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AUGUST 1, 2013 !

August Guest Speaker Teri Quance, M.Photog.,Cr., CPP

TPPA Honors Houston Guild

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PPGH Proposed ByLaws changes

! Cover Photo: Greta J. Mee, CPP


EDITOR’S NOTE With Summer here we have had a great July. At the TPPA Kerrville Summer Roundup we brought home the Annual TPPA Texas Pride trophy. Way to go PPGH. Lets do it again next year! We are the best guild in Texas! Do aEend next year it is a lot of fun and you get to hang out with lots of crazy fun photog-­‐ raphers.

Kim Christensen

Our July Speaker -­‐ Connor Fuller, CPP being new to the speaking circuit packed the house with our biggest crowd this year. Fuller showed how to live the dream of being the coolest Senior Photographer in town. His presentaRon showed inspiraRonal, upli\ing and infor-­‐ maRve ideas. Our August Speaker is our own PPGH Teri Quance, Cr., PPA CerCfied and newly elected TPPA councilor-­‐at-­‐ Large will speak about PPA cerRficaRon and new new program they are offering by PPA to all members to be-­‐ come cerRfied. The PPGH has kicked off geIng ready for FotoFest 2014 event. So read up on what it takes to parRcipate in the event in this issue. The FotoFest 2014 Biennial, the 15th InternaRonal Bi-­‐ ennial of Photography and Photo-­‐related Art, is March 15 -­‐ April 27, 2014. Early esRmates for overall aEen-­‐ dance at all venues over the six weeks of the Biennial is esRmated at over 265,000 visitors. *Remember to sign up for the PPGH mini program Off Camera Flash with Melanie Hall, CPP on Aug 25th -­‐ Melanie has taken many different forms of flash on lo-­‐ caRon techniques and has made a hodgepodge system that works. Small flash to large strobes, it doesn’t mat-­‐ ter. “Light is Light” Sign up early-­‐space is limited. Cheers, Kim

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AUGUST 1, 2013

Members Birthdays

Jessie Powell Jr.

Teri WhiEaker,CPP

Aug. 12th

Amy Ash

Aug. 10th

Aug. 14th

PaI Bryant,CPP Aug. 17th Tarrah Fuson

Aug. 19th

Leslie Cervantez

Aug. 22nd

ScoE Wilson

Aug. 23rd

Alvin Gee,M.Photog.,CR Michael MarRnez

Aug. 28th

ScoE Evans

Aug. 30th

Aug. 26th

Expectations: “We all have them. The PPGH exceeds those expectations. PPGH gives every assignment 110% effort in maintaining the highest quality expertise available through our members.”

The Professional Photographers Guild of Houston 2013 Officers and Directors AUGUST 1, 2013



Chairman of the Board

Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP

Curley Marshall, CPP



Vice President Viewfinder Editor Kim Christensen

Executive Director


Tom Hathcock Email

Secretary Robert Brayton, CPP Membership Director


Karen Butts, CPP Email Teri Whittaker, CPP Treasurer Director at Large


Michael Martinez Email

Director at Large

Director at Large

Aileen Harding, CPP

Kevin Falcon



SPEAKER EVALUATION FORM AVAILABLE ONLINE If you didn't get a chance to complete an evaluaRon form for the recent event or meeRng you aEended you can now fill it out online. Logon to the PPGH website with your password and go to the members 3only PAGE ! secRon. Your feedback allows us to create beEer programming for you! Thank you in advance.


AUGUST 1, 2013

Features 5

President’s Message Greta Jacobs Mee., CPP


Leasing a Studio by Barbara Breitsameter


Mommy Just Wanna Have Fun Too by Marsha Anderson

13-14 TPPA-Summer Round-Up by Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP

15-16 FotoFest by Kim Christensen

17-22 July’s Image Contest Winners 23

Right Here In My Own Back Yard by Cindy Crofford, CPP


MiniWorkshop Report by Aileen Harding, CPP

35-49 Members’ Image Gallery by PPGH Members

50-51 New Members by Karen Butts

58-65 ByLaws Update 4 PAGE !

Wazzzup Sho!y Photo by: Ke!y Wi!is


President’s Message completed this journey and now bear the CPP designaRon behind their name. We are eager to add to this list so please do reach out to Francie if you are interested in pursuing CerRficaRon.

Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP Here we are half way through 2013. It has been an exciRng year so far with some wonderful changes. In a few months we will be elecRng a new board for 2014. I know that those nominated have some great ideas for next year. So be sure to come to the September meeRng and vote. This is your or-­‐ ganizaRon! One of my goals for this year was to make a bigger push for our members to become cerRfied. And for the guild to provide opportu-­‐ niRes to support our members in that journey. Francie Baltazar Stonestreet has done a remark-­‐ able job in mentoring candidates. We have many who have found success in the exam and are ac-­‐ Rvely working on image submis-­‐ sion. And quite a few who have 5 PAGE !

Next year we hope to expand the mentoring program to conRnue this great work toward cerRfica-­‐ Ron and add mentoring for image compeRRon. This month Teri Quance, M.Photog.Cr., CPP will speak at the guild about cerRfica-­‐ Ron and PPA merits and degrees. Teri is a Past President of the guild and serves as the CerRficaRon Chair for PPA and as a Councilor-­‐ at-­‐Large for TPPA's board of direc-­‐ tors. All interested in starRng the jour-­‐ ney toward becoming cerRfied or toward a PPA degree will want to come to the meeRng and learn more about how to earn these designaRons and degrees and how to market them to your clients. I'm really proud of our guild and all of our recent successes. If you didn't make it to Kerrville I hope you will consider going next year to represent Houston and help us to be the first ever two-­‐Rme win-­‐ ner of the Pride of Texas trophy! (See the update in this Viewfinder about all the honors of our guild and our members from Kerrville.)

AUGUST 1, 2013 Quite a few of our members won honors in the annual print compe-­‐ RRon also. I was so proud to see them awarded their trophies, rib-­‐ bons and pins. There were some wonderful speakers and a lot of family fun. My family had a great Rme there and the girls are al-­‐ ready talking about what they will do next year. Mark your calendars now for June 22-­‐24, 2014! I am in need of a few commiEee chairs and commiEee members. If you have some Rme (a liEle or a lot) I have something you can help the guild accomplish. Please let me know and I will find the perfect opportunity for you and your tal-­‐ ents and schedule. Warmly, Greta J. Mee, CPP


Nominating Committee 2014 Slate of Officers

AUGUST 1, 2013

The NominaRng commiEee must carefully review the eligibility requirements for each office and see that the nominees meet these requirements and are willing to serve in the capacity for which they are being nominated. A\er careful consideraRon the NominaRng CommiEee has chosen the following AcRve Members who they feel will diligently and Rmely perform the duRes of that office as required by the PPGH bylaws.

The following slate of Officers and Directors for 2014 are: Chairman of the Board.....................................Greta J Mee, CPP President..........................................................Kim Christensen Vice-­‐President..................................................Belinda Higgins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Secretary..........................................................Aileen Harding, CPP Treasurer..........................................................Teri WhiEaker, CPP Membership Director.......................................Karen BuEs, CPP Director at Large..............................................Sharon Chandler, CPP Director at Large..............................................Sherry Piche, CPP Director at Large..............................................Kevin Falcon AcRve Members can vote by proxy, email or in person at the September 17th General Business meeRng. NominaRons will be taken from the floor as well. To vote by email AcRve Members will receive an email with a link to cast your vote. This email will be sent out on September 10th and will be good Rll midnight September 16th. To vote by proxy mail it to : Greta J. Mee, CPP 1010 A East Main Street League City, TX 77573 All Proxies must be received by midnight September 15th, 2013. Ballot/proxy can be accessed at the PPGH website, under “Members Only” tab.

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AUGUST 1, 2013

August Guest Speaker Teri Quance Master Photog., CR., CPP

Teri Quance, M.Photog., Cr., CPP

Program: Greater Than Ourselves Being a small business owner in a creaRve industry can occasionally be daunRng. Fortunately, our industry has one of the greatest networks available to those who are willing to open the doors of opportunity. Through PPA and it's Affiliates, there are ample events and networking potenRal to help us grow and succeed in our creaRve small business. Come hear how PPA and it's Affiliates can help you and your business become greater than just your singular small business. Be ProAcRve with your Career, Let PPA work for YOU! Bio: Teri Quance is a CerRfied Professional Photographer (CPP), Master Photographer and Photographic Cra\sman. She has won many awards over the years including the ASP Award, Kodak Gallery Award, PPA Photographer of the Year & PPGH Photographer of the Year among others. She is Past President of PPGH, and currently serves as the PPA CerRficaRon Chair and PPA Councilor, as well as TPPA Director At Large. She operates a Retail Studio in Cypress Texas with a staff of 5.

