Student Guide 2021/22

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Contents Welcome …………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 1 Have questions? Stay in the loop …………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 2 Get ready to Ask Alf ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……Page 3 Starting in September ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 4 Welcome to your faculty ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. Page 6 Student support, health and wellbeing ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 7 Fees and finance …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 9 Learning resources …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………. Page 10 Your campus …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 12 Where your future matters ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 13 Winchester Student Union ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 15 Report and support, Student Charter and Student Protection Plan ……………………………………………. Page 17 Registry …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 19 The nitty gritty ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………. Page 22 Travel and transport …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…. Page 29 Find your way around campus ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……. Page 30 Useful contacts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 31 Terms and conditions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 33 Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes 2021/22 ……………………………………………………………..………. Page 36

Welcome Welcome to the new academic year at the University of Winchester! Let’s address it right up front: the past year and a half has been tough. So many have been through so much, we know you have had to persevere with studying whilst living through a pandemic. We can’t tell you how honoured we are that you are a Winchester student. We are really looking forward to welcoming students back to our beautiful campus this September. We are expecting to operate a business as usual timetable from September 1 of the 2021/22 Academic Year. This means your timetable will be face-to-face and on campus for the majority of your learning experience. We are also putting in place additional plans to ensure we are able to deliver a quality learning experience for our students should the Government reintroduce restrictions before or after Semester 1 begins. We will continue to communicate regularly and clearly with you if anything changes. Please keep an eye on for updates and FAQs as we near the start of term, This Student Guide is intended to supplement information provided to you by your Faculty or programme in order to give an overview of the academic and personal support available within the University. You should familiarise yourself with the Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes 2021/22 and the Assessment Regulations 2021/22. Please be advised that you agree to abide by these regulations as part of the annual enrolment and re-enrolment processes. You are subject to the regulations in force during each academic year. Please do get involved with all that student life has to offer. If you're a first or a second year, don't miss UniSmart - a memorable intro to campus life happening in Welcome Week. Book your free ticket at We hope that you have a happy and successful year at Winchester, both professionally and personally.


Have questions? All official communications from the University will be sent to your University email. You should use your University email to communicate with University staff. This is a regulatory requirement. Along with your University emails, keep an eye on the intranet and the University app for the latest information.

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Get ready to Ask Alf This Autumn, alongside our dedicated support teams, we will be welcoming a new ‘AI’ helper to support you in finding information 24/7, answering your questions and making things just that little bit easier. During Semester 1, ask Alf about any element of student life, including: ■ Campus information and locations ■ Opening times ■ Who’s who ■ Student support queries ■ Wellbeing ■ Financial matters ■ Careers and employment information ■ General titbits about student life in and around Winchester.

If Alf doesn’t know, they’ll put you in touch with someone else who can help you. Look out for more information this autumn about how you can Ask Alf.

Starting in September We are looking forward to welcoming you back to our beautiful campus this September. Our top priority is that you have a thoroughly enjoyable and safe time here. The global pandemic has changed so much about our way of life and we know many of you will have questions about what university life at Winchester will now be like. The key points for you are: ■ We want to offer you a vibrant, on campus student

experience this academic year. We are planning to welcome new and returning students onto campus and into student accommodation from September. Teaching, unless on a course that is always delivered by distance learning, will be face-to-face, supported with online elements if needed. ■ Contingency plans are ready, should we need

to change to a different mode of teaching. For example, if we need to reduce capacity in classrooms in order to socially distance, there may be a rota of when you are in that particular class face-to-face and when you are attending online. ■ Get vaccinated: we strongly encourage you to get

one (or two if offered) Covid vaccines ahead of starting University. If you are able to get your first vaccine before coming to Winchester but will need to get your second once you’re here, you can use the National Booking System to book your second vaccine . We’re also planning for an on campus vaccine clinic on Monday 13 September if you need to grab a jab. We will continue to follow the latest Government guidance on elements like face coverings and group sizes for gatherings. Whatever the rules are for universities in September, we’ll be following them. ■ Get tested: regular testing will be an important part

of keeping each other safe. You should get tested before you come to Winchester, twice upon your arrival and then continue to test twice a week across the semester. We will have a testing system set up for home testing, or whatever is required by the Government.

■ Social events and extracurricular opportunities will

be happening wherever possible as allowed by Government guidance. ■ We cannot wait to welcome you to campus if you

are on a face-to-face course. Apart from distance learning courses, all students and staff are expected to be attending face-to-face. If a medical reason means you need support to enable you to study, please contact INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS If you are an international student, please ensure you also read all the information in the International Student Handbook. We know travel may be more complicated this year but we are here to support you. SUPPORTING OUR STUDENTS We have always been passionate about providing a supportive and inclusive environment to help all students flourish. This has never been more true as we plan for the upcoming academic year. All of our student support services, including mental health and disability support together with careers advice, will be available from September face-to-face and/or online, as best suits. COVID CARE GROUPS Should you need to self-isolate once you are at Winchester, you’ll be put into a Covid Care Group on Microsoft Teams, where a channel just for you and your housemates will give you an easy way to contact us 24/7 if you need any support during your selfisolation. It’s an easy way for us to reach out regularly as well to see how you’re getting on. Our Covid Care Groups also offer a great way to get involved with online activities whilst self-isolating. We will continue to update our Covid webpage with the latest information. Keep an eye on

■ Face coverings will not be mandatory in teaching

and learning environments or communal areas, although for extra protection we encourage you to wear one when inside a crowded building or where social distancing can’t be maintained.



Welcome to your faculty Your faculty will communicate with you using your University unimail email. Once you register and enrol online, remember to regularly check your email and Canvas, the virtual learning environment, for information.

FACULTY CONTACT INFORMATION Arts (ART): Dean: Professor Alec Charles If you have any questions about your programme, contact. Business, Law and Digital Technologies (BLDT): Dean: Professor Martin Broad If you have any questions about your programme, contact: Education (EDN): Dean: Dr Janice de Sousa If you have any questions about your programme, contact:

YOUR TIMETABLE We’re working hard to prepare your academic timetable. You should have access to your Semester 1 teaching timetable by early September. When timetables become available, you will be given access to ‘My Timetable’ on the academic information tab on MyRecord. You will be contacted by your programme directly if it has a different method of communicating your timetable. There may be a delay in processing timetables for late entrants. For most programmes, teaching begins the week of 20 September, which is the first week of Semester 1, although some programmes may have mandatory sessions earlier. If you have any questions about your timetable, please contact your faculty using the relevant enquiries email address on this page.

Health and Wellbeing (HWB): Dean: Professor Simon Jobson, If you have any questions about your programme, contact: Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS): Acting Dean: Dr Gary Jones If you have any questions about your programme, contact:


Student support, health and wellbeing Our dedicated Student Support and Success team provides information, advice, support and guidance on many aspects of student life available throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to get in touch during your time at Winchester using Ask Winchester or via the intranet. Some of the topics our support services cover include: MENTAL WELLBEING There may be times when it is helpful to seek support for your mental wellbeing or talk with someone trained to help. Our mental wellbeing service consisting of a team of professional and approachable counsellors and mental health advisers can provide you with a confidential space to listen and to help explore issues with you. Sessions can be provided face-to-face or online. There are also workshops and groups available throughout the year focusing on a range of topics and ways to promote your mental wellbeing. DISABILITY AND LEARNING DIVERSITY SUPPORT Our Disabilities and Learning Diversity team within Student Support and Success helps students with disabilities, long term medical needs and learning differences. If you have disclosed a disability and/or learning difference on your UCAS form or by other means, you can get in touch with Student Support and Success and set up support with one of our Disability Advisers. STUDENT ACADEMIC SUPPORT: HELPING YOU TO ADJUST TO CAMPUS LEARNING AND STUDY The pandemic and the move to online and blended learning brought significant changes to how we studied and learnt. The skills required altered as we engaged with online content and pre-recorded sessions, found new ways to collaborate in a virtual classroom and explored alternative ways of researching. Many of these skills will continue to be important both for future learning and employability, and demonstrate our adaptability as students and individuals. As we transition to a return to on-campus study, however, there may be skills that the face-to-face environment requires which have not been needed before or used for a while.


Time management skills may need to adapt in light of more timetabled, live classes, additional travel to campus or the availability of more extra curricular activities; techniques for giving a presentation or contributing to group work in person may need to be developed, and different strategies for taking notes in a live lecture or seminar will need to be utilised. The Student Academic Support team are here to help with all of this and more. • Our programme of workshops covers a wide range of skills that you will need for the year ahead. Join us to learn some top tips and strategies to ensure you are studying efficiently and effectively. • You can book a one-to-one appointment with one of the team to discuss your progress and the academic skills you would like to develop. These sessions are tailored to you and your priorities. • You can also make use of our fantastic SMART Buddies (Academic Skills Student Mentors). If you are a Year 2 student, why not join one of their peerled ‘Moving up to Level 5’ sessions. These provide a space for you to discuss the next stage of your studies and the transition to on-campus study, learn how to develop a successful student mindset, and undertake practical activities like outlining personal targets for development and creating action plans for progression. If you are moving into either Year 2 or Year 3, you can request a dedicated student mentor who will meet you weekly to discuss your academic skills and how you are approaching your workload and assignments. Information about all of the above will be available on our Student Academic Support pages on the Intranet, and on our ‘SkillsNet’ Canvas module. Alternatively, email and we will be happy to help. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS The International Student Officer is available to help with any non-academic issues you may face whilst at University, including welfare and visa related enquiries. Email the International Student Officer on

IF ENGLISH ISN'T YOUR FIRST LANGUAGE Our team can support you to develop your confidence and skills in using English for academic purposes. Find out more by emailing SECURITY To ensure your security and welfare we have a team of Site Stewards who are on hand 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The team offer a positive and reassuring presence on campus and are responsible for delivering a safe environment for you to live, study, work and socialise. They regularly patrol the University site as well as acting as an emergency response to any issues that arise on campus. If you wish to contact the Site Stewards please call +44 (0) 1962 827666 or +44 (0) 1962 827667. STUDENT UNION ADVICE CENTRE Winchester Student Union Advice Centre offers free, independent and impartial support and guidance for students, specialising in supporting students through the academic processes of appeals, misconduct or complaints.

They can also provide support on issues covering wellbeing, money, and housing. Visit for toolkits and to find out more. YOUR NAME The University records your official name (given names and family name) and a 'known as' (preferred) name on your student record. Your 'known as' name tells us how your would like to be addressed at University and you can amend this name yourself at registration or reenrolment or by emailing from your University email. This is the name staff will use when they speak to or contact you and will normally be used on all internal informal communications. Formal communications or documentation will normally use your official name. If you wish to change your official name please email for advice.

REGISTERING WITH A DOCTOR (GP) IN WINCHESTER If you will be living in Winchester, we ask you to register with a Winchester GP before you complete your online enrolment at the start of September. You can continue to be able to see your family GP at home during the holidays as a temporary resident. There are three GP surgeries in Winchester you can choose to register with: ■ St Clements Surgery based in Tanner Street in the city centre ■ St Paul’s Surgery based on Alison Way, near the railway station ■ The Friarsgate Practice based in Weeke and Badger Farm areas of Winchester When you have made your choice, complete the online GP registration form on your GP’s website. Please make sure to write your new University address where it says ‘Home address’ on the GP form. If you are living in University Managed Accommodation, the Housing team will send out housing offers which will indicate your new University address. We recommend you continue to see your current dentist regularly, and have a check-up before you come to University. However, should an emergency appointment be needed, please contact the NHS Dental Helpline on 111. GET VACCINATED Covid vaccinations: We encourage you to get your Covid vaccinations as soon as they are offered to you. MMR vaccinations: For life-long protection from measles, mumps and rubella, two MMR vaccinations are necessary. Your medical records, held by your GP, will confirm your vaccination status – please check with your local surgery. If you have only had one MMR vaccination, please ensure you have the second before coming to University. Meningitis ACWY vaccinations: Meningitis is a serious and potentially life-threatening disease and all new students coming to University should have received the meningitis ACWY vaccine. Check with your GP and if you have not had this vaccine please do so before coming to University.


Fees and finance Our Finance Team are here to help with any queries about fees or finance. Get in touch at or +44 (0) 1962 827536. You may also find the answer you need in our full Regulations for Payment of University Fees BURSARIES AND SCHOLARSHIPS Have you checked if you’re eligible for any of our scholarships and bursaries? We have a range available for full-time undergraduates, including income-based bursaries and Academic Achievement Awards. Find our more at FEES University fees enable us to provide a high-quality student experience both on campus and online. As a charity, all our income is used to fulfil our principle objectives – to provide higher education and conduct research. The fees you pay depend on whether you are a full-time or part-time student. Full information on fee amounts is available at If you are experiencing delays with your funding application, please let us know on +44( 0) 1962 827265 or If you do not have your Financial Notification letter by enrolment, you will be regarded as a self-financing student liable for the full tuition fee and will need to make appropriate payment arrangements at enrolment. We will reimburse you, where appropriate, as soon as you give us a copy of your Financial Notification letter. If you need help with your Student Finance application or the evidence required, please call +44 (0) 1962 827008 or email


UNABLE TO PAY ON TIME? If you struggle to pay any of your fees by the required dates, please contact us as soon as possible by emailing or calling +44 (0) 1962 827265. We can usually arrange a payment plan with you to avoid further actions like charges or sanctions. It is important fees are paid on time; if all or a portion of fees or charges remain unpaid after the relevant due date, charges and/ or sanctions may affect your studies. Please see the Regulations at: WITHDRAWING FROM OR INTERRUPTING YOUR STUDIES If you consider withdrawing from or interrupting your studies, it may be helpful to speak to a Student Adviser to explore your options and implications of doing so – email the team on or call on +44 (0)1962 827341. If you do withdraw from or interrupt your studies once you’ve enrolled, you should contact Registry on or +44 (0) 1962 827210. You may be liable to pay a proportion of your tuition fees. Once you speak to Registry, you should also inform Student Finance if you have a loan.

