Upper Clutha
Messenger Volume XXXIV | No 37 | 25th September 2013 The Messenger is published each Wednesday by Print It Wanaka Ltd
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka | Phone 443 7804 | Fax 443 7805 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz
e n r u o b l e m cup
• Established Wanaka business
• Quality workmanship
guaranteed as a member of ECANZ • Eco Smart Electricians • Competitive quotes
Ph: 443 7347 or 0274 382 352 PO Box 655, Wanaka
MELBOURNE CUP at the LONE STAR 5th November 2013. Support your Coastguard Unit by celebrating Melbourne Cup Day at the Lone Star on Tuesday 5th November. Tickets are $20, all of which goes to the Coastguard and this gives you entry to this afternoon of fun, entry into the draw for a Classic Flights flight, and a glass of bubbles on arrival. Prizes will be awarded for the best dressed and for the winners of the Hobby Horse Races. Coastguard Wanaka Lakes started as a Marine Section of LandSAR in 2007 and became a Coastguard Unit in 2011. Up to now the Unit has used members’ boats for operations and training but now it has its own Rescue Vessel. The Unit has recently taken delivery of a second-hand Naiad 6.7m RIB. This has been made possible
through major grants from the Lion Foundation and the Community Trust of Otago and from support from Coastguard Southern Region and Rotary. In addition, the Unit has received donations and grants from the Graeme and Olive West Trust, Bayleys Real Estate and Wanaka Lake Swimmers, as well as other donations from members of our community.
LOW PRICE CURRY TAKE AWAY Ph: 03 443 6086 www.bombay-palace.co.nz
The unit is manned by 23 active volunteers who are now entering an extensive training programme to become qualified to operate the new boat safely. More equipment is needed and you can help by coming and having a great time. Buy your tickets from Video Ezy, Betty’s Liquor, Ritual Café and Structure for Men or from a friendly Coastguard. CASH please. Dress Up, Support Coastguard and have a great day. See you there.
From $39* per day Phone: (03) 443 6641 www.wanakarentacar.co.nz * Terms & CondiTions APPly
Simms Fishing Apparel in store now! Exclusive in Wanaka. Come try it on!
Fishing & Hunting Specialists Fishing & Hunting Specialists
10 Helwick St,Wanaka Ph. 443 8094 Fishing & Hunting Specialists
25th September 2013
Upper Clutha Messenger
This season, Escape Within with Arthur Barnett are excited to present the new Spring/Summer Sheridan Collection including
30% off
Sunday * Until 29th Sept! Instore stock only.
From left Paul , Mike and Gaz ‘’the mechanics’’
SHERIDAN Classic Percale 300 Thread Count Sheeting Single to Super King
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SHERIDAN Luxury Egyptian Towel Range Bath Towel, Hand Towel, Face Cloth, Bath Mat, Bath Sheet
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Purchase online at arthurbarnett.co.nz FREE delivery within NZ for purchases under 15kg Meridian Mall, George St, Dunedin. Ph 03 477-1129 ext 878. S2653
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25th September 2013
Community Diary THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER V Senior Citizens Club - afternoon tea and social gathering at the Wanaka Districts Club from 2pm onwards. All welcome. Enquiries to Vivienne 443 5120 or ucsc.club@gmail.com. Check out our website for details on membership, volunteering or donations, www.ucscclub.weebly.com. V Op Shop Open, 12 noon to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm. For 0 - 5 year olds, at the pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat hall. Friendly and fun. Visitors welcome - you don’t have to live in Hawea. Last day of term. V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30 for 0 - 5yr olds. Presbyterian Church Hall, Tenby Street. $3 per family. Come and have some indoor and outdoor fun with us, this terms theme is ‘Space!’. Please bring a snack/drink for your child(ren). Tea and coffee provided for caregivers. For more details call Rachel 0211029130. V Men’s 9 Hole Golf. Cards in by 12.20pm. V Toastmasters. - Improve your speaking skills for ZRUN SXEOLF VSHDNLQJ RU MXVW EHWWHU FRQÂżGHQFH 7.15pm at St John Rooms, 4 Link Way, Wanaka. Come, sit and enjoy, or have a go if you dare. Ph Jamie on 021 331 245. V Wanaka Time Bank Orientation sessions at Community Networks every Tuesday and Thursday from 1 - 3pm. Just drop in, it only takes 15 minutes. V Wanaka Farmers Market every Thursday from 4pm until 6pm in Spencer House Mall. V Wanaka Garden Club meets at the Bowling Club Rooms, at 7.30pm. Social night, bring along spring Ă€RZHUV IRU GLVSOD\ DQG D SODWH V Tai Chi for Balance, 2pm at Elmslie House Common Room. Gold Coin. V Centering Prayer, 5pm in the Upper Room, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Wanaka Croquet Club Assn and Golf Croquet. 9.30am - 12 noon, then 1.30 - 4pm. Mallets available. V Plunket Car Seat Rental Scheme, at the Plunket Rooms, Ardmore St, 3 - 6pm. Appointments necessary, ph 443 8706. V Embroidery Group Workshop Day, 10.30am at the Arts Centre.
V Wanaka Bowling Club Progressive Tournament. Names in by 1pm, for 1.15pm start. Visitors welcome.
V 6PDOOERUH 5LĂ H &OXE, Lake Wanaka Centre at 6.30pm.
V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 1 - 4pm. All welcome. V Upper Clutha Scooter Hooter Moped / Scooter / 50cc Motorcycle Rally. Fun ride, all bikes welcome. A chance to ride a 50km circuit in the Upper Clutha and to mark the start of spring. Meet 10am, at Wanaka Lake front. For Info Please contact Paul p_vanklink@ vodafone.co.nz or ph 443 5178 or 021 056 9146. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 - 11am. V Wanaka Croquet Club Assn and Golf Croquet. 9.30am - 12 noon, then 1.30 - 4pm. Mallets available. V Habitat Restoration Planting with Te Kakano, 10am by Stoney Creek bridge at Roys Bay West. Tools and morning tea provided. Come lend a hand! Contact Andrew 021 342 187.
SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER V Baptist Church - meets 5:30pm every Sunday at the Lake Wanaka Centre, Cnr Ardmore St and Lakeside Rd. (Soup & buns to follow). Everyone welcome. http://wanakabaptist.zohosites.com V Wanaka Lighthouse Church meets every Sunday evening at 5pm, at the former Snow Sports space, Cnr Link Way and Reece Crescent. Come on in. http://lighthouseglobal.org/ For more info ph 443 2793. V St Columba’s Anglican Church, Cnr Upton & McDougall Sts; 9.30am, Holy Communion with Sunday Clubs for children. All welcome. V Presbyterian Worship: Family Service 9.30am with Rainbow Club for children. Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Lake Hawea Golf. Tee of 12 miday. All welcome. V Wanaka New Life Church, 10am upstairs in the Spencer House Mall. All welcome. V St Ninian’s Church, Hawea Flat 75th Anniversary Service at 2pm. All welcome.
MONDAY 30 SEPTEMBER FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER V Wanaka Bridge Club, 1pm at Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. Social Bridge. V Wanaka Grandview Probus Inc, 10am at the Albert Town Tavern. V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street at 10.30am. For appointments, ph 443 7799. V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 9 - 12pm. All welcome. V Mini Muscles indoor movement, music and play at Proactive Gym. 9.30am for crawlers and walkers under 2 years, 10.30am for 2, 3 and 4 year olds and 11.30am for babies. All whanau welcome. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 - 11am. V Ladies New & Newish to Wanaka Luncheon. Contact Sue Saunders ASAP. Ph 443 7442. V Genealogy Group meeting, 2pm at 86 Kings Drive. Speaker Doreen Tyree will speak about her photographer ancestor. All most welcome.
V Alcoholics Anonymous. 8pm every Monday in the Plunket Rooms in Ardmore Street (next door to BP). V Overeaters Anonymous. Meeting every Monday at 6.30pm in Plunket Rooms on Ardmore St (next door WR %3 3OHDVH FDOO WR FRQÂżUP V Wanaka Walkers meet on the lakefront, opposite the Showgrounds, at 9.30am. Bring lunch. Ph 443 5575 for info. or access www.wanakawalkers.blogspot. co.nz V Wanaka Social Tennis, Upton St courts 9 - 12pm. All welcome. V Wanaka Playgroup - not today - happy holidays everyone! Reopen at the Squash Club, Stone Street, Monday 14 October. See you there! Queries to Rachel ph 021 1029 130. V Wanaka Bridge Club, 7pm at the Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. - Glendhu Pairs. V No Hawea Playgroup today. Happy Holidays and see you next term. V Genealogy Group Research meeting. 5.15pm at Community Networks Room, Brownston St. All most welcome.
V Senior Citizens exercise class 1.30 pm at the St -RKQ URRPV RQ /LQN :D\ 4XDOL¿HG 3LODWHV DQG 7DL Chi instructors. All welcome. Casual class $4 or purchase a 10 class concession card for $30. Enjoy a safe and friendly workout followed by a cuppa. Enquiries to Vivienne, ph 443 5120. V Cancer Society Yoga Support group. Open to anyone affected by Cancer at any stage, family included. Gentle, relaxing, supportive session by specially trained teacher. 9am St. John’s, Link Way every Tuesday. Just come or phone Raewyn on 0279 165 028. V Op Shop Open, 12 noon to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace, alongside the steps. V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street at 1pm. For appointments please ph 443 7799. V Volunteering Central - events, conservation, working with kids or caring for others... visit Gillian at Community Networks between 9.30am and SP WR ¿QG RXW DERXW YROXQWHHULQJ LQ \RXU community. Contact Gillian ph 443 4102 or email centralvolunteering@gmail.com V Wanaka Library Holiday Programme, 10 - 11am & repeat session 2 - 3pm. For ages 5 - 9yrs. Geometric Mobiles. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 7.30 - 8.30pm. V No Hawea Playgroup today. Happy Holidays and see you next term. V The Rotary Club of Wanaka meets at the Mt Iron Garden Bar and Function Centre, in the Albert Town Tavern. 6pm for 6.30pm. V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1 - 4pm. All welcome. Contact Andrew on 021 342 187 / www.tekakano.org.nz.
WEDNESDAY 02 OCTOBER V Wanaka Alpha Club monthly meeting @ 6.00pm. Please refer to minutes for venue. V Wanaka Library Pre-School Session, 10.30 11.30am for ages 0 - 5. V Cancer Society Client Supportive Care 10am 3pm @ Community Networks, 73 Brownston St. Ph 443 7799. Just call in or phone Raewyn on 0279 165 028.We are in the community to make a difference for you if you are affected by Cancer in any way. V Baptist Homegroup, 23 Charles Court, Lake Hawea at 7.30pm. All welcome. V Free Legal Advice at Community Networks, 1 2.30pm. Call (03) 443 7799 for an appointment. V Lake Hawea Golf. Tee off at 12 midday. All welcome. V Wanaka Croquet Club. Golf Croquet and lessons, at 10am. Mallets available. V Wanaka Bridge Club, 7pm at the Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. - Hunter Pairs. V Hawea Picnic Racing Club AGM. 7.30pm at the Lake Hawea Community Centre. All welcome. V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1 - 4pm. All welcome. Contact Andrew on 021 342 187 / www.tekakano.org.nz.
For After Hours Medical Care the Duty Practice this weekend is
Aspiring Medical Centre Urgent Clinics at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre
Ph (03) 443 0725 or 443 1226
23 Cardrona Valley Rd
9am to 6pm
Sat 28 Sept & Sun 29 Sept
25th September 2013
This Week’s Birthday Notices CONTACT US
Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 11 Brownston St, Wanaka ADVERTISING messenger@printit.co.nz
MESSENGER DEADLINES DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS (15 minutes design time included) To be proofed/designed: Copy by Fri 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3rint reDdy Âżle by 0on 12 noon
FULL COLOUR DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS To be proofed/designed: Copy by Thurs 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3rint reDdy Âżle by Fri 12 noon
LINE ADVERTISEMENTS Tues 12 noon preIerDbly 0on COMMUNITY FEATURE 5eTuest Dn DpplicDtion Iorm Check out the Messenger online at: www.mymessenger.co.nz
FULL SUSPENSION MTN BIKE FOR SALE. 2011 Cannondale RZ One Twenty 3. Size Medium. Never used. $2500. Ph. 443 8557. WANAKA WELLNESS RETAIL: Exclusive products only available at WW. Endura Sports Nutrition, Ionza water systems, Vitapurity etc. Elusive product? Ask us. www.wanakawellness.co.nz Phone 443 4668. 24 Dungarvon Street. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - FREE dessert with every kid’s meal ordered from now until the end of the month. BRAND NEW SUMMER Mons Royale coming to Base soon! WANAKA COMMUNITY BOARD, vote Ross McRobie, “to get things done!� Call me to discuss any issues before you decide to vote on 0274 329 892. LAKES PODIATRY - CHECK OUT OUR website at www. lakespodiatry.co.nz Clinic located at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. General foot complaints, running and sports injuries, diabetic foot issues, children’s feet, ACC registered. Ph 03 443 0730. ROOMS TO RENT: Sunny warm house in Kings Drive. $120 p/w plus expenses. Text or phone 0221 506 671. WANAKA BOARDING KENNELS AND CATTERY would like to remind customers to book early for Xmas. We know it’s only September! However, we are always popular with “out of town� pet owners therefore spaces are filling up and we would like to support local customers first. Phone 0274 314 023. wanakakennels@gmail.com
Sept 28th - Luke Jordan Sept 28th - Rebecca Bland Sept 29th - Sophia Stahlhut Come into Print It to collect your voucher for a FREE coffee at Kai. (Or kids fluffy) If you would like us to include your or someone elses birthday in a future issue ring us on 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka. www.mymessenger.co.nz
GILLESPIE - RABBIT PASS TRAVERSE - first spring Wild Walks trip scheduled for challenging 8 day adventure in Mt Aspiring Nat Park. Light packs, good food, small group, beech forest, glaciers, waterfalls, stunning mountain views. Explore a wild part of your backyard with us! 7-14 Dec. Check out www.aspiringguides.com or visit us upstairs, 99 Ardmore St, Wanaka. Ph 443 9422. SPRING TIME GARDEN MAINTENANCE. Does your greenhouse, vege, garden, lawn, edges or paths need TLC? Reasonable rates. Ray Millar 0274 435 337 or 443 5337. FURNISHED ROOM: ALBERT TOWN. Welcome quiet living, nonsmoking single. $140/wk, power extra. Own bathroom, I/N. Ph Maryann 443 6463, 0211 101 160. QUEEN BED WANTED IN EXCELLENT CONDITION, for the spare bedroom. Please phone 0274 432 263 443 1729. Thanks. OUR PROFESSIONAL ROAMERS will pick up your unwanted quality items, sell them on your behalf (on Trade Me) and then they will pay you (without all the hard work!!). Start spring cleaning now and see what goodies you can turn into cash. Email iroam4u@outlook.co.nz or call 0273 236 974 to book a roamer and discuss details. PENNY’S HOME CARE - DO YOU REQUIRE HELP with housework, personal care, shopping, meal preparation, medications, outings, transportation, gardening etc? If so, call Penny Fisher R.N. on 443 1929 or 0273 434 776. WANAKA WINE CONVIVIUM NIGHT at Federal Diner on Thursday 3rd October. Come be transported to New Orleans with creole cooking, wine, beer and music to match. Tickets are $70 and include 4 course meal and matching wine. Come into Federal diner to book. COCKTAIL HOUR AT GIN AND RASPBERRY 5-6pm every day. $5 wine, cider and tap beer, $8 Gin and raspberry. Live music from 5.30 every day! TRUST JUDE BATTSON. Too right you can. Turn up to candidates evenings and ask questions or phone me 443 1602. FOH MANAGER’S POSITION at Amigos Mexican Grill. Looking for an experienced Duty Manager who’s keen to move up the ladder. Permanent full time salaried position. Email CV in confidence to info@amigoscafe.co.nz
25th September 2013
AGM 2nd October, 7.30pm at the Lake Hawea Community Centre ALL WELCOME WYNDROK POTTERY, LAKE HAWEA. Handcrafted functional tableware to be enjoyed every day. Simple classical forms with glazes reflecting the colour and beauty of Central Otago. All original, hand thrown pieces, suitable for oven, microwave and dishwasher. 191 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea. Open 11am 5pm. Closed Mondays. Phone 443 1707. HOT YOGA - Locals Intro $35 for one week pass at hotyogafusion. co.nz Spencer House Mall, Dunmore Street. ph/text 022HOTYOGA. LIVE MUSIC AT FEDERAL DINER: Amiria Grenell with guests this Friday at 8pm. We will be staying open right through, come early for pre-concert drinks and food. Should be a great night. Tickets are $10 on the door. BIG, SUNNY ROOM AVAILABLE in 3 bdrm house. Sunny deck, BBQ, must like dogs. $140/week plus bills. Hunter Cres area. Call Juli 0211 690 541. MASSAGE WITH “MAGIC HANDS�, Jason Clarke, provider to High Performance Sport New Zealand. “Magic Hands� has massaged: NZ elite triathletes, winter Olympians, multi-sports, the All Blacks and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports, trigger point therapy myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. “Feel the Magic�. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. FLATMATE $80 P/W. Double bed, own balcony, near river, pub and shop in old Albert Town. Non-smokers. Phone 0273 214 952.
