Reunion December 2022

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Your One Stop Shoppe! A Gift for Everyone, for Every Occasion! VISIT US ONLINE 3695 Braselton Highway | 678-889-2540 Personalized Monogram & Vinyl Lettering Available Ask About Our Personal Shopping Services! 3695 Braselton Highway | Dacula 678-714-0421 Get Ready to Sparkle this Holiday Season! $ 500 SIRIUS AND CAPELLA MODELS OFFER VALID NOVEMBER 23, 2022 THRU DECEMBER 23, 2022 FACTORY REBATE EXCLUSIVE OFFER FROM ALL PRO CARTS $ 500 SIRIUS AND CAPELLA MODELS OFFER VALID NOVEMBER 23, 2022 THRU DECEMBER 23, 2022 FA REB $ 500 SIRIUS AND CAPELLA MODELS OFFER VALID NOVEMBER 23, 2022 THRU DECEMBER 23, 2022 $ 500 SIRIUS AND CAPELLA MODELS OFFER VALID NOVEMBER 23, 2022 THRU DECEMBER 23, 2022 of Braselton 7380 Spout Springs Rd • Flowery Branch 678-960-4598 Mon-Fri: 9:30a - 5:30p, Saturday: 10:00a-3:00p All Pro Carts Friendship Rd Spout Springs Rd In The Shopping Center EXCLUSIVE OFFER FROM ALL PRO CARTS $ 500 SIRIUS AND CAPELLA MODELS OFFER VALID NOVEMBER 23, 2022 THRU DECEMBER 23, 2022 FACTORY REBATE * 500 SIRIUS AND CAPELLA MODELS OFFER VALID NOVEMBER 23, 2022 THRU DECEMBER 23, 2022 FACTORY REBATE *

To advertise in the Reunion Patriot, contact Jessica Shirley at The Times - 770.535.6330 -

The Reunion Patriot is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this news letter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Reunion Country Club Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The print ing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information,

December 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 3 Inside Th Is Issue
ADveRTIsIng InfORmATIOn Do you own or work for a great company and want to spread the word? The
monthly newsletter that is
and distributed to
Deadlines for ALL suBmIssIOns to The PATRIOT January 2023.................................November 30, 2022 February 2023..............................December 31, 2022 March 2023.......................................January 31, 2022 April 2022......................................February 28, 2022 To have your email address added to the Reunion County Club distribution list, email Angela Pavlichek at AngelaPavlichek@f sTAy uP-TO-DATe on events and activities at ReunIOn! Inside Th Is Issue Important numbers ............................... 3 Calendar ................................................ 8 Community Buzz ..................................10 neighbor to neighbor ...........................22 Important COnTACTs Emergency..................................................................... 911 Reunion Hall Kitchen 770-967-8300 x78 Reunion Golf Shop 770-967-8300 Activities Director: ................................. Angela Pavlichek Property Manager: .......................................... Jason Hixon 404-407-5901 Get COnneCTeD Join our closed Facebook groups for Reunion Country Club residents only for another great way to meet and connect with neighbors! • Reunion Activities & Information. • Reunion CC Neighborhood Watch • Reunion Classified If you’d like your art/photos considered for the cover of The Patriot, please email the Activities Director at Committee COnTACTs Advisory Committee Covenants Committee ............................... Landscape Committee .............................. Meeting House Committee Neighborhood Watch Committee Pool Committee .................................................. Tennis Committee Swim Team ..................................................... Pickleball Committee… Contact the Activities Director
goods or services.
Patriot is Reunion’s
over 400
and nearby
are available in Reunion’s Meeting House for our residents and Sales Office for prospective residents.

Please visit the Angel Tree in the Meeting House foyer & choose an ‘angel’ to help this holiday season. Names, ages & wants/needs are listed on the angel tag. program helps provide local children with gifts & basic need items.

All children with lists on our tree attend local area schools. All angel items must be delivered, unwrapped to the Activities Office by December 3.


Bring 2 dozen cookies/sweets to swap Appetizer to share

A minimum of (3) $1 bills to play Left.Right.Center (3 $5 bills for high rollers table)

4 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022 Community NeWs
December 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 5
Michelle Vanderwolf
Search like any agent: Reunion Homeowner for 18 years 404.786.2719 GEORGIA HOMES ON MY MIND Georgia Homes On My Mind would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays. This is the perfect time for us to CELEBRATE all of our clients and friends here in Reunion Country Club. We hope everyone has a great holiday season!
Beth Arends
Client Services Coordinator

Co m e in y ou r pa jam as !!

