January 2013

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January 2013


JANUARY 11, 2013

Cover By Kimberly Hartz


1! Cover by: Kim Ha!z


JANUARY 11, 2013

EDITOR’S NOTE I hope every-­‐ one had a fabulous Holiday sea-­‐ son and rang in the New Year with great cheer. Are you get-­‐ =ng used to wri=ng 2013 yet? Kim Christensen PPGH’s The Viewfinder is kicking off the year focusing on becoming a Cer=fied Professional Photographer CPP. Francie Baltazar Stonestreet has a great ar=cle about becoming cer=-­‐ fied. Make sure to read it and start on your journey to becoming a CPP. The PPGH is star=ng the year looking for commiSee members. Check out the fun ar=cle by Kevin Falcon. There is a commiSee for everyone so check the list of com-­‐ miSees and get involved. You will meet and work with some great photographers plus you will learn something! The PPGH wants you! Our first mee=ng this month will be “Meet the New President” Greta Jacobs-­‐Mee. The mee=ng will be held at her new studio, Lakewood Photography, in League City on Jan. 29. It should be a lot of fun. Hope to see you there. The mee=ng will kick off with the first of the year print compe==on. So make a goal this year to enter every month. You never know you may become the 2013 PPGH Photogra-­‐ pher of The Year. Good Luck! Happy New Year! May it be a good one! Cheers! Kim


2013 President Greta Jacobs-Mee, CPP.

What Bird By: Chris=e Reddenhase

The PPGH board and members would like to welcome Greta Jacobs-­‐Mee as our 2013 president. Greta will start the year off with the annual PPGH "Meet the President" party. So come out and meet this great lady. She plans to kick off the year with a Cer=fied Professional Photographer (CPP program), high school senior and fine art photography program, and how to navigate social media more effectively. Along with several mini-­‐workshops and that is just the beginning! With Greta being a planner, she will hit the ground running so stay posted on what the PPGH guild is doing as she leads us into an ac=on packed year! We welcome you Greta!




JANUARY 11, 2013

Features 3

CPP Program for PPGH Francie Baltazar-Stonestreet will be the lead Mentor for teaching CPP by Francie Baltazar-Stonestreet


Volunteering for the Guild Five reason why you should volunteer to help your Guild by Kevin Falcon

Wed Site and Social Media How the guild is promoting you and your guild by Ke$y Wi$is

9 Membership/Fellowship How and why you should involved with both by Karen Butts

14 Member Profile Read about PPGH member Michael Martinez by Kim Christensen




JANUARY 11, 2013

PPGH CPP Program

Would you like to have a specific way to differen=ate yourself from every other photographer out there? Ever wondered what it would be like to get your “Cer=fied Professional Photographer” (CPP) designa=on? Would you like to add your name to the list of almost 3000 photographers worldwide who have received their CPP? Would you like help and support from CPP’s locally and across the country? If you answered “yes” to any of these ques=ons, the 2013 CPP Mentor program is for you. This program will be offered to PPGH members only, so now would be a good =me to become a mem-­‐ ber and to take advantage of this program.

For some it’s a walk in the park, for others it is challenging, and for some it changes the way they shoot and how they view photography. No maSer where you are in your photography career it takes com-­‐ mitment and an openness to learn or relearn informa=on and skills as it relates to photography and tech-­‐ nical proficiency.

guish yourself from the masses.

Pricing – with the digital age everyone is a photog-­‐ rapher but a smaller per-­‐ centage are true profes-­‐ sional photographers. With your CPP, you send a loud and clear message to your clients that you value your educa=on and the =me and effort it took into acquiring that =tle. In addi=on, you are required to re-­‐cer=fy every five years. All of this educa=on and training re-­‐ flects in your image quality and your professionalism which clients are willing to pay for.

What I can assure you is that you • CPP Peer Group. – There will be different afer going through Even if your images speak for are specific CPP programs the process and I believe you will be themselves, CPP turns up the vol-­‐ at Imaging USA & there are beSer. Every photographer I know ume on your work and gives your online forums just for those who has earned CPP has also gained clients the confidence in choosing a with CPP who support and an increase in confidence, business, professional photographer who has help each other. and clients willing to pay more for passed a rigorous exam and image higher quality work. If you would like to learn more review which met specific standards about CPP and the process to be-­‐ in the industry. You can market How can becoming a CPP help come a CPP, please join us at the your CPP to really stand out from you? January mee=ng. Complete details the compe==on. • Marke=ng – with the indus-­‐ of the CPP program and PPGH CPP I was once told anything easy is try growing faster than ever Mentor Program will be given dur-­‐ probably not worth pursuing. For and thousands of new peo-­‐ ing this mee=ng. each photographer who chooses to ple calling themselves “pro-­‐ seek their CPP and declare their fessional photographers”, candidacy, it is a personal journey. CPP is the way to dis=n-­‐




