Upper Clutha
Messenger Volume XXXIV | No 25 | 26th June 2013 The Messenger is published each Wednesday by Print It Wanaka Ltd
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka | Phone 443 7804 | Fax 443 7805 | messenger@printit.co.nz | www.mymessenger.co.nz
lunket is hosting it’s first ever Baby & Child Expo in Wanaka on the 29th June at the Lake Wanaka Centre from 10am – 4pm. Plunket is aware that there are a lot of great resources out in the community supporting our children and families and wanted to create a platform where by parents could access these directly and together under one roof. Need a good excuse to stay warm for a couple of hours as the cold days are here to stay? Grab a coffee, chat to some of the amazing local resources we have on board, check out the discussion topics for the adults, the
entertainment for the children, goodie bags and find the BNZ piggies!. You can see all of our incredible stall holders on the Upper Clutha Plunket Facebook page and see the timetable of events both for the adults and children to plan your day around. From babies and pre schoolers to school aged children and even mum or dad, there is something for everybody during the day. We look forward to seeing you at the Lake Wanaka Centre on Saturday 29th from 10am. Entry is by gold coin donation and proceeds will be going to Plunket.
From $39* per day Phone: (03) 443 6641 www.wanakarentacar.co.nz * Terms & CondiTions APPly
Call World Travellers Wanaka now to get this ‘cheap as chips’ deal!
*Sales until 5 July 2013 or until sold out, specific travel dates and special conditions apply
World Travellers Wanaka 103 Ardmore St, Wanaka T: 443 7414 www.worldtravellerswanaka.co.nz Going further, staying in touch
26th June 2013
Upper Clutha Messenger
WIDE FORMAT DIGITAL PRINTING Building Signs Footpath Signs Vehicles & Boats Illuminated Signs
Banners & Flags Internal Signs Window Graphics 3D & Router Cut Lettering Real Estate Signage Design
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka E signs@printit.co.nz P 03 443 7804
26th June 2013
Community Diary THURSDAY 27 JUNE
V Senior Citizens Club - afternoon tea and social gathering at the Wanaka Districts Club from 2pm onwards. All welcome. Enquiries to Vivienne 443 5120 or ucsc.club@gmail.com. Check out our website for details on membership, volunteering or donations, www.ucscclub.weebly.com. V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30am for 0 to 5yr olds and caregivers. Presbyterian Church Hall, Tenby Street. $3/family. Please bring your child’s food/ snacks. Indoor and outdoor fun - locals and visitors all welcome. Last day of term. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm, 0 - 5 year olds, pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat Hall. Friendly and fun, everyone welcome, you don’t have to live in Hawea! V Op Shop Open, 12 midday to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace (alongside the steps). V Cromwell Film Society Inc showing Silver Linings Playbook, 7.30pm. Non-members welcome. All info at ZZZ FURPZHOO¿OPVRFLHW\ FRP RU FDOO V Wanaka Farmers Market, 4 - 6pm every Thursday at the Spencer House Mall. V Tai Chi for Balance, 2pm at Elmslie House Common Room. Gold coin donation. V Men’s 9 Hole Golf. Cards in by 12.20pm. V St Columba’s Church open 12 - 2pm. Cnr McDougall and Upton Streets. V Centering Prayer, 5pm at the Upper Room, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Plunket Car Seat Rental Scheme at the Plunket Rooms, Ardmore Street. Thursdays 3 - 6pm. Ph 443 8706 for an appointment. V 9 Hole Ladies Golf. Discs in by 10.15am. Tee off at 10.30am. New members welcome. V Wanaka Garden Club meets at Bowling Club Rooms DP SOHDVH QRWH WLPH 3RW /XFN ¿QJHU OXQFK Making Willow Balls. V Lake Hawea Community Centre is having Indoor Bowls at 7.30pm. All welcome. V Embroidery Group Workshop Day, 10.30am at the Arts Centre. V Toastmasters - improve your speaking skills for work, SXEOLF VSHDNLQJ RU MXVW LPSURYH FRQ¿GHQFH SP DW the St John rooms, 4 Link Way, Wanaka. Come, sit and enjoy or have a go if you dare.
V Wanaka Social Tennis Upton St courts 1 - 4pm. All welcome. V Wanaka Community Toy Library Closed. - See you at the Baby & Child Expo. V Wanaka Baby & Child Expo, 10am - 4pm at the Lake Wanaka Centre. Entry by gold coin donation.
V The Rotary Club of Wanaka meets at the Mt Iron Garden Bar and Function Centre in the Albert Town Tavern, 6pm for 6.30pm. V Cancer Society Support Gentle Yoga. For anyone affected by cancer either personally or a family member. At St John, Link way. Every Tuesday 9 10.30am. (Includes relaxation segment.) Gold coin donation. Ph Raewyn, 0279 165 028. V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm, 0 - 5 year olds, pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat Hall. Friendly and fun, everyone welcome, you don’t have to live in Hawea! V JP Services at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street at 1pm. For appointments, ph 443 7799. V Op Shop Open, 12 midday to 4pm at Wanaka Primary School. Use Koru Way entrance, off Totara Terrace (alongside the steps). V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1 - 4pm. All welcome. For more info, contact Andrew on 021 342 187. V Winter Games NZ Volunteer Information Evening. 530pm at La La Land Wanaka, Level 1, 99 Ardmore St. For further information or to RSVP please email volunteers@wintergamesnz.com V Alanon Family Group 7.30pm at the Upper Room, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 7.30 - 8.30pm. V Stitch ‘n Bitch, Craft ‘n Conversation, at Barluga, 3RVW 2IÂżFH /DQH IURP SP ,WÂśV IXQ IUHH DQG ZDUP V Senior Citizens exercise class 1.30 pm at the St -RKQ URRPV RQ /LQN :D\ 4XDOLÂżHG 3LODWHV DQG 7DL Chi instructors. All welcome. Casual class $4 or purchase a 10 class concession card for $30. Enjoy a safe and friendly workout followed by a cuppa. Enquiries to Vivienne 443 5120. V Volunteering Central - events, conservation, working with kids or caring for others... visit Gillian at Community Networks between 9.30am and 2.30pm WR ÂżQG RXW DERXW YROXQWHHULQJ LQ \RXU FRPPXQLW\ Contact Gillian 443 4102 centralvolunteering@gmail. com
FRIDAY 28 JUNE V Wanaka Bridge Club, 1pm at Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. Social Bridge. V Wanaka Social Tennis Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. All welcome. V JP Services, 10.30am at Community Networks, 73 Brownston Street. For appointments, please ph 443 7799. V Wanaka Bowling Club Progressive Tournament. Names in by 12.45pm, start 1pm. Visitors welcome. V Wanaka Community Toy Library, Reece Crescent, 9.30 - 11am. V Wanaka Grandview Probus Inc, 10am at the Albert Town Tavern. V Genealogy Group, 2pm at the Wanaka Library. All most welcome. Speaker: “Legacy� presentation.
SUNDAY 30 JUNE V St Columba’s Anglican Church, Cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion with Sunday Clubs for children. Morning tea follows service. All welcome. V Lake Hawea Golf Club. Tee off at 12 midday. All welcome. V Baptist Church - meets 5:30pm every Sunday at the Lake Wanaka Centre, Cnr Ardmore St and Lakeside Rd. (Soup & buns to follow). Everyone welcome. http:// wanakabaptist.zohosites.com V Wanaka Lighthouse Church meets every Sunday evening at 5.00pm. 26 Old Racecourse Road (off Aubrey Road). All welcome. For more info see http:// lighthouseglobal.org V Catholic Church, 152 Aubrey Rd. Holy Mass at 9am. V Wanaka New Life Church, 10am Upstairs at Spencer House Mall in Dunmore St. All welcome. V Presbyterian Worship: Family Service at 9.30am with Rainbow Club for children, Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre, Tenby St.
MONDAY 01 JULY V Alcoholics Anonymous. 8pm every Monday in the Plunket Rooms in Ardmore Street (next door to BP). V Wanaka Men’s Tennis Upton St courts from 3pm. Lights available. V Wanaka Social Tennis Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. All welcome. V Overeaters Anonymous. Meeting every Monday at 6.30pm in Plunket Rooms on Ardmore St (next door to %3 3OHDVH FDOO WR FRQÂżUP V Hawea Playgroup, 9.30am - 12.30pm, 0 - 5 year olds, pink and yellow building opposite Hawea Flat Hall. Friendly and fun, everyone welcome, you don’t have to live in Hawea! V Wanaka Walkers meet on the lakefront, opposite the Showgrounds, at 9.30am. Bring lunch. Ph 443 5575 for info. or access www.wanakawalkers.blogspot.co.nz V Cromwell Film Society Inc showing Silver Linings Playbook, 7.30pm. Non-members welcome. All info at ZZZ FURPZHOOÂżOPVRFLHW\ FRP RU FDOO V Wanaka Playgroup 9.30 - 11.30am for 0 - 5yr olds and caregivers. Presbyterian Church Hall, Tenby Street. $3 per family. Indoor and outdoor fun, this term’s theme ‘In the City!’ Locals and visitors, all welcome. Please bring your child’s snacks. V Wanaka Social Tennis at Upton St courts 10am 12.30pm. All welcome. V Wanaka Bridge Club, 7pm at Wanaka Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. - A & J McKenzie Mixed. V 6PDOOERUH 5LĂ H &OXE, 6.30pm at Lake Wanaka Centre.
WEDNESDAY 03 JULY V Wednesday Eucharist 10.00am St Columba’s Anglican Church, Cnr Upton & McDougall Sts. All welcome. V Wanaka Alpha Club monthly meeting @ 6.00pm. Please refer to minutes for venue. V Alcoholics Anonymous - 7.30pm at St Ninians Church, Kane Road, Hawea Flat (next to the Hawea Flat Kindergarten). Open meeting. V Volunteer For Habitat Restoration at Te Kakano’s community-based native plant nursery. Tue & Wed, 1 - 4pm. All welcome. For more info, contact Andrew on 021 342 187. V Baptist Home Group, 23 Charles Court, Lake Hawea, 7:30pm. All welcome. V Wanaka Library Pre-School Session, 10.30 11.30am for ages 0 - 5. V Wanaka Bridge Club, 7pm at the Bowling Club Rooms, Tenby St. Hawea Pairs. V Free Legal Advice at Community Networks, 1 2.30pm. Call (03) 443 7799 for an appointment.
For After Hours Medical Care the Duty Practice this weekend is
Wanaka Medical Centre Ph (03) 443 7811 or 443 0710 Urgent Clinics at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre
23 Cardrona Valley Rd
9am –- 6pm on Sat 29 June & Sun 30 June
26th June 2013
June 26th - Dan O’Brien April 17 - Matain Mainaux June 27th Quinn Bretherton April 19 - Hannah Sutherland 19th June 28th - Evaon Watkins April 20 - Michael Sanford June 30th - Charlotte April 22 - Gavin Firsker Martin
Phone: 443 7804 Fax: 443 7805 11 Brownston St, Wanaka ADVERTISING messenger@printit.co.nz
April 23 - Jack Levis
Come into Print It for your free voucher! YOU GET TO ENJOY A FREE COFFEE AT (OR A FLUFFY FOR CHILDREN)
DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS (15 minutes design time included) To be proofed/designed: Copy by Fri 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3rint reDdy Âżle by 0on 12 noon
FULL COLOUR DISPLAY ADVERTISEMENTS To be proofed/designed: Copy by Thurs 12 noon Finished Artwork: 3rint reDdy Âżle by Fri 12 noon
LINE ADVERTISEMENTS Tues 12 noon preIerDbly 0on COMMUNITY FEATURE 5eTuest Dn DpplicDtion Iorm Check out the Messenger online at: www.mymessenger.co.nz
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. We meet 8pm Monday. Plunket Rooms, Ardmore Street. MARQUEES FOR HIRE - 4x4, 8x4, 5x5, 6x6, 9x6, 12x6, 10x5, 10x10, 10x15, 10x20, 10x25,10x30. Call Brent on 443 8966. SKIS, VOLKL GOTAMA, 186CM, used once, Marker F12 tour binding. Skis well used, but fine, all edges intact and bases in good shape. Sidecut 139_107_123. $700. Ph 0274 909 003 or 443 1609. MID WINTER XMAS THIS FRIDAY at Lalaland. DJ from 10pm. Prizes for best dressed, plus hot popcorn eggnog $4. ADVANTAGE BUILD LTD. LBP BUILDER OR TEAM. All work considered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Nevan Jefferies to discuss your plans. Ph 0272 119 966. WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz THREE CHAIRS HAIR SALON WOULD LIKE TO THANK all Debbie’s clients for their patience while she had time off. Thanks also for the lovely flowers, thoughts and baking. Debbie is looking forward to seeing all her clients. Phone 443 5898.
INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Reports for all students will be issued on 25 June 2013. Parent interviews will be held on Thursday 27 June and Wednesday 3 July – school will finish at 1.20pm on Wednesday 3 July only. To book interviews go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz School code: AJ9DS
If you would like us to include your birthday in a future issue, ring us on 443 7804 or email messenger@printit.co.nz (proof may be required) 11 BROWNSTON ST., WANAKA www.mymessenger.co.nz
ONE BEDROOM SELF CONTAINED unit. Carport, some furniture if required. Tidy units close to Wanaka. Recent carpets and paint. $175 p/w. All seasons. Albert Town. Phone 0274 335 132. TONY WELLMAN ELECTRICAL TAKES PRIDE in its work and provides a switched on electrical service. Phone us on 0274 382 352. 2 X 2L PAMS MILK ONLY $6.90 AT CALTEX. Open 6am-11pm daily, for your convenience, Caltex Wanaka. FUN, AFFORDABLE AND EDUCATIONAL ART CLASSES for primary aged children at The Creative Space! For more information please call Anna 0220 115 880 or email thecreativespace.wanaka@gmail.com for more information. THE LAKE HAWEA COMMUNITY CENTRE is having indoor bowls this Thursday 27th June at 7.30. All welcome. WANAKA ALE HOUSE WILL BE CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE from Wednesday 26th June and reopen Saturday evening 29th June under new ownership, new menu and new name “Lake Bar� 443 2920. RETRO SKI VS ONESIE PARTY. Friday 28th June at Mint Bar. Hosted by Mistress Cheese and the Vodka Cruiser Party crew its time to dance ya butt off with some old school anthems. Treble Cone Day pass up for grabs for the best outfit or dance floor misfit on the night and heaps more instant prizes all night long!
26th June 2013
8.30am – 1.00pm starting Saturday 29th June
BP WORKSHOP, 59 Ardmore Street, ph 443 7424 bpwanaka@xtra.co.nz THIS SATURDAY AT OPIUM IS UK SCRATCH DJ/turntablist DJ Kommissar, playing the best in party Hip Hop, House, Electro, Breaks, Dubstep and Drum and Bass. Free entry and $5 drinks all night. TIRED OF LOOKING THROUGH CV’S? Let ‘Work in Wanaka’ free up your time. We have experienced, serious candidates waiting for seasonal and permanent jobs. Currently we have Chefs, Kitchen Staff, Bar Staff, Housekeeping, Admin and Retail staff. Seasonal Staff FOC. 0210 2986 047 or info@workinwanaka.com. Located at 3 Helwick St.
Cardrona catchment Follow up community workshop on water management
Presbyterian Church Community Centre 91 Tenby St, Wanaka
Thursday 27 June 1pm - 4pm The ORC is developing a water management regime for the Cardrona River and Wanaka - Cardrona Aquifer. ORC presented some options for the management of the Cardrona’s water resources on 11 June 2013. We want to hear how these options might affect you and your community. Your input is valued! For more information:
Tom De Pelsemaeker 0800 474 082 TomD@orc.govt.nz
GURGAON, INDIA, IS LOCATED 30 KM SOUTH of the national capital New Delhi, about 10 kilometers from Dwarka Sub City and 268 km south of Chandigarh, the state capital. Gurgaon is one of Delhi’s four major satellite cities and is part of the National Capital Region (India).
CAR FOR SALE: 1996 SUBARU LEGACY. Manual 4WD, turbo, 191,000kms. New WOF and rego. $3250 ono. Call/txt 0223 701 160 or 0210 533 765.
WINTER HAS WELL AND TRULY REARED ITS BEAUTIFUL FACE, so Opium’s throwing a huge party this Friday! In accociation with Madwax, we bring to you the Fire and Ice party promising to turn up the heat in a big way! With DJ Damon (The Nomad), DJ C:She, L.T., MC Freeradical, Max the Sax (live Breakbeat and DnB saxophonist), fire dancers and Madwax giveaways on the night! Free entry and all drinks $5 all night!
BULLOCK BAR - CURLING - Get down to the Bully this Thursday for curling Bully style. Register your team at the Bar. Starts 7.30pm Thursday 27th.
The Drug Deal!
WANTED TO RENT: 5 bedroom home, log burner, garage, room for working dogs, fenced, for local family. Long term. Txt 0211 789 773.
LOVE BRINGING YOUR KIDS to Mini Muscles? Come and find out more about what we do at our AGM, Thursday 27th June, 7pm, 4 Frye Crescent. All welcome! RIPPON’S CELLAR DOOR WILL REOPEN on July 1st. Open daily for wine tastings and sales 12-5pm. BUILDERS: NEILL AND RENNIE SMITH, Wanaka and Dunedin. LBP no. BP105458. Cell 0272 879 734, 03 443 2127.
Get the facts about drugs & alcohol so our children can thrive Thursday 11 July, 7.30 – 9.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre Gold coin donation, includes supper and resources An evening for parents, educators, and caregivers — you will learn: x Up-to-date information about the NZ drug scene x How to cope with incidents close to home x What you need to know about legislative changes x Where you can turn for help Colin Bramfitt of Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Education Auckland is an entertaining and engaging presenter with 24 years’ experience in the drug education field. He is also a father, grandfather and teacher! FADE provides education, training and resources. Brought to you by Friends of MAC, Parenting4Life, MAC, Community Networks, Wanaka Police with significant financial support from: ACC, QLDC, Wanaka Medical Centre
CUTE HAWEA FLAT COTTAGE FOR SALE. Private sale, original cottage has had extensive renovations, new cladding, roof, carpets, kitchen reno, interior paint and 30m2 new extension, good sized kitchen, 4 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and office, single garage/workshop. Call 443 1212 or 0212 451 904. MOUNTAIN STAFF GET $5 HOUSE DRINKS at Woodys and Bar Luga all the time. Only on presentation of a valid staff pass.
personal, professional and creative landscape design for
Annabel Riley Landscape Architect, BPRM, BLA (Hons) E: annabel@plotlandscape.co.nz M: 021 1803 746
26th June 2013
GLASS BALUSTRADES Euroglass Systems to suit any requirement. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St. Phone 443 1719. INSTRUCTOR TRAINING COURSES ON TREBLE CONE. Rookie Academy have full and part time courses available. Check out www.rookieacademy.com Contact Dean 021 403 076.
GURGAON, INDIA, IS TWO CITIES LIVING WITHIN A bigger ecosystem - Old Gurgaon and New Gurgaon. While old Gurgaon has poor infrastructure and is very congested, new Gurgaon is a complete contrast with skyscrapers and modern development. Gurgaon has the third highest per capita income in India after Chandigarh and Mumbai.
ROOM WANTED IN WARM, QUIET, mature, friendly, modern flat for 31 year old professional female who is new to town. Furnished or unfurnished. Ph/txt Sarah 0278 916 000.
WAITING STAFF AND KITCHEN HAND WANTED. Must have experience. Please email your CV to Capriccio@clear.net.nz or drop it in from Saturday evening onwards.
DEHUMIDIFIER WANTED. Phone Lucy 0213 217 797.
CALDER DEVELOPMENTS IS CURRENTLY SEEKING a Wanaka based trade qualified carpenter with min 5 plus years experience, required for commercial projects in the Wanaka and Cromwell areas. You will need to be experienced in all aspects of building, from foundations and tilt panels to framing to finishing. You must have your own hand tools and applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Please contact Nick on 03 443 6251 or nick@calderdevelopments.co.nz
COME OUT OF THE CLOSET and head down to Woodys for pink drinks Tuesday 2nd of July at 7pm. WANAKA FUTSAL LEAGUE - Change of dates, pre-season bonanza now 7th July and premiership kickoff 14th July. It’s not too late to enter your team! Contact us now - andrew@ watertightsystems.co.nz or 021 761 641 or visit our facebook page ‘Wanaka Futsal’. AYURVEDA MASSAGE FOR A DONATION. Limited time, Hawea Flat. Call Martin, Ayurveda Practitioner on 443 5712. PANDORA SALE - On selected charms, only for a limited time, while stocks last. Get in quick! Aspiring Jewellers, 101 Ardmore Street. Ph 03 443 2722. COME LIVE WITH US - UNIQUE HOUSE, fun flatmates, internet, house computer, 5 minute walk to town. Live-in cleaner. $100 p/ week plus bills. Phone 0211 877 944. ALL YOU CAN EAT RIBS AND A BEER $20. Every Tuesday and Thursday night at Mint Bar. 6-9pm. Conditions apply.
TO RENT www.housemart.co.nz 67 Lakeview Tce, Lake Hawea 2 1 Furnished
154 Capell Ave, Lake Hawea 3 1 Furnished
37 Parry Cr, Lake Hawea 3 1 1 Whiteware
17 Gunn Rd, Albert Town 3 1 1 Furnished
3b Hogan Lane, Wanaka 3 2 1 Unfurnished
33 Glengyle Way, Wanaka 3 2 1 Unfurnished
$380 CONTACT US TO VIEW P: 03 443 6921 E: rent@housemart.co.nz
Omniquon sessule gervirm ihicaed re
WANAKA, DON’T FADE AWAY from the challenges of alcohol and drug problems in our town! Parents, learn the up-to-date facts, how to recognise problems close to home and where to turn for help. 11 July, 7.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre. CAMPERVAN STORAGE WANTED - Please has anyone got any undercover storage for our camper for 2/3 months? Willing to pay! Phone Steve 0273 157 383 (5.5m long x 2.7m high). SASANOKI’S JAPANESE OF THE WEEK: ‘’Okaeri” (Oh-Kylie) meaning “welcome back”. “Okaeri” to our winter people and myself. It’s cold but Bruno’s feeling good. See him being happy at Sasanoki. WINTER GAMES NZ 2013. 15-25 AUGUST. We are looking for fabulous volunteers to fill various roles on and off the mountain. For further information and to register your details please go www.wintergamesnz.com TONY WELLMAN ELECTRICAL LTD - quality workmanship from an established business with 15 years local experience. Certified Eco Smart electrican. Contact 0274 382 352 or 443 7347.
26th June 2013
email: adventurerentals@vodafone.co.nz
FIREWOOD FIREWOOD! PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR FIREWOOD now at The Yard. Call in or give us a call 443 5069. Delivery or loan trailer available. The Yard, 14 Reece Crescent, Wanaka.
The cowis mrakesingtaurant
! h t n o M s l a c o L e Jun low!
get your voucher be
open daily from 5pm until late
MONS ROYALE WILL STOP Jack Frost from biting! Base has the whole range to keep you toasty. IT’S 6 IN THE MORNING AND THE coffee is hot and the café is warm only at the Hammer, Wanaka’s earliest opening café. The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). Phone orders on 443 8500 welcome. BULLOCK BAR - QUIZ NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY from 7.30pm. Be early to get the best seats, great prizes, great fun with George and Rusty. DESIGN, REPAIR, MODIFY, MANUFACTURE of all things metal. We have the expertise and love the challenge. Metalworks Wanaka, precision and general engineering workshop. www. metalworkswanaka.co.nz Ph 443 1760. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN Friday happy hour from 5.30pm until 6.30. Go in the draw to win a bar tab. Free bar snacks. Ace of Spades Jackpot is up to $250. If your number gets drawn you get to pick a card. Turn the ace and you win $250 cash. Pokies! Courtesy coach ph 443 4545. “SUGAR BLUES” WORKSHOP Sun 7th July - 9.30-1pm. Learn how to painlessly eliminate sugar from your diet. Yoga for stomach and digestive health with Christine Callanan and Fermented Foods Demo and workshop with Health Coach, Jordan Spencer. Raw Food Lunch. Cost $69. Limited spaces. Call Christine 0276 936 300. SCIENCE / MATHS TEACHING POSITION at Kip McGrath. Work to start in July with students Y9 - 11 during the day and evening. Please call Nikki 443 1547. GET YOUR COPY OF WANAKA’S FIRST EVER fully produced album. Whistle and Hum an original bluegrass/folk album by local singer/songwriter Anna van Riel. Available at Heath 2000 and Tidy Design (upstairs, 3 Helwick St).
SNOWCHAINS ranging from only Diamond pattern, quick-fit ratchet tensioning. Chains available for all size cars & 4WD’s FREE sizing and demonstration Phone: 443 7868
Enjoy the warmth of the open fire and pay only $25 for any large pizza, and $5 for plain/garlic loaf. $15 for any small pizza when you dine in only upon presentation of this voucher/coupon.
dine in only voucher
Any large pizza $25 Any small pizza $15 Plain/Garlic loaf $5
MASSIVE CLOTHING CLEARANCE SALE at The Little Shop! All clothing must go!! 40% off all clothes!! Jeans, trousers, tights, tops, singlets, dresses, jerseys and hats! It’s crazy! Rush in before the holiday makers and treat yourself. See you soon, sale starts today!! The Little Shop (beside Kai) 443 5609. WANTED: DUTY MANAGERS FOR A busy winter at Mint Bar! Experience necessary, personality a must, DM Certificate a bonus. Bring your CV into Base Backpackers on 73 Brownston St or email to wanakagm@stayatbase.com NEED UPHOLSTERY? REMARKABLE UPHOLSTERY for all upholstery requirements. Big jobs, small jobs, no problem. Phone Bevan on 0275 606 600 a/h 03 443 5817. 9 Gordon Road, Wanaka or sales@remarkableupholstery.com WANAKA HAS NEARLY REACHED ITS TV TAKEBACK QUOTA, so don’t miss out! Recycle your TV at Wanaka Wastebusters today for only $5. Open 9am-5pm, seven days.
