May/June 2016
terlin S g LIFE
• Summer Camps • Summer Concert • Touch A Truck
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2 locations • 678-450-7011 7316 Spout Springs Road, Suite 102, Flowery Branch, GA 30542 1207 Sherwood Park Drive, Gainesville, GA 30501
Helpful Local Numbers
13 Bingo
Public Schools Spout Springs Elementary........................... 770-967-4860 World Language Academy........................... 770-967-5856 C. W. Davis Middle School........................... 770-965-3020 Flowery Branch High School...................... 770-967-8000 DaVinci Academy.......................................... 770 533-4004 Private Schools Brenau Academy............................................ 770-534-6140 Hebron Christian Academy........................ 770-962-5423 Lakeview Academy........................................ 770-532-4383 Maranatha Christian Academy................... 770-536-6334 Riverside Military Academy......................... 770-532-6251 Sugar Hill Christian Academy..................... 678-745-4121 Child Care & Preschools Chestnut Mountain....................................... 770-967-7105 Winnford Academy....................................... 770-945-3338 Friendship Learning Center........................ 678-546-9002 Goddard School............................................ 770-967-6737 Lakeview Academy........................................ 770-532-4383 Primrose School (Crossroads Drive........ 770-932-5573 Prince of Peace Preschool........................... 678-960-0077
Resident Amenities Card Replacement If you have lost your Amenities Card, replacements are available for $25 each at the clubhouse. Please call the Clubhouse or email Activities@Sterling-Life.com for an appointment.
Colleges and Universities Brenau Academy & University.................... 770-534-6299 UGA Visitors Center.................................... 706-542-0842 Georgia Perimeter College......................... 678-407-5000 University of North Georgia...................... 706-864-1400
Lost Pet/ Animal Disturbances For lost pets, dangerous animals and/or unclaimed pets, please contact Hall County Animal Services at 770-531-6829. Within Sterling on the Lake, dogs barking more than 15 minutes continuously should be reported as a nuisance to Hall County Animal Services.
Medical Services Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta................404-250-KIDS Emory Eastside Hospital.............................. 770-979-0200 NE Georgia Medical Center (NEGA........ 770-535-3553 NEGA Lanier Park Campus........................ 770-219-9000
Mailbox Replacement/ Repair Addresses of Distinction, 770-436-6198, www.aodmailboxes.com Clubhouse Office Information Kathy Andrews, Association Manager, 770-965-3980, Option 1 Jenifer Pomerantz, Activities Director, 770-965-3980, Option 2 Clubhouse Hours: & Address Monday - Saturday, 10am-6pm; Sunday, 12pm-6pm (unless posted otherwise) 7005 Lake Sterling Boulevard
Follow Us!
News, Updates & More! facebook.com/sterlingonthelake twitter: @Sterling_Lake instagram: sterlingonthelake
Government Services Greater Hall Chamber of Commerce...... 770-532-6206 Flowery Branch City Hall............................ 770-967-6371 Flowery Branch Police................................. 770-531-6769 Flowery Branch Post Office....................... 770-967-6431 Hall County Fire Department.................... 770-536-8812 Hall County Sheriff’s Department............ 770-531-6769 Spout Springs Hall Co. Library................... 770-532-3311 Hall County Animal Control...................... 770-531-6829 Tax Commissioner/Auto Tags..................... 770-531-6950 Utilities/Services Jackson EMC.................................................. 770-536-2415 Charter Communications........................... 678-410-9362 AT&T................................................................ 800-436-8638 Gainesville Water/Public Utilities.............. 770-535-6878 Direct Satellite/Dish Network................... 678-714-1495 Red Oak Sanitation....................................... 770-536-7868 Street Light Outage/Jackson EMC............. 770-536-2415 (When calling to report a street light outage; please reference the street light number on the front of the pole)
To advertise in Sterling Life, contact Melisa Sizemore at The Times - 770.535.6344 - msizemore@gainesvilletimes.com Sterling Life is a publication of The Times. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of The Times. The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for the members of the Sterling on the Lake Homeowners Association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Neighborhood or such opinions, information, goods or services.
IN THIS ISSUE... 4 Association Manager’s 18 Movie Nights Corner 21 Summer Concert 6 Poolside News 24 Summer Camps 7 Tennis Shots 26 Onsite Fitness 8 EN Corner Classes - Free Summer Water 11 Save the Dates Aerobics!
