Upper clutha messenger 19th june 2013

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Upper Clutha

Messenger Volume XXXIV | No 24 | 19th June 2013 The Messenger is published each Wednesday by Print It Wanaka Ltd

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka | Phone 443 7804 | Fax 443 7805 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz


big thank you to the local Upper Clutha Community for the generous support and assistance you have given to Rotary Club of Wanaka projects over the last 12 months. You have helped raise the following funds:

$16429 $10035 $5876 $5974 $3462 $2500 $1580 $1000 $1872 $7230

The Garden Centre will be closed for our Annual Break from Friday 14th June until Tuesday 2nd July.

Book sale Catering Duck Race Art in Homes tour (Local Art project under consideration) Quiz night PGA Golf parking assistance Firewood 4X4 Rally Buck Shelford Book Launch Raffle Prize World Travellers Wanaka donation

Winter hours - Tues - Fri 10am - 4pm, Sat, Sun 10am - 3pm Closed Mondays • 555 Aubrey Rd, Wanaka • Ph 03 443 7846

$55,958 Total funds raised from 1st July 2012 The main projects chosen to support with the funds raised are: Overseas Projects: $7800 $500

Donation to Polio eradication, a world wide Rotary initiative. Towards Phaco Machine for cataract surgery in India.

Local Projects: $1600 Donations to local individuals for sports and education $3000 Mount Aspiring College Scholarships $3673 2 Shelter boxes, 1 Emergency Response Kit stored in Auckland to be transported to disasters world wide when required $7525 High Vis Vests for Upper Clutha primary school children $2000 Barbecue refurbishment Rotary Playground

$1000 Mou Waho Native trees purchase and planting $575 Rotary Youth Leadership Attendee $4500 Wanaka Rowing Club donation towards Double Racing Scull $1872 CT Scanner from Buck Shelford Book launch $1220 Dictionaries to Holy Family, Makarora, Wanaka and Hawea Flat Schools $1500 Alzheimer’s group donation towards Central Otago Field Officer’s car $3462 Wanaka Coast Guard donation towards new Search and Rescue Boat $ 750 Dunedin Hospital Oncology Ward Donation towards isolation room refurbishment $800 Tarras School $41,777 Total of Major Donations until 1st July 2013

The best thing since sliced bread


Lone Star Loaf when any two or more people dine

Not valid with any other offer, one voucher per table.

50 Cardrona Valley Rd Wanaka Ph 03 443 6901 www.lonestar.co.nz






027 498 7858 - WWW.BASENZ.COM/WORKSHOP NLP COACHING AND HYPNOTHERAPY Martin Amott Office:03 443 4668 Mobile: 021 201 7083 Email: martin@yourlifeliveit.com Web: www.yourlifeliveit.com

19th June 2013

Upper Clutha Messenger










Drink you r coffee in style & comfort with our funky new cups open mon - fri 8-5pm 021 FIX - 2 - GO / 03 443 0717 Wanaka lakes health centre 23 cardrona valley rd


Come and join us for a Pink Ribbon Charity Breakfast Pink Breakfast includes - Pink bubbles and full cooked breakfast with PINK theme.









Email: info@alpinefencing.co.nz Office: 03 443 7737 or 027 435 2731 www.alpinefencing.co.nz


Alpine Fencing has moved premises.

New office address: Upstairs unit, 5 Fredrick Street, Wanaka (behind Aspiring Engineering). Same phone numbers and email.

Contact us for all your fencing requirements

Emma Dixon 443 6392 | 027 427 1024 www.emmaforbeauty.co.nz

19th June 2013


Community Diary THURSDAY 20 JUNE

V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm, 0 - 5 year olds, pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat Hall. Friendly and fun, everyone welcome, you don’t have to live in Hawea! V Op Shop Open, 12 midday to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace (alongside the steps). V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30am for 0 - 5yr olds and caregivers. Presbyterian Church Hall, Tenby Street. $3 per family. Indoor and outdoor fun, this term’s theme ‘In the City!’ Locals and visitors, all welcome. Please bring your child’s snacks. V Wanaka Farmers Market, 4 - 6pm at the Spencer House Mall. V Tai Chi for Balance, 2pm at Elmslie House Common Room. Gold coin donation. V Men’s 9 Hole Golf. Cards in by 12.20pm. V 9 Hole Ladies Golf. Discs in by 10.15am. Tee off at 10.30am. New members welcome. V St Columba’s Church open 12 - 2pm. Cnr McDougall and Upton Streets. V Centering Prayer, 5pm at the Upper Room, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Plunket Car Seat Rental Scheme at the Plunket Rooms, Ardmore Street. Thursdays 3 - 6pm. Ph 443 8706 for an appointment. V Lake Hawea Community Centre Indoor Bowls, at 7.30pm.

V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 - 11am.

SUNDAY 23 JUNE V St Columba’s Anglican Church, Cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion with Sunday Clubs for children. Morning tea follows service. All welcome. V Lake Hawea Golf Club. Tee off at 12 midday. All welcome. V Baptist Church meets 5:30pm every Sunday at the Lake Wanaka Centre, Cnr Ardmore St and Lakeside Rd. (Soup & buns to follow). Everyone welcome. http://wanakabaptist.zohosites.com V Wanaka Lighthouse Church meets every Sunday evening at 5.00pm. 26 Old Racecourse Road (off Aubrey Road). All welcome. For more info see http:// lighthouseglobal.org/ V Wanaka New Life Church, 10am upstairs at Spencer House Mall in Dunmore St. All welcome. V Catholic Church, 152 Aubrey Rd. Holy Mass at 11am. V Presbyterian Worship: Family Service at 9.30am with Rainbow Club for children, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St.


V Wanaka Bridge Club, 1pm at Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. Social Bridge. V Wanaka Social Tennis Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. All welcome. V JP Services, 10.30am at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street. For appointments, please ph 443 7799. V Wanaka Bowling Club Progressive Tournament. Names in by 12.45pm, start 1pm. Visitors welcome. V Wanaka Community House Workshops to shape the vision for a shared community facility. All Welcome! St John rooms, 12.30 noon - 4.30 pm. Shaping Vision, Mission, Values, Culture. V St Columba’s Church Coffee Group, 10am at the Wanaka Hotel, Ardmore Street. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 - 11am.


V Wanaka Social Tennis Upton St courts 1 - 4pm. All welcome. V Wanaka Community House Workshops to shape the vision for a shared community facility. St John rooms, Wanaka. All Welcome! 10 am - 1 pm. Translating Vision into Reality. V Habitat Restoration Planting with Te Kakano, 10am at Penrith Wetlands. Lots of plants to go in. Tools, morning tea & great company provided. For info and directions, contact Andrew on 021 342 187.

V Alcoholics Anonymous. 8pm every Monday in the Plunket Rooms in Ardmore Street (next door to BP). V Wanaka Social Tennis Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. All welcome. V Overeaters Anonymous. Meeting every Monday at 6.30pm in Plunket Rooms on Ardmore St (next door WR %3 3OHDVH FDOO WR FRQÂżUP V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm, 0 - 5 year olds, pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat Hall. Friendly and fun, everyone welcome, you don’t have to live in Hawea! V Wanaka Walkers meet on the lakefront, opposite the Showgrounds, at 9.30am. Bring lunch. Ph 443 5575 for info. or access www.wanakawalkers. blogspot.co.nz V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30am for 0 - 5yr olds and caregivers. Presbyterian Church Hall, Tenby Street. $3 per family. Indoor and outdoor fun, this term’s theme ‘In the City!’ Locals and visitors, all welcome. Please bring your child’s snacks. V Wanaka Social Tennis at Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. All welcome. V Wanaka Bridge Club 7pm at the Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. - Roy Stakes. V 6PDOOERUH 5LĂ H &OXE, 6.30pm at Lake Wanaka Centre. V Wanaka Men’s Probus Club at the Mt Iron Function Centre, 20 Alison Ave, Albert Town. V Genealogy Group, 5.15 - 7.15pm at the Wanaka Library. - Research. All most welcome.


V Wanaka Men’s Tennis Upton St courts from 3pm. Lights available. V The Rotary Club of Wanaka meets at the Mt Iron Garden Bar and Function Centre in the Albert Town Tavern, 6pm for 6.30pm. V Cancer Society Support Gentle Yoga. For anyone affected by cancer either personally or a family member. At St John, Link way. Every Tuesday 9 10.30am. (Includes relaxation segment.) Gold coin donation. Ph Raewyn, 0279 165 028. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm, 0 - 5 year olds, pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat Hall. Friendly and fun, everyone welcome, you don’t have to live in Hawea! V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street at 1pm. For appointments, ph 443 7799. V Op Shop Open, 12 midday to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace (alongside the steps). V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1 - 4pm. All welcome. For more info, contact Andrew on 021 342 187. V Senior Citizens Exercise Class with Jen. 1.30pm at Elmslie House. V Alanon Family Group 7.30pm at the Upper Room, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 7.30 - 8.30pm. V Stitch ‘n Bitch, Craft ‘n Conversation, 7pm at %DUOXJD 3RVW 2IÂżFH /DQH ,WÂśV IXQ IUHH DQG ZDUP


V Wednesday Eucharist 10.00am St Columba’s Anglican Church, Cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. All welcome. V Cancer Society Support Services Client Liaison. 2I¿FH DWWHQGHG DP SP HYHU\ :HGQHVGD\ Community Networks, 73 Brownston St. Ph Raewyn Robertson, 0279 165 028. V Alcoholics Anonymous - 7.30pm at St Ninians Church, Kane Road, Hawea Flat (next to the Hawea Flat Kindergarten). Open meeting. V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1 - 4pm. All welcome. For more info, contact Andrew on 021 342 187. V Baptist Home Group, 23 Charles Court, Lake Hawea, 7:30pm. All welcome. V Wanaka Bridge Club, 7pm at Wanaka Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. - Matukituki Pairs. V Wanaka Library Pre-School Session, 10.30 11.30am for ages 0 - 5. V Intro to Mimi Muscles with Rae. 1.30pm at the Plunket Rooms. All welcome. V Creative Fibre Group, 10.30am - 3.30pm at Heather’s, 16 Wilkin Road. Ph 443 4151. V Ladies New & Newish to Wanaka Luncheon. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP. Ph 443 7442.

After Hours Medical Care the Duty Practice this weekend is

Aspiring Medical Centre Urgent Clinics at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre

Ph (03) 443 1226 or 443 0725

23 Cardrona Valley Rd

9am – 6pm

Sat 22 June & Sun 23 June 2013

19th June 2013



June 19th - Daniel Derby April 17 - Matain Mainaux June 20th Oscar Nichol April 19 - Hannah Sutherland 19th June 21st - Brianny Peat April 20 - Michael Sanford April 22 - Gavin Firsker June 22nd &KDUOLH 'UDIÂżQ

Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 11 Brownston St, Wanaka ADVERTISING messenger@printit.co.nz


April 23 - Jack Levis

Come into Print It for your free voucher! YOU GET TO ENJOY A FREE COFFEE AT (OR A FLUFFY FOR CHILDREN)

DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS (15 minutes design time included) To be proofed/designed: Copy by Fri 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3rint reDdy Âżle by 0on 12 noon

FULL COLOUR DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS To be proofed/designed: Copy by Thurs 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3rint reDdy Âżle by Fri 12 noon

LINE ADVERTISEMENTS Tues 12 noon preIerDbly 0on COMMUNITY FEATURE 5eTuest Dn DpplicDtion Iorm Check out the Messenger online at: www.mymessenger.co.nz

COLOURSTEEL FENCING. Same both sides. Timber fencing as at Paradiso’s new site. Post and rail, wrought iron gates and fences. Handy Solutions. Phone 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. GENERATORS, WATERBLASTERS, COMPRESSORS available now. Get prepared before it’s too late. 021 841 904. PINK BREAKFAST AT THE LAKE WANAKA CENTRE 25th June. Charity auction. $35 per head. All profits to NZ Breast Cancer Foundation. ALL SKIFIELD STAFF - show your Staff Pass @ Kodak in Helwick St and get 15% off anything printed in store. Passport and VISA photos, regular prints, enlargments - 15% off all memory cards, USB pendrives, Cameras Bags, chargers and camera accessories. Yes Photo & Digital (Kodak) in Helwick street, Wanaka 7 days. We have the best range of cameras and lenses in the area. BULLOCK BAR QUIZ NIGHT every Wednesday from 7.30pm. Be early to get the best seats, great prizes, great fun with George and Rusty. WOODYS POOL COMP, EVERY THURSDAY @ 7pm. Free entry, great prizes. $6 tap beer all the time! DID YOU KNOW the Wanaka Farmers Market opens Thursday, 4pm Spencer House Mall? If not come and join us this Thursday! SOAK DAY SPA... Are you a Soak waxaholic? We have the “Wax Winter Collection� for you. Try the bikini, extended G string, the Hollywood strip, or the fully polished effect, the Brazilian! This is of course the most popular seller. Have our regular waxing treatments to maintain your best assets and receive your waxaholic discounts. Book your next wax at Soak 443 4340. WANAKA SPEIGHTS ALE HOUSE is seeking an experienced sous chef. Please contact: kitchen@wanakaspeightsalehouse. co.nz FARM COTTAGE FOR RENT - 3 bedrooms phone 0274 750 051. Suit young family or couple. Available now. 30 TON LOG SPLITTER Champion brand - new. Be warm this winter. 021 841 904. 1993 MITSUBISHI DELICA 4WD. 2.4Litre, petrol,188,000kms, 7 seater, mags, sunroof. Excel. condition $4,000. Phone 0274 072 835. FOR SALE: 20FT SHIPPING CONTAINERS - steel or insulated. Aspiring Cranes. Phone 0274 344 308.