6 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022 Community NeWs
Thursday, December 8 6:30-9:00pm in the Meeting House
8 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022 December CALenDAR
Merry Christmas
to Santa
Special Mailbox will be in the Meeting House until December 18
by & write your letter to Santa. Paper & pencils are ready for you.
your mailbox for Santa’s reply! New Years Eve
December 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 9 Community NeWs Sk ip the hassles & c lea up! Sit down to a pr assembled house with loads of c an dies to dec orate it! $20 per house

Happy 9th Birthday to our sweet and sassy Granddaughter, Piper. Your beautiful smile and joyful spirit brighten our days. You put your whole heart into everything you do, and spending time with you is always special. We love you So Much! Mom-Mom & Pops

Happy Birthday Nick! The boys, Maisey and I are so lucky to have you. You put up with a lot from the 4 of us. There are days we aren’t sure how you do it. But we thank God every day for it. Love, Lori, Colin, Andrew and Maisey

Happy 7th Birthday, CeCe! You are growing into such a fun little girl. You always try your hardest at all things and it makes us so proud. We hope you have the best day! Love you, Daddy, Mommy, June and Bennett

Happy Birthday Robert and Happy 5th Birthday Parker! Hope your day is magical! Love, Rosie, Finn and mommy!

Happy 18th Birthday Evan. We are so proud of you. Look forward to watching your journey as an independent man. Love you always, Mom, Dad, and Cydney

Happy 17th Birthday Colin! You amaze all of us every day. You are truly 3 in a million!!!

Love, Dad, Mom, Andrew and Maisey

Happy 14th sweet Ansley! So proud of you, it has been an honor to watch you grow. We wish you happiness and success as you continue to keep RUNNING your race. We LOVE you so very much! Mom, Sean, Bailey and Owen

Happy first birthday to our Cutie Q! This last year has been our greatest adventure yet and you have made our family complete! We love you eternally, Mama, Dada, and Jagger Dog

Reunion BuZZ
10 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022


Braselton’s classic, small-town charm truly shines during the holidays. Explore unique shopping, award-winning restaurants, traditional holiday events and beautiful Christmas lights.


The “Game Day” folks at ESPN have nothing on the Empty Nester’s “Game Night”!

Brought to Reunion’s Meeting House by incoming Nester co chairs Joanne and Mike Giel, more than 40 attendees enjoyed the blend of TV game shows, including Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud and To Tell the Truth. Nesters volunteered to be game show contestants. Our game show host, Joanne Giel, kept the laughs coming throughout the evening as she and Mike worked hard to put together another outstanding evening of fun, friendship and great food.

chairs Mike & Joanne Giel, the 2023 Empty Nester officers will be: Merridee Michelsen,

Want to join us? We’d love to have you! The only qualifications are that you are a ‘true’ Empty Nester and have no dependent kids at home (it doesn’t matter how old you are or if you are married or single). Please let us know if you’d like to attend one our monthly meetings by contacting Joanne

12 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022 Community
! Decorate your Golf Cart with lights and join in the fun!!! Saturday, December 17 Carts line up in the pool parking lot at 6:30pm Parade starts at 7pm All carts must have working headlights/brake lights!! Santa will ride in the last cart Please do not include Santa on your cart Post Parade Party in the Meeting House
December 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club Community NeWs Nail Grind & Ear Cleaning: $18 Teeth Brushing: $5 Anal Glands: $10 Paw Cleanup: $10 15 Sanitary: $10 Eye Cleanup: $5 10 Lisa Benjamin Licensed Pet Groomer Schedule Appointment with the Activities Director Saturday, December 10 9:30am ~ 1pm Activities Room
14 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022 • Alpharetta • Braselton • Canton • Cumming • Gainesville • Lawrenceville • Midtown Atlanta ( 770 ) 292-6500 We are industry leaders in joint replacement surgery of the hip, knee, shoulder, and ankle, serving as national leaders in the field. Our surgeons utilize smaller incisions that cause less muscle injury and blood loss resulting in better recovery times. The team focuses on multimodal pain management to improve the recovery experience and minimize pain. We offer the latest advancements in joint replacement surgery, including anterior hip replacement and robotic knee surgery, and are the industry leaders in rapid recovery, striving to get you home within hours of your surgery. ARTHRITISANDTOTALJOINT.COM Accepting New Patients PLUS YOUR OLD FAVORITES AND NIGHTLY SPECIALS COME TRY OUR NEW MENU 5783 OLD WINDER HWY | BRASELTON, GA (770) 965-2085 WWW.SOPRANOSGRILL.COM
December 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 15 ContaCt us 770-378-8526 - Driveways / Extensions - Patios - Sidewalks - RetainingWalls - Fire Pits High Profile Landscape Services Concrete Installation Services 2500 Thompson Mill Rd. Buford, GA 30519
16 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022 Community NeWs Welcoming New Patients! Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 7380 Spout Springs Road Suite 120 Flowery Branch, GA 770-965-5548 Conveniently Located in the Kroger Shopping Center!
OF HEART EXPERTS CLOSE TO HOME A. DANIEL WINSTON, MD 631 PROFESSIONAL DRIVE, SUITE 200, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 P: 678-312-3500 | F: 678-312-3529 | NORTHSIDECARDIACSURGEONS.COM J. ALAN WOLFE, MD Northside Hospital Heart Institute (NHHI) is excited to welcome Dr. Daniel Winston and Dr. Alan Wolfe to Northside Health System. Dr. Winston and Dr. Wolfe are an integral part of our growing team of exclusive heart experts.
18 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022 Community NeWs Are You Receiving HOA Info Emails?? Stay up to date on events and happenings in Reunion Country Club. To have your email address added/updated on the Community Information & Events distribution list: Send your information to the Activities Director at if you see something, please say something. If you see suspicious activity, call the hall County s heriff’s Department Dispatch at 770-536-8812 if you see a crime in progress, call 911 (Before you say something on Facebook.)

