Reunion Patriot January 2016

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January 2016

UNLIMITED CONFIDENCE Extended Limited Warranty

Only a Certified Pre-Owned Mercedes-Benz provides owners with the industry-leading coverage of unlimited mileage during the balance of the 4-year factory warranty, plus the extra year of certification. Optional 1 and 2 year extensions available with unlimited mileage. Contact me for complete details.

It’s my pleasure to help my neighbors in Reunion find a vehicle that fits their lifestyle needs. I want you to love what you drive. If you are in the market for a new Mercedes-Benz or other luxury brand pre-owned vehicle, I would be delighted to provide you with a personalized car buying experience.

Bob Holton Atlanta Classic Cars 770-279-3632

Inside THIS ISSUE If you’d like your art/photos considered for the cover of The Patriot, please email the Activities Director at

Inside THIS ISSUE Important Numbers ...........................3 Recycle Calendar ...............................5 Save the Date .....................................6 Hockey Night ....................................9 January Calendar ............................. 10 HOA Committee Info ...................... 16 Junior Golf Academy ........................ 21 Reunion Buzz .................................. 26 Yard of the Month ............................ 29 Important CONTACTS

ADVERTISING INFORMATION Do you own or work for a great company and want to spread the word? The Patriot is Reunion’s monthly newsletter that is printed and distributed to over 400 homes and nearby businesses. Additional copies are available in Reunion’s Meeting House for our residents and Sales Office for prospective residents. Deadlines for ALL SUBMISSIONS to The PATRIOT

March 2016 .................................... January 31, 2016 April 2016 .................................... February 29, 2016 May 2016 .........................................March 31, 2016 June 2016............................................ April 30, 2016 Rates for Reunion Residents*

Eighth Page, Color ............................................................ $20 Quarter Page, Color .......................................................... $40 Half Page, Color ................................................................ $75 Full Page, Color ............................................................... $150

Emergency..................................................................... 911 Reunion Hall Kitchen ........................... 770-967-8300 x78 Reunion Sales Office .................................... 770-967-1108 Reunion Golf Shop ...................................... 770-967-8300 Activities Director: Angela Pavlichek ........... 770-965-6144 Property Manager: Emily Cooper ....... 404-920-8621 x113 Patriot Editor: .......................

Get CONNECTED Join our closed Facebook groups for Reunion Country Club residents only for another great way to meet and connect with neighbors! • Reunion Golf & Country Club • Reunion CC Neighborhood Watch • Reunion Classified

Plus.. You Can Follow Us!


These are discounted prices for Reunion residents only.

To advertise in the Reunion Patriot, please contact Amanda Groover at North Georgia Community Marketing - a Division of The Times - 770.535.6346 - twitter: @ReunionHOA


on events and activities at

The Reunion Patriot is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Reunion Country Club Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.

January 2016


To have your email address added to the Reunion County Club distribution list, email Angela Pavlichek at

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


Association NEWS

Welcoming New Patients!

Family and Cosmetic Dentistry 7380 Spout Springs Road, Suite 120 Flowery Branch, Georgia 30542 (770) 965-5548

Committee Contacts Advisory Committee - Landscape Committee - Meeting House Committee - Neighborhood Watch Committee - Pool Committee - Tennis Committee - Welcome Committee - Social Committee - Contact the Activities Director at

Don’t Miss Out

Stay up to date on events and happenings in Reunion Country Club.

Conveniently Located in the Kroger Shopping Center!


To have your email address added to the Community Information & Events distribution list: Send your information to the Activities Director at

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

Association NEWS

Recycle For the Cure

100% of Red Oak recycling proceeds are donated toNo the Cover American Cancer Society to support its Patient Resource NavigationNo programs in North Reservations Georgia.