26th June 2013
ANY HUNGARIANS IN WANAKA? Woman new to Wanaka of Hungarian descent, keen to keep the Magyar language alive with others. Phone 0273 420 466. 32 YEAR OLD WOMAN LOOKING FOR WORK. Have experience in furniture restoration, care giving and executive cleaning. An extremely hard worker and will give anything a go. Call Kelly 443 6248 or 0221 915 886. FURNITURE FOR SALE: round kitchen table, wooden, 4 chairs $40. 2 and 3 seater couches $60 each. Fridge freezer, upright 1575 x 550 x 540. $130. Retro lounger chair $20. Ph 03 443 8795. TOYOTA ESTIMA 4WD. Manual 1995, 185TKM. New battery. 2.4L $3650, call 0210 2917 676. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN jugs of beer starting at $8.00 and pints $5.00 all day every day. OVEN FRESH PIES - 2 FOR $5 AT CALTEX: Steak/Mushroom, Beef/Bacon, Potato Top, Pepper Steak, Steak/Cheese. Plus.... we always have free tomato sauce for our locals! KAHU YOUTH THANKS AMIGOS and all the community who came to support us at our “Takin’ over Amigos” evenings in May. Together we raised almost $1800! Thank you! BLAST ONTO THE MOUNTAIN with Rocket Rental. Cheapest ski and board hire in town – guaranteed! 39 Helwick St 443 ROCK. HEALTH INSURANCE. Can you afford not to have it? Find out the cover options by phoning Bradley Nuttall Advisers. 443 2427. FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS phone Tony Wellman Electrical 0274 382 352. FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. FOR SALE - LEASE ON PRIME COMMERCIAL PREMISES located upstairs 3 Helwick Street, entrance near corner Ardmore street. High traffic flow and premium sign positions. Text message Greg 0274 178 434. SINGING STUDENTS OF JENN SHELTON will be showcasing their songs on Sunday 30th June at 6pm in a free concert at Federal Diner. Come and show your support to these local singers! Food and drinks available from 5.30. Call 443 5152 to book a table. SHOWERDOME. Call 0211 788 589 or 443 2001. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SCHOOL HOLIDAY programme 15th - 26th July to assist delivering fun activities to children 5 - 13 years. Can you commit to at least 1 day? Contact Louise at shp@communitynetworks.co.nz or 443 7799. CAPRICCIO RESTAURANT WILL RE OPEN from their annual holidays on Saturday. FURNITURE TRUCK DEPARTING EVERY FRIDAY ex Central Otago to Canterbury available for household removals and smaller consignments. Please call 03 312 6915 or text 0274 610 035 for an obligation free quote.
Wanaka Self Storage 108 fully alarmed units in twelve different sizes. Prices from $2 per day! Ph: 0274 354 848
TOSHIBA Heatpumps Sales & Service CONTACT: Wal Shuttleworth - Ph: 443 5344 or 027 678 7566 Unit 2/12 Frederick St, Wanaka
NOT SLEEPING WELL? FEELING ANXIOUS? TRE (Tension Release Exercises) calm down the bodily symptions of stress without you having to talk about the issue. Contact Steph Combe on 443 5878 for more information. WANAKA BUSINESSES ARE YOU READY FOR WORKSAFE? Don’t get caught out. Contact me for your Electrical Appliance Testing. Wanatag 0211 572 266. ALL SKIFIELD STAFF - show your Staff Pass at Kodak in Helwick St and get 15% off anything printed in store. Passport and visa photos, regular prints, enlargments - 15% off all memory cards, USB pendrives, cameras bags, chargers and camera accessories. Yes Photo & Digital (Kodak) in Helwick street, Wanaka 7 days. We have the best range of cameras and lenses in the area. CORY RICHARDS CLIMBED AN 8,000 METRE peak in the depth of winter, but the amazing bit is that he took a camera with him and filmed it all. Cory is speaking at this year’s NZ Mountain Film Festival July 5th to 9th in Wanaka and 13th-14th in Queenstown. Check out the other speakers and get tickets at www.mountainfilm.net.nz NEED A PAINTER? CENTRAL BRUSHWORKS is back from Christchurch and ready for your new build. Call Ian on 021 621 800 or 443 5367 for a free and friendly consultation. MERINO MUSTER AT SNOW FARM NZ - diary date August 17th! Be part of NZ’s largest cross country ski event. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Visit merinomuster.com or call 03 443 7542 for more info. BOOKKEEPING ON XERO? Or want to be on the smartest accounting system ever? PAYE and GST’s, budgeting, bill processing, reporting, to your requirements and budget! Ring Mighty Efficient on 03 443 4912 or go to www.mightyefficient. co.nz THE YARD! THE ONE STOP SHOP for landscaping design and supplies. Bark, compost, top soil, aggregates, mulch. Delivery or loan trailer available. The Yard, 14 Reece Crescent, Wanaka, 443 5069.
Wheels to Dunstan
26th June 2013
Free Door to Door Transport p For Medical/Specialist Appointments at Dunstan Hospital or Alexandra
Crime Line Crime Line by Constable Dion Phair
Wheels To Dunstan
Appointments 10am to 3pm if possible Bookings: Community Networks 443 7799 by 3pm the previous day
The last week has seen an increase in disorder and violence. The majority were as a result of excess intoxication. A 32 year old male was arrested for assaulting his partner after a night of drinking.
Donations Gratefully Accepted
WANAKA PHYSIO – WINTER HOURS Mon – Sat 8am – 8pm and Sunday 12pm – 8pm. Satellite Clinic at Cardrona. Call 443 0734 or email admin@wanakaphysiotherapy.co.nz RACERS EDGE SKI DEMO DAYS START this weekend! Extensive range with big spread of sizes. Get some fats for the big powder days. Cardies: Saturday & Tues; TC: Sunday & Monday. More info call 03 443 7882 or check our website www.racersedge.co.nz A FULL GROOM FROM WANACLEANCAR INCLUDES every surface cleaned and treated, de-tarred and de-bugged. Includes interior shampoo - stain and smell removal. Also, paintwork cut and polished - scratch removal. Twice waxed and headlight restoration. Phone Richard on 0210 2942 908 or 443 5772 and leave a message. FOR SALE: SUBARU IMPREZA, hatch back, 1998. 168,000km. Mechanically sound. Great for ski field commuting. Registration and WOF. $2000. Call 03 443 6310. DIRTY OL’ KNIGHTS IN ASSOCIATION WITH Junkfood presents K+Lab (live) Spacedirt “Album Release Party” Mint Bar, Sat June 29th with support from Dirty Ol’ Knights, Lil Massive & The Don. Tickets available from Dashtickets.co.nz and Base Backpackers. DR JOHN GIBSON DC, THE MUSCLE JOINT, for in depth analysis, treatments and effective results. Thorough analysis and effective treatments for the entire body. Specialist in chronic pain/inflexibility conditions, accident/sports injuries. For consistently premium results. Do something today! ACC provider. Telephone The Muscle Joint 443 6460. ASPECTS SALON AND DAY SPA need experienced massage therapists and/or beauty therapists for our busy winter season. C.V.s to feelfab@aspectswanakaspa.co.nz or 61 Brownston St, Wanaka. MOUNTAIN BIKE. TREK ASL, Rock Shox front suspension, Alpha Superlight Aluminum frame, Shimano Gears. Good condition. $500ono, ph 443 1609 or 0274 909 003. HAVEN’T HAD A TUNE SINCE LAST SPRING? Come into Base Ultimate Workshop and get your skis and snowboard running fast! Drop off at Base 2 or 39 Helwick Steet.
A 29 year old male was arrested after being ejected from the Water Bar. He thought it was a good idea to go back and have a crack at the door staff. Police thought it a good idea to put him in a cell to cool off and sober up. He will be facing a charge of disorderly behaviour. In an unusual job, police dealt with a male who over-indulged while celebrating his 26th birthday. Police were called to a local residence after the occupier found the male in their kitchen eating food from the fridge. Apparently he was so boozed that despite getting the right house number, he didn’t realise he was on the wrong street. These incidents could have been prevented. If you are out with someone who is clearly on their way, then "man up", tell them to take it easy, and have a break from drinking. Our local Search and Rescue team had a chopper ride to the top of the Lindis on Sunday after a helicopter beacon was set off. A solo pilot mustering sheep had to put his machine down in the snow. Fortunately no one was hurt. Goes to show the value of rescue beacons if you are out and about in our beautiful countryside. In one of the strangest / luckiest vehicle crashes I have been to in my 11 years in the police, a Hawea local passed out while at the wheel of his van as he pulled into his driveway. The driver fell unconscious, leaving his vehicle to career out of control 190 metres down a bank, across an empty section. After smashing through a few fences, it came to rest in a neighbours lounge, via the ranch-sliders. Incredibly, despite being at 8.00pm, no one was injured. It seems the driver fainted after a prolonged day at work without eating. I would like to thank the people whose house was extensively damaged for being so forgiving towards the driver, who was very upset at the carnage he had caused. I see this incident as the perfect excuse to get down to the local bakery and grab a pie for smoko. All jokes aside, it is imperative that if you feel unwell at the wheel, pull over immediately. A positive comment from the office today: "it seems people are driving to the conditions as there are very few people speeding around Wanaka these days". That is what I like to hear. Our own families use these roads too and it is great to see the message is finally getting through that speed kills. As part of a National campaign over the next few weeks, we will be out targeting those failing to wear their seat belts. A $150 fine is a sure-fire way to ruin your day when a simple action could have prevented it. If you have any information pertaining to the incidents above please call the Station on 03 443 7272 to speak to an Officer, or to give information anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Buckle-up and drive safely. Have a great week in our chilly piece of paradise.
26th June 2013
Ruby The Red Back and Terry The Tarantula have been accused of frightening local residents. The complaint comes from a Little Miss Muffet. The young lady was sitting on a tuffet eating her curds and whey. Witnesses have described how a spider, or possibly two spiders, sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away. Exactly what Ruby The Red Back and Terry The Tarantula did to scare the young lady is unclear. It is possible that the mere look of the eight-legged fiends was enough to make her run. As well as several pairs of legs, the spiders each have eight eyes and a set of scary looking fangs. They have tiny hairs and claws on their legs. Experts are on the look out for the spiders and encourage anyone who has information pertaining to this incident to call them today.
LUGGATE HOTEL HAS TONY KERR PLAYING after the rugby Saturday 29th June. Come out have a meal, watch the rugby, and then be entertained by Tony. Looking after the locals since 1867. ULTIMATE RENTALS NOW IN BASE 2, 12 Helwick St. New location with Ultimate opening hours. Now open 7-8. 7 days a week. BULLOCK BAR - SATURDAY 29TH. Live music after the Highlanders vs Crusaders game . TABLE AND CHAIRS FOR HIRE - For all your party hire needs call Brent at Wanaka Marquee & Party Hire on 443 8966. NEW! KERATHERAPY RELAXING SYSTEM. Reduces curl or wave pattern in the hair. Formulated with amazon fruit extracts, pure keratin, essential oils, vitamins, amino acids, elastin and collagen. This unique formulation delivers rich nutrients, increases elasticity and shine and improves manageability. Hair thou Art workshop. Ph 443 9545. BABY CLOTHES - 20 boxes of mainly girls clothes 0 - 4 yrs. Phone for Thursday or Friday appointments on 021 484 539. No texts please. MONEY –WHERE DOES IT GO? How to start collecting some, how to protect it, how to invest it, buy a house or not. All covered in the Money Management course, one night a week, 20 weeks, fully funded. Contact Myl 443 1738 or myl@xtra.co.nz NEED A PAINTER? CENTRAL BRUSHWORKS is back from Christchurch and ready for your renovations. Call Ian on 021 621 800 or 443 5367 for a free and friendly consulatation. SEASON INTERNET CAFE PASSES - Unlimited time, 24/7 Wanaka Wi-Fi, fast connections - 1 Month $45, 3 months $95, 5 months $145. Upstairs, 3 Helwick Street. PREVAILING WIND BLOWING SMOKE back down your chimney? Inversion layer hampering the efficiency of your log burner? Come and talk to Olly at Wanaka Stainless about Fluecube. WANT AN “UN”REAL JOB? Train to become a Ski or Snowboard Instructor! Lots of great work opportunities here and abroad. Courses from 1-4 days per week. Phone/txt: 0212 555 929. Email: instructortraining@cardrona.com You are invited to...
Private Functions @ Urban Grind Bar We have the best space, the best food & the best prices in town. No hire fee for our upstairs bar. FRANCESCA’S ITALIAN KITCHEN open 7 days for lunch 12-3 and dinner from 5pm. Authentic Italian wood fired pizza, pasta, antipasti, desserts, Allpress coffee, a great wine list and Peroni on tap. Nothing on the menu over $25. Check us out on Facebook, Tripadvisor and Twitter. 93 Ardmore Street (left side of the big new building) Phone 443 5599. Dinner bookings essential. EDGEWATER APRÈS SKI 4-6PM DAILY. Join us by the open fire for our new après snack menu. Lots of options to fill your belly whilst enjoying a hot buttered rum, mulled wine or Irish minted hot chocolate at a hot price to warm your heart not your wallet, or a specially priced house wine or tap beer – including Wanaka Beerworks Brewski. Located at 54 Sargood Drive. Phone 443 0011 for enquiries. CHOCOLATT HAIR SALON have new Winter Hours. We will be open Mon, Wed, Thur and Fri 9-6.30pm, Tue 9-8pm. From 1st July - 30th September. COLOURSTEEL FENCING. Same both sides. Timber fencing as at Paradiso’s new site. Post and rail, wrought iron gates and fences. Handy Solutions. Phone 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. 3 BEDROOM FLAT FOR RENT. Woodfire with wetback, dishwasher, fenced back yard. Available approx 28th June. Call 03 443 5090 or 0210 2669 300. LAKES PODIATRY - CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE at www. lakespodiatry.co.nz Clinic located at the Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. General foot issues, foot and ankle pain, running and sports injuries, diabetic foot assessments, children’s feet. We are ACC registered – 03 443 0730. THE HOT CHOCOLATE CAULDRON IS BACK at Black Peak Gelato. Dutch cocoa drinking goodness. We recommend nipping it up with a wee dollop of your favourite gelato to create hot chocolate heaven. ACTIVE ELECTRO - FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS. Phone Fred 443 4065 or 0275 543 202. HOUSE SITTERS - mature couple, previous home owners in Chch, now permanent in Wanaka, can mind your local home/ pets/garden for 2 weeks or longer, while you flee winter. Vacancies for July. Txt/Ph Helen 0210 431 054 or Don 0293 898 197. COFFEE CURE IS EXCITED TO PROVIDE delicious coffee and yummy food at the Baby and Child Expo this Saturday from 10am. Cash only. See you there! RIVERSIDE EDUCARE IN ALBERT TOWN has a vacancy for a cleaner, Monday and Tuesday evenings 2.5 hours each night and a cook on Thursdays and Fridays 8.30am - 1.30pm. These positions could be filled by the same person or by 2 people. Please phone 03 443 4073 for further information.
