Driscoll Life Spring 2014

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SPRING 2014 | Vol.26 | No.2


Valerie Toledo


Governing Board Nueces County Judge Loyd Neal Chair Steve Woerner Vice Chair William Dirksen, MD Chief of Staff Murray Bass, Jr. Reba Cardenas McNair Paul Chapa Mary Clark Jim Devlin Leon Smith-Harrison, MD Martha Hinojosa Lenora Keas Bill Sterett C. Ivan Wilson

Development Foundation Board of Directors 2013–2014 OFFICERS Mary Clark Bob Cuvelier Julie Buckley Wes Hoskins Manette Scanio

President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Past President

MEMBERS David Ainsworth Edgar Cortes, MD Ann Engel Diane D. Gates Frank Hastings Nancy Hawn Alex Kirkland Marc Layton Paul McDaniel Julie McNeil Bill Moffitt Liz Nisbet Sherry Rumley Rhonda Sellman Richard Valls, Jr. Sally Wallace


• A s of April 1, 2014, the Driscoll Health Plan received full Health Plan Accreditation from the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC). By applying for and receiving URAC accreditation, the Driscoll Health Plan has demonstrated a strong commitment to the quality of care and service to our patients. • Additionally, a pediatric dialysis center will be opening soon in the Rio Grande Valley. The Driscoll Children’s Valley Dialysis Center will be a 4,155-square-foot clinic dedicated to pediatric dialysis patients and will include four dialysis stations. Board-certified pediatric nephrologists and a board-certified surgeon who performs pediatric kidney transplants will team with nurses, dietitians, social workers and office staff to provide the same hands-on, personal care to Driscoll patients who previously had to travel to Corpus Christi for their treatments.

As I complete my two-year term as President of the Driscoll Children’s Hospital Development Foundation Board, I leave with a deep sense of gratitude for all of my fellow board members who have worked so generously to ensure that Driscoll and the care it offers for children in South Texas is of the finest quality. We all have a great passion for Driscoll, and we believe it is our mission to make sure Driscoll continues to offer children premiere healthcare services with cutting edge advancements. For each of us, it is an honor to bring our talents and expertise to the table in a way that helps offer new opportunities, new possibilities and new conversations about hope and healing. In that spirit, I am so proud of the programs and services that are provided at Driscoll Children’s Hospital. Driscoll offers a broad scope of programs and services that address the ever-present healthcare needs for children and their families throughout South Texas. A specific area of need and growing concern facing South Texas is adolescent weight management. If you take a look at a few of the statistics, it is easy to see why child and adolescent obesity is an issue that we must take on, actively help with and participate in whenever and wherever we can. It is indeed critical. Just to show you the magnitude of the problem, below are a few graphic statistics that come to you via Driscoll Pediatric Surgeon, Dr. Mohammad A. Emran. • Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children in the past 30 years. • The percentage of children ages 6–11 in the U.S. who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to 18% in 2010. For adolescents ages 12–19, obesity increased from 5% to more than 18%, during the same period. • I n 2010, more than one-third of all U.S. children and adolescents were overweight or obese; significantly increasing risk factors for cardiovascular disease including high cholesterol and high blood pressure, plus pre-diabetes. • As for adults in the U.S, collectively 68.8% are overweight or obese. These are definitely staggering statistics by any standard, and at first glance, might appear impossible to overcome. But if we all join in, there is a possibility, an opportunity, to turn this issue of seemingly epidemic proportions around, at least in our own backyard. Youth in our area are beginning to sound the horn and spread the word about living a healthy lifestyle. Local youth are talking peer-to-peer through a program called “Mission Fit Possible” where 10 CCISD elementary schools are participating in a 10-week program that stresses fitness, as well as hosting and participating in an annual 5-K run. They are starting those conversations with each other—conversations that can and will make a difference. Perhaps as a community that should be our mission—to start those conversations, as it is those conversations that create the possibility of change, hope and healing.

President/CEO Vice President

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The Driscoll Development Foundation Board President

It has been an extraordinary year thus far, filled with challenges and accomplishments that make me proud of our world-class staff and their service to Driscoll Children’s Hospital. Our mission is to provide hope and healing to the children of South Texas. Our mission unites us and focuses our goals on the importance of quality care.

The future is bright for our patients and providers. Each day we see progress on the construction of our Emergency Department expansion. Our successes are the result of our team of talented and dedicated staff from every discipline. I am honored to represent them as we serve this community and its residents. Their hard work is what makes Driscoll Children’s Hospital the heart of our community.

Driscoll Children’s Hospital 3533 South Alameda Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78411 (361) 694-5000 TTY Deaf Messaging (800) 735-2989 www.DriscollChildrens.org

A Message from

The Driscoll President and CEO

• Recently, Driscoll Children’s Hospital was named one of five hospitals in the United States (the first in Texas and the first children’s hospital in the United States) as a MakerNurse Expedition Site. The MakerNurse Initiative is an effort led by the Little Devices Lab at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, to honor the inventive spirit of nurses across America.

TRUSTEES EMERITUS Gerald Eckel Bernard Paulson Rich Tuttle EX-OFFICIO Steve Woerner Martha Avery, CFRE

A Message from

Steve Woerner | President and CEO Driscoll Children’s Hospital

Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our children at Driscoll Children’s Hospital!

Mary Clark | President Driscoll Development Foundation Board w w w. D r i s c o l l C h i l d r e n s . o r g

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Valerie Toledo


Medicine for the Soul Page 3

Hope and Healing

Radiothon Brings in Over $92,000 Page 9

Kiewit Presents a

$50,000 Gift Page 10

Donor Spotlight

Halliburton— All In, All the Time Page 11 S P R I N G 2 0 14   |  D R I S C O L L L I F E


Today there are three full-time chaplains at Driscoll and one chaplain resident who are all there to serve the children and their families, as well as the staff.

“Sometimes a staff person is in need of pastoral care or counseling,” explains Chaplain Alan, “and they ask me to come, or they ask me if I would go and see their mom or dad. For me that is an honor; talking to people is my calling and it is always a privilege to be asked and to get to go.”


Left to right: Alan Bagnall, MDiv, BCC; Ana Olivera-Hamm, BA, LCDC; Chaplain Fr. Varghese K. Ethappiri and Lee Jump, MDiv


f you are looking for Alan Bagnall, MDiv, BCC, Director of Pastoral Care at Driscoll

Children’s Hospital, don’t look in his office. Odds are you won’t find him there, and actually, that’s exactly the way he likes it.