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Leasing a Studio Space – What You Should Know agreement. The reality of the costs and lease terms should be carefully thought out before sign-­‐ ing any lease agreement.

Barbara Breitsameter Poppy Blue Photography For many photographers having a studio space -­‐-­‐ a space away from home dedicated for business -­‐-­‐ is a dream. For some photography businesses it is a necessity. From my own experiences leasing com-­‐ mercial studio spaces I urge every photographer considering leasing to move forward with financial prudence and to hire legal counsel before signing any leEer of intent and lease agreement. The first step is to meet with your accountant to determine if your business can cover operaRng ex-­‐ penses of a studio and ensure your business can afford to pay your salary. Then you and your accountant can establish your rental & build-­‐out/remodeling budget. Commercial leases do not have consumer protecCon laws that protect the lessee – that means YOU. There are also no standard commercial leases. Each lease is customized for that specific lease 8 PAGE !

While searching for the perfect studio space and locaRon it is im-­‐ portant to always check first with the local municipality or county that the zoning ordinances allow for a photography studio business at that locaRon. Never take the word of the landlord, leasing agent or previous tenant. Know which type of lease agree-­‐ ment contract you will signing. The two basic types are: • GROSS Lease – The tenant pays the landlord rent monthly. All other expenses associated with the space will be maintained and paid for by the landlord. • Triple Net Lease – This is the type of lease most commonly used. The tenant is responsible for the monthly rent, property taxes, property insurance and expenses associated with maintaining and repairs on and in the building. Prior to signing a lease you will want to have a pre-­‐lease com-­‐ mercial inspecCon done. Based on my experience, this inspecRon is an absolute necessity. This in-­‐ specRon will protect your business from unexpected repair/ replacement costs and any other costly disputes. The inspector will provide documentaRon of any ex-­‐ isRng damage or repairs that need to be done to the building. You should also take photographs and

AUGUST 1, 2013 make a checklist. This will protect you when you move out so you will not be charged for damage that existed before the lease was signed. NegoRate with your land-­‐ lord to have any repairs com-­‐ pleted before you sign the lease. Consult with a Commercial Real Estate AXorney to carefully re-­‐ view the lease. The Real Estate AEorney will help you negoRate with your landlord. Make sure every detail is wriEen out in the contract; including changes and addiRons agreed upon between the landlord and tenant. The commercial lease should in-­‐ clude these lease terms in the contract: •

Names of the landlord and tenant.

Address and details of what rooms/space is occu-­‐ pied by the tenant (includ-­‐ ing common area, rest rooms, hallways).

Start date and lease dura-­‐ Ron (Rp: avoid signing long-­‐term leases over 3 years). Monthly rent amount in-­‐ cluding property taxes, CAM costs, insurance, when the rent payment due date each month, and late fees. The security deposit amount and terms for re-­‐ funding deposit.

! Leasing a studio cont. • •

ness is being conducted at the locaRon It should specify if there are any limitaRons of oc-­‐ cupancy; limiRng the num-­‐ ber of clients allowed at one Rme and if children are allowed. If you photo-­‐ graph pets, make sure that the agreement includes that pets are allowed, if there is a limitaRons and the requirements for ani-­‐ mal waste cleanup. Specify how many parking spaces are reserved for you and your clients? Build-­‐out improvements, building alteraRons and if there is a build out allow-­‐ ance.

Details about which party (tenant or landlord) is re-­‐ sponsible for building maintenance and repairs.

OpRons for subleasing terms or sharing your space with another busi-­‐ ness. OpRons for renewing lease and % of rent increase when renewing.

CAM (common area main-­‐ tenance) details.

Any capital improvements clause (this is where the tenant and landlord each pay a porRon if the boiler or central air condiRoning 9 PAGE !

AUGUST 1, 2013 unit needs to be replaced). •

Exclusive Use clause to re-­‐ strict the landlord leasing a space in the same building or shopping center to an-­‐ other compeRng business (another photographer).

Signage specificaRons and restricRons.

Insurance requirements.

Lease terminaRon clause if the municipality or county does not approve your business license, in event of fire, catastrophic build-­‐ ing damage, or sale of building.

Barbara has worked as a profes-­‐ sional photographer since 2003 in the Chicago area. She now exclu-­‐ sively photographs dogs and the people they love. Barbara co-­‐ instructs pet photography work-­‐ shops with Paw Print Divas na-­‐ 4onwide, and is a na4onal speaker on the fine art of dog photogra-­‐ phy. Barbara co-­‐instructed a pre-­‐ con class at Imaging 2010 in San Antonio, TX and her business and award-­‐winning work was been featured in Professional Photogra-­‐ pher Magazine.

Leasing your first studio is a com-­‐ plicated legal and financial event, but hopefully this arRcle will help you be prepared and ready to move forward. Barbara Breitsameter Poppy Blue Photography -­‐ Long Grove, IL hEp:// This ar4cle is based on Barbara’s experiences as a studio owner and a lessee of two commercial studios in the last decade. If you are con-­‐ sidering leasing a commercial/ retail studio space this ar4cle is a valuable resource for the first-­‐4me lessee.

Barbara will also be our October Guest Speaker. Logon now to make your reservation. Don’t miss this event.


Mommy Just Wanna Have Fun Too

AUGUST 1, 2013

By Marsha Anderson

Remember Madonna’s hit, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?” Today’s modern mommy-­‐ to-­‐ be wants to have fun too. Ma-­‐ ternity sessions should be fun, sexy, and classy. As an English professor, and a professional

photographer who works with a diverse group of college stu-­‐ dents and young new moms-­‐ to-­‐ be, I have learned that in all stages of life; people want to feel special, look good, and 10 PAGE !

have fun. At Marsha Anderson Photography, we make sure all of our guests have an experi-­‐ ence that will keep them com-­‐ ing back.

Most of my business consists of weddings. Most of my brides will soon become pregnant af-­‐ ter the wedding. Even on the honeymoon, the bride can come home with more than just a happy heart—if you know

How To Schedule, Shoot, and Sell to Mommy to Be

what I mean. When I deliver the wedding album to my couples, each bride gets a gi\ cerRficate for an addiRonal session. The gi\ card can be used for a holi-­‐ day session, business or mater-­‐

*Scheduling a Maternity Ses-­‐ sion

! nity session. It has an expiraRon date of 12 months. My plan is that the bride will use the gi\ cerRficate for a maternity session. The gi\ cerRficate is for a $25 session. My normal session fee is $95—so with this gi\, the bride saves $70. I am not trying to make money from the session fee-­‐-­‐ the sales come from the portrait order. I keep in touch with brides to see if they are ex-­‐

pecRng. I send texts and email to remind them to take advantage of our special sessions before they expire.

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AUGUST 1, 2013 Many of them contact me to let me know that they are pregnant. My brides send me a picture of the sonogram to my IPhone. I don’t just do business—I build relaRonships. I become a person who they want to share the news of pregnancy with—if you build relaRonships—they will come back. *ShooCng a Maternity Session A\er the consultaRon with my

mom; I schedule the session. The session must be paid for in ad-­‐ vance. I take credit cards, and cli-­‐ ents can make their payments over the phone. GeIng your payments before sessions will cut

down on cancellaRons. My moms have three choices for the ses-­‐ sion: studio, home, or locaRon. I can shoot at my studio which is centrally located in the Memorial area (Memorial near City Center). The shoot can be at the home or a locaRon like a park or a hotel. The client is given the opRon of three change of clothing or three different looks. Clothing can con-­‐ sist of the husband’s shirt, skinny jeans, crop tops, scarves, and

preEy dresses. I like preEy colors. I have props that I bring to the session like pearls, throws, petals, and backdrops. Once the session starts, I set the tone for the at-­‐

! mosphere with tunes from my IPhone. This helps to put the mom at ease while geIng her ready for a good Rme. Music puts people at ease. I am always talk-­‐ ing to my clients while I am shoot-­‐ ing assuring them that they are doing a good job, and that they are looking good. I put on a show for my clients to keep them laughing. I let them look at the back of my camera so they can see a few im-­‐ ages. Allowing them to see a few helps them to relax, and feel con-­‐ fident that they are looking good. I always have water for my cli-­‐ ents, and I allow them to take small breaks between clothing changes. I shoot a variety of looks depending on the place of the shoot. I am upbeat and energized. The session lasts about 1 hour. *Selling the Maternity Session At the end of the shoot, I sched-­‐ ule the presentaRon and order session. I make sure I call it an order session. The mom knows that when she comes to the stu-­‐ dio to see the portrait presenta-­‐ Ron that she is expected to place her order. I usually schedule this session within seven business days a\er the shoot. I don’t want the excitement to die, and I don’t want her to have the baby. If she has the baby before placing her order—then you will lose her. She 12 PAGE !