Learning resources SUPPORTING YOUR STUDIES The University has two libraries, lots of study spaces (many open 24/7 with a secure swipe system) and lots of physical and digital content to help you get the most from your studies. The Libraries - Martial Rose Library (on the King Alfred Quarter) and West Downs Library (in the West Downs Centre), provide a huge range of content, not just the physical books but ebooks, articles, streaming film, audio books, databases, the School Resources Collection, and lots more. All our resources can be found using OneSearch. As an undergraduate student, you will be undertaking a high degree of independent study, less guided by reading lists. This means you will find a session on becoming an expert OneSearch user, and how to request digital versions of material, is very important. The Library service will also support you with inter-library loans and facilitating access to archives in other institutions. We provide a wide range of study spaces from individual and group ‘pods’, places you can work quietly on your own laptop, sit at a computer (quiet or in more buzzy spaces), work in groups including in some of our study rooms that are fully fitted with screens and speakers to practice presentations, for example. Spend time exploring and finding the type of space that works for you. For our distance learning students we can work with your local areas and possibly help you gain access to their study spaces. Our Multimedia Centre (in the Fred Wheeler building) has dedicated design and production computers and you can borrow equipment to make your own movies, music and other creative outputs. We provide a lot of online help (and face-to-face time with experts) to help you use our services, find the right type of resource for your research, and how to use the IT packages and our media equipment. You will be given an induction session to get you started, but never be afraid to ask for a refresher. GET CONNECTED It is important to download the University of Winchester Mobile App, this has an electronic version of your Student Card and is what you will use to register attendance at timetabled sessions. This feeds into your Academic Engagement Dashboard and it will really help you to have this ready for your first class. To download the App go to Android or Apple. You can also access it from any browser.

You will still receive a physical card, this gives you access to printing, laptop loans, catering, accommodation (where applicable), access to controlled rooms and allows you to borrow books from the libraries. You must upload your photo as part of registration. Many of our study spaces have PCs you can use or borrow one of our loan laptops from the cabinets. The University also has secure wifi across campus if you prefer to bring your own tablet or laptop. Lots of the study spaces in the libraries have power outlets to let you charge-up. CANVAS AND MICROSOFT TEAMS Canvas is our Virtual Learning Environment. As a Winchester student you’ll use it to access your course information and curriculum materials. Canvas is also where you will submit your assignments. If you’re a distance learning student, Canvas will be the central hub of activity for your course. At Winchester, we use Microsoft Teams for online meetings and as a way to collaborate through different Teams and Channels. Your programme will let you know how you can expect to use Teams but most students will be in a Team for each module they are on in order to facilitate online conversations and meetings. We use Teams regularly as part of Winchester life now, regardless of whether or not we are on campus. However, should Covid guidelines require us to reduce face-to-face interactions, we will rely on Teams to keep us connected and deliver teaching. GETTING HELP We have team members ready to help you in the Martial Rose Library, the West Downs Library and the Multimedia Centre. Our support times are on the Intranet. Outside of those hours you can drop an email to and the team will get onto the problem the next working day. Don’t forget to follow us UniWinLibrary on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram for all the latest news and information or over email on or


Your campus We can’t wait for you to explore Winchester student life this year. We hope all of our facilities will be available but they are all subject to change based on Government guidelines. SPORTS FACILITIES Our University gym is found within Burma Road Student Village. Work out with state-of-the-art technology spread over two floors under the guidance of our qualified Health and Fitness instructors or take part in our wide variety of health and fitness classes, exercise workshops and gym challenges. We have different options for affordable membership. As well as the gym and fitness studio we also have an all-weather multi-use games area and Sports Hall in the King Alfred Quarter as well as an eightlane athletics track and astro pitch at the Winchester Sports Stadium at the Bar End Quarter. We’re proud to be a partner in the new Winchester Leisure Centre and Sports Park where a 50m pool, climbing facilities and sports courts are now open, with a discount for students. Email for more information. SPIRITUAL LIFE One of the University’s three values is spirituality and we welcome people of all faiths and none to begin the adventure of discovering your spiritual self during your time at Winchester. There are Buddhist, Christian and Muslim Chaplains to offer a warm welcome, hospitality, a listening ear, friendship, worship and community online or on campus. The Chapel, Anchorage, Contemplation Space and Muslim Prayer Room host organised events and activities as well as being places for private reflection and contemplation. For more information visit the Spirituality page of the University website.

BOOKSHOP Located on the top floor of the King Alfred Centre, the P&G Wells University Bookshop provides all the books you need for your course, often cheaper than Amazon. You’ll find books recommended by your lecturers, and we’ll order books in for you at no extra charge. Contact the Bookshop at any time by emailing FOOD ON CAMPUS We lead the way in sustainable catering, providing food that is local, independent, fair and ethical. There is a wide range of food options, including vegan and gluten-free, across our multiple award-winning catering outlets. If you suffer from food allergies or have dietary requirements, email us on to find out how we can cater for you. SUSTAINABILITY We are passionate about sustainability and the environment in everything we do here at Winchester. From only using renewable energy to sending zero waste to landfill we are always seeking ways to improve sustainability. To reduce disposable cup use, you will be given a free reusable cup for hot drinks. We also encourage you to join us in our environmental aims by recycling as much as possible and taking steps to reduce your own environmental impact. We also have a huge range of activities, events and campaigns to get involved in.


Where your future matters From day one, there are a huge range of ways to get involved and get support during your time as a Winchester student (and for life!) to help launch you into a great graduate job. Our Careers and Opportunities Hub offers you: ■ An easy way to browse the range of extracurricular opportunities provided to you by your University and the Student Union through the Get Involved button. ■ First-rate employability support and advice for life, including: one-to-one advice with a Careers Advisor, workshops and info sessions and CareerConnect, our platform for finding jobs whether part-time whilst you study or there are jobs once you graduate. ■ Support with finding volunteering and work placements. ■ A Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR): your online, University-verified record of your academic transcript and all the different extracurricular activities you do as a student. ■ The Winchester Employability Fund to support you to volunteer or complete an unpaid work experience or internship. ■ Opportunities to make a difference by getting involved with Winchester Hub, our local branch of the national charity Student Hubs, which is all


about student-powered social change through a host of different volunteering experiences. ■ Study abroad opportunities: obviously subject to the latest Covid travel restrictions, many of our courses give you the chance to study in America, Europe, Canada or Asia. ■ All final year students are invited to apply to participate in the University of Winchester’s Professional Mentoring Scheme. Successful applicants will be matched with a working professional to gain employment support and advice. Starting in the autumn, you will meet them about once a month to gain from their insight and experience. It is a great opportunity to develop confidence and communication skills, expand your professional contacts and gain tailored advice from a knowledgeable professional, learning from their career stories. Find out more on the intranet. Interested? Good. We know your future matters, so from day one are here to help support you. Follow us on social media at uowcareers and then pop into St Alphege 303, the Careers and Opportunities Hub, once you’re on campus. Also feel free to email us on with any questions, we’d love to hear from you.


Winchester Student Union Student Led – Student Delivered– Student Empowered ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES We really hope that this academic year we can run our full-range of activities and services, all aimed at giving you opportunities for an excellent student experience. We will be doing all we can to safely offer a range of activities and services, including: ■ Events: The Vault, The Terrace Bar and The

Lounge, all located within the King Alfred Centre, host a huge range of events across the academic year. Check out what we’ve got coming up: Winchester Student Union is run for students, by students. We are an independent organisation from the University itself, and we are dedicated to representing and supporting you as students, as well as providing a wide range of opportunities, activities and events for all students. WELFARE Your welfare is a priority for all of us at Winchester Student Union and we understand the range of pressures students have on their plate. Look out for different welfare support services and activities run by the Student Union, including: ■ Winchester Student Union Advice Centre: we

offer free, independent and impartial support and guidance on a range of issues that may impact your University experience. We specialise in supporting you through the processes of academic appeals, misconduct allegations or if you need to make a complaint, as well as topics like wellbeing, money and housing. Visit www.winchesterstudents. to find out more and view our online resources ■ Student Listeners: A peer support scheme run for

you by students who have been training in listening and support schemes. From homesickness or housemates difficulties, sometimes we all need a listening ear. ■ Campaigns: from University Mental Health Day to

‘Let’s Talk About Sex’ week, your Student Union is regularly involved in campaigns focused on supporting all elements of your wellbeing.


■ Sports teams: over 50 different teams are available,

so whether you’ve played for years or just fancy trying something new, we’ve got a team for you: ■ Societies: over 40 different groups are available,

representing a huge variety of interests. Our student-led societies are a perfect way to explore your passions and be part of a community: ■ Representational networks: With a focus on

advocating equality, diversity and accessibility within specific under-represented student groups, each representational network is directly supported by the Student Union to improve the experience of students from the background they represent: EDUCATIONAL REPRESENTATION AND SUPPORT We believe students can be powerful change agents in shaping their own academic experience at university and encourage you to get involved with activities and programmes we run through our Education Zone, including our Student Academic Representative Scheme (StARs). Be the voice of your cohort and represent your course mates at StudentStaff Liaison Committees.

FRESHERS WEEK To give you a wonderful welcome to Winchester, Freshers Week is running all across Welcome Week (11 September – 19 September) with events, activities and welcome sessions to help you settle into university life. Keep an eye on the Student Union for the latest Freshers information: Be aware that the Student Union website is the only place to book onto official Student Union events, so be wary of other sites or social media accounts claiming to provide Freshers events. FRESHERS FAYRE – SATURDAY 18 SEPTEMBER Don’t miss this! Freshers Fayre gives you a great opportunity to discover extra-curricular activities and groups, local business and employment opportunities. Find out more at and see you there!

YOUR STUDENT UNION The President, Vice President Education and Welfare and Vice President Activities, along with five Student Officers have all been elected by students to lead your Student Union to help your university experience be as great as it can be. All students at the University of Winchester are automatically members of Winchester Student Union when they enrol, meaning you can access all of our opportunities, seek support and vote in our elections. If for any reason you do not wish to be a member, or at any point you wish to opt out of membership, please email Once enrolled, you can also apply for your National Union of Students (NUS) card, giving you access to plenty of student discounts. Find out more:

OfficialWinchester Freshers 2021 Winchester Student Union Facebook WinchesterSU Winch_SU


Report and Support Equality, diversity and inclusion are paramount to us at the University of Winchester. Whatever your background, culture or outlook, you are a welcomed and valued member of our community. As an institution, we are always working to advance our processes and practices to support all our students and staff. You may like to read our anti-racist statement for one example of the focused work we are prioritising.

Despite University being a positive experience for lots of students, we know that there are regrettably occasions where students may face bullying, harassment or other inappropriate behaviour. This is never okay and is why we are bringing in a new platform called ‘Report and Support’ from September, allowing any student or staff member to easily and quickly report to us any unacceptable behaviour so we can act where necessary, including through making systematic changes where appropriate. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on ‘Report and Support’ in September.

We have Race Harassment Guidance and Sexual Misconduct Guidance at - it is important you read and understand these documents.

Student Charter We have a Student Charter written together by the University and Winchester Student Union, which embodies the mutual expectation from both staff and students to help ensure all members of our University community can flourish. The Student Charter is specifically for postgraduate taught and undergraduate students.

The Student Charter outlines both the University and student commitments across four key areas:

Read our Student Charter at

■ Wellbeing

■ Your course ■ Assessment and feedback ■ Student voice

Student Protection Plan A Student Protection Plan sets out how a university protects its students, and what its students can expect to happen should a course, campus or university close. Our Student Protection Plan was developed in partnership between the University of Winchester and Winchester Student Union.


Read our Student Protection Plan at

Registry CENTRALLY ORGANISED EXAMS Registry is responsible for timetabling centrally organised exams and these are held during the Semester 1 assessment weeks in January (for semester 1 modules with professional, statutory and regulatory body requirements only) and during the three week assessment period (which follows the 12 teaching weeks) at the end of Semester 2. The timetable is published on the Intranet approximately four weeks beforehand. Students with exam support requirements (eg extra time), must advise Student Support and Success before the end of Week 8 in Semester 1 for Semester 1 exams and before the Semester 2 Spring Break for Semester 2 exams. In each instance students must confirm their exam support on My Record by these deadlines. After this date, support arrangements will only be made for valid medical or other emergencies. A timetable for students with exam support arrangements will be available for each exam on My Record at least five working days before the start of the exam period. If you are unable to view your timetable online please contact Registry. Please note that your Faculty or department is responsible for locally organised exams which may occur at any point within the academic year. Please contact them for further information.


If you are unable to attend any form of exam, you should advise your Faculty Office at the earliest opportunity and provide appropriate medical or other evidence. Where you cannot provide evidence in advance, you must provide it within five working days of the exam. Students who require leave of absence for exams in order to meet their commitments for religious observance should notify their programme administrator by no later than Week 4 of the semester in which the exam is running. When Ramadan falls during the May exams period Registry will, wherever possible, schedule centrally organised exams in the morning for participating students who have informed the Registry Exams Officer via email of this need by Week 4 of Semester 2. Please refer to the Exam Regulations and Section B of the Assessment Regulations. These can be found on the Regulations, Policies and Procedures section of the website. RESIT AND DEFERRED EXAMS Resit and deferred exams for Semester 2 are usually held in mid-July. Please do not book your summer vacation until you have received your end of year results and are sure that you will not be required to return to University during this period. The July exam timetable will be published on the Intranet approximately 1 week before the exams are due to be held.

