Upper Clutha
Messenger Volume XXXIV | No 35 | 11th September 2013 The Messenger is published each Wednesday by Print It Wanaka Ltd
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka | Phone 443 7804 | Fax 443 7805 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz
Let’s ving ! o m t e g
LOW PRICE CURRY TAKE AWAY Ph: 03 443 6086 www.bombay-palace.co.nz
From $39* per day Phone: (03) 443 6641 www.wanakarentacar.co.nz * Terms & CondiTions APPly
Run, jump, throw, bike or orienteer… the choices are all there. The Aspiring Athletes Club has a full summer programme which starts the first week of term 4 and continues through to 2014. Ranging from junior introductory athletics to senior competition squads; fundamental bike safety and riding skills advancing to the more challenging mountain biking programme; to the fun of maps, mystery points and orienteering
trails – there is something for all. For further details and registration please call one of the following coordinators: Athletics – Tues & Thurs 3.30 Bronwyn Coers 443 5576 Bike Skills – Tues 3.30 Lucy Fullerton 443 4453 Orienteering – Tues 3.30 Hannah Faed 443 6469 Let’s get moving !
Fishing & Hunting Specialists
s Get your new season’ self a licences and win your fisherman’s hamper Fishing & Hunting Specialists
10 Helwick St,Wanaka Ph. 443 8094 Fishing & Hunting Specialists
11th September 2013
Upper Clutha Messenger
Wanaka Health Corner Plantation Road & Reece Crescent, Wanaka
Ph: 03 443 7055 Life, Growth, Movement
7 Liverpool Way
Vendors of this beautifully designed and built family home have bought elsewhere and are ready for their next project. Giving little away from the street, as soon as you walk into the spacious entryway, you are welcomed into an urban sanctuary. With a huge reserve bordering the property’s north facing side, the established 995m² section feels much bigger. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms plus office, large practical kitchen and open plan living areas with seamless indoor outdoor flow and double garage. Complete with mountain views and in walking distance to schools.
1pm, Fri 11 Oct 2013 Wanaka Hotel, Ardmore St (unless sold prior)
View 1-1.30pm, Sat 14 Sep or by appointment
Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235
Rebecca Donnelly M 021 114 7681
Call today to view.
Wanaka Health Physiotherapy
Cocktail hour 5-6pm $5 Tap beers, cider and house wine. $8 Gin and Raspberry $1 pool all day, every day Live music most days during cocktail hour This week featuring: Vocalist Jay Simon - Friday from 5.30pm Pianist - Max - Wednesday from 5.30 Pianist Mr Keys Thursday and Saturday from 5.30-6.30 and Folk singer Martin Curtis Sunday (original composer of Gin and Raspberry) from 5pm
Your Friendly Local 7.00am to 10.00pm
Store 70 Ardmore St, Wanaka
11th September 2013
V Senior Citizens Club - afternoon tea and social gathering at the Wanaka Districts Club from 2pm onwards. All welcome. Enquiries to Vivienne 443 5120 or ucsc. club@gmail.com. Check out our website for details on membership, volunteering or donations, www.ucscclub. weebly.com. V Op Shop Open, 12 noon to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm. For 0 - 5 year olds, at the pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat hall. Friendly and fun. Visitors welcome - you don’t have to live in Hawea. V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30 for 0 - 5yr olds. Presbytian Church Hall, Tenby Street. $3 per family. Come and have some indoor and outdoor fun with us, this terms theme is ‘Space!’. Please bring a snack/drink for your child(ren). Tea and coffee provided for caregivers. For more details call Rachel 0211029130. V Men’s 9 Hole Golf. Cards in by 12.20pm. V Toastmasters. - Improve your speaking skills for work, SXEOLF VSHDNLQJ RU MXVW EHWWHU FRQÂżGHQFH SP DW 6W John Rooms, 4 Link Way, Wanaka. Come, sit and enjoy, or have a go if you dare. Ph Jamie on 021 331 245. V Wanaka Time Bank Orientation sessions at Community Networks every Tuesday and Thursday from 1 - 3pm. Just drop in, it only takes 15 minutes. V Greens Drinks this week: Thurs 6pm, Urban Grind, 72 Ardmore St (next to Soul Foods). This month Wanaka herbalist Isla Burgess will be doing a Q and A on local herbs and herbal medicine. Green Drinks is a monthly social meet-up with a focus on sustainability. The 2nd Thursday of every month. All interested people welcome! V Wanaka Farmers Market every Thursday from 4pm until 6pm in Spencer House Mall. V Embroidery Group meeting Day, 1.30pm at the Arts Centre. V Inland Revenue at Community Networks, 9am - 1pm for help with personal and business tax, family tax credits, child support and student loans. For appointments, call 443 7799. V Tai Chi for Balance, 2pm at Elmslie House Common Room. Gold coin donation. V Centering Prayer, 5pm at the Upper Room, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Wanaka Croquet Club pre season Association and Golf Croquet at 1pm. Lessons and mallets available. V Plunket Committee meeting, 7pm at Plunket Rooms. Bring a friend, - new members welcome.
V Wanaka Bridge Club, 1pm at Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. Social Bridge. V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street at 10.30am. For appointments, ph 443 7799. V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 9 - 12pm. All welcome. V Mini Muscles indoor movement, music and play at Proactive Gym. 9.30am for crawlers and walkers under 2 years, 10.30am for 2, 3 and 4 year olds and 11.30am for babies. All whanau welcome. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9 11am. V Wanaka Bowling Club Progressive Tournament. Names in by 12.45pm, for 1pm start. Visitors welcome. V Luggate Community Association PHDW UDIĂ€HV 6.30pm at Luggate Hotel. More numbers, more draws.
V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 1 - 4pm. All welcome.
V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 11am. V Tussock Planting - planting volunteers needed, 1 - 3pm, Shortcut Road carpark F&B planting project. Contact Anne Steven ph 443 6766 or email a.steven@xtra.co.nz V Wanaka Croquet Club Association and Golf Croquet. 9.30am - 12 noon, then 1.30 - 4pm. Mallets available. Opening Day for the season.
V Baptist Church - meets 5:30pm every Sunday at the Lake Wanaka Centre, Cnr Ardmore St and Lakeside Rd. (Soup & buns to follow). Everyone welcome. http://wanakabaptist. zohosites.com V Wanaka Lighthouse Church meets every Sunday evening at 5pm, at the former Snow Sports space, Cnr Link Way and Reece Crescent. Come on in. http:// lighthouseglobal.org/ For more info ph 443 2793. V St Columba’s Anglican Church, Cnr Upton & McDougall Sts; 9.30am, Holy Communion with Sunday Clubs for children. All welcome. V Crafty Wanaka. Contemporary, Indie, Handmade, Craft Market. 10am - 2pm in the Federal Diner Courtyard. V Habitat Restoration Planting with Te Kakano, 10am at Roys Bay West (Stage 4). All welcome. To volunteer, contact Kris on 021 298 1068. V Wanaka New Life Church, 10am upstairs in Spencer House Mall. All welcome. V Upper Clutha Tramping Club Winter Walk. Meet at 8.30am carpark in Dungarvon St. Bring lunch, thermos, weatherwise clothing, sunglasses, sturdy boots and petrol donation. See uctcwanaka.blogspot.com V Presbyterian Worship: Family Service 9.30am with Rainbow Club for children. Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St.
V Alcoholics Anonymous. 8pm every Monday in the Plunket Rooms in Ardmore Street (next door to BP). V Overeaters Anonymous. Meeting every Monday at 6.30pm in Plunket Rooms on Ardmore St (next door to %3 3OHDVH FDOO WR FRQÂżUP V Wanaka Walkers meet on the lakefront, opposite the Showgrounds, at 9.30am. Bring lunch. Ph 443 5575 for info. or access www.wanakawalkers.blogspot.co.nz V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm. For 0 - 5 year olds, at the pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat hall. Friendly and fun. Visitors welcome - you don’t have to live in Hawea. V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30 for 0 - 5yr olds. Presbytian Church Hall, Tenby Street. $3 per family. Come and have some indoor and outdoor fun with us, this terms theme is ‘Space!’. Please bring a snack/drink for your child(ren). Tea and coffee provided for caregivers. For more details call Rachel 0211029130. V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 9 - 12pm. All welcome. V Wanaka Bridge Club, 7pm at the Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. - Championship Pairs 10. V Upper Clutha OGHS ExGirls Luncheon. 12 noon at The Nose, Cromwell. Car pooling will be arranged. Enquiries to Joan, ph 443 5417.
V Senior Citizens Exercise Class 1.30pm at the St -RKQ URRPV RQ /LQN :D\ 4XDOLÂżHG 3LODWHV DQG 7DL &KL instructors. All welcome. Casual class $4 or purchase a 10 class concession card for $30. Enjoy a safe and friendly workout followed by a cuppa. Enquiries to Vivienne, ph 443 5120.
V Cancer Society Yoga Support Group. Open to anyone affected by Cancer at any stage, family included. Gentle, relaxing, supportive session by specially trained teacher. 9am St. John’s, Link Way every Tuesday. Just come or phone Raewyn on 0279 165 028. V Op Shop Open, 12 noon to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps. V The Rotary Club of Wanaka meets at the Mt Iron Garden Bar and Function Centre in the Albert Town Tavern. 6pm for 6.30pm. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm. For 0 - 5 year olds, at the pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat hall. Friendly and fun. Visitors welcome - you don’t have to live in Hawea. V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1-4pm. All welcome. For more info, contact Andrew on 021 342 187. V Wanaka Men’s Tennis, Upton St courts from 3pm. Lights available. V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street at 1pm. For appointments please ph 443 7799. V Volunteering Central - events, conservation, working with kids or caring for others... visit Gillian at Community 1HWZRUNV EHWZHHQ DP DQG SP WR ÂżQG RXW DERXW volunteering in your community. Contact Gillian ph 443 4102 or email centralvolunteering@gmail.com V Plunket - Parent Education session ‘Learning to Move Moving to Learn’ 10.30 - 11.30am. For babies 4 weeks to 3 months old. Why movement is important in baby development. Rae from ‘Mini Muscles’ will be on hand to impart her wisdom and details of mini muscle sessions. Plunket Rooms, Ardmore St. V Wanaka Time Bank Orientation sessions at Community Networks every Tuesday and Thursday from 1 - 3pm. Just drop in, it only takes 15 minutes. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 7.30 8.30pm. V Mainly Music - Music, movement and morning tea for children 0 - 5 years old and their parents / caregivers. 9.30 - 11am at Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Alanon Family Group, 7.30pm at the Upper Room, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St.
V Alcoholics Anonymous - 7.30pm at St Ninians Church, Kane Road, Hawea Flat (next to the Hawea Flat Kindergarten). Open meeting. V Wanaka Library Pre-School Session, 10.30 - 11.30am for ages 0 - 5. V Cancer Society Client Supportive Care 10am - 3pm @ Community Networks, 73 Brownston St. Ph 443 7799. Just call in or phone Raewyn on 0279 165 028.We are in the community to make a difference for you if you are affected by Cancer in any way. V Baptist Homegroup, 23 Charles Court, Lake Hawea at 7.30pm. All welcome. V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1-4pm. All welcome. For more info, contact Andrew on 021 342 187. V Lake Hawea Golf. Tee off at 12 midday. All welcome. V Wanaka Travel Club Luncheon, 11am at “The Venue�. Enquiries to Janice ph 443 9425. V Wanaka Bridge Cub, 7pm at the Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. - Championship Teams 4. V Mainly Music Hawea. Rock’n on at St Ninians, 9.30 11am. V Wanaka Croquet Club. Golf Croquet and lessons 10am. Mallets available.
For After Hours Medical Care the Duty Practice this weekend is
Aspiring Medical Centre Urgent Clinics at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre
Ph (03) 443 0725 or 443 1226
23 Cardrona Valley Rd
9am to 6pm
Sat 14 Sept & Sun 15 Sept
11th September 2013
This Week’s Birthday Notices CONTACT US
Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 11 Brownston St, Wanaka
September 15th - Mercedes Hall
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BLACK PEAK GELATO WILL BE CLOSED (Monday 16th and reopen on Monday 22nd) for the installation of a new shopfront as part of the buildings “re-vamp�. Sorry Black Peakers. GETTING MARRIED? Would you like a unique wedding dance to suit your personalities and abilities? Rachel Erichsen, choreographer / dance tutor offers lessons for wedding couples. Ring or text 021 915 573 or email erichsen.rachel@gmail.com NEED A CLEANER? - Daily-Weekly-Fortnightly - Special event preparation - Spring cleaning - Move-out/move-in - Commercial spaces - Holiday Homes - After builders cleaning - To request an estimate contact The Cleaners Wanaka today! 03 443 1124 / 0210 2224 341. CARPENTER WANTED FOR local housing work. Must be trade qualified. Phone Lionel 0210 406 006. OPEN MIC NIGHT SUNDAYS at Opium from 5pm onwards. PENNY’S HOME CARE - DO YOU REQUIRE HELP with housework, personal care, shopping, meal preparation, medications, outings, transportation, gardening etc? If so, call Penny Fisher R.N. on 443 1929 or 0273 434 776. LIVE AT WATER BAR MAYWEATHER VS ALVAREZ! Sunday September 15th 1pm. Fight of the year. Live and loud with $20 burger, fries and a pint of Wild Buck available throughout. VOTE LIZ BRESLIN FOR QLDC! Your local voice. BREAKFAST? Why not? Best hangover cure. Bacon and eggs $10 at the Bullock Bar Grill from 7am daily.
WANAKA BOWLING CLUB Summer Bowls Opening Sunday 15th September, at 2pm. BRING YOUR BOWLS
Come into Print It to collect your voucher for a FREE coffee at Kai. (Or kids fluffy) If you would like us to include your or someone elses birthday in a future issue ring us on 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka. www.mymessenger.co.nz
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY - a profound treatment that uses light touch to detect and modify subtle body movement and energy patterns. Correcting imbalances in the body as a whole, leaving you more comfortable and feeling better in yourself. Phone Jennie 0275 248 858. www.consciousness-rising.com WANTED! PERMANENT PART TIME RUNNER for rubbish collection run for Wanaka and surrounds. Monday to Thursday from 8am. Approximately 16 hours weekly. Must be fit and reliable. Please phone 03 443 1619 evenings or leave a message daytime. WYNDROK POTTERY, LAKE HAWEA. Handcrafted functional tableware to be enjoyed every day. Simple classical forms with glazes reflecting the colour and beauty of Central Otago. All original, hand thrown pieces, suitable for oven, microwave and dishwasher. 191 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea. Open 11am - 5pm. Closed Mondays. Phone 443 1707. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. AWESOME SUNNY COTTAGE available short term on Hawea back road. Fully furnished with all mod cons, cat, sheep and chickens! Call 443 2688 for more details. SUNDAY SESSIONS EVERY Sunday at Barluga kicking off at 4pm with free BBQ with drink purchase, $10 Bloody Marys and $5 G&T specials. DJ’s Electro bill, Chris J and J digga playing cool Sunday beats all day long. LAKE BAR PROPRIETORS PETER & VICKI BYRNE. Test match and ITM rugby this weekend. Drink, dine and view with both Monteiths and Speights on tap. Daily specials incl Friday cocktails, Sunday steak & Corona. Need a function venue with best views for a special birthday, anniversary or reunion then contact us on 443 2920. TRUE BOILED BREAKFAST BAGELS AT The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & CafÊ, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10).
