SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 !
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! Cover Photo: Cesar Vargas, CPP
Kim Christensen
EDITOR’S NOTE What a wonderful August, however, it seems that there is no end to this heat, but that is Texas! As summer draws to a close, PPGH is furiously planning our great, FotoFest Gallery Opening. Please read the rules for entry and get your images en-‐ tered and payment submiUed by the deadlines. This will be a great, six week event to parVcipate in with lots of expo-‐ sure for your studio whether it is home based or a brick and mortar.
Members Birthdays
Julie Schultz
Sept. 2nd
Melanie Johnson
Sept. 3rd
Jim Ferguson
Sept. 3rd
Kirk Beaumont Sept. 6th
The 15th InternaVonal Biennial of Photog-‐ raphy and Photo-‐related Art, FotoFest 2014 Biennial, is March 15th through April 27, 2014. Early esVmates for overall aUen-‐ dance at all venues, during the six week period, is esVmated at over 265,000 visitors.
Steve Rawley
Sept. 7th
Jean Megahan
Sept. 11th
Our August speaker was our very own, PPGH Teri Quance, Cr., PPA CerVfied and newly elected TPPA Councilor-‐at-‐Large. Her presentaVon was very inspiring and upli]ing. She also spoke about PPA cerVficaVon and about the new programs that are of-‐ fered by PPA to all members on becoming cerVfied.
Laura Popiel Sept. 16th
Don't miss our September 17th meeVng with Barry Nelson and Dominique Harmon, "Breaking In & And Breaking Out," learning the "ins and outs" of senior photography. Remember to sign up for the PPGH Mini Program on September 25th, "The Art and Business of Pet Photography." Are you look-‐ ing to expand into pet portraits? Come learn how to tackle the business end of that venture as well as how to develop your own personal style when photographing pets. Kim Hartz, CPP, will discuss everything you need to know; lighVng setups, Vps and tricks for profit and sales techniques to help you sell your work. Have a great September! Cheers, Kim 2 PAGE !
Orpha Garcia-‐Labohm Sept. 14th
Vicki Longoria Manuel Guerrero
Sept. 16th
Sept. 20th
Booker Shelton, Jr.
Sept. 27th
Expectations: “We all have them. The PPGH exceeds those expectations. PPGH gives every assignment 110% effort in maintaining the highest quality expertise available through our members.”
The Professional Photographers Guild of Houston 2013 Officers and Directors SEPTEMBER 1, 2013
Chairman of the Board
Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP
Curley Marshall, CPP
Vice President Viewfinder Editor Kim Christensen
Executive Director
Tom Hathcock Email
Secretary Robert Brayton, CPP Membership Director
Karen Butts, CPP Email Teri Whittaker, CPP Treasurer Director at Large
Michael Martinez Email
Director at Large
Director at Large
Aileen Harding, CPP
Kevin Falcon
Join PPA... The Benefits out weight the Dues. 3 PAGE !
Up date your profile on PPGH web site.... it’s how clients find you.
Features 6
2014 Slate of Officer and Directors
September’s Guest Speakers
Jessie My Hero by Kim Christensen
12-13 Member Profile by Kim Christensen
2014 Foto Fest Information
18-28 IPC Image Awards 30-31 MiniWorkshop Report by Aileen Harding, CPP
36-46 July Image Competition Results by PPGH Members
48-49 New Members by Karen Butts
It Takes So Little To Be Average by Cindy Crofford, CPP
62-69 ByLaws Update
4 PAGE ! Photo by: Aileen Harding, CPP
Membership Committee Are you a Social Butterfly? Do you have the "Gift of Gab?" Do you love meeting new people? If so, then the Membership Committee is the place for you! It's fun and easy. Our goal is to take care of our members, new and old. Here is all it takes to be on the committee: • Be available to greet guests and "newbie's" at the guild meetings and make them feel welcome. (Have you ever gone somewhere and didn't know a solitary sole? Awkward!) • Introduce guests to other members that you think may have something in common with the guest. • Help pass out nametags at the beginning of the meetings. • Hold up the Image Competition Sign that says "Quiet Please." (Come on, I know you can do this!) • Occasionally, help make some phone calls. That's about it! Remember, you can earn a Fellowship Point for being on the committee. How easy is that! If interested, please contact Karen Butts, Membership Chair. 5 PAGE !
September’s Guest Speakers ! Dominique Harmon Member of: Professional Pho-‐ tographers of America Southwest PPA Texas PPA South Plains PPA With a love for photography and creaVvity, I started off with classes in high school and col-‐ lege. I was always wanVng some-‐ thing different that no one else was doing and it seemed that I was always searching for that one photographer to shoot my family in a creaVve and different way and never finding that someone. So I decided to start doing it myself. I started off with my son's sports when he was 4 and couldn't get enough of those acVon shots. Through the years I started shooVng other teammates, groups and then onto high school seniors. A]er 23 years in the legal field as a legal secre-‐ tary, I was lucky enough to find a partner to team up with that was just as creaVve and eager to start a photography business as I was. A]er 4 years and the hardest I've ever worked in my life, we have finally created an amazing business and I couldn't be happier. With the love and support of my fam-‐ ily, I can't imagine a more perfect life. My love of dogs is only rivaled by my love for my family. I probably suffer from OCD. I probably suf-‐ fer from OCD. I probably suffer from OCD. Wait did I say I probably suffer from OCD? I hate wriVng about myself and I am easily distracted by -‐ hey was that a squirrel?
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SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Barry Nelson CerVfied Profes-‐ sional Photogra-‐ pher Member of: Professional Pho-‐ tographers of America Southwest PPA Texas PPA South Plains PPA NaVonal Associa-‐ Von of Photoshop Professional. Born into a work-‐ ing class family nowhere near Liv-‐ erpool England. A husband and a dad with a really cool day job. I am a sample size of one, not staVsVcally significant, nor rep-‐ resentaVve. An ounce of percepVon and a pound of obscure. Recommended by 4 out of 5 people who rec-‐ ommend things, and really just nothing more than a man who dared to try chasing his dreams. I’m the ille-‐ giVmate love-‐child of Strategy and CreaVvity. Now nei-‐ ther parent admits to having me… In truth, I am just a creaVve guy who’s trying his best to be successful. Not so much for me, but for those I love. My family has supported me through some very hard Vmes and now I want to do everything I can to pay them back. Rarely do hard work, creaVvity, and smart markeVng go together. If they did ,Van Gogh would not have died penniless. I started out as a guitarist wanVng to be a rockstar, transiVoned into owning a producVon studio, now I am pursuing becoming a photography rockstar. Actually I don’t care about being rich and fa-‐ mous. I like what Bill Murray had to say on the subject: “Try rich, and see if that doesn’t cover most of it for you.” So here I am, lucky enough to get to do what I love everyday and people pay me for it.
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September’s Guest Speakers
Nominating Committee 2014 Slate of Officers
The NominaVng commiUee must carefully review the eligibility requirements for each office and see that the nominees meet these requirements and are willing to serve in the capacity for which they are being nominated. A]er careful consideraVon the NominaVng CommiUee has chosen the following AcVve Members who they feel will diligently and Vmely perform the duVes of that office as required by the PPGH bylaws.