JANUARY 11, 2013


About the Presenter and Lead Mentor: I have great passion for CPP and believe as an industry of profes-­‐ sionals; we are only as strong as our weakest link. While there are many fabulous photographers who are not CPP, I believe all professional photographers could pave the way crea=ng a gold standard in the in-­‐ dustry . Last year, I assisted 30 pho-­‐ tographers in passing their image submissions and supported 25 of those through the tes=ng process so that they could receive their CPP. Photography has always been a part of my life. In January 2009 I received my CPP and have been advoca=ng and suppor=ng others to achieve their CPP since that =me.

Francie Baltazar Stonestreet,CPP

I am a full-­‐=me professional pho-­‐ tographer specializing weddings, engagements and bridal sessions and con=nue to use the informa=on gained through my CPP every day, and use CPP as a way to dis=nguish myself in the highly compe==ve wedding market. Start the year off right by com-­‐ mimng to become a Cer=fied Pro-­‐ fessional Photographer in 2013. Learn more by aSending the Janu-­‐ ary mee=ng.





JANUARY 11, 2013


THE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER GUILD OF HOUSTON! raise up the overall industry. If you have =me and would like to help, this worthy program would be a great place to volunteer. There are many other commit-­‐ tees that also need volunteers to assist in their work for the guild. If By Kevin Falcon you want to get involved, earn fel-­‐ Every year many people make New lowship points and learn more Year’s Resolu=ons, to lose weight, about the guild and photography, to save more, and some=mes to get then you should consider joining a involved with their favorite charity. commiSee. Your Guild is an organiza=on that Take a look at the full list of Guild relies on help from it’s members CommiSees on the PPGH website. We are asking for your help. If you see a commiSee that inter-­‐ We have many commiSees that ests you, please contact the Chair-­‐ can use help to ensure that our man. Your guild is planning some programs, educa=onal events, and fun stuff this year and would really general mee=ngs are planned, exe-­‐ appreciate the help! cuted, and wrapped up without tax-­‐ ing just a few members. “How can Web site and you get involved?” Glad you asked! Let me list a few commiSees that Social media could use your help right now: PPGH is constantly Communica)ons Commi,ee -­‐ working to stay in Have a talent for communica=ng? touch with our This commiSee helps with all as-­‐ current and future pects of communica=ons for the members. The Guild like wri=ng ar=cles for the new website Viewfinder to drafing posts for commiSee met in the Guild’s Facebook page. If you January of 2012 enjoy wri=ng, check this one out. By Kelly Willis and started a Membership Commi,ee -­‐ Do you comprehensive plan to bring our like mee=ng new people? Member-­‐ website current and efficient along ship is responsible for everything with u=lizing social media. The new from recrui=ng new members to website is up and running. We helping with the monthly mee=ngs. asked and received wonderful They par=cipate with mee=ng regis-­‐ member feedback and are always tra=on, help introduce new mem-­‐ recep=ve to any sugges=ons our bers, and keep exis=ng ac=ve members might have for the members engaged. beSerment of the site so email Mentor Commi,ee -­‐ Are you a webmaster@ppgh.org with any natural teacher? The Mentor Pro-­‐ sugges=ons or ques=ons. gram uses experienced ac=ve Feel free to email the Board or members to share and teach new CommiSee member directly with photographers in the industry. This your ques=ons and comments. We program is a great opportunity to work very hard to be responsive to help fellow members improve their member's needs and can beSer do skills and business techniques to

The Guild Needs You!


JANUARY 11, 2013

this if we receive an email directly. We have also created a new iden=ty on Facebook (Houston Guild) that owns the Group (Professional Photographer's Guild of Houston) and the Page with the same =tle. You have many op=ons with the new Facebook iden=ty. You can Friend us, Like us and/or Join us. The iden=ty 'Houston Guild' is like a person owning an account that can then create Groups and Pages as the owner. Anyone can request to 'Friend' Houston Guild. You may post news and informa=on on the Wall but keep anything posted relevant to PPGH and its members. You may also 'Like' the Page. The Page will have posts relevant to upcoming mee=ngs and speakers along with any other educa=onal opportuni=es. Also 'Join' the Group. The Group is for PPGH members with informa=on on upcoming mee=ngs, speakers and educa=onal opportuni=es. Ask any ques=ons you may have as a member within the Group but do keep all posts professional in nature. So 'Friend' Houston Guild, 'Like' our page and by joining or renewing your membership in PPGH and then start par=cipa=ng in the Group. Plus we also have a new TwiSer account. You can find us by searching for @ppgh_org Follow our Tweets!



