Upper clutha messenger 21st august 2013

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Upper Clutha

Messenger Volume XXXIV | No 32 | 21st August 2013 The Messenger is published each Wednesday by Print It Wanaka Ltd

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka | Phone 443 7804 | Fax 443 7805 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz

Amazing selection of fruit and ornamental trees!

Seed Potatoes Great variety of roses and standard roses Superb pots and urns Winter hours - Tues - Fri 10am - 4pm, Sat, Sun 10am - 3pm Closed Mondays • 555 Aubrey Rd, Wanaka • Ph 03 443 7846

2013 Trip Advisor Winner

Wanaka Playgroup thanks…

Wanaka Playgroup Thanks the Graham and Olive West Trust for their new Early Childhood Education Equipment

Wanaka Playgroup is thrilled with its brand new equipment after being the grateful recipients of a generous grant of $4600 from the Graham and Olive West Trust. Educational and robust play equipment is costly and it would have been impossible for Playgroup to update and replace some of its very tired resources without external funding. Purchases were made to include all ages: there’s a mat and a ‘Crawl-and-See-Me’ Centre for the babies which is ideal for tummy time to encourage crawling, reaching, and facial recognition; for the toddlers and preschoolers there’s a modular soft gym set, and a set of interlocking tactile panels featuring convex and concave mirrors, cogs, and various geometrically-shaped windows. These are not only fun, but teach the children some basic concepts of physics. Playgroup Co-ordinator Anna Scott-Walker is delighted to have the new, bright

and modern, early childhood education equipment: “The kids are full of giggles! They can even build with them to make a building or a tunnel”. And then for summer, there are some cool, new toys for the water table. Wanaka Playgroup is accredited with the Ministry of Education and available for 0 – 5 year olds accompanied by their caregiver. Sessions run Mondays and Thursdays 0930 – 1130 am at the Old Presbyterian Church Hall, Tenby Street. Cost is $3/ family/session.





Upstairs, Behind Paper Plus, Wanaka. Ph: 03 443 6086 www.bombay-palace.co.nz

For more information, contact Rachel Allibone (President, Wanaka Playgroup) on 443 5147 or 021 1029 130. PS: We’d love to hear from anyone with a potential Playgroup meeting place. We have appreciated renting the facilities from the Presbyterian Church over the years, but with the Old Hall’s imminent demise, we are faced with having to explore other options. Please contact Rachel if you can help. Thanks kindly!

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Book now to get the best prices and we will take you to Queenstown airport and meet you on your return for FREE

World Travellers Wanaka 103 Ardmore St, Wanaka T: 443 7414 www.worldtravellerswanaka.co.nz Going further, staying in touch

Upper Clutha Messenger

21st August 2013

21st August 2013


Community Diary THURSDAY 22 AUGUST

V Senior Citizens Club - afternoon tea and social gathering at the Wanaka Districts Club from 2pm onwards. All welcome. Enquiries to Vivienne 443 5120 or ucsc.club@gmail.com. Check out our website for details on membership, volunteering or donations, www.ucscclub.weebly.com. V Wanaka Farmers Market, 4 - 6pm every Thursday at the Spencer House Mall. V Op Shop Open, 12 noon to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm. For 0 - 5 year olds, at the pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat hall. Friendly and fun. Visitors welcome - you don’t have to live in Hawea. V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30 for 0 - 5yr olds. Presbytian Church Hall, Tenby Street. $3 per family. Come and have some indoor and outdoor fun with us, this terms theme is ‘Space!’. Please bring a snack/ drink for your child(ren). Tea and coffee provided for caregivers. For more details call Rachel 0211029130. V 9 Hole Ladies Gold. Discs in by 10.15am. Tee off at 10.30am. New members welcome. V Cancer Society Support Afternoon. Meet at Edgewater 2pm. Come for a short walk and a chat along our beautiful lakeside or just a chat, followed by afternoon tea (own cost) approx. 3pm. Anyone affected by cancer welcome including family, friends and supporters. Ph Raewyn 0279 165 028. Note this is a week later than normal. V Men’s 9 Hole Golf. Cards in by 12.20pm. V Centering Prayer, 5pm at the Upper Room, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Tai Chi for Balance, 2pm at Elmslie House. Gold coin donation. V Wanaka Garden Club meets at the Bowling Club Rooms at 7.30pm. Speaker: Jo Waklin on “Dry Gardeningâ€?. Visitors welcome. V Toastmasters. - Improve your speaking skills for work, SXEOLF VSHDNLQJ RU MXVW EHWWHU FRQÂżGHQFH SP DW St John Rooms, 4 Link Way, Wanaka. Come, sit and enjoy, or have a go if you dare. Ph Jamie on 021 331 245. V Embroidery Group, Workshop Day. 10.30am at the Arts Centre. V Ladies New & Newish to Wanaka Luncheon. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP on ph 443 7442.

V Luggate Playgroup 10am - 11.30 Saturday mornings, Luggate Hall. All ages welcome, donations of toys gratefully accepted. We are trying to get this playgroup back up and running so please bring your kids, energy and ideas. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 - 11am.


V Baptist Church - meets 5:30pm every Sunday at the Lake Wanaka Centre, Cnr Ardmore St and Lakeside Rd. (Soup & buns to follow). Everyone welcome. http://wanakabaptist.zohosites.com V Catholic Church, 152 Aubrey Rd. Holy Mass at 11am. V Wanaka Lighthouse Church meets every Sunday evening at 5pm, at the former Snow Sports space, Cnr Link Way and Reece Crescent. Come on in. http://lighthouseglobal.org/ For more info ph 443 2793. V Wanaka New Life Church, 10am - upstairs at the Spencer House Mal, Dunmore St. All welcome. V St Columba’s Anglican Church, Cnr Upton & McDougall Sts; 9.30am, Holy Communion with Sunday Clubs for children. All welcome. V Presbyterian Worship: Family Service at 9.30am with Rainbow Club for children. Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St.


V Wanaka Bridge Club, 1pm at Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. Social Bridge. V Wanaka Bowling Club Progressive Tournament. Names in by 12.45pm, start 1pm. Visitors welcome. V Wanaka Social Tennis at the Upton St Courts, 10am 12.30pm. All welcome. V Mini Muscles Indoor Playgym at ProActive Gym. 9.30am for under 2, 10.30am for 2, 3 & 4 yr olds and 11.30am for babies. All whanau welcome. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 - 11am. V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street at 10.30am. For appointments, ph 443 7799.

V Alcoholics Anonymous. 8pm every Monday in the Plunket Rooms in Ardmore Street (next door to BP). V Overeaters Anonymous. Meeting every Monday at 6.30pm in Plunket Rooms on Ardmore St (next door WR %3 3OHDVH FDOO WR FRQÂżUP V Wanaka Walkers meet on the lakefront, opposite the Showgrounds, at 9.30am. Bring lunch. Ph 443 5575 for info. or access www.wanakawalkers. blogspot.co.nz V 6PDOOERUH 5LĂ H &OXE, Lake Wanaka Centre at 6.30pm. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm. For 0 - 5 year olds, at the pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat hall. Friendly and fun. Visitors welcome you don’t have to live in Hawea. V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30 for 0 - 5yr olds. Presbytian Church Hall, Tenby Street. $3 per family. Come and have some indoor and outdoor fun with us, this terms theme is ‘Space!’. Please bring a snack/drink for your child(ren). Tea and coffee provided for caregivers. For more details call Rachel 0211029130. V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. All welcome. V Wanaka Bridge Club, 7pm at the Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. - Aspiring Stakes. V Wanaka Men’s Probus Club at the Mt Iron Function Centre, Albert Town Tavern. V Genealogy Group, 5.15 - 7.15pm, Wanaka Library Research. All most welcome.




V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 1 - 4pm. All welcome.

V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 7.30 - 8.30pm.

V Senior Citizens exercise class 1.30 pm at the St -RKQ URRPV RQ /LQN :D\ 4XDOLÂżHG 3LODWHV DQG 7DL Chi instructors. All welcome. Casual class $4 or purchase a 10 class concession card for $30. Enjoy a safe and friendly workout followed by a cuppa. Enquiries to Vivienne, ph 443 5120. V Volunteering Central - events, conservation, working with kids or caring for others... visit Gillian at Community Networks between 9.30am and 2.30pm WR ÂżQG RXW DERXW YROXQWHHULQJ LQ \RXU FRPPXQLW\ Contact Gillian 443 4102 centralvolunteering@gmail. com V Cancer Society Yoga Support group. Open to anyone affected by Cancer at any stage, family included. Gentle, relaxing, supportive session by specially trained teacher. 9am St John, Link Way every Tuesday. Just come or phone Raewyn on 0279 165 028. V Op Shop Open, 12 noon to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm. For 0 - 5 year olds, at the pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat hall. Friendly and fun. Visitors welcome - you don’t have to live in Hawea. V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1-4pm. All welcome. For more info, contact Andrew on 021 342 187. V Wanaka Men’s Tennis, Upton St courts from 3pm. Lights available. V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street at 1pm. For appointments please ph 443 7799. V Plunket - Your Moving Baby Session - “Baby on the Moveâ€? 1.30 to 2.30. For babies who are rolling and crawling but not quite walking. The challenges of your moving baby - safety, changing sleep patterns, QXWULWLRQ DQG FDULQJ IRU ÂżUVW WHHWK 3OXQNHW 5RRPV Ardmore St. V Wanaka Rowing Club AGM, 7.30pm at Accountancy DW $OWLWXGH RIÂżFHV %URZQVWRQ 6WUHHW $OO ZHOFRPH Apologies to M Galloway, ph 443 8267. V The Rotary Club of Wanaka meets at the Mt Iron Garden Bar and Function Centre in the Albert Town Tavern. 6pm for 6.30pm. V Mainly Music. - Music, movement and morning tea for children 0 - 5yrs and their parents/caregivers. 9.30 - 11am at Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Alanon Family Group. 7.30pm, Upper Room, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre.


V Alcoholics Anonymous - 7.30pm at St Ninians Church, Kane Road, Hawea Flat (next to the Hawea Flat Kindergarten). Open meeting. V Wanaka Library Pre-School Session, 10.30 11.30am for ages 0 - 5. V Baptist Homegroup, 23 Charles Court, Lake Hawea at 7.30pm. All welcome. V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1-4pm. All welcome. For more info, contact Andrew on 021 342 187. V Wanaka Bridge Club 7pm at the Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. - Championship Teams 1. V Creative Fibre Group 10.30am - 3.30pm at Di’s, 130 Hunter Crescent. All welcome. V Mainly Music Hawea. Rockn on at St Ninian’s, 9.30 - 11am.

For After Hours Medical Care the Duty Practice this weekend is

Wanaka Medical Centre Ph (03) 443 0710 or 443 7811 Urgent Clinics at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre

23 Cardrona Valley Rd

9am –- 6pm on Sat 24 Aug & Sun 25 Aug

21st August 2013


This Week’s Birthday Notices CONTACT US

Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 11 Brownston St, Wanaka ADVERTISING messenger@printit.co.nz

MESSENGER DEADLINES DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS (15 minutes design time included) To be proofed/designed: Copy by Fri 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3ULQW UHDG\ ÂżOH E\ 0RQ QRRQ

FULL COLOUR DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS To be proofed/designed: Copy by Thurs 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3ULQW UHDG\ ÂżOH E\ )UL QRRQ


AGM UPPER CLUTHA A & P SOCIETY are holding their AGM on Wednesday 28th August 2013, 7.30pm at the Albert Town Tavern. WANAHOOP? 6 WEEK BEGINNERS HULA-HOOP workshop starting September 10th. Combine fun, fitness and flow. Course fee including your own collapsible travel hoop. $120. Small group size. Contact Jo for more information, phone 0210 8289 987, fantailhoops9382@gmail.com 2 X LOAVES GOLDEN BAKE BREAD ONLY $3.00 and 2x2L Pams milk only $6.90. Today and every day, Caltex Wanaka. COFFEE HAPPY HOUR - ½ price coffee. Come in between 10am and 11am Mon - Friday and all coffees are $2.50 only at the Bullock Bar Grill. SANDWICH X 2 AND PUMP WATER 750ml for only $7.90 from BP Wanaka. BEEN ON THE PISTE? Looking for a feast? Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday from 4pm in Spencer House Mall. BULLOCK BAR WEDNESDAY NIGHT QUIZ. Free to enter from 7.30pm with George and Rusty. DADS/GRANDADS - PLUNKET NEED A HANDYMAN/ carpenter for a couple of hours work the first week of September. Our new playground is going in and we need to build a small step. If you can help call Carol 443 2782. Thanks.

August 26th - Emily Downing August 26th - Mat Andrews

Come into Print It to collect your voucher for a FREE coffee at Kai. (Or kids fluffy) If you would like us to include your or someone elses birthday in a future issue ring us on 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz

11 Brownston Street, Wanaka. www.mymessenger.co.nz

ORDER YOUR PHOTOS WHILE ON THE SKIFIELD. What? Yes! Order your photos directly from your iPhone/android/iPad/ tablet with our LifePics app - it’s a free app at the app store. See our website on how at myphotobooks.co.nz - zip code 9305 you will need this. Select your prints on the skifield and pick them up when you are in town - how easy is that? Matte, gloss, regular sized or enlargements. Yes Photo&Digital (Wanaka) 14 Helwick Street, Wanaka, 7 days. BLAST ONTO THE MOUNTAIN with Rocket Rental. Cheapest ski and board hire in town – guaranteed! 39 Helwick St. Ph 443 ROCK. CLEANER REQUIRED. WE NEED a reliable, honest, fit and keen person to work early mornings and/or evenings for commercial premises, 3-4 hours, 5/6 days per week. Please phone 0273 157 647. DR JOHN GIBSON DC, THE MUSCLE JOINT. Thorough analysis and effective treatments for the entire body. Specialist in chronic pain/inflexibility conditions, accident/sports injuries. See our new deep tissue / prescription sports massage menu for the best rub in town. For consistently premium results. Do something today! ACC provider. The Muscle Joint ph 443 6460. www.themusclejoint.co.nz LAKE BAR PROPRIETORS PETER & VICKI BYRNE. Lunch, Dinner and All Day Snack Menu. Monteiths & Speights, Friday $6 - Cocktail. Live on Sky this weekend, Friday, Ranfurly Shield Otago V Waikato; Saturday, Bledilsoe Cup All Blacks V Australia. Ph 03 443 2920.

20FT CONTAINER INSULATED FOR SALE. Phone 443 6490 or 0274 507 616.

1996 HONDA CRV. Clean & tidy for age. Serviced regularly. Great car for travelling up the mountain. Includes roof rack, ski rack and tow bar. Will include free Belkin adaptor for iPod. $2500 ono, priced to sell. More information on Trade Me #626278804. Phone 443 4353 or 0274 984 496.

FORD TERRITORY FOR SALE. Excellent condition, well maintained and regularly serviced. 174,500 kms. Fantastic family vehicle. $15,995 ono. Ph Wayne 0272 772 392 or Mandy 0274 642 629.

COMMIS CHEF: THE WANAKA SPEIGHT’S ALE HOUSE is looking for an experienced Commis Chef to join their busy kitchen. Please send your CV to grant@ wanakaspeightsalehouse.co.nz

21st August 2013


CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY Health, Naturally Phone Jennie: 0275 248 858 www.consciousness-rising.com ATTENTION FOODIES! IT’S HONG KONG Wine and Dine month in November, packages on sale now at Wanaka Flight Centre. Sale expires 26th August. Contact us 03 443 4101 or email wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz OFFICE AT 3 HELWICK STREET $100 + GST PER WEEK. Short or long term lease. 3x3m, close the door it’s your own space, great central location. Power and internet included. Call 03 443 4433. TOYOTA COROLLA 1990 GL 231000km; silver and grey, 4 door hatchback, petrol 1300cc, automatic. Registration expires – 02.10.2013. WOF expires – 22.02.2014. Selling because going back to Latvia, $1555. Ph 0220 231 532. LOCAL WOMAN LOOKING FOR BABYSITTER/NANNY to help out with my two children aged 3½ and 1. Good rate of pay. Hours variable. References required. Full drivers licence necessary. Phone 443 8484 or 0204 0134 217. SAVE AN ADDITIONAL 6C LITRE ON YOUR FUEL AT CALTEX Wanaka when you purchase an executive car wash and 40 litres of fuel using your AA Smartfuel card. That’s 12c litre in total. Terms and conditions apply. TRADE QUALIFIED CARPENTER REQUIRED Must be hardworking, punctual and a good communicator with own tools and vehicle. Licensed preferred but not essential. 40 - 50 hours per week. Competitive rates. Phone 0272 261 284 to discuss further.





6 SEPT 2013

Rippon Hall

Doors Open at 7pm Show starts at 7:30pm

(Major Sponsor)

Wine on arrival

• * A Selection of • Whitestone Cheeses • * Cash bar This is a fundraising event for the Mt Aspiring Pupils traveling to Vietnam and who will carry out project work in schools and Orphanages in both rural and city locations over Christmas 2013. Tickets: $50 per head Please Join us in this Amazing location with an outstanding host and support the students in this Challenging exploration-The world beyond the classroom. TICKETS CAN BE PURCHASED FROM:

CHAPTER 5 OR Phone: 021753392

MATURE PERSON TO SHARE HOUSE and expenses. Close to town, warm friendly home. Must like animals. Text me 0221 506 671. MARQUEES FOR HIRE - 4x4, 8x4, 5x5, 6x6, 9x6, 12x6, 10x5, 10x10, 10x15, 10x20, 10x25,10x30. Call Brent on 443 8966.

GLASS BALUSTRADES Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719.

LOGO COMPETITION. Drop your logo design to Wanaka Public Libraries Association at Wastebusters or Martinovich Jewellers by Friday, 30/08/13. If you need info, phone 443 6055 or email: wanplassn@gmail.com

FLY AND SPIDER SPRAYING. No mess with JAE Pest Control. Spraying warranted up to one year by local operator. Ph 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150.

HAVE A HEART WANAKA and support Community Networks. Your opportunity to support our future is now. What are you waiting for? Go to www.communitynetworks.co.nz to donate.

MITSUBISHI PAJERO FOR SALE. SWB, 1991, WOF, diesel. A few issues but a bargain to the right person. $2000 ono. Ph 0275 135 509.

BEER FOR BREAKFAST! WHY NOT? Best hangover cure. Bacon and eggs $10 at the Bullock Bar Grill from 7am daily.

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A BIKING INSTRUCTOR OR REFRESH A QUALIFICATION? The Aspiring Athletes Club are hosting 2 courses with instructors visiting from BikeNZ to develop a pool of instructors for the club and wider community. COURSE 1: Learn to Ride Instructors 21st September, 9am - 5pm COURSE 2:

Introduction to Mountain Bike Instructors 22nd September, 9am - 5pm

$55 per course and complementary club membership, RU IRU IXOO 1=4$ TXDOL¿FDWLRQ DQG FRPSOHPHQWDU\ FOXE PHPEHUVKLS Ring Lucy Fullerton to register your interest and pay before 31st August, ph 443 4453. CHEQUES: Payable to “Aspiring Athletes Club” or ONLINE: Bank account 06 0943 0107225 00.