5.30PM, SUNDAYS AT LAKE WANAKA CENTRE, CNR ARDMORE ST & LAKESIDE RD (SOUP & BUNS TO FOLLOW) www.wanakabaptist.zohosites.com Pastor: Jim Patrick Ph 027 278 5540
26th June 2013
Craig Harwood Licensed Building Practitioner Blocklaying, Bricklaying, Stonelaying, Pizza Ovens, Plastering, Tiling Phone: 03 443 1229 Mobile: 021 189 0036 FREE QUOTES - INTERIOR/EXTERIOR WORK
FOR SALE - STARTER PACK FOR FLAT: Kenwood dicer/cutter, white bathroom soap and toothbrush holders, Ikea tongs, napkin rings, measuring cups, two rubbish bins, carry basket. $60 the lot. Single bed, fitted electric blanket $30. White, quilted king single valance $25. Phone Sam 0272 787 897. H2O IRRIGATION - DO YOU WANT TO START PLANNING your irrigating needs for your garden/lawn? No more hoses to drag around. Automatic irrigation. It could be in your garden next spring. Ring Nigel 0210 2027 240 or 443 7879. REMEDIAL MASSAGE BY SONIA SPECIALISING IN pain relief management such as sports injuries, work and health aches and pains. Deep pressure, trigger point and fascia stretching ensure recovery, treating the cause not just the symptoms. Call Sonia for pain relief today. Phone 0212 487 771. AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC REQUIRED for busy local workshop. Minimum 25 hours per week with potential to become full time. Applicants should be experienced, self-motivated and able to work unsupervised. Excellent customer service skills are essential. Please forward CV to actionautomotive@hotmail. co.nz THE LAKE HAWEA COMMUNITY CENTRE, Myra St, public meeting postponed from last Friday to discuss upcoming consent application including future use and noise issues, is now rescheduled for this Friday Night 28th at 7.30pm. Neighbours as well as interested members of the community are encouraged to attend. Enquiries to Linda 443 6744. MAZDA CAPELLA ‘95. All wheel drive. Reliable, great for getting up the hill. Been serviced regularly. 0221 544 044 $2700 ONO. Brand new warrant today.
SPEND CHRISTMAS IN EUROPE Flights from $2389 ex Auckland, domestic connections available and great accommodation add ons. Wanaka Flight Centre - Phone 03 443 4101 or email wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz to make an appointment. FOR SWITCHED ON ELECTRICAL SERVICE phone Tony Wellman Electrical 0274 382 352. TYRE CHAINS WANTED to fit 215 - 60- R18. Ph/Txt Steve 0272 730 730 or 443 1955. PUKKA SIGNS + DESIGN + PRINT. Qualified 4U in what we do! Over 20 years of experience in the signage, design and construction industry. Call Sarah - Master Signwriter. P: 443 4242. www.pukkasigns.com WANAKA WELLNESS CENTRE. Integrated professional therapies and services: Massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, naturopathy, medical herbalist, Bowen, homeopathy, reflexology, NLP, hypnotherapy, counselling, meditation, journeywork, craniosacral therapy, beauty therapy, yoga, detoxification, Weighwell Weightloss, Far Infrared Sauna, studio hire, exclusive retail health products. Visit www.wanakawellness. co.nz for practitioner details or phone 443 4668. 24 Dungarvon Street. WOODYS. FREE POOL EVERY DAY 4-7pm and pool comp every Thursday at 7pm, free entry and great prizes.
Wanaka Party Hire has all your hire requirements: ‡ &URFNHU\ ‡ &XWOHU\ ‡ *ODVVZDUH ‡ /LQHQ ‡ 7DEOHV ‡ %%4V ‡ 0DUTXHHV ‡ &KDLUV ‡ 8PEUHOODV E: info@wanakapartyhire.co.nz W: www.wanakapartyhire.co.nz Phone Brent or Hadyn on 443 8966.
&2038 87(5 +(/3 $1' $'9,&(
26th June 2013
6 Finch Street, Albert Town
Please contact me if you would like your property sold.
Jarrod Frazer M 027 251 2007 B 03 428 4255 jarrod.frazer@bayleys.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008.
80 Ardmore Street, Wanaka
MASSAGE WITH “MAGIC HANDS”, Jason Clarke. Provider to High Performance Sports New Zealand “Magic Hands” has massaged: NZ Elite Triathletes, winter Olympians, multi-sports, the All Blacks and many valued locals. Deep tissue manipulation, sports, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, stress relief, relaxation and pregnancy massages. “Feel the magic”. Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Phone 443 0743 or 0274 288 569. EUROGLASS - FRAMELESS GLASS SHOWERS design and installation service. Contact Adrian 0274 417 333. Showroom 12 Frederick St or phone 443 1719. WESTPAC WANAKA has a Mobile Banking Consultant who can come to you at a time that suits you for all your banking needs. Call 443 9758 or 0274 439 005 for an appointment. BLACK DIAMOND STILLETO TELEMARK BOOTS size 26 (EU 4041). Perfect condition with new heat moldable liners. Best offer. Text 0210 313 196. PANDORA SALE - On selected charms, only for a limited time, while stocks last. Get in quick! Aspiring Jewellers, 101 Ardmore Street. Ph 03 443 2722. THOUGHT ABOUT BECOMING A SKI OR SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR? Do it now! Ski or ride on the weekends with Cardrona’s top trainers. Check out www.cardronainstructor.com or phone/text 0212 555 929.
03 443 5330
PART-TIME PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR Due to exceptional growth in the Wanaka area, we require a part-time Project Administrator for 15-20hrs/week (with the possibility of more hours in the future). Applicants should have the following attributes: Experience in admin, scheduling and managing tasks. Proficient with a range of software and computer applications. Good people skills, positive outlook and great communication skills. Hard working and able to use their initiative to proactively manage project administration. Please forward your CV to ttawera@mikegreerhomes.co.nz Applications close Friday 5th July. MT ASPIRING COLLEGE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS. Reports for all students will be issued on 25 June 2013. Parent interviews will be held on Thursday 27 June and Wednesday 3 July – school will finish at 1.20pm on Wednesday 3 July only. To book interviews go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz School code: AJ9DS. REGISTERED DRIVING INSTRUCTOR, Class 2, P, V, W, R, T, forklift and OSH licences. Defensive Driving courses. Phone 0276 465 386. GOLF COURSE ROAD, GURGAON IS HOME TO TWO sports stadiums. Tau Devi Lal Stadium has facilities for cricket, football, basketball and athletics as well as a sports hostel, while Nehru Stadium has facilities for football and athletics plus hockey turf for matches. Football is a very popular sport with the youngsters of the city and every district has its own team. Gurgaon also has a large golfing population and has two 18 hole golf courses.
FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS phone Tony Wellman Electrical 0274 382 352. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, we can help. 8pm Monday, Plunket Rooms, Ardmore Street.
34 Beacon Point Road
Please contact us if you would like your property sold.
ALL YOU CAN EAT RIBS AND A BEER $20. Every Tuesday and Thursday night at Mint Bar. 6-9pm. Conditions apply. SKIS, VOLKL GOTAMA, 186CM, used once, Marker F12 tour binding. Skis well used, but fine, all edges intact and bases in good shape. Sidecut 139_107_123. $700. Ph 0274 909 003 or 443 1609. FOR SALE: 20FT SHIPPING CONTAINERS - steel or insulated. Aspiring Cranes. Phone 0274 344 308.
Sharon Donnelly M 027 561 7235 sharondonnelly@realwanaka.co.nz
Rebecca Donnelly M 021 114 7681 rebecca@realwanaka.co.nz MAT ANDREWS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008.
80 Ardmore Street, Wanaka
03 443 5330
26th June 2013
Senior Citizens lunch ALBERT TOWN TAVERN Saturday the 29th. A double dose of Blues. The boys are back to get your mojo working. Strange Brew from Wellington and the Federation from Queenstown. Warm up your winter with some hot music. No door charge. Courtesy coach ph 443 4545. ROOKIE ACADEMY INSTRUCTOR TRAINING: Weekend Course: starts 13th July on T.C. Costs $400 for 5 Saturdays. Become a much better rider and skier and train towards your NZSIA/SBINZ Level 1. Contact Dean 021 403 076. THE LAKE HAWEA COMMUNITY CENTRE is having indoor bowls this Thursday 27th June at 7.30. All welcome. FRANCESCA’S PIZZAS HAS 2 MOBILE wood fired pizza ovens running this winter - come visit us at Brownston Street (top of New World car park) from 4pm-9pm Wednesday - Sunday or our new trailer at Cardrona ski field car park every day 3pm onwards. For pizza delivery call 0800GO4PIZZA. BULLOCK BAR - FRIDAY THE 28TH JUNE Maggie Ruddenklau playing live after the Chiefs vs Hurricanes. DO YOU NORMALLY BOOK YOUR AIRFARES on the Internet? Did you know Wanaka Flight Centre has the lowest airfare guarantee*? Why would you book anywhere else! *Terms and conditions apply. Phone Wanaka Flight Centre 03 443 4101 or email wanaka@flightcentre.co.nz to make an appointment. GARAGE SALE - SUNDAY 30TH JUNE at the Luggate Fire Station 10am - 1pm. Spinning wheel, multi purpose high chair, lounge suite with recliner rockers, eliptical trainer, books, bedroom suite, some art work and household items. All priced to sell. FREE MONEY! BASE will hook you up. Come instore and ask the crew today about Rider Rewards! PLANNING TO BUILD? Want your home to be different from the average house. Come view our latest project for some inspiration. We are licensed, qualified, experienced and local. Quotes are free. Call Joel 0224 379 321 or 443 6248. MASSAGE, RELAXATION, DEEP TISSUE, or structural integration. Auric magnetic healing removes blocks and dross to speed up your healing. Appointments call Christine 0276 936 300. For more info visit www.christinecallanan.com MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT DOWN JACKETS at amazing ‘over and above’ prices. Low numbers, amazing deals. A great piece under your shell outer for TC opening weekend. Come check them quick - in store at Racers Edge now. WWW.WANAKAACUPUNCTURE.CO.NZ - to see how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you or call 443 8131.
every friday, lunch, dessert, tea & coffee for just $15
sUNDAY bUFFET lunch THE LEGENDARY CARVERY BUFFET 2 ROAST MEATS HAND CARVED IN FRONT OF YOU Â&#x2021; 6283 Â&#x2021; )5(6+/< %$.(' %5($' Â&#x2021; 6$/$'6 Â&#x2021; 6($)22' 3/$77(5 Â&#x2021; 5 + DIFFERENT VEGIES Â&#x2021; '(66(576 Â&#x2021; &21',0(176 Â&#x2021; 7($ &2))((
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DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T BUTCHER YOUR BIRCHES or any other tree for that matter. Tree Tamers can reduce them tastefully and clean up quickly. You can reply on Tree Tamers - qualified arborists, insured, local and experienced since 2003! Phone Milo 0272 751 268 or www.treetamers.co.nz WARM YOUR SPIRIT WITH THE SILENCE and beauty of TaizĂŠ. Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre Sunday July 7, 6pm. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK FOR YOUR DAILY dose of top of the line signs and design in Wanaka. www.facebook.com/pukka. signs ALBERT TOWN KARAOKE every second Friday. Next one on the 5th July from 8pm. Courtesy coach ph 443 4545. THE NZ MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL is so much more than a filmfest! We have speakers, films, workshops, a dyno competition, a film makers course, an art exhibition, tradeshow and a very social time can be expected by all! If you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t got tickets get them here www.mountainfilm.net.nz before next weekend 5th9th July in Wanaka, 13th â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 14th July in Queenstown. BULLOCK BAR - STATE OF ORIGIN GAME 2 live on all screens after the quiz Wednesday 26th June. MONEY MANAGEMENT COURSE through Te Wananga o Aotearoa. Starts soon, Thursdays, 20 weeks, fully funded, friendly way to learn life enhancing skills. All good stuff! Get set up for later in life. Contact Myl 443 1738, 0274 439 942 or myl@xtra. co.nz WANAKA PHYSIO â&#x20AC;&#x201C; WINTER HOURS Mon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sat 8am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8pm and Sunday 12pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8pm. Satellite Clinic at Cardrona. Call 443 0734 or email admin@wanakaphysiotherapy.co.nz BULLOCK BAR - SATURDAY 29TH. Live music after the Highlanders vs Crusaders game .
26th June 2013
d n A
26th June 2013 OTAGO POLYTECHNIC Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Practice
Want to learn the essential skill of managing money?
Mid-year intake starts 29 July. Part time and full time study options. More information on the programme and student projects at www.sustainable-practice.org
Enquiries to Steve Henry 021 705 873
Certificate in Money Management The CMM provides you with the tools and information to be able to improve your financial situation and achieve your financial goals, regardless of age or income.