If you would like us to include your birthday in a future issue, ring us on 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz (proof may be required) 11 BROWNSTON ST., WANAKA www.mymessenger.co.nz


WYNDHAM VACATION RESORTS WANAKA. Part-time maintenance position available. Four hour shifts, three days per week, including weekends. General maintenance experience would be an advantage, as well as great customer service skills. Applications close Tuesday 25th June 13. Please email your application to rachel.read@wyn.com or drop in to 109 Mount Aspiring Road. APARTMENT ROOMS FOR RENT Luxury Wanaka apartment rent by the room to end of season. Fully furn’d 3d/brms, will suit max of three couples. $300p/week per room. Phone 0274 727 442. TO GET YOUR FIVE A DAY the fresh organic way come to Wanaka Farmers Market every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall. EMILY FROM WANAKLEAN DOG would like to let her clients know she will be away from 4th July until 2nd August. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Call 0275 110 282. GARAGE SALE - 76 ROCHE STREET from 8am. Furniture, household goods, fridge, lawnmower, sports gear. Phone 0276 321 267. WANT AN “UN�REAL JOB? Train to become a Ski or Snowboard Instructor! Lots of great work opportunities here and abroad. Courses from 1-4 days per week. Phone/txt: 0212 555 929. Email: instructortraining@cardrona.com

Lake Wanaka Centre, Ardmore Street - 26th & 27th June 26th June 27th June

19th June 2013


INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Reports for all students will be issued on 25 June 2013. Parent interviews will be held on Thursday 27 June and Wednesday 3 July – school will finish at 1.20pm on Wednesday 3 July only. To book interviews go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz School code: AJ9DS FREE DOOR TO DOOR TRANSPORT for medical/specialist appointments at Dunstan Hospital or in Alexandra. Book through Community Networks on 443 7799. Wheels to Dunstan. MAN OF STEEL OPENS at Rubys on Wednesday the 26th of June- call us. HEAVENLY CINNAMON BUNS, luxuriously buttery Danish Kringle, crisp Swedish Thin Bread, delicous Gingerbread and our fabulous coffee to go all at Nordavia - Wanaka’s most stylish and innovative Bakeshop - with a fresh Nordic twist! Experience true small batch artisan breakfast breads and pastries. Nordavia - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop is all about taste, quality and excellence. Find us at the top of Frederick Street, first on the left. Look for the Reindeers! Open 10am 4pm Monday to Friday. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN – Come watch the All Blacks in a bar with a great atmosphere, warm fire, friendly staff, great food. Buy a pint of tap beer and go in the draw to win Speight’s spot prizes, Speight’s slippers, Speight’s long johns, Speight’s hoodie and heaps more. Courtesy Coach ph 443 4545. NORTH LAKE - BOUGHT A SECTION AND LOOKING FOR A BUILDER? Vision construction has an opening for the end of the year. Trade qualified, licensed, experienced, local builders we love being different. Come and view our current project and get some ideas. Call Joel 443 6248, 0224 379 231. DJ CRINCE AND DJ MICKEAL at Barluga this Saturday 22nd June @ 10pm. Kicking the winter off in style. Free entry and cheap drinks for mountain staff.

Kay Todd Picture Framing IS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. STUDIO RED, under the expertise of Maurice Watson and Megan Huffadine will be offering the same great service that Kay has over the past 11 years. - The same mobile service to your door with a full set of samples for you to choose from.

DR JOHN GIBSON DC, THE MUSCLE JOINT, for in depth analysis, treatments and effective results. Thorough analysis and effective treatments for the entire body. Specialist in chronic pain/inflexibility conditions, accident/sports injuries. For consistently premium results. Do something today! ACC provider. Telephone The Muscle Joint 443 6460. FIBER FAST BROADBAND. No fixed contract. No landline required. Call Stan on 0800 NETSPEED (638 773). WANAKA HAS NEARLY REACHED ITS TV TAKEBACK QUOTA, so don’t miss out! Recycle your TV at Wanaka Wastebusters today for only $5. Open 9am-5pm, seven days. IT-TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE – PC upgrades and repairs, Windows Server, MS Exchange Server, small business environment, Network, Linux. Reasonable rates. Email:mattias. hardig@outlook.com Phone 0210 342 362. SHELVING, WORKBENCHES, PALLET RACKING at Wanaka Stainless, Ballantyne Road. Phone 021 0260 1386 BULLOCK BAR BOTTLESTORE Best value spirits, Dewars, Stihl Vodka and Gilbeys Gin. 2 for $60. Speights 24’s $35.99. ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: Plan drawings, 3D visualization, survey drawings, architectural and landscape design, Photoshop, InDesign. Low rates, phone: 0211 115 873 or 03 443 5368. MAZDA CAPELLA 1987 in going condition with tow bar, good tyres, manual. w.o.f till 14/12, reg till July with 253,000 km. $1500 ono. Phone Simon on 0278 410 879.


Studio Red are offering a 10% discount on framing on presentation of this advertisement before July 31st.

What a fantastic day from a very generous Wanaka! Special thanks to Pukka Design, Radio Wanaka, The Venue, BNZ, Print It Ltd, ODT and all the local shops and models who supported our jewellery and accessory parade.



19th June 2013




Rare As Hens Teeth Ignore all previous marketing. My vendor has instructed me to “just sell the bloody thing!” This special piece of gently sloping land located under Mt Grandview with mountain views that take in the Cardrona Valley, Treble Cone and beyond will be sold “as is where is”. Bidding is to start at $70,000. Don’t miss out on your very special piece of paradise. AUCTION ON SITE: 12pm, Sunday, 23rd June 2013- unless sold prior HAWEA: Hawea Back Road


Stephen Hughes 021 534 5999 stephen.h@locations.co.nz Web ID 1947686

New Aspiring Realty Ltd MREINZ, Locations, Licenced Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008)

Cnr Helwick & Dunmore Sts, Wanaka

T: 03 443 0150


NORDIC SKI TRAINING CLINIC – SNOWFARM, Val Burke & Andy Pohl are teaming up! This 10-week clinic includes Sunday training sessions, a 10 week program, education & ongoing support, periodised around the Merino Muster & NZ Age Group Champs. Introductory offer: $200 for pass holders with own equipment; $350 for those needing day pass/rentals. Starts July 7th. Open to all ski levels. Spaces limited. valburke@ xtra.co.nz ALBERT TOWN TAVERN Thursday Quiz night starting on the 27th. Teams of 4, $5.00 per person or $15.00 per person including pizza, fries and garlic bread. Proceeds going to Wanaka St John Ambulance. Start at 7.30. Courtesy Coach 443 4545 pick up & drop of. Drink specials. CARAVAN ABI NORTHSTAR,1997, 22 foot, four berth, tandem axle, self containment certificate, shower, toilet, full oven, solar panel, tv, free to air, set up for freedom camping, full awning. $22,000. Ph Steve on 443 5634 or 0274 752 102.

CONTACT: John Burke Tel: 021 868 245 E: john@wanakaresort.co.nz


NEED UPHOLSTERY? REMARKABLE UPHOLSTERY for all upholstery requirements. Big jobs, small jobs, no problem. Phone Bevan on 0275 606 600 a/h 03 443 5817. 9 Gordon Road, Wanaka or sales@remarkableupholstery.com ALL YOU CAN EAT RIBS AND A BEER $20. Every Tuesday and Thursday night at Mint Bar.6-9pm. Conditions apply. FOR SALE- 2 WATER TANKS. Concrete, 10,000L $800 each, plus nice wooden doors and frame $70 each. 0223 708 794 or 03 746 8172. NEED A PAINTER? CENTRAL BRUSHWORKS is back from Christchurch and ready for your renovations. Call Ian on 021 621 800 or 443 5367 for a free and friendly consulatation. MASSAGE, RELAXATION, DEEP TISSUE, or structural integration. Auric magnetic healing removes blocks and dross to speed up your healing. Appointments: call Christine 0276 936 300. For more info visit www.christinecallanan.com CHILDRENS SKIS. Fischer and Stoeckli 120 - 152cm for sale. 0212 649 025. SLEEP-OUT FOR SALE Fully transportable on skids, 4m x 2.4m with deck, insulated, certified electrical, carpet and tiles, could be used as office or aux accommodation. $8,000 call 0204 0103 832. GIBEZE - QUALITY INTERIOR PLASTERING CONTRACTORS for all your requirements. Gib stopping, gib cove and Level 5 applications. Talk to us about American Clay Plaster systems or visit www.earthdesign.net.nz for info and product gallery. Call Simon Hoskin 0211 646 421. WANAKA


Style @ Entry Level This snappy split level home with 2 living areas will be going, going, gone at Auction! With a strong rental history it is ideal for first home buyers or landlords looking for an affordable acquisition. Elevated mountain views and established grounds with space for extra garaging makes this a versatile option for anyone wanting style at an affordable level. Call me today to view! AUCTION ON SITE: 12pm, 15th June 2013 - SOLD PRIOR TO AUCTION WANAKA : 5 Hogan Lane

3 Joss Harris 021 220 7693 jossharris@actrix.gen.nz Web ID 1982924



New Aspiring Realty Ltd MREINZ, Locations, Licenced Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008)


Cnr Helwick & Dunmore Sts, Wanaka

T: 03 443 0150


19th June 2013

Annual Public Meeting Notice:



CHALLENGE WANAKA SPORTS TRUST meeting at 10.30am, on 20th June 2013 DW WKH )LQGOD\ &R RIÂżFH &OLII :LOVRQ 6W :DQDND PUBLIC WELCOME. PUPPY PRE SCHOOL CLASSES at The Wanaka Vet Centre. Fun, informative, positive training classes to help you create a socialized well mannered puppy. Next class 24th June. Call 443 6409 to register. ALL DAY BREAKFAST SPECIAL $11 at Tangos CafĂŠ Ardmore street, Wanaka. COME LIVE WITH US - UNIQUE HOUSE, fun flatmates, internet, house computer, 5 minute walk to town. Live-in cleaner. $100 p/week plus bills. Phone 0211 877 944. ATTENTION THOSE WITH SPORTING INJURIES, old injuries, joint, nerve and muscle problems, head pain, poor posture, digestive, menstrual, or breathing issues. For unhappy newborns, pre or post partum pain, sporting teens and the elderly. Pre and post-surgical support or general structural WOF. Seek a diagnosis of your new or ongoing body problems. Find help at the Wanaka Osteopathic Clinic on 443 6783 or wanakaosteopathic.co.nz. HAY FOR SALE. Shed stored meadow hay. Good quality small bales, $7 per bale. Phone 443 8341 evenings. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz



66 Ballantyne Road Çż 3KRQH 443 2660 Çż )D[ 443 2661 (PDLO wanakastoragesolutions@xtra.co.nz THE LAKE HAWEA COMMUNITY CENTRE, Myra St, is holding a meeting onsite this Friday evening 7.30pm. Discuss upcoming consent application incl. future use and noisy issues. Neighbours as well as interested members of the community are encouraged to attend. Enquiries to Linda 443 6744. THIS SATURDAY OPIUM welcomes the legendary DJ B-Rok and a special guest DJ from the UK, rollin’ out everything from Reggae to Ragga, DnB and Tear Out Trap! Free entry and $5 drinks all night, no brainer! SKI RESORT BUS DRIVERS REQUIRED. We are looking for people with Class 1 and 2 and P endorsement to drive our ski field buses from late June until the end of September. This is a job that would suit people who enjoy skiing or snowboarding. Please apply in writing to info@alpineconnexions.co.nz or ph 03 443 9120. BULLOCK BAR CURLING its back! 1st match of the season Thursday 27th June. Get a team together and get down to the Bully – curling Bully style – register at the bar. MASSAGE WITH “MAGIC HANDSâ€?, Jason Clarke. Provider to High Performance Sports New Zealand “Magic Handsâ€? has massaged: NZ Elite Triathletes, winter Olympians, multi-sports, the All Blacks and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. “Feel the magicâ€?. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. WYNDROK POTTERY, LAKE HAWEA. Handcrafted functional tableware to be enjoyed every day. Simple classical forms with glazes reflecting the colour and beauty of Central Otago. All original, hand thrown pieces, suitable for oven, microwave and dishwasher. 191 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea. Winter: 11am 5pm weekends only or phone 443 1707. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING LIKE IT USED TO? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392. WANAKA FUTSAL REGISTRATION IS OPEN. Enter your team now for the June 23rd pre-season bonanza and League kick off June 30th. Facebook: Wanaka Futsal, Email: andrew@ watertightsystems.co.nz or phone/text: 021 761 641.

TOSHIBA Heatpumps Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 2/12 Frederick St, Wanaka

19th June 2013





EXPERIENCED - FOR ALL YOUR UPHOLSTERY WORK FREE QUOTES - QUALITY ASSURED Now is the time for : Boat Covers & Repairs to Outside Furniture Tents / Awnings

CALL NOW - PH 0274 153 343 WANTED: DUTY MANAGERS for a busy winter at Mint Bar! Experience necessary. Personality a must, DM Certificate a bonus. Bring your CV into Base Backpackers on 73 Brownston St or email to wanakagm@stayatbase.com EFTPOS YES EFTPOS. Yes The Cobbler has new technology. New work boots, new Zippos, new ideas. New Attitude. 7 days. DUE TO A FIRE AT FITZY’S we will sadly be shut for the next few weeks for refurbs... but don’t worry, our good friends up at Opium are hosting our live acts Sunday to Thursday. This week is Aloha or Die on Tuesday, Mike Kennedy on Wednesday, Civilian Sol Thursday, and Open Mic sessions on Sunday. $5 drinks all night and free entry all week long! CALDER DEVELOPMENTS IS CURRENTLY SEEKING a Wanaka based trade qualified carpenter with min 5 plus years experience, required for commercial projects in the Wanaka and Cromwell areas. You will need to be experienced in all aspects of building, from foundations and tilt panels to framing to finishing. You must have your own hand tools and applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Please contact Nick on 03 443 6251 or nick@ calderdevelopments.co.nz THE HOT CHOCOLATE CAULDRON IS BACK at Black Peak Gelato. Dutch coco drinking goodness. We recommend nipping it up with a wee dollop of your favourite gelato to create hot chocolate heaven.

