Upper Clutha
Messenger Volume XXXIII | No 28 | 11th July 2012 The Messenger is published each Wednesday by Print It Wanaka Ltd
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka | Phone 443 7804 | Fax 443 7805 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz
Don’t let the inversion make you hide away at home... Mondays and Thursdays 9.30-11.30am at the Presbyterian Church Hall on Tenby Street. Only $3 per family per session!
NOW OPEN BOOK NOW SHOP: 39 Helwick Street Ph: 03 443 6410
...come on down to Wanaka Playgroup and enjoy a warm welcome! Each session is packed with craft activities, toys, games, painting, colouring, sing-alongs and storytime. It’s just a great place to unwind, meet new people, let the kids run free... and enjoy a coffee and a biscuit or two! Thanks to our recent fundraising we have bought a new heater to keep everyone toasty and lots of new toys (including ones suitable for babies and an indoor rollacoaster ride on
Home to the $20 Indian Feast
toy!). Next term’s theme is the Seasons and upcoming activities include making snowstorms in a jar, pinecone bird feeders, pom pom spiders and egg carton insects. We would love to see you, so toddle on down with the top tots and bouncing babies at Wanaka Playgroup. We will be holding an AGM on Wednesday 18th July 8pm at Edgewater Resort and everyone is welcome to attend.
Feast - curry, rice, popodums, naan bread. Only $20, 5-6pm.
Home to the $20 Indian feast Feast - curry, rice, popodums, naan bread + chutney. Only $20, 5-7pm. Hot curry challenge - Can you Dare Presenting the God Father of Vindaloo. Win a free spiceroom t-shirt and go on the spicy wall of fame. Home to the $20 Indian feast - curry, rice, popodums, Please callFeast for details. naan bread + chutney. DINE IN OR TAKE AWAY! Only $20, 5-7pm. www.spiceroom.co.nz • 03-4425335 15 Shotover Hot Street, above the Bakery - Can you Dare curry challenge indian kitchen and lounge Presenting the God Father of Vindaloo. t-shirt and go on the Home to the $20 Indian feastWin a free spiceroom spicy wall of fame.
Hot curry challenge - Can you Dare
Presenting the God Father of Vindaloo. Win a free spiceroom t-shirt and go on the spicy wall of fame.
Yummy Kids Menu Feast - curry, rice, popodums, Please call for details. naan bread + chutney. DINE IN OR TAKEcall AWAY! for details. Please www.spiceroom.co.nz 03-4425335 Only $20, 5-7pm. 15 Shotover Street, above the Bakery Hot curry challenge - Can you Dare Presenting the God Father of Vindaloo. • 03 443 Win a free spiceroom t-shirt andwww.spiceroom.co.nz go on the spicy wall of fame. 43 Helwick Street, Wanaka •
Home to the $20 Indian feast
Please call for details.
DINE IN OR TAKE AWAY! Home to the $20 Indian www.spiceroom.co.nz feast 03-4425335 Feast - curry, rice, popodums, 15 Shotover Street, above the Bakery Feast - curry, rice, popodums, naan bread + chutney. naan bread + chutney. Only $20, 5-7pm. Only $20, 5-7pm. Hot curry challenge - Can you Dare Hot curry challenge - Can you Dare Caltex Presenting the God Father of Vindaloo. Presenting the God Wanaka Father of Vindaloo. Win a free spiceroom t-shirt and go on the Win a free spiceroom t-shirt and go on the spicy wall of fame. •
Please call for details.
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spicy wall of fame. LAUNDROMAT Please call for details.
DINE IN6OR TAKE AWAY! washers and 9 super fast www.spiceroom.co.nz • 03-4425335 15 Shotover OVERSIZED Street, above the Bakery washers and 1
dryers. including 2 x 18kg DINE IN ORdryer. TAKE AWAY! OVERSIZED Liquid • 03-4425335 www.spiceroom.co.nz detergent provided. Coin 15 operated. Self service. Shotover Street, above the Bakery
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