December 2012

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DECEMBER 1, 2012 December 1, 2012


PAGE 1 Kris Kringle

by Melinda Reddenhase


DECEMBER 1, 2012



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THE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS GUILD OF HOUSTON! speakers, mini sessions to come, a mentor program, EDITORIAL print compe>>on, the by Kim Christensen fellowship program in full Well we are up and running swing and don’t forget the “The Viewfinder.” scholarship we award every We are star>ng new. New year! I cannot wait to get the editor, new writers and new year with PPGH started. Viewfinder commiDee. We have lots of plans to keep you As the new editor I welcome informed with a President’s all ar>cle ideas and anyone Message, a member profile, interested in working on The the months ac>vi>es with Viewfinder commiDee -­‐ bring PPGH, PPGH members it on!!!! birthdays, new members announcement, new studios, Lets get this year 2013 started! some photography ar>cles and ar>cle wriDen by our own PPGH members. Plus we will smiles, have a list up for commiDees Kim that are in need of volunteers. This year has been a year of change for the PPGH. We have made huge strides moving forward. Lots of new board members with some fabulous ideas. We have the new bylaws in place, great

DECEMBER 1, 2012

PPGH The Viewfinder Editor Kim Christensen CommiDee Members Kevin Flacon Rhonda Floyd Kelly Willis Tom Hathcock

Editor Kim Christensen

2012 PPGH Awards and Gala & Casino Night The PPGH 2012 annual Gala was held December 2 at the HyaD Regency. This year, a fun ac>vity was added to the event, Casino night. Before the fun began, nine members were recognized for their Associate Fellowship Degree, three for the Full Fellowship Degree and four members received their Ribbon Bars. The PPGH Fellowship Degree Program was designed as a means of rewarding those individuals who have given freely of their >me and talents in service and par>cipa>on the guild. Please refer to the PPGH website for further informa>on about Fellowship Degrees. hDp:// This year, we were especially happy to have captured Fellowship points that we thought were lost. We allowed our members to submit previous years' Fellowship points and grandfathered these points in to recognize a gap in Fellowship tracking. We wanted to recognize and reward our member’s past efforts of service. !




DECEMBER 1, 2012

Features 7

Member Profile Jim Ferguson, one of Beaumont, Texas premier Professional Photographers by Kim Christensen


PPGH Fellowship Awards Four PPGH Members receive Full Fellowship Degrees by Karen Butts

12 PPGH Annual Awards Photographer of the Year Category Trophies by Karen Butts

14 PPGH Annual Bus Tour Four Studios Selected for Bus Tour byAileen Harding, CPP

QUESTIONS ABOUT PROPER ATTIRE Some members and guests have ask about proper attire for general PPGH meeting. For the general meeting Business to Business Casual, Mini-Programs Business Casual to Casual. Depending on the theme of the PPGH Gala that attire is announced in October.




DECEMBER 1, 2012


Karen BuDs

Chris Bechtold: Chairman of the Board and Past President, Chris Bechtold was the first recipient for Full Fellowship. Chris has already received his Associate Fellowship Degree and has earned his Cer>fied Professional Photographer's Degree. His involvement with the guild includes commiDee worker, commiDee chair and image compe>>on for which he has received the recogni>on of Special Print Category Winner numerous >mes. Chris has con>nued his educa>on at the local, state and na>onal levels.

ribbons and was recognized as Photographer of the Year in 2008 and Master Photographer of the Year in 2009. At the na>onal level, Iraj was PPA Photographer of the Year for three years in a row, twice at the Bronze level and once at the Gold Level.

Curley Marshall: Our current President, Curley Marshall, who had already received his Associate Fellowship Degree, was the last recipient for Full Fellowship. In addi>on to his work on the board, he has performed as commiDee chair, Iraj Ghavidel: The second par>cipated in image recipient of our Full Fellowship compe>>on and introduced Degree was Iraj, Ghavidel. As numerous new members to the you know, a requirement for a guild. Curley con>nues to Full Fellowship Degree is earning improve his crae through at least 10 points in print educa>on at the local, state and compe>>on. In addi>on to Iraj's na>onal levels. This year, Curley dedicated service, he has won earned his Cer>fied Professional numerous image compe>>on Photographer Degree.

Fe"owship Degree Medals

Lee to Right: Iraj Ghavidel, Master Photog., CPP., Curely Marshall, CPP., Chris Bechtold, CPP.,Mitch Daniels, Cr. Photog.




