3 minute read


By Brodderick D. Roary

Living a life with meaning and purpose is one the most important goals a person can strive for. A Purpose-Drive Life is one that is motivated by higher values and goals beyond oneself. It provides a sense of meaning and fulfillment that money, success, and pleasure alone cannot satisfy. Finding and living your purpose can lead to greater happiness, productivity, and positive impact on the world.

Purpose comes from within. It requires soul searching, selfreflection, deep thinking to discover what truly motivates and drives you. Some questions to ask yourself include: What am I passionate about? What do I want my legacy to be? What cause do I want to serve? What values do I want to live by? Purpose is unique for everyone, shaped by your interests, talents, experiences, and beliefs. There is no right wrong purpose- it just needs to align with your authentic self.

Once you have identified your purpose, living it out on a daily basis requires action, commitment, and perseverance. You must develop the discipline to make sacrifices, overcome obstacles, and stay motivated even during challenging times. This is where values and principles come into play to guide you forward. Values like honesty, compassion, courage, responsibility and integrity become the foundation for your purpose. They dictate the types of choices you make and how you interact with the world.

Living a Purpose-Driven Life means focusing your time and energy on the things that truly matter. You evaluate opportunities and decisions based on whether or not they will help fulfill your purpose. You fill your schedule with activities that move you closer to your goals rather than things that merely provide temporary pleasure. This requires setting priorities, managing distractions, and saying “No” to things that do not align.

Living your purpose opens opportunities for personal growth. You push yourself to develop the knowledge, skills and character needed to make a difference in line with your purpose. You gain wisdom and insights that come from preserving through challenges. You build stronger relationships with like-minded people who support and encourage you. Growth and purpose go hand in hand, with one fueling the other forward.

Living a Purpose-Driven Life enables you to have a positive impact on the world. When your purpose is bigger than yourself, you are motivated to contribute in ways that serve the greater good. You find ways to give back through your work, volunteer efforts, mentoring others, or inspiring positive change. Leaving a legacy that outlives you becomes your driving force. The world needs more people willing to live and die for a cause greater than themselves.

In finding and living your purpose gives meaning and significance to your one life on this earth. It provides internal motivation and satisfaction that cannot be measured in money or material gains. While the journey will have ups and downs, living a Purpose-Driven Life enables you to make the most of your strengths, talents and time. You ultimately leave the world a little better than you found it. I hope this inspires you to start or continue living with purpose and making a difference in the world.


1. Discover your calling. Take time for self-reflection to identify your talents, passions, and values. What makes you come alive? What problems do you want to help solve?

2. Set meaningful goals. Once you identify your purpose, set specific goals that help you achieve it. Make sure your goals align with your values and interests.

3. Take inspired action. Don’t just dream about your purpose, take concrete steps daily to make progress toward your goals. Start small and build momentum.

4. Serve others. Find ways to use your talents and strengths to help and serve other people. Look for opportunities to make a positive impact.

5. Practice gratitude. Developing an “Attitude of Gratitude” can help keep you motivated and focused on what matters most. Be thankful for each day.

6. Stay committed. Living a purposeful life is a daily choice. When obstacles arise, recommit to your vision and take the next inspired action.

7. Connect with a community. Surround yourself with people who support your purpose and goals. Join or create a group that shares your interests and values.

8. Reflect and adjust course. Periodically reflect on your progress and purpose. Make adjustments as needed to stay aligned and motivated.

9. Accept it’s a journey. Living purposefully is an ongoing process. Celebrate each milestone and learn from any setbacks along the way.

10. Keep it positive. Stay focused on how you can make a difference through your purpose. Avoid negative self-talk that can derail your progress.

Never stop learning. Continue learning and growing as a person to improve your ability to live your purpose. Learning will keep you inspired and motivated.

The most important thing is to live each day in alignment with your sense of purpose and the positive impact you want to make. Let that be your guiding light and motivation.

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