BUCHAN’S MOBILE BUTCHER covering the entire Upper Clutha area. On property kill, hung and refrigerated on site. Also, cut down and packaged. Prompt service. All enquiries to Grant on 0211 023 602. Owned and operated from Luggate. WHETHER YOUR GOAL IS TO ACHIEVE A personal best in your next event, stay healthy whilst enjoying recreation or to feel better in your everyday life, Active Massage is here to help you. Phone Gray 0212 097 071 or 443 9011.


7.30pm, Tuesday 27th August at Accountancy at Altitude offices, Brownston Street. All welcome! Apologies to M Galloway, ph 443 8267

21st August 2013


PIZZA Large 13 inch traditional hand rolled thin crust


Urban Grind 72 Ardmore St, next to 4Square. ph 443 6748

APPLE MAC TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE - 6 Years technician at Apple. Help with Mac, iPhones, repairs and friendly advice. Email: aprimrose@mac.com or phone 0204 0099 059.

WILTON CAKE DECORATING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES are now available only at Nordavia - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop! I have a fabulous range of Icings, Disposable Decorating bags, Couplers, Decorating Tips - including the #1M Open Star Decorating Tip for beautiful Cupcake swirls - Cupcake papers, Candy Melts, Lollipop Sticks, quality Ribbons, Cake Boards and Cake Boxes. If I don’t have what you need - I will get it in for you! Nordavia - find us at 1 Frederick Street on the way to Wastebusters. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm. Phone 03 443 5475. www.nordaviabakeshop.co.nz

EVERY 8TH COFFEE FREE, ONLY WITH THE LUNCH BOX club pre-paid cards. Probably the best deal in town. Only at The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). Phone orders on 443 8500 welcome.

FULLY FURNISHED ROOM AVAILABLE NOW in 4 bedroom house near Aspiring College & Pool on 26 Matai Road. $120 singles $155 couples plus power. Great flatties / TV in room / heat pump / WiFi and home computer available / big garden with hammock and BBQ. Social flatmates! Please mention Matai Road when you call or txt: 021 923 553. You snooozze....

COME IN AND GET A “WORLD CLASS TUNE” at Base Ultimate Workshop. The official workshop for the NZ Park and Pipe Team. Drop of at Base 2 or 39 Helwick Street.

MOTORCYCLE GEAR FOR SALE - helmet, gloves, jacket, waterproof outer layer. Large. Offers. Phone 03 265 1111 evenings.

“NOT THE OSCARS!” (THE NOSCARS) mini movie competition prize pool has grown to a whopping $4500!! Are you into making short movies whether purely as a novice or on a more serious level? Then this is for you! Just create a 1-4 minute movie, the final heat is Wednesday 28th Aug and the theme is “On The Snow 2013!” - This is your last chance to secure a place in the final to win a heliski!! For full details/rules visit the “OpiumWanaka” Facebook page and go to the “Not The Oscars” event page. Big ups to our sponsors including Base2, Sway Collective, Wanaka Skydive, Capitahl, Madwax and Stardust Beanies!

DAFFODILS FOR DAFFODIL DAY. $10 per bunch of 10 fresh daffodils. Pre-sale orders now being taken. Contact Sue Saunders ph 021 176 7727 or 443 7442, - volunteer coordinator Wanaka. The Cancer Society thanks you for your generous support.




0 0 0 , 5 7 9 $ W O N

195 , 1 $ S WA

CHOP SHOP – KIDS. We got ya covered for kidswear ages 0-14 from Chop, Littlehorn, Rock Your Baby & Only Found You. Shop 3, Pembroke Mall.

8 RUBY RIDGE, WEST MEADOWS, WANAKA • Price reduced from $1,195,000 to $975,000 • Brand new 4 bedroom home with garaging for 2 cars and boat • Architecturally designed and fully landscaped • Immediate possession available • Opportunity to purchase this quality home at below replacement

For more information and to arrange inspection contact: Tony Brown, 443 6905, 0274 328 284 tony@willowridge.co.nz | www.willowridge.co.nz Or contact your local real estate agent.

21st August 2013

t t

IS YOUR VEHICLE INTERIOR A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT? You may be surprised at the result we can achieve with our complete interior clean and upholstery shampoo. Wanacleancar - Keeping Wanaka cars beautiful since 2008! Phone Richard on 0210 2942 908 or 443 5772. WANAKA REMOVALS LTD HAS some space available ex Wellington or Christchurch, approx 26th August. Call for details. Limited space. Phone 03 443 2220. MILK SPECIAL 2 X 2LITRE MILK only $6.90 at BP Wanaka. JACKSON BAY HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION. Enjoy a total change of environment in the quiet seaside town of Jackson Bay. Great base for fishing, other outdoor activities, or just relaxing. Less than 2 hours’ drive from Wanaka over the Haast Pass. http://www.holidayhouses.co.nz/properties/17004.asp READYLAWN - THE ORIGINAL SAME DAY lawn. Available now from Aspiring Readylawn. Phone 0272 808 987 or 443 1313. GRIEVING THE LOSS OF A LOVED ONE? Need some help to get through it? Women’s Support can help by listening and/ or referring you to a confidential professional person who can help. Phone 443 1448. www.womenssupport.org.nz ATTENTION THOSE WITH SPORTING INJURIES, old injuries, joint, nerve and muscle problems, head pain, poor posture, digestive, menstrual, or breathing issues. For unhappy newborns, pre or post-partum pain, sporting teens and the elderly. Pre and post-surgical support or general structural WOF. Seek a diagnosis of your new or ongoing body problems. Find help at the Wanaka Osteopathic Clinic on 443 6783 or www. wanakaosteopathic.co.nz. GALLERY33. CURRENT EXHIBITION - Polished, featuring extraordinary glass works by NZ artists. Please see our website for details www.gallery33.co.nz. Open 7 days.

CENTRAL FOR ALL YOUR ASPHALTING REQUIREMENTS Also specialising in kerbing, driveways, tennis courts, concrete, cobblestoning and chipsealing, throughout Central Otago.

Call Tony 0274 404 516 or 03 442 3212 P.O Box 906, Queenstown Email: tonymcelrea@xtra.co.nz




Ph: 443 7347 or 0274 382 352 PO Box 655, Wanaka

www.wellmanelectrical.co.nz INJURED - OLD OR NEW. Don’t just sit around taking painkillers. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can speed up the healing process. ACC registered injuries $20, no referral required. Ph 443 8131 Eve McGregor, Wanaka Acupuncture Clinic, 19 Cliff Wilson Street. SASANOKI RECOMMENDS bookings for dinner. Please ring to book your table on 443 6474. FRAMING - STUDIO RED. Mobile framing service for your photos, paintings, certificates, degrees and memorabilia. Phone Maurice 0275 551 909 for free quote. MONT BLANC ROOF BOXES, dog guards, ski, kayak, bike and roof racks available from Aspiring Auto Court. Anderson Road, phone 443 1999. WARM UP FOR ALL YOUR HEATING NEEDS - Hitachi heat pumps, Woodsman, Firenzo, Yunca, Kent and Warmington fires, electric heaters and gas fires - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. FURNITURE TRUCK DEPARTING CENTRAL OTAGO every Friday to Twizel, Fairlie, Ashburton, Christchurch, North Canterbury available for household removals and smaller consignments. Please call 03 312 6915 - text 027 4610 035 email cbkelly@xtra.co.nz for an obligation free quote. HALF PRICE BOOTS - selected winter shoes half price. Sale table from $40 at Shoes Unlimited, 80b Ardmore Street. ASPIRING ACUPUNCTURE - www.aspiringacupuncture. co.nz - injury recovery/pain, (ACC registered), women’s health, pregnancy, digestive, respiratory health and more. Ph Jos McLean 443 6242 or 0211 639 769. Very experienced. Lake Hawea. MOLEMEDIC RETURNS TO WANAKA during August. Book your appointment for a full skin cancer and melanoma check with Dr Brian Wills (MB.ChB, FRNZCGP, Aust Dip of Dermoscopy) at Community Consulting Rooms, Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0432. Check out our new website on www.molemedic.co.nz

Wanaka Self Storage 108 fully alarmed units in twelve different sizes. Prices from $2 per day! Ph: 0274 354 848


21st August 2013


Phone 443 7736 - Cell 027 289 3478 - www.strawmark.co.nz

LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable”. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. FULLY FURNISHED APARTMENT: Trendy 2 bedroom (split kings). Just bring your clothes. Garage, sunny, tennis, gym, pool and spa. Get settled for summer. Long term preferred. Phone Sue 0274 530 974. GIBEZE - INTERIOR PLASTERING. Gibstopping, Fibrous plastering, coving, cornice, Level 5 applications. American Clay Plaster finishes. Rockote Earthen. For all your requirements, Gibeze has it covered. 4 Tradesmen available for faster service. Free quotes: ph Simon Hoskin 0211 646 421. Email plans: simonhoskin@me.com

ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - FRIDAY HAPPY HOUR from 5.30 until 6.30pm. Go in the draw to win a bar tab. Free bar snacks. Ace of Spades Jackpot is up to $150. Only one card left. If your number gets drawn you get to turn the Ace and you win $150 cash. Pokies! Courtesy coach ph 443 4545. DYSLEXIA - A meeting is being held in the St John Rooms, Monday 26th August, 7.00 - 8.00pm to explore the creation of a support group for families of those with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. All welcome. Gold coin entry. HOT YOGA FUSION now in Wanaka! http://hotyogafusion. co.nz/schedule.html Join us for some Hot Yoga! Level 1, Spencer House Mall, ph 022 HOT YOGA.

BP WANAKA HAS 2 X 2 LOAVES Golden Bake bread for only $2.90.

CHEF WANTED AT URBAN GRIND. Full time position. Apply in person to one of the kitchen team at 72 Ardmore Street.

BIRGIT IS BACK AT ALI BABAS for women’s hairstyling next week – 27th to 31st August, then every second week. Phone 443 1722 for an appointment.

THE WANAKA MINIMART IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! We would love to invite our lovely local people to check out our new cafe area and great new products available. The special offer this week is a gourmet pie and coffee for $5.50.

WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit. co.nz JOIN THE “NOT THE OSCARS (THE NOSCARS)” Facebook event page to be in to win one of our prizes from the $4500 prize pool at the next event! Find it on the “OpiumWanaka” Facebook page, the next event is on Weds 28th August from 9pm at Opium!

HIRE HARRY - 0800 442 779 - Carpenter, Gardener, Painter. THE YARD! THE ONE STOP SHOP FOR LANDSCAPING design and supplies. Bark, compost, topsoil, aggregates, mulch. Delivery or loan trailer available. The Yard, 14 Reece Crescent, Wanaka. Ph 443 5069. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING LIKE IT USED TO? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN jugs of beer starting at $8.00 and pints $5.00. All day, every day. DURANCE FRENCH HOME FRAGRANCE now in store. Delightful pillow perfume, scented flowers, scented bouquets and refills. Traditional French fragrances at Health 2000, Helwick Street.


WANAKA MARQUEE & PARTY HIRE Wanaka Party Hire has all your hire requirements: &URFNHU\ &XWOHU\ *ODVVZDUH /LQHQ 7DEOHV %%4V 0DUTXHHV &KDLUV 8PEUHOODV E: info@wanakapartyhire.co.nz W: www.wanakapartyhire.co.nz Phone Brent or Hadyn on 443 8966.


50 Totara Tce, Wanaka 1 1 Furnished


151 Tenby St, Wanaka 2 1 1 Whiteware


37 Parry Cr, Lake Hawea 3 1 1 Whiteware


25 Totara Tce, Wanaka 3 1 1 Unfurnished


51 Nichol St, Lake Hawea 3 2 2 Furnished


9 Aspinall St, Wanaka 3 2 2 Furnished


CONTACT US TO VIEW P: 03 443 6921 E: rent@housemart.co.nz

Wheels to Dunstan

21st August 2013

Free Door to Door Transport p For Medical/Specialist Appointments at Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra


Crime Line Crime Line by: Constable Martin Barham

Wheels To Dunstan

Appointments 10am to 3pm if possible Bookings: Community Networks 443 7799 by 3pm the previous day Donations Gratefully Accepted

BULLOCK BAR EXPRESS LUNCHES – In a hurry? Rush on in, choose 2 things from the amazing selection and a can of drink, all for $10 takeaway – too easy. Open every day from 7am, back of the Bullock Bar. DEEP WATER WANAKA MARINA BERTH for immediate sale. Best site next to the ramp. Best offer accepted. Contact Bob on 0272 688 996. LUGGATE HOTEL - THE HARDYARDS playing this Saturday the 24th after the rugby. BAR STAFF REQUIRED FOR EXCITING NEW bar opening soon. Experience essential. Email CV to francescaspizzas@ gmail.com FROM OLD STATION AVENUE TO OSLO, Norway. The Messenger is available in Oslo on-line at www.mymessenger. co.nz BLOCK MOUNTING - come and see the specialists at The 45th Degree picture framing professionals. 5a Gordon Road. Ph 443 9348. LAKE HAWEA COMMUNITY CENTRE FASHION EVENT FUNDRAISER. Thursday, 12 September 7pm. Mons Royale, Christina Perriam, Chapter 5, Anthea Lawrence, Swazi and more. Professional and local identity models. Entertaining for sure! First 100 tickets get goodie bag on arrival. Get down to Sailz or Mitre 10 now! Be there to see if your neighbour or friend has been convinced to give it a go. Some real surprises! $25. KIP MCGRATH WILL HELP YOU PREPARE for your NCEA Maths, English and Science external exams. Call Nikki 443 1547 and join us now for the best results. NOT SLEEPING WELL? FEELING ANXIOUS? TRE (Tension Release Exercises) calm down the bodily symptoms of stress without you having to talk about the issue. Contact Steph Combe on 443 5878 for more information.

Today I received a telephone call from an irate tourist asking why Wanaka has had no snow this year and what can be done about it! I'm good at what I do, but even I have my limits! $OO WKH ORFDO VNL ÂżHOGV DUH HQMR\LQJ DQ H[FHOOHQW VHDVRQ ZLWK KLJK visitor numbers, which causes our roads to become somewhat EXVLHU WKDQ XVXDO <RX ZLOO VHH H[WUD SROLFH SDWUROV RQ WKH URDGV WR WKH VNL ÂżHOGV HVSHFLDOO\ GXULQJ SHDN WLPHV PRQLWRULQJ PDQQHU RI driving and speed. Do not become a crash statistic, please drive safely. The contractors working on the new Ardmore Street roundabout are constantly having the work site signage stolen or knocked over. The signs are left there for the protection of the site workers, motorists and pedestrians, so please leave them alone. Cones, when worn as hats, do not look cool. Occasionally I feel like a stuck record, endlessly repeating myself, saying the same thing over and over. To remind those who did QRW KHDU WKH ÂżUVW WLPH 'LG \RX NQRZ LW LV GDQJHURXV LOOHJDO DQG all out stupid to drink and drive? Yet another three people were prosecuted for this offence and will loose their licences. We will regularly stop and speak to drivers making sure they obey this very simple rule. A number of incidents of family violence have been reported to us recently. There are too many issues to mention why relationships break down and it is unfortunate that occasionally police become involved. There are a number of organisations that are only a phone call away, such as the good people at Community Networks, which could offer you advice and help. There have been a few incidents of opportunist theft, where items such as mobile phones have been stolen. Wanaka remains a safe and friendly place, but please take reasonable care of your belongings to avoid becoming a victim of crime. If you have any information pertaining to the incidents above SOHDVH FDOO WKH 6WDWLRQ RQ WR VSHDN WR DQ 2IÂżFHU RU to give information anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. ,W LV MXVW RYHU D ZHHN XQWLO WKH ÂżUVW GD\ RI 6SULQJ EULQJLQJ ZLWK LW the warmer weather (sorry skiers) and Father's Day. Don't forget to spoil the old man! (QMR\ WKH ZHHN DKHDG



21st August 2013


Dr Anne Davis MB BS BSc(Med)(UNSW) FRACP

Dermatologist Dr Davis will be holding a clinic: at the WANAKA LAKES HEALTH CENTRE on TUESDAY, 3RD SEPTEMBER 2013. For an appointment : Phone (03) 365 5378 or email appointments@dermatologist.co.nz HOME MOVIES TO DVD. Do you have old tapes or photos that you would like converted to DVD? Visit Tidy Design, your video and file conversion specialists. 3 Helwick St, 443 4433. WORRIED ABOUT A MOLE? Get checked at Molemedic. Book your appointment now with Dr Brian Wills during August. He has more than 35 years’ experience and the Aust. Dip of Dermoscopy. Phone 443 0432, Community Consulting Rooms, Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Molemedic is an Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Society. Look up www. molemedic.co.nz for more information. TEARS & LAUGHTER...Thursday 12 September, 5.30 - 7.30pm at Lake Wanaka Centre - Raising funds for breast cancer. Inspirational speakers, auction and more. Tickets at Aspiring Jewellers.

OSLO OCCUPIES AN ARC OF LAND at the northernmost end of the Oslofjord. The fjord, which is nearly bisected by the Nesodden peninsula opposite Oslo, lies to the south; in all other directions Oslo is surrounded by green hills and mountains and covers an area of approximately 450 square kilometres. The Messenger is available in Oslo on-line at www. mymessenger.co.nz LAST CHANCE FOR ASPIRING AVALANCHE DOGS HELISKI RAFFLE! There are two 4-run heliski days with Harris Mountain Heliski and Southern Lakes Heliski up for grabs. Tickets are available from Racers Edge, $5 cash only, to be drawn this Friday 23rd August 6.30pm at Kai. Woof woof! BACON - EGG - CHEESE MUFFIN and 2 x V330ml drink for only $6.50 from BP Wanaka. SUNDAY SESSIONS every Sunday at Barluga kicking off at 4pm with free BBQ with drink purchase, $10 Bloody Mary’s and $5 G&T specials. DJ’s Electro Bill, Chris J and J digga playing cool Sunday beats all day long. RELAX AND INDULGE AT SANCTUARY DAY SPA with a muscle relief package. Enjoy our beautiful outdoor hot pools followed by 60 min body massage plus 30 min foot massage for $135. Bookings are essential call 03 443 0827 or email: dayspa@oakridge.co.nz

21st August 2013

Daffodil Day @ ANZ Bank Wanaka F id 30th August Friday A t



Come in and visit us for raffles and Pikelets freshly baked by the Ladies of The Upper Clutha Lions

Spayed, vaccinated, wormed and very smoochy! Needs smoochy home.

