Bowls Espana edition 2 and Linea Direct National Championship spring 2016

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From the Editor

Dear Reader


Since being introduced to lawn bowling some years ago, I have never played a game for a wager (except when Ann and I have a practice on separate rinks but play a short game of singles to end the session; loser buys the lunch !). I was told that any sort of betting was against the rules of our sport. Now, the Australians have decided that controlled betting on the outcome of bowls matches should be allowed there. Good for them, I say. Crown green bowlers have always had bookies to take their bets at big competitions, and why not?

One of the best changes that I have seen at San Miguel over the years was when the committee decreed that no longer should the winner buy the loser a drink on a club day; now the loser buys the drinks. That encouraged all players to try that little bit harder. Playing with expectation of being bought a drink if you win, is a mild sort of wager.

We play in some weekend competitions for money. Have you noticed that the host-clubs seldom tell us, as they always did before, just how much the prize money is and how it will be shared . Come on! We want to know how much is at stake. Why are you so shy?


It would appear that government funds to encourage sport are not available to our National Team because they are all expats, not Spanish nationals; the Times and the BBC both ran stories recently on the subject. I suggest that we enrol a willing Spanish national into one of our clubs and then into the Spanish National squad. And then ask for fundingÖ.. then see if they can get out of that!


In the UK anyone can form and join with any others in a club or group, without any red tape. Here, the spirit of the dictator lives on. Always fearful of democracy breaking out, he insisted on knowing just where groups of like-minded people were gathering. Sadly, this interference continues and our SABAand CBBAgroups are

illegal. When John Muldoon stepped down from his post as Director of Bowls, he disbanded the Lawn Bowls Directory, known to many as ëThe Little Black Dressí(which, I suspect, was also illegal). Whilst the LBC was not an elected body, the members being the Directorís invitees, it was a useful ëthink-tankíand its minutes were widely-read. Bob Donnelly, who has taken on this heavy burden, does not intend to reconvene this committee.

His negotiations with the Valencian ëfederacioníhave resulted in an agreement to reduce Fed fees to 12 euros next year, to be paid by every bowler playing games outside their own club. That should increase the entries in our National Championships and other federated events. Ruth Compton, working with the CALB breakaway-group in Almeria (yes, illegal) and the Adalucian ëfederacioní, have come up with a similar agreement and most bowlers have already federated under similar terms.

In the Costa del Sol region things are not going so smoothly. The bowls club ownersígroup, who control what competitions are played and where, (illegal, I would think), are a problem. Only 9 of the former 13 clubs remain open. Aloha Superbowl, one-time star of the region, closed without notice. Santa Maria club, reduced to 20 members, gladly took in some of the refugees. Benavista club is up for sale. Many bowlers in that region are only there in the Winter, which may explain the decline.


This issue of our magazine includes more petanca news. There are more expat petanca players here than lawn bowlers and we are pleased to give them space for their views and news. Unlike lawn bowling here, they are not all British expats; there are clubs with members from a dozen different countries. There is international rivalry on a friendly basis, with the income from many events going to local charities. Having seen the level of skill played by the top players here, I no longer wonder why the game is so popular. They are good !

Whatever you play, remember that itís just a game




Allen in Queensland4


Suzi Cooper reports from the finals8 LÍNEA DIRECTA NATIONALS Draws, schedules and order of play for the National Championships 17



Editor: Carl Eagle

Contributors: Bob Donnelly, Ruth Compton, Ann Allen, Arthur Brown, Bob Slater MBE, BEM, Susan Ward, June Jones, Lynne Bishop, William Rogerson, Anne Eagle, Tom Boyd, Lynda S Haymes, Geoffery Ditchburn, Tore Holstad Lehrmann, Veronica Sale, Pat Perrin

Advertising: +34 600 228 616

Design by: The Leader Media Group

Office: +34 600 228 616


Editor Email:


In 2014 my bowling experiencewas limited to the greens of the Costa Blanca. So, after winning the Spanish Nationals, the opportunity to compete in the 2015 World Bowls Singles Champion-ofChampions in Queensland, Australia was something I had to grasp with both hands. An added bonus of this trip was sharing the Spanishrepresentation with the experienced and talented Pete Bonsor.

“Would I go again? Like a shot! My Australian experience was unforgettable.”
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Before leaving for Australia in October, 2015 I had listened to and read different views on bowling in Australia. As recommended, Ihad changed my woodsand practised on indoor greens in Wales,but had turned down the offer of coaching in orderto change my delivery. All informationwas intended to improve mygame, butmostonly resulted in confusion!

I arrived at the competition venue, Club Helensvale, on the windy east coast, afew days before the start of the competition in order to familiarise myself with the new surroundings and conditions. The venue was made up of three bowling greens (rolledtwice-a-day), a very large eatery, separate bar area, a bowls shop and, the main source of revenue; an areafor over200 slot machines and other gambling options. This meant the club was always very, very busy and frequented by all ages.

On arrival, I foundthe bowling conditionsvery different to those I had previously experienced! One moment there was torrential rain, followed quickly by 32-40 degree temperatures, but always the greens were

veryeven,fast, wide and windy. After the first day I realized that the woods I had brought were unusable under these condition and, therefore, accepted the offer of the use of club woods.However, whilst other competitors were using size 3/4 woods, my smaller Aero woods were unreliable in these conditions and I was unable to perform to the standardI know I can. Although I won two games, I should have done much, muchbetter. However, ifofferedthe opportunity again, I know Iwould be more prepared and capable ofan improved performance.

I had previously watchedPeter play in Spainmany times andwas in awe

of his abilities. However, even though he had notplayedon an Australian surface for three years,his gamewas something else!! Peter's concentration, decision-making and draw-shots were phenomenal... inch-perfect shots being repeated one after another.It did not appear to make any difference which rinkPeter was drawn on....every performance was as good as the previous one and, itwas clear,his opponents would have to beat him because Peter was not making any mistakes! Peter'smatch againstScott Thulborn, ranked second in Australia, went to the last shot in the tie-breakand he missed winning the game by half-an-inch. However, by the timehe played Lee Williamson, from England, hewas guaranteed a bronze medal. Considered to be one of the favourites, he eased-off before playing for a place in the final. The semi-final between Peter and Fairul Muin, Commonwealth Games silvermedallist, from Malaysia again, went to the last shotof the extra end denyingPeter aplace in the final which was eventually won by Neil Mulholland, 2014,Commonwealth Games silver-medallist, from Ireland. What did I gain from my Australian experience? It reinforced the opinion that experiencecan defeat most obstacles; disrupted concentration can affect performance hugely; there is nothing like the familiarity of your own woods; and thatthe swopping and changing of woodsis not the answer to desired performance or consistency.It also reaffirms the understanding that if you want success you need innate ability and an awful lot more!.

The History of SABA

The South Alicante Bowls Alliance was formed around the year 2000, the main driving force behind its creation being the late Crystal Toleman, a member of La Siesta Bowls Club.

The initial idea was to create competition in Southern Alicante during the Summer months.

Crystalís influence was clear in the fact that La Siesta won the SABAsummer league from 2000 to 2004. Following Crystal, major players in SABAís history have been SABAPresidents

Dave Hadaway and John Meadows, plus Competition Secretary John Moss and his wife Mary as Secretary.

petitive Ladies Division and the 3-day Summer Trips competition, even now, is one of the most prestigious 3-day competitions in the area.

In 2009 it was decided to try to legalise SABAand, after various enquiries, it was realised that this was not possible and so the decision was taken to become a subcommittee of the CBBA, thinking that they were legal. Recent moves to federate all bowlers show that this was not the case.

However, the SABAcommittee continues to operate and has never had a situation where decisions taken by their committee has ever been overturned by the CBBA.

These were the major driving forces in SABAuntil late 2009. The SABAwinter leagues were introduced around 2006 ñ 2007 amid some confusion as to what the reason for their introduction was.

Some felt they were for new bowlers, but it soon became clear that many clubs were using it to give their Winter League bowlers another game, getting them around the Winter League 7-day rule, which prevented them playing in the CBBASouthern League.

As new clubs were introduced and even existing clubs were extending their membership, many new competitions and additional Divisions were added.

The Summer Knockout Competitions covering 6 different disciplines was, at one time, receiving nearly 300 entries per year.

The 4-Wood Pairs summer leagues had 2 Menís Divisions plus a com-

The Spanish team, underthe guidance of non-playing manager, Pete Bonsor, found the grass surface very different from playing on a carpet and failed to shine against the otherteams.

Englandís young players won the competition but everyone enjoyed theirstay, including a special coach-trip to the Red Sea, laid on by theirhosts.

Ourpicture shows, left to right:

Spain -Darren Johnson, Derek Sale, Debbie Colquhoun, Lisa Bonsor

England -Ashley Caress, Amy Stanton, Rebecca Field, Alex Walton

Following this amalgamation with the CBBA, John Moss passed on the role of Competition Secretary to Arthur Brown and shortly after, Mary passed on the Secretaryís role to Kath Reid.

What can we say about SABAís role in Southern Alicanteís history?