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January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club





• JANUARY 9 Daddy Daughter Dance • JANUARY 14 Streak Night at Reunion Hall • JANUARY 16 Polar Bear Plunge • JANUARY 16 Trivia Night • JANUARY 28 Situational Awareness/Self Defense Class • JANUARY 30 Reunion Hockey Night at Gwinnett Gladiators


• FEBRUARY 7 Super Bowl Party • FEBRUARY 20 Poker Tournament • FEBRUARY 23 HOA Meeting


The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

Association NEWS

Home Defense:

 Home security exterior  Home security interior  Developing an Emergency Plan  Home Invasions  Gun Safety and Protection . (Use of Deadly Force)  Safe Room

Situational Awareness:

Thursday, January 28 7pm Meeting House $10 per student RSVP to the Activities Director

January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

 Conditions of Readiness  Knowledge, Skills, Abilities & Confidence  Less Lethal Defense Protection  Personal Carry  Use of Deadly Force  Self-Protection Weapons . (Flashlight, OC Spray & others

Guest speaker: Rodney Smith “Chief” GAFASTA Founder and Chief Firearms Instructor; Retired from the U.S. Navy; Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.); NRA Trainer Counselor; Certified by Secretary of State for Armed Guard and Private Detective Firearms Instructor


The New Signature of Assisted Living & Memory Care is coming to Hamilton Mill! Join our waiting list to become a member of the Arbor Terrace Founders’ Club today!

3581 Braselton Hwy, Dacula, GA 30019 (770) 999-0421 •

Not all physical therapy is the same. Physicians recognize that advanced training in the field of medicine, especially board certification in orthpaedics (OCS) and hand therapy (CHT), combined with years of experience means better results for patients. BenchMark Physical Therapy, formerly Pro Therapy, has more advanced certified and board certified therapists than any other rehab provider in northeast Georgia, including dry needling, hand therapy and board-certification in orthopaedics. Our patients feel better and move better—faster!

Pro Therapy is Now BenchMark Physical Therapy! 5415 Thompson Mill Rd • Hoschton, GA • (770) 965-3508 •


The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

Formerly Pro Therapy

January 2016

Association NEWS

. .

Doors open at 6:05pm / Game starts at 7:05pm Discounted Premium Level Seating Ticket Price - $16.50 (Children under 2 years – Free) Deadline to purchase tickets is January 28

Free Parking

Order Tickets Online Go to Use Code: REUNION1 January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club




2016 S





































7:00pm Meeting House Committee Meeting

7:00pm Landscape Committee Meeting

1:00pm Empty Nester Game Day 4:15pm Dance Class 7:00pm Social Committee Meeting 1:00pm Empty Nester Game Day 4:15pm Dance Class

1:00pm Empty Nester Game Day 4:15pm Dance Class

1:00pm Empty Nester Game Day 4:15pm Dance Class 7:00pm Advisory Committee Meeting

7:00pm Neighborhood Watch Committee Meeting

12:45pm Dance Class

10:00am Chat & Stitch 12:45pm Dance Class 7:00pm Steak Dinner Night

12:45pm Dance Class 7:00pm Ladies’ Bunco

7:00pm Situational Awareness & Self Defense Class

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

5:00pm Meet/Greet Dinner

5:00pm Meet/Greet Dinner

5:00pm Meet/Greet Dinner

5:00pm Meet/Greet Dinner

Patriot DEADLINE: Last Day to submit material for MARCH.


6:30pm Daddy-Daughter Dance

1:00pm Polar Bear Plunge 6:00pm Empty Nester Soup, Salad & Game Night 7:00pm Trivia Night

7:00pm Reunion Night Gladiator’s Hockey Game “Teddy Bear Toss”

January 2016

January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


Association NEWS

Polar Bear Plunge Saturday, January 16 1:00 pm

Be a part of the few, the proud, the cold! Brave our chilly pool waters and earn the right to be called a member of Reunion’s Polar Bear Club. Warm up after your plunge with a hot lunch at Reunion Hall for all Polar Bear Club members and spectators.

$20 pre-registration fee includes t-shirt and complimentary hot lunch. T-shirt available only to pre-registered participants. Pre-registration ends Jan 9. $25 entry fee on day of plunge.

Registration forms available online at or in the Meeting House. Liability waiver must be signed at time of registration. Parent or guardian signature required for participants under 18 years of age.