Ph Aspiring Vets, 443 7262

Pikelets being made BOTH Thurs 29th and Fri 30th August. August


If you wish to order PIKELETS Please phone prior to these dates 443 9605



FOR SALE: 2002 TOYOTA PLATZ, 64,000kms. Good condition. Enquiries ph 443 7840. HOUSE FOR RENT 1ST OCTOBER. Two bedrooms. Close to town. Suit professional couple $295 p/w. No pets. Off street parking. Phone 0210 779 322. SPECIALIZED ROAD BIKE - ALLEZ XS, full Tiagra drivetrain, Shimano R500 wheels, carbon post, as new ridden less than 100ks, $1500.00, ph 021 476 199. CLEANER WANTED. 2 hours per week for modern home. Text 0274 085 355. SUPER FAST INTERNET CONNECTIONS. Easy access computers. 24/7 Wi-Fi on the water front. Convenient low cost options. Upstairs 3 Helwick Street. EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS BY SUSIE RUDDENKLAU at 5 Gunn Road, Albert Town. Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th, Sunday 25th 10am till 5pm. Everyone welcome. HIGH QUALITY PAINTING TEAM specialising in architecturally designed homes. Providing top quality hand finished craftsmanship. Phone 0211 430 408. CHEF REQUIRED AT RELISHES CAFE. Must be experienced and here over summer. Pop in for an application form or call Tasha on 021 907 877 for details. Thanks. WEEKNIGHTS AT OPIUM THIS WEEK we have Aloha Or Die on Tuesday, Robbie on Wednesday, Mike Kennedy on Thursday and open mic night on Sunday. $5 drinks all week! FREE WINE! A GLASS OF CENTRAL OTAGO Pinot Noir - with every main steak meal. Reserve Grade NZ beef only at The Bullock Bar Grill. CAN YOU THINK ABOUT THIS? Local 17½ yr old male finishing school in November looking for after school employment. Keen to try a few things out, with perhaps the opportunity of it turning into something more full time when school finishes. Call Elliot 443 1969. Mobile: 0274 357 983 After Hours: (03) 443 8194 Fax: (03) 443 8130 FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING REQUIREMENTS

Email: kandmcochran@actrix.co.nz

FOR SALE: TABLE, WOODEN TOP, steel bottom 1.580L x 1m W x .740H. Six chairs. Very good order. Free TV thrown in $160. Call 0210 2116 230. BEAUTIFUL FULLY FURNISHED HOME on north facing hill in Hawea Flat. Funky, barn style, open plan living with 2 bedrooms. Situated on one acre surrounded by native garden, including vege garden and chook run. $320 per week. Call Anna 0274 581 257. NICE, RESPONSIBLE , EMPLOYED, QUIET, TIDY FEMALE TENANT seeking 1+ bedroom or self-contained unit as interim short-term or longer-term rental. Flexible terms. Prefer Albert Town or Wanaka.021 474 909. BULLOCK BAR BOTTLE STORE - 2 for $60, Gilbeys, Dewars 1L and Speights 24’s $35.99. AYURVEDIC SPRING CLEANSE RETREAT: A prescription for purifying the body! Lake Hawea. For details go to http://www. thesadhanastudiio.com/ or http://www.naturaldevotion.com/ PEACE OF MIND. YOUR DOG HAPPY at my home while you’re away. Taking bookings now until Dec 20. Pet Care Services. Phone 0212 011 121. GREEN TOAD SNOWBOARD AND SKI SHOP. Chain hire, chain hire. Phone 03 443 4315. ADVANTAGE BUILD LTD. Professional home builders, quality renovations, stunning landscaping. All work considered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nevan Jefferies ph 0272 119 966.

Alpine Computers

21st August 2013


SENIOR TRAVEL CONSULTANT POSITION Our lovely Gill is retiring and we need another experienced travel expert to join our team at World Travellers Wanaka. This could be a full time role OR a job share role. It’s a fantastic opportunity to join a locally owned and operated professional and successful team. You must have passion, drive and a proven sales record‌. and many travel stories to share! Minimum of 3 years of international front line retail selling and CRS/GDS experience required Competitive base salary, plus generous bonuses Drop your CV into World Travellers Wanaka, 103 Ardmore Street OR email it to Fiona Chapman, fiona.chapman@worldtravellers.co.nz Applications close 31 August 2013

World Travellers Wanaka 103 Ardmore St, Wanaka T: 443 7414 www.worldtravellerswanaka.co.nz Going further, staying in touch

CHECK OUT JUDE’S HOMEMADE PASTIES at Hondys, if you are in quick enough, as they are flying out the door. Also this week freshly battered gurnard special only $5.50 per piece alongside our other great takeaway options. Ph 443 5200 for pre order. CALL FRED AT ACTIVE ELECTRO for all your heat pump, electrical and home security needs on 03 443 4065 or 0275 543 203. LOCAL WOMAN LOOKING FOR BABYSITTER/NANNY to help out with my two children aged 3½ and 1. Good rate of pay. Hours variable. References required. Full drivers licence necessary. Phone 443 8484 or 0204 0134 217. GET THOSE INSIDE PAINTING JOBS DONE - come and see us for all your paint and decorating needs - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road.

Affordable Computer Services Quality repairs, maintenance and upgrades by an experienced computer specialist at your home or workplace

NO CALL-OUT FEE WITHIN WANAKA Professionally refurbished laptops and desktops available CONTACT: .JLF )BSUMFZ PO t NJLFIBSUMFZO[!HNBJM DPN

1996 TOYOTA PRADO FOR SALE, 3000cc, diesel, auto. Aircon, 8 seats, CD stacker, new rear tyres, tow bar, new WOF and Reg to 4/14. Very tidy condition. New head installed at 260,850 km. Don’t let the high km put you off this vehicle, come and have a look. $10000, ph Roy 0274 386 838. QUIRKY CRAFTERS WANTED. We are looking for contemporary crafted products for a new Wanaka venture. Knitted, painted, beaded, anything that’s a bit different and is handmade by you! Get in touch, email: craftywanaka@yahoo. com CHEF WANTED AT URBAN GRIND. Full time position. Apply in person to one of the kitchen team at 72 Ardmore Street. XMAS IS COMING! Avon has brilliant gifts for the whole family. Txt/email for brochure now. 0211 789 773. tonilc@hotmail. com MASSAGE IN WANAKA for professional clinic and mobile massage therapy as well as beauty therapy and make up artistry with over 26 years’ experience! Centrally located at Wanaka Wellness Centre, 24 Dungarvon Street. 7 days 8am 8pm. Phone 03 443 8448. LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION - visualise your landscape in 3D before you commit to construction. Dave Spedding (Dip Hort) - professional - reliable. Call today 021 707 481/443 2721. RELAX AND INDULGE AT SANCTUARY DAY SPA with a muscle relief package. Enjoy our beautiful outdoor hot pools followed by 60 min body massage plus 30 min foot massage for $135. Bookings are essential call 03 443 0827 or email: dayspa@oakridge.co.nz

THE MERINO STORY HAS ALL your needs. Socks, underwear, possum garments, gloves, beanies, fashion and Merino fashion. Sale racks $20 and $50. Brownston Street. IN TOUCH MASSAGE - About you. For you. Michelle Cotter phone 443 6311. BULLOCK BAR BOTTLE STORE - 2 for $60, Gilbeys, Dewars 1L and Speights 24’s $35.99. BOOBS ‘N BUBBLES... Thursday 12 September, 5.30 - 7.30pm at Lake Wanaka Centre - Breast Cancer Fund Raiser. Tickets from Aspiring Jewellers. Inspirational speakers, auction and more.

Creative Communities Scheme Funding Round

Funding is now available for community–based arts groups for performances, events and workshops that will provide a variety of opportunities for participation in those activities. Funding round is now open and will close at 5pm on Friday 30 August 2013. Applications available from Council website www.qldc.govt.nz For any enquiries contact Jan Maxwell Arts and Events Facilitator on 03 441 0469 or 027 233 7934 or email jan.maxwell@qldc.govt.nz

17 years experience as your local sweep. Cleanliness guaranteed.

Ph Curly 443 9458

027 286 6567

t.nz choice.qldc.gov


Know your co

Pr i v a t e B a g 5 0 0 7 2 1 0 G o r g e R o a d Q u e e n s t o w n P h o n e 0 3 4 4 1 0 4 9 9 Fa x 0 3 4 5 0 2 2 2 3

21st August 2013


Senior Citizens lunch 1996 HONDA CRV. Clean & tidy for age. Serviced regularly. Great car for travelling up the mountain. Includes roof rack, ski rack and tow bar. Will include free Belkin adaptor for iPod. $2500 ono, priced to sell. More information on Trade Me #626278804. Phone 443 4353 or 0274 984 496. BUILDING TEAM AVAILABLE. All work considered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed, qualified, ready for immediate start. Advantage Build Ltd. Nevan 0272 119 966. COME LIVE WITH US - UNIQUE HOUSE, fun flatmates. Internet, house computer, 5 minute walk to town, live-in cleaner. $100 p/week plus bills. Phone 0211 877 944. A FULL GROOM FROM WANACLEANCAR INCLUDES every surface cleaned and treated, de-tarred and de-bugged. Includes interior shampoo - stain and smell removal. Also, paintwork cut and polished - scratch removal. Twice waxed and headlight restoration. Phone Richard on 0210 2942 908 or 443 5772 and leave a message. OFFICE AT 3 HELWICK STREET $100 + GST PER WEEK. Short or long term lease. 3x3m, close the door it’s your own space, great central location. Power and internet included. Call 03 443 4433.

every friday, lunch, dessert, tea & coffee for just $15

sUNDAY bUFFET lunch THE LEGENDARY CARVERY BUFFET 2 ROAST MEATS HAND CARVED IN FRONT OF YOU ‡ 6283 ‡ )5(6+/< %$.(' %5($' ‡ 6$/$'6 ‡ 6($)22' 3/$77(5 ‡ 5 + DIFFERENT VEGIES ‡ '(66(576 ‡ &21',0(176 ‡ 7($ &2))((

2 $'8/7 6(1,25 .,'6 %22.,1*6 5(&200(1'('


MONEY AVAILABLE FOR YOUR GROUP’S ART PROJECT from the Upper Clutha Community Arts Council. Application forms are in the Wanaka Library. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN, SATURDAY - Sit back and watch the All Blacks on the big screen. Go in the draw to win a Steiny chilly bin. Great atmosphere, great food, courtesy coach. Free pick up and drop off 443 4545.

1995 SUBARU LEGACY, 215,000kms. New timing belt, new brakes, solid car. Came with a few scrapes on the bumper but awesome car. Rego till Sept 22, WOF Dec 2013 - $1800 txt or call 0272 612 277.

TUESDAY JAM NIGHT. Time to get your instruments out of the bedroom and jam with other local musicians. 6 - 10pm Wanaka Studios, Reece Crescent. Contact Tim. Ph 0226 513 773. All welcome.

SUNDAY SESSIONS every Sunday at Barluga kicking off at 4pm with free BBQ with drink purchase, $10 Bloody Marys and $5 G&T specials. DJ’s Electro Bill, Chris J and J digga playing cool Sunday beats all day long.

GHETTO BLASTER ARE BACK at the Bullock Bar 24th August, after the rugby.

FISHER 165 WITH BINDINGS FOR SALE, three years old. Pick up August 30th. $300. Phone 0211 440 851 after 4.30pm.

CONTACT: John Burke Tel: 021 868 245 E: john@wanakaresort.co.nz


www.wanakaresort.co.nz You are invited to...

FLATMATE WANTED FOR AWESOME character house with amazing views, 10 min walk from town. We are two mature clean quiet females seeking similar person. $160 per week inclusive. Phone 0211 435 557. WANTED BEDSIT, SLEEPOUT OR CARAVAN. Possible work for rent? Within 10km from Wanaka. Hardworking, employed male. Call 0210 621 149. STEAK! WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO. ‘’Reserve� grade NZ beef, exclusively served at the Bullock Bar Grill, and The Luggate Hotel. 7 nights from 6pm. Come and taste the difference.



5.30PM, SUNDAYS AT LAKE WANAKA CENTRE, CNR ARDMORE ST & LAKESIDE RD (SOUP & BUNS TO FOLLOW) www.wanakabaptist.zohosites.com Pastor: Jim Patrick Ph 027 278 5540

21st August 2013


Job Vacancy @ Print Manager & IT Controller To Control all print & copy work & equipment Monitor & Control Stock Levels Carry out Equipment Maintenance Provide Technical & Mechanical Support Monitor & Report on Print flow Maintain & Update Company Websites Finish, Trim, Bind Print Work Interact with Print Customers This role requires a sound knowledge of Digital Print along with the ability to understand the technical equipment as well as computer software and hardware, along with the operation & technical support of websites. There is a requirement to audit all IT systems in the business on an ongoing basis and to identify and repair any faults. Please apply in writing to printit@printit.co.nz by Wednesday 28th August 2013

OSLO IS RANKED AS ONE OF THE fastest growing cities in Europe. This growth stems for the most part from immigration, with the immigrant population in the city growing somewhat faster than the Norwegian population. The Messenger is available in Oslo on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz HANDY SOLUTIONS FOR ALL HANDYMAN TASKS engineering, gates, fences, pergolas, decks, steel and timber work, shade sails and general repairs. You name it, we’ll do it. Phone 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. HIRE HARRY - 0800 442 779 - Carpenter, Gardener, Painter. FRAN’S SPECIAL THIS WEEK: Chorizo, rocket, blue cheese, mozzarella and tomato. Francesca’s wood fired pizzas, Brownston Street. Take away and delivery. Open 7 days 4-9pm. Call 0800 GO 4 PIZZA. Garlic bread from $5, pizzas from $10. FOR SALE 2 SINGLE BEDS. Wooden bed ends and mattresses. Phone 443 8041.

LANDSCAPING? NEED A PLAN FOR CONSENTS or just an upgrade of your section? Contact Wanaka Landscapes for a good honest appraisal - landscaping since the 1980’s. Phone 0274 595 799 or 443 9080. ONE BEDROOM FLAT. Fully self-contained, tidy, furnished, new carpets, storage shed, all seasons. Albert Town. $160 p/w. Ph 0274 335 132. BACON - EGG - CHEESE MUFFIN and 2 x V330ml drink for only $6.50 from BP Wanaka. GARAGE SALE! COME GRAB A BARGIN, toys, household items and more. Sat 24th Aug. 11 Criffel Place, Luggate. Open 8am. LUGGATE HOTEL - THE HARDYARDS playing this Saturday the 24th after the rugby.

TEMPORARY FRONT OF HOUSE POSITION available from September 5th to October 6th at Trout Bar. DM certificate preferable. Previous experience necessary. Please drop a CV in to the bar.

2003 AUDI ALLROAD V6 BITURBO, black, 121,000km, 2 new tyres, gear box just done. Rego to March 2014. Very tidy $14,000 ono. Phone or text 0212 383 634.



PH JEFF 0212335200

&2038 87(5 +(/3 $1' $'9,&(

21st August 2013


OPENING HOURS TUES - THURS 9am - 9pm 10am - 9pm SUN FRI, SAT & MON 9am - 10pm


FIRE TOOLS, VENTS, HEARTHS, BRAZIERS, mantles in metal from Metalworks Wanaka, designed and fitted to your specifications. Workshop, 54 Ballantyne Rd, ph 443 1760. www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz



(opposite New World)

ph 443 7881

NEW RELEASES The Details Rapture-Palooza American Season 8

Olympus Has Fallen Scary Movie 5


Check Out our New FAST FIVE SECTION!



Ee) meaning ‘cute’, ‘sweet’, ‘adorable’ that Bruno found with


athletes at Sasanoki on busy nights. Used mainly for girls with


All weekly movies $1 All movies & games 1/2 price

popular, so cool. Only $3.50 each. Animal plush hats are now

NANNY REQUIRED TO CARE FOR our two year old. Two full days and two half days per week. We are looking for an energetic, caring, experienced Nanny for our daughter. Driver’s licence, current first aid cert and references required. Please email CV to audiophonic@gmail.com or call 021 766 697 after 5.30pm.

$7.90 each! Hot Value, Spencer Mall.

MILK SPECIAL 2 X 2LITRE MILK only $6.90 at BP Wanaka.


WANAKA WELLNESS CENTRE. Integrated professional therapies and services: Massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, naturopathy, medical herbalist, Bowen, homeopathy, reflexology, NLP, hypnotherapy, counselling, meditation, journey work, craniosacral therapy, beauty therapy, yoga, detoxification, Weighwell Weightloss, Far Infrared Sauna, studio hire, exclusive retail health products. Visit www. wanakawellness.co.nz for practitioner details or phone 443 4668. 24 Dungarvon Street.

boys’ version being ‘kakkoii (cackoo-Ee). That is what keeps him going together with sake drinking. ANGRY BIRDS MUSIC SPIN TOPS are back in stock! So

café is warm. Only at the Hammer, Wanaka’s earliest opening café. The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). Phone orders on 443 8500 welcome. TINT-A-WINDOW / SOLAR PROTECTIVE FILMS Fade, U.V block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Ph 0800 368 468 or view our website www.tintawindow.co.nz

LAKE BAR PROPRIETORS PETER & VICKI BYRNE. Lunch, Dinner and All Day Snack Menu. Monteiths & Speights, Friday $6 - Cocktail. Live on Sky this weekend, Friday, Ranfurly Shield Otago V Waikato; Saturday, Bledilsoe Cup All Blacks V Australia. Ph 03 443 2920. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. UPPER CLUTHA DEERSTALKERS hunting competition starting the 23rd August at the Albert Town Tavern. Entry forms available at the Tavern. AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARER WANTED, casual, for 2 children Hawea Flat, ideally with a car. Please phone 443 8185 0r 021 335 839. FLYING BUS TO TREBLE CONE. Friendly fast transport at the best price. Door to door $30. Bookings phone 0800 359 754. COME SEE THE GREAT SPECIALS on milk, bread, drinks, burgers, sandwiches, muffins etc only at BP Wanaka.

HOSPICE SHOP Wide range of quality goods. (In front of Wanaka Self Storage) 72 Ballantyne Road, Wanaka Hours: Tuesday - Friday 12 noon - 4pm, Saturday 10am - 2pm.

21st August 2013



Lot 176 Peninsula Bay Wanaka

Please contact me if you would like your property sold.

Jarrod Frazer M 027 251 2007 B 03 428 4255 jarrod.frazer@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008.

80 Ardmore Street, Wanaka

03 443 5330


EXCITING NEW CAFE WANTING friendly confident staff to work in a team environment. Front and back of house. beanecafe@gmail.com MELANOMA IS THE MOST DEADLY SKIN CANCER. See a qualified doctor for early detection - not a nurse or technician. Book your appointment with Molemedic, Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Society at Community Consulting Rooms, Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0432 in August. www.molemedic.co.nz JOIN THE “NOT THE OSCARS (THE NOSCARS)” Facebook event page to be in to win one of our prizes from the $4500 prize pool at the next event! Find it on the “OpiumWanaka” Facebook page, the next event is on Weds 28th August from 9pm at Opium! COFFEE HAPPY HOUR - ½ price coffee. Come in between 10am and 11am Mon - Friday and all coffees are $2.50 only at the Bullock Bar Grill. LAKE HAWEA COMMUNITY CENTRE FASHION EVENT FUNDRAISER. Thursday, 12 September 7pm. Mons Royale, Christina Perriam, Chapter 5, Anthea Lawrence, Swazi and more. Professional and local identity models. Entertaining for sure! First 100 tickets get goodie bag on arrival. Get down to Sailz or Mitre 10 now! Be there to see if your neighbour or friend has been convinced to give it a go. Some real surprises! $25. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING LIKE IT USED TO? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392.

