May 2015
“Ten Gallon Texan” By Buz Marvins, M.Photog., Cr. 2nd Place Master - April Image Competition
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May 2015
Message from the President Call To Action If not me, then who? If not now, then when?
Before I was sworn in as President (LOL) (before my turn in the office), I heard a Christian song by Mathew West that touched my heart. watch?v=b_RjndG0IX8 I then became infatuated with the quote ‘If not me, then who. If not now, then when.’ As I made a list of the many things I hoped to achieve my year as President, the many things I must do as President, and the changes I thought could improve our Guild, I got a little nervous and very overwhelmed. I even had thoughts of “How would I get them all done”? And while running my studio! “Why should I have to do it all?” “Why do I even want to do any of it?”
knowledge and skills needed so that important changes have a greater likelihood of becoming reality? If not now, as so much is riding on solutions that could have a genuine impact on people’s lives, when will we step up to face our responsibilities? “ Is it your time? Now? It is sometimes difficult to actually begin a new process, so, this quotation encourages us to begin right away. Email Tom Hathcock today! Though these 10 words are simple…two simple questions, they are very profound. An outright call to action. An encouragement to do something great. Become a part of something bigger than ourselves. They have inspired me to think not only about what I can accomplish, but what we as people can accomplish, together. Join me and our wonderful team! Today. Hugs!!! Belinda
In my nervousness for this year of responsibility, and in my moments of doubt, I told myself firmly: if not me, who? If not now, when?” Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever wondered...”Why me? Thought, “Awww, just let someone else do it.” I guess we all have. But the fact is, all organizations (and businesses) need YOU. We, PPGH, need YOU. Don’t be shy. I would like to personally extend an invitation to YOU to join our time of growth and change; as a member, as a committee helper, as a behind the scenes worker, as a future board member. There is a place for you to witness and reap the benefits of our metamorphosis. “If not us, who will help guide people toward the
Editor Richard Higgins, CPP 2015 Committee Members Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP Kevin Falcon Teresa Casillas, Nicki Evans Simpson Kathy Scalf, Cr. Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr, CPP Hallie Keller, CPP The Viewfinder® is a monthly publication of the Professional Photographers Guild of Houston.
Professional Photographers Guild of Houston May 2015
2015 Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board Kim Christensen Email Kim
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Executive Director Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Email Tom
President Belinda Higgins, M.Photog.,Cr., CPP Email Belinda
Membership Director Blanca Duran Email Blanca
Vice President Teri Whittaker, CPP Email Teri
Director at Large Sherry PichĂŠ, CPP Email Sherry
Secretary Aileen Harding, M.Photog., CPP Email Aileen
Treasurer Kevin Falcon Email Kevin
Director at Large Orpha Garcia-Labohm Email Orpha
Director at Large Nikky LaWell, CPP Email Nikky Director Images Courtesy Belinda Higgins, M.Photog.,Cr., CPP And Denzal Lovett
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May 2015
TABLE of CONTENTS Message from the President
2015 Board of Directors
PPGH Volunteer in the Spotlight
Calendar of Events
Member Blogs
A Photographer’s Collection:
Gifts from Michael and Michele Marvins
PPGH Workshop Series
New Member
April Image Competition
Merit Scores
Tips and Clips from PPA
Comprehensive Speaker List
May 2015
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PPGH Volunteer in the Spotlight The PPGH is pleased to introduce one of the guild Photographers, Denzal Lovett. He currently a member under the student classification. Below is some biographical infromation about Denzal. My father actually got me involved in photography 2002 by giving me an old Minolta X370 film camera, which I still have and use today. Shortly after, when I had my first child, so I really was all in. I enjoy photographing pretty much anything that will pose for me. I began taking my camera Denzal Lovett, Student with me on trips and family reunions. I love to read, so I started buying photography magazines, then subscribing. I then ran across the New York Institute of Photography, which allowed me to learn at my own pace, on my own time. I’m on course to complete my study in June of this year! I’ve been married to my wonder wife Trina for 12 years. We have two boys, Denzal II (11) and Ahmaad (8). I’m a political scientist by education and an entrepreneur by heart. I hope to gain a wealth of knowledge and business sense from this wonderful organization. I look forward to working with you all and working for the organization.