The winners of the Summer Knockout competitions include all the areaís top bowlers,the SABALeagues are only won by strong club sides. To investigate further, go to the SABAwebsite at

Here you will find the history of all the major SABAcompetition winners plus details of league fixtures and results and tables of the current leagues.


Bowling Photography Competition

Readers are invited to mail their best pictures to The Editor (

Only pictures related to lawn bowls or petanca can be accepted. Photographs attached to written contributions will automatically be included for consideration. The

winner will be announced in the next issue of the magazine, having been presented with 'The Eagle Trophy' on a suitable occasion. The competition will be ongoing and the trophy will then pass to the photographer who wins our next competition.

Image: Veronica Sale


This year’s Champion-ofChampions event took place at Greenlands Bowls Club; with Quesada also being used for the first two days.

The weather stayed fine and, despite some gale force winds on Tuesday, the event progressed smoothly to the finals day on Saturday. As only one player was in two events, all finals were able to be played on the same day.

In the Mixed Rinks San Luis (June Jones, Les Bedford, Colin Lindgren & Keith Jones) played against La Siesta (Ramsey Sinclair, Beryl Styring, Irene Mangan & Alex Morrice). The San Luis team got off to a storming start and, although the La Siesta team did begin to score some shots, San Luis took the honours, finally winning 26-11.

The Mixed Triples between Quesada (Carol Broomfield, Graham Phillips & Jason Prokopowycz) and Greenlands (Phil Lockley, Mary Lockley & Trevor Vanner) started off as a nip-and-tuck game, but the Quesada team pulled away and finished 20-8.

In the Mixed Pairs, Quesada (Eve Blythe & Bill Pain) played against Finca Guila (Sandie Thompson & Norman Vickers). This, too, started off as a close match but the Finca Guila pairing picked up successive fours to take the lead and went on to win 20-9.

Mary Cummings, winner of the Ladies’ Singles

After the lunch break, Jason Prokopowycz took to the green again. This time in the Mens Pairs with Chris Brazier playing against John Hurlock & Barry Evans (Horadada). The Quesada pair took control from the start and went on to win 20-16, giving Jason two titles. At the same time Bonalba (Eve Bell & Judy Branson) played Ladies Pairs against La Marina (Lynne Armitage & Shirley Hadaway). Despite dropping a big score on the first end, the Bonalba ladies came back to take the lead and control of the game; finally winning 20-15

The two premier events concluded the competition. In the Mens Singles Russell Marks (San Luis) was pitted against Frank Close (Emerald Isle). Frank, last year’s champion, lost out to the in-form Russell, who won 21-14.

The Ladies Singles final was played between Mary Cummings (Finca Guila) and Jane Hamill (El Rancho). At one stage Jane was leading by 17-5 but Mary staged a comeback; finally drawing level at 19 across. Jane held shot-bowl on the final end but, with a perfect bowl drawing the jack back slightly, Mary held the 2 shots needed. Jane’s final bowl looked good all the way but just drifted past, to give Mary the win by 21-19. Presentations were made by CBBA President Jean Cooper. Thanks were given to Julian Pering for his hard work in scheduling the matches, to the coordinators at both venues, and to the markers & umpires who gave up their time.

Singles winners, Mary



GENTS' SINGLES:Russell Marks (San Luis) beat Frank Close (Emerald Isle)

LADIES SINGLES:Mary Cummings (Finca Guila) beat Jane Hamill (El Rancho)

MENS' PAIRS:Chris Brazier and Jason Prokopowycz (Quesada) beat John Hurlock and Barry Evans (Horadada)

LADIES' PAIRS:Eve Bell and Judy Branson (Bonalba) beat Lynne Armitage and Shirley Hadaway (La Marina)

MIXED PAIRS: Sandie Thompson and Norman Vickers (Finca Guila) beat Eve Blythe and Bill Pain (Quesada)

MIXED TRIPLES: Carol Broomfield, Graham Phillips and Jason Prokopowycz (Quesada) beat Phil Lockley Mary Lockley and Trevor Vanner (Greenlands)

MIXED RINKS: June Jones Les Bedford Colin Lindgren and Keith Jones (San Luis) beat Alex Morrice Irene Mangan Ramsey Sinclair and Beryl Styring (La Siesta)

Jason Prokopowycz of Quesada was victorious in the Mens’ Pairs and the Mixed Triples

Finca Guila and Russell Marks of San Luis

Seagate Wealth Management and Bowls A Winning Combination.

Seagate Wealth Management recently sponsored a competition held at San Miguel Bowls Club. The event took place over a weekend and considering the gales and likelihood of rain was well attended. We received a very warm reception and hopefully we managed to impart some financial wisdom.

Our philosophy at Seagate is to put our clients firmly at the centre of everything we do. As people who have visited our Benijofar office remark, we are one happy family.

Seagate provide Independent Financial Advice working with a number of regulated companies offering a comprehensive range of services. However, we are very different to your typical Financial Adviser. At Seagate we believe that providing various solutions for our clients is key and thatís why we donít just stop at financial advice. We can assist all of our clients in various other matters such as Wills, Spanish Tax, Inheritance Tax Planning, Funeral Plans and Currency Exchange. By getting to know each client individually we understand their situation fully and it allows us to provide them with the best Financial Advice, not just for today, but forever.

One of the most popular products we deal with is the Prudential International¥s Prudence Bond. Prudential is a household name and serves around 25 million insurance customers worldwide. They have 505 billion pounds of assets under management. Their International Prudence bond has gone from strength to strength and has returned over 5% per annum consistently for the last 5 years. The current bonus rate is 7.3% per annum for the Prufund Growth fund. The fund aims to maximise growth over the medium to long term while helping to smooth the peaks and troughs of investment performance. They do this by paying out regular annual bonuses. This makes the fund a halfway house between the volatility of the stock market and the safety of cash and bonds.

If you would like further information on this or just a chat about making your money work harder for you, then we have a team of advisers based in offices in both the North and South of the Costa Blanca. You can either call us on 965 704 338, email us at or call Tracy directly on 966 848 960 or 693 107 044

Bowlers are presented with their trophies by Lorraine Howard, Marketing Manager and Financial Adviser Tracy Storer.

Seagate Wealth Management provides Independent Financial Advice with a comprehensive range of services. We work in

conjunction with fully regulated and authorised companies. Seagate Wealth Management is in partnership with many of the

leading product providers and has access to an extensive range of solutions for clients.


An independent bowls club based at San Miguel Bowls Club

Onmy retirement in 1987, we bought one of the houses built in The Eagles Nest complex that included a Bar, Restaurant and Bowling Green.

My boyhood memories of bowls being played in the local park in Glasgow were of quarrelsome old men shouting ìYer too short Wullie, pit some mer wellie next time ì and ìYer JackHigh Tam, but no on this rinkî. There were no women to be seen on the green in those days.

Ann and I determined to take up bowls and were encouraged by the owner of the new complex, Naresh Bhundia, who we got to know quite well. He opened the ìSoraya Mahalî bar and restau-

rant (later to be called ìCheersî) and the new green in 1988. We were his first members and within a year or so, others joined and we were able to compete in league games but, with only about 30 players, we were struggling.

Naresh came to me for advice on how best to attract more members. The committee of the new club ruled that even those coming to try the sport must wear whites.

ew people were willing to make that sort of investment to try a game that they may not enjoy. I agreed to run a Friday session on the green, quite independent of the San Miguel Bowls Club, where people could borrow woods and shoes and try their hand at


Many learners, as they became more proficient, moved on to join San Miguel Bowls Club.

To improve the Highjackers image, I agreed to finance the purchase of shirts with the ëHighjackeríname on them.

The friend who ordered them agreed to buy some very cheaply by only paying for the printing costs; they were cheap, but they were pink- coloured. We loved them and were the first in Spain to wear coloured tops.

During the past 27 years, Ann and I have run about 1300 sessions, with about 200 players moving on to play at a higher level.

Many have become champions: Russell and Sabrina Marks, Maggie Furness and Colin Lindgren. Drew Gerrard, featured on this magazineís first front cover, played with The Highjackers. Our longest-serving members are Pam and Stewart Taylor, who, for the past eighteen years, have driven here from Scotland each September and never missed a session until returning in May.

We feel that the task that Naresh gave me all those years ago has been fulfilled and we have made many friends and enjoyed the fun and laughter that is the hallmark of our little group.

Here is another quickly-made supper-dish that you can eat watching the TVwhen you get home late, after one of those crazy evening games.

It includes the use of partly-baked, white baguettes which are not ideal for the average expat bowler; we should be eating only ëenteraíbread at our age.

But ëWhat the Hell !íÖ.. it wonít kill us.


Put your oven on high, about 220C, to pre-


Take one baguette for each person. Turn each on its side and slice it in two along its length then cut the lengths in two to produce four slices ready to be spread with a little olive oil and tomato sauce. Cover them all with a layer of processed cheese slices, ready for the topping.

In a mixing bowl, put fresh ingredients of your choice; all finely chopped. We like bacon, onion, fresh tomato (skinned), peppers and a touch of garlic. All well- seasoned and with herbs of your choice and mixed well with a

drop of oil.

Using a spoon, cover each slice of bread with the mixture. Sprinkle with grated cheddar or similar and add two halved small tomatoes, face down, on each slice.