SNOWCHAINS ranging from only Diamond pattern, quick-fit ratchet tensioning. Chains available for all size cars & 4WD’s FREE sizing and demonstration Phone: 443 7868 BP WANAKA HAS 2 X 2 LOAVES Golden Bake bread for only $2.90. HARDWORKING, HONEST AND RELIABLE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE and landscaping person. Increase your assets value, improve function and liveability, finish those jobs off. Phone Dave 0276 763 477. BROWNSTONE QUALITY MASONRY LTD - Top quality craftsmanship. Let our experience in customized designs bring your stonework ideas to life! www.Brown-Stone-Masonry.com SANDWICH X 2 AND PUMP WATER 750ml for only $7.90 from BP Wanaka. THE WANAKA MINIMART IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! We would love to invite our lovely local people to check out our new cafe area and great new products available. The special offer this week is a gourmet pie and coffee for $5.50. WANTED PASTA ROLLER. Maybe you have unused and unwanted lying around. Call Carl 443 2526. DYSLEXIA - A meeting is being held in the St John Rooms, Monday 26th August, 7.00 - 8.00pm to explore the creation of a support group for families of those with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. All welcome. Gold coin entry. RENTAL WANTED - LOCAL FAMILY needing a 3 brm house, preferably with log burner, fenced yard. Around 23rd September, long term, Wanaka area. Have references if needed. Ph 443 2707, 0279 249 870.

21st August 2013


Over 900 jobs completed in Central Otago

COMMIS CHEF: THE WANAKA SPEIGHT’S ALE HOUSE is looking for an experienced Commis Chef to join their busy kitchen. Please send your CV to grant@ wanakaspeightsalehouse.co.nz

including over 340 new homes. NO standard plans, your home for your site.

BEER FOR BREAKFAST! WHY NOT? Best hangover cure. Bacon and eggs $10 at the Bullock Bar Grill from 7am daily. TABLE AND CHAIRS FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. HAVE YOU DONE YOUR LIBRARY ASSN SURVEY YET? It is online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WPLASurvey. If you haven’t done it yet, hurry and get it in by Friday, 30/08/13. Need help? Want to do it by phone? Phone 443 6055 or email wanplassn@gmail.com LIZ BRESLIN FOR QLDC. CAMPAIGN LAUNCH Weds 28 August 5.30pm at Prue Wallis home. All welcome. Come and share your views with Liz and hear why she will make an excellent councillor for the Wanaka ward. Email lizbreslinforQLDC@ gmail.com for RSVP and more information. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. BULLOCK BAR ALL BLACKS VIP COUCH - All Blacks vs Wallabies. Its back. Purchase any drink from 6pm Saturday the 24th and go in the draw for a spot on the couch. Free bar snacks and personal barmaid. 20FT CONTAINER INSULATED FOR SALE. Phone 443 6490 or 0274 507 616.

AYURVEDIC SPRING CLEANSE RETREAT: A prescription for purifying the body! Lake Hawea. For details go to http://www. thesadhanastudiio.com/ or http://www.naturaldevotion.com/ WANAKA COMMUNITY BOARD needs revitalising. Vote for Rachel Brown. CHOP SHOP - HQ FOR WANAKA’S own apparel brand CHOP. Also stocking Crooks & Castles, DGK, Krew, Atreebutes, HVY, Something Else, Tallow, Public Gallery and VIC. Come in and get CHOPped out. Shop 3, Pembroke Mall. WORK IN WANAKA - Employment, Staffing & Visa Services. Wanaka businesses, we currently have candidates on our books for permanent and short term/seasonal positions. Enquiries - phone 443 7918 or call in at 4 Helwick St, Wanaka. Hours Mon-Fri 9.30 - 4.30. EXPERIENCED FRONT OF HOUSE STAFF REQUIRED at The Landing. Pop in and see us - upstairs 80 Ardmore St. CASUAL WORK. INTERIOR HOUSE PREP & PAINTING. $15/ hour Cash. Friday 23 August & Saturday 24 August only. Aubrey Road Wanaka. Email for details abcdunphy@aapt.net.au NURSING YOUR BABY? KALEIDOSCOPE, Helwick St has tri pillows and European pillows for your comfort. We also stock feather/down, wool, man-made fibre pillow priced from $11.50 - $100. Phone 03 443 7980. FAMILY VIOLENCE IS A COMMUNITY PROBLEM. Prevention is everyone’s business. If domestic violence or child abuse affects your family and/or friends, please talk to Women’s Support. We can help. Phone 443 1448. www.womenssupport. org.nz


Local everything! beer, wine, food & music 54 Reece Crecent, Wanaka. PH 03 443 5200

21st August 2013


WYNDROK POTTERY, LAKE HAWEA. Handcrafted functional tableware to be enjoyed every day. Simple classical forms with glazes reflecting the colour and beauty of Central Otago. All original, hand thrown pieces, suitable for oven, microwave and dishwasher. 191 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea. Winter: 11am - 5pm weekends only or phone 443 1707. LUGGATE HOTEL - PURCHASE ANY SPEIGHT’S product before, during and after the All Black game and go in the draw to win some cool All Blacks gear - jersey, wallet etc. MASSAGE WITH “MAGIC HANDS”, Jason Clarke. Provider to High Performance Sports New Zealand “Magic Hands” has massaged: NZ Elite Triathletes, winter Olympians, multisports, the All Blacks and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. “Feel the magic”. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www.mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit. co.nz LAST CHANCE FOR ASPIRING AVALANCHE DOGS HELISKI RAFFLE! There are two 4-run heliski days with Harris Mountain Heliski and Southern Lakes Heliski up for grabs. Tickets are available from Racers Edge, $5 cash only, to be drawn this Friday 23rd August 6.30pm at Kai. Woof woof! SKI OR SNOWBOARD COMPS COMING UP? Come into Base Ultimate Workshop and get your skis and snowboard running fast! Drop off at Base 2 or 39 Helwick Street. THIS FRIDAY AT OPIUM IS DJ ALIAS, the most awesome NZ Glitch Hop and Bass Music producer! Do not miss this, he always rocks it! Free entry and $5 all drinks all night!! OFFICE AT 19 REECE CRESCENT. 39m2. Air conditioned, own space with car park. Shared kitchen, toilets, shower and terrace. Phone 0276 636 224. www.chrisnorman.co.nz


IT TAKES ONLY 22 MINUTES... to dry your washing at Wanaka’s only Laundromat, 9 superfast dryers available at Caltex Laundromat. YUM YUM YUM, you really must try the fine foods at the Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall. FISHER & PAYKEL TOP LOADER washing machine and dryer. Excellent condition $600. Phone 443 7174. HUNTING COMPETITION THIS WEEKEND. Enter at Albert Town Tavern, Thursday 7 - 8pm. Phone Neil 443 2909. FOR SALE: 2002 TOYOTA PLATZ, 64,000kms. Good condition. Enquiries ph 443 7840. WALLPAPER HANGER SPECIALIST. Over 40 years’ experience. Local. Phone 443 5802. CHEF REQUIRED AT RELISHES CAFE. Must be experienced and here over summer. Pop in for an application form or call Tasha on 021 907 877 for details. Thanks. ACHING TIRED MUSCLES, TENSION, STRESSED BODY? Get the best deep rub in town with Jane Macale - at The Muscle Joint. Our acupressure and clinical muscular treatments are great for releasing any stress held in the muscles over the entire body. Don’t settle for less - The Muscle Joint. Clinical deep tissue, ACC injury, sports chiropractic, functional diagnostic medicine. Ph 443 6460. 59 Brownston St, Wanaka. www.themusclejoint.co.nz

21st August 2013


Private Functions @ Urban Grind Bar We have the best space, the best food & the best prices in town. No hire fee for our upstairs bar.

EVERY 8TH COFFEE FREE, ONLY WITH THE LUNCH BOX club pre-paid cards. Probably the best deal in town. Only at The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). Phone orders on 443 8500 welcome. GREEN TOAD SNOWBOARD AND SKI RENTALS, 6 Pembroke Mall, behind Boa Boa Takeaways. Taking care of locals since 2003. SANDWICH X 2 AND PUMP WATER 750ml for only $7.90 from BP Wanaka. THE PAINT POT (NZ) Top quality work guaranteed. Special finishing, wall papering and all your painting needs. New work and redecorations throughout. 15 years’ experience. Phone Caspar 021 565 393 or 443 4958. References available. BUSINESS FOR SALE - 5 years old. Profitable since inception, earning approx 50k p.a. nett (before tax) approx 20 hours per week. Phone 021 484 539. BASE ULTIMATE SKI & BOARD RENTALS, 12 Helwick St. You deserve the ultimate in rental equipment, open 7-8. 7 days a week. KEEN TO TEST YOUR WINE KNOWLEDGE? Wine Options Night. Sat 31st Aug, 7pm. Rippon Hall. Tickets from Wanaka Physio, Federal Diner or 0211 024 504. Support local skeleton racer in Olympic bid. COLOURSTEEL FENCING. Same both sides. Timber fencing as at Paradiso’s new site. Post and rail, wrought iron gates and fences. Handy Solutions. Phone 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. 2X2L PAMS MILK ONLY $6.90 and 2 x Golden Bake bread only $3.00. Today and every day at Caltex Wanaka.


Phone Rodney 027 443 0876 email mac.timber@clear.net.nz

Avalanche Awareness

~ 9-10 Aug ~ 6-7 Sep

~ 23-24 Aug ~ 20-21 Sep

Cost: $150*

for Skiers and Snowboarders * Terms and Conditions Apply

DO YOU NORMALLY BOOK YOUR AIRFARES on the Internet? Did you know Wanaka Flight Centre has the Lowest Airfare Guarantee*? Why would you book anywhere else! *Terms and conditions apply, phone Wanaka Flight Centre 03 443 4101 or email wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz

Avalanche Awareness

~ 27-28 Sep

Cost: $150*

for Trampers and Climbers

Backcountry Awareness

~ 26-30 Jul ~ 13-17 Sep

Cost: $650*

Mountain Safety Council Wanaka Book online: www.mountainsafety.org.nz E: wanaka@mountainsafety.org.nz T: 03 409 2025

FRIDAY NIGHT AT HONDY’S live acoustic music with Robby and Robby from 7 pm. Great meals/takeaways. Courtesy coach. $5 pints of house beers all night long. Ph: 443 5200 for pick up or pre-order. TO ACHIEVE YOUR ACADEMIC GOALS enrol at Kip McGrath today. Teaching ratio 1:4, Maths, English and Science, y2 - y13. Enrol today. Call Nikki 443 1547. VINEYARD POSITION: We have a great opportunity for an enthusiastic, outdoor loving individual to work in a top Central Otago vineyard. This is a full-time job and is located in the Bendigo area. Experience preferred. Contact Regan: 021 669 401. HOME MOVIES TO DVD. Do you have old tapes or photos that you would like converted to DVD? Visit Tidy Design, your video and file conversion specialists. 3 Helwick St, 443 4433. HIGH QUALITY PAINTING TEAM specialising in architecturally designed homes. Providing top quality hand finished craftsmanship. Phone 0211 430 408. EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. REVIVE RETREAT - FOR THE LOVE OF vibrant food! 17th – 22nd October 2013. ‘Revive’ is a practical and uplifting retreat to help you find more balance in your life. You will gain increased awareness through breathing exercises and meditation. We will create food that is easy, nutritious and delicious to enhance your energy and wellbeing – the essential ingredient to fulfilling a vibrant life! www.nirvanaretreat.co.nz or ph: 443 2252. Second hand tyres from $25 +gst

Wanaka’s Best Selection » W.O.F » Full Servicing »Wheel Alignment

17 Gordon Road, Wanaka

Ph 443 1755

21st August 2013


NEED SOME SPACE? Workshop & Office Space

Containers & Household lockers Contact WorkshopRentals Rentals ContactPete PeteBullen Bullen - Storage Storage and and Workshop Mobile0274 0274 578 Mobile 578 021 021 CLEANER REQUIRED. WE NEED a reliable, honest, fit and keen person to work early mornings and/or evenings for commercial premises, 3-4 hours, 5/6 days per week. Please phone 0273 157 647.

SKECHERS GO WALK AS ADVERTISED on TV at Shoes Unlimited, 80b Ardmore Street. WWW.ASPIRINGAUTOCOURT.CO.NZ to view over 40 vehicles and see what new cars and 4wds are arriving. REGISTERED DRIVING INSTRUCTOR, class 2, P, V, W, R, T, DG, forklift and OSH licenses. Defensive Driving courses. Phone 0276 465 386. ROOM TO RENT. COUPLE PLEASE. Fully furnished room available in warm, new house on Kings Dr. Sky, WiFi, log fire, good views. Available now. Call 0212 279 898. PICTURE FRAMING - Give your pictures a new lease of life or get those pictures framed you’ve got lying around. For a free quote call Aspiring Photography, 12 Frederick St, ph 443 1883. STEAK! WHEN ONLY THE BEST WILL DO. ‘’Reserve” grade NZ beef, exclusively served at the Bullock Bar Grill, and The Luggate Hotel. 7 nights from 6pm. Come and taste the difference. GREEN TOAD SNOWBOARD AND SKI SHOP. Chain hire, chain hire. Phone 03 443 4315. THIS FRIDAY AT OPIUM IS DJ ALIAS, the most awesome NZ Glitch Hop and Bass Music producer! Do not miss this, he always rocks it! Free entry and $5 all drinks all night!! COFFEE CURE IN THE MEDICAL CENTRE is the perfect place to grab a coffee before you head up the mountain. Great parking, great food, great service and fantastic coffee! Phone 021 349 246. FORD ECONOVAN FOR SALE! 194,000km, fully equipped and perfect to travel all around NZ! $3000 ono - Contact Marie: 0211 393 469. KOHA OR PAY IT FORWARD MONTH - if you are unemployed, caring for someone or low on income, it’s your month for a break. In Touch Massage has some places. Michele Cotter 443 6311.

Computer Services Laptop & Desktop Repairs, Parts & Upgrades 20+ years Exprerience Wireless / Broadband & Other Networking Home / Business Services & Free Advice New and 2nd Hand Computers Virus & Spyware removal

Phone: 443 5717

‘JUST FISH’ IS SELLING A SELECTION OF freshly frozen, free flowed Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday. 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP (beside Bullock Bar entrance). Phone Tucker 0274 376 657. GREAT ROOM AVAILABLE FOR THERAPIST on lakefront at great rate. Sunny and quiet. Phone 0275 343 497. OFFICE AT 3 HELWICK STREET $100 + GST PER WEEK. Short or long term lease. 3x3m, close the door it’s your own space, great central location. Power and internet included. Call 03 443 4433. WANAKLEAN DOG - GROOMING, clipping and bathing. Call Emily on 0275 110 282 to make an appointment. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - BEST chicken and chips in town. Ph 443 4545. BULLOCK BAR ALL BLACKS VIP COUCH - All Blacks vs Wallabies. Its back. Purchase any drink from 6pm Saturday the 24th and go in the draw for a spot on the couch. Free bar snacks and personal barmaid. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - Contact your local operator of JAE Cleaning and Pest Control. For quality steam or dry cleaning and the best in stain removal, phone 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. BASE ULTIMATE SKI & BOARD RENTALS, 12 Helwick St. Best rental gear in Wanaka. New location, same great service!

21st August 2013




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“NOT THE OSCARS!� (THE NOSCARS) mini movie competition prize pool has grown to a whopping $4500!! Are you into making short movies whether purely as a novice or on a more serious level? Then this is for you! Just create a 1-4 minute movie, the final heat is Wednesday 28th Aug and the theme is “On The Snow 2013!� - This is your last chance to secure a place in the final to win a heliski!! For full details/rules visit the “OpiumWanaka� Facebook page and go to the “Not The Oscars� event page. Big ups to our sponsors including Base2, Sway Collective, Wanaka Skydive, Capitahl, Madwax and Stardust Beanies! HIRE HARRY - 0800 442 779 - Carpenter, Gardener, Painter. LADIES BICYCLE FOR SALE. Low step-through design $250. Phone 443 1788. LOVE ART & CRAFTS? Well, Kahu Youth have 6 week workshop starting on the 27th August for all youths aged from 11yrs. The workshops include making stencils, jewellery, painting, crocheting and more. Only $30! Contact us on 443 5880 or kahu.youth@xtra.co.nz to book a spot. HOUSE TO RENT - LONG TERM. Comfortable 3 bedroom house in Hawea Flat. Multifuel fire, heat pump, double garage, large section. $280 p/w. Phone (03) 751 0076.

Mobile Workshop % ! !" % " ! " % ! ! "# # " " % ! " "# !" % " # " " % "# !" # $ $ " "

3K 'DYH 5XOH ‡ ‡

CONTEMPORARY METAL SHELVING at Taste of Gibbston Valley, Arrowtown and Amisfield Wine room manufactured by Metalworks Wanaka, 54 Ballantyne Rd. Images on FB www. metalworkwanaka.co.nz SUNDAY SESSIONS every Sunday at Barluga kicking off at 4pm with free BBQ with drink purchase, $10 Bloody Marys and $5 G&T specials. DJ’s Electro Bill, Chris J and J digga playing cool Sunday beats all day long. CHEF WANTED AT URBAN GRIND. Full time position. Apply in person to one of the kitchen team at 72 Ardmore Street. GHETTO BLASTER ARE BACK at the Bullock Bar 24th August, after the rugby. MIKE (MOSSY), LINDA AND WILL from Sydney, want to rent 2/3 bedroom house, approx 10th November - 15th January, Wanaka, Luggate or Albert Town. Phone 443 6797 - Jenny and Steve Moss. FOR SALE: NEAR NEW FISHING chest waders, size 10, worn twice, pristine condition. Ph 443 8582 evenings. FURNISHED ROOM: ALBERT TOWN. Ready 10 Sept for quiet living, non-smoking single. $130/wk (Power extra). Own bathroom. Ph Maryann 443 6463.

business cards 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz

3 Day turn around as standard

21st August 2013



Tues 20th Aug Mon 26th Aug

BUYING OR SELLING A PROPERTY? Call John! 021 327 928

“John’s service was exceptional� Purchaser Peter & Anne Tyree

E john.fisher@harcourts.co.nz W www.johnfisher.harcourts.co.nz

THIS WEEKS SPECIALS Bok Choy pre pack $1.99ea Spinach bunch $2.99ea Jazz Apples $2.85/kg Agria Potatoes 5kg $6.45ea New Season Ilam Hardy Potatoes $2.85/kg Chicken Drumsticks $5.95/kg Danish Feta Cheese $1.59/100g Silere Merino Slow Roast Shoulder $19.95/kg

FOR SALE: TABLE, WOODEN TOP, steel bottom 1.580L x 1m W x .740H. Six chairs. Very good order. Free TV thrown in $160. Call 0210 2116 230.

Mon-Fri 8.00am – 6.30pm Sat & Sun 9.00am – 4.00pm 20 Ardmore Street Wanaka 443 0118

FREEVIEW SATELLITE DECODERS from $99.00. Excellent decoder, sensational price. Barnetts Radio & TV, your local satellite specialists. Phone 03 443 7961, 021 737 247 or www. wanakatv.co.nz

CHICKENS FOR SALE. Brown shaver, 1 year old and laying. $10.00 each. Bulk lot available. Phone 03 445 2644 or 0273 236 974.

GREEN TOAD SNOWBOARD AND SKI RENTALS, 6 Pembroke Mall, behind Boa Boa Takeaways. Taking care of locals since 2003.

