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Malta and Australia are two countries that promote peace

Robert Farrugia from Perth writes:


The Voice of the Maltese

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes.

e magazine can be read in flipbook or PDF format online. A pdf copy is sent via email on request. Hard copy subscription is also available at a cost.


Malta: Joseph Cutajar

Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP Rt email address: maltesevoice@gmail.com


Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to: maltesevoice@gmail.com.

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

We living in Australia and Malta especially should feel proud of our leaders. Time and again, they show that they are human, have a heart and look after their people They promote peace whenever they meet other world leaders in international fora.

We must thank God that politically, they do not succumb to any world power, although most of us living in Australia believe it was a massive mistake on the part of the government to honour the agreement negotiated by the previous administration to buy three nuclear-powered attack submarines from the United States

Eurovision and Australia

J Gatt from The Entrance NSW writes:

When is Australia part of Europe? It is comical for Australia to be included as a participant in the European Song Contest. The Aussies even managed to get a wild card to go directly into the finals o n the 60th anniversary of the contest in Vienna when Guy Sebastian took part

I am sure that Europe has enough countries Therefore I need clarification on why they invited Australia Is it perhaps because we are such a multicultural country with people from Europe settled in Australia?

In Malta, this festival is massive, and the people are obsessed with it even though, over the years, it appears voting is very biased in the way countries voted for each other Whatever, Australia should not take part in it; we are not part of Europe. It makes a mockery out of a well-organised event as part of a three-nation, multi-decade deal with Great Britain.

The reason given that such a deal aims at strengthening the allies' presence in the Asia-Pacific region as China grows bolder militarily is just a false pretence. There cetainly is much more behind it

When the present government agreed to the deal, it was being taken for a ride It is as if the country did not learn the lessons for which it commemorates Anzac or when it fought side-by-side with the US in Vietnam and Iraq,

We are big enough to decide not to fight other nations' wars However, decisions and deals such as the latest one minimise the country's importance in the face of most other nations. It is as if the Aussies never learn!

G r e a t n e w s

Graham McDoanld from didyouknow org au writes:

Each day we see examples of how our Christian faith is being attacked and I am greatly concerned about the future for my children, my grandchildren and my great grandchildren, as I know many others are However, I am very much encouraged and inspired with what the Lord is doing in this vital area for the children of the future throughout the world and offers us all an opportunity to be involved

I have been drawn to these ministries, as they are International as well as National and are aimed at teaching the children, in any country, their curriculum, in their language BUT from a biblical worldview The impact and the responses from around the world have been very encouraging

One of the key people on the international scene is Vishal Mangalwadi who is the instigator and driving force behind these three worldwide movements. If you Google ‘Vishal Mangalwadi’ you will become aware of why and how the Lord is using this man

Grazzi tal-artikli bil-Malti

Peter Mallia minn Smithfield jikteb:

Xi ħaġa li napprezza ħafna f ’The Voice, minbarra l-artikli tassew ineressanti u l-aħbarijiet dwar Malta li aħna l-Maltin ta’ barra ma nsibuhomx fil-pajjiż fejn ngħixu minkejja li aħna komunitajiet kbar, hu lfatt li tinkludu wkoll artikli bil-lingwa Maltija, miktubin b’Malti eċċellenti li minnu wieħed jista’ jitgħallem

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