Association Manager’s Corner
Sterling on the Lake Pool Season Reminder From Kathy, your Association Manager Summer in all of its glory is almost here! Our community pools will open for the season on Friday, May 20th at 4:00PM. Your VALIDATED RESIDENT AMENITY CARDS are required to access any of our community pools. Validated cards will have a “2016” sticker applied, which can be obtained from my office, located in the Clubhouse. Please call me at 770-965-3980, Option 1, or email me at KAndrews@cmacommunities.com with any questions regarding your Resident Amenity Card(s). NOTE: Access to the community’s amenities is available to residents whose accounts are in Good Standing. Accounts will be restricted from accessing any amenity if there is a balance owed to the Association, or other restriction on the homeowner
account. If your card DOES NOT WORK at the pool gate(s), fitness center, or tennis courts, please stop into my office to discuss your homeowner account. I am in the office Monday – Friday, 9:00AM – 5:00PM daily, or can make special arrangements for a different time to try to accommodate your family’s schedule. Keep in mind that children without issued amenity cards are NOT permitted to use an adult’s amenity card. If your child is age 13 – 18 years old, and would like to obtain an amenity card for their personal usage, please accompany them to the office to purchase a card. Newly issued cards or replacement cards are $25.00 each and can be printed while you wait.
New to the Community? Here are a few things you need to know:
• Please make an appointment to receive your photo Resident Amenity Card shortly after you close (your Closing Documents will be needed). Appointments can be made 7-days-a-week by calling 770-965-3980. • Modifications or changes (including painting) made to the exterior of your home must be approved by the Design Review Committee (DRC) PRIOR to work commencing. You may obtain the forms online (www. Sterling-Life.com). • Trash pickup is on Tuesdays, trashcans can be placed curb-side on Monday evening after 5:00pm and must be returned to their storage place after pickup on Tuesday evening, but no later than 9:00am on Wednesday morning (after pickup) to avoid potential fines. Trashcans must be stored out of sight of neighbors and sight from the street at all times. • The clubhouse is open EVERY DAY, 7-days-a-week; the hours are Mondays – Saturdays from 10:00am to 6:00pm and Sundays from 12 Noon to 6:00pm (unless otherwise noted). • The Association Manager, Kathy, has office hours Mondays – Fridays from 9:00am to 5:00pm. On occasion, she is out of the office on site visits, meeting with vendors, etc. If you would like to make an appointment to speak with her in person, please email her at KAndrews@CMACommunities.com. • Both Hall County and the City of Flowery Branch require your dog to be leashed when not contained in your home or on your fenced property. Please help curb your pet from using your neighbors’ yards to relieve themselves. Dog Stations are located throughout the community to help you clean up after your dog during your walk times.
Are you Leasing your Home?
If you choose to lease your home within Sterling on the Lake, here are some things you need to be aware of: • The lease term must be NO LESS than 12 months. • Leases must be for single families only, no subletting is permitted. • A copy of your countersigned lease should be turned in to the Association Manager’s office (including renewals and extensions). • The homeowner’s updated address must be on file with the Association. • Homeowners MUST BE Current on all assessments or fees and give written permission directly to the Association’s offices for tenants to have amenity cards. • Please keep in mind, as the homeowner, you are ultimately responsible for the behavior of your tenants at the amenity areas and their compliance with the community standards and covenants. Should there be any fines issued for non-compliance, the fee is yours to pay, and collecting it from the tenant is the homeowner’s responsibility. • Your access to the community amenities is revoked once your lease holder takes residence in your home. Amenities are for resident usage only. A resident is defined as an individual that lives full time in the home within Sterling on the Lake; a homeowner is defined as the individual on the record of title for the home
Community News
Come Meet Your Candidates Running For Office MEETINGS ARE A PUBLIC FORUM AND OPEN TO EVERYONE!
MAY 16th
Mary Kay Bacallao announced candidate for the US Senate, who is running against your current Senator Johnny Isakson. Also speaking will be Sheriff Gerald Couch who is running for re-election. This meeting will be held at the Flowery Branch Depot (Main Street, Flowery Branch).
JUNE 2nd
This meeting will host three (3) local Hall County Candidates seeking re-election: Darla Eden, Tax Commissioner; Patty Walters Laine, Probate Judge; and Charles Baker, Clerk of Courts. This meeting will be held at the Spout Springs Library.
JULY 11th
Five (5) Candidates for Georgia 9th District US Congress have been invited to represent their campaigns; the format may be a one-on-one debate, or panel. More details, including this meeting’s location, will be announced closer to the date. Meetings are held monthly at 6:30pm and conclude by 8:00pm.