LAKE HAWEA PHYSIOTHERAPY www.lakehaweaphysio. co.nz ACC and private physiotherapy treatments, therapeutic massage. Call Kaz for an appointment 443 8446 or 021 996 506.

LEARN TO SING THE BASICS CORRECTLY with Ricci. Author of “I Can Sing But Where Is My Voice?� Tel: 443 9457 or 0274 448 127.

HUNTING COMPETITION THIS WEEKEND. Enter at Albert Town Tavern, Thursday 7 - 8pm. Phone Neil 443 2909.

WEEKNIGHTS AT OPIUM THIS WEEK we have Aloha Or Die on Tuesday, Robbie on Wednesday, Mike Kennedy on Thursday and open mic night on Sunday. $5 drinks all week!

LAKE BAR PROPRIETORS PETER & VICKI BYRNE. Lunch, Dinner and All Day Snack Menu. Monteiths & Speights, Friday $6 - Cocktail. Live on Sky this weekend, Friday, Ranfurly Shield Otago V Waikato; Saturday, Bledilsoe Cup All Blacks V Australia. Ph 03 443 2920. WWW.WANAKAACUPUNCTURE.CO.NZ - to see how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you or call 443 8131. SASANOKI’S SPARKLING SAKE is popular. Another addiction at Sasanoki. Sasanoki Addict, Bro! ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - great family dining. Kids’ fun boxed meals and activities, $8.50 for 2 courses. New winter menu. COME SEE THE GREAT SPECIALS on milk, bread, drinks, burgers, sandwiches, muffins etc only at BP Wanaka. MUSCLES SORE/SWOLLEN? Soothe, reduce swelling, pain. Massage +plus Lymphatic Drainage treatments with Maryann. Phone 443 6463, 0211 101 160. CONTAINER FOR SALE, suitable for furniture (grade b). Ply floor and waterproof. $3,400 ono. Ph 443 1219. QUIRKY CRAFTERS WANTED. We are looking for contemporary crafted products for a new Wanaka venture. Knitted, painted, beaded, anything that’s a bit different and is handmade by you! Get in touch, email: craftywanaka@yahoo. com

LUGGATE HOTEL - PURCHASE ANY SPEIGHT’S product before, during and after the All Black game and go in the draw to win some cool All Blacks gear - jersey, wallet etc. ANGRY BIRDS MUSIC SPIN TOPS are back in stock! So popular, so cool. Only $3.50 each. Animal plush hats are now $7.90 each! Hot Value, Spencer Mall. BULLOCK BAR EXPRESS LUNCHES – In a hurry? Rush on in, choose 2 things from the amazing selection and a can of drink, all for $10 takeaway – too easy. Open every day from 7am, back of the Bullock Bar. WEST COAST COTTAGE 1/4 SHARE AVAILABLE. Perfect location for whitebaiting, fly fishing, hunting. Please contact Craig on 0276 469 419 or info@hatchfishing.co.nz EXCITING NEW CAFE WANTING friendly confident staff to work in a team environment. Front and back of house. beanecafe@gmail.com




66 Ballantyne Road Çż 3KRQH 443 2660 Çż )D[ 443 2661 (PDLO wanakastoragesolutions@xtra.co.nz

21st August 2013


TOSHIBA Heatpumps Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 2/12 Frederick St, Wanaka

MASSAGE THERAPY - SPORTS, DEEP TISSUE, RELAXATION MASSAGE. Treatment work, stress relief. Ursula Krebs, Dipl. Massage Therapist CH/NZ. Phone 0276 602 271, mobile service available. TOPSOIL FOR SALE: Screened. $30+GSTm3. Phone Rod. Lake Hawea 443 6242, 0211 610 062.

Wanaka Golf Club would like to thank the following for their time and generosity in working on our Kitchen renovations and Office extension:Our major sponsor of the Office Extension work is Isaac Davidson of

PICTURE FRAMING with an eye for detail and design. For professional advice and creative solutions come and see us at The 45th Degree, 5a Gordon Road. Ph 443 9348.

Davidson Building Ltd

CHEST FREEZER 600 X 900 Simpson $400. Bench top convection oven $40. Snowboard and boots $60. Fisher & Paykel upright fridge and freezer $250 each. Phone or text 0212 383 634.

Other sponsor’s who donated goods and services were:

BEST OF LUCK TO ALL THE COMPETITORS at this year’s Winter Games. From Wanaka Flight Centre. FOR SALE: TV/GAMING CHAIRS FOR CHILDREN. Set of 3, black, sit low to ground, fold away to ottoman foot stool, light and stackable, very tidy, near new $200 ono. Contact Greg 443 7429. WATER QUALITY A PROBLEM? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 0275 021 234. WANAKA’S ONLY LAUNDROMAT IS OPEN 6am-11pm daily. Oversized washers and 9 dryers for fast laundering, at Caltex Wanaka. SPECIALIZED ROAD BIKE - ALLEZ XS, full Tiagra drivetrain, Shimano R500 wheels, carbon post, as new ridden less than 100ks, $1500.00, ph 021 476 199. EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS BY SUSIE RUDDENKLAU at 5 Gunn Road, Albert Town. Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th, Sunday 25th 10am till 5pm. Everyone welcome. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka.

Graeme Begg - Carpentry Services Brian Collinson - B R Collinson Plumbing & Drainage Bill Coupland - Painter Decorator Cyril Coombe – Flooring Xtra Brendon McCutcheon – Flooring Xtra Steve Humpherson – Sorted Architecture Jason Parrant & Leon Scott - Southern Style Interiors

MATURE PERSON TO SHARE HOUSE and expenses. Close to town, warm friendly home. Must like animals. Text me 0221 506 671. WANAKLEAN DOG - GROOMING, clipping and bathing. Call Emily on 0275 110 282 to make an appointment. NEED A CLEANER? Regular or one-off services - Daily-WeeklyFortnightly - Special event preparation or clean-up - Spring cleaning - Move-out/move-in - Commercial spaces - Holiday homes - After builders cleaning - To request an estimate contact The Cleaners Wanaka today! Phone 03 443 1124 / 0210 2224 341 AYURVEDIC SPRING CLEANSE RETREAT: A prescription for purifying the body! 5 day/4night immersion retreat, to unite all your resources, body/mind/emotions/spirit in a supported healing space, free from daily distraction. A personalised cleanse, using Ayurvedic protocols, daily therapies, consultations, aligned yoga and meditation techniques, herbal therapy, special cleansing diet. Due to the transforming nature of the Ayurvedic cleansing process, numbers are limited. 12th16th Sept. For details go to http://www.thesadhanastudio. com/ or http://www.naturaldevotion.com/ WANAKA YACHT CLUB ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING is to be held at the club rooms on 28th August starting at 6.30pm. All members and intending members are encouraged to attend.


PH JEFF 0212335200

21st August 2013


Council Response to Drastic Changes to RMA Pathetic The following was presented to council by UCES’s President last week at Public Forum: “The government is in the process of “gutting the RMA”. These are not my words, they are the words of respected financial commentator Rod Oram in last week’s Sunday Star Times. 13277 submissions were received from the public on the proposed changes to the Act- 99% opposed the changes. The changes allow new subdivision and development anywhere and everywhere unless a council expressly restricts this through a plan rule. The QLDC has a discretionary regime in its DP for subdivision and development which means no subdivision is expressly restricted. This change is a recipe for urban sprawl and ad hoc rural subdivision anywhere in the mountains and along around lakes and rivers in this District. This has the potential to devastate the landscape values-values that this District largely relies upon for its economic wellbeing. Anyone who has a secluded rural residence should be scared because under the changes a subdivision will be able to be dumped next to you as of right. Commissioners at QLDC resource consent hearings will be powerless to decline subdivision and development. Council’s power to control adverse effects will be massively reduced. The changes overturn decades of planning law. There are major changes to s.6 and s.7 of the Act that will dilute provisions relating to matters of national importance. The requirements to maintain and enhance “amenity values” and the “quality of the environment” are deleted. There is a new requirement that Outstanding Natural Landscape (ONL) must be “specified”. In this District there is a gradual process taking place to identify landscape categorization boundaries through the Court. This process is far from complete. The changes will mean that large areas of ONL currently non-specified in the QLDC will be removed from protection from inappropriate subdivision and development. The changes reduce public participation. Councils currently notify only 4 to 6 per cent of applications for public submissions and only 1% of applications are appealed. The changes further reduce the need to publicly notify applications and further limit who is an affected party. The changes also further limit matters that submitters can comment on. The changes to the Act are based on ideology rather than any evidence of the need for change. They will make 22 years of case law largely irrelevant. The Society respectfully asks that when the Bill goes through the Select Committee process the QLDC submits in opposition to the changes described above especially any that reduce the protection of landscapes from inappropriate development.

Council’s response has been through QLDC policy and planning general manager Marc Bretherton in the Central Otago News: “Council’s approach is to adopt a watching brief. These matters will be traversed by councils throughout New Zealand with deeper pockets. The council will participate where we see value in doing so to advance the interests and protect the values of this District.” Council proposes to do nothing because it doesn’t have the money. Future participation will be irrelevant as the bill will be progressed through parliament soon. This is a pathetic response-it pretends that the massive changes to landscape and lifestyles of people in this District resulting from the Resource Management Reform Bill is not worth $2,000 of planner’s time. The Society proposes this week to ask all of the 23 council and mayoral candidates at the upcoming election the following question: “Would you support council submitting to select committee in opposition to changes contained in the Resource Management Reform Bill where they will significantly reduce the protection of landscapes in this District from inappropriate subdivision and development. Please answer Yes or No.” The Society will publish the responses in the Messenger in 2 weeks time. If a candidate does not respond this will be taken as a “No” response. UPPER CLUTHA ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIETY, PO Box 443, Wanaka uces@xtra.co.nz

21st August 2013


A New Choice of Food in WANAKA! Open lunch and dinner Mon~Sat 11am~2:30pm 5:30pm~9pm


Take it easy with SHINABURO!

Ph (03) 443 1777

34 Ardmore St.

WANAKA’S ONLY CARWASH NOW SAVES YOU .6C LITRE on your fuel when you buy an executive carwash and use your AA Smartfuel card. Caltex Wanaka, open 6am-11pm daily. Terms and conditions apply. PSYCHIC MEDIUM FROM NAPIER with over 25 years’ experience. New to Wanaka. Ph/tx Miriana 0275 023 764. HANDCRAFTED FINNISH RYE BREAD made with a unique wild yeast starter. Daily small batches of absolutely delicious, healthy and sustaining breads - fresh out of our oven at 11am. Try our new Raisin Walnut and Cinnamon Bread - toast Heaven! Our customers are loving our breads! Nordavia - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm. Find us at 1 Frederick Street, first left - on the way to Wastebusters. www.nordaviabakeshop.co.nz IT’S 6 IN THE MORNING AND THE COFFEE IS HOT and the café is warm. Only at the Hammer, Wanaka’s earliest opening café. The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). Phone orders on 443 8500 welcome. DURANCE FRENCH HOME FRAGRANCE now in store. Delightful pillow perfume, scented flowers, scented bouquets and refills. Traditional French fragrances at Health 2000, Helwick Street. CHOP SHOP - Espresso Bar and Clothing Boutique. Shop 3 Pembroke Mall. Ph 443 8297. ACCOMMODATION OPPOSITE MERCY HOSPITAL DUNEDIN. One Bedroom studio, spacious with kitchen facilities. $90 per night. Ph 03 467 2426 or email: dijames@ihug.co.nz DRUM AND BASS NIGHT THIS SATURDAY at Opium with Wellington boys DJ Stymie and Frosty Boy. Come get your bass on! $5 all drinks all night and free entry! LAKES BOWEN THERAPY treating all ages. Winter related aches/pains? Call Nikki Turner 443 6765, Cathy Rodgers 443 7907. www.lakesbowentherapy.com

Green Waste Mushroom Compost Compost Supplies Bark Nuggets

Shredded Mulch Top Soil Decorative Pebbles Crushed Schist

OPENING HOURS 10am–3pm Monday–Friday & 10am–4pm Saturday–Sunday Corner of Ballantyne & Riverbank Roads, behind Waste Busters

SKIN CANCER & MELANOMA CONCERNS? - Regular skin examination by a doctor qualified in Dermoscopy is critical for early detection. Book your appointment with Dr Brian Wills at Molemedic - more than 35 years’ experience and the Aust. Dip of Dermoscopy. At Community Consulting Rooms, Wanaka Lakes Health Centre through August. Phone 443 0432. Molemedic is an Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Society. More information on the new website www. molemedic.co.nz KEEN TO TEST YOUR WINE KNOWLEDGE? Wine Options Night. Sat 31st Aug, 7pm. Rippon Hall. Tickets from Wanaka Physio, Federal Diner or 0211 024 504. Support local skeleton racer in Olympic bid. WANAKA FARMERS MARKET AGM from 7.15 pm on Tuesday 3rd September in the committee room at St John rooms Wanaka. All welcome. THE WANAKA MINIMART IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! We would love to invite our lovely local people to check out our new cafe area and great new products available. The special offer this week is a gourmet pie and coffee for $5.50. HANDYMAN SERVICE - ANYTHING from cleaning gutters to custom built gates and fences, balustrades, pergolas, decks, engineering and repairs. Call Handy Solutions 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. SUBARU FOR SALE: Grand Wagon 1996, 155,000km. Good condition. Recent service. Great ski wagon. $3,500 ono. Call 0210 779 322. LAKE HAWEA HOLIDAY HOME: 3 bedroom, furnished, available to rent from Sept to mid Dec 2013, no pets, $250pw. Ph 0273 647 063. BABY THINGS FOR SALE: Touchwood cot and mattress, Moses basket and stand, capsule, girls’ clothes 0-1yr, plus other things. Please call or text 0212 491 791 or 03 443 2456.


Professional Dressmaking and Alterations Upstairs in Spencer House, Dunmore St, Wanaka Phone Melissa 021 215 7136

21st August 2013


ORIGINAL PAINTINGS By S B Susiei R Ruddenklau dd kl $W $

5 Gunn Road, Albert Town Friday, Sat, Sun 10am - 5pm

Community Support Worker

Community Support Worker

Central Otago Community Mental Health Team, based in Clyde, Central Otago Central Otago Community Mental Hea lth Team, s 0ERMANENT FULL TIME POSITION based in Clyde, Central Otago !PPLICATIONS CLOSE ST 3EPTEMBE

R s 0ERMANENT FULL TIME POSITION To !PPLI applyCATIO or for furthe NS CL inform OSE rST 3E ation PTEM BER please visit our website. To apply or for further information pleas

e visit our website.

www.healthdownsouth.co.nz FRESH ROASTED COFFEE always a double shot and hot with the most amazing Cinnamon Bun you have ever tasted! Always $9.00 at Nordavia - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop. Fine handcrafted pastries, cakes and breads with a Nordic/ Scandinavian Twist. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm. First left on Frederick Street - on the way to Wastebusters. www.nordaviabakeshop.co.nz DUNEDIN’S ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL CHOIR WILL BE SINGING Choral Eucharist at St Columba’s Anglican Church, cnr Upton and McDougall Sts, on Sunday 25 August at 9.30am, followed at 11.30am by a short recital. All welcome.

HIGH QUALITY PAINTING TEAM specialising in architecturally designed homes. Providing top quality hand finished craftsmanship. Phone 0211 430 408. URGENT SALE: BACK COUNTRY SKIS 160cm. Eagle bindings, climbing skins (Montana), poles 125cm, bag 2m. $800. Must be sold Wednesday. Phone 0223 883 560. BASE 2 HAS LOADS OF instore deals. Come down and check out the goodness. NEW! KERATHERAPY RELAXING SYSTEM. Reduces curl or wave pattern in the hair. Formulated with Amazon fruit extracts, pure keratin, essential oils, vitamins, amino acids, elastin and collagen. This unique formulation delivers rich nutrients, increases elasticity and shine and improves manageability. Hair thou Art workshop. Ph 443 9545. GALLERY33. TREAT YOURSELF TO A stunning piece of jewellery from Wanaka’s only Contemporary Art Gallery. Check out our website www.gallery33.co.nz. WANTING TO BE A BIKING INSTRUCTOR? Aspiring Athletes and Bike NZ are running two courses. “Learn to ride� and “Mountain Biking�. Sept 21 and Sept 22. NZQA qualifications. Call Lucy for details on 443 4453. FREE WINE! A GLASS OF CENTRAL OTAGO Pinot Noir - with every main steak meal. Reserve Grade NZ beef only at The Bullock Bar Grill.

WORK CLOTHING, WORKBOOTS and safety gear - get all your protective clothing needs - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road.

BEEN ON THE PISTE? Looking for a feast? Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday from 4pm in Spencer House Mall.

ASHTON GC-34 ACOUSTIC GUITAR $50, guitar stand $10, Ibanez Troubadour 20 Amplifier $120. Call 021 710 850.

1996 TOYOTA SSRX 3.0L TURBO SURF. Sunroof, tow bar, big bore exhaust $10,500. Phone 443 5778.

LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable�. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276.

WANAKA COMMUNITY BOARD needs revitalising. Vote for Rachel Brown.

FOR SALE: 20FT SHIPPING CONTAINERS - steel or insulated. Aspiring Cranes. Phone 0274 344 308.

NANNY REQUIRED TO CARE FOR our two year old. Two full days and two half days per week. We are looking for an energetic, caring, experienced Nanny for our daughter. Driver’s licence, current first aid cert and references required. Please email CV to audiophonic@gmail.com or call 021 766 697 after 5.30pm.

OSLO IS THE ECONOMIC AND governmental centre of Norway, a hub of Norwegian trade, banking, industry and shipping, and is an important centre for maritime industries and maritime trade in Europe. The Messenger is available in Oslo on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz FRIDAY NIGHT AT HONDY’S live acoustic music with Robby and Robby from 7 pm. Great meals/takeaways. Courtesy coach. $5 pints of house beers all night long. Ph: 443 5200 for pick up or pre-order.

RITUAL ESPRESSO CAFE IS LOOKING FOR a long term local barista with a strong background in food and coffee. You will need cafe experience and preference will be given to those with excellent barista and customer service skills. Please drop off CV with covering letter to Chris or email ritualcafeltd@ gmail.com


21st August 2013


Events Supervisor Edgewater is currently seeking a vibrant & dedicated team player for the challenging role of Events Supervisor. This role will be working alongside our Wedding & Events Co-ordinators.

YOUR GARDEN IS WAKING UP! Roses, fruit trees, perennials are needing attention. Call a “Really Good Gardener” (Andrew) on 443 7738 or 0221 366 708. BP WANAKA HAS 2 X 2 LOAVES Golden Bake bread for only $2.90. YUM YUM YUM, you really must try the fine foods at the Wanaka Farmers Market, every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall. OSLO IS THE CAPITAL OF NORWAY. Founded around 1000 AD, it became a trading place in 1048 under King Harald III, and was elevated to a capital under Haakon V around 1300. It was established as a municipality on 1 January 1838. Following a spelling reform, it was known as Kristiania from 1877 to 1925, when its original Norwegian name was restored. The Messenger is available in Oslo on-line at www.mymessenger. co.nz WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR HEALTH food/healing retreat in October? Held at the beautiful Lookout Lodge in Wanaka. If so, then come along to a free-of-charge information talk on Thursday 29th August, at the Wanaka Wellness Centre, 24 Dungarvon Street, Wanaka. Time: 5.30 to 6.30pm. All welcome! Any questions call Jeanette on 021 405 216. www. nirvanaretreat.co.nz

The successful candidate will ensure the smooth operation of weddings & events. Proven experience at a supervisory level in food & beverage is essential for this fast paced, rewarding position. This is a permanent full time role which includes weekends & public holidays. Please forward your application & CV by email to the General Manager, Leigh Stock: gm@edgewater.co.nz or in person to reception. Applications close 5pm Tuesday 27th August.

