2021-2022 Handbook The Webb Schools

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student is enrolled at the end of the semester. At the time of the change, the student’s grade average in the prior course will transfer to a new course, with a .5 point boost added if the prior course was Honors, and a 1.0 point boost added if the prior course was AP or Advanced Studies. The semester grade in the new course will be determined using a weighted average of the transfer grade from the previous course and the grades earned in the new course during the remainder of the semester.

Grading System Webb utilizes a system in which academic achievement is represented by a letter grade and effort is treated separately and represented by a number. Academic grades and effort marks lead to responses and practical consequences as follows:

Academic Achievement. A+, A, A-

Excellent achievement. Honor grades.

B+ Commendable achievement. No serious deficiency; no remediation needed. B, B- Good achievement. No serious deficiency; no remediation needed. C+, C Sufficient achievement. Some significant deficiency, but student is prepared to advance in this discipline to the next level at Webb and may not repeat the course for credit. While these grades may be satisfactory for some students, they are below average for Webb. Might qualify student for academic contract with advisor. C- Flawed and deficient work; achievement satisfactory for secondary school, and credit given, but inadequate progress for advancement in this discipline at Webb without remedial or academic support work. Remediation may take any form acceptable to the department, from tutoring to summer study followed by a placement examination. Qualifies student for academic contract with advisor. D+, D, D- Excessively flawed and deficient work; passable for secondary school. Credit is earned, but the student may advance in this discipline at Webb only by repeating and passing the course. Students are customarily advised and generally required to repeat, either at Webb or through an approved program elsewhere, any course in which a grade of D has been earned. The standing of a student receiving one or more D grades will be reviewed by the faculty. 18

Re-enrollment may be withheld or denied. Qualifies student for academic contract with advisor. F Unsuccessful in completing assignments. Repeat required; no credit given. The student’s standing at Webb will be reviewed by the faculty, and the student may be denied re-enrollment. Qualifies student for academic contract with advisor.

Effort. The effort mark scale has four steps:

1. E xcellent. Student not only has met the course requirements, but also has completed assignments with unusual thought, care and diligence; has made unusual effort to overcome academic hurdles; or has expanded the scope of the learning experience to resources not formally required.

2. S atisfactory. Student has met the course requirements for the grading period with due care and diligence and has participated constructively in class activities.

3. N eeds Improvement. Student’s application and execution of course requirements have been below average. More purposeful and greater effort would likely yield improved achievement. Late and missing assignments, inattention or poor conduct in class, or failure to make good use of opportunities for study, extra help, or revision of work may singly or in combination warrant this mark. Qualifies student for academic contract with advisor. Progress Report expected.

4. P oor. Signifies academic irresponsibility. Characteristics described under the 3 rating may be present, as may frequent lateness or unexcused absences. Behaviors indicated by a 4 effort mark compromise the student’s achievement and possibility of advancement. Qualifies student for academic contract with advisor. Progress Report expected.

Characteristics by which effort is evaluated: • participation in class discussions • demonstrated willingness to learn from one’s mistakes • evidence of an intellectual curiosity • thorough and thoughtful completion of assignments • submission of assignments on time • timely arrival to class and readiness to work • seriousness of purpose shown in class and through assignments • consistent attendance in class (no unexcused absences) • positive attitude toward class 19

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