Put them on a rack in the oven for about 12 minutes. You even have a quick crossword to do below as they are cooking

Take them out, a dash of black pepper, and eat them whilst they are hot.

Cheap, easy, lovely !

If you have a quick and easy recipe for a light meal, suitable for supper after an evening game of bowls, send it to me and I shall make up the dish and photograph it for our readers, before sharing it with Ann.......Carl

QUICKIE crossword


7.Reason (5)

8.Flood (7)

9.Suffer (7)

10.Pulverise (5)

12.Orders (10)

15.Unmoved (10)

18.Mistake (5)

19.Prosper (7)

21.Coach (7)

22.Sea (5)


1.Happening (10)

2.Pilot (5)

3.Prophet (4)

4.Blow (6)

5.Scare (8)

6.Deer-meat (7)

11.Despairing (10)

13.Natural (8)

14.Beg (7)

16.Gloss (6)

17.Dissuade (5)

20.Chef (4) (Solution on page 54)


Jackie Breslin and his wife, Bridget, ran Albir Bowls Club for many years and became famous for holding big-money competitions.

He bowled in the Spanish squad and over the years he also captained many of the teams. More recently, however, he has assisted in the running of the squad and the training of the International players.

We are sorry to learn of his retirement from the National Squad but trust that he will continue to enjoy the game at club level for many years to come.

without bowling wouldnít kill me .... but why risk it?

Malaga host National Squad at Indalo

Indalo Bowling Club hosted a test-match weekend between the Spanish National Squad and a team made up of seven different clubs from the Malaga Region.

Indalo Bowling Clubís own Spanish Squad member Debbie Colquhoun, was joined by other IBC players, namely Jenny Thompson, Gill Atkinson and Ann Reynolds, to make up the National team to take on the Malaga Clubs.

As usual it was a very competitive affair with some amazing bowling and some that made the novices watching feel a bit better about their own game! The

Malaga area came out on top over the two days with some very close and energy-sapping games, much to the delight of the spectators. In spite of the defeat the new National Squad Manager, Graham Cathcart, ably assisted by John Colquhoun, said that the future, in spite of certain challenges, was looking bright. Next stop for the players is Cyprus in March. Everyone agreed that the weekend had been a great success with the atmosphere and conditions at the Indalo Bowling Club helping to create a very enjoyable playing arena.

One of the advantages that bowling has over golf is that you seldom lose a ball !


It cannot be pure coincidence that three of Spain's top bowlers have also excelled in other sports. We asked them to tell us the secret of their success.


Formerly one of the stars of Spain's national bowls team and winner of many competitions, culminating in becoming our National Men's Singles winner in 2012 and Champion of Champions Men's Singles winner just last month, Russell is equally successful on the golf-course.

At the age of 65, with a handicap of One, he can claim no less than four holes-in-one at the Villamartin club and was the Club Champion the same year as he was Club Champion at San Miguel Bowls Club.

I asked him if he could explain his success in both sports. He said ì Success in golf and bowls go hand in-hand I believe. How do

I explain that? Well, most Golf/Bowls players will tell you that putting and bowling share the same skills.

Pace and line along with hand-eye coordination and a process that is repeatable willproduce winners in Golf and Bowls.

All sounds very deep, but that is the mentality I have adopted throughout my career.î


Possibly Spain's most successful bowler, at one time ranked 16th best amateur Men's Singles Player in the world, he has been our National Singles Champion four times. In the UK, Keith played professional cricket for Middlesex for many years and was a successful medium-paced bowler.

Our picture shows him at the height of his bowling career, when he swept the board in the 2005 Spanish National Championships.

Nick has been Spain's Single Champion 3 times. Coming from a bowling family, he has been the anchor of Spain's national team for many years.

He leaves Spain each Summer to take up his post in Germany, where , in 1993, he joined 36 other pros to teach at Europe's biggest golf school; Golf Resort Bad Griesbach. He now coaches at the prestigious Ullersdorf golf complex near Dresden.

To be top of both sports is exceptional. Nick says ì I was chosen to be captain of England boys' golf team when I was young, probably because I showed both a natural ability and a willingness to learn and practise what I was taught.

I learned a lot about bowls from my parents and applied the same dedication in perfecting my delivery as I did to perfecting my golf swing.î


Your editor is ashamed to admit to being the first applicant for membership of The Wrong-Bias Charity Club.

On Monday 29th February, playing for The San Miguel Comets against a San Luis team, he bowled a wronglybiased wood (to the disgust of


his team-mates).

He has issued himself with a certificate, which is on display at San Miguel Bowls Club, certifying that he has paid five euros into The Wrong-Bias Charity Fund.

He hopes that this will be the first of many donations .

Russell Marks
Nick Cole
Keith Jones


An EMSMORN EXPLORERhard case trolley bag


Our thanks to EMSMORN for their kind donation of an EXPLORERhard case trolley bag worth over 100 euro.

ENTRIES by email to by 1st JUNE 2016. In the event of a tie a public draw will take place at San Miguel Bowls Club on SATURDAY4th JUNE.

Correct answers and the name of the winner will be published in THE LEADER on MONDAY6th JUNE. The decision of the Editor is final.

1 Who was this year's Men's Singles World Indoor Bowls Championship winner?

2 Who did Thongsbridge beat in last year's world bowls final?

3 Sir Francis Bacon, Sir Walter Raleigh, Victor Hugo, Lord Macauley. What did they have in common?

4 Where does Indalo Bowls Club get its name?

5 Who were Gold Medal winners of the Ladies' Pairs in the 2013 European Bowls Championships ?

6 When is the only time you can nominate a bowl as a toucher?

7 Where were the 2007 Spanish National Bowls Championships Finals played?

8 Who won the SABA Ladies Singles in both 2010 and 2014?

9 What club does the Spanish National team manager play for?

10 Which Spanish bowls champion is a golf pro?

11 What Costa Blanca club's green was formerly a tennis court

12 Why is Southampton Old Bowling Green famous?

13 Which San Miguel BC player won Singles, Pairs and Triples in one National Championship?

14 If a skip sees that the jack is not centred correctly and the first wood is approaching, what should he do?

15 Which past member of the Spanish National Championships committee played at Wembley in 1966?

16 Where did Callum Wraight win his national bowls Champion-ofChampion Singles final last year?

17 What marked the boundaries between rinks in the 1995 English Bowls Championships?

18 In a game of pairs, what should two leads do if they cannot agree after measuring?

19 If the jack is moved by the wind what happens next?

20 Who did Shropshire Premier Bowling League ban from league competitions again this year?

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9

Solution on page 54

Ultra strong and lightweight ABS/Polycarbonate with a polyester inner lining. Style - a high tech versatile 2 compartment mid-sized trolley bag. Kangaroo style exterior pocket for easy access.


If you would like to express your views on how to attract more entries to the National Championships, or on any other bowls-related subject, we would be delighted to hear what you have got to say.

Please email your letter to our Bowlers’Forum for the attention of the Editor. Although your details must be included you may request that your name is withheld.

In the last edition I spoke about winning ways.
Did you try out the exercise and,if so,how did you fare?

Was it great, could do better, or just frustrating?

From time to time all bowlers, no matter how experienced, have games they wish they had never started or wonder if, perhaps, itís a good time to embrace the game of tiddly-winks !. Experienced bowlers who have practiced to become consistent, suffer less from this problem. Have you ever wondered why top sportspeople have coaches?

So, if you find that you are not consistent with your delivery, say only one out of three bowls delivered ends where you think you have sent it, step back and take stock of what you do. Now, of course, unless you are a contortionist, you will not be able to observe your own actions, so do ask an experienced coach to watch you, and evaluate your bowling action.

Once you have a smooth consistent delivery, the next challenge is to know your aiming point. What is the break-point where your bowl slows down and turns in a curve towards the object you are bowling to? Most bowls turn, if delivered with the right weight, twothirds of the way between the front of the mat and the jack. ( The Aero bowls travel in an arc, so the turn is half-way between mat and jack.)



The name of our game is to be consistent, and to be able to be consistent you must be able to replicate your delivery with little or no variation; bowl after bowl delivered.

Back to Basics

Lawn Bowling is for EVER EVER YONE YONE

The best way to do this is to keep your delivery as straight and simple as possible.

Keeping everything straight, including your body and back-swing, along with limiting your movement during delivery, will give you the best chance of being able to replicate your delivery, thus keeping consistency very high.


For a start you must line your feet up with your aiming line, especially your anchor-foot (the foot that stays on the mat with your weight on it).

You should always step onto the mat with your anchor-foot first, while lining it up with your aiming-line.

Next, bring your opposite foot up alongside your anchor-foot into a comfortable position.

It can help to place the opposite foot half-afoot length in front of the anchor-foot and have the feet slightly apart. This helps to swing the hip out of the way. Minimal movement

Now that you have your feet and body in the right direction, your bowling arm needs to be positioned so that it is slightly outside your body. This enables your back-swing to go straight back and straight through during delivery.

