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October 2015


A Little Imagination Goes a Long Way

October 2015

Belinda Standford,M.Photog., Cr., CPP

PPGH President’s Message

A Little Imagination Goes a Long Way During my ‘last’ (of many) trips to Disneyworld, I was anxious to visit & ride Epcot’s ‘Journey into Imagination’ with a new generation of sweet grandkids. If nothing else, for nostalgia’s sake. Though it was never the ‘thrill ride’ our family looked forward to, we somehow found ourselves loving the little purple dragon Figment (‘Figgy’). Sigh. To my surprise, I took something totally different from the experience this time. The theme song ‘One Little Spark’ made me wonder, did imagination play a part in my career? Did imagination help me build my business? Does imagination help businesses in general? “Imagination, imagination. A dream, can be a dream come true. With just that spark, in me and you.” And, of course, the answer was YES! In many industries (such as design, writing, photography, illustration, etc.) imagination is essential to success. But, we don’t hear the word imagination used very often in business. This is a mistake. Imagination is the number one tool for creativity and innovation. Without imagination, people cannot look at problems from new perspectives. Without imagination, people cannot imagine how various solutions to a problem could work. Without imagination, people simply cannot dream up new ideas. Imagination allows us to: - look beyond the obvious to generate new ideas - imagine what we can be - see the possibilities of growth - find new ways to do more with less - explore creative problem solving - think ‘outside the box,’ not stay within the boundaries of the ‘safe zone’ - seek adventure So, let’s let creativity and imagination help us grow our businesses! Albert Einstein is credited with saying, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Figgy is credited with saying... “It’s not about listening with your ears; it’s about listening with your imagination.” “Sure you can see with your eyes, but imagine what you can see when you use your imagination.” “There’s more to sight than what meets the eye.” “It’s always a good time to use your imagination, so let the good times roll.” Your imagination could be the key to your success as an entrepreneur! Imagine that! Making people smile! Belinda ”One little spark of inspiration Is at the heart of all creation. Right at the start, of everything that’s new. One little spark, lights up for you.”

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October 2015

Scholarships We are fortunate to have a guild that appreciates continuing education for our members. The guild usually awards at least three $500 scholarships, and one $750 scholarship for the Judges workshop. For a $500 scholarship, if you: 1.Have been an active member for two (2) years, 2.Have not received a scholarship from PPGH in the previous three (3) years, 3.Have paid your current dues for the year of scholarship applicaton, …..then you need to go online and complete a scholarship form. For the $750 Judges Workshop scholarship, if: 1.Have been an active member for three (3) years, 2.Hold a PPA Degree or Certification (priority is given to Master Degree applications) 3.Have not received a scholarship from PPGH in the previous three (3) years, 4.Have paid your current dues for the year of scholarship application, …..then you need to go online and complete a Judge’s Workshop scholarship form. You will need to login to the www.ppgh.org website. Go to the Members Only section. (Hover over the three lines at the end of the Menu line and you will see the Members Only section. Scroll down to the Scholarship area and submit the required information. If you are selected to receive a scholarship, the following reimbursement information will be helpful to you: 1.The scholarship is good for one year after the date it is awarded. 2.The scholarship may be used for a maximum of one educational event. 3.The scholarship has no cash value (it may not be redeemed for cash). 4.The scholarship may NOT be used for online education. 5.The scholarship recipient must have paid their current dues for the year of reimbursement. 6.The scholarship recipient must pay up front for the educational event. Reimbursement to the scholarship recipient will occur only after the recipient has attended the educational event and reported back to the guild about their experience (either by Viewfinder article or by sharing in person at a monthly guild meeting), AND submitted their receipts for reimbursement to the Scholarship Chairman. The deadline for scholarship submission is 12 midnight, on November 17, 2015.

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Fill our the application NOW !!! www.ppgh.org

October 2015

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October 2015

Election Results PPGH 2016 Officers and Directors Officers

Chairman of the Board…................... Belinda Higgins-Stanford, M.Photog., Cr., CPP President…………………...................Teri Whittaker, CPP Vice-President ……………..............Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Secretary…………………...................Kevin Falcon Treasurer…………………...................Nikky LaWell, CPP Director at Large …..…......................Sherry Piché, CPP Director at Large Membership…........Laura Mansur, CPP Director at Large………….................. Orpha Garcia-Labohm Director at Large………….................. Alison Carlino

FELLOWSHIP: Any member can get an Associate Degree, but only certain members can obtain a Full Fellowship Degree because points from Image Competition are required.

