1 minute read


By Dr. Umieca N. Hankton

Thriving is a personal and purpose-filled declaration to oneself to flourish, succeed, and blossom in spite of the presence of adversity. Thriving is intentional and does not "happen to you;" you thrive by actively participating in your life. To be clear, a commitment to thriving does not mean life will not keep lif'ing. We cannot control if, when, or how life happens; we can only control what we do when life happens. A commitment to thriving means that regardless of life's twists and turns, you will not cower, you will show up for yourself, and you will healthily address what needs to be addressed.

Thrivers understand that thriving does not manifest overnight but recognize the benefit of their commitment to creating a life of thriving. Thriving requires dedication, consistency, and a willingness to experience AND push through discomfort to achieve the desired outcome. Those who actively pursue thriving embrace the discomfort of stretching because to stretch means to grow or become more flexible.

Thriving also involves an openness to explore areas of your life that craves more attention, love, and healing.

Openness, curiosity, and a will to do hard heart work are essential to beginning and enduring the journey to thriving. Remember, as you begin your thriving journey, the initial steps may stir up emotional discomfort. AND discomfort is okay. You are resilient and will grow through this discomfort. You will learn an enormous amount about yourself during this process. Allow patience, empathy, kindness, forgiveness, and nonjudgment to be present WITH you on this journey.

When you are ready to dive deeper into what it personally means to you (and for you) to thrive, use the following questions to explore areas of your life in which you can begin taking the necessary steps to cultivate a life of thriving.

PHYSICALLY: Are you giving your body what it needs for optimal wellness (e.g., rest, sleep, water, exercise, vitamins, massage, yoga, sex, etc.)? Are you taking your medication(s) as prescribed? When did you last schedule a wellness visit (e.g., chiropractor, PCP, mammogram, prostate exam, OBGYN, colonoscopy, vision, dental, etc.)?

PSYCHOLOGICALLY: What does your mind need for wellness (e.g., rest, peace, therapy, reiki, meditation, forgiveness, a reading, kindness, positive affirmations, etc.)?

FINANCIALLY: How are you managing expenses or cultivating financial freedom?

INTERPERSONALLY: How’s the quality of your relationships (e.g., social, platonic, spiritual, romantic, familial, etc.)?

SPIRITUALLY: Where do you gain strength? Do you feel a strong connection to self, a higher power, nature, or the ancestors?

When you commit to a thriving life, you commit to putting one foot in front of the other each day and doing whatever is necessary to be the best version of yourself. How could your life be different if you committed to THRIVING ON PURPOSE, ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS?

By Brodderick D . Roar y

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