“If you find me in my office at Driscoll,” Chaplain Alan quips, “that’s probably a mistake, because I don’t believe I am doing my job here if I’m sitting in my office. My job, my mission, is to be in the halls, be in the PICU, NICU or ICU sitting with a parent, a family, a child, anywhere I’m needed, when I’m needed, not,” he smiles, “at the desk in my office.”


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And for the past 20 years, Alan Bagnall has been providing pastoral care and counseling at Driscoll Children’s Hospital; that’s pretty much how it’s been, and he plans to keep it that way. “When I came to Driscoll in 1994, I interviewed with Dr. Ted Stibbards. Driscoll didn’t have a chaplain at the time. In fact I was the first one. Dr. Stibbards originally hired me on a six-month trial basis. I shared a space with social services. I had a chair next to a shelf,” he smiles, “and I got to use the top shelf. And that was all I really needed.” “You know,” he smiles again, “the best part about being the first and only one in a particular setting, is that you can create what you want in a way that you want. I call what I created when I first came to Driscoll ‘Ministry By Wandering Around.’ My favorite thing is when I hear people

By Debra Young Hatch

say, ‘I came by your office today and you weren’t there.’ I just love that,” he says.

In addition to the on-going individual pastoral care provided at Driscoll, there are several special programs that the Driscoll chaplains provide and participate in for patients and staff. They include the annual Memorial Service (“Remember Our Children”), Tea For The Soul, Pastoral Education and Lecture Series and Lean On Me, a structured six-week bereavement support group for children and families who have experienced the loss of a loved one. The program is provided in conjunction with the Stripes Child Life Program and Driscoll Social Services. “The annual Memorial Service, I feel is one of the most important things we do here at Driscoll,” says Chaplain Alan. “We started this service about 18 years ago and the first time we offered it we had about 50 people attend. Today there are 700 to 800 who come.

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“Fortunately, the Lion’s share of children who come to Driscoll are healed and go on to have wonderful lives. But for those families who do lose a child, that moment, that time is etched in their minds forever. And who they meet, who they talk to and the experiences they have are among the most meaningful of their entire lives. This service keeps them connected to the people who meant so much to them at one of the most difficult times in their lives. It is so important and so significant.” As for Tea For The Soul, it is a program designed to help and support the staff as they work daily to offer hope and healing to all the children who come to Driscoll. “Tea For The Soul is really very simple,” explains Chaplain Alan, “but it is so important for the staff. We take a tea cart and, at their request, go to the PICU, the NICU, or wherever it’s needed and provide tea with cookies and offer music via CD player. And,” he smiles and shrugs, “you would think we had brought them the greatest gift in the world. What Tea For The Soul does is provide the staff with a chance to step aside, for just a minute, from the daily stress. For them it is a ‘Tea For The Soul Moment,’ one that seems to be making a significant difference.”

And obviously everyone else does too as Chaplain Alan’s conversational style of ministry and leadership not only caught on, but has become an integral part of life at Driscoll for the patients, parents and the staff. “From the beginning, I wanted to make a difference here. So for the first six years I was at Driscoll, I made it my mission to be available 365 days a year, seven days a week, 24 hours a day. No matter when or where I was needed, I would be there. And if I went out of town for any reason, I got someone to carry my pager and they would come. We would be there anytime, day or night. And that is what I have always believed, that we as pastoral caregivers should always be here, always be available.”

Alan Bagnall, MDiv, BCC and David Ryan, MD

Alan Bagnall, MDiv, BCC, Director of Pastoral Care

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meet other children their own age who have had a similar experience and to help them begin the healing process. “Everything we do here at Driscoll is about listening,” explains Chaplain Alan. “To listen you need to be around; you need to be here walking the halls. You need to be present, and people need to know, to feel and to understand that they are important. They need to know that you are there for them to hold their hands, to cry and to laugh with them.” “Understanding who the children and their families are who come to Driscoll and what they are going through is not just our job; it’s our calling. And I must say,” Chaplain Alan shares earnestly as he walks down the hall passing his office once again, “for those of us serving as Driscoll chaplains, it is definitely a privilege.”

The Lean On Me program, which was started by the Stripes Child Life Program several years ago is for children who have lost a sibling, a relative, a friend. Lean On Me is designed to provide support, not therapy for children. It allows children to

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Photography by Fonzie Muñoz

“The next morning Valerie got up about 9:30 and she said she felt better, so I told her to go ahead and get up and get dressed. But then she said that her left side felt like it was asleep, that pins and needles kind of feeling, and she couldn’t really move it. I kind of shrugged and said, ‘well go ahead and get up and it will go away.’ But it didn’t. She was kind of dragging her left leg when she came in to to have breakfast. Then, I told her to smile, and I noticed instantly that the left side of her mouth was drooping. That’s when I really became concerned.” “I knew Valerie needed immediate attention. Something was really wrong. We live in Orange Grove and had just recently moved to South Texas from Dallas. But I had heard of Driscoll Children’s Hospital and I knew that’s where we needed to go.” “I called my husband and my neighbor, took my two babies and my 4-year-old to her house, and I took Valerie straight to the Driscoll Emergency department.”

Medicine always seeks the answer, the explanation for the outcome, the result. But the truth is there are times when there is not a definitive answer, at least not one that fits neatly into a prescribed box and falls easily into a scientifically acceptable category. Sometimes things just are. And for 9-year-old Valerie Toledo and her family, there is no doubt that their experience would certainly qualify as one of those times.

By the time Yvette and Valerie arrived at the Driscoll Emergency Department at about 1 p.m., Valerie was much worse. She was not talking, and when she did speak, her speech was slurred. She was completely lethargic, was dragging her left side and couldn’t really move her left arm at all.

Valerie Toledo

Left to Right: Dr. Carol Deline and Valerie Toledo

“When they saw Valerie,” recalls Yvette, “they immediately took us to a room in the Emergency area and started trying to determine exactly what was happening. At that point, Valerie could still talk and she



s Valerie’s dad, Raul Toledo, begins to share her story, he says thoughtfully, “After Valerie’s surgery, her surgeon, Dr. Burke, came to talk to my wife, Yvette, and I. And the first thing he asked us was, ‘Do you believe in God?’ We both nodded. Then Dr. Burke said,” recalls Raul as he glances at his now smiling, young daughter chatting easily with her mom, “I want you both to know, it was God who did this for Valerie, not me.” And if asked, Valerie’s parents definitely would agree with that assessment, but probably also would add that Michael Burke, MD, neurosurgeon, and everyone else at Driscoll Children’s Hospital who helped their daughter, were all part of God’s plan for Valerie’s survival and ultimately, her full recovery.