Situations Vacant - Wanaka Store - Full time We are looking for two candidates that have x customer service experience x sale point computer skills Showroom Customer Service Bathroom, hardware, paint, tools Timber Yard / Drive through Customer Service Timber, panels, mouldings Forklift driver with an OSH and F endorsement. Days of work are Monday to Friday and ½ a day every 2nd Saturday Send a copy of your CV to: Rob McGregor PlaceMakers Email rob.mcgregor@placemakers.co.nz Po Box 275 Wanaka Closes Friday 21st June

Wanaka 6A Rob Roy Lane





Cheap, Cheap, Cheap and Cheerful The owners have packed their bags and are off, so take advantage of their urgency and buy on or before Auction day, it could just be the cheapest house sold in Wanaka in a very long time! An opportunity like this does not come along often, so be in quick to snap this one up,for your investment portfolio or as a first home. Close to town, easy care section, solid construction, wood fire with wetback, heat transfer system. Auction Wednesday 17th July, 1pm, Auction Room, 21 Helwick Street (unless sold prior) View www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ2014 Open Wednesday @ 5:00pm, Saturday @ 3.00pm or By Appointment Sue Grant P 03 443 7829 M 021 443 906 E: sue.grant@harcourts.co.nz Holmwood Real Estate Limited Licensed Agent REAA 2008


Contributor to realestate.co.nz

CUTE HAWEA FLAT COTTAGE FOR SALE. Private sale, original cottage has had extensive renovations, new cladding, roof, carpets, kitchen reno, interior paint and 30m2 new extension, good sized kitchen, 4 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and office, single garage/workshop. Call 443 1212 or 0212 451 904. WARM UP FOR ALL YOUR HEATING NEEDS - Hitachi heat pumps, Woodsman, Firenzo, Yunca, Masport, Kent and Warmington fires, electric heaters and gas fires - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. HENS/BRIDAL PARTIES, BABY SHOWERS, staff parties, birthdays... Ladies why not throw a pamper party? Emma for Beauty will pamper at your location from $40 per person for 2 treatments. 443 6392. www.wanakaweddings.co.nz/ emmaforbeauty FERRARA, ITALY is still surrounded by more than 9 kilometres of ancient walls, mainly built in the 15th and 16th centuries. Together with those of Lucca, they are the best preserved Renaissance walls in Italy. WANTED - PLAYSTATION 2 - console. Phone 0274 538 839. GARAGE SALE - MOTEL CLEAR OUT 33b Upton Street. Towels, duvets, curtains, chairs, bike, heater. Saturday 22nd 9am-12, Thursday 20th, 5-6pm. GALLERY THIRTY THREE: Our current exhibition with Louise McRae and Jane Mitchell runs until 28th June. Please pop by and enjoy! See our website for details: www.gallery33.co.nz open 7 days.

19th June 2013

Crime Line Crime Line by Constable Dion Phair

HAWEA FLAT SCHOOL STAFF, CHILDREN AND PRODUCTION HELPERS - What a fantastic, entertaining production of “Sir Ed - You’re a Legend” which ran last week. It was an amazing, entertaining show. Your efforts are very much appreciated by all who went along to see it! BUCHAN’S MOBILE BUTCHER covering the entire Upper Clutha area. On property kill, hung and refrigerated on site. Also, cut down and packaged. Prompt service. All enquiries to Grant on 0211 023 602. Owned and operated from Luggate. SNOW PASSES AVAILABLE NOW at the Wanaka Golf Club. Get your Winter Green Fee ticket and play as much golf as you like for this special rate.1st July - 30 Sept only $250.00. Other options available. Contact the Wanaka Golf Club on 443 7888 or visit us on Ballantyne Road. TQC MANAGEMENT, call 0210 2477 552 when time, quality and cost matter to you. ACTIVE ELECTRO - FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS. Phone Fred 443 4065 or 0275 543 202. FREE DELIVERY FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE from Francesca’s pizzas. Wood fired pizzas $10 for 6” or $20 for a large 12”. Garlic bread from $5. Delivery to Wanaka and Albert town. Open Wednesday - Sunday, 4pm - 9pm. 67 Brownston Street. Call 0800 GO4PIZZA. www.francescaspizzas.com HEALTH INSURANCE. Can you afford not to have it? Find out the cover options by phoning Bradley Nuttall Advisers. 443 2427. THE PEACEKEEPERS P.DIGSSS (Shapeshifter) and Sambora (Shapeshifter) Live in Wanaka @ Mint Bar. Get in early to avoid disappointment cos when we full we full! Check out Mint Bar on Facebook for all our upcoming gig info this season! WANAKA WASTEBUSTERS RECYCLING CENTRE now open 9am-5pm, seven days. Ski gear out in the shop and changing weekly. The shop that doesn’t cost the earth. Cnr Riverbank and Ballantyne Rds. NUMERACY AND LITERACY SUPPORT is available at Kip McGrath, catch up or extension. Our experienced staff can help your son / daughter succeed in the classroom. Call Nikki 443 1547.

OPENING HOURS TUES - THURS 9am - 9pm 10am - 9pm SUN FRI, SAT & MON 9am - 10pm



(opposite New World)

ph 443 7881


Safe Haven Flight Paranorman Grabbers

Cockneys vs. Zombies Hitchcock This is 40 Ill Manors


All weekly movies $1 All movies & games 1/2 price

The last week has seen an influx of visitors as the ski season approaches. Many establishments have had some form of 'Welcome to Winter' promotions. It has been pleasing from a Police perspective to see the majority out having a good time without causing a nuisance to the town and others. There is however a group of local youths that seem to have nothing better to do than interfere with the Public Toilets and throw toilet paper around and set fires around the Dinosaur Park and Skate Park. My message to them is to grow up and take some responsibility for your own actions. You are not cool, and those who say you are, are wrong. A 50 year old Hawea male was arrested after stealing a donation box containing $35 from the Hawea Store last week. Many thanks to the shop staff for helping to identify him. At about 3.00am on Sunday morning a 24 year old female was approached by two males while waiting for friends on Ballantyne Road, near State Highway 84. One male grabbed her arm forcefully and tried to entice her into going with them. After kicking herself free, the two males drove off in a white / silver sedan. While this may be an innocent attempt at making friends, Police would like anyone who can help identify the two males, in their mid 20's, to come forward so we can rule out any sinister motives. As a reminder, after a night out, have a plan to get home safely and avoid walking / travelling alone. Keep some spare cash and grab a taxi, or draw straws for a sober driver. Despite what was written last week, there have been two more people processed for drinking and driving, with one offender reaching almost double the legal limit. Wanaka and its' surrounds is a small place with very few cars on the road after dark. Do not think you will get away with this dangerous practice. With the winter weather well and truly upon us it is important that we remember to drive to the conditions. When taking longer journeys remember to have snow chains, let people know your travel plans and allow extra time to reach your destination. Fortunately (for some) the rain has kept the ice at bay. However, please drive to the conditions as hydroplaning in a puddle of water is akin to hitting a patch of ice. If you have any information pertaining to the incidents above, please call the Station on (03) 443 7272 to speak to an Officer. Or to give information anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Have a great week.



19th June 2013


SPIT ROAST EVENT AT BISTRO GENTIL. Delicious atmosphere, beautiful food. Sunday 23rd June, 7pm. Buffet and live music. Whole carcass organic lamb from the Catlins, potato gratin and steamed greens, crème brulée or l’Amandine pear tart for dessert. $50. Limited space, so book your table now! 03 443 2299. www.bistrogentil.co.nz BRAD PITT & LEONARDO DI CAPRIO at Rubys with service, cocktails, deliciousness. THE INTERNSHIP MOVIE FUNDRAISING NIGHT. This Thursday $25 each. Movie, wine, nibbles, spot prizes - at Paradiso. Tickets available from Holy Family School Office. A fundraiser for Holy Family School. All welcome. Call 0274 434 504 for further info. Enjoy a giggle! THANKS TO CENTRAL LAKES ARTS TRUST support scheme for allowing Poilicious to make a bigger and better fire performance at this year’s Kahu Youth Matariki Festival. FEATURE YOUR EVENT FOR FREE in our new events section @360queenstown-wanaka.com Everything from arts and music to MTB and snow sports. FIREWOOD FIREWOOD! PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FIREWOOD now at The Yard. Call in or give us a call 443 5069. Delivery or loan trailer available. The Yard, 14 Reece Crescent, Wanaka. GLASS BALUSTRADES Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719. DRINKING TOO MUCH? Want to make a start somewhere for support and help? Try ringing Women’s Support, confidential 24/7 service. Women supporting Women. Phone 443 1448. www.womenssupport.org.nz TUSSOCKS SHORTEST DAY SALE, Friday 21st June. 30% off everything in store for the one day only. Come and ponder the specials beside the roaring log fire. Tussocks - 71 Ardmore Street.

HYUNDAI LANTRA SW 2000. 170,000 km great condition. current wof and rego. $2000 ono. Ph 0274 108 688. PSYCHOLOGIST at Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Experienced treating depression, eating disorders, grief, anxiety, stress and relationship issues. Phone 03 443 0747. EVERGREEN HOMES & CONSTRUCTION New homes, renovations, landscaping and earthmoving, soil and gravel supplies. Call for a free quote 0204 0103 832. WHAT’S BIG, YELLOW, LOUD, and swallows branches whole? Our dirty great big chipper! Tree Tamers for fast cleanup and recycled tree mulch. 0272 751 268 or www.treetamers.co.nz 3D PRINTING AVAILABLE from Internet Cafe - upstairs 3 Helwick. Bring us your files or turn your thought into 3dimensional reality. OVEN FRESH PIES - 2 FOR $5 AT CALTEX: Steak/Mushroom, Beef/Bacon, Potato Top, Pepper Steak, Steak/Cheese. Plus.... we always have free tomato sauce for our locals! FATHERS DAY! YEAH RIGHT. If you didn’t get Mothers Day quite right, shout both Mum and Dad a therapeutic massage. Allow three hours. In Touch Massage $120. Phone 443 6311 Michelle Cotter. WESTPAC WANAKA has a Mobile Banking Consultant who can come to you at a time that suits you for all your banking needs. Call 443 9758 or 0274 439 005 for an appointment. THE G.MAN SCHOOL OF ROCK - Fully equipped new music studio. Live band tutorials, mentoring, guitar, mandolin, bass, drums, keys. Search TeHight and ring 443 4268. METALWORKS DESIGNS & MANUFACTURES for NZ designers and our clients. All things metal at workshop 54 Ballanytne Rd Wanaka. Visit us to see the possibilities. www. metalworkswanaka.co.nz Check out our FB page!

CENTRAL FOR ALL YOUR ASPHALTING REQUIREMENTS Also specialising in kerbing, driveways, tennis courts, concrete, cobblestoning and chipsealing, throughout Central Otago.

Call Tony 0274 404 516 or 03 442 3212 P.O Box 906, Queenstown Email: tonymcelrea@xtra.co.nz

19th June 2013


Pet Corner FRESH AT THE CHOP SHOP Crooks & Castles winter drop for the guys & Dr Denim jeans for the girls, exclusive limited stock! Shop 3 Pembroke Mall. Ph 443 8297. MULTISPORTERS, TRIATHLETES & CYCLISTS – Embrace the winter with a 10 week program of Nordic skiing! Snowfarm and Peak Endurance/Val Burke are teaming up! Clinic includes Sunday 10 – 11.30am skiing periodised from technique focus to race-pace. Guest coach: Andy Pohl. Includes 10 week training program and ongoing support. Introductory offer: $200 for pass holders with own equipment; $350 for those needing day pass/rentals. Spaces limited. valburke@xtra.co.nz CHILDREN’S SKI BOOTS 24.00, ski pants sizes 8 and 10-12, gloves, poles (105cm). Reasonably priced. Phone 443 9079. CHAPTER5...30% OFF ALL BOTTOMS! Pants, Jeans and Skirts. Be in quick - this is a 4 day event. Finishes Sunday 24th June. Pembroke Mall 443 5570. LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Estimates, quotes or just ideas. Elements Landscaping and Design, 0274 400 504, design@elementswanaka.co.nz HOUSE WANTED TO RENT 3-4 Bedroom, prefer unfurnished, immediate possession, Wanaka township. Local business couple of 12 years, we have 2 Jack Russells! Peter Byrne 021 689 533. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. DIRTY OL’ KNIGHTS in association with Junkfood presents K+Lab (live) Spacedirt “Album Release Party� Mint Bar, Sat June 29th. With support from Dirty Ol’ Knights, Lil Massive & The Don. Tickets available from Dashtickets.co.nz and Base Backpackers. DURING THE RENAISSANCE, the School of Ferrara welcomed an impressive list of painters and artists including Titian. During the 19th and 20th centuries, Ferrara hosted and inspired a number of important painters who grew fond of its eerie atmosphere. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN. Best fish and chips in town phone 443 4545.