A HUGE DAFFODIL DAY “THANK YOU� TO WANAKA ...for your generosity and kindness of spirit... To the marvellous volunteers with your help there is hope, which made the day so special.
11th September 2013
GP LOCUMS - Short and Long Term We have a diverse range of options available to offer. Excellent opportunites in both NZ and Australia. For further information info@triagelocums.com or ph: 03 445 1104
HANDYMAN SERVICE - ANYTHING from cleaning gutters to custom built gates and fences, balustrades, pergolas, decks, engineering and repairs. Call Handy Solutions 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - jugs of beer starting at $8.00 and pints $5.00. All day, every day . GREEN TOAD SNOWBOARD AND SKI RENTALS, 6 Pembroke Mall, behind Boa Boa Takeaways. Taking care of locals since 2003. THINKING OF RENOVATING YOUR KITCHEN, bathroom or laundry? Cut-It Kitchens & Joinery has qualified, licensed builders and joiners on the team to help with the entire job. One stop shop. Call Cut-It today for your free measure and quote 443 5031 or 0274 911 955. SOUS CHEF REQUIRED for the new Wanaka Speight’s Ale House. A focus on delivering exceptionally high quality food and previous experience in a fast paced kitchen is what we are after. This is a long term position. Please send CV to grant@skinalive.co.nz. OPEN ON SATURDAYS AND LATE NIGHTS Tues, Weds, Thurs. Flair Hair Design new spring hours commence 12/09/13. Book now for appt. Ph 443 7727. YEW.TV SNOW FILM FESTIVAL AT THE PARADISO! Thursday, 12 Sept at 6 p.m. Pull up a couch and soak in the best indie snowboard and ski films from this area. Tickets available at The Paradiso. RENTAL WANTED: LOCAL FAMILY LOOKING FOR nice fully furnished house in Wanaka. Local references available. Flexibility to move out holiday periods if needed. Call Sally 0210 2586 937.
RELAY FOR LIFE CENTRAL OTAGO, 15th and 16th March 2014 Launch Invitation A 24hr community event to Remember, Celebrate & Fight Back in support of people affected by cancer in the Central Otago Region. If you are interested to learn more about the RELAY FOR LIFE or would like to register a team please join us.
12:30 pm, Monday 16th September 2013 Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street, Wanaka Please RSVP by Friday 13th September 2013 Email: relaycentral@cansoc.org.nz Ph. 0800 735 299 Team Registration is $100 per team of 10 persons
BATHROOM RENOVATIONS OR NEW builds - come and see us for showers, vanities, toilets and tapware - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. KIP MCGRATH IS ENROLLING NOW for the NCEA exam prep course. 7-11th October. Students come every day for an hour per subject to get prepared for external examinations. Call Nikki 443 1547 to book your place. MAKE AN INFORMED VOTE. Meet the Wanaka candidates for Council and Community Board at a public forum on Tuesday 24 September. Hear them speak and ask them questions about their policy platforms. 6pm – 7.30pm in The Summit Room at Edgewater Resort. All welcome. Organised by the Wanaka Chamber of Commerce and the Wanaka Residents Association. CHEF WANTED FOR FRANCESCA’S ITALIAN KITCHEN. Experienced and qualified professionals only. Call James 0210 760 479. SPRING SALE ON NOW AT THE BIKE LOUNGE. Come and check out our new 2014 bikes including the new 27.5� wheel size bikes! Heaps of bargains and new bikes for under $999. Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturday 9am -1pm only. 12 Frederick Street, Wanaka. CHOP SHOP - Espresso Bar & Clothing Boutique. Shop 3, Pembroke Mall. Ph 443 8297. WANAKLEAN DOG - GROOMING, clipping and bathing. Call Emily on 0275 110 282 to make an appointment. 8 FOOT SATIVA – September 25th at Opium. Tickets available www.eventfinder.co.nz Get in now as there are limited tickets.
Learn Bowen Therapy
Queenstown Queenstown 1910 – 22 – 13February October 2013 2011 Bowen Therapy is dynamic yet gentle bodywork that is highly effective and easy to learn. Mark Hunter & Lynne Brown, 03 441 1378 info@fascialkinetics.com www.fascialkinetics.co.nz
11th September 2013
CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Health, Naturally Phone Jennie: 0275 248 858 www.consciousness-rising.com
>ĂŶĐĞ ŽLJĚ D ϬϮϳ Ϯϰϲ ϮϬϴϰ ͬ K Ϭϯ ϰϰϯ ϳϱϮϰ ǁǁǁ͘ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůƐǁĂŶĂŬĂ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnjͬt EϭϮϮϮ
PRESERVE YOUR SPECIAL MEMORIES. Do you have old tapes or photos that you would like converted to DVD. Visit Tidy Design your video and file conversion specialists. 3 Helwick St, 443 4433. ACHING TIRED MUSCLES & JOINTS, sports injuries, tension? Get the most effective, professional rub in town at The Muscle Joint. Our top notch Clinical Massage Practitioners, Lee Ball and Jane Macale are trained to take care of your needs with tailor-made treatments. From relaxation treatments, to chronic complaints, sports injuries to rehabilitation. Book today T 443 6460. 59 Brownston St, Wanaka. www.themusclejoint.co.nz FURNITURE TRUCK DEPARTING CENTRAL OTAGO every Friday to Twizel, Fairlie, Ashburton, Christchurch, North Canterbury available for household removals and smaller consignments. Please call 03 312 6915 - text 027 4610 035 - email cbkelly@xtra. co.nz for an obligation free quote. 20% OFF FULL TUNES AT BASE Ultimate Workshop. Get a spring structure in your board and save $15. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING like it used to? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392. FOR SALE. OLD STYLE DRESSER, bathroom vanity and heater, kneeler stools, childs scooter, rat cage. See on Wanaka Live/ marketplace/household Ph/text Steve 0272 730 730 or 443 1955. BUILDING TOOLS FOR SALE x 10 different items. More info text 0223 886 734. WWW.ASPIRINGAUTOCOURT.CO.NZ to view over 40 vehicles and see what new cars and 4wds are arriving. RANGE ROVER VOGUE 2004. Diesel, 170km, one owner, $35,000 ono. Excellent condition. Phone 0212 862 120.
LOST: AUDI CAR KEY - lost in Wanaka. If found please phone 021 370 530. Thanks! CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - Contact your local operator of JAE Cleaning and Pest Control. For quality steam or dry cleaning and the best in stain removal, phone 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. YOGA CLASSES AT WANAKA WELLNESS Centre - no sweat! Small groups, ambient studio, central, shower. All levels catered. Mon / Wed 6pm, Thurs 7am. Phone Stella 0210 655 259. www.evesart. co.nz HORSE RIDING - Book a school holiday riding programme with Timbercreek Equestrian 1.30 - 5pm weekdays. Ph 0272 109 099. Fun and learning safe environment, experienced instruction. KARUNA DAY SPA revitalise the inner and outer you. Massage, facial, brow and lash. Waxing, tanning and nail care. We know how to take care of you. Located in the CBD. Sensibly priced. Call free 0800 747 533 or Text 0226 152 231. GALLERY33. PAINTINGS, sculpture, glass, ceramics and jewellery. Wanaka’s only contemporary Art Gallery. Check out our website www.gallery33.co.nz THIS MACLEOD HAS A SILVER LINING - Vote Calum MacLeod for council. Integrity! Enthusiasm! Persistence! WOODEN BENCH SEAT WANTED - preferably the one stolen from outside Wanaka Wellness. Phone 443 4668 if you have one for sale. CUTLERY AND CROCKERY FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. FRESH BREAD BAKED DAILY at The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). DISPLAY SPACE OR OFFICE in the centre of town. 20sqm. Very cheap, maybe even free. Short or long term. Call 0221 572 180 to inquire. FOR RENT - OLDER STYLE HOME, 3 double bedrooms, fire and heat pump, sunny north-facing lounge, separate laundry, big section, unfurnished. Pets OK. Close to town and lake. Available 28th September $350. Also 2 bedroom sleepout and lounge, cosy and warm. Available now $150. Phone 021 900 665 or 021 566 386. THE YARD! THE ONE STOP SHOP FOR LANDSCAPING design and supplies. Bark, compost, topsoil, aggregates, mulch. Delivery or loan trailer available. The Yard, 14 Reece Crescent, Wanaka. Ph 443 5069.
11th September 2013
17 years experience as your local sweep. Cleanliness guaranteed.
Ph Curly 443 9458
027 286 6567
NOMAD & B ROKK PRESENT BRING THAT BEAT BACK. This Saturday 14th September 10pm at Water Bar. Old skool Hip Hop with two of Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s finest DJâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. $8 Jagerbombs, $5 Tequilas and bar tabs for best dressed boy and girl. CHALLENGE WANAKA; START THINKING ABOUT your training regime now! Massage is proven to help reduce soft-tissue restrictions, increase your range of motion and reduce pain and recovery time. I have worked with many huge athletes; the Scottish rugby team, Barcelona football team, pro golfers, bodybuilders and numerous more. Priced realistically, massage shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be a luxury when itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a necessity. www.eutopiawanaka.com or call Carol on 0221 979 171. WWW.WANAKAACUPUNCTURE.CO.NZ - to see how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you or call 443 8131. CRICKET PRACTICES FOR SENIOR reserve and senior starts Tuesday 17th September, 5.15pm at Pembroke Park. Year 11 students and older most welcome. Mike Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor ph 021 499 642. SHOES - WINTER SHOES, HALF PRICE. Sale table from $40. All winter boots half price at Shoes Unlimited, 80b Ardmore St. IPL AND DERMABRASION now at Aspects Day Spa, experienced operator and competitive prices. For a free consultation or enquiries phone. Ph 03 443 5051. LIVE MUSIC AT THE BULLOCK BAR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; This Saturday 14th we have the Big Kitchen after the rugby. FREE TRIBEFITTM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Experience TribeFIT TM classes absolutely free. TribeFIT TM not only increases your strength and endurance but also burns fat and calories to produce functional full body fitness leaving you looking and feeling amazingly fit. Free trial week start 16th September so book your free Fit classes now! Ph 443 6500, info@proactivewanaka. com MOVEWELL REHAB PILATES offers you Wednesday studio sessions $25 pp. Max 3 people. Take an hour to realign and rediscover movement for your body on reformer, trapeze table, ladder barrel and spine corrector. Choose your start time: 9am, 10am or 11am. Fully supported and instructed by Joss BPhEd, certified Polestar Pilates instructor. Secure your place today. Ph 021 668 393.
With your vote I will continue to give our local communities passionate, dedicated and knowledgeable representation.
Vote Lyal Cocks for Council ´([SHULHQFH &RPPRQVHQVH &RPPLWPHQW ¾
ANNA VAN RIELâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S WHISTLE AND HUM house concert tour in North America is drawing to a close. Thank you so much to Wanaka locals for all the amazing love, support and encouragement. The tour has been an amazing success. Annaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s locally made album available upstairs at Tidy Design 3 Helwick St. SPRING CLEAN YOUR BODY: With Verdant Healthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s September special. 50% off a naturopathy, herbal medicine or iridology consultation. Phone 0210 8278 207. WANTED TO BUY SMALL BALES of hay. Call 0275 552 410. LOOKING FOR LONG TERM TENANT to share house, starting end of September. Everything provided. Would suit mature professional. Must be employed, non-smoker and unfortunately no pets. Call 0274 541 746. YUM YUM YUM, you really must try the fine foods at the Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall. YES, ONLY 1 WEEK TO GO and Stars In Your Eyes is here. I can help you look fab for your evening out. Call or text Rika, The Hair Fairy 0273 169 463. HARDWORKING, HONEST AND RELIABLE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE and landscaping person. Increase your assets value, improve function and liveability, finish those jobs off. Phone 0276 763 477. MASTER FRESH PASTA WITH Whare Keaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Executive Chef James Stapley - a workshop for beginners. Saturday 28th September, The Rippon Hall, 1-6pm. Spaces cost $100 and numbers are limited. Call Rippon on 443 8084 or email laura@rippon.co.nz A - L 7 DA VA I L ots Y AB S wo of la A W LE rk wn EEK wa mo . Čź :DWHU %ODVWLQJ nte wi d. ng Čź &RPPHUFLDO 0RZLQJ
Ph 445 2800 or 027 464 1595 EMAIL: phillipanderson@xtra.co.nz
11th September 2013
Professional Dressmaking and Alterations Upstairs in Spencer House, Dunmore St, Wanaka Phone Melissa 021 215 7136
KIDS LEARN TO PLAY GOLF – Junior golf coaching starts 15th October, 3.30 - 4.30pm on Tuesdays. For kids aged between 8 and 16 yrs. For $55 receive 20 coaching sessions (equipment is provided if needed). Also included is an annual membership to the Wanaka Golf Club. Learn a new sport and values for life through the game of golf. Please register with Kim at the Wanaka Golf Club on 443 7888 or email manager@wanakagolf.co.nz FOR SALE: DOUBLE RIMU SLAT BED and mattress, single rimu bed with trundler bed and mattresses, fridge $200, dishwasher $200, washing machine $200. Excellent condition. Phone/text 0273 449 522. WHO DO YOU WANT TO REPRESENT YOU? If you don’t know the candidates for the local body elections, come to the public forum being organised by the Wanaka Chamber of Commerce and the Wanaka Residents Association and find out more about them and their policies. Tuesday 24th September at Edgewater Resort in the Summit Room 6pm – 7.30pm. All welcome. HOSPITALITY STAFF REQUIRED, guaranteed full time hours. Duty managers, bar staff, cooks and café workers required across four different businesses across town. Call or text 0274 431 739. COFFEE HAPPY HOUR ½ price coffee. Come in between 10am and 11am Mon - Friday and all coffees are $2.50. Only at the Bullock Bar Grill. METALWORKS MADNESS TO SAY THANKYOU. We have been in business for 16 years and want to reward you for your loyalty Friday September 27th. www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz FOR RENT: 2 bedroom fully furnished apartment close to town centre and local gym. The property has Freeview TV, a communal spa and sauna for tenants use. Off street parking. Available for long term rent. Phone 03 443 0045. www.accommodationwanaka.com FOR SALE: SUBARU LEGACY, manual 4WD, 178,000km, WOF and rego till Feb 2014. Full service history. Bought from a dealer. New JVC radio/CD. $2500 ono. Text or call 0223 886 734. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - WANTED full time permanent Duty Manager. Ph Wendy on 443 4545. HIRE HARRY - 0800 442 779 - Carpenter, Gardener, Painter. THE HOSPICE SHOP ARE HAVING a garage sale from 9am Saturday and an auction at 10.30am. Collectables, newish queen bed, homewares, furniture, white cast iron furniture, table with 6 chairs, dolls house, childrens clothing, sale of our winter clothing. Bric a brac and many more treasures. Be in quick - Hospice Shop, 72 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka.
