every facet of the industry — Feed and Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine, Breeders, Hatcheries, Farm Operations–Growout and Fresh Table Eggs. There are also exhibits on Environmental Stewardship and Industry Economic Statistics. The Educational Opportunities display features information on the universities and colleges in Georgia that have poultryrelated programs, including the University of Georgia’s Departments of Poultry Science, Food

feed and grain division. He spent his first two years in Indonesia researching and developing a broiler operation. He holds a bachelor of science degree in business from Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minn., and an master of business administration from the University of St. Thomas, Kotz Graduate School of Management. He lives near St. Cloud with his wife, Karel. They have two grown sons. Mike Brown of Vienna, Va., was elected to a full term as president of NCC. He joined NCC as president in March of this year, succeeding George Watts.

Directors The National Chicken Council also elected new members of the group’s Executive Committee and board of directors. Elected to one-year terms on the Executive Committee were: Lampkin Butts, Sanderson Farms, Laurel, Miss.; Alan Duncan, Mountaire Corp., Little Rock, Ark.; Ron Foster, Fos-


Photo by Steven Thomas

Poultry World: The Poultry World exhibit at the annual Georgia National Fair in Perry gives school children, and all the fair’s visitors, the chance to get a glimpse into the state’s number one agricultural product — as well as the chance to pet a chick.

Science, Veterinary Medicine and the Poultry Diagnostic Research Center; and Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College;

ter Farms, Livingston, Calif.; Ben Harrison Jr., Amick Farms LLC, Batesburg-Leesville, S.C.; Michael Helgeson, GNP Co., St. Cloud, Minn.; Mark Hickman, Peco Foods, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Mark Kaminsky, Koch Foods, Park Ridge, Ill.; Bernard Leonard, Tyson Foods, Springdale, Ark.; Bill Lovette, Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., Greeley, Colo.; Elton Maddox, Wayne Farms LLC, Oakwood, Ga.; Jim Perdue, Perdue Farms, Salisbury, Md.; and Don Taber, House of Raeford, Rose Hill, N.C. Elected to three-year terms on the board of directors were: William Andersen, Keystone Foods, Huntsville, Ala.; Robin Burruss, Tip Top Poultry, Marietta, Ga.; Joe DePippo, Hain Pure Protein Corp., Brevard, N.C.; Alan Duncan, Mountaire Corp., Little Rock, Ark.; Ron Foster, Foster Farms, Livingston, Calif.; Carl George, George’s Inc., Springdale, Ark.; Mark Hickman, Peco Foods, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Robert Johnson, House of Raeford, Rose Hill, N.C.; Mark Kaminsky, Koch Foods, Park Ridge, Ill.; Bernard Leon-

as well as Georgia Tech’s Agricultural Technology Research Program.

ard, Tyson Foods, Springdale, Ark.; Mike Roberts, Perdue Farms, Salisbury, Md.; Joe Sanderson Jr., Sanderson Farms, Laurel, Miss.; Thomas Shelton, Case Foods, Eden, Md.; and Jerry Wilson, Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., Greeley, Colo. Elected to one-year terms as directors-atlarge were: Steve Anderson, Lamex Foods, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mark Barnes, Hubbard LLC, Pikeville, Tenn.; Aidan Joseph Connolly, AllTech Biotechnology, Washington, D.C.; Michael Cooper, Kincannon & Reed, Paradise Valley, Ariz.; Karl Deily, Cryovac Sealed Air Corp., Duncan, S.C.; Dr. Edward Fryar, OMP Foods, Rogers, Ark.; Eric Buckman, U.S. Bank, Topeka, Kan.; Mark Moshier, Arrowsight, Huntsville, Ala.; Shawn Nicholas, Baader Johnson, Kansas City, Kan.; Dr. Rick Phillips, Merck Animal Health, DeSoto, Kan.; Alan Schuler, CoBank, Greenwood Village, Colo.; and Daniel Siegler, Ecolab, St. Paul, Minn..


POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

Business Compiled by David B. Strickland, Editor 770-718-3442 dstrickland@poultrytimes.net

In other Business news:

Company shares rise on grain surplus news The Associated Press

Perdue completes solar power system SALISBURY, Md. — Gov. Martin O’Malley and other Maryland dignitaries on Oct. 7 celebrated the completion of one of the largest commercially owned solar power systems in the eastern U.S. at Perdue Inc.’s corporate headquarters. Executives from project partners Perdue, Standard Solar Inc. and Washington Gas Energy Services (WGES), as well as state and local elected officials and business leaders attended an open house at the site to observe the array of 5,040 solar panels. “By demonstrating through smart, targeted investments that we’re committed to solar, we position Maryland as a leader in solar energy,” said O’Malley. “We also help attract green businesses to our state and make it easier for companies like Perdue to make the commitment to a long-term investment in renewable energy. The strategies we’re using as a state to advance the job-creating, planet-saving power of solar energy are helping us lead the way toward a greener future — right now, and in the future.” The installation on six acres of Perdue property is the company’s latest initiative supporting its commitment to being environmentally friendly, officials said. The Salisbury installation will supply electricity to adjacent Perdue corporate headquarters, and is the final phase of nearly 12,000 panels installed at two Perdue facilities. “Completion of this project is another step forward in our commitment to environmental responsibility,” said Jim Perdue, chairman of Perdue Inc. “Stewardship is one of Perdue’s core values, so this is a perfect fit for the way we do business.” The panels are owned by WGES and were installed by Standard Solar. Perdue will purchase green electricity generated by the solar panels at guaranteed prices. The first phase of the installation is in Bridgeville, Del., and was completed in August 2011. Both systems will generate a combined average of 3,700-megawatt hours of electricity each year, or the amount of power used by 340 typical U.S. homes. At peak production, the panels will produce as much as 90 percent of the electrical demand for each Perdue facility.

See Perdue, Page 7

WASHINGTON — Shares of meat producers jumped on Oct. 12 after a government report predicted bigger grain surpluses next year, easing concerns about higher corn and wheat prices. Meat companies like Tyson Foods and Smithfield Foods have been hurt by higher grain prices, because animal feed is one of their biggest costs. The companies haven’t been able to pass on many of those costs, because consumers aren’t willing to pay more for meat at the grocery store. On Wednesday, Oct. 12, the USDA released its monthly report on global crop supplies, estimating that farmers will have 866 million bushels of corn on hand at the end of next summer, a 29 percent increase from the agency’s estimate in September. The USDA also increased its estimate of next year’s wheat surplus by 10 percent to 837 million bushels. The report caused corn and wheat prices to drop on futures markets on Oct. 12, with wheat losing 34 cents, or 5 percent, to finish at $6.2675 per bushel. Corn fell 4.25 cents, or less than 1 percent, to end at $6.4075 per bushel. As grain prices fall, it means meat companies can boost their profit margins without having to raise prices. Just a few months ago, there was speculation that corn might trade as high as $8.50 a bushel, which would have wiped out profits for many meat companies. But now corn is likely to trade much closer to $6 a bushel, said Jason Ward, an analyst with Northstar Commodity in Minneapolis, Minn. One reason is that wheat is now so cheap. Meat companies can substi-

tute wheat for corn in their animal feed if corn prices start to climb again, Ward said. On Oct 12, shares of Tyson Foods jumped 48 cents, or 2.7 percent, to close at $18.43. Smithfield Foods gained 29 cents, or 1.4 percent, to $21.76. Hormel Foods Corp. rose 12 cents to close at $28.79. ConAgra gained 26 cents to close at $25.60. Meanwhile, the broader market edged up less than 1 percent.

Pilgrim’s facility in Ga. wins employer award DOUGLAS, Ga. — The Georgia Department of Labor Vocational Rehabilitation Program has selected Pilgrim Pride’s Douglas, Ga., complex as its Employer of the Year for 2011. At a ceremony in September, Pilgrim’s was recognized for its collaboration with Vocational Rehabilitation and the Valdosta (Ga.) Transition Center, and for its accommodation and support in hiring inmates who are transitioning from prison back into society. The company worked with VTC to create an efficient screening and hiring process that helps place workers into well-matched jobs, and workers earn the same wages and are held to the same performance levels as other employees, officials noted. The VTC helps by providing a van for transportation to and from work, as well as security monitoring. Julie Germani, a human resources representative at the Douglas complex, accepted the award on behalf of the facility and noted that the VTC workers, who report for the night shift and some of whom also volunteer for additional shifts, are consistently strong employees. “Anytime we need anything

from Vocational Rehabilitation or the VTC, they’re always there to help,” Germani said, “and our new employees have been just great.” One employee has advanced to a lead position so far, and workers who continue to do well on the program will be able to stay in their jobs once they leave the transition center, the company said. “Everyone who is willing to work deserves a chance,” said Jayson Penn, Pilgrim’s executive vice president of sales and operations. “Our partnership with the Georgia DOL helps offset the high costs of incarceration and prepares individuals for real world jobs. This program offers a solution that helps break a pattern, and at the end of the day it may reduce recidivism in a system plagued by overcrowding.” “This has been an excellent community partnership,” said Sandra Williams, vice president of human resources for Pilgrim’s. “Besides bringing a new population of hardworking employees into the plant, this program has helped us work closely with the region to create real sustainability in the form of ongoing employment and community strength. I’m proud of our Douglas employees.”

LAHI expands U.S. live vaccine production WINSLOW, Maine — To meet ever-increasing customer demand for live vaccines, Lohmann Animal Health International notes that it has broken ground on a $6 million expansion project here. Lohmann Animal Health International has produced live vaccines in the U.S. for a number of years, but due to increasing sales globally, there is an immediate need for additional production capacity, the company said, adding that its live product line includes vaccines for Avian Encephalomyelitis, Infectious Bursal Disease, Infectious (Continued on next page)

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011 (Continued from previous page)

Bronchitis, Newcastle Disease, Infectious Laryngotracheitis, Mycoplasma Gallisepticum and Salmonella Typhimurium. “The demand for our live vaccines continues to grow, and this expansion is going to give us another 6,000-square-feet of space and allow us to fulfill those global distribution needs more quickly,” Lohmann Animal Health International CEO Dave Zacek said. The expansion includes a new 4,840square-foot egg incubation area with Zacek new hatchers and setters and a state-of-the-art fumigation system needed for the production of the vaccine. In addition, a 1,120-square-foot space will be added to accommodate a 45,000 vial freeze dryer. The expansion, which will add up to five new employees, is expected to be completed by the end of this year. In June, Lohmann Animal Health dedicated its new research & development, animal service administration and biological production centers, which were part of a three-year $8.8 million expansion project that began in 2008. Lohmann Animal Health International is a division of its Cuxhaven, Germany-based parent company, Lohmann Animal Health. More information may be obtained at http://www.lahinternational.com.

Analyst: Smithfield sell-off overdone The Associated Press

NEW YORK — A recent sell-off in Smithfield Foods is overdone, one analyst says. Shares of Smithfield rose initially on Sept. 28 as BMO Capital Markets’ Kenneth Zaslow

raised his rating for the world’s biggest hog producer. He said the September drop in the stock is an overreaction to lower hog prices, and provides an attractive entry point to buy the stock. Zaslow said in a client note that the industry seems to be concentrating more on the eventual recovery of the chicken market and mostly ignoring pork. This has sent shares of Sanderson Farms Inc. and Pilgrim’s Pride Corp. higher in September, while Smithfield Foods’ stock has dropped 13 percent since the start of the month, he explained. Because of that, Smithfield’s shares are now off 6 percent for the year to date. Sanderson Farms, meanwhile, is up 17 percent for the same period. Pilgrim’s Pride’s stock is down 45 percent for the year to date, even with a 10 percent increase this month. Earlier in September, Smithfield Foods . . . cautioned that high feed costs will remain a problem this year. Zaslow says Smithfield Foods’ fresh pork margins have outperformed the industry during the last six quarters. Hog production margins are also likely to rise on limited hog production, strong export demand and solid U.S. demand, he added. A shift by consumers to packaged meats will also continue to help the Smithfield, Va., company. This is evidenced in part by its 25 percent increase in retail bacon sales during the past 12 weeks, according to Zaslow. Smithfield Foods has also said it expects to sell 3 percent more packaged meat in fiscal 2012 than it did during the last fiscal year. The analyst lifted Smithfield Foods to “Outperform” from “Market Perform” and kept a $24 price target.


Bunge NA to buy Arkansas feed elevator ST. LOUIS — Bunge North America, the North American operating arm of Bunge Ltd., has announced that it is purchasing the Riceland Foods elevator located at the Crittenden County Port in West Memphis, Ark. The sale is expected to close by the end of the year, subject to customary closing conditions. In the interim, Bunge will begin operating the facility immediately under an agreement with Riceland and the West Memphis Crittenden County Port Authority. Financial terms were not disclosed. “With growing world demand for U.S. agricultural products, Bunge continues to look for opportunities to strengthen our network of elevators along the Mississippi River and its tributaries to serve our export terminal in Destrehan, La.,” said Bailey Ragan, vice president and general manager, Bunge Grain. “This elevator is located in an area that grows several different crops and where production continues to increase, providing Bunge with a year-round source for a variety of crops for our customers in destination markets.” The elevator has a storage capacity of 625,000 bushels and can handle corn, soybeans, wheat, milo and rice. Seven employees at the facility are transitioning to Bunge. “Bunge will continue our strong relationship with Riceland with a through-put agreement for the West Memphis facility,” said Doug McNeely, Bunge Grain’s Center Gulf Region manager. “With an elevator located across the river in Memphis, we already have a good relationship with growers in the region. We hope to build on that success with our commitment to customer service.” All open contracts with existing Riceland customers will be assigned to Bunge. More information can be obtained at http://www. bungenorthamerica.com.