"Puku" needs somebody to rub his puku all day long! Handsome, dark tabby kitten, vaccinated and wormed, needs a lovely home. Aspiring Vet Services Ph 443 7262





PRO RACK ROOF BOX AND RAILS - large older style in great condition. $250. Nissan Bluebird SSS 1984, turbo A/C. As is where is - goes but needs motor work. Offers over $100. 8x5 single axle galvanised trailer with mesh crate. Strong but light. Near new. $2400. All must be sold this week. Txt 0278 438 901. COTTAGE TO RENT. Albert Town, fully furnished, 3 small bedrooms, garage, up to 3 months for nonsmoking careful tenants, no pets. $200/wk. Phone 03 473 8239. JAPANESE KITCHEN SASANOKI. Welcome back winter! Hot Sake, japanese beers and delicious foods. Dine in and take away available. Open 11.30am to 2.30pm, 5.30pm to 9pm (Monday to Friday). 5.30pm to 9pm (Saturdays). 443 6474. ONE BEDROOM FLAT TO RENT, tidy furnished one bedroom unit, carport, $175 p/w, available for viewing Sunday 22nd July, Phone 0274 335 132 for an appointment. FRANCESCA’S ITALIAN KITCHEN has some new items on the Winter menu: Porchetta, apple and celeriac slider; Salt cod bruschetta; Gnocchi with braised beef cheek ragu, pecorino and gremolata; Crumbed buffalo mozzarella; Lasagne and green salad. Lunch 12-3. Dinner 5-late. Evening bookings essential. 93 Ardmore Street, 443 5599. EARTH HEALING MEDITATION. This Wednesday 8pm at Wanaka Wellness Centre (24 Dungarvon St). All welcome. Gold coin donation, or just come! Ph Jen 443 1672. WALLPAPER HANGER SPECIALIST. Over 40 years experience. Local. Phone 443 5802. WHY INSULATE WITH AN IMITATION, use Mother Nature’s solution... Wool! Call Shear Comfort, to discuss affordable machine blown loose wool insulation for your home. Shear Comfort, Sheer Genius! 0210 629 212, www.shearcomfort. co.nz FOR SALE - LEASE ON PRIME COMMERCIAL PREMISES located upstairs 3 Helwick Street, entrance near corner Ardmore street. High traffic flow and premium sign positions. Text message Greg 0274 178 434. CUTLERY AND CROCKERY FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966.

19th June 2013


Second hand tyres from $25 +gst

Wanaka’s Best Selection » W.O.F » Full Servicing »Wheel Alignment

17 Gordon Road, Wanaka

THERE’S STILL TIME TO GET YOUR TICKET for the Romancing the Stone raffle from Tidy Design or Hawea Shop. 1st prize valued at over $4,500. Drawn live on Radio Wanaka 9.10am Saturday 22nd. WANAKA HAS NEARLY REACHED ITS TV TAKEBACK QUOTA, so don’t miss out! Recycle your TV at Wanaka Wastebusters today for only $5. Open 9am-5pm, seven days. 2002 FORRESTER X-OVER SILVER 121,000km. Excellent condition 2.500cc. Careful lady owner $9,900. Phone 0272 569 045, A/h 03 217 8233. RETAIL BUYER POSITION AVAILABLE. Mandatory criteria include: min 3 yrs outdoor retail experience, purchase of merchandise in outdoor industry, NZ permanent resident. E-mail applications to mtwanaka@xtra.co.nz LOOKING FOR TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION until you find a flat? Please call Albert Town Lodge for great weekly rates. Call Tania 443 9487. FERRARA IS A CITY IN NORTHERN ITALY, capital city of the Province of Ferrara. It is north-northeast of Bologna, on the Po di Volano, a branch channel of the main stream of the Po River. The town has broad streets and numerous palaces dating from the 14th and 15th centuries. For its beauty and cultural importance Ferrara has been qualified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. WIN A FABULOUS SNOWBALL CAKE DECORATING CLASS - for you and a friend at Nordavia! Competition open to ages 7-12 years. Can you think of a name for our Reindeer who lives at the Nordic Bakeshop? The best name wins! Call in with Mum or Dad to enter. Find us at the top of Frederick Street, first on the left. Entries close Friday 28th June 4pm.


Phone Rodney 027 443 0876 email mac.timber@clear.net.nz

Ph 443 1755

NEED A PAINTER? CENTRAL BRUSHWORKS is back from Christchurch and ready for your new build. Call Ian on 021 621 800 or 443 5367 for a free and friendly consultation. LAKES PODIATRY - CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE at www. lakespodiatry.co.nz Clinic located at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. General foot issues, foot and ankle pain, running and sports injuries, diabetic foot assessments, children’s feet. We are ACC registered – 03 443 0730. EVERGREEN HOMES & CONSTRUCTION New homes, renovations, landscaping and earthmoving, soil and gravel supplies. Call for a free quote 0204 0103 832. DID YOU KNOW the Wanaka Farmers Market opens Thursday, 4pm Spencer House Mall? If not come and join us this Thursday! HAWEA PHYSIOTHERAPY, SANDY SHARRATT IS RETURNING TO WORK after her maternity leave. Pilates classes, rehab, work and sporting injuries, womens health, ACC registered. Call 0212 451 904 to make an appointment with Sandy or 0211 047 752 for an appointment with Paula. www.haweaphysiotherapy. co.nz. DIRTY OL’ KNIGHTS in association with Junkfood presents K+Lab (live) Spacedirt “Album Release Party” Mint Bar, Sat June 29th. With support from Dirty Ol’ Knights, Lil Massive & The Don. Tickets available from Dashtickets.co.nz and Base Backpackers. POINT OF DIFFERENCE - Working attuned to you, not to the clock. In Touch Massage 443 6311. Michelle Cotter. SHED STORAGE AVAILABLE for boats, cars, caravans. Phone 021 841 904. NEW UNFURNISHED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE AVAILABLE for long term rental. Luggate. $260/week. Negotiable for the right people. Phone 443 8864. GARAGE SALE - MOTEL CLEAR OUT 33b Upton Street. Towels, duvets, curtains, chairs, bike, heater. Saturday 22nd 9am-12, Thursday 20th, 5-6pm. WINTER GAMES NZ VOLUNTEER INFORMATION EVENING. 5.30pm at La La Land Wanaka, Level 1, 99 Ardmore St. For further information or to RSVP please email volunteers@ wintergamesnz.com STEP OUT OF THAT CLOSET and get down to Woodys for pink drinks. Tuesday July 2nd 6-9pm.


Tues 18th June Mon 24th June

THIS WEEKS SPECIALS Cauliflower Mandarin Imported Oranges Imported Pineapple Gold Rib Eye Steaks Whole Beef Eye Fillets (vac packed) Lamb Oyster Shoulder

$2.99ea $4.99/kg $2.99/kg $3.45ea $25.95/kg $29.95/kg $11.95/kg

Mon-Fri 8.00am – 6.30pm Sat & Sun 9.00am – 4.00pm 20 Ardmore Street Wanaka 443 0118

19th June 2013


d n A




19th June 2013


SNOWCHAINS ranging from only Diamond pattern, quick-fit ratchet tensioning 6am - 11pm daily Caltex Wanaka, Ph 443 7868 MONEY AVAILABLE FOR YOUR GROUP’S ART PROJECT from the Upper Clutha Community Arts Council. Application forms are in the Wanaka Library. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz THANK YOU TO THE NOMAD (AKA THE WANDERER), for creating the stunning visuals and slick sounds for the Poilicious Fire Show at the Kahu Youth Matariki Festival. Many thanks for your creative input and vision. Also thanks to Shaun Hardy. INSTRUCTOR TRAINING COURSES ON TREBLE CONE. Rookie Academy have full and part time courses available. Check out www.rookieacademy.com Contact Dean 021 403 076. 20 USED SLEEPMAKER QUEEN MATTRESSES for sale. Mint condition. Please email offers to fivestar2012@hotmail.co.nz TQC MANAGEMENT, experience in construction, interior design and environmental project management. Call us on 0210 2477 552 or email on tqcmanagement@gmail.com for a free consultation. FORD ECONOMY VAN 1998, LWB, petrol, manual. Excellent runner, new W.O.F. cupboards and bed. Pioneer sounds. $4,800. Phone 0273 230 111. ALL SKIFIELD STAFF - show your Staff Pass @ Kodak in Helwick St and get 15% off anything printed in store. Passport and VISA photos, regular prints, enlargments - 15% off all memory cards, USB pendrives, Cameras Bags, chargers and camera accessories. Yes Photo & Digital (Kodak) in Helwick street, Wanaka 7 days. We have the best range of cameras and lenses in the area. WYNDHAM VACATION RESORTS WANAKA. Part-time maintenance position available. Four hour shifts, three days per week, including weekends. General maintenance experience would be an advantage, as well as great customer service skills. Applications close Tuesday 25th June 13. Please email your application to rachel.read@wyn.com or drop in to 109 Mount Aspiring Road.



&2038 87(5 +(/3 $1' $'9,&(

ALL YOU CAN EAT RIBS AND A BEER $20. Every Tuesday and Thursday night at Mint Bar.6-9pm. Conditions apply. ORGANIC FREE RANGE TURKEYS FOR SALE, hatched AugSept, some older breeding stock too, also 18mth old wethers for killing. Ph 443 1166. WILD EARTH, OUTDOOR KITCHEN AND CELLAR DOOR. Lunch and tastings 10am - 4pm. Goldfields Mining Centre, 803 Kawarau Gorge Road. Phone 03 445 4841, www.wildearthwines. co.nz WANTED - PLAYSTATION 2 - console. Phone 0274 538 839. SNOW SPORTS EVENT WORK AVAILABLE: SSNZ will be hosting Volunteer and event marshals training clinics starting this Sunday in Wanaka. For more information please e-mail: events@cardrona.com 2 X 2L PAMS MILK ONLY $6.90 AT CALTEX. Open 6am-11pm daily, for your convenience, Caltex Wanaka. BULLOCK BAR BOTTLESTORE Best value spirits, Dewars, Stihl Vodka and Gilbeys Gin. 2 for $60. Speights 24’s $35.99. WEBMASTER - Happy to meet face to face and consult all your website development, maintenance, SEO, database, security and analytics needs at a reasonable price. Call Elliot on 0204 0152 707.

19th June 2013

SKI RESORT BUS DRIVERS REQUIRED. We are looking for people with Class 1 and 2 and P endorsement to drive our ski field buses from late June until the end of September. This is a job that would suit people who enjoy skiing or snowboarding. Please apply in writing to info@alpineconnexions.co.nz or ph 03 443 9120. CUT-IT CABINETS HAS GREAT IDEAS for custom made shelving and storage. Call or email us today 0274 911 955 or info@cutit.co.nz THOUGHT ABOUT BECOMING A SKI OR SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR? Do it now! Ski or ride on the weekends with Cardrona’s top trainers. Check out www.cardronainstructor. com or phone/text 0212 555 929. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING LIKE IT USED TO? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392. SASANOKI’S JAPANESE OF THE WEEK: “Kitekeraincha” (keytae-K-line-cha) meaning “Please come over” with a strong dialect from Bruno’s hometown. “Kitekeraincha” to Sasanoki. Lots of love from Bruno. RUBYS CINEMA & BAR - come and experience a great night out, like no other. ADVANTAGE BUILD LTD. LBP BUILDER OR TEAM. All work considered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Nevan Jefferies to discuss your plans. Ph 0272 119 966. NCEA CLASSES ARE AVAILABLE at Kip McGrath. Join us now to get the best results throughout the year. Call Nikki 443 1547. RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS. Would you like to keep your relationship together? Would you like help if your relationship is ending? Are you unsure what you want? Womens’ Support provide 24/7 confidential free support and advice. Phone 443 1448. www.womenssupport.org.nz WANTED: SECURITY STAFF FOR MINT BAR. Must have current COA and be able to work late nights and weekends. Bring your CV into Base Backpackers on 73 Brownston St or email to wanakagm@stayatbase.com


APARTMENT ROOMS FOR RENT Luxury Wanaka apartment rent by the room to end of season. Fully furn’d 3d/brms, will suit max of three couples. $300p/week per room. Phone 0274 727 442. CREATIVE METALWORK, PRECISION ENGINEERING, innovative designs... all in one workshop! A local business for nearly 16 years, www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz, 54 Ballantyne Rd. Ph 443 1760. TE KAKANO would like to wish happy ‘National Volunteer Week’ and a huge “thank you” to all the volunteers who help out with our habitat restoration efforts. You = Legend! ALBERT TOWN TAVERN. Jugs of beer starting at $8 and pints $5. All day everyday. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM HOUSE WANTED LONG TERM. Tidy handyman. Phone Greg 443 9999. Rural OK, log burner preferred. Somewhere to play my cello! WWW.WANAKAACUPUNCTURE.CO.NZ - to see how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you or call 443 8131. 2-DAY REST & RENEW RETREAT. Yoga and raw food. 6-7 July. Residential and non-residential options. Check my website for details www.alignedtolife.com or call Christine 0276 936 300. FREE*FREE*FREE TOMATO SAUCE for all pies purchased at Caltex. Plus... oven fresh pie special: 2 for $5 - Caltex. THE LANDING HAS 2 FOR 1 MAINS until the end of June between 5-7pm. Booking required. Ph 03 443 5099. ANGELIC CONTACT - INTERESTED? Check out www. kryonschool.com You can phone 443 8673 or 0211 610 084. HAWEA FLAT SCHOOL STAFF, CHILDREN AND PRODUCTION HELPERS - What a fantastic, entertaining production of “Sir Ed - You’re a Legend” which ran last week. It was an amazing, entertaining show. Your efforts are very much appreciated by all who went along to see it!