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May 2015
Calendar of Events Local Events (Register Online) This is a quick view list - A speaker summary is located at the end of this publication. Comprehensive and specific information will be included in individual ads to be included in this and subsequent Viewfinder publications.
May 6
All Day PPA Merit Workshop: Kim Christensen - The Business of Sports Photography
May 12
All Day PPA Merit Workshop: Karen Butts - Image Preparation for Competition
May 12
All Day PPA Merit Workshop: Kevin Falcon - Lightroom 5: The Photographer’s Starting Point
May 16
All Day PPA Merit Workshop: Karen Butts - Creating One-of a-Kind Newborn Props
May 17
All Day PPA Merit Workshop: Curley Marshall - The Art of Portrait Lighting
May 18
All Day PPGH Workshop Series: Painter and Photoshop Combined
May 19
May Meeting: Michelle Parsley: Retouching for Competition and Portraiture
June 16
Landon Day: Senior Portraits
State and National Events May 26
PPA Begins Accepting Images for 2015 IPC Print Competition
June 12-26
CPP Image Submission
May Birthdays 2 Kim Hartz, M.Photog., CPP
11 Candice Byers, CPP
Don Carico
17 Chuck Mitchell
Sherry Piche, CPP Deb Harmon
Nikky LaWell, CPP
May 2015
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Richard Higgins, CPP
Advertising Hello members! Your PPGH board has approved ad rates for the Viewfinder. Please look over the rates and talk with your vendors concerning advertising in the Viewfinder. You may think you do not spend enough money for a vendor to advertise, but I promise you that your vendors appreciate your business and would like another opportunity to increase their customer base. The rates are very reasonable and will reach all subscribers to The Viewfinder. The Viewfinder link is sent to members and non-members that have subscribed. All we are asking you to do is send a simple email telling the vendor about your involvement with PPGH and would like them to consider an ad in our publication. You can even copy and paste the link you are sent for the latest issue for them for their review. Send the email to their accounting office and tell them you would appreciate their help. Rates included in this issue and they can direct any questions to
Viewfinder Deadline I have been asked about deadlines for submitting articles, ads, etc. to be included in the next month’s Viewfinder. The deadline is either the 20th of the month prior to the next issue or three days after the meeting. I.E. The January meeting was on the 20th, therefore the deadline for the February Viewfinder was January 23. I hope that clears this up so lets talk about articles. Articles Your monthly newsletter is all about you. Yes, finally it is “ALL ABOUT YOU.” You do not have to be a writer, Lord knows you are busy enough, so just put a few paragraphs together about what going on with your business, life events, ETC. I have a few dedicated committee members that will prepare your article. Don’t forget images. Images are what we are all about, so send a few with your article. Do you have a blog? That is a great resource for a Viewfinder article. You have told your clients, so why not let your fellow members know what is going on with you. Don’t think someone else will do it, why don’t you take a couple of minutes and put together some article fodder? I will be anxiously waiting to learn a little more about YOU!!