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October 2015

PPGH 2015 Board of Directors Contact your officers or director, just click on their name.

Chairman of the Board Kim Christensen

Executive Director Tom Hathcock M.Photog.,CPP, PPGH-Past President

President Belinda Stanford M.Photog., Cr., CPP

Director Sherry PichĂŠ, CPP

Vice President Teri Whittaker, CPP

Director - Membership Laura Mansur, CPP

Secretary Aileen Harding M.Photog., CPP

Director Orpha Garcia-Labohm

Treasurer Kevin Falcon

Director Nikky LaWell, CPP

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October 2015

What’s Inside the Viewfinder September 2015

President’s Message

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PPGH Committees

Page 8

September Speaker Info

Page 10-11

By Belinda Standford, M.Photog., Cr., CPP

September’s Image Competition Results Pages 12-16 New Members

Happening Around Texas

Page 17-18 Page 19-21

Members Gallery Page 24-31

Photo by:

Teri Whittaker, CPP Page 5

PPGH Workshop Series

Page 34-35

PPGH Video Library

Page 38

Looking Forward

Page 40

PPGH Committees Bylaws Chairman: Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photog., CR., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Kelly Willis

Ethics Chairman: Janice Jones-Bosnic, CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Mindy Harmond, CPP

Audit Chairman: Greta Jacobs-Mee, CPP Fellowship Chairman: Teri Whittaker, CPP Shelia Richards Kathy Kinser Image Competition Board Liaison: Sherry Piche´, CPP Telephone Chairman: Cat Dybala, M.Photog. Board Liaison: Blair Haynie, CPP, Orpha Garcia-Labohmn Sandy Buller Kathy Kinser, Teri Whittaker, CPP Aileen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Nikky LaWell, CPP Sherry Piché, CPP Mary Blackwell, Irma Furnish Vera Brock, Kevin Falcon, Kim Christensen, Blanca Duran

Procedures and Controls Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Vicki Longoria Mentor Program /Certification Chairman: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP

PPGH Workshop Series Board Liaison: Alieen Harding, M. Photog., CPP Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP, Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP Buz Marvins, M.Photog., Cr. Kathleen Kinser, Brenda Logan Kim Christensen, Vicki Longoria, Meghan Holton, Teresa Casillas.

October 2015

Nominating Chairman: Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP Kim Hartz, M.Photog., CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Welcoming Board Liaisons: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Clean Up Board Liaison: Teri Whittaker, CPP Membership Chairman: Blanca Duran Karen Butts, M.Photog., CPP Kevin Falcon, Kathy Kinser, Laura Mansur, Hallie Keller, Kim Christensen, Sandy Buller

Web Site Board Liaison: Kevin Falcon Web Master: Vicki Longoria Marvin Labohm, Duane Blocker Social Media Board Liaison and Chairman: Kevin Falcon Events Board Liaison: Belinda Standford, M.Photog., CR., CPP Librarian Chairman: Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP Booker Shelton

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October 2015

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October 2015

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October 2015

PPGH October Featured Speaker Lora Yeiter

My program, “Folcovers how I started basement of my to build a bigger stuquickly things grew. how to set yourself photographers. I dissilient even through that life sends our that resiliency to

low Your Heart,” my business in the home and soon had dio because of how It also gives tips on apart from other cuss how to stay rethe inevitable storms way and how to use help others.

Lora’s Bio: As a predominantly senior portrait photographer, Lora takes special care to learn each individual’s personality before they even come in for a session. She feels that she has been blessed with the ability to help others see the beauty within themselves and to capture that beauty in a portrait that will be cherished by the family for generations. Lora is a member of the Professional Photographers of West Virginia, the Professional Photographers of America, and the American Society of Photographers. She began her professional career in 2008, and in her first year of competition she earned West Virginia’s Photographer of the Year. She repeated her success as Photographer of the Year again in 2010, 2011, and most recently in 2013. As a competitor by nature against others, but also herself, she has earned the 2014 Grand Imaging Award as well as the ASP’s Gold Medallion. This competitive spirit was evident even as she was just beginning, as she obtained her Masters of Photography within her first three years of competition. This fire to continually improve and hone her skills sets her apart and is sure to keep her engulfed in the photography world for years to come.

