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ANSWERS Week 971
ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Bankrupt; 5 Idea; 9 Solo; 10 Pinnacle; 11 Maybe; 12 Operate; 13 Powerlessness; 18 Religion; 19 Clap; 20 Shallow; 21 Jemmy; 22 Lees; 23 Pressure.
DOWN: DOWN: 2 Avocado; 3 Knobble; 4 Prisoner of war; 6 Decease; 7 Ageless; 8 Infers; 13 Perusal; 14 Welfare; 15 Regale; 16 Nucleus; 17 Stammer.
1.Ban (11)
9.Reproach (7)
10.Theatrical set (5)
11.Relieved (5)
12.Promote (7)
13.Tell (6)
15.Assassin (6)
18.Evict (4,3)
20.Intended (5)
22.Ingenuous (5)
23.Topography (7)
24.Unprotected (11)
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Solution on Page 21
2.Flowing garments (5)
3.Accumulator (7)
4.Commanded (6)
5.Savour (5)
6.Comprehensive (7)
7.Oversee (11)
8.Strident (11)
14.Stealthy (7)
16.Profligate (7)
17.Motionless (6)
19.Corpulent (5)
21.Accumulate (5)
ACROSS: ACROSS: 1 Inaction; 5 Maid; 9 Stun; 10 Striking; 11 Broom; 12 In state; 13 Blamelessness; 18 Outright; 19 Mint; 20 Hearten; 21 Yemen; 22 Rita; 23 Perished.
DOWN: DOWN: 2 Natural; 3 Conform; 4 Outside chance; 6 Animate; 7 Degrees; 8 Missus; 13 Brother; 14 Attract; 15 Exists; 16 Numbers; 17 Sincere.
1.Plays a capricious part? (4,3,4)
9.Attack a seaman, we hear (7)
10.Topless specimen showing plenty! (5)
11.Tyre pattern needs a bit of smart readjustment (5)
12.Give an interpretation of obsolete unit of weight? (7)
13.About one with guardian getting the prize (6)
15, 14Dn and 20Ac. Rank outsider could well be! (6,7,5)
18.Confines within bounds rotationally, we hear (7)
20.See 15 Across.
22.He won't work part of the bagpipe (5)
23.State in which I will always take precedence (7)
24.They earn present marks at school (11)
2.Asect disposed to social distinction (5)
3.More reliable plumber (7)
4.Violent types - you'll find them in disorder (3-3)
5.Hold tight when the sprag breaks (5)
6.Dissect a mole up in a phial (7)
7.Teacher takes exception to the geniuses (11)
8.The principal sources from which larger flowers develop (4-7)
14.See 15 Across.

16.Gas-bag (7)
17.Climb to the top of Cotopaxi in the Andes, maybe (6)
19.Steward ever so disturbed by the end of the voyage (5)
21.Chemical coming from a hole in the ground (5)
LEADER TRIVIA QUIZ (Answers on page 21)
1.What is the largest pachyderm in the world?
2.What is the only country in the world with the Bible on its national flag?
3.The name of which Principality, formed in 1278, is thought to be derived from 'al Darra', the Arabic word for forest?
4.Which famous song, which includes the phrase "I'd love to turn you on", was banned by the BBC from airplay in 1967 claiming it could "encourage a permissive attitude toward drug-taking"?
5.According to the human rights organisation Freedom House, what percentage of the worlds population live in countries with a free press? Plus or minus 10%
6.Henry Ford kept the last breath of which inventive man in an enclosed test tube?
7.What is the dot over a lower case i or j called?
8.Which insects get their name from an ancient superstition that they crawl into the ears of sleeping people?
9.The 1922 film 'Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror' was the first film about which person?
10.Plus or minus one second, what is now the world record time for restoring a Rubik's cube at an official competition?
11.The following are national or state mottos.For each motto, identify the country or state:a:Dieu et mon droit (French, 'God and my right').b:Pro mundi beneficio (Latin, 'For the benefit of the world').c:Mir wëlle bleiwe wat mir sinn (Local language, 'We wish to remain what we are').d:
Liberté, égalité, fraternité (French, 'Liberty, equality, fraternity').e: L'union fait la force (French, 'Unity makes strength').f:Patria o muerte (Spanish, 'Homeland or death')
12.What is a 'Wobbegong'? a.An Appalachian idiophone, b.A bat like creature in Harry Potter books.c.A carpet shark
13.Who is the only Woman on Forbes' list of the 50 Highest-Paid Athletes?
14.According to the IAEO, name the 5 countries in the world with the most nuclear reactors.
15.Name the British band or singer that released each of the following albums.a.New Boots and Panties!! (1978).b.Atom Heart Mother (1970).c.12x5 (1964) (pronounced "twelve by five").d.A nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse (1971).e.Jesus of Cool (in the UK) Pure Pop for Now People (in the USA) (1978)
16.What do people suffering from TRICHOTILLOMANIA have a sometimes frustrated impulse to do?
17.What are the top 5 countries in the world with the longest life expectancy.
18.The following words are from songs with the word 'Train' in the song title.Can you name the song? a.It was 9.29.b.He takes me to a movie or to a restaurant.c.Get your bags together, go bring your good friends too.d.The next stop we make will be England.e.We'll have time for coffee flavoured kisses.f.Wrong way on a 1 way track 19.Porto flip, Green Hornet, French Connection, Jack Rose and Panama are all examples of what?
20.Although the answer may sound fishy, according to the UK science journal 'Biology Letters', Atlantic and Pacific herring communicate with each other by using which faux pas?