Anyone for Tennis?? Location: Upton Street behind camping ground Opening Day: Saturday 5th October Juniors: 10am (Sausage sizzle 12pm) Seniors: 12.30pm (for 1pm start) George Morris Memorial Afternoon Tea and official opening: 3.45pm Please bring a plate for afternoon tea AGM: 4pm Copies of the nomination form for new committee members are available in the clubrooms.
Come and Enjoy! Everyone Welcome! Contacts: Brian Cooke: (Secretary) 443 9704, John Lyness: (President) 443 7500 Steven Stephani: Junior Co-ordinator) 443 4995 Coaching: Perry Crockett 021 294 2677 aspiringtennis.com
Sue Mayen “Susieâ€? Memorial Seat Unveiling -RKQQ\ DQG IDPLO\ ZRXOG OLNH WR LQYLWH DOO RI 6XVLH¡V friends to the unveiling of a memorial seat in UHPHPEUDQFH RI 6XVLH¡V OLIH Beginning with the spreading of her ashes DW 3HQULWK 3DUN %HDFK DW SP RQ Saturday the 28th of September, followed by spreading of her ashes and unveiling of her seat under 6XVLH¡V IDYRXULWH ZLOORZ WUHH opposite the Rugby Club grounds RQ WKH ODNH IURQW Feel free to bring a picnic and a bottle and join us in celebration
ASPIRING ACUPUNCTURE. Did you know acupuncture treats all of you? Musculo-skeletal pain - injury or chronic, (registered ACC practitioner), period, menopausal, hay fever, digestive, anxiety - and more, without having to take lots of pills. www. aspiringacupuncture.co.nz. Ph Jos 443 6242. THE YARD! THE ONE STOP SHOP FOR LANDSCAPING design and supplies. Bark, compost, topsoil, aggregates, mulch. Delivery or loan trailer available. The Yard, 14 Reece Crescent, Wanaka. Ph 443 5069. CUT-IT KITCHENS & JOINERY has qualified, licensed builders and joiners on the team to offer a building service as well as designing and manufacturing your new kitchen, laundry or home office. For a one stop shop call 443 5031 or 0274 911 955. LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Visualise your landscape in 3D before you commit to construction. Dave Spedding (Dip Hort) professional - reliable. Call today 021 707 481 or 443 2721. SPECIALS ON RETAIL PRODUCTS! Come see us at Alice, 123 Ardmore Street. THIS SATURDAY AT OPIUM is DJ L.T. playin’ DnB, Ghetto Funk and Breaks, get in! FROM TREVATHAN LANE TO TIPPERARY, IRELAND. The Messenger is available in Tipperary on-line at www.mymessenger. co.nz WORDPRESS WHIZZ WANTED. To help develop a new WordPress website incorporating PayPal. Please contact Jeremy for more information 0210 2793 681. WWW.WANAKAACUPUNCTURE.CO.NZ - to see how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you or call 443 8131. VOTE ROSS MCROBIE FOR THE Wanaka Community Board to “Make a Difference!â€?. Call me to discuss any issues before you decide to vote, on 0274 329 892. FRESH DANISHES AT The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & CafĂŠ, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). 03 443 4172 www.festivalofcolour.co.nz
Notice of Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of Southern Lakes Arts Festival Trust will be held on Tuesday 15th October at 12 noon at the Lake Wanaka Centre, Armstrong Room. All welcome to attend. Copies of the Annual Report will be available at the meeting.
25th September 2013
300 Acre Dairy Runoff
+ GST if any
P: 021 868 245 E: johnburkebuilder@gmail.com
Lot 2 Kane Rd, Hawea Flat Ăƒ Ăƒ Ăƒ Ăƒ Ăƒ Ăƒ
Rare chance to secure land in this area Proven history as a dairy farming support block Genuine reason for selling On school bus route & 15 mins from Wanaka *RRG ÀUVW SXUFKDVH IRU \RXQJ IDUPLQJ FRXSOH Water rights
Quentin Landreth 0273 555 399
Land area: 130.8 ha on three titles Web ID: FNW00992 *UDHPH 6LQFODLU 021 504 749
03 443 0097
ARTISANS CO-OP CLOSING 11/10. Come for a last chance to get our work in the shop, you will be able to find us at the Sunday market this summer or on the internet. Thank you. PINOT THYME WINE TOURS bookings 03 445 4999 or look for deals on bookme.co.nz HABITAT RESTORATION PLANTING with Te Kakano this Saturday, Sep 28, 10am by Stoney Creek bridge at Roys Bay West. Plants and materials generously sponsored by NAB Community Grants. Tools and morning tea provided. Come lend a hand! Contact Andrew 021 342 187. COVERED STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR boat, campervan, caravan and car. Phone Richard at Wanaka Storage Solutions. Phone 443 2660. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN FRIDAY happy hour from 5.30pm until 6.30. Go in the draw to win a bar tab. Free bar snacks Ace of Spades Jackpot is up to $200. If your number gets drawn, you get to turn the Ace and you win $200. Pokies!! Courtesy coach ph 443 4545. VOTE JOHN CHAMBERS FOR SOUTHERN DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD, supported by Jane Nimmo. CREEK CAFE BAR ARE LOOKING FOR an experienced chef for mainly evening/weekend work and a few days. Please call Stacy or Selena. Phone 443 6262 or 0210 440 878. CUSTOM MAHOGONY WOOD massage table with burgundy corduroy bed, handmade in Christchurch with travel case. Comfortable, rugged and good condition. $150 firm. Phone 0221 597 846.
Helpful Advice Quick Service Quality Result We also stock an affordable range of giftware, framed prints & baby gear
YOGA/MEDITATION: Hawea Flat School, Thursdays 6:30-8pm. $10 Robyn 0276 448 005. Come along stretch then relax. Great for the body & mind. WANAKA ORGANICS HAS RE-OPENED the Farm Gate Shop! Check out our organic eggs at Glendhu Bay just past Motutapu Road. FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. EXPERIENCED, SUPER FRIENDLY BABYSITTER AVAILABLE. Full of smiles and a bag of tricks. Give Debs a shout anytime, 0210 2889 320. DON’T DELAY - VOTE TODAY. Two ticks for Bryan Lloyd for QLDC and WCB. IT’S OUR 16TH BIRTHDAY AT METALWORKS Wanaka. For 16 years a workshop designing and manufacturing bespoke metalwork at 54 Ballantyne Rd. To thank you - we are taking 50% off all stock on Friday 27th, 8.30 - 5pm. Ph 443 1760. www. metalworkswanaka.co.nz WANTED TO RENT - Local professional couple, willing to pay the extra for long term accommodation. Would prefer furnished, but not essential. Phone Peter 021 847 547. EASY GOING FLATMATE WANTED (preferably male), to live with me (female). Must be employed. $130 p/w. Call/text 0212 328 541. TIME TO LEARN AND IMPROVE YOUR TENNIS! Spring tennis coaching programmes start October 14th for adults and kids. Or start earlier with our holiday tennis camp Oct 7th - 11th! Check it all out and sign up at www.aspiringtennis.com, or email aspiringtennis@yahoo.co.nz or call Kirstie on 0212 313 554 for more info. IS IT A GOOD IDEA for sports club volunteers to have First Aid qualifications? We think so. Join the Upper Clutha Sports Community’s course on Sunday 13th October. For details contact Bronwyn 443 5576 or Diana 443 8824. HEALTH FACT: C0Q10 IS SEVERELY depleted with Statin drugs and C0Q10 is an important and necessary nutrient for the heart. View ‘Statin Nation’ documentary at www.holistic-healthcare. co.nz and click on Documentaries. Holistic Healthcare for health diagnosis and natural solutions. Phone 443 5991. At Wanaka Wellness Centre.
6SHFLDO 2IIHU 5DQJHU LQF *67 Offer ends September 30th, - includes $1000 Cash Back Offer - conditions apply.
25th September 2013
Wanaka Window Cleaning
Eukanuba Adult Large & Medium Breed 15kg
Residential, commercial and spider spraying FREE quote - call Paolo 021 057 2505
For Super Sparkly Windows THREE CHAIRS HAIR SALON: Debbie, Michelle and Natalie - all senior stylists. Stockists of De Lorenzo and Angel products. 1/12 Frederick Street. Phone 443 5898. LAKE HAWEA GUARDIANS now accepting nominations for 2013-2014. For information phone Mike on 443 6311 or Alison on 443 1044. WATER QUALITY A PROBLEM? Pure Water Central Ltd can help you with all your water filtration requirements. Water filters, water tests, ultraviolet systems, water coolers and more. Free phone Mark 0800 945 372 or 0275 021 234. HIRE HARRY - Ph 0800 442 779. Carpenter, gardener, painter. NEW HAIRSTYLIST AT FLAIR Hair Design. We welcome European Stylist Nils Bormann to our team. Ph 443 7727. BULLOCK BAR EXPRESS LUNCHES – In a hurry? Rush on in, choose 2 things from the amazing selection and a can of drink all for $10 takeaway – too easy. Open every day from 7am, back of the Bullock Bar. FULLY FURNISHED ROOM available from 6/10 in 4 bedroom house near Aspiring College & Pool on 26 Matai Road. $100 singles $130 couples plus power. Great flatties, TV in room, heat pump, WiFi and home computer available, big garden with hammock and BBQ. Social flatmates! Please mention Matai Road when you call or txt: 021 923 553. You snooozze.... NEXT WEEK! THE ROTARY BOOK SALE opens on Friday October 4th at 10am, then Saturday and Sunday. Huge quantity of quality books, CDs, DVDs, puzzles and games - all at bargain prices. All proceeds go to local community projects.
Flooring Sales Consultant Lakeland Carpet Court are seeking a highly motivated Flooring Sales Consultant. The position is part time, 5 days a week, 25 hours per week. The key responsibilities include selling Floor Coverings to residential customers in our showroom, so minimum of two years retail experience is a must, ideally in ‘big ticket’ environment. The role includes costing, quoting & closing sales, as well as post installation follow up, customer care & overseeing showroom displays. Apart from being a sales wiz with a positive attitude & a vibrant personality, a good head for numbers is an advantage. An interest in colour & interior is important, as is a knowledge of computer systems. You must be able to pro-actively generate sales as well as making the most of every sales opportunity. Many sales start with a phone call so an excellent telephone manner is crucial. To apply for this position, send your CV with a hand written cover letter to P O Box 176, Wanaka or drop into our showroom 7 Cliff Wilson Street, Wanaka. Applications close 4th October.
(Normally $139.90)
Vital Health System
100% Money Back Guaranteed
STEP IT OUT! IS YOUR TEAM ENTERED in the Wanaka Upper Clutha Lions ‘Walk for Wanaka Hospice’? Contact Barb at: bmackenzie5@yahoo.com.au LAST TWO WEEKS TO GO SKIING. Base Ultimate Rentals can kit you out with the best gear. 12 Helwick St. MASSAGE THERAPY - SPORTS, deep tissue, relaxation massage. Treatment work, stress relief. Ursula Krebs, Dipl. Massage Therapist Ch/NZ. Phone 0276 602 271, mobile service available. SNOW SPORTS NZ ANNUAL AWARDS night Friday October 4th – come and celebrate the achievements in New Zealand snow sports. Adults $25, complimentary drink and canapés, cash bar. Junior National competitors come free with a paying adult and all other kids $15. Come along to see the best skiers and snowboarders in NZ receive their awards! Grab tickets online at www.snowsports.co.nz ALICE SALON WELCOMES NICOLE back! We’ve missed her like mad. For bookings call 443 5678.
Dr Anne Davis MB BS BSc(Med)(UNSW) FRACP
Dermatologist Dr Davis will be holding a clinic: at the WANAKA LAKES HEALTH CENTRE on THURSDAY, 3RD OCTOBER 2013. For an appointment : Phone (03) 365 5378 or email appointments@dermatologist.co.nz
25th September 2013
GP LOCUMS - Short and Long Term We have a diverse range of options available to offer. Excellent opportunites in both NZ and Australia. For further information info@triagelocums.com or ph: 03 445 1104
Sea Of Light These stunning views and open aspect of the surrounding mountains and lake is all you need to achieve your ‘little slice of paradise’. Plenty of parking for the boat and extra cars. Fully furnished, so its perfect as your new holiday haven or, Landlords, add it to your ‘bookabach’ portfolio.
Auction Date:12:00pm, Friday 1 November 2013 Locations office, Cnr Helwick & Dunmore Streets, Wanaka WANAKA: 185 Stone Street
3 Jayne MacDonald 021 909 821 jayne.macdonald@locations.co.nz or Joss Harris 021 286 0749 Web ID 1979984
New Aspiring Realty Ltd MREINZ , Locations, Licenced Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008)
Cnr Helwick & Dunmore Sts, Wanaka T: 03 443 0150
FREE DOOR TO DOOR TRANSPORT for medical/specialist appointments at Dunstan Hospital or in Alexandra. Book through Community Networks on 443 7799. Wheels to Dunstan. KARUNA DAY SPA revitalise the inner and outer you. Massage, facial, brow and lash. Waxing, tanning and nail care. We know how to take care of you. Located in the CBD. Sensibly priced. Call free 0800 747 533 or Text 0226 152 231. VOTE FOR WANAKA. Vote now, it only takes a tick. Rachel Brown for Wanaka Community Board. HOUSE FULLY FURNISHED FROM LATE OCTOBER - 3 bedroom, warm, sunny, garage, great views, close to town. $380 pw. Phone 443 2526. BUSINESS FOR SALE. Lawn mowing and property services. Excellent client base now franchised. Full quality equipment. Phone 443 1829 or 0211 702 737. TIPPERARY WAS ONE OF THE FIRST Irish counties to be established. Its Irish name Tiobraid Arainn means “Well of Ara” a reference to the river which flows through the town of Tipperary. The Messenger is available in Tipperary on-line at www. mymessenger.co.nz SHEEP MANURE FUNDRAISER FOR U13 UPPER CLUTHA RUGBY Trip to Australia, 2014. Planting your garden at Labour Weekend and need some excellent fertilizer? Bags - $5 delivered, available from 5 October. Payment due on delivery. Pre-order your bags by calling: Lee 0274 984 496 or 443 4353 (evenings); Moira 443 6707 (evenings).
SUZUKI GN250 - Economical motor bike. WOF and rego. $1650 ono. Year 1990. Phone 03 443 2384. Leave message on 0272 469 885. TREES, HEDGES A PROBLEM? Too much growth? For a good, affordable clean up, call Property Maintenance and Service for the best solution. Phone 0274 595 799. ACHING TIRED MUSCLES & JOINTS, sports injuries, tension? Get the most effective, professional rub in town at The Muscle Joint. Our top notch Clinical Massage Practitioners, Lee Ball and Jane Macale are trained to take care of your needs with tailor-made treatments. From relaxation treatments, to chronic complaints, sports injuries to rehabilitation. Book today T 443 6460. 59 Brownston St, Wanaka. www.themusclejoint.co.nz REMEMBER WHEN FOOD TASTED of something? Bring the memories to life at the Farmers Market, every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall. LIVE MUSIC AT THE BULLOCK BAR – This Saturday 28th we have the ‘Big Kitchen’ after the rugby. SWIMMING LESSONS AT HOME, in your own pool. Over 20+ years’ experience. Please contact Kirsten 0273 337 636. BAGUETTES THAT DON’T BEND. Others may say they bake them. We actually make them. Taste the difference at the Hammer & Nail, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). WAITERING AND KITCHEN STAFF WANTED for summer. Must be honest and very reliable. Send your CV to capriccio@clear.net. nz SOMETHING MASSIVE IS ABOUT to hit at Base 2 – Come in store this Thursday to find out the details. Huge deal, 10 days only. AUCTION
Alpine Wilderness Accommodation This attractive tourist accommodation business on 3 acres overlooks the Makarora Valley and is just 40 minutes from Wanaka and 2 hours from the Glaciers on SH 6. Own a business and Live in paradise - If you are searching for a productive lifestyle away from city mayhem - This is it!