JANUARY 11, 2013

PPGH January General Meeting Information Make your plans now to welcome the PPGH 2013 President Greta Jacobs-­‐Mee on Jan. 29th. The January mee)ng will be combined with the tradi)onal "Meet the President" event. Plans are: 4-­‐5pm PPGH Board Mee)ng. Ac)ve members may a,end to watch, listen and learn. 5-­‐6pm. Set up for print compe))on and registra)on. 6-­‐7pm. Print Compe))on. 7-­‐8pm. Social hour. BYOB, PPGH will cater in food. 8-­‐9pm. Program Lakewood Photography 1010A East Main St. League City, Tx 77573 281.554.9700

Members Only..$25.00 includes meal Non-­‐Members...$40.00 includes meal Life/Honorary...No charge for PPGH General Mee)ngs only. Life/Honorary...Dinner... $25.00 PAGE!



MEMBERSHIP by Karen Butts Wow, 2013, another fresh, new year is beginning! I encourage everyone of you to make becoming more involved with PPGH one of your New Year's resolu=ons. By signing up for a commiSee, you can start earning points toward your Fellowship Degree. PPGH and I would like to congratulate everyone who earned their Fellowship Degrees in 2012! Serving is a

JANUARY 11, 2013

there for everyone. Then, fill out a CommiSee Member Applica=on, also found under the About Us sec=on. Help PPGH grow by bringing a non-­‐member, photographer friend to a mee=ng and your business card will be put in a drawing for a special door prize! I can't wait for this year to get started and I look forward to gemng to know each of you beSer as well as hearing your sugges=ons and ideas.

great way to get to know your fellow guild members

Happy New Year! and have a lot of fun at the same =me! I'm sure you Karen BuSs have heard the saying, "It takes a community to raise a Membership Director child." It also takes par=cipa=on from the guild community to raise the bar for PPGH! It's easy! First, check out the list of CommiSees under the About Us sec=on on the PPGH website. There is something

Karen Butts

PPGH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM IS IN FULL SWING The PPGH Fellowship program is designed to give members recognition for: · Service and involvement in PPGH · Participation in local Print Competition · Involvement at the State and National level Your involvement as a guild member is vital to the success of the guild. It's never too late to get involved and start earning and documenting your Fellowship points. Start working towards this goal by going to the PPGH website and filling out the Fellowship Form and turn them in by the No-

by Karen Butts

vember 2013 general meeting.When you have achieved your Fellowship Degree (first 50 points), you will receive a silver plated medallion on a solid red ribbon. Fellowship Degree, Phase Two, requires an additional 50 points earned, with ten of those points coming from Print Competition. You will receive a gold plated medallion on a red and black striped ribbon for this achievement. An Honorary Fellowship Degree will be awarded to those individuals whose dedication reaches far beyond the bounds of PPGH.

QUESTIONS ABOUT PROPER ATTIRE Some members and guests have ask about proper attire for general PPGH meeting. For the general meeting Business to Business Casual, Mini-Programs Business Casual to Casual. Depending on the theme of the PPGH Gala that attire is announced in October.





JANUARY 11, 2013



JANUARY 11, 2013

Photo by: Melinda Reddenhase, CPP





JANUARY 11, 2013



Chairman of the Board

Executive Director

Curley Marshall, CPP

Tom Hathcock



JANUARY 11, 2013

President Membership Director

Greta Jacobs-Mee, CPP

Karen Butts greta@lakewoodphotography.com naturalimages@att.net Vice-President Kelly Willis Director at Large Teri Whittaker, CPP


teriw@teriwhittaker.com Secretary Robert Brayton, CPP Director at Large


Michael Martinez michael@martinezphoto.com

Treasurer Kim Christensen kchristensen1@me.com Did you read The Viewfinder? Be the first person to say this phrase to Kim Christensen, The Viewfinder editor at the mee=ng and get your January Mee=ng and Dinner for Free. “PPGH was established in 1950” Officers, Directors, CommiSee Members are exempt.


PPGH The Viewfinder Editor Kim Christensen CommiSee Members Kevin Flacon Rhonda Floyd Kelly Willis Tom Hathcock

Support YOUR Guild

Volunteer 13


THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS We would like to thank the vendors who helped sponsor the event and donated door prizes.