Sponsored by the South Hall Republican Club. Questions? Call Ed Asbridge at 770-945-3664. www.southhallrepublicanclub.com
New Buford/Mall of Georgia location Now Open in Kirkland’s Shopping Center Show us this ad and choose one of these offers. New Customers Only. (Exp. May 31, 2016)
Poolside News
Our Sterling Stripers Swim Team will be competing locally throughout the summer! To help our families plan accordingly, please see the posted dates below of our swim meets & their locations. As the dates get closer, swimmers will get additional information directly from our coaches. Schedule: June 4th: Pentathlon, held at the Winder YMCA (note that swimmers must swim all 4 strokes and IM to enter this meet) June 8th: Home Meet – hosted here at Sterling on the Lake! Our Sterling Stripers vs Hartwell June 11th: SPLASH, held at Frances Meadows (Gainesville) June 18th: Invitational, held at Ruby Fulbright (Habersham) June 21st: Tri-Meet, held at the Winder YMCA June 29th: Dual Meet, held at the YMCA - JA Walters July 8th: North Georgia Swim League (NGSL) Championships, held at Frances Meadows (Gainesville) [12U girls, 14U & 18U] July 9th: North Georgia Swim League (NGSL) Championships, held at Ruby Fulbright [6U, 8U Morning session: 6U & 8U; Afternoon session: 10U & 12U Boys] July 12th: Home Meet: hosted here at Sterling on the Lake! Our Sterling Stripers vs JA Walters July 16th: District, held at Frances Meadows (Gainesville) [must swim July 22nd & 23rd and place top 3 - please check dates for availability] July 22-23: GRPA State, held in Cumming
Did you miss registration for our Swim Team, or know of a friend who wants to join? It is not too late! Applications are still available on www.Sterling-Life.com and at the Clubhouse.
Swim Lessons begin on Monday, June 6th and run throughout the summer. Lessons are 45 minutes in length, and available at Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels. Each session runs for two (2) weeks, Monday – Thursday [Fridays are reserved for inclement weather make up days]. Log on to www.Sterling-Life.com and visit the Pool section (on the left side navigation) for 2016 Swim Lesson information and registration forms. Swim Lessons are open to residents’ extended families and local friends. 6
Tennis Shots
Fun was had by All! Ladies Tennis Bunco Ladies Tennis Bunco was held on Saturday, February 20th at the Lodge. It was a great night to socialize and play for many prizes. In addition, after expenses, the Tennis Committee netted a total profit of $130.00 to be used for improvements to our tennis amenities.
Men’s Poker Night On Saturday, March 20th the Tennis Committee hosted a Men’s Poker Night at the Lodge. There were 21 men in attendance. Top winners were Jamie Acord and Roger Hotmer. Congratulations to these two guys! Also thanks to the rest of the men who contributed to the $240.00 raised which was used toward finishing the upper court tennis pavilion.
Gainesville Eye Associates for Complete Vision Care Now specializing in Lipiflow® treatment for dry eyes, the region’s top experts at Gainesville Eye Associates provide comprehensive vision care for patients of all ages. We perform laser surgery from LASIK vision correction to laser cataract surgery with state-of-the-art technology at our locations across Northeast Georgia.
Save The Dates for the following great events!
Stephen J. Farkas, M.D. Jack M. Chapman Jr., M.D. Clayton G. Blehm, M.D. Lori C. Lebow, M.D. S. Michael Veach, O.D. Karla R. Thomason, O.D. GAINESVILLE 2061 Beverly Road | Gainesville, GA 30501
More Info To Come… watch your emails for additional details, or check out the Tennis Groups Page on www.Sterling-Life.com!
BRASELTON River Place Medical Plaza One 1515 River Place | Suite 340 | Braselton, GA 30517
May 14 - Tennis Consignment Sale - Lower Courts - 9 am to 2 pm June 24-25 - BBQ Competition July 10 - Wimbledon Breakfast July 30 - Lobbing For A Cure August 26-28 - Member Guest Tournament - Registration Open Now! May/June
CORNELIA 120 Vision Drive Cornelia, Georgia 30531
GainesvilleEye.com • 770.532.4444
www.Sterling-Life.com 0179 GainesEye Patriot_Sterling_Cresswind Ad 3.91x10.indd 1
7 2/9/16 3:31 PM
Empty Nester’s Corner
Empty Nester’s
Kentucky Derby – Saturday, May 7th
Gwinnett Braves Game – Friday, June 10th Our Empty Nesters will love the First Base Picnic area and the great views from the Field Box Seats! Special $26.00 per person pricing for this night of baseball fun includes great seats down the first base line in Section 117, which is right by the first base picnic area, and an all-you-can-eat picnic (which starts one hour before the game)! Be sure to drop off your ticket payment at the Activities Office before Friday, June 3rd.
