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Editor’s Letter

I remember the day I turned Thirty, I cried like a baby. In my mind I was getting old.

Rashandra & Gwendolyn Clemons


By Gwendolyn D. Clemons

MBA, MSM, PRC Editor in Chief

For some strange reason I felt like my life was over and that I was entering into some strange phase of despair. I really believe that the anguish I felt was attached to a lack of self-validation because I was struggling with my self-identity. Although I had heard that “Change is Good” for me I was not bearing witness to it!

Fast Forward to 10 years later when I was turning Forty, instead of crying I celebrated! I believe that celebration was a result of things I had accomplished during that 10-year span. I no longer felt like a failure but a woman coming into her own. I guess one could say I was a late bloomer, LOL! Nevertheless, I have embraced change and quite frankly I look forward to who the new Gwendolyn is becoming year after year.

When I celebrated my 50th birthday, not only did we party, I married the love of my life on my 50th birthday, now tell me that wasn’t special! As me and my life partner continue to celebrate each milestone in our lives, our tears are now filled with gratitude and appreciation for the things God has blessed us with. We have our health, a great support system, new business ventures and each other! If I could tell 30-year-old Gwendolyn one thing it would be “Don’t be so hard on yourself because things will work out just fine kid,” because Change is Good!

Although, 30-year-old Gwendolyn couldn’t see the future Gwendolyn but without her preserving I wouldn’t be here writing to you today. Thanks for not giving up younger Gwendolyn! Welcome to our September – October Community Issue “The Line is Moving.” The theme is offered to help people understand that it’s important to stay connected to people who are capable of pouring into your development. As God elevates those you are connected to “the line is moving” and perhaps you are next. Either way your time is coming so stay patient, stay consistent, don’t fret over who is getting what because sooner or later “YOU GOT NEXT! Stay Encouraged Friend… As with all issues we strive to offer empowering stories to uplift and inform our readers about how to level up by living and doing better. In the Month of October there are 3 Awareness Campaigns: Breast Cancer Awareness, Domestic Violence Awareness, and Mental Health Awareness. I am undoubtedly sure that we all have been affected by one or more of these issues, or know someone who has. Take advantage of the events hosted in your communities or pass the word to someone who may benefit from it! Each one Teach one!

On the Cover is Amiyah Scott – Amiyah rose to prominence after coming out Trans at an early age. Her book, Memoirs of a Mermaid is an authentic, powerful, and inspiring memoir detailing her life’s journey and transformation from childhood to adulthood. You owe yourself the opportunity to read and learn about her amazing story! Be Well my friend!

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