10 minute read
Woodend - Sefton Community Board
After a lovely lull in the winter weather the rain hit in July. Roads and reserves across the area were affected and Waikuku Beach Road had to be closed as Lake Waikuku formed. Council staff and contractors worked to get pumps in place and make sure the gate was open on the Taranaki Stream on the outgoing tide.
After every emergency event there is time for reflection and to learn for the next event and Council will certainly be doing this.
For future events remember that while Council will be checking roads and known problem areas they can’t be everywhere, and they need you to report any issues. For non-urgent issues e.g. drainage on your street, flooding on roads, or help with evacuation call the Council on 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV). If there is a threat to life or floodwater entering your home call 111. And stay safe.
Funding Grants approved
• Waikuku Beach Surf Lifesaving Club - $750 toward a new garage door on the IRB shed for easier response to incidents away from the beach e.g. floods

• Waikuku Beach Indoor Market - $500 toward shelving and display units for the recently established monthly indoor market.
• North Canterbury Federation of Women’s Institute - $200 for hall hire and publicity for their annual craft day.
Does your community group need funding for an event, a project , or a specific thing
We may be able to help - find out more at waimakariri.govt.nz/community/fundingand-grants/board-funding
Our next meeting – all are welcome
Monday 14th August starting at 5.30pm at the Woodend Community Centre.
Contact us – more information about the Board and our contact details are at waimakariri.govt.nz/your-council/council-boards-and-committees/woodend-seftoncommunity-board
If you would like to know what will be discussed at each meeting check out the Board Facebook page or the agenda at waimakariri.govt.nz/your-council/meetings/minutesand-agendas around the Thursday of the previous week.
WoodendSeftonCommunityBoard Email: shona.powell@wmk.govt.nz
BELOW: Archie Lentz (7) Woodend was very excited he found Mr Woody Woodpecker while he was at home during the school holidays. Sent in by Chloe Lentz.
LEFT: Chloe Lloyd (6) Woodend found Mr Woody Woodpecker. Sent in by Emma Lloyd.

RIGHT: Evie Goodman, (8) staying with grandma & grandad in Ravenswood. Sent in by Jeff Goodman.

Tommi (24) Woodend found Mr Woody in the June Woodpecker. Sent in by Angus Phillips.

LEFT: Tyler Sibley (6) Woodend. Sent in by Jane Sibley.
(5)& Lucia Rainey (9) Ravenswood found Mr Woody Woodpecker. Sent in by David Rainey.
BELOW: Makenzie (10) Woodend found Mr Woody Woodpecker! Sent in by Matt Selway.

LEFT: Kasie Jory (10) Woodend. Sent in by Lucinda Jory.

BELOW: Frankie, left, (6) is Samuel’s cousin. right (5) Woodend Beach.
Frankie was visiting from Australia and was excited when Samuel said, “There’s a little woodpecker in this book do you want to help me find it?” Together they found it! Sent in by Ann & Jason Meagher.

Woodend Garden Club
Visitors are always welcome. The Club’s membership continues to grow each month and now boasts over on Monday 17 July.
The Committee has just finalised a fabulous programme for the next 12 months including outings, garden visits, interesting speakers and workshops.
Lesley Ottey from Eco Educate spoke at a recent meeting. Lesley’s energetic and passionate delivery regarding recycling and sustainable resources was engaging. Lesley’s work with schools and Councils is content that should be heard, copied and applauded by all.
Val Cotton, Pam Mason, Heather Reeves, Ross Heasley and Shirley Rogers (most points overall) took out the top exhibit prizes last month.
Mid-Winter Lunch
The Club held their customary midWinter lunch at Five Stags in Rangiora
A delicious two-course meal accompanied by great banter and joviality.
New Life Members
At the Mid-Winter lunch, ten new Life Members were inaugurated into the Club’s Hall of Fame for 15-25 years’ service to the Club and community.
Photo from left to right: Jeannie Robinson, Jean Rutherford, Trish de Haan, Shirley Wheeler (longest attending member), Helen Power, Val Cotton, Maureen Day, Jenny Leadbetter, Chris Sutherland. Absent – Evelyn Wilson.

Anyone interested in joining or visiting for a day please contact:
Helen Power - President - 03 313 5749
Shirley Rogers - Vice President - 03 312 7988
Chris Sutherland – Secretary – 027 455 5708

St Barnabas Church Update
In June, we had several parties to attend at St Barnabas. The most recent was a farewell party for two longstanding parishioners, who are moving to the other side of Christchurch.
Chris and Sue have been part of St Barnabas’ congregation for over 20
– more of a teddy bears’ picnic! A member of our congregation became aware of a group of families in the area who weren’t living in the best of conditions.