IS YOUR VEHICLE INTERIOR A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT? You may be surprised at the result we can achieve with our complete interior clean and upholstery shampoo. Wanacleancar - Keeping Wanaka cars beautiful since 2008! Phone Richard on 0210 2942 908 or 443 5772. WHAT’S BIG, YELLOW, LOUD, and swallows branches whole? Our dirty great big chipper! Fast cleanup and mulch. www.treetamers. co.nz 03 443 6454. FREE TRIBE TEAM TRAININGTM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Come and experience for yourself why ProActive’s World-Class TRIBE Team TrainingTM classes are so popular! There is something for everyone – TribeFIT TM, TribeCORETM, TribePUNCHTM, TribeKIDSTM and TribeLIFETM. Trial week begins Monday 16th September so make sure you book in for your free training classes and achieve more than you ever thought possible! Contact ProActive Health and Fitness now! Ph 443 6500, info@ proactivewanaka.com GLASS BALUSTRADES Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. IT’S THE “NOT THE OSCARS” mini movie competition grand final this Wednesday 11th at Opium, kicking off at 9.30pm. Come and support your talented local mini movie makers and the 8 finalists for their chance to win a Southern Lakes Heliski and heaps of other awesome prizes. The final theme was “Wanaka Town and Mountains” so come see what awesome footage they’ve shot! Hip hop beats till late supplied by DJ Emily and $5 drinks all night! AMAZING APPLES, BEAUTIFUL BIRCHES, charming cherries or delightful deodars. Tree Tamers Trim Tidy and Terrific-ate them all. www.treetamers.co.nz or 0272 751 268. REYKJAVIK IS THE CAPITAL and largest city in Iceland. Its latitude, at 64°08’ N, makes it the world’s northernmost capital of a sovereign state. It is located in south-western Iceland, on the southern shore of Faxafloi Bay. The Messenger is available in Reykjavik on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz MARTIN CURTIS - ORIGINAL COMPOSER of the folk song Gin and Raspberry will be playing from 5pm on Sunday night at Gin and Raspberry. Cocktail hour 5-6pm. $5 tap beer, cider and house wine. $8 Gin and Raspberry.
PIZZA Large 13 inch traditional hand rolled thin crust
BUYING OR SELLING A PROPERTY? Call John! 021 327 928
“John’s service was exceptional” Vendor Ian & Betty Shore
E john.fisher@harcourts.co.nz W www.johnfisher.harcourts.co.nz
Urban Grind 72 Ardmore St, next to 4Square. ph 443 6748
11th September 2013
Crime Line Crime Line by: Constable Greg Nolet
STEAK! When only the best will do. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Reserveâ&#x20AC;? grade NZ beef, exclusively served at the Bullock Bar Grill, and The Luggate Hotel. 7 nights from 6pm. Come and taste the difference. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN FRIDAY happy hour from 5.30pm until 6.30. Go in the draw to win a bar tab. Free bar snacks Ace of Spades Jackpot is up to $100. Only one card left. If your number gets drawn you get to turn the Ace and you win $100 cash. Pokies! Courtesy coach ph 443 4545. VOTE ROSS MCROBIE FOR THE Wanaka Community Board to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Make a Difference!â&#x20AC;?. Call me to discuss any issues before you decide to vote, on 0274 329 892. FAMILY VIOLENCE IS A COMMUNITY PROBLEM. Prevention is everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business. If domestic violence or child abuse affects your family and/or friends, please talk to Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Support. We can help. Phone 443 1448. www.womenssupport.org.nz JOB: FRI & SAT NIGHTS 9PM-4AM, Hospo industry, hard-working, friendly, mature. Permanent position, must be available to work over Xmas & New Years. Phone: 0297 720 134. PAINTER AVAILABLE. No job too big or too small. Phone Ben 0204 0133 350. SKIS, SNOWBOARDS, OUTERWEAR, Mons Royale and more on sale now at Base 2. VIP COUCH All Blacks vs South Africa. Purchase a beer from 6pm Saturday 14th and go in the draw to win a spot on the couch. Free bar snacks at half time and ya own personal barmaid! Only at the Bullock Bar! WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger. co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz GRAB A FRIEND AND COME ALONG to Plunketâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Committee Meeting Thursday 12th September, 7.30pm at Plunket Rooms, Ardmore Street. WANTED TO RENT - Local professional couple, willing to pay the extra for long term accommodation. Would prefer furnished, but not essential. Phone Peter 021 847 547. BAGUETTES THAT DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T BEND. Others may say they bake them. We actually make them. Taste the difference at the Hammer & Nail, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10).
Phone Rodney 027 443 0876 email mac.timber@clear.net.nz
It has been a steady week with a number of violent and dishonesty offences reported to us. There were a set of skis stolen from Treble Cone. With the end of the season in sight, we normally see a spike in reports of stolen skis and snowboards. Be very careful with your gear. Remember you had to work hard to pay for it, and would you be happy for someone else to just walk away with your property? - No. Even after the days skiing, don't leave items in an unlocked car while you go to the supermarket to get dinner. You may have seen that Police staff have been putting Ă&#x20AC;\HUV RQ WKH ZLQGVFUHHQV RI XQORFNHG FDUV OHIW DW QLJKW ZLWK LWHPV RI value visible. The Police message is clear "Lock it or Lose it". A snap-shot of the weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reported crime: A purple single speed bike valued at $1600.00 has been taken from Upton Street. A drink driver blew well over the 650 micrograms of alcohol per litre of breath and lost their licence immediately for 28 days. Court for this person. Fighting, assaults and threats saw the weekend off to a not cool start. Wanaka is a town for the community to live in, not for the idiots who want to use it as a video game playground. The Hospice shop in Ballantyne Road was broken into on Saturday night. The CCTV footage shows that the offender was alone, on foot and can be described as a tall slim male. He ran from the address on to Ballantyne Road and headed towards the township. He took cash and a number of other objects which were placed in a suitcase. This has been described as an old style grey suitcase with leather straps. If we could locate this, it would help us immensely with the enquiry. I think all right thinking Wanaka people would be with us in hoping we catch this low life. A rock was thrown through a window on a dwelling in Albert Town while the residents were asleep. The residents are now left with a hefty repair bill. A young lady has been defrauded via TradeMe. This website has many followers and thousands of great purchases have been made. Please be careful when paying for items and use a secure method of paying where the money changes hands after the items are received. This is the best form of protection from fraud and any reputable seller won't object. I understand the weather is going to be bad for the next few days so watch your following distances. With the predicted rain and gale force winds look out for rock falls, branches and debris on the roads. Take care out there. If you have any information pertaining to the incidents above please FDOO WKH 6WDWLRQ RQ WR VSHDN WR DQ 2IÂżFHU RU WR JLYH information anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
11th September 2013
TOSHIBA Heatpumps
Ea r Wa x R e mov al By Microsuction
Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 2/12 Frederick St, Wanaka
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Due to children leaving for primary school, the Preschool now has spaces available for children from the age of 18 months through 5 years old. We are a community based early childhood centre dedicated to providing high quality education. Please come in with your child for a visit any day from 9am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3pm.106 Tenby Street or ring 443 7090. NANNY REQUIRED - For around 20+ hours per week 3 days split shifts early mornings and afternoon, some nights. 3 children aged between 3 & 6. Vehicle included. Some cooking required. Please call Bronwyn 021 891 499 or 443 7282. FREE TRIBEKIDSTM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! TribeKIDSTM is a fun fitness program designed specifically for kids aged between 7 and 16. TribeKIDSTM helps kids to maintain a healthy weight, build strength and fitness and develop a healthy attitude towards exercise. ProActive Health and Fitness is offering this amazing program for kids to try absolutely free during their trial week beginning 16th September so please call now to secure your spot! Ph 443 6500, info@proactivewanaka.com Keeping our kids healthy, strong, fit and active! A FREE COMMUNITY EVENT AT THE LIBRARY arranged by WPLA. Come and hear LochCeol play their traditional Irish music and more. Wanaka Library 1:30 pm Saturday 21 September, 2013. GAZEBO AND MICROWAVE. Both near new. Phone 0275 624 951. MITSUBISHI MIRAGE HATCHBACK for sale 1.3L, 94, WOF Feb14. 4 new tyres, interior professionally cleaned, service history available. $1250. Ph 0220 139 062. WANAKA
Use the safest and most up to date technology available. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t risk damaging your ears by using other methods or products. Treatment and advice for all ear conditions.
Ear Health Otago Southland Ltd Regular clinics in Wanaka, FOR BOOKINGS PLEASE PHONE 0800 550 801
THE PAINT POT (NZ) Top quality work guaranteed. Special finishing, wall papering and all your painting needs. New work and redecorations throughout. 15 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience. Phone Caspar 021 565 393 or 443 4958. References available. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Totally dependableâ&#x20AC;?. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. JIM EDWARDS STONE MASONRY AND LANDSCAPING residential, commercial stone work and landscaping. Email: jimstonemason@xtra.co.nz Ph: 0276 994 269 or 443 8185. COUNSELLING WITH LIZ MALUSCHNIG - professional, holistic, safe. Over 20 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience. Call Liz on 443 1955 or text 0274 334 520. GIVE YOUR SENSES A TREAT. Why not join us at the Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday from 4pm Spencer House Mall. WANAKA HOUSE SWAP WANTED for large house at Manu Bay, Raglan. Our family are looking to come to Wanaka or surrounds for the 1st week of the school holidays. Please contact Katherine Hughes 07 825 7272 or kath@ignitionsoftware.co.nz GARDEN SPRUCE UP by experienced local. Tools supplied. Phone 443 1136 Graeme. THE REYKJAVIK MARATHON IS RUN annually in August and attracts around 13,000 participants. The Marathon is planned to coincide with Culture Night, a national Icelandic event celebrating the anniversary of Reykjavik City. People from all around Iceland and from abroad travel to the city to participate in the Marathon and enjoy the Culture Night celebrations. The Messenger is available in Reykjavik on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz
WANAKA STORAGE SOLUTIONS Home With a Heart This warm and cozy 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 level home is located in an established, family orientated neighbourhood, just a short walk to all amenities. Quality fittings throughout and matched by an outstanding private, outdoor entertaining area. Lots of parking for extra vehicles. Access to a shared pool/spa/gym. This unique property will charm you so be in quick. Open homes Sat 2-3pm and Tues 10th Sept 4.30-5 pm. 20 Frye Cresent, Albert Town, Wanaka
Kelly Everest 027 465 3700
2pm Saturday 21st September 2013 onsite 027 566 6888 catherine.pearson@locations.co.nz (unless sold prior) Catherine Pearson
New Aspiring Realty Ltd MREINZ, Locations, Licenced Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008)
Cnr Helwick & Dunmore Sts, Wanaka
T: 03 443 0150
66 Ballantyne Road Çż 3KRQH 443 2660 Çż )D[ 443 2661 (PDLO wanakastoragesolutions@xtra.co.nz
11th September 2013
Window Cleaning Home Maintenance For the best view in town Ph Andrew 443 2219 or 021 0241 2304 SWIMMING LESSONS AT HOME, in your own pool. Over 20+ yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience. Please contact Kirsten 0273 337 636. BULLOCK BAR BOTTLE STORE 2 for $60, Gilbeys, Dewars 1L, Stil Vodka and Speights 24â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s $35.99. LAWNS ARE GROWING. Please call us at Moraine Mowing & Maintenance if you require your lawns mowed. Ride on or small mower options for large or small lawns. Quotes available. Ph: cell 021 379 185. WANTED 2 - 5 BEDROOM house with at least a double garage. Long term rental. Phone 0226 975 875. COVERED STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR boat, campervan, caravan and car. Phone Richard at Wanaka Storage Solutions. Phone 443 2660. GET GROWING WORKSHOP - veggie gardening in Central Otago run by Dr Compost and master gardener Frankie Dean. 30 years local know how: tips on building raised beds, seed sowing and what to plant when. Thursday 19th September, 6-8pm, Aspiring Beginnings, Warren St. Funded by QLDC, www. wanakawastebusters.co.nz Gold coin donation. COFFEE WITH A TOUCH OF FLAIR, and a touch of ginger! Ginger lattes available at Coffee Cure, Medical Centre. Try one today and add POW to your day. Phone 021 FIX 2 GO. THE SEXY SWEET SOUNDINâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; G.O.D.E.S.S. girls (Girls On Decks) are in town this Saturday at Opium, lighting up the club with their signature sounds of DnB, Glitch, Breaks, Hip Hop and Funk. This time they have special guest R.I.A. from Base Fm joining the crew, gonna be a big one! $5 drinks all night and free entry.
Pet Corner ASPIRING STARTERS PUPPY PRE-SCHOOL For puppies 6 - 14 weeks old. Learn the basics in a safe, friendly, fun environment.
Ph Aspiring Vets on 443 7262 ASPIRING VETS PH 443 7262
FREEVIEW SATELLITE DECODERS from $99.00. Excellent decoder, sensational price. Barnetts Radio & TV, your local satellite specialists. Phone 03 443 7961, 021 737 247 or www.wanakatv.co.nz GLASSWARE FOR HIRE - FOR ALL YOUR PARTY HIRE needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. FREE TRIBECORETM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Experience TribeCORETM classes absolutely free. TribeCORETM is intelligently designed to bring toning, strength, stability and power to your core. If you want to help improve your skiing and boarding, supplement your outdoor training or just look amazingly hot in your winter thermals then book your free TribeCORETM classes now! Free trial week starts 16th September so secure your spot! Ph 443 6500, info@proactivewanaka.com NURSING YOUR BABY? KALEIDOSCOPE, Helwick St has tri pillows and European pillows for your comfort. We also stock feather/down, wool, man-made fibre pillow priced from $11.50 $100. Phone 03 443 7980.