The following slate of Officers and Directors for 2014 are: Write in Candidate Chairman of the Board.............Greta J Mee, CPP ______N/A______ President..................................Kim Christensen _______________ Vice-‐President..........................Belinda Higgins, M.Photog.,Cr.,CPP _______________ Secretary..................................Aileen Harding, CPP _______________ Treasurer.................................Teri WhiUaker, CPP _______________ Membership Director..............Karen BuUs, CPP _______________ Director at Large......................Sharon Chandler, CPP _______________ Director at Large......................Sherry Piche, CPP _______________ Director at Large......................Kevin Falcon _______________ AcVve Members can vote by proxy, email or in person at the September 17th General Business meeVng. NominaVons will be taken from the floor as well. To vote by email, AcVve Members will receive an email with a link to cast your vote. This email will be sent out on September 10th and will be good Vll midnight September 16th. To vote by proxy mail it to : Greta J. Mee, CPP 1010 A East Main Street League City, TX 77573 All Proxies must be received by midnight September 15th, 2013. Ballot/proxy can be accessed at the PPGH website, under “Members Only” tab.
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Jessie my Hero! ! by Kim Christensen Has anyone touched your life lately? Jessie touched mine. I met Jessie when he got off the bus with 168 other kids. He was no different than any other kid, just ready for a week of fun with 167 of his new closest friends and 120 counselors. The camp started with a carnival of fun under the pavilion with kids running from one end to the other, gerng their faces painted, playing ring toss, basketball throw, buUon photos and water gun fights. The water gun fights is where I really observed Jessie and started photographing him having a blast shooVng his water gun at his fellow cabin mates just laughing and running, squirVng the gun as much as he could. The whole picture just made me smile and giggle inside. This kid really knows how to have a great Vme. Jessie was cocking the handle back and looking for his next target and, bingo, he got his fellow camper wet then he would run laughing. He would repeat the process over and over just having a lot of fun. I conVnued to photograph him as I was laughing and smiling, someVmes it was hard to focus I was laughing so hard. Well, a liUle about Jessie, he only has one arm and he would make that squirt gun work as if he had two arms just like his friends. Nothing was holding him back. Every year for the past 11 years I have aUended Camp Periwinkle a camp for kids with cancer, as one of three photographers. We document everything that happens at camp from cabin photos, glamour shots to kids zipping down the zip line and much more. It is a place where kids come and just be kids. No hospitals, no worrying parents no Doctors -‐ well the
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SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Doctors and nurses are disguised as counselors. All the kids aUend free and get to bring a sibling with them. The kids are or have been paVents at Texas Children’s Hospital. Some kids have just finished chemo some are sVll taking chemo and some are in
remission. As a photographer, we do not know what ails the camper, we just see them as a kid being a kid. As the saying goes “It shouldn’t hurt to be a kid.” The camp celebrated 30 years this summer with a theme “The Best Is Yet To Come.” The camp is funded by The Periwinkle FoundaVon and is held at Camp For All in Burton, Tx. Over the years, I have been touched by many campers and those that volunteer their Vme to the camp. Some campers come back for several years and some do not. “It is heart breaking to learn that we may have captured a child enjoying
life or the last Vme.” Each year, I
have enjoyed photographing "glamour shots" of the older girls. When the dresses don't quite fit, we magically nip and tuck them into place unVl they look perfect. Once their hair and makeup is done, they feel special and are ready for their real portrait session. They also recieve a magazine cover image. The liUle ones just enjoy playing dressup. Our goal is for each girl to feel beauVful, inside and out. In addiVon to the "glamore shots", they also leave camp with a buUon photo, cabin photo plus tons of arts and cra]s. Most importantly, they leave with the memories and friendships they will never forget. Throughout the camp I would see Jessie running, laughing and just playing around but it was not Vll near the end of the week I was out photographing the kids on the ropes course and there was Jessie climbing the rock wall. Once he was up on top he just zipped down the zip line. No fear just shear determinaVon he was going to do anything he wanted to. Nothing stopped this child not even just having one arm. As camp came to an end all the kids had a great Vme. Each camper achieved things they probably never dreamed they would achieve. Even having cancer did not stop these kids. Definitely not Jessie. I ask myself what is stopping me from achieving? I have two arms. Who has touched your life lately?
Brazos Valley PPA presents The 2013 Experience Lightroom with Nick Tsakiris, The Lightroom Dude September 9th, 2013 at !
The Green Room 1015 Colgate Dr. College Station, TX
This is a PPA merit sponsored Program
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Member Profile !
Belinda Higgins,M.Photog.,Cr., CPP
(VF) What made you choose photography ? (BH) Photography really chose me! At the beginning, it was just a means (an extra job) to furnish a new house. However, it wasn't long a]er that decision, that the house became a very distant memory and we were on the adventure of a lifeVme! (VF) How much experience have you had in this industry ? (BH) About 35 years now. Yikes! :) (VF) What is your specialty ? (BH) That is a tough quesVon. I have found that I am comfortable and enjoy any type of event that is people oriented. For many years my specialty was weddings, which prepared me in a lot of ways for my portrait career. Today, my specialty is anything family oriented…families, children, seniors and sweet newborns. (VF) What is unique about you and your business ? (BH) Hmmm. Unique about me? 12 PAGE !
My family would say I am very ‘unique’…or maybe they say ‘odd’! LOL I am not sure it makes me unique, but I seem to have been Blessed with just being able to love everyone and being able to make people comfortable; the gi] of being able to put them at ease. This is one of God’s gi]s to me. Our business USP (Unique Selling Product), besides our desire to produce wonderful images, is our studio. In 2004, we built a 5000sf country style studio from the ground up, on 3 1/2 acres. It is a warm, classic atmosphere with some fun, whimsy touches. Home Sweet Home to us. With this, we seldom have the need to go on locaVon for portraits anymore, with the excepVon of photographing at our clients desired locaVons. (VF) What separates you from Sears or Target type portraits business ? (BH) I would say the lifelong relaVonships that we have developed thru the years and our personal and family oriented environment. We have always been a family run business. In the beginning, clients would see our two boys playing around the studio; many Vmes volleying their soccer ball up against the studio walls and driving us crazy running in and out. Today, it is much the same, only you are just as likely to see our grandkids playing and running around the studio. It is homespun and casual,
professional yet whimsy. (VF) What is your current educaVonal level? A]er starVng in photography, the need for photographic educaVon became very apparent. Then began the many, many, many, years of photography training, classes, seminars, workshops and clinics. Right up to this present day. I’m sVll learning! Much of my educaVon was provided thru this very guild. (lots of happy memories thru the years…awwwww). And much more through TPPA and PPA convenVons/classes/seminars. Then other classes across the country as Vme was available. Though the arVst in us produces our images ‘from the heart’, it is without a doubt, necessary to learn the rules. “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an arVst.” Pablo Picasso By conVnuing my educaVon, entering print compeVVons, and networking with other photographers, I was able to earn my degrees from PPA. Master of Photographic Cra]sman CerVfied Professional Photographer (VF) Where did you aUend High School, VocaVonal School, College, Graduate School?
Member Profile !
Belinda Higgins,M.Photog.,Cr., CPP
(BH) I graduated from South Houston High School. Had our children young. Then conVnued my educaVon thru Photographic sources, as Vme and money allowed. (VF) What do you like about your photography career the most? Thru the years, what I have loved about my photography career has changed many Vmes. Loved it from the beginning. Loved the hussle and bussle. Loved being with the people . Loved the challenges. Loved what truly seemed like magic to me...seeing what we were able to produce from a liUle black box. Sheer delight! It has always been difficult for me to disVnguish the difference between work and pleasure. Work was and is pleasure. Today I love the relaVonships we have built, the stories we have gathered, the legacies we are able to leave each family to treasure always. (VF) What do you like about it the least? (BH)I think the things I like the least are the long hours, the office management/HR side of it, AND the constant pressure to keep up with the ever changing computer gadgets and so]wares. (VF) What do you find most rewarding? (BH) Several years ago I realized how truly important our services are. We are not providing just a piece of paper to our clients. Even the most simple of images 13 PAGE !
