Monday, November 10, 2014

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WEATHER TONIGHT Mainly clear. Low of 32.

The Westfield News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and the surrounding Hilltowns MONDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2014

VOL. 83 NO. 263

“Hypocrisy is a fashionable vice, and all fashionable vices pass for virtues.” — Moliere

75 cents

Gun charges moved to superior court

Fuel assistance enrollment period open

By Carl E. Hartdegen Staff Writer WESTFIELD – A city man charged with assault and firearms infractions saw his charges in Westfield District Court dismissed Friday and will answer the complaints in Hampden Superior Court where more rigorous sentencing options are available. James J. McConkey, 23, of 51 Rachael Terrace had been arrested May 16, 2014, after he allegedly menaced another man with a pistol. On that day, police report, a Phelps Avenue resident had called police seeking assistance because, she said, a male

By Dan Moriarty Staff Writer WESTFIELD – Winter is fast approaching and for many residents the cold weather also brings a struggle to keep their homes warm, a concern discussed last week by the Municipal Light Board (MLB) which sets policy for the Westfield Gas & Electric Department. Annually, the MLB approves funding for two programs to assist city residents, funding in addition to federal and state home heating assistance. Last week the board debated if the current funding level for its Westfield Warm Program is adequate or if it should increase the level of funding available. The MLB, in recent years, has approved $55,000 annually to assist city residents with their winter heating gas and electric bills. Those funds are dispersed through the Valley Opportunity Council (VOC) Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and supplement state and federal funding available. VOC does not have a specific budget for city residents, the amount paid is directly proportional to the number of residents who apply and deemed eligible according to a formula developed by the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development. The Warm Program was established in 1993 to assist WG&E ratepayers experiencing financial hardship. The WG&E provides office space for a VOC representative at its 100 Elm Street business office and assistance is also available through the Salvation Army Good Neighbor Energy Program on Arnold Street a short distance from the WG&E location. Residents of neighboring communities can apply for the LIHEAP funding through the VOC counselor at the WG&E office or Salvation Army office on Arnold Street. Ward 6 Commissioner Robert Sacco asked WG&E General Manager Dan Howard if the Warm Program funding has kept up with inflation as the cost of natural gas and electricity, generated by gas fueled plants. “Has the grant amount increased?,” Sacco asked. “Ten years ago Warm may have provided a resident with $150 to pay a $200 monthly bill, but now that same resident might be seeing a $700 monthly bill.” Howard said the financial aid

See Charges, Page 3

James J. McConkey

Gene Theroux, front center, commander of Westfield American Legion Post 124, leads members of the post during last year’s Westfield Veterans’ Day Parade and Ceremony. (File photo by Frederick Gore)

Veterans Day services set for city, Southwick By Hope E. Tremblay Staff Writer Westfield and Southwick will commemorate Veterans Day tomorrow with ceremonies and parades. In Southwick, a short parade is set to take place from the Summer House down College Highway to the town’s War Memorial on the Green at the corner of Depot Street. Town officials and veterans will meet at the Summer House at 9:30 a.m. and a ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. at the newly renovated War Memorial. Westfield veterans organizations and city officials will gather at 10:30 a.m. in front of the main branch of Westfield Bank on Elm Street and begin the parade.

The parade will follow Elm Street south to Parker Memorial Park on West Silver Street. The ceremony is hosted by the American Legion Posts 454. A memorial service will be held at Parker Memorial Park at about 11 a.m. The 104th Air National Guard of Westfield will participate in a special luncheon for 17 Heritage Woods Assisted Living veterans tomorrow at noon, and Westfield Veterans Services Director Bobby Callahan will speak to veterans in an area nursing home. The next veteran event scheduled in Westfield is a Pearl Harbor Ceremony at Kane & Wojtkiewicz Park hosted by American Legion Post 124 Dec. 7 at 10:00 a.m.

Bust may involve seized $1.1 million By Carl E. Hartdegen Staff Writer WESTFIELD – A city man whose activities served as a catalyst – at least – for the seizure last month of about 118 pounds of marijuana and more than $1.1 million in cash was himself arrested Friday morning on what may be unrelated narcotics charges. City police have stated that an investigation into alleged narcotics trafficking by Dennis Leo Blair, 38, of 19 Shepard St., began more than a year ago and the city officers received assistance from the Eastern Hampden County Narcotics Task Force. City detectives, assisted by officers from the task force and representatives of the federal Drug Enforcement Agency, made their move early in the morning of Friday, Oct. 17, when officers followed Blair as he drove away from his home. Not only were they armed with a warrant, they also knew that Blair’s license to drive had been suspended so DENNIS L. BLAIR they were able to stop and arrest him at their leisure. With Blair in custody, the officers continued to a self-storage facility on Springfield Road in Agawam where he was known to rent a unit and a warrant was executed. While officers were on the scene at the storage business, a vehicle drove in but immediately left at a high rate of speed, presumably after the operator saw the officers in the storage yard. Officers gave chase to the fleeing vehicle and caught up to it in Suffield, Conn., after the operator had abandoned the car and fled. The officers were able to determine who owned the car and a cross-check at the storage company revealed that the owner of the car also rented a storage locker there. The K-9 team from Southwick was asked to assist and Officer Tom Krutka and his partner, ‘Jax’, responded. Jax immediately found something of interest and city detectives secured the storage locker while

More than 100 pounds of marijuana and more than $1 million in cash seized in Agawam Oct. 17 may be connected to a city man arrested on narcotics charges Friday. (File photo by Carl E. Hartdegen) other members of the task force sought a warrant. With a warrant in hand, the locker was opened and large amounts of marijuana and money were found. “It was amazing” one participant said later, “it (the contraband) was all over the place in hockey bags.” The contraband was transported to the Agawam police station where it was inventoried. The money reportedly totaled $1.17 million and the marijuana was found to be “118 pounds of high quality marijuana with an estimated street value of $384,000.” Officers apparently have not been able to connect Blair with the suspect who fled and they may not, in fact, have any connection. At least one officer has speculated that the missing man’s appearance at the storage facility may have been prompted by the telephone call Blair made when he was booked on the motor vehicle charge. Blair’s arrest Friday morning was based on what was found in his home and storage unit when the original warrant was executed that

See Assistance, Page 3

day. Det. James Renaudette reports that when Blair’s home was searched, contraband found included five individually wrapped bags of marijuana, small amounts of crack cocaine, packaging material for both marijuana and cocaine and “3 used, gallon-size Zip-loc bags that contained a green-leafy matter.” In the storage locker, Renaudette reports, officers found marijuana growing equipment and chemicals, more packaging materials, scales with traces of cocaine, three marijuana pipes and three bags of marijuana. Also in the storage unit was a Cadillac Escalade and two cellphones. Renaudette found that Blair had been convicted, in Hampden Superior Court in 2012, of possession with intent to distribute both Class B (cocaine) and Class D (marijuana) substances. Renaudette noted that Blair has a history of defaulting on court appearances so a warrant was See Bust, Page 3

Dan Howard WG&E General Manager

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