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Inspiration Section


How To Keep Living, Growing & Thriving Through it

Adversity is something that we all know we will come up against at some point in life. It could be heartbreak, financial loss, business hardships, losing a loved one or many other things. All of these have the potential to derail or completely change our lives for the worst. Many are stuck in a cycle of depression, lack of self-esteem , and negative thinking altogether.

However, it doesn’t have to be that way. How do we continue to live, grow, and thrive inspite of how we feel? How do we continue to level up in each area of our lives when we encounter so many challenges?

Below are four things you must understand to keep moving forward and navigate through the obstacles of life & business.

By Meiyoko Taylor

#1. Nobody is Coming to Save You No matter how much you complain , beat yourself up or blame everyone else, nothing will change until you do something . Nobody is coming to save you or rescue you from whatever you’re dealing with right now. Accept it and understand that any momentum or progress is going to come from who you see in the mirror every day. So, forget about what you see on television or on social media. Life is not a Cinderella story. It doesn’t matter how much you pray, meditate or establish practices that are supposed to get you in the zone . If you don’t combine all that with some actual work, you won’t make any progress . I say this not to discourage you but to encourage you, to know that you have the power to shape your destiny. It’s all on you.

#2. Deprogram Yourself From Disappointment Start taking action with the intention or expectation of success . Too many times we set goals or plan a strategy only to have negative thinking in the back of our minds . Instead of thinking this may not work, think about all the reasons why it will. Focus on what happens when you reach that goal or achieve that level of success. You attract what you focus on the most, so spend your mental energy on what you want to happen, not on what you don’t want to happen. If changing your mental programming means changing your circle and being around people or environments that inspire or empower you, then make that a priority in your life. Your conversation and daily lifestyle should consist of people's environments and tools that promote your growth . Period.

#3. Go All in on YOU Stop playing it safe. The only way you are going to achieve any type of breakthrough is when you step out of your comfort zone. Go ALL IN. That means removing every distraction in your life . One thing that can really help is looking at everything as an asset or liability. Is this person, thing or the environment helping me grow? Do I feel energized, am I learning and does it bring me closer to who or where I want to be ?

Or, do I feel mentally and physically drained all the time? Is it taking time away that I could utilize to make more of an impact on my life , my family's life and my business ? Practicing this way of assessing your life will give you a lot of clarity about who belongs on your journey and who needs to take a detour. It’s clean up time.

#4. Consistency Creates Change You can’t be hot one minute, then cold the next. Stick to the blueprint. If you know exactly what you have to do every single day to achieve your goals , do it no matter what. Adversity is designed to test us and push us to our mental , emotional , spiritual and physical limits . You can completely transform your life just by doing the right things over and over again. There’s no magic pill here or secret to overcoming challenges. It’s going to take a consistent and persistent version of you. A person that refuses to give up even if they don’t feel like taking a single step further. Being consistent will build your resiliency muscle and it give you that mental toughness you’ll need to get through the adversities of life or business.

Apply these four principles in your daily life . Use them as a roadmap that you can pull out when you’ve made a turn down the wrong highway of life. This is how you keep going and are able to weather the storms in your life.

And always remember ….

Success is not about how you start or how many times you stumble along the way, it’s about never giving up. Keep going.

A Queer Understanding

CONGRATULATIONS Dr. Angelica Thompson and Cassy Morris are the co-founders of the

A Queer Understanding podcast.

They started the podcast because they saw the need for members of the LGBTQIA+ community to have a platform to tell their truths in their own voices. A Queer Understanding is a place to inform members of the community of available resources, educate one another about the beautifully diverse ways our identities manifest, inspire by highlighting the successes of our community members, and advocate by shining a spotlight on issues that community members have faced, and are currently facing, that need to be addressed. Not only are the two partners in podcasting, but they are also partners in life – Angelica and Sophia will wed in November 2022. Listen & follow everywhere you listen to your podcasts or go to: www.aqueerunderstanding.com/podcast. Like & follow us on @aqueerunderstanding @aqueerunderstanding @QueerUnderstand



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