11th September 2013
OPENING HOURS TUES - THURS 9am - 9pm SUN 10am - 9pm FRI, SAT & MON 9am - 10pm
CLEANER WANTED FOR CASUAL holiday home cleaning. Must be reliable with attention to detail and available to work seven days. Must have NZ work permit. Phone 0211 208 960. HANDCRAFTED FINNISH DARK RYE BREAD made with a unique Wild Yeast starter - and made to an authentic Finnish recipe. Delicious daily small batches - fresh out of our oven at 11.30am. Our customers are loving our healthy and sustaining breads! Nordavia - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop. 1 Frederick Street, first on the left - on the way to Wastebusters. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm. Visit our website - www.nordaviabakeshop.co.nz - for photographs and more information. BULLOCK BAR EXPRESS LUNCHES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; In a hurry? Rush on in. Choose 2 things from the amazing selection and a can of drink all for $10 takeaway â&#x20AC;&#x201C; too easy. Open every day from 7am, back of the Bullock Bar. HIRE HARRY - 0800 442 779 - Carpenter, Gardener, Painter. SUBARU FORESTER X20 2004 for sale. 97,000 kms, navy blue, 2l EFi, high/low ratio 4WD, dual airbags, alloy wheels, ABS, climate control, CD/DVD player, central locking, electric windows and mirrors, power steering. $13,900 ono. Ph 443 8185 or 021 335 839. BUCHANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S MOBILE BUTCHER covering the entire Upper Clutha area. On property kill, hung and refrigerated on site. Also, cut down and packaged. Prompt service. All enquiries to Grant on 0211 023 602. Owned and operated from Luggate. APPLE MAC TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE - 6 Years technician at Apple. Help with Mac, iPhones, Repairs and friendly advice. Email:aprimrose@mac.com Ph 0204 0099 059. THANK YOU WANAKA FROM METALWORKS. We have been in business 16 years and what a lot of fun we have had on the way. Join us Friday 27th for an opportunity to be rewarded for your loyalty. www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz FRESH DANISHES AT The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & CafĂŠ, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10).
(opposite New World)
ph 443 7881
NEW RELEASES Sinister Snitch Drift Song for Marion Phantom
Spring Breakers Trade of Innocents Hammer of the Gods The Company You Keep Spartacus War of the Damned
All weekly movies $1 All movies & games 1/2 price
WANAKA WELLNESS CENTRE. Professional integrated approach to natural health. Massage, Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Naturopathy, Natural Beauty Therapy, Yoga, Medical Herbalist, Bowen, Homeopathy, Reflexology, CranioSacral Therapy, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Counselling, Meditation, Weightloss, Detoxification, Far Infrared Sauna, Studio Hire and exclusive Retail Health Products. For full practitioner details visit www.wanakawellness. co.nz. Phone 443 4668. 24 Dungarvon Street. CLEANER WANTED FOR CASUAL holiday home cleaning. Must be reliable with attention to detail and available to work seven days. Must have NZ work permit. Phone 0211 208 960. WATER QUALITY A PROBLEM? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 0275 021 234. FREE TRIBECORETM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Experience TribeCORETM classes absolutely free. TribeCORETM is intelligently designed to bring toning, strength, stability and power to your core. If you want to help improve your skiing and boarding, supplement your outdoor training or just look amazingly hot in your winter thermals then book your free TribeCORETM classes now! Free trial week starts 16th September so secure your spot! Ph 443 6500, info@proactivewanaka.com REYKJAVIK IS BELIEVED TO BE the location of the first permanent settlement in Iceland, which Ingolfur Arnarson is said to have established around 870 C.E. The Viking name, Reykjavik literally translates as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;smoky bayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and refers to the steam rising from Icelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s many geothermal springs. The Messenger is available in Reykjavik on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz HOUSE TRUCK FOR RENT as self-contained flat. Big, rustic wood style. Fully equipped kitchen. King sized bed. Dinette, couch, TV, stereo, full sized shower. I can move it to your property. $110pw neg. Min 3 months. 0226 578 665.
Paul Madsen Promotions presents
JERSEY BOYS 8pm Â&#x2039; Friday 4th October Â&#x2039; Wanaka Districts Club Tickets $20 available from Wanaka Districts Club Ď°Ďą WĹŻÄ&#x201A;ĹśĆ&#x161;Ä&#x201A;Ć&#x;ŽŜ ZĹ˝Ä&#x201A;Ä&#x161;Í&#x2022; tÄ&#x201A;ĹśÄ&#x201A;ĹŹÄ&#x201A; WĹ&#x161; Ď°Ď°ĎŻ Ď´ĎŹĎ´ĎŹ
11th September 2013
Tues 10th Sep Mon 16th Sep
14 Reece Crescent Wanaka P: 03 443 5069
THIS WEEKS SPECIALS Pumpkin Crown Red Capsicums Eggplant Royal Gala Apples
$0.85/kg $6.96/kg $5.39/kg $1.65/kg
Fresh Tunnel Boned Canterbury Lamb Leg Normally $27.95/kg NOW $18.95/kg Mon-Fri 8.00am – 6.30pm Sat & Sun 9.00am – 4.00pm 20 Ardmore Street Wanaka 443 0118
RACHEL ERICHSEN DANCE OUT LOUD Performance Academy. Classes in Jazz, dance technique & stretching, Hip Hop & contemporary. From 8 years - Teens - Adults. Starting Term 4, October 14th. www.erichsenrachel.wix.com/danceoutloud EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. DRINKING TOO MUCH? Want to make a start somewhere for support and help? Try ringing Women’s Support. Confidential 24/7 service. Women supporting woman. Phone 443 1448. www. womenssupport.org.nz YUM YUM YUM, you really must try the fine foods at the Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall. GREEN TOAD SNOWBOARD AND SKI SHOP. Chain hire, chain hire. Phone 03 443 4315. FREE TRIBEKIDSTM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! TribeKIDSTM is a fun fitness program designed specifically for kids aged between 7 and 16. TribeKIDSTM helps kids to maintain a healthy weight, build strength and fitness and develop a healthy attitude towards exercise. ProActive Health and Fitness is offering this amazing program for kids to try absolutely free during their trial week beginning 16th September so please call now to secure your spot! Ph 443 6500, info@proactivewanaka.com Keeping our kids healthy, strong, fit and active! YOGA/MEDITATION: Hawea Flat School, Thursdays 6:30-8pm. $10 Robyn 0276 448 005. Come along stretch then relax. Great for the body & mind. WILD POPPY CAFE IN ALEXANDRA seeks cook/chef for lunches and special occasions. For more details phone Vanessa 0220 823 505. EXPERIENCED, SUPER FRIENDLY BABYSITTER AVAILABLE. Full of smiles and a bag of tricks. Give Debs a shout anytime, 0210 2889 320.
DID YOU KNOW?? The Yard are stockist of..... Beefeater BBQ’s Shade 7 Sun Shades Sundance Spa’s Wine Barrels Paving Post & Rail Fencing Raised Vege Gardens Pizza Ovens Outdoor Fireplace’s NZ made Vertical Gardens As well as .... Landscape Design Stonework Building Mulch Compost Stone Top Soil Bark
Come and see us about your next landscaping project
Open Mon-Fri 8-5pm, Sat 8-1pm MOVEWELL REHAB PILATES offers you Wednesday studio sessions $25 pp. Max 3 people. Take an hour to realign and rediscover movement for your body on reformer, trapeze table, ladder barrel and spine corrector. Choose your start time: 9am, 10am or 11am. Fully supported and instructed by Joss BPhEd, certified Polestar Pilates instructor. Secure your place today. Ph 021 668 393. WOOL INSULATION. WHY WOULDN’T YOU? Building your new home; get it right from the start. Talk to Shear Comfort 0210 629 212. THIS THURSDAY AT OPIUM is Robbie with one of his well-loved acoustic sets - 10pm till late. LIVE MUSIC AT THE BULLOCK BAR – This Saturday 14th we have the Big Kitchen after the rugby. CHEF: KAI WHAKAPAI CAFE SEEKS a part time chef for an immediate start, to work alongside our team of existing chefs. Could become full time during the summer months if it suits both parties. We are also looking for an additional full time chef during the summer months (temporary post). For both posts call in or phone Roger on 0221 741 867. FOR RENT: A new contemporary apartment 5 minutes from the center of Wanaka Township. Unfurnished apartment. Whiteware available. Private and good spaces to relax and enjoy. Available for long term rent from the 1st September 2013. Phone 443 0045. www.accommodationwanaka.com CHOP – CROOKS super fresh drop of Crooks and Castles hitting the racks this week. Can’t stop the Crooks! Shop 3, Pembroke Mall. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - Five Lakes Poker Run on the 2 Nov 2013. Call in and pick up rego or email: albertowntavern@xtra.co.nz FREE WINE! A Glass of Central Otago Pinot Noir - with every main steak meal. Reserve Grade NZ beef only at The Bullock Bar Grill. OFFICE SPACE 50M2 AVAILABLE for lease. Frederick St next to Architects. $1000 p/w + opec. Phone 0212 862 120. ATV - MOTORCYCLE SERVICING: We have a Honda qualified and trained tech starting soon at Wanaka Marine so you can deal locally.
11th September 2013
FOR SALE: 1992 MAZDA FAMILIA. Sedan, 210790km. $1750. Regularly serviced, mechanically very sound. New clutch, radiator and timing belt. New warrant and rego. Very economical. Make excellent first car. Ph 0275 013 600 or 443 5683. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger. co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz SPRING HAS SPRUNG and it’s heating up with African Beats at Club Fed with DJ TB and surprise guests. Friday 13th, $5 on the door. Ph 443 5152 for more info. Get your boogie on! COFFEE SO SIC, you’ll need to see a doctor! Coffee Cure, in the Medical Centre, with great coffee and many delicious food options. Ph 021 349 246 or 03 443 0717. WANTED GOOD QUALITY MEADOW HAY. Large or small bales considered. Ph Mike 0278 437 078. BULLOCK BAR EXPRESS LUNCHES – In a hurry? Rush on in. Choose 2 things from the amazing selection and a can of drink all for $10 takeaway – too easy. Open every day from 7am, back of the Bullock Bar. DOCUMENTARY NIGHT AT WANAKA WELLNESS. Watch ‘Statin Nation’ and ask yourself. Do I really need statins? 7pm Thursday 19th at Wanaka Wellness. $5 entry. Limited spaces. Phone 443 4668 or info@wanakawellness.co.nz to book.
Christmas at the Races
Sunday, December 1
Join 8000 people at the best party in Central Otago. Watch the AWS Legal Queenstown Cup, NZ Charity Sheep Derby, join in Fashions-on-the-Field, live music and lots more!
Private Marquee Options - Ideal for Christmas Parties! Mini Marquee $450 inc GST Located in the centre of the course. Ideal for 10 people. A private 3x3 tent with ticketing for 10 people included in the price. Also includes: 10 chairs, one large round table, one tablecloth, 10 race books and picket fencing. (Please note: Mini Marquees can be joined together for larger groups)
FREE TRIBEPUNCHTM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Experience TribePUNCHTM classes absolutely free. TribePUNCHTM is a powerful boxing/kickboxing class specifically designed to give you agility, strength, fitness and fighting skills. TribePUNCHTM is not only a fun way to challenge your fitness levels but you’ll see measurable results...fast! Free trial week starts 16th September so book your free Punch classes now! Ph 443 6500, info@ proactivewanaka.com NOMAD & B ROKK PRESENT BRING THAT BEAT BACK. This Saturday 14th September 10pm at Water Bar. Old skool Hip Hop with two of Wanaka’s finest DJ’s. $8 Jagerbombs, $5 Tequilas and bar tabs for best dressed boy and girl. HOSPITALITY STAFF REQUIRED, guaranteed full time hours. Duty managers, bar staff, cooks and café workers required across four different businesses across town. Call or text 0274 431 739. GREEN TOAD SNOWBOARD AND SKI RENTALS, 6 Pembroke Mall, behind Boa Boa Takeaways. Taking care of locals since 2003. YEW.TV SNOW FILM FESTIVAL AT THE PARADISO! Thursday, 12 Sept at 6 p.m. Pull up a couch and soak in the best indie snowboard and ski films from this area. Tickets available at The Paradiso. BIRGIT IS BACK AT ALI BABAS for women’s hairstyling this week September 10th to 13th, then every second week. Phone 443 1722 for an appointment. KIDS LEARN TO PLAY GOLF – Junior golf coaching starts 15th October, 3.30 - 4.30pm on Tuesdays. For kids aged between 8 and 16 yrs. For $55 receive 20 coaching sessions (equipment is provided if needed). Also included is an annual membership to the Wanaka Golf Club. Learn a new sport and values for life through the game of golf. Please register with Kim at the Wanaka Golf Club on 443 7888 or email manager@wanakagolf.co.nz MASTER FRESH PASTA WITH Whare Kea’s Executive Chef James Stapley - a workshop for beginners. Saturday 28th September, The Rippon Hall, 1-6pm. Spaces cost $100 and numbers are limited. Call Rippon on 443 8084 or email laura@rippon.co.nz GLASSWARE FOR HIRE - FOR ALL YOUR PARTY HIRE needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. YES! WE ARE OPEN! Our building is being beautified, and we are still beautiful inside. New Sunny Girl stock has been arriving in daily. Plus we still have 50% off many of our racks. Pop in and say hi and treat yourself to something wonderful. The Little Shop, 123 Ardmore St.
t t
Midi Marquee $1450 inc GST Located on the finishing straight. Ideal for 20 to 40 people. A private 6x6 tent with ticketing for 30 people included in the price. Also includes: 20 chairs, 4 round tables, 1 trestle table and tablecloths, 20 race books, a giant sunshade and picket fencing.