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From the apparent symptoms, the concern for Valerie was that she either had experienced some type of seizure, a stroke or a bleed in her brain. Yvette was told that the MRI images should hold the answer. And they did. “The MRI imagery,” explains Dr. Carol Deline, pediatric neurologist, “showed that Valerie had a fairly large hemorrhage in the brain stem, or in the pons of the brain which causes swelling and in turn, causes areas of the brain not to function.” “The bleeding itself had occurred when Valerie had the excruciating headache the day before. In the brain stem, where Valerie’s bleed had actually occurred, is a very small area, so even a small amount of blood can do a great deal of damage.” Following the MRI and initial diagnosis, Valerie was admitted to Driscoll and immediately was started on steroids to decrease the swelling in the brain. At that point she no longer was talking, but she was stable. “When Dr. Deline came in to see us,” recalls Yvette, “she told us that Valerie had experienced a bleed in her brain stem. We couldn’t believe it. And she said that it could have been caused by a cavernous angioma. Then she began to explain that a cavernous angioma is a cluster of abnormal blood vessels mainly found in the brain and spinal cord that can either be genetic or sporadic, occurring with no family history. “And then it hit me, I have a cavernous angioma too. I told Dr. Deline and she said that knowing that was very helpful for moving forward for Valerie. She also said that cavernous angiomas are not uncommon, and people often have them their whole lives and they are not a problem.”

By Debra Young Hatch

For Valerie and her family, it all began the Tuesday after Halloween. Valerie was at school and she was not feeling well. She had a terrible headache, was crying and wanted to go home. The school nurse phoned her mom, Yvette, and shortly thereafter, Valerie headed home.

But Valerie’s was definitely a problem. And something was going to have to be done about it immediately.

“When she got home,” remembers Yvette, “Valerie’s headache was not any better so she went straight to bed. She woke up some time later, still with the headache, then got sick and went back to bed. She got up again, still complaining of a headache, but she ate and then went back to sleep for the night. We all figured she would be better in the morning, and she was.” w w w. D r i s c o l l C h i l d r e n s . o r g

seemed fine mentally. They examined her and then told me they were going to take her for an MRI.”

“Before Dr. Deline left on Wednesday evening, she told us Dr. Burke, the neurosurgeon, was going to take a look at the MRI and they would do some further tests, then they would determine exactly what they needed to do for Valerie. w w w. D r i s c o l l C h i l d r e n s . o r g

“After she left, Valerie went to sleep, and Raul and I stayed with her. She seemed okay, until she woke up in the middle of the night screaming and saying, ‘it hurts, it hurts, it hurts so bad.’ They gave her something to calm her down and she went back to sleep. When she woke up on Thursday morning, she was repeating things over and over again. Someone would say something and she would say it again and again until someone came in and said something else and she would start repeating that. And that went on nonstop all that day and all night. They told us that was caused by the brain bleed and swelling.” On Thursday, Valerie’s condition became increasingly worse as she began to have double vision, continued to talk excessively and feel dizzy. She could not move the left side of her body at all. “Dr. Burke came in to see us, and told us Valerie was going to need surgery. He answered all of our questions, and was very honest with us,” recalls Raul. “He said, ‘I can’t promise you what the outcome will be. Only time will tell us how it is going to turn out. But, if Valerie doesn’t have this surgery,’ Raul pauses, his eyes filling as he recalls the words and the moment, “‘she won’t make it. We have to save her life first, and then we’ll have to see what’s next.’” S P R I N G 2 0 14   |  D R I S C O L L L I F E



“But,” Dr. Burke said, “it’s important for you to know, that whatever happens, this bleed in the brain stem is in the worst spot it could be and it affects everything. So the first thing is to get Valerie through the surgery. That will be a big step.” On Friday morning at 6 a.m., Valerie Toledo left her room for surgery, and her parents did not know when or if their daughter would be back. “My prayer,” Yvette remembers as she wipes her eyes, “was for God to just bring her back, and we’ll do whatever we need to do to help her in whatever way she needs. If she was paralyzed, we would take care of her, if she could no longer speak, we would be there to help her, whatever her struggles might be, we would be there for her. Just please bring her back.” Seven-and-a-half hours later, Yvette and Raul’s prayers were answered. Valerie was back, and according to Dr. Burke, all went well. “Dr. Burke told us,” remembers Valerie, “that they removed everything, including the blood clot which was causing the pressure, and everything looked good. It was a cavernous angioma, one that she was born with, and now her head was clear. But how well she would recover remained questionable. We would just have to wait and see.”

“You know,” Yvette shares candidly, “no matter what came next, we felt very blessed and so thankful that Valerie was still here, still with us.” Valerie remained in the Driscoll ICU for the next three days, improving significantly every day, but how much she would improve was still unknown. “When you have an acute hemorrhage, you cannot tell the family that everything is going to be just fine,” explains Dr. Deline. “Because the truth is, you just don’t know. You can say you are going to do everything you can, but the extent of recovery depends on whether the swelling permanently damaged the brain, how long the pressure was there and if the neurons were temporarily or permanently damaged. The overriding question is: are the nerve cells just stunned from the trauma and the pressure, or are they gone and not coming back?” “I have only seen a couple of brain stem hemorrhages in the 16 years I have been at Driscoll,” explains Dr. Deline. “And when you have that kind of bleed in that particular location, there is no backup. Anything that interrupts what the brain is doing can alter behavior, cognitive ability, personality, speech, everything. It is very frightening for the child and the family.” “Every day we saw improvement,” says Yvette. “At first we would see small things like when she woke up in the morning, her smile would be bigger. Then she


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2014 started therapy and went to the CCISD school at Driscoll Hospital every day. There was a whole team at Driscoll helping Valerie recover and improve. Dr. Deline came to see her every day, twice a day.”

Left to right: Tom Hunt, Allison Vicki Gaarder, Phil Gaarder, and Steve Woerner

A Toe Tapping Success! Fiesta de los Niños 2014 was just phenomenal! Held at the American Bank Center, this deep-rooted event brought out over 1,500 friends of the Hospital for a wonderful evening of food, dancing and camaraderie which raised well over $790,000. The proceeds from this year’s event helped purchase state-of-the-art 3D technology for Driscoll’s catheterization suite to perform the most delicate procedures on infants and children.

