January 2017 PPGH Viewfinder

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Shredded by Laura Mansur Guerra, CPP

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CONTENTS PPA Member Articles PPGH Meetings/Events Regional Events Publisher Aileen Harding, M.Photog., CPP Editor Theresa Campbell Graphic Design/Layout Theresa Campbell Jeanie Galvanni

We begin with Imaging USA in San Antonio. This is an incredible opportunity for learning, networking and sharing at a location just down the road. And you can cheer on our fellow PPGH'ers who are receiving degrees or medals! Also, we just might have a member or two up for the Grand Imaging Award!!! You never know! Be sure to attend to find out! The Aileen Harding, Grand Imaging Award Ceremony will be January 9th from M.Photog, CPP. 6:30 to 7:30 pm, the Awards and Degrees Ceremony will be January 10th, from 6:30 to 7:30. On that note, many of the Board members are going early to attend a two day Affiliates Meeting and then Leadership Training conducted by the CEO of PPA, Mr. David Trust. We are always striving to be better at meeting the needs of the Guild. In order to better do that, we need feedback about what you do, or do not, want to see for the 2017 year. Don't hesitate to call anyone on the Board if you have concerns, questions, or ideas to help make us even better! On January 17th we will be inspired to find our own "Creative Style" with Brad Barton. His day program will cover the basics of compositing and how to sell the “fake”. The evening program will cover how to find your “style” and the clients to go with it. On February 4th we have our first Hands-On Location Learning event in Beaumont. I encourage everyone to attend and show our neighbors to the East how special we are. There will be five programs running concurrently in the morning, and again in the afternoon. This event will be held in the beautiful Julie Rogers Theater downtown in Beaumont. We are hoping to premiere the “We are PPGH” video at this event. PPGH is a Village. My heart warms every month when I see members pitching in to pick up chairs and tables after a meeting, helping the speaker to pack up and walking one another out to their cars. There are so many who work on committees and help out in so many ways. That is why we are such a success. I don't know if you guys realize it, but our Guild has received national attention! When I'm asked why we're so successful, I am proud to say it's because we are a village. Our members teach workshops, mentor and share with one another. We are ALL involved. Not only does this create a stronger group, but it creates a sense of community and support. There are a lot of terrific online resources out there, but none that will loan you a camera when yours breaks at the last minute, or cover a shoot when you've come down with a 24 hour stomach bug, or worse yet, a family disaster. We are there for one another, to support, to encourage, and to grow together. We are PPGH. And I am proud to be a part of this amazing group! Thank you, Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP

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Image Competition

I'm hoping that the New Year finds you all well and happy and full of energy, because it's going to be an action packed adventure for 2017!!


To contact your officers or director, just click on their name.

Chairman of the Board Teri Whittaker, CPP

President Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP

Vice-President Kevin Falcon, CPP

Secretary Nikky LaWell, CPP

Treasurer Kathy Kinser, CPP

Executive Director Belinda Higgins, M. Photog., Cr., CPP

Director - Membership Laura Mansur, CPP

Director Duane Blocker

Director Kat Mack

Director Booker Shelton, Jr.

Audit Chairman: Kim Christensen Blair Haynie, CPP, Lynda Meyer Bylaws Chairman: Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Clean Up Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Communications/Graphic Design Chairman: Alison Carlino, CPP Jessi Marri Becker, Kelli Leaker Ethics Chairman: Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Mindy Harmond, CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Curley Marshall Cr., CPP

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Belinda Higgins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Fellowship Chairman: Kevin Falcon,CPP Image Competition Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Chairman: Vera Brock Sherry Piché, CPP, Blair Haynie, CPP, Duane Blocker, Cat Dybala, M.Photog. Librarian Chairman: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Booker Shelton, Jr. Membership: Chairman: Laura Mansur, CPP Sandy Buller, CPP, Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP, Hallie Keller, CPP Mentor Program /Certification Chairman: Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP


Nominating Chairman: Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Mitch Daniels, Cr. Photog. Belinda Higgins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Kevin Falcon, CPP PPGH Workshop Series Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Chairman: Teresa Casillas Procedures and Controls Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Social Media Board Liaison and Chairman: Kevin Falcon,CPP Telephone Board Liaison: Booker Shelton, Jr. Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP, Vera Brock, Rebeca Calzado, Juliana Cedeno, Ursula Chester, Tara Flannery, CPP, Kelli Leaker,

Lynda Meyer, Danielle Moore, Sadiqa Sevier, Booker Shelton, Jr. Web Site Board Liaison: Kevin Falcon, CPP Web Master: Duane Blocker Marvin Labohm Welcoming Board Liaison: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP


Congratulations to the following members for their accomplishments! Thank you so much for all you do for PPGH!