Maxi Marquees $1950 inc GST Located on the finishing straight. Ideal for 40 to 60 people. A private 6x9 tent with ticketing for 50 people included in the price. Also includes: 30 chairs, 6 tables, 2 trestles and tablecloths, 30 race books, 2 giant sunshades and picket fencing. All the above private marquees are BYO and self catering. Larger marquees available. We also have tickets available to fully catered hospitality options. Transport packages from Queenstown & Wanaka. For more information & reservations: Telephone: Andre on 027 2423767 Email: theracecourse@wingatui.co.nz Buy tickets on-line NOW!: wingatui.co.nz
Ph: 443 7347 or 0274 382 352 PO Box 655, Wanaka
11th September 2013
WANAKA GREEN WASTE & LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Green Waste Mushroom Compost Compost Supplies Bark Nuggets
Shredded Mulch Top Soil Decorative Pebbles Crushed Schist
OPENING HOURS 10am–3pm Monday–Friday & 10am–4pm Saturday–Sunday Corner of Ballantyne & Riverbank Roads, behind Waste Busters
PHONE SUNANDA ON 443 1109 IRIDOLOGY SPECIALIST & NATUROPATH FIND SOMETHING DIFFERENT, fresh, healthy with heaps of taste at the Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday from 4pm Spencer House Mall. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. ASPIRING ACUPUNCTURE - www.aspiringacupuncture.co.nz injury recovery/pain, (ACC registered), women’s health, pregnancy, digestive, respiratory health and more. Ph Jos McLean 443 6242 or 0211 639 769. Very experienced. Lake Hawea. LOST: AUDI CAR KEY - lost in Wanaka. If found please phone 021 370 530. Thanks! LOCAL BAKERY - THE DOUGHBIN - NEW OWNERSHIP. New Kai Pai pies, fresh cream doughnuts, fresh sandwiches, new products. 123 Ardmore Street. SPRING SALE ON NOW AT THE BIKE LOUNGE. Come and check out our new 2014 bikes including the new 27.5” wheel size bikes! Heaps of bargains and new bikes for under $999. Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturday 9am -1pm only. 12 Frederick Street, Wanaka. HANDY SOLUTIONS FOR ALL HANDYMAN TASKS engineering, gates, fences, pergolas, decks, steel and timber work, shade sails and general repairs. You name it, we’ll do it. Phone 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. SUBARU LEGACY STATION WAGON 2.4 Ltr 1995, 197,000 km. Automatic, runs great, recent service/inspection, Alpine radio/ cd, new snow chains included, WOF till Nov, rego till Dec. Family owned car, leaving overseas on Sunday so looking for quick sale, $2300 ono. Call 0210 318 562.
GARAGE SALE - Art (scrapbooking) and children’s resources. 10am - 1pm, Saturday 14th. Weather permitting, 62 Helwick St. CLOTH NAPPIES WANTED! Please call or txt Vanessa on 021 555 963. SUNBURST YACHT. Plywood side seat model in good condition. Alloy spars, 2 sets of sails including a racing set and beach trolley. Has been stored in garage. $1,800. Ph 0274 337 623. HEALTH FACT: 75% of people who experienced heart attacks have cholesterol levels that are within the normal range. View ‘Statin Nation’ documentary at www.holistic-healthcare.co.nz and click on Documentaries. Holistic Healthcare providing natural solutions for health issues at Wanaka Wellness Centre. Phone 443 5991. ‘JUST FISH’ IS SELLING A SELECTION OF freshly frozen free flowed Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP beside Bullock Bar entrance. Tucker 0274 376 657. CARBON ROAD BIKES ON SALE at the Bike Lounge. 2014 Carbon Road bikes from $1699! Carbon Race wheels from $1499 a set! Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturday 9am -1pm only. The Bike Lounge, 12 Frederick Street, Wanaka. “TO GET THINGS DONE!”, VOTE ROSS McRobie for the Wanaka Community Board. Call me to discuss any issues before you decide to vote, on 0274 329 892. WANAKLEAN DOG - GROOMING, clipping and bathing. Call Emily on 0275 110 282 to make an appointment. SUNDAY SESSIONS EVERY Sunday at Barluga kicking off at 4pm with free BBQ with drink purchase, $10 Bloody Marys and $5 G&T specials. DJ’s Electro bill, Chris J and J digga playing cool Sunday beats all day long. 7 DAY DETOX RETREAT 25 Oct - 1 Nov: Juice fasting, colon cleansing, yoga and healing. Take your cleanse to a deeper level. For more info check out www.alignedtolife.com or call Christine 0276 936 300. ADMIN WORK WANTED FOR LOCAL MUM. Experience in MYOB, Xero, Ace Payroll. Available school hours and can also work from home. Contact Toni 0211 789 773 or tonilc@hotmail.com WHAT IS RIPPON FESTIVAL? An event which has put over $80000 to youth, education, disaster relief and the environment. WARMER WEATHER - try a quiet scenic horse ride followed by wine tasting with Timbercreek Equestrian. Book on 0272 109 098.
business cards 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz
3 Day turn around as standard
11th September 2013
accommodation & reservations
1/62 Tenby Street
Thinking of buying or selling?
houses . apartments . villas property managers & booking agents
Booking Consultant â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12 month contract We are looking for that special someone to join our busy team in our Spencer House Wanaka office for 12 months covering maternity leave.
Call First National Wanaka today
Key responsibilities include: - Accommodation and activity booking enquiries and processing
Mary-Louise Roulston 0275 610 876
- Management of relationship with owners, guests and contractors - Receipting of, holiday booking deposits and payments. - Proactive marketing and advertising
03 443 0472
- Telephone answering and providing back up to Administration Officer. - Web site maintenance e.g. Accommodation Wanaka, Siteminder, YesBookit, Facebook - General office duties. You will have very strong interpersonal skills, a high level of computer literacy, a can-do attitude and the ability to cope with pressure and challenging situations from time to time. Tourism or travel industry experience would be desirable. This is a full time position with hours of work Monday â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Friday normal office hours and once every four weeks weekend on-call work. Salary will be dependant on skills and experience and will be discussed at the time of interview. Applications to: admin@accommodationwanaka.com please by 22 September 2013.
BAKER OR MAKER OF SWEET THINGS required at Florenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Foodstore and Cafe, five days a week 7 - 11am (some days later), including Saturday. Prefer long term residents. Please send application to: info@florencesfoodstore.co.nz TRUE BOILED BREAKFAST BAGELS AT The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & CafĂŠ, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). TOYOTA COROLLA FOR SALE - Automatic 1990, 251,000kms, new WOF. Has registration, recent tune up, 4 doors, hatchback. $1400. Phone 03 443 9128. Email: elielefebvre1@hotmail.com CRAFTY MARKET. Come and get yourself some handmade local crafty goodness. This Sunday, 15 September, 10am - 2pm, Federal Diner Courtyard. GARDEN SPRUCE UP by experienced local. Tools supplied. Phone 443 1136 Graeme. LAKE MCKAY STATION ARE LOOKING FOR someone to shift K-line irrigation for the 2013-14 irrigation season, could suit to job share. Ph 0274 435 031. FROM RIBBONWOOD AVENUE TO REYKJAVIK. The Messenger is available in Reykjavik on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz LAKE HAWEA PHYSIOTHERAPY www.lakehaweaphysio.co.nz ACC and private physiotherapy treatments, therapeutic massage. Call Kaz for an appointment 443 8446 or 021 996 506. THE HOSPICE SHOP ARE HAVING a garage sale from 9am Saturday and an auction at 10.30am. Collectables, newish queen bed, homewares, furniture, white cast iron furniture, table with 6 chairs, dolls house, childrens clothing, sale of our winter clothing. Bric a brac and many more treasures. Be in quick - Hospice Shop, 72 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka.
ROOM TO RENT. Fully furnished room available in warm, new house on Kings Dr. Sky, WiFi, log fire, good views. Available now mid Dec. Call 0212 279 898. GALLERY33. CURRENT EXHIBITION: Louise Greig â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Cassandra Complex. Stunning oil on linen paintings, see our website for full details. www.gallery33.co.nz DR JOHN GIBSON DC, THE MUSCLE JOINT. Thorough analysis and effective treatments for the entire body. Specialist in chronic pain/inflexibility conditions, accident/sports injuries. See our new deep tissue / prescription sports massage menu - for the best rub in town. For consistently premium results. Do something today! ACC provider. The Muscle Joint ph 443 6460. www.themusclejoint. co.nz PAINTER AVAILABLE. No job too big or too small. Phone Ben 0204 0133 350. YES, ONLY 1 WEEK TO GO and Stars In Your Eyes is here. I can help you look fab for your evening out. Call or text Rika, The Hair Fairy 0273 169 463. OFFICE PERSON REQUIRED FOR 10-15 HOURS PER WEEK. Excellent computer skills essential. Able to carry out all administration roles including GST, wages, invoicing and inventory control. Great organiser and communicator with a positive attitude. Please contact Kevin 021 453 391 at Optum Plumbing & Energy Solutions Ltd. CHEF WANTED FOR FRANCESCAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ITALIAN KITCHEN. Experienced and qualified professionals only. Call James 0210 760 479. CARPENTER REQUIRED: Must be hardworking, punctual and a good communicator with own tools and vehicle. Licenced preferred but not essential. 40 - 50 hours per week. Competitive rates. Phone 0272 261 284 to discuss further.
22 Alice Burn Drive, Luggate
Thinking of buying or selling?
Call Kelly Gooch at First National Wanaka today.
Harvest Centre Otago
Ph: 443 6781 Sales AH: 021 882 245 Parts & Services AH: 021 848 877
Kelly Gooch 0272 472 668
03 443 0091
11th September 2013
Sandie Lovell is back from her overseas trip! YAY! New set of therapy skills added to her menu. AWESOME! What will your body choose? COME AND FIND OUT!
443 5779
027 362 3312
Email: sandie@vitalhealthmatters.com www.vitalhealthmatters.com IPL AND DERMABRASION now at Aspects Day Spa, experienced operator and competitive prices. For a free consultation or enquiries phone. Ph 03 443 5051. BLACK PEAK GELATO WILL BE CLOSED (Monday 16th and reopen on Monday 22nd) for the installation of a new shopfront as part of the buildings “re-vamp”. Sorry Black Peakers. IT’S THE “NOT THE OSCARS” mini movie competition grand final this Wednesday 11th at Opium, kicking off at 9.30pm. Come and support your talented local mini movie makers and the 8 finalists for their chance to win a Southern Lakes Heliski and heaps of other awesome prizes. The final theme was “Wanaka Town and Mountains” so come see what awesome footage they’ve shot! Hip hop beats till late supplied by DJ Emily and $5 drinks all night! FREE TRIBELIFETM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Experience TribeLIFETM classes absolutely free. TribeLIFETM is a low impact exercise class that combines conditioning movements with functional strength exercises that will give you renewed energy to take on more of what life has to offer! Free trial week starts 16th September so book your free Life classes now! Ph 443 6500, info@ proactivewanaka.com EQUINE TOUCH CAN HELP your horse physically, mentally, and emotionally. Releasing energy blocks in the body. Consists of a series of vibrational moves over the horse’s body, working through the intelligence network, the fascia. For more info phone Kirstin 0272 298 960. ROCKET RENTALS CLOSES THIS WEEKEND, last chance for budget ski hire. YOUR ELECTION VOTING PAPERS will arrive soon! Get informed before you vote. Come to the public forum for the Wanaka Council and Community Board candidates to find out more about them and their policies. Tuesday 24th September at Edgewater Resort in the Summit Room 6pm – 7.30pm. All welcome. Organised by the Wanaka Chamber of Commerce and the Wanaka Residents Association. HOUSE TO RENT - LONG TERM Comfortable 3 bedroom house in Hawea Flat. Multifuel fire, heat pump, double garage, large section $280 p.w. Phone 03 751 0076. WINDOWS FOR SALE - Bronze aluminium and some wooden. Single glazed. Various sizes including ranch slider. Offers. Phone for details and to arrange viewing. Phone 443 7199. MONEY AVAILABLE FOR YOUR GROUP’S ART PROJECT from the Upper Clutha Community Arts Council. Application forms are in the Wanaka Library. THIS MACLEOD HAS A SILVER LINING - Vote Calum MacLeod for council. Integrity! Enthusiasm! Persistence! SPRING SPECIAL – 20% OFF full tunes at Base Ultimate Workshop. Get a spring structure in your board and save $15. HOUSE SITTERS WANTED to care for large active dog and cat at Lake Hawea, 21st Sept to 5th October. Call 021 828 415.
Aspiring Athletes
Are you interested in becoming a Biking Instructor or re-fresh qualification? fresh aaqualification? The Aspiring Athletes Club is hosting 2 courses with instructors visiting from BikeNZ, to develop a pool of instructors forour ourcluba cluband the wider community. for Course 1 - Learn to Ride Instructors 20th Sept, 6pm & 21st September 9am - 4pm Course 2 - Introduction to Mountain Bike Instructors 20th Sept, 6pm & 22nd September 9am - 4pm per courseand and complimentary complementary club $55$55 per course clubmembership. membership. Ring Lucy Fullerton to register - ph 443 4453 - payable to "Aspiring Athletes Club" by cheque or online banking 06 0943 0107225 00.
YOGA IN THE MAUNGAWERA VALLEY with Jill and Swenja. Classes start again next week. For more info: www.wanakayoga. co.nz or call 443 7655. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING like it used to? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392. FREE BREAST FEEDING SUPPORT and information from trained breast feeding peer counsellors. Phone support, home visits and free resource library available with up-to-date info, books and DVDs. Phone/text Kate 0276 957 772 or 443 2635 or Steph 443 8017. Support group meetings 1st Monday of every month at Plunket. 10.30am - 11.30am. Relaxed mother to mother support. All welcome. WILTON CAKE & CUPCAKE DECORATING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES are now available only at Nordavia - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop! I now stock a fabulous range of Wilton icings, gel colour sets, disposable decorating bags, couplers, decorating tips including the #1M Open Star Decorating tip for beautiful cupcake swirls - gorgeous cupcake decorating cups, sprinkles, cupcake decorating kits, candy melts, lollipop sticks and a lovely selection of cake candles! I also stock cake boards and cake boxes, pretty paper doilies and quality ribbons. If I don’t have what you need - I will get it in for you! Nordavia - Find us at 1 Frederick Street first on the left - on the way to Wastebusters. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm. www.nordaviabakeshop.co.nz JANET BROWN DINING TABLES all 40% off. Limited time. Open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10am - 3pm, Saturdays 10am - 2pm. TUSSOCK PLANTING - Saturday 14 Sept 1pm, volunteers needed to plant 100 tussocks at the Shortcut Road (Luggate) planting project to complete our spring planting. Just turn up, tools provided. Queries: Anne Steven ph 443 6766 or email a.steven@ xtra.co.nz WONDER WOMAN: Hire a fun, hardworking woman. Cleaning, cooking, babysitting, gardening, artwork editing - almost anything. Independent and mature. Call Patti 0277 811 111.