AUGUST 1, 2013 will be too busy being a new mom. I give a pricing and product cata-­‐ log to the mom to take home so she has some idea of what she may want to order. I never put the images online for them to see. Your sells will definitely not be promising or prompt. At the presentaRon and order session, I show a five minute slideshow of her session either with Pro Show Producer or Ani-­‐ moto. I only show about 50 im-­‐ ages because I don’t want to overwhelm her, and I don’t want the session to go on forever. A\er the slideshow, we begin discuss-­‐ ing what portraits would be good for what groups of people (grandma, aunts, dad’s office and so on) and what products en-­‐ hance different parts of the home (home office, living room, bed-­‐ room, shelves and desks). I have mastered suggesRve selling—that increases the sell. I also show products like albums, collages, coasters, and canvas prints. You can’t sell what you don’t show. Showcase them in the studio. The CD is sold for a bonus price with an any order, and alone, the CD is $595. The bride has the op-­‐ Ron to pay a deposit if the order is over $300-­‐-­‐ she can get on a

payment plan with a secured credit card. We have a 3 payment plan. This schedule, shoot, and sell plan has worked well for my business. I hope it will do the same for you. Just a reminder—mommies wanna have fun too. Marsha Anderson/ Member of PPGH and PPA and WPPI www.marshaandersonphotograp We are everywhere—Facebook, TwiUer, LinkedIn, Pinterest


TPPA Summer Round-Up

AUGUST 1, 2013

By Greta J. Mee,CPP PPGH proudly announces ex-­‐ ciRng news from Kerrville. Our very own Frank Cricchio (PPGH President 1972) holds the honor of the first ever Star of Texas LifeRme Achievement Award! We are not biased one bit in saying there is no greater Texas legend than our Frank on whom this worthy honor should rest. In fairness, I should confess that I (personally speaking) may be a tad bit biased. My very first ex-­‐ posure to the magical world of professional photography came through Frank’s influence. No, not as a client as one might ex-­‐ pect. Not as a student either. When I was a child—back when there were only three television channels—Cricchio Studios had a commercial on television. I was so impressed by them that any Rme we drove through Port Arthur my eyes were peeled looking for that studio! At the Summer Round-­‐Up awards luncheon Judy Dumas, TPPA President, shared the fol-­‐ lowing about Frank. “From his very successful studio in Port Arthur, Texas, to teaching and traveling around the world, Frank Cricchio has impacted the lives of photographers through-­‐ out his working years. He was a consultant for Kodak and Fuji and was on the teaching circuit for over 50 years.

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“He has served as President of PPA, ASP, Camera Cra\smen and our own TPPA. He founded Texas School and was director of Winona Professional Photog-­‐ raphy School. He has earned the Masters degree, Cra\sman degree, CerRfied Professional Photographer, ASP Fellowship and Honorary ASP Fellowship and whatever else is out there. “He was honored by the United NaRons with the Leadership Award and by PPofA with a LifeRme Achievement Award. He has honorariums from many states and foreign countries and the list goes on and on.” Without his knowledge of the real reason for inviRng him to Kerrville this year, Judy shared the above bio as introducRon for a wonderful program he gave on flag history. My chil-­‐ dren are sRll asking the ques-­‐ Ron he asked: What US Flag is never flown at half-­‐mast? At the conclusion of his presen-­‐ taRon, President Dumas stated “We, as officers, have estab-­‐ lished an award that we call the ‘Star of Texas.’ It is given to honor a person that has given of themselves in service, edu-­‐ caRon and the advancement of the photographic industry, as well as served the Texas PPA in leadership roles. We are proud to award Frank Cricchio the very

Frank Cricchio,M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP., ASP.,Honorary ASP and Doug Box, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP

Star of Texas LifeRme Achievement Award In honor of a person or persons, that have given of themselves in service, educaRon, and the advancement of the photographic industry as well as served the Texas PPA in leadership roles, we will bestow the LifeRme Achievement Award, Star of Texas. This award will be given as the ExecuRve Council deems fiIng and appropriate and will be voted upon by the members of ExecuRve Council. NominaRons for this honor may Before be submiEed to the ExecuRve Council by any member in good standings with Texas PPA. The presentaRon of a trophy or plaque may be given at Summer Roundup, Texas Regional ConvenRon or other gathering of the Texas PPA mem-­‐ bership.

TPPA ! Cont.

AUGUST 1, 2013

first Star of Texas, LifeRme Achievement Award.”

tendees at Kerrville and family acRviRes. Way to Go Houston!

In case you don’t know the an-­‐ swer, the US Flag which never flies at half-­‐mast is the one on the moon!

The bar has been raised. See you next summer in Kerrville!

PPGH also proudly announces some future legends in the making. Houstonians took tro-­‐ phies and ribbons home in the annual print compeRRon. We hope to share some of the win-­‐ ning images a\er InternaRonal Photographic CompeRRon has concluded. Our winners include Armando Chacon, M. Photog.Cr.—4-­‐for-­‐4 print case! Belinda Higgins, M. Photog. Cr., CPP—Best Family Portrait, Masters Exhibit Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP—Best Overall Wedding Image, General Exhibit Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP—DisRnguished Print Ribbon for a Child, General Exhibit Melanie Hall, CPP—DisRnguished Print Ribbon for an Individual, General Exhibit Kelli Higgins—First Time Entrant Award

Frank Cricchio

And lest we forget this last honor is for all of us here in Houston. PPGH wins the Texas Pride trophy for 2013! We earned points based on parRci-­‐ paRon, guild spirit, print com-­‐ peRRon, volunteering, new at-­‐

14 PAGE ! Images by: Frank Cricchio


AUGUST 1, 2013

Get your photos ready! The PPGH will be participating in the 2014 Fotofest. FOTOFEST 2014 BIENNIAL The Fifteenth International Biennial of Photography and Photo-related Art March 15 - April 27, 2014, Houston, Texas U.S.A. Over 100 museums, art galleries, non-profit art centers and corporate spaces will participate in the FotoFest 2014 Biennial. In addition, there will be accompanying lectures, forums, special tours and a four-color Biennial catalogue. A little info from the FotoFest website: In 1986, FotoFest created the first international Biennial of Photography and Photo-related Art in the United States. After visits to the Rencontres Photographiques d’Arles, the oldest European photography festival, and the Mois de la Photo in Paris, FotoFest co-founders Frederick Baldwin, Wendy Watriss, and German gallery owner Petra Benteler founded FotoFest with a mission emphasizing discovery, internationalism, social commitment, and global/local perspectives. The Biennial has been formed to foster creative energy, new opportunities for artists, new audiences for photo-related art and broader visibility for Houston’s cultural resources. Thirty exhibitions of photographic art were curated and commissioned for the first Biennial in Houston, Texas. FotoFest has presented fourteen consecutive Biennials, every two years since that time. The PPGH will be parRcipaRng and is in the planning stages. We are currently looking for a space to have our exhibit. An office building with a lot of traffic would be ideal. A committee is in the planning stages and if you would like to join the committee please email Kim Christensen at or call 713-408-0965. PPGH will not have a theme for their exhibit. So get ready for six weeks of the Biennial to have an estimated 265,000 visitors at all venues. 15 PAGE !