DECEMBER 1, 2012

FULL FELLOWSHIP DEGREE RECIPIENTS Associate Fellowship Degree. His contribu>ons to the guild include faithfully judging image Francie Baltazar: The first recipient of the Associate Fellowship Degree was Francie Baltazar. compe>>on, bringing new members to the guild and con>nuing to support our ac>ve members. Francie, became a Cer>fied Professional Alvin, who is CPP cer>fied, has also earned his Photographer in 2011 and sat on the panel of Master of Photography Degree and his judges for our local image compe>>on. She has also aDended local, state and na>onal educa>onal Photographic Craesman Degree and is a member events. Addi>onally, Francie has, par>cipated in of pres>gious Camera Craesmen of America, one of only 40 members worldwide. our local image compe>>on. Karen Bu0s: Karen BuDs recently stepped up to Iraj Ghavidel: The next recipient of our Associate Fellowship Degree was Iraj, Ghavidel. Iraj, a the Membership Director role and she will former Execu>ve Board Member, is a Master con>nue in that role in 2013. Her involvement Photographer with the guild and has achieved includes serving as the CPP status. a commiDee He has served worker, aDending the guild by local, state and judging local na>onal image educa>onal compe>>on and opportuni>es and has being a par>cipa>ng in commiDee image compe>>on. worker. Iraj Recently, Karen's Lee to Right: Iraj Ghavidel, Master Photog., CPP., Karen BuDs, Curely Marshall, CPP., Kim Christensen,Greta Jacobs-­‐Mee, CPP., Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP., Kelly Willis.

went 4 for 4 in the Southwest Professional Photographer’s Associa>on Image Compe>>on. Two of her images will be included in the PPA 2012 Showcase Book.

con>nues to improve his crae by aDending local, state and na>onal educa>onal opportuni>es.

Greta Jacobs-­‐ Mee: Greta Jacobs Mee, President Elect for 2013, is an ac>ve guild member. In Kim Christensen: The next recipient was Board addi>on to serving on the board, her involvement Elect, Treasurer, Kim Christensen, who achieved includes, commiDee worker, commiDee chair and her Associate Fellowship Degree by working on bringing new members to the guild. She became commiDees, par>cipa>ng in image compe>>on, a CPP this year and was a judge in our local print and being involved on the board. In 2011, she was compe>>on. Greta was instrumental in reviving awarded Best Group of the Year. In addi>on, she the Mentor Program in 2011. She con>nues her con>nues her photographic educa>on at the local, educa>on at the state, regional and na>onal level. state and na>onal levels. One of Greta's images was chosen for the pres>gious Loan Collec>on book. Alvin Gee: Alvin, a Past President and Honorary Life Time Member, was also recognized for his Cont. p9




PPGH MEMBER JIM FERGUSON PPGH recently met and interviewed Jim Ferguson. Jim was happy to spend a few moments with PPGH to allow us to get to know him beDer. Below is a summary of our ques>ons and answers with him. Make sure to say hello to Jim at the next guild .

Since 1988 and I will be celebra>ng my 25th Anniversary in the coming year of 2013. Would you tell us a liDle about yourself?

DECEMBER 1, 2012

Art but seDled for degree in business in order to keep food on the table and support my wife and future children. I now have my wife, two daughters, two son-­‐in-­‐laws and seven grand children. What type of photography do you do?

The majority of my photography is of High School Seniors and ladies wan>ng modeling pormolios. I Where are occasionally you located? photograph couples, My Studio is newborn located in infants, Beaumont, babies, Texas at children, 1310 families, and Interstate 10 commercial. South, Suite I am 206 between Jim Ferguson currently Balfour Ring I was born in one of the oldest crea>ng a pormolio of fine art Co. and the Harley and Honda historical ci>es, San Augus>ne, images. Motorcycle Shops. Our business Texas. Lived there and then hours are by appointment only Pasadena for my first 4 years How or what got you involved in Monday through Saturday. We un>l my parents moved to the photography? photograph in the Studio and city of Silsbee, Texas. This is on-­‐loca>on in the surrounding where I have primarily resided My passion has always been in area. We will travel extensively except for a 10-­‐year tour around the field of art since I was with a contract. the big state of Texas aeer approximately six years of age. Gradua>ng from Lamar My interest in art was first How long have you been in University with a BBA degree in sparked by an oil pain>ng business? Marke>ng. I wanted a degree in created by one of my Aunt’s. !


