Thursday, December 4, 2014

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WEATHER TONIGHT Mainly clear. Cold. Low of 16.

The Westfield News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and the surrounding Hilltowns THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2014

VOL. 83 NO. 282

“A person reveals

his character by nothing so clearly as the joke he resents.” — Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

75 cents

Serious car crash closes road in Russell

Solar array Dan Howard of the Westfield Gas and Electric Light Department, Joe Rouse of the city’s Health Department, Emma Kosciak, manager of solar development for Citizens Energy Corporation and Westfield Mayor Daniel Knapik ceremonially break the ground at the site of the solar array under construction at the city’s former Twiss Street landfill. (Photo by

RUSSELL (WWLP) – One person was seriously injured after a one-car accident on General Knox Road last night. Massachusetts State police told 22News that they dispatched their accident reconstruction team to General Knox Road about 5:15 p.m. yesterday. The driver, a 33-year-old man from Russell, was seriously hurt and brought to Baystate Medical Center. Several fire rescue personnel were involved See Car Crash, Page 3

Carl E. Hartdegen)

‘Imagine Learning’ at Highland

Abner Gibbs elementary school

Elementary school principals give update By Peter Francis Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The principals of Abner Gibbs, Franklin Avenue and Highland elementary schools went before the Westfield School Committee last night at City Hall to lay out their plans to maintain academic progress. Principals Chris Rodgers, Fran St.Pierre and James Keefe of Abner Gibbs, Franklin Ave. and Highland respectively, based their strategies on a district-wide template for “continuous improvement”. “All of our kindergarten through fifth-grade teachers are implementing our strategies drawn from the Bay State Reading Institute (BSRI),” said Rodgers, who served as principal at North Middle School prior to Abner Gibbs. “If you go into any of our classrooms during the literacy block, you’re seeing whole group instruction and then breaking into outstanding learning centers that are differentiated by really high levels of student collaboration.” Rodgers also said that BRSi representatives have praised the efforts of his staff for their work. “They said they were so impressed because our fourth- and fifth-grade teachers are doing this for the very first time, and they’re farther along than some districts they work with, who are in year two or three,” he said. “We’re going to utilize any feedback they (BSRI) have to improve and make our instruction better for our kids.” “When I went down to Abner, one of the first things out of my mouth was ‘where are all my computer labs?’” he said. “North had six or seven and Abner had one at the time, but we’re making the best of it.” Rodgers stated that the school is utilizing data to assign technology to “areas of biggest need”, adding that he’d like to place See Elementary Schools, Page 8

By Peter Francis Staff Writer WESTFIELD – Following presentations by Abner Gibbs and Franklin Avenue Elementary School Principals Chris Rodgers and Fran St. Pierre before the Westfield School Committee Monday evening, Highland Elementary School Principal James Kane also addressed his school’s progress. Programs such as Imagine Learning have played a major role in Highland’s school year thus far, earning them a major distinction. “Highland has been using (Imagine) for the past three years and this year Highland was awarded the 2014 Imagine Nation Top 50 School award,” said Kane. “We’re one of the top 50 schools in the country using the Imagine Learning software. It’s been utilized during our extended day program and summer school program, which serviced over 200 students.” He added that the school has 200 program licenses for it’s student body, one of the most diverse in the city. “Our demographics changed considerably over the past three or four years. The level of need with our families and the greater school community is growing at an alarming rate,” said Kane. “We’re helping our families with clothing, gift cards and food items year round.” Kane stated that the school counts students from Bhutan, Syria, Iraq and several families from Sri Lanka as recent additions to the school’s student body, which already has a considerable Russian population. See Imagine, Page 8

Kate McKenna, the coordinator of the Imagine Learning computer lab at Highland Elementary School, works with third grader Junhau “Henry” Wang, 8. (Photo by Carl E. Hartdegen)

Holiday concert to benefit Noble oncology By Peter Francis Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The Oncology Department at Westfield’s Noble Hospital is hoping to receive a big boost this holiday season, as Springfield’s St. George Greek Orthodox Cathedral is holding their 29th Annual Christmas Concert to raise funds for the hospital’s cancer facilities. The concert will be held on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at the cathedral, which is located at 22 St. George Road, Memorial Square in Springfield. Set to perform are Westfield State

University’s Grand Chorale and Wind Symphony, St. George Cathedral’s Grand Chorale and the Longmeadow High School Lyrics. Tickets for the event are $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12. A reception with Greek pastries will be provided following the concert. St. George Cathedral’s Rev. Christopher Stamas, said yesterday that he is excited for the upcoming concert and believes it will surpass last year’s fundraising total of roughly $5,000. “It’s a wonderful event and we’re expect-

ing it to be the biggest one yet this year,” said Stamas. “Since 1985, this concert has always been dedicated to helping cancer research, treatment, assisting people who have cancer and making their experience more pleasant.” Stamas has been in Springfield for 13 years and said that this event has been a crucial part of his parish’s Christmas season. “One of our parishoners, Peter Demos, was a professor of Music over there See Holiday Concert, Page 3

Board continues aquifer change hearing By Dan Moriarty Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The Planning Board voted Tuesday night to continue its public hearing for a proposed amendment to the city’s water protection (Zone II) overlay district zoning regulation. The board took that action to further investiMARY L. gate questions raised during O’CONNELL the 90-minute session, questions raised by the board members, as well as citizens speaking during the hearing. See Hearing, Page 3

BYOB request denied, liquor regs approved By Hope E. Tremblay Staff Writer SOUTHWICK – The Board of Selectmen voted against a Bring Your Own Bottle (BYOB) request this week and approved creating a policy against the practice. Last week, a new business owner approached the board with the request, which they tabled until this week when all three board members were present. Police Chief David Ricardi offered his thoughts via a letter and said if the board did not address the BYOB issue, it would be legal by default. “We both told (the owner) BYOB wasn’t something we’re interested in for Southwick,” said Chairman Russell Fox. Selectwoman Tracy Cesan asked if the rest of the board was completely against BYOB or if it wanted to have a policy that allowed for a limited amount of alcohol to be brought into an establishment. Selectman Joseph Deedy said the board took a stance on alcohol last spring and he did not want to stray from that. “We already took a position with Ocean State about booze in this town,” said Deedy. Earlier this year, Ocean State Job Lot applied for a license to sell beer and wine in its College Highway store and was denied by the board, which stated that the needs of the town were being met. Ocean State now has pending litigation against the town over the decision. Cesan told Deedy she was “fine” with that position and the board unanimously agreed it was against BYOB and would create a policy through Town Counsel Benjamin Coyle. The board also approved the latest Liquor and Entertainment regulations this week, which were discussed during a brief public hearing Nov. 17. See BYOB, Page 3

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