Too many bowlers fall into the trap of starting with their bowling arm in front of their body, which creates the problem of getting around your body during the back-swing. This can

1 Good preparation is important

2 Avoid playing with a pre-existing illness or injury. If in doubt, talk to your doctor.

3 Warm up and stretch before play to improve joint range of motion, promote elasticity of tendons and ligaments and prevent muscular strain.

4 Cool down after play to prevent stiffness and cardiovascular complications.

5 Undertake simple pre-season fitness testing to ensure you are fit for competition.

6 Undertake balance training and exercises to

cause a round-arm or scoop delivery. This often leads to consistently narrow bowling, which makes it extremely difficult to bowl the correct line; to replicate a smooth, accurate delivery end-after-end.

Agreat way to counteract this, and to see if your back swing is straight, is either to have someone video it from the back and front, or to stand straight in front of a mirror and watch the line your bowling arm takes from the start of delivery to the point of release. (Probably best not to use a bowl just in case you hit the mirror, hold a grapefruit or large orange if you feel more comfortable with a weight in your hand). Your arm should swing through freely and smoothly like a pendulum, with no deviations.

strengthen the lower extremities, back and neck, to help prevent falls.

7 Good technique and practices will help prevent injury

8 Know the rules and play fairly.

9 Seek instruction on correct techniques from an accredited coach to develop adequate skills and good game technique. Incorrect technique such as poor balance and delivery, or incorrect grip of the bowl, can lead to injury.

10 Coaches should undertake regular reaccreditation and education to ensure their knowledge is kept up-to-date.


During the Winter here in Spain, it is too dark to play outside on the green in the evening, but many of our clubs have floodlights that are seldom or never used.

Playing under floodlights can be fun. The club that I played for in Geordieland used to play friendly home-and-away games against a Scottish club just over the border, and I once travelled with the team.

We received a wonderful, warm reception. As the game progressed, each player, with their opposite number, played their woods then adjourned to the bar until they were needed to play again. I still have a vague recollection of drinking a substantial part of the whisky from a golf-ball-shaped bottle.

We had a wonderful meal and more drinks. Before we were poured back onto the coach, a few of us went back onto the green and played a few riotous ends in the dark, by the light from the clubhouse window. (When it comes to falling over on the green, grass is quite forgiving!)

In the UK,where most players were at work during the day, evening matches were often played in very chilly conditions, especially at the start and end of the outdoor season. The first league game I ever played was an away-game, in the evening, against another Tyneside club. It was at the start of the season and bitterly cold. By the end of the game, I can remember noticing the lights from the adjoining Working Menís Club being reflected in the iced-over puddles around the rink. I was frozen stiff ! It did not take me long to learn to put on a pair of warm tights or long-johns under my trousers on such occasions.

When Jackie Breslin ran those wonderful, good-cash-prizes competitions at Albir club, I remember one competition running so late that it grew dark during the final.There was no floodlighting nor even streetlighting near the club and the final end, which decided the outcome, was played back to the start, towards the clubhouse. The watching crowd on the bank peered through the gloom but could not see the woods approaching until they were close enough to be illuminated by the clubhouse lights. What drama !

Here, in Sunny Spain, it is not so cold and we could all enjoy the occasional fun evening under the floodlights. Ten ends would be enough, then back to the bar or off for a Chinese. (ìIsnít it your turn to drive tonight, Pet ?î)

THE LÍNEA DIRECTA 2016 national lawnbowls championships





At LÌnea Directa we are delighted to be part of the National Bowls Championship 2016 which takes place this year in Orihuela (Alicante). By doing so we aim to boost and support a centenary sport for which it is necessary to have talents such as enthusiasm, spirit of excellence and desire for perfection. These qualities are a fundamental part of LÌnea Directa¥s DNA and have allowed us to become leaders in the Spanish insurance sector in just over 20 years. Furthermore, since we started to offer our services to foreign clients in 1998, we have always strived to commit the very best attention to all our English speaking clients as they are a key part of our company and success. We would like to wish the best of luck to all participants and thank them for their high involvement in the National Bowls Championship 2016. And as they say, may the best person win!

En LÌnea Directa estamos encantados de formar parte del National Bowls Championship 2016 que este aÒo se celebra en Orihuela (Alicante). De esta forma, queremos apoyar y dar a conocer un deporte centenario para el que es necesario poseer cualidades tales como entusiasmo, espÌritu de superaciÛn y af·n de perfeccionismo. Unas cualidades que forman parte del ADN de LÌnea Directa y que nos han permitido convertirnos en lÌderes del sector asegurador espaÒol en poco m·s de 20 aÒos. Adem·s, desde que en 1998 comenz·ramos a brindar nuestros servicios a clientes residentes extranjeros, hemos apostado siempre, con un cariÒo muy especial, por nuestros asegurados de habla inglesa a los que consideramos una pieza clave dentro de la compaÒÌa. Queremos desear mucha suerte a todos los participantes y agradecerles su alto grado de implicaciÛn en el National Bowls Championship 2016. Ycomo se suele decir en estos casos, °quÈ gane el mejor!

Francisco Valencia, Director de Gobierno Corporativo de Línea Directa Aseguradora


It gives me great pleasure, in this my first year in this new capacity, to welcome all competitors to these Championships, which have been re-named The LÌnea Directa, in honour of the Sponsors, who have very generously contributed to ensure that this yearís competition will be a success, despite the continued economic restraints.

I can personally recommend LÌnea Directa having used them for at least ten years for Insurance on my cars and house, and on every occasion when I have needed assistance they have been perfect.

It has been a difficult year with the introduction of the Unitary fee and the acceptance of Regional fees, which has meant that there is a

considerable difference between the two licences, a fact that I continue to stress to the FEB, so far, without much success.

This, added to the fact that the CSD (Sports Council) have withdrawn funding to the International side, because they are not Spanish Nationals, and, according to them, not many play our Sport!

On both these points, I will continue to battle to demand that we are given the respect that Lawn Bowls in Spain deserves.

I would like to thank my Championship Committee who have worked so hard to ensure that everything will go to plan, to the Owners, Committee and players of Emerald Isle for

offering their excellent facilities, and to the CBUMAfor arranging the Umpires. I would also like to give my special thanks to Kevin Reardon and THE LEADER newspaper for all the valuable assistance with the preparation of the advertising and also this programme.

All that is left to say, is good luck to everyone of you in The LÌnea Directa Lawn Bowls National Championships 2016!

Bob Donnelly. National Director.

The National Championship Committee

Deidre Leeming

I began my bowling career in 1987 in the U.K., after many years as a Netballer.As Ladies’ Club Captain I was successful in leading our club to two League Championships and also winning a Singles Championship on grass.

On retiring to Spain in 2002 with my husband Ken, we joined Quesada Bowls Club,where we both served on the Committee.I have served both as Captain and Secretary and I have been the Federation Representative,which has led me,to become Treasurer of Lawn Bowls Spain and currently Secretary and Treasurer of this year’s Spanish Nationals.In 2011 I qualified as an Instructor under the National Coaching Scheme. I am privileged to have won the club Ladies Singles title and in both 2011 and 2013 I was delighted to win the Spanish Nationals as a skip of

National Director Bob Donnelly carrying out the draw with the Championship Committee.

L-R: Tony Capewell, Bob Donnelly, Suzi Cooper and Deidre Leeming

Ladies Rinks for the 2nd time in 2013. Bowls has brought me many happy hours.It is a great sport to keep fit and enjoy the company of many good friends.

Tony Capewell

I was born in Birmingham but lived most of my earlier life in what is affectionately known as the Black Country in the West Midlands.The majority of my working life was spent in the construction industry and after I got married to Debbie we travelled the country with my work.We lived in seven houses in the first nine years of marriage.Our nomadic life ended when we moved to Kidderminster. We have one daughter,Nicola. In 2004 we moved to Spain and in 2006 I joined the Emerald Isle Bowls Club and became involved

in club activities,firstly as club scribe reporting on results & events,then as Vice President,a post I held for three years.I have recently been elected President of the Emerald Isle Bowls Club.

Suzi Cooper

I moved to Spain in 1989 and took up bowls to fill in the time.Little did I know how much time it would actually fill.I was a member at various Northern clubs but was a shareholder member at Benitachell for 9 years before moving to the Torrevieja area to live with Allen.I am currently a member at Quesada and last year I was the Match and Competition Secretary.I am honoured to be involved in this year’s National Championships.I wish all entrants an enjoyable and successful tournament.




All competitors must be a fully paid up member of the Federacion Espanola de Bolos (F.E.B.) and must be a current paid up green fee member of a club affiliated to the F.E.B. for the duration of the Nationals.

In team events all players at the time of entry must be members of the same club and have their Federation membership with that club.

All games will be played on a "Knockout" basis, Pairs &Triples: 18 Ends. Singles: first to 21 shots.

Players are asked to be prompt and arrive at the venue 30 minutes prior to the scheduled start times. Any player arriving more than 15mins after the start time or rescheduled start time of a game will be disqualified. 1 trial end in each direction before each game as per Law 5.1



Club Colours or Whites must be worn and all members of the same team must wear the same i.e. either all white or all club colours.


Must be smooth soled, without heels designed for bowling and be world bowls approved. Sandals and open shoes must have a back-strap.