THE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS GUILD OF HOUSTON! instructor was Don Blair I was approximately six years of followed the next year by Joyce age. My interest in art was first Wilson. This was the perfect start for me as Don Blair taught sparked by an oil pain>ng me all the technical skills and the created by one of my Aunt’s. I was so excited that my mother following year Joyce Wilson purchased me a set of oils and I taught me the crea>ve ways to have been hooked in the field of implement those skills. These were just the first two of many art every since. I studied and greats that I have studied under. prac>ced art all through elementary, middle and high What is your favorite thing to school. photograph and why? Aeer gradua>ng from college I love crea>ng all types of and being immersed in the business world for many years, I images. However, I must say became so bored with life that I that my passion is to create beau>ful images of the ladies. picked up a camera in my late One of my first sessions was to 30’s and began to sa>sfy my create images for a high school hunger for art again. One day while being in a camera shop, I senior. She was a body builder that could have tried out for the met an old man in his late 70’s men’s high school football team. who was the President of the I made her appear very feminine Beaumont Camera Club. We and very beau>ful and that talked and he invited me to a model photo shoot sponsored by kicked off my career with high school seniors. I love taking all the club. I told him I knew nothing of photographing people the elements of art, the dynamics of the camera, angles, and his response was “That is what we are here for, to learn”. lenses, perspec>ves, quality of light and direc>on, etc. coupled Well, I accepted the invita>on with posing and making each and created some of the best images of the en>re camera club person look superb. They are so compe>>on. So, I was hooked overwhelmed and impacted. For example, early in my career, I again and began searching for photographed one high school ways to further develop my lady that would weigh in at talent. During the next two years I would spend a couple of about 300 pounds. The images I hours of every day reading and created for her with a film studying everything I could find camera and no art work made her look as if she were a size 12. on photography. Then I found And do you know that she was TPPA, the Texas School of Professional Photographers and so impressed that within a liDle over a year’s >me she lost all her began aDending their school each year. The instructors were excess weight and looked like and s>ll are superb. My first FERGUSON CONT.


DECEMBER 1, 2012

the beau>ful images I had created for her. Are you working on any special projects? I am currently working on crea>ve art images to sell to the public for the upcoming Texas State Fair in the spring of 2013. What are your goals for the future? One of my new passions is photographing slot canyons and sand dunes with and without people. I have even started a collec>on of sand samples from the dunes and beaches that I visit and photograph. You would be amazed at the differences in color and texture of the different sands. The sand of the “village creek” in my area has “square geometric grains” and to my knowledge is the only sand of this kind. I plan on photographing the Mojave Desert and Death Valley Na>onal Park next. The Sahara Desert of Egypt is another favorite on my list if that region ever seDles back down again. Yosemite has also been a favorite place of mine to photograph. Other goals are to create really great images of art that will hopefully stand the test of >me and be of interest to the general art-­‐loving public. I also plan to write a book at some point in >me on how to photograph and create art, then maybe one on just great ar>s>c images. Cont. P-12



DECEMBER 1, 2012

Cont. from P-6

Sherry Piche: Sherry Piche, a PPGH member since 2004, is another one of the guild's treasured Cer>fied Professional Photographers. Her guild involvement includes commiDee worker, image compe>>on and a par>cipant in local, regional and na>onal educa>on.

Kelly Willis: Kelly was the last recipient of the Associate Fellowship Degree. In 2013, Kelly will become the Vice President of our Guild. Her involvement includes par>cipa>ng in image compe>>on, serving as commiDee chair and con>nuing her educa>on at the local, state, regional and na>onal levels. She also >ed for Photographer of the Year in 2011.

Cesar Vargas: Cer>fied Professional Photographer, Cesar Vargas was recognized for his Associate Fellowship Degree. Cesar's involvement includes being a commiDee worker and commiDee PPGH members awarded with 25+ Bars to add to chair and par>cipa>ng in image compe>>on as well as being a judge. He has wriDen ar>cles for their Full Fellowship Ribbons were: the guild and con>nues his educa>on through Mitch Daniels local offerings. In addi>on, he is a recipient of the President's Award under Teri Quance's tenure and Iraj Ghavidel >ed for Photographer of the Year in 2011. Last year, Cesar also received recogni>on for Best Curley Marshall Electronic Imaging of the Year and Best Commercial Image of the Year.

