August 2015

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August 2015

Cover Photo Elizabeth Homan,M.Photog.,Cr.,AIP.,CPP Page

August 2015

Work Hard…You’ll Create Your Own Talent PPGH President’s Message

Belinda Standford,M.Photog., Cr., CPP

As I was filing papers at home, I came across a ‘trial run’ essay for the STARR test written by my, at that time, 16-year-old niece Miranda, titled “Hard Work Beats Talent when Talent Fails to Work Hard.” {Kevin Durant - OKC Thunder} Of course, I read it. LOL. She did a great job describing one of her own battles she had to work hard at. But, more than that, it made me think about our industry. Can we be successful by just working hard? Or must we be talented? There’s no getting around it. Being a photographer is hard work. Really. Hard work. We are continually having to educate ourselves with the newest softwares, equipment, gadgets, lighting methods, current styles, trends, etc. etc. etc. We also work hard to sustain the business. Are our taxes paid? Did the deposits get made? Should I hire another employee? I need to clean the toilet before my client gets here. We struggle to keep a balance between working hours and personal time with our families. (I’ve not been so successful with this.) And it’s physical labor too! We carry large cameras with long, heavy lenses. Sometimes we add a tripod to that, then carry the whole ‘get up’ around. Oh! Then there’s the OCF. It may not be super heavy, but it’s another thing to lug around. If we’re shooting with lights, then there’s a whole set of lights, power pack, and cords to carry in somewhere. Oh! And don’t forget the backgrounds and props. Then, we’re shuffling people around constantly, lifting kids up and down, and moving props in and out, only to pack it all up to take back to the studio. Yikes! I’m tired just thinking about it! So, will all that work make me successful? Probably not. But it will help! Add some talent to the mix and your chances are much greater. But, what if I wasn’t born with a natural talent/gift for photography, but still love it? Don’t despair!! Talent is thought of as a gift for something...but, sometimes, by working hard, people can develop talent. Many famous ‘overnight successes’ are not famous because they ‘got lucky’ using their talent alone, but because behind the scenes they’ve been working really hard. Although you may not have a natural ‘talent’ for it at first, in time and with a focused amount of really hard work, you’ll become a master. The more work you put into something the more you’ll get out. To become successful at doing something, you need depth, understanding and perfecting your skill. That’s what all those 10,000 hours everyone is talking about give you (see gel/EricssonDeliberatePracticePR93.pdf). This takes time, patience, and hard work. People will consider you talented but what’s really happened is that you’ve become a master through repetition, belief and hard work! PPGH is here to help you with your hard work, your continued education, and help you along your path to success! Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen! Now, get out there and make things happen! Belinda.

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August 2015

August Headline Speaker The Portrait Studio....Refined! Elizabeth runs a successful high end portrait studio in San Antonio, Texas and has for the past 22 years! The afternoon portion of the class will focus on creating beautiful family portraits. Elizabeth will discuss how her posing, lighting and composition of family portraits result in large wall portrait and family album sales. Although she has become known as the “family portrait specialist” in her area, Elizabeth photographs anything from newborns to weddings and everything in between. Her studio, Artistic Images, creates customers for life through customer service, special events and exquisite quality. Elizabeth hopes to share all of her secrets with you. In the evening, she will discuss marketing your business year round, studio management and MUCH MUCH more! No matter what your photographic specialty, this program will give you many ideas that can help your business soar!

Elizabeth Homan Elizabeth Homan M.Photog, Cr, API, CPP and her husband Trey Homan, Cr.,, CPP own and operate Artistic Images portrait studio in San Antonio where they have enjoyed a hugely successful studio for the past 22 years. The studio is located on 2 ½ wooded acres where they have created a beautiful portrait garden. Elizabeth is known for her artistic portraiture of families, children and seniors and her dynamic images of brides. Elizabeth and Trey manage four support staff that allows them to live their dream of having their own successful business. Elizabeth has won countless awards for her portraiture, including her wedding and portrait albums. She has 14 Fuji Masterpiece awards, 5 Kodak Gallery awards and many loan collection images. She was selected as a PPA ELITE member in 2014, only 26 members selected out of 27,000 for photographic excellence! Trey manages the studio, computer systems, album design and designs all of the marketing pieces. Trey is also known as the “baby whisperer” and has a fantastic rapport with children of all ages. Not to mention: groundskeeper, plumber, electrician and computer repair technician. On a personal note, Trey and Elizabeth have 3 young boys, one with special needs, that keep them busy as well. When they are not at home with the kids or working at the studio, they travel around the country giving seminars to other photographers. Elizabeth and Trey love what they do and hope to always be able to encourage others!