11th September 2013
SELF CONTAINED BACH - WiFi, quiet location, 10 min walk to town via lake, loft sleeping, fully furnished. $180 p/w + power. Phone 0274 435 337. COVERED STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR boat, campervan, caravan and car. Phone Richard at Wanaka Storage Solutions. Phone 443 2660. HORSE MANURE FOR THE GARDEN - matured horse manure compost heap, excited yet? $30 per trailer load (1m3) you collect. Call Amanda 03 443 4555. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN SATURDAY - Sit back and watch the All Blacks on the new big screen TV. Go in the draw to win a Steiny chilly bin. Great atmosphere, great food, courtesy coach. Free pick up and drop off 443 4545. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION – Due to children leaving for primary school, the Preschool now has spaces available for children from the age of 18 months through 5 years old. We are a community based early childhood centre dedicated to providing high quality education. Please come in with your child for a visit any day from 9am – 3pm.106 Tenby Street or ring 443 7090. STEAK! When only the best will do. ‘’Reserve” grade NZ beef, exclusively served at the Bullock Bar Grill, and The Luggate Hotel. 7 nights from 6pm. Come and taste the difference. PICTURE FRAMING - Give your pictures a new lease of life or get those pictures framed you’ve got lying around. For a free quote call Aspiring Photography, 12 Frederick St, ph 443 1883.
BULLOCK BAR PUB OLYMPICS. Remember the fun from last year? Well it’s back! Thursday September 12th. So get a team – (up to 10 per team) together, dress up and take on your mates. Great prizes to be won. Register at the Bullock Bar, ph 443 7418 or text your team name to 0275 179 896. WANTED: 1 - 2 BEDROOM PLACE after winter season. Long term resident of Wanaka. Female, non-smoker, has pets (lap dog, trained). Please call/text 0221 506 671. AVAILABLE TO RENT NOW. 4/5 bedroom unfurnished two storey home with very large garage and workshop – in beautiful private garden with Bullock Creek flowing through. 3-6 months negotiable at $495 per week. Ph 0211 537 097 or email mountainworld@ bigpond.com. A FULL GROOM FROM WANACLEANCAR INCLUDES every surface cleaned and treated, de-tarred and de-bugged. Includes interior shampoo - stain and smell removal. Also, paintwork cut and polished - scratch removal. Twice waxed and headlight restoration. Phone Richard on 0210 2942 908 or 443 5772 and leave a message. LANDSCAPING AND PAVING NEEDS - come and see us for all your requirements - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. INJURED - OLD OR NEW. Don’t just sit around taking painkillers. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can speed up the healing process. ACC registered injuries $20, no referral required. Ph 443 8131 Eve McGregor, Wanaka Acupuncture Clinic, 19 Cliff Wilson Street. SINGERS AND DANCERS! Creative performance workshop with vocal Tutor Jenn Shelton and choreographer Rachel Erichsen. 21/22 September in Wanaka. 8-12yrs and 13-18yrs. See our website www.performanzwanaka.wix.com/performanz or email: performanzwanaka@gmail.com FOR SALE: LOUNGE SUITES, 2 chairs and 3 seater couch. Couch pulls out to double bed. Ph 443 8350. FLAIR HAIR DESIGN EXTENDED SPRING HOURS commence 12/09/13. Appts available for Saturdays and late nights Tues, Weds, Thurs for your convenience. Book now 443 7727. TEARS & LAUGHTER...Thursday 12 September, 5.30 - 7.30pm at Lake Wanaka Centre - Raising funds for breast cancer. Inspirational speakers, auction and more. Tickets at Aspiring Jewellers.
29a / 144 Anderson Rd, Wanaka 2 1 1 Furnished
37 Parry Cr, Lake Hawea 3 1 1 Whiteware
25 Totara Tce, Wanaka 3 1 1 Unfurnished
3 Finch St, Wanaka 3 1 Furnished
13a Kowhai Dr, Wanaka 3 2 1 Unfurnished
51 Nichol St, Lake Hawea 3 2 2 Furnished
Luggate Sawmill Company LTD.
30/144 Anderson Rd, Wanaka 3 2 1 Furnished
GET YOUR TIMBER SUPPLIES DIRECT From the SAWMILL For all your timber requirements
CONTACT US TO VIEW P: 03 443 6921 E: rent@housemart.co.nz
Contact us today for a Quote 60 CHURCH ROAD, LUGGATE PH: 443 8530 FAX: 443 8590 luggatesawmill@clear.net.nz
11th September 2013
Wanaka Self Storage 108 fully alarmed units in twelve different sizes. Prices from $2 per day! Ph: 0274 354 848
HAIR THOU ART WORKSHOP AND MOBILE, specialising in natural products. Luminart colour, low-no ammonia, with kakadu plum, bamboo extract, sunflower and olive. Creative techniques, texture waves, body waves, spiral waves. Weddings, hair-ups, hair extensions and dreadlocks. Phone Kirstin on 443 9545 www. hairthouart.co.nz. WANTED SHED/WORKSHOP 100-200m2. Long term rental. Phone 0226 975 875. ON FRIDAY 13TH YOU KNOW THE only thing to do when night falls is get down and dirty at Opium! Our special guests this Friday are Wellington DJs Thanks and DJ Alby playing Hip hop, Breaks and DnB. Free entry all night and all drinks $5!! MASSAGE WITH â&#x20AC;&#x153;MAGIC HANDSâ&#x20AC;?, Jason Clarke, provider to High Performance Sport New Zealand. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Magic Handsâ&#x20AC;? has massaged: NZ elite triathletes, winter Olympians, multi-sports, the All Blacks and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports, trigger point therapy myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Feel the Magicâ&#x20AC;?. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. BULLOCK BAR Wednesday night Quiz. Free to enter from 7.30pm with George and Rusty. TIRED, ACHING, TIGHT MUSCLES, JOINTS, persistent problems? Get a musculoskeletal analysis and full muscle and joint treatment to resolve restrictions and rebalance your entire body at The Muscle Joint. ACC sports injury clinic, sports performance, rehabilitation, chronic unresolved conditions. Our professional team of practitioners - Clinical Muscular Therapists - Lee Ball, Jane Macale, Dr John Gibson DC Sports Chiropractor and Jocelyn McLean DipAcc Acupuncturist, tailor-make every treatment. Get the very best at The Muscle Joint, Tel 443 6460, 59 Brownston St, Wanaka. www.themusclejoint.co.nz BUILDERS! NEED A NEW SPARK in your life? Try Fred at Active Electro. Servicing Wanaka for over 15 years. Phone 03 443 4065. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger. co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz FRESH DANISHES AT The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & CafĂŠ, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10).
Wanaka Districts
45 Plantation Rd
Friday 13th Sept
Members Guests Affiliates and New members always welcome.
FREE Bar Snacks 5.30pm Meat raffles 6pm Joker Draw â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3 chances to WIN $300.
Lucky Members Draw 6Ͳ8pm this week
$500 cash $500 cash. Bistro open from 6pm Courtesy Coach ph 443 8080
S t d Saturday 14th All Blacks v South Africa 7.30pm Australia v Argentina 10pm
S d Sunday 15th
Sunday Roast 5.30pm $14.00 ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA. EST 2005. Trevor Bailey. Full time masseur (USA/NZ) since 1994. Deep tissue. Sport. Relaxation. Available 7 days by appointment. Phone 443 2993 or 0274 222 455. www.aspiringmassagewanaka.co.nz POSITION AVAILABLE AT PROACTIVE Health and Fitness for a qualified personal trainer. Experience within the sport and fitness industry is essential. The candidate must have a real passion for inspiring members towards outstanding results. They must be able to run small group sessions and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;one on oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; training. A good knowledge of snow sports is required for dry land training. Having good people skills and being able to work as part of a team is crucial. Contact Sue at: sue@proactivewanaka.com FRESH BREAD BAKED DAILY at The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & CafĂŠ, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). BALANCE IS A PROCESS OF constant readjustment. Let Nub WellBeing help you get back into balance, holistically. Txt/ph Libby 0211 731 350. WWW.WANAKAYOGA.CO.NZ classes start again next week in the Maungawera Valley with Jill and Swenja. For more info call 443 7655. NOT SURE WHO TO VOTE FOR? Come to the candidates Forum on Tuesday 24th September at Edgewater Resort in the Summit Room 6pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7.30pm. Hear the Wanaka candidates for Council and Community Board make a personal statement and take the opportunity to ask them questions. All welcome. Organised by the Wanaka Chamber of Commerce and the Wanaka Residents Association.
Affordable Computer Services Quality repairs, maintenance and upgrades by an experienced computer specialist at your home or workplace
NO CALL-OUT FEE WITHIN WANAKA 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz
Professionally refurbished laptops and desktops available CONTACT: .JLF )BSUMFZ PO t NJLFIBSUMFZO[!HNBJM DPN
11th September 2013
24 Alice Burn Drive, Luggate
71 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka
Kelly Gooch 0272 472 668
03 443 0091
FREE TRIBELIFETM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Experience TribeLIFETM classes absolutely free. TribeLIFETM is a low impact exercise class that combines conditioning movements with functional strength exercises that will give you renewed energy to take on more of what life has to offer! Free trial week starts 16th September so book your free Life classes now! Ph 443 6500, info@ proactivewanaka.com CROMWELL RACES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Upper Clutha Rugby Club Marquee. Join in the fun at the races by booking a ticket or ten into the UCRC fundraising marquee at the Cromwell Races on December 1. Ticket includes; admission to the course and the exclusive tent, reserved seating, BBQ lunch, discounted bar, prizes, giveaways and tips from the man-in-the-know. The ideal Christmas party. $70pp or $300 for table of 5. Fundraising for the bi-annual Mosman Rugby Tour. Book on-line at Wingatui.co.nz Call Andre from the Otago Racing Club on 0272 423 767 for more information. NEED REAL PHOTOS FROM YOUR IPHONE? Come into Kodak. We can download all your iPhone photos/videos quickly and easily. Free up some space, make your phone work quicker. We now have a new app for printing â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Kodak Kiosk connect APPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Download it free before you come in and wirelessly (but securely) connect to the Kodak Kiosks in-store - easy as! 10 minutes any photos you selected - are ready. Yes Photo&Digital in Helwick Street Wanaka. 7 days. Ph 443 6241. FOR SALE GARDEN SHED. 3.0m x 2.6m. Galvanised steel frame. Excellent solid shed. Phone 0211 709 226 or 443 9047.
Senior Citizens lunch every friday, lunch, dessert, tea & coffee for just $15
sUNDAY bUFFET lunch THE LEGENDARY CARVERY BUFFET 2 ROAST MEATS HAND CARVED IN FRONT OF YOU Â&#x2021; 6283 Â&#x2021; )5(6+/< %$.(' %5($' Â&#x2021; 6$/$'6 Â&#x2021; 6($)22' 3/$77(5 Â&#x2021; 5 + DIFFERENT VEGIES Â&#x2021; '(66(576 Â&#x2021; &21',0(176 Â&#x2021; 7($ &2))((
Kelly Gooch 0272 472 668
03 443 0091
VIP COUCH All Blacks vs South Africa. Purchase a beer from 6pm Saturday 14th and go in the draw to win a spot on the couch. Free bar snacks at half time and ya own personal barmaid! Only at the Bullock Bar! 16 YEARS IN BUSINESS - Metalworks thanks you for your loyalty. Friday 27th September, a day to be rewarded. www. metalworkswanaka.co.nz 54 Ballantyne Rd. GIBEZE - INTERIOR PLASTERING. Gibstopping, fibrous plastering, coving, cornice, Level 5 applications. American clay plaster finishes. Rockote Earthen. For all your requirements, Gibeze has it covered. Four tradesmen available for faster service. Free quotes: ph Simon Hoskin 0211 646 421. Email plans: simonhoskin@me.com GREEN TOAD SNOWBOARD AND SKI SHOP. Chain hire, chain hire. Phone 03 443 4315. THIS MACLEOD HAS A SILVER LINING - Vote Calum MacLeod for council. Integrity! Enthusiasm! Persistence! BIRGIT IS BACK AT ALI BABAS for womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hairstyling this week September 10th to 13th, then every second week. Phone 443 1722 for an appointment. LAKE BAR PROPRIETORS PETER & VICKI BYRNE. Test match and ITM rugby this weekend. Drink, dine and view with both Monteiths and Speights on tap. Daily specials incl Friday cocktails, Sunday steak & Corona. Need a function venue with best views for a special birthday, anniversary or reunion then contact us on 443 2920. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - KARAOKE. This Friday the 20th Sept from 8pm. Get Albie cash and go in the draw to win a bar tab every time you sing. Courtesy coach ph 443 4545. GENERAL HANDYMAN - painting (interior and exterior) and gardening - good rates. Call John 0274 479 433. COME LIVE WITH US - UNIQUE HOUSE, fun flatmates. Internet, house computer, 5 minute walk to town, live-in cleaner. $100 p/ week plus bills. Phone 0211 877 944. FIND SOMETHING DIFFERENT, fresh, healthy with heaps of taste at the Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday from 4pm Spencer House Mall. CHEF WANTED FOR FRANCESCAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ITALIAN KITCHEN. Experienced and qualified professionals only. Call James 0210 760 479. OPEN MIC NIGHT SUNDAYS at Opium from 5pm onwards.
27 Gordon Road Phone 443 1613
2 $'8/7 6(1,25 .,'6 %22.,1*6 5(&200(1'('
11th September 2013
Helpful Advice Quick Service Quality Result We also stock an affordable range of giftware, framed prints & baby gear
Council Snippets
RACHEL ERICHSEN DANCE OUT LOUD Performance Academy. Classes in Jazz, dance technique & stretching, Hip Hop & contemporary. From 8 years - Teens - Adults. Starting Term 4, October 14th. www.erichsenrachel.wix.com/danceoutloud FLAIR HAIR DESIGN WELCOMES Nils Bormann, our new senior stylist from Europe, to the salon. Appts with Nils available from 12/09/13 including Saturdays and late nights Tues, Weds, Thurs. Book now. Ph 443 7727. BULLOCK BAR PUB OLYMPICS. Remember the fun from last year? Well itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s back! Thursday September 12th. So get a team â&#x20AC;&#x201C; (up to 10 per team) together, dress up and take on your mates. Great prizes to be won. Register at the Bullock Bar, ph 443 7418 or text your team name to 0275 179 896. MOTOR HOME FOR SALE. 2011 Explorer on a Mitsubishi Triton. Trademe listing 611707605. Excellent condition, low kms. Worth a look, $82,000. Ring Lynne 0272 544 316. JANET BROWN DINING TABLES all 40% off. Limited time. Open Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10am - 3pm, Saturdays 10am - 2pm. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN wraps in town. Ph 443 4545. FOR RENT: Wanaka Accommodation. Cute 2 bedroom fully furnished cottage with all day sun. Open plan living, dining and kitchen with log fire and heat pump. Garage, carport and off street parking. Available for long term rent. Phone 03 443 0045. www. accommodationwanaka.com LIVE AT WATER BAR MAYWEATHER VS ALVAREZ! Sunday September 15th 1pm. Fight of the year. Live and loud with $20 burger, fries and a pint of Wild Buck available throughout. TINT-A-WINDOW / SOLAR PROTECTIVE FILMS Fade, U.V block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Ph 0800 368 468 or view our website www.tintawindow.co.nz CHOP SHOP WINTER SALE 20% - 30% off winter stock. Incl beanies, knitwear and jackets. Shop 3, Pembroke Mall. â&#x20AC;&#x153;CORE & RANGE FOR BLOKESâ&#x20AC;? IS STARTING again on Sept 23rd. Peak Endurance Classes lead by Dougal Allan designed to improve strength and range to help you excel at your sport or activity. Mondays 6:30 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7:45am. Dougal.allan@gmail.com for more info or to sign up.