PPGH- THANK YOU VENDORS We would like to thank the vendors who helped sponsored the event and donated door prizes.

* We also received a coveted dona>on for a 16x20 Floa>ng Frame Gallery Wrap print from Richmond Professional Lab.

* Pounds Lab sponsored the party held in the President's Suite following the Gala.

* Miller's Lab donated three items, one wall art product valued at $150, one Luxe Frame with a print valued at $60 and a * The beau>ful trophies for the set of 50 Signature LeDerpress Mindy Harmon shares her pricing menu image compe>>on winners were Cards valued at $85. at the annual PPGH Bus Tour graciously donated by White House Custom Color.

QUESTIONS ABOUT PROPER ATTIRE Some members and guests have ask about proper attire for general PPGH meeting. For the general meeting Business to Business Casual, Mini-Programs Business Casual to Casual. Depending on the theme of the PPGH Gala that attire is announced in October.




What is your favorite camera? I haven’t found the perfect camera. My favorite used to be the Hasselblad 201F film camera with a 110mm F2.0 lens. I currently shoot with a digital Hasselblad H4D-­‐50, with lenses of 60mm, 80mm, 120mm, 150mm, 180mm and 300mm. I use the 60mm, the HC 120mm macro and the HC 300mm most of the >me. The HC 120mm macro is similar to a 75mm in 35mm plamorm and is extremely sharp. In January, I plan to purchase the new HCD 24mm digital lens that is similar to a 17mm in 35mm plamorm. Hasselblad has superb lenses and equipment. It is great in the Studio and outdoors on loca>on in certain situa>ons. It has limita>ons though. It is slow when changing fixed lenses and not desirable for sports or high-­‐ speed type photography.

that great and distort the image. Hasselblad has a digital correc>on factor that corrects for any distor>on when processed in the computer. What is your favorite color? Wow, that is a difficult ques>on, as I love all colors of the pallet. Baby poop green is probably my least favorite while Candy Apple Red with maybe a touch of wine >nt added is one of my favorite colors. It all depends on how the color is being used and placed in conjunc>on with adjacent colors. Where do you see the industry going?

The photography industry in my opinion is going to con>nue to splinter into specialty categories. No maDer which category of photography you choose, whether portraits, sports, fashion, commercial or whatever, in the future you will have to be at the very top of If I could acquire the perfect camera for myself, it would be a your game and among the best Leica S model with high quality in order to survive. There will always be a market for great zoom lenses of which do not presently exist. They have only photography and people willing one zoom lens in the 30-­‐90mm to pay for it. Each photographer range but I would want a full set will have to find his or her niche like all the sports photographers and target market with a base large enough to support them in are packing around with their the business in order to survive. Cannon’s and Nikon’s. Maybe one day Leica will produce a full Who is your hero? set of zoom lenses. However, this would surprise me as Leica I can’t say that I have a hero or has always produced fixed have ever had one. I have a full lenses. My problem with bookcase of different ar>st, Cannon and Nikon is that the photographers and sculptures of wide-­‐angle lenses are just not !

DECEMBER 1, 2012

which I have studied and drawn inspira>on. Michelangelo, Renoir, Monet, George Hurrell, John Singer Sargent, Horst P. Horst, Robert Farber, Ruth Bernhard, Patrick Demarchellier, Ansel Adams, Alberto Vargas, Armani, Patrick Nagel, Peter Gowland, JulieDe Aris>des books, “Classical Drawing Atelier” and “Classical Pain>ng Atelier” just to name a few of the books on my shelf. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior of whom is the King of all Kings and the ul>mate person to have ever lived and died for our sins and is too far above the status of a hero to even be called just a hero. How did you get involved in the PPGH Guild? A professional photographer in my area invited me to join the Southeast Texas Professional Photographers Guild in 1988. From there I learned about the Southwest Professional Photographers conven>on being held in Houston of which I aDended and later joined the PPGH Professional Photographers Guild of Houston. I remember being so confused aeer the first SWPPA conven>on as each speaker presented a different method of photographing and crea>ng images.



DECEMBER 1, 2012


Why do you like being a member of the PPGH Guild? The Guild is a great place to go each month to learn and get inspired. It is also a great place to learn from members of the Guild no maDer what their level of experience. I love talking to the different photographers of the Guild and picking up different >d-­‐bits of informa>on, but not necessarily about how to photograph. It could be a unique idea or something totally off the wall that rings a bell with me and I find it a valuable nugget to add to my business. The Guild is a great place to go and get super charged each month. Are you a member of any other professional organiza>ons?