Get YOUR Images Ready

AUGUST 1, 2013

FotoFest 2014 Time to get your best images ready! Gallery opening March 15, 2014 - proposed PPGH meeting date - Board needs to vote Location: Lobby at 1600 Smith (In the works.) 5 images max may be submitted at $25 for each entry = $125 No less than 3 images at $25 each entry = $75 Max 2 images will hang if chosen Judging by an independent curator *100 images to hang in the show- Projected *After judging printing and framing will cost “approximately� -Cost per image to hang $60-$70 ! *if two images hang the approximate cost $140 (two image max to hang) *Each photographer is responsible to get image printed and framed at the printer !chosen by PPGH guild committee. A framing party date will be announced. *All images will be the same size and framed the same. *Images need to be turned in by Dec. 1st - Judging will be digital *Hanging the gallery will be the 1st in March. Each photographer is responsible ! to bring their own print and hang it. We will be there to help. *A card will hang with the image stating the photographers name, title, phone number and email. *Music will be provided at the gallery opening *Food and beverage will be provided *Need tables, table cloths and serving pieces. *Everyone who attends the opening will get to vote on show favorite. *prize to be determined *Pamphlets printed with photographer name, number and piece title for patrons to take home. Get your images ready! ******All info is subject to change.*******

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July’s Image Contest Winners Active Members Division First Place

AUGUST 1, 2013

Show Off Aileen Har"ng,CPP

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July’s Image Contest Winners AUGUST 1, 2013 Active Members Division First Place Tie

On $e Do% Beat

Aileen Har"ng, CPP

18 PAGE !


July’s Image Contest Winners Active Members Division Second Place

Harmony 19 PAGE !

AUGUST 1, 2013

Karen Bu&, CPP


20 PAGE !

July’s Image Contest Winners Active Members Division Honorable Mention


AUGUST 1, 2013

Karen Bu&s, CPP


21 PAGE !

July’s Image Contest Winners Masters Division First Place

A Gentle Man

AUGUST 1, 2013

Armando Chacon, M.Photog.,Cr., CPP


July’s Image Contest Winners Masters Division Second Place

AUGUST 1, 2013

Timeless 22 PAGE !

Armando Chacon,M.,Cr.


Right Here in my Own Backyard

By: Cindy Crofford,CPP

My daughter in law called the other day and said, “We have got to get some pictures of Leah printed!” She did not say “taken”. She said “printed.” Three year old Leah has been walking around the house point-­‐ ing to pictures and saying “Is that me?” “No, Leah, that is Jack. No, Leah, that is Sarah.” At this point her lip goes out and tears start streaming down her face. “But where are the pictures of me?”

This is happening right here in my family. I have let it happen by not doing my complete job with the ones that I love the mo-­‐ st…and it is happening on a regu-­‐ lar basis. When Jack, her nine year old brother was born I was shooRng film. Jack was the first grandchild and I documented EVERYTHING. Seven year old Sarah was next and was part film baby and part digital baby. Again we have lots of wonderful printed images of her. Enter Leah who 23 PAGE !

AUGUST 1, 2013

has always been a digital baby. We have beauRful images of Leah. There just aren’t as many printed. Oh, they are on an ex-­‐ ternal hard drive and backed up on a DVD, but they just aren’t printed. Do I need to repeat that once more? Part of my job is to not only cap-­‐ ture images that you love but to also help you take these images to a permanent form to enhance your family’s heritage. Did you know that the Smithsonian is worried that we are not going to have any permanent re-­‐ cords of our personal heri-­‐ tage? Did you know that children who see pictures of them selves have a higher self esteem? Bot-­‐ tom line is that there is a reason to print images and what is at stake is your family heritage. Just think of me as a picture personal trainer. We will get results and the results will add to the love in your family. A final word about digital, the digital image is wonderful but it cannot take the place of a fin-­‐ ished print. Ann Monteith, a past president of the Professional Photographers of America, is a big proponent of the printed im-­‐ age. Recently she commented to me that a digital file has momen-­‐ tary enjoyment and quesConable permanence. The irony for Leah is she has seen countless images of herself with the world of iPhones and iPads but sRll yearns

for that printed image to see and touch. We all love our digital cameras but we need to love our family’s heritage more. As a pro-­‐ fessional photographer I want to get what is in your heart to show in a finished portrait.

Cindy Crofford, CPP


AUGUST 1, 2013

$e Professional Photographers Guild of H*+on Present 2013 Mini-Work,op Programs

Mark These Dates On Your Calendar Aug....25th "Off Camera Flash, My Way" Melanie Hall, CPP Sept...26th "The Business and Art of Pet Photography" Kim Hartz, CPP Oct.....24th “Packaging Your Personality” with Cindy Crofford, CPP Nov....14th “Children…From Consult to Finished Prints” by Buz Marvins, M.Photog,CR. April ..20th, 2014 Mitch Daniels, CR. Title to be announced soon Mini-­‐Program CommiEee Members: Chairman-­‐Aileen Harding, CPP., Lori Bailey, Vicki Longoria, Vanessa MaEhews, Sharon Chandler, CPP. and Tom Hathcock

Be sure to register for the opportunity to get inside the heads of some of our most famous and talented members!! From hands on Basic Studio LighRng, to Edgy OCF, to Award Winning Dog Images, to Fine Art Chil-­‐ dren's Portraiture, to CreaRng a Client Experience, to Children's Portraiture from Start to Finish and topping it off with an Evening with the Masters...this is going to be an incredible year. These workshops are designed to be an inRmate experience where all your quesRons are answered and you walk away with exciRng new tools in your toolbox so be sure to register early because there will be limited seaRng.

Learn more about each workshop on the following pages. Logon to enter your password and register for these specialize workshops. 24 PAGE !


25 PAGE !

AUGUST 1, 2013


The Business & Art of Pet Photography"

Looking to expand into pet portraits? Come learn how to tackle the business end of that venture as well as how to develop your own personal style when photographing pets. Kim will discuss everything you need to know: lighRng setups, Rps/tricks for photographing pets, creaRng a sustainable brand and markeRng campaign, pricing for profit, and sales techniques to help you sell your work.

Kim Hartz,CPP

Professional Photographer, and producing award Kim Ha!z has always winning images. viewed life differently, thanks to The images Hartz takes for her a camera given to her as a child. clients capture the unique essence of each subject, Over the years she has honed producing a true work of art that her art, specializing in pet and is both Rmeless and precious. infant photography, gaining The connecRon between pet recogniRon within the parent and pet is photography industry, earning especially poignant, and the disRncRon of CerRfied one of her favorite subjects. Most recently, Hartz’s photographs were accepted into the General and Loan CollecRon of Professional Photographers of America’s (PPA) 2012 InternaRonal Photographic CompeRRon. Her three photos Rtled “I Need My Space”, “What Do you Mean Dog?” and “Rocco”

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AUGUST 1, 2013

were among the pictures chosen to be on display alongside other photographic works from PPA’s photographic compeRRon and traveling and special invitaRonal displays.



AUGUST 1, 2013

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” Coco Chanel

“Packaging is not something that exists only in boxes, tissue paper and bags. It is in how we package our words, ourselves, our studios and basically how we package our lives. Cindy Crofford

Let’s unwrap a few ideas on how pack-­‐ Cindy Crofford aging affects our photography and the look that our businesses have in our com-­‐ munities. Bring your packaging and any materials that you use to make y o u r b u s i n e s s “ y o u ” a n d l e t ’ s share ideas. I have a few.

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AUGUST 1, 2013


Edward “Buz” Marvins

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Buz will speak on lighRng and posing, clothing, con-­‐ sultaRon, and how he works alone on the job.


AUGUST 1, 2013

PPGH MEMBERSHIP GROWING NEW MEMBERS: Our PPGH membership conRnues to grow! I want to thank our exisRng mem-­‐ bers for conRnuing to encourage their peers to join our organiza-­‐ Ron. Remember, that we now have PPGH business cards to make it even easier to share the guild with your friends. They will always be available at the Name Badge Table when you check in for a meeRng. Help us spread the word about our wonderful guild! At the July board meeRng, six new members were approved by the PPGH Board of Directors. CongratulaRons new members! •

Mary Blackwell -­‐ AcRve

Janet Emison -­‐ Associate

Deb Harmon -­‐ AcRve

Kelli Higgins -­‐ Aspiring

Sherry LiEle -­‐ AcRve

Brenda Logan -­‐ AcRve

Brenda and Deb are featured in this issue. Take a few minutes to read their interesRng stories. Thanks ladies for geIng me your stories so quickly. I'm sure you will be able to read about our other new members in the next issue. 29 PAGE !