(school, dance, sports, etc) became very important to me. More Vmes than I can remember, we have had to provide images for funerals, etc. I have been Blessed to have the opportunity to record life (and lifeVmes), providing the opportunity to ‘relive’ it. Families are so grateful for these memories. I have become more conscious of the great responsibility we hold. Today, I also realize what a Blessing the lifelong relaVonships have been to me and my family. Truly, every baby, child, senior, and family has touched our heart. Regardless of what we were able to provide for them, it became our Blessing. Sigh. So many stories in each face. :)
(VF) Would you encourage someone to pursue photography career? (BH) Of course. A few years ago when the economy was seemingly on the downturn, I thought possibly NO, I would not encourage anyone to enter this field that I love so much. But, yes, yes I would. I would encourage everyone interested to conVnue to educate themselves, not only in photography, but just as important, business and markeVng. It is hard work, but the joys and rewards much outweigh the bad. (VF) What is your favorite color? (BH) My favorite color??? Hahaha. Pink, of course.
Belinda Higgins, M.Photog., CR., CPP
By: Nick Evans
Why should YOU participated in Foto Fest
Features…Photographers will have a chance to display their work in a new setting and to a new audience. I think the chance to enter will inspire photographers to challenge themselves when making images specifically for Fotofest. Advantages…The photography exhibits will help expose the work of individual photographers who participate and also get better exposure for the Houston professional photographers as a whole. And this exposure may be to a wider variety of people than those who would normally see our work. Benefits…Exposure of quality work will create better appreciation for our work, as well as higher expectations from clients. I think it works. FotoFest for the PPGH will be located at 1600 Smith, Main LobbyDowntown Houston.
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Get your photos ready! The PPGH will be participating in the 2014 Fotofest. FOTOFEST 2014 BIENNIAL The Fifteenth International Biennial of Photography and Photo-related Art March 15 - April 27, 2014, Houston, Texas U.S.A. Over 100 museums, art galleries, non-profit art centers and corporate spaces will participate in the FotoFest 2014 Biennial. In addition, there will be accompanying lectures, forums, special tours and a four-color Biennial catalogue. A little info from the FotoFest website: In 1986, FotoFest created the first international Biennial of Photography and photography related Art in the United States. After visits to the Rencontres Photographiques d’Arles, the oldest European photography festival, and the Mois de la Photo in Paris, FotoFest co-founders Frederick Baldwin, Wendy Watriss, and German gallery owner Petra Benteler founded FotoFest with a mission emphasizing discovery, internationalism, social commitment, and global/local perspectives. The Biennial has been formed to foster creative energy, new opportunities for artists, new audiences for photo-related art and broader visibility for Houston’s cultural resources. Thirty exhibitions of photographic art were curated and commissioned for the first Biennial in Houston, Texas. FotoFest has presented fourteen consecutive Biennials, every two years since that time. The PPGH will be participating and is in the planning stages. Our location will be Downtown Houston at 1600 Smith, Main Lobby. A committee is in the planning stages and if you would like to join the committee, please email Kim Christensen at or call 713-408-0965. PPGH will not have a theme for their exhibit. So get ready for six weeks of the Biennial to have an estimated 265,000 visitors at all venues. 15 PAGE !
Get YOUR Images Ready !
FotoFest 2014
FotoFest Entry Information Guidelines for Entering Images in FotoFest • Image size needs to be 20"x24" @ 300dpi • File name must begin with "FF" (example: FF_BlueEyes.jpg) • FotoFest information on the PPGH website... click here. • Under Members Only, click on the FotoFest tab and follow the uploading instructions • Images must be uploaded before Nov 30, 2013 When you upload your images, you are agreeing that you will not hold PPGH or 1600 Smith St. Building or Arts/Brookfield responsible for any damage or for stolen prints during the show. You will be responsible for picking up your prints at 1600 Smith Street, Houston, Texas. PPGH will not be held responsible for any damaged or stolen prints. An independent curator, Ann Tucker, with the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, will select the images that will hang in the PPGH FotoFest Show. There will be ten alternates selected. There is a two image maximum to hang, but no guarantee that you will have two selected. You may have only one or none. Our curator will have the final decision. The curator will hang our show, PPGH will not select the order or how it will hang. Entry Fees •
Minimum entry fee is $75 for up to three images
Four images will be $100
Maximum number of images to enter is five and the fee will be $125
Printing and Matting Fees Once the images have been selected, an invoice will be sent to you. You will have two weeks to pay for the printing, matting and framing on the PPGH website. If you do not pay, an alternate image will be selected for the show. Richmond Lab will be printing the images for a uniform look. Impulse Art, Inc. will be framing and matting the images. •
Printing for each 20"x24"image is $21
A 2" black frame with a 2" white matte will be $57 per image
Deadlines •
December 1, 2013 - Image Submission Deadline
January 1, 2014 - Image Printing Deadline
February 1, 2014 - Image Framing Deadline
March 5, 2013 - Show Hanging
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April 27, 2013 - Show Ends
The show favorite will be selected by guests who attend the Gallery Opening and the Award is to be announced.
12 Elements of a Merit Image SEPTEMBER 1, 2013
The Photographic Exhibitions Committee (PEC) of PPA uses the 12 elements below as the “gold standard” to define a merit image. PEC trains judges to be mindful of these elements when judging images to the PPA merit level and to be placed in the International Print Exhibit at Imaging USA, the annual convention. The use of these 12 elements connects the modern practice of photography and its photographers to the historical practice of photography begun nearly two centuries ago. Twelve elements have been defined as necessary for the success of an art piece or image. Any image, art piece, or photograph will reveal some measure of all twelve elements, while a visually superior example will reveal obvious consideration of each one. The Twelve elements listed below are in accordance to their importance. 1.) Impact is the sense one gets upon viewing an image for the first time. Compelling images evoke laughter, sadness, anger, pride, wonder or another intense emotion. There can be impact in any of these twelve elements. 2.) Technical excellence is the print quality of the image itself as it is presented for viewing. Retouching, manipulation, sharpness, exposure, printing, mounting, and correct color are some items that speak to the qualities of the physical print. 3.) Creativity is the original, fresh, and external expression of the imagination of the maker by using the medium to convey an idea, message or thought. 4.) Style is defined in a number of ways as it applies to a creative image. It might be defined by a specific genre or simply be recognizable as the characteristics of how a specific artist applies light to a subject. It can impact an image in a positive manner when the subject matter and the style are appropriate for each other, or it can have a negative effect when they are at odds. 5.) Composition is important to the design of an image, bringing all of the visual elements together in concert to express the purpose of the image. Proper composition holds the viewer in the image and prompts the viewer to look where the creator intends. Effective composition can be pleasing or disturbing, depending on the intent of the image maker. 6.) Presentation affects an image by giving it a finished look. The mats and borders used, either physical or digital, should support and enhance the image, not distract from it. 7.) Color Balance supplies harmony to an image. An image in which the tones work together, effectively supporting the image, can enhance its emotional appeal. Color balance is not always harmonious and can be used to evoke diverse feelings for effect. 8.) Center of Interest is the point or points on the image where the maker wants the viewer to stop as they view the image. There can be primary and secondary centers of interest. Occasionally there will be no specific center of interest, when the entire scene collectively serves as the center of interest. 9.) Lighting—the use and control of light—refers to how dimension, shape and roundness are defined in an image. Whether the light applied to an image is manmade or natural, proper use of it should enhance an image. 10.) Subject Matter should always be appropriate to the story being told in an image. 11.) Technique is the approach used to create the image. Printing, lighting, posing, capture, presentation media, and more are part of the technique applied to an image. 12.) Story Telling refers to the image’s ability to evoke imagination. One beautiful thing about art is that each viewer might collect his own message or read her own story in an image.
