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Princess Leonor graduates from Welsh ‘Hogwarts’

After passing her final exams, Princess Eleanor, on Saturday, celebrated her graduation from the UWC Atlantic College of Wales. The heir to the Spanish throne received her Baccalaureate at a ceremony that was attended by her parents and her sister, the Infanta Sofía, who all travelled to the United Kingdom to be with her on her important day.

The Palace, Casa Real, shared two images of the event. A more formal one, with Eleanor posing with the King, Queen and the Infanta Sofía in front of the castle of St. Donat's, dubbed the 'Hogwarts Hippy' by the English press, and another more informal one, of the four cosying up together, all looking very relaxed.


Following the graduation ceremony, Leonor returned to Spain with her parents and her sister. But she will only be able to relax for a few weeks, prior to entering the General Military Academy of Zaragoza. Meanwhile Princess Sofía will replace her sister at the UWC Atlantic College, as she starts out on her two year Baccalaureate course in September.

Torrevieja’s ‘Cinderella’ robber jailed after losing shoe at scene

The Civil Guard has arrested a man for robbery with violence and intimidation at a shop in the middle of Torrevieja business.

The arrested man threatened the worker with a large knife as he stole over 500 euros. However, during his escape he lost a shoe which served to identify him, when arrested, just three hours later.

Using video footage taken at the scene the police were quickly able to identify and arrest the man, a 30 year old of Spanish nationality, who was known to them as being responsible for numerous previous offences.

Asearch was then carried out at the detainee's home. Inside the house, a shoe that corresponded to the one he had lost in the robbery, as well as the knife used to threaten the shop owner, were both found, in addition to the 540 euros that was stolen from the shop.

The detainee, was charged with the crime of robbery with violence and, together with the evidence recovered, was made available to the Investigating Court No. 4 of Torrevieja, who ordered his detention pending trial.

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