19th June 2013



3B Hogan Lane, Wanaka


Please contact us if you would like your property sold.

Please contact me if you would like your property sold.

Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235

Jarrod Frazer M 027 251 2007 B 03 428 4255


Rebecca Donnelly M 021 114 7681 80 Ardmore Street, Wanaka

03 443 5330






OPIUM HOSTS YET ANOTHER AWESOME PARTY this Friday with that feisty mix-tress DJ C:She, alongside DJ LT and DJ Bifta, with plenty of dance floor pounding, bass-tastic, boombastic goodness! You know the score by now, $5 drinks all night, party party! RURAL RENTAL on 12 acres, short or long term, 8 mins from airport on Luggate-Tarras Rd, furnished 2 bd cottage, dbl garage, wood burner, pets welcome, Ph 021 565 705. BULLOCK BAR VIP COUCH Purchase any drink from 6pm and go in the draw to sit on the VIP couch to watch the All Blacks with a personal barmaid and bar snacks. LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Estimates, quotes or just ideas. Elements Landscaping and Design, 0274 400 504, design@elementswanaka.co.nz OVER 65 YEARS? A stand-alone 2br cottage available for rent at Elmslie House. Phone the Manager 443 7899. FREE DENTAL CHECKS AT THE WANAKA VET CENTRE for the month of June. Call 443 6409 to make an appointment. You look after your own teeth so remember your pets need regular checks too. TUSSOCKS SHORTEST DAY SALE, Friday 21st June. 30% off everything in store for the one day only. Come and ponder the specials beside the roaring log fire. Tussocks - 71 Ardmore Street. REMEMBER WHEN FOOD TASTED OF SOMETHING? Bring the memories to life at the Farmers Market, every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall. AYURVEDA MASSAGE FOR A DONATION. Limited time, Hawea Flat. Call Martin, Ayurveda Practitioner on 443 5712.


80 Ardmore Street, Wanaka

03 443 5330

45 Frye Crescent, Albert Town

78 Lismore Street

80 Ardmore Street, Wanaka

03 443 5330


HAIR THOU ART WORKSHOP AND MOBILE, specialising in natural products. Luminart colour, low-no ammonia, with kakadu plum, bamboo extract, sunflower and olive. Creative techniques, texture waves, body waves, spiral waves. Weddings, hair-ups, hair extensions and dreadlocks. Phone Kirstin on 443 9545 www.hairthouart.co.nz. MASSAGE! ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA! Trevor Bailey. Full time Masseur since 1994. Available 7 Days. 443 2993 or 0274 222 455. www.aspiringmassagewanaka.co.nz COUPLE OR SINGLE FLATMATES wanted for a warm, friendly, spacious, modern, fully-furnished home two minutes from town. Everything supplied including internet, Sky, phone, bikes, gym, many household consumables, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, milk and cookies. Search WKA112 on www.trademe. co.nz for details. Possibly the nicest flat you’ll find in Wanaka. 03 443 7777. HANDYMAN SERVICE - ANYTHING from cleaning gutters to custom built gates and fences, balustrades, pergolas, decks, engineering and repairs. Call Handy Solutions 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. TOYOTA ESTIMA 4WD. Manual 1995, 185TKM. New battery. 2.4L $3650, call 0210 2917 676. BRAD PITT & LEONARDO DI CAPRIO at Rubys with service, cocktails, deliciousness. WANT AN “UN”REAL JOB? Train to become a Ski or Snowboard Instructor! Lots of great work opportunities here and abroad. Courses from 1-4 days per week. Phone/txt: 0212 555 929. Email: instructortraining@cardrona.com


Lot 4, 333 Beacon Point Rd

Please contact us if you would like your property sold.

Please contact us if you would like your property sold.

Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235

Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235



Rebecca Donnelly M 021 114 7681

Rebecca Donnelly M 021 114 7681






80 Ardmore Street, Wanaka

03 443 5330


19th June 2013

Wanaka Self Storage 108 fully alarmed units in twelve different sizes. Prices from $2 per day! Ph: 0274 354 848


MINT BAR IS PROUD TO PRESENT Dirty Ol’ Knights “Welcome to Winter Party 2013” Sat 22nd June with The Peacekeepers feat. P.DIGSSS (Shapeshifter) and Sambora (Shapeshifter), Dirty Ol’ Knights, The Don and Blunt Rifle. Party kicks off at 9pm with free giveaway so get down nice in early to win yourself free stuff and lock in your spot on the D-floor. This is gonna be huge so doors will close when bar is full. We are putting this one on for No Door charge to get ya pumped for Winter. Get in! DO IT NOW WHILE THEY’RE ASLEEP! Trees respond best to pruning, reducing or thinning when dormant. Call your local friendly and professional arborists! Tree Tamers 03 443 6454 or 0272 751 268, www.treetamers.co.nz ALBERT TOWN TAVERN FRIDAY. Happy hour from 5.30pm until 6.30. Go in the draw to win a bar tab. Free bar snacks, Ace of Spades jackpot is up to $200. If your number gets drawn you get to pick a card, turn the ace and you win $200 cash. Pokies! Karaoke from 8.30. Courtesy coach? – phone 443 4545. ACCOMMODATION OPPOSITE MERCY HOSPITAL DUNEDIN. One Bedroom studio, spacious with kitchen facilities. $90 per night. Ph 03 467 2426 or 0275 343 836. REMEDIAL MASSAGE BY SONIA SPECIALISING IN pain relief management such as sports injuries, work and health aches and pains. Deep pressure, trigger point and fascia stretching ensure recovery, treating the cause not just the symptoms. Call Sonia for pain relief today. Phone 0212 487 771. SASANOKI’S HOLIDAY IS OVER. Bruno’s so happy to be back home and work from his visit to Japan. He will have a big smile at Sasanoki, serving you all in Wanaka. Ph 443 6474. Why did I go away? WANAKA SPEIGHTS ALE HOUSE is seeking experienced bar/ wait staff. Please contact: roger@wanakaspeightsalehouse.co.nz MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at Mint Bar all standard drinks just $5 all night long!

E ar Wa x R e m ov a l By Microsuction Use the safest and most up to date technology available. Don’t risk damaging your ears by using other methods or products. Treatment and advice for all ear conditions.

Ear Health Otago Southland Ltd Regular clinics in Wanaka, FOR BOOKINGS PLEASE PHONE 0800 550 801


The cowis mrakesingtaurant

! h t n o M s l a c o L e Jun low!

get your voucher be

open daily from 5pm until late

Enjoy the warmth of the open fire and pay only $25 for any large pizza, and $5 for plain/garlic loaf. $15 for any small pizza when you dine in only upon presentation of this voucher/coupon.

dine in only voucher

Any large pizza $25 Any small pizza $15 Plain/Garlic loaf $5

THE INTERNSHIP MOVIE FUNDRAISING NIGHT. This Thursday $25 each. Movie, wine, nibbles, spot prizes - at Paradiso. Tickets available from Holy Family School Office. A fundraiser for Holy Family School. All welcome. Call 0274 434 504 for further info. Enjoy a giggle! LONG TERM RENTAL WANTED: Local family of 4 are looking for a long term rental whilst building. If you have something that you have been thinking about renting or have some tenants on the move please let us know. Call 0272 546 692. BULLOCK BAR CURLING its back! 1st match of the season Thursday 27th June. Get a team together and get down to the Bully – curling Bully style – register at the bar. SUBARU LEGACY FOR SALE. 4wd so great for getting up the mountain. 187,000kms 1996 petrol automatic. Wof until September. Recent service and mechanical check. Includes many extras for roadtrips e.g. power outlet, mattress. $2,000. Contact Sam 0210 729 314. WANAKA WASTEBUSTERS RECYCLING CENTRE now open 9am-5pm, seven days. Ski gear out in the shop and changing weekly. The shop that doesn’t cost the earth. Cnr Riverbank and Ballantyne Rds. HENS/BRIDAL PARTIES, BABY SHOWERS, staff parties, birthdays... Ladies why not throw a pamper party? Emma for Beauty will pamper at your location from $40 per person for 2 treatments. 443 6392. www.wanakaweddings.co.nz/ emmaforbeauty

personal, professional and creative landscape design for

Annabel Riley Landscape Architect, BPRM, BLA (Hons) E: annabel@plotlandscape.co.nz M: 021 1803 746

19th June 2013


GREAT ROOM AVAILABLE FOR THERAPIST on lakefront at great rate. Sunny and quiet. Phone 0275 343 497. FRANCESCA’S ITALIAN KITCHEN has some new items on the Winter menu: Porchetta, apple and celeriac slider; Salt cod bruschetta; Gnocchi with braised beef cheek ragu, pecorino and gremolata; Crumbed buffalo mozzarella; Lasagne and green salad. Lunch 12-3. Dinner 5-late. Evening bookings essential. 93 Ardmore Street, 443 5599. HANDYMAN AND CARPENTRY SERVICE. Phone 0211 788 589 or 443 2001. JAPANESE KITCHEN SASANOKI. Welcome back winter! Hot Sake, japanese beers and delicious foods. Dine in and take away available. Open 11.30am to 2.30pm, 5.30pm to 9pm (Monday to Friday). 5.30pm to 9pm (Saturdays). 443 6474. FREE BUDGET ADVICE AVAILABLE AT COMMUNITY NETWORKS. Monday 1st July, delivered by Central Otago Budgeting Service. Call 443 7799 to make an appointment. ZUMBA IN THE MORNINGS with Rachel. Mondays, Tuesday & Thursdays 9.15am @ dance studio 249 Riverbank Rd. 10 dollars per class. Kickstart your cold morning with music & dance... see you there ! PINK BREAKFAST AT THE LAKE WANAKA CENTRE 25th June. Charity auction. $35 per head. All profits to NZ Breast Cancer Foundation. Want to learn the essential skill of managing money?

NO FEE WANAKA COURSE Certificate in Money Management The CMM provides you with the tools and information to be able to improve your financial situation and achieve your financial goals, regardless of age or income. A practically oriented course that will have ongoing relevance, taught in a friendly neutral environment. Includes: You and Your Money; Debt Management; Wealth Creation and Protection; Property, Sharemarket & Other Investments; Business Financials. Part time hours to suit your lifestyle A 20 week course. Level 3 Qualification Thursdays 6 – 9pm

RENT ME! Warm one bedroom house, quiet, Albert Town near river reserve. All day sun. Log burner. Gas cooking/hotwater. Long term preferred. Rent negotiable. Ph 0272 229 545 evenings. CALDER DEVELOPMENTS IS CURRENTLY SEEKING a Wanaka based trade qualified carpenter with min 5 plus years experience, required for commercial projects in the Wanaka and Cromwell areas. You will need to be experienced in all aspects of building, from foundations and tilt panels to framing to finishing. You must have your own hand tools and applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Please contact Nick on 03 443 6251 or nick@ calderdevelopments.co.nz ALL DAY BREAKFAST SPECIAL $11 at Tangos Café Ardmore street, Wanaka. THE UNIVERSITY OF FERRARA has faculties of law, architecture, pharmacy, medicine and natural science; the library has valuable manuscripts, including part of that of the Orlando furioso and letters by Tasso. Its famous graduates include Nicolaus Copernicus (1503) and Paracelsus. CUTE 4 BEDROOM 2 BATHROOM house for rent in Hawea Flat. Can be long term or seasonal, unfurnished or furnished. $300/ week. Call 443 1212 or 0212 451 904. EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. Make your business work for you Thinking of going into business? Need to lift your business game?

NO FEE WANAKA BUSINESS COURSE Certificate in Small Business Management The CSBM gives existing businesses and those considering starting in business practical and necessary skills to tackle business issues, including Management, Law, Marketing, Human Resources, Accounting & Finance. A 36 week course. You will complete your own business plan during course Tuesday evenings, 6 – 9pm Taught by experienced and qualified business tutor NZQA Approved Level 4 Qualification For further information please contact:

For further information please contact:

Mylrea Bell Tel 443 1738, cell 027 443 9942 email: myl@xtra.co.nz www.twoa.ac.nz

Mylrea Bell Tel 443 1738, cell 027 443 9942 email: myl@xtra.co.nz www.twoa.ac.nz





19th June 2013


House Keeping Supervisor Required Accommodation and Reservation Wanaka require an experienced house keeper to supervise our cleaning teams through our busy winter season. Apply to Peter Barrow ph: 0274 332 460 or email: peter@accommodationwanaka.com HEATPUMPS - ACTIVE ELECTRO. Call now for your quote and install before winter really kicks in. Phone Fred 443 4065 or 0275 543 203. BABY AND CHILD EXPO Saturday 29th June, 10 - 4pm. Lake Wanaka Centre. Entertainment, seminars, coffee, toys and more. CHOP SHOP Espresso Bar & Clothing Boutique. Winner of ‘Best Local Shop’ in On Magazine’s readers’ poll! Shop 3 Pembroke Mall. Ph 443 8297. COMMUNITY HOUSE - Are you interested in shaping the vision for a fantastic shared facility? Workshops are being held Friday 21st and Sat 22nd June, contact Megan for details 0272 291 607. TREES, HEDGES A PROBLEM? TOO MUCH GROWTH? For a good, affordable clean up, call Property Maintenance and Services for the best solution. Ph 0274 595 799. SOAK DAY SPA... Are you a Soak waxaholic? We have the “Wax Winter Collection” for you. Try the bikini, extended G string, the Hollywood strip, or the fully polished effect, the Brazilian! This is of course the most popular seller. Have our regular waxing treatments to maintain your best assets and receive your waxaholic discounts. Book your next wax at Soak 443 4340. A FULL GROOM FROM WANACLEANCAR INCLUDES every surface cleaned and treated, de-tarred and de-bugged. Includes interior shampoo - stain and smell removal. Also, paintwork cut and polished - scratch removal. Twice waxed and headlight restoration. Phone Richard on 0210 2942 908 or 443 5772 and leave a message. APARTMENT FOR RENT- LAKE HAWEA Large 1 bedroom, separate living area, balcony with lake views. Furnished. Suit single or couple. $160 per week. Call/text 0273 222 170. HARDWOOD RAILWAY SLEEPERS - good stocks on hand - $35 each. Come and see us at Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. LADIES NEW (AND NEWISH) TO WANAKA - come and join us for lunch, to meet new friends...Wednesday 26th June. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP. Phone 443 7442. Looking forward to hearing from you! LANDSCAPE PLANS IN 3D enable you to see what your garden will look like when finished. Plan your spring garden now - new builds and make-overs. Competitive rates - reliable professional. Dave Spedding (Dip Hort) 021 707 481 / 443 2721. ‘JUST FISH’ IS SELLING A SELECTION OF freshly frozen free flowed Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP beside Bullock Bar entrance. Tucker 0274 376 657. You are invited to...