Chairman of the Board, editor and publisher of the newsleDer for PAT, the Photographic Ar>st of Texas. This organiza>on is dormant at present due to the lack of interest and demand for hand enhanced photographs with oils and airbrush. Any thing else you would like to add? Photography is just absolutely exhilara>ng for me and is something I can never quite master to perfec>on and con>nue to learn more about every month and year that passes. For every image that I create, I strive for it to be the best that I have ever created. I con>nually strive for perfec>on and have learned to be sa>sfied with what I’ve created un>l the next opportunity to go above and beyond in order to exceed and excel.

I am also a member of the TPPA. Back in the 1990’s, I served as the President, Vice President,

Make your Guild BeDer by

VOLUNTEERING We need you to answer the call! Well,,, really we need you to

make some calls. Join the Call CommiDee and serve the Guild from comfort of your home or office. We could use your help to stay in touch with our membership and let them know what is going on in the Guild. Please pick up that phone right now and give me, Teri WhiDaker, a call at 713-­‐898-­‐8017 to take advantage of this easy but vital way to serve! Thanks!




DECEMBER 1, 2012

PPGH -ANNUAL AWARDS Professional Photographers Guild of Houston


Francie Baltazar-Stonestreet,

Lee to Right: Chris Benchtold, CPP., Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP., Karen BuDs Photo by Booker Shelton Jr.

Best Illustra>ve 2012 Francie Baltazar Stonestreet Album of the Year 2012 Chris Bechtold Best Bridal Portrait 2012 Chris Bechtold Best Portrait of a Child 2012 Karen BuDs Best Portrait 2012 Leslie Cervantez Best Portrait of a Group 2012 Kimberly Hartz Best Portrait of a Wedding 2012 Linda Sims





DECEMBER 1, 2012

con>nue on to Tracy Hick's Glamour Photography studio at 3336 Spring Stuebner #U.

Then it was >me to board the bus and head to the Redehase sisters' amazing Silver Image Photography studio at 8003 Hennessy lane. Chris>e and Melinda are “old school” photographers, having actually studied and majored in graphic design and photography in Tracy has a hip college. They house their studio warehouse in a custom built home located space that's all on a country lane. The majority about crea>ng of the downstairs area is glamour devoted to studio space, giving imagery. He the feel of a high-­‐end bou>que focuses on studio. A client would never bikini, fitness and know that the sisters keep one por>on of the home closed off A great >me was had by all this glamour photography for both commercial a nd p rivate c lients. for personal living space. Chris>e year at the Annual Studio Bus It w as f ascina>ng t o h ear h im and Melinda have also created Tour. This unique opportunity to discuss h ow h e u ses several shoo>ng areas outside tour behind the scenes at professional m akeup a r>sts, on the grounds, offering a various studios in the Houston ligh>ng a nd variety of area has become one of the accessories looks for most popular events of the year. to h is their Spring was the geographic area client's clientele. chosen for the November 20, advantage. Their clever 2012 tour. Tracy also decora>ng subleases and display The group met at Robert part o f h is ideas Brayton's brand new space t o throughout PhotoVideoSound studio at three o ther the studio 17808 Villa Way. Robert is in the were process of conver>ng a pre-­‐ inspira>onal exis>ng contemporary home and into his cutng edge studio with photographers, two of whom demonstrated t he value of living quarters upstairs and an were there, and shared some of en>re downstairs area the advantages of this business “showing what you sell”. As usual, the girls had created renovated for business. His model. Everyone had the delicious home-­‐made treats for vision includes a waterfall opportunity to share ideas and everyone to snack on as they cascading over a stone wall in get to know each other a liDle toured the property and the entrance. It was exci>ng to beDer as they discussed issues hear his ideas and see the concerning the current state of admired all the gorgeous Christmas décor. progress as he finishes up this the industry and snacked on beau>ful space. Aeer a spread sausages, meatballs and other of yummy snacks and sodas it various treats. Cont. P-14 was >me to board the bus and !