Please remember DRY CLOTHES and TOWELS for after your plunge. 12

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016


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Lawrence E. Lykins, MD, FACS Thomas M. Fassuliotis, MD, FACS David S. Woo, MD

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With Better Roof Replacement , your standard roof will be rebuilt with stronger, safer materials recommended by industry experts. It’s an option that helps make sure your home is better protected than ever before. SM

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Gillespie Family Agency

Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Columbus, OH. Subject to underwriting guidelines, review and approval. Nationwide, the Nationwide Framemark and On Your Side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Savings compared to standalone price of each policy, based on national new customer data from May 2010. Availability and discounts vary by state and other factors. ADP-1230 (06/11)

January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


Association NEWS

Daddy - Daughter

Valentine’s Dance

Saturday, January 9 Saturday, February 6:30 – 8:30 pm 8 Reunion 6:30 – 8:30Hall pm A magical night for your little princess with a Reunion Hall Dinner Buffet, DJ & Dancing,

A magical night for your little princess with Italian Buffet, Dancing to Daddy-Daughter Portraits, PartyanFavors and more! Music by DJ Rob, Daddy-Daughter Portraits, Party Favors and more! $25 dads $10 daughters Girls 4 & over Activities Director RSVPTickets requiredavailable by Februaryfrom 3 ~ Nothe tickets will be sold at the Door

$25 dads $15 daughters

No tickets will be sold at the door Girls age 4 & over

Families come in many forms ~ if Daddy is unavailable, feel free to invite a friend or relative as your daughter's date


The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


Association NEWS

Annual Homeowner’s Association Meeting Tuesday, February 23 7:00pm Reunion Hall You will be receiving a letter notifying you of the Homeowners Annual Meeting. The meeting has been set for February 23 at 7:00pm in Reunion Hall. With the New Year, we are looking for volunteers to join Reunion’s various committees as well as to fill six (6) open positions on the Advisory Committee. This is your community and for those who have not participated in any of the committees, it is a great opportunity not only to meet your neighbors but to help shape the future of our neighborhood. Please consider giving some of your time to help make Reunion Country Club a great place to call home now and into the future. In addition, we are looking to identify candidates for Neighbor of the Year so think hard of an individual or couple that has contributed their time and or efforts to the community. Nomination forms for the Neighbor of the Year and the Advisory Committee are available in this issue of the Patriot, on our community website, in the Meeting House or through the Activities Director.

George Hasaka Chairman, Advisory Committee 16

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

Association NEWS

REUNION COUNTRY CLUB ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ How long have you been a resident of Reunion Country Club? __Years __Months Are you current with all of your obligations (annual dues, fines, no outstanding violations, etc.) to the HOA?  Yes  No Please briefly explain your reasons for wishing to serve on the Advisory Committee: _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ What goals and objectives would you seek to achieve if you are elected? _______ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Please provide a brief personal history, including education, occupation, previous civic, community, or other service involvement which would help make an informed decision regarding your candidacy: _____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Would you be willing to consider any of the Committees of the HOA if not successful in being elected to the Advisory Committee? If so, please list the Committee(s) for which you are interested._______________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature

____________________________________ Printed Name

___________ Date

Form can be returned:  To Activities Office in the Meeting House  Via Email:  Via Fax to 770.965.6327

January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club



The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

FREE HOME WARRANTY Reunion Residents buying or selling will receive a free home warranty *Call for details! *Warrior not included. Conditions apply. Contact Dominai & Associates for more information. January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


678.775.2646 19

Association NEWS

Tax Season Is Approaching!

Do you have a business, event, or special offer for Reunion Residents?