“They told us she would have to retrain her brain; basically she would be starting over with speech and cognition and she would be emotional and impulsive. And they were right. But everyone was there to help. You know, coming from Dallas, I thought,” Yvette explains candidly, “a small-town hospital might have small-town care and small town doctors. I was definitely wrong. Everyone at Driscoll could not have been better. It has truly been an amazing experience for Valerie and our whole family.” “And Dr. Burke, he said to us, ‘I want you to know, this kind of outcome, well it just doesn’t happen. This is really something.’” “I expected Valerie to recover,” explains Dr. Deline, “but not as fast or as completely as she has. In fact her recovery is the best of anyone’s that I’ve seen since I have been at Driscoll. Today, if she walked into any pediatrician’s office, she would be absolutely normal. It is definitely remarkable.” But if you asked Dr. Deline, Dr. Burke or Yvette and Raul Toledo to tell you scientifically exactly how or why just two months after her major brain stem trauma and ensuing surgery, Valerie Toledo was once again back in school at Orange Grove, laughing, learning and living the life of a happy 9-year-old, they couldn’t do it. Instead, they would all probably just shake their heads and tell you, there is no medical explanation, no definitive, quantifiable answer; it just is and in this case it is one of those times, for the inexplicable, they all are indeed most thankful. w w w. D r i s c o l l C h i l d r e n s . o r g

Devereaux L. Nollie and Allister Arnold

Michael J. Burke, MD and Glenda Burke

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Mary Clark and Bernard Palson

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K99’s 12th Annual

Left to right: Valerie Toledo, Carol Deline, MD and Yvette Toledo

Brings in Over


COMMUNITY GIVING Left to right: John Hardin, Richard Harris, Martha Avery and Bob Shockney

for the Children at Driscoll.

Representatives from Kiewit Offshore Services, Ltd. presented a gift for $50,000 to Driscoll Children’s Hospital. “Kiewit Offshore Services, Ltd. and its employees are proud to support Driscoll Children’s Hospital,” said Bob Shockney, Kiewit District Business Manager. “We are committed to work with an organization that has made such a meaningful difference in the lives of thousands of Texas families for 60 years.”

HOPE AND HEALING The 12th Annual K99 Radiothon broadcast on March 7, 2014 at Driscoll Children’s Hospital raised more than $92,000! Community volunteers manned the phones, including members of Planet Fitness, Super Cuts, Driscoll Auxiliary

and employees, RE/MAX, V‑Fit, Mattress Firm, and several grateful patient families, received pledges during the 12 hours the Radiothon was broadcast.

Intern for a Day

Left to right: Roger Timperlake, MD and Rumaldo Z. Juarez, PhD

Katrina Hill and Sam Hill

The Intern for a Day program is designed to give participants a first‑hand experience with health care delivery. The program has the additional goal of showing participants the unique role of a children’s hospital in a community. “Thanks to Nueces Electric Coop, Inc. and Driscoll Children’s Hospital for making my ‘Intern for a Day’ experience at the hospital possible,” says Rumaldo Z. Juarez, Ph.D. “Since my internship I no longer just drive by this multi-story building on Alameda Street known as a ‘children’s hospital.’ Instead, I think of the many children receiving the best quality comprehensive healthcare services that money can provide in a facility operated by an effective and efficient administration and staffed by a professional team of healthcare providers that are highly skilled, and most important, really care about and love those children in need of their services. Like many folks in our state, when I think of the best cancer facility in Texas, I think of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. In the same light, when I think of children in need of healthcare services, I think of Driscoll Children’s Hospital in Corpus Christi. It is imperative that all of us continue to provide the necessary financial and community support to this institution so that those children in need of healthcare services may lead a prosperous and healthy quality of life.” For more information about the Driscoll Children’s Hospital Intern for a Day Program please contact Cissy Garcia, Major Gifts Officer at 361-694-4394. Left to right: Rumaldo Z. Juarez, PhD; Mahavir Bhakta and Al Sandoval


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Kiewit Offshore Services Presents Check for $50,000

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Driscoll to Celebrate with and Recognize Cardiology Patients with Congenital Heart Defects On Feb. 8, Driscoll Children’s Hospital held a Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Celebration for its pediatric cardiology patients and families at the Corpus Christi Science and History Museum that included games, activities and refreshments. “We wanted to recognize the thousands of people born with heart defects, remember loved ones who’ve lost their battle with congenital heart defects and honor the dedicated health professionals who work with them,” said Laura Esparza, LMSW, social worker at Driscoll Children’s Hospital. Patients like Saleen Salinas, 2, were at the celebration. Saleen was born six weeks early with several birth defects, including Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF), a rare, complex congenital heart defect that involves four different heart defects. “As soon as they cut her umbilical cord she turned blue,” recalled Daniela Bazan,

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Saleen’s mother. “Two hours later when doctors were able to stabilize her, she was airlifted [from Kingsville] to Driscoll.” Bazan was able to join her daughter two days later, when at three days old, Saleen had a Blalock–Taussig (BT) shunt placed in her heart. At 10 months old, she had her first open-heart surgery. Since that first day two years ago, Saleen has been a regular at Driscoll Children’s Hospital seeing 11 different specialists. Multiple doctor’s appointments, procedures and hospital stays are the reality for many South Texas children like Saleen, and telling her daughter’s story during CHD Week is a way for Bazan to create awareness for the disease. “Driscoll’s party was a way we could celebrate them—the survivors, the warriors—and it’s a way to remember the angels as well,” Bazan said.

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Donor Spotlight:


All In, All the Time

By Debra Young Hatch

in a community. It is important to us to do more and be more than that. To our way of thinking, it is so important for us to give in every way we can to a community. And we do it from our individual employees, to our teams, to our managers—all the way to the top.” As far as donations go, there is no doubt, by any standard, that Halliburton gives most generously. In 2013 alone, the company gave more than $4 billion through in-kind donations and employeedirected contributions to nonprofit organizations and education institutions around the world. But in addition to those dollars given, they also gave of themselves as they went physically to help with the Oklahoma tornado disaster and they were right there on the ground helping with the fires in Caldwell. “We believe if we are part of a community, we need to be there to help,” explains, Neil Schmidt, Senior District Manager, “no matter what the crisis. In the Caldwell fires, several of our employees were impacted and we wanted to help. We were definitely in the middle of that effort.” Currently more than 15,000 Halliburton employees live in Texas, 2,400 of those are in South Texas, and they all are part of making the choices for giving in Texas. In fact, the company has a specific campaign entitled “Giving Choices.”

Representatives of Halliburton

Sitting in their corporate conference room in their offices just south of San Antonio on Highway 37 listening to Joe Foster and Neil Schmidt—both 30-plus year employees—talk passionately about their belief in their company and what it does worldwide, it’s easy to see why they and Halliburton consider themselves to be “all in” in every single city in which the company can be found. “Wherever we are as a company,” explains Joe Foster, Halliburton Vice President – Southeast Area Business Development, “we are definitely ‘all in.’ We are there working and contributing. We’re building roads, schools, infrastructure and water systems. We’re helping with natural disasters and medical needs.


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And we are there for the good times and the not‑so‑good times. In other words, at Halliburton we don’t consider ourselves just a community partner; we are instead part of the community. It is part of our culture, who we are as a company and who we are as individuals.”