All composition bowls (see law 52.1.1) must bear a legible stamp which has an expiry date of 1985 or later.


All bowls used in the competition up until the semifinals must carry club stickers from the club through which the player has entered the competition. For the

singles discipline, if both players are from the same club, the first named player may be asked to use stickers provided by the controlling body.

All singles players must ensure they have sufficient club stickers to put back onto their bowls should this situation arise. For semi-finals and finals, stickers will be provided by the controlling body. At this point, should opposing teams have the same colour stickers; the first named team in the draw will have the choice of changing stickers. Stickers must be adhered to the bowls in line with Law 52.1.8

In any game that becomes mathematically impossible to win the trailing team MUST concede.


Practice will be allowed at the Host-Venues at the stipulated times, once the National Finals have commenced anyone practicing at the Host-venues will be disqualified. If a player or team that has not yet played is due to meet a player or team that has already played on the same day, the player or team that has not yet played can practise provided (a) the Controlling Body gives approval, (b) there is enough time available without delaying the competition, (c) the Controlling Body allocates the rink on which a player or team can practise (where possible they should allocate the same rink as the player or team have already played on.)


Players will be allowed to play on the same rink on the same day providing they are playing in a separate discipline.

The team entered into the draw will be deemed to be the constituted team, replacement players to the constituted team are allowed as follows:


Pairs 1 Replacement Triples 2 Replacements.


Pairs and Triples 1 Replacement only.

During every game there MUST be at least one of the original constituted team playing.


Replacement players must fulfil the entry conditions above and cannot have already played in the same discipline.


A Substitute may be allowed in line with Laws 33.3, 33.4 and 33.5. Changes to the constituted team pre-competition and between rounds are "Replacements" they are not "Substitutes". In the event of a replacement or substitute being introduced, that player must remain in the team for the duration of the competition and the original player may not return.


Where a team is found to be in default of the competition rules, it will be disqualified from the competition and the non-offending player/team in the previous match will progress to the next round.


If there is a need for an Emergency Committee or a disputes Committee, these committees will consist of at least 3 but no more than 5 of the following persons; Umpire of the day from one of the Venues, Member/s of the Controlling Body from one of the Venues and at least 2 members of the Championship Committee.



14TH MAY 2016

11.00 a.m. OPENING CEREMONY 1.00 p.m.Mixed Triples 1-5

15TH MAY 2016

10.00 a.m.Mixed Triples 6-13

2.00 p.m.Mixed Triples 14-17

16TH MAY 2016

10.00 a.m.Ladies Pairs 1-7

2.00 p.m.Men’s Pairs 1-7

17TH MAY 2016

10.00 a.m.Men’s Pairs 8-15

2.00 p.m.Ladies Pairs 8-11

18TH MAY 2016

10.00 a.m.Men’s Pairs 16-19

2.00 p.m.Ladies Singles 1-8

4.00 p.m.Ladies Singles 9, 10, 16-18

19TH MAY 2016

10.00 a.m.Men’s Singles 1-8

12.00 p.m.Ladies Singles 11-15, 22

2.00 p.m.Men’s Singles 9-16 4.00 p.m.Men’s Singles 17-24

20TH MAY 2016

10.00 a.m.Men’s Singles 25-32

12.00 p.m.Ladies Singles 19-21 2.00 p.m.Men’s Singles 33-36

21ST MAY 2016

10.00 a.m.Mixed Pairs 1-8

2.00 p.m.Mixed Pairs 9-15

22ND MAY 2016

10.00 a.m.Mixed Pairs 16-23

23RD MAY 2016

10.00 a.m.Mixed Pairs 24-27




































































Ladies’Nationals Roll of Honour SINGLES



1994AlmeríaJoanSimmondsElCid 1995MálagaDorrienIvesLosAmigos 1996NorthAlicanteTeresaStaffordElCid 1997MálagaCrystalTolemanLaSiesta 1999SouthAlicanteSheilaSteadLaSiesta 2000MálagaTeresaStaffordElCid 2001NorthAlicanteDotNorthBenitachell 2002SouthAlicanteValSherrySanLuis 2003MálagaMaryPotterSantaMária 2004NorthAlicanteSheilaSteadGreenlands 2005SouthAlicanteEricaHooperSantaMaria 2006SouthAlicanteSheilaSteadGreenlands 2007NorthAlicanteAnnEagleSanMiguel 2008SouthAlicantePRhodesLaSiesta 2009MalagaDoreenHallCabrera 2010SouthAlicante*ValSherrySanLuis 2011SouthAlicanteValSherrySanLuis 2012SouthAlicanteJuneJonesEmeraldIsle 2013SouthAlicanteJanDandoIndalo 2014SouthAlicanteAnnAllenHoradada 2015SouthAlicanteJanDandoIndalo

1994AlmeríaJoanSimmonds/TeressaStaffordElCid 1995MálagaDorothyNuttall/ChristineSimsMiraflores 1996NorthAlicanteJoanSimmonds/TeresaStaffordElCid 1997MálagaDorothyNuttall/ChristineSimsMiraflores 1999SouthAlicanteMavisDugdale/TeresaStaffordElCid 2000MálagaIsabelNielson/JoanWhittonSuperbowl 2001MálagaMavisDugdale/JudithPurseyElCid 2002SouthAlicanteSheilaStead/MargaretHernGreenlands 2003MálagaWendyLatham/MaryShanksLaMarina 2004NorthAlicanteMaggieLawley/FeliCroftBenitachell 2005SouthAlicanteChrisEvans/SheriFletcherJavea 2006SouthAlicanteChrisEvans/SheriFletcherJavea 2007NorthAlicanteAnnEagle/SabrinaMarksSanMiguel 2008SouthAlicanteShirleyVerity/SheilaCammackCountryBowls 2009MalagaJudyAbel/DoreenHallCabrera 2010SouthAlicante*RussellMarks/SabrinaMarksSanMiguel 2011SouthAlicanteAnnEagle/SabrinaMarksSanMiguel 2012SouthAlicanteAnnEagle/SabrinaMarksSanMiguel 2013MalagaKateMorris/MaryDetheridgeBelplaya 2014SouthAlicantePetaRhodes/LisaBonsorQuesada 2015SouthAlicanteMelHighland/JacquiJohnstonQuesada

(1993, 1994, 2003 & 2004 were Open)

1994AlmeríaTonyPilling/CrystalToleman/BillTolemanLaSiesta 1995MálagaMaureenBaillie/KateMorris/PatsyFisherSuperbowl 1996NorthAlicanteJoanMoss/SheilaHeitman/EvelynSpencerJaveaGreen 1997MálagaMaureenKeir/ShirleyWhitehead/PatFungOnCabrera 1999SouthAlicanteDorothyNuttal/DaphneSteel/PamelaMurchSantaMária 2000MálagaKateMorris/AudreyCurtis/PatsyFisherSuperbowl 2001MálagaDotNorth/WendySymonds/MaureenHowBenitachell 2002SouthAlicanteDotNorth/WendySymonds/MaureenHowBenitachell 2003MálagaBertCampbell/DaphneSteel/KevinBagnallSuperbowl 2004NorthAlicanteNickCole/PamCole/JohnSullivanMijas 2005SouthAlicanteSallyLewington/PetaFraser/CrystalTolmanLaSiesta 2006SouthAlicanteLynneGreenland/MargaretHinchliffe/AngieGoodfellowGreenlands 2007NorthAlicanteMargaretBunbury/ChrisEvans/SheriFletcherJaveaGreen 2008SouthAlicanteMargaretBunbury/GailChick/SheriFletcherJaveaGreen 2009MalagaMaryDetheridge/AngieKnight/MarjorieJohnsSuperbowl 2010SouthAlicante*JColquhoun/JDando/DColquhounIndalo 2011SouthAlicanteAHolland/PLockett/JJonesEmeraldIsle 2012SouthAlicanteGinaStreeter/SallyCordell/SandraBurrowsEmeraldIsle 2013NorthAlicanteSaraHamer/HazelBrown/YvonneBridenElCid 2014SouthAlicanteSueJohnson/MarylinFryatt/LinMillerGreenlands 2015SouthAlicantePetaRhodes/JacquiJohnston/LisaBonsorQuesada

(1993, 1994, 2003 & 2004 were Open)

1994AlmeríaAudreyHornby/MarjorieCox/SallyJack/BettyDuckettFirstLawn 1995MálagaMarieC.Foletti/MarionWilson/KateShields/JeanTaylorSuperbowl 1996NorthAlicantePennyPym/DotNorth/SheilaHarris/AngelaWatsonBenitachell 1997MálagaJimSweeney/BillSheen/KenRatcliffe/BillYoungLaMarina 1999SouthAlicanteDorothyNuttal/DaphneSteel/PamelaMurch/HarrietFoxwellSantaMária 2000MálagaDotNorth/FeliCroft/MaureenHow/AngelaWatsonBenitachell 2001MálagaDotNorth/FeliCroft/LauraShacklady/MaureenHowBenitachell 2002SouthAlicanteEnidChapman/AnnFowles/ValWright/JoyceToveyQuesada 2003MálagaJimmyChalmers/KateMorris/RichardJones/GeoffLewisSuperbowl 2004NorthAlicantePamCole/RonCole/NickCole/JohnSullivanMijas 2005SouthAlicanteAnnHorswell/MaureenJackson/CarolRudge/ValSherryEmeraldIsle 2006SouthAlicanteMargaretBunbury/JoanMoss/ChrisEvans/SheriFletcherJaveaGreen 2007NorthAlicanteMargaretBunbury/JoanMoss/ChrisEvans/SheriFletcherJaveaGreen 2008SouthAlicanteCMeare/WSymond/CEvans/MLawleyBenitachell 2009MalagaMaureenBarrett/CaroleCornwell/PatFisher/ShirleyOwenSuperbowl 2010SouthAlicante*BDuff/SPearson/RPollock/RWhiteEmeraldIsle 2011SouthAlicanteDLeeming/DLawton/GWatson/VSaleQuesada 2012SouthAlicanteJillParker/JanPocock/EveBlythe/DianeLawtonGreenlands 2013SouthAlicanteLisaBonsor/DianeLawton/DeidreLeeming/MaureenKiddQuesada 2014SouthAlicanteSheilaStead/SueJohnson/JanPocock/LinMillerGreenlands 2015SouthAlicantePetaRhodes/MarianneHoltham/JacquiJohnston/LisaBonsorQuesada

Please Note: 1998Championshipswerenotcontested.