This is a Merit Program for PPA Members

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August 2015


August 2015

Elizabeth Homan Page

August 2015

PPGH 2015 Board of Directors Contact your officers or director, just click on their name.

Chairman of the Board Kim Christensen

Executive Director Tom Hathcock M.Photog.,CPP

President Belinda Stanford M.Photog., Cr., CPP

Director Sherry PichĂŠ, CPP

Vice President Teri Whittaker, CPP

Director - Membership Laura Mansur, CPP

Secretary Aileen Harding M.Photog., CPP

Director Orpha Garcia-Labohm

Treasurer Kevin Falcon

Director Nikky LaWell, CPP

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August 2015

What’s Inside the Viewfinder August 2015

President’s Message

Page 2

PPGH Committees

Page 8

By Belinda Standford, M.Photog., Cr., CPP

June’s Image Competition Results

Pages 12-17

All Star Line-Up

Pages 18-19

PPGH Workshop Series Classes

Pages 20-23

Behind The Camera

Page 25-26

By Nicki Evans Simpson


By Teri Whittaker, CPP

Page 27

Happening Around Texas

Page 28-31

Member’s Merit Gallery

Page 33-40

WPPI Awards

Page 43-46

PPGH Video Library

Page 52

Looking Forward

Page 53

Photo by:

Kelly Willis Page 5

August 2015

PPGH Committees Bylaws Chairman: Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photog., CR., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Kelly Willis

Ethics Chairman: Janice Jones-Bosnic, CPP Dixie Dobbins, M. Photog., Cr., CPP Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Mindy Harmond, CPP

Audit Chairman: Greta Jacobs-Mee, CPP Fellowship Chairman: Teri Whittaker, CPP Shelia Richards Kathy Kinser Image Competition Board Liaison: Sherry Piche´, CPP Telephone Chairman: Macon Lieper Board Liaison: Cat Dybala, M. Photog Orpha Garcia-Labohmn Sandy Buller Kathy Kinser, Teri Whittaker, CPP Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Nikky LaWell, CPP Sherry Piché, CPP Mary Blackwell, Irma Furnish Vera Brock, Kevin Falcon, Kim Christensen, Blanca Duran

Procedures and Controls Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Vicki Longoria Mentor Program /Certification Chairman: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP

PPGH Workshop Series Board Liaison: Alieen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M. Photog., Cr., CPP, Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP Kim Christensen Kathleen Kinser, Brenda Logan, Vicki Longoria, Meghan Holton

Nominating Chairman: Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Alvin Gee, M. Photog., Cr., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M. Photog.,Cr.,CPP Kim Hartz, M. Photog., CPP Karen Butts, M. Photog., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Welcoming Board Liaisons: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Clean Up Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Membership Chairman: Blanca Duran Karen Butts, M. Photog., CPP Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Kevin Falcon, Kathy Kinser, Laura Mansur, Hallie Keller, Kim Christensen, Sandy Buller,

On The Cover

Web Site Board Liaison: Kevin Falcon Web Master: Vicki Longoria Tom Hathcock, M. Photog., CPP Marvin Labohm Social Media Board Liaison and Chairman: Kevin Falcon Events Board Liaison: Belinda Standford, M. Photog., CR., CPP Librarian Chairman: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Booker Shelton

Elizabeth Holman Elizabeth Homan M.Photog, Cr, API, CPP and her husband Trey Homan Photographic Craftsman, CPP own and operate Artistic Images portrait studio in San Antonio, Texas where they have enjoyed a hugely successful studio for the past 22 years.

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August 2015

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August 2015


What you think you’re paying for:

What you are actually paying for:

- Someone to take photos for a period of time.

- Camera and lenses.

- Someone to take photos for a period of time.

- Flash and lighting equipment. - Memory cards. - The amount of money and time spent on training and practicing. - Cost and time involved with processing the images. - Promotional and website costs. - Phone and other expenses spent arranging the shoot. - The percentage that goes to the taxman. - Insurance. NOT to mention....