And it is apparent that what he says is true because Halliburton, a 95-year-old upstream oil and natural gas products and services company, established by Erle P. Halliburton in 1919, has been one of those companies that is definitely “all in” in every way possible and in every community in which they are located. Today that means they are “all in” in 80 countries worldwide, along with their 75,000 employees and families who live and work in almost every corner of the world as they contribute of themselves, their expertise and their dollars, individually and collectively. “At Halliburton we don’t just donate,” says Foster, “or make charitable contributions w w w. D r i s c o l l C h i l d r e n s . o r g

participating, 150 vendors and 90 Halliburton volunteers. And over those 20 years a total of $8.5 million has been raised and donated to a short list of 18 U.S. charities.”

literally wear that attitude on their sleeves, as each uniform says “Team Halliburton” across one shoulder. It’s all part of their culture; it is who they are every single day at Halliburton.

And for the past three years Driscoll Children’s Hospital has been fortunate to be one of the recipients on that special list.

“I’ve been here 38 years,” says Schmidt “and Joe has been here for 34 years. Obviously,” he smiles, “we believe in the company. But just like everyone else, in our work and business lives we all know that there are the good days, and there are the not-so-good days. And then there are the best days. The definition of those days kind of depends on your attitude. But for Joe and me, I can give you an example that pretty much says it all.”

“We are thrilled to be able to give to Driscoll,” says Schmidt. “The recommendation to consider Driscoll first came from our employees. Driscoll was their top choice. Driscoll is deeply rooted in South Texas and has a tremendous impact on all of South Texas.” “You look at the impact Driscoll has on the community and South Texas and there is actually not any amount of money that could ever be contributed that could come close to matching that.” “Driscoll provides medical services for so many,” emphasizes Foster, “but it also helps people have a better life and it provides hope. And,” he says thoughtfully, “you always want to have hope.” There is no doubt that at Halliburton, they are a team from top to bottom. They believe that everything they do is the result of a team effort. No matter the project, it’s all about the team. In fact, they

“The day we were driving to Driscoll recently,” recalls Schmidt, “and we were going to have the honor of presenting them with a $50,000 check for the Emergency Room renovations. That day, I remember Joe looking over at me in the car, holding up the check and saying, ‘You know Neil, this check we have and what we are about to do—give this check to Driscoll—to my way of thinking, it’s one of the highest points of what we do,’ and then he got this big smile on his face, nodded his head and said, ‘this definitely counts as one of the best days.’”

“Employees participate, and they recommend and select what charities we give to each year,” explains Foster. “We give to 1,450 charitable organizations across the globe and last year our employees contributed over $3 million. ‘Giving Choices’ is a great program, created by our Chairman, President and CEO, Dave Lesar, and it is the backdrop for everything we do and everything we give.” Another way Halliburton contributes is via their annual golf tournament. “We have been hosting our golf tournament in Houston for 20 years,” says Foster, “which now has 500 golfers

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Driscoll Life



The Driscoll Life Magazine is published by the Driscoll Development Foundation to inform donors and friends on the progress, successes and needs of Driscoll Children’s Hospital. The magazine features patient and donor stories, information about hospital programs and services, medical treatment updates and information about volunteer and community activities in support of the hospital.

To read a virtual copy online please go to



Support Driscoll Children’s Hospital by making a donation in lieu of favors for your upcoming special occasion. Families can thank their guests with a unique alternative to traditional favors by making a donation to Driscoll Children’s Hospital.

• Weddings

• Bar/Bat Mitzvahs

• Showers

• Birthdays

• Graduations

• I n honor of/ Memorial

• Anniversary • Celebrations

• Quinceañera

For more information please call the Driscoll Development department at 361-694-4394.


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Children at Driscoll Children’s Hospital Mr. Juan Aguliar Ms. Cindy Hinojosa Mr. and Ms. Robert Martinez

Andrew Gonzalez, Jr. Ms. Criselda G. Gonzalez

Lu Ann and Donald Kingsbury Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Monet Mendez Ms. Andrea L. Puente

Jacob Palermo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mazzola

Daniel I. Gonzalez Ms. Santa Gonzalez

Carolyn and Terry Koltermann Mrs. Sherry Halbrook

Kimberly Migl Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Abigail Panknin Ms. Isabel Panknin

Children at Ronald McDonald House Ms. Cassandra Dinke

Alma and Miguel Gonzalez Mrs. Diane Gatica

Jillian and Casey Krause Mrs. Sherry Halbrook

Lynda and Marty Pena Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Troy Chisolm Mr. Ron Cardwell

Emily Haefs Mrs. Julie M. Jensen

Edna and Melvin Kronk Ms. Marcia B. Morley

Marshall Miguez Ms. Cheryl Cornell Ms. Roxann Miguez Ms. Debra Rowe

Annette Collins-Sears Ms. Beverly Dirks

Aidan Hale Ms. Patricia J. Hale

David Laffee Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Diane and Don Cooper Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Jayce Hale Ms. Patricia J. Hale

Michael Lambert Mrs. Peggy Moloney

Kharla and Nathan Cornelius Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Randa and Bruce Harvey Ms. and Mr. Mary Beth Clark

Melissa and David Landeros Mrs. Peggy Moloney

Pedro Rolando Costilla Ms. Irma Costilla

Robert Hays Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Sandy Lara Mr. Nador Margia

Deborah and Chris Cox Mrs. Sherry Halbrook

Health of Grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Puente, Jr.

Gary Lingle Ms. Mary Beth DeLano

Lisa and James Anderson Mrs. Cecile Pesek Mary Dewane and Joe Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burris

Weston Cuevas Mr. Robert C. Monroe

Dwight Hedrick Mr. Mike Alexander

Maria and Reynaldo Longoria Mrs. Diane Gatica

Jordan Lila Curtiss Mr. Matt Curtiss

Jack Heim Mrs. Cecile Pesek

John Mangiarueo Mrs. Peggy Moloney

Antonio C. Andrade, M.D. Mr. Leo Ruiz

DCH Speech Pathology Department Ms. Nancy Carter

Sterling and Joe Heller Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chadwick

Evelyn M. Martin Mr. Roy DelBosque

Chole DeLaRosa Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Baumann, Jr.

Henry’s Cleaners & Laundry Mr. Rene Barrera, Jr.

Antonio Martinez Ms. Linda L. Martinez

Melinda DeLosSantos Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Georgia and Oliver Herman Mr. Eric Herman

Baldazar Martinez Ms. Beverly Dirks

Caryl and Jim Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Maxwell, Jr.