17 PAGE ! E"c Hoffland
IPC Merit Print (LOAN)
Show OямА Aileen Har$ng,CPP
18 PAGE !
IPC Merit Print
On %e Do& Beat Aileen Har$ng, CPP
19 PAGE !
IPC Merit Print (LOAN)
%e Green Hornet 20 PAGE ! Aileen Har$ng, CPP
Kerrville Distinguished Print Award
21 PAGE !
IPC Merit Print (LOAN)
In ( B"des Shadow
Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP
22 PAGE !
IPC Merit Print
Sensual Seduction
Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP
IPC Merit Print
23 PAGE !
Sacred Moments
Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP
IPC Merit Print
Baby Blues 24 PAGE ! Karen Bu)s,CPP
25 PAGE !
IPC Merit Print (LOAN)
Karen Bu)s,CPP
26 PAGE !
IPC Merit Print
Maternal In+inct
Karen Bu)s,CPP
IPC Merit Print (LOAN)
Time Out 27 PAGE !
Karen Bu)s,CPP
IPC Merit Print
%e Runaway 28 PAGE !
Tom Ha,cock
29 PAGE !
Kerrville Award Best Wedding Image
Love and Lies
Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP
OCF-My Way With Melanie Hall SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Another SOLD OUT PPGH Workshop Event
By:Aileen Harding, CPP Chairman, Mini-‐Workshops
I don't know how Melanie was able to cover so many bases for so many different levels of photog-‐ raphers but she man-‐ aged to do it. She started by ex-‐ plaining the ba-‐ sics of flash photography and the differences between manual and
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Ul, eUl techniques included the pro's and con's of each. A]er an indepth slideshow packed with examples and info, we all went outside with our own gear where we were able to prac-‐ Vce
those techniques with two gorgeous models she pro-‐ vided, both a man and woman. It was especially helpful that we were all able to use our own gear and Melanie had the experVse to assist us with any technical difficulVes. She was paVent, calm and low-‐key..making everyone, regard-‐ less of skill level, comfortable. I was very impressed with both her prepara-‐ Von and presenta-‐ Von. This was the kind of workshop that people usually spend big bucks to aUend. Thank you, Melanie, for giving so generously of your Vme and talent.
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OCF-May Way With Melanie Hall
All photos on ,. pa/ by: Sandy Buller
%e Professional Photographers Guild of H0+on Present 2013 Mini-Work1op Programs
Mark These Dates On Your Calendar Sept...26th "The Business and Art of Pet Photography" Kim Hartz, CPP Oct.....24th “Packaging Your Personality” with Cindy Crofford, CPP Nov....14th “Children…From Consult to Finished Prints” by Buz Marvins, M.Photog., Cr. April ..20th, 2014 Mitch Daniels, Cr. Title to be announced soon Mini-‐Program CommiUee Members: Chairman-‐Aileen Harding, CPP, Lori Bailey, Vicki Longoria, Vanessa MaUhews, Sharon Chandler, CPP and Tom Hathcock
Workshop Event and General Meeting reservations must be paid for when you make the reservation. NO EXCEPTION Be sure to register for the opportunity to get inside the heads of some of our most famous and talented members!! From hands on Basic Studio LighVng, to Edgy OCF, to Award Winning Dog Images, to Fine Art Chil-‐ dren's Portraiture, to CreaVng a Client Experience, to Children's Portraiture from Start to Finish and topping it off with an Evening with the Masters...this is an incredible year. These workshops are designed to be an inV-‐ mate experience where all your quesVons are answered and you walk away with exciVng new tools in your toolbox so be sure to register early because there will be limited seaVng.
Learn more about each workshop on the following pages. Logon to enter your password and register for these specialize workshops. 32 PAGE !
The Business & Art of Pet Photography"
Looking to expand into pet portraits? Come learn how to tackle the business end of that venture as well as how to develop your own personal style when photographing pets. Kim will discuss everything you need to know: lighVng setups, Vps/tricks for photographing pets, creaVng a sustainable brand and markeVng campaign, pricing for profit, and sales techniques to help you sell your work.
Kim Hartz,CPP
Professional Photographer, and producing award Kim Ha2z has always winning images. viewed life differently, thanks to The images Hartz takes for her a camera given to her as a child. clients capture the unique essence of each subject, Over the years she has honed producing a true work of art that her art, specializing in pet and is both Vmeless and precious. infant photography, gaining The connecVon between pet recogniVon within the parent and pet is photography industry, earning especially poignant, and the disVncVon of CerVfied one of her favorite subjects. Most recently, Hartz’s photographs were accepted into the General and Loan CollecVon of Professional Photographers of America’s (PPA) 2012 InternaVonal Photographic CompeVVon. Her three photos Vtled “I Need My Space”, “What Do you Mean Dog?” and “Rocco”
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were among the pictures chosen to be on display alongside other photographic works from PPA’s photographic compeVVon and traveling and special invitaVonal displays.
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” Coco Chanel
“Packaging is not something that exists only in boxes, tissue paper and bags. It is in how we package our words, ourselves, our studios and basically how we package our lives. Cindy Crofford
Let’s unwrap a few ideas on how pack-‐ Cindy Crofford, CPP aging affects our photography and the look that our businesses have in our com-‐ munities. Bring your packaging and any materials that you use to make y o u r b u s i n e s s “ y o u ” a n d l e t ’ s share ideas. I have a few.
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Edward “Buz” Marvins, M. Photo., Cr.
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Buz will speak on lighVng and posing, clothing, con-‐ sultaVon, and how he works alone on the job.
36 PAGE !
August Image Contest Winners SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Masters Division First Place
Train to Nowhere Armando Chacon, M.Photog., Cr.
37 PAGE !
August Image Contest Winners SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Masters Division Second Place
Love in in ( Air Armando Chacon, M.Photog., Cr.
38 PAGE !
August Image Contest Winners SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Active Members Division First Place
Chocolate Vanilla Swirl
Karen Bu)s, CPP
39 PAGE !
August Image Contest Winners SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Active Members Division Second Place
Curley Mar1all, CPP
August Image Contest Winners Active Members Division Third Place
Ring Bearer & Flower 40 PAGE !
Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP
August Image Contest Winners SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Active Members Division H0norable Mention
Autumn Siesta
41 PAGE ! Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP
August Image Contest Winners Active Members Division H0norable Mention
Platitum B"de
42 PAGE ! Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP
43 PAGE !
August Image Contest Winners SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Active Members Division H0norable Mention
Can I Get Do& Now
Tom Ha,cock
August Image Contest Winners SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Active Members Division H0norable Mention
Don’t Blink 44 PAGE ! Aileen Har$ng, CPP
45 PAGE !
August Image Contest Winners Active Members Division H0norable Mention
Posing Pelican
Ka,leen Kinser
46 PAGE !
August Image Contest Winners SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Active Members Division H0norable Mention
Old Glam0r
John Nader, CPP
PPGH MEMBERSHIP GROWING MEMBERSHIP We now have 100 AcVve PPGH Members!!! Yeah! It is so exciVng to watch our or-‐ ganizaVon grow in size and in strength. Please conVnue to encourage your photogra-‐ phy friends to join us. Remember, a first Vme guest may aUend their first meeVng for free. To help you spread the word, remember, we now have PPGH business cards, which will always be on hand at the name badge, check-‐in table, so take a few to have on hand when you run into a friend. Let's see if we can make our membership reach 110 by the end of the year.