Business •Perdue (Continued from page 6)

“We are pleased to begin powering our operations with clean, renewable energy while lowering our energy costs, demonstrating that environmental responsibility is also good business,” said Steve Schwalb, Perdue’s vice president of environmental sustainability. Schwalb estimated the clean electricity from the solar panels will reduce carbon emissions by 3,000 tons per year, the equivalent of eliminating greenhouse gas emissions from 300,000 gallons of gasoline per year, or nearly 4.5 million gallons through the life of the 15-year contract. “This installation is so much more than just an environmental statement for Perdue, it is also an ideal way for the company to manage its energy costs now and into the future,” said Scott Wiater, president, Standard Solar. “We commend them for their forward thinking and their leadership in embracing renewable energy.” Perdue is engaged in other alternative energy initiatives, including a biogas-to-energy project at its Cromwell, Ky., poultry processing facility and a biomass burning installation at its Cofield, N.C., soybean processing plant. Additionally, the company is currently renovating its corporate office to the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Gold standards. Ten years ago, Perdue built the nation’s first commercial poultry litter-processing plant, the only process that is verifiably removing excess nutrients from the Chesapeake Bay watershed. “We thank Jim Perdue and his organization for their commitment to the environment and

for their confidence in us and our partners at Standard Solar,” said Harry Warren, president of WGES. “As a leading competitive energy supplier in the state, we are committed to expanding our solar investment portfolio here, and we thank the governor and the legislature for their continuing support for competitive energy markets that make these investments possible.”

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Online chat promotes bird health awareness WASHINGTON — USDA’s annual Bird Health Awareness Week is Oct. 30 to Nov. 5. Throughout the week, programs and activities will offer simple tips on protecting poultry from disease and predators. First up is a “Twitter Chat” on Nov. 1, where online participants can talk to experts and fellow Twitter users about their birds. It’s an opportunity to share questions and concerns, or just get important information, aimed at keeping flocks healthy, USDA noted. Chat participants can take part from 10-11 a.m. and talk to USDA poultry expert, Dr. Fidelis Hegngi, an Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service avian veterinarian. “Raising backyard poultry has become a popular phenomenon in suburban, rural and urban areas to meet the demand for fresh, locally grown food,” said Hegngi. “It is critically important as the number of backyard poultry owners grows to educate the public in how to take the initiative to prevent disease and how to react quickly when birds are ill. Through Bird Health Awareness Week, we’re reaching out to poultry owners to promote our message of bird safety.” To join the Twitter conversation, use #HHchat. In addition to the Twitter Chat, Bird Health Awareness Week activities also will include the introduction of a new online game called Fowl Play on the Biosecurity For Birds’ web site: http://healthybirds. aphis.usda.gov. This game will challenge poultry owners’ ability to recall tips offered in the online video series featuring Biosecurity For Birds’ animated mascot Healthy Harry and veterinarian Dr. Kate Bowers. More information about Bird Health Awareness Week may be obtained at the APHIS Biosecurity For Birds’ web site at: http:// healthybirds.aphis.usda.gov.

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

•Mattos (Continued from page 1)

pany and two of its employees, Jeff Meyer and Dennis Anderson, for exceptional service and outstanding contributions to the poultry industry. Mattos joined the California Poultry Federation in 1991 and during the past two decades “has changed the organization into one of the most respected, most influential and most active trade associations in the country,” the CPF said. Among Mattos’ accomplishments cited by the federation were: Creation of the Newcastle Disease, North Valley Task Force that prevented a south to north migration of the virus; creation of the statewide Quality Assurance Programs and of the statewide animal welfare plans; development of the National Poultry Improvement Plan surveillance program with 100 percent participation of all species against avian influenza. JS West and Companies was founded in 1909 in Modesto by James Stewart West to sell sacked grain and seed. Today five companies comprise the family-owned enterprise: JS West Propane, JS West Milling, JS West Retail Feed Store, JS West Ace Hardware and Lumber and Blanco Verde Farms, which produces and packs 1.2 million eggs daily under the NuCal brand and various private labels. Veterinary Service Inc. has served the poultry industry for more than 50 years, first as a veterinary service and supply company and later forming a distributorship to sell animal health products. Formed by two veterinarians in the late 1950s, the company now has more than 200 employee/owners, 44 sales representatives and customers ranging from 2,500 feed and pet stores and 800 dairies to more than 100 poultry operations.


Pioneer Award: Family members from JS West and Companies accept the Pioneer Award from the California Poultry Federation presented by Bill Mattos, left, CPF president, and Richard Zacky, right, CPF vice chairman. Family members are, left to right, Eric Benson, Gary West, Tom Silva and Mike West.


Allied Member of the Year: Bill Mattos, left, and Richard Zacky, right, present the California Poultry Federation Allied Member of the Year award to Veterinary Services Inc. for its support of the poultry industry. Accepting the award were, left to right, John Scheuber, Jeff Meyer and Dennis Anderson. Meyer and Anderson were also given Allied Member of the Year recognition.

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011


•Trade (Continued from page 1)

for Korea, 66-33 for Colombia and 7722 for Panama. President Obama said the vote “will significantly boost exports that bear the proud label ‘Made in America,’ support tens of thousands of goodpaying American jobs and protect labor rights, the environment and intellectual property . . . I look forward to signing these agreements.” The three deals were first signed during the George W. Bush presidency, but required congressional approval. The approval was delayed by then-Democratic majorities in Congress and later by President Obama’s requirements that parts of the trade pacts be renegotiated. Among the measures the Obama administration wanted was congressional extension of expired provisions of a program that helps workers displaced by foreign competition with retraining and financial assistance. This was achieved with passage of the Trade Adjustment Assistance program. The Senate passed the measure in September and the House passed it in conjunction with passage of the trade agreements. Agricultural and poultry industry groups have long urged passage of the three free trade agreements as a means toward expansion of U.S. exports and an increase in U.S. jobs. The combined three FTAs are es-

timated to represent nearly $2.5 billion in new agriculture exports, which could translate into up to 22,500 U.S. jobs. For the poultry industry alone, the estimates are that the FTAs could generate almost $1.4 billion in additional U.S. poultry and egg exports annually. Among the groups that have urged Congress to approve the three trade pacts were the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council, National Chicken Council, National Turkey Federation, United Egg Producers, American Farm Bureau Federation, National Grain & Feed Association, American Feed Industry Association and the American Soybean Association. In an earlier statement, USAPEEC, NCC, NTF and UEP pointed out that “the future of the U.S. poultry and egg industry depends on the continued expansion of exports.” According to USDA calculations, the groups said, the industry’s current annual exports of nearly $4.4 billion supports more than 50,400 U.S. jobs, and that each billion dollars in U.S. poultry and egg exports equates to about 11,525 U.S. jobs throughout the economy. Other groups noted that because of the delay in implementing the trade pacts, the U.S. has lost overseas markets and the FTAs will restore a level

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playing field for U.S. exports. Details of the agreements include:

South Korea The agreement would eliminate tariffs on more than 95 percent of U.S. exports to Korea of industrial and consumer goods within five years. The U.S. International Trade Commission has estimated that the tariff cuts alone in the U.S.-Korea trade agreement will increase exports of U.S. goods by $10 billion to $11 billion. The agreement will also open Korea’s $580 billion services market to highly competitive U.S. companies. In 2010, U.S. poultry product exports totaled $101 million. With the U.S.-Korea FTA approval, U.S. poultry meat exports to Korea could rise to more than $150 million or 125,000 tons annually, with annual egg exports tripling to $12 million. During the first 10 years of the agreement, this is expected to generate $720 million in exports. Colombia More than 80 percent of U.S. exports of consumer and industrial products to Colombia will become duty free immediately, with remaining tariffs phased out over 10 years. The International Trade Commission has estimated that the tariff reductions in the agreement will expand exports of U.S.

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Panama More than 87 percent of U.S. exports of consumer and industrial products to Panama will become duty-free immediately, with remaining tariffs phased out over 10 years. The U.S.-Panama FTA would eliminate duties on some poultry products within five years and establish a preferential duty-free tariff rate quota for chicken leg quarters that starts at 660 tons and grows each year by a 10 percent compound rate. Trade to this market is expected to grow from $19 million in 2010 to $32.6 million by 2020, a total of $70 million in new trade during the next decade.


LOW PROFILE MOUNTING BRACKET Permits easy leveling of brooder CANOPY Large deep dish canopy to efficiently reflect heat to litter area where it is needed most

goods alone by more than $1.1 billion. The ITC also projected that the agreement will increase U.S gross domestic product by $2.5 billion. The U.S.-Colombia FTA would cut duties, eliminate variable duties and give the U.S. a 17,040-metric ton tariff rate quote at zero duty with 4 percent annual growth for chicken leg quarters. U.S. exports are expected to rise from $22 million of poultry and products to $42 million by 2015. As duties come down during the FTA implementation period, annual exports are expected to exceed 180,000 metric tons by 2020, which is worth $135 million. Over 10 years,the U.S.-Colombia FTA is expected to generate $660 million in new U.S. exports.

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POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

Nuggets Compiled by Barbara Olejnik, Associate Editor 770-718-3440 bolejnik@poultrytimes.net

GEORGIA Communication is focus of workshop TUCKER — U.S. Poultry & Egg Association has added a new Communications Strategies Workshop to its line of educational seminars. Sponsored by the association’s Poultry & Egg Institute, the workshop will be held Nov. 2 -3, at the Marriott Marquis in Atlanta, Ga. Top management, facility managers, communications/public relations managers and human resource managers across the poultry industry are faced with instant access to news and events occurring at their poultry operations. The focus of the new Communications Strategies Workshop is to assist everyone in developing effective communications about their company and the industry, in areas such as crisis management, the use of social media, community outreach endeavors, events and tradeshows, etc. “The Internet, social media, and YouTube are significant outlets that help determine how companies communicate in today’s world. As a result, strategic communications has never been more important to a company’s successful operation. Our goal is to provide the tools you need to be a leader in strategic communication,” said program committee chairperson Cassie Jo Arend, Cooper Farms. The program will include presentations on Successful and Positive Ag Industry Com-

munication; One Company’s Crisis Action Plan; Raising Awareness Internally: Getting Your Employees Involved; Face Book/Social Media Strategies; Community Outreach: Spreading Your Positive Message; and tactical instruction Roundtable Workshops on web site portrayal, event/tradeshow communication and writing effective news releases. Members of the program committee included Shannon Heath, Meyn Poultry Processing; Kris Carroll, Marel Stork Poultry Processing; Juan DeVillena, Wayne Farms; and Devin Wood, Harrison Poultry. More information can be obtained by contacting the Poultry & Egg Institute, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 30084-7303; 770-493-9401; http://www.poultryegginstitute.org. mmm

Conference examines rising cost of corn TUCKER — The 2011 Grain Forecast and Economic Outlook Conference will address the latest developments in the rising price of corn, along with other notable sessions to keep grain and feed ingredient purchasing managers informed on current events. Sponsored by U.S. Poultry & Egg Association’s Poultry & Egg Institute, the annual conference will be held Nov. 9, at the Airport Hilton Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. Feed manufacturing is an expensive and crucial aspect in today’s poultry and egg operations, and the increasing cost of corn is a serious concern. In addition,

grain and feed ingredient purchasing is often a complicated process with prices being affected by many factors, such as ethanol and economic conditions. The goal of the Grain Forecast and Economic Outlook Conference is to help provide poultry feed ingredient buyers with the essential information needed to make those critical buying decisions. The program will begin with a Wall Street View of the Protein Markets and will follow with presentations on topics such as Ethanol/Renewable Fuels/Acreage Legislation . . . Impact on Poultry Industry; Oilseed and Feed Grain Outlooks; Feed Ingredient Trends; and other factors that impact the bottom line cost of poultry feed. Members of the program committee are Dr. Stephen Rogers, Cal-Maine Foods; John Owens, American Proteins; and Lamar Nance, Keystone Foods. To register for the Grain Forecast and Economic Outlook Conference, go to USPOULTRY’s Educational Programs web page: http://www.poultryegginstitute. org/educationprograms

KANSAS HACCP course set for Kansas State MANHATTAN — A short course on “Establishing a HACCP Program for the Feed Industry” will be held Nov. 7-10 on the Kansas State University campus in Manhattan, Kan. The interactive course will focus on the development of a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) plan for all sectors of the feed industry, including feed mill managers, quality assurance personnel and ingredient suppliers. The Department of Grain Science and Industry at K-State, in partnership with the American

Feed Industry Association and the National Grain and Feed Association, has held Feed Manufacturing Short Courses since 1976. These courses are taught by individuals from K-State and within the feed and allied industries and provide in-depth training on all aspects associated with feed manufacturing. Topics will include an overview of feed industry regulations; biological, physical and chemical hazards; flow diagram & product development; establishing critical limits, monitoring procedures, corrective actions and verification procedures; and record keeping. The registration deadline is Oct. 28, 2011. Course size is limited to 30 participants and early registration is recommended. Registration is available at http:// www.afia.org. More information can be obtained by contacting Anita McDiffett, Department of Grain Science & Industry, Kansas State University, 785-532-4080, almgret@ksu.edu. mmm

American Agri-Women plan annual convention WICHITA, Kan. — Women involved in agricultural from throughout the U.S. and Canada will meet here Nov. 10-13 at the Hyatt Regency Wichita for the 36th annual American AgriWomen convention. Kansas Agri-Women, a state affiliate, will host the convention with the theme of “Sharing America’s Harvest.” Topics for the program will cover the latest issues in agriculture, including sustainability, marketing and advocacy. Breakout sessions will cover such key topics as animal welfare, estate planning and property rights. The sessions will also provide training on social media, leadership,and more to give at-

tendees tools for their own farms, ranches and agribusinesses, and for their work representing agriculture. A post-convention tour will examine energy and environmental topics, related to natural gas, green construction and biomass technologies. Special events include a “Taste of Kansas” reception, tours of the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center, the Kansas Underground Salt Museum and regional ag operations. More information can be obtained by contacting American Agri-Women, 2103 Zeandale Road, Manhattan, Kan. 66502; 785-537-6171; president@americanagriwomen.org; http://www. americanagriwomen.org.