Auction Date:12:00pm, Friday 1 November 2013
Window Cleaning Home Maintenance For the best view in town Ph Andrew 443 2219 or 021 0241 2304
Locations office, Cnr Helwick & Dunmore Streets, Wanaka MAKARORA : 53 Rata Road
11 Joss Harris 021 286 0749 joss.harris@locations.co.nz Web ID LW0071
New Aspiring Realty Ltd MREINZ , Locations, Licenced Real Estate Agent (REAA 2008)
Cnr Helwick & Dunmore Sts, Wanaka T: 03 443 0150
25th September 2013
Phone Rodney 027 443 0876 email mac.timber@clear.net.nz EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. PICTURE FRAMING - Give your pictures a new lease of life or get those pictures framed you’ve got lying around. For a free quote call Aspiring Photography, 12 Frederick St, ph 443 1883. LEARN TO DRIVE with Nicky at Aspiring Drivers. Call/text 0210 607 310. GARDEN TIDY-UP TIME? A “Really Good Gardener� could be what you need. Phone Andrew on 443 7738 or 0221 366 708. PRESERVE YOUR PRECIOUS MEMORIES. We convert old video tapes or photos to DVD. Visit Tidy Design your video and file conversion specialists. 3 Helwick St, 443 4433. PEDOMETERS! Have you got yours for the Wanaka Upper Clutha Lions ‘Walk for Wanaka Hospice’? Enter your team by emailing: bmackenzie5@yahoo.com.au TO LET: SELF CONTAINED fully furnished single bedroom flat. Phone 443 8904. ARE YOU LONELY, ISOLATED, STRUGGLING to cope with what to do about it? No matter what your age or problem, Women’s Support trained volunteers can listen, support, help and advise. Free confidential 24/7 service. Phone 443 1448. www. womenssupport.org.nz SOAK DAY SPA. Put a spring in your step. With a Soak pedicure to spring clean your toes and add the new spring collection of fun colours, from naturals to full on bling. It’s all at Soak! Phone 443 4340 for your next pedicure! UNIT TO RENT: 1 BEDROOM, furnished. $190 single, $250 double. Power and gas included. Mature tenant only. Phone 0210 625 745. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING like it used to? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392.
Tues 24th Sep Mon 30th Sep
THIS WEEKS SPECIALS Kiwifruit Spinach bunch Mesculan Mix New Zealand Mandarins
$1.85/kg $2.25ea $1.49/100g $2.99/kg
Crime Line Crime Line by: Constable Peter Reed
Come along to Mediterranean Market this Saturday and enjoy tastings of Fine Food And Wine between 11am and 3pm Mon-Fri 8.00am – 6.30pm Sat & Sun 9.00am – 4.00pm 20 Ardmore Street Wanaka 443 0118
25th September 2013
TOSHIBA Heatpumps
Council Snippets Funding Workshop Do you need funding for a project and don’t know who to contact? QLDC has the solution, with a funding workshop just for you. It’s your opportunity to meet representatives from Central Lakes Trust, Creative NZ’s Creative Communities Scheme, Sky City Casino Community Trust, Sport Otago, the Community Trust of Southland and the Council. The workshop is on Wednesday 2 October at 12.30pm, in the Upper Clutha Presbyterian Church Centre, Tenby St, Wanaka. Email jan.maxwell@qldc.govt.nz to register.
Holiday Programme Looking for ideas to keep your kids entertained over the school holidays? Check out the full range of holiday programmes on offer at http://sportrec.qldc.govt.nz/kids/school-holidays/
Service in person and on-line Did you know you can make most QLDC payments online? This LQFOXGHV UDWHV DQG SDUNLQJ ÂżQHV <RX FDQ DOVR UHJLVWHU \RXU GRJ DSSO\ IRU D ÂżUH SHUPLW DQG VHDUFK RXU OLEUDU\ FDWDORJXH DOO IURP KRPH 2XU customer service staff at 47 Ardmore St can help with every Council inquiry and service. If you need help with applying for a resource consent, we suggest you make an appointment so the right staff are available to help you. Phone 03 441 0499 or email services@qldc.govt.nz
Elections Underway If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve registered to vote in this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s local body elections, you should have received your voting papers in the mail by now. The elections are for the Queenstown Lakes District Council (Mayor and Councillors), Wanaka Community Board, Otago Regional Council and the Southern District Health Board. Postal voting closes at noon on 12 October. If your voting papers havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t arrived, you can cast a special vote at your QHDUHVW &RXQFLO RIÂżFH
Rates Instalment :H UHPLQG DOO UDWHSD\HUV WKDW WKH ÂżQDO GD\ IRU SD\PHQW RI LQVWDOPHQW is 27 SEPTEMBER 2013. Rates unpaid after this date will incur a 10% penalty.
Facebook and Twitter :DQW WR ÂżQG RXW ZKDW &RXQFLO LV XS WR" )ROORZ DQG IULHQG XV RQ VRFLDO media to get regular updates on water shutdowns, road closures and other information. Twitter - @qldccoms )DFHERRN ZZZ IDFHERRN FRP 4/'&LQIR
www.qldc.govt.nz SPRING SPECIAL â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 20% OFF full tunes at Base Ultimate Workshop. Get a spring structure in your board and save $15. Drop gear at Base2. FRIDGE FREEZER FOR SALE. Small chest freezer on top of fridge. Good order. Ideal second fridge. Phone 443 8568. CHEF REQUIRED FOR: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 7.30am - 4pm at Florenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Foodstore and Cafe. Must be experienced in all areas of the kitchen. Prefer long term residents. Please send application to: info@florencesfoodstore.co.nz COFFEE SO SIC, YOUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;LL NEED to see a doctor! Coffee Cure at Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Yummy food, delicious coffee. â&#x20AC;&#x153;BRING IT ONâ&#x20AC;? - ASPIRING ATHLETES challenge local businesses, families, competition runners and different sports teams to join our Summer Run Series starting on 16th October 6pm Pembroke Park. Middle distances; individual and teams events. More details next week. FIVEEACH SPRING RANGE is walking out the door at Base. Come check it out.
Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 2/12 Frederick St, Wanaka
IF YOU CANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T MAKE IT to our 50% off everything day, this Friday 27th, you will miss out!! www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz We are celebrating 16 years of bespoke metalworking. Workshop, 54 Ballantyne Rd. Ph 443 1760. ALOHA OR DIE PLAYING at Creek Cafe this Friday from 7.00pm. Playing chilled acoustic beats. Happy hour 5.30 - 6.30pm and try our platters, little yums and main meals. RUN/ATHLETICS GROUP Wednesdays 6pm starting October 2nd. Technique, speed, strength and core/range work starting gently and periodising in intensity to Challenge Wanaka. We now have a Development Group and a Sr Group. For more information: valburke@xtra.co.nz CHEAP, MAYBE EVEN FREE OFFICE/RETAIL OR DISPLAY SPACE in the centre of town. 20sqm of your own space. Short or long term. Perfect for a start-up or existing business looking to save dollars. Call 0221 572 180 to enquire. TIME FOR A CHANGE! Calum MacLeod and Liz Breslin for Council. WOODEN SHED or walk-in wooden chicken house in reasonable condition wanted to buy. Will collect. Call or text 021 734 225. FREE SCRAP METAL RECYCLING at Wanaka Wastebusters â&#x20AC;&#x201C; includes anything made from metal or with a motor eg vacuum cleaners, oil heaters. Bring them down to Pete in the yard. SASANOKIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S JAPANESE OF THE WEEK: â&#x20AC;&#x153;omedetoâ&#x20AC;? (oh-mayday-tow) meaning â&#x20AC;&#x153;Congratulationsâ&#x20AC;?! We are eagerly waiting to say it aloud for Team New Zealand on Americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cup. When is it coming? LAKE BAR 155 ARDMORE ST FOR ALL BLACK RUGBY. Live this Sunday Morning - grab a group to enjoy brunch, lake views and our Sunday special of $20 sirloin and Corona. Book your Xmas function or special event with us now. Daily menu specials with Monteiths & Speights on tap. Kids TV area. Phone Peter on 03 443 2920. EXPERIENCE MAGNIFICENT EUROPE with Trafalgar Guided Holidays. 15% off selected holidays exclusive to Flight Centre. Contact us now! wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz or 03 443 4101. STEAK! WHEN ONLY THE BEST will do. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Reserveâ&#x20AC;? grade NZ beef, exclusively served at the Bullock Bar Grill, and The Luggate Hotel. 7 nights from 6pm. Come and taste the difference. STORAGE REQUIRED â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 70 - 100m2 near Wanaka â&#x20AC;&#x201C; must be dry and secure. Call 0210 2429 278.
Urban Grind three boys Pils RENAISSANCE IPA RENAISSANCE Scotch Ale Happy hour 5.30 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6.30pm daily $5 glasses, $7 pints Free nibbles Friday night in the bar
25th September 2013
Pet Corner ASPIRING STARTERS PUPPY PRE-SCHOOL PORTABLE SPA FOR SALE. Runs well, four jets with bubbles and a thermostat plus cover. Not sure of age but Hotspring Hotspot is a quality brand. Must pick-up, though I can help. $1500 ono. Phone 0211 270 136. WELLNESS IS OUR NATURAL STATE: get to the heart of the matter with Nub WellBeing. Txt/ph Libby 0211 731 350. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz FOR SALE: Infrared outdoor heater, punching bag, bike travel bag, ripstick, paper jam toy drum, pink ski helmet, 100+ render bricks, beginner windsurfer, MAC school kilt. All in good condition or new. Make an offer. Ph 443 6640 or 0272 429 622. FREE WINE! A GLASS of Central Otago Pinot Noir - with every main steak meal. Reserve Grade NZ beef only at The Bullock Bar Grill. HELP CHILDREN CROSS ANDERSON RD or lead a Mount Iron walking â&#x20AC;&#x153;busâ&#x20AC;? mornings or afternoons. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fun, simple and makes a huge difference in childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lives. Safety induction given. Ph Kirsty 443 8609 or 0272 005 111. 4 METRE WIDE ROLLER DOOR $750 ono. For inspection Spencer House Mall, Dunmore St, Wanaka. Ph Harry 0274 311 550. 8 FOOT SATIVA ARE LIVE at Opium this Wednesday 25th (Metal/ Rock) as part of their Shadowmasters Album Release Tour. Tickets at www.eventfinder.co.nz, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out. Doors at 7pm and still $5 drinks all night! LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Totally dependableâ&#x20AC;?. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. LARGE KITCHEN SECOND HAND RIMU. Can be viewed installed. Any interest? Phone 03 443 7346. LOCAL HONEY, PRESERVES, chocolates, cheese, bread, eggs and more at the Wanaka Farmers Market every Thursday from 4pm Spencer House Mall. AVAILABLE FOR RENT! 3 bedroom, 3 storey and 3 bathroom modern fully furnished apartment on Plantation Road. MidOctober 2013 to mid-June 2014. $450 p/w includes internet and Sky. Call Natalie on 0210 8382 050.
WANAKA GREEN WASTE & LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES Green Waste Mushroom Compost Compost Supplies Bark Nuggets
Shredded Mulch Top Soil Decorative Pebbles Crushed Schist
For puppies 6 - 14 weeks old. Learn the basics in a safe, friendly, fun environment.
Ph Aspiring Vets on 443 7262 ASPIRING VETS PH 443 7262 SPONSORED BY
YOUâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;RE NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER Wanaka Arts Societyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Labour Weekend Art Exhibition! Entries close 10th October. Details and entry forms available on - www.wanakartsociety.co.nz or from Wanaka Library. FOR SALE OR LONG TERM RENTAL: 20ft insulated container. MDF floor. Phone 0274 507 616. PILATES, CORE CIRCUIT AND SWISS BALL CLASSES: new 6 week round starting 30 September. Bookings essential, phone Central Lakes Physio 443 1711. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING - Contact your local operator of JAE Cleaning and Pest Control. For quality steam or dry cleaning and the best in stain removal, phone 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. HANDYMAN SERVICE - ANYTHING from cleaning gutters to custom built gates and fences, balustrades, pergolas, decks, engineering and repairs. Call Handy Solutions 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROGRAMME - Spaces available for fun activities including movies, outback explorer challenge, super hero day. Book online. www.communitynetworks.co.nz NO TIME FOR A CHRISTMAS staff party? Delay the celebrations and bring your staff to Rippon Festival - 1st Feb 2014! Group discounts available, email enquiry@ripponfestival.co.nz BATHROOM RENOVATIONS OR NEW builds - come and see us for showers, vanities, toilets and tapware - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. 7 DAY DETOX RETREAT 25 Oct - 1 Nov: Juice fasting, colon cleansing, yoga and healing. Take your cleanse to a deeper level. Residential and non-residential options. For more info check out www.alignedtolife.com or call Christine 0276 936 300. THE LANDING RESTAURANT & Bar has mains from $22.50. Plus $6 happy hour house wines from 5-6pm. CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY â&#x20AC;&#x201C; What would you like to change? Lose weight â&#x20AC;&#x201C; stop smoking â&#x20AC;&#x201C; overcome stress or fear â&#x20AC;&#x201C; be more confident, relaxed, motivated or happier? I can help you! Phone Vicky 0273 290 364 www.lifeunlimitedhypnotherapy.com KIP MCGRATH IS ENROLLING now for the NCEA exam prep course. 7 - 11th October. Students come every day for an hour per subject to get prepared for external examinations. Call Nikki 443 1547 to book your place.
27 Gordon Road Phone 443 1613
OPENING HOURS 10amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;3pm Mondayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Friday & 10amâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;4pm Saturdayâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;Sunday Corner of Ballantyne & Riverbank Roads, behind Waste Busters
25th September 2013
www.housemart.co.nz 20a Rata St, Wanaka 2 1 1 Furnished
37 Parry Crs, Lake Hawea 3 1 1 Whiteware
25 Totara Tce, Wanaka 3 1 1 Unfurnished
3 Finch St, Wanaka 3 1 Furnished
51 Nichol St, Lake Hawea 3 2 2 Furnished
205 Stone St, Wanaka 3 2 2 Unfurnished
29/144 Anderson Rd, Wanaka 3 2 1 Furnished
CONTACT US TO VIEW P: 03 443 6921 E: rent@housemart.co.nz
LIZ BRESLIN FOR COUNCIL. A careful listener, an engaging speaker, a thorough researcher. Let me be your voice. BULLOCK BAR WEDNESDAY night Quiz. Free to enter from 7.30pm with George and Rusty. SHOES - NEW SUMMER FASHION shoes in stock. Winter shoes and boots half price. Sale table from $40 at Shoes Unlimited, 80b Ardmore Street. www.shoesunlimited.co.nz CRICKET PRACTICES FOR SENIOR reserve and senior starts Tuesday 17th September, 5.15pm at Pembroke Park. Year 11 students and older most welcome. Mike Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor ph 021 499 642. FOR SALE: F&P WASHING MACHINE $100, Simpson Dryer $100. Couches: 2 & 3 seater, fawn $600. Rimu kitchen table and 4 chairs $300. Rimu Hallway table $150. Queen bed $100. Rimu King bed $250. Homework desk $50. Rimu tallboy $100. All negotiable. Phone 0279 660 540. CHOP SHOP WINTER SALE 20% - 30 % off winter stock. Incl beanies, knitwear, hoodys and jackets. Shop 3, Pembroke Mall. FLORIST LOOKING FOR FULL TIME/part time work. Ten yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience specialising in weddings and funeral tributes. Call 0210 2692 021. ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S THE DNB VS HIPHOP end of winter party this Friday at Opium with DJs Stymie and Opium DJs! Still $5 drinks all night and we are selling $1 raffle tickets up at the bar for your chance to win tickets for the V.I.P. area, which means free drinks while you party, yeeow!! TRĂ&#x2C6;S BON - SPECIAL CARDRONA LAMB SPIT ROAST Sunday 29th September. Meat carved straight onto your plate, sides of potato gratin Dauphinois and seasonal vegetables. Live music. 24 wines by the glass. PĂŠtanque. Starting at 1pm with delicious spreads from Provence. Book now. Bistro Gentil. Phone 03 443 2299. www.bistrogentil.co.nz JUDE BATTSON THANKS the supporters who voted me in last term. I love the job and have worked hard for up to 32 hours per week for you. I am armed with knowledge and updated skills and look forward to serving you again.
66 Ballantyne Road Çż 3KRQH 443 2660 Çż )D[ 443 2661 (PDLO wanakastoragesolutions@xtra.co.nz AVAILABLE TO RENT NOW 4/5 bedroom unfurnished two storey family home close to heart of Wanaka with very large garage and workshop - in beautiful private garden with Bullock Creek flowing through. 3-6 months rental preferred, but longer term ok to good tenants. $495 per week. Ph 0211 537 097. GARAGE SALE OF THE YEAR! Moving overseas. Everything in mint condition. Chefâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kitchen. Baby/toddler stuff. Inside/Outside Household furniture. Clothes. All going. 8am Sunday 29th Sept. 12 Anderson Rd, 443 9068. GALLERY33. EXHIBITION final week: Louise Greig â&#x20AC;&#x201C; The Cassandra Complex. 6th -27th September. See our website for full details. www.gallery33.co.nz RUGBY BREAKFASTS - All Blacks vs Argentina kick off at 11am this Sunday â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Bullock Bar â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Bacon â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;n eggs $10. OMNISHAMBLES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oxford Dictionary Word of the Year 2012 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Noun meaning - â&#x20AC;&#x153;A situation that has been comprehensively mismanaged characterised by a string of blunders and miscalculations.â&#x20AC;? - Vote Calum MacLeod for Council. - See page 15 in this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Messenger. THREE CHAIRS HAIR SALON - Debbie and Michelle will be away, so Sharalee is coming to play 24th and 25th October. 1/12 Frederick Street. Phone 443 5898. WIN A PAIR OF GORGEOUS earrings valued at $109.00. When you come into Orbis to view our beautiful new range from â&#x20AC;&#x153;Claraâ&#x20AC;? we will put you in the draw! To be drawn October 18. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;me timeâ&#x20AC;? at Orbis. PSYCHIC MEDIUM with over 25 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience. Private phone or personal readings. Ph/txt Miriana 0275 023 764. BALANCE IS A PROCESS OF constant readjustment. Let Nub WellBeing help you get back into balance, holistically. Txt/ph Libby 0211 731 350. FOR SALE: LOUNGE SUITE - 3 seater couch and 2 chairs. Couch pulls out to a double bed. Ph 443 8350. OFFICE HOUR AT GIN AND RASPBERRY! Friday evenings from 6pm we will be giving away a bottle of wine or a round of beers to a group in the bar. Just get your details to one of our staff on Friday to go into the draw! NEW PRANA SUMMER STOCK in-store at MTOutdoors. Not just a climbing brand anymore. Iconically amazing outdoor clothing. Get it quick!