Karen Butts, CPP Membership Director
MAKE A NEW FRIEND If you see someone new at a guild meeVng who seems to be alone, please approach them and make them feel welcome. You may be the one to make a difference as to whether they decide to join us or not. Mem-‐ bership check-‐in is doing our best to idenVfy these people, but someone may slip through the cracks. Thanks for your help! FELLOWSHIP DEGREE PROGRAM The Fellowship Program was designed as a means of recognizing those individuals who have given freely of their Vme and talents in service to the guild. I hope you have been keeping track of your points, so in November you will be ready to go on line and submit your points towards your Fellowship Degree. You can download a PDF file from the website to use as a worksheet to keep track of your points each month. In November, you will be ready to go on-‐line and enter the data that you have collected. The deadline is always midnight the day of the November meeVng. UPDATE YOUR PROFILE If you haven't done so lately, please go on the PPGH website and update your member profile. We want to make sure that we have all of your current informaVon. Please add an image of yourself to help other members idenVfy you. There is also a place to upload some of your photographic images. PotenVal clients looking for a photographer will be able to see your images, they may make the difference in their decision when choosing a photographer. And lastly, make sure that you have clicked on the Ethics Agreement, which is the very last item in your profile.
47 PAGE !
Welcome New Members
Rene Iglehart I have always had an interest in photography, I was always the friend with the camera and always had a love for images. From moving ( video) to still images I loved it all . When I graduated from college I found a local music group to work with and they wanted professional photos. I went to Best Buy and bought my first camera and have kept it up since. I was not formally trained in photography. My first interest was cinematography and had training in video production in high school which made learning photography a little easier. To compensate for no formal training, I have attended photography workshops around town, shadow local photographers, look up U-tube videos, research blogs and video tutorials from famous photographers and absorb as much information as I can. I attained my undergraduate degree in Mass Communications( Electronic Media) from Texas State University and I am currently pursing my graduate degree at UH Clear Lake in Digital Media Studies. No one else in my family is a photographer. My family is full of educators , IT professionals and Engineers. I am the artsy one :-). I love music and I am addicted to U-tube. I came across PPGH during a web search long ago but was reintroduced to it by Marsha Anderson. Through this membership I hope to become a better professional and a better photographer. By surrounding myself around like minded people I can grow technically and become more confident in my work. I hope to make more connections, shadow some photographers within the organizations and absorb as much information as possible. I am currently rebranding my business and want to make this next year the BIG year. By attaining membership, I know I will be able to achieve that goal.
Mary Blackwell My parent bought me a Brownie camera when I was 10 and the rest is history. I have no formal education in photography, but I have attended a couple of leisure courses at a community college. I have also attended numerous workshops, seminars including Texas School of Photography. When I became really serious about 15 years ago, I bought books and read a lot. I prefer to photograph newborn babies, children, maternity and families. I also photograph some seniors, too. I have two adult children (son, daughter), four grandchildren and expecting first great-granddaughter in October. I am married to my husband, Bob, and I love to travel to places to view, wildlife, flora and fauna. I have been to Alaska twice and will go again. I am a nature photographer first and have sold nature images. I became a portrait photographer about five years ago. Doug Box has influenced me the most as a photographer. I heard about PPGH through my five year membership to TPPA and have attended their events, so it was easy to know about PPGH.
48 PAGE !
Welcome New Members
Kim Kuhlman Thanks to my husband, Greg, I got into photography when he bought me a Canon 1D film camera on eBay to keep me involved while he and our friends trained English Springer Spaniels for field trials. Then one of those friends asked me to shoot the portraits of all the participants at a national field trial and the rest is history. I am self-taught, but have learned a lot through PPA. I generally like to photograph anything that moves fast. However, my business is focused on senior portraits, weddings and newborns. I've also done a number of equine and dog events back in the Midwest. This past PPA International Print Competition was my first time to enter competition and I earned three merits. The person who has influenced me the most is, David Stoecklein. I love his work! I found PPGH through PPA after we received word that Greg had matched at Texas A&M. I live in Bryan, TX with my husband, Greg, three English Springer Spaniels and three cats. Greg is currently a resident in Small Animal Internal Medicine at Texas A&M. I have a PhD in Engineering Physics from the University of Wisconsin and work part-time for the Planetary Science Institute, located in Tucson, AZ. I am also a visiting scientist at Texas A&M.
Get YOUR Images Ready
FotoFest 2014 This is a MAJOR event for our Guild. Don’t miss out on the chance to display your work to the public. 49 PAGE !
Join a PPGH Committee Today March’s Ima/ Contest Call one of the Chairmen and Volunteer
Fir+ Place - Aileen Har$ng, CPP
Nomina3ng Commi6ee Tom Hathcock, Chair Kim Hartz, CPP Laura Popiel Rhonda Floyd Cindy Crofford, CPP Alvin Gee, M.Photo., CR Iraj Ghavidel, M.Photo., CPP Ethics Commi6ee Belinda Higgins, M.Photog., CR., CPP Sunny Arrant, M.Photog.,CR Cindy Crofford, CPP Kim Smith Audit Commi6ee Vickie Longoria, Chair Cesar Vargas Sheila Richards Web Commi6ee Kevin Falcon, Chair Marvin Labohm Image Compe33on Kim Hartz, CPP, Chair Vendor Liaison Open Foto Fest 2014 Commi6ee Kim Christensen, Chair Alvin Gee, M.Photg., CR Aileen Harding, CPP Michael MarVnez Rhonda Floyd Eric Ernst Cindy Crawford, CPP Vanessa MaUhews Tom Hathcock
50 PAGE !
Telephone Commi6ee Michael MarVnez, Chair Aileen Harding, CPP Jennifer Heylmun Tabitha Spence Amanda Beard Sharon Chandler, CPP David Barron Tom Hathcock Librarian Curley Marshall, CPP, Chair Mentor Program Francie Baltazar Stonestreet, CPP Chair PPGH Photographer Orpha Labohm Viewfinder Commi6ee Kim Christensen, Editor Rhonda Floyd Kevin Falcon Tom Hathcock Karen BuUs, CPP Greta Jacobs Mee, CPP Kelly Willis Vanessa MaUhews We need you on a commi-ee - It is your PPGH! Get more involved with the guild and consider joining a committee today. Volunteer, get to know your fellow guild members, and help improve the events offered to you, a member of PPGH. Sign up today get involved with your guild!
Procedures and Controls Teri WhiUaker, Chair Kelly Willis Melissa Dobbs ByLaws Commi6ee Alvin Gee, M.Photog.,CR. Chair Kelly Willis Tom Hathcock Mini-‐Program Aileen Harding, Chair Lori Bailey Tom Hathcock Sharon Chandler Vicki Longoria Vanessa MaUhews Membership Commi6ee Karen BuUs, CPP Chair Kevin Falcon Tom Hathcock Kathleen Kinser Vanessa MaUhews Darla Guyton
51 PAGE !
Members’ Image Gallery
Ju+ Josie
52 PAGE !
A3i"ng Member: Kelli Higgins
Members’ Image Gallery
Lonestar 53 PAGE !
Who’s %at?
Caesar Vargas, CPP
54 PAGE !
Members’ Image Gallery
La Mirada
Armando Chacon, M.Photog,.CR.
Members’ Image Gallery
55 PAGE !
Armando Chacon, M.Photog,.CR.