Carlos Andres Martinez Mr. Carlos D. Martinez

Brianna D’Herde Ms. Nancy K. D’Herde

Brooke Hester Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Covington Mr. and Mrs. Beau Hester Ms. Laura Salinas Ms. Susan Webb

Deborah and Gerald Eckel Ancira Ford

Kelsey and Brandon Hevner Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Catherine and Steven McBraer Ms. Mary Beth DeLano

Jerry Beets Mrs. Peggy Moloney

James M. Emig, III Ms. Beverly Dirks

Gloria and Ed Hicks Dr. and Mrs. Gaylord Hoyt

Delorice McDowell Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Camden Bentley-Johnson Ms. Kayla Bentley

Joe Anthony Esparza Mr. Julian D. Castaneda

Elizabeth Boutte Hinojosa Mr. Cleave J. Boutte

Mellie and Bill McNutt Mr. Jeff A. McNutt

Anastasia Bertrand Mr. and Mrs. Edsel A. Renken Ms. Patricia A. Schmitt

Tajchman Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Allen

Joshua Holland Ms. Lori M. Holland

Yolanda Medina-Balderas Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Marc A. Fiero Mrs. Diane Gatica

Zach Holloway Ms. Pam Holloway

Ofelia and Richard Moreno Mrs. Diane Gatica

Shane Fitzgerald Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Blanca S. Hopkins Mr. Mike Alexander

Daniel Ray Moya Ms. Angela L. Moya

John Floyd Ms. Beverly Dirks

Margo and Brent Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Maxwell, Jr.

Father Glen Mullan Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Randy Acock Ms. Mary Beth DeLano Arabella Alaniz Mr. Martin Alaniz All Children Mr. Joel Ayala Mr. Pete D. Broadway Ms. Heidi Couk Ms. Evelyn Guerra Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie E. Gunn Ms. Jessica Hallowell Ms. Deanna L. Ladner Mr. Walley Madellin Mr. Marcos Obregon Mrs. Ana M. Sikes Ms. Christi Turrbiates Mr. Jason Van Epps Ms. Margaret T. Villarreal Delma and Julio Allo Mrs. Diane Gatica Natalie Alvarado Ms. Krystal Alvarado

Hollis Andrews Mr. Ron Cardwell Donna and Donald Aragon Ms. Beverly Dirks Connie Armstrong Mrs. Cecile Pesek Aubree Avants Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mazzola Angela and Leroy Barbosa Mrs. Sherry Halbrook

Delores and David Billingsley Ms. Beverly Dirks Kristen and Derek Bingham Mrs. Cecile Pesek Barbara Bockholt Mr. Cody Atchley Sue and Eldon Brudos Mrs. Sherry Halbrook Mary Beth Brunkenhoefer Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Voe Galbraith Ms. Rayena Galbraith

Elizabeth Matthews Mrs. Diane Gatica

Allison Miller Mr. Jim Miller Levi Miller Mr. and Mrs. Les Miller Sharon and Les Miller Mr. Levi Miller Dorothy Minten Mrs. Martha Avery Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Hill Ms. Delia G. Quintanilla Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wollmann Ms. Kay Zimmer Janie M. Minten Mr. and Ms. James W. Akkerman Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Akkerman Bertha’s Beauty Salon Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Boerjan Mr. and Mrs. Arnoldo P. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Doug Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Hill Ms. Betty A. Jeffus Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jungman Ms. Georgia L. Kane Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kruse Ms. Lucille T. Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Danny Miller Ms. Delia G. Quintanilla Mr. A. R. Solomon, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Turner, III Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wollmann Ms. Kay Zimmer Jacob Moench Ms. Karen Chassells Dr. and Mrs. Jake Moore Exact Value Solutions Mr. and Mrs. David Moore John M. Morales, M.D. Mrs. Debby K. McGee

Judith K. Mullins, M.D. Ms. Lydia Roy

Laura and Joseph Cable Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Rebecca Gardener Ms. Pat Ingram

Hosanna and Christopher Hundl Mr. Mike Alexander Dr. and Mrs. Mohammad Hussain Ms. Beverly Dirks

Jacob Cabrera Mr. Joey M. Cabrera

Javier Garza Mr. Tony Garza

Phuong Huynh, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Stedtefeld

My Child / Children Ms. Lee Ann Barker

Jayla Cadena Ms. Ninfa Villarreal

R. J. Garza Ms. Kim Olivares

Josh Jarvis Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Jarvis

Deborah Campbell Mr. Mike Alexander

Santiago Garza, Jr. Ms. Beverly Dirks

Jonathan Patrick Cano Mr. Robert I. Chodosh

Reverend and Mrs. James Gebhart Santa’s Texas Workshop

Aaron Jasso Ms. Grace Chavez Ms. Roxanne Jasso

Charlotte Carlson Mr. Eddie Greene

Shelby Gideon Mary and Pete Gideon

Juan F. Castro, M.D. Mr. Leo Ruiz

Diego Gomez Ms. Frances G. Gomez

Chavarria Family Mr. Brian Chavarria

Ricardo Gonzales Mr. Ron Cardwell

Jewel Island Investments, LLC Mr. Roy DelBosque Rose Y. Johnston Mr. Roy DelBosque Charles Jones Ms. Michelle Jones Michael Patrick Kelly Ms. Dee-Ann Dobson Ms. Cathy M. Kelly

My Grandchild / Grandchildren Ms. Lee Ann Barker Mrs. Virginia Dubose Mrs. Juanita C. Garcia Ms. Debby A. Kalke Ms. Janice Martin Keenan O’Connor Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Afuso Mathew Dwight Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ogden

Adalberto Gonzalez, Jr. Mr. Adalberto Gonzalez

Anna Khayyat Ms. Hayde Gutierrez


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Taylor M. Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Gregory H. Biava

Xochitl Munoz Ms. Esther Torres Stephen J. Murden Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bode

Nancy and Keith Orloff Mrs. Cecile Pesek Michael Eric Ortega Ms. Cynthia A. Tobar Raul Ovalle Ms. Beverly Dirks w w w. D r i s c o l l C h i l d r e n s . o r g