PROGRESSION AND AWARD BOARDS AND THE ISSUING OF RESULTS Below is a table of the Progression and Award Boards normally held each year: Month

Progression and Award Board(s)

Partner/Programme(s)/Students considered

June (late)

Faculty Boards

All undergraduate programmes (except Social Work), and taught modules for Masters and ProfDoc programmes

July (mid)

Health and Wellbeing Faculty Board

Social Work and Primary Healthcare Practice programmes only

August (early)

Faculty Boards

Students who are referred from June Faculty Boards, PGCE students, undergraduate Degree Apprenticeship students, Associate students

September (early)

Joint Faculty Board

Students who are referred from July and August Faculty Boards

November (late)

All Faculty and Research Degree Quality Committee Boards

All taught postgraduate programmes (excluding PGCE) and ProfDoc programmes


Education and/or Health and Wellbeing Faculty Exam Board(s)

Students on professional programmes who are due to complete in January or are referred from September


Joint Faculty Board

All taught postgraduate and ProfDoc students - who are due to complete in February or are referred from November

The decision of the Progression and Award Board about whether you are eligible to proceed/graduate will be posted on My Record within seven to ten working days of the Board, and an email will be sent to your Unimail account to confirm their release. You will be able to see your module results on your Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) thereafter. Results cannot be collected in person or issued over the telephone. Please note that admittance to the Graduation ceremony will be denied for any student with a debt to the University. Students who receive an exit award of a Certificate of Higher Education or Diploma of Higher Education will not be invited to attend a Graduation ceremony. WORK/EXAMS TO BE (RE)SUBMITTED/(RE)SAT DURING THE SUMMER The precise date for submitting outstanding first or second attempts for coursework will be confirmed with your results. This is normally mid-July for students considered at the June Progression and Award Boards. Resit exams are also normally held in mid- July. Results for summer (re)submissions and deferred/resit exams and confirmation of whether you are eligible to proceed or graduate will be posted on My Record and a notification emailed to your Unimail address approximately 10 days after the Faculty Board.

CHANGES TO TIMETABLES OR MODULE SELECTIONS OR PROGRAMME OF STUDY Please note that it may be necessary to amend the modules that are on offer or the times they are taught (for example, if there are last-minute staff changes). You should therefore consult Canvas, Scientia, or the Intranet for any changes to timetables. You may apply to change your modules via the appropriate Faculty Office but the deadline for changes is the end of the second week of the Semester in which the module is being run. If you wish to change your programme, you will need to complete the Internal Programme Transfer form (available from the Registry Intranet page) and ensure that it is fully completed, approved by your current programme leader, and the programme leader for the programme you wish to change to, and returned to Registry. Registry will then write to officially confirm the transfer, if approved, and any conditions set by either programme leader. Registry will also contact the Student Loans Company (or equivalent), where appropriate, to confirm your programme change.


WITHDRAWAL/INTERRUPTING STUDIES If, for any reason, you are uncertain about whether to continue your programme, please seek advice from a member of staff, for example your Programme Leader, Faculty Office or Student Support and Success. If you subsequently decide to withdraw, interrupt study or transfer to another programme, please contact Registry immediately to obtain and complete the necessary form. Until the relevant form is completed, and approved, you will continue to be registered as a student of the University on your current programme. If you are living in University accommodation then you must contact the Housing team to confirm your leaving arrangements. As part of your contractual agreement with the University, you must complete the relevant withdrawal/interruption form, otherwise you will be deemed to be still in attendance and you will continue to be liable for tuition fees. Please note, this also applies to your liability to the Student Loans Company.


Please note that if you wish to interrupt before completing a year of study, marks for modules that you complete or repeat. Following your return will normally be capped, unless you have relevant evidence of valid extenuating circumstances. Withdrawal/interruption of studies may affect your entitlement to University Financial Support Please refer to our website or email for more information. AWARD CEREMONIES University of Winchester award ceremonies are normally held during the Autumn each year. Students whose award has been confirmed before the end of the third week in August of that year will be eligible to attend the award ceremonies in Autumn of the same year. Students who have work to complete or whose award is not confirmed by this date (eg Master’s students whose results are normally confirmed in November) will be eligible to attend the ceremony in the Autumn of the following year. Please note that receiving an award does not depend on attending a ceremony.

The nitty gritty WHO TO INFORM IF YOU… Intend to withdraw/interrupt your programme of study

There are many services available for advice, including Student Support and Success, the Student Union and Registry, and you are strongly advised to speak to your programme leader or Student Support and Success Advisor.

Are sick or need to be absent from a teaching session or an exam

Contact your Programme Adminstrator. If your absence is because of Covid, please also report this via the appropriate form on the intranet.

Intend to change your programme

To discuss your options, contact the Programme Leader for your current programme and for the programme you want to transfer to. Contact Registry to make a formal application

Intend to change your mode of attendance, eg full-time to part-time

Contact your Programme Leader or Registry to discuss the implications and the application process

Intend to change one or more modules

Contact your Programme Administrator

Intend to transfer to another institution

Contact Registry

Require support for your study/exams

Contact Student Support and Success (

Require proof of student status (for Council Tax exemption where applicable, a bank account, etc)

Print a Certificate of Student Status from ‘My Record’ on University Intranet

Want to withdraw from University-managed accommodation

Contact Student Housing (

Want to report the misconduct of or harassment by a student or staff member


Have questions about covid safety or preparations


Need to speak to someone about your circumstances in relation to covid, including regarding self-isolation upon arrival from countries with quarantine requirements


Change your term-time and/or home address

Update your address yourself on ‘My Record’ on the University Intranet

Change your name/gender/personal details (original proof required for some changes)

Contact Registry (

DATA SHARING There may be occasions where information the University of Winchester holds on you will need to be shared between its own departments. When the University needs to do this it will always rely upon the lawful bases set out in the General Data

Protection Regulation 2016 and the Data Protection Act 2018. No sensitive personal data will be routinely transferred between University departments.




You are expected to read all relevant polices, guidelines and regulations. A full range of University policies, guidelines and regulations, including the Terms and Conditions, can be found on the external website:

The University aims to provide a high standard and quality of service in respect of its academic programmes, services and facilities but recognises that occasionally things can go wrong. When they do, complaints will be properly and promptly addressed and any lessons learned applied to enhance the student experience. Further information, including a link to the Complaints Policy and a Guidance Leaflet, is at:

Below is a list of some of the key documents: • Academic Appeals Regulations, Form and Guidance • Academic Engagement Dashboard Policy • Academic Misconduct Policy • Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes • Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Research Programmes • Accessible and Inclusive Learning Policy • Assessment Regulations • Award and Classification Rules and Credit Framework Summary • Complaints Policy • Conduct Policy for Students Disciplinary Procedures for Students • Distance Learning Policy • Equality and Diversity Policy • Exam Regulations • External Examiners of Taught Programmes Policy and Procedures • Gender Identity and Reassignment Policy and Guidance • ICT Acceptable Use Policy • Intellectual Property Policy • Invigilation Policy • Learning and Teaching Strategy • Masters Dissertation – Presentation Guidelines • Payment of University Fees - Regulations • Policy on Student Use and Misuse of Social Media • Pregnancy, Adoption and Becoming a Parent while Studying – Approved Procedures • Race Harassment Policy (in process) • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy • Self-Certification for Extenuating Circumstances Policy and Form • Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy (in process) • Social Media Policy • Student Voice and Representation Policy • Supporting Students to Succeed (Extenuating Circumstances and Support to Study) Policy • Work-based Learning and Placements – Approved Procedures


Independent academic advice (including advice on complaints, academic appeals, academic misconduct and extenuating circumstances) is available to all students from the Student Union Advice Centre, who can help support and guide you through the processes and policies. Visit to get in touch with the Student Union Advisor. ATTENDANCE/ENGAGEMENT WITH TEACHING You are expected to engage with all teaching sessions, both in person and online. Material covered in these taught sessions forms the basis for your understanding of the subject and the successful completion of your modules. The University will monitor student engagement on modules. For regulations covering attendance, please see Section B3 of the Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes available on the website: see About Us > Leadership and Governance > Policies and Procedures. Please also note that your programme may have specific attendance requirements (and penalties) over and above the general University regulations. Please make sure you know what these are – if in doubt, ask your Programme Leader. STUDENT VOICE The University takes your feedback seriously and there are a number of ways where you can feedback on your experience. Whilst studying at Winchester, you may want to feedback about your course, or comment on what could be developed to improve your learning experience. One way you can do this is through the ‘StAR’ system (Student Academic Representatives). Being a StAR offers students the opportunity to collect opinions from classmates and feedback to University and Union staff through Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) meetings. This allows the student voice to be heard, and can make a real change within the courses that we offer. The changes and opinions are discussed within these meetings, and then are distributed back to their cohort by said StARs to

keep the students informed of the responses to their concerns and questions.

you on how best to address any weaknesses or, indeed, to further build on your strengths.

StARs are elected in Semester 1 after an introduction given to the students by The Student Union - The Vice President, Education & Welfare (VP). The VP will then carry out training sessions, in collaboration with the University to ensure that StARs are equipped properly to carry out their responsibilities. The VP will also be the StARs main point of contact for support and guidance throughout their time as a StAR.

You will be penalised for work submitted later without prior agreement. Please see section B and Appendix 5 of the Assessment Regulations, available on the website: see About Us > Leadership and Governance > Policies and Procedures, for details of these.

Insightful, student representation on committees, module evaluations, cohort meetings and questionnaires are examples of other ways in which you provide feedback to the University, either as part of the student group or as an individual. Additionally, the Student Fellows Scheme (SFS) provides an opportunity for students to design and carry out a research project with the aim of enhancing the student experience. Students will work in partnership with staff from across the university, developing their skills as researchers in a structured and supportive community. Student Fellows will also receive a bursary in recognition of their work on the project. Another method is through student satisfaction surveys, one of which is conducted by programmes in Level 5, and which asks questions which have been identified by students as important to their overall experience at the University. It not only asks questions about the academic side of your time at Winchester but also about a wide range of other services which the University provides. Feedback from the survey and the steps the University intends to take to remedy any dissatisfaction are publicised through the intranet. The Government also collects feedback from undergraduate final year students via the National Student Survey (NSS) and from postgraduates via the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey or the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey Although the University takes no direct part in the NSS itself, we strongly encourage students to complete it because it enables us to respond to students’ comments and measure our performance against other institutions. SUBMISSION OF ASSESSMENTS, FEEDBACK AND DEADLINES Deadlines are set for the submission of assessments so that work can be marked and returned to you within an appropriate timescale to provide you with feedback on your progress. This feedback should help you to identify both strengths and weaknesses in your work and, where necessary, enable academic staff to advise

If you have extenuating circumstances that are likely to affect your ability to meet the deadline you should apply for an extension or deferral. (See ‘Extenuating Circumstances’ below) EXAMS If your programme includes exams as part of your assessment, you will be notified of the time and place of your exam(s) near the time. Centrally organised formal exams take place during the Semester 1 assessment weeks in January (for those semester 1 modules with ‘professional, statutory and regulatory body’ requirements) or in the Semester 2 assessment period (usually May/June). Locally organised exams may be held at any time during either semester and your Faculty will notify you of the details. The exam timetables for centrally organised exams are published by Registry and posted on the intranet (for details of resit exams, please refer to Failure of modules/assessments overleaf). Please note that it is your responsibility to check the days/times/locations of your assessments/exams. You should also read the Exam Regulations on the external website. EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES If your attendance and/or performance are being affected by personal circumstances, then you should ensure the University is informed as soon as possible so that the University can provide support and advice. Details may be found in the • Supporting Students to Succeed (Extenuating Circumstances and Support to Study) Policy on the website see About Us > Leadership and Governance > Policies and Procedures. These documents explain the process which allows students, with valid extenuating circumstances, to apply for an extension to the deadline for submission of a piece of work or deferral of a practical assessment or exam. Please note that retrospective applications are permitted up to 5 working days after the assessment deadline. The application form for extenuating circumstances is available from the website see About Us > Leadership and Governance > Policies and Procedures and should be completed and returned to the appropriate Faculty Office. Please


note that extensions will only be permitted for good reasons (illness, for example) and that you must have some form of independent supporting evidence to back up your application. Extensions will not be granted for problems arising from personal computer failure, unless these relate to specialised hardware or software supplied via a DSA or equivalent to support learning. Students may also ‘Self Certify’ twice a year, to receive a 5-day extension without providing corroborating evidence. Further details can be found in the Self Certification for Extenuating Circumstances Policy. Finally, it is important to note that the same marking standards are applied to all students, regardless of circumstances, so the outcome of an application will not result in a mark change or change in marking practice. Instead the University will normally give you more time to enable you to complete the work. For details of the Supporting Students to Succeed (Extenuating Circumstances and Support to Study) Policy please go to the external website: About Us > Leadership and Governance > Policies and Procedures. GRADE DESCRIPTORS AND MARKING CRITERIA The University has a set of university marking criteria, aligned to learning outcomes which are applied in the assessment of your work. These are interpreted locally in the context of your modules and assessments. Programmes may enhance these with specific marking criteria to meet their specific requirements set by professional, statutory and regulatory bodies. These will be detailed on the Canvas pages for your modules/programme. MARK RECORDS Canvas, the virtual learning environment, contains information about your programme and taught modules including details regarding assignment submission, return and feedback. You will normally be required to submit coursework electronically, it is your responsibility to ensure work has uploaded correctly, by checking for the submission confirmation message in the top right region of the screen. In addition to confirming whether the submission was completed successfully you will be able to view anything that has been submitted or uploaded, and verify that there are no file format or corruption issues. You are very strongly advised to do this for every assignment and to take a screen shot of the screen as evidence. If you have any problems with submission please contact Canvas support and you tutor before the deadline, recording any call reference numbers that you are provided. If you


are required to submit coursework in hard copy either instead of or as well as an electronic submission, you will be required to attach a Cover sheet. If the work is returned to you in hard copy, the marker’s comments as well as the mark will be recorded on the Cover sheet and you should keep these hard copies safely filed as they provide proof of the work you have undertaken and marks received during the year. All marks are provisional until they are confirmed at the Progression and Award Boards held at the end of each academic year. Following the Progression and Award Board you will be contacted via your Unimail account with the decision of the Board. This will confirm if you are eligible to continue with your programme or graduate (as appropriate). MARKING PROCESS AND MODERATION The University defines the mark scheme used by all programmes. Within that scheme, programmes can use a single marker, two markers or a team of markers depending on the nature of the assessment and size of the cohort. In order to ensure assessments are marked in line with the expressed aims and learning outcomes and the grade descriptors and marking criteria, programmes will also use moderators to review samples of work and the marks awarded. Finally, the University appoints an External Examiner for each programme who will provide external scrutiny of all aspects of the programme including marking. All of which provides assurance for students of fairness and equality of marking and assures internal consistency of assessment within a module and a programme. For a full explanation, please refer to Section C and Appendix 6 of the Assessment Regulations, which can be found on the external website see About Us > Leadership and Governance > Policies and Procedures. ACADEMIC APPEALS Queries about marks, feedback, transcription errors or marking procedures should be raised at the time of the assessment or as soon as possible after assessments are returned. This enables the programme to resolve any problems quickly and minimise any confusion, distress or worry students may be experiencing. Complaints should be raised promptly, in accordance with the Complaints Policy. Academic Appeals may only be lodged after the University Progression and Award Board has confirmed the mark(s). While a student may disagree with the academic judgement of the Progression and Award Board, Panel of Examiners/Assessors or individual member of staff, they cannot complain or appeal with reference to academic judgement. Please

note that students cannot ask for work to be remarked or viewed by the External Examiner.

decision. During this time the University ensures that staff are available to assist you.