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May 2015
Standing Committees
Chair, Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Alvin Gee, M. Photog., CR., CPP Kelly Willis Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP
Chair, Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photog., CR., CPP Kim Hartz, M.Photog.,CPP Dixie Bobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP Hallie Keller, CPP
Chair, Janice Jones‐Bosnic, CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Mindy Harmond, CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP
Board Liaisons, Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Curley Marchall, Cr.,CPP
Clean Up
Board Liaison Teri Whittaker, CPP
Team Lead, Blanca Duran Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP Kevin Falcon, Kathy Kinser, Laura Mansur, Hallie Keller, Kim Christensen, Sandy Buller, Vanessa Matthews
Board Liaison, Belinda Higgins, M. Photog., CR., CPP
Team Lead, Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Booker Shelton
Board Liaison and Committee Chair Teri Whittaker, CPP
Chair, Greta Jacobs-Mee, CPP Shelia Richards Kathy Kinser
Committees Image Competition
Board Liaison: Sherry Piche´, CPP Chairman: Macon Lieper Cat Dybala, M. Photog Sandy Buller
Board Liaison, Alieen Harding, M.Photog.,CPP Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Kim Christensen Kathleen Kinser, Vanessa Matthews Brenda Logan, Vicki Longoria Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP, Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP
Board Liaison:Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP Chairman: Richard Higgins, CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog.,CPP Kevin Falcon, Nicki Evans Simpson Teresa Casillas Kathy Scalf Dixie Dobbins, M.Phot5og.,Cr.,CPP Hallie Keller,CPP
Board Liaison, Kevin Falcon Nicki Evans Simpson Denzal Lovett
Board Liaison, Orpha Garcia-Labohmn Kathy Kinser, Teri Whittaker, CPP Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Mary Blackwell, Irma Furnish Vera Brock, Kevin Falcon Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Kim Christensen, Blanca Duran Nikky LaWell, CPP Sherry Piché, CPP
Procedures and Controls Board Liaison Teri Whittaker, CPP Vicki Longoria
Mentor Program
Certification Team Leader Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP
Web Site
Board Liaison: Kevin Falcon Chairman: Vicki Longoria Marvin Labohm Tom Hathcock, M.Photog.,CPP
Social Media
Board Liaison and Chairman Kevin Falcon
May 2015
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Member Blogs Kim Hartz, M.Photog.,CPP Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, Cr. Photog.,CPP Sandy Buller Melanie Hall, Cr., CPP Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP Jennifer DeLancey Heylmun Nicki (Evans) Simpson
May 2015
May 2015
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A Photographer’s Collection: Gifts from Michael and Michele Marvins On view through Sunday, July 5, 2015 A Photographer’s Collection celebrates the gift and promised gift to the Museum of more than 400 photographs from the collection of Michael Marvins and his wife, Michele. The 60 works highlighted in this presentation represent some of the varied themes in the Marvins collection, including portraits by A. A. E. Disderi, Philippe Halsman, Gertrude Käsebier, and Dorothy Norman; photographic explorations of light by Brassaï, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Walker Evans, Louis Faurer, and Mario Giacomelli; spatial perspectives, including Western landscapes by Ansel Adams and William Henry Jackson and urban views by Alvin Langdon Coburn and O. Winston Link; and images of childhood, including photographs by Robert Doisneau, Lewis Hine, Heinrich Kühn, and Josef Koudelka. Michael Marvins is a fourth-generation, Houston-based photographer whose experience as an awardwinning landscape and portrait photographer has given him an insider’s perspective on the medium’s history and technique. These insights have guided his collecting choices for three decades. The resulting collection is rich in fine prints of classic photographs from the 19th century to the present, as well as in less-familiar images that caught his eye and imagination, all of which will enrich the Museum’s already strong photographic holdings. Catalogue Accompanying this exhibition is an illustrated catalogue, published by the Museum and available through The MFAH Shop (713.639.7360) and the Museum’s Hirsch Library (713.639.7325). Admission Entrance to this exhibition is included with your Museum admission. Museum members receive free general admission. ________________________________________ This exhibition is organized by the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Lotte Jacobi, Head of a Dancer (Niura Norskaya), 1929, gelatin silver print, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, promised gift of Mike and Mickey Marvins. © 1929 The Lotte Jacobi Collection, University of New Hampshire
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May 2015
A Photographe Gifts from Michael a
For more than three decades, the Department of Photography at the Museum of Fine Arts has benefited from the enlightened philanthropy of the Marvins family. The gift and promised gift of more than four hundred photographs from the collection of Mike and Mickey Marvins, celebrated here, is a most welcome capstone to that history. As with any collection, theirs reflects a constellation of experiences lived, lessons learned, tastes refined, connections nurtured, and opportunities seized. Mike Marvins’s understanding of the history of photography and his sense of connoisseurship—his recognition of what makes a compelling photograph and a beautiful print—are inextricably linked to his heritage as a fourth-generation professional photographer and his lifelong experience behind the camera. That insider’s perspective gives the collection its unique character.