- The payment also has to cover food, housing, bills and all other living expenses. - Do you have kids to think about?

Still think that offering “exposure” and experience is a fair price? You wouldn’t expect a plumber, carpenter, hairdresser, doctor, denist, optician, electrician, chef, mechanic, dressmaker or shop owner to work for free would you? Page 10

August 2015

PPGH 2016 Nomination Slate of Officer and Directors The Nominating Committee must carefully review the eligibility requirments for each office and see that the nominees meet these requirments and are willing to serve in the capacity for which they are being nominated. After careful consideration, the Nominating Committee has chosen the following Active Members who they feel will diligently and timely perform the duties of that office as required by the PPGH bylaws. The following slate of Officers and Directors for 2016 are:

Write in Candidate

Chairman of the Board….. Belinda Higgins-Stanford, _____N/A_________ M.Photog., Cr., CPP _________________ President…………………...Teri Whittaker, CPP _________________ Vice-President ……………..Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP _________________ Secretary…………………...Kevin Falcon _________________ Treasurer…………………...Nikky LaWell, CPP _________________ Director at Large …..….....Sherry Piché, CPP _________________ Director at Large Membership….Laura Mansur, CPP _________________ Director at Large…………. Orpha Garcia-Labohm _________________ Director at Large…………. Alison Carlino _________________ Elections are September 15th. Nominations will be taken from the floor for all positions except Chairman of the Board. Please plan to attend the PPGH business meeting September 15. Only active members can vote, and voting is done online or in person at the meeting.

Whitehouse Custom Colour (WHCC) provided a door prize certificate for our July Meeting. Vice President Teri Whittaker, CPP presented our first time guest, Belinda Levingston, with a certificate for a bamboo panel (her choice of 16x16 or 16x20). WHCC has provided us with a monthly giveaway, and it is something new every month. You can’t win if you don’t come! We hope to see you all at our next meeting!

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August 2015

June’s Image Competition First Place - Masters Division

Karen Butts,M.Photog., CPP

Even Angels Rest

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August 2015

June’s Image Competition Second Place - Masters Division

Cat Dyabala, M.Photog.

Morning Reflections

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June’s Image Competition Third Place Masters

August 2015

Aileen Harding, M.Photog., CPP

Winter Landscape

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August 2015

June’s Image Competition First Place - Active Division

Sherry Piché. CPP

Overlooked Details

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August 2015

June’s Image Competition Second Place - Active Division

Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP

Wanna Fly Away

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August 2015

June’s Image Competition Third Place - Active Division

Sherry Piché, CPP

Busters Mug Shot

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August 2015

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August 2015

Did you read “The Viewfinder” this month? Let us test you. Write this number “317” on a piece of paper and put it in the “Viewfinder Free Door Prize” box at the August General Meeting for a free chance to win a door prize from one of our sponsors. Page 19

August 2015

ᰠ䌀愀渀 礀漀甀 瀀爀椀渀琀 漀甀爀 瀀栀漀琀漀猀 漀渀猀椀琀攀㼀ᴠ 夀漀甀 栀愀瘀攀 瀀爀漀戀愀戀氀礀 戀攀攀渀 愀猀欀攀搀 琀栀椀猀 焀甀攀猀琀椀漀渀 洀漀爀攀 琀栀愀渀 漀渀挀攀⸀ 䈀甀琀 礀漀甀 洀愀礀 渀漀琀 欀渀漀眀 栀漀眀 攀愀猀礀 椀琀 椀猀 琀漀  瀀爀漀瘀椀搀攀 漀渀猀椀琀攀 瀀爀椀渀琀椀渀最⸀ 圀椀琀栀 愀 栀椀最栀 焀甀愀氀椀琀礀 搀礀攀 猀甀戀 瀀爀椀渀琀攀爀 昀爀漀洀 䤀洀愀最椀渀最 匀瀀攀挀琀爀甀洀 愀渀搀 䐀愀爀欀爀漀漀洀  匀漀昀琀眀愀爀攀Ⰰ 礀漀甀爀 挀氀椀攀渀琀猀 眀椀氀氀 戀攀 琀栀爀椀氀氀攀搀 琀漀 栀愀瘀攀 瀀爀漀昀攀猀猀椀漀渀愀氀 瀀爀椀渀琀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀椀爀 栀愀渀搀猀 愀琀 琀栀攀椀爀 攀瘀攀渀琀⸀