Please refer to Section 2 of the Academic Appeals Regulations on the website, see About Us > Leadership and Governance > Policies and Procedures, for further details about possible grounds for appeal and deadlines for submitting an appeal.


Independent academic advice (including advice on complaints, academic appeals, academic misconduct and extenuating circumstances) is available to all students from the Student Union Advice Centre, who can help support and guide you through the processes and policies. Visit to get in touch with the Student Union Advisor. PROGRESSION AND CONFIRMATION OF AWARD At the end of the academic year, a University Progression and Award Board will consider your academic profile and decide whether you are eligible to progress to the next stage of your programme or graduate with your intended award. Details of progression and award criteria may be found in Sections C and F of the Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes on the website, see About Us > Leadership and Governance > Policies and Procedures. Most students complete their programme with no difficulty. In a small number of cases students are required to resubmit work or resit exams in order to meet the requirements of their programme/award. Please note that, should you be required to re-sit an exam during the summer vacation, it is expected that you will attend; it is not acceptable to cite holiday plans or vacation work as a reason for non-attendance. Please ensure that you are aware of the dates before making holiday or other arrangements which would affect your ability to attend. The resit-deferred exam period in 2021/22 is likely to be in the week commencing 11 July 2022. If you have any queries, please contact Registry. Your results will be published on My Record normally at the beginning of July (for most programmes) and an email will be sent to your Unimail account to confirm their release. Your HEAR record will also be updated and you will also receive an email notification to your Unimail account to confirm this. Please note that results cannot be given over the telephone or be given to a third party. Students who receive their results in July and require advice should contact the University during Student Advice Week after receiving notification of the Progression and Award Board’s

Should you fail a module at the first attempt, you will normally be permitted a second attempt to pass the failed assessment(s) for the minimum pass mark (i.e. a maximum mark of 40% for modules at levels 3-6 or 50% for modules at level 7). Usually the second attempt will take the form of, and often duplicate, the original assignment. In some cases, an alternative assessment may be set although the purposes of the original assignment will be maintained. One such example might be where the original assignment included group work. The deadlines for second attempts for coursework for Semester 1 modules are normally scheduled during Semester 2; second attempts for coursework for Semester 2 modules are normally due in early/mid July. Resit exams for Semester 2 are normally held in mid-July. Students should check with the Faculty office for the module(s) concerned to find out when and how details of second attempts/resits are confirmed. Further details concerning second attempts may be found in section B12 of the Assessment Regulations. PLAGIARISM, CHEATING AND OTHER FORMS OF ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT Cheating, lying and taking unfair advantage, whether deliberately or unintentionally, is not deemed acceptable conduct in society and the same applies to your academic conduct at University too. The terms used may be different but the outcome is the same and the University has a responsibility to protect the reputation of its students, graduates and staff by penalising those who breach the expected standards of academic conduct. All forms of cheating or activity which result in students gaining an unfair academic advantage are defined as Academic Misconduct. Examples include self-plagiarism, collusion, falsification, contract cheating, personation or ghosting, false declaration and unethical conduct, but this list is not exhaustive and where the University deems an offence to fall within the definition of academic misconduct, it will be addressed via the Academic Misconduct Policy. The most common form of academic misconduct is plagiarism, which the University defines as ‘the verbatim or near-verbatim copying or paraphrasing without acknowledgement, from published or unpublished material which is the


intellectual property of another, including the work of other students regardless of whether the work was used with or without permission from the author’.

The University take any breach of academic conduct extremely seriously and the penalties listed above apply to all forms of academic misconduct, not just plagiarism.

Plagiarism is a very serious matter within academia. It is, basically, cheating-using someone else’s ideas and passing them off as your own, regardless of whether you do so intentionally or unintentionally. These ideas may be from published sources, obtained through the internet or from fellow students.

For further details, please refer to the Academic Misconduct Policy on the external website: About Us > Leadership and Governance > Policies and Procedures.

Less serious faults and/or a first offence may be classified as ‘poor academic practice’ and lead to failure of the assessment. More serious offences or a second or subsequent offence will be classified as plagiarism, and will, at the very least, lead to failure of an entire module, but possibly your year of study and even your entire programme. Even failure for one module may affect your ability to graduate so you are strongly advised to read the following ‘Student’s Guide to Plagiarism, Collusion and Poor Academic Practice’. If you have any further concerns about this issue, please seek advice from academic staff. There are common errors that students make which we call ‘lapses in academic conduct’. These lapses are not treated as academic misconduct but you can expect markers to deduct marks because they indicate a poor or careless writing style and may mean the student has failed to meet the marking criteria. For examples of the sort of errors that fall into this category, please see paragraph 2.15 of the Academic Misconduct Policy.


Independent academic advice (including advice on complaints, academic appeals, academic misconduct and extenuating circumstances) is available to all students from the Student Union Advice Centre, who can help support and guide you through the processes and policies. Visit to get in touch with the Student Union Advisor.

Travel and transport For full details of how to travel to campus and all transport discounts available visit All following transport provisions are subject to the travel companies’ offers and their Terms and Conditions. PUBLIC TRANSPORT Park and Ride – If you are looking to drive to Winchester, please use the Park and Ride service. There are four Park and Ride sites in Winchester and we are well served by the service. The nearest Park and Ride bus stop is outside the Royal Hampshire County Hospital on Romsey Road, less than a five minute walk to both King Alfred and West Downs Quarters. Up to six passengers can travel on each daily Park and Ride ticket, perfect if you’re car sharing. We offer discounts on the Park and Ride scheme for students. Find out by visiting You also have the option to Park and Stride from Pitt Park and Ride, which is a 20 minute walk to campus. Bluestar bus – The nearest Bluestar bus stop is on Southgate Street, a 10-minute stroll from campus. Discounts may be available on multi-day tickets. For more information, email Stagecoach Unirider bus – Stagecoach’s Student Unirider bus ticket is for travel on any Stagecoach bus across Zone 1 (Winchester only) or Zone 2 (Winchester, Hampshire, Surrey and West Sussex) all day, 7 days a week. You can purchase Unirider tickets once you have enrolled. See for full details. TRAIN We currently sell South Western Railway season tickets, which could help you save on train travel to Winchester each semester. The ticket can be used for unlimited journeys, peak and off-peak, between your starting station and Winchester, and at evenings and weekends. Tickets can be purchased from the University’s online store using your University email address once you’ve enrolled. Email for prices, Terms and Conditions and further details.


CYCLE We have extensive cycle storage facilities on campus including cycle hoops, covered shelters and cycle lockers. We also have showers available for cyclists. During the semester we have a monthly Bike Doctor on campus – bring along your cycle for a FREE basic service and minor repairs. A 10% discount on cycles and accessories is available at both Hargroves Cycles and Halfords in Winchester when you present your student ID card. CAR SHARE The University has a car share database so you can find other students commuting from your area. You can join the University car share database by registering at with your University email address once you have enrolled. PARKING Students will not be able to apply for a permit to park on campus, unless you meet certain criteria such as having a carer, having an evidenced medical need, or living a certain distance from public transport. For full information please search for the Parking Regulations on our website closer to semester. If you are unsure about the best way to get to the University or have enquiries about travel by public transport please email

Find your way around your campus





(B 30 40




10 14





21 22














11 1

8 26

3 17 MILN


29 12 20 19








2 15


Alwyn Hall (AH)

11. Kenneth Kettle Building (KKB)

21. St Elizabeth’s Hall


Beech Glade

12. King Alfred Centre

22. St Grimbalds Court (SGC)


Bowers Building (BB)

13. Martial Rose Library

23. St James’ Hall


Burma Road Student Village

14. Masters Lodge

24. St Swithun’s Lodge (SSL)


Centre for Sport (CFS)

15. Medecroft (MC)

25. The Stripe (SA, SS, SLR, SMR)



16. Medecroft Annexe (MA)

26. Tom Atkinson Building (TAB)

17. Paul Chamberlain Building (PCB)

27. UoW Business School (UWBS)

7. Cottage 8.

Fred Wheeler Building (FWB)

18. Queen’s Road Student Village

28. West Downs Student Village


Herbert Jarman Building (HJB)

19. St Alphege (SAB)

29. Winton Building (WB)

20. St Edburga (SEB)

30. West Downs Centre

10. Holm Lodge (HL)


Useful contacts ASK WINCHESTER Wednesday 1 September - Friday 10 September For any queries about starting at Winchester, including online registration help Chat to us live on our website from 8:30am - 4:30pm


+44 (0) 1962 827321




FINANCE TEAM Payments: +44 (0) 1962 827257

CAREERS +44 (0) 1962 827310

Other queries: +44 (0) 1962 827536/827275 Winchester Careers Service



+44 (0) 1962 826427


CHAPLAINCY +44 (0) 1962 827063

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT OFFICER University of Winchester Chaplaincy

IT SERVICES +44 (0) 1962 827654


+44 (0) 1962 827306 University of Winchester Library



UniWinLibrary uniwinlibrary MENTAL HEALTH TEAM NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE (NHS) 111 or call 111

MAIN RECEPTION +44 (0) 1962 841515

REGISTRY +44 (0) 1962 827210 SECURITY OFFICE


+44 (0) 1962 827666

+44 (0) 1962 827418

_UoWSecurity Winchester Student Union



+44 (0) 1962 827650



The University of Winchester Sports Facilities UoWsports _UoWSports




STUDENT HOUSING SERVICES +44 (0) 1962 827533 University of Winchester Housing UniversityofWinchesterHousing

+44 (0) 1962 871730 St Clements Surgery +44 (0) 1962 852211 St Paul’s Surgery +44 (0) 1962 8535



+44 (0) 1962 827341


UniWinchester UniofWinchester


: UniofWinchester

+44 (0) 1962 827008


Terms and Conditions The following is a summary of the key terms in the University’s Terms and Conditions. The full Terms and Conditions are available at: Please ensure you read the full Terms and Conditions and relevant University Regulations (as stated in the full Terms and Conditions) before accepting an offer of a place at the University and before enrolling. PRE-ENROLMENT CONTRACT When you Enrol, an Enrolment Contract including the terms of the Contract Information is formed between you and the University. Your liability to pay Tuition Fees arises at Enrolment. When you enrol (please note this is distinct to Registration, which all prospective Students are required to do - please see clause 3.5 of the full Terms and Conditions for further information) you have a further statutory right to cancel your Enrolment Contract (this is in addition to the statutory right to cancel your Pre-Enrolment Contract as mentioned in clause 2.2.3). The additional cancellation period will expire at the end of 14 calendar days after the day you enrol at the University. In these circumstances, please notify the Academic Register in writing (including by email) of your decision to cancel your Enrolment Contract or use the facility available on our Website to do so. Subject to clause 2.4, the University will refund to you any monies that you have paid to the University under the Enrolment Contract within 14 calendar days after the day on which we receive your notification. (Details of cancellation rights outside of statutory periods can be found in clause 6.4). Your Enrolment Contract expires in accordance with clause 2.5. ENROLMENT CONTRACT When you accept the offer of a place on a Course, a Pre-Enrolment Contract is formed between you and the University. The terms of this Contract are determined by the Contract Information provided. Your Pre-Enrolment Contract reserves you a place on your Course and gives you the opportunity to Enrol if you meet the terms of your offer, your entry requirements and any special requirements within your Contract Information. You have a statutory right to cancel your Pre-


Enrolment Contract. The cancellation period will expire at the end of 14 calendar days after the day you accept the offer of a place on a Course. In these circumstances, please notify the Admissions Team of your decision to cancel your Pre-Enrolment Contract or use the facility available on our Website to do so. Subject to clause 2.4 of the full Terms and Conditions [LINK], the University will refund to you any monies that you have paid to the University under the PreEnrolment Contract within 14 calendar days after the day on which we receive your notification. (Details of cancellation rights outside of statutory periods can be found in clause 6.4) Your Pre-Enrolment Contract automatically expires if and when you Enrol, in which circumstances you progress to an Enrolment Contract and clause 2.3 applies. If you do not Enrol by the deadline date you have been given by the University, your Pre-Enrolment Contract will automatically expire at 23.59 on that date. TUITION FEES The University charges Tuition Fees for the delivery of its Courses and you will have primary responsibility for payment. Please see full Terms and Conditions for details. If you do not pay your Tuition Fees when they fall due, the University will charge you an administration fee for recording this in the accounts and chasing you for payment. The University reserves the right at any time during the Academic Year to withdraw you from your Course and to withhold all Services until all outstanding Tuition Fees are paid and/or terminate the Enrolment Contract between you and the University. ADDITIONAL COURSE COST Additional costs are the mandatory or optional expenses, additional to tuition fees, that need to be paid for by students to fully participate and complete their studies. This covers such things as equipment, trips, placements and DBS checks. Each Course has different additional costs involved and these are listed on the relevant Course web site.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY The University recognises that each student is the owner of the intellectual property they create during their Course. However, there are exceptions to this as details in the Intellectual Property Policy. LIABILITY The University expressly excludes liability to the fullest extent permissible by law for all damage to your property and for personal injuries or death, unless caused by the negligence of the University or its staff. Unless it is liable in negligence for personal injury or death, the University limits its liability to the value of tuition fees paid by you or on your behalf, or, if greater, any relevant amount received from its insurers.

not be awarded the qualification for which you are studying. Students found in breach of the Academic Misconduct Regulations may have sanctions imposed which can range from a formal warning to expulsion from the University. APPEALS If you wish to appeal as an applicant, please follow the Appeals by Student Applicants Policy*. If you are an enrolled student, please follow the Academic Appeals Regulations. COMPLAINTS


The University has one Complaints Policy* for both applicants and enrolled students.

