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September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 3 Inside Th IS ISSue To advertise in the Reunion Patriot, contact Jessica Shirley at The Times - 770.535.6330 - The Reunion Patriot is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publica tion. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the mem bers of the Reunion Country Club Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No represen tations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services. AdveRTISIng InfORmATIOn Do you own or work for a great company and want to spread the word? The Patriot is Reunion’s monthly newsletter that is printed and distributed to over 400 homes and nearby businesses. Additional copies are available in Reunion’s Meeting House for our residents and Sales Office for prospective residents. deadlines for ALL SuBmISSIOnS to The PATRIOT October 2022....................................August 31, 2022 November 2022............................September 30, 2022 December 2022...............................October 31, 2022 January 2023.................................November 31, 2022 To have your email address added to the Reunion County Club distribution list, email Angela Pavlichek at AngelaPavlichek@f STAy uP-TO-dATe on events and activities at ReunIOn! Inside Th IS ISSue Important numbers ............................... 3 Calendar ................................................ 8 Community Buzz ..................................10 neighbor to neighbor ...........................26 Important COnTACTS Emergency..................................................................... 911 Reunion Hall Kitchen 770-967-8300 x78 Reunion Golf Shop 770-967-8300 Activities Director: ................................. Angela Pavlichek Property Manager: .......................................... Jason JosonHixon@FieldstoneRP.com404-407-5901Hixon Get COnneCTed Join our closed Facebook groups for Reunion Country Club residents only for another great way to meet and connect with neighbors! • Reunion Activities & Information. • Reunion CC Neighborhood Watch • Reunion Classified If you’d like your art/photos considered for the cover of The Patriot, please email the Activities Director at Committee COnTACTS Advisory Committee ............................................ Covenants Committee Landscape Committee Meeting House Committee ............... Neighborhood Watch Committee Pool Committee Tennis Committee ........................................... Swim Team Social ContactCommitteetheActivities Director .............

4 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 Community NeWs For more info, contact Julie Doran at 404 824 7100 Reunion Plant Club nd Tuesday of each Month 9pm in the Meeting House Share ideas, plant propagation techniques, growing tips with your neighbors!

September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 5 Search like any www.GeorgiaHomesOnMyMind.comagent: GEORGIA HOMES ON MY MIND If you’re thinking of selling your home in Reunion’s Premier Real Estate Agent Michelle Vanderwolf Owner 404.786.2719REALTOR® SOLD Call me today!


September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 7 CONTACT US 770-378-8526 - Driveways Extensions/ - Patios - Sidewalks-RetainingWallsFirePits High LandscapeProfileServices Flowery7433ConcreteInstallationServicesSpoutSpringsRd.Suite101-2Branch,GA30542

8 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 September CALendAR SUN WED THUR FRI MONSAT TUE

Jeremy, Becki, Grant, Gage and Mom
Happy 1st birthday Henry! We can’t believe a year has flown by and you’re ONE. Excited to see what this next year brings as you continue to grow with your playful personality. We love you sweet boy! Love, mom and dad
Happy 3rd Birthday Anderson! We love you so much! We can’t wait to see what new things you learn and how much you grow over the next year. We are so grateful for our super silly, excavator loving, dirt digging, blonde haired, blue eyed, handsome boy! Love, Mom, Dad, Addilyn & Anna Kate Happy 11th Birthday to our amazing grandson, Tucker! We love your adventurous spirit and are so proud of your accomplishments. Spending time with you is never a dull moment and a lot of fun. We love you so much! Mom-Mom & Pops
Happy Birthday Landon! You are such a fun, smart, and big-hearted young man and we are proud of you every day! There are big things in your future! Love you huge, Mom, Dad, and Macie Congrats!!! Sep. 22nd is Saint Mauricio’s day! We celebrate it with you and wish you a very happy Day!!! Te queremos, Anita, Fer, George, Mamá y Papá.
Lordy, Lordy look whose 40! We’re so blessed to have you as ours!! Love, Miranda, June, Bennett, CeCe and Jasper Happy birthday to our favorite 6 year old! Love, Dad, Mom, and Jacob
Happy birthday Jeni! We are so glad you’re home for now and we get to share this birthday with you! We love you!
Reunion BuZZ 10 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022