That’s the Vtle of a “self-‐ improvement” book by Florence LiUauer that I read years ago. The book so inspired me that, if I had to name one tenet of my business and really of my life, it would be to do those liUle things to be above average. I always try to be aware of how “big” something “liUle” can be. LiUle extra….big impact! Fast forward to a recent Saturday night when my husband and I were celebraVng a special occasion. I have always heard great things about a restaurant named “Mas-‐ raff’s,” but had never been there. I decided to seize the moment and make a reservaVon. I was not disappointed! A]er reviewing the extensive wine list, we ordered a boUle of Dona Paula, a Malbec from ArgenVna. As I finished my first glass, my husband started re-‐ filling my glass. Suddenly a young man in a suit, who obviously was not a member of the wait staff, appeared and took the boUle, poured me a new glass and apolo-‐ gized that we had to pour our own wine. We told him how much we were enjoying our wine and asked if it was available in stores or only at restaurants. He said that he wasn’t sure but asked if we would like to have the label. He disappeared with the boUle and returned with a laminated sealed sleeve containing the label. I would have not been surprised or disappointed had he brought me a torn, taUered label. Just trying to get the label off the boUle would have filled my expectaVons. But he returned with something more -‐-‐something extra—the label 56 PAGE !
neatly taken off the boUle and sealed in a laminated sleeve. Let me assure you that the meal was delicious. In fact, my husband said that the dessert might have been the best that he had ever eaten. But what am I telling everyone about and what am I wriVng about? The liUle extra involving the wine and the label. Now, here’s the kicker. The be-‐ havior that I just described would have been a nice extra if the man in the suit had been a waiter or maybe the wine steward but the man turned out to be the owner of the restaurant, Russell Masraff. Surely he had more important things to do than take labels off wine boUles for me but that was neither his artude nor his behav-‐ ior. His above average aUenVon to detail has won my repeat business and has me talking about Mas-‐ raff’s. What does all this have t o d o with the P r o f e s-‐ s i o n a l P h o t o g-‐ rapher’s Guild of Houston? W e a l l have an opportunity to be of service to people. And to provide our clients with those “liUle” things that make us above average. In today’s crowded professional photography marketplace, where it seems there
Cindy Crofford,CPP is always someone ready to sell more products for a lesser price, we all need other than just price to disVnguish ourselves. Take note of the liUle things. What can you do to be above average? I have a lit-‐ tle chalkboard sign that I write some sort of welcome that I hang on the studio door. "Lauren is a senior 2014! Yea!" I am amazed how many comments that liUle sign produces. When my clients come to the studio to pick up their portrait order, I always try to carry their portraits out to the car and help to safely load them (Empha-‐ sizing, of course, that the driver needs to be very careful because these portraits are something very special!). No maUer how Vred I am or how grumpy I may feel at the end of a long day, I always try to be put a smile on my face and cheer in my voice when I greet a visitor to the studio or even when I answer the phone. I challenge you to look for ways to be above average. It only takes a liUle bit of effort and you will see big results.
The power of certification is universal. Many industries have certified experts who are often looked upon as better or more reliable...and photography is no different. It pays to be an expert. It pays to be certified.
Mark A. Campbell, M.Photog.Cr.,CPP, API
Register your candidacy at
Pass the comprehensive Certification Exam.
Pass the Image Submission Review.
WHAT IS A CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER? As the leading certifying agency for imaging professionals, the Professional Photographic Certification Commission is recognized throughout the industry. This commission outlines and enforces the stringent requirements that Certified Professional Photographers must complete and maintain, proving technical competency in professional photography. WHY BE CERTIFIED? Being a successful professional photographer takes more than a camera. A Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) designation will help you: © i~ ~{ z w z { w y { ~w ~w { ~{ {z}{ and the talent to back up your business. © b{ y { {w x { w z ~w {z}{ w z w { cutting edge…before they meet you. © [w { }{B { y { B w z ® { { | x { D ARE YOU READY TO JOIN THE RANKS OF THE CERTIFIED EXPERTS? For more information, go to or call 888.772.2780
Professional Photographic Certification Commisision Our mission: To acknowledge and validate a consistent standard by which professional photographers can achieve and maintain a recognizable mark of excellence.
57 PAGE !
jw bD ` { B cDf~ }DBYff
2013 General Mee6ngs and Workshops
January, WorkShop:An Evening with the Judges
Sept. 17, PPGH Annual Business MeeVng
February, Senior program
and Guest Speaker Dominique Harmon
April 20th, 2014-‐ Mitch Daniels, Cr
and Barry Nelson
May, Environmental Portraiture
Sept. 24th, CPP TesVng See for info.
June, -‐ Belinda Higgins, M.Photo,CPP, Family Portraits
Sept. 26th PPGH Mini-‐Workshop
July, -‐ Carol Andrews, M.Photo.,Cr. -‐Mall Crawl
“The Business and Art of Pet Photography”
August -‐ Open
with Kim Hartz
September -‐ Greta Jacobs Mee,
October 15th, CPP exam, PPGH General MeeVng-‐ Barbara Breitsameter
Knowing the BoUom Line
October 24th, PPGH Mini-‐Workshop
November-‐ Lightroom/Photoshop
“Packaging Your Personality”
TO BE Scheduled: PPA Sponsored All Day Program
with Cindy Crofford, CPP
with Karen BuUs, CPP
October-‐ MarkeVng
Nov. 14th PPGH Mini-‐Workshop “Children-‐From Consult to Finished Prints” with Buz Marvins, M.Photo,.CR.
Monthly meeVng 3rd Tuesday of each month
Nov. 19th, PPGH General MeeVng
Mini-‐Workshops 4th Thursday of each month
Fellowship Points due at this meeVng date
(subject to change)
December, TBA PPGH Gala
The Viewfinder NewsleUer deadline date 23th of
each month.
2014 Workshops Dates to be announced January MeeVng, Meet the President, Awards Banquet.
PLAN FOR IT NOW IMAGING USA Don’t Miss It! January 12-14, 2014 Phoenix, AZ 58 PAGE !
Vendor Ad Rates Viewfinder is published 12 times a year. Members-12-Issues per year 3 Month 6 months ¼ page ad $150. $125 ½ page ad $185 $155 Full page ad $250 $225
1 year $100 $125 $150
*Member ad prices include a one-year PPGH membership. *Members may change your ad once per month *A 6’ table can be provided to show your products at PPGH general meetings. Non-Members-12 Issues 3 months ¼ page ad $175 ½ page ad $210 Full page ad $280
per year 6 months* $140 $175 $255
1 Year* $115 $140 $170
* Includes 3 ad changes(if desired).
59 PAGE !
Sponsor a speaker for PPGH monthly meeting * Receive 3 months of complementary advertising Donate items for the end of the year gala *Receive 1 month of complementary Advertising
Download PDF Registration
60 PAGE !
TPPA - Fall Seminar
PPGH ByLaws Notice
PPGH members voted last September to make much needed changes and upgrades to our current bylaws. While these changes have been greatly beneficial to PPGH, in the actual use of them we have determined we need to 'fine tune' some of them which is normal for any changes running an associaVon as large as PPGH. The proposed bylaw changes are listed in the next 8 pages. A full copy of the PPGH bylaws can be down loaded from the PPGH website. Most of these changes are mi-‐ nor but we must print the enVre Current and Proposed lan-‐ guage for voVng purposes. Please read these bylaws and be prepared to vote to accept them at the September 2013 An-‐ nual business meeVng.