CHAIRS FOR SALE Perfect for hiring, weddings, parties, the work place or indiviudal use, on the patio, easy storage, (folding) Basically new, great price! $25 each 40 available Call Paul on 027 436 4458
Wanaka Foreshore Reserve Management Plan The Council is looking for suggestions to be included in a new reserve management plan for all Council reserves along the Lake Wanaka foreshore. The area includes all Council reserves along Lake Wanaka from Glendhu Bay to the Outlet Camp, including the Glendhu Bay camping ground and Wanaka Station Park.
Proposed extension of Lake Wanaka swimming area â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Board seeks feedback Feedback on a proposal to extend the public swimming area through the removal of a water-ski access lane in Roys Bay, (adjacent to Edgewater) is being sought by the Wanaka Community Board. This water-ski lane is approximately 100m long and extends from (GJHZDWHU WR 0RUURZV 0HDG 7KH SURSRVDO UHĂ&#x20AC;HFWV D SRWHQWLDO FRQĂ&#x20AC;LFW and safety issues with the popular swimming area. Please email your comments to services@qldc.govt.nz, give your comments to the Wanaka Service Centre or mail to QLDC, 47 Ardmore Street, Wanaka. Please have your feedback to the Board by 13 September 2013.
Council Service Centre Please remember that all Council related payments should now be made at the Ardmore Street Service Centre. This includes rates, dog registration and parking tickets. Payments can also be made online at www.qldc.govt.nz If you have a consent inquiry, please contact Customer Services to make an appointment. You can phone us on 03 443 0024 or email services@qldc.govt.nz
Do it online Do you know that you can make rates, dog registration and parking ticket payments online? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s simple, easy and saves you a trip to to town, although weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re always happy to take your payment over the counter if thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what you prefer. Visit the website www.qldc.govt.nz and click on the link to be taken to the payment site.
www.qldc.govt.nz JOB: FRI & SAT NIGHTS 9PM-4AM, Hospo industry, hard-working, friendly, mature. Permanent position, must be available to work over Xmas & New Years. Phone: 0297 720 134. BULLOCK BAR Wednesday night Quiz. Free to enter from 7.30pm with George and Rusty. SPRING CLEAN YOUR BODY: With Verdant Healthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s September special. 50% off a naturopathy, herbal medicine or iridology consultation. Phone 0210 8278 207. ACCOMODATION WANTED 23 DEC-4 JAN for parents, nonsmoking and conscientious people. Happy to garden/pet sit. Txt 0211 775 856 or E: harmonygaw@yahoo.co.nz MONT BLANC ROOF BOXES, dog guards, ski, kayak, bike and roof racks available from Aspiring Auto Court. Anderson Road, phone 443 1999. LAKES PODIATRY - CHECK OUT OUR website at www. lakespodiatry.co.nz Clinic located at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. General foot complaints, running and sports injuries, diabetic foot issues, childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s feet, ACC registered. Ph 03 443 0730.
11th September 2013
Second hand tyres from $25 +gst
Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Selection Âť W.O.F Âť Full Servicing ÂťWheel Alignment
&2038 87(5 +(/3 $1' $'9,&(
FOR SALE ARIAL LADIES COWBOY BOOTS. 7 1/2 W, US sizing. New, bought wrong size. $220 Phone 0211 034 811. CARBON ROAD BIKES ON SALE at the Bike Lounge. 2014 Carbon Road bikes from $1699! Carbon Race wheels from $1499 a set! Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturday 9am -1pm only. The Bike Lounge, 12 Frederick Street, Wanaka. READYLAWN - THE ORIGINAL SAME DAY lawn. Available now from Aspiring Readylawn. Phone 0272 808 987 or 443 1313. SPORTS, THERAPEUTIC & RELAXATION MASSAGE available Saturdays. Home based clinic $65 p/hour or Mobile $80 p/hour. Please call Sarah: 0210 707 404. CARPENTER WANTED FOR local housing work. Must be trade qualified. Phone Lionel 0210 406 006. FOR SALE: 20FT SHIPPING CONTAINERS - steel or insulated. Aspiring Cranes. Phone 0274 344 308. GET GROWING WORKSHOP - veggie gardening in Central Otago run by Dr Compost and master gardener Frankie Dean. 30 years local know how: tips on building raised beds, seed sowing and what to plant when. Thursday 19th September, 6-8pm, Aspiring Beginnings, Warren St. Funded by QLDC, www. wanakawastebusters.co.nz Gold coin donation. LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Totally dependableâ&#x20AC;?. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. WANAKA WELLNESS RETAIL: Exclusive products only available at WW. Endura Sports Nutrition, Ionza water systems, Vitapurity etc. Elusive product? Ask us. www.wanakawellness.co.nz Phone 443 4668. 24 Dungarvon Street. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING like it used to? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392. GRACO SPRAY EQUIPMENT - Spray tour. Come and see the experts spray and waterblasting demos, on the day specials. On 18th of September between 11.00 and 1.00 at Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. IPL AND DERMABRASION now at Aspects Day Spa, experienced operator and competitive prices. For a free consultation or enquiries phone. Ph 03 443 5051. DISPLAY SPACE OR OFFICE in the centre of town. 20sqm. Very cheap, maybe even free. Short or long term. Call 0221 572 180 to inquire.
Private Functions @ Urban Grind Bar We have the best space, the best food & the best prices in town. No hire fee for our upstairs bar.
17 Gordon Road, Wanaka
Ph 443 1755
THE HOSPICE SHOP ARE HAVING a garage sale from 9am Saturday and an auction at 10.30am. Collectables, newish queen bed, homewares, furniture, white cast iron furniture, table with 6 chairs, dolls house, childrens clothing, sale of our winter clothing. Bric a brac and many more treasures. Be in quick - Hospice Shop, 72 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka. IT SYSTEMS CONSULTANT AVAILABLE locally. Call Julian 0210 2297 594. ON FRIDAY 13TH YOU KNOW THE only thing to do when night falls is get down and dirty at Opium! Our special guests this Friday are Wellington DJs Thanks and DJ Alby playing Hip hop, Breaks and DnB. Free entry all night and all drinks $5!! SKECHERS GO WALK AS ADVERTISED on TV, in stock at Shoes Unlimited, 80b Ardmore St. MASSAGE THERAPY - SPORTS, deep tissue, relaxation massage. Treatment work, stress relief. Ursula Krebs, Dipl. Massage Therapist Ch/NZ. Phone 0276 602 271, mobile service available. WALLPAPER HANGER SPECIALIST. Over 40 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience. Local. Phone 443 5802. CUT-IT KITCHENS & JOINERY has qualified, licensed builders and joiners on the team to offer a building service as well as designing and manufacturing your new kitchen, laundry or home office. For a one stop shop call 443 5031 or 0274 911 955. PAINTER AVAILABLE. No job too big or too small. Phone Ben 0204 0133 350. OUTDOOR POWER GARDENING - come and see us for the full range of Bosch outdoor powered garden equipment - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. NCEA EXAM PREP COURSE 7-11th October at Kip McGrath. Get support for externals in Maths, English and Science Y11-13. Call Nikki 443 1547 to book your place. THIS THURSDAY AT OPIUM is Robbie with one of his well-loved acoustic sets - 10pm till late.
11th September 2013
MARTIN CURTIS - ORIGINAL COMPOSER of the folk song Gin and Raspberry will be playing from 5pm on Sunday night at Gin and Raspberry. Cocktail hour 5-6pm. $5 tap beer, cider and house wine. $8 Gin and Raspberry. AMAZING APPLES, BEAUTIFUL BIRCHES, charming cherries or delightful deodars. Tree Tamers Trim Tidy and Terrific-ate them all. www.treetamers.co.nz or 0272 751 268. 2 DAY REST & RENEW RETREAT 27-29 September: Detox Yoga & Raw Food Cleanse. For more info check out www.alignedtolife. com or call Christine 0276 936 300. HOTSHOTZ TALENT FREE REGISTRATION AND PHOTO UPDATES! Seeking Models, Actors and Athletes for commercials, films and photo shoots. Thursday September 19th between 4 & 7pm upstairs at Lone Star. We’re updating our website and want you looking your best! Please bring 2 different tops and come with tidy hair and makeup. It’s absolutely free! Email info@ hotshotztalent.com for more information. COTTAGE - SMALL 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. Nice back yard. Garden needs maintaining. Quiet street, 10 mins walk to town via Lake/ park. $350 per week plus normal expenses. Suit eco-friendly people. Available 1 Nov - 30th April. Enquiries to snfow@hotmail. com or text 0274 435 337. EXPERIENCED, SUPER FRIENDLY BABYSITTER AVAILABLE. Full of smiles and a bag of tricks. Give Debs a shout anytime, 0210 2889 320. DUBLIN BAY CHILDREN’S POTTERY programme - Monday 30th Sept - Wednesday 9th October. Morning and afternoon sessions. Limited class numbers. Bookings essential. For more information please phone Joy 443 1158 or 0274 601 042. FREE TRIBE TEAM TRAININGTM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Come and experience for yourself why ProActive’s World-Class TRIBE Team TrainingTM classes are so popular! There is something for everyone – TribeFIT TM, TribeCORETM, TribePUNCHTM, TribeKIDSTM and TribeLIFETM. Trial week begins Monday 16th September so make sure you book in for your free training classes and achieve more than you ever thought possible! Contact ProActive Health and Fitness now! Ph 443 6500, info@ proactivewanaka.com CHEF REQUIRED FOR: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 7.30am - 4pm at Florence’s Foodstore and Cafe. Must be experienced in all areas of the kitchen. Prefer long term residents. Please send application to: info@florencesfoodstore.co.nz
Andersons Electrical Craig Weastell t: 443-8720 m: 0274 364 930 e: craig.andelect@xtra.co.nz Established in Wanaka since 1972 Free Quotes All things electrical for new home build and renovations Accredited heat pump dealers, installers and service agents Local service agents for all Bosch appliances Domestic – big/small electrical repairs and maintenance Commercial – data/communication, lighting, fit outs
WANTED! PERMANENT PART TIME RUNNER for rubbish collection run for Wanaka and surrounds. Monday to Thursday from 8am. Approximately 16 hours weekly. Must be fit and reliable. Please phone 03 443 1619 evenings or leave a message daytime. HIRE HARRY - 0800 442 779 - Carpenter, Gardener, Painter. MAGS - TWO 17 X 7” G-Zeros with four tyres $350. Three 16 x 7” racing alloys $300. Two 16 x 7” tyres $170. Sony Xplod amp 350w $90. Engineer for hire. Welder $35 per hour. Phone 0221 096 116. NANNY REQUIRED - For around 20+ hours per week 3 days split shifts early mornings and afternoon, some nights. 3 children aged between 3 & 6. Vehicle included. Some cooking required. Please call Bronwyn 021 891 499 or 443 7282. GARDEN TIDY-UP TIME? A “REALLY GOOD GARDENER” could be what you need. Phone Andrew on 443 7738 or 0221 366 708. BACKPACK FOR SALE 65L, great condition. More info text 0223 886 734. FREE TRIBEPUNCHTM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Experience TribePUNCHTM classes absolutely free. TribePUNCHTM is a powerful boxing/kickboxing class specifically designed to give you agility, strength, fitness and fighting skills. TribePUNCHTM is not only a fun way to challenge your fitness levels but you’ll see measurable results...fast! Free trial week starts 16th September so book your free Punch classes now! Ph 443 6500, info@ proactivewanaka.com COLOURSTEEL FENCING. Same both sides. Timber fencing as at Paradiso’s new site. Post and rail, wrought iron gates and fences. Handy Solutions. Phone 443 4078 or 0272 080 175.
11th September 2013
WANAKA TRAVEL CLUB Monthly Meeting at : The Venue
CENTRAL FOR ALL YOUR ASPHALTING REQUIREMENTS Also specialising in kerbing, driveways, tennis courts, concrete, cobblestoning and chipsealing, throughout Central Otago.
Call Tony 0274 404 516 or 03 442 3212 P.O Box 906, Queenstown Email: tonymcelrea@xtra.co.nz BENCHTOP FOR SALE: Large ‘U’ shaped benchtop with sink cutout, 5 years old, Kymira, charcoal shade, 60mm high, have measurements and can be viewed in Wanaka. Ph 443 1951 or 0274 369 233. WANAKA COMMUNITY BOARD, vote Ross McRobie, “not just talking about it!”. Call me to discuss any issues before you decide to vote, on 0274 329 892. NORDAVIA - A NORDIC SPECIALTY BAKESHOP for delicious handcrafted fine pastries, cakes and breads. We specialize in fresh and healthy Nordic/Scandinavian favourites using certified organic stoneground flours - including spelt - premium quality ingredients and gluten free treats. Amazing cinnamon buns and fabulous coffee to go! www.nordaviabakeshop.co.nz SINGERS AND DANCERS! Creative performance workshop with vocal Tutor Jenn Shelton and choreographer Rachel Erichsen. 21/22 September in Wanaka. 8-12yrs and 13-18yrs. See our website www.performanzwanaka.wix.com/performanz or email: performanzwanaka@gmail.com BAGUETTES THAT DON’T BEND. Others may say they bake them. We actually make them. Taste the difference at the Hammer & Nail, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). NUB WELLBEING FOR DEEP RELAXATION, de-stressing, energy re-balancing, recharging, your healing boosted, reconnection with your inner self. Txt/ph Libby, 0211 731 350. BASE 2 SALE NOW ON! Bargains on all winter gear, come in and check it out. WANAKA COMMUNITY BOARD, vote Ross McRobie, “to get things done!” Call me to discuss any issues before you decide to vote on 0274 329 892. LAKE MCKAY STATION ARE LOOKING FOR someone to shift K-line irrigation for the 2013-14 irrigation season, could suit to job share. Ph 0274 435 031. LAST CHANCE FOR CHEAP SKI and snowboard hire! Rocket Rentals closes this weekend. WYNDROK POTTERY, LAKE HAWEA. Handcrafted functional tableware to be enjoyed every day. Simple classical forms with glazes reflecting the colour and beauty of Central Otago. All original, hand thrown pieces, suitable for oven, microwave and dishwasher. 191 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea. Open 11am - 5pm. Closed Mondays. Phone 443 1707. FOR RENT: LARGE, MODERN and sunny 4 bedroom family home. 2 bathrooms with bath and shower. Large open plan living, dining kitchen area with doors to a sunny deck. Log fire. Double glazed windows. Large double garage. Flat easy care garden. Unfurnished and available for long term rent from the 14th October 2013. Phone 03 443 0045. www.accommodationwanaka.com You are invited to...