Happy 8th Birthday Lena Bena!!! Keep being you! We love you, Mommy, Boba, Naya and Aram Happy 7th Birthday to our baseball loving Micah! We love you and so very proud of the way God is shaping you for your future! Love Daddy, Mommy, Nate & Ruthie
Happy 7th wedding anniversary Robert! It’s been a fun and an amazing ride these last 7 years. I love you! Love: Staci
September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 11
Happy 11th Birthday Carson! We love you more than all the stars in the sky! Love, Dad, Mom, Wyatt, Izzy & Harley Happy 9th Birthday to our sweet Brooks! You make us proud everyday! We love you - Mama, Dad and Reynolds Happy sweet 16 Sophie! You make life a little happier, a little more fun, and a whole lot better. You are truly one of a kind, and I’m so lucky God picked you to be my daughter. Now drive safe! We love you! Mom, Tripp, Lula, Kitty, Biscuit and Beans
Reunion BuZZ
Happy 7th Birthday Wyatt! We love you more than all the fish in the sea! Love, Dad, Mom, Carson, Izzy & Harley

12 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 Community NeWs For more information & registration; up now for the lottery Practice begins September 12 Monday & Wednesdays 4:15 -5:45pm Snacks and Drinks Will be provided at The Rains Team Booth!

September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 13 TWO SHOWROOMS IN GEORGIA! NO TRIP CHARGE EVER! 24 Hour Garage Door Service, because you have a choice! Call for details. Conditions may apply. Can not be combined with other offers. Call for details. Conditions may apply. Can not be combined with other offers. Call for details. Conditions may apply. Can not be combined with other offers. Call for details. Conditions may apply. Can not be combined with other offers. NOISY DOOR? GARAGE DOOR OR OPENER SERVICE FREE INSTALLATION! 10 WITHANYROLLERSREPAIRSAFETYTUNE-UP1/2HPBeltDriveOpener FREE ONLY $29 SAVE $110 $69 OFF 470-205-0889

14 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 Community NeWs Welcoming New Patients! Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 7380 Spout Springs Road Suite 120 Flowery Branch, GA Conveniently770-965-5548Locatedin the Kroger Shopping Center! if you see something, please say something. If you see suspicious activity, call the hall County Sheriff’s department dispatch at 770-536-8812 if you see a crime in progress, call 911 (Before you say something on Facebook.)

September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 15 325 Washington St. SW | Gainesville, GA 30501 | 770.536.1100 | With nearly 30 years in banking, Tina Howe brings experience and great customer service to Peach State Braselton. We are excited to bring our special brand of community banking to you as Braselton’s full-service hometown bank. Stop in and see how we can work for you! Meet Tina Howe Braselton Branch Operations Manager Banking on a Strong Foundation 900 M c Ev E r r oad Gain E svill E , G a 30504 770-531-0430 • “From windows to walls, we’ve got you covered!” coll E ction • Custom Window Treatments • Custom Bedding & Headboards • Shutters, Blinds & Shades • Wallpaper • Upholstery • DesignServingServicesNorth Georgia for 35 plus years

16 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 Community NeWs Friday, September 23 RSVPMeeting7pmHouseKarenVanDyke678.663.0509 Nail Grind & Ear Cleaning: $18 Teeth Brushing: $5 Anal Glands: $10 Paw Cleanup: $10 15 Sanitary: $10 Eye Cleanup: $5 10 Lisa Benjamin Licensed Pet Groomer Schedule Appointment with the Activities Director Saturday September 10 10am ~ 1pm Activities Room