25th September 2013
Call for a no obligation, free measure & quote. &DOO D ORFDO 9(/8; &HUWLÀHG ,QVWDOOHU %/$,5 3+ THE PAINT POT (NZ) Top quality work guaranteed. Special finishing, wall papering and all your painting needs. New work and redecorations throughout. 15 years’ experience. Phone Caspar 021 565 393 or 443 4958. References available. THREE CHAIRS HAIR SALON. Only 13 weeks until Christmas! Phone 443 5898. JUDE BATTSON keeps what real? Answer = everything, including the decision making for the past 3 years for all sectors of the Wanaka Ward community. I keep community aspirations in mind. ROOM FOR RENT: Looking for long term rental? Starting end of September. Fully furnished, everything provided. WiFi. Would suit professional person, non-smoker, no pets. Phone 0274 541 746. ARE YOU A MUSICIAN/BAND wanting space to practice? Opium is offering our space to come and practice and use the gear for free as an end of winter thank you to all our awesome Wanaka family! Available 5pm - 9pm Tuesday - Sunday, pop into the bar to book a space or solo musicians just come have a jam! COVERED STORAGE AVAILABLE FOR boat, campervan, caravan and car. Phone Richard at Wanaka Storage Solutions. Phone 443 2660. SHEEP MANURE FUNDRAISER FOR U13 UPPER CLUTHA RUGBY Trip to Australia, 2014. Planting your garden at Labour Weekend and need some excellent fertilizer? Bags - $5 delivered, available from 5 October. Payment due on delivery. Pre-order your bags by calling: Lee 0274 984 496 or 443 4353 (evenings); Moira 443 6707 (evenings). THE BEST FRUIT AND VEGETABLES in Wanaka are found at the Wanaka Farmers Market every Thursday from 4pm Spencer House Mall. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING like it used to? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392. THE LANDING RESTAURANT & Bar has 4 bottle Heineken buckets for $17 over happy hour, 5-6pm. WANAKA TENNIS - Wednesday evening mixed doubles competition. Starts Wednesday October 16th. Get a team of 2 men, 2 ladies and 2 subs together for 6 weeks of good fun tennis and a lovely social meal at the Club to follow. Pick up entry forms from the Tennis Club. $90 per team, payable before the competition starts. Teams in by first week in October. More details ring/text Rhian Nicholl 0276 164 663 or 443 9118.
Transfer your home movies, wedding videos, old films and photos from any format – no matter how old – to DVD WE ALSO TRANSFER VINYL TO CD!
8 MM
Video Hi8
all transferred ansferred 2DVD
FULLY FURNISHED ROOM available from 6/10 in 4 bedroom house near Aspiring College & Pool on 26 Matai Road. $100 singles $130 couples plus power. Great flatties, TV in room, heat pump, WiFi and home computer available, big garden with hammock and BBQ. Social flatmates! Please mention Matai Road when you call or txt: 021 923 553. You snooozze.... EQUINE TOUCH CAN HELP your horse physically, mentally, and emotionally. Releasing energy blocks in the body. Consists of a series of vibrational moves over the horse’s body, working through the intelligence network, the fascia. For more info phone Kirstin 0272 298 960. HAWEA PHYSIOTHERAPY AND PILATES. New spring timetable for Pilates classes, mornings, afternoons and evenings daily. Call Sandy on 443 7113 or 0212 451 904 for more details. Physiotherapy sessions private or ACC for sports and work injuries, therapeutic massage and women’s health, located in Hawea Flat. www. haweaphysiotherapy.co.nz 2 MALE GUINEA PIGS WANTED (and cage). Phone Ted 0212 706 666. MOPS CLEANING SERVICES - Your local team. Rentals, offices, residentials, builders cleans. Now able to take work in Hawea. For a friendly professional service call 0210 691 988 or 746 8111. PRESERVE YOUR PRECIOUS MEMORIES. We convert old video tapes or photos to DVD. Visit Tidy Design your video and file conversion specialists. 3 Helwick St, 443 4433. SOAK DAY SPA. Put a spring in your step. With a Soak pedicure to spring clean your toes and add the new spring collection of fun colours, from naturals to full on bling. It’s all at Soak! Phone 443 4340 for your next pedicure! THE LANDING RESTAURANT & Bar menu has something special coming!! Don’t worry we will keep you posted. NUB WELLBEING FOR DEEP RELAXATION, de-stressing, energy re-balancing, recharging, your healing boosted, reconnection with your inner self. Txt/ph Libby, 0211 731 350. HAWEA PICNIC RACE CLUB AGM 2nd October 7.30 at Sailz Lake Hawea. ROOM FOR RENT: $130 PER WEEK, with local professional flatmates. Utilities and internet included. Available 7th October. Phone 021 556 355.
25th September 2013
Commanding Position!
03 443 0177
6 Clutha Place, Peninsula Bay Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192;
Location is everything & everything is about location Relax back and enjoy life on this superb section Perfect time to take action & build your dream home Powerful western mountain & lake scenery 5HWLFXODWHG QDWXUDO JDV Ă&#x20AC;EUH RSWLF WHFKQRORJ\ Community pools, spa, gym, BBQs (fees apply) Act quickly before someone else does! Land area: 953m2 Web ID: FNW00996 Kelly Gooch 0272 472 668
03 443 0091
WANAKA WELLNESS CENTRE. Professional integrated approach to natural health. Massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, naturopathy, natural beauty therapy, yoga, medical herbalist, Bowen, homeopathy, reflexology, cranio sacral therapy, NLP, hypnotherapy, counselling, meditation, weightloss, detoxification, far infrared sauna, Studio hire and exclusive retail health products. For full practitioner details visit www. wanakawellness.co.nz. Phone 443 4668. 24 Dungarvon Street. FLATMATE WANTED. Double room available. 5 min walk from town. $100 per week plus expenses. Please call 0277 251 572. 8 FOOT SATIVA ARE LIVE at Opium this Wednesday 25th (Metal/ Rock) as part of their Shadowmasters Album Release Tour. Tickets at www.eventfinder.co.nz, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out. Doors at 7pm and still $5 drinks all night! BATHHURST â&#x20AC;&#x201C; GET READY Bullock Bar are doing a free spit roast on Sunday 13th for Bathurst and great prizes to be won, so bring your pride and joy (the car, oh and the missus!) to the Bully and show it off! Bathurst live and loud.
Lot 53 Harris Place, Luggate Park
Thinking of buying or selling?
Call Kelly Gooch at First National Wanaka today
MOVING ON? WANAKA WASTEBUSTERS will pick up donated goods for free, just give us a call on 443 8606 and help us help our community and the environment. Resalable condition only please, as we have to pay to throw things away. CHOCOLATT HAIR STYLISTS are now working their summer hours Monday - Saturday. Phone now to secure your Saturday appointments 03 443 5522. We look forward to hearing from you! TOYOTA SURF SSRX 1995 for sale. Trade Me ref #641514093. $7000. Call 0212 279 898. CREEK CAFE BAR ARE LOOKING FOR an experienced chef for mainly evening/weekend work and a few days. Please call Stacy or Selena. Phone 443 6262 or 0210 440 878. COULD YOU OR YOUR VOLUNTEERS benefit from a First Aid Course? The Upper Clutha Sports Community has organised one for Sunday 13th October. For details contact Bronwyn 443 5576 or Diana 443 8824. BULLOCK BAR WEDNESDAY night Quiz. Free to enter from 7.30pm with George and Rusty. BUSINESS FOR SALE. Lawn mowing and property services. Excellent client base now franchised. Full quality equipment. Phone 443 1829 or 0211 702 737. IF YOU VALUE YOUR TREES, YOU CAN TRUST TREE TAMERS! Local business since 2003, owner operated, council approved arborists. Great testimonials on our website. Free quote from Milo 03 443 6454 or www.treetamers.co.nz CLEANER NEEDED FOR 1 BEDROOM HOLIDAY UNIT. Approx. 1hr per clean. Casual days including weekends. 0210 2759 199 or 443 5300. COFFEE HAPPY HOUR ½ price coffee. Come in between 10am and 11am Monday - Friday and all coffees are $2.50. Only at the Bullock Bar Grill. WANTED - HOME TO RENT FOR NEXT WINTER 2014. We are looking to secure a home for our family for next winter. 2+ bed, furnished with log burner and bath would be ideal. Email: sarahfecher@rocketmail.com 0210 2241 973. THE TOWN OF TIPPERARY IS A civil parish in South Tipperary. Australian bushranger Ned Kellyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father, John, was from Tipperary and the song â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a long way to Tipperaryâ&#x20AC;? was written by Englishmen Harry Williams and Jack Judge whose grandparents came from Tipperary. The Messenger is available in Tipperary online at www.mymessenger.co.nz Second hand tyres from $25 +gst
Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Best Selection Âť W.O.F Âť Full Servicing ÂťWheel Alignment
Kelly Gooch 0272 472 668
03 443 0091
17 Gordon Road, Wanaka
Ph 443 1755
25th September 2013
SPECIALS ON RETAIL PRODUCTS! Come see us at Alice, 123 Ardmore Street. HALF PRICE WAXING AT REVIVE - Spring is here and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to get out the shorts, singlet tops, and even the togs! Have we got a deal for you, 50% off all waxing every Monday throughout October. Book now - call Revive 443 5112. SHUTTERS AND BOXING FREE to a good home (or shed). Ph 021 342 187. WANTED F.O.H. WITH STRONG BARISTA skills. Must have at least 2 yrs cafe experience. Call Lyn 0276 227 777 or 03 443 2040. CONFUCIUS AND MYSTERIOUS D PLAYING DnB//Dubstep// Jungle with support from Loose Lewi this Saturday 28th at Mint Bar. OMNISHAMBLES â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oxford Dictionary Word of the Year 2012 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Noun meaning - â&#x20AC;&#x153;A situation that has been comprehensively mismanaged characterised by a string of blunders and miscalculations.â&#x20AC;? - Vote Calum MacLeod for Council. - See page 15 in this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Messenger. MONS ROYALE WINTER 15-30% off at Base. RESTORATION WORK. IN TOUCH MASSAGE. Making you feel better. Michele Cotter phone 443 6311. INJURED - OLD OR NEW. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just sit around taking painkillers. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can speed up the healing process. ACC registered injuries $20, no referral required. Ph 443 8131 Eve McGregor, Wanaka Acupuncture Clinic, 19 Cliff Wilson Street.
TO LET: SELF CONTAINED fully furnished single bedroom flat. Phone 443 8904. TREBLE GLAZE IS HERE IN WANAKA. Make your home more comfortable and energy efficient with the unique 1+2 retrofit window insulation. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right, affordable triple glazing is available now! Ask about our Spring special. Phone Phil Carter 0224 444 777. www.trebleglaze.co.nz WANTED SHED/ WORKSHOP 100-200m2. Long term rental. Phone 0226 975 875. LIVE MUSIC AT FEDERAL DINER: Amiria Grenell with guests this Friday at 8pm. We will be staying open right through, come early for pre-concert drinks and food. Should be a great night. Tickets are $10 on the door. TIPPERARY IS THE ONLY COUNTY in Ireland to have two vehicle registration plate codes. TN is for Tipperary North and TS is for Tipperary South. The Messenger is available in Tipperary on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz KARRIMOR BACK PACKS. 25litre day packs to 85litre behemoths at never before seen prices. Special import only at MTOutdoors. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN â&#x20AC;&#x201C; THE next karaoke night is on Friday the 4th October. â&#x20AC;&#x153;TO GET THINGS DONE!â&#x20AC;?, VOTE ROSS McRobie for the Wanaka Community Board. Call me to discuss any issues before you decide to vote, on 0274 329 892. JAY SIMON RETURNS TO Gin and Raspberry! After an incredible first night with us we welcome him back for more! Friday 27th and Sunday 29th from 5.30pm. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t miss out! ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA. EST 2005. Trevor Bailey. Full time masseur (USA/NZ) since 1994. Deep tissue. Sport. Relaxation. Available 7 days by appointment. Phone 443 2993 or 0274 222 455. www.aspiringmassagewanaka.co.nz
With your vote I will continue to give our local communities passionate, dedicated and knowledgeable representation.
Vote Lyal Cocks for Council ´([SHULHQFH &RPPRQVHQVH &RPPLWPHQW ¾ Authorised by L.A. Cocks, 6 Hollyhock Lane, Wanaka.
25th September 2013
CASUAL STAFF WANTED FOR MOBILE FOOD BUSINESS. Mostly weekend work, can be flexible. No experience needed, just ability to work efficiently and have fun. Call Kim 0274 962 664. DR JOHN GIBSON DC, THE MUSCLE JOINT. Thorough analysis and effective treatments for the entire body. Specialist in chronic pain/inflexibility conditions, accident/sports injuries. See our new deep tissue / prescription sports massage menu - for the best rub in town. For consistently premium results. Do something today! ACC provider. The Muscle Joint ph 443 6460. www.themusclejoint. co.nz CHEF REQUIRED FOR: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 7.30am - 4pm at Florence’s Foodstore and Cafe. Must be experienced in all areas of the kitchen. Prefer long term residents. Please send application to: info@florencesfoodstore.co.nz THIS SATURDAY AT OPIUM is DJ L.T. playin’ DnB, Ghetto Funk and Breaks, get in! FURNITURE TRUCK DEPARTING CENTRAL OTAGO every Friday to Twizel, Fairlie, Ashburton, Christchurch, North Canterbury available for household removals and smaller consignments. Please call 03 312 6915 - text 027 4610 035 - email cbkelly@xtra. co.nz for an obligation free quote. FLATMATE(S) WANTED for modern furnished home on Anderson Rd. Great outlook, spa pool, $140 single and $190 couple, queen rooms with power and WiFi included. 1st room available 6th October, 2nd room mid-October. Phone 443 2631, 0212 921 485. LADIES NEW (AND NEWISH) TO WANAKA. Come and join us for lunch, to meet new friends, Friday 27th September. Contact Sue Saunders asap. Phone 443 7442. Looking forward to hearing from you! HANDY SOLUTIONS FOR ALL HANDYMAN TASKS engineering, gates, fences, pergolas, decks, steel and timber work, shade sails and general repairs. You name it, we’ll do it. Phone 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. SPRING SEED SWAP AT Lake Wanaka Centre, Faulks Room. Friday 11th October 5.30 - 7.30pm. Koha/donation. All welcome. Bring seeds, plants or gold coins. A local food Wanaka event.
FRESH FLOWERS available now at Caltex Wanaka. Market fresh, large selection, great prices. Caltex Wanaka. WAITERING AND KITCHEN STAFF WANTED for summer. Must be honest and very reliable. Send your CV to capriccio@clear.net. nz PORTABLE SPA FOR SALE. Runs well, four jets with bubbles and a thermostat plus cover. Not sure of age but Hotspring Hotspot is a quality brand. Must pick-up, though I can help. $1500 ono. Phone 0211 270 136. LANDSCAPING AND PAVING NEEDS - come and see us for all your requirements - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. NEXT WEEK! THE ROTARY BOOK SALE opens on Friday October 4th at 10am, then Saturday and Sunday. Huge quantity of quality books, CDs, DVDs, puzzles and games - all at bargain prices. All proceeds go to local community projects. WIN A $10,000 SHOPPING SPREE with Base 2. Starts Friday. Come in store, to find out more. HAVE A FUN SUNDAY! Book yourself a long lunch at Bistro Gentil. Special whole Cardrona lamb spit roast Sunday 29 September with live music and pétanque French bowls. Breads and spreads, melt-in-the mouth lamb, potato gratin Dauphinois and seasonal sides. Starts at 1pm. $40. Bookings 03 443 2299. Pictures at www. facebook.com/bistrogentil IS YOUR VEHICLE INTERIOR A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT? You may be surprised at the result we can achieve with our complete interior clean and upholstery shampoo. Wanacleancar - Keeping Wanaka cars beautiful since 2008! Phone Richard on 0210 2942 908 or 443 5772. ALICE SALON IS CLOSED FOR renovations from Friday 18th October and reopening on Saturday 26th October. Looking forward to our new look. TINT-A-WINDOW / SOLAR PROTECTIVE FILMS Fade, U.V block, heat, glare control. Privacy and frosted films. Free quotes. Ph 0800 368 468 or view our website www.tintawindow.co.nz SASANOKI’S JAPANESE OF THE WEEK: “zannen” (zahn-nenn) meaning “pity”, “disappointing”. Shame Sasanoki didn’t close more often on powder day this winter. We will next year.
Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235 B 03 443 0272
Rebecca Donnelly M 021 114 7681 B 03 443 0273
80 Ardmore Street, Wanaka 03 443 5330
25th September 2013
Calum MacLeod for Council
Integrity! Enthusiasm! Persistence! I am Calum MacLeod the co-owner of Cinema Paradiso. This local business, established over 20 years ago in the old Wanaka Town Hall has helped identify Wanaka both nationally & internationally. I have previously served on the Community Board. I have lived in Wanaka for longer than any other place on the planet. I am very passionate about the Upper Clutha as an environment for families to thrive. I would be honoured to serve as your QLDC representative. Contact me. 021 2721505 In 2008 the Upper Clutha community asked for a new pool facility. In 2009 council delayed this for 10–15 years. All of the schools told me last week Pool, Pool, Pool. Wanaka Primary has 150 new entrants this year! This entire group will have left school before we look at a new pool! [The below are the councils own figures from the QLDC District Plan 2012 - 22] Proposed Sports Facility Estimated Cost $16.84 Million [Guestimate from Rawlinsons] Operating Revenue $165,000 Operating Expenditure - Direct Costs $460,000 Depreciation $167,153 Interest $402,597 Total Expenditure $1,029,750
Stage 1 Operating LOSS $864,750 per annum = $2,370 per day! In the last 3 weeks I contacted all of the 33 sports & recreation clubs identified by QLDC as stakeholders – 28 will not use the facility as they have either moved on, have their own facilities or plans. The Schools won’t use it as they have their own facilities! 85% of the QLDC stakeholders have said that they will not use it regularly!
MLT Events Centre Gore [Pop 9.700 District 12,500] - Built Cost $3.1M Opened Nov 2010 with $100,000 in the bank. Breaks even! 3000sq m of space & changing rooms, 300 permanent tiered seats, 4 netball, 3 basketball & 3 tennis courts
Cross Recreation Centre, Balclutha [Pop; 4,200, district 17,000] Open Nov 2011 Built Cost $5.15 M. On track to break even! 3750sq m of space, 5 courts, a gym, changing rooms, office space, reception, a lift, kitchen, lounge & meeting rooms.
Beat 44 others & won THE SUPREME AWARD Trustpower National Community Awards 2012 Trustpower said it was “A great example of what a community can achieve!” Why have these existing, sports centre options never even been contacted much less considered?
Possible Wanaka Alternative Strategy $5M - Indoor sports facility – Use the AWARD WINNING plans already drawn up & modify them! $2M - Upgrade Campsite - Give long year lease to A&P Society & Rugby Club. Safeguard the fields! $9M - Upgrade / Build a new pool. At a school site. Anything else is stupid! Mosgiel have new plans! Not mega in scale so it can all be built by Local Builders. Keep it simple! Keep it affordable! Keep it local! All of this could be completed in the next 3 years - this council term. We already own the land. All the reports have been done! NOW THAT IS BANG FOR OUR BUCK!
25th September 2013
Lot 1, Church Road, Luggate
Modern Opulence!
Thinking of buying or selling?
Call Kelly Gooch at First National Wanaka today Kelly Gooch 0272 472 668
03 443 0091
YOGA FOR JOINT HEALTH. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Arthritis Awareness Week. We are keen to run another 6 week or ongoing course after the success of our first one. Please contact Wanaka Wellness for details and interest. Phone 443 4668. info@wanakawellness.co.nz THINKING OF RENOVATING YOUR KITCHEN, bathroom or laundry? Cut-It Kitchens & Joinery has qualified, licensed builders and joiners on the team to help with the entire job. One stop shop. Call Cut-It today for your free measure and quote 443 5031 or 0274 911 955. ST NINIANS CHURCH, HAWEA FLAT 75th Anniversary. Celebrating the church and people from early days. (Opened October 1938). Service at 2pm Sunday 29th September followed by afternoon tea. All welcome. TWO TICKS FOR BRYAN LLOYD for Council/WCB - new thinking - positive results for Wanaka. WE ARE CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR a warm and friendly experienced part-time licensed manager or couple, to run a small country pub located in the heart of Otagoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beautiful historic town of Naseby. The bar is very much a country style pub that attracts both tourists and locals alike. It is a live-in position beginning on the 1st of November. This position would suit someone who enjoys a rural lifestyle and is able to work weekends and shifts. Give Roch a call on 021 972 303 for more information. HIRE HARRY - Ph 0800 442 779. Carpenter, gardener, painter. OFF WITH THE BEANIE!! Spring is here and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to take care of your hair. Let the team at Flair Hair Design work their magic. Ph 443 7727. MINT BAR IS PROUD TO PRESENT Joint Forces - Confucius and Mysterious D DJing live this Saturday. Join us for a night of drum â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;n bass, Dubstep and Jungle! BAGUETTES THAT DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T BEND. Others may say they bake them. We actually make them. Taste the difference at the Hammer & Nail, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). FLORIST LOOKING FOR FULL TIME/part time work. Ten yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience specialising in weddings and funeral tributes. Call 0210 2692 021. FREE TREE TIPS - advice on planting, pruning, shaping, reducing, thinning, topping and mulching. Information on our website www.treetamers.co.nz - Tree Tamers, Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Council approved arborists (also friendly and professional). 03 443 6454.
8 Islington Place, Wanaka Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192; Ă&#x192;
Can only be described as absolutely stunning A very popular location of choice for modern living Extensive north west mountain views with all day sun Perfect family home or luxurious holiday sanctuary Open plan kitchen to the dining & 2 lounge areas Large backyard space for kids & pets to play Plenty of off-street parking for boats & trailers Floor area: 240m2 | Land area: 1168m2 Web ID: FNW00994 Kelly Gooch 0272 472 668
03 443 0091
SHED FOR SALE: 1.8 x 2.6. Powered, plumbed, tub, toilet, shower and insulated. $3000 or $3800 with Califont water heater. Phone 021 963 050 or evenings 428 9380. NEED A CLEANER? - Daily-Weekly-Fortnightly - Special event preparation, spring cleaning, move-out/move-in, commercial spaces, holiday homes, after builders cleaning. To request an estimate contact The Cleaners Wanaka today! Phone 03 443 1124 or 0210 2224 341. UPPER CLUTHA COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL AGM, Faulks Room, Lake Wanaka Centre, October 15th at 6.30pm. Contact Susan phone 443 7906. FOR SALE FORD FAIRMONT 1994 4.0 litre. New radiator and battery. Runs great. $2,200. Ph 0274 431 725. UNDER-BENCH WATER FILTER, never used, still in the box, Raymor filter for sale. Retails at $255, selling for $200. Contact Hannah 021 443 575. FLAIR HAIR DESIGN. Now open Saturdays and late nights on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Ph 443 7727. JUDE BATTSON IS ABOUT supporting the entire community. This includes economic enabling that brings business to town that in turn brings jobs to service a wide range of skills. ROOM TO RENT. FULLY FURNISHED room available in warm, new house on Kings Dr. Sky, WiFi, log fire, good views. Available now - mid December. Call 0212 279 898. VOTING PAPERS ARE OUT NOW for your local elections. Your vote can make a difference. Vote! Vote! Vote!
25th September 2013
NOW IS THE TIME TO VOTE. Make the effort to vote and you can get the right team on board. Rachel Brown for Wanaka Community Board. WANTED TO BUY: Galvanised compost tumbler. Good condition. Please phone 443 7160. THIS WEEK AT GIN AND RASPBERRY - Wednesday 5.30 - 6.30 guitarist Rob. Thursday 5.30-6.30 pianist Max. Friday 5.30 singer Jay Simon. Saturday 5.30 - 6.30 LochCeol. Sunday 5.30 singer Jay Simon. LAKE HAWEA PHYSIOTHERAPY www.lakehaweaphysio.co.nz ACC and private physiotherapy treatments, therapeutic massage. Call Kaz for an appointment 443 8446 or 021 996 506. ATTENTION LUGGATE COMMUNITY. Luggate residents are invited to a drop-in session this Thurs night 26th September, at the Luggate Community Hall to find out more about a proposed solar sludge drying facility which could potentially be built in the Luggate area. QLDC staff, Councillors and representatives from Fulton Hogan will be at the Luggate Community Hall from 7.45pm until about 9pm to talk through the proposal and answer questions. All welcome. MUSIC PRODUCTION STUDIO! Record and produce your favourite songs CD! Piano, percussion and voice coaching. Only $40/hour! Great local references available! Mr Keys 0221 597 846. KIDS LEARN TO PLAY GOLF – Junior golf coaching starts 15th October, 3.30 - 4.30pm on Tuesdays. For kids aged between 8 and 16 yrs. For $55 receive 20 coaching sessions (equipment is provided if needed). Also included is an annual membership to the Wanaka Golf Club. Learn a new sport and values for life through the game of golf. Please register with Kim at the Wanaka Golf Club on 443 7888 or email manager@wanakagolf.co.nz
MORE DANCING IN WANAKA! Due to popular demand Ceroc Dance, the easiest partner dance to learn, is continuing classes in Wanaka on Thursdays: Beginners class 8.15pm, Presbyterian Hall, Tenby Street. First Timers September Offer: 5 classes for $50! (usually $15 per session). Contact Emma 021 566 013 or 03 441 3434. cerocsouthernlakes@gmail.com WOODEN SHED or walk-in wooden chicken house in reasonable condition wanted to buy. Will collect. Call or text 021 734 225. $$ EARN INSTANT CASH at The Walk In Wardrobe in Queenstown, Beech Tree Arcade, Shotover St when you bring us your pre loved clothing. This is a beautiful, unique pre loved fashion boutique offering an amazing selection of world-wide labels with an average price point of $26. We are looking for: Men’s and ladies fashion, jewellery, snowboard gear, footwear and accessories, they must be in excellent condition. Check out www.thewalkinwardrobe.co.nz or like us on face book to see our latest promotions and offers. WANAKLEAN DOG - GROOMING, clipping and bathing. Call Emily on 0275 110 282 to make an appointment. YOU’RE NOT TOO LATE TO ENTER Wanaka Arts Society’s Labour Weekend Art Exhibition! Entries close 10th October. Details and entry forms available on - www.wanakartsociety.co.nz or from Wanaka Library. FREE WINE! A GLASS of Central Otago Pinot Noir - with every main steak meal. Reserve Grade NZ beef only at The Bullock Bar Grill. HOUSEPERSON REQUIRED: We would love you to join our team on Friday/Saturday. This is a permanent part time position with a good rate of pay. Please phone Lynley 443 8350. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ORGANIC FARMER! Visit our Farm Gate Shop at Glendhu Bay for the best eggs in Otago. ALICE SALON WELCOMES NICOLE back! We’ve missed her like mad. For bookings call 443 5678. COME LIVE WITH US - UNIQUE HOUSE, fun flatmates. Internet, house computer, 5 minute walk to town, live-in cleaner. $100 p/ week plus bills. Phone 0211 877 944. TIME FOR A CHANGE! Calum MacLeod and Liz Breslin for Council. ALOHA OR DIE PLAYING at Creek Cafe this Friday from 7.00pm. Playing chilled acoustic beats. Happy hour 5.30 - 6.30pm and try our platters, little yums and main meals.
Sandie Lovell is back from her overseas trip! YAY! New set of therapy skills added to her menu. AWESOME! What will your body choose? COME AND FIND OUT!
443 5779 11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz
027 362 3312
Email: sandie@vitalhealthmatters.com www.vitalhealthmatters.com
25th September 2013
2 for 1 PIZZA Large 13 inch traditional hand rolled thin crust @
Urban Grind 5 – 6pm Daily Dine in only METALWORKS IS SWEET SIXTEEN. We want to share the love and thank you for your custom by taking 50% off everything for one day only. Friday 27th Sept, this Friday, 8.30 - 5pm at 54 Ballantyne Rd. www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz. Ph 443 1760. FRESH BREAD BAKED DAILY at The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). WYNDROK POTTERY, LAKE HAWEA. Handcrafted functional tableware to be enjoyed every day. Simple classical forms with glazes reflecting the colour and beauty of Central Otago. All original, hand thrown pieces, suitable for oven, microwave and dishwasher. 191 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea. Open 11am 5pm. Closed Mondays. Phone 443 1707. LOST: ONE GOLD COLOURED MAG wheel with new tyre between Luggate and Hawea Flat. Thursday. Reward. Phone 443 1492. Evenings. 4 METRE WIDE ROLLER DOOR $750 ono. For inspection Spencer House Mall, Dunmore St, Wanaka. Ph Harry 0274 311 550. ALWAYS WANTED TO SEE WHAT’S above French Hut? Join Aspiring Guides for a 3 day trip 19-20-21 Nov. Great views of Mt Aspiring, explore the Bonar Glacier, try out crampons. NZMGA guide, food, equipment, transport all included. Contact us at Aspiring Guides www.aspiringguides.com ph 03 443 9422 (Level 1, 99 Ardmore St). WHARE KEA LODGE - Local dinner series – Exclusive opportunity to experience a 6 course degustation dinner prepared by Executive Chef James Stapley. Matching wines included. Oct 16th, 17th and 18th, $240pp. Limited to 12 guests per night. Bookings 443 1400 www.wharekealodge.com FOR RENT - 2 bedroom, furnished, open plan cottage on shared property available in Albert Town from 15th October (minimum 6 months, long term preferred. Heat pump, log burner. 2 mins from Clutha River. Close to Deans Bank and other great mountain bike tracks. Would suit single or professional couple (not suitable for children). No pets. $260 per week plus power and gas. Call (no texts please) 0272 265 343 or email big.sky@xtra.co.nz for pics VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED to assist facilitators with fun school holiday programme activities. Call in to Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street for an information pack or ring Louise 0210 8241 495.
Wanaka Self Storage 108 fully alarmed units in twelve different sizes. Prices from $2 per day! Ph: 0274 354 848
BUYING OR SELLING A PROPERTY? Call John! 021 327 928
“John’s service was exceptional” Vendor Doug & Kate Lovell
E john.fisher@harcourts.co.nz W www.johnfisher.harcourts.co.nz
OVER TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE in “Swedish Massage”. Restore your body and mind from the everyday stresses of work and life. You are worth it! Call Kim Henderson on 021 495 569 or 03 443 5384 for a booking. WANTED: 1 - 2 BEDROOM PLACE after winter season. Long term resident of Wanaka. Female, non-smoker, has pets (lap dog, trained). Please call/text 0221 506 671. NEVER CRY OVER CHIPPED CHINA. Find out how to turn it into beautiful, original jewellery at Wanaka Wastebusters spring craft night. Thursday 26th September, 6-9pm at Wanaka Wastebusters. $5, all materials and tools supplied, great social atmosphere and fun! CUTLERY AND CROCKERY FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. WORDPRESS WHIZZ WANTED. To help develop a new WordPress website incorporating PayPal. Please contact Jeremy for more information 0210 2793 681. LAST LINES? Doesn’t have to be. Canada ski packages available at Wanaka Flight Centre. Contact us now! wanaka@flightcentre. co.nz or 03 443 4101. THREE CHAIRS HAIR SALON - Debbie and Michelle will be away, so Sharalee is coming to play 24th and 25th October. 1/12 Frederick Street. Phone 443 5898. ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, Peter Cartlidge 443 5138 or Ryan Jones 021 382 141. MONT BLANC ROOF BOXES, dog guards, ski, kayak, bike and roof racks available from Aspiring Auto Court. Anderson Road, phone 443 1999. ATV - MOTORCYCLE SERVICING: We have a Honda qualified and trained tech starting soon at Wanaka Marine so you can deal locally. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz CHOP SHOP Espresso Bar & Clothing Boutique. Shop 3, Pembroke Mall. Ph 443 8297. REMEMBER WHEN FOOD TASTED of something? Bring the memories to life at the Farmers Market, every Thursday 4pm Spencer House Mall.
Elsie & Ray Armstrong Charitable Trust Trust APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED Applications are invited from individuals or organisations within Queenstown Lakes District (Wanaka Ward) for grants from the above trust.
Applications close 5pm Friday 1st 2nd November November 2013 2012 Friday Application forms can be obtained from the offices of Mead Stark, Level 2, Brownston House, 21 Brownston Street, Wanaka.