Wednesday, 18th September 2013, at 11am SPEAKER: JOY PATERSON New members & guests welcome
Ph 443 9425 before 9am, Monday 16th September This ad is kindly sponsored by HOUSE OF TRAVEL
BULLOCK BAR BOTTLE STORE 2 for $60, Gilbeys, Dewars 1L, Stil Vodka and Speights 24’s $35.99. THE SEXY SWEET SOUNDIN’ G.O.D.E.S.S. girls (Girls On Decks) are in town this Saturday at Opium, lighting up the club with their signature sounds of DnB, Glitch, Breaks, Hip Hop and Funk. This time they have special guest R.I.A. from Base Fm joining the crew, gonna be a big one! $5 drinks all night and free entry. CHAPTER5 HAS A NEW DELIVERY of Men’s English Laundry shirts. Awesome selections of colours and sizes. Also stockist of Diesel, Scotch and Soda and Gaudi. Chapter5 in the Pembroke Mall. “Where it’s all about you”. FLY AND SPIDER SPRAYING. No mess with JAE Pest Control. Spraying warranted up to one year by local operator. Ph 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. GIVE YOUR SENSES A TREAT. Why not join us at the Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday from 4pm Spencer House Mall. $$ EARN INSTANT CASH at The Walk In Wardrobe in Queenstown, Beech Tree Arcade, Shotover St when you bring us your pre loved clothing. This is a beautiful, unique pre loved fashion boutique offering an amazing selection of world-wide labels with an average price point of $26. We are looking for: Men’s and ladies fashion, jewellery, snowboard gear, footwear and accessories, they must be in excellent condition. Check out www.thewalkinwardrobe.co.nz or like us on face book to see our latest promotions and offers. LOST: TRAILER ELECTRICAL CONVERTER connection, en route to tip. Matai Rd/Lismore St/Ballantyne Rd. Please phone 443 7204. Many thanks. WELLNESS IS OUR NATURAL STATE: get to the heart of the matter with Nub WellBeing. Txt/ph Libby 0211 731 350. FREE WINE! A Glass of Central Otago Pinot Noir - with every main steak meal. Reserve Grade NZ beef only at The Bullock Bar Grill. ROOM FOR RENT IN 3 BEDROOM SUNNY home close to town. Relaxed, active, clean and quiet housemates seeking a flatmate of similar nature for long term rental. $140pw plus utilities. Please no couples. Text 0210 313 196. CRAFTY MARKET. Come and get yourself some handmade local crafty goodness. This Sunday, 15 September, 10am - 2pm, Federal Diner Courtyard. SUNDAY SESSIONS EVERY Sunday at Barluga kicking off at 4pm with free BBQ with drink purchase, $10 Bloody Marys and $5 G&T specials. DJ’s Electro bill, Chris J and J digga playing cool Sunday beats all day long. PRESERVE YOUR SPECIAL MEMORIES. Do you have old tapes or photos that you would like converted to DVD. Visit Tidy Design your video and file conversion specialists. 3 Helwick St, 443 4433. MASTER FRESH PASTA WITH Whare Kea’s Executive Chef James Stapley - a workshop for beginners. Saturday 28th September, The Rippon Hall, 1-6pm. Spaces cost $100 and numbers are limited. Call Rippon on 443 8084 or email laura@rippon.co.nz BREAKFAST? Why not? Best hangover cure. Bacon and eggs $10 at the Bullock Bar Grill from 7am daily. COFFEE HAPPY HOUR ½ price coffee. Come in between 10am and 11am Mon - Friday and all coffees are $2.50. Only at the Bullock Bar Grill.
5.30PM, SUNDAYS AT LAKE WANAKA CENTRE, CNR ARDMORE ST & LAKESIDE RD (SOUP & BUNS TO FOLLOW) www.wanakabaptist.zohosites.com Pastor: Jim Patrick Ph 027 278 5540
11th September 2013
NOT SLEEPING WELL? FEELING ANXIOUS? TRE (Tension Release Exercises) calm down the bodily symptoms of stress without you having to talk about the issue. Contact Steph Combe on 443 5878 for more information. BOOBS ‘N BUBBLES... Thursday 12 September, 5.30 - 7.30pm at Lake Wanaka Centre - Breast Cancer Fund Raiser. Tickets from Aspiring Jewellers. Inspirational speakers, auction and more. WHAT IS RIPPON FESTIVAL? One of the first events to showcase acts like The Black Seeds & Trinity Roots (2002), Kora & Fat Freddy’s Drop (2004). FREE TRIBEFITTM classes at ProActive Health and Fitness! Experience TribeFIT TM classes absolutely free. TribeFIT TM not only increases your strength and endurance but also burns fat and calories to produce functional full body fitness leaving you looking and feeling amazingly fit. Free trial week starts 16th September so book your free Fit classes now! Ph 443 6500, info@ proactivewanaka.com NEED A PLUMBER? Phone Wanaka Plumbing for all general maintenance and new work on 021 959 072 or a/h 443 4959. RESTORATION WORK. IN TOUCH MASSAGE. Making you feel better. Michele Cotter phone 443 6311. BLUNT? RAZOR EDGE WILL SHARPEN IT. Knives, secateurs, loppers, scissors etc. Please phone Al 0274 545 686. WANAKLEAN DOG - GROOMING, clipping and bathing. Call Emily on 0275 110 282 to make an appointment. LOST: AUDI CAR KEY - lost in Wanaka. If found please phone 021 370 530. Thanks! HIRE HARRY - 0800 442 779 - Carpenter, Gardener, Painter. COMMIS CHEF: The Wanaka Speight’s Ale House is looking for an experienced Commis Chef to join their busy kitchen. Please send your CV to grant@wanakaspeightsalehouse.co.nz 8 FOOT SATIVA – September 25th at Opium. Tickets available www.eventfinder.co.nz Get in now as there are limited tickets. OFFICE PERSON REQUIRED FOR 10-15 HOURS PER WEEK. Excellent computer skills essential. Able to carry out all administration roles including GST, wages, invoicing and inventory control. Great organiser and communicator with a positive attitude. Please contact Kevin 021 453 391 at Optum Plumbing & Energy Solutions Ltd. WANTED TO BUY SMALL BALES of hay. Call 0275 552 410. REYKJAVIK HAS A POPULATION OF around 120,000 (and over 200,000 in the Greater Reykjavik Area). It has been said that Reykjavik feels like a modern international city combined with a nineteenth century fishing village. It has the reputation of being among the cleanest, best organized and safest cities in the world. The Messenger is available in Reykjavik on-line at www. mymessenger.co.nz TREES, HEDGES A PROBLEM? Too much growth? For a good, affordable clean up, call Property Maintenance and Service for the best solution. Phone 0274 595 799. HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING with Te Kakano this Sunday, Sep 15, 10am. Third planting at Stage 4 of Roys Bay West (lakeside of Station Park to Edgewater stream). Site coming along great, more plants to go in! Kind sponsorship by the families of Neville Harris & Jenny Cooper. Tools and morning tea provided. To volunteer, contact Kris on 0212 981 068. LYMPOEDEMA RELIEF. Gentle, therapeutic treatment using hands (MLD). Reduces swelling caused by surgery, injury or poorly formed lymphatic system. Ph Maryann 03 443 6463, 0211 101 160. EXPERT TREE CARE - what arborists do. Any tree, any size, anywhere. Phone Wanaka’s owner-operated council approved professional arborists. Tree Tamers, 03 443 6454 or www.treetamers.co.nz FREE DOOR TO DOOR TRANSPORT for medical/specialist appointments at Dunstan Hospital or in Alexandra. Book through Community Networks on 443 7799. Wheels to Dunstan.
OPEN HOMES DIRECTORY 11th September - 17th September
BAYLEYS 43 Forest Heights 948 Aubrey Road 7 Liverpool Way 92 Beacon Point Road 154 Brownston Street
11.30 - 12.00pm 12.15 - 12.45pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.45 - 2.15pm 4pm
Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept
11.30 - 12.15 pm
Sat 14 Sept
Over $975,000
11.45am - 12.15pm 12.00pm - 12.30pm 1.00pm - 1.30pm 1.00pm - 1.30pm 2.00pm - 2.30pm 2.00pm - 2.30pm 3.00pm - 3.30pm 12.30pm - 1.00pm 4.00pm - 4.30pm
Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sun 15th Sept Sun 15th Sept
By Negotiation $499,000 $759,000 $1,300,000 $1,975,000 $790,000 $700,000 $590,000 $540,000
4.30pm 11.00am 11.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 12.30-2.00pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.15pm 3.00pm 11.00am 12.30pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3:00pm
Wed 11th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sun 15th Sept Sun 15th Sept Sun 15th Sept Sun 15th Sept Sun 15th Sept
$730,000 $610,000 $340,000 $499,000 $759,000 Auction 04/10 $679,000 By Negotiation $730,000 $550,000 $995,000 $499,000 Auction 04/10 $800,000 $610,000 $995,000
2.00pm - 3.00pm 3.00pm - 3.30pm 11.00pm - 12.00pm
Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sun 15th Sept
Auction $550,000 $450,000
Sat 14th Sept
By Neg
11.00 - 12.00 12.30 - 1.30 1.30 - 2.00 1.30 - 2.00 2.00 - 2.30
Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept
$700,000 $975,000 $639,995 $779,000 $595,000
12.00 - 12.15pm 11.00 - 11.30am 1.15 - 1.30pm 2.00 - 2.30pm 2.00 - 2.30pm 3.00 - 3.30pm 3.00 - 3.15pm 4.00 - 4.30pm
Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept Sat 14th Sept
$419,000 By Neg $529,000 $409,000 $389,000 $800,000 $415,000 $419,000
2.30 - 4.30 2.30 - 4.30
Thurs 12th Sept Sat 14th Sept
FIRST NATIONAL 147 Stone Street 89 Kings Drive 133 Meadowstone Drive 73 Stratford Terrace 13 Elderberry Crescent 18 Penrith Park Drive 4 Cherry Court 22 Scaife Place 3 Sargood Drive
HARCOURTS 50 Kelliher Drive, Wanaka 85 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 59 Matheson Crescent, Albert Town 48 Quinnat Street, Albert Town 133 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 1025 Lake Hawea Albert Town Highway 1083 Aubrey Road, Wanaka 26 Dale Street, Albert Town 50 Kelliher Drive,Wanaka 34 Hunter Crescent, Wanaka 23 Forest Heights, Wanaka 48 Quinnat Street, Albert Town 1025 Lake Hawea Albert Town Highway 38 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka 85 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 23 Forest Heights, Wanaka
LOCATIONS 20 Frye Crescent Albert Town 34 Hunter Cres Wanaka 23 Kamahi Crescent Franz Josef
PRIME WANAKA 163 Lismore St, Wanaka
PROFESSIONALS 4 Cherry Court, Wanaka 8 Ruby Ridge, Wanaka 16 Lakeview Tce, Lake Hawea 15 Penrith Park Dr, Wanaka 42 Beech St, Wanaka
RAY WHITE 42 Frye Crescent, Albert Town 147 Stone Street, Wanaka 49 Loach Road, Hawea Flat 63 Nichol Street, Hawea 44 Nichol Street, Hawea 38 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka 23 Hewson Crescent, Hawea 44 Frye Crescent, Albert Town
TURNKEY HOMES 9 Infinity Drive 9 Infinity Drive
11th September 2013
SATURDAY 14 SEPTEMBER 1:45 2:00 3:45 4:00 6:00 6:15 8:00 8:15
Giselle Monsters University 3D Much Ado About Nothing Red 2 Still Mine Blue Jasmine Frances Ha Jobs
per ticket
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
ADULT $14.50
CHILD $8.50
11th September 2013
Upper Clutha Messenger
~ Spring Clean ~
FLASH SALE 11-15 Sept
HALF PRICE Off selected Dr Martins & Jeans up to
75 PERCENT Off our Super Sale rack!
92 & 96 Beacon Point Road Auction
This property is one of those sought after rare 1pm, Fri 11 Oct 2013 finds; the classic Wanaka bach set on two titles, totalling 2,365m² of established park-like grounds Wanaka Hotel, Ardmore St (unless sold prior) in Beacon Point Road. Expansive views of Mount Roy in a very quiet and private setting. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, plus bunk room off the single garage, open plan living 1970’s style, with a lovely veranda to sit out on a Summers Day. This property is a must view as you can’t see anything from the roadside.
View 1.45-2.15pm, Sat 14 Sep or by appointment
Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235
Rebecca Donnelly M 021 114 7681
11 Brownston St 443 7804 printit@printit.co.nz
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Expressions of Interest 4
104 studholme road, WaNaKa ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙
A substantial family home with panoramic lake views Simply breathtaking – peaceful, tranquil and private Enjoy rural living without the inconvenience Relax in the main lounge and enjoy the full lake vista Sleek modern kitchen for entertaining with scullery Relax away in the spa whilst soaking up the stars land area 10,000m2 Floor area 380m2
Kelly Gooch - 0272 472 668 kelly@firstnationalwanaka.com Web Id FNW00968
03 443 0091
Infinity First National Wanaka Ltd; Licensed under REAA 2008
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Banners & Flags Internal Signs Window Graphics 3D & Router Cut Lettering Real Estate Signage Design
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka E signs@printit.co.nz P 03 443 7804
11th September 2013
Upper Clutha Messenger
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