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October 2015

September Image Competition First Place Tie - Masters Division

Karen Butts, M.Photog.CPP

Heaven Sent

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October 2015

September Image Competition First Place Tie - Masters Division

Karen Butts,M.Photog., CPP

Snug as a Bug in a Rug

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September Image Competition Second Place - Masters Division

October 2015

Karen Butts, M.Photog.CPP


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October 2015

September Image Competition Third Place - Masters Division

Armando Chacon,M.Photog.,Cr., CPP


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September Image Competition First Place - Active Division

October 2015

Curley Marshall,Cr.,CPP

Cound it be Santa Page 16

October 2015

PPGH New Members

Cynthia Azzam I am Cynthia Azzam, spicy, bubbly and creative. My photography is signed cynaZZam for a hint of whimsy and fun. I am of Lebanese origins and very American at heart. My background is in decor, in hospitality and in esthetics. I grew up surrounded by beauty, artistry is very important and I have the eye for it. I love color, I love glamour and I love drama and most of all I love to combine them all. My style is Hollywood glamour, chic yet quirky, whimsical and elegant. My photography will take you back in time where beauty was powerful and masculinity was defined. I have been capturing life on camera since a young teen, I travel and love to record my adventures, my purpose in photographing everything I see is to remember the essence of the place I’m visiting. I started professional portraiture recently this year, in 2015, and my passion is to bring out your beauty. I want to make the viewer feel your emotions and to make you see how beautiful you are. A smile from your eyes can express so many thoughts.

Come visit me over here: http://cynazzamphotography.smugmug.com/

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Jessi Becker “Originally from Las Vegas, I have lived in Houston for the past 5 years now. Photography has always been one of my greatest passions! I started out in the dark room when I was 17 and have not been able to put down the camera since then. Though film was fun, there is no doubt the benefits of the digital world and I have since gone through several DSLRs. At first, I dabbled in many areas of photography but quickly found my niche in the wedding industry. Having spent the last 8 years growing in the craft there is no doubt that nothing else in life makes me happier. Weddings in particular are where I seem to do my best work. There are only a couple areas in photography where I feel like I, as an individual, am moved emotionally. Weddings are definitely number one on that list. I have been full time with my business for the last 3 years and each year I have continued to grow and stretch myself as an artist. I love that at no point in this career do I feel like I have arrived. There is no arriving. You have to continue to learn new techniques, stay up with the latest equipment, come up with new methods for marketing, client relations, etc. I love the challenge! Both as an artist and a business owner I am constantly pushing myself to be the best version of myself that I can. I am truly excited about where I have been, where I am and also where I am going on this road!”

October 2015

PPGH New Members

I started getting serious into photography about six years ago. My career from a very early age has been an automotive technician and I have had my own business for over 35 years. I know, seems strange that I am writing a biography on my photography work and it starts out with being an auto mechanic. Well after so many years working with my hands, George McBroom I felt the need to express myself in another field that has amazed me for many years. My first contact in photography was at a much younger age during which I was a scuba diver. I so loved the beauty of the underwater world that I bought a device to house my Canon AE1 so I could capture this beauty. This was my start in learning of exposure, lighting and use of slides to capture this beauty. Later on I moved this to above the depths of the ocean to another passion of mine, wildlife. This has stayed with me for many years as I learned how to capture animals in their natural environment. This proved to be challenging and very rewarding to me. Along with this came landscapes that were very beautiful and I started adding this to my now growing portfolio. Now I found myself being asked to do school functions like senior pictures in the open outdoors. I found this very rewarding in that I now had a way to use creative portraiture in my beloved outdoor environment. Before long I was asked to photograph a wedding for a client. Having never done this before I was hesitant as I had heard so many of my photography friends say “I hate weddings and will never do them again”. I love a challenge so I said sure, but I won’t charge you as this being my first wedding and it will be a learning experience for me. I studied up on the items I should capture in this unknown area. I loved it and it went off with no problems other than the quest to be more creative at this newly found adventure. I have always heard you need to shoot with an experienced wedding photographer before attempting one on your own. Well I skipped this part as I was asked to do another wedding, a paying wedding at that. This has continued on now for a few years now. I have become very comfortable with portraits and weddings now. I am now also very involved in the Pasadena Rodeo and have become their official photographer with a team of very active learning photographers eager to learn their equipment and develop the eye to capture interesting subjects. I am a co founder of the League City Photography group. I enjoy sharing and leaning from others about my love for photography, holding as many hands on shooting events as time allows. As I wrote earlier now after 6 years of hands on learning my new adventure has taken off to a very rewarding career in photography along with keeping up my automotive repair shop in Deer Park. My website is Photo-xpressions.com were I keep my art and clients photos.

