4 minute read

Rangiora Stroke Club

For anyone living with a stroke or its consequences

The Rangiora Stroke Club is a support group for those who have survived a stroke, and their families and carers. We are a friendly, helpful, social group and welcome new members. We also provide physio and communication support from professional therapists.

Membership is open to those in the wider Waimakariri district who have survived a stroke, their families and carers, whether or not the stroke person attends the club.

The club, although run by volunteers, also provides professional help with speech and language, as well as a physiotherapy programme tailored to the needs of members.

Membership subs are kept low by the generosity of local fund providers. Current membership is $15 per year.

Started in 1985, the club is affiliated to Stroke Foundation New Zealand. (The Foundation provides a free Community Stroke Advisor Service and administers the Total Mobility scheme - contact for this is 381-8500 or stroke.org.nz)

We meet each Tuesday at the Knox Church Centre, cnr King and High Streets, Rangiora, between 11.00am and 2.00pm - or at a chosen venue for outings. Meetings are held on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays of the month and an outing is arranged for the 4th Tuesday of each month.

New members are very welcome

Contact: Barbara Matthews 327 2219 or Alanah Mason 310 6166


1. Get your blood pressure checked, and if necessary, treated.

2. Stop smoking

3. Exercise regularly

4. Limit alcohol intake

5. Eat healthily and control weight.

6. Lower cholesterol

7. Find out if you have rapid or irregular contraction of the heart (atrial fibrillation)

Woodend Methodist Church Kaiapoi Croquet Clubs QUIZ

Woodend Movie Afternoon

Wednesday 2 August 2023 – 1pm

Movie: ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ - is a 1997 American romantic film starring Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Cameron Diaz, and Rupert Everett. The soundtrack song ‘I Say a Little Prayer’ was covered by singer Diana King and featured heavily in the film.

The soundtrack featured a number of Burt Bacharach / Hal David songs. It has since been cited as one of the best romantic comedy films of the 1990s and of all time.

Gold coin donation and afternoon tea will be served.

Saturday Night 5 August 7 pm

The Phantom of the Opera

$10 admittance

All welcome

Come and see the alterations, giving a new look to the hall.

Woodend weekly church service is held on Sundays at 9am everyone welcome. Our minister is Darryn Hickling phone 022 675 7391. Rangiora Trinity office hours are Tuesday 10am to 1pm, Wednesday 9.45am to 1.45pm, Thursday 10am to 1pm.

Sunday 13 August 1.30pm to 4-30pm

Rangiora Bridge Club, Good Street

$20 includes raffles teams of 4 Auction of the vintage plane rides Entries by 11 Aug to email: adriennejlamb@gmail.com

Ph: 021 265 7857

Come along, have FUN and help support.

Fundraising for Kaiapoi Croquet Clubs new premises!


Want to promote your business?

This space could have been yours. We require a print ready file from you to have your advert in The Woodpecker.

We can arrange someone to design your advert for you at a very reasonable cost if you can’t arrange this for yourself.


Contact The Editor for details, costs and specifications. Email: debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. co.nz

Is your Club or Group listed correctly in our Community Contacts page?

Email our Editor Debs on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz

Mayor Dan Gordon Update

Once again July has proven to be a wet and wild month in the Waimakariri. More than 150mm of rain fell in some areas between Saturday 22 July and Monday 24 July.

Council staff and Civil Defence set up an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) on the Saturday to deal with the level of service requests and to monitor roads and river levels.

I spent quite a bit of time in the EOC over the course of that weekend - I like to keep up to date with what is happening.

I wish to acknowledge Council staff, contractors, Civil Defence volunteers and our emergency services personnel who worked tirelessly assisting residents with flooding and drainage issues and keeping abreast of the changing situation.

I also wish to thank the residents of Tuahiwi who self-evacuated at the request of Civil Defence when there were concerns the Cam River might breach its banks. A special mention must also be made of the Civil Defence volunteers who supported the welfare centre at Riverside Church in Kaiapoi overnight.

We are also grateful to Pegasus School and the Waikuku community for the fantastic support when we needed to close Waikuku Beach Road on the Monday afternoon due to flooding. We really do live in a fantastic District where everyone rallies together.

We’ve received great feedback on the extreme weather videos that Council’s Communications and Engagement Team created to help our residents prepare for events such as this. If you haven’t yet seen these videos they are on Council’s website and Facebook and they offer great tips and advice on how to prepare for extreme weather.

They also provide information on

Civil Defence and on what Council does before, during and after these events.

Now as we shift our focus to the clean-up, staff will endeavour to make their way through the large number of service calls. These calls are triaged, with the most serious being dealt with first. Events like this can result in months of work to get through the volume of requests.

I welcome contact from anyone who needs assistance or has an issue they may want to discuss.

Email me at dan.gordon@wmk.govt. nz or phone 021 906 437. I’m here to help.

Ever thought of advertising in The Woodpecker?

Are you a local business wishing to advertise your products or services?

The Woodpecker is now delivered to 4,000 households!, Is your Club or Group listed correctly in our Community Contacts page? Email our Editor Debs on debs. thewoodpecker@outlook.co.nz

Uploaded to a number of Facebook pages and groups as well as a digital copy being permanently available via Issuu.com

If you are interested, please email the Editor to ask about our advertising rates. debs.thewoodpecker@outlook. co.nz

Meet the newest Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury match, Inari (Little) and Thais (Big)!

Expertly matched, the girls have so much in common but Inari’s favourite thing about them is that they both have unusual names!

Thais will visit Inari’s school for just one hour, once a week during school term and they can’t wait to get stuck into some arts and crafts, baking, board games and most importantly, spending time together becoming best friends.

Do you want to join our team of mentors?

Contact us today to find out more about this exciting volunteer opportunity!

Call 03 310 7004 or email northcanterbury@bbbs.nz




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