DECEMBER 1, 2012

Mindy Harmon of Mindy Harmon Photography and Curley Marshall, PPGH President

Bus Tour Cont from P 13

The final stop on the annual tour was Mindy Harmon's retail studio Mindy Harmon Photography at 25164 Grogan's Park Drive in the Woodlands. We were greeted by Mindy's brand new sign featuring her branding that dominated the corner of the parking lot where her studio is located. It was just the beginning of a high-­‐ end studio experience. Walking through the front door, there was a large chandelier, velvet sofa and various funky chairs, a large screen tv with a slideshow showcasing her work and a massive mirrored table laden with caviar, cheese and crackers as well as other goodies. Champagne and raspberries was being served at the front door by Mindy's assistant. Mindy had also decorated for the holidays, and her Christmas Special set was on display in the shoo>ng room. There was a “no-­‐holds barred” attude as she pulled out her pricing menu and products and passed them around the room. Mindy photographs babies, maternity, families and seniors. Everyone's head was spinning by the >me they boarded the bus for the last >me to return to their cars. Riding together provided a great opportunity to visit with one another and share the impressions, inspira>on and ideas that this Annual Studio Tour provided. A very special Thank You goes out to our members who opened up their studios, allowed us to poke behind the scenes and get a glimpse into how they operate, especially at this terribly busy >me of the year. SubmiDed by Aileen Harding, CPP A. Harding Photography 281/814.4669




DECEMBER 1, 2012

PPGH Members with Birthdays in December Please take time to wish our fellow members Happy Birthday.

Carol Junell


Ashley Huddle


Gregg Alberts


Shelby Logan


Benjamin Madry II


Diana De Leon


Scott Villalobos


January Monthly Meeting Tuesday 29th, Lakewood Photography

Feb 19 Mar 19 April 16 May 21 Jun 18 Jul 16 Aug 20 Sep 17 Oct 15 Nov 19 Dec ... TBD

Important Dates for PPGH TPPA Regional Photo Conference $ Trade Show March 15 - March 17, 2013 Arlington, TX Texas School of Professional Photography April 28 - May 3, 2013 Addision (N. Dallas) TX Texas PPA Summer Round Up June 29 - July 2, 2013 Kerrville, TX

Imaging USA- PPA

Jan 20-22,

Atlanta, Ga. !



5 Reasons To Get Involved — Volunteering In The Guild As a member of the guild, you may have thought about how you can By Kevin Falcon maximize your investment of joining the guild. Another way many people describe this thought is “What’s In It For Me.” In this ar>cle I want to present to you five simple reasons why getng involved by volunteering >me on a commiDee is a great way to increase the benefits from your investment.

with other members, we are able to learn new skills which can possibly be implemented in your own business. A new skill is great to add to your tool kit.

DECEMBER 1, 2012

Fellowship points which can lead to an Associate Fellowship and Full Fellowship degrees.

So there you have it. Five easy ways that you can help make a Get connected ✹ Working with difference in the guild prosperity different members allows you and gain a return on your the chance to network with the membership investment. Some members. The connec>ons can other benefits of volunteering on some>mes be a great help when commiDees are: it is a great you need an extra photographer opportunity to learn how the for your team sports shoot. The guild works; allows other guild is here to help members members to get to know you; achieve a higher level of and if desired, it is an entryway excellence in all aspects of the to serving at a higher capacity in photographic industry. By your the guild such as a commiDee involvement, you are helping chairperson or board member. If others to raise the bar in our you want to get more involved, industry. please contact a commiDee member, commiDee chair, or a Build The Community ✹ We, the board member. We can always members, are the guild. And use a person’s >me and talent to there is always something to be further the guild’s goals. And an done. Schedule a mee>ng, extra pair of hands is always organize speakers, and appreciated! registering new members are just some of the tasks the guild does in an effort to maintain and grow the guild. Helping build and maintain this organiza>on is the responsibility of each of us. If everyone does their share, the work of building our guild is strengthened by our members.

Socialize ✹ Working as a member on a commiDee is a great way to meet other members. Spending >me with other members while performing commiDee work allows more >me to get to know the guild members . Many friendships and working rela>onships are formed by members during commiDee work. And you can 't have Earn Recogni>on ✹ To reward enough friends, right? your effort for volunteering your >me and talents with the guild, Skill Development ✹ By you can earn Fellowship points. volunteering, you have an As an ac>ve member, opportunity to get exposure to volunteering on commiDees, other techniques and skills. In par>cipa>ng in the image commiDee work, we some>me compe>>on, and presen>ng an are challenged with tasks that educa>onal offering are but a we have never done. Working few ways that members can earn !


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