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The Westfield News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and the surrounding Hilltowns
your peace with authority, you become authority.” — Jim Morrison TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2014
VOL. 83 NO. 264
“When you make
75 cents
Stings result in suspensions, warnings By Dan Moriarty Staff Writer WESTFIELD – The city’s License Commission conducted violation hearings last night for six alcohol-serving establishments where underaged people, working in corporation with the Police Department’s Community Policing Unit, were served during a Sept. 11, 2014 sting operation. The Commission members urged the licensees to become more proactive in enforcing the state law prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors. The commission also questioned the policies and staff training procedures in place at the establishments which failed the sting. The License Commission meted out punitive action ranging from a four-day suspension, the most severe, to warning letters stating that further sting failures may result on a suspension of the liquor license. A four day suspension was issued to Pasquale’s Restaurant on Elm Street based upon its violation history which includes several sting violations and the fact that the commission had issued a suspension for a prior violation which was held in abeyance, meaning that it was not enforced at the time it was imposed, and that the licensee was on a type of administrative probation. Last night the commission issued a four day suspension to be served starting Nov.18 through Nov. 21. The board members approved an additional suspension of three days to be held in abeyance for six months. The restaurant can remain open for dining, but alcoholic beverages will not be available. The state Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission provides guidelines for local commissions dealing with violations of state law. Typically a first time offender can be issued a suspension for up to three days, while a second time violation may result in a suspension of up to six days. “Considering your history it could have been a lot worse,” Commission Chairman Christopher Mowatt said to restaurant owner Pasquale Cardenuto. Commissioner Alice Dawicki supported Mowatt. “I see that as being appropriate,” Dawicki said
The markings for a dedicated left turn lane entering City Hall were completed yesterday evening. (Photo by James JohnsonCorwin)
Lane marking lines were completed on Court Street last night (Photo by James Johnson-Corwin)
Street changes create confusion By Peter Francis Staff Writer WESTFIELD – Motorists traveling Court Street met with confusion yesterday, as several yellow lane markings lay unfinished yesterday afternoon. City Engineer Mark Cressotti con“These are traffic firmed that the markings were calming measures. incomplete and that We’re trying to add they would be comin a bike lane and pleted last night. “We’re adding this is a step in center turning lanes that direction.” and doing what’s popularly known as Casey Berube pavement or roadWestfield Department way guiding,” said of Public Works Cressotti. “On Court Street – and what we will be doing on Franklin Street – is reducing from four travel lanes to three, with the center lane being the third.” Cressotti also stated that the move to three lanes will provide more accommodations for bicyclists traveling along Court Street. Cressotti said at a recent Traffic Commission meeting that traditionally the dedicated left turn lanes are See Changes, Page 3
See Stings, Page 3
Markings, Inc., the Pembroke-based company contracted with marking Westfield’s freshly paved Court Street, finished the job last night (Photo by Carl E. Hartdegen)
Daylight Savings Time impacts seniors By Peter Francis Staff Writer WESTFIELD – Daylight Savings Time may have gained you more than just another hour of sleep, according to Dr. Benjamin Liptzin, chair of the Psychiatry Department at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, who says that adjusting to the seasonal change may have adverse health effects if not managed properly. “The adjustment in the fall tends to be a little bit easier than in the spring because you wind up waking earlier than you want to and you force yourself to go to sleep earlier,” said Dr. Liptzin. “But it is a disruption in someone’s routine.” Liptzin said that the effect Daylight Savings Time has on the human body’s biological clock is mitigated when a person has a set sleep schedule. “With Daylight Savings, people have to adjust and some people find that easier than others,” he said, adding some people may have issues falling and staying asleep during the night. “At this time of year, (Daylight Savings Time) is a marker for the days getting shorter, there being less light and the weather getting colder. That means less time spent outside and that affects people’s moods and their energy,”
he said. Liptzin, who also serves as professor and deputy chair of the Department of Psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine, said some people suffer from a seasonal affective disorder or seasonal depression caused by these changes. “People may be more likely to be irritable in relationships, having trouble concentrating at work. Sometimes when people get down they may smoke more or drink more alcohol then they should,” he said. A demographic who suffer most during this time of year, senior citizens and the elderly are especially vulnerable due to the consequences of aging, especially the loss of mobility. “Seniors have the addition-
al problems of not just decreased light, but the cold. People worry about icy sidewalks and slipping, falling and breaking a hip,” Liptzin said. “Older people do tend to become more isolated in the colder months.” To combat seasonal depression among seniors, Liptzin recommends finding interests and hobbies to keep the mind sharp, along with exercises in their home. “We encourage seniors to be as active as possible,” he said, referencing programs put on at senior centers throughout the region. Tina Gorman, executive director of Westfield’s Council on Aging, also mentions “sundowning” as a big issue within the elderly population living with dementia. “It’s very common in peo-
A group of senior citizens enjoy a game of bingo at the Westfield Senior Center. (File photo by Frederick Gore)
ple with Alzheimer’s disease,” said Gorman. “We see more behavioral problems in people with dementia when the sun goes down and of course with daylight savings time, it’s getting darker earlier.” Gorman lists increased restlessness, agitation and confusion as symptoms of “sundowning.” Regarding the number of programs and activities offered to seniors in an effort to keep them mentally active, Gorman has an extensive list. “We have a book group, bingo on Fridays, we get visits from high school groups
like the Key Club,” she said. “We’re big proponents of socialization here (at the Senior Center). For our regulars, this is their social circle – their friends are here.” Gorman estimates there are between 20 and 30 seniors who are at the current Westfield Senior Center everyday, although the total number of seniors they serve fluctuates depending on the programming. She also added that the center’s annual Christmas party will be held earlier this year. “We try to run our programs and hold our parties in the morning to the afternoon.
That way they’re home long before dark, when they worry most about driving,” she said. Cindy Sullivan, executive director of the Southwick Senior Center, said that her seniors are able to mitigate the effects of sundowning in ways similar to Westfield. “Our programming pretty much stays the same. We just try to encourage people in the wintertime to come in to the center,” she said. “When Daylight Savings Time happens, we tell them (seniors) to change their batteries and check their smoke detectors See Seniors, Page 3
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