Any enquiries can be made to: Chris Chris WaughWaugh (Secretary/Treasurer) phone 443 8717 (Chairman) phone 443 8717
25th September 2013
Harvest Centre Otago
Ph: 443 6781 Sales AH: 021 882 245 Parts & Services AH: 021 848 877 VERBAL & EMOTIONAL ABUSE can be a reflection of your partner’s problem, not yours. For confidential help and support for women of all ages, phone Women’s Support on 443 1448. 24/7 free service. Confidentiality guaranteed. www.womenssupport. org.nz SOAK DAY SPA. Fully qualified beauty therapist required to join our successful team at Soak. Please e-mail your CV to michelle@soakdayspa.co.nz or phone Michelle on 0272 263 917. Applications close on Friday 4th October. PILATES, CORE CIRCUIT AND SWISS BALL CLASSES: new 6 week round starting 30 September. Bookings essential, phone Central Lakes Physio 443 1711. ACOUSTIC SETS THIS WEEK from 9pm at Opium are Robbie on Thursday and open mic/jam session Sunday. TRUE BOILED BREAKFAST BAGELS AT The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). ATTENTION ACCOMMODATION PROVIDERS - Casual motel/ accommodation minder available. Honest and reliable with experience and references available. Call Pam 0274 177 044. COUNSELLING WITH LIZ MALUSCHNIG - professional, holistic, safe. Over 20 years’ experience. Call Liz on 443 1955 or text 0274 334 520. LADIES NEW (AND NEWISH) TO WANAKA - Come and join us for lunch, to meet new friends. Friday 27th September. Contact Sue Saunders asap. Phone 443 7442. Looking forward to hearing from you.
HORSE RIDING - Book a school holiday riding programme with Timbercreek Equestrian 1.30 - 5pm weekdays. Ph 0272 109 099. Fun and safe learning environment, experienced instruction. AVAILABLE FOR RENT! 3 bedroom, 3 storey and 3 bathroom modern fully furnished apartment on Plantation Road. MidOctober 2013 to mid-June 2014. $450 p/w includes internet and Sky. Call Natalie on 0210 8382 050. SHOES - NEW SUMMER FASHION shoes in stock. Winter shoes and boots half price. Sale table from $40 at Shoes Unlimited, 80b Ardmore Street. www.shoesunlimited.co.nz ROOMS TO RENT: Sunny warm house in Kings Drive. $120 p/w plus expenses. Text or phone 0221 506 671. BUILDERS SHED 5M X 2M with external chains. Internal shelves etc. Best offer over $500. Ph 021 443 918. WIN A $10,000 SHOPPING SPREE with Base. Starts Friday. Come in store, to find out more. FOR SALE: 20FT SHIPPING CONTAINERS - steel or insulated. Aspiring Cranes. Phone 0274 344 308. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. READYLAWN - THE ORIGINAL SAME DAY lawn. Available now from Aspiring Readylawn. Phone 0272 808 987 or 443 1313. RUGBY BREAKFASTS - All Blacks vs Argentina kick off at 11am this Sunday – Bullock Bar – Bacon ‘n eggs $10. BRIDAL JEWELLERY & hairpieces at Orbis!! We are excited to introduce “Clara” Jewellery to Wanaka. When you come into Orbis to view the range we will put you into the draw to win a pair of beautiful crystal and pearl earrings valued at $109.00. To be drawn October 18. Don’t miss out! It’s “me time” at Orbis.
Paul Madsen Promotions presents
JERSEY BOYS 8pm Friday 4th October Wanaka Districts Club Tickets $20 available from Wanaka Districts Club ϰϱ WůĂŶƚĂƟŽŶ ZŽĂĚ͕ tĂŶĂŬĂ WŚ ϰϰϯ ϴϬϴϬ
25th September 2013
SALES PERSON WANTED! Treble Glaze is a unique 1+2 retrofit system that fits to all existing joinery types. We are looking for a motivated person or persons for in-home consultations and lead generation. Please write an introductory letter about yourself to phil@trebleglaze.co.nz for more info. FOR SALE: F&P WASHING MACHINE $100, Simpson Dryer $100. Couches: 2 & 3 seater, fawn $600. Rimu kitchen table and 4 chairs $300. Rimu Hallway table $150. Queen bed $100. Rimu King bed $250. Homework desk $50. Rimu tallboy $100. All negotiable. Phone 0279 660 540. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN ROAST and dessert on every day. WANAKA SNOOKER CLUB. Call or text Olly 0210 2601 386. 3 BDRM HOUSE AVAILABLE SOON ALBERTOWN. Long term preferred. Warm, sunny with heat pump and fire. Garage. Ph 0274 930 573. JUDE BATTSON STANDS FOR LFK. L = Loyalty. F = Forward Thinking. K = Keeps it Real. Tick Battson on your voting form please. HIRE HARRY - Ph 0800 442 779. Carpenter, gardener, painter. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - THIS Sunday come watch the All Blacks and have breakfast - bacon, eggs, sausage and hash brown for $15.00 from 11am. NEXT WEEK! THE ROTARY BOOK SALE opens on Friday October 4th at 10am, then Saturday and Sunday. Huge quantity of quality books, CDs, DVDs, puzzles and games - all at bargain prices. All proceeds go to local community projects. TRADITIONS, ART AND SCIENCE of herbal medicine. A new, innovative, hands-on, 6 month course in Wanaka with Isla Burgess. Email: isla@HerbCollege.com for details. GET COMPOSTING WORKSHOP - the secret to a healthy garden is compost. Dr Compostâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tips; no smell, no fuss, your plants will love you for it. Wednesday 25th September, 12-2pm at St John Wanaka and Thursday 24th October, 12-2pm at Wanaka Wastebusters. Funded by QLDC, www.wanakawastebusters.co.nz or www.qldc.govt.nz Gold coin donation. NOWâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S THE PERFECT MOMENT for Sherpa midweight springwear. Actually made in Nepal and highly effective. You will love it. www.mtoutdoors.co.nz You are invited to...
Available Now on: 027 973 7911 CAVI-LIPO, 2 Little Street, Wanaka
NCEA EXAM PREP COURSE 7 - 11th October at Kip McGrath. Get support for externals in Maths, English and Science Y11 - 13. Call Nikki 443 1547 to book your place. WEDNESDAY NIGHTS ARE BACK! Pool comp returns at Gin and Raspberry! 7.30pm Wednesday 25th October. Lots of prizes to give away on the first night, canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t wait to see all those lovely regular players again! $5 tap beer all night! FLATMATE WANTED. To share my own home, mature working woman $140 week plus utilities share, 3 mins walk to lake, 20 to town. Phone 021 794 958. SNOW SPORTS NZ ANNUAL AWARDS night Friday October 4th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; come and celebrate the achievements in New Zealand snow sports. Adults $25, complimentary drink and canapĂŠs, cash bar. Junior National competitors come free with a paying adult and all other kids $15. Come along to see the best skiers and snowboarders in NZ receive their awards! Grab tickets online at www.snowsports.co.nz ATTENTION SPORTS CLUBS. Have your trophies engraved locally using the latest in computerised engraving machines. Capable of engraving on all metals, glass, leather, wood, plastics, cardboard etc. Contact Russell 0210 354 120. WWW.ASPIRINGAUTOCOURT.CO.NZ to view over 40 vehicles and see what new cars and 4wds are arriving. WANTED 2-5 BEDROOM HOUSE with at least a double garage. Long term rental. Phone 0226 975 875. HORSE MANURE FOR THE GARDEN - matured horse manure compost heap, excited yet? $30 per trailer load (1m3) you collect. Call Amanda 03 443 4555.
5.30PM, SUNDAYS AT LAKE WANAKA CENTRE, CNR ARDMORE ST & LAKESIDE RD (SOUP & BUNS TO FOLLOW) www.wanakabaptist.zohosites.com Pastor: Jim Patrick Ph 027 278 5540
25th September 2013
KIDS LEARN TO PLAY GOLF â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Junior golf coaching starts 15th October, 3.30 - 4.30pm on Tuesdays. For kids aged between 8 and 16 yrs. For $55 receive 20 coaching sessions (equipment is provided if needed). Also included is an annual membership to the Wanaka Golf Club. Learn a new sport and values for life through the game of golf. Please register with Kim at the Wanaka Golf Club on 443 7888 or email manager@wanakagolf.co.nz SECURITY POSITION â&#x20AC;&#x201C; WANAKA. Due to continued growth in the company we have a part time/on-call position available. The current position is for night and weekend shifts. Full driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s licence required. Be able to obtain/hold a COA. This position would suit a semi-retired person. All interested applicants please email your CV to Cougar Security, office@cougargroup.co.nz 4 METRE WIDE ROLLER DOOR $750 ono. For inspection Spencer House Mall, Dunmore St, Wanaka. Ph Harry 0274 311 550. STRENGTH FOR ENDURANCE ATHLETES. We have openings for the following classes: Tuesday morning High School athlete group term 4, Fridays 9.30 am, and a new group starting Monday evenings from October 14th. For more information: valburke@ xtra.co.nz SPRING IS SPRUNG. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s still some snow, horses wondering where to go, to get their hooves all trimmed and neat. Will the Hoofman works a treat, heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fit to go, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t let this pass, call him now, get off your... bottom! Ph 03 443 5588, 0274 992 068 or www.nakedhorse.co.nz GALLERY33. Stunning new brooches by Kobi Bosshard have arrived at Gallery Thirty Three. Check out our website www. gallery33.co.nz. KILLER POOL - STARTING THIS Thursday at the Albert Town Tavern. Entries in by 7pm. 8 ball. Win a $50 bar tab. $2.00 entry. Winner takes all. Free bar snacks for all entries. Courtesy coach free pick up and drop off phone 443 4545. COMPUTER NOT RUNNING like it used to? No worries, call Your Computer Geek to get it back to its former glory. 0211 184 392. THE LANDING RESTAURANT & Bar has amazing beef and vegetarian sliders. Emerson pints $6.50 over happy hour 5-6pm.
E ar Wa x R e m ov a l By Microsuction Use the safest and most up to date technology available. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t risk damaging your ears by using other methods or products. Treatment and advice for all ear conditions.
Ear Health Otago Southland Ltd Regular clinics in Wanaka, FOR BOOKINGS PLEASE PHONE 0800 550 801
&2038 87(5 +(/3 $1' $'9,&(
â&#x20AC;&#x153;BRING IT ONâ&#x20AC;? - ASPIRING ATHLETES challenge local businesses, families, competition runners and different sports teams to join our Summer Run Series starting on 16th October 6pm Pembroke Park. Middle distances; individual and teams events. More details next week. LARGE KITCHEN SECOND HAND RIMU. Can be viewed installed. Any interest? Phone 03 443 7346. MAKARORA: VISIT THE BLUE POOLS. Do the nature walk. Have a coffee with the friendly people at Makarora Tourist Centre (where the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Frames are). See you soon. COMPETENT TYPIST WANTED to retype and print 260 page manuscript. $20 an hour. Please phone 443 7665 after 7pm. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN TAKE-AWAYS. Best wraps and chips in town. Ph 443 4545. STEAK! WHEN ONLY THE BEST will do. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;Reserveâ&#x20AC;? grade NZ beef, exclusively served at the Bullock Bar Grill, and The Luggate Hotel. 7 nights from 6pm. Come and taste the difference. JOINT HEALTH NATURALLY. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Arthritis Awareness Week, so improve your joint health with potent effective remedies which donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t affect your gut or have side effects. Wanaka Wellness Retail. 24 Dungarvon Street. Phone 443 4668. FOR RENT - 2 bedroom, furnished, open plan cottage on shared property available in Albert Town from 15th October (minimum 6 months, long term preferred). Heat pump, log burner. 2 mins from Clutha River. Close to Deans Bank and other great mountain bike tracks. Would suit single or professional couple (not suitable for children). No pets. $260 per week plus power and gas. Call (no texts please) 0272 265 343 or email big.sky@xtra.co.nz for pics. HALF PRICE WAXING AT REVIVE - Spring is here and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s time to get out the shorts, singlet tops, and even the togs! Have we got a deal for you, 50% off all waxing every Monday throughout October. Book now - call Revive 443 5112. TIPPERARY IS FAMOUS FOR ITS HORSE breeding industry and is the home of Coolmore Stud, one of the largest thoroughbred breeding operations in the world. The Messenger is available in Tipperary on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz HAVE YOU GOT TREASURES taking up room in your shed, garage etc? Bring them down to the car boot sale swap meet at Cromwell in Litany Street on 29th September. Sites $10. Contact Dave 03 443 7906.
25th September 2013
Professional Dressmaking and Alterations
Please contact me if you would like your property sold.
Upstairs in Spencer House, Dunmore St, Wanaka
Jarrod Frazer M 027 251 2007 B 03 428 4255 jarrod.frazer@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008.
26 Aliceburn Drive, Luggate Are you looking for your new section or home? Contact me and I can help you find the perfect property.
Jarrod Frazer M 027 251 2007 B 03 428 4255 jarrod.frazer@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008.
80 Ardmore Street, Wanaka
03 443 5330
Lot 5 Riverhaven Estate, Albert Town
THOSE WHO HAVE HAD TREATMENT at the Wanaka Osteopathic Clinic have reported a significant improvement over winter in their skiing, running and golf abilities. Getting structural restrictions released improves coordination and efficiency in any activity. We treat new and old injuries simultaneously and are ACC treatment providers. Check us out online at www.wanakaosteopathic.co.nz or call 03 443 6783 to get significant and long lasting changes in your body function today. THE ULTIMATE SKI TOUR! A once in a lifetime experience exploring the upper Fox and Franz Josef Glaciers on skis or split board. Five days based out of the high alpine huts. Helicopter in and out. 7-10 Oct. One space only, or get your own group together for a private tour. Contact Aspiring Guides 03 443 9422 (Level One, 99 Ardmore St). www.aspiringguides.com WHAT DO WE WANT? Better representation! When do we want it? Now! Voting papers out now - vote! vote! vote! THROW THE HOTTEST STAFF PARTY in town and bring your team to Rippon Festival 1st Feb 2014! Group discounts available. Visit ripponfestival.co.nz or email enquiry@ripponfestival.co.nz TIME FOR A CHANGE! Calum MacLeod and Liz Breslin for Council. THE BEST FRUIT AND VEGETABLES in Wanaka are found at the Wanaka Farmers Market every Thursday from 4pm Spencer House Mall. COLOURSTEEL FENCING. Same both sides. Timber fencing as at Paradisoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new site. Post and rail, wrought iron gates and fences. Handy Solutions. Phone 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. LIVE MUSIC AT THE BULLOCK BAR â&#x20AC;&#x201C; This Saturday 28th we have the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Big Kitchenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; after the rugby.
Affordable Computer Services Quality repairs, maintenance and upgrades by an experienced computer specialist at your home or workplace
Phone Melissa 021 215 7136 COUNTY TIPPERARY IS THE LARGEST inland county in Ireland. The county was divided into two administrative areas by the government in 1838, called North Riding and South Riding. Even though they are still named as these, they are better known as Tipperary North and Tipperary South. The Messenger is available in Tipperary on-line at www.mymessenger.co.nz WHARE KEA LODGE - Local dinner series â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Exclusive opportunity to experience a 6 course degustation dinner prepared by Executive Chef James Stapley. Matching wines included. Oct 16th, 17th and 18th, $240pp. Limited to 12 guests per night. Bookings 443 1400 www.wharekealodge.com GLASSWARE FOR HIRE - FOR ALL YOUR PARTY HIRE needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. FOR SALE: Boat, Fire Ball Chrysler 35 horse power. Runs well, registered and warranted. $5,000. Ph 0272 866 011 or 443 8582 evenings. ANNABEL LANGBEIN LOVES NORDAVIA - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop! Annabel is a fan of our delicious handcrafted and authentic Finnish dark rye bread and our Norwegian Kransekake. Check out our website www.nordaviabakeshop.co.nz for photographs and more information on how to order. LOCAL HONEY, PRESERVES, chocolates, cheese, bread, eggs and more at the Wanaka Farmers Market every Thursday from 4pm Spencer House Mall. FLORIST LOOKING FOR FULL TIME/part time work. Ten yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience specialising in weddings and funeral tributes. Call 0210 2692 021. FOR SALE TRI ANG TRIKE with tray vgc $50, 12inch bike gc $20, Breville coffee machine vgc in box $50, vintage dolls pram collectable $50. Ph 443 2177 or txt 0212 572 674. FOR SALE: F&P WASHING MACHINE $100, Simpson Dryer $100. Couches: 2 & 3 seater, fawn $600. Rimu kitchen table and 4 chairs $300. Rimu Hallway table $150. Queen bed $100. Rimu King bed $250. Homework desk $50. Rimu tallboy $100. All negotiable. Phone 0279 660 540. WANAKA COMMUNITY BOARD, vote Ross McRobie, â&#x20AC;&#x153;not just talking about it!â&#x20AC;?. Call me to discuss any issues before you decide to vote, on 0274 329 892. PRIVATE SALE sunny 2 bedroom house for sale in Luggate. Very affordable. See Trade Me listing #636442412. Call 0276 632 850 to arrange a time to view.