INTERESTING DISCOVERY: While opening the Viewfinder to read recently, I discovered that a\er you click on the thumbnail, you can scroll down and read other professional photographic maga-­‐ zines from other areas in Texas and as well as from other states. I must say, that our very own Viewfinder is one of the best! Take the Rme to see what other ciRes are doing. FELLOWSHIP REMINDER: Are you keep-­‐ ing up with your Fellow-­‐ ship Points? The year is al-­‐ ready half over! I encour-­‐ age you to parRcipate in every-­‐ thing that the guild has to offer. MINI WORKSHOP: I want to take this opportunity to thank every-­‐ one who aEended my very first, Mini Workshop on Sunday, "Cre-­‐ aRng Merit Prints on a Shoestring Budget." We had a lot of fun and I enjoyed geIng to know every-­‐ one a liEle beEer. These work-­‐ shops are such a great way to be-­‐ come closer to your comrades. And, in my Rny house, I mean that literally as well as figura

By: Karen Butts, CPP

Rvely! LOL A special thank you to Aileen Harding, Mini Workshop Chair, for assisRng me by keeping me on schedule and thanks Sharon Chandler for bringing drinks and snacks for our guests. I had a great Rme and hope eve-­‐ ryone else did, too. Cindy Crof-­‐ ford, keep photographing those beauRful grandchildren of yours, even though it is not recom-­‐ mended for image compeRRon! I feel that I learned a lot by prepar-­‐ ing for this workshop. I may just be the one who learned the most! Please consider presenRng one yourself! Also, thank you Tom Hathcock, for staying on my case and encouraging me to take on this daunRng task that turned out to be not so daunRng!


30 PAGE !

AUGUST 1, 2013


Join a PPGH Committee Today March’s Ima- Contest Call one of the Chairmen and Volunteer

AUGUST 1, 2013

Fir+ Place - Aileen Har"ng, CPP

NominaCng CommiXee Tom Hathcock, Chair Kim Hartz, CPP Laura Popiel Rhonda Floyd Cindy Crofford, CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photo., CR Iraj Ghavidel, M.Photo., CPP Ethics CommiXee Belinda Higgins, M.Photog., CR., CPP Sunny Arrant, M.Photog.,CR Cindy Crofford, CPP Kim Smith Audit CommiXee Vickie Longoria, Chair Cesar Vargas Sheila Richards Web CommiXee Kevin Falcon, Chair Marvin Labohm Image CompeCCon Kim Hartz, CPP, Chair Vendor Liaison Open Foto Fest 2014 CommiXee Kim Christensen, Chair Alvin Gee, M.Photg., CR Aileen Harding, CPP Michael MarRnez Rhonda Floyd Eric Ernst Cindy Crawford, CPP Vanessa MaEhews Tom Hathcock

31 PAGE !

Telephone CommiXee Michael MarRnez, Chair Aileen Harding, CPP Jennifer Heylmun Tabitha Spence Amanda Beard Sharon Chandler, CPP David Barron Tom Hathcock Librarian Curley Marshall, CPP, Chair Mentor Program Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP Chair PPGH Photographer Orpha Labohm Viewfinder CommiXee Kim Christensen, Editor Rhonda Floyd Kevin Falcon Tom Hathcock Karen BuEs, CPP Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP Kelly Willis Vanessa MaEhews We need you on a commi-ee - It is your PPGH! Get more involved with the guild and consider joining a committee today. Volunteer, get to know your fellow guild members, and help improve the events offered to you, a member of PPGH. Sign up today get involved with your guild!

Procedures and Controls Teri WhiEaker, Chair Kelly Willis Melissa Dobbs ByLaws CommiXee Alvin Gee, M.Photog.,CR. Chair Kelly Willis Tom Hathcock Mini-­‐Program Aileen Harding, Chair Lori Bailey Tom Hathcock Sharon Chandler Vicki Longoria Vanessa MaEhews Membership CommiXee Karen BuEs, CPP Chair Kevin Falcon Tom Hathcock Kathleen Kinser Vanessa MaEhews Darla Guyton


AUGUST 1, 2013

Creating Heirloom Newborn and Children's Portraits on a Shoestring Budget MiniWorkshop with Karen Butts,CPP

True to form, Karen BuEs pro-­‐ vided an amazing experience at her Mini-­‐Workshop. We began with a tour of her sales/work/ office space and shooRng niche on her front porch. It was such a surprise to see the Rny spaces where she creates Rmeless por-­‐ traits. A\er our tour we saw her living/dining area aka shooRng space. There were lots of props that Karen had created from fab-­‐ ric remnants, old garments purchased from Goodwill, odds and ends from estate sales. She demonstrated color harmony with props and well as the use of textures and value to create a

32 PAGE !

pleasing composi-­‐ Ron. A\er the studio porRon of her program, we moved into the kitchen area where she had beauRful custom notecards, packag-­‐ ing, booklets and decoupage blocks on display. Karen stressed the im-­‐ portance of “doing it yourself” in order to cut costs..poinRng out that

custom doesn't have to be expen-­‐ sive. The final porRon of the workshop was a slideshow with examples of merit and non-­‐merit prints. She pointed out various issues with prints that would keep them from meriRng. Then she shared some of her prints that did merit, showing the original file and all the various adjustments necessary to prep it for Print CompeRRon. ParRcipants had been given the opportunity to

send in images in advance. Those im-­‐ ages were displayed and dis-­‐ cussed in regards to Print CompeR-­‐ Ron as well. Five o'clock came much too fast. Many stayed an addiRonal hour while Karen shared some Pho-­‐ toshop techniques and also gave a tour of the backyard and dis-­‐ cussed how she used the various angles to create pleasing back-­‐ grounds and good lighRng. We were all le\ wanRng more. She has so very much to offer. Thank you, Karen, for such a wonderful and inspiring program.

Aileen Harding, CPP Mini-­‐Workshop Chairman


AUGUST 1, 2013 Videographer -­‐ Houston area Top 5 -­‐ 2013 Houston A-­‐List. 26 nominees received votes for Best Videographer dur-­‐ ing the 2013 Houston A-­‐List.

Sandy Buller 2013 Award Winner: BEST Videographer (Runner-Up)

Get YOUR Images Ready

FotoFest 2014 This is a MAJOR event for our Guild. Don’t miss out on the chance to display your work to the public. 33 PAGE !


34 PAGE !

AUGUST 1, 2013


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

35 PAGE ! Darla Gyuton


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

36 PAGE ! Nick Evans


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

Lonestar 37 PAGE ! Who’s $at?

Jennifer Heylmun


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

$e Runaway 38 PAGE ! Jennifer Heylmun


39 PAGE !

Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

Quincean Jennifer Heylmun


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

40 PAGE ! Caesar Vargas, CPP


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

41 PAGE ! Caesar Vargas, CPP


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

42 PAGE ! Cindy Crofford, CPP


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

43 PAGE ! Cindy Crofford, CPP


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

44 PAGE ! Sandy Buller


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

45 PAGE ! Sandy Buller


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

46 PAGE ! Carolyn Wi/er0oon


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

47 PAGE ! Armando Chacon,M.Photog.,Cr., CPP


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Members’ Image Gallery Members’ Image Gallery AUGUST 1, 2013


Members’ Image Gallery

AUGUST 1, 2013

49 PAGE ! E(c Hoffland


AUGUST 1, 2013

MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS verted to digital. I've aEended seminars, Imaging USA and be-­‐ long to Pro4um and a few other forums. I've assisted other photographers, read books and I receive Photo Vision.

Brenda Logan -­‐ AcCve

Brenda Logan - Active

My interest in photography started when I took a picture of my liEle dog with my new $900 2mp camera back in 2002. I put a white poster board up the wall for "high key" (didn't know that was what it was at the Rme) and turned the picture black and white and thought it was a great picture. Even printed it out as a huge 8x10! So I thought I could do pet pictures. It wasn't like it was a wedding so I figured if I messed it up, just re-­‐shoot it. Then, I decided to take a film photography course at the local college. A\er all, I was told, no one will ever use digital cameras on anything important, especially weddings. I did take the 2nd course, sRll film, and remained friends with the teacher who turned to me for help a\er I con-­‐

50 PAGE !

My business is A Fine Print Photography. I chose that name thinking that being first in the phone book was the way to go, but I don't adverRse in the phone book any more. I enjoy photo-­‐ graphing kids, I love them but they can be a challenge, espe-­‐ cially my own grand babies. I do best at "one on one." Families are hard. I also love shooRng and working the" cookie-­‐cuEer" stuff; schools, daycares, karate etc. I have been married for 33 years and have two grown, married sons and four granddaughters. It gives me a good excuse to buy fun props and cute liEle dresses. We live a country life on two acres where we are making won-­‐ derful memories for them. My husband and I have another busi-­‐ ness selling carports, paRos, sun-­‐ rooms, pool enclosures, siding etc. (Sorry, always markeRng, lol.) I love Audrey Woulard's mesmer-­‐ izing style of photographing chil-­‐

dren and Kirk Voclain's style for the seniors. I also admire Aileen Harding. I think she has really got the senior market down, her pic-­‐ tures are amazing. I have photographed people, pets, kids and karate schools. I have partnered with another pho-­‐ tographer and we have photo-­‐ graphed a junior high and two different high schools for their senior cap and gowns. We also shot proms, dance schools, swim and baseball teams and daycares. I guess I'm weird but I actually like the back end work as well. I believe I heard about PPGH through Aileen. I hope to learn and grow in my photography as well as my business.