WINTER HAS WELL AND TRULY REARED ITS BEAUTIFUL FACE, so Opiumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s throwing a huge party this Friday! In association with Madwax, we bring to you the Fire and Ice party promising to turn up the heat in a big way! With DJ Damon (The Nomad), DJ C:She, L.T., MC Freeradical, Max the Sax (live Breakbeat and DnB saxophonist), fire dancers and Madwax giveaways on the night! Free entry and all drinks $5 all night! FOR YOUR LOCAL â&#x20AC;&#x153;ECOSMARTâ&#x20AC;? QUALIFIED ELECTRICIANS phone Tony Wellman Electrical 0274 382 352. RIVERSIDE EDUCARE IN ALBERT TOWN has a vacancy for a cleaner, Monday and Tuesday evenings 2.5 hours each night and a cook on Thursdays and Fridays 8.30am - 1.30pm. These positions could be filled by the same person or by 2 people. Please phone 03 443 4073 for further information. PICTURE FRAMING - Give your pictures a new lease of life or get those pictures framed youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got lying around. For a free quote call Aspiring Photography, 12 Frederick St, ph 443 1883. WANAKA ALE HOUSE WILL BE CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE from Wednesday 26th June and reopen Saturday evening 29th June under new ownership, new menu and new name â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lake Barâ&#x20AC;? 443 2920. WANTED: SECURITY STAFF FOR MINT BAR. Must have current COA and be able to work late nights and weekends. Bring your CV into Base Backpackers on 73 Brownston St or email to wanakagm@stayatbase.com
< :7 = <
WIN $50
1 of 2
Curly Fr FROM:
5 y 7pm
A practically oriented course that will have ongoing relevance, taught in a friendly neutral environment. Includes: You and Your Money; Debt Management; Wealth Creation and Protection; Property, Sharemarket & Other Investments; Business Financials. Part time hours to suit your lifestyle A 20 week course. Level 3 Qualification Thursdays 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9pm For further information please contact:
Mylrea Bell Tel 443 1738, cell 027 443 9942 email: myl@xtra.co.nz www.twoa.ac.nz SPACES ARE LIMITED â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CLASSES START SOON
COME OUT OF THE CLOSET and head down to Woodys for pink drinks Tuesday 2nd of July at 7pm. SASANOKIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HOLIDAY IS OVER - no more crowds, no more humidity and no more punctuality, just happy in Wanaka. Open Mon-Sat 6 nights for dinner and every weekday for lunch. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re keen to work (at least for now anyway, haha). Ph 443 6474. THE G.MAN SCHOOL OF ROCK - Fully equipped new music studio. Live band tutorials, mentoring, guitar, mandolin, bass, drums, keys. Search TeHight and ring 443 4268. APPLE MAC TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE - 6 Years with Apple. Help with Mac, iPhone, iPad. Repairs and friendly advice. Email:aprimrose@mac.com Ph 0204 0099 059. MONEY AVAILABLE FOR YOUR GROUPâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ART PROJECT from the Upper Clutha Community Arts Council. Application forms are in the Wanaka Library. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR SCHOOL HOLIDAY programme 15th - 26th July to assist delivering fun activities to children 5 - 13 years. Can you commit to at least 1 day? Contact Louise at shp@communitynetworks.co.nz or 443 7799.
or $10 more
ITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S 6 IN THE MORNING AND THE coffee is hot and the cafĂŠ is warm only at the Hammer, Wanakaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s earliest opening cafĂŠ. The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & CafĂŠ, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). Phone orders on 443 8500 welcome.
of 15% your total spend back IN
3D PRINTING AVAILABLE from Internet Cafe - upstairs 3 Helwick. Bring us your files or turn your thought into 3dimensional reality. ÂŤ INTRODUCING Âť
sessions Sun
DAY, ALL WINTER. ):,57:- ;< ?)6)3)
BULLOCK BAR - CURLING - Get down to the Bully this Thursday for curling Bully style. Register your team at the Bar. Starts 7.30pm Thursday 27th. SKIS COMPLETE WITH BINDINGS. Ladies K2 160cm, as new, $250. Ladies Volkl 160cm $200. Mens Fisher RC4 160cm $250. Phone 443 1713.
26th June 2013
Wanaka Districts
45 Plantation Rd
Wednesday 26 June th
$50 Bar Tab Draw Ͳ 6pm
Call John! 021 327 928
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s service was exceptionalâ&#x20AC;? Vendor Jackie & Robert Aitcheson
E john.fisher@harcourts.co.nz W www.johnfisher.harcourts.co.nz
Members Guests Affiliates and New members always welcome.
Housie 7.30pm
Thurs 27th June FREE POOL Friday 28th June
Bistro Open from 6pm Fri, Sat, Sun.
FREE Bar Snacks 5.30pm Meat raffles 6pm Joker Draw â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3 chances to WIN $300.
Lucky Members Draw 6Ͳ8pm this week $300 cash.
Courtesy Coach ph 443 8080 SALE - LADIES FASHION BOOTS, selected styles, ½ price. All other selected boots reduced by $50. 20% off all jewellery. Sale table from $40 at Shoes Unlimited, 80b Ardmore Street. WALLPAPER HANGER SPECIALIST. Over 40 years experience. Local. Phone 443 5802. ALBERT TOWN TAVERN take aways open from 9.30 Tuesday to Friday with hot food ready to go. Giant cheese rolls, home made shepherds pie, lasagna, The Alby Giant toasted sandwich and heaps more. FRANCESCAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ITALIAN KITCHEN open 7 days for lunch 12-3 and dinner from 5pm. Authentic Italian wood fired pizza, pasta, antipasti, desserts, Allpress coffee, a great wine list and Peroni on tap. Nothing on the menu over $25. Check us out on Facebook, Tripadvisor and Twitter. 93 Ardmore Street (left side of the big new building) Phone 443 5599. Dinner bookings essential. GOGGLES GALORE AT BASE! Oakley, Electric Smith and more, replacement lenses also available at Base. FREELANCE WEBDESIGNER: Wordpress based website with social media integration starting from $500. Quick turnaround! Free 1 hour consultation to discuss your website needs. Phone: 0223 964 455 or email: jenny@jennywelwert.com
HEATPUMPS - ACTIVE ELECTRO. Call now for your quote and install before winter really kicks in. Phone Fred 443 4065 or 0275 543 203. NANNY/BABYSITTER AVAILABLE. Experienced and willing to cook and clean. References available. Please call Millie 0224 195 265. FIBER FAST BROADBAND. No fixed contract. No landline required. Call Stan on 0800 NETSPEED (638 773). EMILY FROM WANAKLEAN DOG would like to let her clients know she will be away from 4th July until 2nd August. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Call 0275 110 282. HAVE YOU GOT YOUR TICKETS TO THE NZ Mountain Film Festival? Prepare to be inspired, scared, overwhelmed, excited and thrilled next weekend. This yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s line up has something for everyone: adventure, culture, environmental films and more. Tickets at www.mountainfilm.net.nz COFFEE CURE IS EXCITED TO PROVIDE delicious coffee and yummy food at the Baby and Child Expo this Saturday from 10am. Cash only. See you there! CAPRICCIO RESTAURANT WILL RE OPEN from their annual holidays on Saturday. FOR SALE - FABULOUS 70â&#x20AC;&#x2122;S CURTAIN AND BLINDS. Thermal backed chintz in great condition. Main colour brick red with geometric design. Two roman blinds. Eight curtains, two full length and six about 157cm. Various widths. Phone Sam 0272 787 897. GURGAON IS THE LARGEST CITY and the industrial and financial centre of the Indian state of Haryana. A favourable tax policy and its proximity to Indira Gandhi International Airport saw the emergence of Gurgaon as one of the most prominent outsourcing and offshoring hubs in the world. Automobile manufacturing, garment manufacturing, real estate and shopping malls are the other main industries. MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT MINT BAR. All standard drinks just $5 all night long!
SORE NECK OR JUST A VERY OLD PILLOW? Kaleidoscope, Helwick Street can help you with a suitable pillow. Fibre pillows priced from $11.50 to $30. Feather and Down from $40 - $100. Â&#x2021; 1HZ SXUSRVH EXLOW LQGLYLGXDOO\ DODUPHG VWRUDJH XQLWV Â&#x2021; GLIIHUHQW VL]H XQLWV Â&#x2021; KRXU DFFHVV GD\V Â&#x2021; 6XUYHLOODQFH FDPHUDV
66 Ballantyne Road Çż 3KRQH 443 2660 Çż )D[ 443 2661 (PDLO wanakastoragesolutions@xtra.co.nz
26th June 2013
THREE CHAIRS HAIR SALON WOULD LIKE TO THANK all Debbie’s clients for their patience while she had time off. Thanks also for the lovely flowers, thoughts and baking. Debbie is looking forward to seeing all her clients. Phone 443 5898. SPLIT BOARD. SNOWBOARD FOR TOURING. 153cms, goofy. Complete package with skins, crampons and walking poles. All works. $550. Ph 0274 454 590 or 443 1609. ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT TREES - advice on planting, pruning, shaping, reducing, thinning, topping and mulching. Information on our website www.treetamers.co.nz - Tree Tamers, Wanaka’s Council approved arborists (also friendly and professional) 03 443 6454. GURGAON IS SITUATED AT THE NORTHERN EDGE of the Aravali mountain range. Gurgaon district is made up of five blocks: Badshahpur, Pataudi, Sohna, Gurgaon village and Farrukhnagar. In the 18th century, the British integrated Gurgaon into the Punjab Province where it served as district headquarters. After India’s independence, Gurgaon continued to be a part of the state of Punjab until 1966 when Haryana was formed a separate state. NUMERACY AND LITERACY SUPPORT is available at Kip McGrath, catch up or extension. Our experienced staff can help your son / daughter succeed in the classroom. Call Nikki 443 1547.
SELF CONTAINED SLEEP OUT FOR RENT. Suitable for one person, non smoker. Meadowstone area. Phone 443 9302. Leave message.
BECOME A SKI OR SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR. Train with the Rookie Academy and let us help you get a teaching job in the northern winter. Full and part time courses. Contact Dean 021 403 076.
BEST VALUE MILK IN TOWN - Caltex Wanaka. 2 x 2Litres Pams Milk $6.90. Caltex: open 6am-11pm daily.
SMARTPHONES FROM ONLY $89 AT CALTEX. Telecom, 2 Degrees, Vodafone. All Smartphones now only $89-$199. Caltex open 6am-11pm.
MOUNTAIN STAFF - $4 TAP BEER and jam jars plus $5 spirits every day at Lalaland Bar, Level One, 99 Ardmore Street.
WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz HAND FORGED FIRE TOOLS: Pokers, shovels, brushes, fire sets, designed and forged here in Wanaka in our workshop, 54 Ballantyne Rd. www.metalworkswanaka.co.nz BATHROOM UPGRADES. Shower and showerdome installations. Leaky shower repairs. Phone 0211 788 589 or 443 2001. AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC REQUIRED for busy local workshop. Minimum 25 hours per week with potential to become full time. Applicants should be experienced, self-motivated and able to work unsupervised. Excellent customer service skills are essential. Please forward CV to actionautomotive@hotmail. co.nz
BULLOCK BAR - BOTTLE STORE. Best value spirits, Dewars, Stihl Vodka and Gilbeys Gin 2 for $60. Speights 24’s $35.99.
FREE DELIVERY FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE from Francesca’s pizzas. Wood fired pizzas $10 for 6” or $20 for a large 12”. Garlic bread from $5. Delivery to Wanaka and Albert town. Open Wednesday - Sunday, 4pm - 9pm. 67 Brownston Street. Call 0800 GO4PIZZA. www.francescaspizzas.com MASSAGE THERAPY - SPORTS, DEEP TISSUE, RELAXATION MASSAGE. Treatment work, stress relief. Ursula Krebs, Dipl. Massage Therapist CH/NZ. Phone 0276 602 271. Seven days. Mobile service available. BOOKKEEPING ON XERO? Or want to be on the smartest accounting system ever? PAYE and GST’s, budgeting, bill processing, reporting, to your requirements and budget! Ring Mighty Efficient on 03 443 4912 or go to www.mightyefficient. co.nz Second hand tyres from $25 +gst
Wanaka’s Best Selection
YOGA/MEDITATION: Thursdays 6:30-8pm, Hawea Flat School. $10. Robyn 0276 448 005. Come stretch then relax, great for the cold weather. LALALAND COCKTAIL BAR - open 4pm - 2.30am, 7 days a week. Level One, 99 Ardmore Street.
» W.O.F » Full Servicing »Wheel Alignment
17 Gordon Road, Wanaka
Ph 443 1755
26th June 2013
THE DRUG DEAL. Get the lowdown on why getting high is bad for our kids and our community! The Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Education shares information every parent should know on Thursday 11 July, 7.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre, gold coin entry. Come participate in the community conversation on alcohol and drugs. KEEN TO IMPROVE YOUR SKIING OR RIDING but not interested in becoming an instructor? Then this training is for you! 8 days over 8 weekends. Email: instructortraining@cardrona.com or phone/text 0212 555 929. LOUNGE SUITE FOR SALE: Red leather with chrome feet. 1 x three seater, 1 x two and a half seater and 1 x single seater. Only one year old. As new condition. $2,500 ONO. Phone 0274 743 529. FOR SWITCHED ON ELECTRICAL SERVICE phone Tony Wellman Electrical 0274 382 352.
HANDYMAN SERVICE - ANYTHING from cleaning gutters to custom built gates and fences, balustrades, pergolas, decks, engineering and repairs. Call Handy Solutions 443 4078 or 0272 080 175. WARM UP FOR ALL YOUR HEATING NEEDS - Hitachi heat pumps, Woodsman, Firenzo, Yunca, Masport, Kent and Warmington fires, electric heaters and gas fires - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. BUGGIES, PORTACOTS, CAR SEATS AND HIGHCHAIRS are available for Hire Big Tums Little Bums, ph 443 2340. CASH PAID FOR COW HORNS. Min. 3 inches long. Contact 0211 438 233 if you are dehorning or have any lying around farm. ASPECTS SALON AND DAY SPA need experienced massage therapists and/or beauty therapists for our busy winter season. C.V.s to feelfab@aspectswanakaspa.co.nz or 61 Brownston St, Wanaka. BOER GOATS FOR SALE. Nine in total. Located in Hawea. Phone 03 750 0073.