OPENING HOURS TUES - THURS 9am - 9pm 10am - 9pm SUN FRI, SAT & MON 9am - 10pm
(opposite New World)
ph 443 7881
Red Lights White Collar Holligan Thomas King of the Railway Adventures in Zambezia Dead Man Down Walking Dead Season 3 Fringe Season 4
Texas Chainsaw The Call High Road Back to the Sea Dark Skies Big Bang Theory Season 6
Professionally refurbished laptops and desktops available CONTACT: .JLF )BSUMFZ PO t NJLFIBSUMFZO[!HNBJM DPN
All weekly movies $1 All movies & games 1/2 price
25th September 2013
business cards
3 Day turn around as standard
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 F 03 443 7805 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz
LEARN TO DRIVE IN A RELAXED and friendly environment with female instructor. Call/text Nicky at Aspiring Drivers. Phone 0210 607 310. LOST: A SHAPED REAR COMPARTMENT MAT for Subaru sedan. Lost early September, Kowhai Drive, Rata St, Aubrey Rd, Anderson Rd area. Reward. Phone 443 8137. POOL TABLE 7 X 4 SLATE, return pockets plus accessories. $1000. Phone 0272 226 465. ALICE SALON IS CLOSED FOR renovations from Friday 18th October and reopening on Saturday 26th October. Looking forward to our new look. WANAKLEAN DOG - GROOMING, clipping and bathing. Call Emily on 0275 110 282 to make an appointment. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. CHEAP, MAYBE EVEN FREE OFFICE/RETAIL OR DISPLAY SPACE in the centre of town. 20sqm of your own space. Short or long term. Perfect for a start-up or existing business looking to save dollars. Call 0221 572 180 to enquire. ALOHA OR DIE PLAYING at Creek Cafe this Friday from 7.00pm. Playing chilled acoustic beats. Happy hour 5.30 - 6.30pm and try our platters, little yums and main meals. JUDE BATTSON FOR COUNCIL. Voting papers arriving this weekend. Please don’t bin them. Yes, your forefathers and mothers battled to vote and have local government so we can make decisions for our communities. COULD YOU OR YOUR VOLUNTEERS benefit from a First Aid Course? The Upper Clutha Sports Community has organised one for Sunday 13th October. For details contact Bronwyn 443 5576 or Diana 443 8824. LATE NIGHTS AT FLAIR Hair Design. Now open late on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nights and Saturdays to suit your busy life. Ph 443 7727. IS IT A GOOD IDEA for sports club volunteers to have First Aid qualifications? We think so. Join the Upper Clutha Sports Community’s course on Sunday 13th October. For details contact Bronwyn 443 5576 or Diana 443 8824. 3 BEDROOM FULLY FURNISHED house wanted to rent, pref Wanaka. Mid-Oct - mid-April. Extremely reliable and tidy tenants. Please email jazhoki@hotmail.com or ph Lyn 443 7388.
LOOKING FOR A FUN, EXCITING JOB FOR THE SUMMER? Skydive Wanaka are looking for two enthusiastic and energetic Driver/Harnessers to join our awesome crew from Nov 2013 – April 2014. Full training will be provided. Must have a valid New Zealand Work Visa and Full Drivers Licence. Please send CVs and applications to info@skydivewanaka.com th
Applications close Friday, 11 Oct 2013
Also specialising in kerbing, driveways, tennis courts, concrete, cobblestoning and chipsealing, throughout Central Otago.
Call Tony 0274 404 516 or 03 442 3212 P.O Box 906, Queenstown Email: tonymcelrea@xtra.co.nz METALWORKS WANTS TO THANK you for 16 years of business. 50% off everything on Friday 27th. Beautiful bespoke works and sculpture for half their price. Don’t miss out. 54 Ballantyne Rd. www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz POSITION AVAILABLE AT PROACTIVE Health and Fitness for a qualified personal trainer. Experience within the sport and fitness industry is essential. The candidate must have a real passion for inspiring members towards outstanding results. They must be able to run small group sessions and ‘one on one’ training. A good knowledge of snow sports is required for dry land training. Having good people skills and being able to work as part of a team is crucial. Contact Sue at: sue@proactivewanaka.com ON FREEVIEW you get all your favourite free-to-air channels plus more, one-off set up cost, no monthly fees. Call Custom Digital, Peter Cartlidge 443 5138 or Ryan Jones 021 382 141. OFFICE SPACE 50M2 AVAILABLE for lease. Frederick St next to Architects. $1000 per month + opec. Phone 0212 862 120. OUTDOOR POWER GARDENING - come and see us for the full range of Bosch outdoor powered garden equipment Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. THREE CHAIRS HAIR SALON: Debbie, Michelle and Natalie - all senior stylists. Stockists of De Lorenzo and Angel products. 1/12 Frederick Street. Phone 443 5898. GLASS BALUSTRADES Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719. ALICE SALON WELCOMES NICOLE back! We’ve missed her like mad. For bookings call 443 5678. AVAILABLE TO RENT NOW 3 bedroom unfurnished two storey family home with double garage and fully enclosed garden in Meadowstone Drive. 2 minutes from lakefront. 3-6 months negotiable at $420 per week. Ph 0211 537 097 or email mountainworld@bigpond.com RICH THE CABINET MAKER. Taking orders for this summer. Phone 0275 263 695. View online at www.tinyurl.com/richwanaka SPECIAL SUNDAY SPIT ROAST at Bistro Gentil, 29 September. Starts at 1pm with breads, spreads and olives from Provence. Around 2pm, whole Cardrona lamb carved out in front of you. Served with potato gratin Dauphinois and seasonal sides. Live music and pétanque $40. Yummy extras: 24 wines by the glass, desserts from the cabinet. Only once a month so book now 03 443 2299.
Luggate Sawmill Company LTD. GET YOUR TIMBER SUPPLIES DIRECT From the SAWMILL For all your timber requirements Contact us today for a Quote 60 CHURCH ROAD, LUGGATE PH: 443 8530 FAX: 443 8590 luggatesawmill@clear.net.nz
25th September 2013
Introducing Cathie Davis Cathie brings many years experience selling residential property to the team at Ray White in Wanaka. She has a consistently strong sales history in four different centres nationally â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wanaka, Dunedin, Palmerston North and Whangamata. Cathieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s business background also includes the building industry, interior design, art, and marketing. Exceptional marketing and successful networking, to which Cathie applies a creative and dynamic approach, have been a FRQVWDQW DFURVV KHU ZRUN LQ DOO Ă&#x203A;HOGV Wanaka has been home to Cathie, her husband Tim and their two daughters for the past sixteen years. You can H[SHFW FRQĂ&#x203A;GHQWLDO HPSDWKHWLF DQG SDVVLRQDWH VHUYLFH from Cathie and one reason for this is possibly because she has experienced and grown from moving so often herself. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Wanaka region has, to me, come of age. It is now comfortable in its own skin as a sophisticated destination in its own right balanced by a strong community spirit that has healthy degrees of humility and respect for Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stunning natural environment. I would love to creatively market, sell or help you locate your special home here. I welcome your call anytime.â&#x20AC;?...Cathie
Cathie Davis
Licensed Salesperson Diploma Arts & Creativity (Hons.)
M 0274 454 944 P 03 443 8912 F 03 443 8911 E cathie.davis@raywhite.com 1 Helwick Street, Wanaka Wanaka Real Estate Ltd (Licensed REAA 2008)
For Daily Living Inspiration Visit: www.skistylehomes.co.nz for home presentation tips or
Ski Style Homes
A - L 7 DA VA I L ots Y AB S wo of la A W LE rk wn EEK wa mo . Čź :DWHU %ODVWLQJ nte wi d. ng Čź &RPPHUFLDO 0RZLQJ
Ph 445 2800 or 027 464 1595 EMAIL: phillipanderson@xtra.co.nz
WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz WILTON CAKE & CUPCAKE DECORATING EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES are now available and exclusive to Nordavia - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop! New stock arriving in this week! I stock a fabulous range of quality Wilton icings, gel colours, disposable decorating bags, couplers, decorating tips - including the #1 Open Star Decorating Tip - for beautiful cupcake swirls - gorgeous cupcake decorating cups, cupcake decorating kits, sprinkles, candy melts, lollipop sticks and a lovely selection of cake candles! I also stock cake boards and cake boxes, pretty paper doilies and quality ribbons. If I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have what you need - I will get it in for you! Nordavia - find us at 1 Frederick Street first on the left - on the way to Wastebusters. Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am - 4pm. www.nordaviabakeshop.co.nz BIG, SUNNY ROOM AVAILABLE in 3 bdrm house. Sunny deck, BBQ, must like dogs. $140/week plus bills. Hunter Cres area. Call Juli 0211 690 541. TIRED, ACHING, TIGHT MUSCLES, JOINTS, persistent problems? Get a musculoskeletal analysis and full muscle and joint treatment to resolve restrictions and rebalance your entire body at The Muscle Joint. ACC sports injury clinic, sports performance, rehabilitation, chronic unresolved conditions. Our professional team of practitioners - Clinical Muscular Therapists - Lee Ball, Jane Macale, Dr John Gibson DC Sports Chiropractor and Jocelyn McLean DipAcc Acupuncturist, tailor-make every treatment. Get the very best at The Muscle Joint, Tel 443 6460, 59 Brownston St, Wanaka. www.themusclejoint.co.nz NOT SLEEPING WELL? FEELING ANXIOUS? TRE (Tension Release Exercises) calm down the bodily symptoms of stress without you having to talk about the issue. Contact Steph Combe on 443 5878 for more information. GENERAL HANDYMAN - painting (interior and exterior) and gardening - good rates. Call John 0274 479 433. FLATMATE WANTED. Mature tidy person to share with one other. Great views and warm house. Close to town. Phone 0221 653 074. WALLPAPER HANGER SPECIALIST. Over 40 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; experience. Local. Phone 443 5802. NORDAVIA - A NORDIC SPECIALTY BAKESHOP. Fine handcrafted pastries, cakes and breads - with a fresh Nordic/Scandinavian twist. New Zealandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only producer of the Norwegian Kransekake, Norwayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s traditional wedding and Christmas cake. Check out our gorgeous website www.nordaviabakeshop.co.nz. BUILDERS! NEED A NEW SPARK in your life? Try Fred at Active Electro. Servicing Wanaka for over 15 years. Phone 03 443 4065. FREEVIEW SATELLITE DECODERS from $99.00. Excellent decoder, sensational price. Barnetts Radio & TV, your local satellite specialists. Phone 03 443 7961, 021 737 247 or www.wanakatv. co.nz TRUE BOILED BREAKFAST BAGELS AT The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & CafĂŠ, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10).
Canvases make ideal gifts. You supply the picture. We supply the canvas
25th September 2013
Wanaka Districts
45 Plantation Rd
Friday 27th Sept
Members Guests Affiliates and New members always welcome.
FREE Bar Snacks 5.30pm p Meat Raffles 6pm Joker Draw – 3 chances to WIN $300 Just SIX CARDS left. 1 BEDROOM SLEEPOUT FOR RENT in Achilles Place. Has kitchenette, small lounge, own bathroom and internet. $150 p/w all inc. Phone Dan anytime 021 918 425. ASPIRING ATHLETES THANK THE 25 bike instructors who attended the BikeNZ courses over the weekend. Our community is fortunate to have such dedicated and passionate people involved in our local sport. BULLOCK BAR EXPRESS LUNCHES – In a hurry? Rush on in, choose 2 things from the amazing selection and a can of drink all for $10 takeaway – too easy. Open every day from 7am, back of the Bullock Bar. LYMPHOEDEMA RELIEF. Gentle, therapeutic treatment using hands (MLD). Reduces swelling, pain. Ph Maryann 443 6463, 0211 101 160. VOTE LIZ BRESLIN FOR QLDC! Your local voice. JIM EDWARDS STONE MASONRY AND LANDSCAPING residential, commercial stone work and landscaping. Email: jimstonemason@xtra.co.nz Ph: 0276 994 269 or 443 8185. BATHHURST – GET READY Bullock Bar are doing a free spit roast on Sunday 13th for Bathurst and great prizes to be won, so bring your pride and joy (the car, oh and the missus!) to the Bully and show it off! Bathurst live and loud. LANDSCAPE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Visualise your landscape in 3D before you commit to construction. Dave Spedding (Dip Hort) professional - reliable. Call today 021 707 481 or 443 2721.
New Zealand Travel and Sales Consultant
New Zealand Fine Touring Ltd is a well established and successful inbound tour operator specialising in creating and selling custom designed self drive tours and holidays throughout New Zealand to the international market. This busy sales focused role is a full time position working in our lake front Wanaka office. Do you have x x x x x x x x x
Experience in the New Zealand inbound tourism sector? Passionate about New Zealand along with great general knowledge? Absolute attention to detail? Excellent administration and communication skills? A strong sales focus? Uncompromising dedication to deliver the best service? Lateral thinking and problem solving abilities? Ability to work to high standards under pressure? Enjoy working in a close team environment?
Weekend and public holiday work is required. To apply send your c.v. and covering letter to kerry@nzft.co.nz . Applications close Monday 7th October 2013
Members Draw 6Ͳ8pm this week Members Draw 6Ͳ8pm this week
$600 cash. Courtesy Coach ph 443 8080 y p
ALL BLACKS v ARGENTINA 11.30am Brunch from 10.30am FOH MANAGER’S POSITION at Amigos Mexican Grill. Looking for an experienced Duty Manager who’s keen to move up the ladder. Permanent full time salaried position. Email CV in confidence to info@amigoscafe.co.nz FLY AND SPIDER SPRAYING. No mess with JAE Pest Control. Spraying warranted up to one year by local operator. Ph 0274 391 675 or a/h 443 1150. BUCHAN’S MOBILE BUTCHER covering the entire Upper Clutha area. On property kill, hung and refrigerated on site. Also, cut down and packaged. Prompt service. All enquiries to Grant on 0211 023 602. Owned and operated from Luggate. CREEK CAFE BAR ARE LOOKING FOR an experienced chef for mainly evening/weekend work and a few days. Please call Stacy or Selena. Phone 443 6262 or 0210 440 878. IT’S THE DNB VS HIPHOP end of winter party this Friday at Opium with DJs Stymie and Opium DJs! Still $5 drinks all night and we are selling $1 raffle tickets up at the bar for your chance to win tickets for the V.I.P. area, which means free drinks while you party, yeeow!! JOIN HOUSE OF TRAVEL FOR AN EVENING OF presentations and information on small ship cruising. Tues 15 October @ 7.00pm. Register on 03 443 6350. ACOUSTIC SETS THIS WEEK from 9pm at Opium are Robbie on Thursday and open mic/jam session Sunday. FOR SALE F&P auto washing machine. Offers. Phone 443 6490. JUNIOR NATIONAL ALTHLETES 20% off full tunes at Base Ultimate Workshop. Get a spring structure in your board and save $15. Drop gear at Base2. SPROING!! The sound of an arborist leaping from tree to tree. Now is the time to call Tree Tamers, Wanaka’s professional arborists. Phone 443 6454 or 0272 751 268 www.treetamers.co.nz EXPERIENCED, SUPER FRIENDLY babysitter available. Full of smiles and a bag of tricks. Give Debs a shout anytime. Phone 0210 2889 320.
25th September 2013
Senior Citizens lunch every friday, lunch, dessert, tea & coffee for just $15
$27.5O ADULT
$18.00 SENIOR
$10.00 KIDS
BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED 3+ 443 1224 / 1 capell ave, lake hawea Follow us on facebook www.facebook/lakehaweahotel
HAIR THOU ART WORKSHOP AND MOBILE, specialising in natural products. Luminart colour, low-no ammonia, with kakadu plum, bamboo extract, sunflower and olive. Creative techniques, texture waves, body waves, spiral waves. Weddings, hair-ups, hair extensions and dreadlocks. Phone Kirstin on 443 9545 www. hairthouart.co.nz. LAKE HAWEA GUARDIANS now accepting nominations for 2013-2014. For information phone Mike on 443 6311 or Alison on 443 1044. WANAKA ORGANICS HAS RE-OPENED the Farm Gate Shop! Check out our organic eggs at Glendhu Bay just past Motutapu Road. VOTE NOW. It only takes you a tick and I’ll be working hard for you for three years. Rachel Brown for Wanaka Community Board. HOT YOGA: Come experience the numerous health benefits of sweating with Far Infrared Heaters! hotyogafusion.co.nz Spencer House Mall ph/text 022HOTYOGA. OMNISHAMBLES – Oxford Dictionary Word of the Year 2012 – Noun meaning - “A situation that has been comprehensively mismanaged characterised by a string of blunders and miscalculations.” - Vote Calum MacLeod for Council. - See page 15 in this week’s Messenger. WANAKA WINE CONVIVIUM NIGHT at Federal Diner on Thursday 3rd October. Come be transported to New Orleans with creole cooking, wine, beer and music to match. Tickets are $70 and include 4 course meal and matching wine. Come into Federal diner to book. ROXY - EMPTY BLACK/WHITE BACKPACK left unattended outside Salvation Army. This was not a donation. If you have it please return to the Salvation Army. URGENT: MISSING BIKE: A quality single speed jump bike has been misplaced, stolen, borrowed, dumped? Its colouring - light purple. If anyone has seen this bike please contact - 0279 217 076 (or 03 477 4390) Thank you. Reward. THREE CHAIRS HAIR SALON. Only 13 weeks until Christmas! Phone 443 5898.