UGA defensive back Dan Jackson has the can-do spirit and talent that is making him a standout for the Bulldogs. A North Hall High graduate, Dan started his college football career as a walk-on. He quickly worked up to becoming a starting player, even earning the nickname “Dirty Dan” for his solid hits. Dan’s rising star story is much like the rise of the Braselton area, growing from a small town into a vibrant community and hub for business

19 Play like DAN. Bank STRONG.
325 Washington St. SW, GAINESVILLE | 6323 Grand Hickory Dr., BRASELTON | 770.536.1100 | Our Care Services At A Glimpse Companionship & Socialization Light Housekeeping Shopping and Errands Doctors Appointments Medication Reminders Meal Preparation Transportation Could you or a loved one benefit from a little extra companionship or support in your day-to-day life? Then this holiday season, make the most of your gift to your loved one. Our caregivers help with a variety of home care needs like cooking, shopping and errands housekeeping, transportation and much more! Give us a call to learn more about how we can help! Give the Gift of Independence® Our Care Services At A Glimpse Companionship & Socialization Light Housekeeping Shopping and Errands Doctors Appointments Medication Reminders Meal Preparation Transportation Handywork Pet Care & More!
companionship or
cooking, shopping and errands housekeeping, transportation and
Give us
we can help! Give the Gift of Independence® 4358
extra companionship or support
your gift
home care needs
shopping, errands, housekeeping, transportation and
Scan Here to Make a Client Appointment Scan Here to Apply to Work With Us Give the Gift of Independence ® Our Care Services At A Glimpse Companionship & Socialization Light Housekeeping Meal Preparation Transportation
extra companionship or support
a variety
home care needs like cooking, shopping and errands housekeeping, transportation and much more! Give us a call to learn more about how we can help! Give the Gift of Independence®
and medical practices. Peach State is proud to be a partner in the success and strength of our hometown.
Could you or a loved one benefit from a little extra
support in your day-to-day life? Then this holiday season, make the most of your gift to your loved one. Our
a variety of home
needs like
much more!
to learn more
Could you or a loved one
from a little
in your day-to-day
Then this holiday
make the most of
to your loved one. Our caregivers help with a variety of
like cooking,
much more! Give us a call to learn more about how we can help!
Could you or a loved one benefit from a little
in your day-to-day
Then this holiday season, make the most of your gift to your loved one. Our
help with
20 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022 Community NeWs
December 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 21 Community NeWs Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta 770-963-9961 Call Today for FREE Onsite Estimate WWW.PENNINGTONFENCE.COM Family Operated Fence Company Servicing North Metro Atlanta ALL FORMS OF FENCING: CUSTOM BUILT WOOD PICKET & WOOD PRIVACY DECORATIVE ALUMINUM & STEEL PVC & CHAIN LINK POOL ENCLOSURES ESTATE GATES & GATE AUTOMATION Previous Awards 2016 — 2012, 2010 Buford/Mall of GA • 678-714-6343 1905 Mall of Georgia Blvd Ste A Hamilton Mill • 678-318-3191 3625 Braselton Hwy Ste 103 Auburn • 770-867-6144 7 Carl-Midway Church Rd Preventative Care Cosmetic Dentistry Fillings, Extractions, Implants Pediatric Dentistry Gum Disease • TMJ-TMD Emergency Dental Care Botox • Sleep Apnea/Snoring ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS MAKING YOU SMILE FROM THE INSIDE OUT 470-469-6817 Jonathan McKay LUXURY OUTDOOR KITCHENS TIKI HUTS FIRE FEATURES PATIO SEATING PARADISEGRILLSDIRECT.COM 1695 Mall of Georgia Blvd Buford,GA Wine & Craft Beer RSVP:


Ana Castro, feel free to reach me at (706) 380-3307

Dog walking and pet sitting

Terri Clark and Beri Adams Thedogwalkersofbraselton@gmail. com 770-286-8795

Thirty-One gifts

Personal shopping experience with Senior Executive Director, Amanda Henson. or email at giftswithamanda@gmail. com

Auto Detailing by Bradley

Hand wash, polish and interior vacuum. Right here in Reunion. 803-431-0797

All credit/debit cards and cash accepted.