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August 2015

Professional Photographers Guild of Houston “Series of Workshops”

Register NOW

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August 2015

PPGH - “Series of Workshops”

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August 2015

PPGH - “Series of Workshops”

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August 2015

Centrally Located 2500 Summer St, Houston, TX 77007 (832) 263-3182

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August 2015

Stories from Behind the Camera by Nicki Evans-Simpson

I never had this thought figured the camera liked the cold just about as much before, but as I huddled under as I do...not much. my camera gear to try and On a slightly warmer day, another reporter, stay dry during a summer rain Traverse, and I headed to Kemah to cover a filming shower, I thought...photographers are kind of like of “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” Kemah mail carriers. Have you ever heard their slogan? was a bit out of our coverage area, but a Baytown The United States Postal Service Creed reads, couple was volunteering in the home building, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night so we followed their story. On the TV series, the stays these couriers from the swift completion of whole “Move that Bus” experience and the people their appointed rounds.” rushing into their new house happens in about five I had a little time to ponder during the rain seconds. In real life, that’s not the case. And for the storm. I was thinking, this is not typical for me as hours and hours we waited to see the bus move, a portrait photographer it rained...and poured. A (to be getting drenched crowd of journalists and for an assignment). photographers huddled in Usually, if it looks like a mass of ponchos and rain, we just move the umbrellas waiting and session to another time waiting. It was pretty cool or day. But back as a to see a few celebrities photojournalist, I had to and to see the reaction of shoot in all conditions. the deserving family when I didn’t get a choice their house was revealed, about what I covered, so but huddling in the rain whether rain, shine, snow, and wet clothes for hours hurricane, flash flood made for a long day’s or heat wave, I was out work. there photographing the On two different happenings in Baytown. occasions, I was stranded On one rare during flash floods. On occasion, it snowed in the first occasion, I shot Baytown. It’s only snowed a basketball feature at in that area about five Lee College. On the way times in my 28 years. back to the newsroom, Nicki Evans Simpson Shooting photos in the snow wasn’t terrible. It the roads were beginning to flood. I diverted into the was actually fun because it wasn’t something Food Town parking lot thinking I could make it out I’d ever done before before. Watching kids have on the other side to get back to the newsroom. No snowball fights and adults building snowmen was can do. I was stuck in the Food Town parking lot in pretty entertaining. But the day before, that was my car for about two hours before being rescued by the rough one. Jane Lee and I went to cover a Dave Rogers, who drove an SUV. Luckily, during ribbon cutting for the new Life Flight location at the second flash flood, I was only stuck in the the Baytown airport. Luckily the organizers had newsroom. I had finished my day’s work and just planned in advance and there were portable couldn’t leave until the water had cleared. heaters in the hangar on that chilly day. But to With sports events, I’ve covered it all. get the shots I needed during the ribbon cutting Football pretty much happens as long as there portion of the ceremony, we had to mingle away isn’t lightning, so I’ve covered games in August in from the heaters. It was so cold, my camera the rain and in November (with about four layers stopped working. It may have been a fluke, of clothes) in the freezing or below temperatures. because those cameras are pretty tough, but I Baseball doesn’t seem to play as often when it’s

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August 2015 contuinued from Page 25

raining, because it ruins the fields. But baseball season can get pretty hot, and windy. I remember one day, after our new publisher changed our dress code into less casual attire and more business/professional attire, I tried to cover a baseball game in a skirt. That was about the worst idea ever. The wind was blowing like crazy and I kept having to tuck the skirt between my legs so it didn’t blow up while shooting photos of a bunch of teenage boys. On top of weather, as a photojournalist, I had to cover stories in some pretty sketchy situations. That’s a little off topic so I won’t go into detail, but just to name a few situations we covered...manhunt for an escaped convict, SWAT standoff and of course all the possibilities of getting hit by a foul ball or tackled by football players. Now back to my rainy session Monday... It started out as a normal session. I was to meet my sister and her fiance at the SFA Mast Arboretum for an engagement portrait session. I got to SFA about 15 minutes early to get my gear set up and to scope out the area. I had checked the weather earlier and my iPhone showed it to be partly cloudy with no chance of rain. ***Don’t trust your iPhone weather app. I got all my gear put together and started venturing into the arboreturm. There was a gray cloud overhead but it seemed to be passing, so I wasn’t too worried. But it did look a little rainy off in the distance, so I grabbed the first waterproof thing I saw...a Vera Bradley tote bag. I thought, if it start sprinkling, I can throw this on my gear until I make it back to cover. I walked into the arboretum and scoped out