We’re New Residents and I’m Ready To Help You With Your Taxes! Over 15 years experience Call me today! Linda Anderson• 770-535-6366

• Personal Taxes – 1040 and all required supporting schedules • 1120-S

Jim Thomas

404-431-6745 • 20

PENNINGTON FENCE Quality Built Since 1972

770-963-9961 We Look Forward To Building Your New Fence Ask Us About Wood Fence Staining

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

Community NEWS

The Junior Golf Academy at Reunion Country Club Reunion Country Club Pee Wee Academy For Boys and Girls Ages 4-7 $10 Per Child, Per Day Saturday's 11:00AM to 12:00PM Designed for golf enthusiasts ages 4 to 7, Reunion's Pee Wee Academy includes the introduction of golf terms and basic knowledge during an hour long session designed teach junior golfers some of the most important information about the game of golf in a fun and active atmosphere. Pee Wees will rotate between teaching stations and instructions during each session. Nutritious snacks and drinks will be provided during a short break. Some of the topics covered are: • Putting, chipping, pitching, bunker and full swing • Posture, grip, stance and alignment • Parts of the golf course • Play on a short course

Reunion Country Club Patriots Academy For Boys and Girls Ages 8-12 $10 Per Child, Per Day Saturday’s 12:00PM to 1:00PM The Patriots Academy is designed for a range of junior golfers who are fairly new to the game to those more experienced. As the academy progresses, juniors will be grouped and instructed according to their skill level. Instruction will include golf fundamentals, etiquette and the rules of golf. Information and instruction given will build each session, and juniors will have a solid foundation of the game of golf when they have completed this session. Each clinic will be structured so that each junior golfer will receive information on: • Putting, chipping, pitching, bunker and full swing January: 9, 23 & 30 • Posture, grip, stance and alignment • Parts of the golf course February: 6, 20 & 27 • Education materials • Rules and etiquette March: 5, 12 & 19 21 • Play on a short course January 2016 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

Community NEWS

EMPTY NESTERS TAKE ON LINE-DANCING In their final event of the year held at The Meeting House, 42 members of the Reunion Empty Nesters group gathered on November 21st for “Lite Fare and Line Dancing”. With Merridee and Ken Michelsen hosting the event, a good time was enjoyed by all… especially those who shed their inhibitions and attacked the dance floor for line dancing instruction. The evening began with a social period during which the people in attendance enjoyed appetizers (supplied by fellow Empty Nesters) along with adult beverages of their choice and good old fashioned fellowship. As is generally the case, one would think the Empty Nesters had not seen each other for months as conversations and laughter flourished during the event. The social period was followed by a short business meeting in which the membership was brought up to date on the happenings of the group. Then it was off to the main food course of the evening which was a variety of sandwiches, salads and soups supplied by Empty Nester members. After everyone had finished gorging themselves on the “lite fare” of sandwiches, soups and salads, the event was turned over the Merridee Michelsen who provided instructions for several popular line dancing routines including The Electric Slide and The Wobble, to name only two. The instructions and fun of taking to the dance floor was so well received by the group that Merridee announced plans for Empty Nester group dance lessons to be provided throughout the winter months. Many thanks to Merridee and Ken Michelsen for hosting a fun event, and thanks to those who assisted in set up of The Meeting House and (of course) to those who provided food. The next Reunion Country Club Empty Nester event will be their annual Christmas Party which will be held at Reunion Hall on December 11th. 22

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

Ms. Heather’s Educational Adventures New Classes starting in January! STEM CLASSES (K-5) (Science/ Technology/ Engineering/ Math) AMERICAN GIRL CLASSES (K-5) (Social Skills & Manners for Girls) ART & CREATIVE WRITING (K-5) TUTORING MUSIC CLASSES CROCHET CLASSES*


7108 Williams Road, Suite 104 Flowery Branch, GA 30542 (near back entrance of Reunion) 678-936-6534 •

C o m in g Soon Coming Soon V E I N T R E AT M E N T C E N T E R

V ECosmetic I N T R E AT MVaricose E N T C E N TVein E R Treatment Clinical & N o w A c c eatp its t inVery g NBest! e w Pa t ie n t s

Now Accepting New Patients 770-535-1948 We are the most experienced

Love Your Legs Again!


Vein Specialists in the region!