61 PAGE !
PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meetingSEPTEMBER 1, 2013
! Current:
(a) Active – An Active member is defined as a professional photographer/visual artist creating work in various mediums, still or motion, within the scope of the professional photography industry. An Active member must be available for a minimum of 30 hours per week for consumer assignment during a normal work week. Required submission of a copy of your current D/B/A AND a copy of your current sales tax certificate, both in good standing, are required to be submitted to the Board of Directors to be considered and approved for Active member status. Active member status entitles member to full voting and office holding privileges, discounted educational opportunities, participation in the Active image competition in their respective categories, and proper use of the PPGH logo. It is preferred the Active member also be an active member in good standing with PPA and TPPA. Proposed: Active – An Active member is defined as a professional photographer/visual artist creating work in various mediums, still or motion, within the scope of the professional photography industry. An Active member must be available for a minimum of 30 hours per week for consumer assignment during a normal work week. Studio owners are required to submit a copy of your current D/B/A AND a copy of your current sales tax certificate, both in good standing, these are required to be submitted to the Board of Directors to be considered and approved for Active member status. Non-studio owners are required to provide proof of full time employment at a professional studio. Active member status entitles member to full voting and office holding privileges, discounted educational opportunities, participation in the Active image competition in their respective categories, and proper use of the PPGH logo. It is preferred the Active member also be an active member in good standing with PPA and TPPA. Current: (a) Associate – An Associate member is defined as either an owner, partner or spouse of a member, an employee or member of a member’s studio or firm, a person owning or working with a company who supplies services or products for the photographic industry, OR any of the previous by definition who retires with five (5) years of membership status (notwithstanding retirement due to disability or early retirement before age sixty-five). Membership is subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors. Associate members do not have voting privileges, may not hold office or chair positions, may not participate in the Active member image competition, and do not qualify to use the PPGH logo in any form. Associate membership includes discounted membership rates and discounted educational opportunities as determined by the Board of Directors. Proposed: Associate – An Associate member is defined as either an owner, partner or spouse of a member, an employee or member of a member’s studio or firm, a person owning or working with a company who supplies services or products for the photographic industry, OR any of the previous by definition who retires with five (5) years of membership status (notwithstand62 PAGE !
PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meetingSEPTEMBER 1, 2013
ing retirement due to disability or early retirement before age sixty-five). Membership is subject to the discretion of the Board of Directors. Associate members do not have voting privileges, may not hold office or chair positions, may not participate in the Active member image competition, and do not qualify to use the PPGH logo in any form excluding vendors. Vendors may use the logo for advertising purposes only. Associate membership includes discounted membership rates and discounted educational opportunities as determined by the Board of Directors. Current: (a).09 Any vacancies occurring in the Board of Directors and any directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Directors shall be filled by the Board of Directors. A Director elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office. The President shall propose a slate of candidates to be considered for this purpose. A majority vote of the Board of Directors is required to fill a vacancy on the Board. Proposed: Any vacancies occurring in the Chairman of the Board position or Board of Directors and any directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of Directors shall be filled by the Board of Directors. A Director elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office. The President shall propose a slate of candidates to be considered for this purpose. A Past President only shall be appointed to fill the vacancy of Chairman of the Board. The President may propose a slate of candidates to be considered for this purpose or this vacancy may remain until the current term expires. A majority vote of the Board of Directors is required to fill a vacancy on the Board. PRESIDENT Current: 7.05
The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Guild and shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the corporation. He shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. He shall sign, or appoint another proper officer to sign any bank checks, deeds, mortgages, binds, contracts or other instruments which the Board has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors or by these Bylaws or by statue to some other officer or agent of the corporation; and in general he shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. In addition, he shall, with the approval of the Board, appoint such standing and special committees conducting the affairs of the society and he shall be a member, ex-officio, of all such committees. The President shall also serve as a liaison when needed with TPPA and PPA, which includes the responsibility of attending the TPPA Board of Directors meeting each summer.
63 PAGE !
! Proposed:
PPGH ByLaws proposed changes SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting
The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Guild and shall in general supervise and control all of the business and affairs of the corporation. He shall preside at all meetings of the members and of the Board of Directors. He shall sign, or appoint another proper officer to sign any bank checks, deeds, mortgages, binds, contracts or other instruments which the Board has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board of Directors or by these Bylaws or by statue to some other officer or agent of the corporation; and in general he shall perform all duties incident to the office of President and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time. In addition, he shall, with the approval of the Board, appoint such standing and special committees conducting the affairs of the society and he shall be a member, ex-officio, of all such committees. The President shall also serve as a liaison when needed with TPPA and PPA, which includes the responsibility of attending the TPPA Board of Directors meeting each summer and any other meetings held by these associations that request the attendance of the President. VICE PRESIDENT Current: 7.06
In the absence of the President, at his request, or in the event of his inability or refusal to act or serve, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all powers of and be subject to all restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall be responsible for securing contracts for speakers for the following year of serving as Vice President. The Vice President shall be responsible for obtaining and providing a slate of names to present to the Board of possible candidates to serve as Executive Director, to be nominated on by the Board in accordance with Article VIII herein. The Vice President shall provide the slate of names for nomination of Executive Director to the Board no later than September of the year. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or Board of Directors. In the absence of both President and Vice President, the senior Officer present shall preside.
Proposed: In the absence of the President, at his request, or in the event of his inability or refusal to act or serve, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President, and when so acting shall have all powers of and be subject to all restrictions upon the President. The Vice President shall be responsible for securing contracts for speakers for the following year of serving as Vice President. The Vice President shall be responsible for obtaining and providing a slate of names to present to the Board of possible candidates to serve as Executive Director, to be nominated on by the Board in accordance with Article VIII herein. The Vice President shall provide the slate of names for nomination of Executive Director to the Board no later than September of the year. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or Board of Directors. In the absence of both President and Vice President, the senior Officer present shall preside. The Vice President shall also attend the meeting of the Nominating Committee, in a witness capacity only, to uphold the integrity of the process during the Executive Director’s report on current Board member attendance and performance as described in Article 8.05 and 9.09 herein. 64 PAGE !
PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meetingSEPTEMBER 1, 2013 SECRETARY
Current: 7.07
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the members and Board of Directors; give all notices in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws or as required by law; be custodian of the corporate records and of the seal of the corporation, and affix the seal of the corporation to all documents, the execution of which on behalf of the corporation under its seal is duly authorized in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws; and in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board. He shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees.
Proposed: The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of the meetings of the members and Board of Directors; provide a copy of the Minutes of each Board Meeting to the Board members no later than 14 days after the meeting recorded; give all notices in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws or as required by law; be custodian of the corporate records and of the seal of the corporation, and affix the seal of the corporation to all documents, the execution of which on behalf of the corporation under its seal is duly authorized in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws; provide any correspondence required as directed by the President and/or the Board; and in general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him/her by the President or by the Board. He shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees ELECTION AND TERMS OF OFFICE Current: 8.01
The directors of the corporation shall be elected annually at the Business Meeting of the Guild. If the election of officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereafter as conveniently may be. Each officer shall hold office until his successor has been duly elected and shall have qualified. Each Director shall also promote the ease of transfer for new Directors upon the expiration of the current Director’s term in office. The Executive Director (ED) shall be elected and appointed by the Board of Directors at the first Board meeting of every year, or any specially called meeting in January prior to the first Board meeting, by a secret ballot vote of two-thirds (2/3) of Board members present.
Proposed: The directors of the corporation shall be elected annually at the Business Meeting of the Guild. If the election of officers shall not be held at such meeting, such election shall be held as soon thereafter as conveniently may be. Each officer shall hold office until his successor has been duly elected and shall have qualified. Each Director shall also promote the ease of transfer for new Directors upon the upon the expiration of the current Director’s term in office. The Executive Director (ED) shall be elected and appointed by the board members elected at the annual business meeting to serve for the following year at a specially called meeting by the President no later than 45 days prior to the first Board meeting of the year of term, by a secret ballot vote of two-thirds (2/3) of Board members present. 65 PAGE !
PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting DIRECTOR REMOVAL
8.02 Any director elected or appointed may be removed by the Board of Directors, by a secret ballot vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present, whenever in their judgment the best interests of the corporation will be served thereby, and/or for the reasons set forth in Articles III and VI herein. The Executive Director may, by a secret ballot vote of two thirds (2/3) of the Directors present at any scheduled meeting of the Board, be suspended or reinstated, as the Board deems required and necessary. The removal of a director shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the director so removed. Election or appointment of a director shall not of itself create contract rights. Proposed: DIRECTOR OR CHAIRMAN REMOVAL The Chairman of the Board or any director elected or appointed may be removed by the Board of Directors, by a secret ballot vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Board members present, whenever in their judgment the best interests of the corporation will be served thereby, and/or for the reasons set forth in Articles III and VI herein. The Executive Director may, by a secret ballot vote of two thirds (2/3) of the Board members present at any scheduled or specially called meeting of the Board, be suspended or reinstated, as the Board deems required and necessary. The removal of the Chairman or a director shall be without prejudice to the contract rights, if any, of the Chairman or director so removed. Election or appointment of a Chairman or director shall not of itself create contract rights. Current: DIRECTOR VACANCIES 8.03 A vacancy in any Directorship position because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term as described herein in Article 6.10. Proposed: CHAIRMAN OR DIRECTOR VACANCIES A vacancy in any Directorship or the Chairman position because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the Board of Directors for the unexpired portion of the term as described herein in Article 6.10. A Past President only may be appointed to fill the unexpired portion of the term of Chairman of the Board as described herein in Article 6.10.
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PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Current: 8.05 The Executive Director must be a member in good standing, must also be a member in good standing with PPA and TPPA, and must have served on the Board in the capacity of President. The ED must be sufficiently equipped to maintain Guild business and historical records in a professional manner. Additional duties of the ED shall be to attend and be a Guild representative to the TPPA Board of Directors, the TPPA and SWPPA Conventions and the TPPA Summer Seminar, and any other conventions or seminars as assigned by the Board of Directors. In the event the ED cannot attend these or any other function deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, the ED shall nominate either the Vice President or the Secretary to the Board of Directors, with the Board appointing by a majority of votes, either one to assume these duties. The ED will assist and support the Board as needed in providing copies of documents, forms, letters, or any such other historical documents as needed, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board. The ED will also prepare and complete any and all forms associated with the Guild’s PPA and TPPA affiliation and keep the Board apprised of matters relevant to its status. The Board may approve, by a majority vote, all annual membership dues, including those required by PPA and TPPA to be paid by the corporation for the ED while holding this office, including any meals, registration fees, convention and seminar fees, and travel expenses, not to exceed the length of such seminars and conventions, or set by the Board of Directors. Proposed: The Executive Director must be a member in good standing, must also be a member in good standing with PPA and TPPA, and must have served on the Board in the capacity of President. The ED must be sufficiently equipped to maintain Guild business and historical records in a professional manner. Additional duties of the ED shall be to attend and be a Guild representative to the TPPA Board of Directors, the TPPA and SWPPA Conventions and the TPPA Summer Seminar, and any other conventions or seminars as assigned by the Board of Directors. In the event the ED cannot attend these or any other function deemed necessary by the Board of Directors, the ED shall nominate either the Vice President or the Secretary to the Board of Directors, with the Board appointing by a majority of votes, either one to assume these duties. The ED will assist and support the Board as needed in providing copies of documents, forms, letters, or any such other historical documents as needed, and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to him by the President or by the Board. The ED will also prepare and complete any and all forms associated with the Guild’s PPA and TPPA affiliation and keep the Board apprised of matters relevant to its status. The Board may approve, by a majority vote, all annual membership dues, including those required by PPA and TPPA to be paid by the corporation for the ED while holding this office, including any meals, registration fees, convention and seminar fees, and travel expenses, not to exceed the length of such seminars and conventions, or set by the Board of Directors. The Executive Director shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees. The Executive Director shall provide to the Nominating Committee, at the committee’s meeting, a report on each Board Member’s and committee member’s performance and attendance for consideration in accordance with Articles 7.06 and 9.09 herein. 67 PAGE !
PPGH ByLaws proposed changes to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting
AUDIT COMMITTEE Current: 9.08 The Audit Committee is a special committee consisting of not less than three (3) Active or Life Members, who are not authorized signers, and shall be appointed or elected at the yearly annual business meeting. Members of the audit committee shall not be related by blood nor marriage and shall not reside in the same household as the authorized signers nor be the incoming or outgoing Treasurer. The committee shall provide an audit report to the general membership and the audit report is to be adopted by a majority vote at the first regular Board meeting of the year. Proposed: The Audit Committee is a special committee consisting of not less than three (3) Active or Life Members, who are not authorized signers, and shall be appointed or elected at the yearly annual business meeting. Members of the audit committee shall not be related by blood nor marriage and shall not reside in the same household as the authorized signers nor be the incoming or outgoing Treasurer. The committee shall be provided financial information no later than 4 months after the first Board Meeting of the year to begin preparing their report. The committee shall provide an audit report to the general membership and the audit report is to be adopted by a majority vote no later than the fifth regular Board meeting of the year. NOMINATING COMMITTEE Current: 9.09 The Nominating Committee, consisting of at least one (1) current board member and two (2) Active members, one of which shall serve as Chair, shall be elected by ballot at the annual business meeting of the year to serve for the following year, and whose sole function shall be to present a slate of nominees for office to the general membership for a vote. The President shall not be an ex officio member of this committee nor shall help to select or nominate any candidate. Nominations for the Nominating Committee shall be made from the floor of the meeting and election shall be at the same time as the election of officers. The chairman of the nominating committee shall select the date and location of the nominating committee meeting, and shall submit notice of this meeting to the Board no later than 60 days prior to the annual business meeting of the year. The Board shall provide to the Nominating Committee a copy of the membership list, the bylaws, a description of the duties of each office, and the eligibility requirements. The committee must carefully review the eligibility requirements for each office and see that the nominees meet these requirements and are willing to serve in the capacity for which they are being nominated. Proposed:
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PPGH ByLaws proposed changes SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 to be voted on at the Sept. Business meeting
The Nominating Committee, consisting of at least one (1) current board member and two (2) Active members, one of which shall serve as Chair, shall be elected by ballot at the annual business meeting of the year to serve for the following year, and whose sole function shall be to present a slate of nominees for office to the general membership for a vote. The President shall not be an ex officio member of this committee nor shall help to select or nominate any candidate. Nominations for the Nominating Committee shall be made from the floor of the meeting and election shall be at the same time as the election of officers. The chairman of the nominating committee shall select the date and location of the nominating committee meeting, and shall submit notice of this meeting to the Board no later than 60 days prior to the annual business meeting of the year. The Board shall provide to the Nominating Committee a copy of the membership list, the bylaws, a description of the duties of each office, and the eligibility requirements. The committee must carefully review the eligibility requirements for each office and see that the nominees meet these requirements and are willing to serve in the capacity for which they are being nominated. The Executive Director and the Vice President shall appear at this meeting. The Executive Director shall provide a report to the nominating committee members regarding the various association’s committee members and Board Members. This report will be based on attendance and performance of the perspective members only. The Vice President will appear in a witness capacity only to maintain the integrity of the report. WHEN DUES ARE PAYABLE Current: 14.02 Membership dues shall be payable when joining the guild. Renewal dues are due annually on the anniversary of the last full dues payment. Proposed: Membership dues shall be payable when joining the guild. Renewal dues are due annually on the anniversary date of joining the guild
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