some nice areas to make photos...wooden gazebo, pretty flowers, trellis work, benches, purple tire art installation... And then it came...the rain came down. I grabbed my Vera Bradley bag and tossed it over my Canon 7D (which was on a tripod) and managed to also get it over my flash (on another tripod). I tucked my light meter in my shirt. I planned to run back to the gazebo, but with the waterproof setup I’d managed, I didn’t think running was possible. I figured I’d fall and that’d be the end of it. On top of that, I had to protect my other camera with the zoom lens. The soft box mounted on my flash seemed like a good cover, so I huddled under it and tucked the second camera under my shirt. Are you getting a visual of this? I’m sure I looked like an idiot. Then it was one of those moments where I kept thinking, “I’ll wait it out., It’s just a summer shower and it’s almost over.” Then I’d think, “I should’ve run for it earlier.” Then back to, “I’ll wait it out.” I’m not sure how long this lasted (maybe five minutes), but finally the rain stopped. I was pretty much drenched. And then it was time to take photos wet clothes and in the 90-degree weather+East Texas humidity. So like I said, photographers are kind of like mail carriers. We just work through it all. And be thankful for your Vera Bradley. It could save your life someday...or at least your camera’s life.

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August 2015

SummerFest 2015

Hi fellow Guild members! I just got home from Summerfest 2015. I wanted to share the experience with you while it was fresh in my mind! (It is funny that when I write, I use a lot of exclamation points… Teri Whittaker, CPP totally in contrast with my manner of speaking.) But using exclamation points is very much appropriate when telling you about my time at Summerfest! Summerfest is the TPPA (Texas Professional Photographers Association) summer seminar. It was my first time to attend the summer seminar (formerly held in Kerrville), and another first for me was to enter the state image competition that occurs at this time. I went early to sit in and listen to the judging of image competition. Truly, I could have gone home right after print competition and have come away feeling that I had learned a lot and it was time well spent. Day one done...but there was more. The speakers at the summer seminar were wonderful. Doug and Laura Bennett, from Colorado, revealed how they create their stunning landscapes. Kari Douma, of Michigan, shared with us how she prepares her clients for family portraits. And Bob Coates, here from Arizona, taught us how to take our photographs from image capture to art. One comment that Bob made that has stuck with me was to “Play, play, play in Photoshop.” His point was that by spending some time in Photoshop every day, exploring what the tool (Photoshop) can do, you will expand your ability to create the art you envision. And that, my friends, was day two…and yes, there was still more! On day three, Cindy Romano, down from Illinois, gave us five categories and asked us to list five elements in each category. She then challenged take one element out of each category and go out to create. I can’t wait to go out and do this! In the afternoon, I went to hear Doug and Laura Bennett again as they demonstrated their post-production work on their landscape images. Day three…..not done yet. On my fourth and final day at Summerfest, I listened as Trey and Elizabeth Homan shared their

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business knowledge with us. Elizabeth encouraged us to write down our goals and to believe in ourselves, and Trey gave us tools to locate potential clients. Those were just a few highlights from the wealth of information from that final session. Then it was time to go home! But…I have only shared with you about the scheduled education sessions that I attended. There were speakers I didn’t get to hear, and print competition “Boot Camp,” CPP Summer Camp followed by administration of the CPP exam, and Doug and Laura Bennett hosted two sunrise sessions. And wait, there’s more, image nentoring and marketing mentoring were available to those who desired it. So while there was a lot of opportunity to learn, TPPA events are also heavy on the fun! On the first evening after image competition, there was “Kickoff Fun at Poolside.” The next day there was the annual golf tournament during the day, “Family Fun Night” in the evening followed by the “President’s Hospitality” event hosted by the TPPA President, Stephanie Ludlow. Even the awards presentation on the final evening was fun and entertaining. I could stop right now after describing the scheduled education and fun, and I know you can tell that I really enjoyed and appreciated being at Summerfest, but there were also things that were not scheduled that really contributed to the experience. The time spent with friends, the making of new friends, the conversations with talented photographers who generously shared their knowledge; these were all unplanned activities that made the time sweeter. In all of this I haven’t gotten to tell you about the lovely resort on the lake with the pools and the lazy river. By now I am hoping that you want to go next summer. Mark your calendar now for Summerfest 2016, June 26-28. See you there! P.S. Since you have your calendar out, pencil in Texas School, April 24-29. And while you are at it, you might as well go ahead and mark your calendar for all of the 2016 PPGH meetings (which are the 3rd Tuesday of each month).