Join Bunco! Our Wednesday Bunco Group is seeking players... No skills or experience needed. This group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the clubhouse at 6:30pm. If you are interested, please email Activities@ Sterling-Life.com to get connected!
Our Canasta plays each 2nd & 4th Monday at the clubhouse throughout the year. The teams are open to grow (in multiples of 4 players) and often have a need for substitute players.
Ladies Hiking Group Explore local trails and hike some of North Georgia’s most lovely state parks! Our EN Ladies hike each 3rd Wednesday of each month to a different location.
Ladies Lunch
The 2nd Wednesday of each month will offer our EN Ladies the opportunity to try out some of Metro Atlanta’s finest (and local venues too)!
Men’s Coffee
Each 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of the month (year-round) a large group of our EN Gentlemen meet at the clubhouse for breakfast and great conversation! Why not come meet some new friends? The conversation is always engaging… and the coffee is hot!
Register as a user on our Empty Nesters Group page on www.Sterling-Life.com for updates on meeting times, new groups and activities and additional details for Empty Nester events! 8
For more than 20 years, our board-certified physicians have provided compassionate care to women of all ages, and mothers delivering at Northeast Georgia Medical Center Braselton will be no exception. To learn more about the physicians who will deliver at the state’s newest hospital this fall, or to make an appointment,
visit ngpg.org/braselton-babies
Save the Dates
UPCOMING EVENTS & MORE! Music Mornings Out (MMO) 2ND FRIDAY MONTHLY • 10:30am Join us at the Clubhouse for an hour of fun-filled activity, song & take-home craft!
Memorial Day Weekend SATURDAY & SUNDAY, MAY 28-29 • 1pm A cold & refreshing sweet treat will be served at the Clubhouse Pools and at the Lodge Pool at 1PM! Touch A Truck SATURDAY JUNE 11th • 11am - 2pm Rain or Shine! Get up-close and personal with larger-than-life trucks, heavy construction and public safety equipment, cool cars and specialty vehicles plus meet their owners & operators! BONUS! Preview the Hall Co Emergency Helicopter!
Community Blood Drive TUESDAY, JUNE 14th • 1pm - 6pm Sign up at redcrossblood.org, sponsor code: SOLC or call Jenifer Pomerantz 770-965-3980, ext 2 Decorative Garden Gazing Spheres THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd • RSVP Required HOME Make a decorative gazing sphere / globe & for gardens or entry areas. This session will cost $5 per person to join, which CLUB covers some of the cost of the supplies July 4th Weekend SATURDAY JULY 2nd Fireworks,Concert, Games & More SUNDAY JULY 3rd Poolside Celebrations & Music Travel Club: Christmas Markets DECEMBER 9-17 • Travel Abroad Featuring Innsbruck, Munich, Wurzburg, Strasboug and Nuremberg Book now and save $300! Visit Sterling-Life.com for all the details! May/June
Where you come first
Trusted, Caring, & Comfortable Dental Care
Sponsored in partnership with Ms. Heather’s Educational Adventures
Herb Showcase THURSDAY, MAY 26th • 6:30pm Discover the wonderful world of herbs at the Clubhouse! There is no cost to attend, nor any RSVP required… only an interest in herbs, their usage for cooking, or home health benefits!
• Cosmetic & Family Dentistry • Cleaning for Adults & Children • Invisalign Clear Braces • Implants • Zoom! Whitening •Dentures & Partials •Root Canal Therapy •Patient Chairs with Massage • Complimentary Beverage Station •Special Savings Program For The Uninsured NO INTEREST FINANCING OFFERS AVAILABLE
3885 Mundy Mill Road Suite #116 Oakwood, GA 30566 (We are next to Walmart & Sam’s Club, across the street from the college.)
$50 OFF
Home Ready Now!
HOMESITE #29 • $459,900 6672 Trailside Drive • 5 Bedrooms/4 Baths • Fenced yard Daylight Basement • 3 Car Garage •Double Ovens FMLS# 5589799 • $3,000 Closing Costs* • • • • • •
Lake & Community Dock 4 1/2 Acre Park Clubhouse & Fitness Center Movie Theatre Walking Trails Village Green
FINAL FOUR TOWNHOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION! $10,000 in Designer Upgrades on First Townhome Contract!