Students are required to abide by the University’s Regulations and associated Policies*.



The University address is:

Students are required to abide by the Student Conduct Policy. Some courses also have professional conduct requirements.

The University of Winchester, Sparkford Road, Winchester, Hampshire. SO22 4NR


Telephone Number: +44(0)1962 841515 Fax Number: +44(0)1962 842280

The University will investigate allegations of misconduct in accordance with its own procedures and students found in breach of these may be subject to disciplinary sanctions. These can range from an informal verbal warning to expulsion from the University. Please see section 12 of the full Terms and Conditions.

*Policies can be found by searching for Policies and Procedures on the website.

If you do not meet the assessment requirements for your University level and/or course, you may not be permitted to progress to the next stage of our Course, you may have to repeat assessments or modules or you may have to withdraw from your Course and may


Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes Academic Quality and Development 2021/22

Document Title:

Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes

Document Author:

Quality Office Academic Quality & Development

Responsible Person and Department:

Director of Academic Quality & Development

Approving Body:


Date of Approval:

23 June 2021

Date Effective From:

1 September 2021

Review Date:


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Public Access

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Internal Access Only Applies to Collaborative Provision

(Strikethrough text, as appropriate) Summary/Description: This document defines the Academic Regulations for all taught programmes, validated by the University of Winchester, including undergraduate, PGCE and taught postgraduate programmes. The regulations governing assessment for taught programmes can be found in the Assessment Regulations A summary of changes to this document appears below.

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SUMMARY OF CHANGES This list summarises the changes since 2016/17. The date confirms when the changes were implemented. Implementation date 1 September 2021

Changes Approved by Senate 1. Clarification that students may repeat studies having already trail failed (D2.2) 2. Addition of the requirement for students to submit an academic appeal if they wish to apply for a second period of repeat study based on extenuating circumstances (D2.12) 3. Correction to the PGCE credits (E.1) 4. Removal of all references to Combined Honours programmes 5. Amendment of section regarding the Academic Year Calendar (Appendix 2) 6. References made throughout to the new Supporting Students to Succeed: Extenuating Circumstances and Support to Study Procedures

31 August 2020

31 August 2019

1. Definition of Repeat Study – explicit reference to the number of credits that can be taken during repeat study (D2) 2. Addition of reference to programmes that are unable to meet the standard award calculation (F3.10) 3. Removal of references to Foundation Degree and Graduate Diploma (E1, F3, G1) 4. Removal of reference to Level 6 for the awards of PGCE and Professional Graduate Certificate 5. Updates to amend Exam Board to Progression and Award Board(s) 1. Removal of D1.3 due to repetition, renumbering of subsequent points 2. Addition of new and missing programmes (G1.3) 3. Removal of section CATS Levels (outdated) (Appendix 1, 1.20) 4. Addition of new Award Titles and removal of those no longer in use (Appendix 5)

16 May 2019

1. Explicit reference to the fact that an IS and an EIS refers to the module and simply an assessment called IS or EIS. (E4.1, E6.1, F2, F3.1 – 2, Appendices 1 and 4) 2. Inclusion of references to and definitions for level 3 and Foundation Year (C4. E1, F2.1, Appendix 1) 3. Clarification of the exceptions to normal progression rules (C4 a) – c)) 4. Clarification of grounds for amending the period of registration in accordance with the RPL Policy (G2.1)

1 September 2018

1. Modes of study expanded to include year-long placements, study abroad, exchange study and blended and distance learning (B1.4) 2. References to year-long placements and study abroad included throughout 3. Clarification for linking personal email and Unimail (B2.2); 4. Remove requirement to submit Master’s Independent Study (IS) module after completing/passing taught modules (C6)

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5. Clarification that student’s may interrupt, without penalty, within the first four weeks of the start of a module (D1.1) 6. Upgrade rule removed for cohorts starting in September 2018 and later. (F4) 7. Amendments to expected PT periods of registration (G1.3) 8. Amendments to the programme titles (Appendix 5) 1 September 2017

1. Inclusion of Grade Point Average (GPA)

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ACADEMIC REGULATIONS FOR TAUGHT PROGRAMMES TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION A Section A1 Section A2 SECTION B Section B1 Section B2 Section B3 Section B4 SECTION C SECTION D Section D1 Section D2 Section D3 SECTION E Section E1 Section E2 Section E3 Section E4 Section E5 Section E6 SECTION F

INTRODUCTION 2 Scope of the Regulations 2 Suspension of the Regulations 2 ENROLMENT, CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS AND ATTENDANCE 2 Enrolment 2 Contractual Obligations 3 Student Attendance and Workload Obligations 3 Full-time and Part-time Load 4 PROGRESSION 5 INTERRUPTING STUDY, REPEAT STUDY AND INTERNAL TRANSFERS 6 Interrupting Study 6 Applications to Repeat Study or Trail Fail 7 Internal Transfers 9 CREDITS AND PROGRAMME STRUCTURE 9 Credit and Study Requirements for Programmes 9 Minimum Credit to be Earned at the University 10 Common Structure 11 Undergraduate Programme Structure 11 Integrated Masters Programme Structure 11 Postgraduate Programme Structure 12 GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA), AWARD CALCULATIONS AND AWARD CLASSIFICATIONS 12 Section F1 Awards and GPA 12 Section F2 GPA and Award Calculations 12 Section F3 Award Classifications 13 Section F4 Classification for Borderlines for Honours 14 Section F5 Aegrotat and Posthumous Awards 15 SECTION G PERIODS OF REGISTRATION 15 Section G1 Period of Registration 15 Section G2 Changing the Period of Registration 16 SECTION H ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT 16 SECTION I APPEALS AND COMPLAINTS 16 APPENDIX 1 DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY 18 APPENDIX 2 ACADEMIC YEAR 20 APPENDIX 3 ADMISSIONS, TRANSFERS AND READMISSIONS 21 3.1 Admissions Process and Entry Requirements 21 3.2 Entry with Advanced Standing via RPL and Internal Transfers 21 3.3 Re-Admission following Termination of Registration or Exclusion 21 APPENDIX 4 LIST OF AWARD TITLES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS 22

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The Regulations are intended to be used as a primary source of information. Alongside the Regulations, the University operates a wide range of institutional policies and procedures. Key aspects of these policies and procedures are incorporated within the Regulations and reference is made there to the full policy or procedures, which can be found on the University’s website.

Section A1

Scope of the Regulations


The Academic Regulations for Taught Programmes, referred to here as the Regulations, apply to all taught provision of the University of Winchester and to all students undertaking that provision unless specifically exempted by Senate or disallowed under accreditation agreements with Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies. A full list of all awards, including Honorary degrees, is contained in Appendix 5.


The University reserves the right to withdraw programmes and to make changes in regulations, programmes, modules, fees, etc, at any time before or after an applicant’s admission. Admission to the University is subject to compliance with the University’s registration and enrolment procedures and its Regulations.


The Regulations for each year shall be approved annually by the Senate Academic Development Committee and Senate during the previous year.


The Regulations in force at any time shall be those for that academic year unless specified otherwise. When a student registers at the start of an academic year for a year of study or part way through an academic year, the student shall sign up for the Regulations for that academic year.


When a student resumes study after an interruption the student shall undertake to abide by the Regulations and the programme and module specifications in force at the time of resumption.


The Academic Regulations may be amended, through the Senate Academic Development Committee, by authority of Senate.

Section A2

Suspension of the Regulations


In exceptional circumstances, a programme or subject may seek an exemption from one or more of the Regulations, normally, at the time of validation or review. Application to do so shall follow appropriate consultation with other programmes and subjects as required, and shall be made explicit at the time of validation or review and must be explicitly approved by the Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures Committee. Where approval is secured, this must again be made explicit in the Programme Specification and added to the list of Exemptions held by the Quality Office on the University Intranet.


In exceptional circumstances, and following appropriate consultation, a programme or subject may seek to obtain formal approval through the Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures Committee to suspend temporarily one or more of the Regulations. Where approval is secured, students shall be explicitly notified before implementation. (An example of this might occur where a programme is running out or an external event prevents the normal procedures to apply.)



Section B1



All students shall enrol annually in accordance with procedures established by the Academic Registrar. Failure to re-enrol shall result in termination of registration.


A student shall not be permitted to enrol on more than one taught programme leading to a qualification at one time except with the special permission of the Academic Registrar. This

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includes registration at another higher education provider. Failure to disclose any information relevant to this regulation may result in disciplinary action being taken and termination of registration, particularly in cases involving fraud or academic misconduct. B1.3

New students, who have not enrolled by Friday of week 4 of the semester in which their proposed programme starts, must defer starting their studies until the next intake for the programme.


Student enrolled with the University of Winchester and registered for a programme shall undertake the programme in accordance with the specified mode of study. Change of mode of study is not permissible except where the programme allows it. The following modes of study apply: a)

full-time study;


part-time study;


year abroad;


placement year;


exchange or study abroad period (maximum period allowed is equivalent to one semester);


distance learning (studying wholly at a distance)


blended learning (a combination of on-site and distance learning)

Section B2

Contractual Obligations


Every student undertakes to abide by the Regulations of the University and any programme, subject and/or module specifications for which they have registered, as a condition of enrolment, and to be subject to the University’s discipline whilst registered at the University.


The University is responsible for providing students with a functioning University email account for educational purposes and providing adequate support. All formal email communication between the University and students shall proceed through this account. Students shall, therefore, undertake to monitor communications at least once a week. (Students who wish to retain and use their non-student email account for University communications relating to their studies shall be responsible for ensuring there is an effective link between this account and the Unimail account and they shall be responsible for maintaining this link.)


Should a student transfer to another programme and/or to another mode of study at the University, or withdraw temporarily or permanently from a programme, they shall obtain written approval in accordance with the University’s procedures.


A student remains enrolled unless:



they have advised the University of their withdrawal by completing the approved withdrawal form and submitting it to Registry; or


the University has terminated their registration.

An enrolled student of the University shall ensure that their record, held by the University, always has their most up to date residential addresses and contact numbers, both permanent and local/term-time.

Section B3

Student Attendance and Workload Obligations


The nature of students’ academic obligations (including attendance at lectures, classes and seminars, performance of practical and written work, etc) varies between programmes, subjects and modules.


Students admitted to full-time programmes are required to attend the two University semesters each year as defined in the Programme Specification for their programme and this may include additional periods of study outside the University’s standard Attendance Dates, as published annually in the Academic Year Calendar (see Appendix 2 for further details).

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Students admitted to part-time or distance-learning programmes are required to attend as defined in the Programme Specification for their programme.


Students undertaking a year abroad, placement year or exchange or study abroad period are required to meet their academic obligations, as required by the institution where they are studying or, in the case of the placement, as defined by the programme and agreed with the organisation where they are placed.


Wherever possible, the student should trail fail with attendance because the experience and outcome are likely to be beneficial to the student. There are two circumstances in which a student must attend a trail fail module: a)

if the module they are taking to replace a failed module is new to them (e.g. where the original module is not running or the student requested and is permitted to replace the module with a new module).


where Programmes have identified modules which can only be trail failed with attendance in their Module Description. For example, Volunteering or Placement modules.

If, in the case of a) and b) above, the module clashes with the student’s normal timetable and it is not possible to amend the timetable, then the student shall not be permitted to trail fail but must repeat study instead. B3.6

Students who fail to satisfy individual subject or programme attendance and/or workload requirements may be: a)

penalised in accordance with the Programme’s Attendance Rules;


required to leave the programme or subject;


denied the opportunity to repeat study, trail fail or to transfer to another subject, programme or other modules.


Students who feel they have good cause for failing to meet attendance and/or workload requirements, for example due to personal or medical circumstances, may apply for extenuating circumstances to be taken into account and should refer to the University’s Supporting Students to Succeed: Extenuating Circumstances and Support to Study Procedures for further details.


While the University recognises that many students combine study with paid or voluntary work, it is the responsibility of students to organise their time in a way which allows them to participate in required teaching and learning activities and complete assignments and exams at the appropriate time. International students must also abide by any condition of their visa requirements which may include a restriction on part-time work.