Other Guilds Around Texas

August 2015

June 26-28, 2016 April 24-29, 2016

August 7,8,9 Choctaw Casino & Resort, Durant Oklahoma Page 28

August 2015

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Other Guilds Around Texas Join Texas PPA

Other Guilds Around Texas

August 2015

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August 2015

Other Guilds Around Texas

Esther Fuller~ “Painter” Aug. 12, 7-10 p.m at the Country Club: 3735 Country Club Circle, Ft. Worth, TX 76109

“When you are traveling around Texas, stop by and visit one of the local affiliate guilds. Click on the links below to find out more about each one. Be sure to tell them you are from PPGH.” Local Affiliates Austin · Austin Professional Photographers Association Bryan/College Station – Brazos Valley Professional Photographers Association Dallas · Dallas Professional Photographers Association Ft. Worth · Fort Worth Professional Photographers Association Lubbock · South Plains Professional Photographers Association San Antonio · Professional Photographers of San Antonio Tyler · Professional Photographers Forum of East Texas Waco · Heart of Texas Professional Photographers

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August 2015

PPGH Award Winning Member’s at SummerFest 2015

Congratulations to the following PPGH Members: Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr., CPP...... Distinguished Print: Best Portrait of an Animal or group of animals, “The Captive” Francie Blatazar, Cr., CPP.....Distinguished Print: Best General Album Exhibit (Non-Master), “This is Love” Catherine Dybala, M.Photog..... Best Restoration, Trophy: “Chrenek Family” Texas 4 for 4 Francie Baltazar, Cr., CPP. Cat Dybala, M.Photog. Melanie Hall, Cr., CPP

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August 2015

PPGH Member’s Merit Gallery

Cat Dybala, M.Photog.

Winter Landscape

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August 2015

PPGH Member’s Merit Gallery

Teri Whittaker, CPP

Set Apart Page 34

August 2015

PPGH Member’s Merit Gallery

Karen Butts,M.Phtog., CPP

Are You My Mother?

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PPGH Member’s Merit Gallery

August 2015

Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP

Got Teeth Page 36

August 2015

PPGH Member’s Merit Gallery

Cat Dybala,M.Phtog.

The Crossing Page 37

August 2015

PPGH Member’s Merit Gallery

Sherry Piché, CPP

Delicated Anotomy

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August 2015

PPGH Member’s Merit Gallery

Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., CR., CPP

Santa Fe Street Performer

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PPGH Member’s Merit Gallery

August 2015

Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., CR., CPP

Au Natural

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August 2015

PPGH Scholarship Winner

Melanie Hall, Cr.Photog., CPP This spring I attended Clark and Rachel Marten’s “Show Me Sales” retreat in Billings, Montana thanks to the scholarship I received from PPGH. Rachel goes in depth on what to say and what to do to enjoy a top-dollar sales average and that so many of our problems are in our heads and not the clients’ minds. They challenge you to question what you want in life and then to build a plan and set some goals to bring your businesses to a point that supports that lifestyle. During class we were asked to watch a TED talk from Simon Sinek. He has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership all starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” I invite you to spend 18 minutes watching this as soon as you finishing reading this. What is your why? Furthermore, while learning about business planning, we discussed goal setting. When you set your goals, you need to make sure they are smart: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-sensitive. However, you must also have widely important goals and only work on three of those goals at a time. We learned from their business coach, David Hilton, as well during the three days. He taught that systems are what runs business, and when there is a frustration that means that there is a broken system or no system at all. The results you are getting today are the results from the system you have been running. If there are problems or frustrations, start here. We also learned that sometimes the answer is not to work harder, but to work differently. We learned sales strategy and how to deal with objections from clients. I am currently working on my own sales script to objections I hear from my clients. Her strategy is to describe the price of a product by first mentioning the value of said product followed by the price and then more about the value. Value, value, price, value, value. Because what you suggest and how you create emotion during the sale