13R - Delaney K
14R - Danbury L $329,900 15R - Danbury M $329,900 16R - Delaney L
• Front Views Overlook Picturesque Village Green & Back Overlooks Woods • 10’ Ceilings on 1st Floor • Oversized Kitchen Island, Granite Countertops, Stainless Appliances • Private Owner’s Suite With Sitting area • Site Finished Hardwood Floors
Debbie Ustrud: dustrud@peachtreeres.com | 678-725-9206 Directions to Lot #29: I-85 North to I-985 North to Exit 12, Spout Springs Road. Take a right on Spout Springs and drive 2 miles to Capitola Farm Rd. Turn right and go 1/2 mile to Lemon Grass Lane. Turn right.
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK OR VISIT OUR BLOG www.peachtreeresidential.com | 770-622-2522 | info@peachtreeres.com
Closing costs paid with preferred lenders only. Offers and prices vaild to change at any time.
Save the Dates
BINGO NIGHT Friday, June 17th • 6-8pm
All ages enjoy this favorite game night! Complete with beverages, snacks and GREAT prizes! 2 Bingo Cards Per Player Included Hosted at The Lodge. Limited Seating. RSVP Required to Activities@Sterling-Life.com $3 per guest
June 4th • 10am – 12 Noon @ Sterling on the Lake
Low cost vaccines are available this June to all of our furry family members! This pet clinic is open to the public, and is brought to you in partnership with Hall County Animal Shelter. Rabies Vaccination - $10 • Microchip - $20 Combo rabies and microchip - $25
No RSVP is necessary. Pets should be crated or leashed for their visit. The clinic will take place at the SIDE PAVILION section of the Clubhouse. Non-resident guests and pets are welcomed to take advantage of this clinic and special pricing.
May 15th @ 2pm Paper Hanging Windmill June 12th @ 2pm Clothespin Dragonflies & animals RSVPs are required for Crafty Sundays to prepare supplies. Please RSVP (by the Thursday prior) to Activities@Sterling-Life.com
Coming in July – Stepping Stones! May/June
BEST PRICE GUARANTEE www.Sterling-Life.com
Yoga 7:30am PiYo: 10:00am Barre Above: 7:00pm Swim Team 4:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Summer Camp Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Meditation 12:00Noon PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Meditation 12:00Noon Swim Team 4:00pm PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration
9th Annual Golf Tournament 9:00am Meditation 12:00Noon PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Yoga 7:30am Swim Team 4:00pm Home & Garden Club 7:00pm PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Yoga 7:30am PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Yoga 7:30am Movie Night: 6:30pm PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Cinco De Mayo Yoga 7:30am PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Thursday 6
Swim Team 4:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Men’s Coffee 9:00am Movie Night: 6:30pm Summer Camp Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
MMO 10:30am Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Men’s Coffee 9:00am Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Friday 7
Summer Camp Registration
Splash Bash 11:00am – See www.Sterling-Life.com for details! Summer Camp Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Armed Forces Day
Tennis Consignment Sale Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
EN Kentucky Derby Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
NOTES: Summer Camp & Swim Lesson registration forms are available on www.Sterling-Life.com. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________
PiYo: 10:00am ROMEO Lunch 11:30am Swim Team 4:00pm Summer Camp Registration
PiYo: 10:00am ROMEO Lunch 11:30am Summer Camp Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
PiYo: 10:00am ROMEO Lunch 11:30am Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
PiYo: 10:00am ROMEO Lunch 11:30am Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Wednesday 4
Visit www.Sterling-Life.com for more information on community news, exciting events and fun-filled family activities! Follow the community on Facebook for updates and posts: www.facebook.com/sterlingonthelake & Twitter @Sterling_Lake
Summer Camp Registration
Clubhouse closed in observance
Memorial Day
Summer Camp Registration
Yoga 7:30am PiYo: 10:00am Republican Club Meeting 6:30pm Barre Above: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Meditation 12:00Noon PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Crafty Sunday: 2:00pm Summer Camp Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
3 Meditation 12:00Noon PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Yoga 7:30am PiYo: 10:00am Barre Above: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Mother’s Day
Yoga 7:30am PiYo: 10:00am Barre Above: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Summer Camp Registration Girls on the Run Registration Summertime 50K/100K Reg.