Photographers Needed

JANUARY 11, 2013

January PPGH Members Birthday

Photographic Coverage Jan 26 & 27, 2013 Cover lacrosse tournament Available 3-­‐4 hrs Saturday and or Pounds Lab sponsored the party Sunday or all day both days held in the President's Suite Must have own gear following the Gala. *Nikon D300 or above *Canon 7D, 5D mark II or above The beau=ful trophies for the image *70-­‐200 lens or above Kevin Falcon.......................Jan 1 compe==on winners were graciously donated by White House Ac=on photography experience is a Kimberley McKee...............Jan 1 Custom Color. plus. Please send link to website or samples of your work Steve Tarver.......................Jan 1 We also received a coveted The league will be promo=ng the dona=on for a 16x20 Floa=ng Belinda Higgins, Cr., CPP....Jan 4 photography s ervice a nd b rochures Frame Gallery Wrap print from will be delivered at each game. Richmond Professional Lab. Kathleen Kinser..................Jan 6 Miller's Lab donated three items, one wall art product valued at $150, one Luxe Frame with a print valued at $60 and a set of 50 Signature LeSerpress Cards valued at $85. Dona=ons from guild members include a 6'x8' backdrop called "Augus=ne" by Civichrome from Kelly Willis. Teri Whi,aker added to the mix by dona=ng four 4"x10" frames. A 24"x30" white and gold frame from Greta Jacobs Mee graced the selec=on of prizes. In addi=on to all of this, Curley Marshall donated a 20"x24" white and gold, an=que frame and Karen Bu,s brought a 30"x30" mul=ple opening frame and a smaller frame to the table. Thank you guild members for your generous dona=ons.


This is a 100% spec. opportunity. All sales of your work are yours mi-­‐ nus cost of prints and any Credit Card fees. You could make lots of money or no money. You will get lacrosse ac=on photography expe-­‐ rience. Plus you will get to meet and work with other great photographers. Message us or call 713-­‐408-­‐0965 for more details. Email: info@kcphotoproduc=ons.com

Chrystal Zink.......................Jan 7 Kim Christensen.................Jan 8 Greta Jacobs-­‐Mee,CPP.......Jan 18 Bonnie Heidrich..................Jan 19 Dru Harper, CPP..................Jan 21 Mitchell Shaw.....................Jan 23 Kelly Willis...........................Jan 25 Krys=na Salazar...................Jan 26

References available

Mike Bowers.......................Jan 28

Come join us and have some fun.

Barry Livingston.................Jan 29 Jim Stevens........................Jan 31



SPECIAL INVITATION meeting to help encourage and support our members in becomTO ALL CPP’S PPGH is proud to have 35 Certified Professional Photographers as members. PPGH’s first meeting of 2013 will be held January 29th. Our President will be announcing a PPGH program to help our members who wish to attain certification accomplish that goal. Your guild is inviting all Certified Professional Photographers to attend the January 29th

The Black Labrador opened in 1986 in a building formerly used by a church for its officers. It has 100 seats inside, 50 outside and 20 around the bar. The low ceilings and decora=ons gives the restaurant an authen=c pub atmos-­‐ phere unlike any in Houston. The menu is varied with great ham-­‐ burgers, soups and salads but it is the English specials like Shepherd’s Pie, Fish and Chips and Raspberry Trifle that bring customers back =me and again. The Black Labrador is open 7 days a week for lunch and dinner and serves brunch on Sundays star=ng at 11 am.


ing Certified. Please login to the PPGH web-

JANUARY 11, 2013

meeting and catered dinner is only $25.00. Please wear any of your photographic accomplishment ribbons, metals or certification pins if you have them. We want you to stand out!

site, sign in with your email address and password and make your reservations now. The cost of the

February 19th, 2013 1400 Montrose Blvd. #8 Houston, Tx 77006 713-529-1199



MEMBER PROFILE MICHAEL MARTINEZ (VF) Tell a liSle about you person-­‐ ally ?(where born, raised, college, kids etc) (MM) I’m a Na=ve Houstonian, At-­‐ tended Sam Houston State Univer-­‐ sity where I earned a B.S. in photography. Ap-­‐ pren=ced for Temple Webber Photography for 6 years before start-­‐ ing my own business. I have been married to my wife Kimberly for 15 years and have 2 daughters Francesca who is 8 and Paloma who is 7. (VF) What do you do ?(children, pets, fami-­‐ lies etc.) (MM) While we s=ll do a fair number of wed-­‐ dings and Debutante Presenta=ons for Hous-­‐ ton’s finest families, my main emphasis right now is formal por-­‐ traits of children in the garden. (VF) Where are you located ? (MM) We work out of a home that is dedicated as a studio. We are located in central Houston near I-­‐10 and loop 610. This works out great for us because we are lo-­‐ cated between the Memorial area and River Oaks which accounts for most of our clientele. Like I said, our studio is a house designed to be our studio. The main benefit we have is that we purposely landscaped the “outdoor studio” about 12 years


ago with wrought iron gates, stone paths, hardscapes and other vi-­‐ gneSes for portraits. We also have a shoo=ng room that is available but it is primarily used by my asso-­‐ ciate photographer Kacey Lowery who operates under the :Studio M” brand which is designed for indoor photography of newborns and chil-­‐ dren.