N. CAROLINA CFIA to present Fall Conference RALEIGH — The annual Fall Conference, presented by the Carolina Feed Industry Association, will be held Nov. 8-9 at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, N.C. The conference will include the 38th Poultry Nutrition Conference, the 36th Feed Production School and the 27th Swine Nutrition Conference. The poultry nutrition conference will examine “Practical Ingredient Use for Today’s Poultry Industry.” Topics for the feed program include an outline of the Food Safety Modernization Act and the implications for the industry as well a presentation on Global Ag Economics. The swine program will examine issues affecting that industry. More information can be obtained by contacting the Caro-

See Nuggets, Page 11

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011


Calendar Compiled by Barbara Olejnik, Associate Editor 770-718-3440 bolejnik@poultrytimes.net

OCT 25-26 — FOOD SYSTEM SUMMIT, InterContinental Rosemont Hotel, Rosemont, Ill. Contact: Center for Food Integrity, 7501 N.W. Tiffany Springs Pkwy., Suite 200, Kansas City, Mo. 64153; 816-880-5360; h t t p : / / w w w. f o o d i n t e g r i t y. o r g . OCT 26-27 — NIAA ANTIBIOTIC FORUM, Hotel InterContinental O’Hare, Chicago, Ill. Contact: National Institute for Animal Agriculture, 13570 Meadowgrass Drive, Suite 201, Colorado Springs, Colo. 80921. Ph: 719-538-8843; niaa@animalagriculture. org; http://www.animalagriculture.org. NOV 1-3 — AEB MTNG., Scottsdale, Ariz. Contact: American Egg Board, 1460 Renaissance Drive, Park Ridge, Ill. 60068. Ph: 847-296-7043; aeb@aeb.org; http://www.aeb.org. NOV 2-3 — COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY WKSHP., Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 30084-7303. Ph: 770-493-9401; info@poultryegg.org; http://www.poultryegginstitute.org. NOV 3-5 — AFIA EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER’S CONF., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Contact: American Feed Industry Association, 2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 916, Arlington, Va. 22201. Ph: 703-524-0810; afia@afia.org; http://www.afia.org. NOV 8-9 — CFIA FALL CONF., Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Durham, N.C. Contact: Bonnie Holloman, Carolina Feed Industry Assocation, P.O. Box 58220, Raleigh, N.C. 27658. Ph: 919855-8981, bonnie.holloman@yahoo. com, http://www.carolinafeed.com. NOV 9 — IOWA EGG INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM, Scheman Building, Iowa State Univeristy, Ames, Iowa. Contact: Registration Services, 117 Printing and Publications Building, Ames, Iowa. 50011-3171. Ph: 515294-6222: www.ucs.iastate.edu/ mnet/eggsymposium/home.html NOV 9 — GRAIN FORECAST & ECONOMIC OUTLOOK CONF., Airport Hilton Hotel, Atlanta. Ga. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 30084-7303. Ph: 770493-9401; seminar@poultryegg.org; http://www.poultryegginstitute.org. NOV 10-13—AAWANNUALCONV.,Wichita, Kan. Contact: American Agri-Women, 2103 Zeandale Road, Manhattan, Kan. 66502. Ph: 785-537-6171; president@americanagriwomen.org; http://www.americanagriwomen.org. NOV 28-30 — ITF WINTER CONV., West Des Moines Marriott, West Des Moines, Iowa. Contact: Iowa Turkey Federation, 535 E. Lincoln Way, P.O. Box 825, Ames, Iowa 50010. Ph: 515-232-7492; info@iowaturkey,org;

h t t p : / / w w w. i o w a t u r k e y. o r g . DEC 6-8—ASABOARDMTNG.,Hilton at the Ballpark Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. Contact: American Soybean Association, 12125 Woodcrest Executive Drive, Suite 100, St. Louis, Mo. 63141. Ph: 314-5761770; http://www.soygrowers.com. DEC 6-8 — USAPEEC WINTER MTNG., Four Seasons Hotel, Washington, D.C. Contact: USA Poultry & Egg Export Council, 2300 W. Park Place Blvd., Suite 100, Stone Mountain, Ga. 30087. Ph: 770-413-0006; usapeec@ usapeec.org; http://www.usapeec.org. DEC 11-13 — NGFA FEED INDUSTRY CONF. & TRADE SHOW, Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile Hotel, Chicago, Ill. Contact: National Grain & Feed Association, 1250 I St., N.W., Suite 1003, Washington, D.C. 20005. Ph: 202-289-0873; ngfa@ ngfa.org; http://www.ngfa.org.


JAN 8-11 — AFBF ANNUAL MTNG., Honolulu, Hawaii. Contact: American Farm Bureau Federation, 600 Maryland Ave., S.W., Suite 1000 W, Washington, D.C. 20024. Ph: 202-406-3600; http://www.fb.org. JAN 23-24 — UEP BOARD MTNG., Omni Hotel & CNN Center, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: United Egg Producers, 1720 Windward Concourse, Suite 230, Alpharetta, Ga. 30005. Ph: 770-360-9220; gene@unitedegg. com; http://www.unitedegg.com. JAN 23-27 — NPFDA ANNUAL CONV. & POULTRY SUPPLIERS Hyatt Regency, SHOWCASE, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: National Poultry & Food Distributors Association, 2014 Osborne Road, St. Marys, Ga. 31558. Ph: 770-535-9901, kkm@ npfda.org, http://www.npfda.org. JAN 24 — NCC TECHNICAL & REGULATORY COMMITTEE, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: National Chicken Council, 1015 15th St., N.W., Suite 930, Washington, D.C. 20005. Ph: 202-296-2622; http:// w w w. n a t i o n a l c h i c k e n c o u n c i l . cm; http://www.eatchicken.com. JAN 25 — NCC MARKETING Georgia World COMMITTEE, Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: National Chicken Council, 1015 15th St., N.W., Suite 930, Washington, D.C. 20005. Ph: 202-296-2622; http:// w w w. n a t i o n a l c h i c k e n c o u n c i l . cm; http://www.eatchicken.com. JAN 24-25 — HATCHERY-BREEDER

CLINIC, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 300847303, Ph: 770-493-9401; info@poultryegg.org; http://www.poultryegg.org, JAN 24-26 — INTERNATIONAL POULTRY EXPO - INTERNATIONAL FEED EXPO,Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, 1530 Cooledge Road, Tucker, Ga. 30084-7303, Ph: 770-493-9401, info@poultryegg. org, http://www.poultryegg.org, or American Feed Industry Association, 2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 916, Arlington, Va. 22201, 703-524-0810, afia@afia.org, http://www.afia.org. JAN 26 — NCC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MTNG., Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga. Contact: National Chicken Council, 1015 15th St., N.W., Suite 930, Washington, D.C. 20005. Ph: 202-296-2622; http://www.nationalchickencouncil.cm; http://www.eatchicken.com. JAN 29-31—FMIMIDWINTEREXECUTIVE CONF., Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek, Orlando, Fla. Contact: Food Marketng Institute, 2345 Crystal Drive, Suite 800, Arlington, Va. 22202-4813. Ph: 202-4528444; fmi@fmi.org; http://www.fmi.org. FEB 8-10 — POULTRY FOCUS ASIA 2012, Queen Sirikit Center, Bangkok, Thailand. Contact: Positive Action Publications Ltd., P.O. Box 4, Driffield, East Yorkshire YO25 9DJ, England. Ph: +44 1377 241724; http://www.positiveaction. co.uk or http://www.nccexhibition.com. FEB 15-18 — NTF ANNUAL CONV., Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina, Tampa, Fla. Contact: National Turkey Federation, 1225 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20005. Ph: 202-898-0100; info@turkeyfed.org; http://www.eatturkey.com. FEB 19-21 — ANNUAL MEAT CONF., Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando, Fla. Contact: American Meat Institute, 1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W., 12th Floor, Washington, D.C. Ph: 202587-4200; http://www.meatami.com. FEB 22-23 — NPI ANNUAL CONV., Norfolk Lodge & Suites, Divots Conference Center, Norfolk, Neb. Contact: Nebraska Poultry Industries Inc., University of Nebraska, 102 Mussehl Hall, P.O. Box 830721, Lincoln, Neb. 68583-0721. Ph: 402-472-2051; egg-turkey@unl.edu. FEB 23-25 — USDA AGRICULTURAL OUTLOOK FORUM, Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel, Arlington, Va. Contact: http://www.gov/oce/forum. FEB 23-25 — SGFA AND GFGA ANNUAL CONV., Hyatt Regency Savannah, Savannah, Ga. Contact: Bonnie Holloman, Southeastern Grain & Feed Association and Georgia Feed & Grain Association, P.O. Box 58220, Raleigh, N.C. 27658. Ph: 919-8558981; bonnieholloman@yahoo.com. FEB 27-29 — PEPA ANNUAL CONV., Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa, Maui, Hawaii. Contact: Pacific Egg & Poultry Association, 1521 I St., Sacramento, Calif. 95814. Ph: 916-441-0801; dmurdock@cgfa. org; http://www.pacificegg.org. FEB 28-March 18 — HOUSTON LIVESTOCK SHOW & RODEO, Houston, Texas. Contact: Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, P.O. Box 20070, Houston, Texas 77225-0070. Ph: 832-667-1000; questions@rodeohouston.com; http://www.hlrs.com.

•Nuggets (Continued from page 10)

lina Feed Industry Association, P.O. Box 58220, Raleigh, N.C. 27658; 919-855-8981; bonnieholloman@yahoo.com; http:// www.carolinafeed.com.

VIRGINIA AFIA conference focuses on equipment ARLINGTON — The Equipment Manufacturers Conference, presented by the American Feed Industry Association and the Equipment Manufacturers Committee, will be held Nov. 3-5 at the Sheraton Ft. Lauderdale Beach

Resort in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. The educational event is designed to address issues pertinent to today’s equipment designers, builders and installers who serve the feed, pet food and ingredient business. Topics will include a Washington update and impact of the Farm Bill, future needs of a global feed industry, seed and future grain production, production demand for feed and an ethanol industry update. A four-person scramble golf tournament will be held Nov. 3 at the Diplomat Golf Club. More information can be obtained by contacting AFIA, 2101 Wilson Blvd., Suite 916, Arlington, Va. 22201; 703-524-0810; afia@afia.org; http://www.afia. org.


Long road from farm to fork can worsen outbreaks The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — The recent listeria outbreak from cantaloupe demonstrates one likely cause of large-scale occurrences of serious illnesses linked to tainted food: the long and winding road what we eat takes from farm to fork. A cantaloupe grown on a Colorado field may make four or five stops before it reaches the dinner table. There’s the packing house where it is cleaned and packaged, then the distributor who contracts with retailers to sell the melons in large quantities. A processor may cut or bag the fruit. The retail distribution center is where the melons are sent out to various stores. Finally it’s stacked on display at the grocery store. Imported fruits and vegetables, which make up almost two-thirds of the produce consumed in the U.S., have an even longer journey. “Increasingly with agribusiness you have limited producers of any given food, so a breakdown in a facility or plant or in a large field crop operation exposes thousands because of the way the food is distributed,” says Dr. Brian Currie, an infectious disease specialist at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. The Colorado cantaloupe crop that’s linked to 84 illnesses and as many as 17 deaths in 19 states has traveled so far and wide that producer Jensen Farms doesn’t even know exactly where their fruit ended up. The company said recently that it can’t provide a list of retailers that sold the tainted fruit because the melons were sold and resold. It named the 28 states where the fruit was shipped, but people in other states have reported getting sick. A Kansas-based processor that purchased cantaloupes from Jensen, Carol’s Cuts, didn’t provide a notice to its customers that it had sold the farm’s cantaloupes until nine days after the original recall. “The food chain is very complex,” says Sherri McGarry, a senior adviser in the Food and Drug Administration’s Office of Foods. “There are many steps, and the more steps there are the harder it can be to link up each step to identify what the common source” of an outbreak is. Fewer and larger farms and companies dominate food production in the country. That has driven some consumers to seek out farmers markets and locally grown produce. Supermarkets now highlight food grown nearby, while farmers markets have soared in popularity. But many in the produce industry have come together to try and improve the ability to quickly trace food from field to plate. This is good business. Large recalls, such as spinach in 2006, peanuts in 2009 and eggs in 2010, tend to depress sales for an entire product industry, even if only one company or grower was responsible for the outbreak. Recent outbreaks of salmonella in peanuts and eggs, which are ingredients in thousands of foods, have been more widespread and sickened more people than have the tainted cantaloupe. “There has been a laser focus on improving traceability so any recall can identify the affected product immediately and not have an effect on the rest of the entire category,” says Ray Gilmer of United Fresh Produce Association, which represents the country’s largest growers. Gilmer says that larger food companies have no choice but to take food