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will make a great difference between your ultimate success or failure. According to David, there are three ways to make money in the photography industry. Take pictures, sell said pictures, and then market to bring in more clients. Everything else should be outsourced or delegated because the most expensive phrase in the English language is “I’ll do it myself.” So far after returning from the retreat I have outsourced two things, and I feel much better and am getting more done. Also, he said multitasking is a waste of time and that a positive focus on what you will do rather than what you won’t do. We also toured their new 12,000 sq. ft gallery/studio in downtown Billings, MT. It was great seeing their in-house production system and how they kept everything organized. Clark also helped with some shooting techniques that help sell wall portraits instead of just gift prints. Their son Rudy also talked about marketing and dealing with employee issues. He said that every day, two hours should be set aside for marketing. For example, if you mess up in the camera room, will anybody notice? Yes. What about in the sales room? Yes. What about in marketing? No. Set times to go network with other business, and don’t cancel your plans just because someone else has a better or more fun offer for the day. So far, I have been back working for six weeks since the retreat. Lots of things are changing and it takes time. So wish me luck and encouragement and I recommend this workshop or their “Show Me Sales” series. -Melanie Hall, Cr.Photog., CPP

PPGH July Meeting with Bree Adams

August 2015

All Photos by: Aileen Harding, M.Photog., CPP

Cat Dybala,M.Photog. Curley Marshall,Cr.,CPP 21

Cat Dybala,M.Photog. Sherry Piché,CPP

Aileen Harding, M.Photog. Karen Butts,M.Photog.,CPP, CPP, Sherry Piché, CPP Sherry Piché, CPP Page 42

August 2015

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PPGH Members who won awards at WPPI


PPGH Members who won awards at WPPI

August 2015

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August 2015

PPGH Members who won awards at WPPI

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PPGH Members who won awards at WPPI

August 2015

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August 2015

CPP Image Submission Dates 2015 August 14-28 October 9-23

PPGH - Now accepting Scholarship applications go to click on members only section and submit your application NOW.

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Member’s Birthday in August Jesse Powell .................................Aug. 1 Teri Whittaker, CPP........................Aug. 12 Amy Asch.......................................Aug. 14 Sara Booth.....................................Aug. 15 Pati Bryant.....................................Aug. 17 Leslie Cervantez, CPP...................Aug. 22 Jen Ackerman................................Aug. 23 Alvin Gee, M.Photog., Cr., CPP.....Aug. 26 Michael Martinez...........................Aug. 28 Mindy Harmon, CPP......................Aug. 30

August 2015


August 2015 PPGH Image Competiton Software is an online management system for image judging and scoring. We partner with several photographic associations to automate the on-line registration and print salon activities. Major features include: physical print and digital judging, user-registration of images, user-printed print back labels, user-printed entry forms, online entry fee payments, image bar coding, digital image randomization, printed judging dockets, customized reports and forms, iPod Touch key pads for judges, iPad score monitor for jury chair, iPad projection of current image, iPad projection of leader board, iPad projection of results, Club79 experience, fantasy case, on-site support, associations of all sizes.

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August 2015

New CPP Exam Sample Test The Certification Committee has approved a new Sample Test for 2015. This 25-question practice test has questions from each of the six Test Specification sections. Adding to the existing sample test candidates now have almost 50 questions to test their knowledge with. Remember these items come straight from the CPP Exam Question bank so they are a good indicator of what candidates will see on the actual exam! Candidates can find the sample tests on the CPP Exam Overview & Resources page.


Calling all students! There are awards available during the monthly print competition for the Student Membership. You MUST sign in your image with the image competition team before or right after judging to qualify for an award. You also must be registered and present at the meeting to win the award. A PPGH ribbon will be presented to any student that scores an 80 or above. In the event that no student scores an 80 or above, the highest student score above a 75 will be recognized. If you are a student and enter the monthly image competition, please come up immediately after the judging to have your image personally critiqued by one of the judges to help improve your photographic skills. Sherry Piche, CPP., Image Competition Chairman

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August 2015

Don’t miss this eight state event that covers the entire Southwest area. There will be workshops and programs each day. The Expo will have exclusively dedicated time on Saturday and Sunday for everyone to look at and buy all of the newest photographic products and services. The Southwest PPA District competition will also be held here on April 1st and 2nd.