Swim Team 8:00am PiYo: 10:00am ROMEO Lunch 11:30am Meditation 12:00Noon Swim Team Dual Meet
Swim Team 8:00am Water Aerobics 12:30pm PiYo: 7:00pm
Yoga 7:30am Swim Team 8:00am PiYo: 10:00am Barre Above: 7:00pm
Yoga 7:30am Swim Team 8:00am Water Aerobics 12:30pm PiYo: 7:00pm
Yoga 7:30am Swim Team 8:00am Water Aerobics 12:30pm PiYo: 7:00pm Home & Garden Club 7:00pm Junior Engineering Tennis Summer Camp
Yoga 7:30am Swim Team 8:00am Water Aerobics 12:30pm PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Soccer Camp
Yoga 7:30am Swim Team 8:00am Water Aerobics 12:30pm Movie Night: 6:30pm PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Swim Team 8:00am Summer Cornhole League 6:30pm Tennis BBQ Competition Junior Engineering
Swim Team 8:00am Men’s Coffee 9:00am Summer Cornhole League 6:30pm Bingo Night 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Soccer Camp
Swim Team 8:00am MMO 10:30am Summer Cornhole League 6:30pm EN Gwinnett Braves Night Summer Camp Registration
3 Men’s Coffee 9:00am Summer Camp Registration
Yoga 7:30am Water Aerobics 12:30pm Republican Club Meeting 6:30pm PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Tennis BBQ Competition
Swim Team Invitational Summer Camp Registration
Touch-a-Truck 11:00am – 2:00pm Swim Team Splash Event Summer Camp Registration
Pet Clinic 10:00am – 12:00pm @ Side Pav. Swim Team Pentathlon Summer Concert: Fly Betty Band – 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Visit www.Sterling-Life.com for more information on community news, exciting events and fun-filled family activities! Follow the community on Facebook for updates and posts: www.facebook.com/sterlingonthelake & Twitter @Sterling_Lake
Swim Team 8:00am PiYo: 10:00am ROMEO Lunch 11:30am Meditation 12:00Noon Junior Engineering Tennis Summer Camp
Matinee Movie: The Peanuts Movie 2:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Swim Team 8:00am Water Aerobics 12:30pm PiYo: 7:00pm Swim Team Tri-Meet Junior Engineering Tennis Summer Camp
Swim Team 8:00am PiYo: 10:00am ROMEO Lunch 11:30am Meditation 12:00Noon Summer Camp Registration Soccer Camp
Swim Team 8:00am PiYo: 10:00am ROMEO Lunch 11:30am Meditation 12:00Noon Swim Team: Home Meet 4:00-8:00pm Summer Camp Registration
PiYo: 10:00am ROMEO Lunch 11:30am Meditation 12:00Noon Summer Camp Registration
Wednesday 1
Summer Solstice Yoga 7:30am Swim Team 8:00am PiYo: 10:00am Barre Above: 7:00pm Junior Engineering Tennis Summer Camp
Father’s Day
Flag Day Swim Team 8:00am Water Aerobics 12:30pm American Red Cross Blood Drive 1:00-6:00pm PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Soccer Camp
Yoga 7:30am Swim Team 8:00am PiYo: 10:00am Barre Above: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration Soccer Camp
Swim Team 8:00am Water Aerobics 12:30pm PiYo: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Yoga 7:30am Swim Team 8:00am Swim Lessons Start PiYo: 10:00am Barre Above: 7:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Crafty Sunday: 2:00pm Summer Camp Registration
Matinee Movie 2:00pm: Kindergarten Cop 2 Summer Camp Registration
NOTES: For all Swim Team Meet & Competition Information, visit www.Sterling-Life.com or check page 6 of your newsletter. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________
June 2016
FINAL PHASE! This is your final opportunity to own a Stonecrest Home at Sterling on the Lake
HOMESITE 2 | THE CYPRESS 6722 BLUE HERON WAY 3 Bedrooms | 3 Baths | 2,387 SF
HOMESITE 32 | THE CYPRESS 6823 FLAGSTONE WAY 3 Bedrooms | 3 Baths | 2,387 SF
Open floorplan features a gourmet kitchen with stainless steel double ovens, separate cooktop, corner pantry, granite countertops, and kitchen island with bar-seating. The family room includes a cozy fireplace with custom built-in cabinets and 5” plank hardwoods. The third bedroom and full bath are located on the second level in additon to a huge, unfinished walk-in attic storage area. The Cypress also has a covered porch on the front and the rear of the home.
Stunning home includes a gourmet kitchen, master on the main, and large fireside family room that opens to a covered porch. The spacious kitchen includes stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, and island with bar-seating that looks out to the dining room. Hardwood floors throughout family room, dining room, breakfast area, and kitchen. The deluxe master suite includes trey ceilings, tile shower, garden tub, separate vanities, and large walk-in closet.
Stunning home includes a gourmet kitchen, master on the main, and large fireside family room that opens to a covered porch. The spacious kitchen includes stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, and island with bar-seating that looks out to the dining room. Hardwood floors throughout family room, dining room, breakfast area, and kitchen. The deluxe master suite includes trey ceilings, tile shower, garden tub, separate vanities, and large walk-in closet.
Priced at $334,900 $319,900
Priced at $329,900
No Longer Available!