770-535-1948 Athens

Athens January 2016


Braselton The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


Gainesville 23

Tired of FAD DIETS, WEIGHT LOSS TRENDS that don’t last and UNFULFILLED PROMISES of a healthier life? Please join the weight loss experts from Northeast Georgia Physicians Group (NGPG) Bariatric and Metabolic Institute for a FREE seminar about options for real weight loss and all the positive effects it can have on your life.

NEW YEAR, NEW YOU: Weight Loss Solutions for the Real World January 26, 2016

Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton Education Center 1400 River Place, Braselton, GA 5:30 – 6 p.m.: Sign-in and dinner in Café 1400 ($6 vouchers will be distributed upon arrival) 6 – 7 p.m.: Surgical Weight Loss Options and Q&A with the first surgeon to perform robotic gastric bypass surgery in Georgia, Alex Nguyen, MD, FACS 7 – 8 p.m.: Non-Surgical, Medically Monitored Weight Loss Options and Q&A with Registered Dietitian, Karen Zinka, MPH, RD, LD

Register online or call today! 770-219-3840

Bariatric & Metabolic Institute


The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

Association NEWS

Meeting House Rentals

Online Reservations Now Available!

Log on to and click on the Meeting House Reservation tab at the top of the page. Follow all the directions for approval of your reservation request. Contact the Activities Director ( with any questions.

Buying or Selling? We understand that buying or selling a home is more than just a transaction: it is a life-changing experience. We take great pride in the relationships we build and always work relentlessly on the client’s behalf to help them achieve their real estate goals.

The Newman Group Let us put our Knowledge & Expertise to work for YOU!

Your Reunion neighbor, friend and local Real Estate Agent. Eric Rockfeld (770) 540-1520 Melanie Rockfeld (770) 337-4380 January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


Reunion BUZZ

Dearest Rhea, May your birthday bring you laughter, happiness and a year filled with special memories. Let every moment bring you closer to fulfilling your dreams and your life ahead filled with exciting experiences. Happy Sweet Sixteen Sweetheart! Love, Papa, Mom, Arya, Dadu, Dadi, Daddy & Badima

Dear Rhea Didi, You are the best big sister in the world. Have a beautiful Sweet 16 Birthday! Love u so so much! Arya

A very happy birthday goes out to one of the sweetest, compassionate and compatible boys around. Happy 11th Birthday, Jacob! We love you for all that you are all that you have been and all you’re yet to be. Love, Mom, Dad and Callie 26

Happy birthday Jacob. Love Mom Dad and Callie

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

Reunion BUZZ

Happy Anniversary January 20TH 48 years, Wow!

Happy Birthday Ryan! Thank you for being a wonderful husband and father. We are truly blessed! We love you! Kelly, Carson, Paige, and Peyton

Close your eyes and remember when we met :) Keep the laughter coming Moon Doggie!

Happy Happy Birthday to our sweet, sweet Monkey!! We love you SO much!! Love, Mommy, Daddy, Lumpers, Shelby, Bailey, Bella, Piper & Griz January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


• Providing Exemplary Service for Our Buyers and Sellers With Over 15-Years of Combined Service • 90% of Our Business is Based on Referrals From Our Past Clients Whose Expectations We Have Exceeded • Our Professional Design Background Benefits Our Clients With Complimentary Staging and Presentation Ideas • We Offer Only the Best and Most Professional Photography and Marketing Systems to Sell Your Home Quickly and For Top Dollar

Tammy Archer Buyer Specialist REALTOR®

Michelle Vanderwolf Owner REALTOR®

Aubrey Tyson Client Services Coordinator

Search Every Home at:


4878 Manhattan Drive, Buford, Georgia 30518

IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING. If you see suspicious activity, call the Hall County Sheriff ’s Department Dispatch at 770-536-8812

If you see a crime in progress, Call 911 (Before you say something on Facebook.) 28

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

Community NEWS

YARD of the MONTH Congratulations to 7143 Social Way for being selected for Yard of the Month for December 2015.