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October 2015

Other Guilds Around Texas


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Other Guilds Around Texas Join Texas PPA

October 2015

April 24-29, 2016

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October 2015

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Other Guilds Around Texas

October 2015

Other Guilds Around Texas

“When you are traveling around Texas, stop by and vist one of the local affiliate guilds. Click on the links below to find out more about each one. Be sure to tell them you are from PPGH.” Local Affiliates Austin · Austin Professional Photographers Association Bryan/College Station – Brazos Valley Professional Photographers Association Dallas · Dallas Professional Photographers Association Ft. Worth · Fort Worth Professional Photographers Association Lubbock · South Plains Professional Photographers Association San Antonio · Professional Photographers of San Antonio Tyler · Professional Photographers Forum of East Texas Waco · Heart of Texas Professional Photographers

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October 2015

ᰠ䌀愀渀 礀漀甀 瀀爀椀渀琀 漀甀爀 瀀栀漀琀漀猀 漀渀猀椀琀攀㼀ᴠ 夀漀甀 栀愀瘀攀 瀀爀漀戀愀戀氀礀 戀攀攀渀 愀猀欀攀搀 琀栀椀猀 焀甀攀猀琀椀漀渀 洀漀爀攀 琀栀愀渀 漀渀挀攀⸀ 䈀甀琀 礀漀甀 洀愀礀 渀漀琀 欀渀漀眀 栀漀眀 攀愀猀礀 椀琀 椀猀 琀漀  瀀爀漀瘀椀搀攀 漀渀猀椀琀攀 瀀爀椀渀琀椀渀最⸀ 圀椀琀栀 愀 栀椀最栀 焀甀愀氀椀琀礀 搀礀攀 猀甀戀 瀀爀椀渀琀攀爀 昀爀漀洀 䤀洀愀最椀渀最 匀瀀攀挀琀爀甀洀 愀渀搀 䐀愀爀欀爀漀漀洀  匀漀昀琀眀愀爀攀Ⰰ 礀漀甀爀 挀氀椀攀渀琀猀 眀椀氀氀 戀攀 琀栀爀椀氀氀攀搀 琀漀 栀愀瘀攀 瀀爀漀昀攀猀猀椀漀渀愀氀 瀀爀椀渀琀猀 椀渀 琀栀攀椀爀 栀愀渀搀猀 愀琀 琀栀攀椀爀 攀瘀攀渀琀⸀

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倀爀漀昀攀猀猀椀漀渀愀氀 瀀栀漀琀漀 瀀爀椀渀琀攀爀猀Ⰰ 猀甀瀀瀀氀椀攀猀  愀渀搀 攀砀瀀攀爀琀椀猀攀