Beau millwood Racquet s tringing Reliable with great prices Overnight stringing. Beau Millwood 770-5612755 or

Piano Teacher Adults & Children Becky Channell 404-226-7039,

Bagpipe Lessons $25/hr., Performances $100/hr. Pipe Major M. L. Loudermilk 404-313-2803 or bagpiper@comcast. net

experienced Piano Teacher

Reunion Area - children & adults -call Jennifer 912-245-0922

v inyl Designs

Personalized adhesive monograms, designs, and t-shirts. Email Amanda Henson at vinylgiftswithamanda@

mailbox numbers

HOA approved mailbox numbers. Two sets of 4 numbers $16Order at Amanda and Tim Henson at

Lawn Care s ervice and Pet s itting

Stephen Kercher 678-677-6096

Dream Clean

Pressure Washing, Surface Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning, Awning Cleaning, Deck/Fence Staining Services Rick @404-574-9890

Onsite hair and makeup

Award winning updos and airbrush makeup services. Homecoming/ Prom/ Bridal/ Special Event/ Halloween. Discount Available for our neighbors. Call Jessa Davis @ 404-723-0657

Calligrapher Maria Turk 770-653-8089 20+ years’ experience addressing envelopes. Weddings, Graduations, Special Events, Certificates, Announcements, Chalkboards.

neurologic music Therapy, Lessons, Audition Prep Music therapy designs interventions using musical motivation. Lauren Viljamaa, 770.881.6908

new Church s eeks members

Nearby traditional-worship Lutheran church wants you! Contact Ted Miller for info at or 517-392-2731

s urprise s igns

Celebrate the special people in your life in a memorable way with SURPRISE SIGNS (478)747-0312

Lady Lawn & Landscape

Contract-free full yard servicing and landscaping

Contact: Laurel Meadows 470-210-8485

Two K Photography

Family portraits, Engagement sessions and Weddings. 20% Discount for Neighbors. Benjamin 678-793-7008 / twokphoto1@gmail

fRee in-home wine tasting

I bring 5 bottles of exclusive wine to taste & suggest the perfect food pairings. Jessica Stadel, Traveling Vineyard Wine Guide winebyjess@; 678-361-5095 www.

D TeRRA essential Oils

Need a boost in immunity? Better sleep? Mood and discomfort help? Non-toxic cleaning solutions? Live your healthiest life through the power of nature. Alex Moore: 678-910-4465

speech and feeding Therapist

Jennifer Brown, MCD CCC-SLP In-home and private school sessions 404-401-0267

notary s ervices In-home and remote notary services After-hours services available Discount for Reunion residents Call/text Amanda at 404993-0957

Baked goods – euro Delights

Baked to order & delivered to you. Christy: 404-966-1422

Kate s eymour- 770.545.3888 Babysitting, pet sitting, mail collection, watering plants. CBHS Senior 2022, CPR Certified, References available

12 Stone Church Childcare provider golf Balls

Quality used golf balls, all brands & quantities. Email for pricelist & ordering info info@golfballssouth. com

#1 s kincare!

If you’re looking for the #1 skincare products in North America R and F… msg me… treat yourself Reunion discount Jan 478-279-1228

Crafting, sewing, & embroidery Clothes hemmed or repaired. Need help? Call me. Fair prices. Reunion neighbor references. Joanne Giel 678.895.4404

f and J Travel

Specializing in cruises, all inclusive resorts and custom vacations. 770-282-8867


Gentle, Deep Stretch, Chair Yoga, Holistic Health Coaching, Reiki, Corporate yoga, & Wellness workshops.

Lovie Neu at 404-736-3937

Wedding Coordinator - Shanda Millwood - 770-538-5504 - Leave the details to me and enjoy every minute of your special occasion.

Interested in Owning your Own Business? Call me to learn about my no-cost career coaching. Joe Wenig 678-951-0024

Becca’s Bagels

6 -$8.50, 12-$16, 18 -$22 Pease place orders at least 48 hours in advance. Will deliver in Reunion. Contact me with any questions! Call/text 678-754-9313

Tutoring Authority – Christine gillespie

30 year current educator/17 year Reunion neighbor (Masters and Specialist Degrees). In home/ online tutoring, enrichment/ mentoring services. PreK-8th grade, gifted, ESOL & Leadership Certified. Text 678.438.9145

22 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club December 2022 neIghBOR to neIghBOR


Our podcast helps us do that.

Northeast Georgia Health System’s Health Perspectives podcast brings doctors, experts and community volunteers together for candid conversations and fresh perspectives on a range of health related issues.

December 2022 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club 23

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