Congratulations to 7143 Social Way for being selected for Yard of the Month for December 2015! Situated right on a corner lot, this highly visible lot is tight and crisp from end to end. The new mulch coupled with the lack of stray leaves blowing around gives this yard a really clean look that stands out from its neighbors. Add this to the well-trimmed still blooming Camellia bushes and you have your “Winner winner. Chicken dinner.� Congrats!!

January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


Association NEWS

The Rains Team

Direct 404.620.4571 Office 678.775.2600 /HomeSearch

*Valid during December through March only *Not valid on Tournament Days *Can be used Monday through Thursday Anytime; After 12:00pm Friday through Sunday and Holiday’s 30

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

Community NEWS

Weather Driving Tips Although we cannot control roadway conditions, we can recognize the hazards of winter weather driving. Family amily members should discuss and enforce enforce driver safety practices for all drivers in their households households. Everyone should follow an effective maintenance program for all vehicles vehicles. All vehicles should have the following systems inspected each season to ensure proper working order:   

  

Visibility Systems: Systems: Inspect all wipers, exterior lights and defrosters (windshield and rear window) window).. Brakes: Brakes Brakes should provide even and smooth stopping. Ensure that the brake fluid is at the proper level. Electrical System: System Have the ignition system tested. Make M sure the battery is properly charging with tight and clean connections connections. Check that the alternator belt is in good condition with proper tension. Engine: Engine Inspect all engine systems and ensure at least half tank of gas. Tires:: Measure for proper tread depth and signs of damage or uneven wear. Check for proper tire inflation. Oil: Check that the oil is at the proper level. leve

According ccording to Ready.Georgia you may want to add the following items to a winter emergency kit.


Tow Chain

Warm Clothes


January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club


Community NEWS

Babysitting Emeline Mayo at 404-542-5113 or

Summer Time Nanny Morgan Kravchak 804-380-7095

Babysitting Breanna 770 967-4926

Beau Millwood Racquet Stringing •Reliable with great prices •Overnight striging Beau Millwood 770-561-2755 or

Babysitting Ava Hager 770 965-9869 Babysitting Marlena Hager 770 965-9869 Babysitting Great with kids, Responsible and Reliable, Flexible Schedule Beau Millwood 770-561-2755 or Babysitting/ Nannying Contact Emily Johns at 678-468-2923 or Babysitting/Pet Sitting Red Cross Certified Kaia Clark 770-605-3947 Babysitting Ashley Gazlay, Speech Therapist 404-375-5714 Babysitter & Petsitter Halie Windish 678.491.3970 Babysitter & Pet Sitting Services Ally Jezek 678-425-8901 Petsitting Cathy Orlofsky 404-925-1340 or Caregiver - Experienced with excellent references Contact Irma Bastidas at 770-967-9917 and 32

Personal and Small Group Training Contact April Brass at 678-343-3859 Personal Assistant Available Shopping, errands, driving the Kids, Laundry, Phone Calls, Cooking, etc. 20-21 hours a week Judy 864-557-1809 Tutoring Services Grades 1-5 all subjects Jan Fickel, Ed.S., 31 years’ teaching experience 770-380-2545 Math Tutoring grades 6-12, algebra, geometry, trigonometry. Marie Bumpass, 27 years of teaching experience 770-967-4270 Piano Teacher Adults & Children Becky Channell 404-226-7039, Bagpipe Lessons $25/hr., Performances $100/hr. Pipe Major M. L. Loudermilk 404-313-2803 or Therapeutic Riding Lessons offered by Reunion resident Lisa Graham 404-626-0456 OR Dog walking, carwash and other services Please contact Alexander Merritt at 678-943-0163 and

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

College Student Offering Yard and General Services Call or text Derek Eder @ 770-314-7033 Reunion Mailbox Painting Box, flag, logo, post & numbers (removal of numbers only) $30.00 Email: or Phone #: 678-727-8001 Mailbox Painting “Reunion logo” and the gold emblem and paints the red flag on mailboxes - $20 Beau Millwood 770-561-2755 or Gray’s Laser Tag Party Rentals 8 awesome laser tag guns fully charged and ready for action delivered to you and picked up after event $40 for three hour rental Contact Gray at 770-965-7465 or HAVE FUN! Lawn Care Service and Pet Sitting Stephen Kercher 678-677-6096 Irrigation Repair and Maintenance Harry Hames 770-967-9972 College Student Offering Professional House Cleaning Service Kendra 678-863-0581