See Fork, Page 19

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

•Feet (Continued from page 2)

were cut off after outbreaks of tainted milk and other food scandals in China. The two countries are now engaged in what might be called a high-stakes game of chicken. If negotiations in Geneva can’t produce a compromise, an arbitration process would begin. Meantime, U.S. poultry exporters are effectively locked out of the lucrative Chinese market by penalties that make their product too expensive. That’s helped Brazil, which in recent years passed the United States to become the world’s biggest poultry exporter. If China remains closed to U.S. exports of chicken feet, it leaves U.S. exporters with little to replace a market that peaked at near $650 million just two years ago. That’s not chicken scratch, and U.S. producers will have to search for domestic sales, where it’s a buyer’s market for chicken feet. “Here it’s worth 2 cents per pound. In China, it could be 35 cents to 45 cents or more, depending on the maximum value of the foot. The highest price in the world is China,” Rice said. If U.S. producers are forced to sell chicken feet domestically, there are low-value uses for the feet, such as inclusion in pet food, grinding them into animal feed or “rendering” them into fats and proteins. “That’s why the industry as a whole loses a lot by not having access to the Chinese market,” Rice said. Almost nothing on a chicken goes to waste. Feathers are sold to companies that grind them up because of the keratin they contain. The byproduct can be added to pet food and is an ingredient of plastic products. Innards are sold for specialty cooking. Even the carcasses from deboned chickens have use, yielding meat that is mechanically removed in almost a paste form and sold to companies that make deli meats and sausages. Chicken wasn’t a staple of international trade until the end of the Cold War. Before that, poultry exports weren’t much to cluck about, other than a small amount shipped out as foreign aid. “What really started it in earnest was when

the Soviet Union fell in 1989,” said Toby Moore, vice president of, and spokesman for, the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council in Atlanta. “The first (President George H.W.) Bush offered a food aid program to Russia. Part of that food aid was commodity shipments of U.S. chicken leg quarters, and the industry saw an opportunity to export parts that weren’t particularly in demand here,” Moore said. “They saw an opportunity to ship them overseas and make a little money . . . and chicken leg quarters were almost seen as manna from heaven. Out of that grew a thriving industry.” In 1991, U.S. broiler exports to Russia were valued around $10.7 million. By 2000, the value had grown to more than $305 million. In 2006, it was above $725 million. China sales grew more recently, from a modest $95 million in 2005, to more than $239 million in 2006. By 2009 they exceeded $647 million, only to plunge during the dispute in 2010, to $135 million. China’s action against U.S. chicken feet affected producers across much of the U.S. Southeast, including Georgia, the nation’s leading poultry producer. Officials there are closely following the dispute with China. Atlanta is a hub for many of the large trading companies that send chickens on their international journey. The Port of Savannah boasts the busiest poultry-export operation in the country, moving about 40 percent of all U.S. containerized exports of poultry. It handled 1.6 billion pounds of poultry during the fiscal year that ended June 30, moving more than 67,000 20-foot containers. Poultry is Savannah’s fourth-largest export product by volume, close behind fabric products, and trailing wood pulp and paper products. Savannah’s port leaders gave the green light on Sept. 26 to spend $4.75 million on construction of additional refrigerated cargo racks for poultry that will provide even more space for stacking refrigerated shipping containers. “Not only are we handling this commodity now, we’re creating a larger footprint and expanding our capacity to more even greater poultry exports in the future,” said Robert Morris, a spokesman for the Georgia Ports Authority.

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Foam injected tunnel doors now available with lightweight corrosion proof fiberglass skins. Doors are available in both black or white.





POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011


Product Showcase Poultry Times presents this Fall 2011 edition of the Poultry Products Showcase as a forum for manufacturers and distributors to highlight products and services designed for and geared to the needs of the multifaceted poultry industry. Here, we feature useful and necessary products for the poultryman — both new and those proven to be “tried and true.”


VAL-CO The FUZE ProLine Feeders from VAL-CO allow you to build the feeding system that best suits your needs. With the FUZE ProLine feeders you choose which pan diameters, pan depths and grill styles are best for your application. The FUZE ProLine feeders additionally provide large flood feed windows, easy and positive feed depth adjustment, ergonomic bird-friendly grill designs and a removable cap for ease of installation & service. The BigTom Turkey Drinker from VAL-CO is the turkey watering cup solution you’ve been waiting for. Each cup is a minireservoir that can satisfy 30 turkeys up to seven weeks and 20 turkeys after seven weeks. The BigTom Turkey Drinker System is small enough for poults, yet durable and tough enough for big toms. And it’s easier than ever to use. Simply raise the cups and the water pressure from the front of each line. That’s all there is to it. Contact your local VALCO representative for assistance

building a system that’s right for you. 800-998-2526


VAL-CO The Community Nest from VAL-CO is an attractive and comfortable nest that provides easy access for your hens and minimizes floor eggs. Our community nest is made with longlasting, durable components (including PVC foam board and plastic to promote biosecurity) and is designed for quick assembly. Inside the nests, perforated mats enhance egg cleanliness, while providing a gentle but positive transfer to the egg belt. This nest can be used for either a high-rise or a floor mounted installation. Our cost competitive Floor Slats are 2-feet x 3-feet with a perch rod built in to permit easy manure pass through while remaining clean. The slats are mounted on our galvanized rails or fiberglass rails with feet, for long life; on 2-foot centers. The front cover for floor operations is a slat, which promotes great airflow, thereby drying the manure more rapidly. Now available in white, black and gray. Contact your local VAL-CO representative for assistance building a system that’s right for you. 800-998-2526

Ethernet interface

Chore-Time Chore-Time’s CHORETRONICS® Ethernet Local Talk (ELT) Interface converts information from CHORE-TRONICS® 2 Controls into a web-friendly format for viewing control settings and house conditions or for making changes. It permits authorized users to view CHORE-

TRONICS 2 control information via a web display of the control screen using a web browser on Java-compatible computers and mobile devices. Authorized users can also use the ELT Unit in place of a phone line and modem to view data from CHORETRONICS 1 or 2 Controls using Chore-Time’s C-Central Professional Software. With the ELT Option, a grower can remotely monitor his or her farm and make adjustments to control settings as needed. Further, a grower can respond to an alarm and determine exactly what is happening within the house in order to plan and make the appropriate corrective action. Chore-Time Poultry Production Systems is a division of CTB Inc. 574-658-4101

Feeder line monitor

Chore-Time Chore-Time’s CHORETRONICS® Feeder Line RunTime Monitor provides a diagnostic look at what is going on in the poultry house by monitoring feeder line and/or fill system function. Proper feeder line and fill system operation is one of the best indications of whether the birds are eating as they should. The CHORE-TRONICS RunTime Monitor helps producers discover potential performance problems by providing the answers to questions such as these: Are all the feeder lines in the house running? Are all lines running for the same length of time? In split houses, how does the run time in each end of the house compare? On the farm, how does one house compare to another? Disruptions in individual feeder line function can result from a hot or cold spot in the house, uneven bird distribu-

tion within the house, a motor or other mechanical failure with the feed line, a fill system malfunction, an empty feed bin, or other irregularities that will adversely affect bird performance. By proactively monitoring feeder line performance, producers can get an early indication of a developing problem so they can resolve it quickly. The Run-Time Monitor can be connected to every feeder line in a poultry house to track the daily run time per line. Each Monitor sends a signal to the CHORE-TRONICS® 2 Control whenever its feeder line runs, building a database of up to 14 days of run-time history. 574-658-4101

Health solutions

Best Vet. Solutions Best Veterinary Solutions Inc. is a leader in innovative animal health solutions from the world’s highest quality manufacturers. The company notes that its mission is to manufacture and supply products and give support to its animal agriculture customers, and help them do the best possible job of caring for their animals at the most reasonable cost. In 2004 the company opened its corporate office in Ellsworth, Iowa, as well as became the exclusive importer and marketer for Cid Lines Co. Cid Lines is a leader in animal hygiene, and exports to more than 70 countries on five continents. BVS Cid Lines USA distributes Cid Lines’ products from nine locations in the U.S. 888-378-4045

Trace minerals

Novus International Poultry producers are well aware of the critical importance

of proper nutrition in maximizing animal health and productivity. What may be less obvious, however, is the contribution of chelated trace minerals to such vital traits as tissue integrity and egg shell strength. “When trace minerals such as copper, manganese and zinc are used in feed at recommended levels, animals are enabled to perform to their genetic potential,” said Dr. Scott Carter, global poultry market manager for Novus. “But when these trace minerals are deficient, the results are lower reproduction, depressed immune system response, lower bone density, reduced feed efficiency, poor health and increased mortality.” The benefits of minerals aren’t limited to improving the health of the bird; they make the egg produced by the bird better, too. Maintaining trace mineral balances supports shell strength, the internal structure of the egg, and the tissue integrity of the unhatched chick. As laying hens age, mineral nutrition plays an increasingly important role, ensuring continued production of plentiful, high-quality eggs and the overall well-being of the hen. Optimal nutrition translates into optimal performance. As a highly bioavailable mineral source, MINTREX is absorbed and used by the animal to a much greater degree than inorganic trace mineral supplements. This means producers can maintain feeding efficiency with fewer minerals fed and excreted. 888-906-6887

Newcastle vaccine

Merck Animal Health Merck Animal Health’s INNOVAX®-ND and INNOVAX®ND-SB, two one-dose recombi(Continued on next page)


POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

Product Showcase (Continued from previous page)

nant vaccines widely used by the U.S. poultry industry, have been shown to aid in the protection of Newcastle disease for at least 60 weeks, according to a study recently accepted by the USDA. In the study, researchers administered INNOVAX-ND subcutaneously to 1-day-old specificpathogen-free chickens before challenging them with a very virulent ND virus at 20, 40, 50 or 60 weeks of age. They observed the birds for 10 days after each challenge. Chickens were considered negative if they remained free of clinical ND signs. All chickens vaccinated with INNOVAX-ND were protected against every challenge conducted; in contrast, all chickens in an unvaccinated group that were challenged at the same times as the vaccinated chickens developed ND. This research was conducted by Lillian Melson and Karen Jensen of Merck Animal Health, who presented their findings earlier this year at the International Avian Respiratory Disease Conference in Athens, Ga. Launched in 2010, INNOVAX-ND is a recombinant vaccine that eliminates the need for stress-causing, oil-based, inactivated BD vaccines. INNOVAX-ND-SB, available since 2008, helps prevent ND and Marek’s disease, but also contains the SB-1 strain of chicken herpesvirus (serotype 2) to prevent very virulent Marek’s. 800-356-7470

Coccidiosis vaccine

Merck Animal Health Merck Animal Health has obtained regulatory approval from the USDA for Coccivac®-D2 — a new-generation version of a coccidiosis vaccine that has been used successfully in billions of

broiler-breeders and commercial layers worldwide. It will replace Coccivac ®-D. “Coccivac-D2 builds on the field-proven performance and dependability of Coccivac-D, but its spectrum is even more in step with the Eimeria populations found in today’s broiler-breeder and layer operations,” said Dr. Charlie Broussard, Merck Animal Health director of U.S. poultry technical services. He explained that Coccivac-D2 has a more focused antigen profile of the six major species of chicken coccidia (E. tenella, E. mivati, E. acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti and E. necatrix.) “We eliminated E. hagani and E. praecox, two of the least important pathogenic Eimeria species of the chicken,” Broussard added. As with all Coccivac® vaccines, Coccivac-D2 provides a balanced, controlled dose of live Eimeria oocysts to stimulate the bird’s natural immunity against this costly and highly prevalent disease. Coccivac-D2 is currently available in 5,000dose and 1,000-dose vials. 800-356-7470

Nipple drink. sys.

Lubing Systems L.P. Lubing’s all-new OptiGROW Nipple is the ultimate nipple for broilers and is uniquely designed to work in today’s challenging poultry environment, the company notes. Because the nipple has been optimized for growth, you will be amazed by the firstweek performance and explosive bird growth. OptiGROW nipples offer: large body and pin; acid resistant design; easy triggering for day-old birds; increased sideaction flow; larger flow range for jumbo birds; increased weight gains; improved feed conversions. 423-709-1000


Preserve International SYNERGIZE ORANGE and SYNERGIZE ORANGE NF, now U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved, offer the exact same superior performance and application characteristics you have come to rely on when using SYNERGIZE in your hatchery, field operations and vehicle sanitation programs for more than a decade. SYNERGIZE ORANGE and SYNERGIZE ORANGE NF, after enormous customer demand, is now available with a fresh natural orange scent. All SYNERGIZE versions continue to exhibit the relentless, non-resistant efficacy against the industry’s most challenging microorganisms our customers have come to expect. Watch and see — Competitors will attempt to “copy” our newest versions, as they have our original SYNERGIZE, in an effort to “keep up” with SYNERGIZE, one of the top disinfectant-cleaners available. The SYNERGIZE line remains an effective biosecurity weapon for disinfecting and sanitation programs. 209-664-1607


Preserve International Preserve International offers its three unique and effective disinfectants and cleaners — SYNERGIZE, DYNE-OMIGHT and GROUND ZERO. Using synergistic combinations of quaternary ammonium compounds, iodines, organic acids, along with one of the most effective antimicrobials, glutaraldehyde, makes these products effective biosecurity weapons for disinfecting and cleaning your breeder, growout and vehicle sanitation facilities to combat

and eliminate contamination. These products have demonstrated their efficacy and/or cleaning abilities in realistic poultry house conditions, which include high levels of organic matter and hard water. Proven efficacy in levels of organic matter as high as 50 percent and 1,000 ppm hard water makes the products ideal for use on poultry house floors, dirt and litter. These products lower poultry house floor pH, which aids in the lowering of ammonia levels while disinfecting and/or cleaning so as to inhibit further growth and development of microorganisms. These products have proven their effectiveness throughout the world in the most difficult and realistic farm conditions. 209-664-1607