April 1 ‐ 4, 2016 Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center Frisco (N Dallas), Texas Your Hotel Room includes a Full Buffet, Cook‐ to‐order Hot Breakfast for each person plus a Manager’s Reception each evening with snacks and two adult beverages per person. All hotel rooms are two room suites. Special Nightly Rate only $134.00

You can get information and register online at You can purchase a full event pass, a one day pass, attend special workshops and safari’s plus there will be Expo Only passes. Select which option works best for you. Questions?? Contact Michael Scalf at 405‐485‐ 3838 or email him at

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August 2015

PPGH Video Library The PPGH has a library with videos on a variety of topics to help photographers better themselves in their careers. If you’d like to check out a video, email or call Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP at 281856-8915 or Let him know which video you’d like to rent and he will bring it to the PPGH monthly meeting where you can pick it up. Then return the video at the next month’s meeting. Video rentals are $5 for 30 days, but there is a $3 late fee per day if the video is not returned on time. Video rentals are only available for members in good standing. PPGH Video Library #001—Kirk Voclain - High School Seniors #002—Larry Peters - Senior Photography #003—Kalyn Mendez - Seniors #004—Ralph Mendez - Seniors #005—Tammy Mars - Seniorography #006—Panel of Wedding Photographers #007—Lanren Larsen - Creating Timeless Wedding Photography #008—Vaughn Eleanor #009—Tomas Ramso - Destination Weddings #010—Lewis Kinckloe - 3 Weddings and A Funeral #011—Tony Corbell - The Power of Light #012—Winn Fuqua - Killer Studio Lighting #013—Jim Monteity - Traditional Lighting #014—Don Blair - Outdoor Lighting #015—Doug Box - Fill Flash #016—David Peters - Portraiture #017—Bruce and Sue Hudson - Portraiture #018—Clay Blackmore - Portrait Posing #019—Pat Mercer- Portrait Photography #020—Will O’Hallarun - Portraiture #021—Doug and Rita Loy - Portraiture #022—Alvin Gee - The Family Friendly Studio #023—Ron Whitfield - Model Portraiture #024--Robert Suddarth - Photographing Children #025—Ted Lane - Children #026—Cindy Mekanna - Children #027—Scott Kelby - Photoshop Retouching #028—Eddie Tapp - Photoshop #029—Steve Ervin - Photoshop and Painter #030— Ann Monteith - The Business of Photography #031—Marian and Mike - Marketing Weddings #032—Curt Campbell – Business #033—Ron Harris - Business of Photography #034—Carol Andrews - Growing the Money Tree #035—Bruce Berg - Out Sell-Out Shoot-Out Smart #036—Michael Cate - Targeted Exchange Advertising #037—Randy and L.Ann Pollard - Boudoir and Pinup

#038—Jim Stevens – Commercial #039—Paul Gittings - The Future on Photography #040—Bentkey Skeie and Jeff Locklear - Digital Imaging Myths #041—Richard Sturdevant - Composited Photographs #042—Gene Worsley - You Can Judge the Book by it’s Cover 044—Teri Quance - Marking a Merit Print #045—Steven and Came - Creating a Desire and Respect for your Photography #046—John Landauer - Selling Images and DIgital Files #047—Ron Nichols - Digital Workflow #048—Michael Ayers - Digital Photography Workflow #049—Steve Kozak - Forum Discussion #050—Dwayne Lee - “ABC” Absolutely Brilliant Concepts #051—Lizbeth Guerrina - Finding Inspiration #052—Dick Pennington - Stress/ Avoiding Burnout #053—Nancy Poole – I Feel Lucky #054—Evin Thayer - Finding your Niche #055—Michael Barton - Think Big #056—Tana Wild Surbet/ Frame Company - How to Display in your Dtudio #057—Tom Krieger

Contact Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP 281-856-8915

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August 2015

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August 2015

Looking Forward Next Month’s Issue

President’s Message Speaker Information PPGH-Workshop Series PPA Deadlines New Members Member Profiles PPGH Image Comp Other Guilds around Texas

Publisher Belinda Stanford, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Editor Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Copy Editor & TPPA Rep. Nicki Evans Simpson Proof Readers Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog.,CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Kevin Falcon, Teresa Casillas , Kathy Scalf

Photo by:

Kelly Willis

Photographers Kevin Falcon Nicki Evans Simpson Denzal Lovett

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