DUE TO A FIRE AT FITZY’S we will sadly be shut for the next few weeks for refurbs... but don’t worry, our good friends up at Opium are hosting our live acts Sunday to Thursday. This week is Aloha or Die on Tuesday, Mike Kennedy on Wednesday, Civilian Sol Thursday, and Open Mic sessions on Sunday. $5 drinks all night and free entry all week long! ASPIRING ACUPUNCTURE - www.aspiringacupuncture. co.nz - injury recovery/pain, (ACC registered), women’s health, pregnancy, digestive, respiratory health and more. Ph Jos McLean 443 6242 or 0211 639 769. Very experienced. Lake Hawea. DJ CRINCE AND DJ MICKEAL at Barluga this Saturday 22nd June @ 10pm. Kicking the winter off in style. Free entry and cheap drinks for mountain staff. JUMP START YOUR WINTER YOGA PRACTICE with a Yoga Workshop on Saturday 22 from 9 - 1 pm at Wanaka Wellness. 9am Vinyasa flow class, superfood snacks and nutrition talk, then learn new poses for your practice and dive deep into familiar poses safely with assistance. $75 or $15 for class. Contact me to sign up today! www.swellmassageyoga.com, christinamcgrath4@gmail.com, 021 293 5688. TQC MANAGEMENT, call 0210 2477 552 when time, quality and cost matter to you. THE MOST ICONIC BUILDING IN FERRARA, ITALY, is the Castello Estense build in 1385. The Castello is sited in the very centre of the town and is a brick building with four massive bastions, surrounded by a moat. MT ASPIRING COLLEGE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS. Reports for all students will be issued on 25 June 2013. Parent interviews will be held on Thursday 27 June and Wednesday 3 July – school will finish at 1.20pm on Wednesday 3 July only. To book interviews go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz School code: AJ9DS. FREE DELIVERY FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE from Francesca’s pizzas. Wood fired pizzas $10 for 6” or $20 for a large 12”. Garlic bread from $5. Delivery to Wanaka and Albert town. Open Wednesday - Sunday, 4pm - 9pm. 67 Brownston Street. Call 0800 GO4PIZZA. www.francescaspizzas.com ADVANTAGE BUILD LTD. Professional home builders, quality renovations, stunning landscaping. All work considered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nevan Jefferies ph 0272 119 966. SALES PERSON REQUIRED. Applications for full time furniture sales person at Smiths City close Thursday 20th! Get your applications in and join our winning team. Phone 443 7032 or come see us at the store.


5.30PM, SUNDAYS AT LAKE WANAKA CENTRE, CNR ARDMORE ST & LAKESIDE RD (SOUP & BUNS TO FOLLOW) www.wanakabaptist.zohosites.com Pastor: Jim Patrick Ph 027 278 5540

19th June 2013




Council Snippets Do it online Do you know that you can pay rates, dog registration and parking ticket payments online? It’s simple, easy and saves you a trip to town. Visit the website www.qldc.govt.nz and click on the link to be taken to the payment site.

Snow chain workshops Thanks to everyone who attended the recent snow chain workshops in Wanaka. We had a huge response this year with more than 240 people attending district wide and we hope everyone who came along went DZD\ IHHOLQJ PRUH FRQÂżGHQW DERXW XVLQJ VQRZ FKDLQV


67 Lakeview Tce, Lake Hawea 2 1 Furnished


181 Aubrey Rd, Wanaka 2 1 1 Whiteware


154 Capell Ave, Lake Hawea 3 1 Furnished


37 Parry Cr, Lake Hawea 3 1 1 Whiteware


17 Gunn Rd, Albert Town 3 1 1 Furnished


123 Kings Dr, Wanaka 3 1 1 Unfurnished


33 Glengyle Way, Wanaka 3 2 1 Unfurnished


50 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka 4 2 2 Unfurnished


Congratulations to Jill Gardiner of Wanaka who was the winner of the draw for a set of snow chains. If you weren’t able to attend any of the workshops, you can download a SLFWRULDO ³+RZ WR³ JXLGH RQOLQH DW www.qldc.govt.nz

Drink Safe Workshops Working in the hospitality industry? Drink Safe Workshops offer free WUDLQLQJ IRU SHRSOH NHHQ WR ÂżQG RXW PRUH DERXW WKH 6DOH RI /LTXRU $FW VR LI \RXÂśUH D OLFHQVHH PDQDJHU RU D VWDII PHPEHU \RX VKRXOG GHÂżQLWHO\ sign up. The next two workshops take place in Wanaka on Wednesday 3 July at Edgewater Resort. 7R UHJLVWHU FRQWDFW )UHGHULTXH *XOFKHU DW WKH 6RXWKHUQ 'LVWULFW +HDOWK Board 03 450 9156 or email frederique.gulcher@southerndhb.govt.nz

Election 2013 Local body elections take place in October this year and nominations open on Friday 26 July. If you’re interested in standing for Council you will need to be over 18 years old, registered on the electoral roll and a New Zealand citizen. You need to be nominated by two people in the ward you are standing in and nominations must be received by noon on 23 August, 2013. For more information, contact the Queenstown Lakes District Council or visit www.qldc.govt.nz Election day is Saturday 12 October, 2013.

TV Takeback Got an old TV lying around after upgrading to accommodate the digital switchover? Why not recycle it with the TV Takeback scheme? It’ll cost just $5 as opposed to the normal charge of $25. 7KH GLVWULFW KDV D TXRWD DQG RQFH WKDWœV ¿OOHG WKH SULFH JRHV EDFN XS WR $25. We’re getting close to the limit so don’t leave it too late! The drop off point for unwanted televisions is Wanaka Wastebusters,corner of Riverbank and Ballantyne Roads. Find out more at www.tvtakeback.govt.nz

Fast info Want to get the latest info on road closures, urgent water shutdowns and other Council related business as quickly as possible? Fast Follow allows you to get Council’s Twitter feed sent directly to your phone via txt message.You don’t have to sign up to Twitter and you can opt out simply by sending a txt. Simply txt this message follow @qldccoms to 8987 (Telecom and Vodafone only).Make sure you leave a space between follow and @ qldccoms. 7HUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV DSSO\ 7R ¿QG RXW PRUH UHDG WKH ¾+RZ to’ guide at www.qldc.govt.nz

Winter driving Planning a long trip? Make sure you always travel prepared for bad weather. Check out www.qldc.govt.nz for tips on winter driving.


Omniquon sessule i i ti

CONTACT US TO VIEW P: 03 443 6921 gervirm ihicaed re E: rent@housemart.co.nz

l fi t

BUILDERS: NEILL AND RENNIE SMITH, Wanaka and Dunedin. LBP no. BP105458. Cell 0272 879 734, 03 443 2127. STEP OUT OF THAT CLOSET and get down to Woodys for pink drinks. Tuesday July 2nd 6-9pm. GLASSWARE FOR HIRE - FOR ALL YOUR PARTY HIRE needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. WOODYS POOL COMP, EVERY THURSDAY @ 7pm. Free entry, great prizes. $6 tap beer all the time! REMEMBER WHEN FOOD TASTED OF SOMETHING? Bring the memories to life at the Farmers Market, every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall. ALL DAY BREAKFAST SPECIAL $11 at Tangos CafĂŠ Ardmore street, Wanaka. SNOW SPORTS EVENT WORK AVAILABLE: SSNZ will be hosting Volunteer and event marshals training clinics starting this Sunday in Wanaka. For more information please e-mail: events@cardrona.com SEASON INTERNET CAFE PASSES - Unlimited time, 24/7 Wanaka Wi-Fi, fast connections - 1 Month $45, 3 months $95, 5 months $145. WESTPAC WANAKA has a Mobile Banking Consultant who can come to you at a time that suits you for all your banking needs. Call 443 9758 or 0274 439 005 for an appointment.

19th June 2013


27 Gordon Road Phone 443 1613


celebrates her

EVERGREEN HOMES & CONSTRUCTION New homes, renovations, landscaping and earthmoving, soil and gravel supplies. Call for a free quote 0204 0103 832. GARAGE SALE - MOTEL CLEAR OUT 33b Upton Street. Towels, duvets, curtains, chairs, bike, heater. Saturday 22nd 9am-12, Thursday 20th, 5-6pm. YOU BEAUTY : NEW HOME-BASED BEAUTY SALON IN WANAKA! Get eyelash extensions, acrylic,shellac nails, waxing, massage and a lot more! Check out Facebook page or call 0210 2374 090. YOGA WITH STELLA - MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY at 6pm, Thursday at 7am. Wanaka Wellness. Contact 0210 655 259 or stellaevesenior@gmail.com All levels welcome. TOYS TOYS TOYS @ National Transport and Toy Museum beside the Wanaka Airport. Open 7 days, 8.30 - 5pm. SNOW PASSES AVAILABLE NOW at the Wanaka Golf Club. Get your Winter Green Fee ticket and play as much golf as you like for this special rate.1st July - 30 Sept only $250.00. Other options available. Contact the Wanaka Golf Club on 443 7888 or visit us on Ballantyne Road. WORLD WAR Z in 3D opens at Rubys on Thursday, call us on 443 6901. NORDAVIA GINGERBREAD HOUSES. NORDAVIA CAKES. Nordavia Decorating Classes and Private Group Bookings. Snowball. Reindeer. Snowflakes. Mid Year Christmas. Specialty Bakeshop. Scandinavian treats. Coffee to go. Love Nordic. Nordavia - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop. Wanaka’s most stylish pastries and Nordic treats. Open Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm. BULLOCK BAR VIP COUCH Purchase any drink from 6pm and go in the draw to sit on the VIP couch to watch the All Blacks with a personal barmaid and bar snacks. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz MASSAGE THERAPY - SPORTS, DEEP TISSUE, RELAXATION MASSAGE. Treatment work, stress relief. Ursula Krebs, Dipl. Massage Therapist CH/NZ. Phone 0276 602 271. Seven days. Mobile service available.



this friday, june 21st many tastings from local suppliers & others. mid-year xmas goodies, sweet treats 71 Cardrona Valley Rd - Ph 443 7078 Open seven days 8.30 - 4.00 pm

TREES, HEDGES A PROBLEM? Too much growth? For a good, affordable clean up, call Property Maintenance and Service for the best solution. Phone 0274 595 799. CUT-IT KITCHENS HAS FREE OFFERS for the month of May & June (conditions apply). Call or email us for your free quote 0274 911 955 or info@cutit.co.nz THE LANDING HAS 2 FOR 1 MAINS until the end of June between 5-7pm. Booking required. ph 03 443 5099. TREE TAMERS ARE COUNCIL APPROVED ARBORISTS: prune, shape, thin, remove damage risk, improve your view, crown reduction, tree removal, increase sunshine! Free quotes 443 6454 or 0272 751 268 or www.treetamers.co.nz FOR LEASE 2 X WORKSHOP, industrial / warehouse buildings in Gordon Road. 1 at 288sqm, 1 at 280sqm. 3 phase power, secure yard, parking. For further details phone Richard on 443 2660. BULLOCK BAR QUIZ NIGHT every Wednesday from 7.30pm. Be early to get the best seats, great prizes, great fun with George and Rusty. BEST VALUE MILK IN TOWN - Caltex Wanaka. 2 x 2Litres Pams Milk $6.90. Caltex: open 6am-11pm daily. THE PEACEKEEPERS P.DIGSSS (Shapeshifter) and Sambora (Shapeshifter) Live in Wanaka @ Mint Bar. Get in early to avoid disappointment cos when we full we full! Check out Mint Bar on Facebook for all our upcoming gig info this season! H2O IRRIGATION - DO YOU WANT TO START PLANNING your irrigating needs for your garden/lawn? No more hoses to drag around. Automatic irrigation. It could be in your garden next spring. Ring Nigel 0210 2027 240 or 443 7879. FREE DENTAL CHECKS AT THE WANAKA VET CENTRE for the month of June. Call 443 6409 to make an appointment. You look after your own teeth so remember your pets need regular checks too. COMMUNITY HOUSE - Are you interested in shaping the vision for a fantastic shared facility? Workshops are being held Friday 21st and Sat 22nd June, contact Megan for details 0272 291 607.

Private Functions @ Urban Grind Bar We have the best space, the best food & the best prices in town. No hire fee for our upstairs bar.