Light dimmer

Pro-Tech Inc. The 2K GREEN RIMMIRDIMMER by Pro-Tech Inc. is a 2,000 watt reverse phase light dimmer that is revolutionizing the dimming industry. Some of the very important advantages this dimmer has are: soft start every cycle, greater than 98 percent increased noise immunity, biofeedback, increased bulb life, works with any type of bulb, and provides a better power factor. The Reverse Phase Technology allows the RIMMIR to soft start the bulbs every half cycle. The rapid switching (every 8.3 milliseconds) of the load on and off is what dims the bulb. Dimmable fluorescent bulbs have a range where they perform the best. It is a broader range with the RIMMIR, but at very low levels they may flicker or turn off with any dimmer. Longevity is reduced at this point. Biofeedback intelligently

watches the bulbs and when the bulbs reach the point that the life of the bulb is impaired, the voltage is increased ever so slightly to maintain the bulb at its lowest intensity without endangering the life of the bulb. 704-872-6227

Wireless alarm

Farm Alarm Farm Alarm Systems introduces the Model Wyr-LS 4.0 — a complete wireless system. The advanced radio communication alarm and monitoring system is ideal for monitoring poultry and livestock buildings without the necessity of installing connecting wires to all the houses, improving reliability and reducing potential damage from lightning strikes. This unit incorporates remote monitoring and control from any phone. Other features include: no monthly monitoring fee, temperature, water pressure, 220v dual leg power monitor, notifies up to eight phone numbers, built-in speaker, feed over run, generator run/stop, security input and radio self monitor. Long range, channel hopping (56 channels) radio modem assures excellent coverage. 800-407-5455

Ceiling inlet

Munters Munters introduces the new Aerotech BI28 Ceiling Inlet. The BI28 Bi-Flow Inlet features an all new design created using the latest in computer aerodynamic modeling. Airflow is maximized over the entire pressure range and the flow direction is precisely controlled. Performance of your ventilation system is improved with a fresh supply of preheated air delivered to every (Continued on next page)

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011


Product Showcase (Continued from previous page)

part of the building. The New BI28 series include models for both mechanical and for air actuated control. The simple to adjust springs allow full control of static pressure and make it easy to compensate for ceiling pitch. The doors proven seal technology is similar to that used in energy efficient windows. We have also added a cold climate package with added insulation value to reduce condensation. An added feature of the air actuated model in an optional mechanical override. When transitioning to full tunnel ventilation, all inlets close together, using a simple hand winch or an actuator. 800-227-2376

Egg flats

Pakster Pakster is offering new egg flats for Extra-Large and Jumbo eggs. Samples are in stock now for tryouts. The company offers several color options. They will work with all automated systems. The company offers egg flats for larger eggs up to Jumbo. Minimum order per color is 3,600 flats. New pricing is being offered for a limited time. The reusable plastic egg flats are easy to wash and dry for biosecurity, do not keep odor. 423-746-2360

Tube brooder

Cumberland The new AV Series 80,000 Btu (British thermal unit) Tube Brooder joins the ALL-STAR line up of Cumberland/HiredHand products. Each tube has its own reflector allowing the upper combustion tubes to concentrate more energy to the perimeter of the heating pattern, while the

lower return tubes distribute a lesser radiant energy that result in reduced hot spots and more uniform floor temperatures. Offered in dual or single stage technology to maximize fuel efficiencies. 217-226-4420

Damper fan

Cumberland Cumberland now offers the Mega Flow External Damper fan line, which boasts high performance in a galvanized fan. This Mega Flow ED Fan line has been field tested and industry proven to be extremely effective in ventilation poultry production facilities. The AddAire butterfly style shutter system that comes standard on all Mega Flow ED Fans will provide a complete seal when closed and allow fans to remain at their optimum operating performance under extreme levels of static pressure. The unique arched side cone panels allow you to mount fans closer together on field installations. 217-226-4420

End doors

Southwestern Sales Co. Southwestern Sales Co. introduces the V-Flex and S-Flex bifold end doors for live containment houses. This new line of insulated end doors represents an improvement from previous end door designs in efficiency and cost. The insulated V-Flex and S-Flex doors will reduce grower energy costs, and the tight seal provided by the door’s efficient design will eliminate problems in maintaining adequate static pressure experienced with other style doors. 800-636-1975


Southwestern Sales Co.

Southwestern Sales Co. introduces the Multicator which is a unique approach in designing a reliable and efficient device to inject nutrients, medications and condition water for animal confinement houses, nurseries and industrial applications. Medicators have historically used expensive seals, springs and other components which require continuous replacement, the company notes. The Multicator works efficiently from day one, and with no moving parts, permanently eliminates the need for expensive spare parts, and allows the user to focus on more important issues. 800-636-1975

Transport sys.

Smithway As times have changed so has Smithway. In 2000 Smithway introduced its patented Air Conditioned systems — improving temperature control and biosecurity. Now we have increased our cooling capacity by 30 percent by incorporating a dual compressor system that can work independently or together giving not only added cooling but also a backup system in case of a compressor failure. This and more can be monitored from your desk with our wireless communication system. For 30 years, Smithway has been a leader of the flock no matter how big or small your loads may be. 828-628-1756

Evaporative cooling

Reeves Supply Reeves Supply is a family owned company that has been setting a standard in evaporative cooling. The company notes that it’s dedicated to providing the highest quality evapora-

tive cooling systems and tunnel doors in the poultry industry, while still maintaining the best service. Among the other products Reeves offers include: inlets, actuators, exhaust fans, stir fans, fogger nozzles valves, filters and more. 888-854-5221

Salmonella vaccine

Lohmann Animal Health Lohmann Animal Health International’s AviPro® Megan® Vac 1 aids in the reduction of Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Heidelberg in the organs of young growing chickens and as an aid in the reduction of S. enteritidis colonization of the crop and digestive tract, including the ceca. AviPro Megan Vac 1 is a modified live Salmonella Typhimurium vaccine administered to young poultry to stimulate the bird’s natural defense systems to

prevent salmonella colonization of internal organs and transmission of salmonella to offspring. Vaccination takes place in the hatchery on the day of hatch and at two-weeks of age for broilers, layers and breeders. Coarse spray and drinking water vaccination are easy, well-established, costeffective methods, and provide excellent coverage to the whole flock. “Whether you raise broilers, layers or breeders, the bar is raised for improving the safety of our food supply by reducing the threat of salmonella,” Lohmann Animal Health International CEO Dave Zacek said. “The ease of mixing and applying AviPro Megan Vac 1 by coarse spray and in the drinking water means less labor and man hours to vaccinate large numbers of birds.” Safety studies with hatchlings show that an increased titer of AviPro Megan Vac 1 does not cause any ad(Continued on next page)


POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

Product Showcase (Continued from previous page)

verse reactions. With two stable genetic modifications, the result is a vaccine that induces a strong immune response against S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis and S. Heidelberg in vaccinated birds. 800-655-1342

Feeding system

Big Dutchman Inc. Big Dutchman’s FLUXX Pan Feeding System offers customers many options to satisfy their needs. The FLUXX feeding systems offered are for broiler, pullet and breeder production, with a wide selection of sizes and options, each designed to maximize feed conversions, produce a uniform flock and increase egg production with breeders. The unique design of the FLUXX system provides optimal flooding of pans by distributing feed evenly around the pan in a complete 360-degree circumference. Day-old chicks have easy access to feed, female breeders are provided feed without competition from males, and the FLUXX pullet pan helps to produce more consistently uniform flocks. Customers save time with the simple installation, ease of use and maintenance. From day olds to full grown, the FLUXX family of pans will minimize waste while maximizing your profits. 616-392-5981

Trays & flats

Southwest Agri-Plastics Southwest Agri-Plastics Inc. has been manufacturing plastic products for the agriculture industry since 1969. In 2008 we introduced our line of Dura-Tray® hatch trays & Dura-Flat® egg flats. Our hatch trays are made from high grade virgin polyeth-

ylene material providing superior impact & wear resistance. We have added plastic in critical areas to prevent breakage. The diamond shaped openings in the bottom are 15 percent larger than leading competitors for improved cleanability. Our hatch trays are manufactured with Bio-Pruf® anti-microbial protection. Our egg flats are made from high-grade virgin polypropylene providing superior wear & impact resistance. Our solid plastic construction is easy to clean and resist microorganism build-up. Currently we manufacture the 36, 42, 54, & 84 egg flats designed to work with Jamesway & Chick Master incubators as well as other models. All sizes will cycle through in ovo equipment. This year we are also introducing our Dura-Box® chick boxes. Our 8 post box, nest and stacks with most other boxes. We added openings in the corners for better ventilation. Just like all our products, the Dura-Box is made from high grade virgin plastic. 800-288-9748

Turkey drinker

Ziggity Systems Ziggity Systems Inc. has developed a new drinker for adult turkeys that is self-cleaning and built-to-survive aggressive turkey behavior. Ziggity calls this new drinker the T-Max. Ziggity took the same proven concept that made it number one in poult watering and re-engineered it to work for male and female adult turkeys. The company fieldtested and fine-tuned the T-Max drinker for more than three years, and results show T-Max ensures the birds receive all the hygienic water they need to thrive and thereby reducing litter costs. Turkeys have poor eye-beak coordination, so Ziggity created a

larger target that the birds cannot miss. As the birds peck at the TMax, it tips and rotates. It is not a stationary drinker like cups used on other systems. The rotating action swishes the water around, self-cleaning the drinker. No manual scrubbing is required. As turkeys grow, their drinking action becomes increasingly aggressive; and they can rapidly wear out a watering system. Ziggity designed the T-Max drinker with a shock-absorbing flex stem that allows the entire drinker to give. This eliminates breakage and potential leaks. The drinker is made of a durable plastic that is green in color, which turkeys find more attractive. 574-825-5849

54-inch fan

American Coolair American Coolair is producing a 54-inch version of its NBC fan for farm buildings. The American Coolair NBC54 provides maximum airflow needed to ventilate poultry buildings. The NBC54 features all-galvanized steel construction for the ideal blend of strength and corrosion resistance. The sturdy cross-frame drive support design insures years of trouble-free operation. “The NBC54 is our most energy efficient fan yet,” American Coolair Sales Manager Mark Fales said. “It has been engineered to meet large volume ventilation needs while keeping energy costs at a minimum.” The NBC54 also features American Coolair’s unique captured bearing arrangement which allows the blade hub to also serve as the driven sheave. Placing the belt load directly over the bearings greatly extends the life of the bearings. 904-389-3646

Compost system

Farmer Automatic CompostCat from Farmer Automatic of America is a revolutionary way to compost poultry litter while reducing pesticide costs. Extensive field tests and independent research confirms that the CompostCat is highly effective for non-insecticide fly control by breaking the fly breeding cycle. Reducing flies with this method improves results when pesticides are necessary, they will work faster and more effectively without resistance. CompostCat’s patented design stirs, aerates and re-deposits material in windrows. Features include zero turn radius, 57-hp Duetz diesel engine, wheels or tracks and flow-thru drag chain conveyor. 912-681-2763

Litter handling

Brown Bear Manufacturer of hydrostatic tractors, loaders and auger/aerator attachments for composting and handling of layer and broiler litter and manure. The units have proven to be very effective in fly, rodent and odor control Layer manure can be composted year round in the manure pit of the high rise using the smaller skid steer attachment. Litter from broiler houses can be recycled by composting within the house to pulverize, decake, sterilize and flash off the ammonia all in one operation. Flocks do better on recycled composted litter showing less mortalities, less blinding, increased feed conversion and increased bird weight at harvest. 641-322-4220

Pos. press. heaters

Space-Ray Space-Ray has introduced a

line of positive pressure radiant gas tube heaters with a Tube Integrity Safety System (TISS) that provides additional safety for poultry houses. The TISS system is unique to Space-Ray. Available in natural or propane gas, the new PCA/PCS Series Radiant Gas Tube Heaters from Space-Ray saves in fuel costs, reduces maintenance and permits higher mounting in the poultry house for broader coverage and added efficiency. The Space-Ray PCA/PCS Tube Heaters use positive pressure to push products of combustion through the heavyduty calorized aluminized steel combustion chamber. Calorized or heat-treated emitter tubes are offered as an option by SpaceRay. Calorized tube material offers improved corrosion resistance and greater radiant output. The tube heaters come with a choice of one-stage or two-stage input controls for added flexibility and a totally enclosed burner box that places all the power, thermostat and gas connections in one central location for easier installation and maintenance. 800-849-7311

Litter amendment

DSM Especially during these difficult economic times, poultry producers are seeking a litter amendment for their broiler houses that can minimize the harmful effects of ammonia and pathogenic microorganisms, promote bird health and productivity and lower their costs, without adversely affecting the surrounding environment. DSM’s LitterGuard is a natural, organic, microbial-based poultry litter amendment that reduces ammonia and pathogenic bacteria (Continued on next page)

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011


Product Showcase (Continued from previous page)

levels, improves the health and performance of birds and remains environmentally-friendly to poultry, people and natural resources. Used as an essential component of an ongoing maintenance program, non-corrosive and odor-reducing LitterGuard also enhances the profitability of poultry producers through cost savings, by minimizing energy needs, increasing organic waste decomposition, decreasing litter cleanout and replacement and helping to preserve the integrity of groundwater and soil. 973-257-8396

Bird removal system

Diversified Imports Diversified Imports’ has developed the DI Bird Removal System with a mortality logging feature. The DI Bird Removal System automatically counts dead birds as it is removing them from the house. The data is output to an external control unit for logging of dead bird totals. The system comes in 8, 10 and 12 foot sections and can be adjusted for height as the birds grow. It quickly removes dead birds reducing the flock’s exposure to them and reducing contamination. With the mortality logging and easy adjustment, the DI Bird Removal System reduces the number of employees needed to cull dead birds and makes the process less strenuous on the employees. 732-363-2333

