WHEW CHILE! N. GINA MALAK IS DOPE! TUV Magazine 2020 September - October Community Issue

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How to be a Good Ally A

while back, I wrote a piece for The Unleashed Voice, called How to be a Good Ally. My perspective has evolved since then, so the following is an updated outlook on what it means to be an ally, compared to what it means to be an accomplice or coconspirator: What are the differences between an ally and an accomplice or coconspirator? In my experience, allies will often talk a great deal about being champions for a particular cause, but will tend to only champion that cause from the safe confines or their homes and among the safe confines of those already in agreement with their perspectives. If you have to call on them when the going gets tough, they are bound to be safe and sound at home ready to tell you what they would done if they were you. Y’all remember a while back when safety pins were all the rage with white allies proclaiming themselves safe allies for black and brown folks doing anti-racism work? Such are the gestures of self-proclaimed allies whose allyship is rooted in a desire for the image and clout of being so progressive that they are allies to whichever controversialyet-trending cause, often for some marginalized identity like black or trans. Accomplices and co-conspirators, however, pursue direct action to help bring about real and meaningful change, and will not only speak up in unfavorable situations but will also go so far as


by Renae Taylor to put their bodies on the line to protect other people from harm in dangerous situations. Y’all see the differences? We need more accomplices and co-conspirators. Recently, three trans-Women were ridiculed, chased, robbed, and physically assaulted while waiting for an Uber in Los Angeles. Their attackers and their accomplices were aggressive and loud; not a peep could be heard from a single trans “ally”. If we’re ever going to truly stand a chance against the bludgeoning cacophony of the people who hate and attack us then we, too, need accomplices who are willing to be just as aggressive and just as loud in their love, support, and defense of us when it means the most, counts the most, and makes the biggest difference. We are so desensitized to the plight of those needing assistance that not only were onlookers standing by idly recording videos of the incident, they were egging on the perpetrators and laughing at the terrified women whose lives were in such undignified and uncalled for danger. No one in the crowd stepped up to help them. Even after calling the police for help and finally hearing a siren approach, the women were still wrong to believe anyone was

coming to their aid. The police only slowed down and then pulled off again past them, despite that one of the women lay unconscious on the ground. I wonder how many of those people walking by without a word, without an offer of any help, have at some point or another proclaimed themselves our allies from the safety of their homes. A real accomplice or co-conspirator would have spoken up. A real accomplice or co-conspirator would have done something. Real accomplices or co-conspirators are what we need to help spur this movement along, now more than ever. We, people with marginalized identities, cannot do it alone. We are not afforded the same privileges, or even the same acknowledgement, afforded you. Aside from the violence that causes us to become hashtags or sources of ridicule on social media, our communities are small and often unrecognized. So for those who are already accomplices and co-conspirators, please know that I love you! And for those allies still safely and quietly in the background, please show that you really and truly mean it when you say you support us, by really and truly having our backs even when no one else does! Step up. Speak out. Yes, even outside of your homes. Yes, even to those who disagree with you. Especially outside of your homes. Especially to those who disagree with you.

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