AUGUST 1, 2013

MEET OUR NEW MEMBERS Deb Harmon - Active My 92 year old father, whom I see every day, has always been interested in photography. If his life would have been any different, he probably would have been a photographer. He taught me to use his 35mm when I was very young and a\er I asked to borrow it for the umpteenth Rme he pre-­‐ sented me with my own when I was 10 years old. It's a Sears KS500 with a 50mm lens and I sRll have it. I have an A. A. S. in Real Es-­‐ tate. No formal educaRon in photography, just classes; but I hope to change that in the fu-­‐ ture. My business is Deb Harmon Photography. I am hired by Realtors to photograph homes for sale and produce virtual tours. A\er geIng my degree in Real Estate, I became a Realtor; by 2007, it was clear to me that the aspect of my career that I loved most was taking the pictures. In late 2007, my broker asked if I would be interested in taking over the producRon of virtual tours for the brokerage and I answered immediately, "Yes!" In 2012, I stopped shooRng as 51 PAGE !

an exclusive service provider for that one brokerage and undertook the business as my own. I now shoot for two bro-­‐ kerages locally. I have worked a liEle on my portraiture skills and will conRnue to do so, but my love is architecture, espe-­‐ cially very early twenReth cen-­‐ tury. I have been married for almost 20 years. My husband, Don Harmon is a Captain for the Orange County Sheriff's De-­‐ partment and a member of the FBI-­‐NA. We have two red-­‐ headed daughters. KaRe, age 16: flauRst, new driver, and aspiring youth minister; and Gracie, age 13: drummer, pian-­‐ ist, and aspiring writer. Gracie borrows my camera about as much as I borrowed my dad's. Most recently, the person who has most influenced my pho-­‐ tography is my nephew, Beau Wade (, his-­‐ torically, it is Henri CarRer. There are many more; but I don't think anything grabs my heart like the stories CarRer tells in his photos. I heard about PPGH when I joined TPPA last year. I checked out your website, and

really, really wanted to aEend the meeRngs I saw described there. I hope to gain beEer networking, a beEer educa-­‐ Ron, and honestly, I think I would just enjoy the company of other photographers.



The power of certification is universal. Many industries have certified experts who are often looked upon as better or more reliable...and photography is no different. It pays to be an expert. It pays to be certified.

Mark A. Campbell, M.Photog.Cr.,CPP, API



Register your candidacy at


Pass the comprehensive Certification Exam.


Pass the Image Submission Review.

WHAT IS A CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER? As the leading certifying agency for imaging professionals, the Professional Photographic Certification Commission is recognized throughout the industry. This commission outlines and enforces the stringent requirements that Certified Professional Photographers must complete and maintain, proving technical competency in professional photography. WHY BE CERTIFIED? Being a successful professional photographer takes more than a camera. A Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) designation will help you: © i~ ~{ z w z { w y { ~w ~w { ~{ {z}{ and the talent to back up your business. © b{ y { {w x { w z ~w {z}{ w z w { cutting edge…before they meet you. © [w { }{B { y { B w z ® { { | x { D ARE YOU READY TO JOIN THE RANKS OF THE CERTIFIED EXPERTS? For more information, go to or call 888.772.2780

Professional Photographic Certification Commisision Our mission: To acknowledge and validate a consistent standard by which professional photographers can achieve and maintain a recognizable mark of excellence.

52 PAGE !

jw bD ` { B cDf~ }DBYff



AUGUST 1, 2013

2013 General Mee6ngs and Workshops

2014 Workshops

August 20, PPGH General MeeRng

Dates to be announced

Teri Quance -­‐ PPA Merits and CPP

January MeeRng, Meet the President, Awards Banquet.

August 25th PPGH Mini-­‐Workshop

January, WorkShop:An Evening with the Judges

“Off Camera Flash” with Melanie Hall

February, Senior program

Sept. 17, PPGH Annual Business MeeRng

April 20th, 2014-­‐ Mitch Daniels, Cr

and Guest Speaker Dominique Harmon

May, Environmental Portraiture

and Barry Nelson

June, -­‐ Belinda Higgins, M.Photo,CPP, Family Portraits

Sept. 26th PPGH Mini-­‐Workshop

July, -­‐ Carol Andrews,M.Photo.,CR-­‐Mall Crawl

“The Business and Art of Pet Photography”

August -­‐ Open

with Kim Hartz

September -­‐ Greta Jacobs Mee,

October 15th, CPP exam, PPGH General MeeRng-­‐ Barbara Breitsameter

Knowing the boEom line

October 24th, PPGH Mini-­‐Workshop

November-­‐ Lightroom/Photoshop

“Packaging Your Personality”

TO BE Scheduled: PPA Sponsored All Day Program

with Cindy Crofford, CPP

with Karen BuEs, CPP

October-­‐ MarkeRng

Nov. 14th PPGH Mini-­‐Workshop “Children-­‐From Consult to Finished Prints” with Buz Marvins, M.Photo,.CR.

Monthly meeRng 3rd Tuesday of each month

Nov. 19th, PPGH General MeeRng

Mini-­‐Workshops 4th Thursday of each month

Fellowship Points due at this meeRng date

(subject to change)

December, TBA PPGH Gala

The Viewfinder NewsleEer deadline date 23th of

each month.

PLAN FOR IT NOW IMAGING USA Don’t Miss It! January 12-14, 2014 Phoenix, AZ 53 PAGE !


AUGUST 1, 2013

Vendor Ad Rates Viewfinder is published 12 times a year. Members-12-Issues per year 3 Month 6 months ¼ page ad $150. $125 ½ page ad $185 $155 Full page ad $250 $225

1 year $100 $125 $150

*Member ad prices include a one-year PPGH membership. *Members may change your ad once per month *A 6’ table can be provided to show your products at PPGH general meetings. Non-Members-12 Issues 3 months ¼ page ad $175 ½ page ad $210 Full page ad $280

per year 6 months* $140 $175 $255

1 Year* $115 $140 $170

* Includes 3 ad changes(if desired).

54 PAGE !

Sponsor a speaker for PPGH monthly meeting * Receive 3 months of complementary advertising Donate items for the end of the year gala *Receive 1 month of complementary Advertising

PPGH Texas School Scholarship Winner


AUGUST 1, 2013

By Kelly Willis I was lucky enough to be awarded a PPGH Scholarship to aEend Texas School this year. A\er opening my own studio all funds were being drained by typical ‘small business’ costs and receiving this award from PPGH was a wonderful gi\. I was fortunate enough to take the Painter class with Jane Conner-­‐Ziser and I have to say it was the best Painter class I have ever taken. I have always painted with oils/alkyds/acrylics/pastels and various other mediums so to be able to do this type of work digitally is very exciRng. I love taking the iniRal images to paint but I also love to paint other photographer’s work as well. Kelly Willis

Taking this class has provided me the opportunity to provide a more expensive prod-­‐ uct while at the same Rme reducing the number of clients I will take and sRll being able to maintain the same expected income. Thank you PPGH for providing this fantasRc opportunity!! Kelly Willis

TPPA Award Winner Armando Chacon,M.Photog., CR., CPP 4 for 4

55 PAGE !

TPPA - Fall Seminar


AUGUST 1, 2013

Download PDF Registration

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston presents Faking It: Manipulated photography before Photoshop The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, presents Faking It: Manipulated Photography before Photoshop, the first major exhibiRon devoted to the art of photographic manipulaRon before the advent of digital imagery. Featur-­‐ ing some 180 visually capRvaRng photographs created between the 1840s and 1990s in the service of art, poli-­‐ Rcs, news, entertainment and commerce, the exhibiRon offers a new perspecRve on the history of photography as it traces the medium’s complex and changing relaRonship to visual truth. The exhibiRon was organized by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Read more hEp://­‐of-­‐fine-­‐arts-­‐houston-­‐presents-­‐faking-­‐it-­‐manipulated-­‐photog raphy-­‐before-­‐photoshop/ 56 PAGE !