Total cholesterol has the 3 components above along with some others, and the typical goal for total cholesterol should be less than 200 or 160, depending on the levels of the above components.
A l l i s o n Du p o n t , M D M a r k E L e i m b a ch , M D J J ef f r ey M a rs h a l l , M D C i n d y L G r i n e s , M D H ea th er W es tm o rel an d , M D 404 - 962northsidecvi.com6000 Braselton 1255 Friendship Rd. Ste. Braselton,240 GA 30517 13 Convenient Locations from Atlanta to North Georgia Gainesville 1276 Jesse Jewell Pkwy. Gainesville, GA 30501Pradyumna “Prad” Tummala MD, FSCAI, FACC
2) HDL or high-density lipoprotein (H is for “healthy” and the “higher” the better): This part of cholesterol helps remove LDL from the plaques in the arteries. Low HDL is a major risk factor for developing heart attacks. Cigarette smoking, being overweight, and being sedentary are 3 modifiable risk factors that lower the HDL and increase risk. Goal for HDL is at least 50 mg/dL, and ideally greater than 60.
3) Triglycerides are fatty compounds that are elevated in people with poor diets that are high in saturated fats, overweight, or have diabetes. Ideally, triglycerides should be less than 150 mg/dL.
1) LDL or low-density lipoprotein (L is for “lousy” and the “lower” the better): This cholesterol is directly related to development of plaque in the arteries. LDL level less than 100 mg /dL is ideal for preventing heart disease.
Cholesterol: the facts
So please make sure you know your cholesterol numbers and talk to your doctors and health care providers about how you can reduce your risk for developing heart disease.
is a type of fat that is made by the liver and is absorbed by the body from the foods we eat. There are 3 important parts of cholesterol:
Food that is high in saturated and trans fat, including meat, poultry, full-fat dairy products, and certain oils like coconut and palm oil, all increase the cholesterol in the body. In addition, there are other risk factors that affect cholesterol, including being overweight, being sedentary with no exercise, getting older, and smoking.
It is important for all adults > 20 years old to have their cholesterol measured. It is also important to understand that quite often, people who look and feel healthy, eat healthily, and are even athletic, can have high cholesterol because of their genetics. High cholesterol can run in the family, because of genetic variants of proteins in the liver—and it is important to control the cholesterol with a combination of a heart-healthy diet and sometimes medications, in order to prevent the development of atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in arteries), heart attacks, and strokes.
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US and worldwide. Over 600,000 Americans die from heart disease every year. However, there are many things that we can do to prevent developing heart disease. One of the major risk factors for heart disease is high cholesterol, which leads to buildup of plaque in the arteries of the heart, brain, and other organs. This plaque can obstruct flow to our vital organs, and when it suddenly clots and completely closes the heart or brain arteries, heart attacks and strokes Cholesteroloccur.

18 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 COMFORT YOU CAN FEEL. QUALITY YOU CAN TRUST. For over 30 years, we at Conditioned Air Systems (CAS) provide customers with the highest quality HVAC equipment and service humanly possible. Contact us today for your heating and cooling needs. 770-308-8902 | 2410 Hilton Way, SW | Gainesville, GA 30501 NOW HIRING Houseparents Houseparenting at Eagle Ranch is a missionoriented opportunity for married couples who are looking for a meaningful next chapter that impacts the lives of children and families. Eagle Ranch Houseparents help children develop emotional skills by creating a structure-nurture balance that is reinforced through daily life examples. It is an opportunity to partner with families and give practical guidance on how to have a healthier family life. Download our Guide to Houseparenting at to learn more

September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 19 Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta 770-963-9961CallTodayforFREEOnsiteEstimate $10 OFF Expires 3/31/19 WWW.PENNINGTONFENCE.COM Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta ALL FORMS OF FENCING: CUSTOM BUILT WOOD PICKET & WOOD PRIVACY DECORATIVE ALUMINUM & STEEL PVC & CHAIN LINK POOL GATEESTATEENCLOSURESGATES&AUTOMATION Previous Awards 2016 — 20102012, Call today for a free on-site estimate! Buford/Mall of GA • 678-714-6343 1905 Mall of Georgia Blvd Ste A Hamilton Mill • 678-318-3191 3625 Braselton Hwy Ste 103 Auburn • 770-867-6144 7 Carl-Midway Church Fillings,www.mallofgeorgiadentistry.comRdPreventativeCareCosmeticDentistryExtractions,ImplantsPediatricDentistryGumDisease•TMJ-TMDEmergencyDentalCareBotox•SleepApnea/Snoring ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS MAKING YOU SMILE FROM THE INSIDE OUT Care Managers perform detailed assessments and prepare care plans to put the right things in place for Seniors. We are Advocates, Organizers and Supporters. We can help lift the heaviness of caregiving and stop problems from multiplying. Dana CertifiedChapman,Geriatric Care Manager Officeswww.premiercmga.com678-316-7207inFloweryBranch&Atlanta Overwhelmed with the care needs of your parent or spouse? Do you need to communicate new hours and services? Would you like to connect with prospects and customers in a new way? Is it time to announce your business continuity plan? We’re here to help! Jenna Jessica jshirley@gainesvilletimes.comShirley