BLAST OFF WITH MORE CASH in your pocket, when you rent from Rocket! Rocket Rental ski and board hire, 39 Helwick St. Ph 443 ROCK. OFFICE AT 19 REECE CRESCENT. 39m2. Air conditioned, own space with car park. Shared kitchen, toilets, shower and terrace. Phone 0276 636 224. www.chrisnorman.co.nz FRIDGE F&P KELVINATOR UNDERBENCH. Height 80cm, width 53cm, depth 53cm. Excellent condition 115 litre capacity $110. Phone 021 321 128. BIRGIT IS BACK AT ALI BABAS for women’s hairstyling next week – 27th to 31st August, then every second week. Phone 443 1722 for an appointment. COME SEE THE GREAT SPECIALS on milk, bread, drinks, burgers, sandwiches, muffins etc only at BP Wanaka. ACHING, TIRED MUSCLES OR JOINTS, persistent problems? Get a total musculoskeletal analysis and full deep tissue, highly skilled joint alignment treatment to get your body back on track. Pain is an indication of imbalance - structural or biochemical - we do the works: ACC injury treatments, chronic conditions, clinical deep tissue, functional diagnostic medicine. Ph 443 6460 Dr John Gibson DC and Jane Macale Clin.Massage Prac., 59 Brownston St, Wanaka. www.themusclejoint.co.nz MILK SPECIAL 2 X 2LITRE MILK only $6.90 at BP Wanaka. CRANIOSACRAL THERAPY - a profound treatment that uses light touch to detect and modify subtle body movement and energy patterns. Correcting imbalances in the body as a whole, leaving you more comfortable and feeling better in yourself. Phone Jennie 0275 248 858. www.consciousness-rising.com NEED A PLUMBER? Phone Wanaka Plumbing for all general maintenance and new work on 021 959 072 or a/h 443 4959. THE NAME OSLO IS DERIVED FROM the words ‘As’, the Old Norse name for the Norse Godhead, and “lo”, meaning ‘pasture’, meaning roughly ‘the fields of the gods’. The Messenger is available in Oslo on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz

FACE TO FACE with Wanaka’s

Community Board and Councillors Got an issue, a gripe, maybe a great idea? Come and discuss it with the WCB and Councillors.

Next session - Monday 2nd September

Book your table for the All Blacks this Saturday

Call 443 0422 for a time slot – 2pm to 4pm


21st August 2013

21st August 2013

DRUM AND BASS NIGHT THIS SATURDAY at Opium with Wellington boys DJ Stymie and Frosty Boy. Come get your

OPEN HOMES DIRECTORY 21st August - 28th August

bass on! $5 all drinks all night and free entry! YOGA/MEDITATION: HAWEA FLAT SCHOOL. Sorry, there will


be no classes on Thurs 15th or 22nd. Classes resume Thurs

88 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 10 Templeton Street, Albert Town 47 Infinity Drive, Wanaka 133 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 4 Hogan Lane, Wanaka 249 Riverbank Road, Wanaka 154 Brownston Street, Wanaka

29th. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN. Local band - ‘The Zucchini Brothers’ this Friday 23rd August from 8pm. Courtesy coach phone 443 4545. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. IF IT’S CUSTOM METAL FINISH YOU ARE AFTER Metalworks Wanaka has expertise and experience. Workshop, 54 Ballantyne Rd. Ph 443 1760. www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz COFFEE CURE IS NOW OPEN ON SATURDAY mornings during winter - 9.30 onwards. Come on in and try our special ginger lattes or hot chocolates with a bite! Phone 021 349 246 or 443 0717. CHECK OUT JUDE’S HOMEMADE PASTIES at Hondys, if you are in quick enough, as they are flying out the door. Also this week freshly battered gurnard special only $5.50 per piece alongside our other great takeaway options. Ph 443 5200 for pre order. HOT YOGA FUSION now in Wanaka! http://hotyogafusion. co.nz/schedule.html Join us for some Hot Yoga! Level 1, Spencer House Mall, ph 022 HOT YOGA. BLUNT? RAZOR EDGE WILL SHARPEN IT. Knives, secateurs, loppers, scissors etc. Please phone Al 0274 545 686. EXPERIENCED FRONT OF HOUSE STAFF REQUIRED at The Landing. Pop in and see us - upstairs 80 Ardmore St. FULLY FURNISHED ROOM AVAILABLE NOW in 4 bedroom house near Aspiring College & Pool on 26 Matai Road. $120 singles $155 couples plus power. Great flatties / TV in room / heat pump / WiFi and home computer available / big garden with hammock and BBQ. Social flatmates! Please mention Matai Road when you call or txt: 021 923 553. You snooozze.... BULLOCK BAR WEDNESDAY NIGHT QUIZ. Free to enter from 7.30pm with George and Rusty. TEMPORARY PARAGLIDING GROUND CREW JOB. Current first aid and mountain driving experience required. Details on www.wanakaparagliding.co.nz Text 0274 697 685 or send CV to wanakaparagliding@gmail.com


11.45 - 12.15 1pm 1.15 - 1.45 2pm 2 - 2.30pm 2.45 - 3.15 4pm

Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug

$560,000 $635,000 $749,000 $759,000 By Negotiation $650,000 Prelim Auction

12.00pm - 12.30pm 4.00pm - 4.30pm 4.00pm - 4.30pm 11.00am - 11.30am 11.45am - 12.15pm 12.00pm - 12.30pm 1.00pm - 1.30pm 12.30pm - 1.00pm 4.00pm - 4.30pm

Wed 21st Aug Wed 21st Aug Thurs 22nd Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sun 25th Aug Sun 25th Aug

Auction By Negotiation By Negotiation $569,000 By Negotiation $499,000 $759,000 $590,000 $540,000

4.00pm 5.00pm 11.00am 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 2.30pm 3.00pm 3.15pm 4.00pm 4.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm

Wed 21st Aug Wed 21st Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sun 25th Aug Sun 25th Aug

$995,000 Auction 06/09 $610,000 $340,000 $759,000 $325,000 By Negotiation $679,000 Auction 06/09 $569,000 $580,000 $995,000 $610,000 $800,000

2.00pm - 2.30pm 4.30pm - 5.00pm 4.00pm - 5.00pm 4.00pm - 5.00pm 11.30am - 12noon 11am - 11.30am

Sat 24th Aug Tues 27th Aug Thurs 22nd Aug Sun 25th Aug Sun 25th Aug Sat 24th Aug

Auction Auction $975,000 $975,000 $560,000 $540,000

11.00 - 12.00 12.30 - 1.30 12.30 - 1.00 1.30 - 2.00 2.00 - 2.30 12.30 - 1.00

Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sun 25th Aug

$700,000 $975,000 $895,000 $645,000 $595,000 $399,000

11.00 - 11.30am 11.00 - 11.30am 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.30 - 1pm 1.00pm 1.30 - 2.00pm 1.30 - 2.00pm 2.00pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 3.00 - 3.30pm 4.00 - 4.30pm

Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug Sat 24th Aug

$525,000 By Neg $429,000 $800,000 Auction Auction On site $575,000 $499,000 $297,000 $389,000 $409,000 $599,000 $419,000

FIRST NATIONAL 90 Hopkins Street 4 Hogan Lane 4 Hogan Lane 16 Farrant Drive 147 Stone Street 89 Kings Drive 133 Meadowstone Drive 22 Scaife Place 3 Sargood Drive

HARCOURTS 23 Forest Heights, Wanaka 35 Frye Crescent, Wanaka 85 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 59 Matheson Crescent, Albert Town 133 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 21 Lichen Lane, Lake Hawea 26 Dale Street, Albert Town 1083 Aubrey Road, Wanaka 35 Frye Crescent, Wanaka 16 Farrant Drive, Wanaka 34 Hunter Crescent, Wanaka 23 Forest Heights, Wanaka 85 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 38 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka

LOCATIONS 20 Frye Crescent Albert Town 20 Frye Crescent Albert Town 8 Ruby Ridge Wanaka 8 Ruby Ridge Wanaka 88 Meadowstone Drive Wanaka 3 Sargood Drive Wanaka

PROFESSIONALS 4 Cherry Court, Wanaka 8 Ruby Ridge, Wanaka 143 Anderson Rd, Wanaka 16 Lakeview Tce, Lake Hawea 42 Beech St, Wanaka 1/31 Sargood Dr, Wanaka

RAY WHITE 22 McLennan Road, Hawea Flat 147 Stone St, Wanaka 42 Frye Crescent, Albert Town 38 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka 89 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka 89 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka 35 Rata Street, Wanaka 31b Kings Drive, Wanaka 11 Bell Street, Hawea 44 Nichol Street, Hawea 63 Nichol Street, Hawea 35 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka 44 Frye Crescent, Albert Town

21st August 2013







per ticket

ADULT $14.50 CHILD $8.50 SENIOR / STUDENT $10.50


Upper Clutha Messenger

21st August 2013

You’re invited to our exciting NEW product launch 1 DAY ONLY


2014 STYLES JUST ARRIVED FROM ITALY • Italian made Womens Blouses and Merino Knitwear • Genuine Scandinavian Knitwear • Quality NZ made Knitwear The Lake Wanaka Centre Armstrong Room 89 Ardmore Sreet, Wanaka Monday 26th August 2013 At 9am - 4pm

Chiropractic, Physiotherapy Massage and Acupuncture

www.aoknitwear.co.nz 0800 586 737

163 Lismore Street, Wanaka Behind The Hedge

phil@primewanaka.com Licenced Agent REAA 2008

Map data ©2013 Google, MapData Sciences Pty Ltd, PSMA -

81 Manuka Crescent, Wanaka Auction

Situated on an elevated 2,515m2 site (in two lots), this large home with extensive lake and mountain views has plenty of space for the family. Private sheltered grounds with established trees. Lovely indoor outdoor flow with bi-fold doors in the lounge, kitchen and dining areas opening out onto several decks, simply perfect for entertaining on those long summer evenings. Ample garaging and off street parking. Close to the lake and only a short easy stroll to town. Enjoy the property as it is or possibly build another house and subdivide later. Perfect for permanent living or holiday retreat. Owners have committed to another property and require an immediate sale. A great opportunity not to be missed. View today.

Phil Gilchrist 0274 351 399 03 443 1121

21 Plantation Road Wanaka 9305 (03) 443 7055 wanakahealth.co.nz

Auction 7th September 2013 1.00 pm (unless sold prior)

Full Sunshine – Quarter Acre


Basking in sunshine on the northern rise of Manuka Crescent is this tidy investment property which is prime for future development. The bedrooms and living areas are of good size, each having expansive views, and some overlooking the lake. This is an ideal holiday home to accommodate all the extra people who arrive when you own a holiday home in Wanaka. Plenty of room to pitch tents and loads of storage in the basement. Secure your piece of Old Wanaka Now!

Phil Gilchrist 0274 351 399 03 443 1121 phil@primewanaka.com Licenced Agent REAA 2008

ens with thinly sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI exotic herbs and spices, then cooked boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable TIKKA MASALAQueen Britain BHUNA GOSHT and oniontomatoes sauceofand finished with richTangy gravy of and slicedspicy onions delicacy & brown boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; Mixed Platter tikka, seekh kebab, tikkachicken and Seekh Kebab, served with athinly sliced with onions, and HANDI BIRYANI yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer ,ade Green peas & Fresh herbs; JALFAREZI Flaky pastry filled with capsicum Basmati with thinly sliced onions, tomatoes and BIRYANI boneless meat, slow smoked Definite towith spice upFragrant your buds, flavored saffron andtaste an of of rice cooked with MALABARIAHANDI west coast delicacy Samosa Amade variedserved selection Vegetarian with home made tangyMALABARITamarind Marinated flavored with saffron and anarray array A west coast delicacy ginger and freshly ground spices Fragrant cardamoms boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable home tangy Tamarind generous helping ofof fresh greenscapsicum rice cooked with from West Cooked ,ith Green peas &tikka Fresh herbs; fish and tandoori chicken. in Tandoor, then cooked a rich tomato boneless lamb simmered to cook inIndia. exoticBasmati herbs Tangy textured sauce in made with yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with Perfect Indian and pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken sauce Home made Flaky pastry filled with exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer flavored with saffron and an array of MALABARIA west delicacy and onion coast sauce and finishedcoriander with rich gravy of sliced onions & brown yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer simmered onions, ginger, ith hometikka made tangy Tamarind and Seekh Kebab, served with a filled with boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer with ginger, tamarind and Persian blend Served with a generous helping onions, ginger, coriander Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh simmered herbs; he Flaky pastry SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY exotic herbs sauce made with ginger and freshly ground spices cardamoms and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER generous helpingPakora of fresh greens Tangy textured Mixed grill Tandoori platter boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable Vegetable Green & Fresh flavored with saffron and an array of A west coast delicacy boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable finished with MALABARIcoconut cream and PALAK PANEER Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer served withherbs; home made tangyand Tamarind bs; peas tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in grated coconut simmered onions, ginger, coriander e Pakora Tangy and spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian Succulent pieces of meat of fresh greens Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, A combination of tandoori chicken tikka, flavored with saffron and an array MALABARIA west coast delicacy h home made tangy Tamarind exotic herbs Tangy textured with sauce madeand with SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY flavored saffron an array of A west coast delicacy tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in of creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer Mixed MALABARIgrill Tandoori platter sauce and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER a crispy dumplings, marind with a flavor of finely chopped, lightly India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend e flour Pakora seekh kebab, fish tikka and tandoori herbs Tangy textured saucePerfect madeIndian with and sautéed with exoticexotic herbs Tangy and spicy delicacy from and Westcloves, JALFAREZIPersian garnished with plain yoghurt creamed spinach, tomatoes Fish/Paneer A combination of tandoori chicken tikka, simmered onions, ginger, coriander exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and tamarind Cottage cheese cooked in of finely lightly avor flour crispychopped, dumplings, BIRYANI grated coconut Succulent pieces of meat sautéedCubed with India. Cookedand withHANDI ginger, tamarind blend Samosa SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir chicken. with a generous helping seekhServed kebab, fish tikka and tandoori simmered ginger, coriander garnished with plain yoghurt Potatoes; served made tangy onions, and finished with coconut cream andgrated PALAK PANEER and then simmered onions, ginger, coriander creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer esh Cauliflower, Spinach andwith home Vegetable Pakora and coconut Succulent pieces ofspices, meat sautéed with cooked vor of finely chopped, lightly exotic and spices, then cooked chicken. Served with a generous helping Delicious harmony of pureed DAL MAKHANI Tamarind sauce Fragrant Basmati rice of fresh greens and finished with coconut cream and spinach PALAK PANEER SAAGWALAKing of herbs Kashmir Home made Flaky pastry filled garnished with plain yoghurt Pakora ;esh served with home made tangy tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER exotic herbs and spices, then sliced cooked Cauliflower, Spinach and of fresh greens Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, with light spices and fenugreek and onions, lentil delicacy, with thinly with thinly sliced onions, tomatoes andMouth watering HANDI BIRYANItossed Delicious harmony pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI tamarind Cottage cheese cooked in with thinly sliced onions, tomatoes HANDI BIRYANI SAAGWALAKing ofof Kashmir dflour sauce cooked with yogurt and crispy dumplings, creamed tomatoes andfive cloves, Fish/Paneer tamarind Cottage and cheeseCubed cooked finished withCubed cream with in onions, tomatoes, ginger,spinach, garlic, ; served with home made tangy with Potatoes, Green peas & with a flavor of finely chopped, lightly capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with with light spices and fenugreek and Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with and capsicum creamed tomatoes and Fish/Paneer Samosa Delicious harmony oftomatoes pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI cream and home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn or of Samosa finely chopped, lightly garnished withcloves, plain yoghurt dhtly sauce creamed spinach, tomatoes andspinach, cloves, Fish/Paneer spice marinated boneless spiced Fresh Cauliflower, and yoghurt andtomatoes, five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer Fresh herbs; served with home yoghurt and fivetossed spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer finished with cream with onions, ginger, garlic, Home made Flaky pastry filledSpinach with with light spices and fenugreek and Mouth watering lentil delicacy, Home made Flaky pastry filled with garnished with plain yoghurt Chicken/Lamb/Paneer h Cauliflower, Spinach and SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir garnished with plain yoghurt boneless Potatoes; served with home made tangy and Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; cream and lamb/chicken/vegetable home pound spicesgarlic, Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable lamb/chicken/prawn finished with cream with onions, tomatoes, ginger, Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; made tangy Tamarind sauce SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir flavored with and an array of MALABARIA west coast delicacy erved home tangy Delicious harmony pureed DAL MAKHANI SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir served withmade home made tangy Tamarind Exciting newChicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with aoffresh andspinach healthy take onsaffron authentic Indian Tamarind sauce tangywith flavored with saffron and an array of MALABARIA west cream and home pound spices exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce madecoast with delicacyDAL with home made tangy Tamarind Delicious harmony of MALABARI pureed spinach MAKHANI sauce flavored with saffron and - A west auceserved with light spices and fenugreek and Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed Delicious harmony of pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI flavours. Warm up next to the big fire in the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. simmered ginger, coriander Tangy textured sauce made with sauce with light spices and onions, fenugreek and Mouth wateringexotic lentil herbs delicacy, tossed Vegetable Pakora finished with cream with onions, tomatoes, garlic, with light spices and fenugreek Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed Exciting Restaurant Lounge, with a fresh healthy take on authentic Indian coast delicacy an array of exoticginger, herbs Or Relax and dine and inand with our affordable wine andand cocktail list. and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER Vegetablenew PakoraIndian simmered onions, ginger, coriander finished withtamarind cream with onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic,pound spices Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in cream and home Chick pea flour crispy finished with cream withaonions, ginger, garlic, Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, Exciting new Indian Restaurant andfire Lounge, with fresh and healthy take on authentic Indian flavours. Warm up next to the big in Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn the lounge with tomatoes, eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. Tangy textured sauce and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer Vegetable Pakora cream and home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn with a Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn flavor of finely chopped, lightly cream and home pound spices VINDALOO dine in & take away · 43 helwick street · tel :03 443 1133 flavours. Warm up next to the big fire in the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. Or Relax and dine in with our affordable wine and cocktail list. dumplings, with a flavor of garnished with plain yoghurt tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in Spinach and made with simmered Chickspiced pea Fresh flour Cauliflower, crispy dumplings, SAAGWALAKingand of Kashmir Potatoes; home made tangy Or Relaxserved and with dine in with our affordable wine cocktail list. Succulent creamed spinach,overnight tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer

lightly spicedDelicious harmony withfinely a flavor chopped, of finely chopped, lightly onions, ginger, coriander of pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI and Lounge, with a fresh and healthy take on authentic Indian Tamarind sauce Exciting new Indian Restaurant garnished with plain yoghurtof Exciting new Indian Restaurant Lounge, with fresh and takewatering on authentic Indian spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and and with light spices andafenugreek and healthyMouth lentil delicacy, tossed marinated pieces in & take away · 43 helwick street · tel :03 443 1133 Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and dian Restaurant and Lounge, with a fresh and healthy take on authentic Indian and finished with coconut flavours. Warm up next to the big fire in the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir finished with cream with onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, salads and curries. Potatoes; served withup home made tangy take away 43 helwick street tel :03 443 1133 flavours. Warm next tolounge the bigwith fire in the ·lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. meat cooked with onion, Potatoes; with home cream and home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn minup& next to the bigserved fire· in the eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. Delicious harmony of pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI Or Relax and dine in with our affordable wine and cocktail list. cream and tamarind Tamarind sauce Orwith Relax and dine in with affordable wine and list. and peppercorn, light spicescocktail and fenugreek Mouth watering lentil cinnamon, delicacy, tossed made tangy Tamarind sauce ine in our affordable wineour and cocktailwith list. Fish/Paneer


finished with cream onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, Exciting new Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with a fresh and healthy take onwith authentic Indian

t r a e h a e v Ha

chilli and cloves. Go ahead dine in & take away · 43 helwick street · tel :03Indian 443 1133 flavours. up next to the big fire in the lounge with eclectic snacks, salads curries. cream andand home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn excite your taste buds. ny & take away · 43Warm helwick street · tel :03 443 1133 · 43 helwick telin:03 443 1133 Orstreet Relax and·dine with our affordable wine and cocktail list.