Casey, Mickey and Michael Marvins
Marvins began with the idea of collecting canonical photographs, and to that end he acquired the work of mid-20th-century masters, including Ansel Adams, Walker Evans, André Kertész and Edward Weston. Fortunately, he also followed his own passion and judgment, even when the works he loved bucked fashion or were scorned by other collectors at the time. As a result, the Marvins collection includes strong examples of American and European
May 2015
er’s Collection: and Michele Marvins
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Pictorialist photography by Alvin Langdon Coburn, Edward Sheriff Curtis, Adolf Fassbender, Gertrude Käsebier, Heinrich Kühn, and others now recognized as key players in the medium’s development. This exhibition presents only a small portion of the collection’s treasures, grouped in four themes: of character expressed in portraiture; of qualities of light; of the infinite space of the world; and of the real and imaginary realms of childhood. The richness and variety of the photographs that Mike and Mickey Marvins have collected and are so generously donating to the Museum ensure that many more will find a place on these gallery walls in other thematic, aesthetic, and historical contexts in the years to come.
Fellow Man, the Most Common and Complex of Photographic Subjects
Photos by Buz Marvins, M. Photog., Cr.
Of the trillion photographs estimated to have been taken last year, the largest portion shows people—friends out for a drink, the daily exploits of a new family member, a selfie someplace notable or mundane. The desire to record and share our own features and those of our loved ones has been an overwhelming impulse since photography’s invention. From childhood, we learn to read character and mood from the most subtle aspects of pose and facial expression, and the best portrait photographers have learned to understand and speak that language with particular skill and intelligence. Many photographers travel the world in search of exotic locales or sites of uncommon beauty, but others throughout the course of photography’s history have found in the faces of their fellow man the medium’s most subtle and challenging subject, an opportunity for collaborative expression, and photography’s most cherished role
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May 2015
May 2015
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PPGH Workshop Series
May 2015
May 2015
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PPGH Workshop Series
May 2015
May 2015
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May 2015
New Member Blair Haynie, P.E. is a member of the Professional Photographers of America, Texas Professional Photographers Association and the West Texas Photographic Society. He is a Certified Professional Photographer and a Professional Engineer. Blair has enjoyed photography most of his life, even converting a bathroom into a darkroom at the age of 13. His parents were very patient with him. His enjoyment for photography grew through the years; however, it was always a hobby until a few professional photographers noticed his work in 2007. His work primarily involved fine art photography and has shown in several galleries and museums in West Texas. His work began to expand and evolve and in 2009. He began working for the Abilene Ruff Riders (professional indoor football) as a photographer, which he performed for 4 years. In 2012, he and his wife opened Haynie Photography, where they specialize in portrait, wedding, event and corporate photography. At the end of 2014, Blair moved to Houston to pursue photography on a full time basis. Prior to this, Blair was a director with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and retired with over 31 years of service. During his time with TxDOT, he was often seen with a camera in his hand photographing construction projects and historical transportation facilities. His work has been published in the Abilene Reporter News, Transportation News, Abilene Scene and Katy Magazine and may be seen in both public and private collections. His work has also appeared in the Stars of Texas Juried Art Exhibit. He received a Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering from Texas Tech in 1981, and a Masters of Business Administration from the T. Boone Pickens
School of Business at West Texas A&M in 1989. Community Involvement: • Amarillo JAYCEES (past vice-president) • Texas Society of Professional Engineers (past chapter president) • Abilene Southwest Rotary Club (past president and board member) • West Texas Photographic Society (past president) • Texas Trails Council of the Boy Scouts of America (past council commissioner and board member) • Boy Scouts of America – Area 2/3 (currently assistant area commissioner) • Boy Scouts of America (previous member of the national faculty and National Cub Scout Training Task Force)
New Member
Awards and Recognitions: • Boy Scout of America • Eagle Scout • James E. West Fellow • Silver Beaver Award (national recognition of an adult’s involvement with the Boy Scout movement, youth and the local community) • Rotary International • Paul Harris Fellow • Cliff Dochterman Award (international recognition for his work in both Rotary and Scouting) • Texas Society of Professional Engineer • Young Engineer of the Year Blair is married to Mel, and they have 3 sons, Garrett, Alex and Ben. All three are Eagle Scouts. They also have a daughter, Jaclyn, who is a very talented artist. The light of their lives, is a 6-year-old grandson named Tyler.