WANTED: DUTY MANAGERS FOR A busy winter at Mint Bar! Experience necessary, personality a must, DM Certificate a bonus. Bring your CV into Base Backpackers on 73 Brownston St or email to wanakagm@stayatbase.com GET TO THE FUN WITH YELLO! Treble Cone and Cardrona. Door to door, day return. Adult $35, child $28. Ph 0800 443 5555. GARAGE SALE AT 33 DUNGARVON ST, next to YHA on Sunday 30th June 9-1pm. Snow chains, duvet, snowboard and boots, electric blanket, womens clothes, shoes etc. LUGGATE HOTEL HAS TONY KERR PLAYING after the rugby Saturday 29th June. Come out have a meal, watch the rugby, and then be entertained by Tony. Looking after the locals since 1867. STRONG AND CAPABLE, 18 YR OLD LOCAL MALE needs work. Student home until 22 July. Able to invoice. Good local references. 3 hours to 3 weeks. Interested in all work. Phone Gray Aaron 443 9011 or 0279 518 150. ACCOMMODATION OPPOSITE MERCY HOSPITAL DUNEDIN. One Bedroom studio, spacious with kitchen facilities. $90 per night. Ph 03 467 2426 or email: dijames@ihug.co.nz
FOOD CHANGES EVERYTHING. Need more energy? Ready to look and feel amazing? Get help from a Health Coach! JordanSpencerHealthCoach.com Phone 0220 881 292.
GARAGE SALE: 5/32 Brownston St, June 30 at 10am. Fill-abag: Girl’s (3-4 y/o) and adult’s clothes, shoes, books, furnitures, snowboard, scanner etc.
ADVANTAGE BUILD LTD. Professional home builders, quality renovations, stunning landscaping. All work considered. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nevan Jefferies ph 0272 119 966.
DUE TO A FIRE AT FITZY’S WE WILL SADLY BE shut for the next few weeks for refurbs, but don’t worry, our good friends up at Opium are hosting our live acts Sunday to Thursday. This week is Aloha or Die on Tuesday, Civilian Sol on Wednesday, Mike Kerr on Thursday, and open mic sessions on Sunday. $5 drinks all night and free entry all week long!
WANT AN “UN”REAL JOB? Train to become a Ski or Snowboard Instructor! Lots of great work opportunities here and abroad. Courses from 1-4 days per week. Phone/txt: 0212 555 929. Email: instructortraining@cardrona.com ULTIMATE RENTALS NOW IN BASE 2, 12 Helwick St. Best rental gear in Wanaka. New location, same great service!
Phone 443 7736 - Cell 027 289 3478 - www.strawmark.co.nz
VITTORIO HAIR STYLIST: Ladies, why pay “town” prices? Come out to Gordon Road for a cut and blow wave from Vittorio, for $50. Phone 443 4511.
26th June 2013
Tues 25th June Mon 1st July
THIS WEEKS SPECIALS ASSISTANT REQUIRED: We are a busy award winning Resort and we are looking for a bright, energetic person to assist in the preparation for arrivals. This part time position has varied duties including assisting with checking units, ensuring that the high standard expected is maintained. Assisting in some laundry. There are times when you will be required to take over reception duties and to the right applicant you will also fill in when the Manager is on leave. You will need an eye for detail, a bright and bubbly personality and enjoy meeting people from all over the world. For more information please phone Lynley 443 8350. ACCOMODATION REQUIRED by local single business owner from July 28. Happy to house sit or to rent a two bedroom furnished unit or home. Ph 0272 435 318. WORK CLOTHING AND WORKBOOTS - get geared up for winter - Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. KAHU YOUTH THANKS AMIGOS and all the community who came to support us at our “Takin’ over Amigos” evenings in May. Together we raised almost $1800! Thank you! NEW UNFURNISHED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE AVAILABLE for long term rental. Luggate. $260/week. Negotiable for the right people. Phone 443 8864. SNOW FARM NZ ARE OFFERING A FREE opening day on Saturday 29th June! Free entry and ski hire for all to come and experience a fun day out. Visit snowfarmnz.com or call 03 443 7542 for more details. CONGRATULATIONS TO NICOLA KING, winner of the “Romancing the Stone” raffle valued at $4,500. Wishing a wonderfully romantic evening with your prize. WAITING STAFF AND KITCHEN HAND WANTED. Must have experience. Please email your CV to Capriccio@clear.net.nz or drop it in from Saturday evening onwards. WILD EARTH, OUTDOOR KITCHEN AND CELLAR DOOR. Lunch and tastings 10am - 4pm. Goldfields Mining Centre, 803 Kawarau Gorge Road. Phone 03 445 4841, www.wildearthwines. co.nz
Cauliflower Braeburn Apples
$2.95ea $2.45/kg
Red Grapes
Fresh Southland Lamb Leg
Fresh Chicken Breast Boneless Skin On $12.95/kg Mon-Fri 8.00am – 6.30pm Sat & Sun 9.00am – 4.00pm 20 Ardmore Street Wanaka 443 0118
GURGAON, INDIA, GETS ITS NAME FROM THE traditions of the Hindu scriptures. Legend has it that Gurgaon village, located in the heart of Gurgaon city, was the ancestral village of Guru Dronacharya (or Drona), the teacher of martial arts to the Pandavas and Kauravas princes in the Indian epic of the Mahabharata. In Sanskrit, guru means “teacher” and both gram and gaon mean “village”. The ‘Dronacharya Well’ still exists within Gurgaon city, along with a village called Gurgaon. MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT MINT BAR. All standard drinks just $5 all night long! FURNISHED ROOM, WARM HOUSE - AVAILABLE WINTER. Suit couple. 15mins drive to Wanaka. Free coffee and cake. $140pw each incl exp. Phone 443 1136. Minimum stay one month. GREAT ROOM AVAILABLE FOR THERAPIST on lakefront at great rate. Sunny and quiet. Phone 0275 343 497. CAPRICCIO RESTAURANT WILL RE OPEN from their annual holidays on Saturday. PSYCHOLOGIST at Wanaka Lakes Health Centre. Experienced treating depression, eating disorders, grief, anxiety, stress and relationship issues. Phone 03 443 0747. FLY & CRUISE HOLIDAY DEALS Wanaka Flight Centre has New Caledonia, Vanuatu and Queensland cruise deals starting from $2099pp including flights! Get on board a Carnival Cruise with Wanaka Flight Centre - Phone 03 443 4101 or email wanaka@ flightcentre.co.nz to make an appointment.
26th June 2013
Mobile Workshop % ! !" % " ! " % ! ! "# # " " % ! " "# !" % " # " " % "# !" # $ $ " "
3K 'DYH 5XOH Â&#x2021; Â&#x2021;
THE DRUG DEAL. Get facts on alcohol and drugs so our children can thrive. Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Education shares information every parent should know: 11 July, 7.30pm, Lake Wanaka Centre, gold coin entry. Sponsored by local community groups. FOR SALE: PETROL WOOD ELEVATOR, brand new trailer, adjustable height $3000. Second hand rifle, 243 calibre $350. View at Hamills. Phone 0211 709 226. HAY FOR SALE. Shed stored meadow hay. Good quality small bales, $7 per bale. Phone 443 8341 evenings. MAKARORA QUIZ (SCHOOL FUNDRAISER) FRIDAY, JULY 5TH - at Makarora Tourist Centre. $5pp, teams of 4. Restaurant/Bar open for business. Come early for tea, kids welcome. Main quiz from 6.30pm-8.30pm. Raffles drawn during/after quiz. Register your team name by Thursday July 4th, email Dallas (dallywally@ gmail.com) or call 443 1532. WANAKA PHYSIO â&#x20AC;&#x201C; WINTER HOURS Mon â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sat 8am â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8pm and Sunday 12pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8pm. Satellite Clinic at Cardrona. Call 443 0734 or email admin@wanakaphysiotherapy.co.nz WANAKA FUTSAL LEAGUE - Change of dates, pre-season bonanza now 7th July and premiership kickoff 14th July. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not too late to enter your team! Contact us now - andrew@ watertightsystems.co.nz or 021 761 641 or visit our facebook page â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Wanaka Futsalâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. SKI TRANSPORT - TEN DAY PASS, door to door return to Treble Cone or Cardrona. Adult $280, child $250. Yello! 0800 443 5555. DEHUMIDIFIER WANTED. Phone Lucy 0213 217 797. WOODYS. FREE POOL EVERY DAY 4-7pm and pool comp every Thursday at 7pm, free entry and great prizes. FRANCESCAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ITALIAN KITCHEN open 7 days for lunch 12-3 and dinner from 5pm. Authentic Italian wood fired pizza, pasta, antipasti, desserts, Allpress coffee, a great wine list and Peroni on tap. Nothing on the menu over $25. Check us out on Facebook, Tripadvisor and Twitter. 93 Ardmore Street (left side of the big new building) Phone 443 5599. Dinner bookings essential. DIRTY OLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; KNIGHTS IN ASSOCIATION WITH Junkfood presents K+Lab (live) Spacedirt â&#x20AC;&#x153;Album Release Partyâ&#x20AC;? Mint Bar, Sat June 29th with support from Dirty Olâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Knights, Lil Massive & The Don. Tickets available from Dashtickets.co.nz and Base Backpackers.
BULLOCK BAR - QUIZ NIGHT EVERY WEDNESDAY from 7.30pm. Be early to get the best seats, great prizes, great fun with George and Rusty. INJURED - OLD OR NEW. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just sit around taking painkillers. Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can speed up the healing process. ACC registered injuries $20, no referral required. Ph 443 8131 Eve McGregor, Wanaka Acupuncture Clinic,19 Cliff Wilson Street. FREE DELIVERY FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE from Francescaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pizzas. Wood fired pizzas $10 for 6â&#x20AC;? or $20 for a large 12â&#x20AC;?. Garlic bread from $5. Delivery to Wanaka and Albert town. Open Wednesday - Sunday, 4pm - 9pm. 67 Brownston Street. Call 0800 GO4PIZZA. www.francescaspizzas.com WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz
112 Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka
Thinking of buying or selling?
FOR YOUR LOCAL â&#x20AC;&#x153;ECOSMARTâ&#x20AC;? QUALIFIED ELECTRICIANS phone Tony Wellman Electrical 0274 382 352.
Call First National Wanaka today
Mary-Louise Roulston 0275 610 876
03 443 0472
26th June 2013
NEED SOME SPACE? Workshop & Office Space
Containers & Household lockers Contact WorkshopRentals Rentals ContactPete PeteBullen Bullen - Storage Storage and and Workshop Mobile0274 0274 578 Mobile 578 021 021 ALBERT TOWN TAVERN Thursday $5.00 drinks and Quiz night starting on the 27th. Teams of 4, $5 per person or $15 per person including pizza, fries and garlic bread. Proceeds going to Wanaka St John Ambulance. Start at 7.00. Courtesy coach 443 4545 pick up and drop off. Drink specials. WINTER WOOLLIES: SOCKS, GLOVES, polyprops. Also our fashion range of merino tops etc. All at The Merino Story, Brownston Street. FEATURE YOUR EVENT FOR FREE in our new events section @360queenstown-wanaka.com Everything from arts and music to MTB and snow sports. BULLOCK BAR - FRIDAY THE 28TH JUNE Maggie Ruddenklau playing live after the Chiefs vs Hurricanes. DR JOHN GIBSON DC, THE MUSCLE JOINT, for in depth analysis, treatments and effective results. Thorough analysis and effective treatments for the entire body. Specialist in chronic pain/inflexibility conditions, accident/sports injuries. For consistently premium results. Do something today! ACC provider. Telephone The Muscle Joint 443 6460. MISSION WOW WINTER EVENTS - Women’s introduction to backcountry and ski touring Sat 20 and 27 July. New - Treble Cone Ski Technique and Pilates Core Circuits classes weekly from 9 July, Pisa Backcountry hut spring weekend 12-13 Oct. WOW Wellness Retreat in Canterbury 7-15 Sept. www.missionwow.org
Contact the best for your next project. Southern Land is specialist in innovative development, planning and surveying, to take your property beyond boundaries. 24 Dungarvon Street, Wanaka, Phone: 443 5577, 021 667 663 Email: contact@southernland.co.nz
WWW.SOUTHERNLAND.CO.NZ CALDER DEVELOPMENTS IS CURRENTLY SEEKING a Wanaka based trade qualified carpenter with min 5 plus years experience, required for commercial projects in the Wanaka and Cromwell areas. You will need to be experienced in all aspects of building, from foundations and tilt panels to framing to finishing. You must have your own hand tools and applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Please contact Nick on 03 443 6251 or nick@calderdevelopments.co.nz EMILY FROM WANAKLEAN DOG would like to let her clients know she will be away from 4th July until 2nd August. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Call 0275 110 282. SPLIT BOARD. SNOWBOARD FOR TOURING. 153cms, goofy. Complete package with skins, crampons and walking poles. All works. $550. Ph 0274 454 590 or 443 1609. WARM YOUR SPIRIT WITH THE SILENCE and beauty of Taizé. Wanaka Presbyterian Community Church Centre Sunday July 7, 6pm.