Badly fitting windows, no insulation and flimsy curtains made for some very cold nights for children and parents alike. She offered the St B’s folk the opportunity to collect hot water bottles for them – someone else suggested supplying furry covers for the bottles – and the St B’ers came through as they always do!
In Sue’s words – yes that Sue – “I arrived this morning to find this absolutely overwhelming collection of hot water bottles with the cuddly toy covers.” years and in that time, have willingly served in so many different roles here, it took our breath away. They will be a hard act to follow and will be much missed for themselves even more than for the work they did. The other party had a somewhat different atmosphere – does the fact that it was advertised as the St B’s Mad Hatter Pot Luck Dinner give anyone a clue?!
By all accounts, everyone who attended had a wonderful time; and there was some great fancy dress on view, including of course some fantastic hats!
The other event wasn’t a human party
The lady who started the whole idea was just as thrilled! And we hope the children were too.
And our next celebration will be the ordination, as priest, of Reverend Steven Dunne.
He has worked tirelessly to prepare for this, dedicating himself to hours of learning – together with many hours of sharing his faith, his love and his energy with us.
If you would like to offer him your support and encouragement on this next step in his life, the service is being held on Friday 4 August at 7pm, at Holy Innocents church in Amberley. We hope to see you there – and have a great month!
Community Notices
Woodend Tennis Club
Winter tennis is fun!
Come and join us at:
• Wednesday evening social tennisUnder lights
• From beginners to competitive players.
• Just come along and join in. Teams made up on the night
• It’s good tennis, but we also have a lot of laughs
• Most Wednesdays from 7pm (subject to weather)
• Great courts, and great lighting
• Small fee for non-members
Our courts are next to Woodend Rugby at Gladstone Park (end of Gladstone Road). Easy access from either Woodend or Pegasus.
Contact details:
Dave - 021 543 144 or Jim - 021 806 366.
If you are not on our message system, check with us before you come down in case we have had to cancel. Looking forward to seeing you.

Open Day - New Season
Look out for our Open Day early September - date to be confirmed. Check next Woodpecker or see our Facebook page.
Support your local club
Kaiapoi Community Patrol
We are now recruiting volunteers for Camera Operation and Patrolling. Full training given. If interested, please contact Owen 027 442 4436
All volunteers are required to be vetted by police.
Kaiapoi Toy Library
Kaiapoi Toy Library, 9 Cass Street
Kaiapoi, open 11.00am - 1.00pm Saturdays. Access to a range of toys for a small annual fee, no toy rental charges. Check us out www. kaiapoitoylibrary.org
Rangiora Church Street Market
Saturday 5 August 9.30am - 1pm. Cnr Church St and High St. Cafe, BBQ, books, clothing, crafts and car boot sales. Hosted by Anglican Parish of Rangiora. Text Robyn 021 276 1574, email market@anglicanliferangiora. church This month’s market is supporting 24/7 Youthwork at Rangiora High School.
Community Foot Care Clinic
Held in Woodend monthly. Phone 021 022 49443 for an appointment.
Kaiapoi Community Garden Volunteer days
Wednesday 10am – 12pm and the last Saturday of every month 10-12pm. Come and join the Community Garden and learn about organic produce, composting skills and find likeminded people to share your love of gardening. For more information follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KaiapoiCommunity-Garden

Woodpecker Deadline
The Woodpecker is published 11 months of the year from February to December inclusive (December covers January).
Each month the deadline is 25th of the month with a 5pm of deadline sent out to all contributors, advertisers and community contributors as a reminder.
To ensure your space please do send us in your contributions as early as possible where you can as we would hate for you to be disappointed and miss out.
From this deadline date there is a tight turnaround to have the publication ready to go to the printers for them to deliver them to all our deliverers in time for a 1st of the month delivery to your doors.

Want 1/8th advertising space?
That’s this size!
Up to 30 words available - no logos. Interested? Email Debs on: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz

WHAT IS A HEALTH COACH? – Kia Ora I'm Rhea, the health coach at PMC covering Molly whilst she is on maternity leave. I am an associate registered nutritionist as well as a qualified personal trainer and yoga instructor. I am here to support you to make improvements to your health and wellbeing, whether it be improving sleep, stress, weight, motivation, eating habits, movement... just about anything that influences your wellbeing. I understand that change takes time, so I am able to see you regularl y to help you make that change if you need. Appointments are 30 mins long and fully subsidised (no charge). I work on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please call reception to book an appointment with me today.