Infrared heaters

Superior Radiant Products SRP offers flexibility with two models of two stage gas-fired infrared tube heaters to best suit application requirements. Series TA/TX/TXR is designed

for heavy duty commercial and industrial use. Available in rates from 40,000 to 220,000 Btu/hr., lengths from 10 feet to 70 feet, natural gas or LPG. The jet stream burner design maximizes radiant output and is combined with 100 percent efficient parabolic aluminum reflectors to provide optimal energy efficiency and comfort. The unique Series LT/LTX/LTXR two stage infrared heaters are designed for low clearance applications. The principle advantage is the softening of the radiant output over a much longer length of tube with an end-to-end variance of less than 15 percent and remarkable bottom clearance of only 36 inches. Available in rates from 40,000 to 100,000 Btu/hr, lengths from 30 feet to 50 feet, natural gas or LPG. All two stage units include a Hi-Low output capability allowing for quicker recovery on the high fire and economical steady operation on the low fire. Save 20 percent to 50 percent fuel by using infrared radiant heating. 905-664-8274

Rodent control

Motomco Motomco’s unique vitamin D3 bait, AGRID3® Chunx and Pellets, recently received the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) Listing for use in organic operations. The coveted OMRI Listing now assures organic farmers and pest management professionals servicing organic production accounts that AGRID3 Chunx and Pellets can be used to fight rodent infestations on certified organic operations, including food processing, warehousing and storage, and animal production. AGRID3 Chunx and Pellets contain the active ingredient, vitamin D3,

which kills Norway rats, roof rats and house mice yet reduces the risk of secondary poisoning and poses low toxicity to birds. AGRID3 Chunx is a dense, tightly compacted 1-ounce extruded block with superb durability. The highly weatherable Chunx is excellent in outdoor applications and has a melting point as high as 200 degrees F. Likewise, AGRID3 Pellets are made with an advanced formulation process that produces a fresh, better compressed pellet. 800-323-6628

Hatching eggs

Avian Technology Avian Technology offers hatching eggs for worldwide distribution through subsidiary ATI Farms. Avian Technology clients receive the highest quality hatching eggs available in a timely manner. Production is monitored closely and managed for quality. In addition, every possible step is taken to minimize the risk of exposure to other poultry operations and possible disease breakouts. After being brought in from the farm, Avian Technology’s hatching eggs are stored in a state-of-the-art egg distribution center, which has ample space to ensure the safety of customers’ eggs during temporary storage and truck loading. The eggs are also kept at a constant temperature and humidity while waiting for shipment. 770-287-8006

house in approximately one hour using only 25-30 gallons of propane in the process. Discover its usefulness and affordability in safely sanitizing without chemicals. The intense heat (1400 degrees F) kills pathogens and bacteria while also extending litter usability. Faster turnaround equals less downtime. Environmentally friendly — no runoff, no residues or water contamination and flares off ammonia. Research shows increased livability, increased feed conversion and growers are increasing their settlements. 800-255-2469

LED lamp

Once Innovations Once Innovations has announced full availability of its new AgriShift® PLE Dim-to-Red LED Poultry Lamp designed specifically for breeders and layers. The AgriShift® PLE lamp features enhanced blue and red spectral output compared to incandescent, CFL, HPS and standard LED lamps. “This unique lamp design with poultry-specific output for breeding and laying

(Continued on next page)

2K RimmiR light dimmeR PAybAcK foR bRoileR gRoWeRS $ $ gReAt biofeedbAcK extends the life of compact fluorescent bulbs


House sanitizer

Flame Engineering Flame Engineering Inc. offers the Red Dragon Poultry House Sanitizer. The Red Dragon poultry house sanitizer is the fast, easy and effective way to sanitize a 40-foot x 500-foot poultry

hens was created based on scientific research showing improved health, welfare, and reproductive activity of hens exposed to certain spectral wavelength compositions for various photoperiods,” said Michael J. Ostaffe, ONCE Innovations president. “The PLE Lamp is designed to dim smoothly from 100-2 percent and can mimic sunset and sunrise by shifting its color spectrum to all red at low output levels. This feature allows growers to easily meet UEP guidelines for humane housing by dimming gradually to off. In addition, the dimming to on or off and the shift to the red spectrum allows up to an hour of extra melatonin production per day, potentially leading to better overall egg quality.” It uses approximately 11 watts of energy to provide approximately 700 lumen adjusted to domestic fowl spectral sensitivity and is available in an E26/27 screwin base, a hard-wire connection, and conduit connection. 763-381-5621

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POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

Product Showcase (Continued from previous page)

Grain cart weighing

Avery Weigh-Tronix Avery Weigh-Tronix introduces the Field Foreman grain cart software, a unique program featuring powerful data collection and export capabilities tailored to grain cart applications. Field Foreman software was specifically developed for the user-friendly Model 3060 touch screen indicator. Avery Weigh-Tronix’s 3060 indicator easily interfaces with virtually any brand of load cell or weigh bar. With the ability to track and save all field data, harvest notes and delivery information, the Field Foreman software ensures accurate data collection — improving production performance and assisting in making operation decisions to drive farming profitability. A grain cart weighing system prevents overloading of delivery trucks which, in turn, eliminates the risk of overload fines. With road limit regulation enforcement getting tighter, it is important for operators to track a truck’s contents and gross weight. Prior to harvest, operators can enter tare and target gross weights of each delivery truck to ensure the truck’s weight remains within the legal gross weight. The Field Foreman software then indicates when the truck has reached capacity. 507-238-8253

Mechanical deboner

Prince Industries Prince Industries Inc. has modified its 221 Combination Mechanical Deboner to increase capacity. Prince has

extended the hopper on the deboner to allow for easier production of larger products, as well as increased throughput. The change on the 221 Deboner allows for a larger volume of meat to be processed in the deboner while still providing the highest quality of output and yield. This proven combination deboner features a selfpumping system that can pipe the mechanically deboned meat directly into boxes or bags for easy handling, packing, and shipping. The 221 Deboner, which is made of stainless steel and offers simplicity of operation and low cost maintenance. Utilizing off-the-shelf replacement parts, it offers simple, clean mechanical deboning, and provides a wide range of deboned products to today’s marketplace. 800-441-3303

Pest control

Car Mac Products For more then 20 years, Car Mac Products has been dedicated to helping poultry growers eliminate the Northern Fowl Mite on their farms with the Die No Mite Strip. Based out of Houston, Texas, but with customers nationwide, Car Mac Products is committed to providing you with a high level of service and quality, all at affordable prices and while keeping the environment in mind. In fact, every single one of our Die No Mite Strips can last for more than two years eliminating the need for spraying or dusting for commercial and free range layers, nesting hens and roosters. Simple in its construction, the strip works entirely by contact with your birds. The Die No Mite

Strip pesticide system does not contaminate the environment. Because of this, manure and litter are free of pesticide and can be used as a fertilizer or soil enhancer without fear of soil or ground water contamination. It’s also compatible with natural fly control. 800-424-8108


Intralox The most recent addition to Intralox’s line of Activated Roller Belt (ARB) equipment provides ultimate flexibility in the challenging palletizer infeed application. This unique solution for both new and retrofit palletizer applications features an electrically actuated switch that can handle up to 500 packs per minute in any orientation, while at the same time diverting to an infinite number of discharge points — all from a single input. Able to handle packs as small as 2inches x 2-inches (51 mm x 51 mm), this ARB equipment solution provides the flexibility needed to adeptly handle today and tomorrow’s changing package types to create optimum palletizing patterns. Whether you need to reduce overall system costs, save floor space, or reduce system controls and complexity, consult Intralox early on in your planning process. We’ll show you how, through the unique capabilities of ARB technology, you can obtain the optimal line layout to maximize productivity. 888-388-2358

Cut-up system Foodmate

Foodmate has recently unveiled its new Logic Cut-Up System. The new system can be equipped with all Foodmate cut-up line modules and can adapt to existing cut-up modules produced by other suppliers. The Logic Cut-Up System was developed according the Foodmate standards for flexibility of configuration, hygiene, durability and safety. The system, which processes up to 130 birds per minute, includes a new shackle which has been tested extensively for durability. “At Foodmate, we know a cut-up system must be extremely durable, require minimal installation time and have the flexibility to be installed in every possible configuration,” Foodmate President David Hazenbroek said. “With these requirements along with the other standard design guidelines we believe in, we have developed a system that is revolutionary to the market.” 770-331-0208

Gizzard Inspec. sys.

Cantrell Cantrell has improved its GIS 2000 Gizzard Inspection System by streamlining the conveyors and making the peeler station detachable and portable. Cantrell’s new GIS 2000 has one conveyor instead of two, making the processing of gizzards quicker in addition to eliminating possible room constraints. The peeler station is portable and can be removed or installed quickly depending on the processing job. The Gizzard Inspection System separates transport water from

the gizzards and then reprocesses them to further peel off the skin. The final result is a cleaner and better-peeled product. The system runs 280300 gizzards per minute and needs only two employees to operate. 800-922-1232

Water heater

Heatec Heatec has introduced a new version of its Firestorm ® water heater that is certified for food service. The heater is certified in accordance with NSF/ANSI Standard 5. This certification means that all parts of the heater that contact the water it heats are lead free. Firestorm heaters can now be produced with outputs up to 36 million Btu/hour. Heatec originally introduced the Firestorm heater in 2006. It was its first direct contact water heater. A key feature is its on-demand water heating that eliminates the need for water storage tanks. Another key feature is its extremely high thermal efficiency of 99 percent. 423-821-5300


ORBIS Corp. ORBIS Corp. designed its 40 x 48 Stack’R pallet with versatility that allows customers to use it in both stacking and lightweight racking applications. Continuing its mission of environmental sustainability in packaging and logistics, the Stack’R is 100 percent recyclable and has been manufactured to stand up to a variety of temperatures and harsh environments materi(Continued on next page)

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

Product Showcase (Continued from previous page)

als may meet when passing through the logistics chain in the food and agricultural industry. “The Stack’R is made to be used, made to last and made to be versatile,” said Mike Ludka, pallet product manager. “The reusability of the Stack’R pallets gives our customers an economic and environmentally conscious alternative to single-use pallets that is highly cleanable for use in all types of food processing plants.” The Stack’R pallet is structural foam molded and was developed to be a smooth and non-porous product to avoid absorbing moistures or odors. The product’s allplastic construction ensures dimensional consistency and repeatable performance in automated systems or high-rise racking. 888-307-2185

Carton cutting

Spartanics For egg producers, poultry processors, wholesalers, packagers and others producing packaging made from carton stock, Spartanics offers its Carton Laser Cutting Machine, one of several state-of-the-art material handling systems ideal for the egg and poultry industries with its carton packaging applications. Features of the Spartanics Carton Laser Cutting Machine include: dual laser head design allows for cutting sheets up to 800 mm (31 inches) or greater;

unlimited part size length and width up to 400 mm per scan head (16 inches); accurate defect-free cutting of carton stock 0.75mm ( 0.030 inch) or less; equally versatile with virgin or recycled materials; advanced scoring capabilities within parts that perform better in foldergluer industrial packaging machinery than traditional die cut arts; optional bar code reading to enable change of cut configuration on-the-fly; proprietary fume extraction system; proprietary system for automated slug removal and conveyor belt cleaning, and more. 847-394-5700

Bale processor

Kuhn North America The Kuhn Primor 5570 M bale processor is ideally suited for the distribution of bedding in bedded-pack barns, as well as direct feeding of hay, silage and baleage. This machine can process large square bales of up to 8-feet 10-inches long, as well as round bales that are 4-feet wide and up to 6-feet 7-inches in diameter, to meet the needs of producers with medium- to large-sized operations. This model comes as a heavy-duty, trailed machine designed for lower horsepower tractors. The top discharge blower allows the operator to easily direct and control the spread patter of the material; distances up to 60 feet can be reached without adding options. 608-897-2131


•Fork (Continued from page 12)

safety very seriously. “The stakes for a large company to have a food safety incident are huge,” he said. “It could destroy their company.” Listeria, a bacteria found in soil and water, often turns up in processed meats because it can contaminate a processing facility and stay there for a long period of time. It’s also common in unpasteurized cheeses and unpasteurized milk, though less so in produce such as cantaloupe. The disease can cause fever, muscle aches, gastrointestinal symptoms and even death. One in five people who have listeria can die. A food safety law passed by Congress last year gives the FDA new power to improve tracing food through the system. Food safety ad-

vocates say the law will help make the food network safer by focusing on making every step in the chain safer and making it easier to find the source of outbreaks. For the first time, larger farms are required to submit plans detailing how they are keeping their produce safe. Erik Olson, director of food and consumer safety programs for the Pew Health Group, says it is critical that those improvements are made to prevent more, larger outbreaks as the system grows more complex. “Clearly the food industry has just changed enormously in the last several decades,” Olson said. “It would be virtually impossible to sit down and eat a meal and eat food that hasn’t come from all over the world.”