Men’sNationals Roll of Honour


1994AlmeríaRonBissetSuperbowl 1995MálagaJohnYoungSantaMária 1996NorthAlicanteHarryWinfieldBenitachell 1997MálagaDerekShemmingsMiraflores 1999SouthAlicanteAlanBlythLaSiesta 2000MálagaRonPlayerSanMiguel 2001MálagaNickColeMijas 2002SouthAlicanteTonyPillingLaSiesta 2003MálagaJohnYoungSantaMaria 2004NorthAlicanteNickColeMijas 2005SouthAlicanteKeithJonesSanMiguel 2006SouthAlicanteKeithJonesLemonTree 2007NorthAlicanteNickColeBelamadena 2008SouthAlicanteTonyMcKennaAlbir 2009MalagaMarkNaylorIndalo 2010SouthAlicante*KeithJonesEmeraldIsle 2011SouthAlicanteKeithJonesEmeraldIsle 2012SouthAlicanteRussellMarksSanMiguel 2013NorthAlicanteTonyMcKennaJaveaGreen 2014SouthAlicantePeteBonsorQuesada 2015SouthAlicantePeteBonsorQuesada

1994AlmeríaHarryKinloch/NormanRobertsonSantaMária 1995MálagaCliffWhitehead/CliveBrindleCabrera 1996NorthAlicanteHarryWinfield/MickAdamsBenitachell 1997MálagaNormanRobertson/TerryFoxSantaMária 1999SouthAlicanteJohnDugdale/TerryWalshElCid 2000MálagaHadynParker/NormanRobertsonSantaMária 2001MálagaDavidPoole/AlexFisherJaveaGreen 2002SouthAlicanteMalcolmRoberts/JohnSullivanSantaMária 2003MálagaJohnWithers/AllenBowenGreenlands 2004NorthAlicanteNickCole/JohnSullivanMijas 2005SouthAlicanteKeithJones/RussellMarksSanMiguel 2006MálagaKevinBloe/MikeDetheridgeBelamadena 2007NorthAlicanteMurrayJohns/TonyFrowdMijas 2008SouthAlicanteTonyMcKenna/JackieBreslinAlbir 2009MalagaAndySalmon/AlanTurnerSuperbowl 2010SouthAlicante*RussellMarks/SabrinaMarksSanMiguel2011 2011SouthAlicanteStuartHemmings/AMcNeilSanMiguel 2012SouthAlicanteIanBrown/DerekRandallElCid 2013SouthAlicanteColinJackson/MalHughesSanLuis 2014SouthAlicantePeteBonsor/BillPainQuesada 2015SouthAlicanteJasonProkopowycz/DerekSaleQuesada

(1993, 1994, 2003 & 2004 were Open)

1994AlmeríaTonyPilling/CrystalToleman/BillTolemanLaSiesta 1995MálagaMartinShannon/GordonShields/DennisTaylorSuperbowl 1996NorthAlicanteJimSweeney/NormanLegg/BillYoungLaMarina 1997MálagaJohnWithers/TonyPilling/BillTolemanLaSiesta 1999SouthAlicanteN.Harvey/RobertCarter/JohnHorobinQuesada 2000MálagaAlanSmith/AlanGamble/TerryWalshJaveaGreen 2001MálagaTomFinnigan/DennisHumpleby/TerryBarrettMijas 2002SouthAlicanteDavidPoole/BrianAinscow/AlexFisherJaveaGreen 2003MálagaBertCampbell/DaphneSteel/KevinBagnallSuperbowl 2004NorthAlicanteNickCole/PamCole/JohnSullivanMijas 2005SouthAlicanteRegCooper/KeithJones/RussellMarksSanMiguel 2006SouthAlicanteDavidDean/KeithJones/SamRussellLemonTree 2007NorthAlicanteLenRudge/StuartHemmings/RussellMarksSanMiguel 2008SouthAlicanteTonyMcKenna/ASharp/JackieBreslinAlbir 2009MalagaPaulAbel/IanBrewster/DerekWebbCabrera 2010SouthAlicante*JColquhoun/JDando/DColquhounIndalo 2011SouthAlicanteRRawlings/EShepherd/KWatsonEmeraldIsle 2012SouthAlicanteJohnHaigh/DerekSale/FredRobertsQuesada 2013SouthAlicanteJohnMuldoon/BillPain/PeteBonsorQuesada 2014SouthAlicanteJohnMuldoon/BillPain/PeteBonsorQuesada 2015SouthAlicanteDennisBirkett/BrianPatton/PeterWhitehallCountryBowls

(1993, 1994, 2003 & 2004 were Open)

1994AlmeríaRonBisset/DavidThorne/DerekCurtis/KeithSt.JohnSuperbowl 1995MálagaBryanRedington/CliffWhitehead/WallyKingaby/CliveBrindleCabrera 1996NorthAlicanteMikeParry/RoyTerry/AndyNelson/FredHarrisBenitachell 1997MálagaJimSweeney/BillSheen/KenRatcliffe/BillYoungLaMarina 1999SouthAlicanteJohnWright/GeoffStafford/TerryWalsh/JohnDugdaleElCid 2000MálagaMalcolmRoberts/BrianMurch/ChicYoung/BillNuttallSantaMária 2001MálagaJohnRamage/DavidMeare/AlecSnedden/AlexFisherJavea 2002SouthAlicanteJohnSullivan/BrianMurch/AllanCarr/MalcolmRobertsSantaMária 2003MálagaJimmyChalmers/KateMorris/RichardJones/GeoffLewisSuperbowl 2004NorthAlicantePamCole/RonCole/NickCole/JohnSullivanMijas 2005SouthAlicanteJimSweeney/RonnieCairns/FredNorris/BillYoungLaMarina 2006NorthAlicanteTonyWoods/FredSimpson/TonyCummings/MikeRowlandsFincaGuila 2007NorthAlicanteDeanTew/GeoffWeaver/MattTew/MickJohnsonIndalo 2008SouthAlicanteDMoon/SGregory/HChick/BManserJavea 2009MalagaMalcolmGreenwood/SandyGuthrie/KenMcBride/NeilMarshallBenavista 2010SouthAlicante*BDuff/SPearson/RPollock/RWhiteEmeraldIsle 2011SouthAlicanteFWilshire/JHaigh/DSale/BPainQuesada 2012SouthAlicanteKeithJones/ColinLindgren/StevePearson/NoelVerityEmeraldIsle 2013SouthAlicanteColinJackson/AllenBowen/JohnWithers/MalHughesSanLuis 2014SouthAlicanteRonnieCairns/JasonProkopowycz/DerekSale/FredRobertsQuesada 2015SouthAlicanteWilliamHoltham/JohnMuldoon/BillPain/PeteBonsorQuesada

Please Note: 1998Championshipswerenotcontested. *2010Mixedsexcompetition.

Shoes Make a Difference Ö..

When coaching I always look at the footwear of the bowler; it is surprising how much difference a well-fitting pair of shoes make. Very loose, sloppy sandals, down -at-heel, uneven heels, loose soles, even just too tight and pinching the foot, makes such a difference to the basic bowling action.

I came across an article on the subject and thought how much easier it would be to be able to bowl without pain; this may be the answer for you.

Alot of people buy shoes because of how stylish they look. Others buy them for a specific purpose, such as playing sport or workplace safety.

It is surprising how much difference a well-fitting pair of shoes make

But the results of a new study recently presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Rheumatology, suggest that some people might want to buy them for how they might help their knee and hip osteoarthritis.

The research was conducted by specialists at Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago. They were interested in finding out, when it came to knee pain, if there was any difference between flat, flexible shoes and shoes with stiff soles.

They recruited 50 participants for the study: 22 of them were given what the researchers called ìmobility shoesîóshoes with flexible soles that allowed the feet to bend in the same way as if the wearer were barefoot. The other

28 patients were fitted with a shoe that looked just the same as the first, except for one crucial differenceóthis shoe had a metal plate in the sole that reduced bending.