19th June 2013





Ph: 443 7347 or 0274 382 352 PO Box 655, Wanaka

www.wellmanelectrical.co.nz Wanaka ÂŹ&REDERICKÂŹ3TREET Owners Will Consider All Options! sÂŹ sÂŹ sÂŹ sÂŹ





FRANCESCA’S ITALIAN KITCHEN has some new items on the Winter menu: Porchetta, apple and celeriac slider; Salt cod bruschetta; Gnocchi with braised beef cheek ragu, pecorino and gremolata; Crumbed buffalo mozzarella; Lasagne and green salad. Lunch 12-3. Dinner 5-late. Evening bookings essential. 93 Ardmore Street, 443 5599. TOYOTA 4RUNNER 1990 NZ NEW 286,000kms. 4WD 2400cc petrol engine, 3 owners, new Wof $4,200ono. See Trademe ref. 602920113 for further information. 0210 575 044. TO GET YOUR FIVE A DAY the fresh organic way come to Wanaka Farmers Market every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall. OPIUM HOSTS YET ANOTHER AWESOME PARTY this Friday with that feisty mix-tress DJ C:She, alongside DJ LT and DJ Bifta, with plenty of dance floor pounding, bass-tastic, boombastic goodness! You know the score by now, $5 drinks all night, party party! WINTER GAMES NZ 2013. 15-25 AUGUST. We are looking for fabulous volunteers to fill various roles on and off the mountain. For further information and to register your details please go www.wintergamesnz.com INJURED - OLD OR NEW. Don’t just sit around taking painkillers. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can speed up the healing process. ACC registered injuries $20, no referral required. Ph 443 8131 Eve McGregor, Wanaka Acupuncture Clinic,19 Cliff Wilson Street. WORK CLOTHING AND WORKBOOTS - get geared up for winter - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. SLEEP-OUT FOR SALE Fully transportable on skids, 4m x 2.4m with deck, insulated, certified electrical, carpet and tiles, could be used as office or aux accommodation. $8,000 call 0204 0103 832. PIGLETS FOR SALE. Buy now and they will be ready to eat for Christmas. $80 each. Phone 445 2644 or 0273 236 974. FREE*FREE*FREE TOMATO SAUCE for all pies purchased at Caltex. Plus... oven fresh pie special: 2 for $5 - Caltex.

MAN OF STEEL OPENS at Rubys on Wednesday the 26th of June- call us. GARAGE SALE. 145 Plantation Road. Saturday & Sunday 9 2pm. ROMANCING THE STONE RAFFLE. 1st prize: dinner for two @ Bistro Gentil, Rubys & champagne and night @ Edgewater & an 18ct gold diamond and sapphire ring. Tickets $20 at Tidy Design, upstairs 3 Helwick St. Fundraising for the Whistle and Hum house concert tour USA. Phone 0273 679 940. THE HOT CHOCOLATE CAULDRON IS BACK at Black Peak Gelato. Dutch coco drinking goodness. We recommend nipping it up with a wee dollop of your favourite gelato to create hot chocolate heaven. NGAI TAHU FUNDING IS AVAILABLE for Kip MaGrath lessons. Register your application with Ngai Tahu now as funding will be allocated in June. For more information call Kip McGrath 0800 TUTORING. WANAKA WELLNESS CENTRE. Integrated professional therapies and services: Massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, naturopathy, medical herbalist, Bowen, homeopathy, reflexology, NLP, hypnotherapy, counselling, meditation, journeywork, craniosacral therapy, beauty therapy, yoga, detoxification, Weighwell Weightloss, Far Infrared Sauna, studio hire, exclusive retail health products. Visit www. wanakawellness.co.nz for practitioner details or phone 443 4668. 24 Dungarvon Street.

Senior Citizens lunch every friday, lunch, dessert, tea & coffee for just $15

sUNDAY bUFFET lunch THE LEGENDARY CARVERY BUFFET 2 ROAST MEATS HAND CARVED IN FRONT OF YOU ‡ 6283 ‡ )5(6+/< %$.(' %5($' ‡ 6$/$'6 ‡ 6($)22' 3/$77(5 ‡ 5 + DIFFERENT VEGIES ‡ '(66(576 ‡ &21',0(176 ‡ 7($ &2))((

2 $'8/7 6(1,25 .,'6 %22.,1*6 5(&200(1'('


19th June 2013


Helpful Advice Quick Service Quality Result We also stock an affordable range of giftware, framed prints & baby gear


FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. MISSING YELLOW DNA JACKET. Went missing in Sticky forest at the beginning of the Hoe Down on Monday. Please call 0211 118 628. MINT BAR IS PROUD TO PRESENT Dirty Ol’ Knights “Welcome to Winter Party 2013� Sat 22nd June with The Peacekeepers feat. P.DIGSSS (Shapeshifter) and Sambora (Shapeshifter), Dirty Ol’ Knights, The Don and Blunt Rifle. Party kicks off at 9pm with free giveaway so get down nice in early to win yourself free stuff and lock in your spot on the D-floor. This is gonna be huge so doors will close when bar is full. We are putting this one on for no door charge to get ya pumped for winter. Get in! WYNDHAM VACATION RESORTS WANAKA. Part-time maintenance position available. Four hour shifts, three days per week, including weekends. General maintenance experience would be an advantage, as well as great customer service skills. Applications close Tuesday 25th June 13. Please email your application to rachel.read@wyn.com or drop in to 109 Mount Aspiring Road. HEALTH INSURANCE. Can you afford not to have it? Find out the cover options by phoning Bradley Nuttall Advisers. 443 2427. DR JOHN GIBSON DC, THE MUSCLE JOINT, for in depth analysis, treatments and effective results. Thorough analysis and effective treatments for the entire body. Specialist in chronic pain/inflexibility conditions, accident/sports injuries. For consistently premium results. Do something today! ACC provider. Telephone The Muscle Joint 443 6460. ASPIRING ENGINEERS ARE HAVING DRINKS AND A BARBIE at their workshop Friday 21st June to celebrate our 1st birthday in our new shop. All clients and friends welcome, 4pm onwards. Behind the workshop, 5 Fredrick St. BECOME A SKI OR SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR. Train with the Rookie Academy and let us help you get a teaching job in the northern winter. Full and part time courses. Contact Dean 021 403 076.

FREEVIEW SATELLITE DECODERS from $99.00. Excellent decoder, sensational price. Barnetts Radio & TV, your local satellite specialists. Phone 03 443 7961, 021 737 247 or www. wanakatv.co.nz HOUSE WANTED TO RENT 3-4 Bedroom, prefer unfurnished, immediate possession, Wanaka township. Local business couple of 12 years, we have 2 Jack Russells! Peter Byrne 021 689 533. THE COOKING TRADITION OF FERRARA, ITALY, is characterized by many typical dishes that can be traced back to the Middle Ages and reveals in some instances the influence of the important Jewish community. A signature first course is cappellacci di zucca, a kind of ravioli with a filling of butternut squash, Parmigiano-Reggiano and flavored with nutmeg. It is served with a sauce of butter and sage. HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING with Te Kakano this Sat, June 22, 10am at Penrith Wetlands. Lots of plants to go in. Tools, morning tea and great company provided. For info and directions, contact Andrew on 021 342 187. WINTER GAMES NZ 2013 : 15 - 25 AUGUST. We are looking for fabulous volunteers to fill various roles on and off the mountain. For further information and to register your details please go www.wintergamesnz.com MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at Mint Bar all standard drinks just $5 all night long! OVEN FRESH PIES - 2 FOR $5 AT CALTEX: Steak/Mushroom, Beef/Bacon, Potato Top, Pepper Steak, Steak/Cheese. Plus.... we always have free tomato sauce for our locals! ROOM TO RENT: LAKE HAWEA. A large double with own bath room in f/f new modern sunny house. Suit couple or single. Ph Simon on 0278 410 879.

19th June 2013


FOR SALE - LEASE ON PRIME COMMERCIAL PREMISES located upstairs 3 Helwick Street, entrance near corner Ardmore street. High traffic flow and premium sign positions. Text message Greg 0274 178 434. WORK IN WANAKA - Are you seeking employment - Wanaka, Queenstown, Cromwell, Alexandra, other locations? We can search for work on your behalf. Hospitality Workers wanted for Milford, Doubtful Sound, Fiordland for coming months. REMEMBER YOUR PETS WHEN YOU ARE GOING AWAY. Wanaka Boarding Kennels and Cattery can help you with cats and dogs so just call on 0274 314 032 to make a booking. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN SATURDAY THE 29TH. A Double Dose of Blues. The boys are back to get your mojo working. Strange Brew from Wellington and the Federation from Queenstown. Warm up your winter with some hot music. No door charge, courtesy coach ph 443 4545. WANAKA SPEIGHTS ALE HOUSE is seeking experienced bar/ wait staff. Please contact: roger@wanakaspeightsalehouse. co.nz PICTURE FRAMING - Give your pictures a new lease of life or get those pictures framed you’ve got lying around. For a free quote call Aspiring Photography, 12 Frederick St, ph 443 1883. LAKES BOWEN THERAPY! BRINGING BALANCE TO your body. Call Cathy Rodgers 443 7907. Nikki Turner 443 6765. Treatments for babies through to the elderly. www.lakesbowentherapy. com. WANTED: NIGHT RECEPTIONIST at awesome backpackers! Be part of an awesome team and have your days free for the mountain! Bring your CV into Base Backpackers on 73 Brownston St or email to wanakagm@stayatbase.com THIS SATURDAY OPIUM welcomes the legendary DJ B-Rok and a special guest DJ from the UK, rollin’ out everything from Reggae to Ragga, DnB and tear out Trap! Free entry and $5 drinks all night, no brainer! DRY KINDLING FOR SALE $10 - a banana box - delivered. Phone David 443 2740. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING LIKE IT USED TO? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392.


8.30am – 1.00pm starting Saturday 29th June



BP WORKSHOP, 59 Ardmore Street, ph 443 7424 bpwanaka@xtra.co.nz

LANDSCAPE PLANS IN 3D enable you to see what your garden will look like when finished. Plan your spring garden now - new builds and make-overs. Competitive rates - reliable professional. Dave Spedding (Dip Hort) 021 707 481 / 443 2721. LOOKING FOR TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION until you find a flat? Please call Albert Town Lodge for great weekly rates. Call Tania 443 9487. ENSUITE ROOM, WARM HOUSE - AVAILABLE WINTER. 15mins Wanaka. Separate entrance. Free coffee and cake. $95pw plus power. Phone 0274 775 124. Minimum stay one month. PUPPY PRE SCHOOL CLASSES at The Wanaka Vet Centre. Fun, informative, positive training classes to help you create a socialized well mannered puppy. Next class 24th June. Call 443 6409 to register. REGISTERED DRIVING INSTRUCTOR, Class 2, P, V, W, R, T, forklift and OSH licences. Defensive Driving courses. Phone 0276 465 386. MITSUBISHI MIRAGE HATCHBACK ‘94, 250K, very tidy, well maintained. $1250. Call or text Jessica 0220 139 062. FOR SALE. RETRO PINK SMEG FRIDGE with small freezer box $250. Single wooden pull out bed with foam mattress $120. Grey fleck formica tabel L1200mm W800mm $40. Phone 021 903 339 for details. STRENGTH FOR BLOKES BEGINS MONDAY JUNE 24TH. Contact: dougal.allan@gmail.com spaces limited! Dougal Allan (BPhEd [Hons]) working with Peak Endurance! YOGA/MEDITATION: Thursdays 6:30-8pm, Hawea Flat School. $10. Robyn 0276 448 005. Come stretch then relax, great for the cold weather. BUILDING YOUR DREAM HOME? Think smart and insulate with wool for a superior insulation that will last. Email your plans to info@shearcomfort.co.nz or call Shear Comfort 0210 629 212 for more information. WANAKA SPEIGHTS ALE HOUSE is seeking an experienced sous chef. Please contact: kitchen@wanakaspeightsalehouse. co.nz ALBERT TOWN TAVERN. TAKE AWAYS open from 9.30 Tuesday to Friday with hot food ready to go. Giant cheese rolls, homemade shepherds pie, lasagna, the Alby giant toasted sandwich and heaps more. THOUGHT ABOUT BECOMING A SKI OR SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR? Do it now! Ski or ride on the weekends with Cardrona’s top trainers. Check out www.cardronainstructor. com or phone/text 0212 555 929. COUNSELLING WITH LIZ MALUSCHNIG - professional, holistic, safe. Over 20 years experience. Call Liz on 443 1955 or text 0274 334 520. CARDRONA’S HIGH PERFORMANCE CENTRE; specialising in Ski Race, Freeski and Snowboard Training. Join other like minded athletes, achieve on snow results, enter competitions and have fun!! Visit www.cardrona.com or email hpc@cardrona. com LAKE HAWEA PHYSIOTHERAPY www.lakehaweaphysio. co.nz ACC and private physiotherapy treatments, therapeutic massage. Call Kaz for an appointment 443 8446 or 021 996 506.