Our homes are on the CALL-A-KEY system: just go to the door, call the posted number, they will give you a code and in you go…
HOMESITE 24 | THE CYPRESS 6722 BLUE HERON WAY 3 Bedrooms | 3 Baths | 2,387 SF
Melanie Burruss & Jamie Mock 678-293-2155 • StonecrestHomesGA.com The information contained herein is believed accurate but not warranted and is subject to changes, omissions, errors and withdrawal without notice.
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Association News & Events
Thursday, May 12th
Movie starts at 6:30pm • Rated PG
DON’T FORGET TO RSVP: Activities@ Sterling-Life.com
Mother Teresa, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, is considered one of the greatest humanitarians of modern times. Her selfless commitment changed hearts, lives and inspired millions throughout the world. This film tells her story through personal letters she wrote over the last 40 years of her life, revealing a troubled and vulnerable woman who grew to feel an isolation and an abandonment by God. It is told from the point of view of a Vatican priest charged with the task of investigating acts and events following her death. He recounts her life’s work, her political oppression, her religious zeal and her unbreakable spirit.
Alvin & The Chipmunks: Road Chip Friday, May 20th
Movie starts at 6:30pm • Rated PG Through a series of misunderstandings, Alvin, Simon and Theodore come to believe that Dave is going to propose to his new girlfriend in Miami and dump them.They have three days to get to him and stop the proposal, saving themselves not only from losing Dave but possibly from gaining a terrible stepbrother.
Girls on the Run North Georgia
Our registration will begin on May 1st for our Fall 2016 season of Girls on the Run (Sterling on the Lake location). Watch for our announcement on Facebook and via www.Sterling-Life.com to register!
“A Non-resident of Sterling on the Lake’s 2 daughters felt very welcomed and very much enjoyed the experience for girls on the run. Big growth experience, as girls and as a family!
www.HulseyPlumbing.com 18
- Mary Brody, Volunteer Coach for Spring Session, Girls on the Run Sterling on the Lake
Association News & Events
Kindergarten Cop 2 Sunday, June 5th
Matinee starts at 2:00pm Rated PG Assigned to recover sensitive stolen data, a gruff FBI agent goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher. But the school’s liberal, politically correct environment turns out to be more than he bargained for.
Thursday, June 9th
Movie starts at 6:30pm • Rated PG13 Neuropathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu makes the first discovery of CTE, a footballrelated brain trauma, and fights for the truth to be known. His emotional quest puts him at dangerous odds with one of the most powerful - and beloved - institutions in the world, the league that governs the sport. Based on a true story.
The Peanuts Movie Sunday, June 19th
Matinee starts at 2:00pm • Rated PG Snoopy, the world’s most lovable beagle - and flying ace - embarks upon his greatest mission as he takes to the skies to pursue arch-nemesis The Red Baron, while his best pal, Charlie Brown, begins his own epic quest.They are joined by Lucy, Linus, Woodstock and the whole “Peanuts” gang.
The New Signature of Assisted Living & Memory Care has arrived at Hamilton Mill! Drop in or schedule a private tour today to experience the finest senior living in the area.
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Association News & Events
Fly Betty Band Saturday, June 4th • 7:00pm • Village Green Amphitheatre
Tickets available beginning May 1st at the clubhouse! IMPORTANT CHANGE TO OUR JUNE SUMMER CONCERT: This concert event will be CLOSED TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Residents are welcomed to invite their non-resident guests, but pre-purchased tickets will be required for non-resident guests to enter the community for the event
© Deelite Photography
Resident tickets: $3 per person • Non-resident tickets: $5 per person
STREET CLOSURES: All of our community entrances will be closed to cut-through & non-resident traffic, which will be diverted via our partners at Flowery Branch Police Department. Residents MUST HAVE THEIR Sterling on the Lake AMENITY CARDS or their Georgia State DRIVERS LICENSE must reflect their Sterling on the Lake address to enter the community. If you have guests joining you for this event, please instruct them to ARRIVE PRIOR to the Road Closure Time of 5:30PM. PARKING DETAILS: Please plan to have your non-resident guests and/or extended family plan to park in your driveway(s) for this event. Residents are asked (as best as possible) to walk down to the Village Green for the event, or to carpool, as limited parking is available on Lake Sterling Boulevard or Lake Crossing Boulevard.
We are hosting a NEW SUMMER League! This Summer Cornhole League will play on the following Fridays: 6/10, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, 7/29 Visit www.Sterling-Life.com for details on registration, or to sign up your team, or as an individual player!
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Spring Cleaning...
