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The Westfield News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and the surrounding Hilltowns
Decreasing clouds. Low of 28.
VOL. 83 NO. 269
See Abuse, Page 5
‘Falco’, the Westfield Police Department’s second police dog, will retire with seven years on the force and his partner, Officer Chris Coach, will train a new dog to replace him. Falco will continue to live with Coach during his retirement. (Photo by Carl E. Hartdegen)
— Ayn Rand
75 cents
Businesses give 2 cents on falling gas, oil prices
Sexual abuse allegations asserted by city woman By SCOTT MERZBACH Daily Hampshire Gazette Writer HOLYOKE — Allegations of sexual abuse by a former swimming coach at the Greater Holyoke YMCA publicized in a magazine article prompted the organization to issue a notice to its members Sunday about how it is upholding its responsibility to children and their families. “Under the circumstances, we feel it is appropriate to affirm our commitment to keeping kids safe,” Greater Holyoke YMCA CEO Kathy Viens wrote in a memo, responding to what she terms “disturbing allegations.” The article in the December issue of Outside details alleged abuse by a former head coach against a Westfield girl that began in 2008 when she was 13. Viens wrote that the YMCA was notified about the allegations against the coach in December 2011, immediately placed him on leave and filed a report with the state, before terminating his employment in July 2012. The Holyoke Police Department learned of the allegations in December 2011 but concluded they did not have enough evidence to bring charges, according to Outside. The Outside piece states that the
“The upper classes are merely a nation’s past; the middle class is its future.”
Westfield Deputy Fire Chief Patrick Kane tends to the homeowners of 75 Wildflower Circle after the fire on Saturday night. (Photo by Liam Sheehan)
Nobody hurt in fire By Carl E. Hartdegen Staff Writer WESTFIELD – Nobody was injured Saturday evening when a fire broke out in the upper floor of a house at 75 Wildflower Circle. City firefighters responded to the alarm and found a fire burning in the attic area. Nobody was at home at the time of the blaze which broke through the roof before firefighters were able to extinguish the fire. Deputy Chief Patrick Egloff said that the cause of the fire has not been determined but said a State Police investigator attached to the See Fire, Page 5
Westfield firefighters Lee Kozikowski and Steven Makos hose down a burning house at 75 Wildflower Circle Saturday night. (Photo by Liam Sheehan)
By Peter Francis Staff Writer WESTFIELD – Chuck Kelly, owner of Court Street’s Flowers by Webster and a self-avowed “micro businessman” is always looking to find economical solutions to everyday business problems. He’s even gone so far as to purchase two Ford Transit vans to deliver his beautiful bouquets to customers from his floral shops in Westfield and West Springfield. Purchasing more fuel efficient vehicles can ease the usage of gasoline, the high price of fuel still has an adverse effect on the bottom line for a business. So when gasoline dips below $2.90 per gallon as it has all over Westfield, with some stations charging as low as $2.82 for a gallon of regular unleaded, what has the reaction been from local businesspeople? So far, what one might expect. “It’s great. Everybodies loving it,” said Kelly. “If I was to think about how many miles my wife and I drive, between our personal vehicles and work, I’d say we do about 60,000 miles a year just for floral related business.” Kelly stated that the two Transit vans cover 20,000 miles apiece, delivering to as far east as Wilbraham from the West Springfield shop and as far west as Chester from the Westfield shop. They’ve also delivered as far north as Florence and as far south as Granby, See Falling Prices, Page 8
New dogs augment police K-9 program By Carl E. Hartdegen Staff Writer WESTFIELD – A pair of city police officers are traveling to Western Pennsylvania this week and will return with two new dogs who will double the size of their department’s K-9 unit. Police Chief John Camerota apprised the police commissioners of the plan at their meeting last week. He told the commissioners that “we found it was a good idea to have a second canine in the department” and went on to say “Capt. (Michael) McCabe and the K-9 (officer) candidate found a grant that really pays for the second canine. It covers all expenses – $25,000.”
He also said that while researching the situation the officers found that “our existing canine is now seven years into service and is ready to retire. So, through our K-9 gift account, we actually have the funds to replace that dog.” “So, we’re going to move on training two new dogs” he said. He said that the proposal for a second dog came from Officer Steven Carrington who, he said was a K-9 handler in the military and put a lot of time and effort into his proposal. He is “head and shoulders above everybody else who is interested”, Camerota said. He said that with the retirement of ‘Falco’, the department’s existing police
dog, his handler, Officer Christopher Coach, will be available to handle a replacement dog. He said that the dogs will be selected and trained by a program offered by Berkshire County Sheriff Capt. Dwayne Foisey who will meet the officers at Shallow Creek Kennels in Pennsylvania and select the dogs for them. According to its website, the kennel specializes in Belgian Malinois, Dutch shepherd and German shepherd dogs but also offers Labrador retrievers, German shorthair pointers and other sporting breeds. McCabe explained that the officers will See K-9 Program, Page 5
Brewing company, brew supply shop, open doors By Hope E. Tremblay Staff Writer SOUTHWICK – Customers poured into the Westfield River Brewing Co. and Skyline Hop Shop when its doors officially opened for business Wednesday. Westfield River Brewing Co. (WRB) owner Sergio Bonavita has been through opening days before and took it all in stride but he wasn’t expecting the crowd that flowed in throughout the afternoon on a soft opening day. “I’ve spent the last two months locked up in here making beer,” said Bonavita. Craft beers were plentiful at WRB, with 10 taps offering a variety of brews, nine of which Bonavita brewed himself. One guest tap featured a beer from Staten Island, New York, while others taps offered WRB
favorites such as Charlie In the Rye and its Pale Ale. New offerings included Humble Pie, a very light apple cider beer brewed with cider from Bashista Orchards in Southampton. Big Red Barn, named for WRB’s new home, was made especially for the opening, and a Coffee Stout should give coffee and beer lovers something to get excited about. “It’s a cold brewed coffee blended with milk stout,” Bonavita said. For Bonavita, opening day is just the beginning, especially now that WRB is becoming a much more public place. In its previous Westfield location, WRB was a bit off the beaten path and was open for tastings and take-out with more limited hours than when it is open now. WRB is open Wednesday thorugh Saturday from 12-8 p.m. and Sundays from
12-4 p.m. for consumption at the bar. Purchasing cans of beer and filling growlers can be done any time Bonavita is on-site, which he said is almost daily starting in the morning. The new WRB also has the addition of the Skyline Hop Shop, a home brewer’s supply shop and an in-house restaurant, owned by shop partners Lisa Pac and Daniel Osella. Osella, a trained chef, created a simple pub menu featuring as many locally grown, fresh ingredients as possible. He also owns a hot dog cart, which will be available on-site when weather permits. The menu includes a variety of grilled cheese and hot dog options that are not your average weiners and sandwiches. Osella bakes his own fresh bread and uses toppings such as See Brewing Company, Page 8
Bill Harry, of Palmer, selects a beer brewing flavor during the grand opening of the Skyline Hop Shop at the Westfield River Brewing Company at 707 College Highway in Southwick. The brewery and hop shop are located inside the former Chuck’s Steak House. (Photo by Frederick Gore)