You can find more information on equipment, court reservations, clinics, lessons, etc. on the Reunion Pickleball Facebook page: and
court (lined for 4 pickleball courts only) between the two tennis pavilions
On the date this article was written, Reunion had lines for 2 pickleball courts painted on 1 tennis court. These courts are, as you can imagine, busy with over 125 of you either playing or indicating an interest in playing This explosive growth prompted the Advisory Committee (AC) to request the Pickleball Committee (PBC) to explore options to increase the number of pickleball courts in Reunion
Option1: All 3 contractors stated this option is not feasible because there is not enough space to accommodate a tennis size court in the designated area
The PBC presented three options to the AC at their June meeting to add courts These options were based on conversations with three contractors who came to Reunion to see the property and take
Option 2: Proposals were in the mid $90,000 range
o Court 5 would no longer be available for tennis play
20 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 Community NeWs
o Court 5 would continue to be lined for both tennis and pickleball
September 2022 Are You Receiving HOA Info Emails?? Stay up to date on events and happenings in Reunion Country Club. To have your email address added/updated on the Community Information & Events distribution list: Send your information to the Activities Director
3. Reline court 5 to accommodate 4 pickleball courts
Option 3: Proposals were in the low $30,000 range
The Advisory Committee and Board are evaluating these proposals
o Court 5 would be relined as a tennis court only
All interested parties await their decision which will shape the amenities available for Reunion residents moving forward at
More and more of you continue to learn that pickleball is a great way to get some physical and mental exercise while having fun. Those of you who play have learned that it provides a good aerobic workout without a great deal of stress and strain on our muscles and joints
2. Build 2 free standing pickleball courts in part of the space currently known as the Back Lawn (area between the tennis courts and Reunion Hall)
Want to join Reunion’s Pickleball Players or Have Questions: Contact us at:

September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 21 Community NeWs

22 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 Community NeWs

September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 23 DISCOVER MORE EVENTS & ADVENTURES AT EXPLORE BRASELTON.COM rediscovered TIME FAMILY CONCERTS ON THE TOWN GREEN AT HISTORIC DOWNTOWN BRASELTON Summer adventures begin in Braselton. Make memories as you explore family- and pet-friendly destinations. Here are four great excursions to rediscover family time in Braselton this summer.

24 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 Are You Receiving HOA Info Emails?? Stay up to date on events and happenings in Reunion Country Club. To have your email address added/updated on the Community Information & Events distribution list: Send your information to the Activities Director at Community NeWs

September 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 25 A Special Place, for Your Special Person. 2911 Hamilton Mill Road • Buford, GA 30519 Hamilton Mill Join the Founders’ Club for these incredible specials: - Community Fee Waived - $500 moving Credit - 24 months rate lock Assisted Living starts at $3,195 plus care. Memory Care is all-inclusive starting at $4,795. CALL TODAY FOR A 678-546-6245TOUR 2022OCTOPENING