19th June 2013

METAL SCULPTURE... ERNIE MALUSCHNIG and Adam David. Commissions welcome. Visit us at 54 Ballantyne Rd, www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz. FB page for recent sculpture updates. SCIENCE / MATHS TEACHING VACANCY at Kip McGrath. Work to start in July with students Y9 - 11 during the day and evening. Please call Nikki 443 1547. BAKERY FACTORY POSITION: Our Wholesale Bakery in Frederick Street is looking for someone with a certain flair to become a production assistant on our Pie Production Line. We don’t require anyone with qualifications, just a person who has the following attributes - a positive outlook on life - a willingness to learn - passion for work - team player - fast and efficient strong work ethics. Hours are initially Monday to Friday 5am till 2pm, with the occasional Saturday work required. Should this sound like you, then please email a copy of your CV to: info@ thebakerynz.co.nz CUSTOM DIGITAL IS WANAKA’S AUDIO VISUAL SPECIALIST. Let us customise a multi-room audio system for your home. Contact Peter Cartlidge 443 5138 or Ryan Jones 021 382 141 or www.customdigital.co.nz ROOKIE ACADEMY INSTRUCTOR TRAINING: Weekend Course: starts 13th July on T.C. Costs $400 for 5 Saturdays. Become a much better rider and skier and train towards your NZSIA/SBINZ Level 1. Contact Dean 021 403 076. EMILY FROM WANAKLEAN DOG would like to let her clients know she will be away from 4th July until 2nd August. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Call 0275 110 282. POILICIOUS FIRE PERFORMANCE GROUP would like to thank Metal Works for their fantastic fire props used in Poilicious’s fire performance at the Kahu Youth Matariki Festival. Your support and creative outlook was a value to our show. FOR SALE. 17INCH FLAT SCREEN TVS with DVD player $200 per set. Square outdoor glass table with 8 chairs $200. 3mt diameter children’s pool with filter, free. Phone 443 8020 or 021 931 076. THE INTERNSHIP MOVIE FUNDRAISING NIGHT. This Thursday $25 each. Movie, wine, nibbles, spot prizes - at Paradiso. Tickets available from Holy Family School Office. A fundraiser for Holy Family School. All welcome. Call 0274 434 504 for further info. Enjoy a giggle! 2002 FORRESTER X-OVER silver 121,000km. Excellent condition 2.500cc. Careful lady owner $9,900. Phone 0272 569 045, A/h 03 217 8233. CHOCOLATT HAIR SALON have new Winter Hours. We will be open Mon, Wed, Thur and Fri 9-6.30pm, Tue 9-8pm. From 1st July - 30th September. STOP BATHROOM MOISTURE. Have a showerdome fitted. Call 0211 788 589 or 443 2001. “SUGAR BLUES” WORKSHOP Sun 7th July - 9.30-1pm. Learn how to painlessly eliminate sugar from your diet. Yoga for stomach and digestive health with Christine Callanan. Fermented Foods demo and workshop with Health Coach, Jordan Spencer. Raw food lunch. Cost $69. Limited spaces. Call Christine 0276 936 300. GALLERY THIRTY THREE: Our current exhibition with Louise McRae and Jane Mitchell runs until 28th June. Please pop by and enjoy! See our website for details: www.gallery33.co.nz open 7 days. NEW! KERATHERAPY RELAXING SYSTEM. Reduces curl or wave pattern in the hair. Formulated with amazon fruit extracts, pure keratin, essential oils, vitamins, amino acids, elastin and collagen. This unique formulation delivers rich nutrients, increases elasticity and shine and improves manageability. Hair Thou Art workshop. Ph 443 9545.


OPEN HOMES DIRECTORY 20th June - 26th June

BAYLEYS 52 Lagoon Ave, Albert Town 9 Penrith Park Drive, Wanaka 13 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka

10.15 - 10.45am 11 - 11.30am 2.30pm daily

Sat 22nd June Sat 22nd June 19 - 27 June


11.30 - 12.15 pm

Sat 22nd June


2.00pm - 2.30pm 3.00pm - 3.30pm 12.30pm - 1.00pm

Sat 22nd June Sat 22nd June Sun 23rd June

By Negotiation $559,000 $590,000

5.00pm 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm

Wed 19 Jun Sat 22 Jun Sat 22 Jun Sat 22 Jun Sat 22 Jun

Auction 17/07 $359,000 $1,100,000 POA Auction 17/07

12.00pm 12.30pm

Sun 23th June Sun 23th June

$595,000 $525,000

10.00 - 11.00 12.30 - 1.00 1.00 - 1.30 1.30 - 2.00 2.00 - 2.30 2.00 - 2.30 2.15 - 2.45

Sat 22nd June Sat 22nd June Sat 22nd June Sat 22nd June Sat 22nd June Sat 22nd June Sat 22nd June

$499,000 Negotiation $537,000 Offers Auction $1,195,000 $259,000

2.30-2.45pm 11.00-11.30am 12.00-12.30pm 1.00-1.30pm 1.00-1.30pm

Wed 19 June Sat 22 June Sat 22 June Sat 22 June Sun 23 June

$635,000 By Neg $2,250,000 $539,000 $635,000

2.30 - 3.30 2.30 - 3.30

Thurs 20th June SHOW HOME Sat 22nd June SHOW HOME


FIRST NATIONAL 18 Penrith Park Drive 7b Little Oak Common 22 Scaife Place

HARCOURTS 6A Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka 85 Grandview Road, Lake Hawea 691 Aubrey Road, Wanaka 1025 Albert Town-Lake Hawea Highway, Wanaka 6A Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka

LOCATIONS 34 Hunter Crescent 185 Stone Street

PROFESSIONALS 14 Kamahi Street, Wanaka 40 Hedditch Street, Wanaka 7 Perrow Street, Wanaka 16 Lakeview Tce, Lake Hawea 42 Beech Street, Wanaka 8 Ruby Ridge, Wanaka 2/91 Lakeview Tc, Lake Hawea

RAY WHITE 9 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka 38 Beacon Point Rd, Wanaka 559 Mt Barker Rd, Wanaka 22 McLennan Road, Hawea Flat 9 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka

TURNKEY HOMES 9 Infinity Drive 9 Infinity Drive

TUSSOCKS SHORTEST DAY SALE, Friday 21st June. 30% off everything in store for the one day only. Come and ponder the specials beside the roaring log fire. Tussocks - 71 Ardmore Street. SHOE REPAIRS - OPEN 7 DAYS. Eftpos avaliable. Men’s work boots. Quick turn around for all repairs. Pembroke Mall Shop 4. ALBERT TOWN KARAOKE. Every second Friday. Next one on 21 June from 8pm. Courtesy coach, Phone 443 4545. DJ CRINCE AND DJ MICKEAL at Barluga this Saturday 22nd June @ 10pm. Kicking the winter off in style. Free entry and cheap drinks for mountain staff. BABY AND CHILD EXPO - Saturday 29th June 10 - 4pm. Lake Wanaka Centre. Come along out of the cold and check out our local resources and fun times for the kids. FOR SALE - SUBARU LEGACY ‘94. Warranted, rego 270,000kms. Ideal ski wagon. Usual wear and tear. Owned by mechanic. $2,500ono - call/text 0278 222 089.

19th June 2013



Purchase a ticket to see WORLD WAR Z plus a bottle of Heineken for $25! Offer valid for a limited time only.

WEDNESDAY 19 JUNE 3:15 3:45 5:45 6:15 8:00 8:15

The Great Gatsby 3D The Reluctant Fundamentalist The Great Gatsby 3D Bekas Song For Marion Fast & Furious 6

1 2 1 2 2 1

THURSDAY 20 JUNE 3:45 3:4 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:15

Song For Marion First Position The Great Gatsby 3D The Reluctant Fundamentalist Bekas World War Z 3D NEW!

1 2 1 2 2 1

FILM RATINGS The Great Gatsby M Violence, Sex Scenes Fast & Furious 6 M Violence The Reluctant Fundamentalist M Violence, Offensive Lang, Sex Scenes Star Trek Into Darkness 3D M Violence Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D G

FRIDAY 21 JUNE 3:30 3:45 5:45 6:00 7:45 8:15

Fast & Furious 6 Performance FINAL SESSION Bekas World War Z 3D The Reluctant Fundamentalist The Great Gatsby 3D

1 2 2 1 2 1

SATURDAY 22 JUNE 1:30 2:00 3:15 4:15 6:00 6:15 8:15 8:30

Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D First Position The Great Gatsby 3D Song For Marion World War Z 3D The Reluctant Fundamentalist The Great Gatsby 3D Bekas

Song for Marion PG Coarse Language & Sexual Refs Performance M Sex Scenes, Offensive Language Bekas M First Position G Rust And Bone R16 Graphic Violence, Sex Scenes, Offensive Language World War Z (3D) M Samsara PG13

MONDAY 24 JUNE 3:15 3:30 5:30 5:45 8:00 8:00

Star Trek Into Darkness 3D Song For Marion The Reluctant Fundamentalist World War Z 3D Bekas The Great Gatsby 3D

1 2 2 1 2 1

1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

SUNDAY 23 JUNE 12:45 1:00 2:45 3:15 4:30 5:30 6:15 8:00 8:15

Fast & Furious 6 Bekas First Position World War Z 3D Song For Marion The Great Gatsby 3D Bekas The Reluctant Fundamentalist World War Z 3D


1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 1

TUESDAY 25 JUNE 3:45 3:45 5:35 5:45 8:00 8:15

Bekas Samsara BACK BY DEMAND The Great Gatsby 3D Rust & Bone BACK BY DEMAND The Reluctant Fundamentalist World War Z 3D

2 1 1 2 2 1

WEDNESDAY 26 JUNE 3:00 4:00 5:45 6:00 8:00 8:15

The Great Gatsby 3D Song For Marion World War Z 3D The Reluctant Fundamentalist Fast & Furious 6 Bekas

1 2 1 2 1 2

19th June 2013

Upper Clutha Messenger


Sunday 23rd June, 7pm Gourmet buffet menu $50 • Whole carcass organic lamb from the Catlins • Potato Gratin Dauphinois & steamed greens • Crème brûlée or l’Amandine pear tart for dessert • Glass of French bubbles

Live music Wine machines • 24 wines by the glass, half glass and taster CALL TO BOOK. LIMITED SPACE.

À bientôt!


13 Sunnyside Lane

Auction in 10 Days!


• Owners are relocating to Auckland • Our instructions are to have this property sold before or on 28 June • Near new 190m² four bedroom, two living areas, two bathroom plus study home • Mountain views • Warm with a wood burner and a heatpump • A family sized house and section that is finished to a high standard and is ready to move into

View 2.30pm, daily until Auction day

Here is potential to buy into a popular location for what may be below building cost as the current owners have clearly determined their next move.

76a Golf Course Road, Wanaka T. 03 443 2299 Wednesday - Sunday www.bistrogentil.co.nz

1pm, Fri 28 June 2013 Lake Wanaka Centre 89 Ardmore St (unless sold prior)


Ross Howard

M 027 448 0176




10 -4PM

Northburn Station Cooking Series Wednesday 10th July, 6.30pm until 9.30pm


Come and taste test many new products and meet the makers WINE - BBQ - PASTA and lots more In-store specials and discounts on all products being sampled.

A hands-on cooking class and dining experience using Northburn Station produce. The first in our Cooking Series is a Winter Dinner Party class with Chef Brendan Downer demonstrating how to prepare a fabulous two course menu using professional finishing touches to create wow factor home dining. Places are limited and $95 includes recipes and dinner with Northburn Station wines. Please contact bookings@northburn.co.nz or call 03 445 1743 to book your place. The Shed at Northburn Station 45 Northburn Station Road, Cromwell

Mon-Fri 8.00am – 6.30pm Sat & Sun 9.00am – 4.00pm 20 Ardmore Street Wanaka 443 0118

WIDE FORMAT DIGITAL PRINTING Building Signs Footpath Signs Vehicles & Boats Illuminated Signs


Banners & Flags Internal Signs Window Graphics 3D & Router Cut Lettering Real Estate Signage Design

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka E signs@printit.co.nz P 03 443 7804

19th June 2013

Upper Clutha Messenger

14 Kamahi Street

Camphill Estate

• Four bedroom two bathroom brand new home • Popular area, lovely street appeal, fully landscaped and mountain views. • Two heat pumps and a log burner • This home is all ready to move into

• Be the first to call this home • Three bedrooms, two bathrooms and open plan living area that has views of Treble Cone • Stylish, easy care section, you will be able lock up and go and enjoy the Wanaka lifestyle! • Brenmer Bay and Eely Point only a short walk away

• A great opportunity in Hawea Flat and very close to the school • Five sections ranging from 3 acres to just over 5 acres with power, phone and water to the boundary • Stunning location with panoramic mountain views • Build your dream home a short drive to Wanaka and Lake Hawea.

For Sale by Negotiation

For Sale $499,000 www.bayleys.co.nz\221939

For Sale from $210,000 www.bayleys.co.nz\222202

13 Sunnyside Lane

14 Liverpool Way

• Auction in 10 days! • Near new 190m² four bedroom, two living areas, two bathroom plus study home • Popular location for what may be purchased for below building cost

Auction 1pm, Fri 28 June Lake Wanaka Centre (unless sold prior) www.bayleys.co.nz\222309


Ross Howard


80 Ardmore Street , Wanaka 03 443 5330 www.bayleys.co.nz/wanaka

M 027 448 0176 ross.howard@bayleys.co.nz

47 Infinity Drive

88 Meadowstone Drive

• • • • •

• • • •

Brand new three bedroom, two bathroom home Plus media room which could be used as a fourth bedroom Set beside a reserve that borders two sides Stunning lake & mountain views 714m² elevated, north facing site

For Sale $749,000


Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235 B 03 443 0272

sharondonnelly@realwanaka.co.nz www.realwanaka.co.nz

Three bedroom, two bathroom home Very desirable area and only minutes to Lake Wanaka Double garaging plus off street parking 758m² private and landscaped grounds

For Sale $560,000


Rebecca Donnelly M 021 114 7681 B 03 443 0273

rebecca@realwanaka.co.nz www.bayleys.co.nz


80 Ardmore Street , Wanaka 03 443 5330 www.bayleys.co.nz/wanaka

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