CHOCOLATT HAIR STYLISTS are now working their summer hours Monday - Saturday. Phone now to secure your Saturday appointments 03 443 5522. We look forward to hearing from you! NEED A PLUMBER? Phone Wanaka Plumbing for all general maintenance and new work on 021 959 072 or a/h 443 4959. FRESH DANISHES AT The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). ARE YOU A MUSICIAN/BAND wanting space to practice? Opium is offering our space to come and practice and use the gear for free as an end of winter thank you to all our awesome Wanaka family! Available 5pm - 9pm Tuesday - Sunday, pop into the bar to book a space or solo musicians just come have a jam! ST NINIANS CHURCH, HAWEA FLAT 75th Anniversary. Celebrating the church and people from early days. (Opened October 1938). Service at 2pm Sunday 29th September followed by afternoon tea. All welcome. HAVAIANAS have started to arrive at Base! SALE ON NOW AT BASE 2. Everything winter on sale. Come in and check it out. STUDENT LOOKING FOR A FULL-TIME summer job from mid-November to the start of February in the Wanaka/Hawea district, anything considered. Phone: 0279 627 927. Email: charlottekerr25@gmail.com HOOKS, POKERS, LIGHTS, FIRE VENTS, candelabras, forged handles in metal. Friday 27th 50% off all stock and sculptures. 54 Ballantyne Rd. www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz Happy 16th birthday Metalworks Wanaka.16 years a local business. NEVER CRY OVER CHIPPED CHINA. Find out how to turn it into beautiful, original jewellery at Wanaka Wastebusters spring craft night. Thursday 26th September, 6-9pm at Wanaka Wastebusters. $5, all materials and tools supplied, great social atmosphere and fun! HARDWORKING, HONEST AND RELIABLE PROPERTY MAINTENANCE and landscaping person. Increase your assets value, improve function and liveability, finish those jobs off. Phone 0276 763 477. BREAKFAST? WHY NOT? Best hangover cure! Bacon and eggs $10 at the Bullock Bar Grill from 7am daily. SOAK DAY SPA. Fully qualified beauty therapist required to join our successful team at Soak. Please e-mail your CV to michelle@soakdayspa.co.nz or phone Michelle on 0272 263 917. Applications close on Friday 4th October. EVENT MANAGER AND EVENT DIRECTOR REQUIRED. Strong industry experience essential. Email CV by 28th September to patrick@agema.co.nz NEW STOCK ARRIVING DAILY at Orbis on the lake front! This week, bags, scarves, bridal jewellery, rings. Lots and lots of fun accessories for you! It’s “me time” at Orbis. OFFICE DESK AND CHAIR FOR SALE. Desk: 1600 x 700 Blonde wood/veneer $150 ono. Chair: Adjustable, high back, black leather $150 ono. Both in excellent condition. T: 0274 743 529. Ranch slider for sale: 1800 Wide x 2050 high. Single glazed tinted glass. Right side opening and opening window on the other side. Still in place for viewing. $275 ono T: 0274 743 529. LAKE BAR 155 ARDMORE ST FOR ALL BLACK RUGBY. Live this Sunday Morning - grab a group to enjoy brunch, lake views and our Sunday Special of $20 Sirloin and Corona. Book your Xmas Function or Special Event with us now. Daily menu specials with Monteiths & Speights on tap. Kids TV area. Phone Peter on 03 443 2920.
25th September 2013
LASER ELECTRICAL WANAKA for all of your electrical needs. “Totally dependable”. Phone Jerry Shepherd 443 5276. MONEY AVAILABLE FOR YOUR GROUP’S ART PROJECT from the Upper Clutha Community Arts Council. Application forms are in the Wanaka Library. FRESH BREAD BAKED DAILY at The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). THANK YOU TO Cinema Paradiso, Cardrona Alpine Resort, Lakeland Adventures, Mediterranean Market and Francesca’s Italian Kitchen... THANK YOU! for supporting our wonderful Wanaka Playgroup with your recent generosity for our Movie Night Fundraiser. We really appreciate it. And congratulations to all our Movie Night Prize Winners - enjoy your adventures! Love from the WPG Committee and families xxx ALBERT TOWN TAVERN JUGS of beer starting at $8.00 and pints $5.00, all day, every day. OPEN HOME 2 – 3PM SATURDAY 20 Frye Crescent, Albert Town. This warm and cozy 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 level home is located in an established, family orientated neighbourhood, just a short walk to all amenities. Come and check it out! Asking price $525,000. MATURE SINGLE WOMAN LOOKING TO RENT one bedroom flat/unit at reasonable rent. Long term. Available to babysit in main home if needed. Tidy, solvent and responsible tenant. Call Carole on 0211 477 260. DICHROIC FUSED GLASS JEWELLERY for sale. Earrings, pendants, all ‘one-of-a-kind’. Many to choose from. $20 - $30 each. Ph/text 0211 190 994. COFFEE HAPPY HOUR ½ price coffee. Come in between 10am and 11am Monday - Friday and all coffees are $2.50. Only at the Bullock Bar Grill. FREE BREAST FEEDING SUPPORT and information from trained breast feeding peer counsellors. Phone support, home visits and free resource library available with up-to-date info, books and DVDs. Phone/text Kate 0276 957 772 or 443 2635 or Steph 443 8017. Support group meetings 1st Monday of every month at Plunket. 10.30am - 11.30am. Relaxed mother to mother support. All welcome. SASANOKI HAS “Ebi Mayo Prawn”, another sexy sushi at Sasanoki. Enjoy it with our Sexy Squid Legs. Ph 443 6474. BREAKFAST? WHY NOT? Best hangover cure! Bacon and eggs $10 at the Bullock Bar Grill from 7am daily. EXPERIENCED, SUPER FRIENDLY BABYSITTER AVAILABLE. Full of smiles and a bag of tricks. Give Debs a shout anytime, 0210 2889 320. ‘JUST FISH’ IS SELLING A SELECTION OF freshly frozen free flowed Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP beside Bullock Bar entrance. Tucker 0274 376 657. CLEANER NEEDED FOR 1 BEDROOM HOLIDAY UNIT. Approx. 1hr per clean. Casual days including weekends. 0210 2759 199 or 443 5300. A FULL GROOM FROM WANACLEANCAR INCLUDES every surface cleaned and treated, de-tarred and de-bugged. Includes interior shampoo - stain and smell removal. Also, paintwork cut and polished - scratch removal. Twice waxed and headlight restoration. Phone Richard on 0210 2942 908 or 443 5772 and leave a message. WEEKEND ART WORKSHOP with famous Oamaru artist Donna Demente.18-20th October. Mt Aspiring College. Open to teenagers and adults. Call Kim 0274 061 540 for more info. WHO WOULD BELIEVE IT? The best coffee and toasted sammys are found at the Medical Centre. Coffee Cure, open Monday to Friday 8am - 5.30pm. Just what the doctor ordered! MASSAGE, STRUCTURAL INTEGRATION, Chi Nei Tsang (abdominal massage for detox) and Auric magnetic healing to speed up your healing. For appointments call Christine on 0276 936 300.
OPEN HOMES DIRECTORY 25th September - 1st October
BAYLEYS 43 Forest Heights 8 Snowberry Street 95 Mt Iron Drive 163 Lismore Street 948 Aubrey Road 7 Liverpool Way 10 Templeton Street 92 and 96 Beacon Point Road 133 Meadowstone Drive 154 Brownston Street
11.30 - 12.00pm 12 - 12.30pm 12 - 12.30pm 12.30 - 1pm 12.15 - 12.45pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.45 - 2.15pm 2 - 2.30pm 4pm
Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept
AUCTION 01/11 $419,000 AUCTION 28/10 BY NEGOTIATION AUCTION 11/10 AUCTION 11/10 $635,000 AUCTION 11/10 $759,000 AUCTION 28/10
11:30 - 12:15 pm
Sun 29th Sept
Over $975,000
11.00am - 11.30am 11.45am - 12.15pm 12.00pm - 12.30pm 1.00pm - 1.30pm 1.00pm - 1.30pm 1.00pm - 1.30pm 2.00pm - 2.30pm 2.00pm - 2.30pm 3.00pm - 3.30pm 11.30am - 12.00pm 12.30pm - 1.00pm 4.00pm - 4.30pm
Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sun 29th Sept Sun 29th Sept Sun 29th Sept
$499,000 By Negotiation $720,000 $759,000 $1,545,000 $1,300,000 $1,975,000 $790,000 $700,000 By Negotiation $590,000 $540,000
4:00pm 11:00am 11:00am 11.00am 11:00am 12:00p.m. 1:00pm 2:00pm. 2:00pm. 3:00pm 11:00am 12:00pm 1.00pm 2:00pm 2.00pm 3:00pm
Wed 25th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sun 29th Sept Sun 29th Sept Sun 29th Sept Sun 29th Sept Sun 29th Sept Sun 29th Sept
$995,000 $610,000 $340,000 $499,000 $989,000 $759,000 Auction 28/10 $730,000 By Negotiation $995,000 POA $989,000 $800,000 By Negotiation $610,000 $995,000
Sat 28th Sept
By Neg
12.30 - 1.00 1.30 - 2.00 1.30 - 2.00 2.00 - 2.30 2.30 - 3.00 12.30 - 1.00 2.30 - 3.00
Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sun 29th Sept Sun 29th Sept
$399,000 $639,995 $779,000 $595,000 $479,000 $399,000 $479,000
10.00 - 10.30am 11.00 - 11.30am 11.00 - 11.15am 11.00 - 11.30am 11.45 - 12.15pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.15pm 12.30 - 12.45pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 2.00 - 2.30pm 4.00 - 4.30pm 5.00 - 5.30pm
Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept Sat 28th Sept
$409,000 Deadline Sale $529,000 By Neg $1,975,000 $800,000 $419,000 Prelim Notice $679,000 $730,000 $415,000 $419,000 $759,000
2.30 - 4.30 2.30 - 4.30
Thurs 26th Sept Sat 28th Sept
FIRST NATIONAL 89 Kings Drive 147 Stone Street 8 Islington Place 133 Meadowstone Drive 838 Hawea Albert Town Road 73 Stratford Terrace 13 Elderberry Crescent 18 Penrith Park Drive 4 Cherry Court 4 Hogan Lane 22 Scaife Place 3 Sargood Drive
HARCOURTS 23 Forest Heights 85 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 59 Matheson Crescent, Albert Town 48 Quinnat Street, Albert Town 71 Youghal Street, Wanaka 133 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 31 A Aubrey Road, Wanaka 50 Kelliher Drive,Wanaka 26 Dale Street, Albert Town 23 Forest Heights, Wanaka 147 Stone Street, Wanaka 71 Youghal Street, Wanaka 38 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka 82 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 85 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 23 Forest Heights, Wanaka
PRIME 163 Lismore St, Wanaka
PROFESSIONALS 1/31 Sargood Dr, Wanaka 16 Lakeview Tce, Lake Hawea 15 Penrith Park Dr, Wanaka 42 Beech St, Wanaka Villa 14 Heritage Park, Wanaka 1/31 Sargood Dr, Wanaka Villa 14 Heritage Park, Wanaka
RAY WHITE 63 Nichol Street, Hawea 22 McLennan Road, Hawea Flat 49 Loach Road, Hawea Flat 147 Stone Street, Wanaka 13 Elderberry Crescent, Wanaka 38 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka 42 Frye Crescent, Albert Town 61 Dale Street, Albert Town 1083 Aubrey Road, Wanaka 50 Kelliher Drive, Wanaka 23 Hewson Crescent, Hawea 44 Frye Crescent, Albert Town 133 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka
TURNKEY HOMES 9 Infinity Drive 9 Infinity Drive
25th September 2013
soft drink+ bag of Rubys lollies for just $6.00
29 WEDNESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 4:00 4:00 6:00 6:00 8:00 8:15
The Smurfs 2 3D For the Kids Much Ado About Nothing Still Mine Rush Mood Indigo Red 2
1 2 2 1 2 1
THURSDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 2:30 3:00 4:45 5:30 6:30 7:45 8:15
The Smurfs 2 3D For the Kids Still Mine Turbo 3D For the Kids Much Ado About Nothing Blue Jasmine Mood Indigo Rush
1 2 1 2 1 2 1
FRIDAY 27 SEPTEMBER 2:15 2:15 4:15 4:30 6:00 6:30 8:15 8:30
The Smurfs 2 3D For the Kids Mood Indigo Turbo 3D For the Kids Kon-Tiki Jobs Still Mine Rush Frances Ha
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Turbo 3D PG
MONDAY 30 SEPTEMBER 2:00 2:15 4:15 4:15 6:00 6:15 8:00 8:15
The Smurfs 2 3D For the Kids Giselle Turbo 3D For the Kids Still Mine Rush Frances Ha Mood Indigo Blue Jasmine
1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1
per ticket
SATURDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2:15 2:30 4:15 4:15 6:15 6:15 8:15 8:30
Giselle For the Kids Turbo 3D The Smurfs 2 3D For the Kids Much Ado About Nothing Kon-Tiki Rush Mood Indigo Red 2
2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1
SUNDAY 29 SEPTEMBER 1:30 1:45 3:45 4:00 5:45 6:15 8:00 8:15
Kon-Tiki The Smurfs 2 3D For the Kids Mood Indigo Turbo 3D For the Kids Jobs Still Mine Rush Frances Ha
2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2
EVERY WEDNESDAY, book dinner at Lone Star & enjoy a complimenatary Prawn Star entree & a glass of bubbles per couple, then enjoy a movie at Rubys for $15 each! Bookings essential... phone 443 6901.
ADULT $14.50 - CHILD $8.50
TUESDAY 1 OCTOBER 1:45 2:00 3:45 4:00 6:00 6:00 8:00 8:15
Kon-Tiki For the Kids Turbo 3D The Smurfs 2 3D For the Kids Still Mine Much Ado About Nothing Red 2 Mood Indigo Rush
2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1
WEDNESDAY 2 OCTOBER 2:00 2:00 4:00 4:15 6:00 6:15 8:00 8:15
Much Ado About Nothing The Smurfs 2 3D For the Kids Mood Indigo Turbo 3D For the Kids Blue Jasmine Frances Ha Still Mine Rush
2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1
25th September 2013
Upper Clutha Messenger
Servicing Queenstown, Wanaka, Cromwell, Alexandra and Surrounds
KITCHENS & APPLIANCES palazzokitchens.co.nz
Nobilia Kitchens are German-made and priced from $8,000 to $40,000. And now they are in Central Otago.
At Palazzo Kitchens & Appliances, we can design the Nobilia Kitchen that you and your home need.
For a free, no obligation, in-house consultation contact our local Kitchen Design Consultant - Penny Sainsbury. Phone 0800 PALAZZO (725 2996)
of their work and the communication is always friendly and efficient. They even battle through blizzards to get our jobs printed and delivered to schedule. Jo Weir - Tatler Restaurant and Bar
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka. P 03 443 7804 E printit@printit.co.nz W www.printit.co.nz
25th September 2013
Upper Clutha Messenger
Wanaka FIVE AUCTIONS YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS! 7 Liverpool Way www.bayleys.co.nz/222432 To be Auctioned 1pm, Fri 11 Oct (unless sold prior) • • • •
Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, office and a double garage House - 241m². Land - 995m² Contemporary living at its best with great mountain views Great location close to schools and Wanaka township
92 & 96 Beacon Point Road www.bayleys.co.nz/222434 To be Auctioned 1pm, Fri 11 Oct (unless sold prior) • • • •
2,365m² site on two titles Two bedroom cottage plus bunk room off the garage Established park-like grounds Private and quiet setting
948 Aubrey Road www.bayleys.co.nz/222426 To be Auctioned 1pm, Fri 11 Oct (unless sold prior) • • • •
Four bedroom home plus one bedroom unit with panoramic mountain views Landscaped 4241m² site. House area 249m². Apt area 47m² Double garage plus carport and lots of off street parking Quality build; granite bench tops, Central Otago schist features inside and out
88 Beacon Point Road www.bayleys.co.nz/222433 To be Auctioned 1pm, Fri 11 Oct (unless sold prior) • • • •
Highly regarded Beacon Point Rd location 819m² flat easy build site Mountain views Close to local schools, Lake Wanaka and town
43 Forest Heights www.bayleys.co.nz/222430 To be Auctioned 1pm, Fri 1 Nov (unless sold prior) • • • •
Three bedroom, two bathroom 190m² home 920m² site with all homes built in front Beautiful views, including back into Roys Bay Heat pump and woodburner
Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235 B 03 443 0272 sharondonnelly@realwanaka.co.nz www.bayleys.co.nz
Rebecca Donnelly M 021 114 7681 B 03 443 0273
rebecca@realwanaka.co.nz www.realwanaka.co.nz
80 Ardmore Street , Wanaka 03 443 5330 www.bayleys.co.nz/wanaka
NEW HOMES RENOVATIONS LANDSCAPING EARTHMOVING Call for a free quote - 0508 evergreen (toll free) www.evergreenhomes.co.nz