26 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club September 2022 neIghBOR to neIghBOR Babysitting Ana Castro, feel free to reach me at (706) 380-3307 dog walking and pet sitting Terri Clark and Beri 770-286-8795comThedogwalkersofbraselton@gmail.Adams Thirty-One gifts Personal shopping experience with Senior Executive Director, Amanda Henson. or email at giftswithamanda@gmail. com Auto detailing by Bradley Hand wash, polish and interior vacuum. Right here in Reunion. All803-431-0797credit/debit cards and cash accepted. Caregiver - experienced with excellent references. Contact Irma Bastidas at 770-967-9917 and Beau millwood Racquet Stringing Reliable with great prices Overnight stringing. Beau Millwood 770-5612755 or Piano Teacher Adults & Children Becky Channell JBChannell@hotmail.com404-226-7039, Bagpipe Lessons $25/hr., Performances $100/hr. Pipe Major M. L. Loudermilk 404-313-2803 or bagpiper@comcast. net experienced Piano Teacher Reunion Area - children & adults -call Jennifer 912-245-0922 v inyl designs Personalized adhesive monograms, designs, and t-shirts. Email Amanda Henson at vinylgiftswithamanda@ mailbox numbers HOA approved mailbox numbers. Two sets of 4 numbers $16Order at Amanda and Tim Henson at Lawn Care Service and Pet Sitting Stephen Kercher 678-677-6096 dream Clean Pressure Washing, Surface Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning, Awning Cleaning, Deck/Fence Staining Services Rick @404-574-9890 Onsite hair and makeup Award winning updos and airbrush makeup services. Homecoming/ Prom/ Bridal/ Special Event/ Halloween. Discount Available for our neighbors. Call Jessa Davis @ 404-723-0657 Calligrapher Maria Turk 770-653-8089 20+ years’ experience addressing envelopes. Weddings, Graduations, Special Events, Certificates, Announcements, Chalkboards. neurologic music Therapy, Lessons, Audition Prep Music therapy designs interventions using musical motivation. Lauren Viljamaa, lauren.viljamaa@gmail.com770.881.6908 new Church Seeks members Nearby traditional-worship Lutheran church wants you! Contact Ted Miller for info at or 517-392-2731 Surprise Signs Celebrate the special people in your life in a memorable way with SURPRISE (478) Lady Lawn & Landscape Contract-free full yard servicing and Contact:landscapingLaurel Meadows Laurelmmeadows@gmail.com470-210-8485 Two K Photography Family portraits, Engagement sessions and Weddings. 20% Discount for Neighbors. Benjamin 678-793-7008 / twokphoto1@gmail fRee in-home wine tasting I bring 5 bottles of exclusive wine to taste & suggest the perfect food Jessicapairings.Stadel, Traveling Vineyard Wine Guide; d TeRRA essential Oils Need a boost in immunity? Better sleep? Mood and discomfort help? Non-toxic cleaning solutions? Live your healthiest life through the power of Alexnature.Moore: 678-910-4465 Speech and feeding Therapist Jennifer Brown, MCD CCC-SLP In-home and private school 404-401-0267therapy@jenniferbrownslp.comsessions notary Services In-home and remote notary After-hoursservices services available Discount for Reunion residents Call/text Amanda at 404-9930957 Baked goods – euro delights Baked to order & delivered to you. eurodelightspastry@gmail.comChristy:eurodelightspastry.com404-966-1422 Kate Seymour- 770.545.3888 Babysitting, pet sitting, mail collection, watering plants. CBHS Senior 2022, CPR Certified, References available 12 Stone Church Childcare provider golf Balls Quality used golf balls, all brands & quantities. Email for pricelist & ordering info info@golfballssouth. com Join the sniffer club with Rena your Independent Scentsy 407-322-6748Consultant www.thesnifferclub. warmers/wax/pets/ and more #1 Skincare! If you’re looking for the #1 skincare products in North America R and F… msg me… treat yourself Reunion discount Jan 478-279-1228 Crafting, sewing, & embroidery Clothes hemmed or repaired. Need help? Call me. Fair prices. Reunion neighbor references. Joanne Giel 678.895.4404 f and J Travel Specializing in cruises, all inclusive resorts and custom vacations. jmarcklinger@dreamvacations.com770-282-8867 PRIVATe & GROUP YOGA Gentle, Deep Stretch, Chair Yoga, Holistic Health Coaching, Reiki, Corporate yoga, & Wellness Lovieworkshops.Neuat 404-736-3937 Wedding Coordinator - Shanda Millwood - 770-538-5504 - Leave the details to me and enjoy every minute of your special occasion.
Schedule your quick, easy mammogram at one of our convenient locations in Braselton, Buford, Dawsonville, Gainesville or Winder. To hear Shelby’s story, visit To learn more about our state-of-the-art imaging facilities, visit or call 770-691-5251. “Hope is stronger than fear”. -Shelby Askew, Breast Cancer Survivor