January 2016

Community NEWS

Congrats to the B2 Reunion Men’s tennis team on winning their division and making it to the City Finals. Way to go team. We are proud of you. Team Members: Scott McCloud Scott Smith Randy Miller Ron Daigle Graham Marsh, Co-Capt Craig Taylor Jody Alderman Tim Haddon Bill Kane Buddy Reed, Capt Darren Clark

Congratulatio ns to the Reunio n B7 Ladies Tennis Team on their Divis ion Championship !

celebrating wom en of nor th geo rgia

The NEW Winter edition of MOXIE Magazine is available NOW at The Times and all of these great locations:



Brenau University Bookstore 510 Washington Street, NE

Longstreet Clinic 725 Jesse Jewell Pkwy, SE, Gainesville

Brenau University Downtown Center 301 Main Street, Gainesville

Milton Martin Honda 2420 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville

Dentistry 4 You 3885 Mundy Mill Road, Oakwood

Moore’s Wealth Management 210 Washington St, NE, Gainesville

Featherbone Communiversity 615 Oak Street, Gainesville

Northeast Georgia Medical Center 743 Spring Street, NE, Gainesville

Gainesville Jewelry 1020 Jesse Jewell Pkwy, Gainesville

Saul’s Downtown 100 Main Street, SW, Gainesville

Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce 230 EE Butler Pkwy, Gainesville

Specialty Clinics Spine Intervention, PC 1240 Jesse Jewell Pkwy, Gainesville

Guilford Immediate Care 1250 Jesse Jewell Pkwy, Gainesville

Town of Braselton City Hall 4982 Highway 53, Braselton

Hayes Automotive 3656 State Highway 365, Alto

Wilson Orthodontics 1220 Sherwood Park Drive, Gainesville

Lake Lanier Convention & Vistors Bureau 2875 Browns Bridge Road, Gainesville

gainesville imes gainesvillet e com es 345 Green Street, Gainesville, GA 30501

January 2016

The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club




9:00 a.m.

Early Learning

(K3, K4, and Kindergarten)

All School (1st - 12th Grades)

Schedule your tour with Admission Director Jaimie Harrison

Midweek Peek wednesdays at 9:00 a.M.


Call 770.531.2602 or email

34 The PATRIOT | Reunion Country Club

January 2016

As a


You are eligible for a 1 month free* home delivery subscription to * New Subscribers only


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Your news.


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Local vet creates support group Va pl Va