78 x 48 mm

ARTWORK APPROVAL new Indian and Lounge, with a fresh dine in &Exciting take away · 43 Restaurant helwick street · tel :03 443 1133and healthy take on authentic Indian flavours. Warm up next to the big fire in the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. Or Relax and dine in with our affordable wine and cocktail list.

dine in & take away · 43 helwick street · tel :03 443 1133

Upper Clutha Messenger

21st August 2013




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given Sunday Star Times given by Sunday Starby Times

BREAD AND POPPADOMS “The place to eat in Wanaka“ “The place to eat in Wanaka“ “Wanaka“ ✩✩✩✩ “place ✩✩✩✩ “The place tostars” eat in Wanaka“ Wanaka“ “The tostars” eat inin “The place to eat in to Wanaka“ “The place toeat eatin Wanaka“ “The place to“The eat inplace Wanaka“ given by Times given by Star Times ONLY $20.00 “The place toSunday eat inStar Wanaka“ Sunday Travel Guide “The place toSunday eat in Wanaka“ Sunday Travel Guide Sunday Travel Guide Sunday Travel Guide Sunday Travel Guide Travel Sunday TravelGuide Guide Travel Guide Sunday TravelSunday Guide Sunday Sunday Travel Guide FROM 5-6PM “ ✩✩✩✩ stars” “The place to eat in Wanaka“ “ ✩✩✩✩ stars” “The place toExciting eat in Wanaka“ new & Indian Restaurant & Lounge, with a fresh & Exciting new Indian Restaurant Lounge, with a fresh & Sunday Travel Guide healthy take on authentic Indian flavours. Get comfortable Travel Guide given Sunday Star Times healthy Sunday take on authentic Indian flavours. Get comfortable given by Sunday Starby Times in the lounge with eclecticTHIS Indian snacks, salads and SPECIALS WEEK: curries, or relax & dine in with our affordable wine &

in the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries, or relax & dine in with our affordable wine &

“The to eat in Wanaka“ indian kitchen and lounge sample menu cocktail list. “The place tosample eat in place Wanaka“ indian kitchen and lounge menu DELICIOUS SHARING PLATTERS, cocktail list. indian kitchen and lounge menu indian kitchen andsample lounge sample menu indian kitchen and lounge sample menu indian kitchen and lounge sample menu indian kitchen and lounge sample menu Sunday Travel Guide indian kitchen and lounge sample menu indian and lounge sample menu Sunday Travel Guide indian kitchen and kitchen lounge sample menu kitchen andmenu lounge AND sample menu SCALLOP MANGO indian kitchen andindian lounge sample