(VF) When do you work ? (MM) We are available by appoint-­‐ ment only Tuesday thru Saturday. (VF) Why do you do this ? (M) Photography is the only thing I have ever done and afer all these years I could not imagine doing any-­‐ thing else. Its great pay, easy hours

JANUARY 11, 2013

and you have the opportunity to make a difference in someones life and have the sa=sfac=on of making a client happy while having the sense of crea=ng something that will be cherished for genera=ons to come. (VF) What is your favorite thing to photograph ?Children in the garden (VF) Are you working on any special projects ? (VF) What are your goals for the year ? (MM) Same as every year expand the busi-­‐ ness and not work as hard. (VF) Why do you like being a member of PPGH? (MM) Before digital you would run into photographers at the lab or camera store and it was nice to chat and see what was go-­‐ ing on with other pho-­‐ tographers. And if you had a ques=on or issue you could bounce it off someone. Now photog-­‐ raphers have retreated to their computers and never get out so it makes it hard to get an idea of what is going on. At guild mee=ngs you have that face to face =me with other photographers. Hear-­‐ ing about what they are doing helps mo=vate me to try new things as well as get get back to basics which we


THE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER GUILD OF HOUSTON! Mar=nez, cont. from P-­‐13 some=mes over look. And the pres-­‐ enta=ons help in this mo=va=on. (VF) What is your favorite color? (MM)blue (VF) What is your favorite camera? (MM) What ever the newest Canon I am using but I do really miss the feel and the sound of my old Has-­‐ selblad. That was a much more tac-­‐ =le and physical presence. The sound of the shuSer and the gears along with the beau=ful design of the camera made you feel that it was a tool in my hands as opposed to the very cold and non descript cameras of today. (VF) How did you get involved in PPGH ? (MM) Early in my career I started aSending mee=ngs while is not school for the presenta=ons, then as I became busy star=ng my busi-­‐ ness I stopped going to mee=ngs because I felt I knew more than the presenters. And afer a long ab-­‐ sence and I realized that it was much more than the presenter’s informa=on it was also the camara-­‐ derie of others who share the same day in and day out struggles of be-­‐ ing a photographer, marketer, busi-­‐ ness person, psychiatrist, customer rela=ons manager, accountant , bill collector as well as the many other jobs that occupy 95% of our day. (VF) How did you get involved in photography? (MM) I wanted to be a writer and was editor of my high school news-­‐ paper. I had never taken a photo prior to my senior year in high school and no one wanted to take the pictures, develop the film and print so I had to do it . And I liked it . S=ll intended to become a writer


because everyone said that being a photographer is a hobby not a ca-­‐ reer choice. So afer 20 years I think it is going to work out for me. (VF) How long have you been in business? (MM) started my own business in 1994 , prior to that I appren=ced for 6 years with Temple Webber pho-­‐ tography. (VF) Where do you see the industry going? (MM) Not sure, we have many very talented photographers and a I fear that thru cumng our prices just to get a job we are making what we do more of a commodity than a crea-­‐ =ve work of art. I just don’t want our industry to become like Wal-­‐ Mart, where yes they sell a ton of stuff, but at very low margins that can not support a small business. I would hope that all photographers would have respect for themselves as well as their product and price it as the custom, ar=san crea=on that it is. And if you are producing sub-­‐ par work maybe you should con-­‐ sider more training or a new hobby. (VF) Are you cer=fied with PPA? (MM) No. (VF) If not, are you or do you plan to achieve cer=fica=on? (MM) Yes (VF) Who is your hero? (MM) Phillip Stewart Charis who I use as inspira=on for my children’s photography as an ar=st and as a business man who found something that he liked and made it his signa-­‐ ture look. There is no greater com-­‐ pliment than when someone says “that looks like a Michael Mar=nez portrait”. When that happens I know that I did my job right and the client got exactly what they wanted in their portrait.

JANUARY 11, 2013

Volunteer for a Committee NOW By-­‐Laws Gala/Events Chaplain Librarian Communica=on Membership Mentor Program Mini-­‐Programs/Workshops PPGH Event Photographer Image Compe==on Props Roundtable Luncheon Telephone Videographer Website




JANUARY 11, 2013


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