Full Fellowship


Teri Whittaker, CPP

Associate Fellowship

Dixie Dobbins, M. Photo., Cr., CPP Laura Mansur, CPP

2 Bars (25 points each) 1 Bar (25 Points) Kevin Falcon, CPP

The Fellowship Degree Program was designed as a means of rewarding those individuals who are Active Members and have given freely of their time and talents in service to their fellow members. It also serves as encouragement for members who have always volunteered in the past to continue to give to the progression of the membership. The Fellowship Degree is earned in two phases, each phase requiring the member to earn fifty (50) points, for a total of one hundred (100) points. In order to collect these points, a member must fill out the Fellowship application found under “Members Only� on the PPGH website by the designated November deadline each year. Points are not credited unless they are submitted on the proper form by the specified date. Tabulations, final confirmation and approval of any degree or bar presentation is the responsibility of the Board of Directors. The point collection year is from December 1st through November 30th of a calendar year. Points are collectable only in the year earned. To earn the Associate Fellowship Degree, an individual must earn fifty (50) points by participating on committees, holding office, and helping with various projects necessary to operate the PPGH each year. This degree does not require that any of these points come from print competition ribbons. The Associate Fellowship

degree can be earned by an individual not engaged in the photo creation process, making it possible for all PPGH members to participate in the program. This includes, but is not limited to, photographers's spouse, studio staff, lab personnel, videographers and artists. A silver plated medallion on a solid red ribbon shall represent this degree. The second phase of the program is the Full Fellowship Degree. The Full Fellowship degree can be earned only by an individual engaged in the image creation process. The requirement for this degree is to earn an additional fifty (50) points, of which a minimum of ten (10) points must be earned from image competition ribbons. Any ribbons won during monthly print competition or trophies won for the end of the year awards count towards the required ten (10) points. A gold plated medallion on a red and black striped ribbon represents this degree. After earning a degree, individuals may earn a silver plated ribbon bar for each twenty-five (25) points earned. Points used to earn a bar may not be returned and applied later towards a Full Fellowship.

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Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Karen Butts, M. Photog., CPP

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y Karen Butts, M.Photog, CPP b PPGH Mentor-Protégé Program It’s a new year, right?! Happy New Year! Why not make becoming a protégé or a mentor one of your New Year’s resolutions and in the process, make a new friend?! Wait, there is more! By doing so, you will also help raise the level of photography as a whole. Can’t beat that! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could spend some quality time, with a more experienced photographer so you could pick their brain and find out how they run their business?! Or find out how they use their lights, market to their clients, work with children, or set up their home studio?! Well, I have some good news! You can do just that by going to the PPGH website and filling out a Protégé application. Just login, go to the MEMBERS ONLY section and click on MENTOR. It will bring you to the on-line application. Just fill it out and it will magically be sent to me. I will then attempt to match you up with a mentor. But wait? In order for the Mentor-Protégé Program to work, we not only need protégés but must have some mentors, too! Go figure! Soooo . . . CALLING ALL MENTORS! Come on, don’t be shy, you know that you have something to offer! Just go to the PPGH website and fill out the Mentor Application. If you don’t, you just may be getting a personal phone call from me and I will proceed to “twist your arm” until you say yes! I feel very strongly about this program! I have participated over the years and found it very beneficial as a protégé. I am now giving back as a mentor and have found that it is even more rewarding. I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with my protégés and have learned a thing or two from them! We all have something to share. This is a great one-on-one experience that can be what the mentor and the protégé decide to make it; it is a custom fit plan! So don’t delay, do it today! Below are some general facts about the program. You can find out more information on our website.


The Mentor-Protégé Program (MPP, the Program) offers free assistance and guidance to members of PPGH. Principal goals of the program are: • to promote professional development and personal growth • to provide assistance regarding ethical, practical and professional issues and concerns • to promote positive relationships among members and within the industry

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How Does the Program Work?