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Crystalina and Angel Perez Mrs. Diane Gatica Madeline Perez Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dyer Dr. Mary D. Peterson Dr. Rafael F. Coutin Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Maxwell, Jr. Pedro Pinzon Ms. Beverly Dirks Roxanne F. Quintanilla Mr. Roland Quintanilla Victor Ramirez Mrs. Cecile Pesek Andres Armando Rebeles Circle R Electric & Air Conditioning Luke Renken Mr. and Mrs. Edsel A. Renken Ms. Patricia A. Schmitt Courtney Reopelle Mr. Todd Reopelle Kari Rhodes Mrs. Mary Lynn Rhodes Lucas Riojas Lago Premium Water LLC Hector Rios Mrs. Valentina A. Masias Benjamin Rivera Ms. Kimberly Stears Mary S. Roberts Mrs. Sherry Halbrook Brandon Rodriguez Ms. Elia B. Perez Mr. Jerry Perez Zayla Lynn Rodriguez Mr. Mario Rodriguez Gregory Rogers Mr. and Mrs. James McCain Thomas Rosales Mrs. Diane Gatica Dr. and Mrs. Lee Rutherford Mrs. Cecile Pesek Isla Salinas Ms. Juliana Salinas Kimberly and Travis Salinas Mrs. Cecile Pesek Dan Sanders Ms. Mary Beth DeLano Sandia Fire Department Mr. Henry Barajas

Sarah Butler and Stephen Spencer Mr. Mike Alexander

Ann Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox

Bryan Steele Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Carolynne L. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox

Bonnie Sturgill Ms. Kathy L. Ward

Catherine J. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox

Larissa and Joshua Tandy Mr. Mike Alexander

David G. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox

Jacob Tapia Mr. Joe Tapia Cecil O. Thompson Mrs. Diane Gatica

Kristin and David Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox

Jace Thompson Mrs. Anne M. Brunkenhoefer Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Brunkenhoefer Ms. Patsy Dougherty Salvador Torres Mrs. Diane Gatica Ashton Totter Mr. and Mrs. Terrance L. Shannon

Perry Sands Ms. Mary Beth DeLano

Valero Bill Greehey Refinery Employees Valero Bill Greehey Refinery

Nora and James Sherrill Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Michael Vaughan Ms. M. A. Hutchison

Brenda Massey Smith Ms. Beverly Dirks

Alonza Vela Ms. Angelina Gonzalez

Jackson Smith Ms. Susan Urban

Jordan Veliz Ms. Tashina Veliz

Ursula and Joshua Smith Ms. Beverly Dirks

James Vest Ms. Mary Beth DeLano

Jayvon Snyder Mr. Timothy M. Snyder

Anna M. Villarreal Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Greg Sparkman Mrs. Cecile Pesek

Ryan Westrup Mrs. Peggy Moloney Darlene and Joseph Whigham Mrs. Diane Gatica

Elizabeth J. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox Edie and George Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox Karl Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox Rhonda and Ray Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox Roger L. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox Suzanna J. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox Helen and W. G. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox Sarah and Greg Wilcox-Katz Mr. and Mrs. Norman P. Wilcox Emily Joy Williams Ms. Joyce A. Williams Aiden Wilson Mr. Justin Wilson Donna and Michael Wright Mr. Mike Alexander Kailyn Wilson Mr. Justin Wilson S P R I N G 2 0 14   |  D R I S C O L L L I F E




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Del Aguilar Mrs. Porfie Aguilar

Aurora Caceres Ms. Bertha C. Caceres

Martha and Jim Creech Ms. Betty S. Perry

Verna Green Ms. Jo Jo Green

Chuck Lane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings

Elias Olivarez Mr. Edmundo Olivarez

Jimmy Albert Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Alvino C. Campos Mrs. Stella M. Campos

William “Bill” Cross Wright Materials, Inc.

Delora Lane Massey Farms, Inc.

James Patton Mr. and Mrs. Tommy N. Sanford

Benito G. Canas Mrs. Olga A. Canas

Kenneth Lee Crow Mr. Robert J. Pickens

Joseph E. Lightfoot Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Edwards

Joan L. Paulson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Paulson

Ruben Alvarez, Jr. Ms. Maria Alvarez

Emma Cantrell Ms. Erica Casas Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. DeLaune

Teresa Cruz Ms. Jennifer Rendon

Margaret M. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Mark Meyer Dr. and Mrs. Pruett Moore, Jr. Mr. Lawrence O’Connor Ms. Helen C. Spear Ms. Kimberly Weldon

Danielle P. Pearrell Ms. Addizzishea T. Hanson

Ynglantina M. Ambriz Mr. Oscar M. Ambriz

Richard Cantu Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Gilbert J. Lindemann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Binkley Mr. and Mrs. Robby Hunt Mr. Tony Ojeda, Jr.

Bonnie Anthony Mrs. Georgia D. Schwartz

Janis Carelock Kane Group LLC Mario Carrasco Ms. Becky Y. Chapa

All Children Mrs. Melissa Shook

Janie Leal Antuna Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Jack Ashmore, M.D. Mrs. Martha C. Clark Anyssa Ezone Benavides Mrs. Marissa O. Benavides Doug Bennett Mrs. and Mr. Mary E. Jauer

Ella B. Carter Mrs. Ada E. Kemp Joseph Cernoch Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zdansky John O. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey V. Chapman

Willie Mae Bennett Mrs. and Mr. Mary E. Jauer

Adelina Hernandez Chavez Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Paterson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Raska

William Bernsen Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel

Talon Vaughn Childs Ms. Charlotte Smith

Warren Ray Bethke, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burris

Frank Ciomperlik Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Eugene L. Bigelow Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burris

Jerry P. Clark Musicians Academy, LLC

Robert Brandt Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Dr. Charles (Lewie) L. Concklin Ms. Amy Dover Mr. Ramon Fiveash Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jones, IV Mrs. Robin B. Kennedy Ms. Saralee Keropian Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Ofner Mr. C. S. Weldon Ms. Emma White

Debbie Britton Ms. and Mr. Kathryn Kowaleski Donald Bunch NRG Global Giving W. E. “Buck” Butler Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tieken

Verna Cordes Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Rae Robson Cupples Field Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burris Elaine DeLeon Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Elizabeth Doege Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Rosemary F. Dromgoole Ms. Lucille Y. Forsyth James Alexander Duff, M.D. Mrs. Georgia D. Schwartz Buford Dugger Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Vaughn Eddy Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Busby

Olivia Helene Hafner Ms. Clarie Hafner Mrs. Donna H. Hafner

Larry Lowe Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Bobbie Hammock Ms. Tonya Hunter Eugene Hartl Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tieken

Sonny Heaton Massey Farms, Inc.

William (Buddy) Fitch Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Clark

Armando (Mando) Hernandez Ms. Monica M. Castaneda

Gracie Fliellier Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

McKayla Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arrellano, Jr. Ms. Dolores R. Garcia Ms. Janie F. Garcia Harvey Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Jose Mireles Mr. and Mrs. Nemorio Saenz Mr. and Mrs. Filiberto Trevino, III

Captain Daniel Flynn Mrs. Lualhati S. Flynn Alma Frank Ms. Bonnie Morgan James Freasier, Sr. Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Russell Little Mr. and Mrs. Tillman D. Threadgill Jose Angel Lopez, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Perez, Sr.

