3 minute read
Thank you to all our members and the Pegasus residents who came along to our AGM on Wednesday 19th July. We had a fantastic turnout with 84 people attending!
Website: pegasusresidentsgroup.com
E: prgi@pegasusresidentsgroup.com
Pegasus Residents’ Group Inc
WEEKLY OPENING TIMES for books, puzzles, welcome bags, bus timetables, local bike tracks and walks info, and community and social services support info - Monday's 2-4pm, Wednesday's and Saturday's 10.00am - 12noon.
Saturday 05 and 19 August Time: 10.30am - 11.30am.
Thank you to the Waimakariri District team who attended along with Mayor Dan Gordon.

Special thanks to Guest Speaker Paul Croft from Infinity Investment Group (Ravenswood Development) - it was exciting to hear about their plans.
Pegasus Youth Committee
Our new Pegasus Youth Committee have finalised the first youth event which is a movie night on Friday 4th August from 4.30

– 6.30 pm
We are looking for adult volunteers to help out at this event. Please email our secretary if you can help: prgi@pegasusresidentsgrup.com
The PRGI run a roster of JPs (Justice of the Peace) who donate their valuable time and provide JP services at the centre.
The JP services provided by our volunteers are invaluable to our community. The service is free, and no appointment is needed
We are thankful to have such compassionate individuals supporting the Pegasus Community Centre and the wider community!
Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus
My name is Jeff TaylorHayhurst. I became President of Lions Club of Woodend Pegasus on 1 July. I believe that the next year will hold exciting times for Pegasus, Woodend, Ravenswood and Waikuku.
We have different projects for this year, however, we need your help. These Projects include working collaboratively with WDC, Woodend -Sefton community Board, PRGI and Kaiapoi Menzshed, to provide:

• Shelters in Gladstone Dog Parks

• Illuminating the Woodend War Memorial
• A new Welcome to Woodend and Woodend Beach sign
• Planting the area around the Woodend War Memorial
In addition we will be aiming to do more projects that residents need, as and when financial resources and people-power is available.
To achieve this we need the help of Tradies with construction projects. We need local sponsors, who love this area as much as we do. We are in urgent need of more members to join Lions to help raise money and lead projects.
New Members
On Thursday 21 July we welcomed three new members to the Lions Club Woodend Pegasus.
Our Meetings
We meet over dinner on the 3rd Thursday each month at The Good Home, Pegasus (own cost). For more details contact Brian on 027 958 8888 or Jeff 021 865 877.
Fundraising Activities
Fundraising for local community projects as a volunteer. Support club activities but having fun and friendship. New members are very welcome.
We collect used eyeglasses, wine tops, aluminium cans or old & foreign coins at Waikuku Beach Hall - Market DaysNext date 12 August. Donations to Kidney Kids & HU4K. Time 11am - 2pm Contact - Jeff Taylor-Hayhurst, President - 021 865 877 or email president.woodendpegasus@ lionsclubs.org.nz
Watch for more exciting articles in future Woodpecker’s and visit https://www.lionsclubs.org.nz/ about/about-lions-new-zealand for more information on this fabulous organisation.
Remember our motto is We Serve..

Rockers of the Ages Choir

Do you love to SING?
We are the Rockers of Ages Choir
We sing classic rock songs and songs necessary.
Cost is by donation. Pop in and see us!

We rehearse Tuesdays, 2.15pm –3.45pm (during school terms) at the John Knox Church, Rangiora, cnr High Street and King Street (across from Caltex from around the world. We love to learn, laugh and sing beautiful harmonies. We welcome new members. No previous experience

Service Station). Term 3: 18 July – 19
September www.themuse.org.nz

Phone 0800 the muse

Krystel Arboleda –Woodend Volunteer Brigade Support Team Member

This month, rather than introducing our Fire Fighters, we would like to introduce you to Krystel, who has recently joined our team. Of course, we need our Fire Fighters, which include the Chief, Deputy, Station Officers, Qualified Fire Fighters, Operational Support, Training Officers, Secretary, Treasurer and Welfare Officer but we also need our Brigade Support Personnel, who look after data inputting after calls along with a myriad of other office jobs. Its’ not for the faint hearted, as there is a lot of work that needs to be done after a call and training, as we are obligated to report to Fire and Emergency NZ, our Governing Body to make sure we have the necessary knowledge and skills within our Brigade.
“Hi, I’m Krystel Arboleda. My husband, daughter and I moved to Woodend about 4.5 years ago and have really enjoyed living in North Canterbury. During the day, I work as a Registered Nurse for Plunket. My husband is a Volunteer Fire Fighter and at the end of last year he told me about an ‘office’ position in the Brigade.

I thought it would be a really good way to support the community, so I applied for the Brigade Support position and started early 2023. I join the brigade team meetings and do the admin side and offer whatever support I can give on the ‘office side’.
I have really enjoyed learning all the new terms / codes / systems and getting to know and work with such amazing people. I feel very honoured to be part of the Woodend Brigade team.”
Thank you Krystel – we feel honoured to have you with us.