May 2015
March Meeting Images
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April Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 21
1st Place - Master
“86 and Still Plays with Trains” By Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP
May 2015
May 2015
April Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 22
1st Place - Active
“Hey Baby” By Kelly Willis
April Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 23
3rd Place - Master
“Miss Rylie” By Karen Butts, M. Photog., CPP
May 2015
May 2015
April Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 24
2nd Place - Active
“The Face of Wisdom” By Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP
April Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 25
1st 3rdPlace Place--Aspiring Master
“Happiness� By Steven Kroll
May 2015
May 2015
April Image Competition The Viewfinder - Page 26
3rd Place - Active
“Brown Eyed Girl” By Teri Whittaker, CPP
Merit Scores
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May 2015
“Praying to the Pigskin” By Melanie Hall, Cr., CPP
“Feeling By Kim Hartz, M
“The Feeding Station” By Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP
May 2015 Merit Scores
Merit Scores
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“Pillar of Grace” By Nikky LaWell, CPP
g Blue” M. Photog., CPP
“Got Wood?” By Melanie Hall, Cr., CPP
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May 2015
Tips and Clips from PPA Super1Day Registration Open Now!
PPA Studio Makeover Update
Everyone’s favorite peer-to-peer education extravaganza is back! Registration for Super1Day spring session classes are now open. More than 115 classes are coming in May so lock up your spot now! Take a look at what’s being offered and find a class near you. Don’t forget, if you attend a class you’ll earn a merit toward your degrees!
PPA is giving two lucky studios complete makeovers this year! Take a look at this update on the first phase of the process with one of the makeover recipients—Wes Roberts. Some of the strategies the mentor team is using with Wes might apply to you!
Quick Link
Quick Link
Team USA Wins World Photographic Cup PPA-led Team USA defended its title at the World Photographic Cup, bringing home the Cup for the second consecutive year. Read up on the results and see how you could be a part of Team USA next year!
Quick Link
PPA Photographer Gives Tips on Dealing with Copyright Infringement Copyright infringement is the worst, and at some point in your career, you’re going to encounter it. PPA photographer Ross Oscar Knight shares his infringement stories and how PPA helped him deal with the situation. Be prepared for when it happens to you!
Quick Link
Faces of PPA Campaign. Step out from behind the camera and get in front of it for once! Submissions are open. This campaign showcases the diversity within the PPA community, so get involved, have fun and show who you are in your own creative way. It’s also a marketing tool: use it as your own published article feature! It gives your credibility and visibility and that’s all that matters! Have a look at this handy Faces of PPA video and check out the gallery on Facebook. Quick Link
theLoop There are several ways you can engage with your members: • In theLoop, PPA’s exclusive Online community. • Want a place to chat with other Affiliate Leaders? theLoop has a group for that! Check out the Affiliate Leaders Group. • Or why not become active and promote your affiliate in your Local and State community
theLoop Link
May 2015
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The Viewfinder - Page 31
Comprehensive Speaker List
May 2015
May 2015
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The Viewfinder - Page 33
May 2015