After the subjects wore the shoes for 48 weeks, the researchers found those who wore the mobility shoes had experienced more improvements than those who wore the stiffsoled shoes. In addition, the mobility shoe wearers saw a reduction in the load on their knees.

The new study was a follow-up to an earlier one conducted by the same specialists. In that study, they compared five types of walking. The first was barefoot. The others involved four kinds of shoes: flat walking shoes, flip-


ACROSS. 7. Priest removes the tail from the animal (5)

8.The girl describing most of the epistles! (7)

9.Sink a coal-carrying vessel (7)

10.Currently changing (5)

12.Does it give a ghostly light? (6-4)

15.Right-handed key (6,4)

18.Located like a gun, we hear (5)

19.Dressed for an attack, by the sound of it (7)

21.Bases of justification for the dregs (7)

22.Get down in good condition (5)


1.Academic programme provides us with a hopeful outlook (10)

2.An attack of illness is concerning (5

3.One way to slim down Parliament (4)

4.Seem to be a soft fruit (6)

5.Name for underwater vessel? (8)

6.Faulty distribution that may result in a reshuffle (7)

11.Getting the message by oral, not aural, means! (3-7)

13.Chivalrous types, but causing a row among friends (8)

14.Turn one into an uncharged particle (7)

16.Carriage on which the Frenchman sits (6)

17.Air of devotion about eastern deity (5)

20.Strikes when the boom returns (4)

flops, clogs and stability shoes (stiff-soled shoes often recommended for comfort and stability). The study found the loads on the knee joints were up to 15% higher with the clogs and stability shoes.

Why the difference? The lead researcher of the study said heel height is one factoróhigher heels might lead to greater loads on the knees.

Another element to be considered is stiffness. Because barefoot walking has been shown to be associated with lower knee loads, itís likely that the flat walking shoes and the flipflops, because they allow the foot to flex, more closely mimic the experience of walking barefoot, but might make the wearer more

The construction of the shoe should also conform to the Laws of the Sport of Bowls

likely to fall.

Nevertheless, they concluded that people suffering from knee osteoarthritis might want to think about trading in their stiff-soled shoes for lightweight, flexible ones.

A Place in the Sun at San Miguel

Despite the heavy clouds and constant threat of rain a film crew from the Channel 4 television programme ë APlace in the Sunívisited San Miguel Bowls Club recently where they spent a couple of hours filming a clip for the property show that will be broadcast later in the year.

Everything, of course, was stage-managed with many of the clips shot on two or three occasions, with interior designer and tv presenter Ben Hillman posing the questions.

The filming centred around the visit to the Orihuela Costa and Torrevieja of mother and daughter Denise and Rebecca from Newark. The pair are looking for a dwelling in the area prior to the

motherís retirement. In anticipation of having far more time on her hands, Denise showed an interest in lawn bowling to the programme makers; hence the visit to San Miguel.

The trio were hosted by Club Secretary Pat McEwan who gave them all a brief explanation of the finer points of the sport, then joining them as they each played a couple of ends.

As might be expected, the presenter and his guests showed that their skills were not quite up to the Summer League standard, and with the gulley gathering up most of their efforts, neither were they likely to be anytime soon.

La Marina edge thrilling Community Cup

This 3-day, 5-players-per team competition, played on a knock-out basis, comprises Pairs and Triples in the morning, followed by Singles and Fours in the afternoon. This year Bonalba were the hosts, and, as usual, provided excellent facilities and food, for which we all offer our thanks.

The Umpires and Markers also deserve our thanks for the efficient and diligent manner in which they worked.

The first day saw some excellent bowling, only spoiled by the withdrawal of one team, which gave a bye to another team into the semi-finals on the second day. This saw San Miguel ëAí against Javea, which was decided after the Singles were completed, when San Miguel could not be beaten. In the other semi-final

La Marina were in a similar situation against San Miguel ëBí. On the final day, whilst all games were closely contested in the morning, La Marina won the Trips by 10 shots and the Pairs by 3 ,which left a lot for San Miguel to achieve.

They started the afternoon session leading slightly in the Fours, and in the Singles surging back to make a thrilling finish but, with La Marina triumphing in the end, this meant that San Miguel couldn't win, so they conceded the Fours, making La Marina worthy winners.

Congratulations to all the players for providing such a high standard of bowling throughout the Competition, which was appreciated by the spectators.

In a bowls game at Club San Miguel

First I stumbled, then tripped, then I fell.

"See you're back on the wine!"

Said some cheeky old swine

So I told him to go straight to Hell ! by Ann Onymous

Akeen lady bowler in Spain

Had wind and a slight tummy-pain

Whilst changing her stickers

She pumped in her knickers

Which left an indelible stain.

There was once an umpire called Fred

The shirt that he wore was bright red

When down on his knees

He gave a big sneeze

And blew the jack out of the head


While Eric was polishing his bowls

At the fireplace, near to the red coals

Some sparks struck his feet

And the terrible heat

Set fire to his rubber insoles


We played on in the wind and the rain

It's the rule, but in this, it's insane

We were soaked to the skin

But still managed a grin

It's the wrong kind of weather for Spain

Email your limericks to the Editor for inclusion in the next edition.

Blevins Franks

9th Canarian Pairs Championships


The 9th Blevins Franks Canarian Pairs Championship was played at Tenerife Green Bowls Club, with 32 teams taking part.

In the quarter-finals, strongly-fancied Bob Booton and Graham “Sleeves” Cathcart took an extra end to prevail over Jim and Jeanie Galashan and secure a place in the semi-finals, where they met the 2013 champions Norman “Technical Glide” Gardiner and Robert Cathcart. The other semi was played between 2012 champions Bill Rogerson and John Gilchrist and Brian and Carol Allan.

Bill and John played their way into the final against the Allans and Norman was in fine form when he and Robert beat Bob and Graham in the other semi. The final proved to be a very well-contested affair and, although it was played

in some tricky, windy conditions, both teams produced some excellent bowling; full of twists, turns and excitement, with the match going right down to the wire.

The score was tied at 13-each going into the last end and, as the two leads swapped over, it was a close measure for shot. It just couldn’t be any closer. The skips played 3 bowls each and the situation remained the same. You could taste the tension in the air, it was magnificent for the spectators, of course. Meanwhile the players were running short on finger nails!

John Gilchrist to play his last bowl first and it’s on a good line. It’s all down to weight. As his bowl reaches the head, it gives his team mate’s bowl (which was in the measure) a slight nudge-on and the bowl comes to rest 2 to 3 inches from the jack.

John & Bill are lying match but Norman still has the last bowl. The players just couldn’t watch. Norman’s done this a

thousand times before, one more big bowl required, the Championship hanging in the balance.

Norman takes his time and delivers his bowl, the line is marginally tight but it’s all about the running, is he heavy enough to hold for the jack or the bowl?

Two yards before the head and the bowl starts to turn under. Surely he’s not going to get one of his famous “technical glides” now. John and Bill wait for a brief second then erupt in euphoria as Norman’s bowl dips under everything and the match is over.

What a final! It couldn’t have been any closer. What a climax to a magnificent tournament! An absolutely brilliant effort from everyone involved.

Huge congratulations to all the players and especially to our newly-crowned 2015 National Pairs Champions, Bill Rogerson and John Gilchrist, who are pictured here with sponsor, Paul Montague of Blevins Franks.

Hi Carl

We were delighted that you were able to attend our Presentation Lunch and intend to add petanca features to your bowling magazine.

The Las Salinas League is the biggest league in the area with six divisions of eight teams in each. The main competition is our Winter League which runs from October to March.

The matches are played on aFridayand we have almost six hundred people playing every week.

We also operate a smaller Summer League which is still competitive, but played with the emphasis more on fun and friendship. This league starts in April and finishes early July.

Should anyone be interested in playing either in leagues or just for fun, I can be contacted, and I would be delighted to give details of the club nearest to them.

They can also visit our website at Google ‘ las salinas petanca 1’, which gives detailed locations and contact numbers of every club in our league.

Best Regards and Good Luck with your magazine.

President Las Salinas Petanca League


There are certain petanca matches that remain in your memory and the final of the Radio Sunshine Petanca League's Cup and Plate was one of those.

It was held on the 9th March at Domino Bar in Los Altos. The weather didn't behave itself that well as the day started off cool and very windy. The sun did eventually show its face but the wind was there most of the time the matches were in progress.

The Cup match was between The Pumas and Rocajuna petanca clubs and although the Pumas won the first two triples they failed to win any further matches and Rocajuna claimed the Cup with a 5 - 2 win. Congratulations Rocajuna and to both teams for playing in a joyful and fair manner.

The Plate was a closely contested fight between Costa Knights and Los Altos Jets. After the first four triples the Jets were 3- 1 up, so the Knights had to win all three doubles - whew, no pressure then! - .

The Knights won 1 double 13 - 3, then the 2nd , so it all rested on the 3rd and the excitement reached fever pitch and although the

Knights played well it was The Jets who took the match.

The Jets were the winners with a 4 - 3 score.

