Upper Clutha
Messenger Volume XXXIV | No 21 | 22nd May 2013 The Messenger is published each Wednesday by Print It Wanaka Ltd
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10th BIRTHDAY PARTY! The Queen isn’t the only one celebrating a birthday on June 3rd, mainly music is turning ten! If you have young children, you have probably visited an Upper Clutha mainly music session in the past decade. We offer children aged 0-5 and their caregivers a weekly music and movement session, followed by morning tea and playtime – a great chance for both kids and parents to connect. We’ll mark our anniversary on Queen’s Birthday Monday, June 3rd, 4-6pm at the new Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre on Tenby Street. Families are invited to the birthday party, featuring a “mainly music favourites” music session followed by a sausage sizzle and birthday cake! Come along and remember the fun you had (or are still having) with your kids at mainly music. We’ll share photos and memories of the past ten
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years – bring the whole family for the food and the fun. Originating in New Zealand in 1990 and now operating globally, each mainly music group is run by volunteers from local churches. Locally we hold sessions in Wanaka on Tuesdays and Hawea on Wednesdays, 9:3011:00am during term time.
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We hope to see many current and “graduated” mainly music families at our birthday party on June 3rd! Contact Kathy Dedo (443 5364) with any questions.
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