Follow this link to learn more.


PPGH ByLaws Notice


AUGUST 1, 2013

PPGH members voted last September to make much needed changes and upgrades to our current bylaws. While these changes have been greatly beneficial to PPGH, in the actual use of them we have determined we need to 'fine tune' some of them which is normal for any changes running an associaRon as large as PPGH. The proposed bylaw changes are listed in the next 8 pages. A full copy of the PPGH bylaws can be down loaded from the PPGH web site. Most of these changes are mi-­‐ nor but we must print the enRre Current and Proposed lan-­‐ guage for voRng purposes. Please read these bylaws and be prepared to vote to accept them at the September 2013 An-­‐ nual business meeRng.

57 PAGE !

PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting


AUGUST 1, 2013

Current: (a) Active – An Active member is defined as a professional photographer/visual artist creating work in various mediums, still or motion, within the scope of the professional photography industry. An Active member must be available for a minimum of 30 hours per week for consumer assignment during a normal work week. Required submission of a copy of your current D/B/A AND a copy of your current sales tax certificate, both in good standing, are required to be submitted to the Board of Directors to be considered and approved for Active member status. Active member status entitles member to full voting and office holding privileges, discounted educational opportunities, participation in the Active image competition in their respective categories, and proper use of the PPGH logo. It is preferred the Active member also be an active member in good standing with PPA and TPPA. Proposed: Active – An Active member is defined as a professional photographer/visual artist creating work in various mediums, still or motion, within the scope of the professional photography industry. An Active member must be available for a minimum of 30 hours per week for consumer assignment during a normal work week. Studio owners are required to submit a copy of your current D/B/A AND a copy of your current sales tax certificate, both in good standing, these are required to be submitted to the Board of Directors to be considered and approved for Active member status. Non-studio owners are required to provide proof of full time employment at a professional studio. Active member status entitles member to full voting and office holding privileges, discounted educational opportunities, participation in the Active image competition in their respective categories, and proper use of the PPGH logo. It is preferred the Active member also be an active member in good standing with PPA and TPPA. Current: (a) Associate – An Associate member is defined as either an owner, partner or spouse of a member, an employee or member of a member’s studio or firm, a person owning or working with a company who supplies services or products for the photographic industry, OR any of the previous by definition who retires with five (5) years of membership status (notwithstanding retirement due to disability or early retirement before age sixty-five). Membership is subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors. Associate members do not have voting privileges, may not hold office or chair positions, may not participate in the Active member image competition, and do not qualify to use the PPGH logo in any form. Associate membership includes discounted membership rates and discounted educational opportunities as determined by the Board of Directors. Proposed: Associate – An Associate member is defined as either an owner, partner or spouse of a member, an employee or member of a member’s studio or firm, a person owning or working with a company who supplies services or products for the photographic industry, OR any of the previous by definition who retires with five (5) years of membership status (notwithstand58 PAGE !

PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting


AUGUST 1, 2013

ing retirement due to disability or early retirement before age sixty-five). Membership is subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors. Associate members do not have voting privileges, may not hold office or chair positions, may not participate in the Active member image competition, and do not qualify to use the PPGH logo in any form excluding vendors. Vendors may use the logo for advertising purposes only. Associate membership includes discounted membership rates and discounted educational opportunities as determined by the Board of Directors. Current: (a).09 Any vacancies occurring in the Board of Directors and any directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Directors shall be filled by the Board of Directors. A Director elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office. The President shall propose a slate of candidates to be considered for this purpose. A majority vote of the Board of Directors is required to fill a vacancy on the Board. Proposed: Any vacancies occurring in the Chairman of the Board position or Board of Directors and any directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Directors shall be filled by the Board of Directors. A Director elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office. The President shall propose a slate of candidates to be considered for this purpose. A Past President only shall be appointed to fill the vacancy of Chairman of the Board. The President may propose a slate of candidates to be considered for this purpose or this vacancy may remain until the current term expires. A majority vote of the Board of Directors is required to fill a vacancy on the Board. PRESIDENT Current: 7.05

The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Guild and shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the corporation. He shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. He shall sign, or appoint another proper officer to sign any bank checks, deeds, mortgages, binds, contracts or other instruments which the Board has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors or by these Bylaws or by statue to some other officer or agent of the corporation; and in general he shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. In addition, he shall, with the approval of the Board, appoint such standing and special committees conducting the affairs of the society and he shall be a member, ex-officio, of all such committees. The President shall also serve as a liaison when needed with TPPA and PPA, which includes the responsibility of attending the TPPA Board of Directors meeting each summer.

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! Proposed:

PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting

AUGUST 1, 2013

The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Guild and shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the corporation. He shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. He shall sign, or appoint another proper officer to sign any bank checks, deeds, mortgages, binds, contracts or other instruments which the Board has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors or by these Bylaws or by statue to some other officer or agent of the corporation; and in general he shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. In addition, he shall, with the approval of the Board, appoint such standing and special committees conducting the affairs of the society and he shall be a member, ex-officio, of all such committees. The President shall also serve as a liaison when needed with TPPA and PPA, which includes the responsibility of attending the TPPA Board of Directors meeting each summer and any other meetings held by these associations that request the attendance of the President. VICE PRESIDENT Current: 7.06

In the absence of the President, at his request, or in the event of his inability or refusal to act or serve, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all powers of and be subject to all restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall be responsible for securing contracts for speakers for the following year of serving as Vice President. The Vice President shall be responsible for obtaining and providing a slate of names to present to the Board of possible candidates to serve as Executive Director, to be nominated on by the Board in accordance with Article VIII herein. The Vice President shall provide the slate of names for nomination of Executive Director to the Board no later than September of the year. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or Board of Directors. In the absence of both President and Vice President, the senior Officer present shall preside.

Proposed: In the absence of the President, at his request, or in the event of his inability or refusal to act or serve, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all powers of and be subject to all restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall be responsible for securing contracts for speakers for the following year of serving as Vice President. The Vice President shall be responsible for obtaining and providing a slate of names to present to the Board of possible candidates to serve as Executive Director, to be nominated on by the Board in accordance with Article VIII herein. The Vice President shall provide the slate of names for nomination of Executive Director to the Board no later than September of the year. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or Board of Directors. In the absence of both President and Vice President, the senior Officer present shall preside. The Vice President shall also attend the meeting of the Nominating Committee, in a witness capacity only, to uphold the integrity of the process during the Executive Director’s report on current Board member attendance and performance as described in Article 8.05 and 9.09 herein. 60 PAGE !


PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting SECRETARY

AUGUST 1, 2013

Current: 7.07

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the members and Board of Directors; give all notices in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws or as required by law; be custodian of the corporate records and of the seal of the corporation, and affix the seal of the corporation to all documents, the execution of which on behalf of the corporation under its seal is duly authorized in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws; and in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board. He shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees.

Proposed: The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of the meetings of the members and Board of Directors; provide a copy of the Minutes of each Board Meeting to the Board members no later than 14 days after the meeting recorded; give all notices in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws or as required by law; be custodian of the corporate records and of the seal of the corporation, and affix the seal of the corporation to all documents, the execution of which on behalf of the corporation under its seal is duly authorized in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws; provide any correspondence required as directed by the President and/or the Board; and in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board. He shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees ELECTION AND TERMS OF OFFICE Current: 8.01

The directors of the corporation shall be elected annually at the Business Meeting of the Guild. If the election of officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereafter as conveniently may be. Each officer shall hold office until his successor has been duly elected and shall have qualified. Each Director shall also promote the ease of transfer for new Directors upon the expiration of the current Director’s term in office. The Executive Director (ED) shall be elected and appointed by the Board of Directors at the first Board meeting of every year, or any specially called meeting in January prior to the first Board meeting, by a secret ballot vote of two-thirds (2/3) of Board members present.

