Welcome to your faculty Your faculty will communicate with you using your University unimail email. Once you register and enrol online, remember to regularly check your email and Canvas, the virtual learning environment, for information.
FACULTY CONTACT INFORMATION Arts (ART): Dean: Professor Alec Charles Alec.Charles@winchester.ac.uk If you have any questions about your programme, contact. Arts.Admin@winchester.ac.uk Business, Law and Digital Technologies (BLDT): Dean: Professor Martin Broad Martin.Broad@winchester.ac.uk If you have any questions about your programme, contact: BLDTenquiries@winchester.ac.uk Education (EDN): Dean: Dr Janice de Sousa Janice.deSousa@winchester.ac.uk) If you have any questions about your programme, contact: ESenquiries@winchester.ac.uk
YOUR TIMETABLE We’re working hard to prepare your academic timetable. You should have access to your Semester 1 teaching timetable by early September. When timetables become available, you will be given access to ‘My Timetable’ on the academic information tab on MyRecord. You will be contacted by your programme directly if it has a different method of communicating your timetable. There may be a delay in processing timetables for late entrants. For most programmes, teaching begins the week of 20 September, which is the first week of Semester 1, although some programmes may have mandatory sessions earlier. If you have any questions about your timetable, please contact your faculty using the relevant enquiries email address on this page.
Health and Wellbeing (HWB): Dean: Professor Simon Jobson Simon.Jobson@winchester.ac.uk, If you have any questions about your programme, contact: HWBenquiries@winchester.ac.uk Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS): Acting Dean: Dr Gary Jones Gary.Jones@winchester.ac.uk If you have any questions about your programme, contact: HSSenquiries@winchester.ac.uk