1 minute read
When after fifteen minutes
Mícheál Walsh Poetry
When after fifteen minutes, I haven’t breathed at all, It’s best to snuff the candle out, I answered Final Call;
No need to get upset, dear, For souls can never cease, You know we’re still together, For sure I’m now at peace.
When, after fifteen hours, You’re wondering what is now, The tears are often coming, And heavy hangs your brow,
You’ll find my words of comfort, Behind the mourner’s hearse, My poems are always with you,
My love in every verse.
When after fifteen days, dear, Though past has never fled, It’s time perhaps to better think, Of good times still ahead,
To live in hearts you leave behind, Is not to die but live, With memories, I leave behind, There’s still so much to give.
When fifteen years elapses, I’m still a passing thought, I hope my life and passing were, A lesson fondly taught,
Then you will know the path to me, And all you ever knew, In garden bower where once we met, Is where I wait for you.
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Journalists 600 228 616 office@theleader.info season, it was used to collect fallen apples.When visitors arrived unexpectedly, it was surprising to see how quickly this old apron could drop the dust.

When it was time to serve the meals, the grandmother went to the stairs to shake off her apron, and the men in the field knew immediately that they had to go to the table.Grandma also used it to put the apple pie right out of the oven on the windowsill to cool."It will be many years before any invention or object can replace this old apron.In memory of our grandmothers.
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