匀漀昀琀眀愀爀攀 猀漀氀甀琀椀漀渀猀 昀漀爀 瀀爀漀昀攀猀猀椀漀渀愀氀  瀀栀漀琀漀最爀愀瀀栀攀爀猀



October 2015

PPGH Member’s Gallery

Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP

Butterfly Blues

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October 2015

PPGH Member’s Gallery

Dixie Dobbins,M.Photog.,Cr., CPP

Fairy Tale Fortress

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October 2015

PPGH Member’s Gallery

Blair Haynie, CPP

Is That My Sister

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October 2015

PPGH Member’s Gallery

Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP


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October 2015

PPGH Member’s Gallery

Armando Chacon, M.Photog., Cr., CPP My Indian Heritage

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October 2015

PPGH Member’s Gallery

Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Texas Gulf Shrimper

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October 2015

PPGH Member’s Gallery

Vera Brock The Guardian

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October 2015

PPGH Member’s Gallery

Armando Chacon, M.Photog., Cr., CPP

To The Finish Line

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October 2015

Fellowship Submission The submission deadline for Fellowship is Monday, November 23 at Midnight. We would recommend that you start gathering your list now but wait until after the November meeting to submit, so you can be sure and receive credit for attending the last event before the cutoff date. This Submission Form can be found under Members Only, Fellowship Information, Fellowship Points Submission. For a full breakdown of Fellowship Points, be sure and take a look at the document on the PPGH website under Fellowship Information. Hopefully, you have been documenting your Fellowship points throughout the year, but if life has gotten in the way, here are a few tips to help you compile your points. Want to know how many meetings and workshops you attended for the year? Login to the PPGH website and click on View Profile in the upper, right hand corner, then click on Invoices and Payments. You will discover a nice, neat list of everything you attended. How easy is that! Hint: It’s always a good idea to register for the events on line to help keep track of your points. Committee Chairs you will be contacted for a list of your committee members who served for at least 6 months out of the year, for verification that members served on your committee. Any member can get an Associate Degree, but only certain members can obtain a Full Fellowship Degree because points from Image Competition are required.


Calling all students! There are awards available during the monthly print competition for the Student Membership. You MUST sign in your image with the image competition team before or right after judging to qualify for an award. You also must be registered and present at the meeting to win the award. A PPGH ribbon will be presented to any student that scores an 80 or above. In the event that no student scores an 80 or above, the highest student score above a 75 will be recognized. If you are a student and enter the monthly image competition, please come up immediately after the judging to have your image personally critiqued by one of the judges to help improve your photographic skills. Sherry Piche, CPP., Image Competition Chairman

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October 2015

伀渀氀椀渀攀 倀栀漀琀漀最爀愀瀀栀礀 䔀搀甀挀愀琀椀漀渀 䄀琀 䤀琀猀 䘀椀渀攀猀琀

吀愀瀀 椀渀琀漀

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刀攀最甀氀愀爀 瀀爀椀挀攀 椀猀 ␀㄀㤀⸀㤀㤀 愀 洀漀渀琀栀 圀愀渀琀 琀漀 愀搀搀 䐀嘀䐀猀㼀 倀倀䄀 瀀栀漀琀漀最爀愀瀀栀攀爀猀 愀氀猀漀 最攀琀 㔀 ─ 漀昀昀℀

倀倀䄀⸀挀漀洀⼀ 䤀渀猀瀀椀爀攀搀

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October 2015

Professional Photographers Guild of Houston “Series of Workshops”

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October 2015

Professional Photographers Guild of Houston “Series of Workshops”

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October 2015

Don’t miss this eight state event that covers the entire Southwest area. There will be workshops and programs each day. The Expo will have exclusively dedicated time on Saturday and Sunday for everyone to look at and buy all of the newest photographic products and services. The Southwest PPA District competition will also be held here on April 1st and 2nd.

April 1 ‐ 4, 2016 Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center Frisco (N Dallas), Texas Your Hotel Room includes a Full Buffet, Cook‐ to‐order Hot Breakfast for each person plus a Manager’s Reception each evening with snacks and two adult beverages per person. All hotel rooms are two room suites. Special Nightly Rate only $134.00

You can get information and register online at www.swppa.com. You can purchase a full event pass, a one day pass, attend special workshops and safari’s plus there will be Expo Only passes. Select which option works best for you. Questions?? Contact Michael Scalf at 405‐485‐ 3838 or email him at michael@swppa.com.