The Jets took the Plate Competition by 3-2

Rocajuna claimed the Cup with a 5 - 2 win

Big congratulations. This match caused some fun as both teams wear the same colour shirts so if not knowing who held the shot, all one had to do was shout ' come on you purples'...can do no wrong then.

Both finals were played in a fun and friendly way and afterwards all present were very well fed and lots of laughter could be heard.

The Committees thanks go to Domino Bar for hosting the occasion and to Colin for being the referee, who was kept so busy during some matches.

The presentation was accompanied by a delicious hog-roast with all the trimmings.

The Sunshine Summer League got underway last month on Wednesday 6th April.

The Pumas were disappointed to lose out after taking an early lead


What a season they have had !

We always like to picture the winners in our magazine and I went along to El Rancho to photograph the winners of the competition played there, for charity, in November last year.

I was introduced to the winners, a team from Amigos Belgas.

Since then, it seems that, whenever I turn up to photograph a winning team, it is always them.

I do not know what is the secret of their success but, as a photographer, I must say that they take a good picture. I am reminded of that old saying among sporting people - ì Look Good ! Play Good !î


Let’ Let’ss P Par ar ty ty

The photographs on these pages, which illustrate so well the mood of the function, were taken by my Norwegian friend, the Puma club bowler, Tore Holstad Lehrmann. Nice work Tore !

The Pumas were ‘In the Pink’
The Asturias Restaurant was packed
The Amigas Belgas pose with their trophy
Rocajuna with their medals
San Miguel Tigers


What a lot of fun !

There is no equivalent function for lawn bowlers here; each club has its own end-of-season, rather formal, Presentation Evening. What a lot they are missing.

Here was The Asturias full of 270 happy people, of many nationalities, having a great time together.

It was a credit to the organisers who seem to have got everything right, including their choice of venue.

Teams got their medals and trophies and The Pink Ladies another cheque for their good cause. Wonderful !

Ever Everyone yone a winner a winner

League President Tom Boyd with Amigos Belgas Guy Fernandez and Jose Magro
The Pink Ladies with Tom and Ian Eastwood
Carlos, proprietor of The Asturias, with Puma Club friends

Las Salinas Winter League Results

The Las Salinas winter petanca league has now finished and the summer league begun. In division One, Amigos Belgas 1 came first, closely followed byLos Bandidos, with Rocajuna finishing in third place.

In the second division Blagul 1 comfortably took first place. Second place, at the death, came Amigos Belgas 2 ,who pipped Lakeside Mosquitos.

In division Three Pumas finished in 1st place with Amigos Belgas 3 taking 2nd place. In 3rd place was El Mirador Kestrels. Division Four winners were Dominos Mc Coys ,followed by Guardamar. Third place went to San Miguel Tigers.

In division Five, Rocajuna Lions took top place followed by Blagul 2, third place going to the Falcons. In division Six, Dominos Phoenix were the champions. Over 100 people attended the cup and plate finals, where there were some tense matches played in the sun.

In the cup, Amigos Belgas 1 defeatedBuccaneers 6-2, Rocajuna finishing in 3rd place.

In the plate finals, Lakeside Mosquitos beat Dominos red 6-2.

In 3rd spot came Dominos Mc Coys, defeating Lakeside Hellcats.

Thank you to the sponsors Casas Manuel, Redital orange phone and Dominos bar.



Brenda Jiggins and Del Gunning of Country Bowls
Diane Wynne of Javea
Alan Philips of Javea
Monte Mar singles champions, Ronnie Cairns and Pauline Woodfine
Russell Marks, San Luis
Kath Reid, San Luis
Don Darby, Men’s Singles Champion of El Rancho
Quesada’s Terry Morgan and Jacqui Johnston
Frank Close and Lyn Hawkins of the Emerald Isle
Winners of the 2016 Indalo 4-2-2 Competition, Sue Kemp, Brian Zelin, Geraldine and Gordon Fisher
Jean Cooper with the Winners of the Premier 20 KOFinal, San Luis Bowls Club away team
Jane Hamill, winner of the El Rancho Ladies Singles title


National Director of Lawn BowlsBob Donnelly646 132 362

National SquadGraham Cathcart689 076 690


CoachingRuth Compton693 791 835

The Costa Blanca Umpires and Markers Association (CBUMA)Gail Willshire 965 020 492

South of Alicante Bowls Alliance (SABA)Kath Reid966 746 687

Costa Blanca Bowling Association (CBBA) June Jones966 188 920

FED Valencian Bowling FederationPam Lockett965 327 645

FAB Andalucian Bowling FederationSue Mannall677 074 982


BenitachellBill Dunham965 757 333 BonalbaSue Elvin865 660 265

CalpeStan Walmsley965 838 972

Country BowlsStephen Fletcher 634 329 249

El RanchoCarolyn Harris966 774 316

El CidStewart Beattie966 404 364

Emerald IsleJean Jolliffe966 798 062

Finca GuilaMargaret Barnes690 348 466

GreenlandsDave Thompson688 285 567

HoradadaBill Stanaway966 769 026

Javea GreenTony Hesketh-Field966 459 573

La MangaLiz Mildon968 338 236

La MarinaBarbara Forshaw648 250 035

La SiestaColin Armitage 622 870 799

MazarronSusan Hattrell968 163 769

Monte MarJoan Harding 965 637 500

QuesadaDeirdre Leeming966 719 439

San LuisMary Moss 865 775 813

San MiguelPat McEwan966 714 257

VistabellaLin Watkins865 779 470

Appointments in red are changes since last issue


Torrevieja Town Hall965 710

Miguel Town Hall965 720 001

Fulgencio Town Hall966 794

Orihuela Town Hall966 736 864 Orihuela Costa Town Hall966 760 000 Torrevieja Tourist Info965 703 433 Orihuela Costa Tourist Info966 760 000 Rojales Town Hall966 715 001

Elche Town Hall966 658 050

Pilar de la Horadada965 352 225 Guardamar Town Hall965 729 014

Bowls Shop966 721 945

5 - 7 SeptemberSouthEmerald Isle Vera Moran OPEN TournamentTony Capewell96 684 8636

5 - 8 SeptemberNorthBenitachellBBC MastersBert McLean96 649 0802

9 - 11 Sept DCSouthLa SiestaFederated Cup

12- 22 Sept DCNorthJavea GreenIberian OpenChris

13 - 15 September SouthGreenlandsOPEN TriplesDave

16 - 19 SeptemberSouthSan LuisSABAKnockout Finals

18 SeptemberAlmeriaIndaloMatch v Emerald Isle

20 - 23 SeptemberSouthMonte MarSanta Pola Mixed RinksDave Melville96 669 8586

25 Sept - 8 OctTBATBAValencian Championships

There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch!

Here we are in Spain, occasionally enjoying a free ëtapasí with the drink we ordered in the bar. (ëTapaíis Spanish for a ëlidí.) It used to be very common for each drink to be

served with a ëlidíof a slice of bread covered with a salty meat or fish. (Kept the flies off and made drinkers thirsty for more drink !) I think that Monte Mar is the only club where I have enjoyed a free tapas with an after-the-game drink. Asplendid idea !

ButÖ.was it a ëfree drinkí? Did the bar charge a little more than the one round the corner? Enough to pay for their ëfreeítapas ÖÖ and more ?

In the typical ësaloon baríof the USofAin the late 19th-century, lunch was often a free, help-yourself affair. Not always very good, but free Ö.and always very salty ! The drink was seldom cheap and it was not long before someone commented on this common practice and decided, ìThere ainít no such thing as a free lunchî.

The common use of this bit of homespun philosophy (despite its double-negative, ungrammatical flaw) soon became the acronym TANSTAAFL, which was less of a mouthful but quite simple to understand; so much so that free-market economist Milton Freeman made it the title of his 1975 book .

Top marks to the marketing genius who thought up the idea of offering free lunch to retired expats as an incentive to listening to ninety minutes of sales-talk from some leading companies with Spanish branches here. As well as the free lunch, the invitees receive a lot of useful information concerning matters of importance to retired people. Questions posed by the audience are all answered by experts in their field; solutions to problems dealing with Pensions, Investments, Currency Transfer and Funeral Planning are all on offer.

For more details, go to Ö.



ACROSS: Across: 7 Cause; 8 Torrent; 9 Undergo; 10 Grind; 12 Directions; 15 Nonchalant; 18 Error; 19 Succeed; 21 Trainer; 22 Ocean.

DOWN: 1 Occurrence; 2 Guide; 3 Seer; 4 Stroke; 5 Frighten; 6 Venison; 11 Despondent; 13 Inherent; 14 Entreat; 16 Lustre; 17 Deter; 20 Cook.


ACROSS: ACROSS: 7 Rabbi; 8 Pauline; 9 Scuttle; 10 Tidal; 12 Spirit-lamp; 15 Treble clef; 18 Sited; 19 Arrayed; 21 Grounds; 22 Preen.

DOWN: 1 Prospectus; 2 About; 3 Diet; 4 Appear; 5 Subtitle; 6 Misdeal; 11 Lipreading; 13 Paladins; 14 Neutron; 16 Chaise; 17 Hymen; 20 Raps.


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