5 minute read
Avoid Dustpans if You Can
Ifind myself scouring the skies lately with my powerful contact lenses. I've begun behaving like an escaped jailbird with the law in pursuit. Fleeing prisoners panic upwards.
You've seen it on countless detective dramas -- the malefactor sprints for the nearest stairs or escalator, grain-silo ladder, flat rooftop or -- how clever is this? -- clambers into the highest point of a haystack. Nowadays he might find a needle in it.
It seems to be our misfortune that one virus after another finds its way to our backwater amongst the stars. In terms of the universe, after all, we live in the sticks, the boondocks, the hinterland. Hicksville. Not so much the middle of nowhere as the back of beyond. As far as the Milky Way is concerned, we live in a one-horse town.
Some might say our planet was lucky in other ways -- formed neither too near nor too far from the sun, a location where our star could breathe life into dust. We are stardust, folks. Being told my ancestors were fish, or even apes, I have no issue with, but specks of dust? That makes me feel slightly untidy. Especially in the presence of a dustpan.
The Fermi Paradox is the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for extraterrestrial life and various high estimates of its probability, by scientists, statisticians, lunatics and Hollywood. As Enrico Fermi famously said to his lunch companions in 1950, "Where are they all?" He was possibly looking for a waiter, hoping to solve the E.T. problem in three easy bottles. His companions responded with a Great Silence. They obviously couldn't see any waiters either. There could have been thousands of other civilisations on other faraway planets in other solar systems. It has been suggested that climate change likely spelled their doom. D-OO-M! As they became more advanced, they burnt them- selves out faster than rock stars often did. How we live is the danger, and the danger is oblivion.
We might have been invaded long ago and many times, but in galactic terms we are not a constellation devoutly to be wished. Any potential space pirates may simply have added us to their charts -- 'small, round, blue' (like some old ladies exiting the hairdresser) -and put their warp engines into reverse, deciding we weren't worth the candle, or whatever power they were using to drive their star chariots, clean energy, I hope.
It is possible that someone mil- lions of light years away is trying to contact us, but by the time it reaches us, their message is so faint that I would have more of a chance of picking up Radio Luxembourg on my Pye transistor radio in 1956. Some days I can't even get a proper signal for my mobile when I'm upstairs in my mansion.
A final thought. If E.T. and his fellow aliens ever do come calling, I believe we should vaccinate them as a precautionary measure, before we allow them to invade our shores. Who knows how much dust might be under the beds in a long-haul spacecraft?
Gaura or also known as wandflower, whirling butterfly, and bee blossom is a low maintenance perennial that has a long bloom time.
Both its height and spread ranges from 15 inches to 4 feet tall, but most new cultivars are bred to be compact and container-friendly.
Gaura foliage is lance shaped and often tinged with pink, cream, or gold, depending on the variety. Wiry flower stems bear many 1 inch flowers, with four petals each, with flowers in white, pink, or a combination of both.
The heaviest blooming occurs in early summer, but it will have flushes of flowers recurring throughout the summer and into autumn.

Gaura thrives and blooms best in full sun, but will tolerate some afternoon shade, particularly in hot climates.
They are best planted in the spring or autumn, either from seed or cuttings in well draining soil, which is the key to success with gaura. Plant in groups of three or five plants for maximum impact.

Cutting back stems after the first main bloom will encourage a tidy plant and spur repeat blooming.
Gaura thrives in poor soil and doesnít need supplemental flower fertiliser. Too much manure or fertiliser can make the plant floppy.
Water infrequently, but deeply, to help the plants establish their deep roots.
Pe Ts In Sp Ts In Sp Ain Ain
Coco is around 6 weeks old and one of many kittens we have in need of a home. He has been socialised and is a healthy little boy.

Call: 645 469 253

Duggan is a lively, small 4 month old. Fully vaccinated, mircohipped and passport.

For more info
966 71 0047 / 688 792 515
Guara plants are easy to care for, but may be affected by certain pests like aphids. Infestations of spider mites, whiteflies, and leaf miners are less common, but still possible. Applications of soapy water can typically resolve any problems with pests. EMAIL:info@satanimalrescue.com
Los Alcázares, College students road safety

Try A Taste Of Katie
Guardamar based Georgian born dance champion Katie Street has been featured on the label of a new wine!

"We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to the Taberna de las Encebras for hosting a fantastic event and featuring us on their new AlbariÒo wine label. Soon, you'll be able to try this incredible wine.
The Mayor of Los Alcázares and Councillor for Youth visited sixthyear students at the Al-Kazar College last week where students were being shown how to ride correctly on their bicycle or scooter, respecting traffic signs and safety. "All the students, from 3 years old to 1st year of Bachiller received the classes on Road Safety from our Police tutor, who does such a good job" said a town hall spokesperson.

"We also want to express our gratitude to all of our friends and customers who made our May 1st celebration a huge success. We loved spending time with all of you, and we hope you won't miss the chance to try this amazing AlbariÒo wine. Cheers!," said Katie.
80 Pétanque Courts Restored in Torrevieja
The Councillor for Sports in Torrevieja, Diana Box Alonso, has announced that after being neglected, a total of 80 pétanque courts located across the municipal area have had restoration work now carried out.

Diana Box has explained that these remodelling works have been carried out through a contract of 48,400 euro (IVA included) having been the execution period of two months.

The 80 remodelled courts are in: Plaza de Las Abejas, Plaza Argólidas, Plaza de Europa, Plaza de la Marina Española, Plaza Mar Azul, Plaza Sevilla, San Roque neighbourhood and those that are installed in the Las Torretas urbanisations, Cabo Cervera, Los Balcones and La Siesta.
Holly Bannis Renews Tribute Show Contracts
SINGER Holly Bannis returned to the UK to renew her contract for Tina Turner and Whitney Houston tribute shows after a visit to Murcia to see her dad, former Hot Chocolate lead singer Greg. "It’s been just over a year since I’ve been touring with these two incredible shows as the lead of Tina and Whitney!," said Holly.
Holly,who rose to fame after appearing on TV talent show Starstruck,said: "I’m delighted to announce I shall be continuing this journey a while longer,having renewed my contract with both shows.
"I have seen parts of the country and abroad I have never seen before,performing at some spectacular venues,places I always dreamed of!. "Thank you to my amazing team and cast and all those involved,we work so hard.I can’t thank everybody enough for making me feel worthy."