The ReStore is on the move! Habitat Hall County is relocating our home improvement store and donation center. We sell new and gently used appliances, home décor and building materials to the public at bargain prices. Proceeds help Habitat build homes and hope. So we need your couch … plus any furniture, appliances, household items and building materials to fill our new larger location. Help us and help hard-working families. Your donation is tax-deductible!
Call our donation hotline at 770-718-1070 and schedule your FREE PICKUP!
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Onsite Summer Camps
Inspiring the next generation of engineers! Junior LEGO® Robotics: Adventure Stories! [PreK-2nd Grade]
JUNIOR ENGINEERING & ROBOTICS CAMP! This camp is a perfect mixture of fun and learning, using LEGO® WeDo™ Robots. Using LEGO® bricks, students build a hungry alligator, a flying bird, and a roaring lion. They also learn how to program and operate their creations using a laptop computer. Ages: PreK-2nd Grade (current, not rising) When: June 20-24, 2016 from 10am-12pm (Optional mini-movie screening to be hosted by Sterling on the Lake at 9:30 AM each day during drop off time). Location: Sterling on the Lake Community Clubhouse.
Tennis Summer Camps
Ages: 5-7 & 12U- Ages 8-12 When: June 20th-23rd Time: 9:30am-12:30pm (Friday will be a rain makeup day if needed) Campers should plan to bring snack(s), their racquet, Sunscreen, Water, Large and Small Towels to camp with them.
Visit www.Sterling-Life.com for additional details on our Summer Camp opportunities and their individual registration links!
Sterling On The Lake Soccer Camp June 13-17 @ The Open Field By The Pool
Camp includes FREE Soccer Ball & Camp Shirt. FREE Replica Jersey available for early online signups. (Deadline for Early Registration: April 29th, 2016) Resident/ Non-Resident
3-5 Mini Soccer 6-14 Half Day *Golden Goal Bonus 6-14
9:00 - 11:00 $117/$127 9:00 - 12:00 $160/$170 12:30 - 3:00 $57/$67
*Golden Goal bonus camp is only available to campers already registered for the half day program.
Open to the Public! Invite your family & friends to register!
Questions? Email: activities@sterling-life.com. Applications available at the Clubhouse, or register online via www.Sterling-Life.com!
Some of our 2015 Soccer Camp Participants Pictured Here 24
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You are invited to Eagle Ranch’s first ever 5K and Fun Run. Run, walk or cheer on others. Bring family and friends out to the Ranch for a day of fun. Proceeds benefit the boys and girls of Eagle Ranch. Registration includes premium t-shirt and lunch.
register now at EagleRanch.org.
Onsite Fitness Classes
PiYo Mondays, 7:00-8:00pm Barre Above classes will feature a low impact workout that will help to develop long, lean muscles without the bulk. By incorporating the best of Yoga, Pilates and the Barre method, you will enhance your flexibility, improve your balance, gain strength and tone those hard-totarget muscles in your core, arms and legs. This workout is great for any age, weight or fitness level. Held at the Clubhouse.
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7:00-8:00pm, Held at the Clubhouse PiYo delivers muscle-sculpting, core-focused benefits of Pilates along with the flexibility and power of Yoga. PiYo’s low-impact compound exercises engage multiple muscle groups at the same time – while keeping your body in constant motion.
Classes Added Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:00am
Elevate your heart rate and build and sculpt muscles. This drop-in style class is open to your friends & family.
Meditation at the Lodge
May: Tuesdays at 12 Noon. June: Wednesdays at 12 Noon. Meditation is not limited to sitting silently and contemplating one’s own thoughts… Restorative yoga includes muscle focus and strength building postures, breath work. Each session will change to keep your interest, and may include some phrasing/ chanting, coloring/drawing, mental imagery, etc. that will be incorporated into the class.
Yoga Mondays & Thursdays,
7:30-8:30am Yoga includes strengthening and stretching movements, breath control and simple meditation. Our instructor (Heather) is certified in restorative and orthopedic practices, and can target movements to help you strengthen after surgery or injury, or to alleviate pressure or discomfort during your exercise. Held in the Clubhouse.
Water Aerobics Tuesdays & Thursdays
from 12:30pm – 1:30pm in the Main Pool beginning June 2nd.
*Classes listed above are on a drop-in basis, and are $6 per class. Returning participants have the opportunity to prepay for classes, which offers a reduced rate. Speak to your individual instructor for payment details.
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Real Estate related statistics used on this notice were taken from gamls.com as resale data from 1/2015 to 10/2015. This notice is not intended for homes involved in an exclusive sales agreement. All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. If you have any questions, please call our oďŹƒce directly at 678-775-2600 or 404-620-4571.