Section B4 B4.1

Full-time and Part-time Load

The normal full-time load is 60 credits per semester. An exception may be approved, subject to programme, PSRB and timetabling requirements, for students to take up to 90 credits in a single semester but no more than 150 credits in total in the following cases only: a) students permitted to trail fails 1; b) students who are transferring internally from one programme and who need to take additional modules in order to meet pathway requirements l; c) students who wish to take and pass or audit additional modules for academic interest.


A year abroad or placement year shall be equivalent to 120 credits.


A part-time load is normally half the equivalent full-time load, although individual programmes may permit part-time students to undertake an accelerated route of study and trail fails up to 30 credits in any one year of study.


All students shall sign to confirm that they have read and understood the guidance relating to the trail fail process.

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A part-time student may also be permitted to vary their part-time load during their programme.


Continuing Education students normally register for, and attend, discrete modules on a semester by semester basis.




Each Faculty shall hold a Progression and Award Board to consider students’ eligibility for progression or award. (Refer to the Assessment Regulations, for further details)


The University reserves the right to deny students permission to continue on a programme if they: a)

have not made a bona fide attempt to submit work by set deadlines;


fail to attend an exam or practical assessment without valid cause;


fail to satisfy specific attendance requirements for their programme, subject or module(s), as defined in the Programme’s own Attendance Rules;


fail to meet specified requirements set by a Progression and Award Board, including passing any trail fail modules.


Any student required to withdraw under C2 above shall have the normal rights of appeal in accordance with the Academic Appeals Regulations.


An undergraduate student shall normally pass 120 credits at one level before being permitted to progress to a higher level. These credits may include compensated modules (in accordance with Section D4 or D5 of the Assessment Regulations), modules accredited via an internal or external transfer (in accordance with D3 of these Regulations or the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy, respectively). The following exceptions may apply: a) An exception may be made for students permitted to trail fail one or two modules in accordance with Section D2 below. b) Unless specified otherwise in the Programme Specification, students who fail the year abroad or placement year shall proceed as normal but, on conclusion of their final year of study, shall receive an exit award for the three-year programme. c) Students shall not normally be permitted to progress to the next academic year of their programme unless they have paid at least 80% of their tuition fees and have an agreed payment plan in place for the balance (in accordance with the Student Finance Regulations for the relevant year of study). Students studying with Collaborative Partners shall be liable for fees in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set by their institution.


For programmes with a year abroad or placement year, the progression requirement to the year abroad or placement year shall normally be 120 credits at level 5. Students may complete these modules by repeat study prior to the year abroad or placement year but cannot trail fail modules during their year abroad or placement year.


An Integrated Masters student shall normally pass the 120 credits taken at level 5/6 (with a minimum of 90 credits at level 6) during their third year of full-time study (or part-time equivalent) with an overall average mark of 50% in order to proceed to level 7. Exceptionally, the substantive mark achieved for second attempts at failed assessments and/or repeated modules shall be taken into account for the purposes of calculating the overall average mark for progression to L7 of an Integrated Masters programme only.


A part-time student shall normally pass all modules for which they were registered in an academic year before being permitted to progress from one year to the subsequent year at the same level of study.


A student shall normally be permitted a second attempt to pass failed modules before progressing to the next academic year of the programme. (Refer to the Assessment Regulations for further details about second attempts.)

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A student who has failed to satisfy the requirements for progression to the next stage of their programme may apply to (re)take the failed module(s) either as repeat study or as (a) trail fail(s). If, after retaking the failed module(s), the student has still not completed the requirements for progression from the previous year, they shall not be permitted to proceed and shall instead be required to leave the programme. (See Section D2.)


Where a student fails to complete the requirements of their intended award as a result of failing to progress, they shall be considered for the highest exit award appropriate for the level reached.



Section D1

Interrupting Study


Students, who are unable to continue their programme due to extenuating circumstances, may apply to interrupt their studies provided that they shall be able to resume study and complete their intended award within the maximum period of registration. Students who wish to interrupt study but do not have extenuating circumstances may apply to do so without penalty within the first four weeks of the start of a module but after this date any incomplete modules, which need to be repeated, shall normally be capped at the minimum pass mark.


The period of the interruption shall normally be up to one year and exceptionally up to a maximum of two years, subject to any PSRB restrictions.


Students who wish to interrupt study shall complete and submit the appropriate application form, together with evidence of their extenuating circumstances 2 to their Faculty. The Faculty Evidence Panel shall determine whether or not the extenuating circumstances are valid. The form (without the evidence) shall then be passed to the Programme Leader who may then approve an application to interrupt study for a maximum period of up to one year 3. If a further break in study is requested or the initial request is for more than one year, the approval of the Head of Academic Department shall be sought. Where appropriate, the Programme Leader shall confirm details about how to manage any incomplete modules and any conditions for their return to study. Where the extenuating circumstances are deemed valid by the Faculty Evidence Panel, outstanding results may be recorded as ‘L’ grades pending completion of the module after the student returns to study or the student may be permitted to repeat the entire module normally for substantive marks.


Once approved, the form and the evidence shall be forwarded to Registry in order for the details to be processed. Until the form has been received by Registry, a student shall remain enrolled for their current programme. Access to University facilities (e.g. IT and Library services) are normally suspended while students interrupt their studies.


Shortly before students are due to return to their studies, Registry staff shall contact them to confirm the date of return and any details relating to their studies that need to be confirmed, eg module choices.


Where the reasons for interrupting study relate to medical or health issues, the University may require specific evidence to demonstrate that the issues have been addressed before permitting the student to resume their studies. Such evidence shall normally be detailed at the point of interruption. (Refer to the Supported Study – Approved Procedures for further details.)


In view of the pace of educational change, students who interrupt study may be required to provide proof of appropriate study and professional re-orientation prior to resuming the programme.

Students who wish to keep the extenuating circumstances confidential may apply to Student Services to support their request. 3 Requests to interrupt study shall normally be approved. Exceptions might be where the programme is running out and it will not be possible for the student to return to the same programme. In these cases, the Programme Leader shall discuss with the student whether it would be possible to transfer to another programme. 2

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Students who wish to resume their studies after an interruption shall re-enrol on the programme, in accordance with University procedures, before they are permitted to continue their studies. When students resume study they shall sign up for the Regulations and the programme, subject and module specifications in force at the time of resumption.


Students who take an agreed interruption with the intention of returning and subsequently find they are unable to return to complete their studies within the period of registration, shall write to Registry to confirm their inability to return and, where appropriate, may request consideration for the highest terminal exit qualification. This request shall be made before the start of the final year of the period of registration.


Students who fail to contact the University to either arrange their return to study or discuss other options to retain their registration no later than 20 working days of their expected return date shall be deemed to have unofficially withdrawn and their registration shall normally be terminated with effect from their expected return date.

Section D2

Applications to Repeat Study or Trail Fail

Repeat Study is defined as one or more modules (with capped assessments marks) taken to replace modules failed the previous academic year in order to complete a level or stage of study. The modules may be the same or different depending on programme requirements and availability. The number of credits taken will be limited to the same number that has been failed i.e. students will not be permitted to take additional modules during repeat study. Progression on the programme is halted until the repeat study has been completed and the Progression and Award Board has confirmed that the student is clear to proceed to the next stage or level. The modules being taken must be attended and all assessments submitted as if the module were being taken for the first time. Trail Fail is defined as the procedure by which a student may take one or two modules (up to a maximum of 30 credits and with capped assessments marks) alongside their normal programme in order to complete the previous level or stage of study. A module being taken to replace a previously failed module may be the same module or a new module depending on programme requirements, availability and timetabling. The student may normally choose whether or not to attend a module taken to replace a trail fail 4 except in the case of modules being taken for the first time or where Programme or PSRB requirements prohibit this 5. Trail fails cannot be taken after the final year of study has been completed. After this, the student is only eligible to apply to repeat study unless they have already repeated. D2.1

Students who have failed one or more modules and are either ineligible to proceed to the next academic year of study or ineligible to graduate may be offered the opportunity to apply to repeat the failed modules by repeat study or trail fails, with the exception of students studying at level 3, who may only apply to repeat study.


Undergraduate students may be permitted a maximum of one application to repeat modules or trail fails during their period of undergraduate study at the University, regardless of whether they are changing pathway 6. An exception may be made for: a) students with valid extenuating circumstances (See D2.11 and D2.12 below for details) b) students who repeat study at level 3 and successfully proceed to level 4, shall be permitted a second opportunity to apply to repeat study later during their period of undergraduate study without the need for valid extenuating circumstances. 7 c) Students who have trail failed modules and then failed the year may be offered the opportunity to repeat the failed modules by PT study.

The option or requirement to attend does not apply to modules which are delivered by Distance Learning. An example of a Programme requirement prohibiting a trail fail could be where the failed module is a pre-requisite for another module so the two modules could not be taken together. 6 This includes Integrated Masters programmes 7 There may be financial implications to repeating twice during their programme and students should seek advice before making a final decision. 4 5

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Postgraduate students may apply to repeat or trail fails up to a maximum of one third of the credit for their programme, during their period of postgraduate study at the University, regardless of whether they are changing pathway. An exception may be made for students with valid extenuating circumstances. (See D2.11 below for details about how to apply for an exception to this regulation)


A student who fails to pass at the second attempt, whether they undertook repeat study or trail fail, shall not progress further and shall normally be required to leave the programme as the University does not accept that passes at a higher level ‘trump’ fails at a lower level. Therefore no appeal, requesting that failure at a lower level be compensated with passes at a higher level in order to enable a student to progress, shall be considered on these grounds. 8


Students who wish to repeat study or trail fail shall complete and submit the appropriate application form to Registry, in accordance with University procedures. This shall include a signed statement that they have read, understood and accepted the conditions and consequences of repeat study or trail fail.


Applications to repeat study or trail fail, regardless of whether the student has valid extenuating circumstances or not, shall normally be accepted by the Programme Leader(s) unless prohibited by PSRB or programme requirements. Programme Leaders may also set conditions on students who wish to repeat study or trail fail, (eg pathway restrictions, regular progress reviews) and may require students to withdraw at any point if these conditions are not met. Where a Programme Leader rejects an application, a written explanation shall be provided to the student.


Students may use the application to repeat study or trail fail as an opportunity to request a transfer to another subject or programme, either because a previous application has been rejected or because they feel unsuited to their current programme.


Students shall not normally be offered the opportunity to retake modules that have already been passed. The only exception would be students with valid extenuating circumstances and where the modules concerned would affect their overall degree result. Where a Programme Leader permits a student to retake a module, which has already been passed, or take a new module to replace a module that has already been passed, the original result shall be set aside and the result for the repeated or replacement module shall stand, even if the result is lower than the result for the original module.


Results for repeated modules or modules taken to replace failed modules shall normally be capped at the minimum pass mark unless the student has valid extenuating circumstances, approved by a Faculty Evidence Panel or the Progression and Award Board, or the student is required to take additional modules to meet the requirements for a new programme, pathway or subject 9.


If a student has extenuating circumstances that they wish to be taken into account, with regard to paragraphs D2.2, 2.3, 2.8 or 2.9 above, they shall submit valid evidence of extenuating circumstances 10 together with their Repeat Study/Trail Fail Application Form. The relevant Faculty Evidence Panel shall then advise the Programme Leader whether or not specific modules were affected by extenuating circumstances. The Programme Leader may then take this into account when deciding whether to accept the student’s application to repeat study or trail fails.


If a student has already repeated study once and is seeking a second repeat based on extenuating circumstances, then they must submit an Academic Appeal.

However, the University may allow modules passed at a higher level to replace the missing credits at a lower level for an exit award, without classification. See Section E1 – Credit Requirements. 9 However, if the student is repeating a module they previously failed and it appears in the Programme Specification for their new programme, either in the year the module was taken or the year in which the module is due to be repeated or replaced, the module result will be capped. 10 Students who wish to keep the extenuating circumstances confidential may apply to Student Services to support their request. 8

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Section D3

Internal Transfers


A student who is registered on a programme may be permitted to transfer to another programme in accordance with University procedures, subject to the constraints listed below. (See Appendix 3 for details of transfer credit requirements.) For transfers taking place during the academic year, the student and their Programme Leader(s) must ensure that the student is able to meet their academic credit and pathway requirements or must confirm that an additional period of study shall be required to ensure the student is able to meet progression requirements as detailed in Section C above.


A student may be permitted to transfer between modules on a programme up to the end of the second week of teaching of either module. Exceptionally, the transfer of a student from one module to another may be authorised on academic grounds up to the end of the fourth week of teaching by the Head of Academic Department responsible for the module to which the student is transferring.


A student may be permitted to transfer between full-time and part-time modes of study up to the end of the second week of teaching of the first semester. After this date, students may be permitted to transfer from full-time to part-time only, solely on grounds of extenuating circumstances. 11


Where a single diet of modules leads to more than one award and students are permitted to choose which award title they wish to receive, they must ensure that they have formally registered their chosen award title with Registry no later than Friday of week 15 of semester 2 in their final year of study. After this date, no change will be permitted unless it transpires that the student’s module diet doesn’t meet the programme’s requirements.



Section E1

Credit and Study Requirements for Programmes

The study requirements for programmes leading to awards of the University are defined as follows: Certificate of Higher Education

= 120 credits at level 4 12.