Proposed: The directors of the corporation shall be elected annually at the Business Meeting of the Guild. If the election of officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereafter as conveniently may be. Each officer shall hold office until his successor has been duly elected and shall have qualified. Each Director shall also promote the ease of transfer for new Directors upon the upon the expiration of the current Director’s term in office. The Executive Director (ED) shall be elected and appointed by the board members elected at the annual business meeting to serve for the following year at a specially called meeting by the President no later than 45 days prior to the first Board meeting of the year of term, by a secret ballot vote of two-thirds (2/3) of Board members present. 61 PAGE !


PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting DIRECTOR REMOVAL

AUGUST 1, 2013

8.02 Any director elected or appointed may be removed by the Board of Directors, by a secret ballot vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present, whenever in their judgment the best interests of the corporation will be served thereby, and/or for the reasons set forth in Articles III and VI herein. The Executive Director may, by a secret ballot vote of two thirds (2/3) of the Directors present at any scheduled meeting of the Board, be suspended or reinstated, as the Board deems required and necessary. The removal of a director shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the director so removed. Election or appointment of a director shall not of itself create contract rights. Proposed: DIRECTOR OR CHAIRMAN REMOVAL The Chairman of the Board or any director elected or appointed may be removed by the Board of Directors, by a secret ballot vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present, whenever in their judgment the best interests of the corporation will be served thereby, and/or for the reasons set forth in Articles III and VI herein. The Executive Director may, by a secret ballot vote of two thirds (2/3) of the Board members present at any scheduled or specially called meeting of the Board, be suspended or reinstated, as the Board deems required and necessary. The removal of the Chairman or a director shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the Chairman or director so removed. Election or appointment of a Chairman or director shall not of itself create contract rights. Current: DIRECTOR VACANCIES 8.03 A vacancy in any Directorship position because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term as described herein in Article 6.10. Proposed: CHAIRMAN OR DIRECTOR VACANCIES A vacancy in any Directorship or the Chairman position because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term as described herein in Article 6.10. A Past President only may be appointed to fill the unexpired portion of the term of Chairman of the Board as described herein in Article 6.10.

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PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting

AUGUST 1, 2013

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Current: 8.05 The Executive Director must be a member in good standing, must also be a member in good standing with PPA and TPPA, and must have served on the Board in the capacity of President. The ED must be sufficiently equipped to maintain Guild business and historical records in a professional manner. Additional duties of the ED shall be to attend and be a Guild representative to the TPPA Board of Directors, the TPPA and SWPPA Conventions and the TPPA Summer Seminar, and any other conventions or seminars as assigned by the Board of Directors. In the event the ED cannot attend these or any other function deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, the ED shall nominate either the Vice President or the Secretary to the Board of Directors, with the Board appointing by a majority of votes, either one to assume these duties. The ED will assist and support the Board as needed in providing copies of documents, forms, letters, or any such other historical documents as needed, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board. The ED will also prepare and complete any and all forms associated with the Guild’s PPA and TPPA affiliation and keep the Board apprised of matters relevant to its status. The Board may approve, by a majority vote, all annual membership dues, including those required by PPA and TPPA to be paid by the corporation for the ED while holding this office, including any meals, registration fees, convention and seminar fees, and travel expenses, not to exceed the length of such seminars and conventions, or set by the Board of Directors. Proposed: The Executive Director must be a member in good standing, must also be a member in good standing with PPA and TPPA, and must have served on the Board in the capacity of President. The ED must be sufficiently equipped to maintain Guild business and historical records in a professional manner. Additional duties of the ED shall be to attend and be a Guild representative to the TPPA Board of Directors, the TPPA and SWPPA Conventions and the TPPA Summer Seminar, and any other conventions or seminars as assigned by the Board of Directors. In the event the ED cannot attend these or any other function deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, the ED shall nominate either the Vice President or the Secretary to the Board of Directors, with the Board appointing by a majority of votes, either one to assume these duties. The ED will assist and support the Board as needed in providing copies of documents, forms, letters, or any such other historical documents as needed, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board. The ED will also prepare and complete any and all forms associated with the Guild’s PPA and TPPA affiliation and keep the Board apprised of matters relevant to its status. The Board may approve, by a majority vote, all annual membership dues, including those required by PPA and TPPA to be paid by the corporation for the ED while holding this office, including any meals, registration fees, convention and seminar fees, and travel expenses, not to exceed the length of such seminars and conventions, or set by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees. The Executive Director shall provide to the Nominating Committee, at the committee’s meeting, a report on each Board Member’s and committee member’s performance and attendance for consideration in accordance with Articles 7.06 and 9.09 herein. 63 PAGE !

PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting


AUGUST 1, 2013

AUDIT COMMITTEE Current: 9.08 The Audit Committee is a special committee consisting of not less than three (3) Active or Life Members, who are not authorized signers, and shall be appointed or elected at the yearly annual business meeting. Members of the audit committee shall not be related by blood nor marriage and shall not reside in the same household as the authorized signers nor be the incoming or outgoing Treasurer. The committee shall provide an audit report to the general membership and the audit report is to be adopted by a majority vote at the first regular Board meeting of the year. Proposed: The Audit Committee is a special committee consisting of not less than three (3) Active or Life Members, who are not authorized signers, and shall be appointed or elected at the yearly annual business meeting. Members of the audit committee shall not be related by blood nor marriage and shall not reside in the same household as the authorized signers nor be the incoming or outgoing Treasurer. The committee shall be provided financial information no later than 4 months after the first Board Meeting of the year to begin preparing their report. The committee shall provide an audit report to the general membership and the audit report is to be adopted by a majority vote no later than the fifth regular Board meeting of the year. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Current: 9.09 The Nominating Committee, consisting of at least one (1) current board member and two (2) Active members, one of which shall serve as Chair, shall be elected by ballot at the annual business meeting of the year to serve for the following year, and whose sole function shall be to present a slate of nominees for office to the general membership for a vote. The President shall not be an ex officio member of this committee nor shall help to select or nominate any candidate. Nominations for the Nominating Committee shall be made from the floor of the meeting and election shall be at the same time as the election of officers. The chairman of the nominating committee shall select the date and location of the nominating committee meeting, and shall submit notice of this meeting to the Board no later than 60 days prior to the annual business meeting of the year. The Board shall provide to the Nominating Committee a copy of the membership list, the bylaws, a description of the duties of each office, and the eligibility requirements. The committee must carefully review the eligibility requirements for each office and see that the nominees meet these requirements and are willing to serve in the capacity for which they are being nominated. Proposed:

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PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting

AUGUST 1, 2013

The Nominating Committee, consisting of at least one (1) current board member and two (2) Active members, one of which shall serve as Chair, shall be elected by ballot at the annual business meeting of the year to serve for the following year, and whose sole function shall be to present a slate of nominees for office to the general membership for a vote. The President shall not be an ex officio member of this committee nor shall help to select or nominate any candidate. Nominations for the Nominating Committee shall be made from the floor of the meeting and election shall be at the same time as the election of officers. The chairman of the nominating committee shall select the date and location of the nominating committee meeting, and shall submit notice of this meeting to the Board no later than 60 days prior to the annual business meeting of the year. The Board shall provide to the Nominating Committee a copy of the membership list, the bylaws, a description of the duties of each office, and the eligibility requirements. The committee must carefully review the eligibility requirements for each office and see that the nominees meet these requirements and are willing to serve in the capacity for which they are being nominated. The Executive Director and the Vice President shall appear at this meeting. The Executive Director shall provide a report to the nominating committee members regarding the various association’s committee members and Board Members. This report will be based on attendance and performance of the perspective members only. The Vice President will appear in a witness capacity only to maintain the integrity of the report. WHEN DUES ARE PAYABLE Current: 14.02 Membership dues shall be payable when joining the guild. Renewal dues are due annually on the anniversary of the last full dues payment. Proposed: Membership dues shall be payable when joining the guild. Renewal dues are due annually on the anniversary date of joining the guild

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NOTICE THE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS GUILD OF HOUSTON HAS A NEW HOME The UNITED WAY BUILDING 50 Waugh Dr., Houston, Tx 77007 Garage Parking WITH Security Guard Hotel Type Meeting Rooms Cross Streets: Between Feagan St., and Raymond St Neighborhoods: Washington Ave., Memorial We will be meeting here until further notice

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