“ ✩✩✩✩ stars” FAV O SPICE R I Tstars” E S ROOM SPICE ROOM SPECIALITIES ENTRÉES & SHARINGENTRÉES & SHARING C U R R Y& FAV O R I T ECSU R R Y“ ✩✩✩✩ SPECIALITIES ENTRÉES SHARING CEOby FAV Star O RSPICE I TTimes Eby SSPICE SPICE ROOM SPECIALITIES given Sunday Star Times ENTRÉES SHARING R RYYO FAV RRISunday TREEYSS ROOM ROOM SPECIALITIES SIZZLING ENTRÉES & SHARING COURRI TRCEC YSUFAV R I TO SUSPICE ROOM SPECIALITIES given ENTRÉES SHARING SPECIALITIES SIZZLING ENTRÉES &&PLATTERS SHARING FAV SPICE ROOM ENTRÉES & SHARING CENTRÉES YFAV FAV REI TSU ERSR R SPICE SPECIALITIES & SHARING C USPECIALITIES R RR YI TFAV OROOM R ROOM IROOM T E S SPECIALITIES SPICE ROOMSPECIALITIES SPECIALITIES ENTRÉES &&PLATTERS SHARING CICTUEU RSRU RRRYYRPLATTERS FAV O RYOI TFAV SPICE SIZZLING SIZZLING PLATTERS ENTRÉES & SHARING C U R R Y FAV O R SPICE ROOM ENTRÉES & SHARING C U R R O I T E S SPICE SPECIALITIES SIZZLING PLATTERS SIZZLING PLATTERS TIKKA MASALA- Queen of Britain BHUNA GOSHT SIZZLING PLATTERS SIZZLING PLATTERS Mixed Platter SIZZLING PLATTERS TIKKA MASALAQueen of Britain BHUNA GOSHT SIZZLING PLATTERS Mixed Platter TIKKA MASALA BHUNA GOSHT SIZZLING PLATTERS “The place to eat in Wanaka“ Mixed Platter SIZZLING PLATTERS Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite to spice upBHUNA your taste buds, Mixed TIKKA MASALA BHUNA GOSHT “The place to eat inupWanaka“ TIKKAsmoked MASALAQueen of Britain BHUNA GOSHT TIKKA MASALAQueen of Britain GOSHT APlatter varied selectionMixed ofMarinated Vegetarian Mixed Platter boneless meat, slow Definite to spice your taste buds, Platter TIKKA MASALAQueen of BHUNAlamb GOSHT TIKKA MASALAQueen of Britain BHUNA GOSHT TIKKA MASALAQueen of Britain BHUNA GOSHT A varied selectionMixed of Vegetarian Mixed Platter -meat, Queen ofBritain Britain in Tandoor, then cooked in a rich tomato boneless simmered to cook inup your Mixed Platter Platter TIKKA MASALAQueen ofBHUNA Britain BHUNA GOSHT Sunday Travel Guide varied selection of Vegetarian Definite to spice up your Marinated boneless slow smoked Definite to spice up your taste buds, TIKKA MASALAQueen of BHUNA GOSHT pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken Mixed Platter Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite tobuds, spice taste buds, TIKKA MASALAQueen of Britain GOSHT Mixed Platter -meat, Queen ofBritain Britain Achicken varied selection inVegetarian Tandoor, then in a rich tomato boneless lamb simmered to cook inup TIKKA Queen ofBHUNA Britain BHUNA GOSHT Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite to spice up your taste Sunday Travel Guide varied selection ofAAof Vegetarian Definite to spice up your varied selection ofcooked Vegetarian Mixed Platter A Marinated boneless slow smoked Definite to spice up your taste buds, pakoras, samosas, tandoori A MASALAvaried selection of Vegetarian Mixed Platter Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite tobuds, spice your taste buds, TIKKA MASALAQueen of Britain GOSHT and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy of sliced onions & brown A varied selection Vegetarian Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite to spice up your taste Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite to spice up your taste buds, Aof varied selection of Vegetarian Mixed Platter in Tandoor, then cooked in a rich tomato boneless lamb simmered to cook indian kitchen and lounge sample menu tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with a A varied selection of Vegetarian Marinated boneless meat, A varied selection of Vegetarian in Tandoor, then cooked a rich tomato boneless lamb simmered tobuds, cook in in in Tandoor, then cooked inyour a taste rich tomato boneless lamb simmered to cook in Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite toinsliced spice up buds, pakoras, tandoori chicken pakoras, samosas, tandoori taste boneless lamb and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy of onions &taste brown pakoras, samosas, chicken Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite to spice up your buds, pakoras, samosas, tandoori A and varied selection ofMarinated Vegetarian in Tandoor, then cooked inchicken a rich tomato boneless lamb to cook in indian kitchen and lounge sample menu tikka Seekh Kebab, served with asamosas, Marinated boneless meat, A varied selection of Vegetarian ginger and freshly spices cardamoms in Tandoor, then cooked in a rich tomato boneless lambsimmered simmered to cook in gravy intandoori Tandoor, then cooked inand aground rich tomato boneless lamb simmered to cook in boneless meat, slow smoked Definite to spice up your taste buds, pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken pakoras, samosas, tandoori taste buds, boneless lamb and onion sauce finished with rich gravy of sliced onions &brown brown pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken generous helping of fresh greens inspices Tandoor, then cooked in a rich tomato boneless lamb simmered cook in onions & brown pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken and onion sauce and finished with rich of sliced onions &to A varied selection of Vegetarian tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with aKebab, tikka andthen Seekh served with atomato pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy of sliced ginger and freshly ground cardamoms in Tandoor, then cooked in a rich tomato boneless lamb simmered to cook in slow smoked in Tandoor, and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy of sliced onions & brown generous helping of fresh greens tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with a in Tandoor, cooked in a rich boneless lamb simmered to cook in pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy of sliced onions & brown chicken and Seekh Kebab, simmered to cook in rich Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with aKebab, and Seekh served with a a tikka pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy ofcardamoms sliced onions & rich brown ginger and freshly ground intikka Tandoor, then cooked infresh agenerous rich tomato boneless lamb simmered to spices cook in spicessimmered ginger and freshly ground cardamoms and onion sauce and finished with rich ofcook sliced cardamoms onions & brown slow smoked in Tandoor, helping of fresh greens tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken generous helping ofChicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer greens chicken tikka and Seekh Kebab, toAND in tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with aofand ginger and freshly spices and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy of ground sliced onions &gravy brown ginger and freshly ground spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer cardamoms ginger and freshly ground spices cardamoms generous helping fresh greens tikkaSeekh and Seekh served with afresh and onion sauce finished with rich gravy of sliced onions & brown SCALLOP PRAWN GOAN CURRY generous helping ofTandoori greens generous helping ofKebab, fresh greens then cooked in a rich Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer Mixed grill platter tikka and Kebab, served with a ginger and freshly ground spices cardamoms and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy of sliced onions & brown served with a generous helping gravy of sliced onions & ginger and freshly ground spices cardamoms generous helping of fresh greens tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with a SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer generous helping of ginger fresh greens Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer ginger and freshly ground spices Perfect then cooked inCaUrich Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer Mixed grill Tandoori platter SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY Tangy andAND spicy delicacy West JALFAREZIIndian and Persian with afreshly generous helping ofCURRY sliced onions &from generous helping ofginger fresh greens and freshly ground spices cardamoms Mixed grill Tandoori platter SCALLOP PRAWN GOAN CURRY A combination of tandoori chicken tikka, ENTRÉES & SHARING Rtomato RTangy Ycardamoms FAV O Ronion Idelicacy Tgravy E SGOAN SPICE ROOM SPECIALITIES generous helping ofserved fresh greens Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer and ground spices Mixed grill Tandoori platter Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer SCALLOP AND PRAWN CURRY and sauce and spicy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian generous helping of fresh greens of fresh greens brown cardamoms Tangy and spicy delicacy from West PRAWN GOAN CURRY Perfect Indian and Persian Mixed grill Tandoori SCALLOP AND SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer A combination of tandoori chicken tikka,platter ENTRÉES & SHARING C Rtomato RPerfect Ycardamoms FAV OandRonion IPerfect T JALFAREZIE Slounge SPICE ROOM SPECIALITIES India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend A combination ofU tandoori chicken tikka, Mixed grill Tandoori platter grill Tandoori platter Tangy and spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIIndian and Persian seekh kebab, fish tikka and tandoori Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer indian kitchen and sample menu and sauce of fresh brown cardamoms Tangy and spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIIndian Persian Agreens combination ofMixed tandoori chicken tikka, SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY SIZZLING PLATTERS India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY A combination ofTandoori tandoori chicken tikka, grill Tandoori platter seekh kebab, fish lounge tikka and and tandoori Tangy and spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian Persian seekh kebab, fish tikkaChicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer and tandoori Mixed grill platter spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian and grated coconut Succulent of meat sautéed with indian kitchen and sample menu SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY and finished with ginger A combination ofMixed tandoori chicken tikka, India. Cooked withTangy ginger,and tamarind blend chicken. Served with a generous helping combination of tandoori chicken tikka, pieces Mixed grillSIZZLING Tandoori platter PLATTERS India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY seekh tikka and tandoori and grated coconut Succulent pieces of meat sautéed with seekh kebab, kebab, fish tikka fish andAtandoori Mixed grill Tandoori platter Tangy and spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian and grated coconut Succulent pieces of meat sautéed with SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY chicken. Served with a generous helping and finished with ginger Tangy and spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian India. Cooked with delicacy ginger,and tamarind blend chicken. Served with a generous helping Atikka combination of tandoori chicken tikka, exotic herbs and spices, then cooked Mixed grill Tandoori platter Mixed grill Tandoori SCALLOP A tandoori combination of tandoori chicken tikka, India. Cooked withAND ginger, tamarind blend Tangy and spicy from Westcoconut JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian seekh kebab, fish and grated Succulent pieces meat sautéed with ofchicken fresh greens and grated coconut Succulent pieces of meat sautéed withof seekh kebab, fish tikka and tandoori exotic herbs and spices, then cooked A combination of tandoori tikka, chicken. Served with a generous chicken. Served with ahelping generous helping and freshly ground spices Tangy and spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian TIKKA MASALAQueen of Britain BHUNA GOSHT of fresh greens exotic herbs and spices, then cooked Mixed grill Tandoori SCALLOP A combination of tandoori chicken tikka, India. Cooked withAND ginger, tamarind blend Mixed Platter Tangy and spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend and grated Succulent of meat sautéed with of fresh greens with thinly sliced tomatoes HANDI BIRYANI seekh kebab, fish tikka and tandoori exotic and spices, then cooked A combination of tandoori chicken tikka, seekh kebab, fish tikka and tandoori and grated coconut Succulent pieces ofBHUNA meat sautéed with India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend exotic herbs and spices, then cooked chicken. with atikka generous helping and freshly ground with thinly sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI platter PRAWN TIKKA MASALAQueen ofU Britain of fresh ENTRÉES &pieces SHARING C R Ronions, Y spices FAV OCooked RBIRYANI I T Ecoconut Sand SPICE ROOM SPECIALITIES chicken. Served with aherbs generous helping ofgreens fresh greens seekhServed kebab, fishPlatter and tandoori Mixed India. withPRAWN ginger, tamarind blend Marinated boneless meat, slowGOSHT smoked Definite to spicewith up your taste buds, with thinly sliced tomatoes HANDI Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer kebab, fish tikka and tandoori Awith varied selection ofU Vegetarian and grated coconut Succulent pieces of meat sautéed with Fragrant Basmati cooked India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend exotic herbs and spices, then and grated coconut Succulent pieces ofonions, meat sautéed with with thinly sliced onions, and HANDI BIRYANI platter capsicum Fragrant Basmatirice rice cooked with ENTRÉES & SHARING C R Ronions, Y ofFAV Ocapsicum Rcooked I Tthinly Etomatoes Sand SPICE ROOM SPECIALITIES with sliced tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI Samosa chicken. with a generous helping of fresh greens chicken. Served afresh generous helping seekh kebab, fish tikka seekh and tandoori exotic herbs and spices, then cooked and grated coconut Succulent pieces meat sautéed with Samosa SIZZLING PLATTERS Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite to tomato spice up your taste buds, GOAN CURRY of greens chicken. Served with a Served generous helping Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer A combination of tandoori Awith varied selection ofpieces Vegetarian capsicum Fragrant Basmati cooked with and grated coconut Succulent pieces ofonions, meat sautéed with in Tandoor, then cooked inrice a rich boneless lamb simmered to cook in capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer yoghurt and five spicecooked marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer with thinly sliced tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI Samosa pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken chicken. Served a generous helping exotic herbs and spices, then cooked exotic herbs and spices, then cooked and grated coconut Succulent of meat sautéed with Samosa Home made Flaky pastry filled with SIZZLING PLATTERS capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice with Home made Flaky pastry filled with GOAN CURRY of Samosa fresh greens of greens withtomato thinly sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI chicken. Served with a generous helping exotic herbsin and spices, thencooked cookedin a rich Afresh combination of tandoori Tandoor, then boneless lamb simmered to Tangy cook inof of fresh greens yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer yoghurt and five spicecooked marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken TIKKA MASALAQueen Britain BHUNA GOSHT and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy slicedspicy onions delicacy & brown exotic herbs and spices, then cooked and boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable Home made Flaky pastry filled with capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice with made Flaky pastry filled with Potatoes, Green peas & thinly Fresh herbs; Mixed Platter chicken tikka, seekh kebab, tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with athinlyonions, of Home fresh greens with sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer with sliced tomatoes andof HANDI BIRYANI Potatoes, Green peas &with Fresh herbs; exotic herbs and spices, then cooked Samosa JALFAREZI Home made Flaky pastry filled with capsicum Fragrant Basmati thinly sliced onions, tomatoes andMALABARIBIRYANI of fresh greens boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable TIKKA MASALAQueen ofand Britain BHUNA GOSHT Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite towith spice your buds, flavored saffron andtaste an of of rice cooked with AHANDI west coast delicacy and onion sauce finished with rich gravy of sliced onions &upbrown Tangy and spicy delicacy Samosa boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; Awith varied selection Vegetarian Mixed Platter served with home made tangy Tamarind chicken tikka, seekh kebab, flavored with saffron and anarray array MALABARIA west coast delicacy ginger and freshly ground spices cardamoms tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with athinly sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer Potatoes, Green peas &with Fresh herbs; boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable served with home made tangy Tamarind JALFAREZI generous helping ofof fresh greens capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with Home made Flaky pastry filled with capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with from West India. Cooked thinly sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; fish tikka and tandoori chicken. in Tandoor, then cooked in a rich tomato boneless lamb simmered to cook in Marinated boneless meat, slow smoked Definite to spice up your taste buds, flavored with saffron and an array of MALABARIA west coast delicacy Samosa exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with Samosa Perfect Indian and pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken Amade variedserved selection Vegetarian with home made tangy Tamarind sauce flavored with saffron and an array of saffron and an array of MALABARIA west coast delicacy ginger and freshly spices cardamoms Home made Flaky pastry filled with ground Samosa exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer served with home tangy Tamarind generous helping ofof fresh greens capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with flavored with MALABARIA west coast delicacy sauce from West India. Cooked Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy of sliced onions & brown yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer fish tikka and tandoori chicken. in Tandoor, then cooked in a rich tomato boneless lamb simmered to cook in simmered onions, ginger, coriander served with home made tangy Tamarind Samosa exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with Perfect Indian and tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with awith pakoras, samosas, tandoori chicken Home made Flaky pastry filled with sauce boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer Home made Flaky pastry filled with with ginger, tamarind and Samosa exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made Persian blend Served with afresh generous helping simmered onions, ginger, coriander Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer Home made Flaky pastry filled with flavored with saffron and an array ofPANEER MALABARIAofplatter west coast delicacy sauce SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with ginger and freshly ground spices cardamoms and onion sauce and finished with rich gravy of sliced onions & brown yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer and finished with coconut cream and PALAK simmered onions, ginger, coriander served with home made tangy Tamarind generous helping greens sauce Mixed grill Tandoori boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable tikka and Seekh Kebab, served with a Fresh Vegetable Pakora Home made pastry filled with boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable yoghurt and fivewith spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer with ginger, tamarind andwith Potatoes, Green peas & herbs; Persian blend flavored saffron and an array of MALABARIA west coast delicacy boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable Served with a generous helping simmered onions, ginger, coriander Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; Home made Flaky pastry filled with Flaky and finished coconut cream and PALAK PANEER Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer served with home made tangy Tamarind Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with ginger and freshly ground spices cardamoms tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in grated coconut simmered onions, ginger, coriander Vegetable Pakora and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER Tangy and and an spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian Succulent pieces offlavored meat of fresh greens generous helpingPakora of fresh greens sauce GreenMixed Chick pea flour crispychicken dumplings, grill Tandoori platter boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable Vegetable A combination of tandoori tikka, with saffron array MALABARIA west coast delicacy peas & Fresh herbs; flavored with saffron and an array of MALABARIA west coast delicacy boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable served with home made tangy Tamarind and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY flavored with saffron and an array of MALABARIAfinely west coast delicacy tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in of Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Paneer served with home made tangy Tamarind spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer Potatoes, Green peas &Potatoes, Fresh herbs;with Mixed grill platter tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked increamed grated coconut simmered onions, ginger, coriander Vegetable Pakora sauce and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, served home made tangy Tamarind Tangy and spicy delicacy from West JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian Succulent pieces ofPerfect meat withTandoori a flavor of chopped, lightly of fresh greens Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend Vegetable Pakora A combination of tandoori chicken tikka, flavored with saffron and an array of MALABARIA west coast delicacy seekh kebab, fish tikka and tandoori exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with sautéed with exotic herbs Tangy and spicy delicacy from and Westcloves, JALFAREZIIndian and Persian served with home made tangy Tamarind exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with SCALLOP AND PRAWN GOAN CURRY flavored with saffron and an array of MALABARIA west delicacy garnished withcheese plain yoghurt tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in creamed spinach, tomatoes Fish/Paneer A combination oflightly tandoori chicken tikka, simmered onions, ginger, coriander creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with Mixeddumplings, grill Tandoori platter spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and sauce and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER Chick pea flour crispy served with home made tangy Tamarind tamarind Cubed Cottage cooked in flavor ofcoast finely chopped, withsauce awith flavoraof finely chopped, lightly sauce India. Cooked with ginger, tamarind blend Vegetable Pakora Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, HANDI BIRYANI and grated coconut Succulent pieces of meat sautéed with India. Cooked ginger, tamarind blend Samosa seekh kebab, fish tikka and tandoori exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with sautéed with exotic herbs Tangy spicy delicacy from Westcloves, JALFAREZIPerfect Indian and Persian SAAGWALAKing of and Kashmir chicken. Served with a generous helping seekh kebab, fish tikka and tandoori simmered onions, ginger, coriander garnished with plain yoghurt creamed spinach, tomatoes and Fish/Paneer garnished with with plain yoghurt A combination oflightly tandoori chicken tikka, sauce Potatoes; served with home made tangy simmered onions, ginger, coriander exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER spicedwith Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and and spices, then cooked simmered onions, ginger, coriander creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and with apea flavor of finely chopped, sauce Vegetable Pakora and grated coconut Succulent pieces of meat sautéed with a flavor of finely chopped, lightly Chick flour crispy dumplings, HANDI BIRYANI and grated coconut Succulent pieces of meat sautéed with India. with ginger, tamarind blend exotic and spices, then cooked Samosa chicken. Served with a generous helping Delicious harmony ofCooked pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI Fragrant Basmati rice SAAGWALAKing of finished Kashmir chicken. with a generous helping seekhServed kebab, fish tikka and of tandoori simmered onions, ginger, coriander Tamarind sauce fresh greens and with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER SAAGWALAKing of herbs Kashmir garnished with plain yoghurt Potatoes; served with home made tangy Home made Flaky pastry filled and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER and spices, then cooked simmered onions, ginger, coriander garnished with plain yoghurt Vegetable Pakora Potatoes; served with home made tangy creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer tamarind Cubed Cottage spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER exotic herbs and spices, then cooked Vegetable Pakora spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and and grated coconut Succulent pieces of and meat sautéed with withVegetable a flavor ofPakora finely chopped, lightly of freshpea greens Chick flour crispy dumplings, with cooked light spices and fenugreek and onions, Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed cheese cooked in with thinly sliced exotic spices, then chicken. Served with a generous helping Delicious harmony of pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI with thinly sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI Tamarind sauce Fragrant Basmati rice of fresh greens Delicious pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI and finished with coconut cream andcooked PALAK PANEER SAAGWALAKing of herbs Kashmir tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in yogurt Home made Flaky pastry filled with thinly sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI SAAGWALAKing ofof Kashmir Tamarind sauce garnished with plain yoghurt Vegetable Pakora Potatoes; served with home made tangy tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in spinach, cooked with and Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER exotic herbs and spices, then creamed tomatoes andfive cloves, Fish/Paneer tamarind Cubed cheese cooked finished with cream with in onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, Potatoes; served with home made tangy with Potatoes, Green peas & harmony spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and ofcrispy fresh greens Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, with light spices and fenugreek and Mouth Cottage watering lentil delicacy, tossed Vegetable Pakora with a flavor of finely chopped, lightly with thinly onions, Chick pea flour dumplings, with thinly sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with with lightsliced spices and fenugreek and Mouth lentil delicacy, tossed capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with and capsicum Delicious harmony pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked inwatering creamed spinach, tomatoes and Fish/Paneer Samosa Delicious harmony oftomatoes pureed DAL MAKHANI with thinly sliced onions, tomatoes and HANDI BIRYANI cream and home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn SAAGWALAKing ofof Kashmir Tamarind sauce cooked with yogurt and five Chick pea aflour crispy dumplings, with flavor of Samosa finely chopped, lightly creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer garnished withcloves, plain yoghurt Tamarind sauce tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in finished with cream with spinach onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer Potatoes; served with made tangy with Potatoes, Green peas & ahome flavor ofa finely chopped, lightly spice marinated boneless spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, with flavor ofwith finely chopped, lightly yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer Fresh herbs; served with home capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with yoghurt and five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer finished with cream with onions, tomatoes, ginger, tossed garlic, Home made Flaky pastry filled with with light spices and fenugreek and Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed capsicum Fragrant Basmati rice cooked with and capsicum with light spices and fenugreek and Mouth watering lentilyoghurt delicacy, Samosa Home made Flaky pastry filled with creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer garnished with plain Samosa Delicious harmony oftomatoes pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI cream and home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn Chicken/Lamb/Paneer spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and with a flavor of finely chopped, lightly SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir garnished with plain yoghurt Tamarind sauce garnished with plain yoghurt creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable Potatoes; served with home made tangy spice marinated boneless spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; with a flavor of finely chopped, lightly yoghurt andtomatoes, five spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer cream and home pound spicesgarlic, Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn Fresh herbs; served with home boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable yoghurt and fiveonions, spice marinated Chicken/Lamb/Paneer finished with cream with onions, ginger, garlic, Home made Flaky pastry filled with lamb/chicken/prawn finished with cream with tomatoes, ginger, Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; made tangy Tamarind sauce with light spices and fenugreek and Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed Home made Flaky pastry filled with SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir garnished with plain yoghurt flavored with saffron and an array of MALABARIA west coast delicacy Chicken/Lamb/Paneer Potatoes; served with home made tangy harmony offresh pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI spiced Fresh Cauliflower, and SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir SAAGWALAKingRestaurant of Kashmir served with home made tangy Tamarind garnished with plainDelicious yoghurt boneless lamb/chicken/vegetable Exciting new Indian and Lounge, with a andlamb/chicken/vegetable healthyand takehome on authentic Indian Tamarind sauce Potatoes; served withSpinach home made Potatoes; served with home made tangy spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and Potatoes, Green peas & tangy Fresh herbs; cream and pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn with saffron and an array of MALABARIAonions, west coast delicacy cream pound spices boneless Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn lamb/chicken/prawn exotic herbs flavored Tangy textured sauce madehome with finished with cream with tomatoes, ginger, garlic, served with home made tangy Tamarind Delicious harmony of MALABARI pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI Potatoes, Green peas & Fresh herbs; made tangy Tamarind sauce SAAGWALAKing ofDelicious Kashmir sauce flavored withlentil saffron and flavored with saffron and an array of snacks, salads MALABARIA of west coast delicacy -A west Tamarind sauce with light spices and fenugreek and Mouthand watering delicacy, tossed Delicious harmony pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI Potatoes; served with home made tangy harmony offresh pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir served with home made tangy Tamarind flavours. Warm up next to theand big fire in the lounge with eclectic Indian Exciting newChicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with asimmered healthy take onmade authentic Indian Tamarind sauce Tamarind sauce Potatoes; served with home made tangy onions, ginger, coriander herbs Tangy textured sauce with flavored with saffron and exotic an array of curries. MALABARIA west coast delicacy cream and home pound spices exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with sauce with light spices fenugreek and Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed Vegetable Pakora with home made tangy Tamarind Delicious harmony ofRelax pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI sauce flavored with saffron and finished with cream with onions, tomatoes, garlic, MALABARI -and Aeclectic west light spices and fenugreek Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed new Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with a fresh healthy take on authentic Indian coast delicacy Tamarind sauceserved light spices fenugreek and Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed an array of exoticginger, herbs Delicious harmony ofExciting pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI Orwith and dine inand with our affordable wine andand cocktail list. and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER flavours. Warmwith up next to the big fire in the lounge with Indian snacks, salads and curries. Vegetable Pakora Tamarind sauce simmered onions, ginger, coriander simmered onions, ginger, coriander exotic herbs Tangy textured sauce made with finished with cream with onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic,pound spices sauce with light spices and fenugreek and Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed Vegetable Pakora tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in creamgarlic, and home Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn Chick pea flour crispy finished with cream with tomatoes, ginger, garlic, Chickdine pea flour crispy dumplings, finished with cream with onions, tomatoes, ginger, withPakora lightIndian spices and fenugreek Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed Exciting Restaurant and Lounge, with a fresh and take on authentic Indian coast delicacy Exciting new Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with aonions, fresh and healthy take on authentic Indian flavours. Warm up next to the big inhealthy the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. an array of exotic herbs Or Relax and inand with our affordable wine andfire cocktail list. and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER Tangy textured sauce Vegetablenew and finished with coconut cream and PALAK PANEER simmered onions, ginger, coriander creamed spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer Vegetable Pakora cream and home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn with a Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn flavorwith of tamarind finely chopped, lightly finished cream with onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic,pound VINDALOO Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in cream and home pound spices cream and home spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn Chick pea flour crispy finished with cream with onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, Chick pea flour crispy dumplings, dine in & take away · 43 helwick street · tel :03 443 1133 flavours. Warm up next to the big fire in the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. Exciting new Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with a fresh and healthy take on authentic Indian Or Relax and dine in with our affordable wine and cocktail list. dumplings, with a flavor of flavours. Warm up next to the big fire in the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. garnished with plain yoghurt tamarind Cubed Cottage cheese cooked in Tangy textured sauce and finished with coconut creammade andcreamed PALAK PANEER Spinach and with simmered Chickspiced pea Fresh flour Cauliflower, crispy dumplings, spinach, tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer Vegetable Pakora cream and home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn with a Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn flavor of finely chopped, lightly SAAGWALAKing of Kashmir cream home pound spices VINDALOO Potatoes; served with made tangy Or Relax and dine inlightly with our affordable wine and cocktail list. Succulent creamed spinach,overnight tomatoes and cloves, Fish/Paneer dine indine &up take away · big 43 helwick street ·and telsimmered :03 443 1133 flavours. Warm next to the fire inhome the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads andcheese curries. Or Relax and in with our affordable wine and cocktail list. dumplings, with awith flavor of garnished with plain yoghurt finely chopped, spiced tamarind Cubed Cottage aand flavor of finely chopped, lightly Spinach made with Chickspiced pea Fresh flour Cauliflower, crispy dumplings, onions, ginger, coriander Delicious harmony of pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI Exciting new Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with a fresh and cooked healthyintake on authentic Indian Tamarind sauceSAAGWALAKingand of Kashmir garnished with plain yoghurtof Potatoes; served with home made tangy Or Relax dine with our affordable wine list. overnight creamed spinach, tomatoes anddelicacy, cloves, Fish/Paneer Exciting new Indian Restaurant and Lounge, fresh443 and healthy take on authentic Indian spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach andcocktail with light spices anda:03 fenugreek andSucculent Mouth watering lentil tossed marinated pieces finely spiced dine ininlightly & take away · 43 helwick street ·with tel 1133 Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and with aExciting flavor chopped, ofand finely chopped, lightly new Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with aginger, fresh and healthy take on authentic Indian onions, coriander Delicious harmony of pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI and Lounge, with aand fresh and healthy takewith on onions, authentic Indian finished with coconut flavours. Warm up next towith the big fire inKashmir the lounge eclectic Indian snacks, Tamarind sauce Exciting new Indian Restaurant SAAGWALAKing of finished cream with tomatoes, ginger, garlic, salads and curries. garnished with plain yoghurt Potatoes; served with home made tangy Exciting new Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with ahome fresh and take on443 authentic Indian dine in & take away · 43 helwick street tel :03 1133 spiced Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and with light spices and fenugreek andinhealthy Mouth watering lentil delicacy, tossed flavours. Warm up next to the bigwith fire the ·lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. marinated pieces of meat cooked in & take away · 43 helwick street · tel :03 443 1133 Fresh Cauliflower, Spinach and Potatoes; served with cream and home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn Exciting dine new Indian Restaurant and Lounge, with a fresh and healthy take on authentic Indian flavours. Warm up next to the big fire in the lounge eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. and finished with coconut Delicious harmony of tomatoes, pureed spinach DAL MAKHANI flavours. Warm up next to the big fire inKashmir the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. with onion, Or Relax and dine in with our affordable wine and cocktail cream and tamarind Tamarind sauce SAAGWALAKing of finished with cream with onions, ginger, garlic, list. Potatoes; served with home made tangy take away ·Relax 43 street ·lounge tel :03 443 1133 Orhelwick Relax and dine in with our affordable wine and cocktail list. flavours. Warm up next to the big fire in the with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. meat cooked with onion, peppercorn, Potatoes; served with home with light spices and fenugreek and Mouth watering lentil cinnamon, delicacy, tossed made tangy Tamarind sauce cream and spices OrtoRelax and dine in with our affordable wine and cocktail list. flavours.dine Warminup& next the big fire in the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. Delicious harmony of wine pureed spinach DALpound MAKHANI Or and dine inChicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn with ourcream affordable and cocktail list.home and tamarind Fish/Paneer Tamarind sauce finished with cream onions, tomatoes, ginger, Exciting newand Indian Restaurant andand Lounge, with a fresh and healthylentil takecinnamon, onwith authentic Indian Orwith Relax and dine in with our affordable wine cocktail list. chilli and cloves. Go garlic, ahead with light spices and fenugreek Mouth watering delicacy, tossed made tangy Tamarind sauce Or Relax and dine in our affordable wine and cocktail list. Fish/Paneer dine in &flavours. take away · 43 · peppercorn, tel :03 443 1133 Warm next to thehelwick big fire in thestreet lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads curries. cream andand home pound spices finished with up cream onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, Exciting new Indian away Restaurant and Lounge, with astreet freshChicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn and ·healthy take 443 onwith authentic Indian excite your taste buds. chilli and cloves. Go ahead dine in & take · 43 helwick tel :03 1133 dine in &dine takeinaway · Warm 43 helwick tel 443 1133 Orstreet Relax and·dine in:03 with our affordable wine and1133 cocktail list. &flavours. take away · 43 street · tel :03 443 up next to thehelwick big fire in the lounge with eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. cream and home pound spices Chicken/Lamb/Fish/Prawn excite your taste buds. dine in & take away · 43 helwick street · tel :03 443 1133 dine in & take away · 43 helwickOrstreet telin:03 443 1133wine and cocktail list. Relax and·dine with our affordable new Indian and Lounge, with a fresh dine in &Exciting take away · 43 Restaurant helwick street · tel :03 443 1133and healthy take on authentic Indian flavours.street Warm to443 the big fire in healthy the lounge eclectic Indian snacks, salads and curries. new Indian and Lounge, with a fresh and takewith on authentic Indian dine in &Exciting take away · 43 Restaurant helwick ·up telnext :03 1133

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Orto Relax andfire dine our affordable wine and snacks, cocktail list. flavours. Warm up next the big in in thewith lounge with eclectic Indian salads and curries. Or Relax and dine in with our affordable wine and cocktail list.

dine in & take away · 43 helwick street · tel :03 443 1133 dine in & take away · 43 helwick street · tel :03 443 1133


Plan: Mannering, $287,000 < Wanaka Airport link with flights in and out Airport. < Queenstown Airport daily. Wanaka holiday ers leave your vehicle he garage and catch the from Queenstown Airport. n be airport to door and port. Schedules link with ing and afternoon flights in Queenstown airport.

Bookings: +64 3 443-9120


Option #2 Three trips daily between Queenstown and Wanaka going the slightly longer route taking in the photogenic Gibbston Valley (known as Valley of Vines), rugged Kawarau Gorge,Cromwell Basin (heart of Central Otago wine making), and the Upper Clutha Valley where the road follows the course of the Mighty Clutha River/ Mata-Au, New Zealand’s highest volume river.

Plan: Edison, $424,000

ings: +64 3 443-9120

Bookings: +64 3 443-9120 Wanaka > < Dunedin (Via Wanaka & Dunedin Airports) ~ Wanaka’s only morning bus service to Dunedin ~ Once daily from Wanaka to Dunedin ~ Once daily from Dunedin to Wanaka

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Plan: Gilford, $332,000

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Wanaka to Queenstown Via Crown Range (in winter, weather depending) ~ Departs Wanaka three times daily

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