The Wanaka Messenger

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Upper Clutha

Messenger Volume XXXIII | No 32 | 8th August 2012 The Messenger is published each Wednesday by Print It Wanaka Ltd

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka | Phone 443 7804 | Fax 443 7805 | |

Wanaka Genealogy Group

• Established Wanaka

August is Family History Month, the aim of which is to increase the awareness of family history. It is also when members of the Wanaka Genealogy Group come together to celebrate how cool family history really is!

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Many genealogists have spent years gathering information, but may not have done anything about sharing it. Family History Month is the ideal time to pass that information on – to family and anyone else who wants to know about it. From oral histories to creating a special family tree we can help you get started! We are holding an open day in Wanaka Library on Monday 27 August 10am-5pm when members of the Wanaka Genealogy Group will be on hand to answer your questions and show you a little of what we do. Come along and check out our display which will be in the library for the whole month of August. Monthly research meetings are the last Monday of the month and general meetings are on the last Friday of the month in the library unless otherwise advertised. Phone Louise for more information 443 8977

NOW OPEN BOOK NOW SHOP: 39 Helwick Street Ph: 03 443 6410

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