REPEAT PRESCRITION REQUESTS – We strongly recommend you put in writing requests for your repeat scripts at least a couple of weeks before running out Options for you to do this quickly and seamlessly:
(1) Manage my Health, (2) PMC website, (3) email request Please remember to note the pharmacy to pick up from. If you have run out, please also let us know. Charges apply for repeat scripts and short scripts (bridging script i.e., 1 week until appointment). Please note we still follow safe and responsible medical practice and you may need to make an appointment if request is declined. So the more time you can allow for requesting medication, the smaller chance of you being inconvenienced.
FLU VACCINES – Did you know the flu vaccines is fully funded for children 6-months to 12-years Please book your child in with the nurse today if they haven’t had their flu vaccine
WINTER VIRAL ILLNESSES – It’s that time of the year again with lots of viral illnesses spreading throughout our community, these can often be managed at home. Helpful information and online links: Phone Healthline 0800 611 116 or www.healthinfo.org.nz or www.kidshealth.org.nz/flu-influenza or https://flufree.co.nz/content/uploads/2018/05/Coping -with-flu-at-home2018_web.pdf
APPOINTMENT SLOTS – to look after your needs appropriately, please note a doctor’s appointments are 15 minutes long usually to cover one or… if time is favourable two issues. If you have multiple issues to discuss, please book two appointments (additional fees will apply)
STAFFING UPDATE – In the coming winter months unfortunately cold/flu and covid will have a significant impact on our practice affecting our reception, nurse and doctor workforce. This means some days there will be limited appointments available and we may s tart to get booked out a week + in advance. When we have limited capacity, we will do our best to meet your needs but sometimes may refer you or your whanau to an urgent care facility like 24-hour surgery following triage We strongly suggest you book your routine appointments and review your medication supply well in advance to ensure an appointment is made that suits your plans. Please bear with us over the next few months while we do our best to provide you with timely care Please respect our team – we are here to help, not to be hurt ☺
KEEPING US ALL WELL- We will be exercising a higher level of infection control within the practice so your co-operation with this would be appreciated, please continue to wear a mask within the practice. In a medical emergency, and if acutely unwell don’t hesitate to dial 111.

52 Pegasus Main Street, Pegasus Town Ph 03 920 4060 www.pegasusmedicalcentre.co.nz
Pegasus SAYGo started back in March
2018 by Robyn Bain from Age Concern Canterbury.

Robyn started the group then handed over to Rhonda Mather. In January 2019 Kay Mills stepped up to take classes joined by Collette McGregor. It’s proved to be a successful team and SAYGo numbers have risen over the last few years and stay at a steady rate.

Classes are a lot of fun as well as improving balance for people in their senior years. The after-class cuppa and chat proves to be popular too. Over the years SAYGo have donated and continue to donate funds to Age

Concern as well as several community groups.
However, every now and then we do treat ourselves, and at the end of June we decided a mid-year Christmas afternoon tea was a fitting reward for our exercising waimakariri.govt.nz/creative #ArtsForAllKinds friends.

No matter who you are, your creative project may be eligible for funding.

The second round of applications for the year will open on Friday 28 July and close on Monday 28 August 2023.
A beautiful Christmas cake was made by classmate Vivienne plus other goodies purchased from saved funds meant a lovely time was had by all.
Kay & Collette
Kay Mills 021 022 64682 or kaymillsnz@gmail.com
SAYGo - 2023

SAYGo (Steady as you go) Falls Prevention Exercise Class - 1.30pm Thursdays, Pegasus Community Centre, Pegasus Main St (by the Flat White Cafe).
All Welcome. $2 donation please. Simple activities, seated and standing, proven to improve balance, flexibility and strength. A fun social group; join us for a cuppa after class!
The North Canterbury Gynae Cancer Peer Support Group
On Monday 14 August 2023 the monthly meeting for the North Canterbury gynae cancer peer support group is happening.
If you are living with any gynae cancer at any stage of your experience, then you will be welcomed with open arms. Come and be with other women of all ages who can absolutely relate to the daily challenges gynae cancer can pose.
We have an easy, non-judgemental and caring environment along with a cuppa.
Please contact Catharine on 022 046 5070 for more information. We meet at 6:30pm in the Hope Trust rooms located at 115 East Belt, Rangiora every second Monday of the month.