Food Trends Compiled by Barbara Olejnik, Associate Editor 770-718-3440 bolejnik@poultrytimes.net

Foster Farms Foster Farms offers Great Bites as a way to help avoid a 3 o’clock slump. The flame broiled mini-chicken cheeseburgers are perfect as an after school snack or a midday mini-meal. They can also be piled high on a tray to please the party crowd. Quick, delicious and made with premium chicken, the cheeseburgers are a protein-filled snack with less than 100 calories per burger. Hot and ready in 2 minutes, Great Bites are perfect for an on-the-go lifestyle. u More information: http:// www.fosterfarms.com

Barber Foods Now available from Barber Foods’ is Seasoned Selects Cor-

don Bleu, a savory alternative to the company’s classic Stuffed Chicken Breasts. Seasoned instead of breaded, they’re lower in calories, fat and carbs, but not in flavor. The Cordon Bleu product features smoke-flavored cooked ham, a bend of Swiss and American cheese and just the right amount of garlic, onion and other spices. u More information: http:// www.barberfoods.com

al fresco All Natural al fresco All Natural top-selling chicken sausage has announced that its entire line of products is now 100 percent gluten-free. al fresco replaced the Mango Chipotle Fresh Dinner Sausage with the Spicy Chipotle Fresh Dinner Sausage, keeping the smoky

chipotle flavor but leaving out the gluten. “As more and more Americans adopt a gluten-free lifestyle, we felt it was important to offer an entire line of healthy, delicious products they could enjoy worryfree,” said Sarah Crowley, al fresco senior brand manager. In addition to being gluten-free, al fresco has no artificial ingredients and is made with lean, skinless chicken meat and only the freshest herbs and spices. u More information: http:// www.alfrescoallnatural.com

Pilgrim’s Pride Pilgrim’s Pride Wing Dings were invented in 1964 and help to launch the wing craze. They’ve since become the all-time bestselling restaurant wings. Now this unrivaled flavor can be enjoyed at home anytime. The wings and their special blend of seasonings are ideal as appetizers, snacks and picnic/tailgating treats. The wings can be heated in a conventional oven, a microwave or deep fryer. u More information: http:// www.pilgrimspride.com


POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

PSA names three as Fellow of the association CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — The Poultry Science Association has named three long-time PSA members as a Fellow of the organization, the highest honor the association can bestow. They are Dr. Sacit F. (Sarge) Bilgili of Auburn University, Dr. Mohamed El-Halawani of the University of Minnesota and Dr. Henry R. Wilson of the University of Florida. The Poultry Science Association bestowed the title of “Fellow of the Poultry Science Association” on the three during the group’s 100th annual meeting held July 16-19 in St. Louis, Mo. The annual meeting was held jointly with the American Association of Avi-

an Pathologists and the American Veterinary Medical Association. With the theme of “The Gateway to the Future of Poultry Science,” the meeting featured seven symposia examining various topics including the future of poultry production and the regulatory status and use of antibiotics in the poultry industry. The keynote speaker was Dr. William Flynn, senior advisor on science policy, Center for Veterinary Medicine, who spoke on “The Future of Antibiotic Use in Farm Animal Agriculture.” Dr. Greg Mathis presented the LasherEckroade History/ World Poultry Science Association Lecture on “The His-

Classifieds For classified advertising information 770-536-2476

908 Supplies

924 Wants

All Star Packaging For Sale: Egg Cartons - pulp or foam, 30 dz egg cases, 5x6 or 4x5 filler flats, 2 1/2 dz egg sleeves and plastic 5x6 filler flats. 954-781-9066; www.eggboxes.com.

All Star Packaging Wants to buy Used pulp and plastic egg flats - used 15 dz wire or plastic baskets - overruns or misprint egg cartons foam or pulp - egg carts 240 or 360 dozen. 954-781-9066; www.eggboxes.com.

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Wants to buy used clear plastic egg flats. Farmer John Egg Co. 800-852-7099. Email: fjeggs@aol.com.

tory of the Poultry Industry: Scientific Breakthroughs.” PSA also presented several other awards. They are: l American Egg Board Research Award: A. Brooke Caudill (Marel Stork Poultry Processing) l American Feed Industry Association Poultry Nutrition Research Award: Dr. Velmurugu Ravindran, Massey University l Embrex Fundamental Science Award: Dr. Hans H. Cheng, USDA/ ARS, Lansing, Mich. l Evonik Degussa Award for Achievement in Poultry Science: Dr. Dong U. Ahn, Iowa State University

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See PSA, Page 24

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POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011


Is rural America disappearing from view? The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Rural America now accounts for just 16 percent of the nation’s population, the lowest ever. The latest 2010 census numbers hint at an emerging America where, by midcentury, city boundaries become indistinct and rural areas grow ever less relevant. Many communities could shrink to virtual ghost towns as they shutter businesses and close down schools, demographers say. More metro areas are booming into sprawling megalopolises. Barring fresh investment that could bring jobs, however, large swaths of the Great Plains and Appalachia, along with parts of Arkansas, Mississippi and North Texas, could face significant population declines. These places posted some of the biggest losses during the past decade as young adults left and the people who stayed got older, moving past childbearing years. For instance in West Virginia, now with a median age of 41.3, the share of Americans 65 and older is now nearly double that of young adults 18-24 — 16 percent compared to 9 percent, according to census figures released on July 28. In 1970, the shares of the two groups were roughly equal at 12 percent. “This place ain’t dead yet, but it’s got about half a foot in the grave,” said Bob Frees, 61, of Moundsville, W.Va., which now has a population of just more than 9,000. “The bigmoney jobs are all gone. We used to have the big mills and the rolling plants and stuff like that, and you could walk out of high school when you were 16 or 17 and get a $15-anhour job.” Demographers put it a bit more formally. “Some of the most isolated rural areas face a major uphill battle, with a broad area of the country emptying out,” said Mark Mather, associate vice president of the Population Reference Bureau, a research

group in Washington, D.C. “Many rural areas can’t attract workers because there aren’t any jobs, and businesses won’t relocate there because there aren’t enough qualified workers. So they are caught in a downward spiral.” Rural towns are scrambling to attract new residents and stave off heavy funding cuts from financially strapped federal and state governments. Delta Air Lines recently announced it would end flight service to 24 small airports, several of them in the Great Plains, and the U.S. Postal Service is mulling plans to close thousands of branches in mostly rural areas of the country. The University of Kansas this month opened a new medical school with a class of eight in Salina, a regional hub of nearly 50,000 people, in hopes of supporting nearby rural communities that have no doctors at all. In North Dakota, colleges are seeking to draw in young adults by charging low tuition and fees. It’s part of a broader trend in which many slow-growing rural states are touting recreational scenic landscapes or extending tuition breaks to out-of-state residents who typically are charged more. Many rural areas, the Great Plains in particular, have been steadily losing population since the 1930s with few signs of the trend slowing in coming decades, according to census figures. The share of people in rural areas during the past decade fell to 16 percent, passing the previous low of 20 percent in 2000. The rural share is expected to drop further as the U.S. population balloons from 309 million to 400 million by midcentury, leading people to crowd cities and suburbs and fill in the open spaces around them.

100 years ago In 1910, the population share of rural America was 72 percent. Such areas remained home to a majority

of Americans until 1950, amid postWorld War II economic expansion and the baby boom. Among the struggling rural areas are vast stretches of West Virginia in Appalachia. Several of the state’s counties during the past decade have lost large chunks of their population following the collapse of logging and coal-mining industries during the 1960s. In Moundsville, Frees describes his town, which sits in the northern panhandle along the edge of Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh, as appealing in some regards because of its low cost of living and friendly atmosphere in which “people talk to each other.” But opportunities are few for the area’s young adults other than perhaps the $7 or $8-an-

See America, Page 23

USDA Agricultural Research Service

Rural landscape: Current census figures indicate that the population in rural America is at its lowest point, including just 16 percent of the nation’s population.

Profitable Poultry-Egg Production Business

Very well run poultry operation under same ownership for over 40 years. This major egg production facility has 7 high rise caged layer houses that are equipped with top of the line Big Dutchman egg handling equipment as well as automated feed & watering systems. Egg production & packaging room is equipped with large commercial egg washer & automated egg packing system. Over 152,440 SF of laying houses & 32,000 SF of replacement housing. Full line of “support equipment” included. Farm is situated in a good Agricultural District in Whiteville, NY surrounded by many working farms & rural recreational properties. Farm encompasses 500 acres of crop & timberland. Retirement prompts sale of this highly profitable agricultural enterprise. All gas, oil mineral & timber rights convey. Sure to please & excite the astute investor seeking a well-run business with a high cash on cash rate of

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POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011


ate; demand is moderate. Spent fowl offerings are at least sufficient with normal processing schedules.


Compiled by David B. Strickland, Editor 770-718-3442 dstrickland@poultrytimes.net

National Egg Market:

to instances good, usually light to moderate. The total shell egg inventory is 0.2 percent higher than the previous week. Current supplies are moderate for trade needs. Market activity is moderate. Offerings for breaking stock are light to moder-

(Oct. 18): Prices are steady in all regions with a steady undertone noted. Demand into retail and foodservice channels ranges light

Georgia: The f.o.b. dock quoted prices on ice-pack parts based on truckload and pool truckload lots for the week of Oct. 19: line run tenders $1.83½; skinless/boneless breasts $1.44; whole breasts 79½¢; boneless/skinless thigh meat $1.31; thighs 72¢; drumsticks 66¢; leg quarters 53¢; and wings $1.15½.

Fowl: Oct. 14: Live spent heavy fowl Final prices at Farm Buyer Loading

(per pound): range 8.5¢-19.3¢


National Slaughter:

The estimated number of broilerfryers available for slaughter the week ending Oct. 22 is l51.9 million head compared to 164.5 million head slaughtered the same week last year.

Broiler: Estimated slaughter for week ending Oct. 22 is 154,803,000. Actual slaughter for the week ending Oct. 15 was 153,435,000. Heavy-type hen: Estimated slaughter for the week ending Oct. 22 is 1,605,000. Actual slaughter for the week ending Oct. 15 was 1,693,000. Light-type hen: Estimated slaughter for the week ending Oct. 22 is 1,292,000. Actual slaughter for the week ending Oct. 15 was 1,322,000. Total: Week of Oct. 22: 157,700,000. Week of Oct. 15: 156,450,000.

The following chart provides an annual high and a comparison of recent activity of major poultry company stocks.

USDA Shell Eggs

AMS weekly combined region shell egg prices Average prices on sales to volume buyers, Grade A or better, White eggs in cartons, delivered warehouse, cents per dozen.

Annual High

Cagle’s Cal-Maine Campbell Soup ConAgra Hormel Pilgrim’s Pride Sanderson Farms Seaboard Tyson

11.96 36.55 36.99 26.60 30.50 8.61 49.73 2705.00 20.12

Oct. 12

Oct. 14

Oct. 19

3.95 4.05 32.33 32.24 33.26 33.49 25.60 25.41 28.79 28.41 4.03 4.40 47.69 48.73 1884.00 2063.00 18.43 18.51

Extra Large Regions: Northeast 119.50 Southeast 119.50 Midwest 112.50 South Central 125.50 Combined 119.55



117.00 117.50 110.50 121.50 116.84

103.00 105.00 99.50 106.50 103.62

Computed from simple weekly averages weighted by regional area populations

Grain Prices OHIO COUNTRY ELEV. Oct. 4 Oct. 11 Oct. 18 No. 2 Yellow Corn/bu. $5.78 $5.90 $6.26 Soybeans/bu. $11.18 $11.29 $11.93 (Courtesy: Prospect Farmers Exchange, Prospect, Ohio)

(Courtesy: A.G. Edwards & Sons Inc.)

Broiler Eggs Set/Chicks Placed in 19 States EGGS SET (Thousands)

Ala Ark


Del Fla Ga Ky La Md Miss N.C. Okla Pa S.C. Tex Va 19 States Total Prev. year


Sept. 24

Oct. 1

Oct. 8

Oct. 15

Sept. 24

Oct. 1

Oct. 8

Oct. 15

27,057 18,961 17,818 2,895 1,351 31,247 7,738 3,242 6,820 16,824 18,511 6,751 3,558 5,263 14,050 5,567

25,433 18,949 18,080 3,045 1,354 30,766 6,893 3,258 7,517 16,270 18,270 5,962 3,353 4,956 13,269 5,461

26,498 19,417 18,450 3,041 1,349 30,878 7,342 3,212 6,839 16,535 18,331 6,813 3,734 4,866 13,423 5,773

26,673 17,686 17,891 3,176 1,349 29,635 7,090 3,241 7,040 17,094 18,243 6,112 3,833 5,487 13,097 5,850

18,304 18,793 16,647 5,074 1,156 27,748 5,910 2,676 4,784 14,533 15,168 3,712 3,208 3,699 11,770 5,067

19,468 17,501 15,772 3,913 1,156 26,814 6,192 2,909 6,199 15,196 13,845 3,527 3,077 3,702 11,380 4,229

18,155 18,649 14,602 3,882 931 25,292 4,970 2,830 5,560 15,253 14,605 4,089 2,839 3,460 10,318 4,436

19,534 19,044 15,244 4,045 1,160 27,604 5,585 2,910 5,681 14,472 14,299 3,193 2,932 3,789 11,807 4,700

187,653 205,808

182,836 197,354

186,501 200,470

183,497 196,697

158,249 167,630

154,880 169,617

149,871 162,438

155,999 169,422

1/Current week as percent of same week last year.

For the week of Oct. 29, the estimated available is 151.9 million head, according to the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service Poultry Programs, Market News & Analysis in Washington, D.C.

Broiler/Fryer Markets

Industry Stock Report


The estimated U.S. slaughter for the week of Oct. 19 is 155.1 million head or 3.2 million more than estimated available.