Diploma of Higher Education

= 240 credits 120 credits at level 4; and 120 credits at level 5 13

Bachelor Degree (Pass degree)

= 300 credits 120 credits at level 4; and 180 credits at levels 5/6

Bachelor Degree with Honours (3 year)

= 360 credits 120 credits at level 4; and 120 credits at level 5; and 30 credits at levels 5/6; and 90 credits at level 6

Bachelor Degree with Honours

= 480 credits

Care needs to be taken when a student on a full-time programme transfers to a part-time mode and then applies to transfer back to full-time. Approval may only be granted if Registry has confirmed that the student will not exceed the full-time equivalent (FTE) for funding purposes. This particularly affects one-year programmes. 12 If there are insufficient level 4 credits but the student has achieved credits at level 5 to replace the missing level 4 credits, these may be counted for the purposes of calculating an exit award without classification. 13 If there are insufficient level 5 credits but the student has achieved credits at level 6 to replace the missing level 5 credits, these may be counted for the purposes of calculating an exit award without classification. 11

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(4 year including a Foundation year)

120 credits at level 3; and 120 credits at level 4; and 120 credits at level 5; and 30 credits at levels 5/6; and 90 credits at level 6

Bachelor Degree with Honours (4 year including a study abroad or placement year)

= 480 credits 120 credits at level 4; and 120 credits at level 5; and 30 credits at levels 5/6; and 90 credits at level 6 120 credits 14

For study abroad or placement year (normally undertaken as the third year of study) Integrated Masters Degree with Honours

= 480 credits 120 credits at level 4; and 120 credits at level 5; and 30 credits at levels 5/6; and 90 credits at level 6; and 120 credits at level 7

Professional Graduate Certificate

= 60 credits at level 7

Postgraduate Certificate

= 60 credits at level 7

Professional Graduate Certificate in Education 15

= 20 credits at levels 7 with at least two modules with marks of 40-

49% Postgraduate Certificate in Education 16

= 60 credits at level 7

Professional Graduate Diploma

= 120 credits at level 6/7

Postgraduate Diploma

= 120 credits at level 7

Masters Degree

= 180 credits at level 7

The study requirements for top-up programmes are defined as follows: Bachelor Degree (top-up Pass degree only)

= 60 credits 60 credits at level 5/6

Bachelor Degree with Honours (top-up Honours degree only)

= 120 credits 120 credits at levels 5/6 with a minimum of 90 credits at level 6

Section E2

Minimum Credit to be Earned at the University

In order to receive an award from the University a student shall normally study at least half the required module credits for the award at the University and shall normally be required to undertake at least a full academic year, or part-time equivalent, at the University. (The exception to this would be students The level of study abroad shall be negotiated with the Programme Leader on a case by case basis. The level of a placement shall be defined in the Programme Specification. 15 Students will receive a Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (ProfGCE) with recommendation for QTS if they achieve 20 credits at level 7 (but with at least two modules with marks of 40-49%), plus successful completion of the non-credit bearing modules providing evidence against all PSRB requirements. 16 Students will receive a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with recommendation for QTS if they achieve 60 credits at level 7, plus successful completion of the non-credit bearing modules providing evidence against all PSRB requirements. 14

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admitted to a top-up Pass degree programme or students admitted to the final year of a three-year programme, who subsequently exit with a Pass degree.) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) credit awarded by the University is not considered as credit studied at the University and therefore marks shall not normally contribute to the final mark/classification. Further details may be found in the Recognition of Prior Learning RPL Policy.

Section E3

Common Structure


All programmes have a modular structure, which normally consists of core or mandatory modules and may include some optional modules. Modules may not span academic years.


Students shall select modules in accordance with University procedures.


Programmes are set at a particular level of study or may offer progression through two or more levels. The higher the level the greater the complexity, relative demand and autonomy expected of a student studying modules at that level. Programmes with two or more levels of study, normally require 120 credits to be completed at each level.


If a programme or subject includes a professional, vocational or practical placement or fieldwork, the placement or fieldwork may carry a credit rating.


If the placement or fieldwork carries a credit rating, the number of credits required for an award shall normally be increased if the placement or fieldwork increases the length of the programme.


If the placement or fieldwork does not carry a credit rating, the programme or subject regulations may stipulate that the placement must be passed in order for students to progress or graduate.

Section E4

Undergraduate Programme Structure


In order to qualify for an Honours degree, some programmes shall require students to take and pass an Extended Independent Study (EIS) module assessed at level 6 worth 30 credits.


Undergraduate programmes normally allow students to undertake a Volunteering module, normally at level 5.


Undergraduate students on some programmes may also apply to undertake a 60 credit Exchange or Visiting programme at level 5 or level 6. Results from an Exchange or Visiting programme are normally converted to the University’s grading scheme before inclusion in the calculation for a final award in accordance with the University’s procedures.


A top-up programme is designed to enable a student, who has been awarded a credit bearing qualification by this University or another institution, to accumulate the additional credits necessary for a higher qualification.


Where programmes include a year abroad or placement year, they shall be undertaken as the third year of a four year programme. In rare cases, part-time students may be permitted to undertake a year-long study abroad or placement but this shall be undertaken on a full-time basis.

Section E5

Integrated Masters Programme Structure


Students shall register for the combined Bachelor and Masters award at the outset of the programme but may elect to transfer to the Bachelor programme at any time. By the end of three years of full-time study, students shall have reached the level of a Bachelor’s degree, and if they choose to do so, may complete their programme at that time and leave with a Bachelor’s degree.


An Integrated Masters programme is defined as an Undergraduate programme and therefore receives an Honours classification, although the Regulations relating to level 7 apply to level 7 modules taken by Integrated Masters students.

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Students who do not complete the Integrated Masters successfully shall normally receive a Bachelor degree based on their first three years of study and be considered for the exit award of a PgCert based on their level 7 study.

Section E6 E6.1


Postgraduate Programme Structure

In order to qualify for a Masters degree, students shall normally take and pass: a)

a research methods module assessed at level 7 normally worth 20 credits; and


an Independent Study module assessed at level 7 normally worth between 40 and 60 credits.

Postgraduate students may also apply to undertake one optional module (worth up to 20 credits at level 7) from another programme, in accordance with University procedures.



Section F1

Awards and GPA


Awards shall automatically be recommended as exit qualifications either on successful completion of the programme (as defined in the Programme Specification) or as terminal exit qualifications to individual students who are unable to complete their intended programme but who have achieved the learning outcomes for an alternative award.


A student who fails to meet the requirements of the programme shall be required to withdraw.


Students shall not be permitted to attend a Graduation Ceremony while in debt to the University (in accordance with the Student Finance Regulations).


All students, regardless of whether they qualify for an award or not, shall receive a transcript of their results at the end of each academic year of study. This transcript shall determine the modules studied and the overall module mark, corresponding grade and details of credits achieved, where appropriate. Transcripts for students on undergraduate programmes leading to awards at levels 4 – 6 inclusive shall also include a single Grade Point Average (GPA) score. 17


The results of a year abroad or placement year shall not count towards the calculation of the GPA, final mark or award classification.


Results achieved for modules taken during an exchange or study abroad period shall normally count towards the award of the University for which a student is registered. The results achieved may be subject to rescaling and weighting to bring them into line with equivalent marks and results awarded by the University; scaling and weighting methods shall be approved by Registry, under Senate’s delegated authority, and shall be subject to periodic review.

Section F2 F2.1

GPA and Award Calculations

A GPA shall be calculated for each undergraduate programme for which a student is registered or, in the case of a Continuing Education student, for all modules taken at levels 4 – 6, i.e. level 3 modules shall be excluded for students on programmes including a Foundation Year and level 7 modules shall be excluded for students on Integrated Master’s programmes. Regardless of the number of modules included, the calculation method for deriving the GPA remains the same. The GPA is a mean average in which each module is counted equally according to its credit value, irrespective of level, subject or date taken. The weighted mean average shall be rounded to a whole number and converted to the equivalent GPA score according to the Mark Scheme in the

This shall be phased in over three years starting with new students studying at level 4 only in September 2017, ie students studying at level 5 or above in September 2017 shall be outside the GPA.


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Assessment Regulations. For further details please see the Award and Classification Rules and Credit Framework Summary or GPA Guidelines. F2.2

The only module marks exempted from the GPA shall be: a) modules graded pass/fail only; b) where a failed module is retaken or a replacement module is taken in an attempt to make good the failure, the lower mark achieved shall be excluded.


The calculation for Honours classification for a three or four-year Bachelor programme is normally determined as follows: An Extended Independent Study module shall contribute: An average of the best 60 credits at level 6 shall contribute: An average of the best remaining 120 credits at levels 5/6 shall contribute:


The calculation for Honours classification for a three or four year programme without an Extended Independent Study module is normally determined as follows: An average of the best 90 credits at level 6 shall contribute: An average of the best remaining 120 credits at levels 5/6 shall contribute:


60% 40%

The calculation for Honours classification for an Integrated Masters programme is normally determined as follows: An average of the best 90 credits at level 7 shall contribute: An average of the best remaining 120 credits at levels 6/7 shall contribute:


20% 40% 40%

60% 40%

The calculation for Honours classification for a one year top-up programme is normally determined as follows: An average of the results of the 120 credits taken at levels 5/6. A minimum of 90 credits, including the Extended Independent Study module, where taken, shall be taken at level 6.

Section F3 F3.1

Award Classifications

The following awards may be conferred with Distinction:

Certificate of Higher Education: where the overall average mark for 120 credits at level 4 is 70% or above. Diploma of Higher Education: where the overall average mark for 120 credits each at levels 4 and 5 is 70% or above. Pass degree: where the overall average mark for 180 credits at levels 5 and 6 is 70% or above. Postgraduate Certificate: where the overall average mark for 60 credits at level 7 is 70% or above. Postgraduate Diploma: where the overall average mark for 120 credits at level 7 is 70% or above. Masters: where the overall average mark for 180 credits at level 7 is 65% or above and the mark for the Independent Study module is 70% or above F3.2

The following awards may be conferred with Merit:

Certificate of Higher Education: where the overall average mark for 120 credits at level 4 is 60% or above. Diploma of Higher Education: where the overall average mark for 120 credits each at levels 4 and 5 is 60% or above.

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Pass degree: where the overall average mark for 180 credits at levels 5 and 6 is 60% or above. Postgraduate Certificate: where the overall average mark for 60 credits at level 7 is 60% or above. Postgraduate Diploma: where the overall average mark for 120 credits is 60% or above. Masters: where the overall average mark for 180 credits at level 7 is 55% or above and the mark for the Independent Study module is 60% or above F3.3

The University normally classifies all Bachelor degrees with Honours as follows 18: 1st Class 2nd Class (First Division) 2nd Class (Second Division) 3rd Class


70%+ 60 - 69% 50 - 59% 40 - 49%

The University normally classifies all Integrated Masters degrees with Honours as follows 19: 1st Class 2nd Class (First Division) 2nd Class (Second Division)

70%+ 60 - 69% 50 - 59%


Programmes and subjects may specify modules which shall count in the marks averaged for an Honours degree classification.


If a student is exempted, because of transfer credit, from modules which count towards a classification, the transfer agreement between the University and the student shall stipulate the basis upon which those units shall count towards the final mark. Normally exempted units shall be disregarded.


Students who have satisfactorily completed a Diploma of Higher Education programme at the University and are permitted to transfer internally to the final year of a relevant Honours degree programme, shall have their degree classification calculated in accordance with either paragraph F2.4 or 2.5 above, as appropriate.


Students, who are admitted to the final year of a three or four year programme or part-time equivalent, shall have their classification for honours calculated in accordance with F2.6 above


Any variations to the award calculation for a particular programme shall be approved by Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures Committee and included in the Programme Specification

Section F4

Classification for Borderlines for Honours

These upgrade rules only apply to students who started level 5, 6 or 7 in September 2018 or earlier; they shall not apply to students starting study for an Honours degree from September 2018 onwards. F4.1

Bachelor degree students, whose overall mark falls within 2% of the borderline for a higher honours classification and who have achieved a mark equivalent to the higher classification in at least 60 credits at level 6, shall have their degree classification upgraded.


Integrated Master’s degree students, whose overall mark falls within 2% of the borderline for a higher honours classification and who have achieved a mark equivalent to the higher classification in at least 60 credits at level 7, shall have their degree classification upgraded.

18 19

The final award is based on the final mark, rounded to a whole number (see Section D3 Assessment Regulations) The final award is based on the final mark, rounded to a whole number (see Section D3 Assessment Regulations)

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Section F5

Aegrotat and Posthumous Awards

Senate may exceptionally, on the recommendation of a Progression and Award Board, approve the conferment of an Aegrotat award to a student who has completed the whole or a substantial part of a programme of study but is prevented by illness, death or other valid cause from completing part of an exam or assessment (leading directly to a degree, diploma or certificate) to satisfy the examiners in accordance with the relevant programme of study regulations. The award shall not normally be given a classification of any kind, except in the case of posthumous awards. (Refer to the Conduct of Progression and Award Boards for Taught Programmes including Collaborative Partners - Guidelines for further details.)



Section G1

Period of Registration


The expected period of registration for a programme shall normally be the minimum period as defined in paragraph G1.3 below.


The maximum period of registration defines the period within which a student shall have achieved the credit required for the award. This shall include any periods of interrupted study or repeat study. A student does not have a right to remain registered until the end of the period of registration, unless specifically approved by a Progression and Award Board or Dean of Faculty.


