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The Westfield News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and the surrounding Hilltowns
Chance of showers. Low of 36.
By Hope E. Tremblay Staff Writer SOUTHWICK – Lynn Gingris is working hard to bring teens back to the library. The new Southwick Public Library Young Adult Librarian, Gingris said she is working on new programs she hopes to implement at the end of the month to create excitement about the library. “Kids love to come to the library as children, but teens often are less interested,” said Gingris, who is currently earning her Masters in Library Science. The first teen-related program scheduled is the Teen Lounge Nov. 12 from 3-4 p.m. This is a monthly event for students in grades 7-12. Gingris said Teen Lounge is open to all students in those grades, not just Southwick residents. She hopes to have a group of regular participants who will spread the word about what the Southwick Public Library has to offer. Students can play the Wii or make a craft or just get together and talk. Gingris said it’s a great way to re-introduce teens to the library. “Teens are just so busy,” she said. “They have jobs and sports and extra-curricular activities See Teens, Page 3
Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. local go back one hour.
Library hopes to attract teens
time Sunday. Clocks
VOL. 83 NO. 257
A reminder:
75 cents
Gas Light work wrapping up for winter Although Hampden County Physicians Associates has closed due to bankruptcy, most local patients will be able to continue to be treated by the same doctors in the same locations. (Photo by Carl E. Hartdegen)
Medical group bankrupt, patients still being treated By Carl E. Hartdegen Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The parent company of two local medical offices has closed due to bankruptcy but apparently the practices will continue to treat patients without interruption. Calls to the offices in Southwick and Westfield of Hampden County Physician Associates Friday (during the regular business hours reported by the recorded answering message) were answered by a recording which listed the regular business hours of the practices and invited patients seeking to refill a prescription or to schedule an appointment to call back during those business hours. Persistence allowed a caller to reach an answering service operator who said simply that the practice was then closed and recommended calling again on Monday with non-emergency business. However, a visit to the College Highway practice found the office open and keeping appointments with patients. While staff there was unwilling to discuss the HCPA bankruptcy, a staffer said that patients will not be affected. A spokesperson said that patient appointments will be honored at the usual location. “As a patient you are fine” she said, “you won’t notice anything.” The HCPA web site ( offers a notice on its home page which states “Hampden County Physician Associates is in the process of winding down its business.” Additional investigation reveals that the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on Oct. 2 of this year. The company had reportedly employed 68 health care professionals (including at least 38 physicians) working in 14 offices and one urgent care clinic who served
about 55,000 patients. The posting on the company’s web page states “The physicians at HCPA are presently making arrangements for office space in Hampden County. Many hope to stay at their current location.” The message goes on to say “HCPA’s office locations will be closed to patients as of 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 31, 2014.” The wording of the message posted on the web site suggests that the document is a letter sent to patients but this writr, who is a patient of a physician who has been practicing at the Southwick HCPA location, did not receive it. The posted message states “physicians will be on-call this weekend and next week until office arrangements are in place.” “Your individual physicians will continue to be available for routine questions and concerns. You can contact your doctor through the patient portal at, or by calling the number for your usual office. Your call will be routed to our answering service, which will alert your doctor, and he or she will return your call as soon as possible.” The posting suggests that patients may choose to continue to be treated by their physicians who formerly were employed by HCPA but promises that patients who choose to select a new doctor may “contact your current provider and he or she will make arrangements to transfer your records, or provide you with a copy of your records, upon receipt of your written authorization.” The message lists the number of the administrative offices for the company in Springfield for questions but, although the recorded answering message offers an operator, an attempt to reach one yielded only an opportunity to leave a message for an operator.
By Dan Moriarty Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The ongoing Gaslight District project will be shut down for the winter after the current phase when reconstruction of School and Central streets is concluded in November. City Engineer Mark Cressotti said Friday that paving of School and Central streets is slated to begin on Wednesday, Nov. 5, weather permitting. The contractor, Gagliarducci Construction MARK Inc. of Springfield, will continue during November to replace sidewalks along Central CRESSOTTI Street, Cressotti said, but that the contractor City Engineer will only patch the sidewalks along School Street. “There is a lot of conduit work to be done under the School Street sidewalks during the spring construction season next year,” Cressotti said. “My understanding is that the contractor will shut down for the winter.” The $5.9 million Gas Light District Improvement Project, which encompasses the area between Elm Street on the east, and Washington Street on the west, Franklin Street on the north and Court Street on the south, began last June. The project also includes replacement of some sewers, among the oldest in the city, and associated work to tie buildings and homes into the new sewer system. The infrastructure is being upgraded to improve the quality of life for residents within the district and to position the city for economic development downtown. The work will also improve and enhance pedestrian movement between the municipal parking facilities and the city’s downtown commercial and entertainment district. The off-street parking facilities off Arnold, Franklin and Church streets will be reconfigured and improved. Those reconfigurations will also support the Elm Street commercial and transportation projects and the eventual construction of a multistory parking garage. A new street will be constructed through the Arnold Street municipal parking lot at an offset with Summer Street and the See Gas Light, Page 3
Contractors work near the intersection of School and Washington Streets as part of the new Gaslight District project in September. (File photo by Frederick Gore)
Hearings slated for Columbia Greenway By Dan Moriarty Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The state Department of Transportation will conduct a public hearing on the Columbia Greenway North rail trail and bridge project to provide the public with the opportunity to become fully acquainted with the proposed Columbia Greenway – North project. The design public hearing is slated for Nov. 13 at 6:30 p.m. and will be held in the City Council Chambers of City Hall at 59 Court Street. The proposed project begins at the Cowles Court Access Ramp and ends just after the Westfield River Bridge. The project includes rehabilitation of the former Pioneer Valley Railroad Bridge over the Westfield River. The total project length is approximately 853 ft. or 0.16 miles. Elements of the project include installing a new cement concrete bridge deck measuring 10 feet in width and rehabilitating the bridge abutments and cen-
ter pier. The Westfield Engineering Department and the Columbia Greenway engineering consultants, VHB and Tighe & Bond, will also conduct an informational hearing on construction of the next segment of the Columbia Greenway from East Silver Street to the area of Main Street following the DOT hearing. City Engineer Mark Cressotti said the DOT hearing is specific only to the North Phase and is expected to end around 8 p.m. “After the DOT has closed its hearing, we will open an information hearing to talk about what’s left for the Columbia Greenway construction, The Westfield River Levee multi-use trail and the Planning Board’s master plan for pedestrian and bicyclist accommodations citywide,” Cressotti said. The city has received a $2 million grant from the state Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs for the next phase of Columbia Greenway construction
which includes installation of a new bridge and proposed construction of a 25-foot-long underpass, connecting two neighborhoods to be installed under the raised rail of the former New Haven to Northampton Railroad. The phase will RALPH FIGY include construction of a bridge with a 14-foot-six inch clearance over East Silver Street and underpass for a multiuse trail connecting the Hedges Avenue/St. Dennis Street neighborhood with the Taylor Avenue/Ashley Street neighborhood. Ward 2 Councilor Ralph Figy, in whose ward much of the Columbia Greenway is located, said Friday that he excited about See Hearings, Page 3
Westfield Mayor Daniel M. Knapik rides past a host of dignitaries and guests as part of the Columbiay Greenway Rail Trail South Phase II trail opening ceremony on October 10. The ribboncutting ceremony was staged at the new East Silver Street access ramp. Earlier that morning, Knapik received notice of a $2 million grant amendment from the state’s Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs for further construction of the city’s rail trail. (File photo by Frederick Gore)