WHEREVER YOU ARE IN LIFE RIGHT NOW; YOU ARE ENOUGH!! Whatever shape, size or scarYou are unique, beautiful and WORTHY of self love! And you are deserving of REALLY believing and embodying that belief NOW! I felt compelled to find out why women are so easy to hate their bodies and what we can do about it after rejecting myself for so many years. This epidemic of women feeling disgusted about themselves and their bodies must come to an end! It does not serve us and keeps us disconnected from our grace, true beauty & inner radiance. We can all get caught up lusting for the “perfect body” but the real tragedy is when we turn back to the mirror and then shame ourselves for our perceived flaws, lusting for something that doesn't even exist. It's super easy to do, since society has us brainwashed that our true value is measured by our looks. It's super easy to do, since society has us brainwashed that our true value is measured by our looks. But what would it look like if we began to embrace our bodies unapologetically? How many future generations of girls could we affect, if we ourselves began to see our bodies as the holy vessel our soul has chosen to journey with -in all its majesticall FLAW-SOME-NESS?!