RETRO SKI VS ONESIE PARTY. Friday 28th June at Mint Bar. Hosted by Mistress Cheese and the Vodka Cruiser Party crew its time to dance ya butt off with some old school anthems. Treble Cone Day pass up for grabs for the best outfit or dance floor misfit on the night and heaps more instant prizes all night long!
GOT A ROOM OR COUCH TO RENT OUT? 21yr old Australian female needs a place for 7 weeks or less. Neg on price. Hit me up not fussy 0224 195 265.
HOSP NIGHT AT LALALAND with DJ Lockness on the Decks plus $4 and $5 drinks all night.
AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC REQUIRED for busy local workshop. Minimum 25 hours per week with potential to become full time. Applicants should be experienced, self-motivated and able to work unsupervised. Excellent customer service skills are essential. Please forward CV to actionautomotive@hotmail. co.nz
FOR SALE - OLDER COUCH and two armchairs. Some rips and cat scratches but otherwise ok. $100 ono. Free delivery in Wanaka. Phone 021 484 539.
CENTRAL FOR ALL YOUR ASPHALTING REQUIREMENTS Also specialising in kerbing, driveways, tennis courts, concrete, cobblestoning and chipsealing, throughout Central Otago.
Call Tony 0274 404 516 or 03 442 3212 P.O Box 906, Queenstown Email: tonymcelrea@xtra.co.nz
NCEA CLASSES ARE AVAILABLE AT KIP MCGRATH. Maths, English, Biology, Chemistry & Physics. Call Nikki 443 1547.
GURGAON, INDIA, IS CONNECTED TO DELHI via highway NH8 (an eight lane expressway) and the Delhi Metro (the world’s 13th largest metro system). The expressway runs between Delhi and Gurgaon over a distance of 28 kilometres and connects to the Delhi-Jaipur-Mumbai national highway. Buses connect Gurgaon bus station to Delhi and to cities and towns in Haryana and neighbouring states. SINGING STUDENTS OF JENN SHELTON will be showcasing their songs on Sunday 30th June at 6pm in a free concert at Federal Diner. Come and show your support to these local singers! Food and drinks available from 5.30. Call 443 5152 to book a table. PANDORA SALE - On selected charms, only for a limited time, while stocks last. Get in quick! Aspiring Jewellers, 101 Ardmore Street. Ph 03 443 2722.
26th June 2013
OPENING HOURS TUES - THURS 9am - 9pm SUN 10am - 9pm FRI, SAT & MON 9am - 10pm
(opposite New World)
ph 443 7881
NEW RELEASES Cloud Atlas Diego Fiercest Animal Rescues Beautiful Creatures Playing for Keeps Guilt Trip MAD MONDAY SUPER TUESDAY
Lego Batman: The Movie Sammy's Great Escape The Last Stand Side Effects
All weekly movies $1 All movies & games 1/2 price
SKIS COMPLETE WITH BINDINGS. Ladies K2 160cm, as new, $250. Ladies Volkl 160cm $200. Mens Fisher RC4 160cm $250. Phone 443 1713. CUSTOM DIGITAL IS WANAKA’S AUDIO VISUAL SPECIALIST. Let us customise a multi-room audio system for your home. Contact Peter Cartlidge 443 5138 or Ryan Jones 021 382 141 or www.customdigital.co.nz
2002 FORRESTER X-OVER silver 121,000km. Excellent condition 2.500cc. Careful lady owner $9,900. Phone 0272 569 045, A/h 03 217 8233.
DRINKING TOO MUCH? Want to make a start somewhere for support and help? Try ringing Women’s Support. Confidential 24/7 service. Women supporting women. Phone 443 1448. www.womenssupport.org.nz
RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS Would you like to keep your relationship together? Would you like help if your relationship is ending? Are you unsure what you want? Womens’ Support provide 24/7 confidential free support and advice. Phone 443 1448. www.womenssupport.org.nz
ASPIRING ACUPUNCTURE - www.aspiringacupuncture.co.nz - injury recovery/pain, (ACC registered), women’s health, pregnancy, digestive, respiratory health and more. Ph Jos McLean 443 6242 or 0211 639 769. Very experienced. Lake Hawea.
CHOCOLATT HAIR SALON have new Winter Hours. We will be open Mon, Wed, Thur and Fri 9-6.30pm, Tue 9-8pm. From 1st July - 30th September.
SASANOKI HAS UPGRADED the dinner menu, while the lunch menu has been kept the same. Refresh your taste buds at Sasanoki, the real stuff, bro! Ph 443 6474.
PUKKA SIGNS + DESIGN + PRINT. Get a competitive quote for your latest project.
MASSAGE BLISS! Treat your body with a deep tissue, therapeutic, healing session with Lee: ph or text 443 1447 or 0273 334 909.
FOR SALE - LEASE ON PRIME COMMERCIAL PREMISES located upstairs 3 Helwick Street, entrance near corner Ardmore street. High traffic flow and premium sign positions. Text message Greg 0274 178 434. RACERS EDGE SKI DEMO DAYS START this weekend! Extensive range with big spread of sizes. Get some fats for the big powder days. Cardies: Saturday & Tues; TC: Sunday & Monday. More info call 03 443 7882 or check our website www.racersedge.co.nz FULL DENTURE SERVICE - NEW DENTURES, repairs, relines, partial denture. Gerald Byrne Clinical. Den.Techn. Experienced and affordable. Phone 443 9433 or 0276 348 793. WANTED: SECURITY STAFF FOR MINT BAR. Must have current COA and be able to work late nights and weekends. Bring your CV into Base Backpackers on 73 Brownston St or email to wanakagm@stayatbase.com FREEVIEW SATELLITE DECODERS from $99.00. Excellent decoder, sensational price. Barnetts Radio & TV, your local satellite specialists. Phone 03 443 7961, 021 737 247 or www. wanakatv.co.nz MAZDA CAPELLA 1987 in good condition with tow bar, good tyres, manual, stereo, w.o.f till 14/12, reg till July with 253,000. $1100 ono. Ph Simon on 0278 410 879.
Computer Services Laptop & Desktop Repairs, Parts & Upgrades 20+ years Exprerience Wireless / Broadband & Other Networking Home / Business Services & Free Advice New and 2nd Hand Computers Virus & Spyware removal
Phone: 443 5717
FUN, AFFORDABLE AND EDUCATIONAL ART CLASSES for primary aged children at The Creative Space! For more information please call Anna 0220 115 880 or email thecreativespace.wanaka@gmail.com for more information. LANDSCAPING? NEED A PLAN FOR CONSENTS or just an upgrade of your section? Contact Wanaka Landscapes for a good honest appraisal - landscaping since the 1980’s. Phone 0274 595 799 or 443 9080. MONEY MANAGEMENT COURSE through Te Wananga o Aotearoa. Starts soon, Thursdays, 20 weeks, fully funded, friendly way to learn life enhancing skills. All good stuff! Get set up for later in life. Contact Myl 443 1738, 0274 439 942 or myl@xtra. co.nz MID WINTER XMAS THIS FRIDAY at Lalaland. DJ from 10pm. Prizes for best dressed, plus hot popcorn eggnog $4. ANNA VAN RIEL WOULD LIKE TO SINCERELY THANK everyone in Wanaka for your support with my Whistle and Hum USA/ Canada tour and locally made album. If I could name everyone I would take up the whole Messenger. We’re on our way! Love Anna. MOUNTAIN BIKE. TREK ASL, Rock Shox front suspension, Alpha Superlight Aluminum frame, Shimano Gears. Good condition. $500ono, ph 443 1609 or 0274 909 003. DUE TO A FIRE AT FITZY’S WE WILL SADLY BE shut for the next few weeks for refurbs, but don’t worry, our good friends up at Opium are hosting our live acts Sunday to Thursday. This week is Aloha or Die on Tuesday, Civilian Sol on Wednesday, Mike Kerr on Thursday, and open mic sessions on Sunday. $5 drinks all night and free entry all week long!
26th June 2013
MACROCARPA TIMBER FOR SALE P: 021 868 245 E: johnburkebuilder@gmail.com
TICKETS FOR THE NZ MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL are available at www.mountainfilm.net.nz - view the programme online or pick one up at Paper Plus. Choose the films you wish to see and prepare to be inspired by the most incredible storytelling right here in Wanaka next weekend 5th – 9th July. MERINO MUSTER AT SNOW FARM NZ - diary date August 17th! Be part of NZ’s largest cross country ski event. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Visit merinomuster.com or call 03 443 7542 for more info. OVEN FRESH PIES - 2 FOR $5 AT CALTEX: Steak/Mushroom, Beef/Bacon, Potato Top, Pepper Steak, Steak/Cheese. Plus.... we always have free tomato sauce for our locals! FRANCESCA’S PIZZAS AT CARDRONA!! Come visit our new trailer parked at the bottom car park at Cardrona Ski Field this winter. Open 3 pm. Grab a hot, delicious wood fired pizza after a day up the mountain. From $10. DRY KINDLING FOR SALE $10 - a banana box - delivered. Phone David 443 2740. WAITING STAFF AND KITCHEN HAND WANTED. Must have experience. Please email your CV to Capriccio@clear.net.nz or drop it in from Saturday evening onwards. LAKE HAWEA PHYSIOTHERAPY www.lakehaweaphysio.co.nz ACC and private physiotherapy treatments, therapeutic massage. Call Kaz for an appointment 443 8446 or 021 996 506. IF YOU VALUE YOUR TREES, you can trust Tree Tamers! Local since 2003, owner operated, council approved arborists. Great testimonials on our website. Free quote from Milo 0272 751 268 or www.treetamers.co.nz WANAKA HAS NEARLY REACHED ITS TV TAKEBACK QUOTA, so don’t miss out! Recycle your TV at Wanaka Wastebusters today for only $5. Open 9am-5pm, seven days. 2 DAY REST AND RENEW RETREAT. Yoga and Raw Food. 6-7th July. Residential and non-residential options. Check my website for details www.alignedtolife.com or call Christine 0276 936 300. SNOW – GOT EVERYTHING YOU NEED? Base has gloves, beanies, goggles, helmets, outerwear and more!
Phone Rodney 027 443 0876 email mac.timber@clear.net.nz BULLOCK BAR - BOTTLE STORE. Best value spirits, Dewars, Stihl Vodka and Gilbeys Gin 2 for $60. Speights 24’s $35.99. WINTER GAMES NZ VOLUNTEER INFORMATION EVENING. 5.30pm at La La Land Wanaka, Level 1, 99 Ardmore St. For further information or to RSVP please email volunteers@ wintergamesnz.com MASSIVE CLOTHING CLEARANCE SALE at The Little Shop! All clothing must go!! 40% off all clothes!! Jeans, trousers, tights, tops, singlets, dresses, jerseys and hats! It’s crazy! Rush in before the holiday makers and treat yourself. See you soon, sale starts today!! The Little Shop (beside Kai) 443 5609. FARM COTTAGE FOR RENT - 3 bedrooms phone 0274 750 051. Suit young family or couple. Available now. STRESSED? TRE CAN HELP. HOW? You will learn how to access your body’s natural way of reducing stress levels in only a few sessions. Group sessions available for anyone who has had at least one individual TRE session. Wednesdays 11am. Call Steph on 443 5878 for bookings and information. IT’S 6 IN THE MORNING AND THE coffee is hot and the café is warm only at the Hammer, Wanaka’s earliest opening café. The Hammer & Nail, Bakery & Café, 3 Cliff Wilson Street (opposite Mitre 10). Phone orders on 443 8500 welcome. WESTPAC WANAKA has a Mobile Banking Consultant who can come to you at a time that suits you for all your banking needs. Call 443 9758 or 0274 439 005 for an appointment. HARDWOOD RAILWAY SLEEPERS - good stocks on hand - $35 each. Come and see us at Placemakers in Ballantyne Road. BLAST OFF WITH MORE CASH in your pocket, when you rent from Rocket! Rocket Rental ski and board hire, 39 Helwick St. Ph 443 ROCK. STRONG AND CAPABLE, 18 YR OLD LOCAL MALE needs work. Student home until 22 July. Able to invoice. Good local references. 3 hours to 3 weeks. Interested in all work. Phone Gray Aaron 443 9011 or 0279 518 150.
Over 900 jobs completed in Central Otago
MOBILE PHONES ONLY $29.95 AT CALTEX. Plus see our range of Smartphones $89-$199: Telecom, 2 Degrees, Vodafone.
including over 340 new homes. NO standard plans, your home for your site.
26th June 2013
THE HOT CHOCOLATE CAULDRON IS BACK at Black Peak Gelato. Dutch cocoa drinking goodness. We recommend nipping it up with a wee dollop of your favourite gelato to create hot chocolate heaven.
ATTENTION THOSE WITH SPORTING INJURIES, old injuries, joint, nerve and muscle problems, head pain, poor posture, digestive, menstrual, or breathing issues. For unhappy newborns, pre or post partum pain, sporting teens and the elderly. Pre and post-surgical support or general structural WOF. Seek a diagnosis of your new or ongoing body problems. Find help at the Wanaka Osteopathic Clinic on 443 6783 or wanakaosteopathic.co.nz.
