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The Westfield News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and the surrounding Hilltowns
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Modified subdivision request approved
Council votes to continue aquifer ordinance hearing By Dan Moriarty Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The City Council voted Thursday night to continue its public hearing on proposed amendments to the city’s aquifer protection ordinance. The council took that action in case the Planning Board, which continued its hearing Tuesday night, makes substantial changes to the proposed amendment as part of its recommendation to the City Council. The proposed amendment strengthens aquifer protection elements of the city’s zoning codes, said Ward 4 Councilor Mary O’Connell. “I see this as a win-win situation,” O’Connell, chairwoman of the council’s Natural Resource Committee which has been working on the ordinance amendment, said Thursday night. “The Barnes Aquifer Protection Advisory Committee (BAPAC) requested the city, in 2007, to update the aquifer protection ordinance,” O’Connell said, adding that the proposed revision will extend the ordinance restrictions to a whole parcel of land if any portion of that property falls within the aquifer overlay district and that it sets a limit on the amount of impervious surface allowed on a parcel. The current ordinance has no limit; the proposed amendment would set that limit at 65 percent of the total acreage. Impervious surfaces are typically buildings, driveway and parking areas. “That impervious surface limit is a big win for aquifer protection,” O’Connell said. The revision will also allow, through a special permit review process by the Planning Board, commercial development on less than two acres of land, a requirement of the current ordinance. Some types of commercial enterprises, such as self-storage, would be banned because of the lack of information about materials being stored. The concern is that somebody could store hazardous material in that type of facility and then walk away to avoid the cost of property disposal. “We are protecting more of the aquifer, that’s the attraction to me,” O’Connell said, “and I like the portions that require a special permit for (commercial development) on less than two acres.” The hearing will be continued to the Dec. 18 meeting. The Planning Board is slated to meet on Dec. 16 and could make its recommendation on the proposed ordinance change to the City Council at that meeting.
— Kathleen Norris
VOL. 83 NO. 284
“Disconnecting from change does not recapture the past. It loses the future.”
Raising cancer awareness Elizabeth Marcyoniak, second from right, reads a prepared statement to attendees of a cancer awareness fundraiser at Tuckers Restaurant Tuesday evening as part of a Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate Tasting Event to raise awareness of lung cancer. Joining Marcyoniak is family member Amy Caruso, right, daughter of the late Marylin Liptak, who passed away from lung cancer in September 2011. The event was spearheaded by the family of Marylin Liptak with proceeds benefiting the Sister Caritas Cancer Center at Mercy Medical Center in Springfield. (Photo by Frederick Gore)
By Peter Francis Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The city’s Zoning Board of Appeals met Tuesday evening to come to a decision on a matter that has become a real sticking point for residents on the north side of town. Former City Councilor Gerald Tracy had been attempting to get a variance on a 7.3 acre parcel of land owned by his late father-in-law on 0 Dox Road located atop the Barnes Aquifer to subdivide it into eight nearly one-acre lots as per the wishes of a will. Numerous residents were in attendance to protest the variance, including attorney Mark Beglane, who was on hand representing several residents. The board also received a letter from the Barnes Aquifer Protection Advisory Committee (BAPAC), which recommended the ZBA not grant the variance for eight lots. Midway through the contentious hearing, Tracy opted to change his application from eight 0.9-acre subdivisions to four 1.8-acre lots, which proved to be something the board could live with. In a unanimous decision, the ZBA approved Tracy’s application to subdivide the parcel into four lots, saying that rejecting the measure would allow him to build only one less house See Subdivision, Page 5
Attendees of a cancer awareness fundraiser sponsored by the family of the late Marylin Liptak who passed away from lung cancer in September 2011, gathered at Tuckers Restaurant Tuesday night for a Wine, Cheese and Chocolate Tasting event to raise awareness of lung cancer. Proceeds of the event will benefit the Sister Caritas Cancer Center at Mercy Medical Center. (Photo by Frederick Gore)
Westfield State Advancement Committee holds first meeting By Peter Francis Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The Advancement Committee of Westfield State University’s Board of Trustees held it’s inaugural meeting Wednesday afternoon. With goals of providing oversight of university advancement and facilitating board and boardmember participation in advancement, resource development and fundraising activities, the committee distributed a memorandum of understanding and discussed ways to further engage their vast network of alumni throughout Massachusetts, New England and beyond. “We, as a brand new committee, are in a unique position to help the university build upon the framework that has been established,” said Committee Chairman Robert
Johnson, one of the newest members of the university’s Board of Trustees. The advancement committee consists of five trustees – Johnson, James Hagan, Madeline Landrau, Robert Martin and Kevin Queenin. Vice President of University Advancement Kenneth Lemanski, Executive Director of University Advancement Michael Knapik and Director of Alumni Relations Kathi Bradford spoke to the committee about advancement and university relations, laying out initiatives, goals and future plans for AUR. Bradford updated the committee on an ongoing phone-a-thon which will run until the end of December, that has already completed 37 percent of their calls in the past three days
U.S. Postal customers to get expanded services SPRINGFIELD — The U.S. Postal Service wants the season to be merry and bright for our customers this year. To help with the hustle of the holidays, select Post Offices in Massachusetts will open for four hours on the three Sundays leading up to Christmas Day — Dec. 7, 14 and 21, from 1 5 p.m. – for full retail services, including stamp sales and package acceptance. During Holiday 2013, the Postal Service delivered 434 million packages and 6.4 billion pieces of First-Class Mail across the nation. Due to continued e-commerce growth and improvements to the Priority Mail product line, the Postal Service is expecting double-digit growth in its package business this holiday season, likely in the range of 450 to 470 million packages. That equates to roughly 12 percent growth over the same period last year. Improved Priority Mail tracking and text alerts introduced this year are important
See WSU, Page 5
See Services, Page 5
Gateway towns meet with state ed reps
Gateway Regional High School
By Peter Francis Staff Writer HUNTINGTON – Members of the Gateway Regional School District Administration, School Committee and over 100 concerned residents of the district’s member towns packed the auditorium of Gateway Regional High School Wednesday evening for the long-awaited needs conference with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The purpose of the conference was to evaluate and assess the impact of the departure of the town of Worthington from the
district. Worjtington began the process of withdrawing from the district earlier this year. Thursday evening, members of the school committee and administration gave their take on how the meeting went with Christine Lynch and Jay Sullivan, governance and facilities program manager and executive director of school finance and district support center, respectively, for DESE. “I think last night’s meeting went really well,” said School Committee Chair Michelle Crane. “I felt we had pretty good attendance and the back and forth with DESE was pretty good. People had a lot of
positive things to say about the district.” Crane said that parents and town officials were “very good” about articulating the financial challenges the district would face in the event Worthington goes to another regional district. “The DESE were really able to get a good picture about how the local people felt,” she said. “About 30 people spoke during the conference,” said Stephanie Fisk, business manager for Gateway Regional, adding that those in attendance included residents with See Gateway, Page 3