The periods of registration, during which a student shall complete the requirements for an award from the University, are as follows:

Full-time Programmes of Study



Minimum (yrs)

Maximum (yrs) 20

Certificate of Higher Education

1 year

2 years

Diploma of Higher Education

2 years

4 years

LLB (Hons/Pass degree)

3 years

4 years

BA/BSc (Hons/Pass degree) (3 year)

3 years

5 years

BA/BSc (Hons) (4 year)

4 years

6 years

BEd (Hons) in Primary Education (3 year)

3 years

5 years

BEd (Hons) in Primary Education (4 year)

4 years

6 years

BN (Hons)

3 years

5 years

Top up programmes

1 year

2 years

Graduate Diploma

1 year

2 years

Integrated Master’s

4 years

6 years

Postgraduate Certificate/ Professional Graduate Certificate

1 semester

2 years

Postgraduate Diploma

1 year

2 years

Award (cont)

Minimum (yrs)

Maximum (yrs)

Primary PGCE

1 year

2 years

Secondary PGCE

1 year

2 years

Postgraduate Diploma

1 year

3 years


1 year

3 years

Including periods of interrupted study and repeat study

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Part-time Programmes of Study Certificate of Higher Education

2 years

3 years

Diploma of Higher Education

4 years

6 years

LLB (Hons/Pass degree)

3 years

5 years

BA/BSc (Pass degree)

5 years

6 years

BA/BSc (Hons)

6 years

8 years

Top up programme (120 credits)

2 years

3 years

Top-up programme (< 120 credits)

1 year

2 years

Graduate Diploma

2 years

4 years

Integrated Masters

8 years

10 years

Postgraduate Certificate/ Professional Graduate Certificate

1 year

3 years

Primary PGCE

2 years

4 years

Secondary PGCE

16 months

2 years

Postgraduate Diploma

2 years

4 years

Master’s (2 year)

2 years

4 years

Master’s (3 year)

3 years

5 years

Section G2

Changing the Period of Registration


The University shall normally approve a shorter minimum period of registration for students admitted with transfer credit for previous study and/or RPL in accordance with the guidance in the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Policy.


The University may terminate the registration of a student who has been inactive (i.e. who has submitted no work for assessment or been unavailable for supervision) for two consecutive semesters. If such a decision is made, an exit award may be conferred.


In exceptional cases, the University may approve an extension to the maximum period of registration where a student has failed to progress and can provide valid evidence of extenuating circumstances. It is the student’s responsibility to provide written evidence, supported by a disinterested person of demonstrable professional standing in relation to the type of evidence, in support of any application for an extension. The Programme Leader may approve a maximum period of extension for one year. An application for a second period of extension for a maximum of one calendar year may only be approved by the Dean of Faculty, as Chair of the Progression and Award Board, with the support of the relevant Programme Leader(s). Applications for extensions of period of study shall be submitted via Registry.


When a student’s mode of study changes between full-time and part-time, the part-time period of registration appropriate for the programme shall apply.



Suspected cases of academic misconduct (including plagiarism, cheating and other forms of unfair advantage) shall be dealt with in accordance with the University’s Academic Misconduct Policy.




Students have a right to appeal against the decision of the Progression and Award Board only in accordance with the Academic Appeals Regulations.


Complaints shall be raised in accordance with the Complaints Policy.

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‘University’ means the University of Winchester.


‘Senate’ is the senior academic body of the University.


‘Senate Academic Development Committee’ (SADC) is the Senate committee responsible for the academic standards and quality assurance of the University of Winchester.


‘Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures Committee’ (ARPP) oversees the development of Academic Regulations and related policies, procedures and guidelines for all undergraduate, postgraduate, and research degree programmes.


A ‘Student’ is a person who has enrolled at the University in accordance with paragraph B1.1 of the Regulations and is studying one or more modules from a programme. A student may enrol on a programme leading to an award or may enrol as a ‘continuing education’ student. A ‘continuing education’ student is one who registers for discrete modules and not for a programme leading to an award. Sabbatical Officers of the Student Union shall be deemed to be students for the purposes of these Regulations.


A ‘Programme’ is an approved curriculum which leads to an award from the University of Winchester. A programme comprises either one subject or a combination of subjects and is made up of modules with a defined credit level and tariff. Each programme has a Programme Specification, approved by Senate Academic Development Committee. A programme may lead simultaneously to two or more awards (e.g. academic and professional), each of which may have a separate pathway.


A ‘Subject’ is a collection of modules normally in a single discipline and contributing to a recognised programme.


A ‘Pathway’ specifies the modules that a student must undertake in order to achieve an award. Where a programme leads to two or more awards, there may be a separate pathway for each award.


A ‘Foundation Year’ is a year of study taken at level 3 and integrated within a four-year Bachelor degree programme, and is thus considered as study at higher education by the QAA. It consists of 120 credits, which shall include generic modules and subject specific modules. Successful completion of a Foundation year shall enable a student to proceed with their intended Bachelor degree but they may apply to change programmes via the internal transfer process in accordance with Section D3 of these Regulations.


A ‘Combined Studies’ award may be granted by a Progression and Award Board to a student who achieves the credits for an award but fails to meet the specific module requirements for an individual programme. Exceptionally an individual undergraduate student may be permitted to register for an award in Combined Studies. This option shall normally only be available to students who, for reasons beyond their control are unable to meet pathway requirements. For example, a student who takes an approved break in studies and, on their return, finds that the modules required to meet pathway requirements are no longer available.


A ‘Module’ is the basic component of a programme with a defined number of CATS credits and defined learning outcomes, which may be achieved in a variety of ways: on-site, off site, concentrated periods of residential learning, by distance learning (e.g. using online technology) or a combination of the above, defined as ‘blended learning’. There are categories of modules: a)

a Mandatory module must be taken by all students on a particular pathway/programme;

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a Core module must be taken and passed by all students on a particular pathway/ programme;


an Optional module may be taken by students on a particular pathway/programme.

An ‘Extended Independent Study’ is a primarily student-directed exercise undertaken under supervision, constitutes the major part of an Extended Independent Study module and may be a requirement for the award of a Bachelor degree with Honours. An Extended Independent Study is a level 6 module worth 30 credits normally undertaken during the final academic year of the programme and shall count for 20% of the final degree result, where taken. The module and format required shall be identified and defined in module and programme documentation. Where the Extended Independent Study is submitted in the form of a dissertation, it shall normally be between 8,000 and 10,000 words.


An ‘Independent Study’ is the final exercise of a Master’s programme, undertaken under supervision but conducted independently by the student for the award of a Master’s degree and constitutes the major part of an Independent Study module. The Independent Study is a level 7 module worth between 40 and 60 credits and undertaken during the final academic year of the programme. Where the Independent Study is submitted in the form of a dissertation, it shall normally be no more than 20,000 words.


An ‘Exam’ is the independent assessment of work undertaken other than by private study and under controlled or time-constrained conditions, which is capable of external moderation on an individual basis. This definition conventionally implies a written and unseen paper exercise but it is intended to permit other interpretations including exam by performance.


‘Valid extenuating circumstances’ or ‘Valid evidence of extenuating circumstances’ means approved, relevant extenuating circumstances as defined by the University’s Supporting Students to Succeed: Extenuating Circumstances and Support to Study Procedures.


‘Auditing’ a module means a student attends a module but does not submit assessments and does not gain credit. (Refer to the Assessment Regulations for further details.)


‘RPL’ means Recognition of Prior Learning and is a generic term for the process by which recognition may be given for past learning experiences. (Refer to the RPL Policy for further details).


‘CATS’ refers to the Credit Accumulation Transfer Scheme operating at the University in which modules have a national currency. All references to module credits in these Regulations refer to CATS credits, unless stated otherwise. The number of credits is based on the estimated notional learning hours (where one credit represents 10 notional hours of learning).


‘ECTS’ refers to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System operating


Grade Point Average (GPA) refers to a number representing the weighted mean average of the final marks achieved over a group of modules converted to a grade point score as defined Appendix 2 of the Assessment Regulations.

throughout Europe. ECTS is based on the principle that 60 credits measure the workload of a full-time student during one academic year. The University equates one ECTS credit to two CATS credits.

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The University follows a common Academic Year Calendarfor all taught programmes which: a)

lead to a University of Winchester award, and


are attendance-based and require a defined number of teaching and assessment weeks each year.

The academic year dates are published on the University website. 2.2

Any variations to the Academic Year Calendar for a particular programme shall be approved by Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures Committee and included in the Programme Specification.


The Academic Year Calendar is approved by Senate and published by the Academic Registrar.

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Admissions Process and Entry Requirements


Students are admitted to the University, at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor or other appropriate officer, on fulfilment of specified entry requirements for the purposes of following a specified programme normally leading to an award or, as a continuing education student, to take discrete modules.


The recruitment and admission of students to the University is informed by the Admissions Policy.


The entry requirements for each programme of study are defined in the University Prospectus for the relevant year of entry.


The University specifies minimum general admission requirements for each of its programmes. Details may be found in the Admissions Policy. Programme specific entry requirements are defined in the Programme Specification.


Entry with Advanced Standing via RPL and Internal Transfers


An applicant may be permitted to enter a programme of study with advanced standing and awarded credit for specified modules through RPL. (Refer to the RPL Policy for further details.)


Internal student transfers between programmes and subjects shall be approved at the discretion of the Programme Leader(s) concerned. Any transfer of credit shall be agreed at the time of transfer and the student shall be required to sign an acceptance of the credit agreement.


Continuing Education students, who are seeking to register for a programme, may apply to transfer credit from modules successfully completed at the University. Each application shall be considered on its own merit and shall be approved at the University’s discretion. Students may normally only transfer credit for modules completed within a period of four years preceding the intended date of transfer to the programme. Credit shall normally only be transferred for modules taken which are validated for the programme being entered.


Re-Admission following Termination of Registration or Exclusion


If the University has terminated a student’s registration and an application for repeat study has been rejected or disallowed or the student has been excluded or expelled in accordance with the Disciplinary Procedures for Students, a student may apply for re-admission. The responsibility for making the decision whether to readmit the student shall normally be taken by the Programme Leader, unless the student has served a custodial sentence. In such cases, the Academic Registrar shall determine if the student’s application may be passed to the Programme Leader for consideration or whether it shall be rejected outright. Where the decision passes to the Programme Leader, they are expected to respect the decision of the University and not readmit them until at least 24 months has elapsed. Where a student’s registration has been terminated on academic grounds and wishes to return to the same programme, the programme is expected to be very particular as to why they are re-admitting. Reasons for re-admitting might be that the applicant has been able to show they had kept up with the subject material and/or provided evidence that any circumstances that contributed to the termination of registration have been overcome.


If readmitted, previous credit may be recognised and accredited in accordance with the RPL Policy.

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Table 1 Programme


Award title on certificate

Certificate of Higher Education

Cert HE

Certificate of Higher Education in ‘x’

Church Colleges' Certificate in Religious Studies


Church Colleges' Certificate in Religious Studies

Diploma of Higher Education

Dip HE

Diploma of Higher Education in ‘x’


Foundation Degree of Science


Foundation Degree of Science in ‘x’


Bachelor of Arts (Pass degree)


Bachelor of Arts in ‘x’


Bachelor of Education in Primary Education (Pass degree)


Bachelor of Education in Primary Education

Bachelor of Laws (Pass degree)


Bachelor of Laws


Bachelor of Science (Pass degree)


Bachelor of Science in ‘x’


Bachelor of Arts with Honours

BA (Hons)

Bachelor of Arts in ‘x’ with ‘y’ Honours

Bachelor of Education in Primary Education with Honours

BEd (Hons)

Bachelor of Education in Primary Education with ‘y’ Honours

Bachelor of Laws with Honours

LLB (Hons)

Bachelor of Laws with ‘y’ Honours

Bachelor of Nursing with Honours

BN (Hons)

Bachelor of Nursing in ‘x’ with ‘y’ Honours

Bachelor of Science with Honours

BSc (Hons)

Bachelor of Science in ‘x’ with ‘y’ Honours

Professional Graduate Certificate

Prof Grad Cert

Professional Graduate Certificate in ‘x’


Professional Graduate Certificate in Education

Prof GCE

Professional Graduate Certificate in Education


Postgraduate Certificate


Postgraduate Certificate in ‘x’


Postgraduate Certificate in Education


Postgraduate Certificate in Education


Postgraduate Diploma


Postgraduate Diploma in ‘x’


Integrated Master of Accounting with Honours

MAcc (Hons)

Master of Accounting with ‘y’ Honours

Integrated Master of Education in Primary Education with Honours

MEd (Hons)

Master of ‘x’ with ‘y’ Honours

Integrated Master of Science with Honours

MSci (Hons)

Master of Science with ‘y’ Honours

Integrated Master of Mathematics with Honours

MMath (Hons)

Master of Mathematics with ‘y’ Honours

Master of Arts


Master of Arts in ‘x’


Master of Business Administration


Master of Business Administration


Master of Laws


Master of Laws


Master of Research


Master of Research in ‘x’


Master of Science


Master of Science in ‘x’


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Award title on certificate

Master of Theology


Master of Theology

Key ‘x’

Notes #

is the name of the pathway subject(s).


is the Honours classification, e.g. First Class, Upper Second Class, Lower Second Class or Third Class. For further details, see Section F2.3 of these Regulations.


may be awarded ‘with Merit’ or ‘with Distinction’ according to the criteria listed in section F3.1 and 3.2 of these Regulations.


may be awarded ‘with Qualified Teacher Status’ (QTS). For further details, see the Programme Specification for the relevant programme.


Programme Pathway Titles

Students who complete the necessary credits and meet the requirements stated in the relevant Programme Specification(s) for their subject(s) shall have the subject(s) listed in their award title as follows: Named Award

‘ in Subject 1 and Subject 2’ Or ‘in Subject 1 with Subject 2’

Single pathway

‘ in Subject 1’

Combined Studies

‘ in Combined Studies’ As there are no minimum credit requirements for the subjects studied in Combined Studies, students need only meet the minimum credit requirements for the award, as detailed in Section E1 of these Regulations.


Bachelor/Master of Arts or Bachelor/Master of Science

The award title of ‘Arts’ or ‘Science’ is agreed by the University Management Group and defined in the Programme Specification. Students who fail to achieve their named pathway and are permitted to graduate in Combined Studies shall be awarded a BA or BSc in accordance with the original programme.

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