Mentors and Protégés fill out information sheets or application forms, respectively. For Protégés, once membership is confirmed and workshop attendance is confirmed, a match will be made. The following criteria are used to complete the Mentor/ Protégé matches: • Development Needs • Geographic Locations • Availability • Any specified preferences of either the Mentor or the Protégé • Confirmation emails will be sent to both the Mentor and the Protégé with respective contact information along with guidelines, role definitions and tips associated with participation in the Program. • The Mentor is asked to arrange the first contact by means of phoning the Protégé within the first few weeks of receiving the confirmation letter. • Each relationship will be unique, therefore, the Committee strongly recommends using the first contact to discuss and establish the boundaries of your particular relationship. Mentor and Protégé will then define the boundaries of their specific relationship. • Once their individual goals have been met the formal process is complete. They may continue the relationship informally if both parties agree. • C onfidential evaluations will then be completed so that the Mentor Committee may determine the effectiveness of the match and modify future criteria as needed.

How Will Mentors Participate?

In total, we expect that Mentors will spend 1-8 hours with each Protégé. Of course, some Mentors will have more time to give but that will be their choice and not a requirement. The role of the Mentor is voluntary, however by Mentors showcasing and sharing their entrepreneurial experience, Mentors will find this an invaluable experience -- which will provide many unexpected gains personally and in business. PPGH will award fellowship points for each protégé a Mentor works with (up to two points per year).

What Is Expected From Protégés?

The Protégés are expected to be a member of PPGH, attend a workshop outlining program goals and protégé expectations, take responsibility for directing the relationship with their Mentor, and report back to the committee regarding any successes or challenges. An important objective of the program is to empower the Protégé to manage their own business and learning needs and take responsibility for their achievements, while gaining

input from the Mentor and their peer group. Protégés will be encouraged to interact with each other to further expand the learning process.




Austin · Austin Professional Photographers Association Bryan/College Station · Brazos Valley Professional Photographers Association Dallas · Dallas Professional Photographers Association Ft. Worth · Fort Worth Professional Photographers Association Lubbock · South Plains Professional Photographers Association San Antonio · Professional Photographers of San Antonio Tyler · Professional Photographers Forum of East Texas Waco · Heart of Texas Professional Photographers


Did you know you can enter the PPGH Local Photographic Competition at any level of membership? The image competition held at our monthly PPGH meetings is a great way to hone your skills and get feedback from proven and respected professionals in this industry. These talented individuals volunteer their time to judge images and provide valuable feedback utilizing the 12 elements of a merit image. You can earn merits on a local level and progress your image to the next level of competition to earn recognition and even degrees through the Profes-

sional Photographers of America. All district competitions lead to the annual International Photographic Competition. Visit the links below to learn more about entering competition.

To learn about the guidelines for entering image competition at PPGH meetings visit: http://www.ppgh.org/Resources/Documents/ Image%20Competition/2015%20PPGH%20 Image%20Comp%20Rules.pdf

Follow along with image judging on the Game Day App, downloadable from https://printcompetition.com/. Membership is optional but if you join PrintCompetition.com you can search thousands of archival images to see scores and hear audio from the image competitions. It is a terrific resource.

To learn about upcoming competitions throughout the region visit: http://www.ppa.com/competitions/

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Karen's passion is art. Her love of art led her to this wonderful profession of photography. Her goal is to create artistic, heirloom portraits of newborns and children to be cherished for generations. Karen is a Certified Professional Photographer, Master of Photography, Gold Medalist for 2013 and 2014, Platinum Medalist for 2015, Silver Medalist for 2016, and will receive her Photographic Crafstman degree from PPA in January of 2017.

When you are traveling around Texas, stop by and visit one of the local affiliate guilds. Click on the links below to find out more about each one. Be sure to tell them you are from PPGH.

Subscribe and get more than 500 episodes for only


$49/year Use promo code PPA49

OR FREE with your PPA membership!


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Note: An all day event includes an afternoon & evening program. The afternoon session is 1pm to 5pm and the evening portion of the program is 7pm-9:30 pm. Print judging starts at 5:30 pm

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Dear Members,

Please respond to contact@aharding.net to let us know if you can arrive early to help set up for the day. We need to know who is available to help us set up. Thanks. Aileen Harding 2017 PPGH President Hands on Learning: Beaumont Coordinator


Note: An all day event includes an afternoon & evening program. The afternoon session is 1pm to 5pm and the evening portion of the program is 7pm-9:30 pm. Print judging starts at 5:30 pm

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Note: An all day event includes an afternoon & evening program. The afternoon session is 1pm to 5pm and the evening portion of the program is 7pm-9:30 pm. Print judging starts at 5:30 pm

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