$6 pints & wine all day with live music from 4-7pm Available for private functions - call/email for enquiries Trout Bar, 151 Ardmore Street, 03 443 2600, troutbar@vodafone.co.nz
FREE ACCOMMODATION IN EXCHANGE FOR RECEPTION and laundry work some evenings and one weekend day at small motel. Cosy two bedroom house to share with couple all bills included. People skills essential, English first language, experience preferred, minimum term to October. Call/text 0275 993 007. ALL SKIFIELD STAFF - show your Staff Pass at Kodak in Helwick St and get 15% off anything printed in store. Passport and visa photos, regular prints, enlargments - 15% off all memory cards, USB pendrives, cameras bags, chargers and camera accessories. Yes Photo & Digital (Kodak) in Helwick street, Wanaka 7 days. We have the best range of cameras and lenses in the area. ASPECTS SALON AND DAY SPA need experienced massage therapists and/or beauty therapists for our busy winter season. C.V.s to feelfab@aspectswanakaspa.co.nz or 61 Brownston St, Wanaka. MASSAGE! ASPIRING MASSAGE WANAKA! Trevor Bailey. Full time Masseur since 1994. Available 7 days. 443 2993 or 0274 222 455. www.aspiringmassagewanaka.co.nz THOUGHT ABOUT BECOMING A SKI OR SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTOR? Do it now! Ski or ride on the weekends with Cardrona’s top trainers. Check out www.cardronainstructor.com or phone/text 0212 555 929. THE LAKE HAWEA COMMUNITY CENTRE is having indoor bowls this Thursday 27th June at 7.30. All welcome. SNOW FARM NZ ARE OFFERING A FREE opening day on Saturday 29th June! Free entry and ski hire for all to come and experience a fun day out. Visit snowfarmnz.com or call 03 443 7542 for more details.
18 YEAR OLD NEEDS ROOM FOR THE WINTER. Skis for NZ free ski development squad. E-mail admin@displaylighting.co.nz or phone 0272 888 395. COME IN AND GET A “WORLD CLASS TUNE” at Base Ultimate Workshop. The official workshop for the NZ Park and Pipe Team. Drop of at Base 2 or 39 Helwick Street. WYNDROK POTTERY, LAKE HAWEA. Handcrafted functional tableware to be enjoyed every day. Simple classical forms with glazes reflecting the colour and beauty of Central Otago. All original, hand thrown pieces, suitable for oven, microwave and dishwasher. 191 Lakeview Terrace, Lake Hawea. Winter: 11am 5pm weekends only or phone 443 1707. ‘JUST FISH’ IS SELLING A SELECTION OF freshly frozen free flowed Bluff fish and fresh salmon on Wednesday 12.00pm to 5.15pm at BP beside Bullock Bar entrance. Tucker 0274 376 657. STAINLESS EXPERTISE IN WANAKA. www.metalworkswanaka. co.nz Workshop, 54 Ballantyne Rd. See Ernie’s sculpture if you are wondering about workmanship. Ph 443 1760. GALLERY 33. LAST WEEK TO SEE our current exhibition. Louise McRae Top of the Lake and Jane Mitchell Postscapes. Open 7 days. www.gallery33.co.nz CAMPERVAN FOR SALE - 2011 Explorer on Mitsibushi Triton. Awesome camper, excellent condition, low kms, 2.5 TD manual. Check out TradeMe listing 601479028. Phone Steve 0273 157 383. HEALTH INSURANCE. Can you afford not to have it? Find out the cover options by phoning Bradley Nuttall Advisers. 443 2427. TONY WELLMAN ELECTRICAL TAKES PRIDE in its work and provides a switched on electrical service. Phone us on 0274 382 352. QUALIFIED LICENCED BUILDING practitioner available for all building work. Call Rusty 021 846 985.
ALBERT TOWN TAVERN - Best fish and chips in town. Ph 443 4545.
PINECONES AND SHEEP MANURE $5 a bag. Peastraw $10 a bale. Free delivery. Fundraiser for MAC students going to Vietnam. Contact Dave 0274 413 041.
WINTER WONDERLAND DISCO FUNDRAISER Friday 5th July at the Presbyterian Hall. 5 - 7 yrs 5 - 6.15pm, 7 - 11 yrs 6.30 8.15pm. Prizes for best dressed.
SALE - LADIES FASHION BOOTS, selected styles, ½ price. All other selected boots reduced by $50. 20% off all jewellery. Sale table from $40 at Shoes Unlimited, 80b Ardmore Street.
26th June 2013
BOOKKEEPING ON XERO? Or want to be on the smartest accounting system ever? PAYE and GST’s, budgeting, bill processing, reporting, to your requirements and budget! Ring Mighty Efficient on 03 443 4912 or go to www.mightyefficient. co.nz TONY WELLMAN ELECTRICAL LTD - quality workmanship from an established business with 15 years local experience. Certified Eco Smart electrican. Contact 0274 382 352 or 443 7347.
OPEN HOMES DIRECTORY 27th June - 3rd July
BAYLEYS 13 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka 8 Ruby Ridge
25% OFF WINTER CLOTHING. Trackpants, jeans, cords, leggings, L/S tees, hoodies, dresses and skirts. Sizes - new born to 8. Special rack of larger sizes $10-$40. Big Tums Little Bums, ph 443 2340.
18 Penrith Park Drive 13 Elderberry Cres 7b Little Oak Common 4 Cherry Court 87b Kings Drive 22 Scaife Place
TRANSPORT: SEASON AND 40 DAY PASS (any day) transport pass to Treble Cone - 7 days a week. $1050 full season, $700 40 days. Contact Dean 021 403 076 WHY DOES MESSENGER ADVERTISING WORK? Because your target market is searching for your ad - make it work for you. Online, by email or even over the counter. It is easy to place your advert - 11 Brownston St, Wanaka. Phone 443 7804 or www. mymessenger.co.nz. By email to messenger@printit.co.nz ROOKIE ACADEMY INSTRUCTOR TRAINING: Weekend Course: starts 13th July on T.C. Costs $400 for 5 Saturdays. Become a much better rider and skier and train towards your NZSIA/SBINZ Level 1. Contact Dean 021 403 076. LOCAL SOLO MUM DESPERATELY WANTING TO BUY a couch, dinner table and 2 sets of drawers. Any help appreciated 0275 248 858. COFFEE CURE IS EXCITED TO PROVIDE delicious coffee and yummy food at the Baby and Child Expo this Saturday from 10am. Cash only. See you there! MOUNTAIN STAFF GET $5 HOUSE DRINKS at Woodys and Bar Luga all the time. Only on presentation of a valid staff pass. CONGRATULATIONS TO NICOLA KING, winner of the “Romancing the Stone” raffle valued at $4,500. Wishing a wonderfully romantic evening with your prize. WINTER GAMES NZ 2013. 15-25 AUGUST. We are looking for fabulous volunteers to fill various roles on and off the mountain. For further information and to register your details please go www.wintergamesnz.com NORDIC HEAVENLY CINNAMON BUNS, luxuriously buttery Danish Kringle, crisp Swedish Thin Bread, delicious Gingerbread, Finnish Rye Bread made to order and our fabulous coffee to go all at Nordavia - A Nordic Specialty Bakeshop. We are Wanaka’s most stylish and innovative Bakeshop - with a fresh Nordic twist! Experience true small batch artisan breakfast breads and pastries. Nordavia - for taste - quality and excellence. Find us at the top of Frederick Street, first on the left. Look for the Reindeers! open 10am-4pm Monday to Friday. THIS SATURDAY AT OPIUM IS UK SCRATCH DJ/turntablist DJ Kommissar, playing the best in party Hip Hop, House, Electro, Breaks, Dubstep and Drum and Bass. Free entry and $5 drinks all night.
2.30pm daily
26 - 27 June
11.30 - 12.15 pm
Sat 29 June
2.00pm - 2.30pm 2.00pm - 2.30pm 3.00pm - 3.30pm 4.00pm - 4.30pm 4.00pm - 4.30pm 12.30pm - 1.00pm
Sat 29th June Sat 29th June Sat 29th June Sat 29th June Sat 29th June Sun 30th June
By Negotiation $1,975,000 $559,000 By Negotiation $550,000 $590,000
5.00pm 11.00am 12.00pm 1.00pm 2.00pm 3.00pm 4.15pm 11.00am 12.30pm 1.30pm
Wed 26 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sun 30 June Sun 30 June Sun 30 June
Auction 17/07 $655,000 $769,000 POA By Negotiation Auction 17/07 $280,000 Auction 17/07 By Negotiation $495,000
11.30 am 12.00pm 12.30pm
Sun 30th June Sun 30th June Sun 30th June
By Neg $595,000 $525,000
12.30 - 1.00pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.30 - 2.00pm 2.00 - 3.00pm 2.00 - 2.30pm 2.15 - 2.45pm
Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June
Negotiation $499,000 $537,000 $645,000 Auction $1,195,000 $259,000
2.30 - 2.45pm 2.30 - 2.45pm 10.00 - 12.45pm 11.00 - 11.30am 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm 1.30 - 2.00pm 2.30 - 3.00pm 2.30 - 2.45pm 1.30 - 2.00pm 2.30 - 2.45pm
Wed 26 June Thurs 27 June Fri 28 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sat 29 June Sun 30 June Sun 30 June
$635,000 $635,000 $635,000 By Neg $429,000 $2,250,000 By Neg $539,000 $519,000 AUCTION By Neg $635,000 AUCTION $635,000
2.30 - 3.30pm 2.30 - 3.30pm
Thurs 27th June SHOW HOME Sat 29th June SHOW HOME
BULLOCK BAR - STATE OF ORIGIN GAME 2 live on all screens after the quiz Wednesday 26th June.
HOUSEPERSONS REQUIRED: We would love you to join our busy team on Fridays and/or Saturdays. High standard of cleaning required and training will be given if needed. Great environment and good rate of pay. Please phone Lynley 443 8350.
HARCOURTS 6A Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka 85 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 133 Meadowstone Drive, Wanaka 1025 Albert Town-Lake Hawea Highway, Wanaka 26 Dale Street, Albert Town 6A Rob Roy Lane, Wanaka Unit 3 / 2348 Cardrona Valley Road 10 Pukekowhai Drive, Queensberry 38 Beacon Point Road, Wanaka 3 Mill End, Wanaka
LOCATIONS 4 Cherry Court 34 Hunter Crescent 185 Stone Street
PROFESSIONALS 40 Hedditch Street, Wanaka 14 Kamahi Street, Wanaka 7 Perrow Street, Wanaka 16 Lakeview Tce, Lake Hawea 42 Beech Street, Wanaka 8 Ruby Ridge, Wanaka 2/91 Lakeview Tc, Lake Hawea
RAY WHITE 9 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka 9 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka 9 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka 38 Beacon Point Rd, Wanaka 42 Frye Crescent, Albert Town 559 Mt Barker Rd, Wanaka 147 Stone Street, Wanaka 22 McLennan Road, Hawea Flat 31b Kings Drive, Wanaka 79 Upton Street, Wanaka 259 Lakeview Terrace, Hawea 9 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka 79 Upton Street, Wanaka 9 Sunnyside Lane, Wanaka
TURNKEY HOMES 9 Infinity Drive 9 Infinity Drive
26th June 2013
per ticket
ADULT $14.50 - CHILD $8.50
26th June 2013
Upper Clutha Messenger
Wanaka 6A Rob Roy Lane
Cheap, Cheap, Cheap and Cheerful
The owners have packed their bags and are off, so take advantage of their urgency and buy on or before Auction day, it could just be the cheapest house sold in Wanaka in a very long time! An opportunity like this does not come along often, so be in quick to snap this one up for your investment portfolio or as a first home. Close to town, easy care section, solid construction, wood fire with wetback, heat transfer system. Auction Wednesday 17th July, 1pm, Auction Room, 21 Helwick Street (unless sold prior) View www.harcourts.co.nz/WQ2014 Open Wednesday @ 5:00pm, Saturday @ 3.00pm or By Appointment Sue Grant P 03 443 7829 M 021 443 906 E: sue.grant@harcourts.co.nz Holmwood Real Estate Limited Licensed Agent REAA 2008
Contributor to realestate.co.nz
Are you thinking of selling your property?
I’m Sold!
Winter is a great time to market your property, as there are many visitors and investors looking to secure Central Otago properties.
Albert Town 40 Quinnat Street
Call me to find out about my Exclusive Marketing Package (available June/July/August)
Ursula Porter Property Consultant m 027 558 6170
ddi 03 443 0436
13 Sunnyside Lane
Auction in 2 Days!
• Owners are relocating to Auckland • Our instructions are to have this property sold before or on Friday • Near new 190m² four bedroom, two living areas, two bathroom plus study home • Mountain views • Warm with a wood burner and a heatpump • A family sized house and section that is finished to a high standard and is ready to move into
View 2.30pm, daily until Auction day
Here is potential to buy into a popular location for what may be below building cost as the current owners have clearly determined their next move.
1pm, Fri 28 June 2013 Lake Wanaka Centre 89 Ardmore St (unless sold prior)
Ross Howard
M 027 448 0176
THIS MONTHS SPECIAL: Buy 1 shirt and get the 2nd HALF PRICE
03 443 5854 www.structureformen.co.nz
26th June 2013
Upper Clutha Messenger
Lakes District
- Residential Property Collection
Bayleysâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; latest Preview magazine is available now, featuring over 30 residential properties for sale in the Lakes District. Drop into Bayleys for your free copy or view online at www.bayleys.co.nz. All properties featured in Preview will be showcased at the Lakes District Property Gala in Auckland this weekend the 28 and 29 June.
Call 03 443 5330 if you want your property included in the next edition.
After many recent successful sales, I need more listings. Please contact me if you would like your property sold.
Jarrod Frazer
M 027 251 2007 B 03 428 4255 jarrod.frazer@bayleys.co.nz
80 Ardmore Street , Wanaka 03 443 5330 www.bayleys.co.nz/wanaka
11 Brownston Street, Wanaka, New Zealand P 03 443 7804 | F 03 443 7805 printit@printit.co.nz | www.printit.co.nz