edges after video change goes viral BY FRANK

REDDY freddy@gain esvilletimes.c om In battle, their backs. soldiers have a unit that watches The term drones, snip “overwatch” refe tection tact ers or air suppor rs to the use of t namesak ic. It’s this notion as a force proe for an onli that inspired ne veteran Since its the Katie Har watch Fac creation Monday s support group. rison join , the War ed the several seiz rior members. ebook page has gain ure disorder fight to change ed nearly OverGeorgia’s “No mat s. 2,000 cannabis served in, ter what branch you oil law so Photos by it could help SCOTT ROG said Chris you took an oath her young ERS | The ,” Dor Times sey, a Gai son Haw ville nati k, who suff nes ve ers from group. “Th who created theBY JOS watch. And ere’s always ove rjsilavent@gaHUA SILAVENT about. It’s , that’s what this inesvilletime is Learn know ... letting the warrior som Hawk’s Visit Haw more out for them ebody’s lookings k’s Fac times cha gray eyes someebook page at ww .” Dorsey said green to nge from a ligh com/DoItForw.facebook. , in short, it’s t forum for Georgia’s Hawk. Katie Ha “a Dorsey reflecting a slate blue as if their story veterans who nee his rris organiza Hope They shin mood. tion Hawk’s sei on discusses her a chance told. And, for those d georgiasho , visit www. to ma kes it e with a joy that son zure disord nizations link them with VA who need help, it’s cannabis er, admin out boy kno see m the you ng offic oil to him ws Dorsey there who are doin ials and orga“So to see world has som eth ing the and addre isters medical him recogn stress diso— who suffers fromg great stuff.” ma sse riju rde remember. selfishly failed to me and acknow s post-tra ana critics r — recentl media atte ledge me ize something y garnered umatic . ... is But they Tube. The ntion for a video did not given us that cannabis has he posted national shine. It took always that we didn at the VA clip featured him on Youbefo an ’t have bein extract from re,” Katie the marijua tient Clin Oakwood Commun g turned away said. And ic Hawk out na plant to brin wasn’t acc by a staffer who ity Based Outpag passed thanks to a state epti said the fog” that from the “zombi facility Since then ng new patients. e Cou ntythis year, Katie, a law darkened like the sun Hall his world, res ide released a , the Atlanta VA Medical Cen statement ting through’s glowing rays cut- legally possess nt, can now on behalf and adm a summer cannabis of the loca ter has cloud. oil to Haw inister storm ‘Complete l clinic. Georgia. k here in ly unacce Only then ptable’ Provided did his mot Katie Har her, riso the statemeby Public Affairs Offi beloved son n, know that her Miracle dru encountere nt addresses the cer Paige Fluker, g years old, , now going on d June 30 situation Hawk exp 3 at recognized Dor “Th the Oak eriences sey e Departm was, confirm who she resulting from seizures ent of Vet wood clinic. cated to ing a mot eran car son bond her and orrhage whe a brain hem that means ing for our nati s Affairs is dedion’s believing she never stopped weeks old. n he was just vide them our employees are veterans and in. 3 timely andwith courteous cust expected to proKatie Har rison mea ■ Please see time,” the useful informationomer service, and OIL, 3A administer to her sonsures a dose of and stat eme adv Dorsey was ice every nt said. “Th bottom lip slowly allo Hawk. She will dripcannabis oil to pletely una given, as seen on e message Mr. wing him the video, cce time to swa the oil into his is comSome vete ptable and will llow. particular, rans disagree not be tolerated.” with Ray Chastai n of Cler that. One in mont, felt the ■ Please see GROUP, 3A


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her son

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closer to G alfredo Ju od after fa arez, 15, di ed in July BY NIC tal crash nwatson@ga K WATSON 2 wreck on inesvilletime ‘he was jus atlanta h The dea t crying an ighway old friend th of his 15-year d “W kept saying hy did this led Marco clos er , A. Cru The ha i’m sorry,

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to z Hon Amanda CruGod , his mo the tic construda Civic hit a plas r The 19-y z said. rotated befoction barrel and Amanda Cru has been ear-old Marco Cru near Chic re striking a tree z z, mother grappling ope death of of Marco A. on the pass e Baptist Church Alfredo Jua with the through Cru eng z a car cras State Patrol er side, Georgia h on July rez after can ima because I don’t, but offi 2. gine cial I “He’s take s said took what he’s Cruz suff going hea Atlanta Highwa ered min . He’s had n it really rough. through.” y after a ries in the or injuvy rain. Marco Cru Amanda anxiety attacks,” z dro traught afte crash and is dis“He hit a Cruz said r say I kno puddle of . “I can’t from the Gainesv ve his friend the “He was losing his friend. w what he’s water, ille tire car hyd July just crying rop lan ed, going Jua 2 where Cruz wor shop Amand and a Cru ked ” kept saying, rez would help out. and says all he z said. “Marco pen? I’m sorr‘Why did this haprem Cruz car y, going up.” embers is the Alfredo,’” Am God. I’m sorry, anda Cru WEATHER z said. Life 2A ■ Please see 1E Lottery WRECK, 6A 2A DE

Flowers and SCOTT ROG ERS | The a tree nea candles are plac Times ed on the r 15-year-oldChicopee Baptist ground bes Church on ide Alfredo Jua July 2 whe rez died in re a wreck.


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