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October 2015

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October 2015

PPGH Video Library The PPGH has a library with videos on a variety of topics to help photographers better themselves in their careers. If you’d like to check out a video, email or call Curley Marshall, Cr., CPP at 281856-8915 or cmfolio@yahoo.com. Let him know which video you’d like to rent and he will bring it to the PPGH monthly meeting where you can pick it up. Then return the video at the next month’s meeting. Video rentals are $5 for 30 days, but there is a $3 late fee per day if the video is not returned on time. Video rentals are only available for members in good standing. PPGH Video Library #001—Kirk Voclain - High School Seniors #002—Larry Peters - Senior Photography #003—Kalyn Mendez - Seniors #004—Ralph Mendez - Seniors #005—Tammy Mars - Seniorography #006—Panel of Wedding Photographers #007—Lanren Larsen - Creating Timeless Wedding Photography #008—Vaughn Eleanor #009—Tomas Ramso - Destination Weddings #010—Lewis Kinckloe - 3 Weddings and A Funeral #011—Tony Corbell - The Power of Light #012—Winn Fuqua - Killer Studio Lighting #013—Jim Monteity - Traditional Lighting #014—Don Blair - Outdoor Lighting #015—Doug Box - Fill Flash #016—David Peters - Portraiture #017—Bruce and Sue Hudson - Portraiture #018—Clay Blackmore - Portrait Posing #019—Pat Mercer- Portrait Photography #020—Will O’Hallarun - Portraiture #021—Doug and Rita Loy - Portraiture #022—Alvin Gee - The Family Friendly Studio #023—Ron Whitfield - Model Portraiture #024--Robert Suddarth - Photographing Children #025—Ted Lane - Children #026—Cindy Mekanna - Children #027—Scott Kelby - Photoshop Retouching #028—Eddie Tapp - Photoshop #029—Steve Ervin - Photoshop and Painter #030— Ann Monteith - The Business of Photography #031—Marian and Mike - Marketing Weddings #032—Curt Campbell – Business #033—Ron Harris - Business of Photography #034—Carol Andrews - Growing the Money Tree #035—Bruce Berg - Out Sell-Out Shoot-Out Smart #036—Michael Cate - Targeted Exchange Advertising #037—Randy and L.Ann Pollard - Boudoir and Pinup

#038—Jim Stevens – Commercial #039—Paul Gittings - The Future on Photography #040—Bentkey Skeie and Jeff Locklear - Digital Imaging Myths #041—Richard Sturdevant - Composited Photographs #042—Gene Worsley - You Can Judge the Book by it’s Cover 044—Teri Quance - Making a Merit Print #045—Steven and Came - Creating a Desire and Respect for your Photography #046—John Landauer - Selling Images and DIgital Files #047—Ron Nichols - Digital Workflow #048—Michael Ayers - Digital Photography Workflow #049—Steve Kozak - Forum Discussion #050—Dwayne Lee - “ABC” Absolutely Brilliant Concepts #051—Lizbeth Guerrina - Finding Inspiration #052—Dick Pennington - Stress/ Avoiding Burnout #053—Nancy Poole – I Feel Lucky #054—Evin Thayer - Finding your Niche #055—Michael Barton - Think Big #056—Tana Wild Surbet/ Frame Company - How to Display in your Dtudio #057—Tom Krieger

Contact Curley Marshall, Cr.,CPP, Author cmfolio@yahoo.com 281-856-8915

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October 2015

Professional Photographers Guild of Houston “Series of Workshops” Melanie Hall’s Off Camera Flash Melanie’s class was wonderful. We had a small group of 9 that attended with 4 models that were brought in to practice on. We were shown the difference between TTL and Manual and she also went over light meters and the significance of them. We learned how to shoot in shade to make the images look natural. Melanie went over using flash to over power the sun and how this gives an edgier look . We used 1 flash then 2 flashes and even up to 4 flashes at a time to show when and what situation we would need to use multiple flashes. A survey was taken at the end of the class and it was unanimous that Melanie is requested for

a follow up class. Great job!.

Kim Hartz – Developing your Style/How it relates to your brand Kim’s class received rave reviews on the new classroom surveys. Kim was very organized and detailed in her presentation, which made it very easy to follow along. Some of the items we covered was branding, choosing the right products to offer our clients, as well as marketing and selling our unique style. We had 6 individuals in attendance at Kim’s beautiful home studio where we were able to enjoy some of her wonderful pet portraits. What a wonderful speaker and informational presentation.

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October 2015

Looking Forward Next Month’s Issue

President’s Message Speaker Information PPGH-Workshop Series PPA Deadlines New Members Member Profiles PPGH Image Comp Other Guilds around Texas

Publisher Belinda Stanford, M.Photog., Cr., CPP Editor Tom Hathcock, M.Photog., CPP Copy Editor & TPPA Rep. Nicki Evans Simpson Proof Readers Dixie Dobbins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP Karen Butts, M.Photog.,CPP Hallie Keller, CPP Kevin Falcon, Teresa Casillas , Kathy Scalf

Photo by:

Kelly Willis

Photographers Kevin Falcon Nicki Evans Simpson Denzal Lovett



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