USDA Composite Weighted Average For week of: Oct. 17 For week of: Oct. 10 Chi.-Del.-Ga.-L.A.-Miss.-N.Y.--S.F.-South. States For delivery week of: Oct. 3 Chicago majority TFTR Mississippi majority 80--85¢ New York majority 61--64¢ For delivery week of: Oct. 5 Delmarva weighted average 55--82¢ Georgia f.o.b. dock offering 89.00¢ Los Angeles majority price 98.00¢ San Francisco majority price 98.50¢ Southern States f.o.b. average 53.11¢

75.60¢ 72.29¢ Oct. 17 65--71¢ 81--86¢ 65--68¢ Oct. 19 59--83¢ 89.00¢ 98.00¢ 98.50¢ 53.35¢

Turkey Markets Weighted avg. prices for frozen whole young turkeys Weighted average (cents/lb.) F.O.B. shipper dock National Week ending Oct. 14 Last year Hens (8-16 lbs.) 114.50 102.63 Toms (16-24 lbs.) 111.50 104.75 Week ending Oct. 7 Sept. avg. Hens (8-16 lbs.) 112.08 109.79 Toms (16-24 lbs.) 111.25 108.87

Egg Markets USDA quotations New York cartoned del. store-door: Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Extra large, no change $1.24--$1.28 $1.24--$1.28 Large, no change $1.22--$1.26 $1.22--$1.26 Medium, no change $1.09--$1.13 $1.09--$1.13 Southeast Regional del. warehouse: Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Extra large, no change $1.16½--$1.24 $1.16½--$1.24 Large, no change $1.15--$1.22 $1.15--$1.22 Medium, no change $1.02½--$1.10 $1.02½--$1.10

POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011

AMERICAN EGG BOARD HOTLINE AEB Hotline appears regularly in Poultry Times and provides an update on programs and services provided for egg producers by the American Egg Board. Details on any item mentioned may be obtained by contacting AEB at 1460 Renaissance Dr., Park Ridge, Ill. 60068. Phone: 847296-7043. l The Breakfast Beat newsletter targets Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) with data and insights concerning the growth and opportunities that exist for eggs and the breakfast daypart. This information assists QSR operators in starting or expanding a breakfast program. Some of the topics of interest in this issue include: the trend toward all-day breakfast; healthy menus and restaurant nutrition labeling; new breakfast menu introductions at several major chains; and egg white sandwiches on the QSR menu. A “Did You Know?” sidebar contains the latest information on egg nutrition. One additional issue is planned for 2011. In the upcoming year, Breakfast Beat will continue to focus on the eggspanding opportunities for eggs in the growing QSR breakfast market. For more information on this newsletter or if you have foodservice operators you want to have added to the distribution list, contact Alice Heinze at AEB. l The Egg Nutrition Center is happy to announce the 2011 Grant and Fellowship Recipients. Contracts are in progress, and research should begin shortly.

Dissertation Fellowship l Gina Wee, Pennsylvania State University, “Diet and health attributes of egg consumption.” Research Grants l Dr. Ellen M. Evans, University of Georgia, “The E-PHIT Study: Eggs, Protein and High Intensity Training: A Diabetes Prevention Program for Postmenopausal Women.” l Dr. Maria Luz Fernandez, University of Connecticut, “Egg effects on postprandial glucose, insulin and lipoprotein metabolism in diabetic subjects.” l Dr. Barbara A. Gower, University of Alabama at Birmingham, “An egg-based breakfast maintains metabolic flexibility in older adults.” l Dr. Elizabeth J. Johnson, Tufts University, “The effect of consumption of 2 eggs per day for 6 months on cognitive function in older adults.” l Dr. Jill Kanaley, University of Missouri, “Effect of a high protein breakfast on glycemic control, insulin sensitivity and cell function in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D).” l Dr. Tanja V.E. Kral, University of Pennsylvania, “Comparison of the satiating properties of egg- versus cereal grain-based breakfasts for appetite and energy intake control in 8- to 10year-old children.” l Dr. Jeff Volek, RD, University of Connecticut, “Effect of incremental increases in dietary carbohydrate on saturated fat levels and blood borne risk markers for cardiovascular disease.”


•America (Continued from page 21)

hour jobs at the nearby Wal-Mart store. “The young kids today are fleeing the area,” Frees said. “They get the education and then they leave because there’s nothing here for them.” Other rural U.S. counties suffering big declines include Issaquena, Jefferson and Sharkey in Mississippi; Sheridan and Towner in North Dakota; Kiowa in Kansas; Cimarron in Oklahoma; Tensas Parish in Louisiana; Monroe in Arkansas and Cottle, King and Culberson in Texas. All had percentage losses of 20 percent or more during the past decade. The numbers are based partly on an analysis by the Population Reference Bureau. The data were supplemented with calculations by Robert Lang, a sociology professor at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, and William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution. “Rural” is generally defined as nonmetropolitan areas with fewer than 50,000 people.

Metro areas While rural America shrinks, larger U.S. metro areas have enjoyed double-digit percentage gains in population over the past several decades. Since 2000, metros grew overall by 11 percent with the biggest gains in suburbs or small- or medium-sized cities. In fact, of the 10 fastest-growing places, all were small cities incorporated into the suburbs of expanding metro areas, mostly in California, Arizona and Texas. In all, the share of Americans living in suburbs has climbed to an all-time high of 51 percent. Despite sharp declines in big cities in the Northeast and Midwest since 2000 due to the recession, U.S. cities increased their share by 3 percentage points to 33 percent. “These new patterns suggest that there will be a blurring of boundaries as regions expand well beyond official government-defined definitions,” Frey said. “People like to `have it all’ — affordable housing in a smaller-town setting but in close proximity to jobs and bigcity amenities such as specialized shopping, cultural events and major Index of Advertisers

sports and entertainment venues.” “Many moderate-sized metro areas can fulfill all of these needs,” he said. “There’s such a large share of population that is now in reach of a substantial metropolitan center due to transit systems and highways, that the traditional notion of small-town America is changing,” said Lang, who has done extensive research on U.S. megapolitan and regional growth. “Fewer and fewer people live in the deeply rural places, and for most people in smaller towns, a big regional hospital or a Wal-Mart or strip mall is not too far away,” he said. He and other demographers believe that rural areas will remain viable, although many will be swallowed up by booming metropolitan areas and linked into sprawling megalopolises. Far-flung rural counties boasting vacation and outdoor recreation also will continue as popular destination points for young couples, retirees and empty nesters.

Agrifan, 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-236-7080; www.envirofan.com American Proteins, 12I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.americanproteins.com Big Dutchman, 12J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616-392-5981; www.bigdutchman.com CID Lines, 12I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.cidlines.com Chore-Time, 12H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574-658-4101; www.choretimepoultry.com Creek View, 12I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717-445-4922 Cumberland, 12B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217-226-4401; www.cumberlandpoultry.com Delong's Gizzard, 12H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478-743-9134; www.delongs.com Double L Group, 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-553-4102; www.doublel.com DSM, 12G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-526-0189; www.unlimitednutrition-na.dsm.com Farm Alarm, 12J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-407-5455; www.farmalarm.com Flame Engiineering, 12B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-255-2469; www.flameengineering.com FPM, 12D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402-729-2264; www.fpmne.com Gasolec, 12D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-628-4588; 800-628-4588 Jones Hamilton-PLT, 12E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-379-2243; www.jones-hamilton.com Katolight, 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507-625-7973; www.katolight.com Lee Energy, 12F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.leeenergysolutions.com Lubing, 12A, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .423-709-1000 Manta-Ray, 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-252-0276; www.manta-ray-valves.com Marel-Stork, Cover IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-888-9107; www.storkpoultry.com; www.marel.com/poultry Pakster, 12B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-367-6549; www.pakster.com Preserve, Cover II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-995-1607 Pro-Tech, 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-438-1707; www.pro-techinc.com Randy Jones Insurance, 12C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-648-6584 Reeves, 12L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-854-5221; www.reevessupply.com Scrivner, 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-653-4165 Southwest Agriplastics, 12K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-288-9748; www.swapinc.com Southwestern Sales, Cover III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-636-1975; www.swsales.com Space-Ray, 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-849-7311; www.spaceray.com Star Labs, 12H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-894-5396; www.primalac.com United Country Real Estate, 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607-565-3491; www.unitedcountrywaverly.com Walco, 12D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .800-438-1615 WeighTech, 12J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800-457-3720; www.weightechinc.com


POULTRY TIMES, October 24, 2011


•Recipe (Continued from page 3)

Foster Farms contest winning recip e

Guests in attendance also selected Jennifer Daskevich’s Chicken and Quinoa with Figs, Spinach and Mint recipe for the “People’s Choice Award” for best use of local ingredients. “Foster Farms is committed to delivering locally grown fresh chicken to the store in 48 hours or less, and that is why we put extra emphasis on using fresh, local ingredients in the judgCrispy Orang e ing criteria for this year’s contest,” said Ira Brill, director of Avocado and Chicken with Fennel, Orange Salad marketing for Foster Farms. “All of our contestants’ recipes 1 to 1 1/2 pounds Foster Farms thin highlighted the agricultural bounty of California, Oregon and lets -sliced chicken br east filWashington while at the same time making Foster Farms local 1 tablespoon oran ge juice chicken the star of the dish.” 1 tablespoon cham pagne vinegar (m Rebecca Spence was delighted with the win, “I never vinegar) ay substitute white dreamed I’d win a contest of this caliber. This recipe started wine 2 te aspoons sugar out as something my family loved and I kept working on it Zest from 2 large until I felt it best represented the flavor and integrity of the nave 2 teaspoons salt, divi l oranges (reserve one orange) fresh ingredients — fennel, orange and avocado. I’ve always 3/4 teaspoon fresh ded been a fan of Foster Farms and will continue to be. I hope ly 2 tablespoons extra ground black pepper, divided to take a vacation to Paris and to add my young grandson’s -v 1 large fennel bulb irgin olive oil college fund.” She added, “the most important ingredient to , trimmed 1 large avocado cook with is love.” 1 serrano chile As far as trend indicators, many of the recipes submitted 1/2 cup flour this year called for whole chicken and boneless, skinless 2 eggs thighs; boneless, skinless breast recipes were featured in 2 cups panko brea the majority of recipes. Contestants also often incorporated dc fruits, such as cherries, blueberries, blackberries, kiwi, figs 1/3 cup peanut oi rumbs l and pineapples. Quinoa, couscous and panko were popular accompaniments and turmeric and Asian spices were prevaIn large bowl, whi lent in many recipes. egar, sugar, one te sk together orange juice, champa gne vinaspoon orange ze The six finalists won $1,000 and were chosen from nearst, teaspoon black pe pper. Slowly whisk 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 ly 2,000 home, amateur and professional chefs residing in in olive oil. Set as Cut white pith aw ide. California, Oregon and Washington who submitted their into small cubes. ay from reserved zested orange; cu C t orange ho p fennel bulb into sm prized, original, fresh chicken recipes for consideration. do, remove pit and all cubes. Peel avoc ch op in ato small cubes. Cut Other finalists competed with the following recipes: wise, remove and chile in half le di Asian Braised Chicken Thighs with Soybean Salad, pieces, fennel, av scard seeds and finely mince. Plac ngthe orange ocado and chile in Roxanne Chan, Albany, Calif.; Chicken Quinoa with Figs, toss gently and re bowl containing dressing; frigerate while pr Spinach and Mint, Jennifer Daskevich, Los Angeles, Caeparing chicken. Preheat oven to 20 lif.; Chicken with Cherry Tapenade over Creamy Pancombine with rem 0 degrees F. Place flour in shallo aini w cetta Polenta, Tina Hoban, Bellingham, Wash.; Crispy beat eggs well with ng salt and pepper. In second shallo bowl; Basil Skinned Chicken Breast with Peach Pink Pepperw bowl, fork. Place panko low bowl; stir in ze br corn Compote, Russell Kool, Hillsboro, Ore.; and Pan st from one orange eadcrumbs in third shal. In large skillet over Fried Chicken with Blueberry Pinot Noir Reduction and medium high heat each chicken fille , warm peanut oil. Goat Cheese Polenta,Timmy Baker, Eugene, Ore. t in Dredge panko-orange mix flour mixture, then dip in eggs and Family-owned Foster Farms specializes in fresh, all coat with ture. Place coated ch turning, about 5 m natural chicken. The company joins the California Poulinutes on each sid icken in hot oil and sauté, e, co or until golden brow ok ed throughout. try Federation and other leading agricultural groups supn and bakers rack over a Remove chicken with tongs and porting Eat Local, Buy California Grown. Foster Farms place on cookie sheet in ov en to keep warm. To serve, place sa owns private ranches throughout California and works lad on plates. Top chicken fillets. each salad with on with local, family-owned farms throughout Washinge or two ton and Oregon to ensure that its chicken is delivered fresh to stores within 48 hours or less.

Visit www.poultrytimes.net

(Continued from page 20)

seph B. Hess, Auburn University l PSA Early Achievement Award for Extension: Dr. Craig D. Coufal, Texas A&M University l PSA Early Achievement Award for Industry: Dr.Michael Leslie, Masterfeeds Inc. l PSA Early Achievement Award for Research: Dr. Huaijun Zhou, Texas A&M University l PSA Early Achievement Award for Teaching: Dr. Kristen J. Navara, University of Georgia l PSA Student Recruitment Award: Dr. Jacquelyn B. Hoffman, North Carolina State University l PSA Honorary Membership: Leland E. Tollett, Tyson Foods Inc. l Tyson Foods Support Personnel Award: John W. Anderson, Ohio State University Student awards will be presented to the following poultry science scholars: l Alltech Student Research Manuscript Award: Chasity M. Cox, Virginia Tech University l Maurice Stein Fellowship Award: Anup Kollanoor Johny, University of Connecticut l Jones-Hamilton Co. Graduate Student Travel Grant Award: Ampai Nangsuay, Kasetsart University, Thailand; Brian Jordan, University of Georgia; Mabel Ting Wong, University of Hong Kong The Poultry Science Association is a global scientific society for discovery and dissemination of knowledge generated by poultry research. Founded in 1908, PSA has a global membership of about 2,000.

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