Oscar O. Funderburg, Jr. Ms. Mary Beth DeLano

Barney Flynn Mrs. Lualhati S. Flynn

Patty Little Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Lorraine and E. D. Haas Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bacak, II

Pauline Hartl Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tieken

Asa J. Fuller, III Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tieken

Delma Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jack Super Terry Lynn Hill-Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dean Pospisil Anyssa Nicole Hinojosa Mr. Javier Hinojosa Wysonda and A. C. Hoehne El Jardin Partnership

Michelle Lucente Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lucente Curtis Lyssy Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Mary Lyssy Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Elizabeth J. Maberly Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Austin Ms. Anita H. Eisenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Roy Hajek Mrs. Mary Yates Ms. Paralee Zieger Betty L. MacKenzie El Jardin Partnership

Dick Smith El Jardin Partnership

Nathan Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Gene Carson

Rose Mary Kotara Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Dylan Shane Moulder Mr. and Mrs. Jackie D. Kiser

w w w. D r i s c o l l C h i l d r e n s . o r g

Raul Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Oliver Rumley Mrs. Suzanne K. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

J. B. Moseley Hallettsville Livestock Commission Co.

Mary Virginia Landrum Ms. Sissy Hopper

Abel Ramirez, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Billy Joe Simpson El Jardin Partnership

August Grey Means Bent Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Means Ms. Laura Means-Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell

Ben Korzekwa Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Thomas Gorzell Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

James A. Ragan Ms. Diana Cutbirth Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Rogers

Randy Lee Rosebrock Ms. Delores Rosebrock

Brandon Garcia Mrs. Rosana Cabrera

James “Mike” Gordon Mrs. Susan M. Gordon

Anita Raabe Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Justin Sheehan Ms. Rayena Galbraith

Nancy Woehling Moore Mr. Dennis Taupo

Idelle Marie Landrum Ms. Dorothy Minten Ms. Esther Minten Ms. Janie M. Minten

Dr. Marshall Pickard El Jardin Partnership Mr. and Mrs. Kent Weaver

Liz Roberson Ms. Lucille Y. Forsyth

Neal McClaugherty Ms. Brenda J. Marshall

Alice Kopecki Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Kathryn T. Goodwyn Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Riley

Natalie Perry Mr. Glenn Perry

Doris Elizabeth Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wright

Mary Gallardo Mr. Jorge Gallardo, III

William David Landers Mr. and Mrs. Kent Weaver

Jacob Perry Mr. Glenn Perry

Tracy Richardson Ms. Rayena Galbraith

Alfred Moczygemba Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Hillary Brooke Goodwin Mrs. Valerie R. Goodwin

Julia Stark Pennington El Jardin Partnership

C. E. (Pete) Massey Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Dick C. Johnston Mr. R. Brent Herndon

Ruth Kutac Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Adrian Pena Ms. Toni L. Pena

Michael Erasmo Reyes Kieberger Elementary School

Gregory Gagliano Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Gagliano

Ryan Gonzalez Ms. Criselda G. Gonzalez


Charlie Marshall Ms. Beth Zimmerman

Norelle Mills Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tieken

James Garnot Gillett, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G. Hampton


Nancy Read Mrs. Georgia D. Schwartz Mary Lou Reyes Ms. S. Reyes

Bobby Ray Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Meinecke

Mary Lillian Kowalik Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Massey Farms, Inc.


Sarah Marsh Ms. Tabitha Birdwell

Patricia Funk El Jardin Partnership

Robert Gawlik Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

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Alice Haas Mr. and Mrs. David Bujnoch Ms. Heather Cash Hallettsville Livestock Commission Co. Mr. and Mrs. Sandord Meyerson

Peggy Farley Elmore Mr. R. Brent Herndon

Curlee H. Freeman Mrs. Nancy Freeman


Anyssa Leann Guzman Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Roy


Elizabeth Mutz Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Louis Donald Obenhause Hallettsville Livestock Commission Co. Lloyd Oberg El Jardin Partnership Maria Obregon El Jardin Partnership Tony Ojeda, III Mr. Tony Ojeda, Jr. H. R. Olivares Mrs. Cristela Q. Olivares

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Cristabel Villasenor Barrientes Middle School Student Council Sister Mary Waclawczky Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Jack Wallace Goodwyn Trucking Co. Inc. Ms. Jo Jo Green

Andrew Snider Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Oxford

Emma Faye Wallgren Ms. Jeanette Field Mrs. Nancy Freeman Mr. Ernest Perez

James Staples Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Kenneth Weaver El Jardin Partnership

J. E. Ted Stibbards Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Burke

Adrian Michael Salinas Mrs. Olga A. Canas

Lucille Werner Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Susan Swanter Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel

Ida Schneider Lyssy & Eckel Feeds Leroy Schneider

Joe Wier Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Doris Swierc Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Maxine Williams Mr. Quinton E. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Eckel Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Betty Talley Ms. Judy J. Talley

Albert Schroeder Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

Linda Tamez Ms. Bertha C. Caceres

Earl Scott Ms. Criselda Scott

Lizzie Mae Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Kotar

Robert (Bob) Scott Mr. R. Brent Herndon

June Wilson Teer The Teer Family Charitable Fund

Tommie Scott El Jardin Partnership

Jerry Thornton Ms. Jennifer Thornton

Joan Senior Ms. Ann E. Hodges

Carol A. Tjon-A-Joe Ms. Barbara Gibbons

David Shannon, M.D. Mr. Danny J. Cole

Odile Songy Vaello Mr. and Mrs. Matias Lopez, Jr.

Joseph (Joe) J. Sakulenzki Mr. Peter D. Carney Earth Irrigation and Landscaping, Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leahy Metro Electric, Inc. Ms. Karen C. Wallace

Ernest B. Wilson Mrs. Dot L. Wilson Alexandra Witter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Turner, III David Woodruff Ms. Tonya Van Maren Grady Wright Mr. and Mrs. John D. McCain, Sr. Renee Rosebrock Wyman Ms. Delores Rosebrock Elias Yosko Lyssy & Eckel Feeds

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Development Foundation 3533 South Alameda Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78411-1785 www.DriscollChildrens.org

Save the Date 30th Annual

Children’s Miracle Network Celebration

May 31 – June 1


Saturday, May 31, 2014 7 pm – Midnight • La Palmera Mall, Center Court Sunday, June 1, 2014 Noon – 5 pm • La Palmera Mall, Center Court

2 7 T H


Sponsored by Lyssy & Eckel Feeds


Three Rivers, Monday, June 16 Hallettsville, Tuesday, June 24 Beeville, Friday, June 27 Alice, Tuesday, July 1 Rio Grande City, Friday, July 18 Cuero, Tuesday, August 5 Edinburg, Saturday, August 9

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